Protecciones Secundario Selectivo
Protecciones Secundario Selectivo
Protecciones Secundario Selectivo
5) substation bus fault; 6) substation downstream feeder cable fault. Among the advantages offered, a secondary selective system provides operational and maintenance exibility, and enhanced load recovery following a fault or loss of voltage. After fault isolation of an upstream power source, transformer, or cable and resulting system stabilization, the secondary selective system automatically transfers to the remaining stable power source. During plant expansions and modications, the system can be re-congured by performing a manual transfer, with no impact to the system operating loads. When substation transformers, incoming cable, or upstream switchgear bus require maintenance, repair, or modication, the downstream secondary selective substations do not require a shutdown. As an example, incoming breaker 52A can be taken out of service while incoming breaker 52B and tie breaker 52T maintain necessary bus loads. Secondary selective system main bus faults are isolated by tripping the main breaker and block-closing the tie breaker. Only tie breaker failure or a bus fault with single-ended operation requires a total shutdown of the substation. Obviously, individual feeder cable failure requires isolation of the faulted feeder. B. Automatic Transfer and Manual Retransfer Traditional secondary selective automatic transfer systems with discrete relays provide both automatic and manual operating modes. Automatic transfer restores power to either A side or B side substation main buses. Typically, automatic transfer operation occurs after an abnormal system condition, such as, a fault or equipment failure. Manual make-before-break operation is used to retransfer to the normal open tie conguration, or manually transfer the substation (closed main, closed tie, and open main) for maintenance, repair, or modication. Automatic and manual modes are inherent, not switch selectable, however, other transfer schemes may require an auto-manual selector switch. An example of automatic transfer is the loss of incoming source A side voltage, whereby breaker 52A is tripped. After Bus A residual voltage decays to an acceptable level and Bus B voltage is normal and stable, breaker 52T closes, and B side power is supplied to Bus A. (The B side responds in a similar manner to A side abnormal conditions.) After an automatic transfer, return-to-normal open tie breaker operation is performed manually. The operator selects the 10-Switch position for TRIP 52T, and manually closes 52A. The 25 sync-check relay permissive inhibits 52A, 52T, and 52B from being simultaneously closed, unless the two incoming sources are in synchronism. Upon logic system conrmation
SECONDARY selective residual bus automatic transfer system with traditional discrete control and protection devices is discussed. The traditional discrete device system is also reviewed from a control, protection, and system design viewpoints. A modern programmable logic controller (PLC) transfer approach indicates the advantages of implementing a contemporary solution to a complex control application. II. CONTROL SCHEME REVIEW
A. Overview A secondary selective system is a closed main breakeropen tie breakerclosed main breaker conguration supplied by two transformers. Fig. 1 represents a typical secondary selective system with residual bus automatic transfer. The purpose of the residual bus automatic transfer scheme is to reestablish power on one of two main buses following transient conditions and to block transfer during through fault conditions. Transfer is allowed during stable system conditions with normal system voltage available to maintain or reaccelerate operating loads. Some transient conditions are as follows: 1) loss of one utility source at the upstream main substation; 2) transformer upstream cable fault; 3) local substation transformer failure; 4) substation incoming cable or bus duct failure;
Paper PID-0308, presented at the 2002 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 2325, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Manuscript submitted for review September 15, 2002 and released for publication September 29, 2004. R. E. Coss, Jr., and J. E. Bowen are with Powell Electrical Manufacturing Company, Houston, TX 77075 USA (e-mail:; S. H. Kerr is with ExxonMobil Development Company, Houston, TX 77060 USA (e-mail: Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TIA.2004.841014
Applicable Device Numbers 10-Switch indicates breaker pre-selected for trip during manual transfer operation; 25 sync-check relay requires in-phase paralleling of two incoming sources; 25X sync-check relay enable (not shown); 25Y synchronizing circuit auxiliary close permissive relay (not shown); 27 incoming source undervoltage transfer initiator; 27I incoming source voltage stable; 27R bus voltage less than rotating machinery acceptable residual voltage magnitudes; 50/50N blocks transfer during phase or residual neutral faults; 51G ground overcurrent relay; 51/51N provides phase and residual neutral overcurrent protection; 52 circuit breaker; 63 transformer sudden pressure relay (not shown); 86TA, 86TB transformer lockout and transfer trip relay (not shown); 94 high-impedance transfer/trip auxiliary relay to/from source breaker; 96 time delay for alternate side sustaining healthy voltage; 97 time delay for transfer blocking; 98 time delay for upstream substation transfer; AUX breaker auxiliary contacts (shows breaker open/closed position); TOC truck operated contacts (shows breaker in connected position); LRG low-resistance ground; MFR multifunction relay; open delta; phase to phase.
