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Mimo Generalized Decorrelating Discrete-Time Rake Receiver: Tunc Er Baykas, Mohamed Siala, Abbas Yongac o Glu

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Tunc er Baykas , Mohamed Siala, Abbas Yongac o glu

School of Information Technology and Engineering University of Ottawa Ottawa, Canada tbaykas@site.uottawa.ca SUPCOM Cit e Technologique des Communications Ariana,Tunisia mohamed.siala@supcom.rnu.tn School of Information Technology and Engineering University of Ottawa Ottawa,Canada yongacog@site.uottawa.ca

ABSTRACT In this paper, we introduce a generalized decorrelating discrete-time RAKE receiver for MIMO systems (MIMO GD-DTR). The MIMO GD-DTR system is a combination of two other advanced MIMO RAKE reception methods: the jointly decoding generalized rake receiver (JD-GRAKE) and the MIMO decorrelating discrete-time RAKE reception (MIMO D-DTR). The JD-GRAKE has been proposed for correlated interference suppression in MIMO systems and it is obtained from the single antenna generalized RAKE receiver (G-RAKE). The MIMO D-DTR, which is obtained from the single antenna decorrelating discrete-time RAKE (D-DTR) system, improves the performance in the presence of channel estimation errors in diffuse channels. The MIMO GD-DTR combines the complementary advantages of both the JD-GRAKE and the MIMO D-DTR. It suppresses the interference, and takes into consideration the imperfect channel state information at the receiver. Our results show that the performance of the discrete-time version of the MIMO JD-GRAKE could be worse than a conventional RAKE receiver, when there are channel estimation errors in the system, whereas proposed MIMO GD-DTR provides gains up to 1.7 dB at a bit error rate of 10 2 in 3 transmit 3 receive antenna system (33). 1. INTRODUCTION The conventional RAKE receivers, which are used in wireless communication to collect energy from multipath channels, have several weaknesses. This paper focuses on two of these weaknesses with the intention of reducing them for multi antenna (MIMO) systems. The rst weakness is due to colored interference. Colored interference could be a major source of degradation in the system performance, since the conventional RAKE receivers assume the interference to be uncorrelated. Bottomley et al. proposed in [1] a generalized RAKE receiver in order to have colored (correlated) interference suppression for one transmit and one receive antenna systems. As a generalization of this principle to MIMO systems, Grant et al. have proposed two methods in [2]. The JD-GRAKE jointly decodes the symbols spread by the same spreading code and transmitted from different antennas. The MMSE-GRAKE is an alternative system which is less complex than the JD-GRAKE. In the MMSE-GRAKE the symbols are decoded one by one, by treating the rest of the symbols as interference. Such a decoding decreases the complexity at the price of a decrease in performance. The aw of all theses G-RAKE systems is the nonrealistic assumption of having perfect channel state information at the receiver. The second weakness arises from the time-varying nature of

the wireless channels. Conventional RAKE receivers use an acquisition system (or searcher) to detect new paths with signicant power, and a tracking system to follow the continuously time-varying delays of the paths [3, 4]. The acquisition and tracking systems have two main drawbacks. First, the assumption that the multipaths are resolvable is nonrealistic [4]. Secondly, the acquisition and tracking systems can neither distinguish nor follow paths separated by less then a chip period [5, 6]. To eliminate the need for complex acquisition and tracking devices, a discrete-time RAKE receiver (DTR) has been proposed in [7]. It is obtained by a lossless sampling of a transmit ltered version of the channel impulse response. The simulations show that the DTR is sensitive to channel estimation errors. To cope with this sensitivity, several intuitive methods have been presented in [7] and the derivation of an optimum structure, complying with the maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion, has been made in [4]. This optimum structure, referred to as the decorrelating discretetime RAKE (D-DTR), exploits the covariance matrix of the channel values at RAKE ngers to obtain robustness against channel estimation errors. In [8], the D-DTR system is extended for the MIMO case. In this work we combine the discrete-time version of the JDGRAKE receiver with the MIMO D-DTR receiver and obtain the MIMO generalized discrete-time RAKE receiver. The MIMO GD-DTR could suppress the interference and takes into consideration the channel estimation errors. We obtain the performance of the proposed receiver in a UMTS uplink model as well as the performances of the conventional MIMO discrete-time RAKE receiver (MIMO C-DTR), the MIMO D-DTR and the discrete-time version of the MIMO JD-GRAKE. From this point on, we will refer the discretetime version of the MIMO JD-GRAKE as MIMO generalized discrete-time RAKE receiver (MIMO G-DTR) to ease the presentation. The outline of the paper is as follows. In the next section we explain the system model and receivers for single antenna systems. Afterwards, we show how to extend the GD-DTR to the MIMO GD-DTR. Section 4 presents the simulation results. We nish the paper with the conclusions. 2. SYSTEM MODEL AND DISCRETE-TIME RAKE RECEIVERS In this section we explain the single antenna versions of the RAKE receivers using a basic DS-CDMA transmitter model. The modulated symbol sk is spread using a long spreading code ck = (ck 0 , ck 1..., ckQ1). The spreading factor of the code is denoted by Q and ckq is the qth chip of the spreading code ck . We assume that the code ck has the perfect correla-

