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Capacity Evaluation of Cellular CDMA: Q Ang Wang

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Capacity Evaluation of Cellular CDMA

Q i an g Wan g Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IJnilTersity of Victoria Victoria, B.C., Canada V8W 3P6 and J . Gregory Acres M P R Teltech. Ltd. S999 Nelson Way, Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 4B5
This paper is concerned with the capacity of a cellular code division multiple access (CDMA) system i n Rayleigh fading with log-normal shadowing. The capacit,y in terms of the number of users per cell per H z is shown to be very sensitive to assumed values of various parameters. CDMA capacit.y is shown to be possibly greater than the proposed TDMA capacity under certain assumpt>ions and vice versa under others. An asymmetry between the uplink and downlink capacities in CDMA is shown based on the finding that t.he uplink intracell interference power is only half of that i n the down 1i n k .
a Viterbi decoder for a convolutional code, and No is onesided spectral density of AWGN. Values of 2A2/N0 are taken from [3] where BER performance of a coded system in a correlative fading channel is studied in detail. As usually done with a CDMA system (see, e.g., [5]), we assume that it is interference limited so that the system thermal noise is negligible. In this case, No is due to multiple users only. Here we have implied that multiple access interference can be modeled as AWGN which has been carefully addressed in, e.g., [6, 71. In DS/BPSI< over a fading channel, the received signal


= m d j c o ( t )cos(2sfcf), ( j - l)T35 t < jT,.


Recently, there has been renewed interest in commercial applic,ations of spread spectrum (SS) communications. Two typical examples are QUALCOMM's proposal for digital cellular telephony [l] and SCS- Milliconi's proposal for personal comniunication networks (PCN) [2]. I n both proposals: DS-CDMA has been proposed i n conjunction with a cellular structure. In this paper, we estimate the capacity of a cellular CDMA system. A log-normal Rayleigh fading channel is assumed here. Unlike [5], however, we assume t h a t , in a digital CDMA cellular system employing SS diversity, error correction coding and interleaving, most of the Rayleigh fading can be compensated for and the remaining effect will be reflected in the final average decoded BER. The log-normal variation (shadowing) is the cause for outage.

where d, is +1 or -1 representing data symbol during j-th symbol interval, P, is the signal power for the j - t h symbol, fc is the carrier frequency which is in common for all users, and ~ ( t is) the DS spreading waveform for the reference user (0-th user) given by
co(2) = C I = =tl,( j - l)Ts +lTc 5 1

< ( j - l)Ts+ ( I

+ l)Tc.


Downlink Capacity
Capacity in Rayleigh Fading

This section presents results on the capacity of the downlink of a CDMA cellular system where coherent coded BPSK is assumed. The key performance parameter is SNR defined as 2A2/No, where 2A2 is the mean of the chi-square distributed signal level a t the sampling instant of the matched filter before conibining in the decoder which is assumed to be
'This research was performed for M P R Teltech, Ltd., under Contract MPR-H24-A260(91/04)

for 1 = 0, . . . , M - 1, where T, is the chip period and there are M chips per data symbol period T,. We assume that DS spreading sequences are random binary sequences for all users. T h e justification of this assumption in terms of approximating the performance of a system using pseudorandom sequences can be found in several papers such as [8, 9, 10, 111. In order to perform the maximum ratio combining (MRC) [4] in the decoder, the matched filter operation consists of multiplying s ( t ) plus signals from other users by s ( t ) and integrating the product from 0 to T, in time. The signal component at the matched filter output is d j E,, , where E,, is the j-th symbol energy (PjT,) which, as mentioned earlier, is a chi-squared random variable with a mean 2A'. If we had AWGN with one-sided spectral density NO in place of the interfering signals from other users, we would have the variance of the noisy coinponent a t the matched filter output given by

