Detecting and Isolating Malicious Routers
Detecting and Isolating Malicious Routers
Detecting and Isolating Malicious Routers
Alper Tugay Mzrak, Student Member, IEEE, Yu-Chung Cheng, Keith Marzullo, Member, IEEE, and
Stefan Savage, Member, IEEE
AbstractNetwork routers occupy a unique role in modern distributed systems. They are responsible for cooperatively shuttling
packets amongst themselves in order to provide the illusion of a network with universal point-to-point connectivity. However, this
illusion is shatteredas are implicit assumptions of availability, confidentiality, or integritywhen network routers are subverted to act
in a malicious fashion. By manipulating, diverting, or dropping packets arriving at a compromised router, an attacker can trivially mount
denial-of-service, surveillance, or man-in-the-middle attacks on end host systems. Consequently, Internet routers have become a
choice target for would-be attackers and thousands have been subverted to these ends. In this paper, we specify this problem of
detecting routers with incorrect packet forwarding behavior and we explore the design space of protocols that implement such a
detector. We further present a concrete protocol that is likely inexpensive enough for practical implementation at scale. Finally, we
present a prototype system, called Fatih, that implements this approach on a PC router and describe our experiences with it. We show
that Fatih is able to detect and isolate a range of malicious router actions with acceptable overhead and complexity. We believe our
work is an important step in being able to tolerate attacks on key network infrastructure components.
Index TermsCommunication/networking and information technology, network-level security and protection, network protocols,
routing protocols, fault tolerance.
HIS paper addresses part of a simple, yet increasingly
important network security problem: how to detect the
existence of compromised routers in a network and then
remove them from the routing fabric. The root of this
problem arises from the key role that routers play in
modern packet switched data networks. To a first approx-
imation, networks can be modeled as a series of point-to-
point links connecting pairs of routers to form a directed
graph. Since few endpoints are directly connected, data
must be forwardedhop-by-hopfrom router to router,
toward its ultimate destination. Therefore, if a router is
compromised, it stands to reason that an attacker may drop,
delay, reorder, corrupt, modify, or divert any of the packets
passing through. Such a capability can then be used to deny
service to legitimate hosts, to implement ongoing network
surveillance, or to provide an efficient man-in-the-middle
functionality for attacking end systems.
Such attacks are not mere theoretical curiosities, but they
are actively employed in practice. Attackers have repeat-
edly demonstrated their ability to compromise routers,
through combinations of social engineering and exploita-
tion of weak passwords or latent software vulnerabilities
[1], [2], [3]. One network operator recently documented
more than 5,000 compromised routers as well as an
underground market for trading access to them [4]. Once
a router is compromised an attacker need not modify the
routers code base to exploit its capabilities. Current
standard command-line interfaces from vendors such as
Cisco and Juniper are sufficiently powerful enough to drop
and delay packets, send copies of packets to a third party, or
divert packets through a third party and back. In fact,
several widely published documents provide a standard
cookbook for transparently tunneling packets from a
compromised router through an arbitrary third-party host
and back againeffectively amplifying the attackers
abilities, including arbitrary packet sniffing, injection, or
modification [5], [6]. Such attacks can be extremely difficult
to detect manually, and it can be even harder to isolate
which particular router or group of routers has been
One approach to this problem is to detect the act of
router intrusion as it happens. For example, traditional
host-based intrusion detection techniques, such as system
call anomaly analysis [7], [8], [9], could be applied to the
router environment as well. However, this approach also
has the same limitations as in the host environmentonce a
router is compromised, the detection software is no longer
dependable. Indeed, it has become increasingly common for
malware to disable antivirus and IDS products and we see
no reason to believe the router environment will be
different. Thus, while such attack detection mechanisms
are undoubtedly an important defensive element, in this
paper, we start from the assumption that routers may be
successfully compromised.
Given this threat model, the problem of detecting a
compromised router falls to its neighbors: A compromised
router can potentially be identified by correct routers when
it deviates from exhibiting expected behavior. This overall
approach can be broken into three distinct subproblems:
1. Traffic validation. Traffic information is the basis of
detecting anomalous behavior: Given traffic entering
a part of the network, and an expected behavior for
. The authors are with the Computer Science and Engineering Department,
University of California at San Diego, EBU3B, 9500 Gilman Drive, La
Jolla, CA 92093-0404.
