PMSDR Manual v1.0
PMSDR Manual v1.0
PMSDR Manual v1.0
Software-Defined Radio for HF and VHF
v1.0 - Apr. 2011
Copyright Notice Without prior express written permission from RF<->SYSTEM , this manual may not be transferred either in complete or excerpted form, using electronic or mechanical methods, duplicated, or copied or otherwise transcribed by whatever method. Information contained in the Manual may change without prior notification, and such changes imply no obligations on RF<->SYSTEM .
Introduction Assembly Instructions PMSDR Circuit Board Optional Display Optional Enclosure Optional T/R Switch Optional VHF/UHF Down-Converter Driver and Software Installation Specifics for the PC Software Program HDSDR Choice of a Suitable Soundcard Testing the Soundcard / Soundcard Tester Installing the DLL Techniques for Use with HDSDR (Pan-Adapter) Ways of using the EXTIO_PMSDR.INI FM Reception in 3rd Harmonic-Mode Examples DREAM PowerSDR-IQ Winrad Variants Firmware Updates Accessories Lab Report Circuit Diagrams Trouble Shooting/Test Points Appendix I Introduction to the Fundamentals of SDR Technology PMSDR Block Diagram References, Links, Legends Panadapter Mode: Quick Outline Appendix II PMSDR & WIN7 WinRad: Hot Keys The CD Liability Disclaimer Freeware Key Word List / Index
4 6 10 13 16 17 22 26 33 37 39 44 50 64 69 73 77 82 85 93 99 102 105 113 115 117 119 130 131 132 133 135
The PMSDR is an example of a QSD-SDR Receiver (Quadrature Sample-Detector; Software-DefinedRadio). The concepts applied here produce a clean output spectrum, very low phase noise, and an almost unbeatable cost/capability ratio. This way, one may produce a small but capable SDR receiver with a general suitability over the complete shortwave domain. The control connection to the PC, as well as the DC power, takes place through a USB connection. The I/Q outputs are connected to the stereo line input of the PCs soundcard. Audio is available via either headphones or loudspeaker.
Free Software
Ultimately, reception takes place on the PC via free software. The connecting link between the hardware and the control software is a so-called DLL (Dynamic Link Library). This DLL contains program code used by both the PMSDR and the PC control software. With this DLL, PMSDR possesses wide ranging capabilities. Among others, it will function as a bidirectional, tunable Panadapter.
There are many additional options, interconnection possibilities, and CAT-Interfaces to other programs as well, including several transceivers that are already available, or being continuously adapted and further developed. PMSDR works optimally and with support of all the capabilities offered by the DLL mentioned above, with the outstanding software program Winrad. Winrad was first developed for Windows by Alberto (I2PHD), but unfortunately this software was not further developed by its author. Alberto graciously placed the source code in the public domain. Capable individuals are continuously developing these programs.
Fig. 1: PC-PMSDR Connections This offers a simple and capable solution for all conceivable options for long and shortwave reception. A novel use of oscillator overtones makes even VHF reception possible, with only a small loss of sensitivity. Reception is also possible in the 2m amateur band (144MHz), without an additional converter. If there is concern over restrictions imposed by this method, an optional down-converter is available.
Construction Notes
On the accompanying CD you will find the most current Winrad version in its original form [3] as well as its extension as HDSDR [8] (previously WinradHD), and WRplus [10]. There has been a further very significant development in a program called WinradF [9]. Unfortunately the link to the home page of this author is inactive, and at present no one knows if this important beginning will be followed further... With a loss of a bit of operator convenience, PMSDR can also operate with PowerSDR-IQ, with G8JCFSDR Software, as well as with the SDR Shell for Linux. All modes can be received with this software. Virtual interfaces (additional software, for example: VAC, Com0Com, VSPE; on the CD) make possible operation with other software, for example that for digital modes. Experiments with the large 40m fullsize loop from the QRP-Project [5] have demonstrated that the PMSDR shows that it can, even in the evening hours, and without a preselector, receive the weakest amateur signals. Therefore, PMSDR is an ideal tool for monitoring for the amateur radio operator as well as for the shortwave listener. Even friends of the magic band can listen in on the activity of the 50 MHz band without difficulty.
Requirements on the PC
The requirements on the capabilities of the PC are not severe. Even running the system on a netbook causes no problems with PMSDR.
Further Development
PMSDR is continuously in development. Please visit the developers web site on a regular basis [1]. You will probably find a current DLL, or also new Firmware which can be quickly installed in PMSDR over the USB connection.
The Receiver
The receiver in the PMSDR is designed to be a highly capable allband receiver for the frequency range 0.1-55 MHz. Thanks to the excellent properties of the mixer, supported by automatically switched preselection filters, the large signal behavior is unusually good.
Construction Notes
Construction Notes
This kit is tailored to meet your particular requirements. All parts that are really difficult to handle (surface mount devices) have been installed on the circuit boards by professional circuit board producers using automatic positioning devices. To complete the kit, only the installation of the uncritical, larger components (such as LEDs, headers, sockets, crystals, and so forth) remains. This requires no experience soldering SMD components, greatly facilitating the mounting process. One estimates the necessary time for assembly of the main circuit board and enclosure to be approximately one hour! With a suitable antenna, you are quickly on target to hear your first stations.
The Kits
The scope considerably, needs. of delivery varies according to your Fig. 4: Display Kit
Fig. 2: PMSDR Kit Figure 2 shows only the PMSDR Kit, which can be expanded at any time by adding Display, Enclosure, T/R Fig. 5: Down-Converter Kit
Construction Notes
Tools needed:
You will find the following set of tools to be adequate: -Solder: ca. 0.5 to 0.7mm -Desoldering braid: 2.5mm -Soldering iron: ca. 30 to 50 watt, best if temperature regulated and with a narrow chisel tip. -A small electronics sidecutter and various screwdrivers will be useful. -A particularly useful device is a third hand, which greatly facilitates the work. Circuit board holders of various types are available (vide [6] or [7]).
Fig. 7: Third Hand If this is your first experience with soldering on circuit boards, please definitely read further. The experienced among you can skip this section without further ado.
Construction Notes
All circuit boards are double sided, and all holes are plated through. This means that one does not have to (and should not!) solder on the component side of the boards. In a few cases (changes in the enclosure originating with the vendor), it may become necessary to place a component on the conductor side of the board. Always work with a preheated soldering iron. If you are able to set the temperature of the iron, use 350C to 400C. Use a minimal soldering time! Beginners, particularly, have a tendency to stay on a solder point too long, detaching a conductor trace and applying an excess of solder. One should never use any additional soldering aids such as liquid flux, soldering paste. Modern-day solder for electronics use contains a core of flux that already serves this purpose. many hobbyists. Whether you use silver or copper based solder makes no real difference except to your wallet!
Construction Notes
In cross-section, correct and incorrect solder joints appear as shown below: Fig. 8: Solder joints
When desoldering, only apply heat for a minimal time, to avoid detaching the circuit trace from the board. If you need to completely remove a component again, cut it with the side cutter in such a way that each lead is individually left. In the case of a resistor for example, cut both leads close to the body. In the case of transistors, 3 leads are left, and on an IC, cut all the leads, close to the body of the IC. There are now two ways to proceed: If you have a helper (Wife, son daughter, friend; not necessarily an expert) the rest is quite simple: your helper pulls the free leads one after another on your command with a tweezer as the soldering iron is applied on the opposite side with just enough heat to melt it free;. If you dont have someone to assist, both heating and extraction must be cleverly executed at the same time.
Good: The solder joint is concave in shape. Poor: The joint is saturated with solder. lumpy and
Touch the board trace and the component connection at the same time with the soldering tip. Apply the solder within one or two seconds. First take away the solder, and then the tip of the iron. Be sparing with the solder; too much solder may cause solder bridges to neighboring components. If you dont notice such a bridge while soldering, it can be very difficult to find at a later time. If a solder bridge occurs, remove it carefully with desoldering braid. This is described in the next section. All components should, in so far as possible, be in contact with the board surface. This has nothing to do with aesthetics, but is a necessity in high frequency technique. Accordingly, resistors lie with their body flat on the circuit board unless of course they are to be installed vertically. Capacitors are likewise installed against the board. In other words, there are no components with long legs. (These are to be found elsewhere ... )
Construction Notes
This works best with the aid of a stable board holder, as mentioned
above. When the leads have been removed, then the component hole(s) can be cleaned with desoldering braid. Use braid with a width of 2.5 mm, and always work with a clean, fresh piece. Cut and discard used pieces of the braid before using it anew. Put a small surface of the braid on the solder point, then put your soldering iron lightly against the braid, until the solder is sucked up into the copper. The component can then be easily removed, replaced, and soldered cleanly in place. Use a circuit board holder, as we have mentioned several times already. This frees both hands, and also makes the resoldering go much more simply! Since soldering is a general part of electronics assembly, we give here a URL containing videos dealing with a wide variety of situations:
Fig. 9: Insertion Diagram, PMSDRBoard Parts / Locations: [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Red: Crystal ] Orange: 3x USB/BNC Jacks ] Green: 2x 2-rowed headers ] Yellow: LED Block ] Violet: HF-Transformer ] Bright Blue: 3x 1-rowed headers ] Dark Blue: 2x Buttons each
Check the box when component type is installed. Crystal: The orientation crystal is immaterial. [ ] Crystal of
Headers: (vide also Page 14!) Headers are always mounted with the short ends inserted into the circuit board. Make sure that they sit flat on the board surface. [ ] 2-Rowed Header (2x10 PINs) [ ] 2-Rowed Header (2x 8 PINs) The double LED block must also sit squarely and parallel, aligned with the front edge of the board.
Construction Notes
It is marked: MCL T4-6. [ ] Double LED Block Some of the row headers must be cut from a longer header with a sharp sidecutter. Place the headers so that they sit perpendicular to the board surface. [ ] 1 Row, 8 Pin Header (SV1) [ ] 2 ditto. 1 Row, 2 Pin (JP2/JP3)
Nothing is to be installed at positions SV4, SV5, SV6, and JP1.
Place it on the pads so that the label is readable viewing from the side with the jacks. Solder as usual from the solder side of the board.
Fig. 11: Positioning the Leads If the pins do not fit straight into the holes, bend them using gentle pressure on a hard surface, as in Fig. 11 above..
Fig. 12: Alternative Conformation Another supplier may provide a component with legs clearly bent to the sides. As an exception, solder this component from the upper side of the circuit board. The solder pads are ready for this case.
Construction Notes
Jacks and Buttons: Again, note that these sit level on the board, and are aligned parallel to the front board edge. On the ground pins of the BNC plugs, use a suitably-hot iron with a broad tip to avoid damage to the board by overheating as a result of heating too long. Even if the buttons have a square shape, the solder tails are not arranged in a square but rectangular form. Dont use force on the solder eyelets; insure that the solder tails sit exactly over the solder eyelets. Press the buttons carefully against the board. The leads snap into place when they are properly positioned. [ [ [ [ [ ] Stereo Jack for 3.5 mm plug. ] USB Jack ] 2x pushbuttons ] BNC Jack ] Antenna Do not install if installing the Switchboard option!
Construction Notes
Option: Display
If you didnt order the display option, skip to the section on installation of the PMSDR in the enclosure There are displays on the market that produce very significant interference, and which therefore have a severe influence on the sensitivity of reception with the PMSDR. The display we deliver was chosen for its minimal interference, and its power supply is also decoupled.
Fig. 14: Display Assembly At this point, prepare the ribbon cable for connection to the display.
Fig. 13: Display Kit The display unit, with adhesive and frame, is delivered ready to use. Examine Figs. 14 and 15 for placement of screws and plastic spacer.
Construction Notes
Fig. 15: Display in place and connected Split the cable end opposite from the connector as follows. Begin with wire number 1 (with the red tracer). If your cable has no red tracer, see Fig. 15.
missing. If possible, use your fingernail rather than a tool. Divide the ribbon cable between the 6th and 7th wire for 3 to 5 cm. Count further to the 10th wire and divide the cable again between wires 10 and 11. Cut away about 2 cm of the free section (wires 7-10). Now, again using your fingernail, separate the individual wires 1 through 6 and 11 through 16 so that the ends are each ca. 2 cm long.
This shows how to identify wire 1 via the connector if the color tracer is
Construction Notes
Strip off about 3 mm of the insulation. Here again do not use a sidecutter, as in so doing, it is highly probable that you will damage the thin wires and make breaks in them. A good wire stripper, however, will work very well. Especially good are the automatic versions, with a relatively wide mouth. These types can strip the ribbon cable, several wires at once. The insulation on the ribbon cable supplied can, however, be easily nicked and removed with the thumb nail. Check the resulting strands. If they are fanned out, then carefully use two fingers to twist them together. Tin the wire ends very lightly, so that there are no loose strands. Begin on the right with wire 1 and solder 1-6. Eyelets 7-10 remain open, corresponding to the fact that you earlier cut back the wires on the ribbon cable. Finish by soldering wires 11-16. At this point the display can be fastened to the front panel. Use the 2mm nuts and bushings supplied. Follow Fig. 14; the nuts are on the innermost position inside the housing. Addendum for headers and header connectors.
