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Optimal Modulation and Coding For Spatial Multiplexing Under Flat Fading Channel

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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)

e-ISSN: 2250-3021, p-ISSN: 2278-8719

Vol. 3, Issue 6(June. 2013), ||V1 || PP 22-25
www.iosrjen.org 22 | P a g e
Optimal modulation and coding for spatial multiplexing under
flat fading channel.

Monika Jain, Student, M.Tech. (ECE) (B.M.I.E.T. Sonipat), Sandeep Singh and Megha
Gupta, (B.M.I.E.T. Sonipat)

Abstract:- In spatial multiplexing i.e., multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO-OFDM) system, coding schemes
can be employed in link adaptation algorithms to improve data rates, effective use of allocated frequency
spectrum and further to mitigate the effect of dynamic nature of the channel are used. Coding schemes can be
used in link adaptation algorithms [1]. These loading algorithms adapt the system parameters according to the
channel state information (CSI). It also improves the bit error rate (BER) performance and minimizes the total
power input at the transmitter while maintaining a defined data-rate constraint. Ultimately, these algorithms
gives better performance in the flat fading channel which will also be confirmed by simulation results.

Keywords:- BER, Gray code, MISO, M-PSK, SISO, SNR, TCM

The permeating use of wireless communication is fueling the need for higher data rates and channel
capacity. OFDM technology is capable of solving the difficult inter-symbol interference problem encountered
with high data rates across multiple channels. The multi-carrier technology in form of MIMO-OFDM is widely
organized as one of the most promising access scheme for the wireless network over SISO-OFDM without
wasting spectrum source. By dividing the bandwidth into the small frequency bands, the data can be transmitted
across multiple narrowband channels but it suffer only from flat fading [6]. The orthogonality of the sub-carriers
in OFDM makes it possible to use different modulation schemes for different subcarriers.
A way to combat with flat fading is to adapt number of bits and power level on each sub-carrier
according to CSI [2]. Here if, using adaptive modulation and MIMO-OFDM with appropriate coding schemes to
create an effective algorithm can result in efficient BER performance for broadband wireless MIMO-OFDM
system. The objective of using link adaptation scheme is to get best possible system performance based on CSI.
The paper is organized as follows:-Section 2 introduce system model, section 3 is about adaptive modulation
and Section 4 introduce link adaptation criterion. Finally, the simulation results and a conclusion is presented in
section 5 and 6.

In a MIMO-OFDM system with N subcarriers (or tones) the individual data streams are first passed
through OFDM modulators which perform an IFFT on blocks of length N followed by a parallel-to-serial
conversion. A cyclic prefix (CP) containing a copy of the last samples of the parallel-to-serial converted output
of the N-point IFFT is then prepended. The resulting OFDM symbols are launched simultaneously from the
individual transmit antennas. The CP is essentially a guard interval which serves to eliminate interference
between OFDM symbols and turns linear convolution into circular convolution such that the channel is
diagonalized by the FFT. In the receiver the individual signals are passed through OFDM demodulators which
first discard the CP and then perform an N-point FFT. The outputs of the OFDM demodulators are finally
separated and decoded. The assumption of the length of the CP being greater or equal than the length of the
discrete-time base-band channel impulse response guarantees that the MIMO fading channel indeed decouples
into a set of parallel MIMO fading channels [5].

Fig. 1 System Model block diagram
Optimal modulation and coding for spatial multiplexing
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Adaptive modulation in OFDM is a technique of using different modulation modes in different sub-
carriers depending on the instantaneous signal to noise (SNR) ratio for each sub-channel. Channel conditions are
estimated at the receiver and CSI is sent to the transmitter to adapt the transmission accordingly. Parameters like
transmitted power required, numbers of bits on each sub-carrier modulation scheme or combination of these can
be adapted according to the channel condition. Nearly, all communication system requires some target BER not
to be exceeded. It is possible to assume an average BER or an instantaneous BER as a constraint. Another
assumption that can be made is the knowledge of CSI for each sub-carrier. When no adaption is done, the
system present low SNR. To maintain the targeted BER, it is necessary to compensate the state of channel by
adapting the transmitted power level.
The nature of OFDM allows the signal to modulate in amplitude and phase. In this paper we will obtain
our result from phase shift keying modulation (M-PSK), where the amplitude of the transmitted signal is
constrained to remain constant, thereby yielding a circular constellation. By allowing the amplitude to vary with
phase another modulation scheme called quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) can also be obtained.

Loading algorithms in multicarrier systems computes number of bits
and power
required for
transmitting these allocated bits on each sub-channel. There are two types of loading algorithms i.e., those
which try to maximize data rate while maintaining a target BER constraint and others which try to maximize
performance at a given fixed data rate.
In this paper, two algorithms are used for adaptive bit and power loading i.e., Chows algorithm and
Compellos algorithm. Initially each sub-channel was allocated energy using Chows algorithm and at the same
time it was allocated maximum number of bits allowable per sub-channel. Then bit allocation was done using
Compellos algorithm.