E-mail: {amizrak, ycheng, marzullo, savage}
Manuscript received 14 Sept. 2005; revised 12 Apr. 2006; accepted 25 Apr.
2006; published online 3 Aug. 2006.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference IEEECS Log Number TDSC-0123-0905.
1545-5971/06/$20.00 2006 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society
the routers in the network (i.e., a known routing
configuration), anomalous behavior is detected
when the monitored traffic leaving one part of the
network differs significantly from what is expected.
However, implementing such validation practically
can be quite tricky and requires tradeoffs between
the overhead of monitoring, communication, and
2. Distributed detection. It is impossible for a single
router to establish that its neighbor is anomalous.
Thus, detection requires synchronizing a collection
of traffic information and distributing the results so
anomalous behavior can be detected by sets of
correct routers.
3. Response. Once a router, or set of routers, is thought
to be faulty, the forwarding tables of correct routers
must be changed to avoid using those compromised
nodes. In addition, over longer time scales, an
appropriate alert must be raised so human forensic
experts can respond appropriately.
This paper addresses each of these problems in turn.
For different threats, we describe a range of appropriate
and efficient traffic validation functions. Next, we examine
how these functions can be used to build an anomalous
behavior detector for compromised routers. Finally, we
show how this detector can be integrated into link-state
routing to automatically isolate network paths demonstrat-
ing anomalous behavior. This paper is substantially
extended version of [10].
There are two threats posed by a compromised router: the
attacker may attack by means of the routing protocol (for
example, by sending false advertisements) or by having the
router violate the forwarding decisions it should make
based on its routing tables. The first is often referred to as an
attack on the control plane, while the second is termed an
attack on the data plane.
The first threat has received, by far, the lions share of the
attention in the research community, perhaps due its
potential for catastrophic effects. By issuing false routing
advertisements, a compromised router may manipulate how
other routers viewthe networktopology, andtherebydisrupt
service globally. For example, if a router claims that it is
directly connected to all possible destinations, it may become
a black hole for most traffic in the network. While this
problem is by no means solved in practice, there has been
significant progress towards this end in the research
community, beginning with the seminal work of Perlman.
In her PhD thesis [11], Perlman described robust flooding
algorithms for delivering the key state across any connected
network and a means for explicitly signing route advertise-
ments. There have subsequently been a variety of efforts to
impart similar guarantees to existing routing protocols with
varying levels of cost and protection based on ensuring the
authenticity of route updates and detecting inconsistency
betweenroute updates [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19].
By contrast, the threat posed by subverting the forward-
ing process has received comparatively little attention. This
is surprising since, in many ways, this kind of attack
presents a wider set of opportunities to the attackernot
only denial-of-service, but also packet sniffing, modifica-
tion, and insertionand is both trivial to implement (a few
lines typed into a command shell) and difficult to detect.
This paper focuses entirely on the problem of malicious
The earliest work on fault-tolerant forwarding is also due
to Perlman [11], [20]. Perlman developed a novel method
for robust routing based on source routing, digitally signed
route-setup packets, reserved buffers. However, many im-
plementation details are left open and the protocol requires
higher network level participation to detect anomalies.
Several researchers have subsequently proposed lighter-
weight protocols for actively probing the forwarding path
to test for consistency with advertised routes. Subramanian
et al.s Listen protocol [12] does this by comparing TCP
Data and Acknowledgment packets to provide evidence
that a path is part of end-to-end connectivity. This approach
only tests for gross connectivity and cannot reveal whether
packets have been diverted, modified, created, reordered,
or selectively dropped. Padmanabhan and Simons Secure
Traceroute [21] achieves a similar goal monitoring the
traffic to the intermediate routers. Recently, Avramopoulos
et al. [22], [23] present a secure router routing a combination
of source routing, hop by hop authentication, end-to-end
reliability mechanisms, and timeouts. But, it still has a high
overhead to be deployable in modern networks. The
approach most similar to our own is the WATCHERS
[24], [25] protocol, which detects disruptive routers based
on a distributed network monitoring approach and a traffic
invariant called conservation of flow. However, the
WATCHERS protocol had many limitations in both its
traffic validation mechanism and in its control protocol,
many of which were documented by Hughes et al. [26].
