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Trisakti 2012 PVT Dasar

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Properties of Reservoir Fluids as function of Pressure Volume

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004


PVT Behaviour

Main Reservoir Fluids: Black Oil Solution-Gas Drive Dry Gas

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

p>pb p<pb p>pd

Bo, o, co are ASSUMED constant Bo, o, co = f(p) Bg, g, cg = f(p)

Reservoir Fluids
Schematic Phase Diagrams Generic (single and multi-component cases) Black Oil Solution-Gas Drive Dry Gas Black Oil (p>pb) Properties: Bo, o, co (ASSUMED constant) Solution-Gas Drive (p<pb) Properties: Bo, o, co
Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Dry Gas (p>pd) Properties: Bg, g, cg Summary of Fluid Properties and Sources

Pressure - Volume Behaviour Single Component System

Pressure Liquid Bubble point Dew point Gas



Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Pressure vs Temperature Single Component System

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

3D Phase Diagram Single Component System

Liquid Pressure

Gas Liquid

Critical point Gas

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004


lum e

re tu ra e p em

Pressure - Volume Behaviour Two Component System

Pressure Liquid Bubble point

Dew point




Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

P - T Behaviour 2 Component System

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Diagram for a Multi-Component System

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Note the "Bubble Point" and "Dew Point" lines. Location of critical point determines fluid type.

Reservoir Fluids

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Hydrocarbon Reservoir Fluids types

Reservoir Fluids Black Oil p-T Diagram

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Black Oil : o>40o API, (GOR)i < 2000 scf/STB, Boi < 2.0 RB/STB, C7+ > 20 %.

Reservoir Fluids Volatile Oil p-T Diagram

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Volatile Oil: o<45o API, 2000 < (GOR)i < 3300 scf/STB, Boi > 2.0 RB/STB, 12.5 < C7+ < 20 %.

Reservoir Fluids Retrograde Gas p-T Diagram

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Retrograde Gas : 45<o<60o API, 3300 < (GOR)i < 150,000 scf/STB, C7+ < 12.5 %.

Reservoir Fluids Wet Gas p-T Diagram

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Wet Gas: (GOR)i > 50,000 scf/STB.

Reservoir Fluids Dry Gas p-T Diagram

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Dry Gas

Reservoir Fluids
Formation Volume Factor: Bo,g,w Fluid volume at reservoir conditions Bo,g,w = Fluid volume at standard conditions

The Formation Volume Factor "converts" surface volumes to downhole conditions. Typical values: Oil: 1.2 Gas: 0.003

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

to to

2.4 RB/STB 0.01 rcf/scf

333 scf/rcf (=expansion factor)

Formation Volume factors

Solution gas Solution gas Surface conditions


Gas Rs Rsw



Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004


Reservoir conditions


Water Gas

Retrograde Gas Condensate


Surface conditions GLR


Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Reservoir conditions


Reservoir Fluids
Viscosity: o,g,w Is a measure of a fluid's internal resistance to flow, - the proportionality of shear rate to shear stress - a sort of internal friction. Fluid viscosity depends on pressure, temperature and fluid composition.

Typical values:
Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Oil: Gas:

0.2 0.01

to to

30 cp 0.05 cp

Important reservoir parameters:

drained area permeability reservoir thickness porosity compressibility

Of importance is the TOTAL system compressibility:

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

ct = chc.Shc + cw.Sw + cf
HC: hydrocarbon, w: water, f: formation

Hydrocarbon Compressibility: co,g
1 dBo Bg dRso + Bo dp Bo dp

Oil Typical values p > pb p < pb

co =

to 20

x10-6 psi-1 x10-6 psi-1

30 to 200

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

cg =

1 dBg Bg dp

Typical values

50 to 1000 x10-6 psi-1

Water Typical values 3
cw = 1 dBw Bg dRsw + Bw dp Bw dp

to 5

x10-6 psi-1

Formation Typical values: 2 10

cf =

1 d dp

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

to 10 x10-6 psi-1 normal to 100 x10-6 psi-1 very high

Fluid Correlations
Oil PVT Correlations used in Topaze or Saphir
Rs/pb Standing Lasater Vasquez and Beggs Glaso Lasater- Standing Petrosky and Farshad Beggs and Robinson
Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Bo ; -


co ; -

; -


; generally used as default)

Gas Correlations
Gas PVT Correlations used in Topaze or Saphir

z-factor Dranchuk, et al. Beggs and Brill Hall and Yarborough Lee, et al. Carr, et al. ; -


; generally used as default

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Gas compressibility (cg) is computed from the z-factor using: 1 dBg 1 1 dz = cg = Bg dp p z dp

General Oil Properties

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Black Oil PVT Properties: (general behavior, pb=5000 psia)

Oil Reservoir below Bubble Point: "Solution-Gas Drive"

1. Pressure above Bubble Point. Wells produce oil and associated gas.


Pressure drops below Bubble Point. Bubbles of solution gas form in reservoir.


Critical gas saturation reached. Gas is now mobile.

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Gas flows towards producing wells. Wells now produce oil, associated gas and solution gas.

Oil Reservoir below Bubble Point: "Solution-Gas Drive"

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

As fluid is produced, the reservoir pressure drops towards abandonment. The Oil production is high at first, rapidly dropping off as more gas is produced. At critical gas saturation, the Gas-Oil ratio rises rapidly to a maximum, then falls as the lower gas compressibility offsets the increased gas mobility.

2. 3.

Dry Gas

In terms of equations solutions the main difference between the oil and gas case is that the gas properties are highly pressure dependent. Viscosity g and Compressibility ct are function of the pressure

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

Dry gas
In order to keep the liquid flow equations linear, the variations in gas properties are accounted for by the real gas pseudopressure function

m( p) =


2 p. dp ( p). z( p)

Pseudo-pressure function is then substituted for pressure in the analysis.

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

To take into account the varying mgcg a pseudo- time can be used in the analysis.

1. Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering Calhoun (1953). 2. Properties of Petroleum Fluids McCain (1990).

Kappa 2004 T.Blasingame 2004

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