SPM Biology 2007 k2
SPM Biology 2007 k2
SPM Biology 2007 k2
!.n to(v)thethreeco*ect
t#t1'o"'f"tft'" n"ffiu inrable1.
??d" bggl tiga fungsi organ X ying b-etul,d.alampitak-petak yang d,isediakan
dalam Jadual t.
[3 tnark]
[3 rnarkahl
[2 marks]
12 markahf
k) Jlre following information shows
:o-ol" of the organ systems found in the human body.
Maklurnat berikut menuniukkan beberapo orgoi yang terd,apatd.atam badan manusia.
fick (rz) the two systems which contain org€rnX, in the boxes provided below.
Tandn (/) basi d'uasistemyang mengand.uogiorgonX"d.alampeiak-petakyang
di bawah.
n Excretory system/Slstemperku,muhan
[2 marksf
Erector muscle I Otot regang:
[3 markahl
Diagram 2.1 and Diagram 2.2 show two different types of movement of substances across
the plasma membrane.
Rajah 2.I d.an Raiah 2.2 rnenunjukkan dua jenis peigerakan yang berbeza bagi bahan
m,erentasi membran plasnt a.
lc Bahan -----\
uo !
Diagram 2.1
Rajoh 2.1
Bahon ----- o
?".r""1 "tf": I'1"" @'
@o 0a
o Outside the cell
'Luar sel
DTagrarn 2.2
Rojah 2.2
(a) In Diagram 2.1, label the following structures:
Pada Rajah 2.1, Iabel struktur-struktur berikut:
Phospholipid bilayer, with letter J
Dwilapisan fosfolipid.,dengan huruf J
Carrier protein, with letter K
Protein pernbawa, d,enganhuruf K
[2 rnarks]
12 markahl
(b) state two characteristics of the phospholipid
Nyatakan dua ciri dwilapisan fisfotipid. '
[2 rnarksl
[2 rnarkah]
(c) the process of the movement of substances across the pldsma
I"9. membrane as shown
in Diagram 2.1and Diagram 2.2.
Namakan prosespergerakan bahan merentasi membran plasma
yang d,itunjukkan pada
Rajah 2.I dan Rajah 2.2.
Process in Diagra m 2.L I prosespad,a Rajah 2.I
[2 marksl
12 rnarkahl
(d) (t Glucosemoleculesare transpo"tq airos: the plasma membrane
into the cell through
the proces"_"!oytt in Diagram 2.L. Explain *fry
Molekul-molekul glukosa ilianghut ke iet merentasi membian plasma
ydng ditunjukkan pad,a Rbjoh 2.L. Terangh:a,n melalui proses
(iil If the substances in Diagr am 2.2 are
calcium ions, describe ho* they are transported
into the cell.
Jiha bohan pada Raiah 2.2 ad'alah ion-ion halsiurn,
huraikan bagaimana ion-ion
kalsium tersebut diangkut ke d,a,Iamsel.
[4, marksl
14 rnarkahj
Diagram 3.1 shows three stages of mitosis, R Q and R, in an animal cell'
Rajih 3.L menunjukkan tiga peringkat mitosis, E Q dan R, dnlarn sel haiwan.
r' ((,D
Diagran 3.1
Raiah 3.L
[3 rnarks]
[3 markah]
[2 marks]
12 ma,rkahJ
(d) Explain the importance of mitosis in the process
of cloning orchid plants.
Terangkan kepentingan rnitosis d.aram pr6r", pengklonan
lokok oriia.
[3 rnarhs]
[3 markah]
(e) Di4gram3.2 shows a cell at stage P. In the next stage, it is found that chromosomeM
rs not separated.
Rajah 3'2 rnbnunjukkan suatu sel pad,aperinghat P. Pad,aperinghat seterusnya,
kromosomM tidak berpisah.
Chromosome M
Diagrarn 3.2
Rajah 3.2
the diagrams for the two daughter cells which will be formed in
II the space provided
Lenghapkan raiah kedua-d'ua sel anak yang akan terbentuk pad,a
ruang yang d.ised.iaitznndi
[2 marlnhl
Diagram 4.1 shows a nucleotide from a DNA molecule.
Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan satu nukleotida daripada satu molekul DNA.
