Fault Localization Via Risk Modeling
Fault Localization Via Risk Modeling
Fault Localization Via Risk Modeling
PERATIONAL backbone networks are intrinsically ex-
posed to a wide variety of faults and impairments. The
networks are large, geographically distributed, and con-
stantly evolving with complex hardware and software
artifacts. A typical tier-1 backbone network consists of over
a thousand routers from different vendors, with disparate
feature sets, acting in various roles in the network
architecture, supported by access and core optical transport
networks involving more than two orders of magnitude
more network elements. Backbone networks are layered in
an attempt to help contain complexity within simple well-
defined abstractions; in practice, however, layering often
gives rise to additional, complex failure modes involving
interactions between the different layers.
A large fraction of any tier-1 providers time is spent
coping with operational failures. The essential problem of
fault management is to detect, localize, mitigate, and
ultimately correct any condition that degrades network
performance. To assist in fault management, many network
elements (such as routers) are designed to continuously
monitor certain behaviors (e.g., link connectivity) and raise
an alarm in the event of failure. In some cases, the network
element can even perform automatic recovery actions such
as rerouting packets through other functional paths. In
other cases, the alerts are transmitted to semiautomatic fault
management systems [16], which assist a human operator in
troubleshooting the failure. The challenge in diagnosing
many problems is that alarms indicate only that a network
element observed a deviation from normal behavior (e.g.,
link failure or probe packet loss); the actual fault could lie
anywhere in the network (e.g., at a downstream router or an
optical amplifier). In other words, the element that issues an
alert is not necessarily the cause of the failure. Moreover,
faults in lower layers are frequently first reported by
monitoring systems at a higher layer. Hence, cross-layer
associations are critical for accurate localization.
In this paper, we consider the effectiveness of an
automated fault localization framework based on risk
modeling to identify possible network failure locations given
a set of potentially related alarms. At a high level, risk
modeling involves mapping the dependency relationships
between observable events and potential causes. For
example, a single fiber cut can simultaneously affect
multiple IP links that are carried over the fiber; therefore,
the fiber represents a shared risk for all the IP links that
traverse it.
While we believe that the risk modeling framework itself
may be generally applicable in other scenarios, the con-
struction of a complete and accurate risk model is often
extremely challenging, and in some cases may not even be
possible. Thus, we study the performance of risk modeling
in the context of a restricted class of faults for which we can
indeed construct practical risk models. In particular, we
apply risk modeling to two distinct problemsLINK and
PATH FAULT localizationthat have been observed, in
practice, in ISP backbone networks. In each instance, we
collect failure signatures from a fault detection system
deployed in a tier-1 ISP and construct a topology-dependent
risk model. The signatures and risk models are then input
to a localization algorithm that outputs a hypothesis
corresponding to a set of likely faults in the network.
LINK FAULT. In the first scenario, we study that an
IP network is constructed with point-to-point links (optical
circuits) between different routers on top of an underlying
. R.R. Kompella is with the Department of Computer Science, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. E-mail: kompella@cs.purdue.edu.
. J. Yates is with AT&T LabsResearch, Florham Park, NJ 07932.
E-mail: jyates@research.att.com.
. A. Greenberg is with Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA 98052.
E-mail: albert@microsoft.com.
. A.C. Snoeren is with the Department of Computer Science, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093. E-mail: snoeren@cs.ucsd.edu.
Manuscript received 7 Nov. 2007; accepted 19 Mar. 2009; published online
14 Aug. 2009.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:
tdsc@computer.org, and reference IEEECS Log Number TDSC-2007-11-0164.
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TDSC.2009.37.
1545-5971/10/$26.00 2010 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society
optical topology. Monitoring alarms associated with optical
circuit failures are typically generated on an individual
basisfor example, a router failure will appear as a failure
of all links terminating at that router. Best current practice
requires a manual correlation of the individual link failure
notifications to determine that they are all because of a
common network element (e.g., router). In more compli-
cated failure scenarios, however, it is substantially more
challenging to group individual alarms into common
groups, and often difficult to even identify in which layer
the fault occurred (e.g., in the transport network inter-
connecting routers, or in the routers themselves).
PATH FAULT. In the second scenario, we consider an
MPLS network, where MPLS labels are established between
two edge routers along the shortest path identified by the
underlying interior gateway protocol (IGP) such as OSPF or
IS-IS. Such an architecture is currently used by many tier-1
ISP networks. One commonly observed failure scenario
occurs when OSPF reroutes due to a change in IGP link
weight, but MPLS does not update its label-switched paths
accordingly. Therefore, all the packets belonging to that
particular MPLS tunnel attempt to traverse the old path
only to be dropped within the network. Another common
reason for such black holes involves configuration or
operator error [9]. For example, a human may forget to
enable MPLS on a newly added interface causing MPLS-
switched packets to be dropped at that interface.
In each scenario, we evaluate the efficacy of a greedy
localization heuristic using real failure data and risk models
constructed from monitoring systems deployed on a tier-1
backbone network. Our results show that a simple risk
modeling approach can deliver useful results even with
imperfect dependency models and inaccurate failure data.
While researchers have previously proposed sophisticated
localization algorithms based on Bayesian inference [31]
and belief propagation [34], we demonstrate that greedy
heuristics are both reasonably accurate (over 80 percent in
our evaluation) and robust to the noise and errors found in
real alarm and dependency data. The system described here
is now in operational use at a tier-1 provider.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: We
introduce the risk modeling approach, localization algo-
rithms, and system architecture in Sections 2, 3, and 4,
respectively. We then present simulation results and experi-
ence with real data for both the systems in Section 5. We
present a brief discussion on insights that we have learned
through our experience in Section 6. Finally, we present
related work in Section 7 before concluding in Section 8.
The key idea for localization of the two failure scenarios
mentioned earlier is shared risk analysis. Roughly speaking,
a physical object such as a fiber or an optical amplifier
represents a shared risk for a group of logical entities at an
upper layer such as the IP layer. That is, if the optical device
fails or degrades, all of the IP components that rely upon that
object fail or degrade. Similarly, a link between two routers
can form a shared risk for multiple MPLS tunnels (or end-to-
end paths) that pass through that link. In the literature, such
associations are referred to as Shared Risk Link Groups or
SRLGs [6]. This concept is well understood in the context of
network planning where backup paths are chosen such that
they do not have any SRLGs in common with the primary
path, and sufficient capacity is planned to survive SRLG
failures. The application of risk group models to real-time
and offline fault analysis, however, has yet to be explored.
In typical failure scenarios, network operators often
require an accurate cross-layer view of the network to
localize the root cause. Thus, in many ISPs, fault localization
is performed at a centralized location where the required
cross-layer associations are easily constructed. Of course, the
fault notifications themselves are generated by the various
devices and components distributed throughout the net-
work. Within the centralized location, however, several
(possibly independent) fault localization systems, each of
which is customized to a specific category of faults, often
exist. The specialized nature of these tools is due primarily to
the existence of a wide variety of faults both within as well as
across layers, thus making it difficult to create one integrated
platform for all types of faults. For example, in LINK and
PATH FAULTS, the root causes are optical component and IP
interface failures, respectively; creating a unified hetero-
geneous system would not only be difficult but, in fact,
unnecessary. In this paper, therefore, we consider the two
problemsLINK and PATH FAULTSin isolation, despite
applying the same risk modeling framework.
Shared risks in LINK FAULT. We construct a model of
risks that represent the set of IP links that are likely to be
affectedby the failure of eachcomponent withinthe network.