tion property to eliminate the interchip interference. This assumption is asymptotically met with large spreading factors. The spread symbol is convolved with a pulse shaping lter with impulse response g(t ) and transmitted over a quasistatic diffuse multipath Rayleigh fading channel. Throughout this paper we assume that the modulation scheme is BPSK. The channel impulse response changes independently from one time slot to another, but the multipath intensity prole of the channel does not change. Assuming the impulse response of the channel for the time slot comprising sk to be h(t ), the received signal r(t ) for the symbol sk can be written as sk Q1 r(t ) = h(t ) g(t ) ckq (t qTc ) + n(t ), Q q=0 where and (t ) denote the convolution operator and Dirac delta function, respectively. In the above equation, Tc denotes the chip period and n(t ) denotes the noise plus interference. All of the receiver types we mention in this paper are discrete-time receivers. They sample the received symbol at a rate of Tc /2, i.e. at twice the chip rate, and passes it to the correlators. The sampling is lossless for square-root raised cosine lters with rolloff less than 1. In the correlators, the symbol sk is despread using the oversampled version of ck . Due to the assumption that the spreading sequence is perfect in nature, the output vector of the correlators, y, for the symbol sk can be written as y = f sk + u, where u is a zero-mean complex gaussian additive noise plus interference vector with covariance matrix Ru, and the vector f consists of elements from the sampled version of the ltered channel response h(t ) g(t ). Although y, f and u depend on the time index k, to ease the presentation we only keep the index in sk . If the estimate of f , denoted by f , is available, the C-DTR f H y, where obtains the decision variable by forming = the superscript H denotes hermitian transpose. For BPSK modulation, a hard decision on the symbol is obtained from sgn(Re( )), where Re is the real part operator. As we mentioned above, the C-DTR does not take into consideration the correlation matrix Ru and also the erroneous nature of the estimated channel. The G-DTR uses Ru to obtain a decision variable for sk , which is equal to

where EI denotes the power spectral density of the interference and x,y denotes the Kronecker delta function. The number of interferers and the effectiveness of the power control could affect the values of EI . In our simulations, to set the value of EI , we dene a noise rise coefcient , which is equal to

= (EI + N0 )/N0 .
The noise rise coefcient is also related to the system load x through = 1/(1 x) [9]. The system load shows the percentage of energy coming from interference sources to the noise plus interference in the system. The D-DTR takes into consideration that only an estimate f of the channel vector is available, such that f = f + e, where e is the channel estimation error vector. We assume in this work that f is estimated with N p pilot symbols and the estimated channel vector is equal to: f= 1 NpEp
N p 1 m=0

ym s m,

where E p is the energy per pilot symbol, ym is the received vector of the mth pilot symbol and the sm s are the pilot symbols within a time slot. The D-DTR uses the channel covariance matrix Rf , which is dened as R f = E [ H ], to construct the decision variable. The channel covariance matrix Rf can be estimated using the estimated channel values or calculated if the delay prole of the channel and the impulse response of the pulse shaping lter are known. The decision variable of the D-DTR is equal to:

= (UWUH f )H y ,
where U is the matrix consisting of the eigenvectors of the channel covariance matrix Rf . The weighting matrix W is a diagonal matrix with the l th diagonal entry being a weighting factor wl . If the data and pilot symbols have common energy Es , then wl is equal to wl = 1
Es 1 + 2( 2 1 + )

