D&D 3rd Edition - Equipment Index
D&D 3rd Edition - Equipment Index
D&D 3rd Edition - Equipment Index
Key to Sourcebooks:
PH DMG DMGe MM S&F S&Fe DotF T&B FR MMF MoF Players Handbook Dungeon Masters Guide Dungeon Masters Guide errata Monster Manual Sword and Fist Sword and Fist Errata Defenders of the Faith Tome and Blood TRS 11550 TSR 11551 http://shadow.wizards.com/dnd/files/DMGErrata.pdf TSR 11552 WTC 11829 http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/WTC11829%20_SnF_Weberrata.pdf WTC 11840 WTC 11844
Forgotten Realms Campaign Book Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faern WTC 11832 Magic of Faern WTC 11843
DR### Dragon Magazine (with issue number) DR-A# Dragon Magazine Annual (with issue number) DU## Dungeon Magazine (with issue number)
Note: If a Key reference is followed by a +, then is partially or fully supercedes the entry above it.
Total Pages 21
1. Equipment
1.1. Armor
Category AC Max Dex Mod Armor Check Penalty
(PH p106)
+1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5
+8 +6 +4 +4 +5 +4 +4 +6 +4
0 0 -2 -3 -1 -3 -2 0
1 min.
(PH p106)
(DR275 p33)
(DR275 p33)
(PH p106)
(DR275 p33)
Chain Shirt
(PH p106)
Mithral Shirt
(DMG p182)
Duskwood Breastplate
(MoF p178)
-2M -2 M -3 -4 -4 -5 -4 M -6 -7 -7 -6 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -10
Elven Chain
(DMG p182)
Light Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Shield Shield Shield Shield Shield Shield
+5 +3 +4 +5 +5 +8 +6 +6 +7 +8 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2
+4 +4 +3 +3 +2 +3 +1 +0 +0 +1
20% 20% 25% 25% 30% 25% 35% 40% 40% 35% 5% 5% 5% 15% 15% 50%
30 20 20 20 20 20 20* 20
20 15 15 15 15 15 15* 15
5 rnd. 5 rnd. 1 min. 1 min. 1 min. 1 min. 1 min. 1 min. 4 min. 4 min.
20 lbs 25 lbs 30 lbs 40 lbs 30 lbs 25 lbs 35 lbs 45 lbs 50 lbs 50 lbs 5 lbs 5 lbs 6 lbs 10 lbs 15 lbs 45 lbs
(PH p106)
Scale Mail
(PH p106)
(PH p105)
(PH p105)
Dwarven Plate
(DMG p182)
Banded Mail
(PH p105)
Splint Mail
(PH p106)
(PH p106)
20* 20*
15* 15*
4 min. 4 min.
Full Plate
(PH p105)
(PH p105)
Tower Shield
(PH p106)
Reduce by 1 if armor/shield is of Masterwork quality. Hastily put on armor has an AC Bonus 1 less & an Armor Check Penalty 1 more (e.g., hastily put on Scale Mail has AC +3 & a check penalty of 5). 3 1 minute = 10 rounds. Cut time in half if being helped. One character can help up to 2 others (but 2 cannot help each other). M Bonus for Masterwork quality already factored in. * Running speed is 3x, not 4x. Without help, this armor can only be put on Hastily. Provides up to total cover against attacks, but not spells.
Page 1.1-1
1.2. Weapons
Weapon Features:
Attack xN For each attack action, this weapon gets N attack rolls, each doing the damage listed. For example, 3 Shuriken can be thrown as a Standard Action.
Sneak attack, Weapon Specialization damage bonus, Ranger bonuses, etc., only apply to the first attack of each set(S&F p68)(DR276 p105). All must aimed at the same opponent. Attack x2 Crescent knife. Attack x3 Scourge, 3 tailed; Fukimi-Bari (mouth darts); Shuriken. Bard Bards gain automatic proficiency all simple weapons. In addition, they gain proficiency in one of the following. Bard Longbow; Longbow, composite; Rapier; Sap; Shortbow; Shortbow, composite, Whip. Buckler This weapon can be used as an off-hand weapon or as a shield each round (to do both in the same round requires Feat: Shield Expert). Bucklers are +1 AC, -1 Armor Check Penalty, 5% Arcane Spell Failure. Buckler Tortoise blade, gnome; Buckler axe, dwarf. Disarm +N This weapon gets a +N bonus on disarm attempts, and rolls to resist being counter disarmed. Disarm +2 Chain-and-dagger; Fishing Gaff, Flail, dire; Gyrspike; Chain, spiked; Kusari-gama; Scourge, barbed; Whip; Whip dagger; Flail, light; Flail, heavy, Ranseur. Disarm +3 Triple Knife. Disarm +4 Panther claw, Sai. Druid Druids gain automatic proficiency in the following weapons. Druid Club; Dagger; Dart; Longspear; Quarterstaff; Scimitar; Sickle; Shortspear; Sling. Double A weapon with 2 attack surfaces. Either surface can be used as a single weapon, or both can be used via a Two-Weapon fighting style. In the later case, the off-hand surface is considered light. Only a creature exactly one size category smaller than the weapon can use it as a Double Weapon. Double (for small creatures) Hammer, gnome hooked; Lajatang, halfling, Shortstaff. Double (for medium creatures) Axe, orc double; Bladed staff; Flail, dire; Kusari-gama; Gyrspike; Gythka; Lajatang; Scimitar, double; Sword, two-bladed; Urgrosh, dwarven, Quarterstaff. Finesse This weapon can always be used with Feat: Weapon Finesse. Finesse Blade boot; Thinblade, elven; Chain, spiked; Kusari-gama, Dagger, Rapier. Hand-and-a-Half This weapon can be used two-handed with basic Martial Proficiency or one-handed with an Exotic Proficiency. Note that you must be the same size category as the weapon to make use of this advantage. Hand-and-a-Half (small) Battlepick, gnome. Hand-and-a-Half (medium) Sword, bastard; Waraxe, dwarven. Hand-and-a-Half (large) Fullblade. Kata A monk may wield this weapon with his unarmed fighting bonuses & number of attacks. Kata, small Blade boot; Kama, halfling; Nunchaku, halfling; Sai; Siangham, halfling; Lajatang, halfling. Kata, medium Blade boot; Sai; Kama; Nunchaku; Siangham; Lajatang; Three-section staff. Monk Monks gain automatic proficiency in the following weapons. Monk Club; Crossbow, light; Crossbow, heavy; Dagger; Handaxe; Javelin; Kama; Kama, halfling; Nunchaku; Nunchaku, halfling; Quarterstaff; Shuriken; Siangham; Siangham, halfling; Sling. Racial Proficiency The listed race gains automatic proficiency in the listed weapon. Elf Racial Proficiency Longbow; Longbow, composite; Longsword or Rapier. Kender Racial Proficiency Hoopak. Kuo-Toa Racial Proficiency Pincer Staff. Reach 10 This weapon threatens at 10. It does not threaten the adjacent hex unless otherwise indicated. Reach 10 and Threaten Adjacent Chain, spiked; Duom; Kusari-gama. Reach 10 Crusher, orc; Mancatcher; Pincer Staff; Lance, heavy; Glaive; Guisarme; Longspear; Ranseur. Ricochet attack at -N On a successful attack, a second attack roll can be made at N penalty on a different target within 5 of the first target. Ricochet attack at -2 Skiprock, halfling; Skiprock, halfling (for sling). Rogue Rogues gain automatic proficiency in the following weapons. Rogue Crossbow, hand; Crossbow, light; Dagger; Dagger, punching; Dart; Mace, light; Sap; Shortbow; Shortbow, composite; Shortsword. Rogue, medium Club; Crossbow, heavy; Mace, heavy; Morningstar; Quarterstaff; Rapier. Trip This weapon can be used to make trip attacks. If a counter-trip occurs, then the user can drop the weapon instead of being tripped. Some weapons give a +N bonus on the trip roll. Trip Khopesh; Chain, spiked; Flail, dire; Kusari-gama; Gyrspike; Gythka; Bolas, 2-ball; Scourge, barbed; Whip; Whip dagger; Flail, light; Flail, heavy, Halberd. Trip +2 Chain-and-dagger; Fishing Gaff. Vs. Charge If you ready a set vs. charge, then you do double damage if you hit a charging opponent. Vs. Charge Urgrosh, dwarven, Halfspear, Shortspear, Trident, Halberd, Longspear.
