NASA SP36 Extracto
NASA SP36 Extracto
NASA SP36 Extracto
Prepared- b N members of the staff of Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Edited bg h m . A. ~J o and ROBERT 0. BULLOCK. This publication supersedes decassified NACA Memorandum E56B03, E56BOa, and E56BO3b, 1956
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a design system, and stimulated by the urgent need for improving gas-turbine engines, research on axial-flow compressors has been accelerated both /Gn this country and abroad. The results of this research have been presented in numerous publications. In the majority of instances, each of these reportg presents only a fragmentary bit of information which taken by itself may appear to INTRODUCTION have inconsequential value. Taken altogether and properly correlated, however, this information Currently, the principal type of compressor represents significant advances in that science of being used in aircraft gas-turbine powerplants is fluid mechanics which i s pertinent to axial-flow the axial-flow compressor. Although some of the early turbojet engines incorporated the centrifugal compressors. It was the opinion of the NACA Subcommittee on Compressors and Turbines and compressor, the recent trend, particularly for highothers in the field that it would be appropriate to speed and long-range applications, has been to the h i s dominance is a result of assimilate and correlate this information, and to axial-flow type. T present the results in a single report. Such a the ability of the axial-flow compressor to satisfy compilation should be of value to both neophytes the basic requirements of the aircraft gas turbine. and experienced designers of axial-flow compresThese basic requirements of compressors for sors. Realizing the necessity and importance of aircraft gas-turbine application are well-known. a publication of this type, the NACA Lewis In general, they include high efficiency, high airlaboratory began reviewing and digesting existing flow capacity per unit frontal area, and high data. This report represents the current status pressure ratio per stage. Because of the demand of this effort. for rapid engine acceleration and for operation This chapter outlines the general objectives and over a wide range of flight conditions, this high the scope of the design report and indicates the level of aerodynamic performance must be mainchapters in which each specific phase of compressor tained over a wide range of speeds and flows. design information is discussed. The general comPhysically, the compressor should have a minimum pressor design problem and the approach usually length and weight. The mechanical design should taken to accomplish its solution are indicated. be simple, so as to reduce manufacturing time and The various aspects of compressor design to be cost. The resulting structure should be mechanitreated in the over-aU compendium are outlined, cally rugged and reliable. It is the function of the compressor design as well 85 the specific sequence in which they will be presented. system to provide compressors that will meet Because axial-flow compressors are most exthese requirements (in any given aircraft engine tensively used in the field of aircraft propulsion, application). This design system should be accuand because this field requires the highest degree rate in order to minimize costly and time-consumof excellence in comprwsor design and performing development. However, it should also be as ance, the attention in this over-all report has straightforward and simple as possible, consistent been focused primarily on the problems pertinent with completeness and accuracy. In an effort to provide the basic data for such to the axial-flow compressor of turbojet or turbo-
691-564 0 4 3 - 2
prop engines. The results, presented, however, should be applicable to any class of axial-flow compressors.
The basic function of a compressor is to utilize shaft work to increase the total or stagnation pressure of the air. A schematic drawing of an axial-flow compressor as installed in a turbojet engine is shown in figure 1. In the general configuration, the first row of blades (inlet guide vanes) imparts a rotation to the air to establish a specified velocity distribution ahead of the first rotor. The rotation of the air is then changed in the first rotor, and energy is thereby added in accordance with Eulers turbine equation. This energy is manifested as increases in total temperature and total pressure of air leaving the rotor. Usually accompanying these increases are increases in static pressure and in absolute velocity of the air. A part, or all, of the rotation is then removed in the following stator, thus converting velocity head to static pressure. T h i s stator also sets up the distribution of airflow for the subsequent rotor. The air passes successively through rotors and stators in this manner to increase the total pressure of the air to the degree required in the gas-turbine engine cycle. As the air is compressed, the density of the air is increased and
I I I 1 I
I 1
the annular flow area is reduced to correspond to the decreasing volume. This change in area may be accomplished by means of varying tip or hub diameter or both. In this compression process certain losses are incurred that result in an increase in the entropy of the air. Thus, in passing through a compressor, the velocity, the pressure, the temperature, the density, the entropy, and the radius of a given particle of air are changed across each of the blade rows. The compressor design system must provide an adequate description of this flow process.
The basic concepts of multistage axial-flowcompressor operation have been known for approximately 100 years, being presented to the French Academie des Sciences in 1853 by Tournaire (ref. 1). One of the earliest experimental axial-flow compressors (1884) was obtained by C. A. Parsons by running a multistage reactiontype turbine in reverse (ref. 2). Efficiencies for this type of unit were very low, primarily because the blading was not designed for the condition of a pressure rise in the direction of flow. Beginning a t the turn of the century, a number of axial-flow compressors were built, in some cases with the blade design based on propeller theory. However, the efficiency of these units was still low (50 to 60
guide vane
I r-- Rotor
percent). Further development of the axid-flow compressor was retarded by the lack of knowledge of the underlying principles of fluid mechanics. The advances in aviation during the period of World War I and the rapidly developing background in fluid mechanics and aerodynamics gave new impetus to research on compressors. The performance of axial-flow compressors was considerably improved by the use of isolated-airfoil theory. As long as moderate pressure ratios per stage were desired, isolated-airfoiltheory was quite capable of producing compressors with high e& ciency (ref. 3, e.g.). Compressors of this class were used in such machinery as ventilating fans, air-conditioning units, and steam-generator fans. interest ~ in the Beginning in the middle 1 9 3 0 ~ axial-flow compressor was greatly increased as the result of the quest for air superiority. Efficient superchargers were necessary for reciprocating engines in order to increase engine power output and obtain improved high-altitude aircraft performance. With the development of efficient compressor and turbine components, turbojet engines for aircraft also began receiving attention. In 1936 the Royal Aircraft Establishment in England began the development of axial-flow compressors for jet propulsion. A series o f high-performance compressions was developed, culminating in the F.2 engine in 1941 (ref. 4). In Germany, research such as that reported in reference 5 ultimately resulted in the use of axial-flow compressors in the Jumo 004 and the B.M.W. 003 turbojet engines. In the United States, aerodynamic research results were applied to obtain high-performance axial-flow units such as that reported in reference 6. In the development of all these u n i t s , increased stage pressure ratios were sought by utilizing high blade cambers and closer blade spacings. Under these conditions the flow patterns about the blades began to affect each other, and it became apparent that the isolated-airfoil approach was inadequate. Aerodynamic theory was therefore developed specifically for the case of a lattice or cascade of airfoils. In addition to theoretical studies, systematic experimental investigations of the performance of airfoils in cascade were conducted to provide the required design information. By 1945, compressors of high efficiency could be attained through the employment of certain principles in design and development (refs. 2 and
7 ) . Since that time, considerable research has been directed at extending aerodynamic l i m i t s in an attempt to maximize compressor and gasturbine performance. One of the major developments in this direction has been the successful extension of allowable relative inlet Ma without accompanying sacrifices (ref. 8 ) . The subject of allowable bbde loading, or blade surface diffusion, has also been attacked with a degree of success (ref. 9). Accompanying improvements such as these have been an increasing understanding of the physics of flow through axial-flow compressor blading, and corresponding improvements in techniques of aerodynamic design. Therefore, in view of the rapid advances in recent years, it appears appropriate to summarize the present state of the art of compressor design.
The flow through the blading of an axial-flow compressor is an extremely complicated threedimensional phenomenon. The flow in the compressor has strong gradients in the three physical dimensions (axial, radial, and circumferential), as well as time. Viscosity effects in compressors are significant and must be accounted for. In general, the design control problem becomes more critical as the level of compressor performance is increased. In order to provide ease of application, the compressor design system must reduce these complications and establish rational and usable procedures. Because of the complexity of the problem, no complete solution is currently available for the three-dimensional, time-unsteady, viscous flow through an axial-flow compressor. In the main, designers have resolved these diEculties by making approximations that permit the use of two-dimensional techniques. These approximations are usually based on the assumptions of (1) blade-element flow and (2) axial symmetry. The blade-element approach assumes that flow in the blade-to-blade or circumferential plane can be described by considering the flow about blade profiles formed by the intersection of a flow surface of revolution and the compressor blading (fig. 2). A x i d symmetry assumes that an average value can be utilized to represent the state of the air in the blade-to-blade plane. Equations describing
,-Flow surface
FIGURE 2.-Flow
in circumferential plane.
radial variations of these average values may then be written for continuity, energy addition, and equilibrium in the hub-to-tip or meridional plane (fig. 3). In essence, then, a combination of two-dimensional solutions in the two principal planes (circumferential and meridional) is used to approximate the complete three-dimensional flow. In applying this approach to compressor design, ccecond-order corrections are used to account for three-dimensional variations from this simpliiied flow picture. Experimentally obtained data are utilized to account for effects such as those arising from viscosity, time-unsteady flow, and blade-row interactions. Empirical limits are established for such aerodynamic factors as maximum permissible Mach number and blade loading. No rigorous theoretical justification of this simplified design approach can be made. It appears sufficient to state that comparatively excellent compressors can be and have been designed by simplified approaches such as these. In the absence of a more complete threedimen-
FIGURE 3.-Flow
in meridional plane.
sional solution to the design problem, this quasithree-dimensional approach has achieved general acceptance in the field. In practice, the aerodynamic design of a multistage axial-flow compressor may be considered to consist of three principal phases: (1) Determination of stage-velocity diagrams for design-point operation (2) Selection of stage blading (3) Determination of off-design performance The first part of the design involves the determination of the various air velocities and flow angles from hub to tip at the inlet and outlet of each blade row, to best achieve the design-point requirements of the compressor (i.e., pressure ratio and weight flow). The annular configuration (variation of hub and tip contours through the compressor) is determined. Next, the blading i s selected
to satisfy the design-point velocity diagrams and to obtain high efficiency. Basicahy, this selection requires knowledge of loss and turning characteristics of compressor blade elements. With the compressor geometry establfshed, the h a l step is the estimation of the performance characteristics of the compressor over a range of speeds and flows. In view of the importance of offdesign operation, this procedure may be iterated so as to properly compromise design-point operation and the range requirements of the engine. A more complete discussion of the compressor design system adopted for this over-all report is 1 1 . The generalities of the given in chapter 1 concepts involved have been given merely to clarify the general approach to the problem.
The desire to provide a sound compressor design system has formed the basis for most research on axial-flow compressors. As a result, in this country and abroad, design concepts and design techniques have been established that Wiw provide high-performance compressors. In general, these various design systems, although they may differ in the manner of handling details, utilize the same basic approach to the problem. This over-all report is therefore dedicated to summapizing and consolidating this existing design information. T h i s effort may be considered to have three general objectives: (1) To provide a single source of compressor design information, within which the major (representative) contributions in the literature are summarized (2) To correlate and generalize compressor design data that are presently available only in many different forms and in widely scattered reports (3) To indicate the most essential avenues for future research, since, in a summarization of this type, the missing elements (and their importance to the design system) become readily apparent In this compressor report, an effort is made to present the data in a fundamental form. To illustrate the use of these data, a representative design procedure is utilized. However, since the design information is reduced to basic concepts, it can be fitted i n t o any detailed design procedure
Because of the complexity of the compressor design problem,'even the simplest design system necessarily includes many dift'erent phases. In order to summarize existing compressor information as clearly and logicdy as possible, this over-all compendium is'divided into chapters, each concerning a separate aspect of compressor design. The degree of completeness of these chapters varies greatly. In some cases, rather complete information is available and specific data are given that can be fitted into detailed compressor design procedures. In other cases, the information is not yet usable in design. The chapters may give only a qualitative picture of the problem, or they may merely indicate the direction of future research. Those aspects of the compressor problem which are considered pertinent are included, however, regardless of the present applicability of the information. The following discussion provides an over-all perspective of the material covered in this compressor design compendium. Each chapter is summarized briefly, and the relation of each to the over-all report is indicated. In order to provide proper emphasis in the design summarization, it is desirable to establish and evaluate the essential characteristics of compressors. Chapter I1 accomplishes this objective by first evaluating engine requirements with respect to airplane performance. These required engine characteristica are then used to identify essential requirements of the compressor. Characteristics of the compressor that are directly related to engine performance, such as compressor pressure ratio, efficiency, airflow capacity, diameter, length, and weight, are discussed. Other considerations in compressor design, including offdesign requirements and the relation of the compressor to the inlet diffuser, combustor, turbine, and jet nozzle, are discussed. Compressor design objectives, based on these considerations, are summarized; these objectives indicate the direction in which compressor designs should proceed. 1 1provides a general description of the Chapter I compressor design system that has been adopted for this report on the aerodynamic design of axialflow compressors. The basic thermodynamic equations are given, and the simplifications commonly introduced to permit the solution of these equations are summarized. Representative ex-
perimental data are presented to justify these h i s chapter thus provides a simplifications. T valid simplified model of the flow, which is the real basis of a design system. The elements of the resulting design system are then individually summarized ;basic equations and techniques are given. Finally, the limitations of pointed out, and promising research are indicated. The literature on plane potentid flow in cascades is next reviewed (ch. IV). Many of the methods are evaluated within the bounds of limited available information on actual use. Some of the methods that have beeh used successfully are presented in detail to illustrate the mathematical techniques and to indicate the nature of the actual computation. The potential-flow theories discussed include both the design and analysis problems and consider both high-solidity and low-solidity applications. Compressibility is considered, but effects of viscosity are ignored. A necessary adjunct to this subject of twodimensional potential flow is the consideration of two-dimensional viscous effects, presented in chapter V. In this chapter, the problem of boundary-layer growth in the calculation of twodimensional flow about compressor blade profiles is reviewed. A qualitative picture of boundary-layer behavior under various conditions of pressure gradient, Reynolds number, and turbulence normally encountered in twodimensional blade-element flow is presented. Some typical methods for computing the growth and separation of laminar and turbulent boundary layers are presented. Analyses for determining the total-pressure loss and the defect in circulation are discussed. Because of recognized limitations of theoretical calculations such as those presented in chapters IV and V, experimental blade-element data are generally required by the designer. The available experimental data obtained in twodimensional cascade are surveyed and evaluated in chapter VI. These data (for conventional compressor blade sections) are presented in terms of sign%cant parametere and are correlated at a reference incidence angle in the region of minimum loss. Variations of reference incidence angle, totalpressure loss, and deviation angle with cascade geometry, inlet Mach number, and Reynolds number are investigated. From the analysis and
the correlations of the available data, rules and relations are evolved for the prediction of bladeprofile performance. These relations are developed in simplified form readily applicable to compressor design procedures Because of modifying effects (wall boundary layers, three-dimensional flows, etc.), bladeelement characteristica in an annular cascade can be expected to differ from those obtained in two-dimensional cascades. Chapter VI1 attempts to correlate and summarize available blade-element data as obtained from experimental tests in three-dimensional annular cascades (primarily rotors and stators of single-stage compressors). Data correlations at minimum loss are obtained for blade elements at various radial positions along the blade span. The correlations are compared with those obtained from twodimensional cascades (ch. VI). Design rules and procedures are recommended, and sample calculation procedures are included to illustrate their use. As discussed in the preceding paragraphs, chapters IV to VI1 deal with the two-dimensional blade-element aspect of design. The design problem in the meridional or hub-to-tip plane is introduced and summarized in chapter VIII. This meridional-plane solution presumes the existence of the required blade-element data to satisfy the velocity diagrams that are established. The general flow equations are presented, together with the simplifying assumptions used to determine the design velocity distribution and flowpassage configuration. Techniques for accounting for effects of viscosity (particularly for wall boundary layers) are described. The application of these design techniques is clarified by a sample stage design calculation. Since procedures for determining the design velocity distribution and flow-passage configurations in the meridional plane are usually iterative, it is desirable to have approximate techniques available to expedite this process of stage design. The equations for radial equilibrium, continuity, energy addition, efficiency, and diffusion factor, as well as vector relations, are presented in chart form in chapter IX. An example of the application of the chart technique to stage design i s included. In addition to the design-point problem, the compressor designer is vitally concerned with
the prediction of compressor performance over a range of flow conditions and speeds. Three tachniques for estimating compressor off-design performance are presented in chapter X. The fmt method establishes the blade-row and over-all performance by means element characteristics. l i z e s generalized stage stage-by-stage calcula which is based on characteristics of existing compressors, may be used to estimate the complete performance map of a new compressor if the compressor design conditions are specified. The advantages and limitations of each of these three offdesign analysis techniques are discussed. Chapter XI is the first of a group of three concerning the unsteady compressor operation that arises when compressor blade elements stall. The field of compressor stall (rotating stall, individual blade stall, and stall flutter) is reviewed. The phenomenon of rotating stall is particularly emphasized. Rotating-stall theories proposed in the literature are reviewed. Experimental data obtained in both single-stage and multistage compressors are presented. The effects of this stalled operation on both aerodynamic performance and the associated problem of resonant blade vibrations are considered. Methods that might be used to alleviate the adverse blade vibrations due to rotating stall are discussed. Another unsteady-flow phenomenon resulting from the stalling of compressor blade elements is compressor surge. It may be distinguished from the condition of rotating stall in that the net flow through the compressor and the compressor torque become time-unsteady. Some theoretical aspects of compressor surge are reviewed in chapter XII. A distinction is made between surge due to abrupt stall and surge due to progressive stall. Experimental observations of surge in compressor test facilities and in jet engines are summarized. The blade-element approach to the prediction of off-design performance (as presented in ch. X) is essentially limited to the unstalled range of operation. Because of the complexity of the flow phenomenon when elements stall, no quantitative data are available to permit a precise and accurate synthesis of over-all cornpressor performance in this range. A prerequisite to the complete
solution of this off-design problem, however, is a qualitative underst volved. An an problem in high-press flow compressors is p The principal efficiency, multip cteristics a t interme intermediate-speed surge or stall-limit characteristics. The effects of compromising stage matching to favor part-speed operation are studied. Variable-geometry methods for improving partspeed performance are discussed. The design approach adopted for this series of reports is based essentially on twodimensional concepts, assuming axial symmetry and bladeelement flow. With the continuing trend toward increasing requirements in compressors, however, a condition may be reached where this simplified approach may no longer be adequate. Therefore, chapter XIV is devoted to a summarization of those existing design methods and theories that extend beyond the simplified-radial-equilibrium axisymmetric design approach. Design procedures that attempt to remove the bwodimensionalizing restrictions are presented. Various phases of three-dimensional flow behavior that assume importance in design are discussed, including radial flows, the over-all aspects of secondary flows, and time-unsteady effects. As pointed out in chapter XIV, secondary flows represent one of the most critical aspects of the three-dimensional design problems. In view of the growing importance of this subject, existing literature on secondary flows and threedimensional boundary-layer behavior is summarized in chapter XV. The material is discussed from two aspects: (1) the principal results obtained from experimental studies, and (2) the theoretical treatment of the problem. The experimental phase is directed at providing a qualitative insight into the origin and nature of the observed secondary-flow phenomena. The theoretical results include a summary and evaluation of both the nonviscous dnd the boundarylayer approaches. Errors in blade-element design can seriously affect over-all compressor performance, since these errors not only cause deviations from desired blade-row performance, but also alter the inlet conditions to the next blade row. The effects of
errors in the three basic blade-element design parameters (turning angle, total-pressure loss, and local specEc mass flow) on compressor performance are analyzed in chapter XVI. The results are presented in the form of formulas and charts. These charts may be used to indicate those design types for which the design control problem is most i m i t s in performance critical and to estimate the l that can be anticipated for design data of a given accuracy. Typical design cases are considered, and signiscant trends are discussed. A second phase of this chapter concerns accuracy of experimental measurements. Proper interpretation and analysis of experimental data require that meash i s chapter presents a urements be precise. T systematic evaluation of the effect of measurement errors on the measured compressor performance. These results, which are also presented in chart form, can be used to estimate the required accuracy of instrumentation. One of the most important aspects of gasturbine engine design, particularly for applications where high power output and wide operating range are required, is that of compressor and turbine matching. The existing literature on compressor and turbine matching techniques, which can be used to compromise properly the aerodynamic design of the compressor and turbine to achieve the best over-all engine, is summarized in chapter XVII. Both single-spool and twospool engines are considered. For equilibrium operation, the basic matching technique, which involves the superposition of compressor and turbine maps, is presented, as well as a simplified
and more approximate method. In addition, a simple technique for establishing an engine operating line on a compressor map is reviewed. An available technique for matching during transient operation is also discussed. The use of this method permits engine acceleration characteristics and acceleration time to be approximated for either single-spool or two-spool engines.