The basic IP network topology can be represented as a set of
nodes interconnected via links. Interdomain and intrado-
main routing protocols such as OSPF and BGP operate with a
basic abstraction of a point-to-point link between two
routers. These IP links, in turn, are overlaid on top of an
underlying optical network. Despite appearing logically
disparate, multiple IP links can share components in the
optical network, thus leading to shared risks in the network.
In many tier-1 backbone networks, each interoffice IP
link is carried on an optical circuit (typically using SONET).
This optical circuit, in turn, consists of a series of one or
more fibers, optical amplifiers, SONET rings, intelligent
optical mesh networks, and/or Dense Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (DWDM) systems [27]. These systems consist
of network elements that provide optical to electrical to
optical (O-E-O) conversion and, in the case of SONET rings
or mesh optical networks, protection/restoration to recover
from optical layer failures. Multiple optical fibers are then
carried in a single conduit, commonly known as a fiber
span. Typically, each optical component may carry multiple
IP linksthe failure of a single physical component results
in the failure of all of these IP links. Therefore, physical
elements such as fibers, fiber spans, and optical components
constitute shared risks. In addition to the optical compo-
nents, our SRLG model also includes routers (a shared risk
for the set of links originating at the router), modules
(common to the set of links connected to a particular
module within a router), and ports (relied upon by the
interfaces themselves). We also extend beyond physical
components and include logical software entities such as
OSPF area, router software version, etc., in the list of SRLGs.
We illustrate this concept in Fig. 1a with a simple network
consisting of five nodes connected via seven logical IP links
(circuits CKT 1-7 shown in upper half of Fig. 1a). These
IP links are routed over shared optical layer components
shown in the bottom half of Fig. 1a. These shared risks in the
optical layer are denoted as FIBER SPAN 1-6, DWDM 1
and 2. CKT3 and CKT5 are both routed over FIBER SPAN 4,
and thus, would both fail with the failure of FIBER SPAN 4.
Similarly, DWDM 1 is shared between CKT 1, 3, 4, and 5,
while CKT 6 and CKT 7 share DWDM 2.
Shared risks in PATH FAULT. In this problem, MPLS
tunnels share individual IP links, and hence, form the
shared risks. Each individual link failure or degradation can
simultaneously affect all the MPLS tunnels that ride
through that particular link. In fact, extending it a bit
further, if there are multiple VPNs that ride through a given
MPLS tunnel that rides through a failed link, all these VPNs
are affected by a failure on that link. However, for the
purposes of this paper, we focus on the failure of MPLS
tunnels, while noting that we can extend this arbitrarily into
higher layers if need be.
For example, in Fig. 1b, edge nodes A-E are connected
via intermediate nodes F-H. Clearly, from the figure, we can
observe that the set of paths A-F-G-B, A-F-G-C, E-F-G-C,
and E-F-G-B (and the corresponding reverse paths) share a
common linkthe link from F to G. Hence, this link F-G
forms a shared risk for this group of paths. Note that we do
not include all the optical components and other SRLGs we
model for LINK FAULT in this context as MPLS failures do
not involve optical components.
The previous section describes two instances where a given
shared risk failure affects all the entities that are dependent
upon it. Here, we use these risk models to develop a fault
localization methodology that can aid network operators in
troubleshooting failures in an automated fashion. Our
approach has three main componentsfailure detection
and risk modeling, the core localization algorithm, and a set
of refinements to handle domain-specific imperfections.
Failures detected at a higher layer (such as failed IP links
or MPLS tunnels) are fed into a localization engine that
spatially correlates these failures according to the risk
model (based on the underlying topology) to identify a
small set of likely locations of the failure. This localization
step is the primary reconnaissance to a finaland often
(necessarily) manualstep of actually diagnosing the root
cause of the failure and fixing the problem.
3.1 Failure Detection and Risk Modeling
One of the two main inputs to a localization engine is the
failure signature. The failure signature consists of a set of
symptoms observed due to a given failure. The symptoms
themselves are typically detected through explicit monitor-
ing (either through probes or lower layer alarms). For
example, in order to check IP link integrity, each router in
the network injects periodic HELLO messages to the
router at the other end, which then acknowledges the
receipt of the message [22]. We consider the set of IP link
failures that are temporally correlated (occur almost
simultaneously) to constitute the failure signature in this
scenario. Similarly, in monitoring MPLS tunnels for black
holes, a monitoring server typically establishes connections
(using, say, GRE tunnels [12]) with each edge router and
injects periodic probes to every other edge router in the
network and reports if any of the probes are lost. Therefore,
the set of origin/destination pairs (OD-pairs) that have lost
connectivity (based on dropped probes) constitutes the
failure signature in this scenario.
The other input required for fault localization is the risk
model. We use a bipartite graph to represent the depen-
dency between possible observable symptoms and corre-
sponding likely causes, as shown in Fig. 2. An edge exists
between a symptom and a likely cause if that symptom can
be observed given a failure in that root cause. As shown in
Fig. 2, the top partition consists of the universal set of
symptoms in the failure signature, and the bottom partition
consists of the likely causes. We refer to the symptoms that
have been reported by the failure detection system as
observations. In LINK FAULT, the symptoms are IP link
failures and the likely root causes are the SRLGs such as
fiber spans, optical amplifiers, etc., while in PATH FAULT,
observations are failed MPLS tunnels, while the underlying
IP links make up the potential root causes.
3.2 Fault Localization
Once we create these risk models, we then apply spatial
correlation for fault localization. The observations that make
up the failure signature are intersected according to the risk
model to identify common shared risks. These shared risks
form the most likely explanation for the failure signature;
hence, the localization engine outputs this set of shared risks
as the hypothesis. For example, in our LINK FAULT example in
Fig. 1a, if CKT1 and CKT4 both fail simultaneously, it is
Fig. 1. Example of SRLGs for the two example failure scenarios
considered in the paper. (a) IP-optical topology for LINK FAULT.
(b) MPLS topology for PATH FAULT.
Fig. 2. Bipartite graph modeling of the failure localization problem as
done in SCORE system.
highly likely that the failure will be in the optical component
DWDM1 since this is the only shared risk among these
circuits (or IP links). Similarly, in our PATHFAULT example
in Fig. 1b, if the set of paths A-F-G-B, A-F-G-C, E-F-G-C, and
E-F-G-Ball fail in a giventime interval (temporally correlated
failures), spatial correlation leads to the only link that is
common to all these pathsthe link from F to G. The
localization engine would, therefore, return the singleton
set {F-G} as the hypothesis in this failure scenario.
In most situations, however, it is not as straightforward
to localize failure(s) as in the above toy examples. The
localization engine does not have access to an oracle to
determine whether a single failure, dual failure, or multiple
failures occurred in the network; it has to determine the
cardinality of the set of failures based on the failure
signature alone. For any given failure signature, there could
be many different likely explanations. Exploring all the
possibilities is often not feasible. Such enumeration is also
likely to contain many cases that are not typically observed
in practice. We therefore attempt to identify hypotheses that
can explain a given failure signature with the smallest set of
failures. Our approach is in accordance with the principle of
Occams razor that suggests that the simplest explanation is
most likely. In order to find the simplest explanation (the
one that hypothesizes least number of failures), an obvious
strategy is to find the minimum set cover for the bipartite
graph. Each shared risk is associated with a set of
observations according to the risk model. While the general
set-cover problem is NP-hard, the greedy approximation
finds a solution guaranteed to be an Olog i-approxima-
tion to the optimal [18].
