Prepared by:
RAHMANI Abdelmonaim
Reservoir Fluid Volumetric Properties
The importance of PVT analysis was stressed for relating observed volumes of gas
production at the surface to the corresponding underground withdrawal. For gas this
relationship could be obtained merely by determining the single or two phase Z−factor, and
using it in the equation of state. The basic PVT analysis required to relate surface production to
underground withdrawal for an oil reservoir is necessarily more complex due to the presence,
below the bubble point pressure, of both a liquid oil and free gas phase in the reservoir.
In this report we concentrate on defining the three main formation volume factors
required to relate surface to reservoir volumes, for an oil reservoir.
In petroleum industry, the term “formation volume factor” is widely used. It expresses
which volume is taken up by one cubic meter (at standard state conditions, P and V at a pressure
p and a temperature T.
Reservoir Fluid Volumetric Properties
Reservoir pressure
Reservoir Fluid Volumetric Properties
The figure above shows that the FVF is inversely proportional to the pressure. This makes
sense because as reservoir pressure declines, the gas will expand to occupy more volume in the
reservoir. As we can see Bg increases as reservoir pressure decreases.
• The most important factor is the gas liberation below bubble point pressure Pob.
• The difference between reservoir pressure and atmospheric pressure causes slight
expansion of the remaining oil phase.
• The increase in volume because of expansion is more or less compensated by the shrinkage
of the oil resulting from the transfer from reservoir to surface temperature.
Reservoir Fluid Volumetric Properties
This figure shows the initial reservoir pressure to be above the bubble-point pressure of
the oil. As reservoir pressure is decreased from initial pressure to bubble-point pressure, the
FVF increases slightly because of the expansion of the liquid in the reservoir.
The solution gas/oil ratio is an important parameter indicating the volatility of crude. It
is a measure of evolved gas volume per unit volume of oil and is reported in scf/stb. This ratio
indicates the volume of gas that would dissolve into 1 stb of oil when both oil and gas are
subjected to the elevated pressure and temperature conditions encountered in the subsurface
formation. The solution gas/oil ratio is defined as in the following:
Reservoir Fluid Volumetric Properties
The figure above shows how the solution gas oil ratio changes as a function of pressure at
constant reservoir temperature. The process can be described in steps:
1-2: As the reservoir pressure is decreased from initial reservoir pressure P i to bubble point
pressure Pb, the dissolved gas oil ratio is constant. This is because, above the bubble point
there is no free gas in the reservoir. So the amount of gas that comes out at the surface will be
dissolved gas only and the solution gas oil ratio will remain constant.
2-3: As the reservoir pressure falls below bubble point pressure, free gas will continuously
evolve in the reservoir. This leaves less gas dissolved in the oil, therefore the solution gas oil
ratio steadily declines below the bubble point pressure.
It is clear now that there is a transition period where we see a change in solution gas oil
ratio. It occurs at the bubble point pressure. We can take advantage of the solution gas oil ratio
behavior to identify the bubble point pressure of producing wells that started out producing
above the bubble point pressure. Further, the solution gas oil ratio is used in material balance
calculations to help identify drive mechanisms.
Reservoir Fluid Volumetric Properties