If your kit was supplied with mounted pins instead of bare ones, the printing 16 (or 20, respectively) shows the position of the notch on the board. Be careful to follow this orientation.
Fig. 17: Solder Ribbon Cable Subsequent soldering of the ribbon cable is greatly simplified if the display is placed in a suitable holder or clamps. In what follows, pay close attention that the wires are soldered exactly in the order 1-6 and 11-16. Nowhere do two wires cross! The ribbon cable is inserted strand by strand into the corresponding pads of the display board. Examine Fig. 15 and 17.
Construction Notes
Option: Enclosure
Installation using the optional enclosure is quite simple. Remove the nut and lock washer from the BNC jack, as well as the nut from the stereo jack. Insert the back panel right side up on the board edge bearing these jacks, and install the nut and lock washer on the BNC jack and the nut onto the stereo jack, leaving them loose.
enclosure screws. The screws will be a bit hard to turn, as on first insertion they have to cut their own threads. When the back panel is attached, the front panel (with or without the display) can be screwed to the front side. If you have the display, dont attach the cover, since the contrast potentiometer may need to be adjusted. If you dont have the display, the upper cover can now be mounted.
Best Wishes
Were about finished, and not far from receiving the first signals. If you did not order any options, skip directly to the Start-up Chapter on page 25.
Fig. 18: Enclosure (Housing) Kit Tighten these nuts before installing the upper part of the housing...
Fig. 19: Insert Circuit Board Here Slide the circuit board into the Ushaped lower section, using the first (lowest) slot. Now attach the rear panel at the bottom with 2 of the 8 self-tapping
Construction Notes
Fig. 23: Switch Circuit Board This board is, like the PMSDR board, delivered with SMD in place.
Fig. 20: T/R Switch Option The switch is available in two variants, which differ only in the cutouts of the rear panel. If you ordered your kit including the switch, you received rear panel Type 2.
Fig. 24: Switch Layout Populate the board with the 7 components as follows: Placement of Components: [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Rd: Relay ] Orange: 2x BNC Jacks ] Green: 2-Rowed Header ] Yellow: LED Block ] Light Blue: MMCX/SMA-Jack ] Dark Blue: LED Block ] Coax Cable with MMCX Plug
Fig. 21: Type 2 Rear Panel; In this case, do not install the antenna jack on the PMSDR circuit board! In the other case, i.e. when retrofitting, you receive a rear panel of Type 1.
Construction Notes
You should first attach both BNC jacks to the rear panel, and then solder the result to the circuit board If you try to first mount the jacks to the board and then mount the rear panel, the panel will not be exactly parallel to the board (because the BNC jacks have a little play.). have the BNC jack directly in front of you. Remove about 1 cm from the sheath of the coax, using a sharp knife, but being careful not to damage the shield beneath it. Dress the shield back away from the center conductor (and insulation) and remove about 5 mm of the center conductors insulation. Lightly tin the center conductor, as well as that part of the shield you bent back away from the tip. Tinning the shield should be done in small stages. Work stepwise, until you have tinned completely around the rim. By working in stages, you avoid melting the center insulation by over-heating. The cable is now ready to install. The location is labeled JP2 on the main circuit board. It is between the BNC jack and IC1.
Fig. 25: Finished Circuit Board Now it is only a matter of connecting the supplied coaxial cable to the PMSDR, putting on the pin header to connect the two boards, and screwing the board to the back panel. But first things first:
Fig. 26: Prepared Coax Cable The task now is to solder the coax cable so that the shield connects to the right lead, and the center conductor connects to the left lead of JP2 Orient the cable so that you
Construction Notes
Fig. 29: Interconnected Units Fig. 27: Detail around JP2 Be sure to check carefully for a shortcircuit between the pins of JP2. The two units will connected as follows. . finally be
Construction Notes
Plug one side of the ribbon cable on the board, as shown here.
Fig. 30: Ribbon Cable connected Put the small coax MMCX/SMA plug carefully in its socket. The PMSDR with the T/R switch installed corresponds to one or the other of these figures:
Fig. 33: Rear, Type 2; Completed Fig. 31: Detail, MMCX plug Screw the rear panel to the enclosure, and finally connect the other end of the ribbon cable to the row of pins SV3 on the PMSDR board. The cable runs directly linearly from the upper board to the lower board. Finally, put the enclosure cover on, and youre finished.
Construction Notes
Alternative Modification
To install this, you only need to remove the upper part of the housing. The board is then already in the correct orientation. The two eyelets may easily be soldered from the side turned toward you. Important Notice: This modification carries with it a risk of damage for the switch board: If, for whatever reason the RF vox fails or does not respond, the full RF power of the transmitter will go into the receiver channel and in all probability damage
Fig. 36: Additional Bridge There is a small additional modification that we want to share with you. It allows simultaneous reception via RX/TX and PMSDR. This allows good comparisons to be made between methods. You lose only about 3 dB in sensitivity with the two receiver inputs. Fig. 36 shows the added connection. Use a short piece of insulated wire as a bridge on the underside of the board between the two eyelets shown.
it. We therefore recommend that the switchboard, when modified in this way, not be used with the internal RF vox, but that it be controlled by the PTT output of the transceiver.
Construction Notes
Fig. 37: Kit The T/R switch function is built into the down-converter. That is, there is only an either/or installation option in the existing PMSDR housing; either the switch function or the downconverter with built-in switching function. Both the construction and the installation in the PMSDR enclosure run very similarly to the installation already described for the switch. Which of the two rear panels is appropriate depends on your situation. If you are upgrading a currently existing PMSDR, it is this: Fig. 40: Component Placement We have adapted the kit to the state of the art, and now provide a fully tested and calibrated board. (Fig. 37 still shows the old version). There are three components to be installed: [ ] BNC Jack [ ] Double LED Block [ ] 3,5mm plug jack Figs. 40 and 41 show clearly the positions of the parts to be used. Fig. 38: Type 1 Rear Panel If you are building from scratch, it is this rear panel:
Construction Notes
The filters that are on the module are already set up. (They are Filter F2, C21, C28, und C29 for the 2m Band, as well as Filter F1 for the 70cm Band.) For experts: Jumper JP4/JP5 allows the connection of a network analyzer for the extended filter range for filter F2, (or for filter F1 at JP2/JP3.) After mounting these few parts, the board is ready for installation.
Fig. 42: Units Interconnected Please pay careful attention to the short coax connection to JP2 on the board PMSDR. It should not be twisted.
As in the case of the switchboard (above), strip the short piece of coax and connect it to JP2 on the main board. The process is identical. Now attach the rear panel in the same way as before, and screw the unit onto the housing. Connect the ribbon cable and the coax to the down-converter board and to the corresponding points on the PMSDR board.
Screw the rear panel to the bottom part of the housing. As the final step, install the front plate and display panel, and close up the enclosure with the upper half.
Construction Notes
The fully assembled PMSDR with down-converter again corresponds to one of these two figures. The same modification that was mentioned for the T/R switch may be made here, to allow simultaneous reception with both apparatuses. In contrast to the T/R switch, you will not need to use a piece of wire here. It is sufficient to make a solder bridge between the two points with a bit of excess solder.
If the highlighted line shows the same or similar, everything is OK. In this case, proceed to Step 3. If the driver is not found automatically, the Device Manager shows:
Fig. 53: The Samsung NC10 (Microphone Input = Pink; Line Output = green)
Figs. 53-55 show typical sound card inputs for various computers. (NC10 vide P. 37)
Fig. 55: Standard PC Line-In (Blue) For making the following settings on the PC only minimal computer skills are needed. Make the settings as you see them in the following pictures.
The following examples are taken from Windows XP, with a Realtek AC97 Audio sound card, which is standard in most notebooks. A short series of pictures subsequently shows the calls for Windows 7 (vide Appendix). Bring up Control Panel from the Start menu and double click Sounds. Make the settings as you see them in the following pictures. Click sequentially the fields for Sound Reproduction and Sound Recording. Choose AC97 as the default. In the Advanced box, set the speaker output to headphone output.
Fig. 59: System Capability Set the sliders for system capability to maximum. (Separately for recording and playback) You want everything not absolutely necessary to be off, so that only the necessary control fields remain.
Fig. 61: Line-In to Minimum The slider for the Line-In input is deliberately close to the lower limit, The levels at the I/Q output of the PMSDR are relatively high, so use
Fig. 62: Recording Choices At this point, using options and properties, you have deactivated everything not in use. The following Playback settings active: Only Loudness and Wave!
Fig. 64: Additional functions If this is not the case, use the microphone input, not the line in jack,
Fig. 65: Do not check Mic-Boost. Nothing should be activated here, otherwise everything will be hopelessly overloaded! If your microphone input is also not a stereo input, you must first get an appropriate USB sound card*, then proceed as usual. As a rule, all line inputs are stereo, so it is likely that there is no real problem here. * Suitable models are listed in an Appendix. 5a.) Win7 Sound Appendix II Cards. See
Normally this opens a selection box with fairly obvious choices: Fig. 66: Keywords Sound Card Simply click on Change Sound Card Installation, if this choice appears. Fig. 67: Recording The new window shows you a summary of all installation possibilities for Recording and PlayBack. It is unfortunately the case that computers offer a large range of possibilities for setting up sound cards. Some computers come with built-in sound. Some users choose to replace the built-in sound with a sound card, which will usually come with a software management package that offers differentappearing control applets. A general principle to remember is that the basic on-off control of built-in sound hardware is available through the system setup utility (usually by pressing F2 at boot time).
Procedures for WIN 7 run in an analogous way to those given for XP. A short series of pictures offers the necessary assistance, should you require it. A left mouse click on the WIN 7 Start symbol opens a dialog box, in which you simply enter sound card.
Fig. 70: Sound-Card Selections Make the choices for Input/Output here.. Definitely use headphones for listening to signals. Otherwise it is difficult to avoid unpleasant cross-talk effects.
Fig. 71: Choosing the sampling frequency Fix the sampling rate (48 KHz, 96 KHz, 192 KHz). The AC97 only allows a sampling rate of 48 kHz. (see PC manual for information.). The rate showing on the right is set automatically by the program. Sound-Card Options Button: Fig. 73: DLL GUI Choosing PMSDR causes the GUI to appear at once: The I/O window of the DLL. (GUI stands, by the way, for Graphical User Interface, namely the operator service window.)
Fig. 72: PMSDR Data Input Choose Select Input Choose PMSDR
Be sure that the MME 16 Bit drivers are activated, as in the picture. Choose the Channel Mode, and be sure that the I/Q Mode is activated.
Image Suppression
If, during SSB reception in lower or upper sideband, the signals are not decoded, (speech sounds strangely distorted), use Swap I/Q Channels to invert the signal.
Fig. 77: 80m Band Reception "C:\Program\HDSDR\HDSDR.exe wv (For WIN 7: "C:\Program Files\HDSDR\ HDSDR.exe wv) There is one further setting for reception:
Image Suppression
If you dont see noise in the baseline, move the Line-In slider up a small amount. This should lead to the desired image.
Procedure: First pull the slider all the way down, leave the cursor on the slider, and then use the arrow button increase to move further up, step by step, until a signal is seen. In Win7 a more elaborate window may show up as a result of this call. Dont be put off by it.
our sound card is directly dependent on the so-called sample rate. For SDR applications, this is the same bandwidth as shown on the waterfall or spectrum. There are cards that can yield 48, 96, even 192 kHz. Be sure you purchase a card with 24 bit resolution, not one with 16 bit resolution! The 24 bit choice will already do everything that the 16 bit choice will. There is no question which is the better! At this point, a word about 16 vs. 24 bits. On one hand, one talks of 16 or 24 bit drivers, and on the other, of 16- or 24 bit resolution. These really have nothing to do with one another. Windows own WMME interface generally operates with 16 bits, the ASIO driver with 24. (ASIO stands for Audio-Stream-Input-Output). The latter driver will usually produce better timing with the "run" behavior of the signals. This is the so-called latency period. Windows native drivers are usually sufficient for us. But it is, from our experience, not reasonable to first buy a 48 kHz card, only to replace it later with a 192 kHz one. The price difference is minimal! The following list is not intended to be comprehensive, but merely offers something for every budget. The internet provides technical details and current prices in abundance!
One final comment: First try what you have available before you spend a lot of money for something new! The built-in sound cards in computers or notebooks are usually adequate, as long as they provide stereo inputs. Always use the LINE-input! (Only this input is usually set up as the stereo input needed by PMSDR.) The tried and true SAMSUNG NC10 is an exception. This small computer has no line-in input on its high quality built-in sound card, only usually a microphone input and a headphone output. Nevertheless, the microphone input is stereo, and can therefore be used for our purposes! One limitation: this card can only produce a 48 kHz resolution. The boxed text to the right may be of some help in finding a sound card. The prices shown are only approximate, and will vary from vendor to vendor, sometimes over a large range. Some of the cards labeled discontinued show up used in places like eBay, or even new in Amazon. Shop around!