Page 1.2-1
Size Small
Cost 5 gp
Weight 3 lbs
Misc. Can hold 3 flasks of holy water. As a standard action, can sprinkle one flask on a target within melee range as a ranged touch attacked without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Size Tiny Tiny Tiny Small Small Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Large Large
Dam. 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d4 / 1d4 1d6 / 1d6 1d8
Critical 19-20 / x2 x3 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3
Range 10 10 20 20
Type P P P B B B P B B/P B B P
Weight 1 lb 2 lbs 2 lbs 6 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs 12 lbs 8 lbs 2 lbs 4 lbs 5 lbs
Misc. Finesse, Druid, Monk, Rogue Rogue Cant be disarmed, Considered an armed attack Rogue Druid Druid, Monk, Rogue Vs. Charge Rogue Rogue Double Double, Druid, Monk, Rogue Vs. Charge, Druid
Dagger, punching
(PH p98)
Gauntlet, spiked
(PH p98)
Mace, light
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
Mace, heavy
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(DU89 p95)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
Dam. 1d3 or 1d2 1d3 or 1d2 1d4 or 1d3 1d4 or 1d3 1d6 1d6 1d6
Critical x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
Range 10
Type B B B B P P S
Misc. Medium wielders do 1d3, while Small ones do 1d2. A shield is always considered a light weapon. Medium wielders do 1d3, while Small ones do 1d2. A shield is always considered a light weapon. Medium wielders do 1d4, while Small ones do 1d3. A shield is always considered a light weapon. Medium wielders do 1d4, while Small ones do 1d3. A shield is always considered a light weapon. Small & Large spiked shields do the same damage. A shield is always considered a light weapon. Damage is done by grappling or with a melee attack. Armor spikes are considered a light weapon.
Shield, spiked
(PH p106)
Armor spikes
(PH p105)
Axe, throwing
(PH p98)
This weapon is always considered light, so it can be used in the off-hand without penalty. Page 1.2-2
October 24, 2001 Range 20 10 Type S/P B S P P B P S B P S P P S/P S P B S B S S B S S P/S P B P P/S Cost 15 gp 1 gp 6 gp 6 gp 4 gp 1 gp 10 gp 10 gp 8 gp 10 gp 15 gp 8 gp 20 gp 20 gp 15 gp 15 gp 12 gp 75 gp 15 gp 8 gp 20 gp 5 gp 50 gp 9 gp 10 gp 5 gp 15 gp 10 gp 18 gp Weight 3 lbs 2 lbs 5 lbs 5 lbs 4 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs 7 lbs 5 lbs 10 lbs 4 lbs 6 lbs 3 lbs 4 lbs 4 lbs 5 lbs 8 lbs 16 lbs 20 lbs 15 lbs 20 lbs 10 lbs 15 lbs 15 lbs 15 lbs 9 lbs 20 lbs 15 lbs 12 lbs Reach 10, Disarm +2 Reach 10, Trip Vs. Charge, Trip Vs. Charge, Reach 10 Trip, Disarm +2 Reach 10 Finesse, Bard, Rogue, Elf Racial Proficiency +1 to attack if used while mounted. Druid Vs. Charge Trip, Disarm +2 Reach 10, x2 damage when used from the back of a charging mount Elf Racial Proficiency Bard, Rogue Rogue Monk x2 damage when used from the back of a charging mount Misc. +2 to resist being disarmed
Size Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Large Large Large Large Large Large Large Large Large Large Large Large
Dam. 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d8 1d8 2d4 1d10 1d10 1d12 1d10 2d6 2d4 1d10 1d8 1d10 2d4 2d4
Critical 19-20 / x2 x2 x3 x3 x4 x2 19-20 / x2 x3 x2 x3 19-20 / x2 x4 18-20 / x2 19-20 / x2 18-20 / x2 x2 x3 18-20 / x2 19-20 / x2 x3 x3 x2 19-20 / x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x4
Hammer, light
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
Lance, light
(PH p98)
Pick, light
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
Sword, short
(PH p98)
(PH p99)
Flail, light
(PH p98)
Lance, heavy
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
Pick, heavy
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(FR p97)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
Flail, heavy
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
(FR p97)
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
Size Unarmed Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny Tiny
Dam. as fists 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4
Range 10
Type B P P S S B S or P B P P
Cost 10 gp 15 gp 30 gp 2 gp 8 gp 2 gp 75 gp 10 gp 2 gp 8 gp
Misc. Unarmed attack, +1 AC on an All-Out Defense Action, Cant be disarmed Kata, Finesse, +4 bonus to Escape Artist checks vs. rope Cannot be disarmed, does not interfere with casting spells Kata, Monk
Blade boot
(FR p97)
Claw bracer
(FR p97)
Kama, halfling
(PH p99)
(PH p99)
Nunchaku, halfling
(PH p99)
Kata, Monk Disarm +4 Kata, Disarm +4 Kata, Monk Cant be disarmed, Threat range extends to 17-20 after 1st hit in a continuous battle Buckler
Panther claw
(DR281 p39)
(DR275 p42)
Siangham, halfling
(PH p99)
Stump Knife
(S&F p70)
19-20 / x2
20 gp
1 lb
Triple Knife
(S&F p70)
Tiny Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small
1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d3 1d4 or 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6-2
19-20 / x2 x4 19-20 / x2 x3 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
10 gp 10 gp 30 gp 30 gp 20 gp 1 gp 2 gp 2 gp 3 gp Free
Can be wielded in the off-hand without penalty if not used to attack, Disarm + 3 Hand-and-a-Half for Small-sized wielders Counts as an armed attack Buckler Attack x2, Only apply Strength bonus to damage Combination club and sling, Kender Racial Proficiency Kata, Monk Kata, Monk Kata, Monk Attempting to stake a vampire is at 4 if you do not have this exotic weapon proficiency. On a successful attack, you and the vampire must make an opposed Strength check. If you succeed, then the vampire is paralyzed until the stake is removed. +4 on 1st attack with a contested Bluff Disarm +2, Trip +2 Disarm +2, Trip +2 Double
Battlepick, gnome
(S&F p70)
Bladed gauntlet
(S&F p70) (S&Fe)+
Crescent knife
(DR275 p42) (DR276 p120)+
(DU86 p39)
(PH p99)
(PH p99)
(PH p99)
Stake, wooden
(DU84 p86)
War fan
(S&F p70)
x3 19-20 / x2 x3 x3 / x4
30 gp 4 gp 2 gp? 20 gp
(S&F p70)
Fishing Gaff
(DR283 p91)
(FR p97)
Med. Med.