Fig. 1. Abbreviated one-line diagram for traditional discrete device residual bus automatic transfer system. Note that devices 51G-1, 51G-2, 63A, 63B, 86TA, 86TB, 87TA, 87TB, 94A, 94B, metering devices, and others may not be shown for better readability.
of 52A closure, tie breaker 52T immediately trips. (Momentary closure of 52A, 52T and 52B may signicantly increase the
downstream fault duty. Because of this concern, some manual transfer operations are not make-before-break.)
Fig. 2. High-resistance ground closed transfer permissive. Note: When high-resistance ground exists on both A side and B side, closed transition transfer is inhibited. Transfer is blocked until 86HRGA or 86HRGB is reset.
The operator can manually transfer all online loads to one source without power interruption by following a procedure similar to the above description. Assume there are normal secondary selective operating conditions, and maintenance is required upstream of breaker 52B. The 10-Switch is selected for the TRIP 52B position and the tie breaker control switch is manually closed. If the 25 sync-check relay conrms both incoming sources are in-phase and 27I conrms adequate incoming voltage on both A and B sides, tie breaker 52T closes (momentarily paralleling the two sources) and breaker 52B is immediately tripped without time delay. After upstream maintenance is complete, the substation can be returned to the normal open 52T conguration with a similar manual make-before-break operation. A signicant number of low voltage installations use high-resistance grounding to prevent tripping during a single ground fault; this allows operator intervention to minimize process upsets. Interlocks between the two buses (Fig. 2) should be considered to prevent paralleling of sources if grounds exist on each bus. C. 50/50N Blocking, 51/51N Tripping, and 86 Lockout The phase 50 and residual neutral 50N instantaneous devices inhibit transfer during fault conditions and are not part of the protection tripping scheme. Circuit breaker manual control switch and relay(s) 51/51N trip contacts are direct inputs into the trip coil circuit. Incoming circuit breaker phase time-overcurrent (51) and residual neutral time-overcurrent (51N) relaying typically provide bus fault or feeder breaker failure protection by simultaneously tripping the associated incoming breaker and tie breaker. After a protection trip operates the lockout relay (86), the lockout relay trips the main breaker and blocks closing the tie breaker. Although not shown, 51/51N protection could be included on breaker 52T. Adding a high-impedance bus differential relay scheme greatly reduces bus fault clearing time for main bus faults and serves to minimize arc ash zones. When provided, a transformer differential relay (87T) downstream zone of protection should not include 52A or 52B load terminals. This enables tripping actions from 87T and 86 to isolate the faulted transformer, and after a typical one second time delay the 27 initiator issues a transfer command.
D. Upstream Source Substation Trip/Block Close Control Via 86T System tripping can be enhanced by including a transfer trip from the downstream substation switchgear incoming breaker to the upstream feeder breaker trip circuit. This is particularly useful with low-resistance grounding and transfer neutral 51G relays at the downstream substation, because the upstream feeder phase protection cannot sense the low magnitude ground fault on the secondary side of the downstream transformer. Downstream secondary selective substations can provide an upstream transfer trip via local transformer lockout 86TA and 86TB lockout relays and upstream mounted 94A and 94B high-impedance auxiliary relays. Lockout relay 86TA initiates a transfer trip/block closing command to the upstream 94A relay. Similarly, lockout relay 86TB initiates a transfer trip/block closing command to the upstream 94B relay. Relays 94A and 94B are powered from upstream dc control power. If the distance between 86TA and 94A is near, such as, inside the same building, the 86TA dry contacts could be directly inserted into the upstream substation trip and close circuits, eliminating the 94A relays. A similar statement applies to the 86TB dry contacts and eliminating the 94B relay. When transfer trip distances are signicant, appropriate methods should be implemented, such as, pilot wire relaying or remote input/output (I/O) connected via ber-optic cable. III. PROTECTION RELAY SETTINGS CRITERIA A. 50/50N Blocking and 51/51N Protection Incoming breaker 51 relay provides main bus overcurrent protection and downstream feeder breaker backup protection. The 51 relay should maintain selectivity with the most signicant downstream feeder protection, allow large motor starting with one transformer powering the entire substation bus, and allow group motor reacceleration. During downstream feeder or bus phase faults, the instantaneous 50 blocks transfer via the 97 auxiliary time-delay relay. Relay 50 blocking is included as a backup function to inhibit transfer if either the 27 relay setting is not selective in time with the 51 relays, or the 27 relay has not been plotted on a timecurrent curve with the main breaker 51 relay. When the 27 relay issues a transfer command before the 51 relay has sufcient time to operate for a bus fault or a feeder fault with a
