Doppler Spread Estimation in Mobile Communication Systems: Young-Chai Gibong Jeong
Doppler Spread Estimation in Mobile Communication Systems: Young-Chai Gibong Jeong
Doppler Spread Estimation in Mobile Communication Systems: Young-Chai Gibong Jeong
. T,) = Max[Jo(t)]+Min[Jo(t)1
J o ( 2 ~250.7~1
= -= 0.2986 for real 2
value t , (5)
where we set the sampling frequency T,=1/15000see
3.1. Rayleigh Fading Channels ond, and it is found to be given by nl=l8. Note
The Rayleigh distribution is frequently used to model in (5) that the correlation function is monotonically
multipath fading with no direct lineof-sight (LOS) path. decreasing over fd E [0,500] Hz and has the middle
In this case the z(t)and y ( t ) in (1) are zero-mean Gaus- point of the maximum and minimum value of Jo(t)
sian with variance a2 = 012 and the auto-correlation for real value t at nl=18 by which the false proba-
function has the form [l] bility of the S(F)-mode can be minimized and the deci-
sion region between M-mode and F-mode can be max-
fl imized. Given nl=l8, the theoretical correlation value
CZZ(~) +
= E [ z ( k ) Z ( k T ) ] = yJO(2"fdT) for fd = 250 Hz, is calculated from (3) as Jo(2x .250.
).( = '22 (') 7 (3) 18. T,)= 0.2906. Letting the threshold Ti1') = 0.2906
the Doppler spread can be estimated as the MIS mode
where .lo(.) is the Bessel function of the fist kind. Con- if the correlator p(n1) is larger than Til8), otherwise
sidering the noise component in (l), the auto-correlation it is estimated as F-mode, where the correlator p ( n j )
of the in-phase component can be shown, assuming that can be implemented as shown in Fig. 1. We note from
ni(lc)and n,(k) are independent of z ( k ) and y(k), to Fig. 1 that the p ( n j ) is the normalized function of the
be given by autecovariance function to the average signal power in
(4) and hence the maximum value of p ( n j ) is set to 1.
Once M/Smode or F-mode is decided, the next step
is to decide if the Doppler spread is in Smode or M-
(4) mode. Using the same value as a time index nl = 18 we
+ +
where ri(k) = z ( k ) ni(k),r,(k) = y(k) n,(k), and have the threshold Ti1') = Jo(27r 60.18. T,)= 0.9495.
6(.) is the impulse function. For bandlimited noise, Based on the thresholds Til8) and Ti") the Doppler
transforms the Rician fading received signal to the sig-
If p(n2 = 50) > T Y ) , declares - mode nal having the property the same as Rayleigh fading
Else declareM - Mode signal, and apply the same algorithm to estimate the
Else declareF - Mode. Doppler spread. Eliminating the specular component
by making the signal DC free causes the SNR given in
We clearly see from Fig. 3 that using two thresholds (2) to decrease and might result in the degradation of
can give more decision region between S-mode and M- the performance of Doppler spread. However it is no-
mode. table that if SNR degradation is not from the increase
of the noise variance but from the reduction of the sig-
nal itself, the correlator which is normalized version of
3.2. Rician fading channel
the auto-correlationfunction operates regardless of the
For a multipath fading channel containing a LOS com- SNR change.
ponent, z(t) and y ( t ) in (1) have non-zero mean. De-
noting s as the LOS component and the variance of z(t) 4. SIMULATION RESULTS
and g ( t ) as 02, the autcxovariance function is given
by PI In this section some simulation results using the pro-
posed Doppler spread estimator are illustrated. As a
1 R
c z z ( T ) = --
JO(2TfdT) + C O S ( ~ Tfd7cosOoperformance measurement, we define the conditional
probability given the Doppler spread as the probability
K O (970 be estimated as S, M or F-mode given the Doppler
CZY(T)= -- ~ cos eo),
s i n ( 2fd
K+12 spread fd, P[S or M or FI fd]. The assumption for this
are made as followiWZ:
where the Rician factor, K, is defined as the ratio of
the power in the LOS component and scattered com-
ponent, i.e., K = s2/(202),
sampling frequency fs = kZl5KHz,
. . . 80 is the angle of arrival
(AOA) of the LOS component, and the average power 2. carrier frequency fc=2 GHz,
is O = s2 202. The auto-correlation function of the
received signal in (9) is in more complicated form in- 3. isotropic scattering, i.e, there is no AOA effect on
volved with AOA and K. In this case the Doppler ' the Doppler spread estimation,