19-20 / x2 x2
20 gp 80 gp
12 lbs 3 lbs
Lajatang, halfling
(DR275 p42)
October 24, 2001 Range 20 Type S S S P S P S S S P B P B S/B S S S/B B P S Cost 400 gp 20 gp 20 gp 16 gp? 35 gp 100 gp 30 gp 60 gp 50 gp 25 gp 60 gp 20 gp 90 gp 90 gp 100 gp 90 gp 10 gp 30 gp 15 gp 600 gp Weight 6 lbs 2 lbs 2 lbs 5 lbs? 10 lbs 3 lbs 15 lbs 25 lbs 10 lbs 15 lbs 15 lbs 8 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 12 lbs 7 lbs 3 lbs 8 lbs 9 lbs 17 lbs Attack x3, do not apply Strength bonus to damage Disarm +2, Trip Cant be disarmed Hand-and-a-Half for Medium-sized wielders Finesse Hand-and-a-Half for Medium-sized wielders Double Double Reach 10 & Threaten Adjacent, Finesse, Trip, Disarm +2 Reach 10, Attack over a Medium-sized ally Reach 10& Threaten Adjacent (+2 on attack the 1st time) Double, Trip, Disarm +2 Double, Trip, Disarm +2 Double, Trip Kata, Double Double or Reach 10 & Threaten Adjacent, Trip, Disarm +2, Finesse Reach 10, Grapple One extra Attack of Opportunity per round Misc.
Size Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. Large Large Large Large Large Large Large Large Large Large Large Large Large
Dam. 1d8 1d3 1d8 1d8 1d10 1d8 1d10 1d8 / 1d8 1d8 / 1d8 2d4 1d8 1d8 1d8 / 1d8 1d8 / 1d8 1d8 / 1d8 1d8 / 1d8 1d6 / 1d4 1d4 1d8 2d6
Scourge, 3 tailed
(DR275 p42) (DR276 p120)+
Scourge, barbed
(FR p97)
Stump Pike
(DR286 p46)
Sword, bastard
(PH p99)
Thinblade, elven
(DR275 p42)
Waraxe, dwarven
(PH p99)
Bladed staff
(DR281 p39)
Chain, spiked
(PH p99)
Crusher, orc
(DR275 p42)
(S&F p70)
Flail, dire
(PH p99)
(S&F p70)
(DR275 p42)
(DR275 p42)
(DMG p161) (DMGe)+
(DR275 p42)
(S&F p70)
Mercurial Greatsword
(S&F p70) (S&Fe)+
Pincer Staff
(MM p126)
1d10 1d6 / 1d6 2d6 1d8 / 1d8 1d8 / 1d6 1d8 2d8
Scimitar, double
(DR281 p39)
Reach 10, Grapple (1d10 per round if successful), Kuo-Tao Racial Proficiency Double
Scimitar, great
(DR275 p42)
Sword, two-bladed
(PH p99)
Urgrosh, dwarven
(PH p99)
Three-section staff
(S&F p70)
(S&F p70) (S&Fe)+
Page 1.2-5
Range 80 20 50 120 30
Type P P B P P
Cost 35 gp 5 sp Free 50 gp 1 gp
Misc. Move equivalent action to reload, Monk, Rogue Druid, Rogue Druid, Monk Full round action to reload, Monk, Rogue Monk
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
Crossbow, heavy
(PH p98)
(PH p98)
Critical x3 x3 x3
Range 60 70 70
Type P P P
Cost 30 gp 75 gp 150 gp
Misc. Bard, Rogue Bard, Rogue Bard, Rogue, Up to +1 Strength bonus applies to damage. Bard, Rogue, Up to +2 Strength bonus applies to damage. Bard, Elf Racial Proficiency Bard, Elf Racial Proficiency Bard, Elf Racial Proficiency, Up to +1 Strength bonus applies to damage. Bard, Elf Racial Proficiency, Up to +2 Strength bonus applies to damage. Bard, Elf Racial Proficiency, Up to +3 Strength bonus applies to damage. Bard, Elf Racial Proficiency, Up to +4 Strength bonus applies to damage.
Shortbow, composite
(PH p99)
225 gp
2 lbs
(PH p99)
x3 x3 x3
75 gp 100 gp 200 gp
Longbow, composite
(PH p99)
300 gp
3 lbs
400 gp
3 lbs
500 gp
3 lbs
Dam. 1d4 1
Critical 19-20 / x2 x2
Range 30 10
Type P P
Cost 100 gp 1 gp
Weight 3 lbs
Misc. Move equivalent action to reload, Rogue Attack x3, No Strength Bonus on Damage
/10 lb
(PH p99)
1 1d3 1d4
x2 x2 x2
10 10 50
1 gp 3 gp 3 gp
/10 lb
Attack x3, No Strength Bonus on Damage, Monk Ricochet attack at 2 Ricochet attack at 2
Skiprock, halfling
(DR275 p42)
lb lb
Page 1.2-6
October 24, 2001 Range 10 Type B Cost 10 gp Weight 3 lbs Misc. Ranged Touch, Pinned if fail Reflex save vs. attack roll. To remove, Escape Artist check vs. DC 20 or Strength check vs. DC 20. Ranged Touch, Pinned if fail Reflex save vs. attack roll. To remove, Escape Artist check vs. DC 20 or Strength check vs. DC 20. Ranged Touch attack to trip & roll to grapple Returns after a miss (AC 10 to catch).