We use the core algorithm GREEDY (shown in Algo-
rithm 1) to iteratively pick SRLGs that are the best according
to a metric that we define later; njdotcoi|qotot: computes
this metric for all SRLGs and idciti)yCoididotc: picks the
best SRLGs in the current iteration. It then prunes the set of
observations explained by these candidate SRLGs (in
io.c1.cit:) from the failure signature and repeats the
process until no more observations remain in the failure
signature. In the classic set-cover problem, the metric is the
number of new observations covered by the candidate
SRLG. In other words, in each iteration, GREEDY just picks
those SRLGs that have the largest number of edges in the
bipartite graph among those in the failure signature. For
now, we deliberately abstract the idciti)yCoididotc: and
njdotcoi|qotot: routines since the metric of interest can
change according to the particular problem at hand. In the
next section, we discuss suitable choices for the two
problems we consider.
Algorithm 1. GREEDYFailureSignatureF
1: E fg;
2: U FailureSignatureF;
3: H fg;,,Hypothesis set
4: while U 6 fg do
5: for observationo 2 U do
6: ,,All SRLGs for this observation o
7: srlgVector getAllSRLGso;
8: ,,Update stats of SRLGs in srlgStatVector
9: updateSrlgStatssrlgVector;
10: end for
11: srlgSet identifyCandidates;
12: ,,Move observations covered by SRLGs in srlgSet
13: ,,fromU to E
14: moveEventssrlgSet. E. U;
15: addToHypothesisH. srlgSet;
16: end while
17: return H;
3.3 Managing Imperfections
Inpractice, the effectiveness of the greedyapproachis limited
by noise and incompleteness in the failure signature and
churn in the risk models. We explain how the algorithm can
be adapted to accommodate these imperfections in this
3.3.1 Imperfections in Failure Signature and Risk Model
In most real networks, there is constant churn due to
various types of routing, congestion, maintenance, and
other related events. Due to this noise, there could be
spurious observations in the failure signature that are not
directly related to the particular real failures that we seek to
localize, thus complicating localization. Besides noise,
inherent inefficiencies in the detection system or losses of
failure notifications due to unreliable transport mechanisms
could lead to an incomplete failure signature. The extent of
both these imperfections varies based on the particular
domain. As with the failure signature, there are likely to be
imperfections in the risk model as well. These imperfections
also stem from inherent churn in the network, either due to
out-dated databases or an inability to obtain exact depen-
dencies. Similar to the failure signature, the extent of these
imperfections depends upon the particular failure domain
under consideration. We explore both imperfections in the
context of the two problem domains we consider below.
LINK FAULT suffers from relatively fewer imperfections,
while PATH FAULT has many more sources of noise.
LINK FAULT. The detection mechanism in LINK FAULT
uses both lower layer alarms (such as a loss-of-signal
alarm) and high-frequency, router-to-router probes (such as
OSPF Hello messages) to detect losses in connectivity.
Therefore, detection of IP link-layer faults is typically
complete, in the sense that all IP links that fail due to a
problem in the underlying optical network are detected
with extremely high probability. A few fault messages are
sporadically dropped during transmission, however, lead-
ing to a slightly incomplete failure signature.
The optical topology from which the risk model is
computed is more or less static,
suggesting that the risk
model would be easy to capture. In our experience,
however, the risk models for the large majority of optical
networks are maintained through human-entered databases
that may drift away from reality over time leading to
occasional errors in the database. These errors can affect the
localization results and must therefore be factored into the
localization algorithm.
1. Some optical networks perform lower layer reroutes to mask higher
layer failures, in which case paths need to be dynamically computed. We
ignore this detail for the purposes of this paper.
PATH FAULT. The detection mechanism employed in
PATH FAULT, on the other hand, consists primarily of end-
to-end probes that operate at a much lower frequency. So,
for many reasonable failures, the failure signature is not
complete. Of course, if the failure persists, eventually, all
low-frequency probes that go through the failure are bound
to detect the failure. But this means that we need to wait
for a long time until the failure signature is complete.
Furthermore, because the topology is large (on the order of
a million paths), any failure can affect a significant number
of paths leading to an overwhelming number of observa-
tions and a large failure signature set. In order to operate in
real time, the failure signature must occasionally be down-
sampled. Therefore, in this domain, the failure signature
is expected to be largely incomplete. In addition to the
incomplete failure signature, noise can cause some probes
to be dropped in the network thus adding spurious
observations to the failure signature.
The risk model in PATH FAULT for MPLS paths is
primarily derived from the underlying IP topology. IP
topology is inherently subject to churn due to various
routing changes caused during failures, congestion, and
maintenance activities. Therefore, the risk model needs to
be computed on-the-fly for this scenario from the topology
snapshots during the failure interval. Because the topology
is extremely large, it is often impractical to construct the
entire risk model; the fault localization algorithm needs to
be designed to operate with a partial risk model.
3.3.2 Handling Imperfections through Relaxed Metrics
In order to handle these imperfections, we use two different
metrics to identify the candidate SRLGs in each iteration of
the basic GREEDY algorithm. Let G
correspond to the
ith shared risk in the network and jG
j be the total number
of observations that belong to the SRLG G
. jG
\ 1j is the
number of elements of G
that also belong to 1, the failure
signature. We define hit ratio of the group G
\ 1j,jG
j. In other words, the hit ratio of a group is
the fraction of elements in the group that are part of the
failure signature. The coverage ratio of a group G
is defined
as jG
\ 1j,j1j, i.e., the fraction of the observation ex-
plained by a given risk group.
If we have access to the complete failure signature and
an accurate risk model, we can exploit the fact that every
failed shared risk would have all associated observations in
the failure signature. In other words, the hit ratio for the
failed shared risks should be 1, so an optimal algorithm
would select SRLGs with the highest coverage among those
with a hit ratio of 1. In the LINK FAULT, however, while we
potentially have access to the entire failure signature and
risk model, they are likely to contain a relatively small
number of errors. In order to account for these errors, we
define the SCORE algorithm [19] that considers SRLGs with
a hit ratio greater than a particular error threshold, which is
generally slightly less than 1. We explain later in Section 4.3
how we determine the error threshold in practice. Thus, in
SCORE, the njdotcoi|qotot: routine computes the hit and
coverage ratios, while idciti)yCoididotc: routine picks
the SRLG with the highest coverage ratio among those with
hit ratio greater than the threshold.
On the other hand, if we do not have access to the
entire failure signature or associated risk model, we
cannot compute a meaningful hit ratio for each and every
SRLG in the first place. Therefore, in such situations, the
greedy heuristic picks those SRLGs that have the highest
coverage ratio in every iteration to output the hypothesis.
In the resulting algorithm MAX-COVERAGE, the
idciti)yCoididotc: routine is similar to that of SCORE
algorithm, except the condition on the hit ratio is
eliminated. Since the hit ratio is not required, the
njdotcoi|qotot: routine does not need to compute it as
well. This algorithm, therefore, is applicable to PATH
FAULT, where we can compute the coverage ratios of all
the SRLGs but not the hit ratios.
3.3.3 Additional Refinements
While our relaxed selection metrics allow the localization
algorithm to adapt to various operational realities, our
localization architecture supports further domain-specific
refinements. In particular, the input to as well as the output
from the localization algorithms can be postprocessed in
order to better accommodate the needs of the particular
domain. For instance, we introduced an error threshold
above to deal with the slight possibility of errors in the risk
model for LINK FAULT; the choice of error threshold,
however, is not immediately clear. Another problem is that
the output may still contain several root causes, some of
which exist because the algorithm is trying to explain each
and every symptom that is input to the system. This
situation arises frequently in the PATH FAULT scenario;
hence, we seek to output only the most significant root
causes by effectively denoising the hypothesis. Another
problem specific to the PATH FAULT domain is the need to
consider multiple risk models as the fault can be result of
either the old or new topologies. We describe refinements to
address these issues in Section 4.3.