The subsequent chapters in this report summarize available information on the aerodynamic design of axial-flow compressors. It is recognized that many techniques have been proposed for describing the flow in an axial-flow compressor and for accounting for the complex flow phenomena that are encountered. Obviously, consideration of all of these techniques is impossible. However, the available literature in t.he field is reviewed extensively, and the material presented is considered to be representative and pertinent. In general, the attempt is made to present the information in its most basic form, so that it may be fitted into any generalized design system. Because of the many diBcult and involved problems associated with compressor design, very few of these underlying problems are treated with finality. In some cases, the problem is only partly defined. Nevertheless, many successful designs (by present standards, a t least) have been made with the use of this information. The voids in the information clearly indicate the research problems for the future.
Available e x p e r i m d two-dimensional-cascade data for conventional cornpressor blade sections are correlated. The two-dimensional cascade and some o f the principal aerodynamic factors involved in its operation are first briefly described. Then the data are analyzed by examining the variation of cascade performance at a reference incidence angle in the f reference region of minimum loss. Variations o incidence angle, total-pressure loss, and deviution angle with cascade geometry, inlet Mach number, and Reynolds number are investigated. From the anulysis and the correlations of the available datu, rules and relations are evolved for the prediction of the magnitude of the reference totatpressure loss and the reference deviation and incidence angles for conventional 6 W e proJles. These/\ relations are developed in simplged forms readily applicable to compressor design procedures.
Because of the complexity and three-dimensional character of the flow in multistage axial-flow compressors, various simplified approaches have been adopted in the quest for accurate bladedesign data. The prevailing approach has been to treat the flow across individual 'compressor blade sections as a two-dimensional flow. The use of twodimensionally derived flow characteristics in compressor design has generdy been satisfactory for conservative units (ch. 111). In view of the limitations involved in the theoretical calculation of the flow about twodimensional blade sections (chs. IV and V), experimental investigations of two-dimensional cascades of blade sections were adopted as the principal source of bladedesign data. Early experimental cascade results (e.g., refs. 184 to 186), however, were marked by a sensitivity to h i s was individual tunnel design and operation. T largely a result of the failure to obtain true twodimensional flow. Under these circumstances,
the correlation of isolated data was very difEcult. Some efforts were made, however, to correlate limited experimental data for use in compressor design (e.g., ref. 187). The British, in particular, through the efforts primarily of Carter and Howell, appear to have made effective use of their early cascade investigations (refs. 31 (pt. I) and 188 to 190). In recent years, the introduction of effective tunnel-wall boundary-layer removal for the establishment of true two-dimensional flow gave a substantial impetus to cascade analysis. In particular, the porous-wall technique of boundarylayer removal developed by the NACA (ref. 191) was a notable contribution. The use of effective tunnel boundary-layer control has resulted in more consistent systematic test data (refs. 39, 54, 123, and 192 (pt. 11))and in more significant twodimension2 comparisons between Georeticd and experimental performance (refs. 98, 167 (pt. I), and 193). With the availability of a considerable amount of consistent data, it has become feasible to investigate the existence of general relations among the various cascade flow parameters. Such relations curtail the amount of future experimental data needed and also result in more effective use of the data currently available. S i n c e the primary function of cascade information is to aid in the design of compressors, the present W t e r expresses the existing cascade data in terms of parameters applicable to compressor design. Such expression not only facilitates the design of moderate compressors but also makes possible a rapid comparison of cascade data with data obtained from advanced 'high-speed compressor configurations. Since the bulk of the available cascade data has been obtained at low speed (Mach numbers of the order of O.l), the question of applicability to such high-speed units is very significant. It is necessary to determine which flow parameters can or cannot be applied,
to what extent the low-speed data are directly usable, and whether corrections can be developed in those areas where the low-speed data cannot be used directly. In this chapter. the available cascade data obtained from a large number of tunnels are reworked in terms of what are believed to be significant parameters and are correlated in generalized forms wherever possible. The performance parameters considered in the correlation are the outlet-air deviation angle and the cascade losses expressed in terms of blade-wake momentum thickness. The correlations are based on the variations of the performance parameters with cascade geometry (blade profile shape, solidity, chord anglel and inlet flow conditions. In view of the dif3Frculties involved in establishing correlations over the complete range of operation of the cascade at various Mach number levels, the analysis is restricted to an examination of cascade performance a t a reference incidence-angle location in the region of minimum loss. The chapter is divided into four main sections: (1) a brief description of the two-dimensional cascade and of the parameters, concepts, and data involved in the analysis; (2) an analysis of the variation of the reference incidence angle with cascade geometry and flow conditions; (3) an analysis of the variation of total-pressure loss a t the reference incidence angle; and (4) an analysis of the variation of deviation angle a t the reference incidence angle.
K f
K a
M m,mc
P P Re,
6 6*
A b e
flow area exponent in deviation-angle relation chord length diffusion factor (based on over-all velocities) local diffusion factor (based on local velocities) exponent in wake velocity-distribution relations function wake form factor, 6*p* incidence angle, angle between inlet-air direction and tangent to blade mean camber line a t leading edge, deg incidence angle of uncambered blade section, deg
compressibility correction factor in loss equation correction factor in incidence-angle relation correction factor in deviation-angle relation Mach number factors in deviation-angle relation slope factor in incidence-angle relation total or stagnation pressure static or stream pressure Reynolds number based on chord length blade spacing blade maximum thickness air velocity coordinate normal to axis coordinate along axis angle of attack, angle between inlet-air direction and blade chord, deg air angle, angle between air velocity and axial direction, deg air-turning angle, pI-p2, deg blade-chord angle, angle between blade chord and axial direction, deg wake full thickness wake displacement thickness deviation angle, angle between outlet-air direction and tangent to blade mean camber line a t trailing edge, deg deviation angle of uncambered blade section, deg wake momentum-defect thickness blade angle, angle between tangent to blade mean camber line and axial direction, deg density solidity, ratio of chord to spacing blade camber angle, difference between blade angles a t leading and trailing edges, K ~ - K ~ , deg total-pressure-loss coefficient
Subscripts: a v average ;.e. incompressible equation inc incompressible 1 lower surface mux maximum min minimum ref reference
FIGUBE l23.-Layout
0 1 2 10
blade shape blade maximum thickness upper surface axial direction tangential direction free stream station a t cascade inlet station at cascade exit (measuring station) 10 percent thick
A schematic diagram of a low-speed twodimensional-cascade tunnel is shown in-figure 123 to illustrate the general tunnel layout. The principal components of the conventional tunnel are a blower, a diffuser section, a large settling chamber with honeycomb and screens to remove any swirl and to ensure a uniform velocity distribution, a contracting section to accelerate the flow, the cascade test section, and some form of outlet-air guidance. The test section contains a row or cascade of blades set in a mounting device that can be altered to obtain a range of air inlet angles (angle p1 in figs. 123 and 124). Variations in blade angle of attack are obtained either by rotating the blades on their individual mounting axes (i.e., by varying the blade-chord angle -yo) while maintaining a fixed air angle or by keeping the blade-chord angle fixed and varying the air inlet angle by rotating the entire cascade. Outlet flow measurements are obtained from a traverse
I ine
I Measuring
of suction through slots or porous-wall surfaces. Examples of different tunnel designs or detailed information concerning design, construction, and operation of the two-dimensional-cascade tunnel can be obtained from references 39, 122, 168, 191, and 194. ignating cascade
arc mean line (ref. 3 1, p t. I), and the parabolic-arc mean line (ref. 192, pt. 11). Two popular basic thickness distributions are the NACA 65-series thickness distribution (ref. 39) and the British C.4 thickness distribution (ref. 31, pt. I). A high-speed profile has also been obtained from the construction of arc upper and lower surface (ref. 40); is referred to as the double-circular-arc blade.
dicated in figure 124, these angles are based on the tangents to the blade mean camber line at the leading and trailing edges. The use of the deviation angle, rather the turning angle, as a measure of the air direction has the advantage, for coyelation purposes, of a generally small variation with incidence angle. Air-turning angle is related to the angles by Ag=p+i--s (57)
The performance of cascade blade sections has generally been presented as plots of the variation of air-turning angle, lift coefficient, and flow losses against blade angle of attack (or incidence angle) for a given cascade solidity and blade orientation. Blade orientation is expressed in terms of either fixed air inlet angle or fixed blade-chord angle. Flow losses have been expressed in terms of 60efficients of the drag force and the defects in outlet total pressure or momentum. A recent investigation (ref. 156) demonstrates the significance of presenting cascade losses in terms of the thickness and form characteristics of the blade wakes. In this analysis, the cascade loss parameters considered are the wake momentum-thickness ratio O*/c (ref. 156) and the total-pressure-loss coefficient Wl, defined as the ratio of the average loss in total pressure across the blade to the inlet dynamic head. Cascade losses are considered in terms of Ul, since this parameter can be conveniently used for the determination of compressor blade-row efficiency and entropy gradients. The parameter e*/c represents the basic wake development of the blade profile and as such constitutes a significant parameter for correlation purposes. Values of e*/c were computed from the cascade loss data according to methods similar to those presented in reference 156. The diffusion factor D of reference 9 was used as a measure of the blade loading in the region of minimum loss. In the present analysis, it was necessary to use a uniform nomenclature and consistent correlation technique for the various blade shapes considered. It was believed that this could best be accomplished by considering the approach characteristics in terms of air incidence angle i, the acteristics in terms of the camber angle 9, and the air-turning characteristics in terms of the deviation angle 13 (fig. 124). As in-
Incidence angle is considered positive when it tends to increase the air-turning angle, and deviation angle is considered positive when it tends to decrease the air-turning angle (fig. 124). The use of incidence and deviation angles requires a unique and reasonable definition of the blade mean-line angle at the leading and trailing edges, which may not be possible for some blade shapes. The principal difiiculty in this respect is in the 65-(Alo)-seriesblades (ref. 39), whose meanline slope is theoretically infinite at the leading and trailing edges. However, it is still possible to render these sections usable in the analysk by arbitrarily establishing an equivalent circulai -arc mean camber line. As shown in figure 125, the equivalent circular-arc mean line is obtained by drawing a circular arc through the leading- and trailing-edge points and the point of maximum camber at the midchord position. Equivalent incidence, deviation, and camber angles can then be established from the equivalent circular-arc mean line as indicated in the figure. The relation between equivalent camber angle and isolatedairfoil lift coefficient of the NACA 65-(Alo)-series mean line is shown in figure 126. A typical plot of the cascade performance parameters used in the analysis is shown in figure 127 for a conventional blade section at fixed solidity and air inlet angle.
In selecting data sources for use in the cascade performance correlations, it is necessary to consider the degree of twodimensionality obtained in the tunnel and the magnitude of the test Reynolds number and turbulence level. Two-dimensionality.-As indicated previously, test results for a given cascade geometry obtained from diferent tunnels may vary because of a fail-
/ maximum
65-(Ala) -series
/Point of
fixed incidence angle are presented in figure 128. S i a r pronounced effects are observed on the deviation angb. AB discussed in chapter V, the
loss variation with Reynolds number is associated primarily with a local or complet the laminar boundary layer on the The data used in the correlation are restricted to values of blade-chord Reynolds number from about 2.OX1O6 to 2.5X1OS in order to minimize the effects of different Reynolds numbers. Freestream turbulence level was not generally determined in the various cascade tunnels. In some cases (refs. 39 and 195, e.g.), in tunnels with low turbulence levels, marked local laminarseparation effects were observed in the range of Reynolds number selected for the correlation. Illustrative plots of the variation of total-pressureloss coefficient with angle of attack for a cascade with local laminar separation are shown in figure 129. In such inbtances, it was necessary to estimate the probable variation of loss (and deviation angle) in the absence of the local separation (as indicated in the figure) and use values obtained from the faired curves for the correlac tions. The specific sources of data used in the analysis are indicated by the references listed for the various performance correlations. Details of the tunnel construction and operation and other pertinent information are given in the individual references.
FIGURE 125.-Equivalent
ure to achieve true two-dimensional flow across the cascade. Distortions of the true two-dimensional flow are caused by the tunnel-wall boundary-layer growth and by nonuniform inlet and outlet flow distributions (refs. 191 and 168). In modern cascade practice, good flow twodimensionality is obtained by the use of wall-boundarylayer control or large tunnel size in conjunction with a large number of blades, or both. Examples of cascade tunnels with good twodimensionality are given by references 39 and 194. The lack of good two-dimensionality in cascade testing affects primarily the air-turning angles and blade surface pressure distributions. Therefore, deviation-angle data were rejected when the twodimensionality of the tunnel appeared questionable (usually the older and smaller tunnels). Practically all the cascade loss data were usable, however, since variations in the measured loss obtained from a given cascade geometry in different tunnels will generally be consistent with the measured diffusion levels (unless the blade span is less than about 1 or 2 inches and there is no extensive boundarylayer removal). Reynolds number and turbulence.-For the same conditions of two-dimensionality and testsection Mach number, test results obtained from cascades of the same geometry may vary because of large differences in the magnitude of the bladechord Reynolds number and the free-stream turbulence. Examples of the effect of Reynolds number and turbulence on the losses obtained from a given blade section at
In a correlation of two-dimensional-cascade data that is intended ultimately for use in compressor blade-element design, the variations of performance parameters should be established over a wide range of incidence angles. Experience shows (fig. 130) that the variation of loss with incidence angle for a given blade section changes markedly as the inlet Mach number is increased. Consequently, correlated low-speed blade performance at high and low incidence angles is not applicable at high Mach numbers. The low-speed-cascade performance is therefore considered at some reference point on the general loss-against-incidence-angle curve that exhibits the least variation in location and in magnitude of performance parameters as Mach number is increased. The reference location herein is selected as the point of minimum loss on the curve of total-
1 4
9 IO
6 .55
a l
.I 2
8 Q .08
' 3 .04
1 6
FIGURE 127.-Illustration of basic performance parameters for cascade analysis. Data obtained from conventional blade geometry in low-speed two-dimensional tunnel.
.- . I C
FIGUBE 129.-Loss characteristics of cascade blade with local laminar separation. Solidity, 1.5; blade-chord Reynolds number, 2.45X 106 (ref. 39).
0 .-
u 0
u ) u )
: ! 2 .OE
(a) NACA 65-(12) 10 blade. Inlet-air angle, 45O; solidity, 1.5 (ref.39) : (b) Lighthill blade, 50 percent laminar flow. Inlet-air angle, 45.5'; solidity, 1.0 (ref. 167, pt. I). FIGURE 128.-Effect of blade-chord Reynolds number and free-stream turbulence on minimum-loss coefficient of cascade blade section in two-dimensional tunnel.
pressure loss against incidence angle. For conventional low-speed-cascade sections, the region of low-loss operation is generally flat, and it is difEcult to establish precisely the value of incidence angle that corresponds to the minimw loss. For practical purposes, therefore, since the curves of loss coefficient against incidence angle are generally symmetrical, the reference minimum-loss location was established at the middle of the low-loss range of operation. SpecZcally, as shown in figure 131, the reference location is selected as the incidence angle at the midpoint of the range, where range is defined as the change in incidence angle corresponding to a rise in loss coefficient equal to the minimum value. Thus, for conventional cascade sections, the midrange reference location is considered coincident with the point of minimum loss. In addition to meeting the abovementioned requirement of small variation with inlet Mach number, the reference minimum-loss incidence
(c) Double-circular-arc blade. Camber angle, 25'; maximum-thickness ratio, 0.105; solidity, 1.333; blade-chord angle, 42.5' (ref- 40). (d) Sharp-nose blade. Camber angle, 27.5'; maximum-thickness ratio, 0.08; solidity, 1.15; blade-chord angle, 30' (ref. 205).