stuck feeder breaker, the 50 relay inhibits a transfer operation. Exclusion of the 50 blocking function and a lack of selectivity between 27 and 51 relays during phase faults could result in a transfer system operation into a phase fault. The application engineer may block transfer during any 50 or 50N operation. The 50 pickup should be greater than the motor fault current contribution at the transformer secondary terminals. Similarly, the 51N residual neutral overcurrent relay should be selective with the most signicant downstream feeder breaker 50G or 51G protection. If downstream 50G or 51G protection is not provided, the 51N setting may not be selective with the downstream phase overcurrent 51 protection. When low-resistance grounded system congurations are implemented, the 51N setting should be thoroughly reviewed to ensure the ground fault current is sensed by the 51N relay. If a more sensitive pickup is needed, a one amp current input relay may be used for the 51N application; however, the relay must be suitable for continuous currents greater than one amp. Ground time-overcurrent coordination should also be reviewed. Incoming breaker fault tripping times vary, depending on the selected protective device tripping characteristic and downstream protection considerations. To minimize fault burning time when downstream 50GS or 51GS devices utilize denite-time tripping characteristics, the incoming breaker time-overcurrent 51N relay characteristic should be a denite-time (horizontal) type. The main breaker 50N relay blocks transfer during main bus ground faults or feeder ground faults. The blocking action inhibits transferring into a fault, allowing downstream feeder breakers adequate fault clearing time. The 50N pickup setting is slightly greater than the ground pickup setting of the feeder ground protection. The 50N relay philosophy and time setting is similar to the 50 phase blocking relay discussion. Transformer neutral 51G relay provides primary protection for ground faults upstream of the 51N relay. Transformer neutral 51G relay also provides back-up protection to the main breaker 51N relay. Relay 51G trips both the upstream substation feeder breaker and the incoming breaker via the 86T lockout relay. Therefore, the transformer 51G relay must be selective with main breaker 51N relay unless transformer, grounding resistors, switchgear or MCC equipment short-time withstand ratings are exceeded. If 51N and 51G are not selective, conrm 50N blocks transfer during the nonselective period to assure the tie breaker is inhibited from closing into an uncleared fault on the main bus. B. 27 Relay-Undervoltage Transfer Initiator The 27 undervoltage transfer initiator relay detects an undervoltage on the source (typically 70% to 80% of system voltage) and after a one second delay by timing relay 97 initiates a transfer signal; this is contingent upon fault current not owing through the main breaker for one second before the transfer. The 27 setting should be less than the minimum nominal voltage the upstream substation supply expects to experience during normal operation, or motor starting depressions. The 27 undervoltage transfer initiator should be plotted on timecurrent curves to conrm selectivity with the overcurrent relays. Typically, the 27 characteristic is above and to the right of the
selected 51 relay characteristic, hence, low magnitude faults and reduced voltage depressions do not cause a 27 time out and transfer. A simultaneous loss of voltage on both incoming sources should not result in a 27 transfer command. Timing relay 98 is added when upstream transfer systems require transfer before the downstream transfer systems. Upstream transfer operation not only re-establishes power to both upstream distribution buses, but also prevents operators from retransferring multiple downstream substation transfer systems. Adding relay 98 may change the time setting of relay 97. C. 27I RelayAlternate Bus Undervoltage Block Transfer The 27I undervoltage inhibit relay blocks transfer to the switchgear alternate bus if the alternate source incoming voltage is less than 90% voltage. When 27I-B conditions are satised and time delay relay 96 assures that the alternate source voltage is healthy for the last 3 s, transfer to Bus B is allowed. D. 27RResidual Bus Undervoltage Transfer Relay and Transient Motor Torque Monitoring The 27R bus residual voltage relay monitors the bus voltage to inhibit transfer until the bus voltage is within safe motor limits and to prevent transient torque damage to online motors. Once the incoming breaker is open and the bus is isolated, the isolated bus voltage decrement is a function of the connected motors open-circuit time constants and the isolated system impedance. Reference [2] indicates the importance of reviewing the motor open-circuit time constant, i.e., the application of terminal voltage with internal voltage present may result in a transient torque magnitude from two to 20 times rated torque. References [10][12], and [3] explain in detail the theory and practice of applying reclosing voltage on a de-energized rotating motor. These references reinforce the need for the 27R relays. Typically the relay setting allows transfer after the residual voltage is less than 20%25% of nominal voltage. According to NEMA MG1-1993, paragraph 20.85.1, the slow transfer or reclosing voltage guideline before applying voltage to the motor terminals is a minimum of 1.5 open-circuit time constants. This is approximately 22.3% voltage at the motor terminals. A traditional 27R setting of 20% of nominal motor design voltage complies with the MG1 open-circuit time constant guidance. E. 25Sync-Check Relay (Optional Device) The 25 relay permits momentary paralleling of the incoming sources. The sync-check 25 relay conrms the A side and B side incoming power sources are synchronized. The sync-check relay is not required when both incoming sources originate from the same upstream synchronized substation. The initial system conguration may not require implementing a 25 device, however, future upstream industrial system or utility system modications or operating methods may cause two incoming sources to be vulnerable to out-of-phase conditions. This may demand synchronism checking before paralleling two incoming sources. The 25 device could conservatively be implemented for all system transfer conditions.