So far, we have described the three required ingredients for
fault localizationa failure detection system, a risk model,
and the localization algorithm. In this section, we elaborate
on how these components are instantiated to address the
LINK and PATH FAULTS problems.
4.1 Failure Detection
The failure signature upon which spatial correlation is
applied is obtained from various types of network monitor-
ing data sources depending on the particular failure
scenario. In any case, we assume that a monitoring system
continuously generates a raw event stream (as shown on the
left in Fig. 3) with associated time stamps. For link faults, we
use router syslogs generated by the router when it detects a
link to be down. In contrast, path failure notifications are
generated in response to the loss of end-to-end probes that
constantly poll connectivity between various origin-desti-
nation pairs.
Data sources based on discrete asynchronous events, such
as router syslog messages, need to be clustered to identify a
failure signature. Note that a failure can cause symptoms that
appear slightly off in time either due to time synchronization
errors across various elements, or propagation delays in
event recording. There are many different ways to cluster
events. In LINK FAULT, we use a clustering algorithm based
on gaps betweenfailure events. We consider the largest chain
of events that are spaced apart by a set threshold (called a
quiet period) as potentially correlated events. The intuition is
that two events that occur within a time period less than a
given threshold (we use 30 seconds in our system) can be
attributed to the same failure. In contrast, for PATH FAULT,
due to the presence of an excessive number of events
attributable to noise in the network, a clustering scheme such
as above results in clustering all events together into one
cluster. Instead, we divide time into 15-minute bins. The
particular choice of the bin size is somewhat arbitrary and
can be tuned in accordance with the typical duration of a
failure event, required timeliness of diagnosis, and amount
of evidence that needs to be collected.
4.2 Risk Model
In the middle portion of Fig. 3, we show how the risk model
is constructed for the two different failure scenarios. In
LINK FAULT, the risk model is constructed from disparate
databases that ISPs typically maintain for different types of
shared risks. For example, optical layer shared risks such as
the SONET components that particular IP links traverse are
extracted from databases populated from operational
optical element management systems. Other risk groups
such as OSPF area, router modules, etc., are populated by
periodically polling configurations from the various net-
work elements. The underlying databases track the net-
work, and therefore, exhibit churn. We cope with database
churn by regenerating risk groups multiple times during
the course of the day.
For PATH FAULT, we construct the risk model dynami-
cally from IP topology snapshots obtained through an OSPF
monitor [29]. Because a significant number of failures in the
MPLS domain are due to topology changes, we need to
consider the topology snapshots both before and after the
failure depending on the exact nature of the failure. Due to
the dynamic nature of the risk model, we do not construct
the entire topology for every snapshot, but instead obtain
only the paths for the OD-pairs in the failure signature.
Since there could be multiple paths between a given OD-
pair due to equal-cost multipath routing [14], we place the
OD-pair in the risk groups corresponding to all the links that
lie on at least one shortest path between the OD-pair.
4.3 Localization Algorithm
Finally, once the failure signature is obtained and the risk
model is constructed, we can perform fault localization as
shown in the right portion of Fig. 3. We proposed core
algorithms for IP and MPLS fault localization in Section 3.2;
here, we discuss additional steps of processing required on
top of the core algorithms for each of these systems as
discussed in Section 3.3.3.
LINK FAULT. Rather than fixing one particular error
threshold for the system, we query the SCORE algorithm
with multiple error thresholds (reducing from 1.0 to say 0.5)
to obtain many different hypotheses, as shown in Fig. 3. The
hypotheses obtained using different relaxations are then
evaluated based on a cost function that depends on the
error threshold and the size of the hypothesis. We use the
ratio between the size of the hypothesis and the threshold as
the cost; we seek to identify cases where a small relaxation
in the threshold (an error threshold of 0.9, say) can reduce
significantly the number of groups in the final hypothesis.
PATH FAULT. We use the MAX-COVERAGE algorithm
that iteratively selects the links covering the most observa-
tions in the failure signature. As noted before, there are two
issues we need to address. First, there can be potentially
many different topology snapshots within a given failure
interval and the question is which topology to use. To
address this, we first generate multiple hypotheses for a
given failure signature using all the available topology
snapshots in the failure interval, and use a hypothesis selection
algorithm, called UNION, that outputs the union of hypoth-
eses generated with each of the available topology snap-
shots. By considering all possibilities, there is no loss in
accuracy compared to an oracle that knows the ground truth
(and hence, knows the right topology to pick), but precision
is slightly lower.
Second, recall that the localization algorithmadds suspect
links to the hypothesis until the hypothesis completely
explains all the failed probes, including those observations
that arise from inherent noise in the network. To address
this, we use a candidate selection algorithm (called ABSO-
LUTE) that removes candidate links from the hypothesis
that explain fewer than a threshold number of observations,
and thus, focuses only on the main links in the hypothesis.
4.4 Implementation
For both the systems, we implemented the main localization
algorithms in C/C++ and the rest in Perl. We also
implemented a Web-based user interface for both systems.
The IP fault localization system contains slightly more than
1,000 lines of C and about 2,500 lines of Perl code, while the
MPLS fault localization system consists of about 5,000 lines
of C++ and about 2,000 lines of Perl code.
Fig. 3. System flow diagram for IP and MPLS fault localization problems.
In this section, we evaluate the performance of systems we
deployed to address both the LINK and PATH FAULTS
problems in a tier-1 ISP backbone, using simulations as well
as real network failure data. Before describing our results,
we first present our metrics of evaluation.
5.1 Metrics for Comparison
Ideally, we seek to evaluate the effectiveness of our
algorithms by comparing their output to the ground truth
for the failures, i.e., the real root causes. We define two
primary metrics for comparing our hypothesis with the
ground truthaccuracy and precision.
Accuracy is the fraction of elements in ground truth G also
contained in the hypothesis H, or jG\ Hj,jGj. If G is a
proper subset of H, then the accuracy is 1. Any false
negativesi.e., excluding a failed component from the
hypothesiswill result in lower accuracy. This metric alone
cannot capture the efficacy of the localization algorithm,
however. For example, if we design an algorithmthat always
outputs l, where l is the universal set of elements, then
G l, by definition, thus always leading to an accuracy of
1. Such an algorithm obviously is not very useful, in practice,
however, due to its high false positive rate.
Therefore, we define precision to quantify the size of
the hypothesis in relation to the ground truth. It is
defined as the fraction of elements in the hypothesis that
are also present in the ground truth or jG\ Hj,jHj. In
effect, precision captures the amount of truth in the
hypothesis. For example, a precision of 0.9 would imply
that the 90 percent of the elements in the hypothesis
match the ground truth. Precision is roughly inversely
proportional to false-positive rate: 0.9 precision is equiva-
lent to 1 0.9,0.9 11 jciccit false positives.
Typically, most algorithms tend to trade one metric for
the other depending on how conservative or aggressive the
algorithm is. A conservative algorithm tends to include all
the possibilities in order to achieve better accuracy while
losing precision, while an aggressive algorithm includes
only the significant ones thus gaining precision while
somewhat sacrificing accuracy. Our goal is to ensure that
both these metrics are within reasonable bounds. While
false negatives and false positives can also be chosen in
place of accuracy and precision, we chose them since they
represent the usability of our system more intuitively.