FIGWRB 130.-Effect
angle (as compared with the optimum or nominal incidence settings of ref. 196 or the design incidence setting of ref. 39) requires the use of only the loss variation and also permits the use of tke diffusion factor (applicable in region of minimum loss) as a measure of the blade loading. At this point, it should be kept in mind that the reference minimum-loss incidence angle is not necessarily to be considered as a recommended design point for 'aompressor application. The selection of the be& incidence angle for a particular blade element in a multistage-compressor design is a function iof many considerations, such as the location of the blade row, the design Mach number, and the type and application of the design. In general, there is no one universal definition of design or best incidence angle. The cascade
I '
reference location is established primarily for purposes of analysis. O f the many blade shapes currently in use in compressor design practice (i.e., NACA 65series, C-series circular arc, parabolic arc, double
circular arc), data sufficient to permit a reasonably complete and significant correlation have been published only for the 65-(Alo)-series blades of reference 39. Therefore, a basic correlation of the 65-(Al0)-series data had to be established first and the results used as a guide or foundation for determining the corresponding performance trends for the other blade shapes for which only limited data exist. Since the ultimate objective of cascade tests is to provide information for designing compressors, it is desirable, of come, that the structure of the data correlations represent the compressor situation as closely as possible. Actually, a blade element in a compressor represents a blade section of fixed geometry (Le., fixed prosle form, solidity, and chord angle) with varying inlet-air angle. In two-dimensional-cascade practice, however, variations in incidence angle have been obtained by varying either the inlet-air angle or the blade-chord angle. The available systematic data for the NACA 65-(A,,)-series blades (ref. 39) have been obtained under conditions of fixed inlet-air angle and varying blade-chord angle. Since these data form the foundation of the analysis, it was necessary to establish the cascade performance correlations on the basis of fixed inlet-air angle. Examination of limited unpublished low-speed data indicate that, as illustrated in figure 132, the loss curve for constant air inlet angle generally falls somewhat to the right of the constant-chord-angle curve for fixed values of Dl and yo in the low-loss region of the curve. Values of minimum-loss incidence angle for fixed 8 1 operation are indicated to be of the order of lo or 2 greater than for fixed yo operation. An approximate allowance for this difference is made
in the use of reference-incidence-angle data from these two methods. With the definition of reference incidence angle, performance parameters, and analytical approach established, the procedure is first to de how the value of the reference min incidence angle varies with cascade geometry and flow conditions for the available blade profiles. Then the variation of the performance parameters is determined at the reference location (asindicated in fig. 127) as geometry and flow are changed. Thus, the various factors involved can be appraised, and correlation curves and charts can be established for the available data. The analysis and correlation of cascade reference-point characteristics are presented in the following sections.
Incidence angle,
I, deg
FIGURE 132.-Qualitative
comparison of cascade range characteristics at constant blade-chord angle and constant inlet-air angle (for same value of & in region of minimum loss).
In an effort to obtain a general empirical rule for the location of the reference minimum-loss incidence angle, it is first necessary to examine the principal influencing factors. It is generally recognized that the low-loss region of incidence angle is identified with the absence of large velocity peaks (and subsequent decelerations) on either blade surface. For infinitely thin sections, steep velocity gradients are avoided when the front stagnation point is located at the leading edge. This condition has frequently been referred to as the condition of impact-free entry. Weinig (ref. 80) used the criterion of stagnation-point location to establish the variation of impact-free-entry incidence angle for infinitely thin circular-arc sections from potential-flow theory. Results deduced from reference 80 are presented in figure 133(a). The minimum-loss incidence angle is negative for infinitely thin blades and decreases linearly with camber for fixed solidity and blade-chord angle. While there is no definite corresponding i-inc dence-angle theory for thick-nose blades with rounded leading edges, some equivalent results have been obtained based on the criterion that the location of the stagnation point in the leadingedge region of a thick blade is the controlling factor in the determination of the surface velocity distributions. Carter, in reference 190, showed semitheoreticdy on this basis that optimum incidence angle (angle at maximum lift-drag ratio)
60 Comber angle,
C-series profiles according to semitheoretical developblades accordingto potential theory of Weinig (ref. 80). menta of Carter et a2. (refs. 190 and 196). Outleeair (b) Optimum incidence angle for 10-percent-thick angle, 20. FIQURE 133.-Variation of reference incidence angle for circular-air-mean-fine blades obtainedfrom theoretical or semitheoretical investigations.
for a conventional 10-percent-thick circular-arc blade decreases with increasing camber angle. The results of reference 190 were followed by generalized plots of optimum incidence angle in reference 196, which showed, as in figure 133(a), that optimum incidence angle for a 10-percentthick C-series blade varies with camber angle, solidity, and blade orientation. (In these references, blade orientation was expressed in terms of air outlet angle rather than blade-chord angle,) The plot for an outletngle of 20 is shown in figure 133(b). Apparently, the greater the blade urncirculation, the lower in magnitude the e to tion of minimUm-loss incidence angle for conventional
by thin-airfoil theory.
A preliminary examination of experimental cascade data showed that the minimum-loss incidence angles of uncambered sections @ = O ) of conventional thicknesses were not zero, as indicated by theory for infinitely thin blades (fig. 133(a)), but always positive in value. The appearance of positive values of incidence angle for thick blades is attributed to the existence of velocity distributions at zero incidence angle that are not symmtrical on the two surfaces. Typical plots illustrating the high velocities generally observed in the inlet region of the lower (pressure) surface of thick uncambered blades at zero incidence angle are shown in f i m e 134. Apparently, an increase in incidence angle from the zero value is necessary in order to reduce the lower-surface city to a more equitable distribution that in a minimum of the over-all loss. This
Percent chord
(a) Inlet-air angle, 60'; solidity, 1.5. (b) Inlet-air angle, 30'; solidity, 1.0. FIGURE134.-Illustration of velocity distribution for uncambered blade of conventional thickness at zero incidence angle. Data for 65-(0)lO blade of reference 39.
zero-camber thickness effect will appear only for blade-chord angles between Oo and goo) since, as indicated by the highly simplified one-dimensional model of the blade passage flow in figure 135, the velocity distributions at these limit angles are symmetrical. The effect of blade thickness blockage on impact-free-entry incidence angle (uncambered) blades of constant chordwise thickness in incompressible twodimensional flow is investigated in reference 34. The results of reference 34 are plotted in terms of the parameters used in this analysis in figure 136. It is reasonable to expect that similar trends of variations of zero-camber reference. minimum-loss incidence angle will be obtained for compressor blade profiles. On the basis of the preceding analysis, therefore, it is expected that, for low-speed-cascade flow, reference minimum-loss incidence angle will generally be positive at zero camber and decrease with increasing camber, depending on solidity and blade-chord angle. The available theory also indicates that the variation of reference incidence angle with camber at fixed solidity and chord f so, the angle might be essentially linear. I variations could be expressed in terms of slope
-0 Q.
(b) yo=9O0.
(c) O'<y0<90'.
FIQURE 135.-Effect
691-564 0-65-14
of blade thickness of surface velocity at zero incidence angle for uncambered airfoil section according to simplifted one-dimensional model.
blades of reference 39 are to be used as the basis for a generalized corr blade sylapes, it is pro reference incidence form
zo =
and intercept values, where the intercept value represents the magnitude of the incidence angle for the uncambered section (function of blade thickness, solidity, and blade-chord angle). Reference minimum-loss incidence angle may also vary with inlet Mach number and possibly with Reynolds number.
Form of correlation.-Although preliminary theory indicates that blade-chord angle is the significant blade orientation parameter, it was necessary to establish the data correlations in terms of inlet-air angle, as mentioned previously. The observed cascade data were found to be represented satisfactorily by a linear variation of reference incidence angle with camber angle for fixed solidity and inlet-air angle. The variation of reference minimum-loss incidence angle can then be described in equation form as
where io is the incidence angle for zero camber, and n is the slope of the incidence-angle variation with camber (i-io)/(p. Since the existence of a finite blade thickness is apparently the cause of the positive values of io, it is reasonable to assume that both the magnitude of the maximum thickness and the thickness distribution contribute to the effect. Therefore, since the 10-percent-thick 65-series
where (io)1o represents the va camber incidence angle for the 65-series thickness distribution, (K1) represents any correction necessary for maximum blade thicknesses other than 10 percent, and represents any correction necessary for a blade shape with a thickness distribution different from that of the 65-series blades. (For a 10-percent1.) thick 65-series blade, ( K J1= 1 and (Ki)sn= The problem, therefore, is reduced to finding the values of n and io (through eq. (262)) as functions of the pertinent variables involved for the various blade profiles considered. NACA 65- (A1,)-series blades.-From the extensive low-speed-cascade data for the 65-(Alo)-series blades (ref. 39), when expressed in terms of equivalent incidence and camber angles (figs. 125 and 126), plots of io and n can be deduced that adequately represent the minimumloss-incidence-angle variations of the data. The deduced values of io and n as functions of solidity and inlet-air angle are given for these blades in figures 137 and 138. The subscript 10 in figure 137 indicates that the io values are for 10-percent maximum-thickness ratio. Values of intercept io and slope n were obtained by fitting a straight line to each data plot of reference incidence angle against camber angle for a fixed solidity and air inlet angle. The straight l i e s were selected so that both a satisfactory representation of the variation of the data points and a consistent variation of the resulting n and io values were obtained. The deduced rule values and the observed data points compared in -re 139 indicate the effectiveness of the deduced representation. In several configurations, particularly for low cambers, the range of equivalent incidence angle covered in the tests was insuf5cient to permit an accurate determination of a minimum-loss value. Some of the scatter of the data may be due to the effects of local laminar separation in ge characteristics of the sections.
c .-
FIGURE 137.-Reference minimum-loss incidence angle for zero camber deduced from low-speed-cascade data of 10-percent-thick NACA 65-(A13-series blades (ref. 39).
Although the cascade data in reference 39 include values of inlet-air angle from 30" to 70" and values of solidity from 0.5 to 1.5, the deduced variations in figures 137 and 138 are extrapolated to cover wider ranges of fll and u. The extrapolation of io to zero a t &=O is obvious. According to theory {fig. 133), the value of the slope In figure 138, term does not vanish a t &=O. therefore, an arbitrary fairing of the curves down to nonzero values of n was adopted as indicated. Actually, it is not particularly critical to determine the exact value of the slope term a t @,=O necessary to locate the reference incidence angle precisely, since, for such cases (inlet guide vanes
and turbine nozzles), a wide low-loss range of operation is usually obtained. The solidity extrapolations were attempted because of the uniform variations of the data with solidity. However, caution should be exercised in any further extrapolation of the deduced variations. various C-Series circular-arc blades.-The thickness distributions used in combination with the circular-arc mean line have been designated C.l, C.2, C.3, and so forth (refs. 196 to 198). In general, the various C-series thickness distributions are fairly similar, having their maximum thickness located at between 30 and 40 percent of the chord length. The 65-series and two of
e 0
0 0
( c
0 -
p, ,deg
FIGURE138.-Reference minimum-loss-incidence-angle slope factor deduced from low-speed-cascade data for NACA
65-(A1&series blades as equivalent circular arcs.
the more popular 6-series thickness distributions ((2.1 and (2.4) are compared on an exaggerated scale in figure 140. (The 65-series profile shown is usually thickened near the trailing edge in actual blade construction.) In view of the somewhat greater 'thickness blockage in the forward portions of the C-series blades (fig. 140), it may be that the minimum-loss incidence angles for zero camber for the C-series blades are somewhat greater than those for the 65In the absence of series profiles; that is, (KJ&l. any definitive cascade data, the value of (Kf)sh for the C-series profiles was arbitrarily taken to be 1.1. Observed minimum-loss incidence angles for an uncambered 10-percent-thick C.4 profile (obtained from ref. 192, pt. I) are compared in figure 141 with values predicted from the deduced values for the 65-series blade (fig. 137 and eq. (262)) with an assumed value of (KJab=1.l. (For 10-percent thickness, (Kf)I=1.) In view of the similarity between the 65-(A1,)-
series mean line and a true circular arc (fig. 125), the applicability of the slope values in figure 138 to the circular-arc mean line was investigated. For the recent cadcade data obtained from tunnels having good boundary-layer control (refs. 167, (pt. I) and 199), a check calculation for the 10percent-thick C.4 circular-arc blades using figures 137 and 138 with (Kf)8b=l.lrevealed good results. For the three configurations in reference 199 tested at constant /31(p=30"), the agreement between observed and predicted minimum-loss incidence angles was within lo. For the one configuration in reference 167 (pt. I) tested at constant y0((p=31"), the predicted value of minimum-loss incidence angle was 1.7' greater than the observed value. However, in view of the general 1' to 2' difference between fixed B1 and fixed 7' operation (fig. 132), such a discrepancy is to be expected. On the basis of these limited data, it appears that the low-speed minimum-loss incidence angles for the C-series circular-arc
FIGURE 139.--Comparison of data values and deduced rule values of reference minimum-loss incidence angle for 65-(A10) 10
blades as equivalent circular arc (ref. 39).
blade can be obtained from the io and n values of the 65-series blade with UG)8h=l.l. Double-circular-arc blades.-The double-circular-arc blade is composed of circular-arc upper and lower surfaces. The arc for each surface is drawn between the point of maximum thickness at midchord and the tangent to the circles of the leading- and trailing-edge radii. The chordwise thickness distribution for the doublecircular-arc profile with 1-percent leading- and trailing-edge radius is shown in figure 140. Lack of cascade data again prevents an accurate determination of a reference-incidencegle rule for the double circular arc. Since the doublecircular-arc blade is thinner than the 65-series blade in the inlet region, the zero-camber in-
cidence angles for the double-circular-arc blade should be somewhat different from those of the 1. It 65-series section, with perhaps (KJsnS can also be assumed, as before, that the slopeterm values of figure 138 are valid for the doublecircular-arc blade. From an examination of the available cascade data for the double-circular-arc blade (9=25O, u=1.333, ref. 40; and (p=4Oo, u= 1.064, ref. 197), it appears that the use of figures 137 and 138 with a value of (Kt),h=0.7 in equations (261) and (262) results in a satisfactory comparison between predicted and observed values of reference incidence angle. Other blades.-Similar procedures can be applied to establish reference-incidence-angle correlations for other blade shapes. Cascade data
Percent chord FIGURE 1400.-Comparison of basic thickness distributions for conventional compressor blade sections.
.$ G4 w
z 2
c -
inlet-air angle,
PI, deg
FIQURE 141.-Zero-camber minimum-loss incidence angle angle for 10-percent-thick C.4 profile. Solidity, 1.0 (ref. 192, pt. I).
are also available for the C-series parabolic-arc blades (refs. 40, 192, 200, and 201) and the NACA 65-(AI)-series blade (ref. 123); but, in view of the limited use of these forms in current practice, no attempt was made at this time to deduce corresponding incidenceangle rules for these blades. Effect of blade maximum thickness.-As indicated previously, some correction (expressed here in terms of (KJt, eq. (262)) of the base obtained from the 10-percentvalues of (io)lo thick 66series blades in figure 137 should exist for other values of blade maximum-thickness ratio. According to the theory of the zerocamber effect, (&)# should be zero for zero thickness and increase as maximum blade thickness is increased, with a value of 1.O for a thickness ratio of 0.10. Although the very limited low-
speed data obtained from blades of variable thickness ratio (refs. 202 and 203) are not completely definitive, it was possible to establish a preliminary thickness-correction factor for reference zero-camber incidence angle as indicated in figure 142 for use in conjunction with equation (262). Effect of inlet Mach number.--The previous correlations of reference minimum-loss incidence l l been based on low-speed-cascade angle have a data. It appears from limited highapeed data, however, that minimum-loss incidence angle will vary with increasing inlet Mach number for certain blade shapes. The variations of minimum-loss incidence angle with inlet Mach number are plotted for several blade shapes in figures 143 and 144. The extension of the test data points to lower values of inlet Mach number could not generally be made because of reduced Reynolds numbers or insufficient points to establish the reference location at the lower Mach numbers. In some instances, however, it was possible to obtain low-apeed values of incidence angle from other sources. The blades of Sgure 143 show essentially no variation of minimum-loss incidence angle with inlet Mach number, at least - p to a Mach number of about 0.8. The blades ol: figure 144, however, evidence a marked increase in incidence angle with Mach number. The difference in th8 variation of minimum-loss incidence angle with Mach number in figures 143 and 144 is associated with the
U 0
0 .c
Maximum-thickness r a t i o , t / c
FIGURE142.-Deduced blade maximum-thickness correction for zero-camber reference minimum-loss incidence angle
(es. (262)).
different way the general pattern of the loss variation chmges with increasing Mach number for the two types of blades. For the thick-nose blades, as illustrated in 130 (d and fi),the loss coefficient increases with Math number at both the high and low incidence angles,thus tending to m h t a j n the 8-8 point of minimum loss. For the sharp-nose blade, as illustrated by figures
130 (c) and (d) ,the increase in loss occurs primarily on the low-incidencewgle side; md a positive shifting of the ~ u m - l o s incidence s angle res,&. Data for other thickmnose sections in h1OSS to OCCW at both reference 201 Show the ends of the curve, but plots of reference incidence angle against Mach number could not validly be
.u c 0
c w 4
I I I I I A 1 4 1 l I I I
.3 . 4 .5 . 6 inlet Mach n u m b e r , M I
. 7
Camber angle, 254; solidity 1.333; blade-chord angle, 42.5' (ref. 40). (b) (2.4 Parabolic-arc blade. Camber angle, 25'; solidity, 1.333; blade-chord angle, 37.5'; maximum camber at 40-percent chord (ref. 40). (c) C.7 Parabolic-arc blade. Camber angle, 40'; solidity, 1.0; blade-chord angle, 24.6O; maximum camber at 45-percent chord (ref. 216). FIGURE 143.-Variation of reference minimum-loss incidence angle with inlet Mach number for thick-nose sections. Maximum-thickness ratio, 0.10.
of reference minimum-loss incidence angle with inlet Mach number for sharp-nose sections.
made for these blades because of evidence of strong local laminar-separation effects. Since the most obvious difference between the blades in figures 143 and 144 is the construction of the leading-edge region, the data suggest that blades with thick-nose inlet regions tend to show, for the range of inlet Mach number covered, essentially no Mach number effect on minimumloss incidence angle, while blades w i t h sharp leading edges will have a significant Mach number effect. The available data, however, are too limited to confirm this observation conclusively a t this time. Furthermore, for the blades that do show a Mach number effect, the magnitude of the variation of reference incidence angle with Mach number is not currently predictable.
