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HondaJet Specifications

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39.87 ft

I ntrod u ction

HondaJet employs numerous advancements in aircraft technology and design to achieve far better fuel efficiency, more available cabin space, and higher cruise speed than conventional aircraft in its class.
figure 1 HondaJet Exterior Dimensions


41.70 ft

This document is published for the purpose of providing general information for the evaluation of the design, performance and equipment of the Aircraft. HondaJet carries with it Hondas legendary commitment to world-class quality in design and manufacture. Key HondaJet innovations include a unique overthe-wing engine-mount (OTWEM) configuration, a natural-laminar flow (NLF) wing and fuselage nose, and an all-composite fuselage.

1. Gener al Descrip tion

1.1. Number of Crew Places The basic Aircraft shall have accommodation for a pilot and copilot. 1.2. Number of Passengers The Aircraft shall be designed to accommodate a maximum of five passengers and two crew members in the standard interior configuration; and six passengers and two crew members in the air taxi configuration. 1.3. Number and Type of Engines Two GE Honda HF120 turbofan engines 1.4. Certification The Aircraft will be certified to the requirements of U.S. FAR Part 23, including: Day, Night, VFR, IFR, Single Pilot Operation, flight into known icing conditions, and RVSM certification. 1.5. Approximate Dimensions
Overall Height.............................................. 13.21 ft (4.03 m) Overall Length. ............................................41.70 ft (12.71 m)

Span (overall)............................................... 39.87 ft (12.15 m)


Height (overall)................................................4.94 ft (1.51 m) Length Fwd. Pressure Bulkhead

to Aft Pressure Bulkhead................................ 17.80

ft (5.43 m)

Width.............................................................. 5.00 ft (1.52 m)

1.6. Approximate Weights

Useful Load. ...............................................3,378 lb (1,532 kg) Maximum Payload....................................... 1,400 lb (635 kg)

H o n d a A i r c r a f t C o m pa n y, I n c .

6423-B Bryan Blvd. Greensboro, North Carolina 27409 hondajet.com


Aircraft Description September 2007

2 . P erformance
All performance data mentioned below are based on a standard Aircraft configuration, International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) conditions and zero wind. Additionally, take-off and landing performance data are based on level, hard surface, and dry runways. Production aircraft performance will depend on actual flight conditions and vary from that described below.

4 . F u selage G ro u p
The all-composite fuselage structure will consist of a combination of honeycomb sandwich structure and co-cured stiffened panels. An integrally stiffened panel structure will be employed for the constant cross-section portion of the cabin to maximize the cabin volume.

6 . Em p e n n a g e G r o u p
The empennage will be a T-tail configuration. The horizontal tail will be a conventional, two-spar, aluminum structure. The fin will also be a conventional, two-spar structure.

9 . S y s t e m s
9.1. Flight Controls The Aircraft will have dual flight controls with columnmounted control wheels and adjustable rudder pedals. A combination of cable and push-pull rod mechanisms will be used to actuate the primary control surfaces. Trim in all three axes will be provided by trim tabs. 9.2. Flaps A linkage mechanism will be used for the flap system. The flap system will have two positions: takeoff and landing. The flap system will be deployed by two electric actuators: one for each wing and each installed at the wing root. 9.3. Environmental System The environmental control system will provide control of the aircraft environment, with dual-zone control for cabin and cockpit. The cabin altitude will be maintained below 8,000 ft up to 44,000 ft. 9.4. Ice Protection System The ice protection system will be certified for known icing. Icing protection will be provided for the wing, horizontal tail, windshield, and engine inlets. 9.5. Electrical System Dual high-output starter generators will feed an automated electric power distribution system via separate busses. A standby battery will provide an additional source of electrical power for emergency operation. 9.6. Hydraulic System An electric motor operated hydraulic power pack will supply 3000 psi hydraulic power. The hydraulic system will provide power for the following systems during all flight phases: 1. Landing Gear Actuation System landing gears and doors 2. Steering System Nose Wheel Steering 3. Braking System 9.7. Fuel System The Aircraft will be refueled through a single point. During flight, the fuel will be transferred from the carrythrough tank to the right and left wing integral tanks by transfer pumps located in the carry-through tank. An automatic cross-feed function will be incorporated to correct fuel imbalance between the left and right wings.