IV.1. Chows Algorithm:- Chow was able to verify that an on/off energy distribution, as long as it used
the same or nearly the same transmission band as water-filling, exhibits negligible loss with respect to the exact
water-filling shape[4].The procedure is summarized as follows:
a).Compute the sub-channel signal to noise ratios based on the formula
( )
( )
( )
Subcarriers gain
noise gap

Where ( ) SNR i is the signal to noise ratio for ratio for each sub-
b).Compute the number of bits for the
i sub-channel based on the formula:
( ) 2
( )
( ) log 1
b i = +

( ) b i

is the number of allocated on each subcarriers

c).Round the value
( ) b i

down to integer
( ) b i

( ) b i
to take values 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8.
e).Compute the energy for the
subcarrier based on the number of bits initially assigned to it using the

( )
(2 1)
( ( ))
( )
b i
e b i


Where ( ) GNR i is
( ) SNR i

The gap works as tuning parameter, different values of gap gives different
E N ratio for given desired
number of bits to be transmitted.

IV.2. Compello Algorithm: - The Compellos algorithm is nothing but a one bit B-tightness algorithm [3].
Given the initial bit allocation, the B-tightness simply states the correct number of bits is being transmitted and
optimized the bit allocation.

-tightening (
T) algorithm is:
Optimal modulation and coding for spatial multiplexing
www.iosrjen.org 24 | P a g e
b b

b b =

b b >

| | { }
arg max (
n N n n
n e b |
s s

b b |

n n
b b |

| | { }
arg min (
n N n n
m e b |
s s

b b | +

n n
b b | = +

Channel index
(a) Channel Frequency Response
For instance, these two algorithms can be configured in following figures. This figure 2 illustrates the
typical channel frequency response, the discrete bit allocation to each tone, and the corresponding energy on
each tone.

Channel index
(b)Discrete energy allocation
Channel index
(c)Discrete allocation bit
Fig. 2. Optimal bit and power allocation (a) Channel frequency response (b) Energy Allocation
(c) Discrete Bit Allocation

In this section simulation result for adaptive M-PSK, adaptive M-PSK with gray coding and adaptive
M-PSK with TCM under flat fading Rayleigh channel is presented. Functioning of the channel without any
Optimal modulation and coding for spatial multiplexing
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delay is necessary and assumed during the simulation at the transmitter and the receiver for the implementation
of the link adaptation algorithms. The entire system is considered as discrete time system.
Figure 3 and 4 shows the graphical representation of BER vs Eb/No performance under flat fading channel
(Rayleigh channel) for SISO-OFDM and MIMO-OFDM(2X2 antenna).

The system with 64 subcarriers, 64 OFDM symbol time periods, and 16 symbol periods for guard time.
The parameters were held constant throughout the simulation. M-PSK adaptive modulation for each subcarrier
is used whereas 2 PSK, 4PSK, 16PSK, 64PSK AND 256PSK the usable modulation modes configurations.

Fig.3. BER vs Eb/No values for adaptive MPSK, adaptive MPSK with Gray coding and adaptive MPSK
with TCM SISO-OFDM system under flat fading channel.

Fig.4. BER vs Eb/No graph for Adaptive MPSK . adaptive MPSK with gray coding and adaptive MPSK
with TCM for MIMO-OFDM system under flat fading channel.

Link adaptation algorithms with TCM and Gray code results in improvement of BER performance for
MIMO-OFDM system over SISO-OFDM system with M-PSK. The simulation result indicates that coded
adaptive OFDM systems are better as compared to non coded adaptive OFDM systems.

[1]. Guoting Lai Junxun Yin Fan Lin Huawen Yu, Performance of Adaptive Bit and Power Allocation
MIMO-OFDM System Based on Greedy Algorithm, IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking
Conference, vol. 1 , 2005 pp, 44-49.
[2]. Liu Jiancai Yang Wanwan Zheng Weili Wang Yafu Ye Zhihui Xu Jiakai and Ning Xinbao Adaptive bit
and power loading algorithm with low complexity in MIMO-OFDM systems, IEEE international
conference, 2009,
[3]. J. Campello: Optimal discrete bit loading for multicarrier modulation systems, Proc. of the IEEE Int.
Symp. On Information Theory, p. 193, Cambrige, MA, USA, Aug. 1998.
[4]. Yu Qing and Wang Yi Improved Chow Algorithm Used in Adaptive OFDM system DOI 10.1109/
CMC .2010.2122010 IEEE.
[5]. H. Bolcskei and A. J. Paulraj, Space-frequency coded broadband OFDM systems," in Proc.IEEE
WCNC-2000, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2000, pp. 1-6.
[6]. Hung Tuan Ngugen, Jogen Bach Andersen and Gert Frolund Prdersen, On the Performance of Link
Adaptation Techniques in MIMO systems, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Publications,

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