Many of these weaknesses arose from the absence of a
formal specification, a weak threat model, and an excessive
requirement for per-router state (bounded only by the total
size of the network). Herzberg and Kutten [27] presents an
abstract model for Byzantine detection of compromised
routers based on timeouts and acknowledgments from the
destination and possibly from some of the intermediate
routers to the source. The requirement of information from
intermediate routers offers a trade-off between fault
detection time and message communication overhead. This
trade-off is analyzed within the given abstract model.
Our work proceeds from an informed, yet abstracted,
model of how the network is constructed, the capabilities of
the attacker, and the complexities of the traffic validation
problem. In this section, we describe and motivate the
assumptions underlying our model.
3.1 Network Model
We consider a network as consisting of individual routers
interconnected via directional point-to-point links. In using
this model, we purposely ignore several real-life complex-
ities. For example, real routers are not homogeneous nodes,
but in fact represent a collection of independent network
interfaces which are themselves interconnected and are, in
practice, addressed and controlled distinctly. We have
eliminated this detail for the convenience of description;
our analysis can easily accommodate this expanded model.
Similarly, we have chosen to ignore the possibility of
broadcast channels in our model since they are rare in
todays wired networks and can be easily incorporated as
collections of point-to-point links (although there may be
opportunities for additional optimization in broadcast
We assume that each router has sufficient data processing
capability to generate traffic summaries describing the
network traffic they are forwarding. For the most precise
summary functions this may involve touching all packet
content. This is well within the capabilities of modern ASICs,
but might require sampling in software implementations.
We also assume that each router has sufficient computa-
tional capability to exchange and reconcile summaries with
its neighbors. We discuss the issue of overhead further in
Section 4 and Section 9, but, in general, our algorithms are
efficient and practical for existing router CPUs.
Within a network, we presume that packets are for-
warded in a hop-by-hop fashioneach router following the
directions of a local forwarding table. As well, we assume
that these forwarding tables are updated via a distributed
link-state routing protocol such as OSPF or IS-IS. This is
critical, as we depend on the routing protocol to provide
each node with a global view of the current network
topology, which we assume to be consistent. Indeed, this
assumption is valid in practice since studies of OSPF
behavior have shown that in-network topology changes are
extremely rare [28], [29]. When topology changes do occur
there may be transient inconsistencies between routers that
make it impossible to determine whether traffic is being
forwarded correctly or not. Thus, if a compromised router
frequently changes its connectivity, it may hide some
forwarding attacks. For this reason, among others, any
secure network infrastructure also requires software to
detect security violations or anomalies in the control plane
[12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19].
Finally, we assume the administrative ability to assign
and distribute shared keys to sets of nearby routers. This
overall model is consistent with the typical construction of
large enterprise IP networks or the internal structure of
single ISP backbone networks, but is not well-suited for
networks that are composed of multiple administrative
domains using BGP.
At this level of abstraction, we can assume a synchronous
network model of synchronized clocks and bounded
message delays. Our goal is to extend the routing protocol
to detect compromised routers. If the network behaves
asynchronously for too long, then the routing tables will be
updated, thereby changing the network topology. This
assumption is common to all protocols we knowof that have
addressed the problem of detecting compromised routers.
We define a path to be a finite sequence hi
. i
. . . . i
i of
adjacent routers. Operationally, a path defines a sequence of
routers a packet can follow. We call the first router of the
path the source and the last router its sink; together, these are
called terminal routers. A path might consist of only one
router, in which case the source and sink are the same.
An r-jot/ segment is a sequence of r consecutive routers
that is a subsequence of a path. A path segment is an r-jot/
segment for some value of r 0. For example, if a network
consists of the single path ho. /. c. di, then hc. di and h/. ci are
both 2-path segments, but ho. ci is not because o and c are
not adjacent.
We do not rely on source routing, as has been done by
some work in the past [11], [22], [27]. We do assume some
knowledge of the path a packet will take, at least in the
stable state. In link state protocols, this can be problematic
because they can take advantage of multiple paths with
equal cost for load balancing purposes. Fortunately, the
current generation of routers uses a deterministic hash
algorithm to spread the traffic load across available
interfaces (e.g., Cisco Express Forwarding [30] and Juniper
routers with an Internet Processor ASIC [31]). Thus, a router
can predict the path a packet will take in the stable state
based on its own routing tables and the hash functions.