While precision provides one metric of conciseness, it is
often difficult to interpret given the vast difference in the
size of the true fault set (often one or two components)
and the entire network of components. Hence, we also
quantify the ability of our system to identify a small set of
candidate faults using a metric we call localization
efficiency. Localization efficiency is defined as the ratio of
the number of suspect root-causes after localization to the
number before. In other words, it is the fraction of root
causes that are identified by our localization algorithm
that likely explains a particular fault out of all the root
causes that could cause a given fault. This metric is
particularly useful in the context of LINK FAULT since it
quantifies the ability of our tool to reduce the number of
physical components that an operator needs to manually
inspect. Define G
. q
. . . . . q
g as the set of shared
risks that a symptom c
depends on. Let 1 denote the
failure signature consisting of symptoms fc
. c
. . . . . c
and H be the best hypothesis for 1. Clearly, H is a subset
of l [
, the union of all possible root causes. The
localization efficiency is given by jHj,jlj.
5.2 Results for LINK FAULT
We begin by evaluating the accuracy of the SCOREalgorithm
for IP fault localization within a controlled environment by
using emulated faults. We used an SRLG database con-
structed from the network topology and configuration data
of a tier-1 service providers backbone. We injected varying
numbers of simultaneous faults and studied the efficacy of
the algorithm in the presence of database errors and lossy
fault notifications.
5.2.1 Algorithm Accuracy
We simulated multiple simultaneous failures by picking
risk groups at random from the set of all network risk
groups, and inputting the union of all IP links that are
associated with these risk groups to the SCORE algorithm.
We evaluated the accuracy of the algorithm in terms of the
fraction of faults correctly localized by the algorithm.
As a baseline experiment (not shown), we measure the
accuracy of SCORE as a function of the number of
simultaneous faults for different types of SRLGs (ports,
modules, etc.). The accuracy of the algorithm on these data
sets is greater than 95 percent for all types of risk groups for
fewer than five simultaneous failures. For failure scenarios
involving only a single fiber cut, router failure, or module
failure, which form the common case for hard failures, our
simulation results indicate the accuracy is near 100 percent.
These high-accuracy numbers are expected since there are
no imperfections; SCORE outputs a wrong hypothesis only
when fault signatures from two different faults combine to
produce another faults signature, which is typically rare.
5.2.2 Imperfect Fault Notifications
Next, we simulate imperfections due to operational
realities, such as the loss of failure notifications. We
consider three parameters: the error threshold used in the
SCORE algorithm, the number of simultaneous failures, and
the loss probability (which represents the percentage of
IP link failure notifications lost for a given failure scenario).
Figs. 4a and 4b demonstrate the accuracy of the algorithm
under a range of loss probabilities for different numbers of
simultaneous failures and error thresholds. Specifically, the
figures plot the percentage of correct hypotheses as a function
of the error probability. In Fig. 4a, the algorithm error
threshold is fixed at 0.6 and the number of simultaneous
failures is varied from 1 to 5. In Fig. 4b, the algorithm error
threshold is varied from 0.6 to 1.0, while the number of
simultaneous failures is set to three. As expected, increasing
the loss probability reduces the accuracy of the algorithm.
Under three simultaneous failure events and an error
probability of 0.1, we can observe from Fig. 4b that an
algorithm error threshold between 0.7 and 0.8 restores the
accuracy of the SCORE algorithm to around 90 percent.
However, if we mandate perfect matching of failure observa-
tions to SRLGs (i.e., error threshold 1.0), then our accuracy
in isolating our fault drops to around 78 percent. This shows
the necessity and effectiveness of the error thresholds
introduced into the algorithmfor fault localization in the face
of noisy event observation data.
5.2.3 Experience with Real Failure Data
The LINK FAULT system has been operating in a tier-1
backbone network in an offline fashion to localize IP link
failures reported in the network for more than a year. The
implemented system operates on a range of fault and
performance data, including IP fault notifications andoptical
layer performance measures. However, we limit our discus-
sion here to our experience with link failure events.
Manual analysis of real failures. Determining whether
or not the system correctly localized a given fault requires
identification of the root cause of the fault via other means.
In many cases, identifying this root cause involves sifting
through large amounts of data and reports that is poten-
tially tedious. We therefore selected a set of 18 faults for
which we identified the root cause of the problem and
compared with the hypothesis output by the system.
Overall, we were able to verify manually that SCORE
successfully localized all of the 18 faults studied to the failed
network elements (shown in Table 1). However, when we
used a threshold of 1.0 (i.e., mandated that an SRLG can be
identified if and only if faults were observed on all
corresponding IP links), we were typically unsuccessful
particularly for router failures, and for the protocol bug
reported. In the majority of the router failures, even though
these events corresponded to routers being rebooted, the
Fig. 4. (a) The subplot shows the accuracy of the SCORE algorithm with a fixed error threshold of 0.6 with a varying number of simultaneous failures
as a function of observation loss. (b) Subplot illustrates the impact of different error thresholds. (c) Subplot shows the localization efficiency defined in
Section 5.2.3 over 3,000 real failure events.
Summary of 18 Actual, Diagnosed Failures in a Tier-1 ISP
remote ends of the links terminating on these routers did not
always report associated link-level events. This may be due
to a number of possible scenariosthe events may never
have been logged in the syslogs, data may have been lost
from the syslogs, the links may have been operationally shut
down, and hence, did not fail at this point in time, or the
links were not affected by the reboot. Independent of why
the link notifications were not always observed, the router
failures were all successfully localized when the threshold
was marginally reduced. This highlights the importance of
the threshold concept in the SCORE algorithm to localize
faults in operational networks.
We studied four SONET network element failures. The
firstan optical amplifier failureinduced faults on 13 IP
links. With a threshold of 1.0, our algorithm identified eight
different SRLGs as being involved in the hypothesis.
However, as the threshold was reduced to 0.9, the
hypothesis size reduced to only two SRLGs, one of them
being the actual failed optical amplifier. Further reductions
in this threshold did not reduce the number of SRLGs in the
hypothesis. Upon investigation, we found that our SONET
database was missing one of the IP links in the failure
signature. Thus, the SCORE algorithm was unable to
attribute this particular IP link to the SONET SRLG, and
instead incorrectly concluded that a router port was also
involved (the second SRLG) to explain this individual link.
The remaining 12 IP links, however, were successfully
attributed to the failed optical amplifier. This example
illustrates why lowering the threshold is required when
there are errors in the database.
The other three SONET failures were all correctly
isolated to the SRLG containing the failed network element;
in two cases, we again had to lower the threshold used
within the algorithm to account for links for which we had
no failure notification. In one of these cases, the missing link
was indeed a result of the interface having been operation-
ally shut down shortly before the failure. Our topology
snapshots are generated on a daily basis; therefore, the
topology change was not reflected in the risk model. These
examples clearly indicate the need to deal with operational
issues such as incorrect data and erroneous databases.
On another previously identified failure scenario af-
fected by an SRLG database error (fiber A in Table 1), the
system was unable to identify a single SRLG as being the
culprit even as the threshold was lowered, because no SRLG
in the database contained all of the circuits reporting the
fault. So again, a database error was highlighted by the
systems inability to correlate the failure to a single SRLG.
The final case that we evaluated was one in which a low-
level protocol implementation problem (software bug)
affected a number of links within a common OSPF area.
This scenario occurred over an extended period of time,
during which three other independent failures were
simultaneously observed in other areas. When a threshold
of 1.0 was used in the SCORE algorithm, the event in
question was identified as being the result of 20 independent
SRLGfailuresa large number even for the extended period
of time. As the threshold was reduced to a final value of 0.7,
the event was isolated to four individual SRLGs: three
SRLGs in other OSPF areas (corresponding to the indepen-
dent failures) and the OSPF area in question. Thus, the
SCORE algorithm was correctly able to identify that the
event corresponded to a common OSPF area. However,
further investigation uncovered that the reason why not all
links in the OSPF area were affected was that only those
interfaces that were currently MPLS-enabled were affected.