The analysis of blade-section reference minimum-loss incidence angle shows that the variation of the reference incidence angle with cascade geometry a t low speed can be established satisfactorily in terms of an intercept value io and a
slope value n as given by equation (261). Deduced values of i, and n were obtained as a function of B1 and u from the data for the 10-percent-thick 65-(Alo)-seriesblades of reference 39 as equivalent circular-arc sections (figs. 137 and 138). I t was then shown that, as a first approach, the deduced and n in figures 137 and 138 could values of (io)lo also be used to predict the reference incidence angles of the C-series and double-circular-arc blades by means of a correction to the (io>lo values of figure 137 (eq. (262)). The procedure involved in estimating the lowspeed reference minimum-loss incidence angle of a blade section is as follows: From known values of B1 and u, (io)lo and n are selected from figures 137 and 138. The value of (&), for the blade maximum-thickness ratio is obtained from figure 142, and the appropriate value of ( K J Sis h selected for the type of thickness distribution. For NACA 65-series blades, (Kt)sh=l.O; and it is proposed that (KJsh be taken as 1.1for the C-series circulararc blade and as 0.7 for the double-circular-arc blade. The value of io is then computed from equation (262); and finally i is determined from
l /
the blade camber angle according to equation (261). It should be noted that the values of (&),a given for the circular-arc blades are rather tenuous values obtained from very limited data. The use of the proposed values is not critical for good accuracy; the values were included primarily for completeness as a reflection of the anticipated differences in the blade thickness blockage effects. Further experimental data will be necessary to establish the significance of such a correction. Also, a marked increase in reference minimum-loss incidence angle with Mach number is to be expected for sharp-nose blade sections. The magnitude of the Mach number correction for these blades is currently unpredictable.
With the location of the low-speed reference minimum-loss incidence angle established for several conventional blade sections, the magnitude of the losses occurring at this reference position (fig. 127) will now be investigated. Accordingly, the nature of the loss phenomena and the various factors Muencing the magnitude of the loss over a range of blade c6nfigurations and flow conditions are first analyzed. The available experimental loss data are then examined to establish fundamental loss correlations in terms indicated by the analysis.
FIGURE 145.4chematic representation of development of surface boundary layers and wake in flow about cascade blade sections.
Two-dimensional-cascade losses arise primarily from the growth of boundary layer on the suction and pressure surfaces of the blades. These surface boundary layers come together at the blade trailing edge, where they combine to form the blade wake, as shown in figure 145. As a result of the formation of the surface boundary layers, a local defect in total pressure is created, and a certain mass-averaged loss in total pressure is determined in the wake of the section. The loss in total pressure is measured in terms of the totalpressure-loss coefficient ,; defined generally as the ratio of the mass-averaged loss in total pressure A P across the blade row from inlet to outlet stations to some reference free-stream dynamic pressure (Po-j$relt or
For incompressible flow, Po-po is equal to the conventional free-stream dynamic pressure poV72. The total-pressure-loss coefficient is usually determined from consideration of the total-pressure variation across a blade spacing s (fig. 145). A theoretical analysis of incompressible twodimensional-cascade losses in reference 156 shows that the total-pressure-loss coefficient at the cascade-outlet, measuring station (where the static pressure is essentially uniform across the blade spacing) is given by
where is the loss coefficient based on inlet dynamic head, O*/c is the ratio of wake momentum thickness to blade-chord length, u is cascade solidity, b2 is the air outlet angle, and H2 is the wake form factor (displacement thickness divided by momentum thickness). The wake characteristics in equation (264) are expressed in terms of
conventional thickness in a plane normal to the wake (i.e., normal to the outlet flow) at the measuring station. Definitions of wake characteristics and variations in velocity and pressure assumed by the analysis are given in reference 156. The analysis further indicates that the collection of terms within the braces is essentially secondary is generally 5 about 1.2 a t the measuring (since H2 station), with a magnitude of nearly 1 for conventional unstalled configurations. The principal determinants of the loss in total pressure at the cascade measuring station are, therefore, the cascade geometry factors of solidity, air outlet and air inlet angles, and the aerodynamic factor of wake momentum-thickness ratio. Since the wake is formed from a coalescing of the pressure- and suction-surface boundary layers, the wake momentum thickness naturally depends on the development of the blade surface boundary layers and also on the magnitude of the blade trailing-edge thickness. The results of references 156, 202, and 204 indicate, however, that the contribution of conventional blade trailing-edge thickness to the total loss is not generally large for compressor sections; the preliminary factor in the wake development is the blade surface boundary-layer growth. In general, it is known (ch. V, e.g.) that the boundary-layer growth on the surfaces of the blade is a function primarily of the following factors: (1) the surface velocity gradients (in both subsonic and supersonic flow), (2) the blade-chord Reynolds number, and (3) the free-stream turbulence level. Experience has shown that blade surface velocity distributions that result in large amounts of diffusion in velocity tend to produce relatively thick blade boundry layers. The magnitude of the velocity diffusion in low-speed flow generally depends on the geometry of the blade section and its incidence angle. As Mach number is increased, however, compressibility exerts a further influence on the velocity diffusion of a given cascade f local supersonic geometry and orientation. I velocities develop a t high inlet Mach numbers, the velocity difFusion is altered by the formation of shock waves and the interaction of these shock waves with the blade surface boundary layers. The losses associated with local supersonic flow in a cascade are generally greater than for subsonic flow in the same cascade. The increases in loss are frequently referred to as shock losses.
Caseade-inlet Mach number also influences the magnitude of the subsonic diffusion for a fixed cascade. This Mach number effect is the conventional effect of compressibility on the blade velocity distributions in subsonic flow. Compressibility causes the maximum local velocity on the blade surface to increase a t a faster rate than the inlet and outlet velocities. Accordingly, the magnitude of the surface diffusion from maximum velocity to outlet velocity becomes greater as inlet Mach number is increased. A further secondary influence of Mach number on losses is obtained because of an increase in losses associated with the eventual mixing of the wake with the surrounding free-stream flow (ref. 3 7 ) . On the basis of the foregoing considerations, therefore, it is expected that the principal factors upon which to base empirical cascade-wakethickness correlations should be velocity diffusion, inlet Mach number, blade-chord Reynolds number, and, if possible, turbulence level.
Velocity diffusion based on local velocities.Recently, several investigations have been reported on the establishment of simplified diffusion parameters and the correlation of cascade losses in terms of these parameters (refs. 9,38, and 156). The general hypothesis of these diffusion correlations states that the wake thickness, and consequently the magnitude of the loss in total pressure, is proportional to the diffusion in velocity on the suction surface of the blade in the region of the minimum loss. This hypothesis is based on the consideration that the boundary layer on the suction surface of conventional compressor blade sections contributes the major share of the wake in these regions, and therefore the suction-surface velocity distribution becomes the governing factor in the determination of the loss. It was further established in these correlations that, for conventional velocity distributions, the diffusion in velocity can be expressed significantly as a parameter involving the difference between some function of the measured maximum , , , and the outlet suction-surface velocity V velocity Vz. Reference 38 presents an analysis of bladei m i t s for the 65-(Alo)10 blade section i n loading l terms of drag coefficient and a diffusion parameter given for incompressible flow by (va,,,-V:)/vz,,,.
Results of an unpublished analysis of cascade losses in terms of the momentum thickness of the blade wake (as suggested in ref. 156) indicate ammeter in the form given that a local diffus previously or in satisfactorily correlate expe data.' The term 'local diffusion parameter" is used to indicate that a knowledge of the maximum local surface velocity is required. The correlation obtained be tween calculated wake momentum-thickness ratio O*/c and local diffusion factor given by
v m U 2 v '
obtained for the NACA 65-(Al,)-series cascade sections of reference 39 at reference incidence angle is shown in figure 146. Values of wake momentum-thickness ratio for these data were computed from the reported wake coefficient values according to methods similar to those discussed in reference 156. Unfortunately, blade surface velocity-distribution data are not available for the determination of the diffusion factor for other conventional blade shapes.
the basic friction loss (surface shear stress) of the flow and also, to a smaller extent, the effect of the finite trailing-e thickness. The correlaindicates that wake tion of figure 146 momentum-thickness ratio at reference incidence angle can be estimated from the computed local diffusion factor for a wide range of solidities, cambers, and inlet-air angles. The loss relations of equation (264) and reference 156 can then be used to compute the resulting loss in the total pressure. Velocity diffusion based on over-all velocities,In order to include the cases of blade shapes for which velocity-distribution data are not available, a diffusion parameter has been established in reference 9 that does not require a specific knowledge of the peak local suction-surface velocity. Although originally derived for use in compressor design and analysis, the diffusion factor of reference 9 can also be applied in the analysis of cascade losses. The diffusion factor of reference 9 attempts, through several simplifying approximations, to express the local diffusion on the blade suction surface in terms of over-all (inlet or outlet) velocities or angles, quantities that are readily determined. The basis for the development of the over-all diffusion factor is presented in detail in reference 9 and is indicated briefly in figure 147. The diffasion factor is given by
FIQUBE 146.-Variation of computed wake momentumthickness ratio with local diffusion factor at reference incidence angle for low-speed-cascade data of NACA 65-(A,0) 10 blades (ref. 39).
The correlation of figure 146 indicates the general validity of the basic diffusion hypothesis. At high values of diffusion (greater than about 0.5), a separation of the suction-surface boundary s suggested by the rapid rise in the momenlayer i tum thickness. The indicated nonzero value of momentum thickness at zero diffusion represents
aA later analysis of cascade totfd-pressure losses is given in Andy& of Expe-mtal Low-Speed IAXS a d Stall CharaoteristieOf W0-D CompressorBlade Caseadesby sepplour Liebein. NACA R M E 6 7 A 2 8 . 1 9 5 7 .
As in the case of the local diffusion factor, the diffusion factor of equation (266) is restricted to the region of minimum loss. Cascade total-pressure losses at reference minimum-loss incidence angle are presented in reference 9 as a function of diffusion factor for the blades of reference 39. In a further unpublished analysis, a composite plot of the variation of computed wake momentum-thickness ratio with D at reference minimum-loss incidence angle was obtained from the available systematic cascade data (refs. 39 and 192) as shown in figure 148.' Blade maximum thickness was 10 percent in a l l
I n
1 e
32.04 Ta3 .P c-
E r:
s 0.02
. 4
. 6
. 7
. 8
Pressure surface
0 W
Diffusion factor,D
of computed wake momentumthickness ratio with overall diffusion factor at reference incidence angle for low-speed systematic cascade data of references 39 and 192. Blade maximum-thickness ratio, 0.10; Reynolds number, =2.5X 1W.
by the increased rise in the wake momentum thickness for values of diffusion factor greater than about 0.6. For situations in which the determination of a wake momentum-thickness ratio cannot be made, a significant loss analysis may be obtained if a simplified total-pressure-loss parameter is used that closely approximates the wake thickness. Since the terms within the braces of equation (264) are generally secondary factors, a loss parameter of the form Ul
2( s y
should con-
stitute a more fundamental expression of the basic Ioss across a blade element than the loss coefficient alone. The effectiveness of this substitute loss parameter in correlating two-dimensional-cascade losses is illustrated in figure 149(a) for all the data for the NACA 65- (A,,)-series blades of reference 39. (Total-pressure-loss coefficients were computed for the data from relations given in ref. 9.) A generalized correlation can also be obtained in terms of
2u B
FIQURE 147.-Basis
for cascade flow from reference 9. D=v"'az-v2 Vas = vmaz- vs; V , , , = V,+f thus, equations (54)
V l
and (266).
cases. A separation of the suction-surface boundary layer at high blade loading is indicated
its effectiveness as a separation indicator does not appear to be as good. Such generalized loss parameters are most effective if the wake form does not vary appreciably among the various data considered. Effect of blade maximum thickness.-Since an increase in blade maximum-thickness ratio increases the magnitude of the surface velocities (and therefore the diffusion), higher values of wake momentum-thickness ratio would be expected for thicker blades. From an analysis of limited available data on varying blade maximumthickness ratio (refs. 202 and 203), it appears that the effect of blade thickness on wake momentumthickness ratio is not large for conventional
cascade configurations. For example, for an increase in blade maximum-thickness ratio from 0.05 to 0.10, an increase in O*/c of about 0.003 at D of about 0.55 and an increase of about 0.002 at D of about 0.35 are indicated. The greater increase in wake O*/c at the higher diffusion level is understandable, since the rate of change of O*/c with DIoc increases with increasing diffusion (see fig. 146). If blade surface velocity dBtributions can be determined, then the thickness effect will automatically be included in the evaluation of the resulting local diffusion factor. When an overall diffusion factor such as equation (54) is used, variations in blade thickness are not reflected in the corresponding loss prediction. However, in view of the small observed effect and the scatter of the original P / c against D correlation of figure 148, it is believed that a thickness correction is unwarranted for conventional thickness ranges. However, the analysis does indicate that, for high diffusion and high solidity levels, it may be advisable to maintain blade thickness as small as practicable in order to obtain the lowest loss at the reference condition. Thus, the plots of figures 146, 148, and 149 show that, when diffusion factor and wake mom entum -thickness ratio (or total-pressure-loss parameter) are used as the basic blade-loading and loss parameters, respectively, a generalized correlation of two-dimensional-cascade loss data is obtained. Although several assumptions and restrictions are involved in the use and calculation of these parameters, the basic diffusion approach constitutes a useful tool in cascade loss analysis. In particular, the diffusion analysis should be investigated over the complete range o f incidence angle in an effort to determine generalized offdesign loss information. . Effect of Reynolds number and turbulence,The effect of blade-chord Reynolds number and turbulence level on the measured losses of cascade sections is discussed in the section on Data Selection, in chapter V, and in references 39, 167 (pt. I), and 183. In all cases, the data reveal an increasing trend of loss coefficient with decreasing Reynolds number and turbulence. Examples oi the variation of the total-pressure-loss coefficient with incidence angle for conventional compressor blade sections at two different values of Reynolds number are illustrated in Sgure
Diffusion factor, D
(a) BasedonGI
; ) 2 *
FIGURE 149.-Variation of loss parameter with diEusion factor at reference minimum-loss incidence angle computed from low-speed-cascade data of NACA 65-(A,0)10 crrscade blades (ref. 39).
150. Loss variations with Reynolds number f incidence angles for a given blade over a range o shape are shown in figure 151. A composite plot of the variation of total-pressure-loss coefficient
c - .05
a 3 .0
; E
: :
FIGURE 151.- Variation of total-pressure-loss coefficient with blade-chord Reynolds number for parabolic-arc blade 10C4/40 P40. Inlet-air angle, 28" to 40"; solidity, 1.333 (ref. 183).
value is in effective agreement with the value of limiting Reynolds number deduced herein. The desirability of conducting cascade investigations in the essentially flat range of the curve of loss coefficient ag nolds number in order to enhance the corr of data from various tunnels, as well as from the configurations cade operation of a given tunnel, is indicate in the flat range of Reynolds number may also yield a more significant comparison between observed and theoretically computed loss. Reynolds number and turbulence level should always be defined in cascade investigations. Furthermore, the development of some effective Reynolds number (ch. V) that attempfs to combine the effects of both blade-chord Reynolds number and turbulence should be considered for use as the independent variable. Effect of inlet Mach number.-In the previous correlations, attention was centered on the various factors affecting the loss of cascade blades for
at minimum loss with blade-chord Reynolds number for a large number of blade shapes is shown in figure 152. Identification data for the various blades included in the Sgure are given in the references. For the blades whose loss data are reported in terms of drag coefficient, conversion to total-pressure-loss coefficient was accomplished according to the cascade relations presented in reference 9. The effect of change in tunnel turbulence level through the introduction of screens is indicated for some of the blades. It is apparent from the curves in figure 152 that it is currently impossible to establish any one value l l of limiting Reynolds number that will hold for a blade shapes. (The term limiting Reynolds number refers to the value of Reynolds number at which a large rise in loss is obtained.) On the basis of the available cascade data presented in figure 152, however, it appears that serious trouble in the minium-loss region may be encountered at Reynolds numbers below about 2.5X105. Carter in reference 190 places the limiting bladeber based on outlet velocity at 1.5 to 2.0X105. Considering that outlet Reynolds number is less than inlet Reynolds number for decelerating cascades, this quoted
Blode-chord Reynolds number, Re, FIGURE 152.-Composite plot o f loss coefficient against er i n region of minimum l o s ~ blade sections at low speed.
essentially incompressible or low Mach number flow. Tests of cascade sections at higher Mach number levels have been relatively few, primarily because of the large power requirements and operational difliculties of high-veloci As a consequence, it has not been establish any empirical correlations that will permit the estimation of Mach number effects for conventional blade sections. The limited available dat.a indicate, however, that a marked rise in loss is eventually obtained as Mach number is increased. A typical example of the variation of totalpressure-loss coefficient with inlet Mach liwnber for a conventional cascade section at fixed incidence angle in the region of minimum loss is presented in figure 153(a). The inlet Mach number at which the sharp rise in loss occurs is referred to as the limiting Mach number. The variation of the wake profile downstream of the blade as Mach number is increased is shown in figure 153(b) to illustrate the general deterioration of the suction-surface flow. The flow deterioration is the result of a separation of the suctionsurface boundary layer induced by shock-wave and bound ary-layer interactions. Inview of the complex nature of the shockwave development and its interaction effects, the estimation of the variation of minimum totalpressure loss with inlet Mach number for a given blade is currently impossible. At the moment, this pursuit must be primarily an experimental one. Schlieren photographs showing the formation of shocks in a cascade are presented in references 41, 205, and 206, and detailed discussions of shock formations and high-speed performance of two-dimensional-cascade sections are treated in references 41, 205, and 207 to 209. Cascade experience (refs. 40 and 205) and theory (refs. 41, 88, and 209) indicate that a location of the point of maximum thickness at about the 50-percentchord position and a thinning of the blade leading and trailing edges are favorable for good high Mach number performance. The avoidance of a throat area within the blade passage is also indicated in order to minimize the effects of flow choking. Discussions of the choking problem are presented in references 203 and 208, and blade r . for several blade shapes in throat areas a references 123 0 to 212. The effects of
FIGURE 153.-Variation
of cascade blade loss with inlet Mach number for NACA 6 5 4 12AlO) 10 blade in region of minimum loss (ref. 122).
camber distribution on high Mach number performance are discussed extensively in the literae s u l t s indicate ture (refs. 123, 200, and 201). R that, for the range of blade shapes and Mach numbers normally covered, camber distribution does not have a large effect on maximum Mach. number performanee as obtained in the twodimensional cascade.