The following cards are well suited to our applications, not only for the PMSDR, but also for every SDR. ESI JULI@PCI, PCI, to 192 KHz, (discontinued, hard to find) ESI MAYA44e, PCIe, to 96 kHz, (discontinued, hard to find) Infrasonic Quartet, PCI, to 192 KHz, ca. US$ 100 (discontinued, available) Creative EMU-1820, PCI with external connection box, to 192 kHz, ca. US $ 200-300 Creative EMU-1212, PCIe with external connection board, to 192 kHz,, ca. US$ 160-260 Creative EMU-1616, to 192 kHz, various forms: PCI, PCIe, with ext. Interface, ca. US$ 350 to 450 Creative EMU-0404 USB to 192 kHz, ca. US$ 175 Creative EMU-0202 USB to 192 kHz, ca. US$ 90 Creative EMU-0204 USB to 192 kHz, ca. US$ 130 M-Audio Audiophile to 192 kHz PCI ca. US$ 200 The bold-face suggestions are especially suited and recommended for 192 kHz use. Fig. 80: Cards. Selection of Proven
Image Suppression
The circuit is relatively simple. A time, NE555, is used as a tone generator. Two RC elements, as phase shifters, emulate the I / Q signals. The phase difference of 90 degrees is only true for the fundamental. The output frequency of this device is somewhat dependent on power supply voltage. For 6V one gets ca. 15 KHz; for 9V ca. 17 KHz. Such a test device can be built up quickly and without problems, using a small project board.
Fig. 81: Soundcard-Tester This small test circuit is driven from a battery pack, and costs only a few Euros. It generates test signals which are fed into the sound card to be tested. The screen image from HDSDR then gives information on the suitability or non-suitability. If nothing seems to go, and nobody knows why, this little device can quickly provide insight. You can get the completed tester from [11].
The original signal is clearly seen on the right at ca. 17 kHz, while the image appears, significantly suppressed, at left. The difference in these values shows an excellent innate image suppression of about 70 dB.
When a connection is made to the soundcard input, the result should look something like Fig. 83.
Fig. 85: Image Signal The scale shows a center frequency of 3760 kHz. Also seen here is the signal frequency, 16.5 kHz. The image signal appears at -16.5 KHz, which with the help of the channel skew calibration, can be further significantly reduced.
Image Suppression
Image Frequency Suppression Use the Options button to open the calibration window.
Fig. 86: Channel Skew Calib. Setting the slides requires a lot of care! It does not matter at first whether you start with the amplitude or phase. Start with the Coarse slider, and move it VERY slowly, while watching the image signal. The point is to minimize the image signal by mutual adjustment of the two pairs of controls. When the Coarse slider produces no further result, then turn to the Fine slider. These settings are somewhat interdependent. Set to work carefully with both controls until you have succeeded in minimizing the image signal. With careful handling, you can nearly null out the image, as shown in Fig. 87. At this point the suppression of the image frequency produces a suppression of a whole 85 dB! We do have to point out that (unfortunately) this is an average setting. That is, the result you obtain actually pertains precisely only for this single frequency.
Reception frequencies that lie markedly right or left of this one, show less image suppression.
Fig. 87: Resulting Suppression An automatic, constantly re-adjusting determination of the correction value would be extremely useful. (Keyword phrase: WBIR; Wide-Band-ImageRejection). In some software suites (PowerSDR, Rocky [14]) something like this is already implemented, but unfortunately not yet in HDSDR.
Soundcard Control
Soundcard Control
It should look like: Requirements:
The PMSDR is fully connected, but NOT turned on (USB plug removed).
For this test, it does not matter whether an antenna is connected or not. In HDSDR, all settings have been made as indicated above. HDSDR has been started using START Fig. 89: PMSDR Chosen - A signal at the LO frequency produced a DC signal by mixing effects,. - Many sound cards are AC coupled. If this is the case, you will see a black stripe and no line! - If the sound card is DC coupled, then a few mV of DC offset will produce a strong signal at the center frequency. A little DC offset will produce a gigantic center peak. But that is only the beginning! There are many totally-different signalpaths in a sound card, and at least as many (or mutually incompatible) ways to connect them with each other. These pathways are directly influenced by the various links in the relevant software.
Fig. 88: Soundcard selected. For Select Input, you currently have only Sound Card to select. PMSDR is grayed out, since it is not connected. Choose Sound Card. The result is a more or less narrow line in the center of the frequency scale. If one looks further into this matter, one finds the following causes:
Image Suppression
What sounds like an unsolvable Gordian knot fortunately usually works well enough in practice. The problem is that one can spend many frustrating hours working at this. In this case, alternative activation of the ASIO driver (instead of the Windows WMME driver) may help! The broadest meaning of that line is that it shows the sum of all non-linearities of your sound card. To work around this user-side problem, market oriented manufacturers are striving to integrate the corresponding audio chips into their SDR products. Assuming the hardware of your device to be OK, different images illustrate problems with the settings of your sound card!
Fig. 90: It should not be this way! Fig. 90 shows an open and totally saturated microphone input.
Everyday Use
The About tab merely notes the version of the DLL, the copyright, and a general GNU GPL (General Public License) release. Do not change anything on the Filter tab. The settings are optimized for your PMSDR. A comparison of the default values with those of your DLL can not hurt! Differences are to be revised and then saved with the Save Filter Values button! Leave Auto Select switched on!
Everyday Use
for routine use of the system are given.
Fig. 94: Quick Tune Tab For example, here you can set the possible speed-dial settings to your own taste. More on that later, in the section dealing with the initialization file (*. INI) of the DLL. The Fast Tune button places the preset Tuning Steps values on the frequency bar. The button Write
Fig. 93: Debug tab The Debug window is used primarily by developers to detect errors. Dont change anything here! It is of interest to open the Quick Tune window; various possibilities
DLL Settings
in various formats. Use those ending in *.csv for updating purposes. Copy the current file into the HDSDR program directory. You can select the *.csv file and bring it into the DLL for display, using the Open Database button. Installation under the Filters tab permits, using the Language and target options, all possible filter combinations for the selection of stored radio stations. One click on this list sets the PMSDR on both the right frequency and the correct mode. Position the slider on the right side of the lower border in order to see the extended fields. Those of you who use this display should put a check in the Show Station box in the LCD field. If this is done, the name of the station chosen appears in the PMSDR display! Under the tab Advanced Settings you will find a similar display setting.
Fig. 95: Sked Tab Radio listeners will find Sked very useful. (by the way, sked is shorthand from the world of amateur radio. It refers to a contact with a certain specific station. Here we are using it for radio listeners in general!)
A world-wide variety of HF broadcast stations is listed for direct access. One mouse click on your choice, and it is instantly tuned in. The station list comes from the freely available ElBI of Eike Bierwirth [13], on whose website you will find Up-to-date files
DLL Settings
A secondary effect from the lab, and good to know: Activation or deactivation trips the T/R switch relay. Bias/Slider and Bias-voltage: You should not change these settings. Leave the bias voltage set to its proper value of 2.5 V. Si570 Frequency Calibration: The PMSDR frequency display can be set precisely with the aid of a frequency standard (beacon, timesignal transmitter). For this purpose, tune to a known signal and change the display value until it shows the known carrier frequency of the source. Do this using the small button by the display. External Down-Converter: For activation of an external downconverter. PMSDR Down-Converter: The DLL automatically detects the possible presence of its own downconverter. Until it does so, the Use PMSDR Downconverter choice is blocked. A grayed out legend Use PMSDR Downconverter indicates that the native down-converter is not built in or that it has not been recognized.
Fig. 96: Advanced Settings Tab A check in Show Frequency on LCD puts the tuning frequency on the display. Mute turns off the mixer from the QSD, and is therefore reserved for testing.
DLL Settings
Converters: In the presence of the native PMSDR down-converter, you should never try to also activate an external converter. This also applies to the 3rd harmonic mode. If you intend to use this mode, do not activate the external converter. IF-Panadapter: In reading the next paragraph, where the example illustrates how to deal with the PMSDR as a panadapter you will find an extensive explanation of the subject of IF Pan-Adapters. (See panadapter settings). Mixer inv.: Is a function that you select depending on RX/TX status as well as sometimes with an IF board, since a few IF boards invert the signal layer. This occurs, for example, with the Elecraft K3 and requires use of Mixer Inv. Switchboard: If this option is in operation, it allows one to set a PTT drop-out delay, in ms. Only SSB/CW should preferably be used with the internal RF VOX of the switchboard. Use of this switch is only meaningful when hardware PTT-control is not used. If you use the PTT control output of your TRX, set the delay value to zero.
3th Harmonic Mode: Another section is dedicated to the experimental mode called 3rd harmonic mode . Reception up into the VHF range (to 165 MHz) is possible, using the 3rd overtone of the local oscillator. There is some loss in sensitivity, but operation in this way does not require addition of a down-converter! Auto-Select This mode switches in automatically, when a frequency over 55 MHz is specified. Save Current Default: Frequency as
This does exactly what it says: The current frequency is used each time the PMSDR is brought up. The special significance of this application becomes clear, for example, when using the PMSDR as a WEB SDR receiver [16,17]. Here, the USB interface only serves as a power supply. This setting insures that the PMSDR comes up with the default frequency every time it boots!
DLL Settings
You will better understand the CAT settings under the final tab, when you read the explanation in the subsequent paragraphs concerning daily usage.
All these settings control the data direction and data flow when used with a transceiver. Enable CAT: Enables firstly the bidirectional data flow between PMSDR and the TRX. Specifically here we mean the flow of data from TRX to the PC software. Send CAT commands to Rig: Contrariwise this influences data flow in the reverse direction, namely from the PC-Software to TRX. You use this function specifically in panadapter mode. The following section elaborates on this. Use RTS: when activated, sets a voltage on the RTS line of the RS232 port of your PC. This option may be needed to supply power for an interface converter or interface. The various offset settings provide a very precise synchronization between the RX / TRX-VFO frequency and the display of the PMSDR in panadapter mode. If you dont work in panadapter mode (but rather in direct receive mode) then use Enable Offsets to turn this off. Write Tune to RIG: Transfers the selected frequency to a TRX if one is to be used, as already described above under Quick Tune. The two functions are the same.
Everyday Use
The possibilities by which the DLL and HDSDR can be exploited are here essentially complete! Anyone who has already used the luxury of Click and Tune in this new tuning technology wont want to be without it. You will see a relatively large band section in front of you, and will immediately recognize the emergence of a new station. With a single mouse click, the bars for decoding and listening are set immediately to the new frequency. Is it the DX you sought? One more click, and the TRX is already immediately available. Through this function, one may use a second or even third receiver, depending on what you already have at hand. The control mechanisms needed for this are already present in the DLL. That means considerable freedom from installed programs, regardless of the specific one (i.e. Winrad, HDSDR, WRplus, WinradF, PowerSDR) used as an interface. In this form, this freedom is unprecedented! Fig. 98: Running In Panadapter Mode This permits easy panadapter operation with a variety of rigs. The panadapter operation which is possible with this little box is really quite excellent, and affords considerable entertainment! HDSDR is the appropriate program for controlling the PMSDR. It is 100% integrated with the DLL. PowerSDR-IQ, in contrast, offers only a very limited integration with the DLL.
Everyday Use
The use of PMSDR as a panoramic receiver is surely one of the goodies of this fine technology. In principle, any SDR offers the possibility of using the device as a stand-alone receiver, or to use the IF output of an existing transceiver to run the SDR as a panoramic receiver. The bandwidth that can be displayed depends on the sound card used! The greatest advantage of PMSDR is that it can be set to any IF within the frequency limits of the local oscillator.
Everyday Use
In what follows, you will see a description of the use of a FT9502000 in this regard. For all other transceivers, see below for a summary and for the information needed to convert a FT-950/2000 to this functionality. What is described here is naturally, mutatis mutandis, as much for normal HF reception as for standalone mode. The board will be installed at the location allocated for the DMU2000 unit in this device. The amateur radio market has the relevant boards in stock. On behalf of all others, we mention [4] here. . Installation is very simple and only takes a few minutes. It does not void the guarantee. One needs nothing more than a screwdriver and a small cable tie. Installation should not be a concern.
IF Connection to a FT-950
Here we use the IF-2000, an IF interface board from the firm RFSPACE [2]. This is a proven solution.
Everyday Use
The Installation Guide that is delivered with the IF board explains everything very clearly. The vents on the rear of the unit are used to route the supplied coax cable to the PMSDR. A small cable tie is
This is only protected against damage to the input stage when you use the optional T/R (switchboard)
Soundcard Line In
Fig. 100: Tandem-Mode used to attach the coax to the vent fins. In addition to connecting to the IF port, it is also possible to use the PMSDR as a separate receiver at the same time. We refer to this as Tandem mode. It is illustrated in Fig. 100. Connect the IF cable to the antenna input of your PMSDR per Figs. 99 and 100.
switch. The antenna signal (for sending and receiving) is routed via this board. In this case, a max. 100W output power (up to 50 MHz) is allowed. The PTT line of the TRX takes over secure control of the circuit board.