Thus, an additional SRLG was added to our SRLG database
that incorporated the links in a given area that were MPLS-
enabled; application of this enhanced SRLG database
successfully localized all of the SRLGs affected by the four
simultaneous failures with a threshold of 1.0.
Localization efficiency. Fig. 4c shows the cumulative
distribution function of the localization efficiency achieved
by our system on 3,000 faults experienced in a tier-1 ISP.
Our system appears able to localize faults to less than
five percent for more than 40 percent of the failures and to
less than 10 percent for more than 80 percent of the failures.
This clearly demonstrates that the SCORE algorithm can
efficiently ferret out likely causes from a large set of
possible causes for a given failure. Unfortunately, due to the
extensive manual labor involved in diagnosing failures, we
do not know the true cause of all 3,000 failures and cannot
measure accuracy on this data set.
5.3 Evaluation Results for PATH FAULT
Similar to the previous section, we use both simulation
and offline analysis of real failure data to evaluate the
ability of a system based on MAX-COVERAGE to address
the PATH FAULT scenario.
We built a simulator that can inject artificial failures that
mimic real-life failure scenarios, obtain observations corre-
sponding to the failure, and then, apply localization
algorithm to evaluate the accuracy. As described earlier,
the entire failure signature is generally not available for
fault localization. Therefore, for these simulations, we vary
the fraction of the failure signature and compare the
accuracy and precision of the localization algorithm. The
fraction of the signature c is directly related to the duration
of the failure and the rate at which probes are issued. We
simulate a fault detection system that issues periodic probes
from every router at a rate of one per minute. Therefore, any
persistent failure that lasts more than a minute should be
captured completely by the monitoring system.
For our simulations, we use the same tier-1 network
topology for which we present experiences with real failure
data later in Section 5.3.3. We simulate three different
scenarios: without any noise, with random noise, and with
structured noise. The scenarios without any noise, while
unrealistic, determine an upper bound on the accuracy of
the algorithm. Random noise simulates failure scenarios
where the failure signature is mixed with spurious probe
losses in the network, often due to transient congestion. In
our simulations, we added a random number of spurious
observations with an average of 80 per failure. Structured
noise, on the other hand, models scenarios where failures
of short duration overlap with the main failure(s) and
appear as noise. As an arbitrary starting point, we fail five
links at random for five seconds; the simulated real faults
last for 60 seconds.
5.3.1 Accuracy of the Localization Algorithm
We measured the average accuracy as a function of the
fraction of signature, c for varying number of simultaneous
failures and for the three different types of failure scenarios.
In simulations with no noise, we observed that the average
accuracy is well above 90 percent even with five simulta-
neous failures and only one percent of the failure signature.
Intuitively, this is because the groups of OD-pairs that form
the failure signature for each link are large; hence, even a
small fraction can create a sample of observations that can
uniquely identify the injected failure.
When random noise is introduced into the failure
signature (shown in Fig. 5a), we observed that the accuracy
is reduced. In particular, lower fractions of the failure
signatures are much more susceptible to noise than the
higher ones. For example, at c 0.01, the average accuracy
is only 60 percent, while it reaches 90 percent at c 0.16.
This is because at smaller fractions of the failure signature,
there is a higher chance that the spurious observations can
morph the failure signature of one shared risk into another.
Since our algorithm tries to identify risk groups with the
highest coverage first, it is possible that the failure signature
combined with noise will match a candidate risk group
other than the injected failure.
With structured noise (in Fig. 5b), we observe a similar,
although less pronounced, phenomenon. The accuracy dips
a little compared to the case when there is no noise but is
higher than with random noise. The reason is as follows:
Since noise is more structured in this case, the resultant
failure signature is a composition of c fraction of the
original failure signature and c u fraction of the five noise
links, where u is the ratio of the failure durations of the
noise and the original failure (u = 5/60 in our simulations).
Since even a small c is enough to achieve high accuracy for
five simultaneous failures with no noise, we achieve high
accuracy for the structured noise case.
5.3.2 Precision of the Localization Algorithm
Along with the accuracy, we also evaluated the precision of
the localization algorithmthe fraction of truth in the
hypothesiswith varying signature fraction c. Without
noise, the algorithm enjoys extremely high precision,
especially when c 0.16. Precision drops with lower
values of c since the failure signature is not strong enough
to distinguish between multiple contending risk groups. We
also observe that the precision, similar to accuracy, is higher
for scenarios with one failure than those with five. Lower
accuracy implies that part of the ground truth is not present
in the hypothesis, which, in turn, means that the hypothesis
might contain additional candidates not part of the ground
truth (i.e., lower precision) to cover all observations, thus
leading to lower precision.
In the presence of noise, we only considered the injected
faults as part of the ground truth and not the noise itself.
Thus, the localization precision is expected to be much lower
as the algorithm tries to cover all observations including
those caused by noise, which, in turn, leads to a larger
hypothesis. We can observe this trend for both the random
(in Fig. 5c) and structured noise (in Fig. 5d) scenarios. For the
structured noise, though the precision is higher than that of
random noise; fewer risk groups are required to cover the
small fraction of structured noise introduced.
We also observe that the precision is higher for five
failures than one in both noisy scenarios, while the opposite
is true without noise. The reason for this is straightforward:
Since the amount of added noise remains constant across
the varying number of simultaneous failures, the number of
spurious observations, and therefore, the additional risk
groups required to cover them remains similar in all cases.
Fig. 5. Figure shows the accuracy and precision of MAX-COVERAGE for different numbers of simultaneous failures and when random and
structured noise events are injected along with the actual failure. The y-axis is the average accuracy/precision measured over 500 random link failure
scenarios, while the x-axis is the fraction of the failure signature. The last two graphs show accuracy and precision after applying the candidate
selection algorithm to the output of MAX-COVERAGE for random noise events. For these two graphs, we fixed the signature fraction to 0.16.
(a) Random noise events, Accuracy. (b) Structured noise events, Accuracy. (c) Random noise events, Precision. (d) Structured noise events,
Precision. (e) After candidate selection, Accuracy. (f) After candidate selection, Precision.
The amount of truth, however, increases linearly with the
number of simultaneous failures injected, thereby increas-
ing the overall precision.
Fortunately, we can improve the precision without
significantly decreasing the accuracy by applying the
candidate selection algorithm described in Section 4.3. In
Figs. 5e and 5f, we plot the accuracy and precision obtained
after applying the ABSOLUTE candidate selection algorithm
for different absolute thresholds. For this experiment, we
fixedthe fractionof the failure signature to 0.16, still verylow.
Eliminating candidate links fromthe hypothesis that were
less than the threshold improves precision significantly until
a threshold of about 25, after which the decrease in accuracy
outweighs the additional benefit obtained by increasing the
threshold. The optimum threshold will vary depending on
the specifics of the topology and fault detection system, and
should be derived empirically for a given deployment.
5.3.3 Experience with Real Data
In addition to the simulations, we also collected failure data
from a section of a real MPLS-switched tier-I ISP backbone
network. The system monitors MPLS tunnels that originate
from a subset of edge routers in the backbone, traversing the
backbone, and finally, terminating at other edge routers.
Since the MPLS tunnels are establishedandmaintainedusing
the underlying IP topology (through OSPF), any IP-layer
failure can impact the MPLS tunnels above the IP layer. The
topology consists of a few hundred routers and the probes
are transmitted at a periodic rate of one every minute.