Size Small
Dam. 1d6
Critical x2
Bolo, barbed
(DR275 p42)
20 gp
4 lbs
Bolas, 2-ball
(S&F p71)
x2 x2 x3 x2 x2 x2
5 gp 20 gp 15 gp 40 gp 1 gp 200 gp
(DR275 p42)
(FR p97)
(DR275 p42)
Returns after a miss (AC 10 to catch). Trip, Disarm +2, same Exotic Proficiency as Whip-dagger, Bard Trip, Disarm +2, same Exotic Proficiency as Whip-dagger, Bard, Up to +1 Strength bonus applies to damage. Trip, Disarm +2, same Exotic Proficiency as Whip-dagger, Bard, Up to +2 Strength bonus applies to damage. Trip, Disarm +2, same Exotic Proficiency as Whip-dagger, Bard, Up to +3 Strength bonus applies to damage. Trip, Disarm +2, same Exotic Proficiency as Whip-dagger, Bard, Up to +4 Strength bonus applies to damage.
(PH p99)
Whip, Mighty +1
(PH p99) (S&F p71)+
Whip, Mighty +2
(PH p99) (S&F p71)+
300 gp
4 lbs
Whip, Mighty +3
(PH p99) (S&F p71)+
400 gp
5 lbs
Whip, Mighty +4
(PH p99) (S&F p71)+
500 gp
6 lbs
Blowgun, halfling
(DR275 p42)
1d2 1d8
x2 19-20 / x2
15 gp 250 gp 20 gp
1 lb 16 lbs 10 lbs Magazine holds 5 bolts Ranged Touch to Entangle (2 on attacks & 4 dex). To remove, Escape Artist vs. DC 20 or Strength check vs. DC 25 Move equivalent action to reload
Crossbow, repeating
(PH p99)
(PH p99)
Spinning javelin
(S&F p71)
Med. Med.
1d8 1d4
19-20 / x2 x2
2 gp 200 gp
2 lbs 4 lbs
Spring-loaded gauntlet
(S&F p71)
(DR275 p42)
20 gp 100 gp 15 gp 10 gp 25 gp 225 gp
2 lb 15 lbs 10 lbs 15 lbs 3 lbs 4 lbs Trip, Disarm +2, same Exotic Proficiency as Whip Trip, Disarm +2, same Exotic Proficiency as Whip. Up to +1 Strength bonus applies to damage. Trip, Disarm +2, same Exotic Proficiency as Whip. Up to +1 Strength bonus applies to damage. Trip, Disarm +2, same Exotic Proficiency as Whip. Up to +1 Strength bonus applies to damage. Trip, Disarm +2, same Exotic Proficiency as Whip. Up to +1 Strength bonus applies to damage. Full round action to reload Lodges in victim if fails a Reflex save vs. (10 + damage), take damage again pulling it free.
Crossbow, great
(S&F p71)
(S&F p71)
Shotput, orc
(S&F p71)
Whip dagger
(S&F p71)
19-20 / x2
325 gp
5 lbs
19-20 / x2
425 gp
6 lbs
19-20 / x2
525 gp
7 lbs
Page 1.2-7
(PH p99)
Cost 5 cp 1 sp 1 sp 2 sp 1 cp Free
Misc. Usable in all straight bows. Usable in halfling & standard blowguns. Usable in hand, light, & heavy crossbows. Usable in repeating crossbows. Usable in slings. Usable in slings. Sling Stones only do 1d3 damage and are 1 to hit.
/6 lb
Blowgun dart
(DR275 p43)
/20 lb /10 lb /5 lb
Bolt, standard
(PH p98)
Bolt, repeating
(PH p98)
Sling Bullet
(PH p98)
lb lb?
Sling Stone
(PH p103)
Page 1.2-8
DC 10 10 15 15 15
Description Fine power that is mixed into liquids. Relieves hangovers. Fine white powder. Mixing 1 ounce of Powered Water with 1 drop of water results in 1 gallon of water. Grenade-like weapon with a 10 range increment. Acid does 1d6 acid damage on a direct hit and 1 hp on a splash. Makes 10 servings, which last for 3 months. Each serving (with water) is equivalent to a whole meal. Red or blue ink. An hour after being written, this ink fade away. Heat causes it to reappear. To see the ink once it has disappeared requires a Search check vs. DC 20. A piece of rock crystal. When immersed in liquid, it becomes cold as ice, but returns to normal when dry. Strong smelling liquid. Keep normal insects away for 4 hours. Small sized insects or those under spell control must make a Will save vs. DC 12. Small bag of aromatic herbs. Grenade-like weapon with a 10 range increment or can be sprinkled over a 5x5 area. On a direct hit, the target must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 18 or loose its sense of smell for 1 minute. A secondary save must be made or the sense of smell will be lost for an hour. A splash or sniffing the sprinkled area has the same effect, except the DC is 15. Small smooth stone. A Soupstone can turn a total of 10 gallons of water into hot nourishing broth. Grenade-like weapon with a 10 range increment. Alchemists Fire does 1d6 fire damage on a direct hit and 1 hp on a splash. On a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 damage if he doesnt take a full round action to put himself out with a Reflex save vs. DC 15 (+2 if he rolls on the ground). Silky gray powder. When ignited, anyone looking at its flash takes a 5 Spot check penalty for 5 rounds. Blue gel that feels cool. If applied to skin within 1 hour of it being burned, the gel heals 1d6 points of damage If applied to healthy skin, it provides a +1 resistance bonus to fire or heat based attacks for 1 hour. Invisible ink. The ink turns red when revealing solution (which is created at the same time as the ink) is applied. Luminescent dust. Lasts for 1 minutes before fading, or can be brushed off as a full-round action. If in a tube, Glowpowder can be blown in a 10 cone. Otherwise sprinkled over five 5x5 squares. Depending on its target, Glowpowder does the following: a) On an object, it provides +2 on Search checks. b) On a person, it provides +2 on Spot checks. c) On an invisible person, the target only has Concealment (20% miss). Makes 6 servings, which last for 1 day. For the next 8 hours, the eater has a +4 alchemical bonus to any Fortitude save vs. catching a disease. An hour after being written, this ink fade away. After that, it can only be seen (as determined as ink creation) by a) firelight, b) magical light, c) moonlight, or d) starlight (only readable with darkvision). Chemically treated stick. When lit, the Smokestick creates 10x10x10 of opaque smoke in one round. The smoke dissipates normally. Gluey substance. Lasts for 10 minutes once applied. a) When applied to hands, gives a +2 on Climb or Grapple checks. b) When applied to rope, gives a +2 on Use Rope checks for tying knots or binding. c) When applied to feet/shoes, gives a +2 on Balance checks. Small wooden stick with chemicals on one end. When scraped on its chemical-enhanced end, the Tindertwig immediately catches fire.