Suppose that we have only one interfering user in the same cell employing a spreading waveform q ( i ) and a carrier c o s ( 2 ~ f ~ t Q), where Q is uniformly distributed in [0, 2 s ) . Suppose the chip boundaries in time of q ( t ) is offset by T

ICWC '92

0-1803-0723-2/92 $3.00 Q 1992 IEEE


aoBcli is uniformly distributed i n [0, T,). Not,e t.1iat i n the downlink of a cellular system, C; or E,, is the s a n ~ e for all users withiri t h e same cell for a given j . Then, based 011 the random sequence assumption, the variance of the interference component at the matched filter output is given by [31





= 434 = 0 433


= 434 = 2 410


1024 433


61 32

r = 2 410

23 25


33 111

The above result, is different from t.he corresponding result in [12] which has & & i n place of The result in [la] is found to be incorrect. Specifically, the lower limit for the second integration in the first, equation in Equation (12) in [12] should be -y, not y. Since decoding is a combining process in regard to both the signal and the interference: the combined effect of interference can be characterized approximately by the average variance with respect to the chi-square fading distribution. This approximation becomes accurate for calculating the pairwise error probability corresponding to a large pairwise distance between the correct codeword and an incorrect codeword which means a time average over many code symbols. For example, a pairwise distance for the optimum const,raint length 7 rate l / 2 code is at least, 10 which is considered to be sufficiently large. From Equations 1 and 2, respective average variances are given by


M Pb


6 67

0 133









2 410

0 433

2 410



8 5



1172 771


647 425

where y is the propagation exponent, and T O and rk are the distances from the reference user to its own cell-site and k-th interfering cell-site, respectively. Taking into account both intracell and intercell intrrference. we have the SNR as follows.


= -8A4 3 Af 3 A4 Comparing Equations 3 and 3 and letting equivalent


1 =-E(qj)


L o = - Lc - 1'0,


= r i , we have

" C C t

Note that the interferelice spectral denszty 211 the aboue equatzon doubles that used zn [5], which will significantly affect the system capacity as will be seen later. This factor of 2 is due to the fact that we are interested in a coded system where the MRC principle is used in decoding. In an uncoded system, a symbol by symbol decision can be made with the same error probability either with the MRC matched filter operation as used here or multiplying the incoming signal with co(t)cos(27rfct) (note the omission of the factor before the integration. The latter operation results in No = &4A2 which is used in [5]. If there are LO active interfering users within the same cell, then the equivalent No in the above equation is increased by LO times. Suppose that there are A' equally loaded interfering cells. Note that the interference from an adjacent cell arrives through a fading path independent of the signal path. Then the corresponding contribution to NO is 2A: where 2A2 represents the power of the interference to the reference user from the k-th interfering cell. In the presence of Rayleigh fading only (no log-normal fading), the average signal power and the interference power from the k-th interfering cell a t the reference user are proportional to the l / r z and l / r z , respectively, and therefore,

with L , to be the number of users per cell. lbrl to be the voice activity factor (the percentage of the time when a user is actually transmitting voice signal), and A',,ci to be the number of sectors per cell. Let r = Then. from Equation 6 , we liavt.

E : : : ( $ ) ' .


E : = ' = ,

For any given position in a cell, we can find the corresponding r value. Suppose we have an infinite cellular array, and a user assumes any location in a cell with an equal chance. Assume y = 4 . Then, the average value of r , f , can be found to be f = 0.433 and the maximum value r = r,,, = 2.410 which corresponds to the corner at the cell edge that is the farthest from the cell center. By the use of Equation 8 , we can obtain the number of users corresponding to r = f and r = rm = 2.410, respectively. T h e results are shown in Tables 1 and 2 which correspond t o two systems employing two different interleaving sizes in conjunction with the optimum constraint length 7 rate 1/2 code. fm denotes the maximum Doppler frequency. Here we assume Von = 0.35 and h',,,, = 3. From Tables 1 and 2 , we can see that in order to obtain the error probability Pb = for the average case of r =