3.2 Threat Model
We assume that attackers can compromise one or more
routers in a network and may even compromise sets of
adjacent routers as well. In general, we parameterize the
strength of the adversary in terms of the maximum number
of adjacent routers along a given path that can be
compromised. However, we assume that between any two
uncompromised routers that there is sufficient path
diversity that the malicious routers do not partition the
network. In some sense, this assumption is pedantic since it
is impossible to guarantee any network communication
across such a partition. Another way to view this constraint
is that path diversity between two points in the network is a
necessary, but insufficient, condition for tolerating compro-
mised routers. What we are proposing is a set of protocols
that offer the sufficiency condition in the presence of the
necessary diversity.
Recently, Teixeira et al. [32] empirically measured path
diversity in ISP networks and found that multiple paths
between pairs of nodes were common. Similarly, many
enterprise networks are designed with such diversity in
order to mask the impact of link failures. Consequently, we
believe that this assumption is reasonable in practice.
It is worth noting however, that this diversity usually
does not extend to individual hosts on local-area net-
workssingle workstations rarely have multiple paths to
their network infrastructure. In these situations, for fate-
sharing reasons, there is little that can be done. If the hosts
access router is compromised, then the host is partitioned
and there is no routing remedy even if an anomaly is
detected; the fate of individual hosts and their access
routers are directly intertwined. Moreover, from the
standpoint of the network such traffic originates from a
compromised router, and, therefore, cannot demonstrate
anomalous forwarding behavior.
To summarize, our
protocols are designed to detect anomalies between pairs
1. This issue can be partially mitigated by extending our protocol to
include hosts as well as routers, but this simply pushes the problem to end
hosts. Traffic originating from a compromised node can be modified before
any correct node witnesses it.
of correct nodes. Thus, for simplicity, we assume that a
terminal router is not faulty with respect to traffic
originating or being consumed by that router.
Finally, since link-state protocols operate by periodically
measuring and disseminating information, we assume a
synchronous system. The failure of a router is defined in
terms of an interval of time, which in practice corresponds
with a period of time during which traffic measurements
are made. Specifically, a router i is traffic faulty with respect
to a path segment during t if contains i and, during the
period of time t, i exhibits anomalous behavior with respect
to forwarding data that traverses . For example, router i
can selectively alter, misroute, drop, reorder, or delay the
data that flows through , and it can fabricate new data to
send along such that the packets, if they were valid,
would have been routed through .
The first problem we address is traffic validation: what
information is kept about packet traffic and how it is used
to determine that a router has been compromised.
We assume that a compromised router can arbitrarily
alter the forwarding behavior of that router. For example, a
compromised router can drop or modify selected (or all)
packets, or divert them to other routers. However, given the
distributed nature of packet forwarding, such bad behavior
can be detected. For example, suppose traffic traverses a
path hi
. i
. i
i and router i
modifies this traffic. If
routers i
and i
are not compromised, then one could
simply compare what i
sent to i
and what i
from i
to detect i
s behavior.
At an abstract level, we represent traffic validation
mechanisms as a predicate T\ . ii)oi
. . t. ii)oi
. . t,
. is a path segment hi
. i
. . . . i
i whose traffic is to
be validated between routers i
and i
2 .
. ii)oi. . t is information about traffic that router i
forwarded to over some time interval t.
. If routers i
and i
are not faulty, then
T\ . ii)oi. . t. ii)oi
. . t
evaluates to false iff contains a router i that was
faulty in forwarding traffic along during t, and
router i is between routers i
and i
within .
Implementing a traffic validation mechanism is a tricky
engineering problem. The simplest, and most precise,
representation of ii)oi. . t is a complete copy of the
packets sent, with each packet tagged with the time it was
forwarded. However, the storage requirements to buffer
these packets and the bandwidth consumed by resending
them, make this approach impractical at best. In practice,
implementing traffic validation is a trade off between
accuracy and overhead. For example, sampling can be used
to decrease overhead, but depending on how sampling is
done and the duration of the attack, accuracy may be
reduced. The overhead-accuracy trade-off also depends on
what limits one might place on the kind of bad behavior a
compromised router can exhibit.