Cost 1 gp 5 gp 10 gp 50 gp 5 gp
Powdered Water
(DR280 p52)
(PH p113)
Disappearing Ink
(T&B p72) (FR p96)
Ice Crystal
(DR280 p52)
15 15
5 gp 5 gp
Insect Repellent
(DR280 p52)
(T&B p72) (FR p96)
5 gp
(DR280 p53)
15 20
300 gp 20 gp
Alchemists Fire
(PH p113)
Flash Powder
(DR280 p51)
20 20
20 gp 100 gp
Cooling Gel
(DR280 p51)
Couriers Ink
(DR280 p51)
20 20
20 gp 50 gp
(T&B p72)
70 gp
Phantom Ink
(T&B p72)
10 gp
(PH p114)
20 20
20 gp 20 gp
(T&B p72)
(PH p114)
1 gp
Alchemy Items
Page 1.3-1
Alchemy Items
Alchemical Sleep Gas
(FR p96)
DC 25
Description A quickly evaporating liquid. Grenade-like weapon with a 10 range increment. On a direct hit, the target must succeeded with a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or fall asleep for 1 round. If the target fails the secondary save, it falls asleep for 1d4 min. Waking the target is a standard action. Antitoxin gives +5 alchemical bonus on all Fortitude saves vs. poison for 1 hour. Slippery red oil. Softens metal armor so that its armor check value is one less for 1 hour. Each application has a 5% cumulate chance at the end of the hour of destroying the armor. Thick grease. When applied to the whole body, the person has Fire Resistance 10 for a single fire attack or hour. If not removed in 1 hour with water, it deals 1 point of subdual damage per minute. Thick reddish paste. Can be spread onto surfaces. When lit, it will burn for 1d4 round, doing 3d6 per round. The surfaces hardness is halved before determining the final damage. Not useful as a Molotov Cocktail, since it doesnt splatter or stick. Small orange stone. Grenade-like weapon with a range increment of 20 (like a Thunderstone). On impact, it explodes for 1d6 fire damage & lights flammables within 5. Small bead. Grenade-like weapon with a range increment of 20 (like a Thunderstone). On impact, all within a 10 radius must make a Reflex save vs. DC 15 to be at 1 attack penalty for 1 minute. Quick-drying oil. Anyone going through the 5x5 area the oil coats must make a Dex check vs. DC 15 to keep standing / moving. Sticky green paste. Heals 1d8. A bundle attached to the end of a rope. When thrown (range increment of 10), the container breaks & adheres the rope to the target object. It can hold 200 pounds for 1d4+3 rounds before breaking down. It takes a Strength check vs. DC 27 to break before then. Viscous liquid. Grenade-like weapon with a 10 range increment or can be poured over a 5 radius area. On contact with air, Liquid Ice becomes extremely cold. Its uses include a) freezing a 5 radius water surface, b) putting out 5 radius of fire, c) doing 1d6 cold damage on a direct hit, or 1 hp of damage on a splash Thick grease. When applied to the eyes as a full-round action, Night Eyes provides low-light vision for 10 minutes. Any bright light during that time gives the user 1 penalty to attacks. Thick red salve. When applied to the body, the user gains +2 Strength for 10 minutes, but 4 Dex for 1 hour. If used more than twice in a week, a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 must be made or 1 point of Charisma is permanently lost. Grenade-like weapon with a 10 range increment. Damages oozes, doing 1d6 on a direct hit & 1 hp on a splash. On the following round, the ooze must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or take 1d6 more damage. Oil. +5 on Escape Artist checks for 1 hour. Can be washed off with alcohol. A coarse powder. Each ounce of Smokepowder can be used to propel a bullet. It can also be used to make bombs. Fine powder. Grenade-like weapon with a range increment of 10. On a direct hit, the target must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or have a 2 on all rolls for 1d4 rounds due to sneezing. For 10 minutes, this powder gives the user +2 on Move Silently checks. Gold-tipped iron wand (1 foot long). When struck, the Sunrod gives off 60 diameter of light for 6 hours. Heavy, gray cloth. Also requires a Craft (Weaving) check vs. 20. Price is per square foot. Stonecloth is non-flammable, so there is no secondary damage from fire attacks.
(PH p113)
25 25
50 gp 50 gp
Armor Soft
(DR280 p51)
(DR280 p51)
50 gp
50 gp
(DR280 p51)
50 gp
(T&B p72)
50 gp
Free Foot
(DR280 p51)
25 25 25
25 gp 50 gp 50 gp
Healing Salve
(T&B p72)
(DR280 p51)
Liquid Ice
(DR280 p52)
30 gp
Night Eyes
(DR280 p52)
25 gp
Red Rager
(DR280 p52)
50 gp
(DR280 p52)
15 gp
Slippery Oil
(DR280 p52)
25 25 25
50 gp 20 / lb. 60 gp
(FR p97) (DMG p106)
Sneezing Powder
(DR280 p52)
Softshoe Powder
(DR280 p53)
25 25 25
25 gp 2 gp 100 gp
(PH p114)
(DR280 p53)
Alchemy Items
Page 1.3-2
Alchemy Items
Tangle Wire
(DR280 p53)
DC 25
Description 10 piece of barbed wire coated with adhesive in a tight bundle. To avoid Tangle Wire strung across a hallway, make a Spot check vs. DC 15. If tangled, take 1d2 damage per round unless totally still. No penalty except damage if it is ignored. To remove, make a Dex or Escape Artist check vs. DC 20 or a Str check vs. DC 25. Bag of alchemical goo. Grenade-like weapon with a range increment of 10. On a direct hit, its target is at 2 attack & 4 Dex and must make a Reflex save vs. 15 or be stuck to the floor & unable to move. To break free of the floor takes a Strength check vs. DC 27 or 15 hp of slash damage. To scrape the goo off the targets body, the target or an ally must do scrapping damage equal to 15 hp. The target can then move a half speed. The goo lasts 10 minutes. Grenade-like weapon with a range increment of 20. On impact, it makes a loud bang, forcing all within a 10 radius to make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or be deafened. This results in 4 on Initiative & 20% chance of a spell miscast. Fiery, unpleasant liquid. Effects last for 1d4 hours. Only useful once per 8 hours. If used by someone fatigued, the user no longer has any Str or Dex penalties. Once Travelers Solace wears off, the user must rest for 8 hours to become rested. If used by someone exhausted, the user is only at Str 4 & Dex -4. Once Travelers Solace wears off, the user must rest for 8 hours to become only fatigued. A quickly evaporating liquid. Grenade-like weapon with a range increment of 10 or it can be soaked into cloth. If a cloth is soaked with Vapors of Sleep and held over a targets mouth & nose (i.e., a successful grapple), the target must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 13 or sleep for 1d4 hours. If thrown, the target of a direct hit must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 13 or be at a 2 penalty on all action for 1d4 rounds. Makes 1 serving, which lasts for 1 week. Eating a Zumzum Cake before sleeping 8 hours results in regaining hit points as if 24 hours of rest. Makes 1 serving, which lasts for 1 day. For 1 hour, eater gains a +1 alchemical bonus to Initiative. Sweet, white wine. A non-elven drinker of a glass of Truth Wine must make a Will save vs. DC 15 to tell a lie for the next (10 Constitution bonus) minutes.
