Optimal Modulation and Coding For Spatial Multiplexing Under Flat Fading Channel
Optimal Modulation and Coding For Spatial Multiplexing Under Flat Fading Channel
Optimal Modulation and Coding For Spatial Multiplexing Under Flat Fading Channel
( ) b i
down to integer
( ) b i
( ) b i
to take values 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8.
e).Compute the energy for the
subcarrier based on the number of bits initially assigned to it using the
( )
(2 1)
( ( ))
( )
b i
e b i
Where ( ) GNR i is
( ) SNR i
The gap works as tuning parameter, different values of gap gives different
E N ratio for given desired
number of bits to be transmitted.
IV.2. Compello Algorithm: - The Compellos algorithm is nothing but a one bit B-tightness algorithm [3].
Given the initial bit allocation, the B-tightness simply states the correct number of bits is being transmitted and
optimized the bit allocation.
-tightening (
T) algorithm is:
Optimal modulation and coding for spatial multiplexing
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b b
b b =
b b >
| | { }
arg max (
n N n n
n e b |
s s
b b |
n n
b b |
| | { }
arg min (
n N n n
m e b |
s s
b b | +
n n
b b | = +
Channel index
(a) Channel Frequency Response
For instance, these two algorithms can be configured in following figures. This figure 2 illustrates the
typical channel frequency response, the discrete bit allocation to each tone, and the corresponding energy on
each tone.
Channel index
(b)Discrete energy allocation
Channel index
(c)Discrete allocation bit
Fig. 2. Optimal bit and power allocation (a) Channel frequency response (b) Energy Allocation
(c) Discrete Bit Allocation
In this section simulation result for adaptive M-PSK, adaptive M-PSK with gray coding and adaptive
M-PSK with TCM under flat fading Rayleigh channel is presented. Functioning of the channel without any
Optimal modulation and coding for spatial multiplexing
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delay is necessary and assumed during the simulation at the transmitter and the receiver for the implementation
of the link adaptation algorithms. The entire system is considered as discrete time system.
Figure 3 and 4 shows the graphical representation of BER vs Eb/No performance under flat fading channel
(Rayleigh channel) for SISO-OFDM and MIMO-OFDM(2X2 antenna).
The system with 64 subcarriers, 64 OFDM symbol time periods, and 16 symbol periods for guard time.
The parameters were held constant throughout the simulation. M-PSK adaptive modulation for each subcarrier
is used whereas 2 PSK, 4PSK, 16PSK, 64PSK AND 256PSK the usable modulation modes configurations.
Fig.3. BER vs Eb/No values for adaptive MPSK, adaptive MPSK with Gray coding and adaptive MPSK
with TCM SISO-OFDM system under flat fading channel.
Fig.4. BER vs Eb/No graph for Adaptive MPSK . adaptive MPSK with gray coding and adaptive MPSK
with TCM for MIMO-OFDM system under flat fading channel.
Link adaptation algorithms with TCM and Gray code results in improvement of BER performance for
MIMO-OFDM system over SISO-OFDM system with M-PSK. The simulation result indicates that coded
adaptive OFDM systems are better as compared to non coded adaptive OFDM systems.
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