IV. SYSTEM DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS A. Switchgear Short-Circuit Rating Traditionally, the practice of calculating switchgear short-circuit magnitudes was based on one transformer contribution and the combined Bus A and Bus B motor contributions with 52T closed. Because manual transfer is a make-before-break operation, it is considered a remote possibility that a feeder fault would occur during momentary closure of both main breakers and the tie breaker. The responsible application engineer should thoroughly review this system condition for compliance with, or exception from, operating company, local, and national codes and regulations. The application engineer should completely understand the applicable risks or liabilities associated with all aspects of the transfer system application. During manual transfer, the traditional practice of temporarily permitting momentary closure of 52A, 52T, and 52B should be reviewed for modern operating conditions and parameters. The application engineer should thoroughly review equipment ratings to assure the switchgear short-circuit close-and-latch and interrupting ratings are adequate for maximum fault current magnitudes and comply with national and local regulatory requirements. B. Transformer MVA Sizing Criteria Transformer sizing philosophy should be reviewed for new project preliminary and nal loads with one transformer supplying both the A bus and B bus loads. Loads increase as new projects evolve, and the maximum preliminary loading should be evaluated. During normal open 52T conguration, transformer loading should not exceed the base rating. During abnormal conditions with the entire load supplied by one substation transformer, the extended rating should not be exceeded. Typically, the normal open 52T conguration does not exceed the transformer base rating. However, a closed 52T conguration with one transformer powering both Bus A and Bus B loads, may require the transformer to operate above the base rating, such as, the fan cooled 65 degree centigrade rise portion of the design. The application engineer should conrm this operating method is acceptable. (Obviously, transformer impedance and limits should also be considered for motor starting considerations.) C. Group Motor Reacceleration When electrical system disturbances cause process upsets, online motors may drop out and slow down. However, the process system has a residual capability. This permits restarting motors dropped out due to a disturbance and the possibility of automatically returning to full production without process shutdown or producing off spec product. Reacceleration load priority considerations are required to prevent equipment damage, prohibit safety valves from operating, and maintain on spec process production. To automatically reaccelerate ofine motors, the reacceleration motor groupings are based on priority and the ability to maintain substation bus voltages greater than 85% voltage during the restarting period. The design intent should inhibit
contactors from dropping out, provide adequate motor torque for restarting loads, and prevent stalling online motors. Although the process has a residual capability, the process time constant is generally limited to several minutes. If priority motors cannot be restarted within the process time constant, a major process upset may occur and the process may shutdown. However, process, mechanical, and electrical engineers typically work within the process system residual parameters and successfully maintain the process via electrical motor group reacceleration. As an example, if the motor group reacceleration time is six seconds per group, a maximum of ten separate motor groups can be reaccelerated in the rst minute after a voltage depression drops out contactors. V. MODERN APPROACH The traditional automatic transfer and manual retransfer method, using discrete electromechanical, static analog, or static digital relays, is evolving. Some protective relay manufacturers incorporate protection, metering and automatic transfer control into one black box [4], putting all your relay eggs in one basket. While these are possible solution methods, the authors believe a more practical technical approach (Fig. 3) is the separation of protection, metering, and control into specic application modules, using typical industry accepted and proven devices. Each device is specically designed for the application with exibility and modication capabilities. Metering is accomplished with multifunction meters, and protection is achieved with multifunction protection relays. However, modern residual bus transfer control is performed by a PLC with self-powered voltage transducer inputs, interposing relay outputs, and a sync-check 25 relay. The authors propose the PLC as an application improvement for the following reasons. A. Reliability 1) The PLC can provide online diagnostics, such as, alarming when one normally open AUX a contact and one normally closed AUX b contact indicate the same position. Similar statements apply to TOC contacts, voltage versus breaker position comparisons, and loss of voltage sensing. These are conditions that are not considered with traditional discrete device or black box multifunction relay transfer systems. 2) The PLC can be accessed via a communications data highway, allowing users to receive alarms from the transfer system in the event of device failure or error. This approach also allows users to monitor the health of communicating protection and metering devices. If a communicating meter, protection or control device fails, an early indication can allow a scheduled repair before a nuisance trip or failed transfer occurs. 3) The PLC approach recommends separating metering, protection, and control devices. When multifunction meter/protection/transfer control devices are selected, some users add separate metering to provide a greater degree of security and permit quick observation of overall system status.