Tanglefoot Bag
(PH p114)
50 gp
(PH p114)
30 gp
Travelers Solace
(DR280 p53)
50 gp
Vapors of Sleep
(DR280 p53)
50 gp
Zumzum Cake
(DR285 p38)
25 30 30
75 gp 150 gp 75 gp
Moonmoss Pudding
(DR285 p38)
Truth Wine
(DR280 p53)
Alchemy Items
Page 1.3-3
2. Equipment Options
2.1. Unusual Materials & Construction Techniques
None of the materials listed below are inherently magical, so none of them will show up via Detect Magic, they function as listed in Dead Magic Zones, etc. All weapons, armor, & shields that use exotic materials & techniques are considered Masterwork(MoF p177).
Game Effect Light Armor +1 AC Medium Armor +2 AC Heavy Armor +3 AC Shields +1 AC Sonic Resistance 2 +1 Max Dex
Cost +2,000 gp +5,000 gp +10,000 gp +2,000 gp +2,000 gp 500 gp 900 gp 1,800 gp +2,000 gp Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor Shield
(MoF p178)
Chitin Armor
(RTEE p154)
Silver-blue with a green reflective shine. Heavy armor made from giant beetle plates by Troglodytes Copper Deep purple, but silvery where polished Richly colored wood that is strong & light
Cold Resistance 2 Acid Resistance 2 Weigh 50% less Heavy Armor counts as Medium Medium Armor counts as Light -5% Spell Failure +1 Max Dex Bonus -2 Armor Check Penalty Fire Resistance 2 Fire Resistance 2 Fire & Acid Resistance 2 Light Armor counts as Medium Medium Armor counts as Heavy +10% Spell Failure -2 Max Dex Bonus +3 Armor Check Penalty Cold Resistance 2 -5% Spell Failure +1 Max Dex Bonus -2 Armor Check Penalty After 10 days of wear, Living Metal armor reshapes itself to the wearer: -5% Spell Failure +1 Max Dex Bonus -1 Armor Check Penalty Heavy Armor counts as Medium Medium Armor counts as Light -10% Spell Failure +2 Max Dex Bonus -3 Armor Check Penalty Weights 25% more +4 on Will saves +1 Armor Check Penalty -2 Armor Class Bonus
(MoF p178)
+2,000 gp Armor +750 gp +2,250 gp +6,000 gp 203 gp 257 gp Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor Small Shield Large Shield
Fever Iron
(MoF p178)
(MoF p179)
Silvery gray metal Leaves as strong as leather Spring green. Autumn orange & red. Gray-green metal that heals & reshapes itself
Living Metal
(MoF p179)
(DMG p242)
(DR-A5 p28)
+9,000 gp Armor
Page 2.1-1
October 24, 2001 Game Effect Cold & Sonic Resistance 2 Light Armor counts as Medium Medium Armor counts as Heavy +10% Spell Failure -2 Max Dex Bonus +3 Armor Check Penalty Electricity Resistance 2 Cost +5,000 gp Armor
+2,000 gp Armor
Weapons of Unusual Materials
(DMG p242)
Description Black metal Sickly green metal Normal weapons that can be disassembled Deep purple, but silvery where polished Bone-white, but greenish in candlelight Grey wood, but hard as iron Normal looking iron Gold
Game Effect Weapons that do 1d6 or less damage +1 attack & damage Weapons that do 1d8 or more damage +2 attack & damage Weapons that do 1d8 or more damage +1damage Only Threatens a Critical on a 20. +1 Electricity damage +1 Cold damage Can be made into metal weapons Weighs 50% less +1 Fire damage Weapons made with this technique are Heavy. Damage category increases due to weight: d2 d3 d4 d6 d8 2d6 d10 2d6 d12 2d8 An Exotic Proficiency is needed with the Heavy version of the weapon, or a 4 penalty will occur. The penalty can be avoided by wielding a weapon smaller than you with both hands. You can never take Weapon Finesse with a Heavy Weapon. +1 Fire damage & +1 Electricity damage Weapons with large striking masses (maces, hammers, etc.) +2 damage Weapons with medium striking areas (battle axes, etc.) +1 damage Weapons made with this technique are Heavy. Damage category increases due to weight: d2 d3 d4 d6 d8 2d6 d10 2d6 d12 2d8 An Exotic Proficiency is needed with the Heavy version of the weapon, or a 4 penalty will occur. The penalty can be avoided by wielding a weapon smaller than you with both hands. You can never take Weapon Finesse with a Heavy Weapon. Weighs 25% less Each hit give a Slug Crystal weapon a cumulative 1 damage until it shatters +1 damage to creatures vulnerable to silver +1 damage, +2d6 damage to elves
Cost +3,000 gp 1d6 Weapons +9,000 gp 1d8+ Weapons +4,500 gp +1,000 gp +1,500 gp +1,500 gp +1,500 gp +2,000 gp +1,500 gp 1d3 Weapons +2,500 gp 1d4 & 1d6 Weap +7,000 gp 1d8+ Weapons
Adamantite-Copper Alloy
(DR-A5 p28)
Collapsible Weapons
(DR-A5 p28)
(MoF p178)
(MoF p178)
Fever Iron
(MoF p178)
(MoF p179)
Silvery gray metal Normal weapon whose head has been hollowed out & half-filled with quicksilver & iron shavings Silvery white metal
+1,500 gp +5,000 gp
+1,500 gp 1d3 Weapons +2,500 gp 1d4 & 1d6 Weap +7,000 gp 1d8+ Weapons
Slug Crystal
(DR-A5 p28)
Amber-like crystal
+500 gp
+1,000 gp +8,000 gp
(DR-A5 p28)
Page 2.1-2
Unusual Ammunition
Alchemists Arrow
(S&F p70)
Description Arrow with a hollowed out shaft full of Alchemists Fire. Flat wooden tipped arrows Improved aerodynamics Pale, light wood Whistles a bird call as it flies Combination arrow & smokestick Combination arrow & thunderstone
Game Effect On the round after a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage & must make a Reflex save vs. DC 15 to put it out. Subdual damage instead of normal damage. +20 range increment Weighs 25% less +10 range increment Wilderness check vs. DC 20 to determine that the bird call was fake. -2 attack penalty -10 range increment. Does no damage. 10 cube of smoke on impact. -20 range increment. Does no damage. On impact, it makes a loud bang, forcing all within a 10 radius to make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or be deafened. This results in 4 on Initiative & 20% chance of a spell miscast.
