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Hydrostatic Bearings

The design concept for hydrostatic bearings is the generation of a high-pressure
fluid film by using an external pump. The hydrostatic system of a journal bearing
is shown in Fig. 1-4. The fluid is fed from a pump into several recesses around the
bore of the bearing. From the recesses, the fluid flows out through a thin
clearance, h0 , between the journal and bearing surfaces, at the lands outside
the recesses. Previous literature on hydrostatic bearings includes Opitz (1967),
Rowe (1989), Bassani and Picicigallo (1992), and Decker and Shapiro (1968).
The fluid film in the clearance separates the two surfaces of the journal and
the bearing and thus reduces significantly the friction and wear. At the same time,
the thin clearance at the land forms a resistance to the outlet flow from each
recess. This flow resistance is essential for maintaining high pressure in the
recess. The hydrodynamic load capacity that carries the external load is the
resultant force of the pressure around the bearing.
There is also a fluid film in a hydrodynamic bearing. However, unlike the
hydrodynamic bearing, where the pressure wave is generated by the hydrody-
namic action of the rotation of the journal, hydrostatic bearing pressure is
generated by an external pump.
There are certain designs of hydrodynamic bearings where the oil is also
supplied under pressure from an external oil pump. However, the difference is
that in hydrostatic bearings the design entails recesses, and the operation does not
depend on the rotation of the journal for generating the pressure wave that

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supports the load. For example, the hydrodynamic journal bearing does not
generate hydrodynamic pressure and load capacity when the journal and sleeve
are stationary. In contrast, the hydrostatic bearing maintains pressure and load
capacity when it is stationary; this characteristic is important for preventing wear
during the bearing start-up. In fact most hydrostatic journal bearings are hybrid, in
the sense that they combine hydrostatic and hydrodynamic action.
An important advantage of a hydrostatic bearing, in comparison to the
hydrodynamic bearing, is that it maintains complete separation of the sliding
surfaces at low velocities, including zero velocity. The hydrostatic bearing
requires a high-pressure hydraulic system to pump and circulate the lubricant.
The hydraulic system involves higher initial cost; in addition, there is an extra-
long-term cost for the power to pump the fluid through the bearing clearances.
Although hydrostatic bearings are more expensive, they have important advan-
tages. For many applications, the extra expenses are justified, because these
bearings have improved performance characteristics, and, in addition, the life of
the machine is significantly extended. The following is a summary of the most
important advantages of hydrostatic bearings in comparison to other bearings.

Advantages of Hydrostatic Bearings

1. The journal and bearing surfaces are completely separated by a fluid
film at all times and over the complete range of speeds, including zero
speed. Therefore, there is no wear due to direct contact between the
surfaces during start-up. In addition, there is a very low sliding friction,
particularly at low sliding speeds.
2. Hydrostatic bearings have high stiffness in comparison to hydrody-
namic bearings. High stiffness is important for the reduction of journal
radial and axial displacements. High stiffness is important in high-
speed applications in order to minimize the level of vibrations. Also,
high stiffness is essential for precise operation in machine tools and
measurement machines. Unlike in hydrodynamic bearings, the high
stiffness of hydrostatic bearings is maintained at low and high loads
and at all speeds. This is a desirable characteristic for precision
machines (Rowe, 1989) and high-speed machinery such as turbines.
3. Hydrostatic bearings operate with a thicker fluid film, which reduces
the requirement for high-precision manufacture of the bearing (in
comparison to hydrodynamic bearings). This means that it is possible
to get more precision (lower journal run-out) in comparison to other
bearings made with comparable manufacturing.
4. The continuous oil circulation prevents overheating of the bearing.
5. The oil pumped into the bearing passes through an oil filter and then
through the bearing clearance. In this way, dust and other abrasive

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particles are removed and do not damage the bearing surface. This is an
important advantage in a dusty environment.
A hydrostatic bearing has one or several recesses where a uniformly high
pressure is maintained by an external pump. Hydrostatic bearings are used for
radial and thrust loads. Various types of recess geometry are used, such as circular
or rectangular recesses in hydrostatic pads. The following is an example of a
hydrostatic circular pad for a thrust load.


A circular pad is a hydrostatic thrust bearing that has a load-carrying capacity in
the axial (vertical) direction, as shown in Fig. 10-1. This hydrostatic thrust
bearing comprises two parallel concentric disks having a small clearance, h0 ,
between them. The radius of the disk is R, and the radius of the round recess is
R0 . The bearing under a thrust load. Fluid is fed from an external pump into the
round recess. The recess pressure is pr above atmospheric pressure. The circular
pad has load capacity W while maintaining complete separation between the
surfaces. The external pump pressurizes the fluid in the recess, at a uniform
pressure pr . The clearance outside the recess, h0 , is thin relative to that of the
recess. The thin clearance forms resistance to the outlet flow from the recess, in
the radial direction. In this way, high pressure in the circular recess is continually
In the area of thin clearance, h0 (often referred to as the land) the pressure
reduces gradually in the radial direction, due to viscous friction. The uniform
pressure in the recess combined with the radial pressure distribution in the land
carry the external load. The recess pressure, pr , increases with the flow rate, Q,
that the pump feeds into the bearing. In turn, the thin clearance, h0 , adjusts its
thickness to maintain the pressure and load capacity to counterbalance the thrust
load. The clearance h0 increases with the flow rate, Q, and the designer can
control the desired clearance by adjusting the flow rate.


Example Problem 10-1
Derive the equation for the radial pressure distribution, p, at the land and the load
capacity, W , for a stationary circular pad under steady load as shown in Fig. 10-1.
The fluid is incompressible, and the inlet flow rate, Q (equal to the flow in the
radial direction), is constant. The clearance is h0 , and the radius of the circular
pad and of the recess are R and R0, respectively.

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F IG. 10-1 Hydrostatic circular pad made up of two parallel disks and a round recess.

In Sec. 4.9, Example Problem 4-3 is solved for the pressure gradient in a parallel
flow between two stationary parallel plates. The pressure gradient for a constant
clearance, h0 , and rate of flow Q is

dp 12m
¼ 3Q ð10-1Þ
dx bh0

The flow is in the direction of x, and b is the width (perpendicular to the flow
direction). In a circular pad, there are radial flow lines, having radial symmetry.

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The flow in the radial direction is considered between the round recess, at r ¼ R0 ,
to the pad exit at r ¼ R.

Pressure Distribution
In order to solve the present problem, the flow is considered in a thin ring, of
radial thickness dr, as shown in Fig. 10-1. Since dr is small in comparison to the
radius, r, the curvature can be disregarded. In that case, the flow along dr is
assumed to be equal to a unidirectional flow between parallel plates of width
b ¼ 2pr. The pressure gradient dp is derived from Eq. (10-1):
dp 12mQ 12mQ dr
¼ or dp ¼ ð10-2Þ
dr 2prh30 2ph30 r
Integrating of Eq. (10-2) yields
p¼ ln r þ C ð10-3Þ
The constant of integration, C, is determined by the following boundary
p¼0 at r¼R ð10-4Þ
After solving for C, the expression for the radial pressure distribution in the radial
clearance as a function of r is
6mQ R
p¼ ln ð10-5Þ
ph30 r
The expression for the pressure at the recess, pr , at r ¼ R0 is
6mQ R
pr ¼ ln ð10-6Þ
ph30 R0

Load Capacity
The load capacity is the integration of the pressure over the complete area
according to the following equation:
W ¼ pdA ð10-7Þ

The area dA of a ring thickness dr is (see Fig. 10-1)

dA ¼ 2prdr ð10-8Þ

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The pressure in the recess, pr , is constant, and the load capacity of the recess is
derived by integration:
ð R0
W ¼ 2prpr dr ð10-9Þ

For the total load capacity, the pressure is integrated in the recess and in the thin
clearance (land) according to the following equation:
ð R0 ðR
W ¼ pr ð2pr drÞ þ pð2prdrÞ ð10-10Þ
0 R0

After substituting the pressure equation into Eq. (10-10) and integrating, the
following expression for the load capacity of a circular hydrostatic pad is
p R2  R20
W ¼ p ð10-11
2 lnðR=R0 Þ r
Equation (10-11) can be rearranged as a function of the recess ratio, R0 =R, and
the expression for load capacity of a hydrostatic pad is

pR2 1  ðR0 =RÞ2

W ¼ p ð10-12Þ
2 lnðR=R0 Þ r
The expression for the flow rate Q is obtained by rearranging Eq. (10-6) as
p h30
Q¼ p ð10-13Þ
6m lnðR=R0 Þ r
Equations (10-12) and (10-13) are for two stationary parallel disks. These
equations can be extended to a hydrostatic pad where one disk is rotating,
because according to the assumptions of classical lubrication theory, the centri-
fugal forces of the fluid due to rotation can be disregarded. In fact, the centrifugal
forces are negligible (in comparison to the viscous forces) if the clearance h0 is
small and the viscosity is high (low Reynolds number). Equations (10-12) and
(10-13) are used for the design of this thrust bearing. Whenever the fluid is
supplied at constant flow rate Q, Eq. (10-13) is used to determine the flow rate. It
is necessary to calculate the flow rate Q, which results in the desired clearance,
h0 .
Unlike hydrodynamic bearings, the desired clearance, h0 , is based not only
on the surface finish and vibrations, but also on the minimization of the power
losses for pumping the fluid and for rotation of the pad. In general, hydrostatic
bearings operate with larger clearances in comparison to their hydrodynamic

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

counterparts. Larger clearance has the advantage that it does not require the high-
precision machining that is needed in hydrodynamic bearings.