Table 5. The Number of users per cell for interleavi195 depth=20, span=20 and f,,T.- = 0.001, assuming standard deviation of log-normal fading is 1 d B
F *
U t

# ( d B )
20 20

1 I 1


21 20







10-1 5 10-2 10-2




22 18




Table 4 : The number of users per cell ( L c )for a given outage probability for interleaving depth=60, span=40 and fmTs = 0.001

I I 1

w ( d B )
6 67 6








1415 1635


5 X


419 394 325


where 7k is the mean m y , = lOloglo(+-)7 and variance distance between the user and the k-th adjacent interferK ing cell-site. Y = lologlo E(2A:) is approximately normally distributed with mean my and variance U; [13]. We have the SNR
3 A2


2 400




0.443, we have 17 and 318 users per cell for each of t w o interleaving sizes and M = 434 which is a value used in Using a method in [13]. we can find the mean and the [5]. 1Iit.h these two user numbers per ccll, if we require variance of 1 . . Then, we have the probability density f u n c P b < lo-: Iiy Equat,ion 7 ! we have r=2.29 a n d 1 ~ 1 . 8 3 ti011 of 2,42/A: as follows: which means that outage probabilities are 0.91%)and 2.73%,, respectively. Conversely. for a given outage probability, we 10 f2A2/.\IO(t) = can obtain the corresponding number of users as show11 i n (ln10)2( 1 Tables 3 and 4 assuming the outage corrcsponds to Pb >


From the above results, we have following observations.


Coding and int,erleaving can drastically affect the system capacit.. . For example, for any given s and required pb = the number of users per cell is increased by about 24 times when the interleaving size is increased from (dept~h, span) = (20, 20) to (GO. 40). T h e user capacity is proportional to the number of chips per coded symbol, M which is in turn proportional to the processing gain of a CDMA syst,em. I n fact. when LO >> 1, LO s z LO 1, the 2 A 2 / N o in Equation 6 is a function of L c / M only. In this case, as M increases, the number of users per cell will be increased by the same factor. This observation is true for all capacities presented in this report.

We assume that each user in a cell is uniformly distributed. At any point of the desired cell, the outage probability (assuming is the highest, tolerable Pb)

pout(pb 2 l o - ? ) =

fzA2/N0(t) dt


Under comparable conditions, our results show significantly fewer users per cell than those i n [5] due to the doubly increased intracell interference spectral density as discussed earlier.

where b is t.he SNR corresponding to Pb = The average outage probability ( P o u t ) over the desired cell can be obtained as follows. First we divide the entire area ( S ) of the cell into many small areas (dS) and accumulate the out,age probability of these small areas. Then we average the sum over the entire area. T h a t is,


Capacity in Log-normal Rayleigh Fading



2 10-)dS.


We now present the capacity results for the downl~nkof a cellular system in the presence of correlative Rayleigh fading and log-normal shadowing. Now, the quantity E { 2 A : } is a log-normal random is normally variable. Specifically, XO = IOlog~oE{2,4~} distributed with mean m, = 10log10($)? and variance g z where r-0 is the distance between the user and the desired is normally distributed with cell-site. yk = 10[0gloE{2~4~}

Using the BER results presented in [3], and Equation 12 for the outage probability, we can calculate the number of users per cell as shown in Table 5 and Table 6 for a : = U& = 1 The results in Table 6 look quite favourable provided the sufficient interleaving is available. However, if we assume the standard deviation of the log-normal fading t o be 8 dB as suggested in [I], i.e., U, = uy, = 8dB, then the capacity will be drastically reduced as shown i n Table 7.

%!?le 6: The number of us(rs per cell for interleaving dcp,th=GO. span=40 and f,,lT.= 0.001. assuming standard deviation of log-normal fadiiig is 1 dF3

Table 8: The number of users per cell with 3-cell-site diversity for interleaving deptll=20, span=20 and f,,,T; = 0.001. assuming standard deviation of log-normal fading is I dB

Pout lo- lo-?

