Iso Manual
Iso Manual
Iso Manual
PR.NO : QP-03-01 PAGE NO : 1 OF 5 ISSUE NO : 01 REV NO : C DATE : 18.07.1997 REASON FOR AMENDMENT QS 9000 : 1995 UPDATION
To establish a procedure to describe the system followed for handling enquiries and contract review for both new & repeat orders.. This procedure is applicable for all the tenders/contracts received from customers (Potential/Existing) & also based on market needs. DGM (Mktg) I. ENQUIRY REVIEW 01. Enquiries from potential or existing customers shall be received by the Mktg. Head. Enquiries may be in verbal, fax, letter, email, personnel visit, etc. Enquiries can also be based on the needs of the market. 02. The enquiry shall be acknowledged ( for receipt) within three working days from the date of receipt to the customer by the Marketing Head. 03. Mktg Head shall log the details of enquiry in the enquiry register no RG-0301,02,03, & 04 and in the enquiry review form no FM-03-01. O4. Mktg Head shall review the enquiry to ensure for minimum details such as technical specifications, material specifications, manufacturing capabilities and any acceptability standards including any statutory / regulatory requirement (National/International). If any details are missing, the same shall be corresponded with the customer requesting for the same. The same shall be noted on the enquiry review form and the enquiry kept open. After receiving the missing details from the customer, enquiry review shall be completed and recorded. If the missing details are not received within a month, the inquiry shall be treated as closed and if received after, it will be entirely at the discretion of the Mktg Heads to consider appropriately. 05. If the enquiry is found suitable, Mktg Head shall forward a copy of the enquiry and the enquiry review form to Engg. Dept. for the feasibility study as per form no. DC-PE-04/L for LS & DC-PE-71/S for STB. As per the feasibility study report, if the decision taken is feasible or is not feasible but sample making is possible using alternative method the same shall be considered by Mktg Deptt. while quoting, the report shall be completed for costing details and a final proposal mentioning the alternative method & validity period shall be sent by the Mktg Heads approved by VP. This proposal shall be
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submitted within three working days from the date of receipt of enquiry or from the date of receipt of missing details whichever is later. If the decision taken is not feasible, Mktg Heads. shall send a regret letter to the customer and subsequently all records of enquiries updated. 06. Regular follow up shall be done by Mktg Heads for customer response. If no response is received within the validity period of the proposal, the enquiry shall be treated as closed and the same shall be updated in the enquiry review form and enquiry log register. If the order is received after the validity period of the quotation, consideration shall be at the discretion of Mktg Heads in consultation with VP. 07. All the above activities described shall be legibly updated in the Enquiry Register. II. CONTRACT REVIEW : A. For New Products 01. On receipt of purchase order for a new product, the same shall be acknowledged to the customer within 3 days by Mktg Heads. The order shall be reviewed by the Marketing Head in consultation with VP. 02. The respective feasibility study report, the proposal submitted, negotiations done between the period of proposal and the receipt of order, if any, in writing or verbal communications recorded, shall form the basis for this review. 03. In addition to the above, the entire Quality System Requirements as per QS 9000 : 1995 including Section III, whenever applicable, shall be reviewed. The entire review shall be recorded in the Contract Review Form no.FM-03-03. 04. The contract review form is as described : Provision provided for Customers name, P.O. no. with modification status, Product No. with rev. status, Product Description & Contract review reference no. Provision for review of technical & manufacturing capabilities. Provision for review of Contractual requirements (ISO 9002 - 1994 requirements).
Provision for review of contractual requirements, for approval of documents like FMEA, Control Plan, etc Provision for review of customer specific requirements as per Section III of QS 9000 : 1995 requirements Provision for review of commercial terms, packaging & delivery. 05. If any terms and condition in the contract are different from the proposed one and which may affect the feasibility review done, Mktg Head shall interact with CFT members and decision on acceptance of changed terms shall be taken and the same shall be communicated to the customer for clarifications. 06. The final decision on acceptance of changed terms shall be communicated to the customer by Mktg Head. If specified, the format provided by customer shall be used. 07. If the P.O. is finally accepted, an order acceptance shall be sent to customer, mentioning the drawing number with revision status by Mktg Head. 08. The details of accepted P.O. shall be communicated to all concerned by Mktg Heads at appropriate stages of contract execution & for product development. 09. Procedure No. QP-02-01 describes the details of system followed by Engg. dept. after acceptance of P.O. to cover all stages of sample, prototype & induction into regular production. 10. As described in procedure number QP-02-01, induction of new product into regular production shall be communicated to manager marketing through copy of Quality Sign off . Thereafter, Mktg Head shall treat the new product as regular customer product & procedure below for repeat order shall apply for contract review. 11. Any change in contract terms requested by customer during the execution of contract, shall be resolved with customer if not acceptable. 12. If amendments are acceptable, then commercial changes shall be implemented by Marketing Dept. 13. Oral cummunication with customer regarding enquiries / quotation / orders / clarification / or missing details / Tech. specifications / commercial terms of contracts shall be confirmed in writing to customer by Mktg Heads. giving reference to details of discussions. 14. Records of enquiry & contract review shall be maintained by Mktg Head
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01. Repeat order review are for those products from existing customers foralready productionised items. All repeat orders shall be received by Mktg. head, may be the in the form of verbal.fax,letter,E-mail etc. In case of verbal order the order will be recorded by the marketing head and contract review carried out and agreed before the acceptance. 02. Repeat order review shall be handled by Mktg Heads & shall verify the correctness of P. O. received. The basis for verification shall be existing latest Purchase Order for the item under review and production capacity list approved by concerned production head. For the items which are not in production for a year or more, the system is described in Procedure No.QP-21-01 shall be followed. The review shall be evident in the repeat order log register. 05. If P.O. found correct, in all respects he shall put remark as Verified and Accepted and sign on the P. O. received. 06. If P.O. shows any difference, he shall inform the concerned functional heads who, in turn shall verify the details and request party for the amendment, if needed. Otherwise, he shall approve the changed terms based on his agreement with customer on revised terms. 07. On receiving the amendment or resolving the discrepancies, same shall be reviewed & verified by Mktg Head & details recorded in repeat order logcustomer wise. Further for such ammendments contract review form FM-03-03 page 1 shall be used and recorded. 08. The accepted P. O. shall replace the old P.O. which (old P.O.) shall be stamped as CLOSED. 09. In case customer demand for quantity more than the accepted capacity as per list approved respective Production Head, then Mktg Heads shall refer to concern Production head and obtain his acceptance / comments for the quantity demanded by the customer & then only accepts customer demand. 10. If the additional quantity demanded is not possible in production capacity Mktg Heads shall inform the customer accordingly. 11. The records for repeat order shall be mainatained by Mktg Heads 12. Production schedule shall be prepared by Mktg Heads and provide the information to production. 13 He shall monitor & track the progress for timely completion and delivery to the customer.