The goal of simulation is to stress-test our system; we
consider every probe loss as part of the failure signature,
including those due to noise. In the production version of
the tool, we are mainly interested in characterizing large
failures; thus, noise can be reduced by considering only
those OD-pairs with more than a threshold number of
dropped probes.
We compared our hypothesis with ground truth ex-
tracted from three data sources: OSPF LSAs, syslogs, and
SNMP data. During many routing events in the network,
the topology is unstable for a short period and probes can
get dropped. For such routing incidents, we compare the
hypothesis generated by our algorithm with LSAs corre-
sponding to the routing events. In the core backbone
network, many IP links (known as composite links [1]) are,
in fact, logical bundling of many member interfaces, load-
balanced by the router. Member interface failures affect
only the set of probes traversing that interface after the
failure and before the router load balances again between
other members. Since the composite link is active, such
failures do not cause OSPF LSAs but appear in router
syslogs. In conditions of high link utilization, such as
during failures or during maintenance, links can experience
heavy packet loss, and therefore, can cause end-to-end
probes to get dropped along these links; such congestion
events are found in SNMP data.
Note that the ground truth obtained through these data
sets is only approximate, as there can be instances when a
link failure is reported in the ground truth (using LSAs,
syslogs, and SNMP data) but the event does not impact
traffic forwarding. In these cases, the failure signature will
not contain any OD-pairs that are affected by the spurious
LSA or syslog message. In such cases, the natural compar-
ison with our hypothesis (namely, requiring that the ground
truth be wholly contained in the hypothesis) is obviously
unfair. As a relaxation from this strict accuracy metric
(which we refer to as ALL), we define a more conservative
accuracy metric called ATLEAST_ONE in which accuracy is
defined to be 1 if at least one of the links in the ground truth
is contained in the hypothesis and 0 otherwise.
Candidate selection algorithm. In Figs. 6a and 6b, we
plot accuracy using both the ALL and ATLEAST_ONE
metrics and precision of localization. For this experiment,
we picked the hypothesis with best accuracy among those
with different topology snapshots. On the x-axis, we vary
the cardinality of the failure signature (number of observa-
tions) from 50 all the way up to 1,000 observations in steps
of 50. On the y-axis, the average accuracy/precision
corresponding to all failure intervals that have at least
x observations is shown. In effect, these figures show the
trend in the accuracy/precision as the failures impact more
and more OD-pairs.
Several conclusions can be drawn. First, the number of
failure intervals reduces exponentially from about 600 bins
with more than 50 observations to about 20 bins with more
than 1,000 observations (not shown). This is expected, since
the number of large failures is typically much smaller than
the number of small failures. Overall, we obtained accuracy
and precision of about 80 percent when considering failures
with more than 150 observations. Second, the accuracy and
precision of localization increase as the failure size increases
initially from 50 to 150 observations. However, it decreases
slightly after that but is inconclusive as the number of
Fig. 6. Accuracy and precision for the MAX_COVERAGE algorithm on real failures from a tier-1 ISP. The first two graphs assume that the correct
topology snapshot is known, while the third shows the decrease in precision due to the UNION algorithm that considers the superset of the
hypotheses obtained using all the topology snapshots during the 15-minute bin. (a) Accuracy for the ATLEAST_ONE (above) and ALL (below)
metrics, assuming that the correct topology is known. (b) Precision, again assuming that the correct topology is known. (c) Precision as a function of
ABSOLUTE threshold, both assuming the correct topology (above) and using the UNION heuristic (below).
failure intervals is too small to have statistical significance.
Larger failure signatures can indicate one of three things,
assuming that noise in the network remains the same across
all failures. First, the fraction of the failure signature
captured could be higher, i.e., the failure lasted for a larger
duration. Second, the failure might have affected many
OD-pairs in the network; thus, the failure occurred on a
popular link that lies on many paths. Finally, there could
have been many simultaneous failures, the likelihood of
which is not insignificant due to router maintenance events.
For the first two cases, it is not surprising that our fault
localization algorithm performs well, as larger signature
fraction means larger accuracy verified using simulations.
For the final case, since we use the ATLEAST_ONE metric,
there is a strong chance that at least one of the root causes is
in our hypothesis. In fact, accuracy using ALL metric is
about 40 percent less than the ATLEAST_ONE metric, both
due to the approximate nature of our ground truth as well
as the presence of many simultaneous failures in ground
Third, an ABSOLUTE threshold of 30 that selects
candidate links in the hypothesis that cover at least
30 observations seems to represent a good trade-off
between accuracy and precision. Below this threshold, the
precision is significantly lower, while accuracy is only
slightly higher. Increasing the candidate selection threshold
beyond 30 leads to a marginal decrease in the average
accuracy, while precision does not improve any further.
Hypothesis selection algorithm. In Fig. 6c, we plot the
precision for the UNION hypothesis selection algorithm
that combines multiple hypotheses obtained using different
topology snapshots. The x-axis is the ABSOLUTE candidate
selection threshold that we vary from 10 all the way up to
500. For each of these candidate selection thresholds, we
identify all those failure intervals that had at least one
candidate link remaining in the hypothesis after we apply
the candidate selection thresholds and compute the average
accuracy/precision for these failure intervals. The number
of bins reduces with increasing candidate selection thresh-
old (not shown in the figure) due to the fact that we discard
bins that do not have any candidates left in the hypothesis
after we apply the threshold.
From Fig. 6c, we can observe that UNION performs
similarly to an oracle that can clairvoyantly pick the best out
of all the hypotheses generated using different topology
snapshots. Because UNION includes the links from all the
hypotheses, it cannot decrease in accuracy according to
our definition. As shown by the upper two lines of Fig. 6c,
however, precision reduces by a small amount overall.
Because the network topology does not change during
many of the 15-minute bins containing failures; however,
Fig. 6c underreports the impact of not knowing the correct
topology. If we consider only the bins that had a change in
topology (where UNION has some effect) precision drops
about 15 percent, as shown in bottom two lines of Fig. 6c.
Real MPLS black holes. We describe three silent failures
that we analyzed using our system. In the first incident,
misbehavior of a new device that was connected to the
periphery of the network caused many routes to go through
the device that were then subsequently black-holed. This is
a perfect example where we need to consider all the
topology changes within a failure interval. In this case, our
localization system outputted two candidate links as the
hypothesisthe (properly functioning) link before and the
(black hole) link after the rerouting of traffic. For this
incident, the localization accuracy, therefore, is 100 percent,
while precision is only 50 percent.
In another failure scenario, the forwarding component of
a line card failed to dequeue packets until the card was
reset. Our localization system output a hypothesis that had
five candidate links, out of which, when we applied our
ABSOLUTE threshold of 30 eliminated the four false
positives out of the hypothesis and contained only the
actual failed link. This hypothesis therefore has 100 percent
accuracy and precision.
Another known black hole scenario happened due to a
misconfiguration causing brief loss in connectivity to
MPLS paths that traversed that link. Our localization
algorithm output a hypothesis that contained four candi-
date links, two of which were eliminated after we applied
our candidate selection algorithm. Out of the remaining
two, one was the actual black hole, while the other was a
false positive. However, the false positive could not be
easily distinguished from the actual black hole since both
these links appeared on all the paths corresponding to the
affected OD-pairs.
In this section, we discuss some of the main lessons learned
and other insights we obtained during our experience.