From the foregoing correlations and considerations, the low-speed loss in total pressure of conventional two-dimensional-cascade sections can f blade surface velocity readily be estimated. I distributions are available, the suction-surface local difFusion factor Dlacis determined according to equation (265) and a value of 6*/c is then selected from figure 146. In the absence of blade surface velocity data, the diffusion factor D is computed from over-all conditions by means of equation (54)and 6*/c is selected f r o m Sgure 148.
With 6*/c determined, the total-pressure-loss coefficient is computed according to equation (264) from the cascade geometry and a pertinent value of wake form factor H. According to reference 156, for cascade measuring stations located more than about % chord length downstream of the blade trailing edge, the value of H will generally be less than about 1.2. For practical purposes, it was indicated that a constant value of H of about 1.1 can be used over a wide range of cascade configurations and incidence angles for measuring stations located between 36 and 1%chord lengths behind the trailing edge. Loss coefficients based on inlet dynamic head can then be determined, if desired, from equation (266). The estimation of losses based on the diffusion factor D can, for example, produce a value of solidity that results in the least computed loss coefficient for a given velocity diagram. The accuracy of the results obtained from the prediction procedure outlined is subject to the limitations and approximations involved in the diffusion analysis and wake momentum-thickness correlations. Strictly speaking, the procedure gives essentially a band of probable loss values at the cascade measuring station about % to 1% chord lengths downstream o f the blade trailing edge for the reference-incidence-angle setting and Reynolds numbers of about 2.5X106 and greater at low speed (up to about 0.3 inlet Mach number). It should also be noted at this point that the loss values obtained in this manner represent the lowspeed profile loss of the cascade section. Such loss values are not generally representative of the losses of the section in a compressor blade row or in a high-speed cascade. A corresponding loss-estimation technique for high Mach number flow is currently unavailable because of the unknown magnitude of the compressibility effect on the wake momentum-thickness ratio of a given cascade geometry. Furthermore, both the wake form factor H and the relation between e*/c and J (given for incompressible flow by eq. (264)) vary with Mach number. For example, if the velocity variation in each leg of the wake is assumed to vary according to the power relation
constant, then variations of H and e* and of the relation between e*/c and 0' with outlet free-stream Mach number can be established analytically to illustrate the nature of the compressibility effects. Curves of the variation of the ratios of compressible to incompressible form factor H/Hi,, and momentum thickness e*/eX, with outlet Mach number for various d values obtained from numerical integration of the wake parameters inTolved are shown in figures 154 and 155. Recently, the increasing trend of H with M, was substantiated experimentally at the NACA Lewis laboratory in an investigation of the wake characteristic of a turbine nozzle (unpublished data). Curves of the ratio of the integrated value of 0' obtained from a given value of e*/c in a compressible flow to the value of 0' computed from the same value of e*/c according to the incompressible relation of equation (264) are shown in figure 156. It should be noted that for compressible flow the denominator in the loss-coefficient definition (eq. (263)) is now given by P-p. In summary, therefore, an accurate prediction of the variation of reference total-pressure loss with inlet Mach number for a given cascade
FIGURE154.-%tio of compressible to incompressible form factor for constant value of exponent in power velocity distribution. db.
FIGURE 155.-Ratio
of compressible to incompressible momentum thickness for constant full thickness and exponent for power velocity distribution.
at zero incidence.
mum loss. angle is zero a t zero camber angle. However, analysis indicates that this is not the case for blades of conventional thicknesses. A recent theoretical demonstration of the existence of a positive value of zero-camber deviation angle according to potential-flow calculations is given by Schlichting in reference 193. The computed variation of zero-camber deviation angle for a conventional 10-percent-thick profile at zero incidence angle as obtained in the reference is shown in figure 158. It will be recalled from the discussion of the zero-camber minimum-loss incidence angle that, for the conventional staggered cascade (Oo<ro <goo) with finite blade thickness set a t zero incidence angle, a greater magnitude of velocity
Fxau~m 156.--Correction
factor Kc for calculation of total-pressure-loss coefficient for compressible flow on basts of incompressible equation (264) as determined from model wake form with power velocity profile.
blade is currently impossible. At the moment, this pursuit is primarily an experimentalone. Families of curves of wake momentum thickness and form factor against diffusion factor are required (with appropriate definitions for subsonic or supersonic flow) as in figure 146 or 148 for a wide range of inlet Mach number. Analytically, a simple compressible relation is needed between O*/c and Z as a function of Mach number.
The correct determination of the outlet flow direction of a cascade blade element presents a problem, because the air is not discharged at the angle of the blade mean lime at the trailing edge, but at some angle 6" to it (fig. 124). Since the flow deviation is an expression of the guidance capacity of the passage formed by adjacent blades, it is expected that the cascade geometry (camber, thickness, solidity, and chord angle) will be the principal influencing factor involved. From cascade potential-flow theory (ref. 80, e.g.), it is found that the deviation angle increases with blade camber and chord angle and decreases with solidity. Weinig in reference 80 shows that the deviation angle varies linearly with camber for a given value of solidity and chord angle for
691464 0-65-1s
Franx~ 157.-Theoretical variation of deviation-angle ratio for infinitely thin circular-arc sections at "impactfree-entry" theory of re
inlet angle. The variation of reference deviation angle can then be expressed in equation form as
FIGUBE 158.-Theoretical variation d deviation angle for conventional uncambered 10-percenbthick blade section at zero incidence angle as presented in reference 193.
on the upper (convex) surface (fig. 134). Such velocity distributions result in a negative blade circulation and consequently (as in'dicated by the solid vectors in fig. 159) in a positive deviation angle. Furthermore, since the deviation angle increases slightly with increasing incidence angle (dso/di is positive in potential cascade flow), positive values of deviation aage will likewise be obtained at the condition of minimum-loss incidence angle (as illustrated by the dashed vectors in fig. 159). Since the zero-camber deviation angle arises from essentially a thickness blockage effect, the characteristics of the variation of minimum-loss zero-camber deviation angle with cascade geometry would be expected roughly to parallel the variation of the minimum-loss zerocamber incidence angle in figwe 137. The lowspeed reference-deviation-angle correlations may, therefore, involve intercept values as in the case of the reference-incidence-angle correlations. In addition to the cascade-geometry factors mentioned, the low-speed deviation angles can also be affected by Reynolds number, turbulence, and Mach number. The thickened surface boundary layers resulting from low levels of Reynolds number and turbulence tend to increase the deviation angle. Variations in inlet Mach number can affect the deviation angle of a fixed two-dimensional-cascade geometry because of the associated changes in blade circulation, boundary-layer development, and outlet to inlet axial velocity ratio (compressibility effect on pV,).
where 6: is the reference deviation angle for zero camber, m is the slope of the deviation-angle variation with camber ( S " - ~ ~ ) / Q , and (p is the camber angle. As in the case of the analogous terms in the reference-incidence-angle relation ; and m are functions of inlet-air (eq. (261)), 8 angle and solidity. The influence of solidity on the magnitude of the slope term m could also be directly included as a functional relation in equation (268), so that equation (268) could be expressed as
where ma,,represents the value of m (i.e., (6'S:>/Q) at a solidity of 1, b is the solidity exponent (variable with air inlet angle), and the other terms are as before. It will be noted that equation (269) is similar in form to the frequently used deviation-angle rule for circular-arc blades originally established by Constant in reference 186 and later modified by Carter in reference 88. Carter's rule for the condition of nominal incidence angle is given by
in which m, is a function of blade-chord angle. Values of m, determined from theoretical considerations for circular-arc and parabolic-arc mean lines (ref. 88) are shown in figure 160. In the
Form of correlation.-Examination of deviationangle data at reference incidence angle reveals that the observed data can be satisfactorily represented by a linear variation of reference deviation angle with camber angle for fixed solidity and air
, / -
--uncambered blades.
1 0
ensuing correlations, both forms of the deviationangle relation (eqs. (268) and (269)) are used, since each has a particular advantage. Equation and u, (268), with m plotted as a function of #?, is easier to use for prediction, especially if the calculation of a required camber angle is involved. Equation (269) may be better for extrapolation and for comparison with Carter's rule. As in the case for the zero-camber reference minimum-loss incidence angle, the zero-camber deviation angle can be represented as a function of blade thickness as
6 : =
(Ka)a(Kd) t(8:)lo
where (Sz)lo represents the basic variation for the 10-percent-thick 65-series thickness distribution, (Kdsn represents any correction necessary for a blade shape with a thickness distribution different from that of the 65-series blade, and (Kd represents any correction necessary for maximum blade thicknesses other than 10 percent. (For 8 10percent-thick 65-series blade, (Kdt and ( K a > s n are equal to 1.1 The Problem, therefore, is reduced to finding the ValUes of m, b, and 6: (though eq. (271)) as fUIlCtiOnS Of the pertinent variables involved for the various blade shapes considered. NACA 65- (Alo)-.series blades.-From an examination of the plots of equivalent deviation angle against equivalent camber angle a t reference minimum-loss incidence angle obtained from the cascade data, values of zero-camber deviation angle can be determined by extrapolation. The deduced plots of zero-camber deviation angle and slope term m as functions of solidity and air-inlet angle are presented in figures 161 and 162 for these blades. The subscript 10 indicates that the values are for 10-percent maximum-
thickness ratio. Values of the intercept term 6; and the slope term m were obtained by fitting a straight line to each data plot of reference equivalent deviation angle against equivalent camber angle for a fixed solidity and air inlet angle. The straight lines were selected so that both a satisfactory representation of the variation of the data points and a consistent variation for the resulting 6 : and m values were obtained. The extrapolation of the values of m to &=O was guided by the data for the 65-(12Alo)10 blade a t solidities , u i d e v a n e of and 1.5 reported in the cascade , investigation of reference 213 (for an aspect ratio of 1, as in ref. 39). For the deviation-angle rule as given by equation (269), deduced values of ms=l and exponent b as functions of inlet-air angle are presented in figures 163 and 164. The deduced rule values (eq. (268) or (269)) and the observed data points are compared in figure 165 to indicate the effectiveness of the deduced representations. The flagged symbols in the high-camber range in the figure represent blade configurations for which boundarylayer separation is indicated ( D greater than about 0.62). In view of the higher loss levels for this condition, an increase in the magnitude of the deviation angle is to be expected compared with the values extrapolated from the smaller cambers for which a lower loss level existed. C-Series circular-arc blades.-In view of the absence of systematic cascade data for the Ccircular-arc blade, an accurate determination of the rule constants cannot be made for this blade shape. However, a preliminary relation can be deduced on the basis of limited data. It appears that, for the uncambered C.4 section (ref. 192), if a value of (&)rb equal to 1.1 (as for the determination of &) is used, a satisfactory comparison between predicted and observed 6; values is obtained. The characteristic number mu-l in the deviation-angle design rule of equation (269) for a given blade mean line corresponds to the value of (a0-66o,)/(p a t a solidity of unity. Cascade data for a C.4 circular-arc profile obtained from tunnels with good boundary-layer control are presented in references 167 (pt. I) and 199 for a solidity of 1.0 for &=30, 42.5O, 45O, and 60. Values of (60-660,)/(p were computed for these blades according to the s", variations of figure 161. A value of mu-lfor &=Oo was obtained from the per-
Inlet-air angle,
p, , deg
FIGUEE 161.--Zero-camber deviation angle at reference minimum-loss incidence angle deduced from low-speed-crtscade data for 10-percent-thick NACA 65-(A1,+seriea blades (ref. 39).
formance data of a free-stream circular-arc inlet guide vane presented in reference 214. These values of m are plotted in figure 166 against inletair angle, and the proposed variation of mopl for the circular-arc mean line is shown by the solid line. In the absence of data covering a range of solidities, it is assumed that the solidity exponent b in the deviation-angle rule of equation (269) is independent of the profle shape and will therefore also be applicable for the circular-arc mean line. This assumption agrees with limited experimental data. The variation of ratio of deviation angle to camber angle obtained from constant-thickness circular-arc guidevane sections of reference 2 15 (6z=Oo for guide vanes) over a wide range of solidities is shown in figure 167. A computed
variation based on values of b and mn=l obtained from figures 164 and 166, respectively, is shown in the figure by the solid line. A satisfactory agreement with these circular-arc data is thus demonstrated for the vdue of b obtained from the 65-series data. On the basis of these results, deduced curves of m against B1 for a range of solidities (for use in conjunction with eq. (268)) were computed for the C-series circular-arc blade as indicated in figure 168. Double-circular-arc blades.-Although limited data are available for the double-circular-arc blade (refs. 40 and 197), it w a s felt that these data could not be reliably utilized in the construction of a deviation-angle rule because of the questionable two-dimensionality of the respective test tunnels. However, since the Cseries and the double-
0 .&-
c U
Inlet-air angle,
p, ,deg
FIGURE162.-Deduced variation of slope factor m in deviation-angle rule for NACA 65-(A+~ieries blades aa equivalent
circular arc.
circular-arc blades differ only in thickness distribution, it is reasonable to expect that, as in the case of the reference-incidence-angle correlations, only the zero-camber deviation angles will be materially affected. Therefore, the slope-term value m deduced for the C-series circular-arc blade (fig. 168) might also be used for the double-circular-arc blade, but the 6; v arbitrarily selected circular-arc blade. Comparison of rules.-In view of the widespread i g . 160) for use of Carters rule (eq. (270) with f
predicting the deviation angle of circular-arcmean-line blades, some results obtained from the use of Carters rule were compared with the deduced rule of equation (269) with figures 161, 164, and 166. The principal difference between the two rules occurs in the blade orientation parameter used for the m variation and in the 6 ; and b variations. The value of the solidity exponent of % in tion (270) was originally obtained lima. Carter, in a later work procates values close to 1for accelerating cascades and close to X for decelerating cascades. The variation of b obtained from the NACA 65-(Alo)-series blades
Inlet-air angle,
PI , deg
FIGUBZ 163.-Value
i n deviation-angle rule for 65-(Ajo)-series blades aa equivalent circular arc (deduced from data of ref. 39).
a ,
Q 0
Inlet-air angle,
P , , deg
FIGURE 164.-Value
of solidity exponent b in deviation-angle rule (eq. (269)) (deduced from data for 65-(Alo)-series blades i n ref. 39).
FIGURE165.-Comparison between data values and deduced rule values of reference minimum-lo= deviation angle for
NACA 65-(A3lO-i3eries blades as equivalent circular arc (data from ref. 39).
as equivalent ckwlar arcs in figure 164 essentially confirms this trend. Actually, the deviation-angle rule in the form of equation (269) constitutes a modification of Carters rule. In addition to the basic differences between the rules in the magnitudes of the m, b, and 6 ; values, it is noted that Carters rule was originally developed for the condition of nominal incidence angle, whereas the modified rule pertains to the reference minimum-loss incidence angle. However, since Carters rule has frequently been used over a wide range of reference angle in its application, both rules were evaluated, for simplicity, for the reference minimum-loss incidence angle. An illustrative comparison of predicted reference deviation angle as obtained from CarterIs rule and the modified rule for a -lO-percent-thick, thicknosed circular-arc blade is shown by the calculated results in figure 169 for ranges of camber angle, solidity, and inlet-air angle. Deviation angles in figure 169 were restricted to cascade configurations producing values of diifusion factor less than 0.6.
Blade-chord angle for Carters rule was computed from the equation
y0=p1-2-- * Q
Reference incidence angle was determined from equations (261) and (262) and figures 137 and 138. The plots of figure 169 show that, in practically all cases, the deviation angles given by the modified rule are somewhat greater in magnitude than those predicted by Carters rule for the 10-percentthick blade. This is particularly true for the high inlet-air angles. Thus, greater camber angles are required for a given turning angle amrding to the modified rule. Differences are even less for the double-circular, arc blade, as indicated in figure 0 ,values are smaller for these blades. 170, since the 6 However, it should be kept in mind that the magnitude of the factors in the modified rule are proposed values based on limited data. Further research is required to establish the modified rule on a firmer foundation.