6.67 6.67

A 4 = 434

A{ = 512

3.58 282

422 332

A4 = 1024 839 660

Pout g ( d B )
lo- 10-2

20 20

1 2 4 =434 22 17

M = 512
25 20

M = 1024
45 37

Table 7: The number of users per cell for interleaving depth=GO, span=40 and fmTs = 0.001, assuming standard deviation of log-normal fading is 8 dB

Table 9: The number of users per cell with 3-cell-site diversity for interleaving depth=60, span=40 and fmTs= 0.001. assuming standard deviat,ion of log-normal fading is 1 d B

Pout s ( d B )
lo- IO-

6.67 6.67

M = 434 68 6

.b= 512 80 8

M = 1024
160 16

Pour s ( d B )
lo- lo-

6.67 6.67

M = 434 370 295

M =512 435 347

M = 1024 863 690


% -4Lo In the do~rnlink of a CDlZIX cellular system, the 2A2 Z(-) = lOIOgl0 K cell-site diversity is usually employed to improve t,he No 2(Lo + 1) signal quality to a mobile at the vdge of a cell. In this case, a mobile receivcs I i d 2 , copies of the We assume that the location of a user is unifor~iily same signal from ]<dit cell-sites with respective powers distributed within a desired c e l l , At any point of 1010gloE{2Ai,i}! 1010gloE{2rZ;,2)* 110g10E{2A~,/,,, 1. the outage probability can be obtained for Pb 2 I O - ? b ! The mobile receiver chooses the largest power A 0 = mar{ 101og10E{2A~,~}, 1010gloE{2-.1~,2}. ...: 10log10E{2A;,,~,~}}. POt(Pb2 10-2) = (16) The quantity E{2.4;,,} is a log-normal random variable. That is, Y k = 10logloE{2.4~,,} is normally distributed where %in = z(b)and zma, = Z ( 0 ) . Note that the double with mean myk = 1Ologlo($-) and variance u$k where r k is integration involved in coniputing pout can be efficientl?. the distance between the user a n d the k-tll adjacent cell-site carried out if we first integrate f y ( z 20) wit,li respect to : from which a diversity transmissioll is n ~ a d e . The probabilwhich Yields a complimentary error function. it+ density function fxo(ao) of Xo is given by Equation 38 The average outage probability (pout) i n the desired in [SI. cell can be obtained using the same method as discussed i n As mentioned earlier, 1. = lOIogl0 E;==, E{2A:} is apthe last subsection. T h a t is, proximately normal with mean my and variance uy,i.e.
. . . l

Capacity in Log-normal Rayleigh Fading with Cell-Site Diversity

From Eq.14, we have.

We have the same expression for SNR as that used in the last subsection,


2=Y -s o .
The probability density function of 2.f~(z), can be obtained by (15)

For the following results, we assume K d j V = 3. Tables 8 and 9 shows results for gI = c y h . = 1dB. Obviously, the cell-site diversity can, in general. increase the capacity. Comparing the capacities in Table 5 to those in Table 8 and those in Table 6 to those in Table 9. we can see that the increase is moderate for the system with adequate interleaving, and insignificant if the interleaving is insufficient. When the standard deviation of the Iog-normal fading is increased to 8 dB, then the capacity is drastically reduced as shown in Tables 10 and 11. Comparing Table 11 with Table 7 , we can see a significant increase (more than doubling) in capacity. Thus, we conclude that the cell-site diversity is very effective i n increasing the capacity if the standard deviation of the lognormal fading is large.

power control Then, the inean of P,' or energy E:, IS equ& to that of P, or energ) E,, Then, based on the random sequence assumption, the variance of the interference component a t the demodulator output IS given by [3] 10-1 I 10-2 I
20 20