Cost 75 gp each
Blunt Arrow
(DR279 p49)
Flight Arrow
(DR279 p49)
Lenaer Wood
(DR-A5 p28)
Signal Arrow
(DR279 p49)
Smoke Arrow
(DR279 p49)
25 gp each
Thunder Arrow
(DR279 p49)
35 gp each
Raw Materials
Unusual Materials
Darkwood (a.k.a. Zalantar)
(DMG p243) (MoF p180)
Description Richly colored wood that is strong & light Pale, light wood Gray-green metal that heals & reshapes itself Silvery, glistening metal
Game Effect Weigh 50% less Weighs 25% less Restores itself by 1 hit point per minute Weighs 50% less
Cost +10 gp per pound +10 gp per pound +100 gp per pound +500 gp per pound
Lenaer Wood
(DR-A5 p28)
Living Metal
(MoF p179)
(DMG p242)
Page 2.1-3
Cost +1
Description +2 enhancement bonus to Strength +8,000 gp. +4 enhancement bonus to Strength +32,000 gp. +1 vs. ranged attacks. All projectiles & thrown weapons targeted within 5 of wearer veer towards the wearer instead, if their enhancement bonus in not higher than the shields. The wielder may deactivate this ability. Large shields do 1d8 bashing damage. Small shields do 1d6 bashing damage. The shield acts as a +1 weapon. Twice per day, the item can flash. Everyone except the wearer within 20 must make a Reflex save vs. DC 14 or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. +5 circumstance bonus to Hide checks. Armor is immune to acid & rust. As a standard action, the item can be summoned onto the owner (properly donned). 25% chance of negating a critical or sneak attack. Acid Resistance 5. Armor is immune to rust & acid. On command, the armor looks like normal clothing, but otherwise acts normally. Negative Energy Protection(PH p231) activates when needed & lasts for 5 rounds. Usable once per day. Max Dex bonus of the armor is +2. Armor Check Penalty is 1. +10 on Hide checks. Armor check penalty still applies. Ex.: Shadow Full Plate = +10 bonus 5 masterwork full plate penalty = +5 to Hide checks. +10 on Move Silently checks. Armor check penalty still applies. +10 on Escape Artist checks. Armor check penalty still applies. Upon command, the shield acts as if the wielder was carrying it. Once per round (as a free action, though must not be flat-footed), the wielder may make a Reflex save vs. DC 20 to deflect an incoming projectile. Wearer can move freely in water without making a Swim check. +4 competence bonus to Charisma. +2 moral bonus to Will saves to all allies within 30. 6 to Hide checks. Glows with a Daylight(PH p191) spell for a total of 30 minutes each day. Death Ward(PH p191) activates when needed & lasts for 70 minutes. Usable once per day. If the armor wearer makes a touch attack or the shield wearer makes a shield bash, the target is effected by an Enervation(PH p199) spell. All opponents within 40 are effected by Fear(PH p203) @ 7th level. Wearer can Fly(PH p206) up to 50 minutes per day. Light armor & shields have a flying movement of 90, while medium & heavy armor have a flying movement of 60. All have good maneuverability. Turn / rebuke undead (if able) at 2 levels higher. Wearer gains SR 13. Wearer may attack undead with the spell Disrupt Undead(PH p197) @ 5th level 4 times per day. Can absorb enhancement bonus in ability damage and/or level drains each day. It also allows a Fortitude save for half-effect on energy drain powers that dont normally allow a save Absorbs the 1st 10 points of acid damage each round.
Arrow Catching
(S&F p76)
(DMG p181)
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
(DotF p23)
Medium & Large Shields only Armor, Shield Metallic Armor only Armor, Shield Armor, Shield Metallic Armor only Armor only Armor only
(MoF p136)
(DotF p23)
Fortification (light)
(DMG p181)
(MoF p137)
(DMG p181)
(MoF p137)
+1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
Armor only Armor only Armor only Armor only Shield only Shield only Armor, Shield Armor, Shield Armor, Shield Armor only Armor, Shield Armor, Shield Armor, Shield
(DMG p181)
Silent Moves
(DMG p181)
(DMG p181)
(DMG p181)
Arrow Deflection
(DMG p181)
(DotF p22)
(DotF p23)
(DotF p23)
Death Ward
(MoF p137)
Energy Drain
(DotF p23)
(DotF p23)
(DotF p24)
(DotF p24)
+2 +2 +2 +3
Undead Disrupting
(DotF p24)
(DotF p22)
Acid Resistance
(DMG p181)
Armor, Shield
Magic Adjustments
Page 2.2-1
Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Index Equipment Ability Aquatic with Water Breathing
(DotF p22)
October 24, 2001 Description As Aquatic, but the wearer gets continuous Water Breathing(PH p271).
Cost +3
(DotF p23)
+3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4
Armor, Shield Armor, Shield Shield only Armor, Shield Armor, Shield Armor, Shield Armor, Shield Armor, Shield Armor only Armor, Shield Armor only Armor, Shield Armor, Shield Armor only Armor, Shield
Cold Resistance
(DMG p181)
On an attack, the attacker must make a save vs. charm or be effected by a Charm Person(PH p183) spell (save at +4 if attack was in melee). Absorbs the 1st 10 points of cold damage each round. As a standard action, the shield may be loosed. For 4 rounds, it acts as cover, before falling to the ground. Allows wearer to cast Ethereal Jaunt(PH p201) @ 9th level. Absorbs the 1st 10 points of fire damage each round. 75% chance of negating a critical or sneak attack. Armor & armor enhancement bonuses count vs. incorporeal beings, who can touch & move it normally. Up to 5 opponents within 30 are effected as by a Slow(PH p253) @ 5th level. Also, the wearer may cast Ray of Frost(PH p243) @ 5th level five times per day. Wearer gains damage reduction 5/+1. Absorbs the 1st 10 points of electrical damage each round. Wearer gains SR 13. If the spell is dispelled, then the wearer gets 1d8 hit points. The hit points dont stack, so the max is 8 hp. +4 haste bonus to AC & an extra partial action each round, as a Haste(PH p212) spell. Absorbs the 1st 10 points of sonic damage each round. Wearer gains SR 15. Target alignment / creature is set when the item is created. As a standard action once per day, the wearer can force all targets within 60 to make a Will save vs. DC 24 or flee for 2 hours. The zone moves with the wearer. Allows wearer to cast Etherealness(PH p201) @ 11th level. Wearer gains SR 17. May control up to 24 HD of undead per day as per the Control Undead(PH p188) spell. Control is lost each dawn. 100% chance of negating a critical or sneak attack. One per day as a free action, the shield can reflect a spell back as per Spell Turning(PH p255). Wearer gains SR 19. Wearer is immune to transmutation effects, including polymorphing, petrifictation, and disintegration.