Inlet-air angle, pi , d e g
Effect of blade maximum thickness.-Available data on the variation of reference deviation angle with blade maximum-thickness ratio obtained from cascade investigations of the 65-(12AI0) blade of reference 202 are shown in figure 171. The solid symbols representing the values of deviation angle at zero thickness were determined 6 0 , ) , , obtained from by subtracting the values of ( figure 161 from the measured value of deviation angle at 10-percent maximum thickness obtained from the data in figure 171. A very reasonable variation with thickness ratio, as indicated by the faired curves, is thus obtained for all three configurations. The increasing slope of the deviationangle variation with increasing thickness ratio is believed due to some extent to the accompanying increase in wake losses. Preliminary values of a correction factor for maximum-thickness ratio (IQ1 deduced from the data of figure 171 are shown in figure 172. In the absence of further data, it is proposed that this correction curve is also applicable to other conventional blade shapes. Effect of Reynolds number.-In view of the large rise in loss as blade-chord Reynolds number is reduced (fig. 152), a corresponding rise in deviation angle (or decrease in turning angle) is to be expected. Experimental confirmation of the marked effect of Reynolds number on blade deviation angle at fixed incidence angle is illustrated in figure 173 for several compressor blade shapes. The variation of deviation angle with Reynolds number over a range of incidence angle is demonl l cases the variation strated in figure 174. In a of the deviation or turning angle closely parallels
. 4
9 . 6 co
. 3
6 .2
0 .+
a ,
. 8
1 . 6 2.4 Solidity, C T
FIGURE 167.-Comparison
of experimental deviationangle ratio and rule values using solidity exponent given by figure 164. Data for cmular-arc inlet guide vanes in annular cascade (ref. 215).
the variation of the loss. Therefore, factors involved in the deviation-angle variation are the same as those for the loss behavior. Correspondingly, no Reynolds number correction factors that will be applicable for all blade configurations have been established. The deduced deviation-angle rule developed herein is applicable at Reynolds numbers of about 2.5X lo6 and greater. Effect of inlet Mach number.-Experimental variations of minimum-loss deviation angle with inlet Mach number are presented in figure 175 for two circular-arc blades. Further cascade data in terms of air-turning angle at fixed angle of attack are shown in figure 176 for two other compressor blade shapes. (Since the data in fig. 176 were
p, ,deg
F~GURE 168.-Deduced
variation of slope factor m in deviation-angle rule (eq. (268)) for circular-arc-mean-line blades.
obtained at constant angle of attack, the variation of turning angle is an inverse reflection of the variation of deviation angle.) The data of figures 175 and 176 indicate that deviation angle varies little with inlet Mach number up t o the limiting value. As indicated in the Preliminary Analysis section, the resultant Mach number
angle in the data is always associated with the sharp rise in loss.) Variation with incidence angle.-Thus far, of necessity, the analysis has been conducted for flow conditio the general Ultimately, of course, it is desired to predict flow
on the relative
Large increases in however, when the
21 8
Comber angle, ?,de9 (a) Solidity, 1.5; inlet-air angle, 40. (b) Solidity, 1.0; inlet-air angle, 60". FIQURE 17O.-Comparison of calculated reference deviation angles according to Carter's rule and deduced modified rule for circular-arc blades of different thickness.
(a) Solidity, 1.5. (b) Solidity, 1.0. FIGURE 169.-Comparison of calculated reference deviation angles according to Carter's rule and deduced modified rule for 10-percent-thick, thick-nose circular-arc blades.
is currently available on the effect of losses, attention is centered on deviation-angle variations in the region of low loss, where the trend of variation approaches that of the potential flow. Examination of .potential-flow theory (Weinig, ref. 80, e.g.) shows that a positive slope of deviation angle against incidence angle exists (i.e., deviation angle increases with incidence angle). Calculations based on the theory of Weinig reveal that the magnitude of the slope varies with solidity and blade-chord angle. The deviationangle slope approaches zero for infinite solidity (deviation angle is essentially constant at high solidity) and increases as solidity is reduced. At
a I c
t 0
0 0
'F 0
Moxirnum-thickness rotio, f IC
o f deviation angle with blade maximum-thickness ratio for NACA 6 5 412Al0) blade in region of minimum loss (data from ref. 202).
V ' c 0
. L
Moximurn- thjckness ro tio, t / c
. I O
FIGURE 172.-Deduced maximum-thickness correction for zero-camber reference minimum-loss deviation angle (eq. (271)).
FIGUBE 175.-Variation of reference deviation angle with inlet Mach number for circular-arc blades. Solidity, 1.333; blade-chord angle, 42.5' (ref. 40).
Solidity, 1.33; blade-chord angle, 42.5' (ref. 40). (b) 10.5 2A/25C50 blade. Solidity, 1.33; blade-chord angle, 42.5' (ref. 40). (c) NACA 65-(12) 10 blade. Solidity, 1.5; inlet-air angle, 45' (ref. 39). FIGURE 173.-Illustrative variations of reference deviation angle with Reynolds number.
Inlet Mach number, MI
(a) T1(18&La)08 blade.
Solidity, 1 . 6 (ref. 207). Solidity, 1.0; inlet-air angle, 45'; angle of attack, 16.5' (ref. 122).
FIQUEE 176.-Vsriation of air-turning angle with inlet Mach number in region of minimum loss.
FIQUR 174.-Variation ~ of deviation angle with Reynolds number for 10C4/40 P40 blade. Solidity, 1.33 (ref. 183).
(high solidity and low blade angle), the less sensitive the deviation angle is to changes in incidence angle. For analysis purposes, since the region of low loss is generally small, the variation of deviation angle with incidence angle for a given cascade geometry in the region of minimum loss can be represented as
constant solidity, the slope of deviation angle against incidence angle increases as the chord angle is increased. These trends indicate physically that the greater the initial guidance effect
where (dSo/di),,, represents the slope of the deviation-angle variation at the reference incidence
a l
V Q)
al C
a ,
a ,
Solidity, u
FIGURE 177.-Deviation-angle slope dP/di at reference incidence angle deduced from low-speed data for NACA SS-(A10) 10
blades (ref. 39).
angle. An empirical determination of the magnitude of the slope of the variation of deviation angle with incidence angle was obtained from an analysis of the low-speed experimental data for the 65-(Alo)10 blades of reference 39. From the plot of deviation angle against incidence angle for each configuration (as in fig. 127, e.g.), the slope of the curve at the minimum-loss incidence angle was evaluated graphically. The deduced variation of reference slope magnitude d6"ldi obtained from fairings of these values is presented i n figure 177 as a function of solidity and inlet-air angl Qualitative agreement with theory is strong1 dicated by the data. Since the phenomenon i s essentially a guidance or channel effect, it is anticipated that the slope
angle with cascade geometry at low speed can be satisfactorily established in terms of an intercept value 6 : and a slope value m as given by equation (268). The experimental data could also be expressed in terms of a rule similar in form to Carter's rule, as indicated by equation (269). Deduced values of and m were obtained as a function of and u from the data for the 10percent-thick 65-(Alo)-series blades of reference 39 as equivalent circular arc (figs. 161 and 162). Rules for predicting the reference devi of the C-series and double-circul were also deduced based on the correlations for the 65-(Alo)-seriesblades and on limited data for the circular-arc blade (figs. 161 and 168). The procedure involved in estimating the
The analysis of blade-section deviation angle shows that the variation of reference deviation
blades. The value of (Ka)i for the blade maximum-thickness ratio is obtained from figure 172, and the approximate value of (Kd, is selected for the type of thickness distribution.
For the 65-series blades, (Ka),n=l.O, and it is proposed that be taken as 1.1 for the Cseries blades and as 0.7 for the double-circular-arc blade. The Val
The camber angle required to produce a given turning angle at the reference speed can readily be calculated b preceding incidence-angle and deviation-angle correlations when the inlet-air angle and blade solidity are known. From equations (57), (261), and (268), the camber angle as a function of the turning, deviation, and incidence angle is AS-(io-62) l-m+n
For simplicity, since (Kf>*,,= (K&h=K6n, equation (275) can be expressed in the form
represents some correction factor for where blade thickness, such that
as a function of Curves of the values of (&Soand u are given in figure 178; curves of the values of 1-m+n as a function of Dl and u are given in figure 179(a) for the 65-(Alo)-series mean line and in figure 179(b) for the circular-arc mean line; and values of Et are plotted as a function of
and the referenceincidence and deviation angles in satisfactory agreement with existing cascade data. The rules may also be of help in reducing the necessary experimental effort in the accumulation of further cascade data. However, the present analysis is incomplete. Many areas, such as the deviation-angle rule for the double-circular-arc blade, require further data to substantiate the correlations. Furthermore, additional information concerning the influence of high Mach number and off-designincidence angles of cascade performance is needed. Finally, it is recognized that the performance of a given blade geometry in the compressor configuration will differ from the performance established in the two-dimensional cascade. These differences result from the effects of the various three-dimensional phenomena that occur in compressor blade rows. It is believed, however, that a in two-dimensional-cascade flow constitutes an important step toward the complete understanding of the compressor flow. The extent to which cascade-flow performance can be successfully utilized in compressor design can only be established from further comparative evaluations. Such comparisons between observed compressor performance and predicted two-dimensional-cascade performance on the basis of the rules derived herein are presented in chapter VII.
I -
(a) NACA 65-(A&series blades aa equivalent circular arc (ea. (276)) FIGURE 179.-Variation of 1-m+n.
I -
Iifanm 179.-Concluded.
691-564 0-65-16
Variation of 1 -m+n.
A- blade-element analysis is made o f anndarcascade data obtained primarily from single-stagecompressor test installations. The parameters that describe blade-element $ o w (total-pressure loss, inqidence angle, and deuiutwn angle) are discussed with reference to the many vurhbles ageding these parameters. The blade-element data are correlated over a fairly wide range o f inlet Mach number and cascade geometry. Two blade shapes are considered in detail, the 66-(Al0)-seriesprofile and the doublecircular-arc airfoil. Compressor data at three radial positions near the tip, mean, and hub are correlated at minimum-loss incidence angle. Curves o f loss, incidence angle, and dewiation angle are presented for rotor and stator blade elements. These correlation curves are presented in such a manner that they are directly related to the low-speed twodimensional-cascade results. A s f a r rn possible, physical explanations o f the $ow phenomena are presented. In adddim, a edcdation procedure is given to iuustrate how the correlathn cukes could A be utilized in compressor design.
Axial-flow-compressor research has generally been directed toward the solution of either compressor design or compressor analysis problems. In the design problem, the compressor-inlet and -outlet conditions are given, and the compressor geometry must be determined to satisfy these conditions. In contrast, for the analysis problem the inlet conditions and compressor are specified, and the outlet conditions are desired. (The analysis problem is sometimes referred to as the direct compressor problem.) There are two phases of the axial-flow-compressor design problem. In the first phase it is necessary to prescribe desirable velocity distributions at each radius of the compressor that will ultimately fulfill the design requirements. A discussion of the velocity-diagram phase o f the
compressor design procedure is given in chapter VIII. Secondly, proper blade sections are selected at each radial position and stacked in proper relation to each other to establish the design velocity diagrams at each radius. In order to satisfy the design requirements successfully, accurate blade-row design data are needed. Successful analysis of a compressor (the analysis problem) also depends upon accurate blade-row data, not only at the design point but also over a wide range of flow conditions (ch. X). In general, compressor designers have relied primarily on three sources of blading information: (1) theoretical (potential-flow) solutions of the flow past airfoil cascades, (2) low-speed twodimensional-cascde data, and (3) threedimensional annular-cascade data. Potential-flow solutions have been used to a limited extent. In order to handle the complex mathematics involved in the theoretical solutions, it is necessary to make simplifying assumptions concerning the flow field. Among the most important of these is the assumption of a two-dimensional flow field with no losses. Unfortunately, in some cases these assumptions lead to invalid results unless experimental correction factors are applied to the computed results. These solutions are reviewed in chapter IV. A considerable amount of blade design data has been obtained from low Mach number experimental two-dimensional cascades. A rather complete study of the cascade work that has been done to date is presented in chapter VI, which correlates cascade data at minimum-loss incidence angle for a wide range of inlet conditions and blade loadings. Low-speed twodimensionalcascade data have been applied successfully in many cornpressor designs. However, with the design trends toward higher Mach numbers and higher blade loadings, these cascade results have not always been completely adequate for
describing the compressor flow conditions, particularly in regions of the compressor where threedimensional-flow effects predominate. Because of such effects, it becomes essential that blade-element data be obtained in a threedimensional-compressor environment. These threedimensional-cascade data (obtained primarily from single-stage compressors) may then be used to supplement and correct the theoretical solutions and the two-dimensional-cascade information. Some success has been obtained in correlating annular-cascade data with the theory and the twodimensid-cascade results (refs. 32, 214, and 218 to 220); however, the range of variables covered in these investigations is not nearly complete. The purpose of this chapter is to correlate and summarize the available compressor data on a blade-element basis for comparison with the two-dimensional-cascade data of chapter VI. An attempt is made to indicate the regions of a compressor where low-speed two-dimensionalcascade data can be applied to compressors and also to indicate the regions where cascade results must be modified for successful application to compressor design. Two blade sections are considered in detail, the NACA 65- (A,,)-series blade and the double-circular-arc airfoil section. Particular emphasis is placed on obtaining incidenceangle, deviation-angle, and loss correlations a t minimum loss for blade elements near the hub, mean, and tip radii of both rotor and stator blades. Empirical correction factors that can be applied to the two-dimensional-cascade design rules are given, and application of the design rules and correction factors to compresor design is illustrated.
M m
m, n
t V B
correction factor in deviation-angle relation, function of blade maximum-thickness ratio and thickness distribution . Mach number factor in deviation-angle relation at u= 1 (ea. (280)), function of inlet-air angle factor in deviation-angle relation (eq. (282)), function of blade-chord angle. slope factor in incidence-angle relation (eq. 279)), function of inlet-air angle and solidity total or stagnation pressure, lb/sq f t static or stream pressure, lb/sq f t radius blade spacing, in. total or stagnation temperature blade maximum thickness, in. air velocity, ft/sec air angle, angle between air velocity and axial direction, deg air-turning angle, pl-pz, deg ratio of specific heats blade-chord angle, angle between blade chord and axial direction, deg deviation angle, angle between outlet-air direction and tangent to blade mean camber line at trailing edge, deg efficiency blade angle, angle between tangent to blade mean camber line and axial direction, deg solidity, ratio of chord to spacing blade camber angle, difference between blade angles at leading and trailing edges, K i - K a , deg angular velocity of rotor, radians/sec total-pressure-loss coefficient
D i Ki
speed of sound based on stagnation conditions, ft/sec exponent in deviation-angle relation (eq. (280)), function of inlet-air angle chord length, in. diffusion factor incidence angle, angle between inlet-air direction and tangent to blade mean camber line a t leading edge, deg correction factor in incidence-angle relation, function of blade maximum-thickness ratio and thickness distribution
Subscripts: a d adiabatic C compressor G r V inlet guide vanes h hub id ideal m mean min minimum o zerocamber R rotor S stator ST stage t tip z axial direction e tangential direction
1 station a t inlet to blade row or stage 2 station a t exit of blade row or stage 2-0 low-speed two-dimensional cascade 10 blade maximum-thickness-to-chord ratio of 10 percent
design velocity diagram of the blade row. The basic parameters defining the flow about a blade element are indicated in figure 182. Stated simply, blade-element flow is des variations of the loss in total press blade row and of the air-turning incidence angle (or angle of attack).
In current design practice, the flow distribution at the outlet of compressor blade rows is determined from the flow characteristics of the individual blade sections or elements. The bladeelement approach to compressor design is discussed in detail in chapter I11 and in reference 221. To review briefly, axial-flow-compressor blades are evolved from a process of radial stacking of individual airfoil shapes called blade elements. The blade elements are assumed to be along surfaces of revolution generated by rotating a streamline about the compressor arris; this stream surface of revolution may be approximated by an equivalent cone (fig. 181). Each element along the height of the blade is designed to direct the flow of air in a certain direction as required by the
The flow about a given blade element in a compressor configuration is different from that in a two-dimensional cascade because of threedimensional effects in compressor blade rows. These three-dimensional effects influence th magnitude of the design incidence angle, the 10s in total pressure, and the deviation angle. Incidence angle.-In the low-speed two-dimensional cascade, the minimum-loss incidence angle depends on the blade geometry (camber, solidity, and blade thickness), the inlet-air angle, and inlet Mach number (ch. VI). In compressor operation, several additional factors can alter the minimum-loss incidence angle for a given element geometry-for example, differences in testing procedure. I n compressor operation, incidence angle, inlet-air angle, and inlet Mach number vary simultaneously; in contrast, cascades are
Cornpre ssor
blade elements3
FIGURE 18l.-Compressor
blade elements shown along conical surface of revolution about compressor axis.
often operated with fixed inlet-air angle and inlet Mach number. Some net difference may be obtained in the range characteristics and therefore in the location of the point of minimum loss between cascade operation at constant inlet-air angle and compressor test operation (with varying inlet-a~ angle). In addition to these blade-element considerations, of course, there are sources of difference arising from compressor three-dimensional effects. For example, radial variations of minimum-loss incidence angle that are not consistent with the trends predicted from cascade blade-element considerations have been observed in compressor rotors (refs. 56 and 222). Apparently, radial position may also be a factor in determining compressor minimum-loss incidence angle. Total-pressure loss.-In the two-dimensional cascade, the magnitude of the loss in total pressure across the blade element is determined from the growth of the blade surface boundary layers (profile loss). In the actual compreasor, the loss in total pressure is determined not only by the profile loss, but also by the losses induced by the three-dimensional nature of the flow. These threedimensional losses result from secondary
motions and disturbances generated by the casing wall boundary layers, from blade tip clearance, from radial gradients of total energy, and from interactions of adjacent blade rows. The compressor loss picture is further complicated by the tendency of boundary-layer fluid on the comblade surfaces and in the blade wake to be radially. As a consequence of this phenomenon, the loss measured do given blade element may not nec the actual loss generated at that element, but something more or less, depending on the radial location of the element. It is expected, therefore, that the factors influencing the magnitude of the blade-element loss in the compressor will include the factors affecting the profile loss (blade surface velocity distribution, inlet Mach number, blade-chord Reynolds number, free-stream turbulence, and blade surface finish) and the factors affecting the three-dimensional losses. Investigations of compressor blade-element losses based on surface velocity distribution, as expressed in terms of diffusion factors, are presented in references 9 and 35. The essentially secondary effects of blade surface finish and trailing-edge thickness on compressor loss are investigated in references 223 and 224. Results of tests of blade-element performance (ref. 225 and ch. V) and over-all performance (refs. 226 and 227) at varying Reynolds numbers indicate that there is no signifkant variation in loss for Reynolds numbers above approximately 2.5X105. (Since most of the compressor data used in this analysis are for Reynolds numbers greater than 2.5X106, no Reynolds number effects are believed to exist for the data.) Some variations of compressor loss with inlet Mach number have been established in references 52, 56, and 228. These results, however, are not complete indications of Mach number effects (shock losses), since the corresponding variations of blade diffusion with Mach number are not identified. An attempt to separate the variation of diffusion and shock losses with Mach number by means of an analysis based on the diffusion factor of reference 9 is presented in references 222 and 229. Although some aspects of the compressor three-dimensional-flow phenomena are known (chs. XIV and XV), the specific factors or
parameter affecting compressor three-dimensional losses have not been established for analysis purposes. At present, the three-dimensional loss can be treated only on a gross basis as a difference between the total measured loss and the profile loss. Deviation angle. I n the two-dmensional cascade the minimum-loss deviation angle. varies primarily with the blade geometry and the inletair angle. Experience with compressor operation indicates that blade-element minimum-loss deviation angle is also sensitive to three-dimensional effects. The two principal compressor effects are secondary flows and changes in axial velocity across the blade element. Secondary flows are treated in chapter X V and in reference 43. Corrections are established in reference 43 for the effect of secondary flows on the outlet angles of compressor inlet guide vanes. At present, however, rotor and stator secondary-flow effects can be treated only on a gross basis. The effects of changes in axial velocity ratio on the turning angles of a k e d blade-element geometry are conclusively demonstrated in the rotor investigations of reference 218. There are several origins of varying axial velocity ratio across a compressor blade element: (1) contraction of the annulus area across the blade row, (2) compressibility, which varies axial velocity ratio for a fixed annulus area, and (3) differences in the radial gradient of axial velocity at blade-row inlet and outlet, which can arise from the effects of radial-pressure equilibrium (ch. VIII). Although several attempts have been made to establish corrections for the effect of change in axial velocity ratio on deviation angle (refs. 218 and 191), these proposed correction techniques have not been universally successful. The principd difficulty involved in the axial velocity corrections is the inability to' determine the corresponding changes in blade circulation (i.e., tangential velocity). Values of axial velocity ratio were identified for the deviation-angle data presented, although no attempt was made to apply any corrections. Some of the secondary factors influencing deviation angle, such as inlet Mach number and Reynolds number, are investigated in references 52, 56, and 218. These results indicate that the variations of deviation angle with Mach number
and Reynolds number are small for the range of data considered in this survey.