11 2

12 3


As argued earlier, from Equations 18 and 19, we can have respective average variances given by

Table 11: The number of users per cell with 3-cell-site diversity for interleaving depth=60, span=40 and f,,T, = 0.001 assuming standard deviation of log-normal fading is 8 dB
Pout g ( d B ) A4 = 434 M = 512 lo-' I 6.67 11 180 I 211 lo-' 6.67 40 47




I M = 1024
420 95 Comparing Equations 20 and 21 and letting a; = have equivalent




Uplink Capacity

We assume that there 1s ideal power control i n the uplink so that average arrival signal powers are identical f r o n i all users within a cell at the c ~ l l - s i t e

Note that. comparing Equations 21 with 4 or Equations 22 with 5, t h c ziitracell ziitfrference power zii the uplink 1s h a l f t h a t i n Ihc downlink. This is due to the independence


Capacity in Rayleigh Fading

This subsection presents the capacity for the uplink of cellular system in the presence of correlative Rayleigh fading. We use the same terminology as the last section with t,he understanding that now the receiver is at a cell-site and interference is from other mobiles. Same as the downlink case, now the BDPSIi deniodulation operation consists of multiplying s ( t ) plus signals from other users by s ( t ) (recall our assumption that, adjacent symbols are so correlat,ed that they correspond to (.he same fading amplitude) and integrating the product froni 0 to Ts in time. The signal component a t the demodulator output is d,E,,, where E,, is the j - t h symbol energy (PjT,) which, as mentioned earlier, is a chi-squared random variable with a mean 2A2. If we had AWGN with one-sided spectral density NO in place of the interfering signals from other users, we would have the variance of the noisy c o n ponent a t the demodulator output given by

between paths from different mobiles to the cell-site. If t,here are Lo act.ive interfering users within t,he same cell. then the equivalent .Yo i n t,he above equation is increased by Lo times. Suppose that all of K interfering cells are equally loaded. Note that interference from a mobile i n an adjacent cell arrives through a fading path independent of the signal pat,h. The mobile in an adjacent interfering cell is power controlled by its own cell-site. Then the corresponding intercell cont,ribution to No is Er='=, 2Ai where 2Ai represents the power of a user (assuming all users in a cell are located with an identical distribution) in the I;-th intercell interfering cell received by the desired cell site which is 2A2(%)' in the presence of Rayleigh fading only (no log-normal fading), where rk and T O are the distances from the user of the k-th intercell interfering cell to its own cell-site and the desired cell-sit.e, respectively. Taking into account, both intracell and intercell interference, we have the SNR equivalent to that used before and given as follows,


which is the same as Equation 1. Similarly, suppose t.hat. we have only one interfering user in the same cell employing a spreading waveform q ( t ) and a carrier cos(27~f,t @), where I$ is uniformly distributed in [0, 27r). Suppose the chip bo:indaries in time of c l ( t ) is offset by T which is uniformly distributed in [0, Tc). Note that in the uplink of a cellular system, the interfering mobile has power Pi or energy Eij for the j-th symbol which is independent of that for the reference user simply because signals from two mobiles go through independent, propagation paths to arrive at the cell-site. We assume that the uplink employs ideal

Note that a cell-site antenna only receives interference from l/iVsect of the total number of adjacent cells. T h a t is, each cell-site antenna only covers 1 out of NSeel cell sectors It only receives the interference from those adjacent cells facing the sector covered by the antenna pattern. This fact is reflected in the upper limit of the summation in the above equation. Let r = C,"If(2)7. From Equation 23, we have ro

We assume that users are uniformly distributed in a cell and other parameters are the same as for the downlink. We

%%le 12 Thc number of users per cell for uplink I I I Kayleigli fading w i t h different la1 BPSK and interleaving Jepth=20, span=20 and fm7;= 0 001

