MTD - SOP.18-Masterlog v0
MTD - SOP.18-Masterlog v0
MTD - SOP.18-Masterlog v0
: MTD-SOP-18
Trailers Division – MASTER LOG Rev.: 0 Date: 03-05-06
1. Purpose
To ensure that the entire life cycle of the call is properly recorded at
predetermined points throughout the sequential flow of business. This report will
also be used for traceability of events, status of call, cross referencing of various
documents, and analysis of data for business improvement and strategic planning.
2. Scope
The procedure covers all the activities required to effectively manage, link and
improve the call cycle, identify bottle-necks, handle customer inquires, well
identify customer requirements and ensures the delivery commitments. It is the
tool that records all incoming enquiries, communication with the customer,
follow-up dates and actions required, revisions to quotations and drawings,
expected delivery dates VS actual delivery dates and status in production. The
Master Log is also the tool to manage the cross-referencing of the various
documents used to complete the request.
3. Responsibilities
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Doc. No.: MTD-SOP-18
Trailers Division – MASTER LOG Rev.: 0 Date: 03-05-06
Allocates the Primary Job Number cross referenced to Job Route Card
MTD-QF-13-01, updates the Master Log.
Assigns the chassis numbers and creates sequential sub job numbers for
each. Updates the Master Log with reference to the trailers received from
supplier against particular work order and sub job numbers.
Updates the Master Log with cross reference to the planned date of
delivery and the original date of trailer dispatched.
Maintains the Master Log by updating the delivery note numbers.
Completes the Master Log by verifying the trailer ready for delivery
against work order and Job Route card by updating the Incoming and
Pre delivery Inspection Report MTD-QF-15-02
3.6 Filing
After Sales department, shall maintain a log for all warranty and repair
related issues and update the Master Log with the Warrantee Repair Job
Card Number, and the date issued.
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Doc. No.: MTD-SOP-18
Trailers Division – MASTER LOG Rev.: 0 Date: 03-05-06
4. Procedure
4.1.1. Inquiries are classified as tenders, fax, e-mail and verbal and walk in.
4.1.2. All incoming inquiries are registered by Sales Co-coordinator in
Master Log MTD-QF-08-01
4.1.3. The original Request is attached to the Quotation Request Form, MTD-
QF-08-02 and forwarded to Sales Manager for action.
4.2.1. The Sales Manager may elect to decline. In this instance, he will notify
the Sales Coordinator who will generate a Regret Letter, MTD-QF-08-
04. Sales Coordinator updates the Master Log MTD-QF-08-01 with
4.2.2. If additional Technical Information, or modifications that are non-
standard are required, Technical Sales Engineer shall verify quotation
request form and if required, shall forward technical inquiry, Form
MTD-QF-08-06, to the supplier for further clarifications and record in
Master Log MTD-QF-08-01.
4.4.1. All LPO/Letter of Intent (LOI) from customer are received and
registered by Sales Coordinator and then forwarded to Sales Manager
for verification and action, after recording in the Master Log.
4.4.2. Technical Sales Engineer prepares the work order and updates the
Master Log
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Doc. No.: MTD-SOP-18
Trailers Division – MASTER LOG Rev.: 0 Date: 03-05-06
4.5.1. Trailer Division shall monitor and analyze customer the status of
progress during the enquiry phase. All contact made and a brief
summary thereof will be recorded in the Master Log MTD-QF-08-01.
4.5.2. The General Manager will review the contents on a monthly basis and
take improvement action where possible.
4.6.1. Iran will send pre-advice form MTD-QF-15-01 Report from Supplier
to the Technical Manager, copy the Production Engineer, Quality
Controller and Technical Sales Engineer of Dubai Mammut Industries.
The dispatch date is used as a base to estimate the date expected in
4.6.2. Production Planning estimates the expected date for receiving into
Dubai. The Master Log is updated with this date.
4.6.3. Once the trailers are received, Production Planning will update the
Master Log with actual received date.
4.6.4. Reason for delay should be identified by Production Planning and
captured into Master Log
4.6.5. Production Planning will record the primary chassis number as well as
the range of numbers linked to the primary number in the Master Log
4.7.1. Production Engineer will generate the Job Number from the work
order and record this number in the Master Log
4.7.2. Production Engineer will generate the Chassis Number for the Job and
allocate sequential numbers per chassis, placed after the primary
chassis number. The primary Chassis number is recorded in the Master
Log. The number range used after the primary number is also recorded
into the Master Log
4.7.3. Production planning updates the Master Log with actual delivery date,
as well as the delivery note number that the delivery was carried out
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Doc. No.: MTD-SOP-18
Trailers Division – MASTER LOG Rev.: 0 Date: 03-05-06
4.7.4. Production Planning estimates the expected date for receiving into
Dubai. The Master Log is updated with this date.
4.7.5. Once the trailers are received, Production Planning will update the
Master Log with actual received date.
4.7.6. Reason for delay should be identified by Production Planning and
captured into Master Log
4.7.7. Production Planning will record the primary chassis number as well as
the range of numbers linked to the primary number in the Master Log
4.8.1. The Quality Controller will update the Master Log with the QC reports
linked to the Work Order. Add a prefix QC before the work order
4.9.1. The Quality Controller will update the Master Log with the destination
Archive where all hardcopy documents linked to the Work Order are to
be stored.
4.10.1. The CSD after sales department will generate a Repair Work Order and
record this in the Master Log, also capturing the date issued.
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