7 . P o w e r p l a n t s
GE Honda HF120 turbofan engines mounted over the wing will be controlled by the Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) system.

5 . W ing G ro u p
5.1. Wing A newly designed natural-laminar flow airfoil, the SHM-1, will be employed for the wing. The wing will be constructed in two sections: the left and the right wing. The torque box will contain three spars, the ribs, and the skin with integrated stringers forming integral fuel tanks. 5.2. Nacelles and Pylons The aircraft engines will be enclosed by nacelles and shall be pylon-mounted over the wing. The pylons will be integrated with reinforced ribs. Access will be provided to the interior of the pylon for inspection and maintenance. Ventilation and drainage provisions shall be provided.

Cruise Speed at FL300

(Maximum Cruise Thrust, ISA conditions)..................................... 420KTAS


Service Ceiling. ............................................................. FL430

Pressurization (Differential)............................................................8.7 psi Range

8 . L a n d i n g G e a r
The landing gear will be a typical tricycle-type layout with a steerable nose wheel. The nose gear will be of the shock-absorber strut type. The main landing gear will be of the trailing-link type. A side-brace actuator will be used to extend and retract the landing gear. The main gear will be equipped with an anti-lock braking system.

IFR Range **
(1 Pilot plus 3 Passengers at 200 lb each)............................. 1180 nm
(**Includes take-off, climb, cruise at FL410, 100nm alternate, descent, and 45 minute reserve)

Airport Performance

Take-off Distance***................................................... 3120 ft

(***The distance required to climb to 35 feet above the runway plus a 15% factor, all engines operating condition)

Landing Distance. ....................................................... 2500 ft


Manufacturer/Model..............................GE HONDA / HF120 Output...................................... 1880 lb/each (Max Take-Off) Bypass Ratio...................................................................... 2.9
26 in. (660 mm)

59 in. (1505 mm)

64 in. (1635 mm)

3 . S t r u c t u r a l D e s i g n Criteria
The fuselage will be constructed entirely of graphite composites. The wing and the empennage will be constructed of aluminum. The cabin will be pressurized up to 8.7 psi. All structural limit speeds will be defined to allow for cruise at maximum cruise thrust at normal cruise altitudes as well as efficient descent profiles.

84 in. (2133.6 mm) 145.8 in. (3704 mm)

60 in. (1525 mm)

figure 2 Interior Dimensions


Aircraft Description September 2007


Aircraft Description September 2007

1 0 . Av i o n i c s a n d I n s t r um e n t a t i o n
The Aircraft employs an all-glass flightdeck, which is an integrated design having open architecture. All information, from flight and engine instrumentation to navigation, communication, terrain, and traffic data is integrated and digitally presented on the dual, large-format, high-resolution Primary Flight Displays (PFDs) and the Multi-Function Display (MFD). The PFD contains the airspeed indicator, vertical-speed indicator, adjustable altimeter, direction indicator, pitch and bank indicator (artificial horizon), slip/skid indicator, and navigation information. The MFD contains the Engine Indication Display, fuel flow, fuel quantity, generator current, and the Global Positioning System moving map. This integrated cockpit configuration provides for situational awareness, functionality, ease of operation, and redundancy to assist flight safety.