The fluid flows through the clearance, h0 , in the radial direction, from the recess
to the bearing exit. The pressure, pr , is equal to the pressure loss due to flow
resistance in the clearance (pressure loss pr results from viscous friction loss in
the thin clearance). In the clearance, the pressure has a negative slope in the radial
directions, as shown in Fig. 10-1. The bearing is loaded by a thrust force in the
vertical direction (direction of the centerline of the disks). Under steady condi-
tions, the resultant load capacity, W , of the pressure distribution is equal to the
external thrust load.
The upper disk rotates at angular speed o, driven by an electrical motor,
and power is required to overcome the viscous shear in the clearance. All bearings
require power to overcome friction; however, hydrostatic bearings require extra
power in order to circulate the fluid. An important task in hydrostatic bearing
design is to minimize the power losses.
The following terms are introduced for the various components of power
consumption in the hydrostatic bearing system.
E_ h —is the hydraulic power required to pump the fluid through the bearing
and piping system. The flow resistance is in the clearance (land) and in
the pipes. In certain designs there are flow restrictors at the inlet to each
recess that increase the hydraulic power. The hydraulic power is
dissipated as heat in the fluid.
E_ f —is the mechanical power provided by the drive (electrical motor) to
overcome the friction torque resulting from viscous shear in the
clearance due to relative rotation of the disks. This power is also
dissipated as heat in the oil. This part of the power of viscous friction
is present in hydrodynamic bearings without an external pump.
E_ t —is the total hydraulic power and mechanical power required to maintain
the operation of the hydrostatic bearing, E_ t ¼ E_ h þ E_ f .
The mechanical torque of the motor, Tf , overcomes the viscous friction of
rotation at angular speed o. The equation for the motor-driving torque is (see
Problem 2-1)

p R4 R40
Tf ¼ m 1 4 o ð10-14Þ
2 h0 R

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The mechanical power of the motor, E_ f , that is required to overcome the friction
losses in the pad clearance is

_Ef ¼ Tf o ¼ p m R 1  R0 o2 ð10-15Þ
2 h0 R4

The power of a hydraulic pump, such as a gear pump, is discussed in Sec.

(10.14). For hydrostatic pads where each recess is fed by a constant flow rate Q,
there is no need for flow restrictors at the inlet to the recess. In that case, it is
possible to simplify the calculations, since the pressure loss in the piping system
is small and can be disregarded in comparison to the pressure loss in the bearing

E_ h  Q pr ð10-16Þ

Here, Q is the flow rate through the pad and pr is the recess pressure. The total
power consumption E_ t is the sum of the power of the drive for turning the bearing
and the power of the pump for circulating the fluid through the bearing resistance.
The following equation is for net power consumption. In fact, the pump and
motor have power losses, and their efficiency should be considered for the
calculation of the actual power consumption:

_EtðnetÞ ¼ Q pr þ p m R 1  R0 o2 ð10-17Þ
2 h0 R4

Substituting the value of Q and dividing by the efficiency of the motor and drive
Z1 and the efficiency of the pump Z2 , the following equation is obtained for the
total power consumption (in the form of electricity consumed by the hydrostatic
system) for the operation of a bearing:
1 1 ph30 1 p R4 R4
E_ t ¼ p2r þ m 1  04 o2 ð10-18Þ
Z2 6 m lnðR=R0 Þ Z1 2 h0 R

The efficiency Z2 of a gear pump is typically low, about 0.6–0.7. The motor-drive
system has a higher efficiency Z1 of about 0.8–0.9.


The total power consumption, E_ t , is a function of the clearance h0 . In general,
hydrostatic bearings operate with larger clearance in comparison to hydrody-
namic bearings. In order to optimize the clearance for minimum power consump-

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tion, it is convenient to rewrite Eq. (10-18) as a function of the clearance while all
the other terms are included in a constant coefficient in the following form:
E_ t ¼ C1 h30 þ 2 ð10-19Þ
1 p 1 R4
C1 ¼ p2 and C2 ¼ pmR4 1  04 o2
6Z2 m lnðR=R0 Þ r 2Z1 R
Plotting the curve of power consumption versus clearance according to Eq. (10-
19) allows optimization of the clearance, h0 , for minimum power loss in the
bearing system. Hydrostatic bearings should be designed to operate at this
optimal clearance.

Example Problem 10-2

Optimization of a Circular Hydrostatic Pad
A circular hydrostatic pad, as shown in Fig. 10-1, is supporting a load of
W ¼ 1000 N, and the upper disk has rotational speed of 5000 RPM. The disk
diameter is 200 mm, and the diameter of the circular recess is 100 mm. The oil is
SAE 10 at an operating temperature of 70 C, having a viscosity of
m ¼ 0:01 N-s=m2 . The efficiency of the hydraulic pump system is 0.6 and that
of the motor and drive system is 0.9. Optimize the clearance, h0 , for minimum
total power consumption.
The radius of the circular pad is R ¼ 100 mm. The recess ratio is R=R0 ¼ 2. The
angular speed is
2pN 2p5000
N ¼ 5000 RPM ) o ¼ ¼ 523:6 rad=s
60 60
The first step is to find pr by using the following load capacity equation:
 2 2

2 p 1  R0 =R
W ¼R pr
2 lnðR=R0 Þ
Substituting the known values, the following equation is obtained, with pr as

2 p 1  0:5
1000 ¼ 0:1 pr
2 ln 2

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Solving gives

pr ¼ 58;824 N=m2

Substituting pr in Eq. (10-20), the constant C1 , which is associated with the

pump, is solved for:

1 1 p
C1 ¼   ð58;824Þ2 ¼ 4:35  1011 N =s-m2
0:6 6 0:01 lnð1=0:5Þ

In a similar way, the second constant, C2 , which is associated with the motor, is
calculated from Eq. (10-20):

1 p
C2 ¼ ð0:01Þð0:14 Þð1  0:54 Þ523:62 ¼ 0:448 N-m2 =s
0:9 2

Substituting these values of C1 and C2 into Eq. (10-19), the total power as a
function of the clearance becomes

E_ t ¼ ð4:35  1011 Þh30 þ

In this equation, the power of the pump for circulating the fluid is the first term,
which is proportional to h30 , while the second term, which is proportional to h1 0 ,
is the power of the motor for rotating the disk.
The powers of the pump and of the drive are the two power components
required to maintain the operation of the hydrostatic bearing. In Fig. 10-2, the
curves of the hydraulic power and mechanical power are plotted as a function of
the clearance, h0 . The curve of the mechanical power, E_ f , that is provided by the
motor points down with increasing clearance, h0 . The power, E_ f , is for rotating
one disk relative to the other and overcoming the viscous friction in the clearance
between the two disks. The second curve is of the hydraulic power, E_ h , which is
provided by the pump to maintain hydrostatic pressure in the recess. This power
is rising with increasing clearance, h0 . The hydraulic power, E_ h , is for overcoming
the flow resistance in the thin clearance at the outlet from the recess. The total
power, E_ t , is the sum of these curves. For the hydrostatic pad in this problem, the
optimal point (minimum power) is for a clearance of about 0.75 mm, and the total
power consumption of the bearing in this problem is below 0.8 kW.
The result of 0.8 kW is too high for a hydrostatic bearing. It is possible to
reduce the power consumption by using lower-viscosity oil.

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F IG. 10-2 Optimization of clearance for minimum power consumption.


There are several applications where a long rectangular hydrostatic pad is used.
An important example is the hydrostatic slideway in machine tools, as well as
other machines where slideways are applied.
A long rectangular pad is shown in Fig. 10-3. The pad, as well as the recess,
is long in comparison to its width, L  B and l  b. Therefore, the flow through
the clearance of width b is negligible relative to that through length l. The flow is
considered one dimensional, because it is mostly in the x direction, while the flow
in the y direction is negligible. For solving the pressure distribution, unidirec-
tional flow can be assumed.
The pressure in the recess is constant, and it is linearly decreasing along the
land of clearance, h0 , in the x direction. Integration of the pressure distribution
results in the fluid load capacity W. At the same time, the flow rate in the two
directions of the two sides of the recess is a flow between two parallel plates
according to Eq. (10-1). The pressure gradient is linear, dp=dx ¼ constant. The
total flow rate Q in the two directions is
h30 l dp h3 l pr l h30
Q¼2 ¼2 0 ¼ p ð10-21Þ
12 m dx 12 m ðB  bÞ=2 3mðB  bÞ r

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F IG. 10-3 Long rectangular pad.

Here, B  b is the clearance (land) dimension along the direction of flow and l is
the dimension of clearance (land) normal to the flow direction.


Slideways are used in machinery for accurate linear motion. Pressurized fluid is
fed into several recesses located at all contact surfaces, to prevent any direct metal
contact between the sliding surfaces. Engineers already recognized that friction
has an adverse effect on precision, and it is important to minimize friction by
providing hydrostatic pads.
In machine tools, multirecess hydrostatic bearings are used for supporting
the slideways as well as the rotating spindle. Hydrostatic slideways make the
positioning of the table much more accurate, because it reduces friction that limits
the precision of sliding motion.
A slideway supported by constant-flow-rate pads is shown in Fig. 10-4.
Whenever there is a requirement for high stiffness in the vertical direction, the
preferred design is of at least two hydrostatic pads with vertical load capacity in
two opposite directions. Bidirectional support is also necessary when the load is
changing its direction during operation. Additional pads are often included with
horizontal load capacity in opposite directions for preventing any possible direct

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F IG. 10-4 Slideway supported by constant-flow-rate pads.

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In a multipad support, one of the following two methods for feeding the oil into
each recess is used.
1. Constant-flow-rate system, where each recess is fed by a constant flow
rate Q.
2. Constant pressure supply, where each recess is fed by a constant
pressure supply ps. The oil flows into each recess through a flow
restrictor (such as a capillary tube). The flow restrictor causes a
pressure drop, and the recess pressure is reduced to a lower level,
pr < ps . The flow restrictor makes the bearing stiff to displacement due
to variable load.
In the case of the constant-flow-rate system, the fluid is fed from a pump to a flow
divider that divides the flow rate between the various recesses. The flow divider is
essential for the operation because it ensures that the flow will be evenly
distributed to each recess and not fed only into the recesses having the least
High stiffness is obtained whenever each pad is fed by a constant flow rate
Q. The explanation for the high stiffness lies in the relation between the clearance
and recess pressure. For a bearing with given geometry, the constant flow rate Q is
proportional to

Q/ p ð10-22Þ
m r

A vertical displacement, Dh, of the slide will increase and decrease the clearance
h0 at the lands of the opposing hydrostatic pads. For constant flow rate Q and
viscosity, Eq. (10-22) indicates that increase and decrease in the clearance h0
would result in decrease and increase, respectively, of the recess pressure (the
recess pressure is inversely proportional to h30 ). High stiffness means that only a
very small vertical displacement of the slide is sufficient to generate a large
difference of pressure between opposing recesses. The force resulting from these
pressure differences acts in the direction opposite to any occasional additional
load on the thrust bearing.
Theoretically, the bearing stiffness can be very high for a hydrostatic pad
with a constant flow rate to each recess; but in practice, the stiffness is limited by
the hydraulic power of the motor and its maximum flow rate and pressure. This
theoretical explanation is limited in practice because there is a maximum limit to
the recess pressure, pr . The hydraulic power of the pump and the strength of the
complete system limit the recess pressure. A safety relief valve is installed to
protect the system from exceeding its allowable maximum pressure. In addition,
the fluid viscosity, m, is not completely constant. When the clearance, h0 , reduces,

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the viscous friction increases and the temperature rises. In turn, the viscosity is
lower in comparison to the opposing side, where the clearance, h0 , increases.