Pentose sugar
GuIa Pentosa
Diagram 4.1
Rajah 4.1
a: 12 marksl
12 markahl
Diagram 4.2
Rojah 4.2
[3 marks]
13 markahl
(c) In Diagram 4'3, A, B, c, d dan
E- represent the
-- genes found on a chromosome. After a
certain treatment, gene A is found missing. '
Pada Raiah 4'3, A, B, c, d d,an E rnewg'kit7gen-gen
yang terd.apat pad.a suatu kromosom.
Selepas suatu rawatan tertentu, gen'A didapati
Diagram 4.8
Rajah 4.8
(t {"*" the process that has taken place on the chromosome.
Narnakanprosesyang terahberraiu pada,n o*ito* -
IL mark]
IL markahl
(ii) Name one factor that causesthe process
in a(cXi).
Narnakan satrafahtor yang menyebabkoopror"i'd.i
lL markl
lL markahl
(d) Diagram 4.4 shows the karyotype
of an individual.
Rajah 4.4 rnenunjuhhan nalioiii seordng ind.iuid,u.
nffiu illl
llilffiililrf ffi
6 7 8 9 1 0 ri:.:
f t il00
13 14 15
lI16 ilf rr
77 18
It19 rI
Diagram 4.4
Rajah 4.4
(r) Determine the sex of the individual.
Terutukaniantina indiuidu itu.
f7 mark)
IL markah]
Disease I Penyakit:
Reason I Sebab:
[2 marks]
12 markahl
(e) Diagram 4.5 shows the cross breeding between two mice.
Rajih 4.5 meinuniukkan kacuk silang antara dua eko,r tikus.
Diagram 4.5
Raioh 4.5
Explain why atl of the o{fripring have black fur.
Tbrangkan tnengcrpasenl,uaanak tikus itu berbulu hitam.
[2 marks]
[2 marhah]
5 Diagram 5'1 showsthe human vertebral column. Diagram b.2
showsthe two types of vertebrae,
R and T in the human vertebral column.
Raiah 5'1 menunjukkan turus uertebramaruusia.Raiah 8.2
menunjukkand,uajenis uertebra
R dan T, dalam turus uertebra manusia.
q. l
Diagram 5.1 Diagrarn 5.2
Rojah 5.L Rajah 5.2
(a) Name the vertebrae.
Narnakan uertebra-uertebra itu.
ft) Draw arrows (-*----) to match R_and T to any one correct vertebra in Diagram b.1.
Lukis anak pa-nah (-----) untuk memad,ankanR 6an T n"ora" ioio-ior*
uertebrayang betul pada Raiah 5'L' ,otu
[2 marksf
[2 markahl
to the mechanism of
(c) Explain one feature of thoracic vertebrae which is related
respiration , ,
mekan['srne resplrasl'
Teiangkan satu ciri uertebra toraks yatug berkaitan dengan
l3 marksl
l3 markah)
12 marksl
[2 markahl
bone in
(i) State the condition of the bone in Diagram 5'4 as compared to the
Diagram 5.3.
Nyatatan keadaan tulang dalam Rajah 5.4 berbanding tulang pada Rajah
ll markl
IL markah]
(ir) An individual suffering from osteoporosis
is advised to drink plenty of milk. Explain
Indiuidu yang menghidap osteoporosi'sd,inasihatkan
meminum banyak susu. Terangkan
[2 marks]
[2 markah]
Seetion B
Bahagian B
[40 marks]
[40 rnarkah]
_ Answer any two questions from this section.
Jawab nlana-nlano dua soaran d.aripad.a bahagian
Diagram 6'1 shows tissue P and cell
Q. P is found in a multicellular organism. ..J
Q is found in a unicellular organism.
Raiah 6'l rnenuniukkan tisu P d'an sel
Q. P terd,apat d,alam organisma multisel. e terd.apat
dalam. organisma unisel.
Tissue P Cell Q
Tlsu P SeI Q
Diagram 6.1
Rajah 6.7
(a) Based on Diagram 6.1, explain the cellular respiration process that occurs in P and in
a. [4 marks]
Berd,asarkan Rajah 6.1, terangha,n.prosesrespirasi sel yang berlaku di P dan di q-
[4 rytarkah]
(b) Diagram 6.2 shows two individuals, M and N, in two different situations. M is in a
vigorous activity while N is at rest.
nijan G.2 rnenunjukkan d,ua indiuidu, M dan N, dalam dua situasi yang berbeza. M
seilang melakukan satu aktiviti cergas manakala N berada dalarn keadaan rehat.