Everyday Use
yet. Now we will configure the software so that the interaction between hardware and software works smoothly. Essentially, it is only the DLL that needs to be processed, in graphical form on your screen when you start HDSDR. You will recognize the picture from the above material. Please verify, by comparison with the website [1], that the current DLL is loaded.
In both cases, we need a CAT connection between the PC and the TRX. A simple 1-to-1 cable will be sufficient. The cable must not be crossed internally at the plugs, and each end needs a 9-pin female RS232 connector! (This is NOT a null modem cable!) A USB-RS232 converter [1] may of course also be used here.
Configuring HDSDR
All the information in the following applies equally for both modes, tandem, or IF configuration. Boot HDSDR [9], but do not press START
Everyday Use
the entire operation in telegram style. Best to print it out and keep it handy.)
CAT Settings
All settings described here refer to the DLL v3.3 Rev2. Check the web site [1] for the list of supported TRX and for new versions.
Winrad steuert das PMSDR, als auch den TRX, via CAT Interface.
The necessary parameters for control of the interfaces to and from the RIG, as well as the data for Frequency Offset (described later) are initially entered under the CAT tab. Before you can use ADVANCED SETTINGS to switch on the panadapter, you must set up CAT control fully. If ENABLE-CAT is checked, uncheck it, otherwise you will not be able to make the necessary changes. Replace the COM port number shown in the box by the COM port number you are using for the TRX.
Mit Hilfe des Cat-Interfaces steuert der TRX sowohl das PMSDR, als auch Winrad.
Fig. 102: Enable CAT ON Remote RIG ON Please note the entries marked with the yellow arrows! Activation of Send CATCommands to RIG however, opens the transfer direction for all the commands in the direction of the TRX, for example for writing a frequency to the VFO of the TRX. You will learn below just what we can accomplish by clever activation or clearing of this check box,! (The Appendix contains a description of
Everyday Use
This always works in the usual way, even with the Remote Rig flag switched off (meaning Send CAT commands to RIG.) If you leave this function switched on, and press Write Tune To RIG, although the frequency will transfer to the VFO, the spectrum displayed will simultaneously change, which we dont desire to happen (read further under Initial Operation) For normal Click and Tune operation, the statement reading: Send CAT commands to RIG should be left switched off! The currently used offset value is shown in green, and again explicitly specified in the box CURRENT OFFSET. We will go into Offsets again later. So, now set ENABLE-CAT to on again, and go to the ADVANCED SETTINGS tab. Fig. 103: CAT Settings Use the menu in your TRX to set the baud rate and handshaking (RTS=Off) to the values visible in the CAT settings. For the FT-950, use positions #26 and #28, which correspond to these settings. (If you use a CAT interface or a USBRS232 converter instead of an RS232 cable, you may have to turn on USE RTS to provide power to the adapter. Check in the manual of your CAT interface.) Using the Write TUNE RIG button, pass the selected frequency on from the waterfall to the TRX with a mouse click. Now on to configuration. the panadapter
Everyday Use
Panadapter Settings
In the Box IF Pan-Adapter under the Advanced-Settings tab, select, under RIG, the IF-Board IF2000. The required IF of 10.55 MHz should be selected automatically, appearing in the adjacent field.
how to make the entry quickly and easily. Now check LOCK PMSDR ON IF. This locks the local oscillator of the PMSDR to the IF of the FT950/2000. SHOW FREQUENCY ON LCD should also be enabled. If so, the TUNE FREQUENCY for HDSDR is also shown on the PMSDR LCD display, if the display option is present. If you now press START in HDSDR, you should already have a spectrum, or see a waterfall with information, provided all your basic settings for HDSDR are OK.
Initial Operation
Fig. 105: Active 80m Band You can now use HDSDR to decode stations that you see in the waterfall by clicking on them. Fig. 104: Advanced Settings (If the entry for IF2000 does not appear, go briefly to the section on manipulating the DLL. This explains There is one important difference to the stand-alone mode, in which the PMSDR up to now has been used
Everyday Use
as a stand-alone receiver. In this mode, you simply put the lightblue tuning bar, hereinafter abbreviated cursor, on the station to be decoded, then the next, etc. etc. Here, the LO correctly follows the tuned frequency. RIG, as we have already mentioned above!
Listening to Stations
Now return to the CAT tab, and deactivate the check box for: SEND CAT COMMANDS TO RIG. (This switch is found in Remote Rig. Because of the shorter spelling, this term is hereinafter to be used as a synonym. Remote RIG OFF thus means that Send CAT commands to RIG is NOT activated!) This prevents the continual alteration of the spectrum when the cursor is moved. In the display area, you can now click around at will, seeking out stations to decode and to click on for listening. The TRX is temporarily possibly tuned to a different station, until a new frequency is written into the VFO using Write TUNE RIG. The presently blue-backgrounded QUICK TUNE tab is an indication, that functions there are no longer accessible. Switch to the QUICK TUNE tab provisionally. The whole internal field is now displayed in red to show that these functions are disabled.
Fig. 106: Remote RIG OFF If the previous settings were done correctly, you will see that HDSDR always transfers the new frequency to the RIG, and that the waterfall and the spectrum also change in appearance with every click. Of course this is not so useful, nor really intended, and because of this, we now have to turn off the CAT connection from Program to
Everyday Use
Now is the time to explain the next step for applications, namely what to do if you want to want to leave or change the display area.
Fig. 107: Remote RIG ON Access to the control is released again! Please try out options II and III! The proof is in the pudding here! The operation sequence is logical and will become familiar to you very quickly. Reading this description makes things sound much more complicated than they are in practice.
Everyday Use
So please, no hesitation. Operation will quickly become duck soup. The fact that here in Quick-Tune a single click also allows you to change bands, is surely clear to you and requires no further mention? Incidentally, the built-in ability of HDSDR to change bands (BAND button) works the same way, and allows either/or/simultaneous use of the DLL-functions! Along with band change, the mode (USB, LSB, AM, CW, etc.) also automatically switches over. Which modes are used for each band is stored in the INI to the DLL. You can use an editor to make as changes as required. As a consequence, one would simply not hear/find the expected station and therefore also not be able to communicate! This is the reason for the presence of mode offsets. These values only need to be determined once, and written into the Mode Offset boxes using the small up / down buttons. This process ultimately calibrates the frequency display in HDSDR to the VFO of the RIG! We will explain how to do this in a moment. If you wish, at this point you can just use the predetermined correction values for the FT-950: CW + 1.300 Hz USB + 2.700 Hz LSB - 200 Hz AM/FM + 1.160 Hz Fig. 108: Offset Values for the FT950 These numbers will not be badly wrong, at least for a FT-950. The precision of the renewal of these numbers on HDSDR re-launch is quite good. One ends up so near the VFO frequency that the signal set in HDSDR is easy to identify in the VFO. There will possibly be (small) corrections to be made with the VFO knob, so that one, by ear, gets the same pitch as in HDSDR. These will be of the order of magnitude of a few Hertz.
Setting Mode-Offsets
We come now to a most interesting part of this manual, namely the precise transfer of the selected frequency to the VFO of your TRX by mouse click. At this point you have to know that the IF generated by the FT950/2000 is not carved in stone, but that it changes with the selected operating modes (USB, LSB, CW ...) and possibly the programmed carrier offset. These expected changes lie in the range of 3 kHz. This is not a negligible change. Without a correction factor in PMSDR which gets passed to the VFO, the frequency would deviate by this amount from the receive frequency of the HDSDR spectrum.
Everyday Use
Determining Factors
How do you determine the best correction factors? This is also very easy and quick to understand, and will be explained in steps. The goal is to match the HDSDR frequency to the VFO frequency of your RX/TX! The simplest of these cases is the equalization for AM and CW, because both can be matched to the existing transmitted carrier itself. An example based on the DeutscheWelle can be used to illustrate this:
In this case, you want a resolution sufficient to allow the precise positioning of the cursor on the carrier frequency.
AM Correction Factor
Frequencies of 6075 kHz and 6190 kHz almost always offer good AM reception. We begin with the AM case; tune your VFO to one of these frequencies with the CAT and REMOTE RIG on. The following figure shows a piece of the spectrum around the frequency 6075 kHz, as it comes from a display width of 96 kHz and RBW = 93.8 Hz.
Fig. 110: Centering (RBW 5,9Hz) Just choose the maximum resolution of RBW = 5.9 Hz (for each screen pixel (2)). Press and hold the corresponding Up/Down button until the center peak of the carrier matches the desired frequency. The waterfall picture shows clearly how the carrier slowly but surely moves in the direction of the desired frequency. Center the peak with the Up/Down buttons as precisely as you can. If the whine of the carrier bothers you, just shut it off with MUTE. Done! that's it for AM! That was not really so hard, right?
Fig. 109: Display for 6.075 MHz AM The match is almost perfect, when using the correction values. If, however, you start with zero entries, the evident differences are of course much larger.
Everyday Use
CW Correction Factor
Because it was just so simple, we repeat the whole sequence now for CW. We use one of the available standard frequency and time signal transmitters. These are either the WWV transmitter (U.S., Fort Collins), or the best station in Europe to record, the RWV chain of stations, (Moscow, Russia). RWM sends, for example, on 4996, 9996 and 14996 kHz in a timedependent sequence, and in various different modes. The best place to get the actual sequence is from the internet [8].
During these roughly eight minute intervals, we see a carrier without any modulation, which can be very easy to use. If you dont hear anything, wait a few minutes. The transmitters are each turned off in the minutes 8 to 9, also 38 to 39! Proceed analogously as above, and adjust the Up / Down keys until the carrier is centered. Done! That's it, this time for CW!
LSB/USB Factor
The two remaining modes to be adjusted, LSB and USB, are just as simple to treat, in principle. In practice, it is not quite as easy as for AM and CW, since one has to adjust to one side of the signal, or to the other, both in the welter of other existing signals. It may not be so simple to locate these points. To locate these points, a little trial and error is not out of place. The procedure is the same for both modes, with the single difference that for LSB one is calibrating on the right edge, and in USB on the left edge. For this process, seek out a quiet (sparsely-occupied) portion of the spectrum somewhere in any amateur radio band.
Fig. 111: CW Carrier Centered Of most interest for our purposes, are the transmissions from 0 to 7:55 and 30 to 37:55 minutes, every hour.
Everyday Use
Set the audio from the rig and HDSDR to a comfortable level, and, analogous to the above, use the Up/Down buttons until the two audio signals are as nearly as possible identical. It is naturally not a question of zero beat, but the process is very similar, and every technolog immediately understands what is meant here! You dont need to use the highest possible resolution here, as the adjustment by ear has a somewhat subjective character. Fig. 112: LSB Calibration Tune the VFO so that the received speech sounds natural to your ears. IF we now set the HDSDR Frequency to the VFO Frequency, we are using as an indicator one of the best measuring instruments that we have as radio amateurs, namely our ears.! In the future, for everyday use try to set the cursor (more precisely, the red line next to the tuning bar) on the corresponding signal flank as you are now doing, and remember this as long as possible. This ensures that every time you click, you will get a correct VFO frequency for the transmitting station! However, if you are not quite on the VFO frequency, this is not the end, because you always end up at least pretty close. (As described above, always somewhere in the range of a few Hz) A small turn of the VFO knob if necessary, and you have the right frequency! Thats it! With this, you have set all the offsets!
Everyday Use
brackets in the original file. After saving changes and executing a cold restart, any changes are automatically transferred to the DLL.
You can cleverly arrange things so that a click on the 80 meter band jumps you immediately to the (hopefully DX-loaded) upper band edge. From there, the band lies in the direction of lower frequencies. If you are more interested instead in CW or digital modes, you can accordingly naturally set up the corresponding... etc. etc.
Changing the way QUICK TUNE works... & Creating Additional QUICK TUNE ENTRIES...
The adjacent QUICK-TUNE window clearly illustrates how to get to your favorite bands and areas by mouse. One must, however, make absolutely sure now that the same name is used in all three of the areas: [BANDBUTTONS_FREQ], [BANDBUTTONS_TUNESTEP], [BANDBUTTONS_MODE], Very clearly you can do this with the help of an Excel file. One can see at a glance if something is wrong somewhere! Compare Fig. 115!
Fig. 114: Quick Tune Entries When one keys VHF/2m into the auto-select function, the unit automatically switches to the 3rd harmonic mode (SS67)!
The original entry sked-a09.csv contains a text file (it is a pure text file, even though its name doesnt carry the extension *.txt!) with pretty much all short-wave radio stations, which can then be received under SKED, only requiring a mouse click. The unchangeable default mode here is set to be AM. Eike Bierwirth (evidently the source of the name EiBi ), from Leipzig, is the author of this nice addition.