Similarly, T\ could be implemented simply using
equality ii)oi
. . t ii)oi
. . t. However, real net-
works occasionally lose packets due to congestion, reorder
packets due to internal multiplexing, and corrupt packets
due to interface errors. Consequently, T\ needs to be
somewhat more sophisticated to accommodate this abnor-
mal, but nonmalicious behavior. Thus, implementing traffic
validation involves striking a balance between the accep-
table number of false positives and false negatives.
Note that we have already made one engineering decision:
We describe aggregate traffic rather than individual packets.
This is in contrast to some prior works, e.g., Perlman [11],
Herzberg et al. [27], and Avramopoulos et al. [22]. While we
compute state over each packet locally, limiting distributed
reconciliation to traffic aggregates amortizes the commu-
nication and synchronization overhead (otherwise, prohibi-
tive) across many packets. This also makes it feasible to apply
a threshold mechanism to distinguish between acceptable
bad behavior (e.g., small amounts of packet loss and
reordering) and malicious behavior.
4.1 Characterizing Traffic
While the most precise description of traffic sent into the
network is an exact copy of that traffic, many characteristics
of the traffic can be summarized far more concisely. In
particular, if we concentrate on particular threatsways in
which a malicious entity might alter the trafficwe can
limit our effort to detecting just those actions.
One limitation of previous work has been that they
assumed limited kinds of threats. For example, WATCHERS
[26] and Herzberg et al. [27] effectively detect only packet
losses that result from a compromised router. In all of the
previous work, reordering attacks have been ignored, even
though reordering of packets can effect TCP performance
tremendously [33], [34]. It would not be hard to extend
Secure Traceroute [21] to include this kind of attack, but it
cannot be done with the protocols of Perlman [11],
Herzberg et al. [27] and Avramopoulos et al. [22] since
they monitor a single packet at each round. We instead
divide up arbitrary behavior into five different threats:
1. Packet loss. A compromised router can drop any
subset of the packets. As per Almes et al. [35], loss
can be measured as the amount of data arriving at
the sink of path segment subtracted from the amount
of data sent from its source.
2. Packet fabrication. A compromised router can gen-
erate packets and inject them into the traffic stream.
This can be measured as the number packets which
are reported at the sink of a packet segment but not
monitored as being sent by its source.
Misrouting packets can be considered an instance
of both packet loss and packet fabrication.
3. Packet modification. One can consider this threat as a
combination of packet loss and fabrication, but it
may not be detectable by simply comparing the
number of packets arriving at the sink with the
number sent from the source. Instead, some sum-
mary of the content needs to be maintained, and one
measures the number of modified packets.
4. Packet reordering. A compromised router can reorder
packets. Doing this can lead to performance pro-
blems or, in the extreme, denial of service. There are
many reasonable and incompatible methods of
measuring the amount of reordering, e.g., [33], [34],
[36], [37]. We use the definition from [36] because of
its simplicity: Given a transmitted stream o and a
received stream 1, remove from both all lost,
fabricated, and modified packets. Then, find the
longest common subsequence between these
modified o and 1. The amount of reordering is
defined as joj jj.
5. Time behavior. A compromised router can delay
traffic. Like reordering, doing this can lead to
performance problems or, in the extreme, denial of
service. There are simple metrics one can use, such
as the first i moments of the interpacket delay
distribution. However, such metrics are notoriously
sensitive in packet networks; we believe this area
requires more research.
These threats completely cover the set of bad behaviors a
router can exhibit in forwarding data. When all of these
metrics are zero, then no router is forwarding traffic in a
faulty manner.
4.2 Traffic Summary Functions
We have implemented three traffic summary functions,
each reflecting a different trade off among accuracy,
completeness, and threat. They are:
. Conservation of Flow. Our first summary function
resembles the conservation of flow approach used
by the WATCHERS protocol [25]. The traffic informa-
tion ii)oi
. . t collected by router i
consists of
two counters, each counting the number of packets
in one of the two directions of traffic along the
path . Periodically, i
passes these counters to other
routers collecting information about . Traffic
validation is done by comparing the values of these
counters. In general, this is a fragile summary
function because it only detects actions that cause
packet losses, and it assumes that malicious routers
cannot fabricate packets to fudge the counts
appropriately. However, it is extremely cheap to
implement, both in the per packet cost and in the
associated overhead to communicate the traffic
information among routers. It might be possible to
extract such information from existing traffic analy-
sis tools, such as Ciscos Netflow [38], without
requiring router modifications although we have
not attempted this (there are a number of complex-
ities in how Netflow manages flow records that pose
nontrivial synchronization challenges).