Individu M Individu N
Indiuidu M Indiuidu N
Diagram 6.2
Rajah 6.2
(c) A pond contains a lot of aquatic plants. Diagram 6.3 is a graph which shows the changes
in the percentages of dissolved oxygen and dissolved iarbon dioxide in the pond over a
period of 24 hours.
Sebuah kolam mengand,ungi banyah turnbuhan akuatik. Rajg'h 6.3 ialah graf yang
menunjukkan perubahan peratusan kandungan oksigen terlarut .dan karbon dioksida
terlarut d,alam kolam itu bagi tempoh 24 iam.
Carbon dioxide
Karbon dinksida
Berdasarkan graf,padtaR3'iahp.-3,tgrangkanperb,ezaan
perubahan peratusan kand,ungdn
oksigen terlarut dan karbin d'ioksid,atelhrui
d.alamkoiam itu (tt'
'wov"o t't"'t'ii pperingkat x" peringkat
Y d'an peringkat z.
[L0 markah]
zoneziZ&.2 ----- -
Zone 3lZon B --"-
Zone 4lZon 4
__+ Y
Diagram Z.l -
Rajah 7.L
Pased on Diagram 2.1, explain the meaning of growth.
Berdasarkan Rajah 7.!, tiranghan maksud.pertumbuhan. [4 marks)
[4 markah]
(b) (r) Auxin is a plant hormone which helps in plant growth.
Diagram 7.2 shows the growth of a plant shoot towards light.
Auksin ad.alah hormon tumbuhan yang membantu pertumbuhan tumbuhan.
Rajah 7.2 menunjulzkan pertumbuhan pucuk tumbuhan ke arah cahaya.
Light rays
Sinaran cahaya
Diagran 7.2
Rajah 7.2
Explain the role of auxin'iir the growth of the plant shoot as in Diagtam7.2.
[4 marhs]
Terangkan perancrn auksin dalam pertumbuhan pucuk tumbuhan seperti pada
Rajah 7.2. 14 markahl
(c) (t State three differences between primary growth and secondary growth. l3 m'arksl
Nyatahan tiga perbezaan antanrapertumbuhan primer d.an pertumbuhan sekund'er.
[3 markahf
(ii) Explain the benefits to the plants that undergo secondary growth as compared to
those that do not undergo secondary growth'
How does this affect their economic value? 17 marksl
(a) (i) Based on the above organisms, construct:
Berdasarkan organisnxa-orgonisma d,i atas, bina:
- A food web showing the iriteraction of ail organisms
Satu jaringan maleanan yang menunjukkanl,ileraksi semua organisma
- A pyramid of numbers consisting of four trophic levers
satu piramid nombor yang mengand,ungi empat aras trof
[4 marks)
[4 markah)
(ii) Grasshoppers and caterpillars are pests for paddy plants.
How can the population of grasshopp"", urrd caterpillars be
Explain the impact of the control methods on the paddy
field community.
[6 marks]
Belalang d'an beluncas nxerupakan perosak bagi pokok pad.i.
Bagaimanakah populasi belalang d,an beluncis iapat d.ihaw:al?
Terangha^, impak kaedah pengawalan itu ke atas komuniti
sawah pad.i.
[6 markah]
(b) A paddy field area is developed into an industrial
area as shown in Diagram g.
Kawasan sawahpadi dibangunkan menjad,ikawasanperind,ustrian
sepertiyang d.itunjukkan
pada Rajah B.
Diagram 8
Rajah I
Discuss the good and the bad social, economic and environmental
effects of this
Bincangkan kesan baik dan kesan buruk sosial. ekonomi ILO marksl
dan persekitaran akibat
pembangunan ini.
[L0 markah]
I (a) Diagram 9.1 shows the process of colonisation and successionin a habitat.
Rajah 9.I menunjuhkan prosespengkolonian dan penyesaran dalam suatu h'abitat.