In this chapter, annular-cascade data are compared with the two-dimensional-cascade correlations of minimum-loss incidence angle, total-pressure loss, and deviation angle of chapter VI. In this way, compressor investigations serve as both a verification and an extension of the two-dimensional-cascade data. Two-dimensional-cascade data correlations and rules, in conjunction with correction factors deduced from the three-dimensional data, can then be used for compressor design and analysis. With this approach in mind, all available singlestage data were collected, computed, and plotted in a form considered convenient for correlation. The blade and performance parameters used in the analysis are similar to those used in the twodimensional-cascade correlations of chapter VI. Camber angle, incidence angle, and deviation angle (fig. 182) are used to define the blade camber, air approach, and air leaving directions, respectively. These angles are based on tangents to blade mean camber line at the leading and trailing edges. As in chapter VI, the NACA 65-(Alo)-series blades are considered in terms of the equivalent circulararc camber line (figs. 125 and 126, ch. VI). Loss in total pressure across the blade element is expressed in terms of the loss parameter J cos where the relative total-pressure-loss coeffi; ' is defined as the mass-averaged defect in cient i relative total pressure divided by the pressure equivalent of the inlet velocity head:
For stationary blade rows, or no change in streamline radius across the rotor, the numerator of equation (58) becomes the decrease in relative total pressure across the blade row from inlet to outlet. The relative total-pressure-loss coeEcient was computed from stationary measurements of total pressure and total temperature and from the computed relative inlet Mach number according to reference 9. The total-pressure-loss parameter 7 cos p:/2u, as indicated in chapter VI, can be used as a signifmint parameter for correlating blade losses.
FIGUBE 183.-Example of typical variation of blade-element performance parameters with incidence angle. Transonic
rotor with double-circular-arc blade sections at tip speed of 800 feet per second; data for blade row 17 (table 11) at tip position (ref. 55).
The diffusion factor, which is used as a bladeloading parameter, is defined in reference 9 for no change in radius as follows:
vi, -vi*
2 a v ;
183. The data represent the variations of the flow at fixed rotational speed. Plots for stator blade rows show similar trends of variation. As in chapter VI, a reference point was established as the incidence angle for minimum loss (fig. 184(a)), and the bladeelement flow was analyzed at this reference point. I n cases where minimumloss incidence was not clearly defined, the reference point was taken as the mean incidence of the
incidence-angle range for which values of 5 at the end points are twice the minimum value (fig. 1 8 4 ( b ) ) . In some instances, near the compressor tip the loss-against-incidence-angle curve increased continuously from a minimum value of loss parameter at the open-throttle point. In presenting data for these cases several points near the minimumloss value are plotted. One of the primary objectives of thir, analysis is to determine Werences in blade-element performance with compressor radial position. Therefore, three radial positions along the blade span (near the hub, mean radius, and tip) of each blade row are considered. The radial positions at the hub and tip are approximately 10 to 15 percent of the passage height away from the inner and outer walls, respectively, which are outside the wall boundary-layer region in all cases. The analysis is directed toward correlating the loss and deviation-angle data at reference incidence angle and determining the variation of reference incidence angle with blade geometry and Mach number at the three radial positions.
z 3
% c
0 0
There are three sources of three-dimensionalcascade blade-element data : stationary annularcascade tunnel investigations, multistage-compressor investigations, and single-stage or single-bladerow compressor investigations. A relatively small amount of data has been accumulated from bladerow investigations conducted in stationary annular-cascade tunnels. Tunnels of this type have been used primarily for inlet-guide-vane investigations. Typical examples of annular-cascade tunnel investigations are reported in references 215 and 225. Numerous multistage-compressor investigations have been conducted both in this country and abroad. Unfortunately, the data obtained from these investigations are too limited to permit the construction of individual bladerow-element performance curves similar to those illustrated in figure 183. The data used in this investigation were obtained primarily from investigations of single rotor rows or of single-stage compressors. A typical singleof a row of inlet guide vanes, a rotor blade row driven by a variable-speed motor, and a stator blade row. A &char& throttle is installed in
the outlet system to vary the compressor back pressure. In this manner, the compressor massflow rate can be controlled. In an installation such as this, compressor performance over a range of speeds and mass flows can be obtained simply. In many cases, test rigs similar to figure 185 have been operated with only guide vanes and rotors or with rotors alone. Many phases of compressor research have been conducted in single-stage-compressor test rig5; and, in reporting these phases, complete blade-element results are not usually presented. Therefore, it was necessary to collect availabl nal data and rework them in terms of the parameters of the analysis. Since only NACA original data were available in blade-element form, the data analysis is based maidy on single-stage-compressor investigations conducted at the Lewis laboratory.
The measurements taken and the instrumentation used vary somewhat from compressor to compressor; in most cases, however, it is possible from the available data to reconstruct complete experimental velocity diagrams and to determine the bladeelement performance. Radial survey measurements were made after each blade row. Normally, total pressure, static pressure, total temperature, and air direction were measured. The pressure- and temperature-measuring devices were calibrated for the effect of Mach number. Most of the compressor investigations that were adaptable to this analysis were conducted on NACA -65(Alo)-series airfoil shapes and doublecircular-arc airfoils. Therefore, the analysis is concerned solely with these airfoils. The 65-(A10)series airfoil has been used extensively in subsonic compressors; and the double-circular-arc airfoil, which is a relatively simple airfoil shape, has been used effectively in transonic compressors. Details of the characteristics of the various blade rows used in this analysis are summarized in table 1 1 , and details of the instrumentation, calculation procedure, and accuracy of measurement me given in the listed references.
In correlating blade-element reference-incidenceangle data, measured values of incidence angle are cornpared with values of reference incidence angle predicted for the geometry of the blade element according to the low-speed two-dimensionalcascade correlations of chapter VI. In chapter VI, the low-speed two-dimensional reference incidence angle is expressed in terms of the blade geometry as
where K r is a function of blade thickness distribution and maximum-thickness ratio, (io)lo is the zero-camber incidence angle for the 10-percentthick airfoil section (function of air-inlet angle 8: and solidity u ) , and n is equal to [ ( i - i o ) / p 1 2 - ~ (also a function of 8: and u ) . Values of K,, (&)lo, and n for the circular-arc and 65-(A;o)-series blade are repeated in figures 186 to 188 for convenience. The comparisons between measured bladeelement reference incidence angle & and predicted two-dimensional incidence angle &-D are expressed
14 14 30 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
3 4
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Btator Rotor Rotor Rotor Stator Rotor Rotor Rotor Stator Rotor Rotor Rotor Rotor
.66 .80
0.30-0.76 .36- .70 .Bo- .80 .39- .72 .!2% .66 .35- .bt? .30- .a6 .30-.76 .26- .74 .6Z .76 .49- .76 .49- .76 .KO- .ga
.26- .73
19.9 16.3 30.1 30.1 30.1 30.1 30.1 40.0 40.0 40.0 30.1 46.2 46.2 46.2 30.3
1.31 1.31 2.90 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.35 1.36 1.36 1.82 1.010
0.690 .620
1.31 1.31 2.90 1.31 1.31 1.8 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.35 1.36 1.36 1.46
14 l4
1104,1214 667,743 371,667,743 646 662 828 1104 652' 828' 1104,1214 412: 617: 823 669 763 836 669' 763' 836 669' 763' 836 m:736: 874
30.1 30.1 30.1 30.1 30.1 23.9 23.9 23.9 30.1 34.1 34.1 34.1 19.4
.966 .870 .823 1.12 1.69 1.20
19.6 -808 28.8 .690 21.1 .608 16.2 .631 16.2 21.0 21.0 16.1 .692 21.4 35.4 .943 21.4 36.4 1.35 21.4 36.4 1.20 42.6 .687
.m .m .m
231 44 231 231 231 230 230 230 231 232 232
224 233 234
14 18 14 14 14 14 17.36 17.36
.6 .6 .6 .6 .6
40.3 11.4 2.00 1.6 28.3 7 29.4 29.4 23.1 23.1 62.0 20.6 13.7 13.7 4.3 4.3 62.0 20.0 2.09 2.09 1.60 1.60 3.26
2.00 1.6
.62 .60
3 E,lo00,1120 s0o,eao,lo00,llzo
600,800.900 m,1 m
in terms of the difference (&-&J. Thus, a value of zero of the difference parameter corresponds to an equivalence of the two incidence angles. In view of the established tendency of the reference incidence angle to increase somewhat with inlet Mach number (ch. VI), it was thought desirable to plot the variation of the difference against relative inlet Mach parameter (&-&-D) number for the three radial positions at hub, mean, and tip. NACA 65- (Al0)-series blades.-The results of the comparison between compressor and twodimensional-cascade reference incidence angles for the 65-(Alo)-seriesblades are presented in figure 189 for hub-, mean-, and tip-radius regions. Both rotor and stator data are presented; the stator i f data being represented by the solid points. D ferent values of incidence angle for a given symbol represent different compressor tip speeds. As might be expected in a correlation of this type involving data from different test installations and instrumentations, the data are somewhat scattered, particularly in the hub and tip regions. It has not been possible in these instances to evaluate the significance or origin of the scatter. (In compressor investigations, instrumentation inac-
curacy generally contributes h e a d y to the data scatter, especially at hub and tip.) Nevertheless, the results of the comparison are indicative of the trends involved, and it is possible to make some general observations. For the rotor mean-radius region, where threedimensional disturbances are most likely a minimum, the rotor minimum-loss incidence angles 1 smaller than the are, on the average, about ' corresponding cascade-predicted values. This difference may be a reflection of some of the compressor influences discussed previously. The data also indicate that no essential variation of reference incidence angle with relative inlet Mach number exists up to values of M,' of about 0.8. The 65-(A10)-series blade, having a thick-nose profile, apparently exhibits the same approximate constancy of minimum-loss incidence angle with Mach number as indicated for the British thicknose C-series profile in the cascade comparisons of chapter VI. At the rotor tip, the compressor reference incidence angles are from 0' to 4' less than the predicted cascade values. As in the case of the rotor mean radius, no essential variation with inlet Mach number is observed in the range of
0 ._ c
t/c ,
FIGIJIZE 186.-Thickness correction for zero-camber reference incidence angle (ch. VI).
data covered. The lower values of rotor reference incidence angle were generally the result of a change in the form of the variations of loss against incidence angle in the rotor, as illustrated in * e 190. The change in form may be explained on the basis of a probable increase in rotor tip three-dimensional losses (centrifuging of blade boundary layer, tip-clearance disturbances, etc.) with increasing incidence angle. At the rotor hub, the situation is somewhat
confused by the wide range of data. A tendency of the compressor incidence angles to be somewhat larger than the corresponding cascade values, with an average difference of about 1 or 2O, is indicated. Bor the stator mean-radius and hub regions, close agreement between compressor and cascade incidence angles is indicated for the range of Mach numbers covered (to about 0.7). Considerable scatter exists in the stator data at the
Inlet-air angle,
p ; , deg
FIGURE 187.-Zero-camber reference incidence angle for NACA 65-(Alo)-series and true circular-arc blades of 10-percent maximum-thickness ratio (see fig. 137, ch. VI, for larger print).
1 . 0
2 -.3 U
0 c
a l
0 -
a -.2
FIGURE 189.-Variation of compressor reference incidence angle minus two-dimensional-cascade-rule incidence angle with relative inlet Mach number for NACA 65-(Alo)-series blade section.
1 0
FIGURE 188.-Reference-incidence-angle slope factor for NACA 65-(Alo)-series blades as equivalent circular arc and for true circular-arc blades (see fig. 138, ch. VI, for larger print).
compressor tip ; therefore, no definite conclusions can be made concerning the variations of incidence angle. Double-circular-arc blade.-The results of the double-circular-arc airfoil correlation are presented in figure 191, where compressor reference incidence angle minus low-speed-cascade-rule incidence angle (eq. (279)) is plotted against relative inlet Mach number for the hub, mean, and tip radial positions for both rotors and stators. The dashed curve represents the variation obtained with a 25O-camber double-circular-arc blade in high-speed two-dimensional cascade (ch. VI).
It is immediately apparent that rotor reference incidence angle at all radial positions increases with increasing Mach number. The data indicate that the magnitude of the increase in reference incidence angle with Mach number is larger a t the hub than at the tip. The hub data points in figure 191 were obtained from blade elements of relatively high camber. Both potential-flow and low-speedcascade results indicate that this type of configuration is associated with a negative value of reference incidence angle. As inlet Mach number is increased, the increase in incidence angle in the positive direction must be fairly large in order to avoid high losses associated with blade-row choking. In contrast, a t the compressor tip, since the blade cambers are generally lower (see table 11), the low-speed incidence angle is higher and the required rate of change of incidence angle with increasing Mach number is not as large. Unfortunately, low Mach number data were not available to permit extrapolation of the rotor incidence-angle variations to zero Mach number (level of cascade correlation). However, it is
Incidence angle, i, deg FIGURE 190.-Typical variation of loss with incidence angle for rotor blade element near tip and in twodimensional cascade for same blade geometry and inlet Mach number.
believed that there will be very little change in the rotor incidence angle for values of Mach number below about 0.4 to 0.5. Extrapolated values of rotor reference incidence angle at zero Mach number appear to be of the order of 0 . 5 O at the hub, 1.5' a t the mean radius, and 2.5' at the tip below cascade-rule values. The double-circular-arc blade element in the compressor rotor exhibits the same general incidence-angle characteristic with Mach number that was observed for sharp-nosed blade sections in the high-speed two-dimensional cascade (ch. VI). As indicated in chaper VI, the increase in reference incidence angle with Mach number is associated with the tendency of the range of the blade to be reduced only on the low-incidence side of the loss curve as the Mach number is increased. The rotor data for the double-circular-arc section, like those for the 65-(Alo)-series blades, are comparable with the cascade variations at the mean radius, somewhat higher at the hub at the higher Mach numbers, and noticeably lower at the tip. Apparently, the same type of three-dimensional phenomenon occurs at the tip for both blade shapes. The available double-circular-arc stator data are too meager for any conclusions.
numbers considered. In contrast, the doublecircular-arc blade sections eihibit a pronounced variation of reference incidence angle over the range of Mach number investigated. Significant difTerencea between the twodimensional-cascade data and the rotor data were observed a t the compressor tip. In contrast, at the mean radius and hub, the differences in two-dimensional-cascade data and rotor data were relatively small, even though the flow field was three dimensional, Additional data are required to determine the variation of stator reference incidence angle, particularly for the double-circular-arc airfoil sections. Also, no information has been presented concerning the allowable incidence-angle range for efficient (low-loss) operation and the variation of this range with inlet Mach number. Investigations of these phases of compressor research are very essential to fill gaps in the compressor design and analysis procedures.
1 2
The variation of reference incidence angle for 65-(AlO)-seriesand double-circular-arc blade sections has been presented. No Mach number effect on reference incidence angle was observed for the 65-(Alo)-seriesblades for the range of Mach
FIGWEE 191.-Variation of compressor reference incidence angle minus two-dimensional-caacade-rule incidence angle with relative inlet Mach number for doublecircular-arc blade section.
n Z
. . n
n . m -
For two-dimensional-cascade data obtained at low Mach numbers, the values of total-pressureloss parameter G cos /32/2cr plotted against diffusion factor (eq. (278)) form essentially a single curve l l cascade configurations. The diffusionfor a factor correlation of loss parameter was applied to data obtained over a range of Mach numbers from single-stage axial-flow compressors of various geometries and design Mach numbers. Values of total-pressure-loss parameter calculated from single-stage-compressor data are plotted against diffusion factor for the hub, mean, and tip measuring stations in figure 192. Each symbol represents the value of diffusion factor and loss parameter at reference incidence angle at a given tip speed. Also plotted as a dashed curve is the corresponding correlation presented in chapter VI for the low-speed two-dimensional-cascade data. The data of figure 192, which were obtained from the rotor and stator configurations summarized in table 11,represent both 65-(A,,,)-series and circulararc blade sections. The plots of figure 192 essentially represent an elaboration of the lossdiffusion correlations of reference 9. The most important impression obtained from the rotor data plots is the wide scatter and increasing loss trend with diffusion factor at the rotor tip, while no discernible trend of variation is obtained at the rotor hub and mean radii. For the rotor hub and mean radii, it can be assumed that the rotor blade-element loss parameter follows the cascade variation but at a higher average magnitude. Unfortunately, the range of diffusionfactor that could be covered in the compressor tests was not sufficient to determine whether a marked rise in loss is obtained for values of diffusion factor greater than about 0.6 (as in the cascade). It is apparent from the loss trend and data scatter at the rotm tip that a different loss phenomenon is occurring in the tip region. It is recognized that a part of the scatter is due to the general instrumentation inaccuracy in the highly turbulent tip regions. In view of the usually large radial gradients of loss existing in the blade tip region, small variations in positioning radial survey probes can cause noticeable differences in the computed results. Nevertheless, it is obvious that factors other than the blade-element difusion
are infIuencing the tip loss. The specific threedimensional factors or origins involved in the loss rise at the tip are not currently known. The principal conclusion reached from the plot is that the likelihood of a rising loss trend on the rotor tip exists for values of diffusion factor greater than about 0.35. The stator losses at a l l radial positions in figure 192 appear to be somewhat higher than those of the two-dimensional cascade, particularly at the higher values of diffusion factor.