= (Ru1 f )H y .
If f is equal to f , i.e. the channel is perfectly known at the receiver, this method provides the maximum likelihood detection of the symbols [1]. The covariance matrix Ru depends on thermal noise and interference. The noise in u is assumed to be AWGN with variance 2 = 2N0 /Tc , due to sampling, where N0 is the power spectral density of the complex noise. In the UMTS uplink, the (x, y)th element of the Ru which corresponds the covariance between the interference values of the correlators with discrete delays dx and dy can be approximated as: Ru (x, y) = 2 x,y + EI

where 2 =2 /(N p Es ) and l is the eigenvalue corresponding to the l th eigenvector of Rf . In [4], it is shown that the above weights are optimum under the assumptions of estimated channels and white noise. 2.1 The GD-DTR System The GD-DTR uses both covariance matrices Rf and Ru to combine complimentary advantages of the D-DTR and the G-DTR. The GD-RAKE rst decorrelates the colored noise u in y by using the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of Ru 1 such that, y = H y = H (f sk + u), where is the diagonal matrix of the square roots of the 1 1 eigenvalues of R u and is the eigenvector matrix of Ru .

g (d x )g (d y )d ,

On the other hand, the channel estimate f is also multiplied with H such that, f = f . In the above equation f should be understood as the estimate of the equivalent channel vector of a received vector with an equivalent white noise vector. The decorrelation of noise changes the covariance matrix Rf to Rf as well, Rf = H Rf . At this point the system has white gaussian noise samples with unit energy ( 2 =1), since we used the eigenvalues of the Ru 1 in the noise decorrelating process. Additionally, the channel vector has the new covariance matrix Rf . Since this situation matches the assumptions of the D-DTR, that method can be applied directly. Then the decision variable is equal to: f ) WUy, = (U where U consists of the eigenvectors of Rf and W is a diagonal matrix with the l th diagonal entry being the weighting factor wl , which is equal to wl = 1 , 1 1 + Np1Es (Es + )

, such that and to F n n. n = U HF E In [8], the probability of receiving zn , given the transmitted n and 2 , is given as: symbol vector s, E

n) = p(yn |s, E where Xnl is equal to

l =0

1 1 + l 2 wl

exp(Xnl )

1 1 + l Xnl = 2 wl

M 1



e mnl sm 1+
2 l


where e mnl is the l th estimated channel coefcient from the mth transmit antenna to the receive antenna n. In (1), sm and ynl denote the symbol from the mth transmit antenna and the l th element of yn respectively. For the GD-DTR system, due to the noise decorrelating process, 2 =1 and 2 =1/N p Es . The MIMO GD-DTR chooses the symbol vector s which maximizes the following quantity:
N 1 n=0

n ), s, E p ( y n |s =

where l is the l th eigenvalue of Rf . 3. THE MIMO GD-DTR SYSTEM In this section we explain the MIMO generalized decorrelating discrete-time RAKE receiver. For the MIMO GD-DTR, we assume a system with M transmit and N receive antennas. For each receive antenna there are L correlators. The spreading code is the same for the transmit antennas of a user to reduce the consumption of orthogonal codes and preserve orthogonality between different users in the system. The signals from different transmit antennas are synchronized. The channels between any transmit and receive antennas are independent and have the same delay prole and therefore the same covariance matrix Rf . The received signal, after sampling and despreading at the nth receive antenna, is equal to yn = Fn sk + un , where Fn is the channel matrix between the transmit antennas and the nth receive antenna, sk consists of the symbols sent simultaneously from all the transmit antennas. The noise plus interference vector un has the covariance matrix Ru. The MIMO GD-DTR follows the steps of the GD-DTR. The MIMO GD-DTR starts with the decorrelation process of the noise plus interference using the matrices and resulting from the decomposition of the covariance matrix Ru , such that, y n = H yn = H (Fn sk + un ), is the estimation of F. Afterwards n =H F n , where F and F the decorrelating process of the channels are applied to y n , as: zn = U y n ,

with respect to all possible s vectors. The soft output of the bit from the mth transmit antenna, m , can be obtained from the above equation, such that: m = log
N 1 n =0 p(yn |sm = 1, En ) . N 1 n=0 p(yn |sm = 1, En )

The MIMO D-DTR system does not apply the noise decorrelating process, whereas the MIMO G-DTR system does not apply the channel decorrelating process and therefore does not have the weight matrix W. The MIMO C-DTR system applies neither the noise decorrelating process nor the channel decorrelating process. In the next section we present the simulation results for 2x2 and 3x3 systems. 4. SIMULATION RESULTS To show the performance of the MIMO GD-DTR, we rst choose a 2 transmit and 2 receive antenna (2 2) system. The channel has an exponential delay prole with RMS delay spread of Tm =0.25Tc , which is observed in UMTS channels in [10] by Foo et al. The pulse shaping lter is a root raised cosine lter with roll off = 0.22. The number of correlators L is equal to 9. This system collects %99 of the channel energy according to [4]. The number of pilot symbols per channel realization, N p , is equal to 2. To simulate a highly loaded system we set =10. The results are shown in Figure 1. The curves from top to bottom follow the same order of the legend. The gain of the MIMO GD-DTR compared to MIMO C-DTR is about 1.4 dB at a bit error rate of 102 and employing the MIMO G-DTR actually causes a performance loss compared to the MIMO C-DTR. Since the performance of the MIMO D-DTR is close to the performance of the MIMO GD-DTR, we can conclude that most of the gain of the MIMO GD-DTR comes from suppressing