Table 14: T h e number of users per cell for the uplink with

P b

1 * ( d. o ) 11 25.8 11





Ai=434 20 13

At= 512

I A1 = 1024 1

differential BPSK and int.erleaving depth=20, span=20 and fm7;= 0.001, assuming standard deviation of log-normal fading is 1 d B

23 15


Table 13: T h e number of users per cell for uplink i n Rayleigli fading with differential BPSK and interleaving depth=60. span=40 and fmTs= 0.001

Table 15: T h e number of users per cell for the uplink with differential BPSK and interleaving depth=60, span=40 and fmTs = 0.001, assuming standard deviation of log-normal fading is 1 d B








I s ( d I ? ) I/


M = 434 345

I M = 512

M = 1024 805

have found considering 3 tiers of adjacent cells is sufficiently accurate wliich gives T = 0.04 Tables 12 and 13 show capacity resulh.

The outage probability

Log-normal Shadowing
Tables 14 and 15 show capacity results dB. Mhen the standard deviation of the log-normal fading
is increased t o 8 dB, then the capacity is drastically reduced

Now the quantity E(2A;) is a log-normal randoni variable. is ) normally distributed Specifically. X O = l O l o g l ~ E ( 2 A ~ with mean 772, = 1010glo(2A2) (due to the ideal power cont.rol assumed) and variance Y k = 10/ogloE{2AAi}is normally distributed with mean my, = IOlog~~(2.4( %)> ) and variance U;,.



. : .

as shown in Tables 16 and 17.

is approximately norinally w = lologlo distributed with mean mt+/ and variance U& [5]. J1.e have the SNR as follows,

E : = = ,

Comparison with FDMA and TDMA

2 A




+ L,Von&10=

Me then have the probability density function of as follows:

Present analog cellular mobile system uses 30 k H z FM channels with frequency division multiple access (FDMA). With 120 degrees antenna sectors, the frequency reuse efficiency is limited to 14% due t o the requirement of 17 dB carrier-to-interference ratio. This leads t o the capacity of 0.14/(30 x lo3) = 4.67 x users per cell per Hz or 4.67 users per cell per MHz. In the currently proposed first generation digital TDMA system by T I A , each 30 kHz chaiinel is time shared by 3 users. Thus, the capacity is increased users per cell per Hz or 14 by a fact,or of 3 t o 14 x


Table 16: T h e number of users per cell for the uplink with differential BPSK and interleaving depth=20, span=20 and fmTs = 0.001, assuming standard deviation of log-normal fading is 8 d B

We assume that users are uniformly distributed in a cell. Then, we find the average value of the mean and the variance of w k = lologlo E { A Z ) corresponding to the user in the k-th intercell interfering cell which are then used t,o determine mw and uh using the method in [13].

PoutI g ( d . B ) 11 M = 434


25.8 25.8

3 0

M = 512 3 0

M = 1024 6 1

Table 17: Tlic number of users per cell for the uplink with diffcrciitial I3JSK and interleaving dept h=60. span=40 and

fmTs = 0.001 assuming standard deviation of log-normal fading is 8 dB



N u m b e r o f Users per Cell per MHz

4.67 14 19.6


Af = 434
58 15


A 4 = 512 70 18

,If = 1024
136 36


Relative Capacity l o TDMA 0.33

1 1.40

1 RI

users per cell per MHz. Note that this capacit.y is identical for both the uplink and the downlink. In a CDMA system, assume the digital speech rate is R. FEC redundancy is extra corresponding to a r a k r f , , = 1/2. Since each code symbol has Ad chips, assuming binary PSK is used (either coherent. or differentially coherent.), the signal bandwidth (null to null) is b a n d w i d t h = 2RA4/rfe, Then the CDMA capacity is capacity = L,/Ad x rfec/(2R) users per cell per H z Note that L,/A4 is, asympt.otically for a large L,. inversely proportional t,o 2A2/, or ,!?,/No. Thus. according to the above equation, the capacity is inversely proportional to Eb/No where energy per bit Eb is equal to E S / r f e c . Suppose the digital speech rate is R = 9.6 khps as i n [l]. Error correction code is the rate r l e c = 1 / 2 constraint. length 7 convolutional code. Then

