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MTD SOP 16maintenance

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Doc. No.

: MTD-SOP-16
Maintenance Rev.: 0 Date: 03-05-06

1. Purpose
To maintain the machinery, equipment and infrastructure needed to achieve conformity to
product realization requirements.

2. Scope
Maintenance is a Planned and scheduled activity, in order to reduce down time and
extend life of machinery. MTD maintains required controlled documents by a preventive
maintenance plan.

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Maintenance Supervisor.

 Maintains and updates list of Machine and Equipment Log
Form No. MTD-QF-16-01
 Ensures the preparation, monitoring and follow up of annual preventive
maintenance plan in combined efforts with Maintenance Technician.
 Submits reports on breakdown maintenance and spare parts
procurements to Production Manager in coordination with
Maintenance Technician.

3.2 Maintenance Technician.

 Shall maintain, Machine and Equipment Register Form No. MTD-QF-16-02.
 Ensures the implementation of scheduled preventive maintenance plan and
maintain the records in Maintenance Form No – MTD-QF-16-03.
 Shall follow up with Stores on the procurement of spare parts if necessary.

4. Procedure

4.1. Preventive maintenance

4.1.1. Maintenance Supervisor shall maintain Machine and Equipment Log
4.1.1. Preventive maintenance plan shall be prepared by Maintenance Technician
and submitted to Maintenance Supervisor in turn to Production Manager.
4.1.2. Maintenance technician shall ensure the implementation of the preventive
maintenance plan.
4.1.3. Maintenance Technician shall follow with the Stores & Maintenance
Supervisor on the procurement of spare parts.

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Doc. No.: MTD-SOP-16
Maintenance Rev.: 0 Date: 03-05-06

4.2. Breakdown Maintenance.

4.2.1. Whenever there is an equipment/machine breakdown Maintenance Technician
shall prepare Maintenance Form MTD-QF-16-03 and forward to Maintenance
Supervisor for action.
4.2.2. In case spare parts are required maintenance Technician shall interact with
maintenance Supervisor in order to take appropriate action for spare parts
4.2.3. Maintenance Technician shall on forth-night/ Monthly basis prepare
Maintenance report through coordination with Maintenance Supervisor and
submits to Production Manager.

5. Records.

Following records shall be maintained:

Name Code
1. Machine and Equipment Log MTD-QF-16-01
2. Machine and Equipment register MTD-QF-16-02
3. Maintenance Form MTD-QF-16-03

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