Fig. 3. Abbreviated one-line diagram for modern PLC residual bus automatic transfer system. Note that devices 63A, 63B, 86TA, 86TB, 87TA, 87TB, 94A, 94B, metering devices and others may not be shown for better readability. For device numbers and abbreviations, refer to Fig. 1.
4) Using meter/protection/transfer control black box devices may result in accidental operation trips during periods of manually reviewing metering data. 5) Although the PLC approach recommends separate metering, protection and control devices, multifunction meter/protection/transfer control devices provide increased reliability because fewer devices are required. B. Flexibility 1) PLC logic enables users to perform software modications rather than hardware additions or changes. One example is adding a transfer pushbutton (or control switch) to perform manual transfers in conjunction with the 10-Switch. By prudent design, the transfer pushbutton could be located across the room from the switchgear,
thereby keeping the operator remote from the breaker during close and trip operations. 2) Before a transfer command is permitted, the PLC approach determines stable bus voltage from bus VT information, rather than the traditional method of using the 27I relay contact status and main breaker position status. The traditional method does not include the additional bus relays (which indicate 90% or greater voltage) because of additional relay costs and the potential of added front-door space. 3) PLC logic is exible and allows custom tailored transfer system congurations for users with special needs, such as, existing switchgear without bus VTs, or other unique control requirements. 4) PLC software is a cost effective, congurable approach; it meets customers changing operational requirements by
providing easily modied logic, and virtual-type voltage or time delays. C. Troubleshooting 1) Organized software ladder logic format eliminates the need for extensive back-and-forth reading of switchgear protection/control drawings. The PLC offers a more straightforward overview of the system condition via a monitor. 2) The complexity of multifunction relays to perform transfer logic typically exceeds the normal working knowledge of plant electricians and requires trained, specialized factory relay technicians or engineers, to troubleshoot system problems while compromising the protective relay system. The PLC solution offers a more user friendly approach. D. Cost 1) When using a PLC, traditional undervoltage relays, timers, and auxiliary relays are not required. This allows mounting the PLC transfer system inside 22-in-wide low-voltage switchgear. Traditional discrete relay transfer system layouts with switchgear front door mounted devices may require cubicles wider than 22 in (as much as 34 in wide). The increase affects not only the size and cost of the switchgear, but also requires additional building oor space. 2) Spare parts cost is less and availability better for PLCs and transducers versus discrete or multifunction devices. 3) Cost comparisons may show the PLC approach is less costly than traditional discrete device transfer schemes. The PLC approach with separate external protection and added metering devices may also be less costly than some black box multifunction meter/protection/control devices.