Not all failures are difficult to localize manually; some-
times, visual inspection may be sufficient. For example,
when all failed MPLS tunnels share one end point, it is easy
to isolate the root cause. If the fault lies in the core, however,
visual inspection alone is not sufficient as it may require
few hours to localize; our system is most appropriate for
such situations. Our system is based on passive inference,
but one could conceive an active diagnosis mechanism
where targeted probes are issued to isolate the failure. The
huge administrative overhead (e.g., obtaining per-link
measurements is harder compared to end-to-end probes
in PATH FAULT) often hinders creating such an active
diagnosis framework, however.
Risk model construction is perhaps the most important
step of our methodology; it originates from extensive
understanding of the failure scenarios. For example, in
PATH FAULT, we observed that failures are due to topology
changes. Thus, our risk model consisted of IP links and not
optical layer equipment such as optical amplifiers and
fibers. It is also important to ensure consistency between the
risk model and the corresponding failure detection system.
For example, in the PATH FAULT, there is no need to model
customer facing links in the topology, as the probes never
traverse any of these links.
Constructing the right risk model is not easy, even if the
category of risks to be modeled was known. For example, in
an OSPF network, multiple paths can exist between a given
source and a destination if the paths share the same cost
(ECMP [14]), in which case traffic is split based on a hash
function applied on source-destination IP addresses. How-
ever, probes measure only one among these multiple paths
and it is difficult to knowwhich one they measure. Similarly,
in composite links [1], many optical circuits are bundled
together into one logical IP link and router splits traffic
according to a hash function. Partial failures involving one
member circuit can result in the loss of some probes. In these
cases, the risk model needs to be constructed based on the
instantaneous path traversed by the probe. Since this is
difficult, we consider the union of all potential paths, which
is not accurate.
It is often not enough to just model the risks once;
determining the right risks to model is a continuous process
in many cases. For example, in LINK FAULT, modeling an
OSPF area as a shared risk was not enough. A failure we
observed involved only 70 percent of the OSPF area, which
we could detect using the error threshold. Upon further
investigation, we needed to introduce a new riskan OSPF
area with MPLS enabled in order to capture this failure.
Risk models are also almost always dynamic; the rate at
which a given risk model exhibits churn varies depending
on the problem. Because of this churn, there could be
differences between the risk model and reality that may
affect localization. Using error thresholds helps mitigate the
problem to some extent.
Monitoring and management is a challenging problem for
any large network. It is not surprising then that a number of
research prototypes (e.g., [5], [8], [13], [20], [24], [26]) and
commercial products such as NetFACT [15], OpenView
[16], IMPACT [17], EXCpert [24], and SMARTS [30] have
been developed to provide powerful, generic frameworks
for handling fault indicators, particularly diverse SNMP-
based [4] measurements, and rule-based correlation cap-
abilities. However, their reliance on the inherent monitoring
capabilities in the network elements restricts the types of
failures these systems can localize. Our systems comple-
ment these solutions for the particular problem scenarios
described in the paper.
Much of the existing fault localization literature focuses
on generic techniques which have been validated predomi-
nantly against simulated data; in this paper, we validate our
approach using real failure data from an operational tier-1
ISP network. Our risk modeling approach follows other
approaches studied in the literature that employ depen-
dency graphs for fault localization (see [33] and references
therein for a comprehensive survey of such approaches). In
many such graphs, dependencies can even be probabilistic
in nature, which require statistical inference mechanisms
such as Bayesian inference [31] or belief propagation
techniques [25], [34]. Unfortunately, these approaches do
not typically scale beyond a few nodes (less than 50) in the
dependency graphs [25].
One critical component in applying the risk modeling
approach in the LINK FAULT scenario is the construction of
SRLGs. Network engineers routinely employ the concept of
SRLGs to provision disjoint paths in optical networks, as
input into many traffic engineering mechanisms, and in
protocols such as Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switch-
ing (GMPLS). Due to their importance, previous work has
attempted to automatically infer SRLGs [28] in the optical
domain. To the best of our knowledge, however, we are
the first to use SRLGs in combination with higher layer
fault notifications to isolate failures in the optical hardware
of a network backbone without the need for physical layer
PATHFAULT problemfalls into a general class of inference
problems that includes traffic matrix estimation [40],
tomography [3], [11], [21], [23], [35], [36], [39], and many
others. Hence, techniques applied in these domains could
potentially apply. Moreover, the problem of fault isolation is
not limited to networking; similar problems exist in any
complex system. Regardless of domain, fault detection
systems have taken three basic approaches: rule- or model-
based reasoning [2], [10], [16], codebook approaches [30],
[38], or machine learning (such as Bayesian and belief
networks [7], [37], [32]). The difficulty with probabilistic or
machine learning approaches is that they are not prescrip-
tive: it is not clear what sets of scenarios they can handle
besides the specific training data. Rule-based and codebook
systems (otherwise, known as expert systems) are often
even more specific, only being able to diagnose events that
are explicitly programmed. Model-based approaches are
more general, but require detailed information about the
system under test. Dependency-based systems like ours, on
the other hand, allow general inference without requiring
undue specificity.
In this paper, we developed and evaluated a simple yet
effective methodology for localization of faults in the
network. Our approach based on risk models localizes faults
even in the absence of any network-generated alarms, either
because they were not available or because the failures were
silent in nature, thus aiding network operators in trouble-
shooting failures even when conventional monitoring fails.
While we discuss two specific scenarios in this paper, there
may be many other scenarios where our methodology is
directly applicable that are yet to be explored. Our extensive
evaluation based on both controlled simulation and actual
failure data obtained through real-world deployment in a
tier-1 ISP, which indicates spatial correlation, can obtain
high localization accuracy and precision in many failure
scenarios. In particular, our experience has shown that the
full power of statistical models may not be needed in
practice: our greedy approximation suffices for the problem
scenarios we consider.
Portions of this manuscript appeared in ACM/USENIX
NSDI 2005 and the IEEE Infocom 2007. This work was
supported in part by the US National Science Foundation
through an NSF CAREER award (CNS-0347949). This
work was done when the author (Ramana Rao Kompella)
was at University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
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Ramana Rao Kompella (M07) received the
BTech degree from IIT Bombay in 1999, the MS
degree from Stanford University in 2001, and
the PhD degree from University of California,
San Diego (UCSD) in 2007. He is currently an
assistant professor in the Department of Com-
puter Sciences at Purdue University. His main
research interests include fault management in
IP networks, scalable algorithms and architec-
tures for high-speed switches and routers, and
scheduling in wireless networks. He is a member of the IEEE and ACM.
Jennifer Yates received the PhD degree from
the University of Melbourne in 1998. She is a
technical specialist in IP Network Management
and Performance group at AT&T LabsRe-
search. She has worked on IP control of optical
networks, and IP network management and
performance. She is extremely active both
within the research community and within
AT&Tthe author of numerous papers, stan-
dards contributions, patent applications, and an
editor of Transactions on Networking.
Albert Greenberg received the BA degree in
mathematics from Dartmouth College in 1978,
and the MS and PhD degrees in computer
science from the University of Washington in
1981 and 1983, respectively. He is an AT&T
fellow and the director of Network Measurement
and Engineering Research at AT&T Labs
Research. His recent research includes: novel
methods for packet and flow measurement and
analysis, traffic matrix inference, anomaly detec-
tion, IP traffic and network engineering, IP fault management, and
network security.
Alex C. Snoeren (S00-M03) received the BS
degrees in computer science in 1996 and in
applied mathematics in 1997 and the MS
degree in computer science in 1997 from the
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, and
the PhD degree in computer science from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2003.
He is an associate professor in the Computer
Science and Engineering Department at the
University of California at San Diego. His
research interests include operating systems, distributed computing,
and mobile and wide-area networking. He is a member of the IEEE.
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