11 . I n t e r i o r
The standard cabin will be separated from the cockpit by a refreshment center, which will also serve as a divider and storage area. The cabin area will be a constant cross-section. A dropped aisle provides for a 4.9 ft (59 in) aisle height throughout the cabin area. The cabin will feature four seats in a spacious club arrangement with a forward side facing seat (subject to certification). The aft lavatory will be separated from the rest of the cabin by solid panel doors. In addition to a flushing toilet, it will be equipped with a vanity, a sink and a storage cabinet. External baggage areas are provided. A nose baggage compartment (approx. 9 ft3) will be located just forward of the forward pressure bulkhead, and an aft baggage compartment (approx. 57 ft3) will be located in the tailcone.

figure 3 Standard Interior Dimensions Configuration (Preliminary)

The avionics suite will provide the following functions:

Dual VHF COM Dual VHF NAV/LOC/GS GPS Mode S transponder Marker beacon Slip and skid indication Flight Director 3-axis autopilot Weather overlay Traffic awareness (TCAS I) Audio control Artificial horizon indication Airspeed indication Directional gyro and HSI indication Vertical speed indication Terrain awareness Standby instruments Outside air temperature Clock/Elapsed time Crew alerting system

Sellers obligation under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement, at its option, of any part or parts which within the applicable period as set forth above shall be returned to Seller or authorized service facility designated by Seller and, which upon examination, shall be determined by Seller to be defective. Any replacement parts are warranted for the remainder of the applicable original warranty period. The repair or replacement of defective parts under this warranty shall be made without charge for parts or labor for removal, installation and/or actual repair of such defective parts, except shipping and, if applicable, import duties and sales/use taxes on replacement parts, which are the responsibility of the owner/operator. Purchaser shall be responsible for any costs related to items submitted under this warranty which are later determined to have no defect (No Fault Found). The provisions of this warranty do not apply to a) the Aircraft and its equipment, accessories or service parts manufactured or sold by Seller which have been subject to misuse, negligence or accident or which shall have been repaired or altered by anyone other than Seller or Sellers authorized service facility in any way so as to affect adversely its performance, stability or reliability; b) normal maintenance services (such as cleaning, control rigging, brake and other mechanical adjustments) and mechanical inspections or the replacement of service items (such as light bulbs, brake linings, filters, hoses and tires) made in connection with such services or required as maintenance; c) normal deterioration of soft trim and appearance items (such as paint, upholstery and rubber-like items) due to wear and exposure; and d) Aircraft equipment, accessories or service parts

13 . T r a i n i n g
Seller shall make available at its designated training facility a ground and simulator flight training program for 2 qualified pilots, and a ground maintenance program for 1 mechanic. Purchaser shall be responsible for all travel and living expenses of Purchasers personnel.

14 . T e c h n i c a l Pub l i c a t i o n s
The Aircraft will be delivered with the following technical publications and a revision service for 1 year at no charge:
Maintenance Manual Illustrated Parts Catalog Wiring Diagram Manual Structural Repair Manual  Component Maintenance Manual  Nondestructive Testing Manual  Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual Airplane Flight Manual

12 . W a r r a n t y
Seller expressly warrants the Aircraft (and new equipment and accessories except as noted below) to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of 3 years or 1500 hours (whichever first occurs) after delivery to the original retail purchaser or first user except that the warranty period for the Aircraft interior and exterior paint shall be 1 year. The foregoing warranty shall extend to any other person or entity to which title to the Aircraft is transferred during the applicable warranty term. Engines, engine accessories, and avionics are specifically excluded from this warranty and are covered by their respective manufacturers warranty, the applicable terms and conditions of which are provided at Delivery Time.

Propulsion System indications included:

N1 N2 ITT Oil Temperature Fuel Quantity Oil Pressure Fuel Flow

15 . M a i n t e n a n c e P l a n n i n g and Tracking System

Seller shall provide a subscription to an automated Maintenance Planning and Tracking System for 1 year at no charge.

sold separately which have been improperly installed.


Aircraft Description September 2007


Aircraft Description September 2007

H onda

A ircraft

C ompan y


2007 Honda Aircraft Company, Inc. In the event of any conflict or discrepancy between this document and the basic purchase agreement to which it is incorporated, terms specified in the basic purchase agreement govern. Due to the time span between the date of this Aircraft Description and the scheduled delivery date of the aircraft, Seller reserves the right to revise the Aircraft Description document wherever occasioned by product modifications, U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations (or those of such other applicable governmental body), or other manufacturing and/or vendor cause.

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