Diagrarn 9.1
Raiah 9.1
Diagram 9.2
Rajah 9.2
Based on Diagra m 9.2, discuss why the ecosystem has to be maintained. [10 marks]
Berdasarkan Rajah 9.2, bincangkan kenapa ekosistern ini perlu dikekalkan.
llD markahl
Paper 2
1- (a) (t Skin
Tbansporting oxygen
Eliminating urea
As a protective layer
I lRespiratorysystem
I Y llntugomentar5rsystem
I Ylp*"""torysystem
(d) Erector muscle: Erector muscles in the skin relax
causing the hair to }ie flat.
Hair follicle: The hair follicle lies flat to increase
the heat loss through conduction and radiation.
Sweat gland: The sweat gland is stimulated to (e)
produce sweat onto the surface ofthe skin where it
evaporates and gives a cooling effect to the body.
2 (a) Nucleolus
Bohon ---_ Daughter cell 1 Daughter cell 2
a q
'u ' e\ lOutside the
Luarsel 4 (a) P: Phosphate
, I
Q : Nitrogenous base
Inside the cell
Dalam sel
3 (a) P : Metaphase
Q: Prophase
R : Anaphase
(b) 1. The chromosomesbecomeshorter and thicker.
2. Each chromosome consiets of two sister
chromatids joined together at the centromers.
3. Spindle fibres begin to form between the
(c) Stage P: The chromosomes are arranged randomly
at the cell e{uator called metaphaseplate.
Stage R: The two sister chromatids of each
chromosomes are pulled apart to the opposite
(d) The use of tissue culture technique where plant
tissue are cut into small pieces ealled explants.
Explants are transferred into a test tube
containing a culture medium. Ttre explants divide
through mitosis and develop new shoots. The roots
will then develop through mitosis producing young (c) The twelve thoracic vertebrae articulate with the
twelve pairs of ribs. Movement of the rib cage €rre
brought about by intercostal muscles between the
(d) Between the vertebrae are intervertebral discs temperature is low. Hence, the percentage of
which permit various movements of the vertebral dissolved oxygen is low, while the percentage
column and absorb vertical shock. ofcarbon dioxide is high.
(e) (t The bone is thinner, more brittle and more
porous. 7 (a) Growth is an ineversible process which
(it Milk contain calcium, phosphorus and involves a permanent increase in the number
vitamin D which are needed for the formation of cells, size and volume of cells and cells
ofbones. becomespecialised.
Zones 1 and 2 show the number of cells is
Section B increasing.
6 (a) Aerobic respiration occurs in P because oxygen 7,ote 3 shows the size of volume of cells is
is present in this respiration and produce carbon increasing.
dioxide, water and energy. Zone 4 shows the cells become specialised.
(b) (t Auxins show positive phototropism in
Anaerobic respiration occurs in Q because oxygen plant shoots.
is absent in this respiration and produce carbon When a plant is exposedto light from one
dioxide, ethanol and energY. direction, auxins build up on the side in
(b) f,heshade.
This causes the cells on the shade region
IndividualM IndividualN
elongate or lengthen more and faster
R The muscles require The breathing rate at than the cells on the brighter side.
more oxygen and glucose rest is normally 18 to 20 As a result, the shoot bending towards
to release energy, thus breaths per minute, the the light.
the breathing rate lungs enlarge and expand (ii) Stimulate the growth of adventitious
increases and the lungs during inhalation and roots from the stem.
enlarge and expand with return to its original dome Parthenocarpy - induce the development
more oxygen with each shape during exhalation of fruit without fertilisation to produce
breath. regularly. seedlessfruits.
(c) (t Primary growth is the growth of herbaceous
S The heart beats fastet The heartbeat rate is plants that occuresafter germination.
so that oxygen can be normal, between 60 to 70 Secondary growth is the growth of woody
brought to the muscles beats per minute. perennial plants like forest trees that occurs
at a frster rate. In onden after primary growth is completed.
to beat faeter, the heart
muscle also requires During primary growth, a plant undergoes
more oxygen, hence tlrere cell .division, cell elongation and cell
is an increase in the differentiation.
amount of blood flow to During secondary growth, a plant undergoes
it. growth in the diameters of the stems, roots
and trunks.
