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UCLA Economics 11 Mike Sproul, Syllabus

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Economics 11

Price Theory

Mike Sproul

TEXT: Nicholson and Snyder: Microeconomic Theory (Older editions are OK.) The online study guide, and online text are available on the class web page. OFFICE: hours, or if Bunche 2255; TuTh 7:45-8:25, 10:50-11:30 Cell Phone: 661-733-4530. Call any time. I dont usually answer at 3 AM, but you can leave a voicemail without waking me up. If I dont call back within 2 you call late at night and I havent called back by 7:30AM, try again. Email: sproulmike@yahoo.com (I dont give out grades by phone or email.) GRADING: Two midterms: Final: Misc: 49% (approximate weighting) 49% 2%

CLASS PROCEDURES 1. Midterms contain are given in class on Tuesday, 7/9 and Tues 7/23. They are returned within a week, but you may not keep the exams. You may look at your exams in class or in office hours, but you may not copy down questions or take the test with you. Exams usually cover only the material since the previous exam. Exams focus on lectures, but if a topic is covered in lecture, you have to know what the book says about it. Assuming lecture notes are available, mistakes in the notes will not excuse you from making mistakes on the test. No calculators, cell phones, etc. allowed during exams. 2. Web Page: Class lecture notes, an online study guide, and an online textbook are available on the class web page. A few days before each exam, I will send out a mass email listing the main exam topics. If you dont get this email you can find it under announcements on the class web page. 3. Lecture notes: You can earn up to 2 points (one time only) by taking your handwritten lecture notes from one lecture, scanning them, and uploading them to the discussion board of our class web page so other students can download them. To get credit, you must post your notes on the discussion board on the class web page within 36 hours. The link must show your name and the day and date the notes were taken. Notes must be in a single file, accessible with a single click, with no ads. All notes should contain your name, the date and time, and the class title. Your last name determines which week you take notes for, per the following table: WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 NAME A-B C-G H-L M-P R-S T-Z If your first name starts with A-L, do Tuesday of your assigned week. If your first name starts with M-Z, do Thursday. If you cannot take notes in your assigned week, or if there is no lecture, you may take notes for the week before or the week after. If your assigned week is 1 or 6, you may switch those two weeks. 4. Makeups: If you have to miss a quiz, I will usually substitute an estimated score (based on your final exam). You must must email me promptly, and you can only do it once. 5. Grade Appeals are made to the grader in writing or by email. Grades sometimes fall after appeals. 6. Enrollment: Students who are not officially enrolled will not receive a final grade or a retroactive add. NICHOLSON WEEK TOPIC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Supply & Demand Cost-Benefit Analysis Taxes, subsidies Indifference Curves Budget Lines The Consumer's Optimum Production Cost, Profit-Maximization Competitive Supply Monopoly, Regulation Price Discrimination, Cartels TEXT 12 12 12 3, 4 5 9 10. 11 13 14 14 ONLINE TEXT 1, 2 4 5 6 7 9d, e 8b-d 10 11 12, 13 ONLINE STUDY GUIDE 1, 2 2 2 3, 4 5 7 7 8 9 9

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