CDMA u p 1 2 ti k

L capacity = 2.604 x 1 0 - 5 2 users per cell per H z M

As discussed earlier, for a large L , , L , j A l approaches a constant independent of the bandwidth used which can be obtained from our tabulated results. Table 18 shows comparison results, where R means Rayleigh fading, L means log-normal Rayleigh shadowing, and D means we use 3-cell-site diversity for the downlink and 3-path diversity (with 4 dB gain as shown in [3]) for the uplink. All capacities are normalized with respect t.o that. of TDMA t o obtain relative capacities. 0ut.age probability is assumed t o be 10% due to log-normal shadowing with a standard deviation r dB. From this table we can see that with log-normal fading of 1 dB standard deviation, CDMA capacities for both the uplink and the downlink are about 50% more than of the capacity of TDMA wit,liout diversity. Diversity can further increase the CDMA capacity. However, if log-normal fading has a standard deviation of 8 dB, CDMA capacities for both the uplink and the downlink are less than one third of the TDMA capacity without diversity. Now, diversity can still not make CDMA win over TDMA in capacity.


CDMA capacity has been shown to be possibly greater than the proposed TDMA capacity by 40% up to 3.7 times under various assumptions. Under other conditions, CDMA

is sliown t,o have a lower capacity than that of TDMA and even possihly that of the existing FDMA. I n order to increase the capacity of CDMA so that i t can win over t.he proposed TDMA (and, of course, existing FDMA), two important issues have been identified to be reduction of the standard deviation of the average power of the received signal and reduction of the required Eb/No for each user. A good power cont,rol scheme is hopeful in reducing the st.andard deviation of average power of the received signal i n addition to its use for overcoming the near-far problem. Diversity can be helpful in alleviating the effect of a large standard deviation but to a lesser degree. From our results. it can be seen that the standard deviation needs to be reduced to about 1 dB. Inherently, CDh4A capacity is very sensitive (inversely proportional) to Eb/ho required for each user to achieve a given BER. Thus, to increase t.he CDMA capacity becomes the traditional job of a modem designer which is to reduce the required Eb/NO. There are many techniques that can be applied. In a CDMA syst.em, the most powerful technique is error correction coding. Now the code redundancy has no negative effect on the capacity. Thus, we recommend the consideration of powerful lower rate codes that can provide a larger coding gain than rate 1/2 code or more complex codes with a constraint length longer than length 7 . All forms of diversities such as antenna diversity, spread spectrum diversit.y (RAKE reception), and cell-site diversity are beneficial i n reducing the required Eb/No. In order to make the coding effective in a correlative channel, adequate interleaving is imperative. The associated delay then has to be carefully evaluated. Unlike a FDMA or TDMA system, there is an asymmetry between the uplink and downlink capacities in CDMA. This is due to two reasons. First, the downlink can employ a coherent BPSK and the uplink must use such scheme as BDPSK. With the same code, BDPSK is about 5 to 6 dB worse in SNR than BPSK in Rayleigh fading. One the other hand, the uplink intracell interference power is only half of that i n the downlink which means that the uplink is less

2h0113 dl3 b c i k r i n SNH

( I i a i i (,lie downlink. Cotiibiiittig these t.wo factors, we see that the uplink is about 1 to 3 d~ worsc in SNR than the downlink. This difference suggests that the use of a more powerful code for the uplink than t.liat used for the downlink would he required to assure ail equal capacity.

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E. A. Geraniotis and M. B. Pursley e t al, Error probability for direct-sequence spread-spectrum multipleaccess communications - Part 11: Approximations, IEEE Transactions on Communicatzons, vol. COM30, pp. 985-995,

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