In this system, each recess is fed by a constant flow rate, Q. This system is also
referred to as direct supply system. For this purpose, each recess is fed from a
separate positive-displacement pump of constant flow rate. Another possibility,
which is preferred where there are many hydrostatic pads, is to use a flow divider.
A flow divider is designed to divide the constant flow rate received from one
pump into several constant flow rates that are distributed to several recesses. Each
recess is fed by constant flow rate directly from the divider. (The design of a flow
divider is discussed in this chapter.) The advantage of using flow dividers is that
only one pump is used. If properly designed, the constant-flow-rate system would
result in high stiffness.
The advantage of this system, in comparison to the constant pressure
supply with restrictors, is that there are lower viscous friction losses. In the flow
restrictors there is considerable resistance to the flow (pressure loss), resulting in
high power losses. In turn, the system with flow restrictors requires a pump and
motor of higher power. However, the flow divider is an additional component,
which also increases the initial cost of the system.
An example of a constant-flow-rate system is the machine tool slideway
shown in Fig. 10-4. The areas of the two opposing recesses, in the vertical
direction, are not equal. The purpose of the larger recess area is to support the
weight of the slide, while the small pad recess is for ensuring noncontact sliding
and adequate stiffness.

10.8.1 Constant-Flow-Rate Pad Sti¡ness

The bearing stiffness, k, is the rate of rise of the load capacity, W , as a function of
incremental reduction of the clearance, h0 , by a small increment dh0 . It is
equivalent to the rise of the load capacity with a small downward vertical
displacement dh0 of the upper surface in Fig. 10-1, resulting in lower clearance.
The bearing stiffness is similar to a spring constant:

k¼ ð10-23Þ

The meaning of the negative sign is that the load increases with a reduction of the
clearance. High stiffness is particularly important in machine tools where any
displacement of the slide or spindle during machining would result in machining

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errors. The advantage of the high-stiffness bearing is that it supports any
additional load with minimal displacement.
For the computation of the stiffness with a constant flow rate, it is
convenient to define the bearing clearance resistance, Rc , at the land (resistance
to flow through the bearing clearance) and the effective bearing area, Ae . The flow
resistance to flow through the bearing clearance, Rc , is defined as
pr pr
Q¼ or Rc ¼ ð10-24Þ
Rc Q

The effective bearing area, Ae , is defined by the relation

Ae pr ¼ W or Ae ¼ ð10-25Þ

For a constant flow rate, the load capacity, in terms of the effective area and
bearing resistance, is

W ¼ Ae Rc Q ð10-26Þ

Comparison with the equations for the circular pad indicates that the resistance is
proportional to h3
0 or

Rc ¼ kh3
0 ; and W ¼ kAe Q ð10-27Þ

Here, k is a constant that depends on bearing geometry, flow rate, and fluid

dW 1
Stiffness k ¼  ¼K 4 where K ¼ 3kAe Q ð10-28aÞ
dh0 h0
dW 1
Stiffness k ¼  ¼ 3kAe Q 4 ð10-28bÞ
dh0 h0

Equation (10-28b) indicates that stiffness increases very fast with reduction in the
bearing clearance. This equation can be applied as long as the flow rate Q to the
recess is constant. As discussed earlier, deviation from this can occur in practice if
the pressure limit is reached and the relief valve of the hydraulic system is
opened. In that case, the flow rate is no longer constant.
Equation (10-28a) can be used for any hydrostatic bearing, after the value
of K is determined. For a circular pad:

K ¼ 9mQ ðR2  R20 Þ ð10-29Þ

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The expression for the stiffness of a circular pad becomes

9mQðR2  R20 Þ
k¼ ð10-30Þ

Whenever there are two hydrostatic pads in series (bidirectional hydrostatic

support), the stiffnesses of the two pads are added for the total stiffness.

Example Problem 10-3

Sti¡ness of a Constant Flow Rate Pad
A circular hydrostatic pad, as shown in Fig. 10-1, has a constant flow rate Q. The
circular pad is supporting a load of W ¼ 5000 N. The outside disk diameter is
200 mm, and the diameter of the circular recess is 100 mm. The oil viscosity is
m ¼ 0:005 N-s=m2 . The pad is operating with a clearance of 120 mm.
a. Find the recess pressure, pr .
b. Calculate the constant flow rate Q of the oil through the bearing to
maintain the clearance.
c. Find the effective area of this pad.
d. Find the stiffness of the circular pad operating under the conditions in
this problem.


W ¼ 5000 N
R ¼ 0:1 m
R0 ¼ 0:05 m
m ¼ 0:005 N-s=m2
h0 ¼ 120 mm

a. Recess Pressure
In order to solve for the flow rate, the first step is to determine the recess pressure.
The recess pressure is calculated from Eq. (10-12) for the load capacity:
2 p 1  R20 =R2
W ¼R pr
2 lnðR=R0 Þ

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After substitution, the recess pressure is an unknown in the following equation:
p 1  0:25
5000 ¼ 0:12  pr
2 lnð2Þ
Solving for the recess pressure pr yields:
pr ¼ 294:12 kPa

b. Flow Rate
The flow rate Q can now be determined from the recess pressure. It is derived
from Eq. (10-13):
p h30 1 pð120  106 Þ3
Q¼ p; Q¼   294;120
6m lnðR=R0 Þ r 6 0:005  lnð0:1=0:05Þ

The result for the flow rate is

Q ¼ 76:8  106 m3 =s

c. Pad Effective Area

The effective area is defined by
W ¼ Ae pr
Solving for Ae as the ratio of the load and the recess pressure, we get
Ae ¼
Ae ¼ 0:017 m2

d. Bearing Stiffness
Finally, the stiffness of the circular pad fed by a constant flow rate can be
determined from Eq. (10-30):
9mQðR2  R20 Þ

Substituting the values in this stiffness equation yields
9  0:005  76:8  106  ð0:12  0:052 Þ

ð120  106 Þ4
k ¼ 125  10 N=m
This result indicates that the stiffness of a constant-flow-rate pad is quite
high. This stiffness is high in comparison to other bearings, such as hydro-

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dynamic bearings and rolling-element bearings. This fact is important for
designers of machine tools and high-speed machinery. The high stiffness is not
obvious. The bearing is supported by a fluid film, and in many cases this bearing
is not selected because it is mistakenly perceived as having low stiffness.

Example Problem 10-4

Bidirectional Hydrostatic Pads
We have a machine tool with four hydrostatic bearings, each consisting of two
bidirectional circular pads that support a slider plate. Each recess is fed by a
constant flow rate, Q, by means of a flow divider. Each bidirectional bearing is as
shown in Fig. 10-4 (of circular pads). The weight of the slider is 20,000 N,
divided evenly on the four bearings (5000-N load on each bidirectional bearing).
The total manufactured clearance of the two bidirectional pads is
ðh1 þ h2 Þ ¼ 0:4 mm. Each circular pad is of 100-mm diameter and recess
diameter of 50 mm. The oil viscosity is 0.01 N-s=m2 .
In order to minimize vertical displacement under load, the slider plate is
prestressed. The pads are designed to have 5000 N reaction from the top, and the
reaction from the bottom is 10,000 N (equivalent to the top pad reaction plus
a. Find the flow rates Q1 and Q2 in order that the top and bottom
clearances will be equal, ðh1 ¼ h2 Þ.
b. Given that the same flow rate applies to the bottom and top pads,
Q1 ¼ Q2 , find the magnitude of the two clearances, h1 and h2 . What is
the equal flow rate, Q, into the two pads?
c. For the first case of equal clearances, find the stiffness of each
bidirectional bearing.
d. For the first case of equal clearances, if an extra vertical load of 120 N
is placed on the slider (30 N on each pad), find the downward vertical
displacement of the slider.

a. Flow rates Q1 and Q2
Given that h1 ¼ h2 ¼ 0:2 mm, the flow rate Q can be obtained via Eq. (10-13):

1 ph30
Q¼ p
6 m lnðR=R0 Þ r

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The load capacity of a circular hydrostatic pad is obtained from Eq. (10-12):

pR2 1  ðR0 =RÞ2

W ¼ p
2 lnðR=R0 Þ r

The first step is to find pr by using the load capacity equation (for a top pad).
Substituting the known values, the recess pressure is the only unknown:

p 1  ð0:0252 =0:052 Þ
5000 ¼ 0:052 pr1
2 lnð0:05=0:025Þ

The result for the recess pressure at the upper pad is

pr1 ¼ 1:176  106 Pa

Substituting this recess pressure in Eq. (10-13), the following flow rate, Q1 , is

1 p 0:00023
Q1 ¼  1:176  106 ¼ 7:1  104 m3 =s
6 0:01  lnð0:05=0:025Þ

The second step is to find pr2 by using the load capacity equation (for the bottom
pad), substituting the known values; the following equation is obtained, with Pr2
as unknown:

p 1  ð0:0252 =0:052 Þ
10;000 ¼ 0:052 pr2
2 lnð0:05=0:025Þ

The recess pressure at the lower pad is

pr2 ¼ 2:352  106 Pa

Substituting the known values, in Eq. (10-13) the flow rate Q2 is:

1 pð0:00023 Þ
Q2 ¼  2:352  106 ¼ 14:2  104 m3 =s
6 0:01 lnð0:05=0:025Þ

b. Upper and Lower Clearances h1 and h2 , for Q1 ¼ Q2

The flow rate equation (10-13) is

p h30
Q¼ p
6m lnðR=R0 Þ r

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For Q1 ¼ Q2 the following two equations with two unknowns, h1 and h2, are

p h31 p h32
Q¼ pr1 ¼ p
6m ln R=R0 Þ 6m lnðR=R0 Þ r2
h1 þ h2 ¼ 0:0004 m

Substituting yields

1 ph31 1 pð0:0004  h1 Þ3
1:176  106 ¼ 2:352  106
6 0:01 ln 2 6 0:01 ln 2

The equation can be simplified to the following:

1:176  h31 ¼ 2:352  ð0:0004  h1 Þ3

Converting to millimeters, the solution for h1 and h2 is

h1 ¼ 0:223 mm and h2 ¼ 0:177 mm

c. Stiffness of Each Pad

Equation (10-30) yields the stiffness of a constant-flow rate circular pad:

9mQðR2  R20 Þ


Substitute in Eq. (10-30) (for the top pad):

9 ð0:01Þð7:07  104 Þð0:052  0:0252 Þ

k ðtop padÞ ¼ ¼ 74:56  106 N=m

Substitute in Eq. (10-30) (for the bottom pad):

9 ð0:01Þð0:00142ðð0:052  0:0252 Þ
k ðlower padÞ ¼ ¼ 149:76  106 N=m

The total bidirectional bearing stiffness is obtained by adding the top and bottom
stiffnesses, as follows:

k ðbearingÞ ¼ k ðtop padÞ þ k ðlower padÞ ¼ 224:32  106 N=m

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d. Vertical Downward Displacement Dh of the Slider

k¼ where DW ¼ 30 N
Dh ¼
30 N
Dh ¼ ¼ 1:33  107 m ¼ 0:133 mm
224:32  106

This example shows that under extra force, the displacement is very small.


Hydrostatic pads with a constant flow rate have the desirable characteristic of
high stiffness, which is important in machine tools as well as many other
applications. However, it is not always practical to supply a constant flow rate
to each of the many recesses, because each recess must be fed from a separate
positive-displacement pump or from a flow divider. For example, in designs
involving many recesses, such as machine tool spindles, a constant flow rate to
each of the many recesses requires an expensive hydraulic system that may not be
An alternative arrangement is to use only one pump that supplies a constant
pressure to all the recesses. This system is simpler, because it does not require
many pumps or flow dividers. Unlike in the constant-flow-rate system, in this
system each recess is fed from a constant supply pressure, ps . The oil flows into
each recess through a flow restrictor (such as a capillary tube). The flow restrictor
causes a pressure drop, and the recess pressure is reduced to a lower level, pr . The
important feature of the flow restrictor is that it is making the bearing stiff to
displacement under variable load.
Although hydraulic pumps are usually of the positive-displacement type,
such as a gear pump or a piston pump, and have a constant flow rate, the system
can be converted to a constant pressure supply by installing a relief valve that
returns the surplus flow into the oil sump. The relief valve makes the system one
of constant pressure supply. The preferred arrangement is to have an adjustable
relief valve so that the supply pressure, ps , can be adjusted for optimizing the
bearing performance. In order to have the desired high bearing stiffness, constant-
pressure-supply systems operate with flow restrictors at the inlet to each recess.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

10.9.1 Flow Restrictors and Bearing Sti¡ness
A system of bidirectional hydrostatic pads with a constant pressure supply is
presented in Fig. 10-5. The oil flows from a pump, through a flow restrictor, and
into each recess on the two sides of this thrust bearing. From the recesses, the
fluid flows out, in the radial direction, through the thin clearances, h1 and h2
along the lands (outside the recesses). This thin clearance forms a resistance to
the outlet flow from each recess. This resistance at the outlet is subject to
variations resulting from any small vertical displacement of the slider due to load
variations. The purpose of feeding the fluid to the recesses through flow
restrictors is to make the bearing stiffer under thrust force; namely, it reduces
vertical displacement of the slider when extra load is applied.
When the vertical load on the slider rises, the slider is displaced downward
in the vertical direction, and under constant pressure supply a very small
displacement results in a considerable reaction force to compensate for the
load rise. After a small vertical displacement of the slider, the clearances at the
lands of the opposing pads are no longer equal. In turn, the resistances to the
outlet flow from the opposing recesses decrease and increase, respectively. It
results in unequal flow rates in the opposing recesses. The flow increases and
decreases, respectively (the flow is inversely proportional to h30 ). An important

F IG. 10-5 Bidirectional hydrostatic pads with flow restrictors.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

characteristic of a flow restrictor, such as a capillary tube, is that its pressure drop
increases with the flow rate. In turn, this causes the pressures in the opposing
recesses to decrease and increase, respectively. The bearing load capacity
resulting from these pressure differences acts in the direction opposite to the
vertical load on the slider. In this way, the bearing supports the slider with
minimal vertical displacement, Dh. In conclusion, the introduction of inlet flow
restrictors increases the bearing stiffness, because only a very small vertical
displacement of the slider is sufficient to generate a large difference of pressure
between opposing recesses.


Where the fluid is fed to each recess through a flow restrictor, the fluid in the
recesses is bounded between the inlet and outlet flow resistance. The following
equations are for derivation of the expression for the stiffness of one hydrostatic
pad with a constant pressure supply.
In general, flow resistance causes a pressure drop. Flow resistance Rf is
defined as the ratio of pressure loss, Dp (along the resistance), to the flow rate, Q.
Flow resistance is defined, similar to Ohm’s law in electricity, as

Rf ¼ ð10-31Þ

For a given resistance, the flow rate is determined by the pressure difference:

Q¼ ð10-32Þ

The resistance of the inlet flow restrictor is Rin , and the resistance to outlet flow
through the bearing clearance is Rc (resistance at the clearance). The pressure at
the recess, pr , is bounded between the inlet and outlet resistances; see a schematic
representation in Fig. 10-6. The supply pressure, ps , is constant; therefore, any
change in the inlet or outlet resistance would affect the recess pressure.
From Eq. (10-32), the flow rate into the recess is
ps  pr
Q¼ ð10-33Þ

The flow rate through the clearance resistance is given by

Q¼ ð10-34Þ

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

F IG. 10-6 Recess pressure bounded between inlet and outlet resistances.

The fluid is incompressible, and the flow rate Q is equal through the inlet
resistance and clearance resistance (continuity). Equating the preceding two flow
rate expressions yields
pr ps  pr
¼ ð10-35Þ
Rc Rin

The recess pressure is solved for as a function of the supply pressure and
pr ¼ p ð10-36Þ
ð1 þ Rin =Rc Þ s

The load capacity is [see Eq. (10-25)]

W ¼ Ae pr ð10-37Þ

In terms of the supply pressure and the effective pad area, the load capacity is
W ¼ Ae p ð10-38Þ
ð1 þ Rin =Rc Þ s

The inlet resistance of laminar flow through a capillary tube is constant, and the
pressure drop is proportional to the flow rate. However, the flow resistance

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

through the variable pad clearance is proportional to h3
0 see Eq. (10-27). The
clearance resistance can be written as

Rc ¼ kh3
0 ð10-39Þ

Here, k is a constant that depends on the pad geometry and fluid viscosity.
Equation (10-38) can be written in the form,

W ¼ Ae p ð10-40Þ
ð1 þ K1 h30 Þ s

where K is defined as

K1 ¼ ð10-41Þ

In Eq. (10-40) for the load capacity, all the terms are constant except the
clearance thickness. Let us recall that the expression for the stiffness is

Stiffness k ¼  ð10-42Þ

Differentiating Eq. (10-40) for the load capacity W by h0 results in

dW 3K1 h20
Stiffness k ¼  ¼ Ae ps ð10-43Þ
dh0 ð1 þ K1 h30 Þ2

Equation (10-43) is for the stiffness of a hydrostatic pad having a constant

supply pressure ps . If the inlet flow is through a capillary tube, the pressure drop

Dp ¼ Q ð10-44Þ

Here, di is the inside diameter of the tube and lc is the tube length. The inlet
resistance by a capillary tube is

Rin ¼ ð10-45Þ

For calculating the pad stiffness in Eq. (10-43), the inlet resistance is calculated
from Eq. (10-45), and the value of k is determined from the pad equations.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Equation (10-43) can be simplified by writing it as a function of the ratio of the
recess pressure to the supply pressure, b, which is defined as
b¼ ð10-46Þ

Equations (10-43) and (10-46) yield a simplified expression for the stiffness as a
function of b:

dW 3
k¼ ¼ Ae ðb  b2 Þps ð10-47Þ
dh0 h0

Equation (10-47) indicates that the maximum stiffness is when b ¼ 0:5, or

¼ 0:5 ð10-48Þ

For maximum stiffness, the supply pressure should be twice the recess pressure.
This can be obtained if the inlet resistance were equal to the recess resistance.
This requirement will double the power of the pump that is required to overcome
viscous friction losses. The conclusion is that the requirement for high stiffness in
constant-supply-pressure systems would considerably increase the friction losses
and the cost of power for operating the hydrostatic bearings.