Everyday Use
You can find the newest *.csv file on his webpage [13]. Just copy it as needed into the HDSDR program directory. Use the Open Database function to make the file selection you desire.
An example: The following text is entered under the file name oe8mcq.csv, which is then called through Open Database in the DLL: The accompanying text is shown, reproduced line by line.
1:kHz:75;Time(UTC):93;Days:59;ITU:49; Station:201;Lng:49;Target:62;Remarks:1 35;P:35;Start:60;Stop:60;U1018-RUS 2:14070;;;;20m PSK-31;x;AFU;;; 3:27065;;;;CB-Ch.9;x;CB;;; 4:29670;;;;10m DF0MOT;x;AFU;;; 5:50110;;;;6m SSB-CALL;x;AFU;;;
Fig. 116: Installing your own Sked The structure of this file is somewhat complicated. Nevertheless, you can pretty much adapt it to your own needs.
There is a total of five lines, the structure of which must be exactly as listed here, otherwise the DLL will not function properly. Line 1 is especially important, and must not be changed in any case! Do not use bold-face numbers 1-5 when you type them. Line 1: Your own entry via the editor begins with "kHz" and ends with "RUS". Line 2: starts with "14070" and ends with "AFU ;;;\", etc. The number of semicolons is important! Their exact number and arrangement is important! By the way, all the example files mentioned in this manual are to be found in the appropriate subdirectories on the enclosed CD as well.
External Down-Converter
[DOWNCONVERTER] 2m=116000000 70cm=404000000 Two entries for 2m and 70cm are already loaded with the LO values of 116 MHz and 404 MHz. If these values do not correspond to your LO frequencies, you can change them as necessary. You may also like these records kept as they are, and may add your own as long as they conform to the illustration. Your new entries will appear in the drop-down list at the next start-up for you to select!
Fig. 118: 3rd Harmonic Mode This has particular implications in FM narrow band operation (amateur radio to 20 KHz), since the frequency scale will not be precise. For the much broader-band FM radio operation (150 kHz bandwidth), this is almost meaningless.
If the flag in the DLL is set for automatic mode, automatic switching occurs when the LO is set to 55 MHz or higher. Remember to disable everything that is not needed. For example, Pan-adapter-off mode, converter off, etc.
Suitability for FM
All Winrad based programs are suitable for narrowband FM use. The special needs of FM broadcast reception are, however, currently only met by WRplus. Here, by right clicking on the FM button, all sophisticated functions can be seen, including RDS reception, presented in a separate window! All the following figures therefore only bear on WRplus! Fig. 119: FM Reception with a 192 kHz Card
FM Radio Reception
Brief Instructions: - Start WRplus, - Swap I/Q-Channels is irrelevant, - Right Mouse click on FM button, - Activate broadband FM. - Possibly switch in RDS... - Tune in the FM Band (88-108 M Hz). Fig. 119 was made with a 192 kHz soundcard.
Click the mouse cursor on the LOFrequency. This marks it with an overscore or an underline. You now use the mouse wheel to change frequency easily. Start with the 10th position, and continue with a new mouse click at each less-significant digit. Use the mouse wheel as necessary.
FM Reception
Fig. 123: FM Reception with a 96 kHz card The sound of FM reception with a 96 KHz spectrum card is no longer quite so strong and full as with a 192 kHz card. However, there are no other restrictions as compared to 192 kHz card.
Fig. 124: FM Reception with a 48 kHz card A 48 kHz card is unfortunately not suitable for FM reception! Please refer to the very comprehensive guide supplied with WRplus! It will pay off!
FM Reception
- Click on FM button, - Tune in the FM portion of the 2m Amateur band (146-148 MHz) - Work with LO in Reception Mode, and tune using TUNE. There is really not much more to say here, as everything has already been explained. With exception of the bandwidths, the screen pictures are quite similar. This (narrow-band FM) is also the reason for the universal applicability of all Winrad derivatives.
- Click on the AM button, - Tune in the Air Traffic AM Band (108- 136 MHz), - Work with LO in Reception Mode, and tune using TUNE.
Sample Applications
1998 DRM-Association
DRM stands for Digital-RadioMondiale, which is most simply understood as Worldwide Digital Radio.. This public service includes digital radio and data services. The data are encoded for transmission using MPEG-4. DRM works in the shortwave region, with a bandwidth of 10kHz. The DRM mode in the various versions of Winrad does not decode the signals, but just broadens the bandwidth to 12 kHz. If you wish to continue to work with the possibilities that Winrad offers, must provide a decoder. This can be accomplished elegantly today with VAC (Virtual Audio Cable). With the help of VAC [19], Winrad passes the data stream to the desired program. Here we focus on the description of the standalone version of the program. An alternative to VAC is to use a special program for decoding the signals.
Fig. 125: Dream DREAM is an example of such a program, developed at the University of Darmstadt by Volker Fischer and Alexander Kurpiers. This program in in the public domain. [20]
Sample Applications
You will usually have to use the command line tag -c5 when you start the program, in order that Dream runs in I/Q mode. To set this up, open the Properties menu with a right mouse click on the Dream icon. One is the so-called Evaluation Dialog, the other the MultimediaDialog. Both windows are from the main program.
What we need now is a system for setting the frequency. Somehow we need to tell our PMSDR what frequency we would like to set. There is a small utility exactly tailored for these applications that allows you direct frequency input using a mini-DLL In the root directory of the CD, find PMSDR-Control_v1.5 and start pmsdr.exe from there. As a result, two windows open up. One allows direct frequency entry by clicking the numeric positions.. The other has a graphic interface already known to you for the DLL. With the numeric input, you already have complete control.
Fig. 126: Program start line The tag c 5 needs to be entered after the exclamation point.
Fig. 127: Sound Card Selection Under Settings and Sound Card Selection, enter your current data for audio input and output (Sound-In / Sound-Out). When your program is running bring up two additional windows on the screen by pressing Ctrl-E & Ctrl-U .
Sample Applications
Fig. 128: Frequency Input Notice what is written in the window: Click & tune with the Mouse wheel. A click on one of the large grey digits permits quick frequency change/entry with the mouse wheel. The DLL permits convenient direct access to your desired frequencies even with CAT control. These can be found under the Quick-Tune tab, and under sked. Entries are of course possible, as already described above in the section on manipulation of the DLL . The multimedia dialog shows several active DRM frequencies, and among them, 7325 kHz promises quick reception success.
Fig. 130: Quick-Tune Window If your current waterfall shows a strong signal as well defined as the well-defined signal in Fig. 131, but nothing is heard, then it is highly probable that the receive selection must be inverted.
Sample Applications
It should now be possible to hear a nearly FM-like language or music output!
The Disco Palace promises just as easy a reception experience on 6015 kHz. The Russian service Label Service very often broadcasts in German on 7325 kHz, and we usually receive it well in Europe. The program needs a strong input for clean reception. Feel free to experiment a bit with different input levels for your sound card! Have fun with DRM Reception!
Fig. 131: Flip Input Spectrum In this case, check the Flip Input Spectrum box. Leave all other settings as they were. If the inversion of the reception sspectrum produces the desired results, put the tag -p into the previously cited program call. This permanently sets the check in the Flip Input Spectrum box. In the properties box for program startup, the complete call now reads -c5 -p.
Installation: If possible, install the program using all of its Default values. Then copy the three necessary DLL files into the newly created program directory. (If you need the full program path, for XP this is in C:\ Program Files\ Flex Radio\x26 SV1EIA\ PowerSDR v1.12.23-IQ\) For Win7: Instead of Program use Program Files.) These are the three files: c3260.dll, Extio_PMSDR.dll, and mpusbapi.dll. Be careful not to use the file Extio_PMSDR.dll accidentally for one of the Winrad derivatives. It wont work! Start the program and click on Setup.
If you just happened to start reading the manual here: Dont necessarily begin your career with Power SDR-IQ. It is a very nice program with lots of capabilities, but it is exactly these that make the program less obvious in contrast to the Winrad versions, and somewhat unwieldy to use. In addition, the original PowerSDR was actually specifically designed for Flex Radio equipment, and is exactly tailored to that in operation. Consequently, when used to control PMSDR many buttons are useless because they are inactive. Good to know: There are several PowerSDR-IQ systems on the internet. On the CD, you will find ver. 1.12.23, which has proven to be stable. More recent versions (since v1.19.xx) no longer support the necessary PMSDR DLL functions, and are therefore no longer useful. These versions require a particular version of the DLL: ver. 3.2 rev. 9. This supports the PowerSDR-IQ software to version v1.12.xx.
Fig. 132: Setup In the resulting window, put your general and hardware config in the foreground..
The familiar DLL control window immediately appears on the desktop! In the next step, the necessary audio installations will be carried out. You find these at Audio and Primary, as are to be seen in Fig. 135
Fig. 133: Radio Model Setup Activate the radio buttons at Radio Model, and also at Receive Only. Now open the tab General ExtIO. In this new field, activate PMSDR Enable. If you should happen to find your card entered here, please please do not select it! The reason has already been mentioned above: This is a function that necessarily implies the Flex radio hardware! This would therefore definitely lead to problems! So please leave this item set to Unsupported Card!
Winrad Variants
The CAT control missing from the DLL is done internally by the PowerSDR-IQ software. Only activation of CAT control subsequently then allows the use of the band and mode switches as shown in Fig. 136.
Fig. 135: Audio Settings Make all the important settings shown here, insofar as your sound card allows.. Various different drivers are concealed behind the Driver pulldown menu. First, try the standard driver, MME. Move on to others only if you dont see a waterfall in this case. We have already pointed out: A special DLL is required here, which offers many possibilities not available in Winrad! Thus, for example none of the entries Quick-Tune, Sked, CAT will be available. Everything else is uninteresting, as it is associated with external hardware.
Fig. 136: Band and Mode Button Please therefore, use the settings that you see in Fig. 137.
and ID as:
Winrad Variants
The DLL in Fig. 139 is already familiar. It offers no other special features over what you already know.
Fig. 137: Set Up CAT The switch Allow Kenwood AI Command is probably more closely related to other interactive programs (e.g. HRD).
Fig. 138: Store with OK Click OK to store these settings. Fig. 139: DLL for PowerSDR-IQ
So, now it's time for the START button. If everything is set correctly, you will find a window similar to Fig. 140.
Winrad Variants
Fig. 140: Receiving Works! If what you expected to see does not appear, please go back to the audio settings and try different drivers. Swap I/Q channels The software does not inversion of the I / Q signals. allow
This will ultimately require changing the audio cable, if one has the wrong sideband location. Wrong Sideband Location: Despite apparently correct alignment with the signal edge, speech sounds forced, distorted, and clearly squeaky!)
Winrad Variants
Winrad Variants
This section is by no means a complete list of all the Winrad versions and their features. That would significantly exceed the space available. Instead, we want to briefly mention the key data, as well as an eyeball inspection, to obtain a first impression of how the corresponding programs will look on your PC. In particular, this may illustrate the important ways that the graphics of the various versions impact use on a netbook. Thus, for example, none of the previous versions are able to change the horizontal area which is occupied by the waterfall/spectrum area. A netbook screen may display, therefore, the waterfall/spectrum area as a fairly small section at the top of the screen. Winrad, in all its versions has the ability to use keyboard shortcuts, e.g. hot-keys. The appendix contains a summary of commands (to cut out).
Fig. 141: Winrad Ver. 1.61 The author's notes about program can be found in [3]. this
Fig. 142: WRplus Ver. 1.04r4 Jeffrey Pawlan (WA6KBL) brought his own version (Ver. 1.61) to market in Feb. 2010.
Winrad Variants
The website of author Sandro Sfregola [12] provides good opportunities for comparison. The most recent version of his Ver. 1.04r4 was published in January 2011. Right clicking on the FM button opens up many new opportunities for FM radio reception. Take the instructions provided to heart! In the application examples above, we offer a glimpse of the sophisticated features of FM reception! When visiting the websites of the most active developers, you may find yet another new version. Many nice features are implemented here for the first time. Among the special features of his version, this author develops a new graphics user interface (GUI). Particularly provided for netbooks is the minimal vertical resolution of a 1024x 600 pixel screen. His website has not been available for some time, for unknown reasons.
Fig. 143: WinradF Ver. 1.5 With the modified graphics user interface, the display on a netbook is a lot better.
Winrad Variants
The "Release Notes in the program directory provide more detailed information! In addition to the sophisticated features for customizing the display, there is a clear focus on the evolution of the DSP Engine.
Fig. 144: HDSDR Ver. 1.0 Mario, for example, makes available 10 (!) notch filters, which are able to be arranged freely. Using the mouse wheel, it is even possible to set the filter bandwidth per notch filter to one's taste! As mentioned, the author is very active, so be alert for new versions! [9].
Short Description of Process: Connect USB Cable, Start Program, Reset, PMSDR is in boot loader mode, Program Firmware, Ignore Error Message, Finished! In Steps: Connect your PMSDR to your PC using the USB cable, and start the program.