Rotor and stator blade-element loss data were correlated by means of the diffusion factor. The losses for stator and rotor blade elements at hub and mean radii were somewhat higher than those for the two-dimensional cascade over the range of diffusion factor investigated. At the rotor tip, the losses were considerably higher at values of diffusion factor above approximately 0.35. The foregoing blade-element loss analysis is clearly incomplete. The need for additional work is indicated for such purposes as evaluating the origin and magnitude of the tip-region losses. The loading limits for rotors at other than the tip region and for stators at all blade elements have not been determined, because, for the available data, the diffusion factors at reference incidence do not extend to sufliciently high values. Singlestage investigations are needed over the critical range of Reynolds number to determine the effect of Reynolds number on the blade-element loss. It is desirable to isolate the effects of velocity diffusion and shock waves on the loss at high Mach number operation. The loss correlations presented should also be extended so that the data are applicable over a range of incidence angle. This would be of extreme value in the compressor analysis problem.
In addition to design information concerning blade-element losses and incidence angle, it is desirable to have a rather complete picture of the air deviation-angle characteristics of axial-flowcompressor blade elements. Therefore, the twodimensional-cascade correlation results are reviewed and supplemented with annular-cascade data in this section.
' 1
Blade row
(toble II)
b 0
Rotor meon
I 2
3 4
.05 4
5 6 7 8 9
1 0 I I 12 13
1 7
1 8
Stotor tip
----Ic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _.-- - -
4 .
- /
FIGURE 193.-Thickness
As in the analysis of reference incidence angle, the correlation of blade-element deviation angle at reference incidence is presented in terms of a comparison between measured blade-element deviation angle and deviation angle predicted for the element accordirig to the low-speed two-dimensional-cascade correlations of chapter VI. In chapter VI, the low-speed two-dimensional-cascade deviation angle at reference incidence angle is expressed in terms of blade geometry as
As was shown previously, the reference incidence angle of the compressor blade element may differ somewhat from the corresponding two-dimensional reference incidence angle. Since deviation angle will vary with changing reference incidence angle for a given blade geometry (depending on solidity), the two-dimensionaldeviation angles were corrected to the reference incidenceangles of the compressor blade elements. The corrected deviation angle, as suggested in chapter VI, is given by
where Kais a function of maximum-thickness-tochord ratio and thickness distribution, (6z)10is the zero-camber deviation angle for the lo-perce thick airfoil section (function of a: and u), m is a function of pi for the different basic camber distributions, and b is an exponent that is also a function of a:.
691-561 0-65-17
where (dS0/di),-, is the slope of the two-dmenof deviation angle with incidence Values of Ka, cular-arc and 65figures 193 to 197 for convenience. Deviation-angle comparisons for the doublecircular-arc blade were also made on the basis of
FIQIJBE 194.-Zero-camber
deviation angle for NACA 65-(A&series and true circular-arc blades of 10-percent maximum-thickness ratio (see fig. 161, ch. VI, for larger print).
where m, is a factor that is a function of bladechord angle (fig. 198). Carter's rule, which has been used extensively in the design of circular-arc blades, was used as the basis for the more elaborate rule of equation (280). In the calculations, Carter's rule was
tion angle (eq. (281)) for the 65-(Alo)-serieS air= and stators are ch number for tip radial positions in fi es of deviation angle corr compressor reference incidence angle. As in the cam of the incidence-angle and loss correlations, there is considerable scatter of data, particularly in the hub and tip regions. Some of the scatter is believed due to the effects of three-dimensional flows and changes in axial velocity ratio across the element, but perhaps the most important factors are instrumentation differences and errors. It is generally recognized that it is difficult to measure compressor air angles with an accuracy 1 ' to 1.5'. The correlations better than about f must therefore be evaluated on an average or trend basis. The correlation of rotor data in the mean-radius region is fairly good; axial velocity ratio varied
p,', deg
from about 0.9 to 1.10. On the average, the rotor mean-radius deviation angles are about 0.5' less than the cascade values. These results agree with previous experience (refs. 218 and 219), which indicated rotor turning angles approximately 1' greater (i.e., deviation angles 1' less) than the two-dimensional-cascade results. If data points for the rotor tip having axial velocity ratios less than 0.8 are neglected, the average deviation angle is about 0.5' less than the cascade value. Axial velocity ratio for the tip-region unflagged data varied between 0.8 and 1.05. For the hub, on the average, the blade-element deviation angles were about 1.Oo greater than the corresponding two-dimensional values. Hub axial velocity ratios vaned between 1.0 and 1.3. As in the twodimensional cascade (ch. VI), no Mach number effect on deviation angle is indicated over the range of Mach number investigated for all three regions. For the stator mean-radius (Vz,z/Vz,l=l.O to 1.1) and hub-radius (Vz,z/Vz,1=0.85to 1.05) regions, the average deviation angles are both about 1.0' lower than the corresponding twodimensional values. A t the stator tip, the average blade-element value is indicated to be about 4' less than the two-dimensional value. However, these data all have high axial velocity ratios (from 1.1 to 1.5). It is expected that, on the basis of constant axial velocity, the probable average blade-element deviation angles at the stator tip might be several degrees closer to the two-dimensional values. (Increasing axial veloc-
ity ratio at essentially constant circulation for the stator tends to decrease deviation angle.) As in the caae of h e rotor, no essential variation of deviation angle ach number is detected range of Mach numbers for the stator wit investigated. Double-circular-arc blade.-Blade-element two-dimensional-cascade deviation angles (eq. (281)) obtained for the double-circular-arc blade are compared in figure 199(b). The scatter of data is generally less than for the 65-(A10)-series blades, partly because of the generally more accurate measurements taken in these investigations (all are more recent than the data of fig. 199(a)). On the average, at the lower Mach numbers the blade-element deviation angles were about 1.5' less than the two-dimensional values at the tip, 1.0' greater at the hub, and equal to the two-dimensional values at the mean region. Ranges of axial velocity ratio covered for the data were 0.85 to 1.05 at the tip, 0.95 to 1.5 at the hub, and 0.90 to 1.15 at the mean radius. A slightly increasing trend of variation with inlet Mach number may be indicated at the mean radius and possibly also at the hub. The double-circular-arc stator data available (solid symbols) are too limited to permit any reliable conclusions to be drawn. It appears, however, that at the stator mean radius, the blade-element deviation angles may be about 0.5' less than the two-dimensional-cascade values. This is essentially the same trend observed for the 65-(Alo)-series stators at mean radius in k u r e 199(a). Blade-element deviation angles appear to be greater at the tip and smaller at the hub
I .o
a u
u ?
F o
C 2 .6
a ,
8 cn
. 4
. 6
Solidity, u
1 . 4
1 . 6 1.8
FIGURE 197.-Deviation-angle slope (dSo/dz>ap at reference incidence angle (see fig. 177, ch. VI, for larger print).
0 u
Blade-chord angle,
, o
FIQURE 198.-Variation
than the two-dimensional values. Ranges of axial velocity ratio were 1.0 to 1.25 at the tip, 0.95 to 1.27 at the mean radius, and 0.9 to 1.30 a t the hub.
obtained from the modified rule of equation (281) for the range of blade-element in the data, the agreement wi data remains quite good.
From the comparisons of measured and predicted reference deviation angles for the NACA 65-(AI0)-series and double-circular-arc blades, it was found that the rules derived from twodimensional-cascade data can satisfactorily predict the com pressor refereme blade-element deviation angle in the rotor and stator meanradius regions for the blade configurations presented. Larger differences between rule and measured values were observed in the hub and tip regions. These differences can be attributed to the effects of three-dimensional flow, differences
0 .c 0 .W 5 - 0
$ 4
' 0
-4 4
-4' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . 4 .5 . 6 . 7 .8 .9 1.9 1.1 Relative inlet Mach number, M ,
' 1.2
desired blade-element turning angle Ap' and relative inlet Mach number Mi are obtained from the design velocity diagram. Camber and turning angles are related by the equation
FIGURE 2OO.-Variation
of compressor deviation angle minus deviation angle predicted by Carter's rule at reference incidence angle with relative inlet Mach number for double-circular-are blade section.
tions of relative inlet Mach number for several radial positions along the blade height in figures 201 and 202. The curves in figures 201 and 202 are faired average values of the data spread and, strictly speaking, represent bands of values. In view of the very limited data available, compressor correction curves could not reliably be established for the stator deviation and incidence angles. Establishing single deduced blade-element loss
Compressor blade-element incidence angles (eqs. (279) and (283)) and deviation angles (eqs. (281) and (284)) are given by
Substituting equations (286) and (287) into equation (285) and rearranging terms yield
A l l terms on the right side of equation (288) can be determined from the velocitydiagram properties, the specified blade shape and thickness, and the specified solidity. After the camber angle is determined, the incidence and deviation angles'can be calculated from equations (286) and (287). Rotor blade-element loss parameter is estimated from the velocitydi Busion factor and the curves of figure 2 e totalent w' is then r from the blade-element solidity and relative air outlet angle. Blade-element efficiencies for the
rotor and complete stage can be computed by means of the techniques and equations presented f the change in in the appendix to this chapter. I radius across the blade row can be assumed small, blade-element efficiency can be determined through the use of figures 204 to 206 from the selected values of Z' and the values of Mi and absolute total-preasure ratio or total-temperature ratio obtained from the velocity diagram. cedure can best be illustrated ple. Suppose the following specified rotor design values represent typical
FIGURE 201.-Deduced
variation of average rotor reference incidence angle minus low-speed two-dimensional-cascaderule reference incidence angle with relative inlet Mach number.
' p
O tQ N I
0 a00
-2 .3
. 4
1 . 0
1 . 2
FIGURE 202.-Deduced variation of average rotor deviation angle minus low-speed two-dimensional-cascade-rule deviation angle at compressor reference incidence angle with relative inlet Mach number.
1 3
F x
0 I
W 1
m a ,
e c
D i f f u s i o n factor, D
FIGURE 203.-Deduced
(a) Rotor. (b) Stator. variation of total-pressure-loss parameter with diffusion factor at reference incidence angle for NACA 65-(Alo) -series and double-circular-afcblades.
(2) From the values of &, U , and t/c and figures 186 to 188 and 193 to 197,
n=-0.22 b=0.714
T"= 1.091 Tl
(S~)lO=l.6' m=0.305
(~ )~-~=0.095 dP
u= 1.o
assumed values
The problem is to find the camber, incidence, and deviation angles and the total-pressure-loss coefficient for a double-circular-arc airfoil section that w i l l establish the velocity-diagram values.
(3) When the values of steps (1) and (2) are substituted in equation (288), the value of blade camber p=8.4'. (4) From equations (286) and (287), &=4.5 and 6 ; = 2 . 0 . (5) For calculation of the total-pressure-loss coefficient, the diffusion factor (0.35) and figure
coefficient ,
ient and inlet Mach number.
9 0
c c
FXGUIZE 205.-Variation
of relative total-pressure ratio with absolute total-temperature ratio and efficiency for rotor
a ,
a ,
0 .c
FIGURE 206.-Variation
of ratio of stage to rotor efficiencywith rotor absolute total-pressure ratio aa function of stator recovery factor.
203(a) yield a value of 0.025 for the loss parameter (2 cos /3:)!2,7, and
/3; =/3;
Theref ore,
0'025x 2=o.072 0.6947
2u )-=
(6) For a negligible change in radius across the blade element, the following values can be found from figures 204 and 205:
The preceding example has been carried out for a typical transonic rotor blade section. A similar procedure can be used for stator blade sections when adequate blade-element data become available.
The foregoing procedures and data apply only to the reference point (i.e., the point of minimum loss) on the general loss-against-incidence-angle variation for a given blade element. The reference minimum-loss incidence angle, which was established primarily for purposes of analysis, is not necessarily to be considered as a recommended design point for compressor application. The selection of the best incidence angle for a particular blade element in a multistage-compressor design is a function of many considerations, such as the location of the blade row, the design Mach number, and the type and application of the design. However, at transonic inlet Mach number levels,' the point of minimum loss may very well constitute a desired design setting.
At any rate, the establishment of flow angles and blade geometry at the reference incidence angle can serve as an anchor point for the determination of conditions at other incidence-angle settings. For deviation-angle and loss variations over the complete range of incidence angles, reference can be made to available cascade data. Such low-speed cascade data exist for the NACA 65-(Al,)-series blades (ref. 54). It is recognized that many qualifications and limitations exist in the use of the foregoing design procedure and correlation data. For best results, the application of the deduced variations should be restricted to the range of blade geometries (camber, solidity, etc.) and flow conditions (inlet Mach number, Reynolds number, axial velocity ratio, etc.) considered in the analysis. In some cases for compressor designs with very low turning angle, the calculated camber angle may be negative. For these cases it is recommended that a zero-camber blade section be chosen and the incidence angle selected to satisfy the turning-angle requirements. The data used in the analysis were obtained for the most part from typical experimental inlet stages with essentially uniform inlet flow. Nevertheless, such data have been used successfully in the design of the latter stages of multistage compressors. It should also be remembered that the single curves appearing in the deduced variations represent essentially average or representative values of the experimental data spread. Also, in some cases, particularly for the stator, the available data are too limited to establish reliable correlations. Considerable work must yet be done to place the design curves on a firmer and wider basis. The design procedures established and trends of variation determined from the data, however, should prove useful in compressor bladeelement design.
By definition, for a complete atage consisting of inlet guide vanes, rotor, and stator, the adiabatic temperature-rise efficiency of the flow along a stream surface is given by
i n From the developments of reference 7 (eq. (B8) the reference), the absolute total-prasure ratio can be related to the across a blade row P2/P1 relative total-pressure ratio across the blade row PL/P; according to the relation
From equation (B3) of reference 9, the loss coefficient of the rotating blade row (based on inlet dynamic pressure) is given by
where (PL/P;)M is the ideal (no loss) relative totalpressure ratio. The relative total-pressure ratio is also referred to as the blade-row recovery factor. For stationary blade rows &e., inlet guide vanes and stators), (Pi/P;)a is equal to 1.0. For rotors, the ideal relative total-pressure ratio (eq. (B4) of ref. 9) is given by
in which MT is equal to the ratio of the outlet element wheel speed to the inlet relative stagnation , ~ ) rl/r2 , is the ratio velocity of sound ( ~ r ~ / a :and of inlet to outlet radius of the streamline across the blade element. (For a flow at constant radius (cylindrical flow), (PL/P;)ta is equal to 1.0.) Thus,from equations (Al) and (B),
The relations presented in equations (A4), (A5), and (A6) indicate that four quantities are required for the determination of the bladeelement efficiency across the rotor or stage: the rotor absolute total-temperature ratio, the relative total-pressure-loss coefficient (based on inlet dynamic pressure), the relative inlet Mach number, and the ideal relative total-pressure ratio. Thus, the blade-element efficiencies for a given stage velocity diagram can be calculated if the loss coefficients of the blade elements in the various blade rows can be estimated. For simplicity in the efficiency-estimation procedure, effects of changes in radius across the blade row can be assumed small @e., rl=rz), so that the ideal relative pressure ratio i s equal to
total-pressure ratio as
. W 1
For purposes of rapid calculation and preliminary estimates, the efficiency relations are expressed in chart form in figures 204 to 206. The relation among relative recovery factor, blade-element loss coefficient, and inlet Mach number (ea. (A9)) is presented in figure 24. A chart for determining rotor blade-element efficiency from relative recovery factor and absolute total-temperature ratio (eq. (A8)) is given in figure 205. Lines of constant rotor absolute total-pressure ratio are also included in the figure. Figure 206 presents the ratio of stage efficiency to rotor efficiency for various stator or guide-vane recovery factors. The ratio of stage efEciency to rotor efficiency is obtained from equation (Al) in terms of rotor absolute
The charts are used as follows: For known or estimated values of rotor total-pressure-loss coefficient Z ' and relative inlet Mach number Mi of the element, the corresponding value of relative recovery factor PL/Pi is determined from figure 204. From the value of rotorelement absolute total-temperature ratio TJT, (obtained from calculations of the design velocity diagram) and the value of (Pi/Pi) obtained from figure 204, the rotor-element efficiency is determined from figure 205. Rotor absolute totalpressure ratio can also be determined from the dashed lines in figure 205. I f inlet guide vanes and stators are present, the respective recovery factors of each blade row are first obtained from figure 204. The product of the two recovery factors is then calculated and used in conjunction with the rotor absolute total-pressure ratio in figure 206 to determine the ratio of stage efficiency to rotor efficiency. A simple multiplication then yields the magnitude of the stage efficiency along the element stream surface. The charts can also be used to determine gross or mass-averaged efficiencies through the use of over-all loss terms. Furthermore, the charts can be used for the rapid determination of relative total-pressure-loss coefficient from known values of efficiency, pressure ratio, and inlet Mach number on an element or gross basis.