gives the worst results in all simulations with channel estimation errors. Even if the perfect channel state information is available, the gain of the MIMO G-DTR is very limited. The performance of the MIMO D-DTR receiver is always between the MIMO GD-DTR and the C-DTR. 5. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have introduced a generalized decorrelating discrete-time RAKE receiver for MIMO systems to improve the overall performance in the presence of channel estimation errors and colored noise plus interference. The system exploits the covariance matrix of the channel and the covariance matrix of the noise plus interference to produce combining weights. Our results showed that gains up to 1.7 dB with respect to the conventional discrete-time RAKE receiver are available for 33 systems. We observed that low number of pilot symbols, short delay spreads and high number of correlators and antennas increase the gain of the MIMO GD-DTR with respect to the conventional MIMO RAKE receiver. We simulated the MIMO G-DTR and the MIMO D-DTR systems as well. The MIMO G-DTR system is not suitable since its performance is worse than the MIMO C-DTR if the channel coefcients are estimated. The MIMO D-DTR performs better than the MIMO C-DTR but worse than the MIMO GD-DTR. REFERENCES [1] G. E. Bottomley, T. Ottosson, and Y. E.Wang, A generalized RAKE receiver for interference suppression, IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 18, pp. 1536 1545, Aug. 2000. [2] S. Grant, K. Molnar, and G. Bottomley, Generalized RAKE receivers for MIMO systems, in Proc. IEEE 54th Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Fall 2003 , vol. 1, Oct. 2003, pp. 424428. [3] A. Viterbi, CDMA: Principles of Spread Spectrum Communication . Addison-Wesley, 1995. [4] M. Siala, Maximum a posteriori decorrelating discrete-time RAKE receiver, Annals of Telecommunications, vol. 59, no. 3-4, pp. 374411, Apr./Mar. 2004. [5] Q. Zhang, J. Huang, and Y. Xie, High resolution delay estimation, in TENCON93, 1993, pp. 579583. [6] R. V. Nee, The multipath estimation delay lock loop, in Int. Sym. on Spread Spectrum Tech. and App., Dec. 1992, pp. 3942. [7] H. Boujemaa, O. Fratu, M. Siala, and P. Loubaton, On the performance of a discrete-time RAKE, in The 11th IEEE Int. Sym. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Com., vol. 2, Sept. 2000, pp. 949953. [8] T. Baykas, M. Siala, and A. Yongacoglu, MIMO decorrelating discrete time RAKE receiver, in Proc. IEEE 57th Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Spring 2005 , May 2005. [9] H. Holma and A. Toskala, WCDMA for UMTS: Radio Access for Third Generation Mobile Communications . Wiley, 2004. [10] S. Foo et al., Spatio-temporal investigation of UTRAFDD channels, in Third Int. Conf. on 3G Mobile Com. Tech., May 2002, pp. 175179.











Figure 1: The BER performances of (from top to bottom, in that order) the MIMO G-DTR, the MIMO C-DTR, the MIMO D-DTR and the MIMO GD-DTR for a 2 2 system








12 E /N




Figure 2: The BER performances of (from top to bottom, in that order) the MIMO G-DTR, the MIMO C-DTR, the MIMO D-DTR and the MIMO GD-DTR for a 3 3 system noisy channel estimates. We did another set of simulations with a 3 3 system. We observe a slight increase in the gain of the MIMO GD-DTR system with respect to the MIMO C-DTR. For example, in Figure 2, which shows the performance of 33 system with N p =2 and L=9, the gain of the MIMO GD-DTR is around 1.7 dB at a 102 bit error rate compared to the MIMO C-DTR. Although it is not shown, we did other simulations to see the effect of different parameters on the system performances. We can conclude that the gain of the MIMO GD-DTR with respect to the MIMO C-DTR increases with a decrease of the delay spread and with an increase of the number of correlators and the number of antennas. The MIMO G-DTR system

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