Firmware Updates
Potentially necessary firmware updates can be made both quickly and easily. The version installed in the PMSDR can be read from the LCD display, or from the DEBUG tab (below) in the DLL. In the software folder on the CD, you will find a "PMSDR Firmware_Upgrade_Tool" named PDFSUSB.exe. This program is directly bootable, and thus requires no installation! Preparation: Remove the upper housing, by removing the two upper screws on the front plate as well as the corresponding screws on the rear plate. Now that you can reach both S1 and S2, do so. See Fig. 145! However, if a switch board, or a down converter is installed, it may be advisable to also remove the lower two screws on the back plate and fold the (switch board or downconverter) unit carefully to the side! We are now ready to carry out the operation shown in Fig. 145.
Fig. 146: Program started Now press down the two buttons S1 and S2; you will be able to feel the points to press. Hold S2 (Right button) while you let go of S1 (left button). Immediately afterwards, release the button S2. The board is now in bootloader mode and ready for programming. The following pictures repeat the operating sequence.
Firmware Update
Fig. 151: Using ball point pens... In principle, these finger acrobatics can be done with two pens. (Dont put points out!). This has the advantage that the device does not have to be taken too far apart. Fig. 148: Then release S2. So let's continue. The last item was: "The device is in boot loader mode." Check it out!:
Fig. 152: In Bootloader Mode In the pull-down menu the following entry must now be available: PICDEM FS USB 0 (BOOT). Use the button Load HEX File to store the current Firmware in the program.
Firmware Update
Fig. 154: Over-write Warning Answer the following warning with Yes. Fig. 155: Firmware Loaded
Firmware Update
As a result you will see a few messages in the program output field. Wait for the notification: MESSAGEProgramming CONFIG DATA Completed will be displayed.
Fig. 156: Begin Programming A hearty push on Execute starts the newly written firmware. More or less as a sign of success, the display lights up again.
Fig. 157: Implement new FW Now click on Program Device to start the actual programming operation.
Firmware Update
Dont be put off by the apparent error message: WARNING-Failed to RESET Board Everything is in order, and your PMSDR is correctly programmed!
Fig. 158: Error Message Do you want to convince yourself? Switch briefly to the tab Demo mode. There, on the pulldown menu, you will find: PICDEM FS USB 0 (Demo), which wasnt there before!
Fig. 159: Firmware Active Programming is now complete, and you can close the case again!
Antenna Isolator
The Antenna Isolator
The resulting line is essentially a mixture of ground-effects and sound card nonlinearities that have become visible. The assembly is really quite simple: The three components are soldered in place, covered with heat shrink tubing... Fini. Take care when heating the heat shrink tubing not to overheat the little transformer. .
Fig. 160: The Result of Adding Antenna Isolation The antenna isolator eliminates ground loops that are caused by the antenna connection! The small device is basically just a simple 1-1 RF isolation transformer; however, it is a carefully selected component, with excellent broadband transmission characteristics. Fig. 160 shows the antenna connected to ground potential; in the upper part without, and in the lower part, with antenna isolation inserted. The positive effect on the waterfall and spectrum is clear!
The RF transformer will not tolerate transmitter power! Use the Antenna isolator only for receiving!
Fig. 163: Covered with Heat-shrink Tubing If you dont have a hot air gun handy, a butane lighter will work in a pinch. Please take care with the open flame! Turn the unit constantly to avoid localized overheating! Fig. 165: Insertion Loss Measurements show an insertion loss of Max. 1 dB (2-50 MHz) or ~3 dB (0,15-400 MHz) Input and output impedance: 50; Power: max. 0.25 W
Fig. 164: Ant.-Isolator in Position Connect the unit directly, using a male BNC on both ends, as shown in the picture, Fig. 164, or use a short piece of coax adapter cable, to avoid mechanical overloading!
Technical Data
* For receiving below 2 MHz, and also for the 3rd harmonic mode, an external band filter is advisable. (dBm Power level reference is 1 mW)
Band MHz 0,136 0,57 1,000 1,850 3,650 7,050 10,130 14,150 18,100 21,200 24,900 28,500 50,100
Filter: Filter: Filter: AutoPassAutoSelect Through Select MDS 3th MDS 3th MDS dBm dBm dBm -120 -112 -112 -120 -115 -115 -120 -115 -112 -121 -116 -94 -123 -115 -93 -123 -116 -87 -121 -111 -72 -126 -113 -95 -125 -114 -89 -124 -113 -84 -123 -113 -80 -125 -112 -77 -124
(3rd 3rd Overtone of LO) MDS? What is this? MDS Minimum Discernable Signal MDS values are mostly corrected for the noise floor of the unit; some are strongly dependent on the selected filter bandwidth (3). The mixer of the PMSDR has an attenuation of just 13 dB on the 3rd Harmonic. In general, for QSD mixers one has to take in to account the total attenuation of harmonics in the prefilter. The quality of these pre-filters is therefore of vital importance!
Technical Data
The EMU-1212m sound card produced a very low noise floor of -120 dB, (@ RBW = 187.5 Hz) . In the spectrum, however, some unwanted signals with very low levels are seen (-100 dB, see Fig. 175). Measurements were carried out in the interference-free sections of the spectrum. With the "Sound Max" the noise level is around -100 dB, (@ RBW = 187.5 Hz), and no spurious signals above this level are seen. The sensitivity is approximately 8 dB lower compared to the EMU-1212m.
PMSDR Efficiency in Harmonic Mode
The MDS measurements were made as previously, but were performed only for the 80m band (BW 2400 Hz). Band MHz 3,650 MDS dBm -124 2nd MDS 3rd MDS 4th MDS 5th MDS 7th MDS dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm -76 -112 -66 -112 -107
Fig. 167: MDS vers. Harmonic: 2nd to 7th From the above table, one sees again that the damping of the harmonics by the pre-filter plays a very crucial role.
Fig. 168: Plot for the Pre-filters (Spectrum Analyzer with Sweep Generator: Marconi 2380-2382; High Impendance Probe Marconi 2388). Upper scale 0 dB; calibrated with pass through filter setting. Blue: LP Filter Red: 2-6 MHz Filter
Fig. 169: Plots for Prefilters Blue: 6-13 MHz Filter Red: 12-30 MHz Filter
Fig. 170: Graphic representation of the measured MDS values The differences between the values of the blue line [MDS] and each of the red lines [MDS in 3rd overtone] correspond to the dynamics of the PMSDR receiver.
Bild-171: Return-Loss at the Antenna Input of the PMSDR Blue: LP Filter Red: 2-6 MHz Filter
Technical Data
Fig. 172: Return Loss at the Antenna Input of the PMSDR Blau: Filter 6-13 MHz Rot: Filter 12-30 MHz.
Fig. 173: Return Loss Input without Prefilter (pass-through) Note: Each filter shows good matching of the antenna input over the entire spectrum.
What is SFDR? Explanation: Distortion Free Dynamic Range Distance of distortion to a reference frequency With the E-MU 1212m Sound Card , input at -10dBV, the dynamics are better than 110 dB (SSB), with the exception of small band sections in LW / MW, with some unwanted signals. With the Sound Max, input line, the SFDR is only ca. 87 dB (SSB).
Dynamics of IP3.
The measurements were carried out with a dual-tone DDS signal generator and a home-made Combiner (remaining ~ 50 dBm IP3;. See RKE 11/2006). The level of the intermodulation product was read and tested with an NFvoltmeter HP 3400A RMS. The measurements refer to a BW of 2400 Hz (SSB), and a separation of 2 kHz for the two tones. Band MHz 0,136 0,567 1,000 1,850 3,650 7,050 10,130 14,150 18,100 21,200 24,900 28,500 50,100 Band MHz 24,900 28,500 MDS dBm -100 -93 -120 -117 -123 -123 -121 -126 -125 -124 -123 -125 -124 MDS dBm -123 -125 IP3 dBm 8 12 11 18 21 24 24 26 24 23 1* -5* 15 IP3 dBm 22* 23* DR-IMD dB 72 70 87 90 96 98 97 101 99 98 83* 80* 92 DR-IMD dB 96* 98*
Fig. 174: IP3 Dynamics With a good sound card, the dynamics of the PMSDR are limited only by intermodulation products and image rejection. In switching mixers, the intermodulation products increase by a factor of 3, if signal peaks reach the supply voltage of the mixer. This effect is called clipping.
Technical Data
A mixer which is operated with a supply voltage of 5V can therefore process an RF signal of max. 5V pp. This assumes that this is distributed symmetrically around a bias voltage = 2.5V. Therefore, the best setting of the QSD Mixer bias is 2.5 V.
Fig. 175: Channel Skew Calibrationadjust for best rejection.
If, for Winrad, optimization is done at an image frequency in one of the two band halves, then image suppression remains at least 50 dB throughout the rest of that band section! In the case of the Rocky SDR program [14], the image rejection remains below 85dB after running the Automatic I / Q Balance function, likewise measured over the entire band! The unwanted signals are most likely generated by the PC, and are then picked up through the internal sound card. Through use of an external sound card, they should disappear entirely, or at least be greatly weakened.
Personal assessment by I4SBX
(This is) A good SDR receiver with excellent price / performance ratio, with a dynamic range of ~ 100 dB (SSB). Unfortunately, the attenuation of the prefilters is not very high outside their filter edges. This results in the reception of unwanted harmonics, and therefore affects the dynamics of the overall system. End of Report; Technical Data December 2009 Eraldo, I4SBX
Fig. 176: PMSDR
PMSDR Switch
Fig. 179: Test Points One should use a relatively modern high impedance multimeter. It need not be a relatively expensive instrument of the RMS (Root-Mean-Square) class, but it should possess an input impedance of a few M! Please measure across the resistor: Voltage drop across R32: max. 100mV, (otherwise IC8 is bad.) The following measurements are all related to ground potential: GND at SV5 Pin2. All pins should show an equal value of 1.95V. The differences in measured values with each other should not exceed 50mV! SV5-Pin3, IC3-Pin7, IC3-Pin8, C38 (On the side connected to IC8). C41 (On the side connected to IC8), C53 (On the side connected to IC8), C58 (On the side connected to IC8),
Your Measured Values: Position R32 SV5-Pin2 SV5-Pin3 IC3-Pin7 IC3-Pin8 C38 C41 C53 C58 Should read <100mV GND 1,95V 1,95V 1,95V 1,95V 1,95V 1,95V 1,95V Actually reads
CD Contents
Appendix I
CD Index / Directory
The CD provided does not contain any self-starting applications. Use Windows Explorer (Button: -E) to aid in looking through the contents. We ask you to observe the relevant rules of GNU-GPL freeware, which can be found in the appendix. The documentation and descriptions mentioned in the Manual are to be found under the corresponding rubric of PC-software, not in Documents. In Documents conversely, one will find further PMSDR Documents, as for example, schematics.
is SDR actually?
There are many highly complicated definitions of this term. They can however be reduced to just what the name says already: "Software Defined Radio." But this definitely does NOT imply a radio receiver (or transceiver) controlled by software, but rather a device in which many functions of a normal receiver / transmitter are emulated in software, not by analog circuitry!
Here one can now realize, for example, the sharpest filters that one can imagine! But everything has its downside, which begins here with the subject of the PC. By processing the data (in a computer), we distance ourselves clearly from real-time analog technology. It is easy to see that processing in a PC takes time. The problems resulting from the (finite) run-time duration cannot be underestimated, and unfortunately this is only the beginning of problems facing the SDR technology.
hardware complexity
This reduces the remaining circuit complexity to a minimum. A complete digitization of the entire receiver circuitry in software, however, is not (yet) possible. Ideally, a received signal would be fed directly into an A/D converter, and subsequently directly converted to the demodulated signal in bits and bytes for further processing. For sending, just the converse of this process: Speech would be digitized and fed into a D/A-Converter, which sends the signal directly to the antenna. We are not quite to this point with the technology, but are close to it.
There are several technical approaches to realizing an SDR. The various different methods need not be discussed here; this is completely beyond the scope of this small treatise! A relatively easy to understand technology is applied in the PMSDR QSD method; it promises excellent results, and for the effort involved is predestined to be a price/capability winner. Also, the operating principle is relatively simple to understand.
Processing in the PC
The great advantage to this approach is the minimal hardware requirement, combined with the almost unimaginable ability to manipulate the output signal. This happens in the downstream PC...
SDR Fundamentals
We can best approach the subject with a step-by-step introduction to the functional principles of a direct conversion receiver. be open, and during the negative half-cycle (180 to 360) , closed, etc. (By the way, this receiving method is still free from image frequencies.)
The principle is actually the same as shown above, and was used in the early days of radio technology for receiving AM radio stations. This type of receiver needs a socalled detector. Here, a diode is used. This diode acts as a switch, "closed," as it were, during the positive half-cycle of the reception frequency, open during the negative half-cycle. The integrating capacitor downstream from the switch will be charged through this on-off switching in synchrony with the frequency being received, and this charge is audible through the loudspeaker as speech or music. One can now easily imagine replacing the diode by a switch, and (as in Fig. 184) allowing this switch to open and close in synchrony with the received frequency. During the positive-going half cycle of the radio signal (0 to 180) the switch might
Fig. 184: ... with a switch With progress in radio technology, the superheterodyne receiver appeared, in which a mixer was used to make the high input frequency easier to process by mixing it to produce lower frequencies. This is unfortunately where the subject of the image frequencies is born.