Example Problem 10-5

Sti¡ness of a Circular Pad with Constant Supply
A circular hydrostatic pad as shown in Fig. 10-1 has a constant supply pressure,
ps . The circular pad is supporting a load of W ¼ 5000 N. The outside disk
diameter is 200 mm, and the diameter of the circular recess is 100 mm. The oil
viscosity is m ¼ 0:005 N-s=m2 . The pad is operating with a clearance of 120 mm.
a. Find the recess pressure, pr .
b. Calculate the flow rate Q of the oil through the bearing to maintain the
c. Find the effective area of the pad.
d. If the supply pressure is twice the recess pressure, ps ¼ 2pr , find the
stiffness of the circular pad.
e. Compare with the stiffness obtained in Example Problem 10-3 for a
constant flow rate.
f. Find the hydraulic power required for circulating the oil through the
bearing. Compare to the hydraulic power in a constant-flow-rate pad.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

a. Recess Pressure
Similar to Example Problem 10-3 for calculating the flow rate Q, the first step is
to solve for the recess pressure. This pressure is derived from the equation of the
 2 2

2 p 1  R0 =R
W ¼R pr
2 lnðR=R0 Þ
After substitution, the recess pressure is only unknown in the following equation:
p 1  0:25
5000 ¼ 0:12  pr
2 lnð2Þ
Solving for the recess pressure, pr yields
pr ¼ 294:18 kPa

b. Flow Rate
The flow rate Q can now be determined. It is derived from the following
expression [see Eq. (10-13)] for Q as a function of the clearance pressure:
p h30
Q¼ p
6m lnðR=R0 Þ r
Similar to Example Problem 10-3, after substituting the values, the flow rate is
Q ¼ 76:8  106 m3 =s

c. Pad Effective Area

The effective area is defined by
W ¼ Ae pr
Solving for Ae as the ratio of the load and the recess pressure, we get
Ae ¼ A ¼ 0:017 m2
294:180 e

d. Pad Stiffness
Supply Pressure: Now the supply pressure can be solved for as well as the

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stiffness for constant supply pressure:
ps ¼ 2pr
¼ 2  294:18 kPa
ps ¼ 588:36 kPa

Pad Stiffness of Constant Pressure Supply: The stiffness is calculated

according to Eq. (10-47):
k¼ A ðb  b2 Þps where b ¼ 0:5
h0 e
k¼  0:017ð0:5  0:52 Þ588:36  103 ;
120  106
and the result is
k ¼ 62:5  106 N=m ðfor constant pressure supplyÞ

e. Stiffness Comparison
In comparison, for a constant flow rate (see Example Problem 10-3) the stiffness
k ¼ 125  106 N=m ðfor constant flow rate
For the bearing with a constant pressure supply in this problem, the stiffness is
about half of the constant-flow-rate pad in Example Problem 10-3.

f. Hydraulic Power
The power for circulating the oil through the bearing for constant pressure supply
is twice of that for constant flow rate. Neglecting the friction losses in the pipes,
the equation for the net hydraulic power for circulating the oil through the bearing
in a constant-flow-rate pad is
E_ h  Q pr ðfor constant-flow-rate padÞ
¼ 76:8  106  294:18  103 ¼ 22:6 W ðconstant-flow-rate padÞ:
In comparison, the equation for the net hydraulic power for constant pressure
supply is
E_ h  Q ps ðFor a constant pressure supply padÞ:
Since ps ¼ 2pr , the hydraulic power is double for constant pressure supply:
E_ h  Q pr ¼ 76:8  106  588:36  103 ¼ 45:20 W
ðfor a constant-pressure-supply padÞ

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Example Problem 10-6
Constant-Supply-Pressure Bidirectional Pads
A bidirectional hydrostatic bearing (see Fig. 10-5) consists of two circular pads, a
constant supply pressure, ps , and flow restrictors. If there is no external load, the
two bidirectional circular pads are prestressed by an equal reaction force,
W ¼ 21;000 N, at each side.
The clearance at each side is equal, h1 ¼ h2 ¼ 0:1 mm. The upper and
lower circular pads are each of 140-mm diameter and circular recess of 70-mm
diameter. The oil is SAE 10, and the operation temperature of the oil in the
clearance is 70 C. The supply pressure is twice the recess pressure, ps ¼ 2pr .
a. Find the recess pressure, pr , and the supply pressure, ps , at each side to
maintain the required prestress.
b. Calculate the flow rate Q of the oil through each pad.
c. Find the stiffness of the bidirectional hydrostatic bearing.
d. The flow restrictor at each side is a capillary tube of inside diameter
di ¼ 1 mm. Find the length of the capillary tube.
e. If there is no external load, find the hydraulic power required for
circulating the oil through the bidirectional hydrostatic bearing.

a. Recess Pressure and Supply Pressure
The recess pressure is derived from the equation of the load capacity:

p 1  ðR0 =RÞ2
W ¼ R2   pr
2 lnðR=R0 Þ

After substitution, the recess pressure is the only unknown in the following

p 1  ð0:035=0:07Þ2
21;000 N ¼ 0:072 p
2 lnð0:07=0:035Þ r

The solution for the recess pressure yields

pr ¼ 2:52 MPa

The supply pressure is

ps ¼ 2pr ¼ 5:04 MPa

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b. Flow Rate Through Each Pad
The flow rate Q can now be derived from the following expression as a function
of the recess pressure:
p h30
Q¼  p
6m lnðR=R0 Þ r
Substituting the known values gives
p 1012 m3
Q¼   2:52  106 ¼ 190:4  106
6  0:01 ln 2 s

c. Stiffness of the Bidirectional Hydrostatic Pad

In order to find the stiffness of the pad, it is necessary to find the effective area:
W ¼ Ae pr
21;000 N ¼ Ae  2:52 MPa
Solving for Ae as the ratio of the load capacity and the recess pressure yields
21;000 N
Ae ¼ ¼ 0:0083 m2
2:52 MPa
The ratio of the pressure to the supply pressure, b, is
b ¼ r ¼ 0:5
The stiffness of the one circular hydrostatic pad is
k¼ A ðb  b2 Þps
h0 e
k¼  0:0083  ð0:5  0:52 Þ  5:04  106 ¼ 315  106 N=m
0:1  103
and the stiffness of the bidirectional bearing is
K ¼ 2  315  106 ¼ 630  106 N=m

d. Length of the Capillary Tube

The internal diameter of the tube is di ¼ 1 mm.
The equation for the flow rate in the recess is
p  pr
Q¼ s

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After substituting the known values for ps, pr , and Q, the inlet resistance becomes
ps  pr 5:04  106  2:52  106
Rin ¼ ¼ ¼ 1:32  1010 N-s=m4
Q 190:4  106
The inlet resistance of capillary tube is given by the following tube equation:
64 mlc
Rin ¼
Here, di is the inside diameter of the tube and lc is the tube length. The tube
length is
Rin pdi4
lc ¼
1:32  1010  p0:0014
¼ ¼ 65  103 m;
64  0:01
Ic ¼ 65 mm

e. Hydraulic Power for Circulating Oil Through the Bidirectional Hydrostatic

Neglecting the friction losses in the pipes, the equation for the net hydraulic
power for one pad is
E_ h  Qps
Substituting the values for Q and Ps results in
E_ h  190:4  106  5:04  106 ¼ 960 W
Hydraulic power for bidirectional bearing is
E_ h ðbidirectional bearingÞ ¼ 2  960 ¼ 1920 W


The hydrodynamic thrust pad has its load capacity and the stiffness in the same
direction. However, for journal bearings the stiffness is more complex and
involves four components. For most designs, the hydrostatic journal bearing
has hydrodynamic as well as hydrostatic effects, and it is referred to as a hybrid
bearing. The hydrodynamic effects are at the lands around the recesses. The
displacement is not in the same direction as the force W . In such cases, the
journal bearing has cross-stiffness (see Chapter 7). The stiffness components are
presented as four components related to the force components and the displace-
ment component.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Similar to the hydrodynamic journal bearing, the load of the hydrostatic
journal bearing is also divided into two components, Wx and Wy , and the
displacement of the bearing center e is divided into two components, ex and ey .
In Chapter 7, the two components of the journal bearing stiffness are defined [Eq.
(7-31)], and the cross-stiffness components are defined in Eq. (7-32). Cross-
stiffness components can result in bearing instability, which was discussed in
Chapter 9.

An interesting application is the hydrostatic pad in machine tool screw drives
(Rumberger and Wertwijn, 1968). For high-precision applications, it is important
to prevent direct metal contact, which results in stick-slip friction and limits the
machining precision. Figure 10-7 shows a noncontact design that includes
hydrostatic pads for complete separation of the sliding surfaces of screw drive.
Another important application is in a friction testing machine, which will be
described in Chapter 14.


An example of a positive-displacement pump that is widely used for lubrication is
the gear pump. The use of gear pumps is well known in the lubrication system of
automotive engines. Gear pumps, as well as piston pumps, are positive-displace-
ment pumps; i.e., the pumps deliver, under ideal conditions, a fixed quantity of
liquid per cycle, irrespective of the flow resistance (head losses in the system).
However, it is possible to convert the discharge at a constant flow rate to
discharge at a constant pressure by installing a pressure relief valve that maintains
a constant pressure and returns the surplus flow.
A cross section of a simple gear pump is shown in Fig. 10-8a. A gear pump
consists of two spur gears (or helix gears) meshed inside a pump casing, with one
of the gears driven by a constant-speed electric motor. The liquid at the suction
side is trapped between the gear teeth, forcing the liquid around the casing and
finally expelling it through the discharge. The quantity of liquid discharged per
revolution of the gear is known as displacement, theoretically equal to the sum of
the volumes of all the spaces between the gear teeth and the casing. However,
there are always tolerances and small clearance for a free fit between the gears and
casing. The presence of clearance in pump construction makes it practically
impossible to attain the theoretical displacement.
The advantages of the gear pump, in comparison to other pumps, are as

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

F IG. 10-7 Noncontact screw drive with hydrostatic pads. From Rumberger and Wertwijn (1968), reprinted with permission from
Machine Design.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

F IG. 10-8 (a) Cross section of a gear pump. (b) Multipiston hydraulic pump.
(Reprinted with permission from The Oilgear Company.)

