Chapter10 Spherical Triangle For GC
Chapter10 Spherical Triangle For GC
Chapter10 Spherical Triangle For GC
Spherical Trigonometry
The earth is usually regarded as a sphere in celestial navigation although an oblate spheroid would be a better approximation. Otherwise, navigational calculations would become too difficult for practical use. The position error introduced by the spherical earth model is usually very small and stays within the "statistical noise" caused by other omnipresent errors like, e.g., abnormal refraction, rounding errors, etc. Although it is possible to perform navigational calculations solely with the aid of tables (H.O. 229, H.O. 211, etc.) and with little mathematics, the principles of celestial navigation can not be comprehended without knowing the elements of spherical trigonometry.
The Oblique Spherical Triangle Like any triangle, a spherical triangle is characterized by three sides and three angles. However, a spherical triangle is part of the surface of a sphere, and the sides are not straight lines but arcs of great circles (Fig. 10-1).
A great circle is a circle on the surface of a sphere whose plane passes through the center of the sphere (see chapter 3). Any side of a spherical triangle can be regarded as an angle - the angular distance between the adjacent vertices, measured at the center of the sphere. The interrelations between angles and sides of a spherical triangle are described by the law of sines, the law of cosines for sides, the law of cosines for angles, Napier's analogies, and Gauss' formulas (apart from other formulas). Law of sines:
cos s1 = cos s2 cos s3 + sin s2 sin s3 cos A1 cos s2 = cos s1 cos s3 + sin s1 sin s3 cos A2 cos s3 = cos s1 cos s2 + sin s1 sin s2 cos A3
Law of cosines for angles:
cos A1 = cos A2 cos A3 + sin A2 sin A3 cos s1 cos A2 = cos A1 cos A3 + sin A1 sin A3 cos s2 cos A3 = cos A1 cos A2 + sin A1 sin A2 cos s3
Napier's analogies:
A1 + A2 A tan 3 2 2
A1 A2 A tan 3 2 2
s1 s2 2 s1 + s2 sin 2 sin
s1 + s2 2 s3 tan 2
s1 s2 2 s3 tan 2
A1 A2 2 A1 + A2 sin 2 sin
Gauss' formulas:
A1 + A2 2 A3 cos 2 A1 A2 2 A3 cos 2
s1 s2 2 s3 cos 2
A1 + A2 2 A3 sin 2
s1 + s2 2 s3 cos 2
s1 s2 2 s3 sin 2
A1 A2 2 A3 sin 2
s1 + s2 2 s3 sin 2
These formulas and others derived thereof enable any quantity (angle or side) of a spherical triangle to be calculated if three other quantities are known.
The Right Spherical Triangle Solving a spherical triangle is less complicated when it contains a right angle (Fig. 10-2). Using Napier's rules of circular parts, any quantity can be calculated if only two other quantities (apart from the right angle) are known.
We arrange the sides forming the right angle (s1, s2) and the complements of the remaining angles (A1, A2) and opposite side (s3) in the form of a circular diagram consisting of five sectors, called "parts" (in the same order as they occur in the triangle). The right angle itself is omitted (Fig. 10-3):
According to Napier's rules, the sine of any part of the diagram equals the product of the tangents of the adjacent parts and the product of the cosines of the opposite parts:
sin s 2 = tan ( 90 A1 ) tan s1 = cos ( 90 s3 ) cos ( 90 A2 ) sin ( 90 A1 ) = tan ( 90 s 3 ) tan s 2 = cos ( 90 A2 ) cos s1 sin ( 90 s3 ) = tan ( 90 A2 ) tan ( 90 A1 ) = cos s1 cos s 2 sin ( 90 A2 ) = tan s1 tan ( 90 s 3 ) = cos s 2 cos ( 90 A1 )
In a simpler form, these equations are stated as:
sin s1 = tan s 2 cot A2 = sin A1 sin s 3 sin s 2 = cot A1 tan s1 = sin s3 sin A2 cos A1 = cot s 3 tan s 2 = sin A2 cos s1 cos s 3 = cot A2 cot A1 = cos s1 cos s 2 cos A2 = tan s1 cot s 3 = cos s 2 sin A1
Ageton's sight reduction tables, for example, are based upon the formulas of the right spherical triangle (chapter 11).