Use of mixers
Unfortunately, through the mixing process, not only the desired result f1+f2, but also the undesired result f1-f2 appears in every mixer.
The switch idea of Fig. 184 is also used in our PMSDR. Instead of one switch, however, four are used. These switches cycle every 90 degrees, not just every half-cycle.
recorded in ever-shorter time intervals. Above a certain speed of rotation, the sampling is so fast that as a result the full intelligibility of the input signal is achieved. We have now playfully approached the "sampling theorem." Behind it all lies a lot of mathematics, but we will not ask this of you. Only one thing is important:
(So there are namely four switches, along with four integrating capacitors.) This switch arrangement is called a Tayloe Mixer, or QSD. (QSD stands for quadrature sampling detector). During sampling, only one switch is closed per time interval, while the others are open. This gives sampling at phases 0 , 90 , 180 and 270 , and one calls this type of sampling "sample and hold." The resulting voltage values of the four integrating capacitors are now grouped in pairs, and operational amplifiers are used for further processing.
>2x fc
How high the sampling frequency is, depends directly on the input frequency. The physicists Shannon and Nyquist found that one has to sample at least twice as fast as the highest frequency in the input signal to be able to reproduce that signal. As a formula:
Fig. 185: Four-fold Sample and Hold Follow along here with a thought experiment: Imagine we want to rotate through the switching process so that we get our 4 phase values. This is illustrated conceptually in Fig. 185. But at what rate should we rotate through the switching process? When we crank through the switches at a leisurely rate, a couple of revolutions per second, speech output is incomprehensible, because it is very chopped. . It is easy to see that comprehensibility gets better with increasing sampling speed, because the signal present is
f sample > 2 x f c
Consider that you want to build a receiver that will process input frequencies of up to 60 MHz. At least how high does the sampling frequency have to be? Right! At least 120 MHz! For completeness sake, it is worth mentioning marginally that in this type of sampling, artifacts exist which have to be suppressed by appropriate measures (analog low pass filters). A higher sampling rate than 2xfc does not lead to further information gain. Nevertheless, it is often used.
PMSDR as Panadapter
The justification: Extremely high demands are placed on the steepness of the skirts of the low-pass filter used. These filters can only be made with a very considerable effort (The Chebyshev filters used in PMSDR have such an extreme slope). Over-sampling (commonly by factors of M = 2 and M = 4) now allows, on the one hand, a drastic reduction in the requirements required of the analog filters. On the other hand, after sampling, a digital filter needs to be in place for sampling rate reduction. Such filters are referred to as decimation filters. What at first sounds like a great disadvantage, is instead cleverly used in such a way that during the mathematical process of decimation, so-called processing gains arise, by which the dynamic range of the SDR receiver improves quite significantly. For SDR receivers of the DDC* (Direct Down-Conversion) type this is done by hardware in the receiver. Here in the QSD method, the software in the downstream PC is responsible for decimation. This is enough to say at this point. Excessive mathematics lurks behind it again!
This is not the end of it. To pick up the thread again: From Fig. 185 we know that there are two signals at the output of our QSD mixer, I und Q. I stands for InPhase here, and contains the 0 and 180 signals.
Fig. 186: Principles of a QSD Receiver Q stands for (in-) Quadrature, and consists of the 90 und 270 components. The phase shift between these two signals corresponds therefore to 90. The I Signal at the output of the op-amp contains the value 0 minus 180, while the Q Signal corresponds to the value of 90 minus 270.
*What is DDC?
DDC stands for Direct DownConversion, and describes a process
PMSDR as Panadapter
One can also see this in Fig. 184. The two analog signals I and Q thus now contain the entirety of information in the input frequency. Fig. 187: I/Q Coordinate system
The data content of these complex signals is in an orthogonal coordinate system, from which the PC software can again reconstruct the input signal. Block Diagram We want to very briefly examine how the original signal is to be reconstructed. Therefore one must first know: The length of the vector contains SOUND CARD the original signal LINE SPKR QSD (A/D) (D/A) amplitude, while the INPUT OUTPUT angle with the abscissa (I-axis) OSC contains the DDS, XTAL CPU MEM VID instantaneous phase. For the demodulated RF HARDWARE PC HARDWARE signal, we then RF INPUT BASEBAND I/Q (ANALOG AUDIO) calculate as follows: AM: Amplitude of the 2 2 vector = root (a +b ). FM: Phase=arctan (a/b). SSB: FFT with several thousand bins. Here, the sideband is converted into the frequency domain, from which one can then calculate the modulation content. You guessed it, certainly: Again, lots of mathematics. But back to the mixer output...
The frequency bandwidth of I / Q, the mixing results, the frequency bandwidth of I / Q, is the so-called "base-band," which could, for example, range between 0 Hz and 96 kHz. (Thinking here of a sampling rate of 192 kHz) If this signal is sent to the right/left inputs of a sound card, one obtains as a final result, a high-quality receiver, whose properties depend essentially on the PC software used for further processing. The sound card now "breaks up this analog I/Q-Signal, using its A / D converter, into digital snacks for further data processing in the PC.
SDR Fundamentals
The QSD takes care of the mixing. The PC, together with sound card and software, takes over the processing. The Control is just a bidirectional link between PC and SDR (responsible for setting frequency and display, control of the LO, AGC, level of amplification, user interface, etc.) The general idea has by now surely become clear! The complexity of the whole, however, significantly increases, the deeper one looks into the matter! We leave it at this point. This now makes it possible for you to understand the block diagram in Figure-188 relatively easily. The antenna input on the left provides RF to the SDR hardware. This hardware now uses, as we know, the QSD for mixing / reduction of the input signals to the base-band. The resulting analog I / Q signals are fed to the sound card, and then digitized in the A / D converters ("quantized", as the expert says). The DSP (Digital Signal Processing) follows later in the software used (Winrad, PowerSDRIQ, etc.).
of Image Signals
We still want to consider briefly the image signals which originate in the mixer and which are always present. A couple of examples may make this clear once again: Consider a signal of 17 KHz (for example, the test signal from the sound card tester) in the spectrum. Because of the mixing, this signal shows up again, 34 kHz below. We assume that the mid-point of the spectrum is set at 0 Hz. In other words, the image signal would appear left of the center, at -17 kHz.
A station which is at 25 KHz will be found duplicated, 50 kHz below it, etc., etc... We naturally want to suppress these mirror signals, which are undesirable by-products! But how? The answer to that is already implicit above. The two-fold reduction of the signal to baseband in the process described above must have a reason! As we have seen: One mixes the incoming signal in question not once but twice to baseband, but with a phase shift of 90 in the second conversion. The image signals are now already significantly suppressed by the operational amplifier acting as an adder. This is the reason for the claim in the literature that the QSD already has, from the outset, good image suppression. The DSP software on the PC then tries (with relatively complex mathematical algorithms), to remove the parts which unfortunately remain. It is precisely at this point that Channel-Skew-Calibration enters in, resulting in the removal of images from a narrow portion of the spectrum. One hopes that the authors of Winrad may at some point implement an automatic form of algorithm (WBIR), that optimizes image suppression over the entire spectral range.
As a by-product, so to say, the I / Q technique allows a double-width spectrum display. This increases the total range to twice the (internal) sampling rate of the sound card. Why Internal? The answer is simple: We must bear in mind that the sampling
PMSDR as Panadapter
theorem also applies here: A sound card with 96 kHz sampling frequency can internally handle only a 48 kHz wide input signal. The complex I / Q signals in this coordinate system, however, have spectral asymmetry. This means that all the information contained is present in negative as well as positive form. In the mathematical reconstruction of signals using the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), both positive and negative spectral components arise again. The positive are seen from the origin to the right, while the negatives are located to the left. This results in a total spectrum width of 2 x 48 kHz, or 96 kHz. Despite the limitations of the sampling theorem, a sound card with 96 kHz sample rate can display a 96 kHz wide spectrum.
strong signals that are just below the filter's rising bandstop edge (and thus that are only slightly attenuated), produce so-called alias frequencies fa. The results are the same here as in the case of the mixer: fa=fe+fs, or fa=fe-fs respectively. The problem described here is a general one, which serves to emphasize the importance of a good sound card with cleanly functioning anti-aliasing filters.
The A / D converters in the sound card unfortunately react not only to the desired baseband signals, but also to their harmonics, that is, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, overtones, etc. These undesirable spectral components should or must be filtered out, so that our spectrum is not distorted by phantom signals. This is effected, at least for the better (read: more expensive) sound cards, by the low-pass filter preceding the A / D converters. These so-called antialiasing filters in the real world, of course, turn out to be less than ideal, having a slowly rising bandstop characteristic. As a result, not everything above 48 kHz (as in our example above) is cleanly suppressed, with remaining traces of the harmonics passing through the filter. In practice this means that
SDR Fundamentals
For use in the SDR, the dynamic range and sensitivity of a sound card are not quite as important. Even cards in the "low-cost" market reach background noise values between 90 dB and -110 dB. High quality (and then unfortunately very expensive) cards reach values well above -120 dB. For the majority of all SDR application, a card in the range of about -90 dB suffices, since as a rule, the IF signal is so strong that even weak signals easily exceed the threshold of -90 dB and on this account clearly lie over the base noise of the card. So now the path for signal processing, from antenna to speaker, has hopefully become clearly visible to everyone.
The filters pass their signal further along, to the QSD mixer. The mixer produces the two 90-degree phase shifted signals under control of the Johnson-counter.
All the elements of Fig. 188 are easily recognizable here. To the left, above, we see the antenna input, followed by 4 filters. The uppermost is a low-pass filter, while the three beneath it consist of a set of 3 overlapping band-pass filters (3rd Order Chebyshev-Filters.
(This switch element is a (divide by 4) ring-counter. It is tasked with production of the two 90 control signals for the QSD input.) The signal pairs 0/180, and 90/270 are fed to the two operational amplifiers (right, in the figure) where they are arranged into two sets.
The I / Q lines to the stereo sound card inputs are connected from here.
This little trip could only shed superficial light on the theory of SDR technology, of course, but nevertheless should have provided some basic understanding. We would be delighted if this discourse would be seen as a stimulus for you to delve further into the matter of your own accord. Commercially available literature on this subject is unfortunately still very rare. The discussion in [22], the book by Dipl. Commercial Bodo J. Krink (DL7BJK) is a well-expounded exception. He takes care to prepare the necessary mathematics for the reader to understand and intuit. Also, the special CQDL [23] of July 2008 (Title: CQ-DL-Spezial-SDRund-D-Star) makes especially worthwhile reading!
An absolutely noise-free receiver (a device that does not exist in practice!) has an MDS value corresponding to (kT). In this expression, k is the Boltzmann23 Constant*: (1.38066 10 ), and T the absolute Temperature (of the resistors). At 20 C room temperature (293 K) the thermal noise power comes out 21 to: P=4.04510 W = -173.93 dBm, which we round to ~ -174 dBm. This value is relative to a 1 Hz bandwidth. For a filter bandwidth of 2.4 kHz, one calculates ~ -140 dBm. It follows then that the ultimate relative noise figure of a receiver can be taken to be: NF [dB] = MDS-140. If you are interested in further details about this issue: The somewhat older but still very readable English article by Leif sbrink, SM5BSZ, [15] gives a deeper insight into the topic!
WIN 7 Set-Up
WIN 7 Set-Up
By predetermined (48 / 96 KHz) frequency displacements (Quick-Tune): Is the Quick-Tune tab blue? If YES Tab CAT: Remote-Rig ON; Tab Quick-Tune If NO Tab Quick-Tune Quick-Tune: Set Tuning Steps to desired value; Button actuate; VFO and Frequency Bar follow.