1. It is a simple and compact pump, and does not need inlet and outlet
valves, such as in the piston pump. However, gear pumps require close
running clearances.
2. It involves continuous flow (unlike positive-displacement reciprocating

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

3. It can handle very high-viscosity fluid.
4. It can generate very high heads (or outlet pressure) in comparison to
centrifugal pumps.
5. It is self-priming (unlike the centrifugal pump). It acts like a compres-
sor and pumps out trapped air or vapors.
6. It has good efficiency at very high heads.
7. It has good efficiency over a wide speed range.
8. It requires relatively low suction heads.
The flow rate of a gear pump is approximately constant, irrespective of its
head losses. If we accidentally close the discharge valve, the discharge pressure
would rise until the weakest part of the system fails. To avoid this, a relief valve
should be installed in parallel to the discharge valve.
When a small amount of liquid escapes backward from the discharge side
to the suction side through the gear pump clearances, this is referred to as slip.
The capacity (flow rate) lost due to slip in the clearances increases dramatically
with the clearance, h0 , between the housing and the gears (proportional to h30 ) and
is inversely proportional to the fluid viscosity. An idea about the amount of liquid
lost in slippage can be obtained via the equation for laminar flow between two
parallel plates having a thin clearance, h0 , between them:
Q¼ Dp ð10-49Þ
Q ¼ flow rate of flow in the clearance ðslip flow rateÞ
Dp ¼ differential pressure ðbetween discharge and suctionÞ
b ¼ width of fluid path ðnormal to fluid pathÞ
h0 ¼ clearance between the two plates
m ¼ fluid viscosity
l ¼ length along the fluid path
This equation is helpful in understanding the parameters affecting the magnitude
of slip. It shows that slip is mostly dependent on clearance, since it is proportional
to the cube of clearance. Also, slip is proportional to the pressure differential Dp
and inversely proportional to the viscosity m of the liquid. Gear pumps are
suitable for fluids of higher viscosity, for minimizing slip, and are widely used for
lubrication, since lubricants have relatively high viscosity (in comparison to
water). Fluids with low viscosity, such as water and air, are not suitable for gear
Piston pumps are also widely used as high-pressure positive-displacement
(constant-flow-rate) hydraulic pumps. An example of the multipiston pump is

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

shown in Fig. 10-8b. The advantage of the piston pump is that it is better sealed
and the slip is minimized. In turn, the efficiency of the piston pump is higher,
compared to that of a gear pump, but the piston pump requires valves, and it is
more expensive.


The actual capacity (flow rate) and theoretical displacement versus pump head are
shown in Fig. 10-9. The constant theoretical displacement is a straight horizontal
line. The actual capacity (flow rate) reduces with the head because the ‘‘slip’’ is
proportional to the head of the pump (discharge head minus suction head). When
the head approaches zero, the capacity is equivalent to the theoretical displace-

10.14.1 Hydraulic Power and Pump E⁄ciency

The SI unit of power E_ is the watt. Another widely used unit is the Imperial unit,
horse power [HP]. Brake power, E_ b (BHP in horsepower units), is the mechanical
shaft power required to drive the pump by means of electric motor. In the pump,
this power is converted into two components: the useful hydraulic power, E_ h , and
the frictional losses, E_ f . The useful hydraulic power can be converted back to
work done by the fluid. A piston or hydraulic motor can do this energy
conversion. In the pump, the friction losses are dissipated as heat. Friction

F IG. 10-9 Gear pump Q–H characteristics.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

losses result from friction in the bearings, the stuffing box (or mechanical seal),
and the viscous shear of the fluid in the clearances.
In Fig. 10-10, the curves of the various power components E_ versus pump
head Hp are presented in horsepower [HP] units. The frictional horsepower [FHP]
does not vary appreciably with increased head; it is the horizontal line in Fig. 10-
10. The other useful component is the hydraulic horsepower [HHP]. This power
component is directly proportional to the pump head and is shown as a straight
line with a positive slope. This component is added to constant FHP, resulting in
the total brake horsepower [BHP].
The BHP curve in Fig. 10-10 is a straight line, and at zero pump head there
is still a definite brake horsepower required, due to friction in the pump. In a gear
pump, the friction horsepower, FHP, is a function of the speed and the viscosity of
the fluid, but not of the head of the pump. Because FHP is nearly constant versus
the head, it is a straight horizontal line in Fig. 10-10. On the other hand, HHP is
an increasing linear function of Hp (see equation for hydraulic power). (This is
approximation, since Q is not constant because it is reduced by the slip.) The sum
of the friction power and the hydraulic power is the brake horsepower. The brake
horsepower increases nearly linearly versus Hp , as shown in Fig. 10-10. Since
FHP is constant, the efficiency Z is an increasing function versus Hp . The result is
that gear pumps have a higher efficiency at high heads.

F IG. 10-10 Power and efficiency characteristics of the gear pump.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The head of the pump, Hp , generated by the pump is equal to the head
losses in a closed-loop piping system, such as in the hydrostatic bearing system.
If the fluid is transferred from one tank to another at higher elevation, the head of
the pump is equal to the head losses in the piping system plus the height
difference DZ.
The head of the pump, Hp , is the difference of the heads between the two
points of discharge and suction:

Hp ¼ Hd  Hs ð10-50Þ

Pump head units are of length (m, ft). Head is calculated from the Bernoulli
equation. The expression for discharge and suction heads are:

pd Vd2
Hd ¼ þ þ Zd ð10-51Þ
g 2g
ps Vs2
Hs ¼ þ þ Zs ð10-52Þ
g 2g


Hd ¼ head at discharge side of pump ðoutletÞ

Hs ¼ head at suction side of pump ðinletÞ
pd ¼ pressure measured at discharge side of pump ðoutletÞ
ps ¼ pressure measured at suction side of pump ðinletÞ
g ¼ specific weight of fluid ðfor water; g ¼ 9:8  103 ½N=m3 Þ
V ¼ fluid velocity
g ¼ gravitational acceleration
Z ¼ height

The pump head, Hp , is the difference between the discharge head and
suction head. In a closed loop, Hp is equal to the head loss in the loop. The
expression for the pump head is

pd  ps Vd2  Vs2
Hp ¼ þ þ ðZd  Zs Þ ð10-53Þ
g 2g

The velocity of the fluid in the discharge and suction can be determined
from the rate of flow and the inside diameter of the pipes. In most gear pumps, the
pipe inside the diameters on the discharge and suction sides are equal. In turn, the
discharge velocity is equal to that of the suction. Also, there is no significant
difference in height between the discharge and suction. In such cases, the last two

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

terms can be omitted, and the pump is determined by a simplified equation that
considers only the pressure difference:
pd  ps
Hp ¼ ð10-54Þ

10.14.2 Hydraulic Power

The hydraulic power of a pump, E_ h , is proportional to the pump head, Hp ,
according to the following equation:

E_ h ¼ QgHp ð10-55Þ

The SI units for Eq. (10-53), (10-54), and (10-55) are

E_ h ½w
Q ½m3 =s
g ½N=m3 
H ½m
p ½N=m2 or pascals]
The pump efficiency is the ratio of hydraulic power to break power:

E_ h
Z¼ ð10-56Þ
E_ b

The conversion to horsepower units is 1 HP ¼ 745.7 W. In most gear pumps, the

inlet and outlet pipes have the same diameter and the inlet and outlet velocities
are equal.
In Imperial units, the hydraulic horsepower (HHP) is given by
HHP ¼ ð10-57Þ
Here, the units are as follows:
Dp ½psi ¼ gðHp  Hs Þ and Q ½GPM

In imperial units, the efficiency of the pump is:

Z¼ ð10-58Þ
The BHP can be measured by means of a motor dynamometer. If we are
interested in the efficiency of the complete system of motor and pump, the
input power is measured by the electrical power, consumed by the electric motor

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

that drives the pump (using a wattmeter). The horsepower lost on friction in the
pump, FHP, cannot be measured but can be determined from
FHP ¼ BHP  HHP ð10-59Þ


Using many hydraulic pumps for feeding the large number of recesses of
hydrostatic pads in machines is not practical. A simple solution of this problem
is to use constant pressure and flow restrictors. However, flow restrictors increase
the power losses in the system. Therefore, this method can be applied only with
small machines or machines that are operating for short periods, and the saving in
the initial cost of the machine is more important than the long-term power losses.
Another solution to this problem is to use flow dividers. Flow dividers are
also used for distributing small, constant flow rates of lubricant to rolling-element
bearings. It is designed to divide the constant flow rate of one hydraulic pump
into several constant flow rates. In hydrostatic pads, each recess is fed at a
constant flow rate from the flow divider. The advantage of using flow dividers is
that only one hydraulic pump is needed for many pads and a large number of
The design concept of a flow divider is to use the hydraulic power of the
main pump to activate many small pistons that act as positive-displacement
pumps (constant-flow-rate pumps), and thus the flow of one hydraulic pump is
divided into many constant flow rates. A photo of a flow divider is shown in Fig.
10-11a. Figure 10-11b presents a cross section of a flow divider made up of many
rectangular blocks connected together for dividing the flow for feeding a large
number of bearings. The contact between the blocks is sealed by O-rings. The
intricate path of the inlet and outlet of one piston is shown in this drawing.
For a large number of bearings, the flow divider outlets are divided again.
An example of such a combination is shown in Fig. 10-12.


Size reduction is an important part of the process of the enrichment of ores. Ball-
and-rod rotary mills are widely used for grinding ores before the enrichment
process in the mines. Additional applications include the reduction of raw-
material particle size in cement plants and pulverizing coal in power stations.
In rotary mills, friction and centrifugal forces lift the material and heavy
balls against the rotating cylindrical internal shell and liners of the mill, until they
fall down by gravity. The heavy balls fall on the material, and reduce the particle
size by impact. For this operation, the rotation speed of the mills must be slow,

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

F IG. 10-11a Flow divider. (Reprinted with permission from Lubriquip, Inc.)

about 12–20 RPM. In most cases, the low speed of rotation is not sufficient for
adequate fluid film thickness in hydrodynamic bearings.
There has been continual trend to increase the diameter, D, of rotary mills,
because milling output is proportional approximately to D2:7 and only linearly
proportional to the length. In general, large rotary mills are more economical for
the large-scale production of ores. Therefore, the outside diameter of a rotary
mill, D, is quite large; many designs are of about 5-m diameter, and some rotary
mills are as large as 10 m in diameter.
Two bearings on the two sides support the rotary mill, which is rotating
slowly in these bearings. Although each bearing diameter is much less than the
rotary mill diameter, it is still very large in comparison to common bearings in
machinery. The trunnion on each side of the rotary mill is a hollow shaft (large-
diameter sleeve) that is turning in the bearings; at the same time, it is used for
feeding the raw material and as an outlet for the reduced-size processed material.
The internal diameter of the trunnion must be large enough to accommodate the
high feed rate of ores. The trunnion outside diameter is usually more than 1.2 m.
In the past, as long as the trunnion outside diameter was below 1.2 m, large
rolling-element bearings were used to support the trunnion. However, rolling

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

F IG. 10-11b Cross section of a flow divider. (Reprinted with permission from
Lubriquip, Inc.)

