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Performance Analysis of MIMO-OFDM Systems On Nakagami-M Fading Channels

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Performance Analysis of MIMO-OFDM Systems on Nakagami-m Fading Channels

Xihong CHEN, Qiang LIU, Maokai HU

Missile Institute of AFEU Sanyuan, Shanxi, China Email: dreamlq@163.com
AbstractMultiple Input Multiple Output-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) has become one of the key technologies for the B3G & 4G broadband wireless communications. As MIMO could increase the capacity of the wireless communication system considerably compared with Single Input Single Output (SISO) and OFDM could obtain good performances in multipath frequency-selective fading channels, we combine them together with the Space-Time Block Coding (STBC) scheme and the Nakagami-m fading model. The Nakagami-m(0.5 m< ) fading model, covering a series of channel conditions in different fading parameters, brings greater flexibility and accuracy than normal, logistic and other distributions. From the simulation figures, we can draw the conclusion that the scheme could better performances of the systems bit error rate (BER) and capacity greatly, thus improving the whole systems performances. Keywords- MIMO-OFDM ; STBC ; Nakagami-m fading



The MIMO wireless communication systems equipped with multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver antennas have drawn considerable attentions as they are able to provide both diversity gain and spatial multiplexing gain in rich scattering environments recently. It has been proved that the capacity of MIMO system would experience a linear increase with the minimum antennas in the transmitter or receiver approximately, in the precondition of richscattering wireless channels[1][2]. This is of great importance to the severe reality that spectrum resources are so narrowly and crowded. OFDM, achieved computationally simple per subcarrier equalization in multipath frequency-selective fading channels, is known as an effective technique for high data rate and spectral efficiency in the wireless mobile communication. By combining MIMO and OFDM techniques together, we can significantly increase both diversity gain and data rate, which is justified by improving bit error rate (BER) performance [3]. STBC is regarded as an excellent modulation scheme for MIMO system, providing full diversities by utilizing both time and space domain, whereas bringing very low complexity in encoding and decoding processes, nearly linearly [4].The MIMO-OFDM system, adopting STBC scheme, will not only guarantee the capacity and quality of the increasing demands of users but also bring no extra complexity to the whole system, which is of vital importance for its utilization.

Nakagami-m(0.5 m< ) fading covers a variety of channel conditions, ranging from the common Rayleigh ). fading(m=1) to non-fading AWGN channel(m Consequently, the Nakagami-m channel fading model could simulate the real complex channel conditions accurately with arbitrary fading parameters. In [5], Youngsun Kim, Sungsoo Choi and Hui-Myoung Oh proposed a closed-form expression in a real part of background noise for the powerline channel modeled by Nakagami probability density function. In [6], Jared Burdin and Randall Landry analyzed a delay performance of a single user with perfect channel state information transmitting data over a wireless fading channel, without referring to multiple users. In [7], Guangqiu Li, Chengying Wang and Jianwu Zhang discussed an exact closed-form expression to a symbol error rate (SER) of coherent M-ary phase-shift keying (MPSK)and Mary quadrature amplitude modulation (MQAM), with a modulation scheme of STBC in spatially correlated with MIMO and Nakagami fading channels, which did not involved OFDM in it. Our works combine MIMO-OFDM, STBC and Nakagami-m fading model together and analyze capacity and BER performances of the scheme after referring to the issues above. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the system model involved, including a MIMOOFDM model and a Nakagami-m fading model. Section III analyzes capacity and BER performances of the scheme in detail. Section IV & V interpret the results and conclusions of the paper. Notation: The vector is denoted by bold italic case letter and the superscripts T and * stand for transpose and conjugate & transposition respectively. II. SYSTEM MODEL

Let Nt, Nr, N and L represent the total number of transmitter antennas, receiver antennas, subcarriers, and channel order respectively. E () denotes the statistical expectation. A. MIMO-OFDM Model in STBC Scheme [8] Considering a wireless communication system in which the transmitter contains Nt antennas and the receiver possesses Nr antennas. Fig.1 shows a simple diagram of a MIMO-OFDM system in STBC coding scheme. For simplicity, we omit some other processes during the progress of OFDM. As can be drawn from Fig.1, the signal

978-1-4244-5824-0/$26.00 c 2010 IEEE


source will process STBC encoding, IFFT and last be sent to channels from transmitter antennas after serial/parallel (S/P) transforming, constellation mapping, cyclic prefix adding and P/S transforming etc.

where () is the Gamma function. For each tap and all (i,j) pairs, the fading parameter m 1/ 2 is considered. In the OFDM based system, the channel frequency response between a pair of antennas (i,j) can be expressed as
H i , j (k ) = 1 N

STBC Decoder

l =0

L 1

i, j

(l )e j 2 kl / N .


x2 xNt



where Hi,j(k) is the frequency response of the channel for the kth subcarrier, which is exactly the (i,j)th element of the channel matrix H(k). III. CAPACITY & BER ANALYSIS OVER NAKAGAMI-M FADING CHANNELS In the following section, we will discuss the systems capacity and BER performance at full length. A. Capacity Performance In the paper, we consider the situation that the transmitter has no channel state information (CSI). Each transmitter antenna transmits an average power of P/Nt, where P is the total transmit power given by E[x*x].In such precondition, based on Shannon theory, the systems capacity could be interpreted as [12] [13] (6) C = log 2 det( I N + HH * ) bits / s / Hz .