WIN 7 Set-Up
WIN 7 Set-Up
The PMSDR is powered and controlled through the USB Port. The necessary drivers should already be present (automatically installed) in Windows 7. In case they are not, install them by hand as described below. Windows automatically signals that it has found new hardware when a USB cable is connected. If the system recognizes the necessary driver, then a subsequent call to the Device Manager shows a screen similar to:
Fig. 51-2: USB Driver Properly Installed The relevant entry in this screen reads Microchip Custom USB Device. If the highlighted line shows the same or similar, everything is OK. In this case, proceed to Step 3. If the OS does not find the driver automatically, the Device Manager shows a yellow warning sign:
WIN 7 Set-Up
Fig. 52-2: USB Driver Not Available In this case, a little hand-work is needed. Right-click on the line in Device Manager with the yellow flag (here shown as PMSDR USB Board). This opens the context menu. Click on Update Driver Software. In the next Dialog click on the bar Browse my computer for driver software, then in the next window, Search for driver software in this location: where you need to indicate your CD drive (containing the CD we provided). On the CD, find the folder PMSDR_MCHPUSB driver, click on it, and answer OK. This will locate the driver and install it. Device Manager should now show Microchip Custom USB Device as it appears in Fig. 51-2. As soon as the driver is installed, the green LED on the rear panel of the PMSDR should come on, and if you have the display installed, it will light up in a blue tint. If you have the display option installed, the trim pot R7 next to the display cable plug should be used to adjust the contrast according to your taste. The upper half of the enclosure can then be replaced and attached with the selftapping screws provided
WIN 7 Set-Up
format, and must be unpacked. Click on the Extract All Files at the top of the window, and choose the directory to which they are to be extracted. 5.) Prepare the Sound Card PMSDR puts out two audio signals, phase shifted by 90-degrees, the socalled I/Q signals, which are worked up to an audible signal in the sound card. These signals must be processed in parallel, and your sound card must therefore have a stereo input. We assume this to be the case. Connect the computer to the PMSDR with a stereo cable. Audio Connection You will need a cable with a 3.5 mm stereo plug on both ends. To avoid distracting influences, it is useful also to connect headphones to the headphone output jack...
Figs. 53-2 to 55-2 below show typical sound card inputs for various computers. The Samsung-NC10 family are small, somewhat-older laptop computers, no longer available new in the US market, but that were popular in their day. It is chosen as a typical example of the genre.
WIN 7 Set-Up
WIN 7 Set-Up
WIN 7 Set-Up
A short series of pictures subsequently shows the calls for Windows 7. These examples are taken from an small ACER desktop machine running Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit), with a Realtek High Definition Audio sound card. There are major differences in the way that XP and WIN7 display audio controls, and unfortunately there are also some differences among machines running WIN7 Home Premium, WIN7 Professional, and WIN7 Ultimate. For your particular machine, some exploration may be needed to work your way through this thicket of check boxes, sliders, and tabs. Bring up Control Panel from the Start menu and double click Sounds.
WIN 7 Set-Up
Click sequentially the fields for Playback and Recording. Familiarize yourself with the possible settings in each. Click (once) on the large Speakers area to select it (graying it, as above) then click on Properties.
Fig. 58-2 Properties Tab for Speakers; Levels Selected. Note Line In slider at bottom.
WIN7 Set-Up
The slider for the Line-In input is deliberately set close to the lower limit. (You may wonder what the Line In slider is doing on the Properties Tab for Speakers just take it like you find it! Remember this is from the same people who gave you the START button as a place to STOP!) The levels at the I/Q output of the PMSDR are relatively high, so use the least input amplification possible.
Be sure that any balance sliders are set in the middle! We repeat that the input that you are using on your notebook or PC MUST be a stereo input. If this is not the case, use the microphone input, not the line in jack. Your PC manual should answer the question in this case. If your microphone input is also not a stereo input, you must first get an appropriate USB sound card, then proceed as usual. As a rule, all line inputs are stereo, so it is likely that there is no real problem here.
In the window shown in Fig. 58-2 there is a tab labelled Enhancements. This has to do with effects such as reverb, echo, etc. If possible, check a box labelled DISABLE Enhancements.
WIN 7 Set-Up
Winrad: Hot-Keys
Keyboard Input: C H U Z CTRL-A CTRL-B CTRL-C CTRL-D CTRL-E CTRL-F CTRL-L CTRL-O CTRL-P CTRL-R CTRL-T CTRL-U Up-Arrow Down-Arrow Right-Arrow Left-Arrow Sh. Up-Ar. Sh Down-Ar, Sh. Ar. Right Sh. Ar. Left Page Up Page Down Produces Function:
Changes the LO; Centers receiver range. Opens GUI for external hardware (PMSDR) Toggles through the Units Hz, kHz, MHz Same as the ZAP key; Enables ZAP Function Switch to AM Identical to the Noise Blanker Key Switch to CW Switch to DRM (No Demodulation!) Switch to ECSS Switch to FM Switch to f LSB Direct LO Frequency Input via Keyboard Identical to the CW Peak Key Identical to the Noise Red. Key Direct TUNE Frequency Input via Keyboard Switch to USB Direct Change of the TUNE Frequency by +0.1 kHz Direct Change of the TUNE Frequency by -0.1 kHz Direct Change of the LO Frequency by +10 kHz Direct Change of the LO Frequency by -10 kHz Direct Change of the TUNE Frequency by +1 kHz Direct Change of the TUNE Frequency by -1 kHz Direct Change of the LO Frequency by +100 kHz Direct Change of the LO Frequency by -100 kHz Frequency Shift of the LO by +Entire Spectrum Width * Frequency Shift of the LO by Entire Spectrum Width *
(In newer versions of Winrad the Arrow-/Page-keys apparently only work in concert with the CTRL key!)
The CD
The accompanying CD contains no self-starting material. Page through the directory using Windows-Explorer (Press-E).
The liability of "RF System of the Anna Maria Quinto" for actual damages" regardless of the cause and the action, whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence), product liability, or otherwise, in no event exceeds the equivalent of 5 .
Liability Disclaimer
The software is provided "as is" without any kind of express or implied warranty, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. "RF System of the Anna Maria Quinto", with "RF System of the Anna Maria Quinto" affiliates, their distributors and dealers, accept no guarantee that the information contained in the software features match your requirements or that the operation corresponding to the Software will meet your requirements or that operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free. The user assumes the entire risk relating to results and performance of computer extensions, programs and products listed in this guide. Neither "RF System of the Anna Maria Quinto", its directors, officers, employees or agents are liable for incidental or consequential damages or indirect damages (including lost profits, business interruption, loss of business information or the like), arising from the use or inability to use the computer extensions, programs and products, which are listed or contained in this Manual, even if the Anna Maria Quinto RF SYSTEM" has been informed about the possibility of such damages. Since some countries do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for consequential or incidental damages, it may be that the foregoing does not apply to you.
Freeware GNU-GPL
1. All Freeware Programs offered on the CD or on the web site, which you are allowed to use gratuitously for private purposes, carry the following legal restrictions imposed on the user. The user is hereby expressly informed that all freeware versions available on the web site as well as on the CD are subject to the copyright laws, and are therefore protected. All rights are therefore reserved to the copyright holder alone, hereinafter called the author. 2. All freeware offers are nonbinding. The author reserves the right to change parts or the entire offering, or to add to, delete or temporarily or permanently suspend the publication without separate announcement. 3. The author allows the private use and disclosure of the offered freeware software explicitly only under the following conditions, which the user making the download of a freeware program recognizes: 3a) The author of the freeware software offers no guarantee of any kind, either express or implied, for the use of the gratuitously provided freeware for any purpose whatever. He also assumes no obligations and guarantees for the practical value of the freeware software. 3b) In no event shall the author be liable for any damages, consequential damages, including any loss of profits and losses of assets or other direct or indirect damages resulting from the use or inability to use the freeware software and its accompanying documentation. Exceptions apply only if the author's deliberate (intentional) action can be demonstrated. No responsibility is assumed for consequential damages. The use of the freeware software is undertaken at the users own risk. 3c) Over and above its own use, commercial use of the freeware software and the elements of the software of which it is composed is not allowed. In particular, the following is not allowed: copying, storing and using the software or any part thereof for commercial purposes, or the sale, rental or lease to third parties; the substantive change or editing of the features in the software program; that no change or editing of the entries in the software program takes place (for example, banner ads, push buttons, etc.), with the exception of the entry of the user's own data to the extent necessary to use the freeware program.
Reproduction or transmission of the freeware software offered here is only allowed with the express prior written consent of the Author.
3d) The permissible disclosure of the freeware software is also for private use subject to the following: That money is neither requested nor paid; That the freeware software is given out faithfully, without any change or editing of the functions and entries in the software program, and That a link to the website of the author is included, or at least published.
"If even a single of these conditions is not met, the distribution without the express prior written consent of the Author is nevertheless not permitted. 4. If sections or individual terms of this Legal Notice are not, do no longer, or are not completely suitable, the remaining parts of the document nevertheless retain their validity.
96,112,114 A
Abstract....................................116 About..........................................43 Accessories.........................91,136 A/D-Converter.....................38,106 Advanced Settings.....................46 AM Reception Airline Radio .......................... 71 Antenna Isolator....89,91,92,136 ASIO36,38,44
DDC.........................................109 Debug....................................46,86 Desoldering..........................7,9,10 Desoldering Braid.................7,9,10 Digital-Radio-Mondiale..............74 Directory..27,47,68,75,85,105,120, 123,132 Disclaimer................................133 Display.......................................12 Display Range.....................59 DLL..............................................4 Settings ................................. 47 Copying ................................. 26 Manipulation ..................... 65,76 Updating ........................... 27,47 Down-Converter...4,6,22.24,48,49,69,93,102 Circuit Board.................. 6,22,23 DREAM...................................74,ff Dynamics..............................96-99 Dynamic.Range38,44,70,93,97,99, 109,113 Input Control.44
Band Width Doubled..110 Bandwidth Display....................36 Basics.....................................104 SDR Technology.....104,106,115 Bias Voltage...................48,99,136 Bit............................38,77,106,127 BNC Jack..........10,12,16-18,22,93 Bootloader............................86,87 Bridges..............................9,21,24
Cable, USB..................256,86,120,121 Calibration Factor AM ......................................... 60 CW ......................................... 60 LSB/USB................................60 CAT Settings55,56 CD..5,27,47,48,57,67,68,74,75.78,,122,123,132, 134 Circuit Board Switchboard......................17,18
EiBi66 EMI12
Filter...........................................22 Anti-Aliasing ........................ 110 FINE...........................................40 Firmware Update ................................... 84 Flux..............................................8 FM Reception............................68 Amateur ................................. 71
Broadcast .............................. 69 Freeware..................................121 Frequency Range Changing..57 FT-95050 LO...........................................113 Local Oscillator.......................113
Magic Band.5 MDS92 Mic Boost..31 Mixer.105 MMCX19 MMCX Plug..19 Mode Offsets58 Modification Down Converter .................... 23 Switchboard........................... 20
Harmonic-Mode Reception .............................. 68 HDSDR 82 Installing ................................ 32 Configuring ............................ 52 Headers.....................................10 Header Plugs............................18 Header Sockets ........................14 Headphones..............................29 Hot-Keys..................................118 Housing, Enclosure............. ......15
NE555 Phase Shifter ......................... 38 NetBook5 Noise Floor ................................ 42
Offset Value...............................54 OHS.............................................8 Oversampling...........................107
IF-2000......................................50 Commissioning PMSDR.........25 IF Connection............................50 Image Frequency Suppression........................... 40 Image Signals............................39 Image Signals Suppression......................... 109 Image Suppression....................97 IP3.............................................96 I/Q Inverting Inputs ...................... 34 I/Q Coordinate System.............108 I/Q-Signals...............................107
Panadapter bidirectional ............................. 4 Pan-Adapter Settings ................................. 55 Playback control.........................30 PMSDR Circuit Board.................... 10, 24 PMSDR-Control .........................73 PowerSDR-IQ............................76 Praxis.........................................49 Prefilter ......................................93 PTT-Leitung...............................52
QSD Mixer .................................... 105 Quartz Oscillator..............................113
LED-Block................................10 Line In.28
Quick band selection..................44 Quick Tune.................................44 Selections (Table) ................. 37 Stereo .................................... 27 Test ....................................... 38 Preparation ............................ 27 Win-7 ..................................... 31 Static Protection...........................7 Storing........................................62 Stripper.......................................14 Stations Monitoring.............................. 56 Switchboard...............................16 System performance..................29
RAW..........................................40 Realtek AC97 Audio..................28 Reception simultaneous ......................... 20 Reception Comparison..............20 Recording Controls....................30 Resolution..................................36 RF Transformer.........................11 Ribbon Cable.......................12, 18 Rocky........................................40 Root Directory.........................103 RTS Use ........................................ 48
Tandem Mode............................51 Technical Data...........................91 Measurement Report ............ 92 Test Points...............................101 Tools............................................7 Troubleshooting .......................101 Tuning Bar.................................57
Sample and Hold106 Sample Rate.............................33 Sample Rate.............................36 Sampling Theorem..................106 Samsung NC10 ..................................... 27 Schematic..................................98 Screen Adapting..................................34 SFDR.........................................95 Si570........................................113 Sked...........................................45 Customizing ........................... 65 SMA-Plug...................................19 Software Installation ............................. 26 Soldering Paste...........................8 Solder Point.................................9 Soundcard Control ................................... 41 Sound Card Choice ................................... 36
VAC............................................72 Volume Control .........................29
WBIR.........................................40 Winrad.......................................81 Varieties ................................ 81 WinradF.....................................82 WinradHD..................................82 Wire Bridge...............................20 WMME......................................42 WRplus.....................................81
Stations Calling DX
In Closing, We Wish You - Endless Good DX As well as Many Beautiful Hours With Your PMSDR!