. Conservation of content. To detect modification of
packets, we can use a fingerprint (that is, a hash), of
the payload in place of a simple counter. Analogous
to conservation of flow, each router then periodically
communicates a set of packet fingerprints with other
routers for traffic validation, which is calculated via
set difference. In addition to detecting packet
modification, this approach also detects packet loss,
packet fabrication, and misrouting.
One technical difficulty with this approach is that
packets are naturally modified as they traverse
routers. In particular, the TTL field in the IP header
is decremented and the IP header checksum is
updated. We address this by having each router
compute fingerprints based on the TTL value and
checksum at one end of the path .
One downside to this approach is that it requires
storing and communicating a fingerprint for each
packet forwarded by a router. This is a significant
overhead. One can save significant space and
bandwidth by using more sophisticated algorithms
for calculating set differences. The simplest ap-
proach is to simply use Bloom filters [39] to
represent the set of fingerprints. One can then use
the population of the bitwise difference between the
filters to calculate the size of the set difference. This
approach is far cheaper to implement, but comes at
some expense in accuracy. More problematic is that
it is difficult to know in advance the appropriate
parameters for the Bloom filter. A too-small filter can
result in significant errors in estimation. A more
promising approach is to leverage distributed set
reconciliation algorithms [40]. This approach has
greater computation overhead than Bloom filters,
but it is optimal in bandwidth utilization [40].
. Conservation of content order. Packet reordering can be
detected by maintaining ordered lists of packet
fingerprints rather than simply sets. Like with
conservation of content, this can result in a sig-
nificant storage overhead. Traffic validation can then
be done using the metric defined in Section 4.1. This
has a higher overhead than simply computing the
size of the set difference. We have not yet looked into
methods that would reduce the storage or computa-
tional overheads.
4.3 Detection Accuracy
Any traffic validation mechanism presents the potential for
false negativesattacks which are not detectedand false
positivesbenign traffic that is incorrectly identified as
invalid. While the strengths and weaknesses of specific
mechanisms are beyond the scope of this paper (our focus
here is on the general problems posed by distributed
detection and the remainder of the paper considers T\ to
be a black box), the overall issues bear some discussion. The
issue of false negatives is ultimately tied to the precision
and completeness of the validation technique used. A
system based on conservation of flow could not expect to
detect attacks that modify packet content without changing
their number. Similarly, false positives relate to how well
the validation mechanism can model benign network
behavior. For example, the T\ mechanism must account
for IP packets whose TTL field is set to 1 and will be
correctly dropped at the next router. Similarly, there are
some cases where traffic is legitimately tampered by the
routers such as lawful intercept [41] and GRE tunneling
[42]. In these cases, a traffic validation mechanism would
also need to model the associated overlay topology and
classification rules.
Ultimately, there is little data about the prevalence of
different router attacks and how different validation
mechanisms would interact with these. Instead, we have
attempted to describe attacks and associated validation
mechanisms in a generic fashion. The detailed design of
traffic validation mechanisms and their empirical evalua-
tion remains an ongoing research activity.
The second problem is synchronizing the collection of
traffic information and distributing the results for detection
purposes. The solution to this problem is a protocol and, so,
we consider specifications of the problem as well as
Since routers collect the information upon which traffic
validation is based, there will be some uncertainty in
determining which router is faulty. For example, consider
traffic that traverses a path containing the sequence of
routers hi
. i
. i
i. Suppose router i
receives 10 packets
from i
and i
s traffic information state that i
20 packets to i
. Theres no way for i
to determine whether
did indeed drop 10 packets, or whether i
is misreporting
the traffic.
We cast the problem as a failure detector with accuracy
and completeness properties. This failure detector reports
suspicions as path segments, which are sequences of
adjacent routers. More specifically, a failure detector reports
a path segment if it suspects a router in is forwarding
traffic along in a faulty manner. A failure detector also has
a precision, which is the maximum length of a path segment
it suspects.