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

F IG. 10-12 Combination of flow dividers. (Reprinted with permission from Lubriquip,

bearings are not practical any more for the larger trunnion diameters currently in
use in rotary mills. Several designs of self-aligning hydrodynamic bearings are
still in use in many rotary mills. These designs include a hydrostatic lift, of high
hydrostatic pressure from an external pump, only during start-up. This hydrostatic
lift prevents the wear and high friction torque during start-up. Due to the low
speed of rotation, these hydrodynamic bearings operate with very low minimum
film thickness. Nevertheless, these hydrodynamic bearings have been operating
successfully for many years in various rotary mills. The hydrodynamic bearings
are designed with a thick layer of white metal bearing material (babbitt), and a
cooling arrangement is included in the bearing. However, ever-increasing
trunnion size makes the use of continuous hydrostatic bearings the preferred
Large-diameter bearings require special design considerations. A major
problem is the lack of manufacturing precision in large bearings. A large-
diameter trunnion is less accurate in comparison to a regular, small-size journal,
for the following reasons.
1. Machining errors of round parts, in the form of out-of-roundness, are
usually proportional to the diameter.
2. The trunnion supports the heavy load of the mill, and elastic deforma-
tion of the hollow trunnion causes it to deviate from its ideal round
3. Many processes require continuous flow of hot air into the rotary mill
through the trunnion, to dry the ores. This would result in thermal
distortion of the trunnion; in turn, it would cause additional out-of-
roundness errors.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

For successful operation, rolling bearings as well as hydrodynamic bearings
require precision machining. For rolling-element bearings, any out-of-roundness
of the trunnion or the bearing housing would deform the inner or outer rings of
the rolling bearing. This undesired deformation would adversely affect the
performance of the bearing and significantly reduce its life. Moreover, large-
diameter rolling-element bearings are expensive in comparison to other alter-
natives. For a hydrodynamic bearing, the bearing and journal must be accurately
round and fitted together for sustained performance of a full hydrodynamic fluid
film. Any out-of-roundness in the bearing or journal results in a direct contact and
excessive wear. In addition, rotary mills rotate at relatively low speed, which is
insufficient for building up a fluid film of sufficient thickness to support the large
An alternative that is often selected is the hydrostatic bearing system. As
mentioned earlier, hydrostatic bearings can operate with a thicker fluid film and
therefore are less sensitive to manufacturing errors and elastic deformation.

10.16.1 Self-Aligning and Self-Adjusted

Hydrostatic Shoe Pads
A working solution to the aforementioned problems of large bearings in rotary
mills has been in practice for many years, patented by Arsenius, from SKF (see
Arsenius and Goran, 1973) and Trygg and McIntyre (1982). It is in the form of
self-aligning hydrostatic shoe pads that support the trunnion as shown in Fig. 10-
13. These shoe pads can pivot to compensate for aligning errors, in all directions.
Hydrostatic pads that pivot on a sphere for universal self-aligning are also used in
small bearings.
When two hydrostatic shoe pads support a circular trunnion (Fig. 10-13a),
the load is distributed evenly between these two pads. In fact, the location of the
two pads determines the location of the trunnion center. However, whenever three
or more pads are supporting the trunnion, the load is no longer distributed evenly,
and the design must include radial adjustment of the pads, as shown in Fig. 10-
The load capacity is inversely proportional to h30 , where h0 is the radial
clearance between the face of the hydrostatic pad and the trunnion running
surface. Due to limitations in precision in the mounting of the pads, the clearance
h0 is never equal in all the pads. Therefore, the design must include adjustment of
the pad height to ensure that the load is distributed evenly among all the pads.
Adjustment is required only for the extra pads above the first two pads, which do
not need adjustment. Therefore, each of the extra hydrostatic pads must be
designed to move automatically in the radial direction of the trunnion until the
load is divided evenly among all pads. This way, the pads always keep a constant
clearance from the trunnion surface.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

F IG. 10-13 Hydrostatic shoe pads: (a) Two-pad support. (b) Four-pad support: All
pads are self-aligning, two have radial adjustment. From Trygg and McIntyre (1982),
reprinted with permission from CIM Bulletin.

In addition, the large trunnion becomes slightly oval under the heavy load
of the mill. For a large trunnion, out-of-roundness errors due to elastic deforma-
tion are of the order of 6 mm (one-quarter inch). In addition, mounting errors,
deflection of the mill axis, and out-of-roundness errors in the machining of the
trunnion surface all add up to quite significant errors that require continuous
clearance adjustment by means of radial motion of the pads. Also, it is impossible
to construct the hydrostatic system precisely so that all pads will have equal
clearance, h0 , for equally sharing the load among the pads. Therefore, the
hydrostatic pads must be designed to be self-adjusting; namely they must move
automatically in the radial direction of the trunnion until the load is equalized
among all the pads.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

F IG. 10-13 Hydrostatic shoe pads: (c) Self-aligning ball support with pressure relief.
(d) Master and slave shoe pads. (From Trygg and McIntyre (1982), reprinted with
permission from CIM Bulletin.)

Since the pads are self-aligning and self-adjusting, the foundation’s

construction does not have to be precise, and a relatively low-cost welded
structure can be used as a bed to support the set of hydrostatic pads.
The design concept is as follows: The surface of the pads is designed with
the same radius of curvature as the trunnion outside surface. The clearance is
adjusted, by pad radial displacement, which requires additional lower piston and
hydraulic oil pressure for radial displacement. Explanation of the control of the
pad radial motion will follow shortly.
If sufficient constant-flow-rate of oil is fed into each pad from external
pumps, it is then possible to build up appropriate pressure in each of the pad

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

recesses for separating completely the mating surfaces by means of a thin oil film.
A major advantage of hydrostatic pads is that the fluid film thickness is
independent of the trunnion speed. The fluid film is formed when the trunnion
is stationary or rotating, and the mating surfaces are completely separated by oil
film during start-up as well as during steady operation.
All pads have universal angular self-aligning (see Fig. 10-13b). This is
achieved by supporting each pad on a sphere (hard metal ball), as shown in Fig.
10-13c, where the pad has a spheroid recess with its center coinciding with the
sphere center. In this way, it can tilt in all directions, and errors in alignment with
the trunnion outside surface are compensated.
However, the spheroid pivot arrangement under high load has a relatively
high friction torque. This friction torque, combined with the inertia of the pad,
would result in slow movement and slow reaction to misalignment. In fact, in
large hydrostatic pads the reaction is too slow to adequately compensate the
variable misalignment during the rotation of the trunnion.
To improve the self-alignment performance, part of the load on the metal
ball is relieved by hydrostatic pressure. The bottom part of the pad has been
designed as a piston and is pressurized by oil pressure. The oil pressure relieves a
portion of the load on the metal ball, and in turn the undesired friction torque is
significantly reduced, as shown schematically in Fig. 10-13c.
In Fig. 10-13b, the radial positions of two inner pads determine the location
of the axis of rotation of the trunnion; therefore, these two pads do not require
radial adjustments, and they are referred to as master shoe pads. Any additional
shoe pads require radial adjustment and are referred to as slave shoes. The design
of the master and slave shoe pads with the hydraulic connections is shown in Fig.
In the slave shoe, there is radial adjustment of the pad clearance with the
trunnion surface. The radial adjustment requires an additional lower piston, as
shown in Fig. 10-13d. The radial motion of the lower piston is by means of
hydrostatic oil pressure. The oil is connected by an additional duct to the space
beneath the lower pad. There is a hydraulic duct connection, and the pressures are
equalized in the two spaces below the two pads and in the pad recess (in contact
with the trunnion surface) of the master and slave shoes. Since there is a constant
flow rate, this equal pressure is a load-dependent pressure. If the area of the lower
piston is larger than the effective pad area, the lower piston will push the piston
and shoe pad in the radial direction (in the slave shoe) and adjust the radial
clearance with the trunnion until equal load capacity is reached in all pads.
The recess pressure is a function of the load and the pad effective area. As
the load increases, the film thickness diminishes and the pressure rises. It is
desirable to limit the pressure and the size of the pad. This can be achieved by
increasing the number of pads.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

When the oil pump is turned off, the pads with the pistons return to the
initial position, where the pistons rest completely on the metal ball. The pistons of
the slave shoes must have sufficient freedom of movement in the radial direction
of the trunnion; therefore, only the master shoes carry the load when the
hydraulic system is not under pressure. To minimize this load, the master
shoes are placed in center positions between the slave shoes when four or six
shoes are used.
The combination of a master shoe and slave shoe operates as follows: The
effective areas of the two pads are equal. If the clearance is the same in both
shoes, the hydrostatic recess pressures must also be equal in the two pads. In this
case, the load on both shoe pads is equalized.
There is hydraulic connection between the lower piston cylinders of the
master and slave recesses (both are supplied by one pump). In this way, the load-
dependent pressure in the piston cylinder of the slave shoe will be the same as that
in the master shoe, resulting in equal load capacity of each shoe pad at all times.
This design can operate with certain deviation from roundness of the
trunnion. For example, if there is a depression (reduced radius) in the trunnion
surface, when this depression passes the pads of the slave shoe, the pressure at the
recess of this pad drops. At the same time, the master shoe pad has not yet been
affected by the depression and the pad of the master shoe will carry most of the
load for a short duration. After this disturbance, the pressure at the slave pad
would rise and lift the piston until there are equal recess pressures and load
capacity in the two pads. Similarly, if there is a bulge (increased radius) on the
surface of the trunnion, the process is reversed. In this way, the radial loads on the
master and slave shoes are automatically controlled to be equal (with a minimal
delay time). In conclusion, the clearances between the pads and trunnion surface
are automatically controlled to be equal even if the trunnion is not perfectly
Cross-sectional views of the slave and master shoes and an isometric view
of the slave shoe are shown in Fig. 10-14. In the master pad, there is one oil inlet
and there is a hydraulic connection to the slave shoe. The pad recess of the slave
and master shoes is of a unique design. For stable operation, it is important that
the pad angular misalignment be immediately corrected. Each pad has one large
circular recess and four additional recesses at each corner, all hydraulically
connected. The purpose of this design is to have higher hydrostatic restoring
torque for fast correction of any misalignment error. Oil is supplied at equal
pressure to all the recesses (see Fig. 10-15).
For the large hydrostatic pads in rotary mills, each recess is fed at a constant
flowrate, and flow restrictors are not used. Large hydrostatic pads consume a lot
of power for the circulation of oil, and flow restrictors considerably increase
power losses. The preferred design is to use one central pump with flow dividers.
A standby pump in parallel is usually provided, to prevent loss of production in