Scattering Fading Channels



Channel Estimation

Figure 1. Simple block diagram of MIMO-OFDM system

Contrary to transmitters, receivers could be denoted in (1), after passing through scattering fading channels and some essential OFDM processes.
rj = hi , j xi + j .
i =1 Nt


where hi,j (i=1,2,,Nt;j=1,2,,Nr) are independent and identically distribute (i.i.d) complex random variables, representing the channel coefficient from the ith transmitter antenna to the jth receiver antenna. Here we suppose that
follows Nakagami-m distribution and E hi , j = 1 , where hi , j 2 denotes the squared magnitude of complex


hi , j

random variable hi , j . j (j=1, 2, , Nr ) are noise samples and i.i.d complex AWGN variables with zero mean and variance N0/2 per complex dimension. B. Nakagami-m [9][10][11]Channel Model Let H(k) be Nr Nt channel matrix which contains complex channel frequency responses at kth subcarrier. Time-domain channel impulse responses can be modeled as a tapped delay line and expressed as
hi , j (t ) = hi , j (l ) ( l ) .
t =0 L 1

where is the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) per receiving antenna and I is (Nr Nr) identity matrix. By singular value decomposition (SVD), assuming nonzero eigenvalues vector (collocating from low value to high) T = [ 1 , 2 , , k ] , k = min( N t , N r ) ,the system capacity can be written as
* log 2 det( I nr + HH ) , N r N t nt C= . * log 2 det( I nr + n H H ) , Nt < N r t


Solving (7) [2] we can get

C = log 2 (1 +
i =1 k


i ) bits / s / Hz .



where () is a kronecker delta function and the taps hi , j (l ) = i , j (l )e j are uncorrelated with phase l uniformly

distributed over [0,2 ] for all receiver-transmitter antenna pairs(i,j). Each tap amplitude, i.e., i , j = hi , j (l ) is modeled as a Nakagami-m random variable, the probability density function (pdf) is given as 2m m 2 m 1 m p ( ) = exp 2 , 0 . (3) m
( m)

As H( ) refers to i.i.d Nakagami-m random variables, with different set parameter m, we will get different eigenvalues, i.e., we can get performance of the capacity of the system, corresponding to the parameter m, which will be shown in the next section. B. BER Performance As all receiver channels are i.i.d, considered in the former section, refering to [14-(11)] [14-(13)], we can get the BER
Pe , n = Pe ( n )Pn ( n )d n .


= E 2 , m =

E . E[( 2 E ( 2 )) 2 ]


where the n is the instantaneous SNR, P ( n ) is the pdf of the n .As i , j = , then we will get

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2010 2nd International Conference on Future Computer and Communication


Pe , n =

1 Nt

2 0

(1 +

) m sin 2

mNt N r

d .


With different SNR , we will get performances of BER of the system and tables will be shown in the next section. IV. RESULTS

In this section, we present comparisons of capacity and BER performance in different simulated conditions based on MATLAB independently. N=48, L=128. For the capacity performance, from Fig.2, we will get that the capacity of the system denoted in the former sections increases with the number of the antennas growth. Though, in lower SNR areas, the capacity vary unobvious, it differs greatly in higher areas. To be concrete, for example, when the number of antennas is 4, the capacity is nearly 20 bits more than the SISO condition in the precondition of =30dB and m =1, i.e., the Rayleigh distribution. From Fig.3, taking the condition that the number of antennas is 2 for example, we could conclude that the capacity of MIMO-OFDM system taking STBC coding increases with the fading parameter m, but the growth velocity is tardo. As for the BER performance, we can draw from Fig.4 that the systems BER declines as SNR grows. For the same SNR, like 10dB, when the number of antennas is 4, there is nearly 9dB lower than the SISO condition when m=1. Consequently, in lower SNR areas, in order to gain better transforming porformances, we approve that we should increase the number of antennas properly, in the precondition that it would not bring additional complexity to the system. For different set parameter m, from Fig.5, when Nr=2, Nt=2, we could conclude that BER declines as m increases. But BER performance difference is not obvious, especially in lower SNR areas. Moreover, as m increases, the computational complexity grows. V. CONCLUTIONS

m=1 Figure 2. Capacity performance of the system in different antennas.

Nr=2, Nt=2 Figure 3. Capacity performance of the system in different parameters.

In this paper, we demonstrate capacity and SNR performances of MIMO-OFDM system taking STBC scheme through Nakagami-m fading channels in detail. The simulated results indicate that increasing the number of antennas properly will achieve both great capacity and BER performances. The increase of the parameter m will improve the performance of the system for a certain extent, but not obviously. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 60971118.

m=1 Figure 4. BER performance of the system in different antennas.


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