T Blood flow to the kidney Blood flow to the kidney is
is reduced becausemore higher becausemore water Primary growth begins when meristematic
water is lost through is lost through urine. cells .at the apical meristems undergo rapid
sweat. Therefore, less Therefore, mbre water is cell division.
water is brought to the brought to the kidneys by Secondary growth begir-rs when lateral
kidneys by the blood for the blood for excretion. meristems. of both the stem and the root
excretion. undergo rapid cell division.
(ii) - The plants that undergo secondary
The green aquatic plants use carbon dioxide growth have long lifespans compared
to undergo photosynthesis, while oxygen . to those that do not undergo secondary
gasesare released. growth.'
At stage X, morning, the rate ofphotosynthesis Secondary growth produces seconda4i
is low because the light intensity and the xylem called wood. This woody parts
temperature is low. Hence, the percentage of that are stiong and hard makes the
dissolved oxygen is low, while the percentage plants suitable as beams for buildings
of carbon dioxide is high. At one point, the and various wodden fixtures such as
rate of photosynthesis is equal to respiration' furniture.
At stageX midday, the rate ofphotosynthesis Secondary' Crowth Produces more
is high because the light intensity and the secondary phloem and secondary rylem
temperature is high. Hence, the percentage of which form the metlullary rays which is
dissolved oxygen is high, while the percentage . an attractive feature in furniture like
ofcarbon dioxide is low. dining tables and decorative items.
At stage Z, in t};re evening, the rate of Some plants that undergo secondary
photosynthesis is lower than respiration gowth such.as merawan has a tough
because the light intensity and the bark, produce useful resin and oils.
(a) (r) Caterpillar--_ Bad economic effects:
Demand for food and shelter increase, therefore
\ prices of food increase.
Paddy Grasshopper-->Fiog ----> Owl.
Rat -----+
r/ Bad environmental effects:
1. Sulphur dioxide from this factories combines
sf,^u./ with rainwater to form acid rain.
2. Oxides of nitrogen released by the factories
Afood web dissolved in rainwater to form acid rain.
Oxides ofnitrogen can causebronchitis.
Snake 3. Carbon monoxide released by the factories
combines with hemoglobin and affects the
Frog transportation of orygen to body cells. This
Grasshopper, causesfatigue and headaches.
caterpillar, rat 4. Increase of domestic waste as well as sewage
discharge from houses cause water pollution.
Paddy plant
(b) Diagram 9.2 showsan ecosystemofrainforest.
_ An ecosystem is a community of living
organisms such as plant, monkey, deer, snail,
butterfly interacting with one another ancl
with the non-living environment such as
water and temperature.
In this ecosystem, the green plants act as
producers which directly produee food for deer
and the fruits for monkey as well.
This ecosystem provides the plants and the
animals with the basic resources of life such
as shelter, Iiving space,nesting and breeding
sites. For example, a single tree can be a
habitat for birds and monkeys.
Rainforest provide biodensity.
Green plants undergo photosynthesis which
water, light and carbon dioxide gases are
needed. During respiration process, animal
releases carbon dioxide gases which is used
for photosynthesisprocessby plants.
Plants in tropical rainforest provide raw
materials for mediciine such as treatment of
At the same time, photosynthesis process
produces oxygen gases which is used by
animal during respiration process.
This ecosystem has to be maintained to
ensure the snail has space/habitat to live.
Otherwise the snail will loss their habitat
causing extinction of snail population.
This ecosystem provide habitat for butterfly
to ensure the population of butterfly
Timber, rubber and organic oils play
important role in the country's economies.
Nitrogen cycle, pollination and regulation of
atmosphere temperature are provided due to
the diversity in plants and animals.
s?o Clalogg rrd fi2, €*-rjT...{
-;;ill r r:1ii1r
[60 marks]
Answer all questions in this section.
Jawab sernua soalan dalam bahagian ini.
Sweat gland
Kelenjar peluh
Diagram 1
Rajah L
(a) (r) Name organ X.
Namakan organ X.
[l marh]
fl markah]
(ii) Table 1 shows the function of several organs in the human body.
Jadual L menunjukkan fungsi beberapa organ dalam badan rnanusia.
Thansporting oxygen
Mengangkut oksigen
Regulating body temperature
Mengawal suhu badan
Eliminating urea
Menyinghirkan urea
Converting excess glucose to glycogen
Menukar glukosa berlebihan kepada glikogen
As a protective layer
Sebagai lapisan pelindung
Table 1
Jad.uol I :