(S&F p76)
Fire Resistance
(DMG p181)
Fortification (medium)
(DMG p181)
Ghost Touch
(DMG p181)
(DotF p24)
(DMG p181)
Lightning Resistance
(DMG p181)
Magic Eating
(MoF p137)
(DotF p24)
Sonic Resistance
(DMG p181)
(DotF p22)
+4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6
Armor, Shield Armor only Armor, Shield Armor, Shield Shield only Armor only Armor only
Undead Controlling
(DotF p24)
Fortification (heavy)
(DMG p181)
(DMG p181)
Magic Adjustments
Page 2.2-2
Ability Jumping
(MoF p140)
Cost -
Description Acts as a Ring of Feather Falling. Once per round, gain +30 on a Jump check, with no height maximum. +13,750 gp. On command, the weapon does +1d6 of acid damage. Once per round as a free action, the wielder can transfer some or all of the weapons enhancement bonus to AC. Dispel Magic(PH p196) as a touch attack, once per day. Doubles the weapons range increment. On command, the weapon does +1d6 of fire damage. The weapon can fly at 30 & will obey simple commands, such as guarding a location. On command, the weapon does +1d6 of cold damage. Deal normal damage to incorporeal creatures. Can also be touched & moved (or even wielded!) by a incorporeal creature. Doubles the weapons threat range. Doubles the weapons threat range. Monks can make stunning attacks, ki strikes, & quivering palm attacks through this weapon. On command, the weapon does +1d6 damage but all damage is subdual. If the wielder has the Feat: Cleave, he may make one additional cleave attempt per round. Acts as if the wielder had the Feat: Precise Shot. After being thrown, the weapon returns to thrower on the next round. On command, the weapon does +1d6 of sonic damage. Negates all miss chances (due to concealment, Blur, etc.). On command, the weapon does +1d6 of electrical damage. The weapon absorbs a single spell, chosen at the weapons creation. On the wielders next action, he can redirect the spell, or let it dissipate. Can store 1 spell of up to 3rd level. Cast on the opponent on a successful hit if the wielder desires. The weapon must then be recharged by a spell caster with a spell up to 3rd level (may be different). The weapon harms creatures with damage reduction as if it had a +5 enhancement bonus.
(MoF p138)
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Any Weapon Any Weapon Melee only Ranged only Any Weapon Melee only Any Weapon Any Weapon Blunt only Slashing only Melee only Any Weapon Any Weapon Ranged only Thrown only Any Weapon Ranged only Any Weapon Melee only Any Weapon
(DMG p186)
(MoF p139)
(DMG p186)
(DMG p186)
(MoF p140)
(DMG p186)
Ghost Touch
(DMG p186)
(MoF p140)
(DMG p187)
Ki Focus
(S&F p176)
(S&F p176) (MoF p140)
Mighty Cleaving
(DMG p187)
(MoF p140)
(DMG p187)
(MoF p140)
(S&F p176) (MoF p141)
(DMG p187)
(MoF p141)
Spell Storing
(DMG p187)
Sure Striking
(S&F p176) (MoF p141)
(MoF p141)
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2
Any except Crossbows, Bows, or Slings Melee only Melee only Any Weapon Melee only Melee only Any Weapon Any Weapon Any Weapon
When attempting a trip action, this weapon gives a +4 bonus. Weapon now has a range increment of 10. Once the weapon has hit, the wielder can choose to inflict the spell Poison(PH p236) (DC 14), once per day. +2d6 damage to opponent & 1d6 damage to wielder. The wielder never looses his Dex bonus due to be flat-footed. Each hit bleeds for an extra 1 HP per round until stopped by a Heal check (DC 15) or a cure spell. As Corrosive, plus on a critical it does an extra +1d10 of fire damage if x2, +2d10 if x3, & +3d10 if x4. When created, the weapon has a designated target creature. Against that target, the weapon gains an extra +2 attack bonus & an extra +2d6 damage. Page 2.2-3
(DMG p186)
(MoF p141)
(S&F p176)
(MoF p141)
(DMG p187)
Acid Burst
(MoF p138)
(DMG p185)
Magic Adjustments
October 24, 2001 Description +2d6 damage vs. lawful opponents. On a disarm action, this weapon gives a +1 & removes the opponents weapon size & twohanded bonus. Any undead struck must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 14 or be destroyed. Twice per day, the wielder can cause the weapon to make a flash of light. Everyone within 20 must make a Reflex save vs. DC 14 or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. Usable twice per day. As Flaming, plus on a critical it does an extra +1d10 of fire damage if x2, +2d10 if x3, & +3d10 if x4. +2d6 damage vs. evil opponents. As Frost, plus on a critical it does an extra +1d10 of cold damage if x2, +2d10 if x3, & +3d10 if x4. +2d6 damage vs. chaotic opponents. Up to 100 bolts can be held in an extra-dimensional space. Hand & Light Crossbows can be reloaded as a free action. Heavy Crossbows can be reloaded as a move-equivalent action. As Shock, plus on a critical it does an extra +1d10 of electrical damage if x2, +2d10 if x3, & +3d10 if x4. On a critical hit, the weapon does +1d8 in sonic damage (+2d8 if x3, +3d8 if x4) & the target must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 14 or become permanently deaf. +2d6 damage vs. good opponents. On a successful hit, a living opponent must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 16 or take an additional 1d4 hit points, which are added to the wielders hit points. If this puts the attacker above his normal, then the hit points are temporary and will fade after 1 hour. temporary hit points dont stack, so there can be no more than 4. Anyone attacking the wielder must make a Will save vs. DC 16 or be forced to fight defensively. Can use a change to get an extra partial action. Can also use a charge to reroll a roll. Created with 7 charges. Once per round, you may switch between Corrosive, Flaming, Frost, Screaming, or Shock. On a successful attack, the opponent must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 19 or be knocked back 10. If the opponent failed the first save, he must make a second Fortitude save vs. DC 19 or be stunned for 1 round. On a successful ranged touch, the ammo does 1 hp of damage & the target must make a Will save vs. DC 17 or be effected by Hold Monster(PH p214). Passes through non-living matter, so armor and armor enhancement AC bonuses dont count against this weapon. Also, it glows like a torch. The wielder gets a singe extra attack with this weapon each round. Does not stack with Haste. As a standard action, this weapon can be loosed. It will fight for 4 rounds at its wielders base attack bonus. Then it drops & cant dance again for 4 rounds. On a critical hit, the opponents head is cut off.
Cost +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
Type Any Weapon Melee only Blunt only Melee only Any Weapon Any Weapon Any Weapon Any Weapon Crossbow only
(MoF p139)
(DMG p186)
(MoF p140)
Flaming Burst
(DMG p186)
(DMG p186)
Icy Burst
(DMG p187)
(DMG p187)
(MoF p140)
Shocking Burst
(DMG p187)
+2 +2 +2 +2
(DMG p187)
(DMG p187)
(MoF p141)
(MoF p138)
+3 +3 +3 +3
(MoF p138)
Elemental Aura
(MoF p138)
(MoF p140)
Radiant Holding
(MoF p140)
+3 +4 +4 +4 +5
Ammunition only Any except Bows, Crossbows,or Slings Any Weapon Any Weapon Slashing only
Brilliant Energy
(DMG p186)
(DMG p187)
(DMG p186)
(DMG p187)
Magic Adjustments
Page 2.2-4
Revision History
10/24/2001 Initial release of the Prestige Class Index. Contains all books listed on the 1st page, plus Dragon Magazines from #297 - #288, Dragon Magazine Annual #5, and Dungeon Magazine #82 - #89.
Revision History
Total Pages: 21