require signicant onsite expertise for maintenance and troubleshooting. 3) PLC-based systems may be less costly and more exible, while providing more data and system diagnostics. PLC substation control applications are not new for automatic transfer and reacceleration [1]. However, PLC reliability has improved, enhanced programming is more user friendly, acceptance has increased, hardware and software diagnostics are commonplace, and cost is competitive with other control methods. VII. CONCLUSION For the reasons provided above, PLC-based transfer schemes should be considered a preferred option to discrete or multifunction relay systems. The modern petrochemical industry approach is the use of non-inhouse standards; consequently, the authors recommend the development of an IEEE guide for this application. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank M. Alford, L. Gabriel, and C. Mouton for their helpful suggestions. REFERENCES
[1] K. Jamrogowicz and D. Bliss, Microprocessor application in substation control, in IEEE PCIC84, 1984, pp. 5561. [2] T. A. Hauck, Motor reclosing and bus transfer, IEEE Trans. Ind. Gen. Appl., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 266271, May/Jun. 1970. [3] T. A. Hauck and R. L. Auxer, Timing motor reclosure or bus transfer, Allis Chalmers Eng. Rev., vol. 05 B 5045, pp. 15. [4] D. L. Rosen, R. E. Coss Jr., J. Bowen, N. T. Stringer, T. R. Malone, and B. Wood, Do you want to put all your relay eggs in one basket?, in Conf. Rec. IEEE PCIC99, 1999, pp. 195206. [5] Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear, IEEE C37.20.1-1993. [6] Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear, IEEE C37.20.2-1999. [7] Motors and Generators, NEMA MG-1-1998. [8] National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, 1999. [9] Standard for Metal-Clad Switchgear. IEEE C37.20.2-1999. [10] A. Kelly, Relay response to motor residual voltage during automatic transfer, AIEE Trans., pp. 245252, Sep. 1955. [11] J. R. Dunki-Jacobs, Transient stability criteria of industrial power systemsA qualitative analysis, presented at the AIEE Petroleum Industry Conf., Oklahoma City, OK, Sept. 2528, 1960, Paper CP 60-1176. [12] R. H. Daugherty, Analysis of transient electrical torques and shaft torques in induction motors as a result of power supply disturbances, IEEE Trans. Ind. Gen. Appl., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 28262836, May/June 1970.
VI. SUMMARY Secondary selective systems are a proven, effective method of enhancing system availability, however, the purpose and device setting philosophy are rather complex and are often overlooked. Design of a secondary selective residual bus automatic transfer system is typically implemented by using the Company Standard. Through right sizing, company standards have not been revised to incorporate modern technology developments and trends. Transfer system implementation may be in the form of discrete relays, multifunction relays, or a PLC-based system. 1) The discrete system is the original method, but it is space intensive, requires signicant intercompartment wiring, cannot perform diagnostics, and cannot be conrmed before switchgear is assembled and ready for checkout. 2) Multifunction black box relays can provide additional diagnostics and sensing, while requiring less space than discrete devices, but may not be exible to system modications and changes. Multifunction relays may
Roy E. Coss, Jr. (S66M68SM99) received the B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. degrees from the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, in 1968 and 1972, respectively. He is currently with Powell Electrical Manufacturing Company, Houston, TX, where he is Powell Apparatus Service Division Technical Director. He has over 30 years of electrical engineering experience in the petrochemical, marine, pipeline, cogeneration, and IPP Industries. His experience encompasses conceptual design, detailed engineering, training, startup, maintenance, and operations. His specialty is power system analysis. Mr. Coss is one of the original organizers of the IEEE Houston Continuing Education On Demand series, and he has presented technical seminars for this program. He has coauthored and presented IEEE conference technical papers. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the States of Texas and Louisiana.
James E. Bowen (M83SM04) received the B.S.E.E. degree from Texas A&M University, College Station, in 1976. After working for S.I.P. Engineering as a Power Engineer for three years, he joined Exxon Chemicals in 1979. His duties included maintenance, project design, construction follow-up, and commissioning for petrochemical and cogeneration processes. In 1997, he joined Powell Electrical Manufacturing Company, Houston, TX, as Technical Director, where he provides leadership in the design development of medium-voltage switchgear and circuit breakers. Mr. Bowen has presented numerous technical seminars for the IEEE Houston Section Continuing Education On Demand. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas and an active member of the IEEE.
Stephen H. Kerr (A92M97) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, in 1976. After working for an engineering contractor for three years, he joined Exxon at the Baton Rouge Chemical Plant as Project Engineer for facility design projects. In 1983, he transferred to the Exxon Production department as LaBarge project Lead Electrical Engineer. After project completion, he transferred to the LaBarge Operations on-site engineering group, where he was responsible for surveillance, project development, and design. In 1991, he transferred to the Production Technology Department, where he was involved in large project development and execution, including a 15-month stint to the Santa Ynez project to assist in construction completion and startup. In 1997, he transferred to Houston, TX, as Lead Electrical Engineer for the Diana project, and he is presently Lead Electrical Engineer for the ExxonMobil Kizomba Project.
Copyright 2005 IEEE. Reprinted from IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 41, NO. 1, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2005, PAGES 112-119. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any products or services of Powell Electrical Manufacturing Company. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.