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

F IG. 10-14 Cross sections and isometric views of master and slave shoe pads. (From
Trygg and McIntyre (1982), reprinted with permission from CIM Bulletin.)

case of oil pump failure. The trunnion bearings are continually monitored, to
prevent early failure due to unexpected conditions. The bearing temperature and
the hydrostatic pressure are continually recorded, and a warning system is set off
whenever these values exceed an acceptable limit. In addition, the operation of
the mill is automatically cut off when the hydrostatic bearing loses its pressure.
The hydraulic supply system is shown in Fig. 10-15. Each shoe is fed at a
constant flow rate by four flow dividers. One positive-displacement pump is used
to pump the oil from the oil tank. The oil is fed into the flow dividers through an
oil filter, relief valve, and check valve. An accumulator is used to reduce the
pressure fluctuations involved in positive-displacement pumps. Four pumps can
be used as well. The oil returns to the sump and passes to the oil tank. Additional
safety devices are pressure sensors provided to ensure that if the supply pressure

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

F IG. 10-15 Hydraulic system for hydrostatic pad shoes. (From Trygg and McIntyre
(1982), reprinted with permission from CIM Bulletin.)

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

drops, the mill rotation is stopped. Temperature monitoring is included to protect
against overheating of the oil.

10.16.2 Advantages of Self-Aligning Hydrostatic

Shoe Pads
Several publications related to the manufacture of these self-adjusting hydrostatic
pads claim that there are major advantages in this design: It made it possible to
significantly reduce the cost and to reduce the weight of the bearing and trunnion
as well as the length of the complete mill in comparison to hydrodynamic
bearings. Most important, it improved the bearing performance, namely, it
reduced significantly the probability of bearing failure or excessive wear.
The concept of this design is to apply self-aligning hydrostatic shoes,
preferably four shoes for each bearing. One important advantage of the design is
that the length of the trunnion is much shorter in comparison to that in
hydrodynamic bearing design. The shortening of the trunnion results in several
1. It reduces the weight of the trunnion and thus reduces the total weight
of the mill.
2. It simplifies the feed into and from the mill.
3. It reduces the total length of the mill and its weight, resulting in
reduced bending moment, and thus the mill can be designed to be
lighter. It will, in fact, reduce the cost of the materials and labor for
construction of the mill.
4. It reduces the elastic deformation, in the radial direction, of the
5. Stiffer trunnion has significant advantages in bearing operation,
because it reduces roundness errors; namely, it reduces elastic defor-
mation to an elliptical shape.
In addition to shorter trunnion length, this design eliminates expensive castings
followed by expensive precise machining, which are involved in the manufactur-
ing process of the conventional hydrodynamic design. In this case, the casting can
be replaced by a relatively low-cost welded construction. The hydrostatic shoes
are relatively small, and their machining cost is much lower in comparison to that
of large bearings. Moreover, the hydrostatic design operates with a thicker oil film
and provides self-aligning bearings in all directions. These improvements prevent
unexpected failures due to excessive wear or seizure. This aspect is important
because of the high cost involved in rotary mill repair as well as loss of

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


10-1 A circular hydrostatic pad as shown in Fig. 10-1 has a constant

supply pressure, ps . The circular pad is supporting a load of
W ¼ 1000 N. The outside disk diameter is 200 mm, and the
diameter of the circular recess is 100 mm. The oil is SAE 10 at an
operating temperature of 70 C, having a viscosity of m ¼
0:01 N-s=m2 . The pad is operating with a clearance of 120 mm.
a. Calculate the flow rate Q of oil through the bearing to
maintain the clearance of 120 mm.
b. Find the recess pressure, pr .
c. Find the effective area of this pad.
d. If the supply pressure is twice the recess pressure,
ps ¼ 2pr , find the stiffness of the circular pad.
10-2 A circular hydrostatic pad, as shown in Fig. 10-1, has a constant
flow rate Q. The circular pad is supporting a load of W ¼ 1000 N.
The outside disk diameter is 200 mm, and the diameter of the
circular recess is 100 mm. The oil is SAE 10 at an operating
temperature of 70 C, having a viscosity of m ¼ 0:01 N-s=m2 . The
pad is operating with a clearance of 120 mm.
a. Calculate the constant flow rate Q of oil through the
bearing to maintain the clearance of 120 mm.
b. Find the recess pressure, pr .
c. Find the effective area of this pad.
d. For a constant flow rate, find the stiffness of the circular
pad operating under the conditions in this problem.
10-3 A long rectangular hydrostatic pad, as shown in Fig. 10-3, has
constant flow rate Q. The pad is supporting a load of
W ¼ 10;000 N. The outside dimensions of the rectangular pad
are: length is 300 mm and width is 60 mm. The inside dimensions
of the central rectangular recess are: length is 200 mm and width is
40 mm. The pad is operating with a clearance of 100 mm. The oil is
SAE 20 at an operating temperature of 60 C. Assume that the
leakage in the direction of length is negligible in comparison to that
in the width direction (the equations for two-dimensional flow of a
long pad apply).
a. Calculate the constant flow rate Q of oil through the
bearing to maintain the clearance of 100 mm.
b. Find the recess pressure, pr .

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

c. Find the effective area of this pad.
d. For a constant flow rate, find the stiffness of the rectangular
long pad operating under the conditions in this problem.

10-4 A slider-plate in a machine tool is supported by four bidirectional

hydrostatic circular pads. Each recess is fed by a separate pump and
has a constant flow rate. Each bidirectional pad is as shown in Fig.
10-3 (but it is a circular and not a rectangular pad). The weight of
the slider is 20,000 N, or 5000 N on each pad. The total manufac-
tured clearance between the two pads ðh1 þ h2 Þ is 0.4 mm. Each
circular pad is of 100-mm diameter and recess diameter of 50 mm.
R ¼ 50 mm and R0 ¼ 25 mm. The oil viscosity is 0:01 N-s=m2 . In
order to minimize vertical displacement, the slider plate is
prestressed. The reaction force at the top is W1 ¼ 5000 N, and the
reaction at the bottom is W2 ¼ 10;000 N (reaction to the top bearing
reaction plus weight).
a. Find Q1 and Q2 in order that the two clearances will be
equal ðh1 ¼ h2 Þ.
b. If the flow rate is the same at the bottom and top pads, find
the magnitude of the two clearances, h1 and h2 . What is the
equal flow rate, Q, into the two pads?
c. For the first case of equal clearances, find the stiffness of
each pad. Add them together for the stiffness of the slider.
d. For the first case of equal clearances, if we place an extra
vertical load of 40 N on the slider (10 N on each pad), find
the downward vertical displacement of the slider.

10-5 In a machine tool, hydrostatic bearings support the slide plate as

shown in Fig. 10-4. The supply pressure reaches each recess through
a flow restrictor. The hydrostatic bearings are long rectangular pads.
Two bidirectional hydrostatic pads are positioned along the two
sides of the slider plate. The weight of the slider is 10,000 N, or
5000 N on each pad. The total manufactured clearance between the
two pads ðh1 þ h2 Þ ¼ 0:4 mm. The oil viscosity is 0:05 N-s=m2 . For
minimizing vertical displacement, the slider plate is prestressed. The
reaction of each pad from the top is 5000 N, and the reaction from
the bottom of each pad is 10,000 N (reaction to the top bearing
reaction plus half slider weight). In order to have equal recess
pressure in all pads, the dimensions of the widths of the bottom pad
are double those in the top pad. The dimensions of each rectangular
pad are as follows.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Top rectangular pad dimensions: 400 mm long and 30 mm
wide. A rectangular recess is centered inside the rectangular
pad, and its dimensions are 360-mm length and 10-mm
Bottom rectangular pad dimensions: 400-mm length and 60-
mm width. A rectangular recess is centered inside the
rectangular pad and its dimensions are 360-mm length and
20-mm width.
a. Find the recess pressure, pr , at the bottom and top recesses.
b. The supply pressure from one pump is twice the recess
pressure, ps ¼ 2pr . Find the supply pressure.
c. Find the flow resistance, Rin , at the inlet of the bottom and
top recesses in order that the two clearances will be equal
ðh1 ¼ h2 Þ.
d. The flow resistance is made of a capillary tube of 1-mm ID.
Find the length, lc , of the capillary tube at the inlet of the
bottom and top recesses.
e. Find the flow rates Q1 and Q2 into the bottom and top
f. For equal clearances, find the stiffness of each pad. Add
them together for the stiffness of the bi-directional pad.
g. If we place an extra vertical load of 60 N on the slider (30 N
on each bidirectional pad), find the vertical displacement
(down) of the slider.
10-6 A long rectangular hydrostatic pad, as shown in Fig. 10-3, has a
constant supply pressure, ps . The pressure is fed into the recess
through flow restrictors. The pad supports a load of W ¼ 20;000 N.
The outside dimensions of the rectangular pad are: length is 300 mm
and width is 60 mm. The inside dimensions of the central rectan-
gular recess are: length is 200 mm and width is 40 mm. The pad is
designed to operate with a minimum clearance of 100 mm. The oil is
SAE 30 at an operating temperature of 60 C. Assume that the
equations for two-dimensional flow of a long pad apply.
a. Calculate the flow rate Q of oil through the bearing to
maintain the clearance of 100 mm.
b. Find the recess pressure, pr .
c. Find the effective area of this pad.
d. If the supply pressure is twice the recess pressure,
ps ¼ 2pr , find the stiffness of the pad.

Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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