5.1 Specification
Due to the nature of the problem, our specification is more
complex than the typical accuracy and completeness
properties of an imperfect failure detector [43]. Since this
detector is based on evaluating traffic collected over a
period of time, we have the failure detector report
pairs i. t, which means that i was suspected as being
faulty during the time interval t. A perfect failure detector
would implement the following two properties:
1. Accuracy (tentative): A failure detector is accurate if,
whenever a correct router suspects i. t, then i was
faulty during t.
2. Completeness (tentative): A failure detector is complete
if, whenever a router i is faulty at some time t, then
all correct routers eventually suspect i. t for some
t containing t.
As noted above, though, our failure detector is based on
traffic information collected by untrustworthy routers. This
results in detections that are imprecise: we may not be able
to pin down which router is compromised. So, we have the
failure detector return a pair . t, where is a path
segment. This also allows us to give more information: We
restrict the detection to a router being faulty with respect to
forwarding traffic along :
. o-ccniocy: A failure detector is a-Accurate if,
whenever a correct router suspects . t, then jj
o and some router i 2 was faulty in during t.
. o-Coij|ctcic:: (tentative): A failure detector is a
Complete if, whenever a router i is faulty at some
time t, then all correct routers eventually suspect
. t for some path segment : jj o such that i
was faulty in at t, and for some interval t
containing t.
Note that a faulty router can report an incorrect value for
the traffic that traversed a path as well as alter this traffic.
We use the term t-faulty (that is, traffic faulty) to indicate a
router that alters traffic and the term p-faulty (that is, protocol
faulty) to indicate a router that misreports traffic. A faulty
router is one that is t-faulty, p-faulty, or both. As before, we
will add the phrase in to indicate that the faulty
behavior is with respect to traffic that transits the path .
Thus, the o-ccniocy requirement can result in a detection if
a router is either p-faulty or t-faulty.
Distinguishing between p-faulty and t-faulty behavior is
useful because, while it is important to detect routers that
are t-faulty, it isnt as critical to detect routers that are only
p-faulty: Routers that are only p-faulty are not altering the
traffic flow. Hence, we weaken o-Completeness:
. o-Coij|ctcic::: A failure detector is a-Complete if,
whenever a router i is t-faulty at some time t, then
all correct routers eventually suspect . t for some
path segment : jj o such that i was t-faulty in
at t, and for some interval t containing t.
One cannot depend on faulty servers to detect faulty
servers. Hence, failure detection is influenced more by the
maximum number of adjacent faulty routers rather than the
total number of faulty routers. So, we impose an upper
bound /od/ on the number of adjacent faulty routers. For
example, if /od3 holds, then there can be no more than
three adjacent faulty routers in any path.
Making a /od/ assumption has an effect on failure
detection. Allowing compromised routers to be adjacent
complicate detection further, since they can cooperate to hide
the evidence that a router is faulty. For example, assume that
/od3 holds, and consider a path hi
. i
. i
. i
. i
. i
. i
i in
which i
. i
, and i
are faulty. Suppose that over an interval
t, i
through i
report having forwarded 100 packets that
were to traverse this path, and i
and i
reports only 20 such
packets. Let i
obtain these counters. It could be the case that
dropped the traffic, and i
and i
misreported the traffic in
an effort to hide the fact that i
is faulty. From i
s point of
view, however, something is wrong with either i
or i
, since
the counters indicate that traffic has disappeared between
them. To satisfy o-Coij|ctcic::, j
needs to detect any
possible routers that could have led to this traffic discre-
pancy. So, the failure detector at i
could report that the path
segment hi
. i
. i
. i
i contains a faulty router, since if i
faulty, then i
and i
could be as well, given /od3. That is,
we could have the failure detector report a / 1-length path
segment to accommodate the fact that /od/ holds.
Another way to accommodate this kind of scenario is
to weaken o-Completeness. In the example just given, we
could have i
just suspect the path segment hi
. i
i. A
countermeasure protocol would stop routing data through
this path, and if i
or i
continue to behave in a faulty
manner, then they would be suspected later. We for-
malize this approach by defining a condition we call
being fault connected. Given a path segment and an
interval t, we say that a router i is fault connected to
router : with respect to if both i and : are in , and all
of the routers between : and i are faulty in during t.
Trivially, any router i is fault connected to itself even if i
is correct. We then weaken o-Completeness again:
. o-1C Coij|ctcic::: A failure detector is a-FC
Complete if, whenever a router i is t-faulty at some
time t, then all correct routers eventually suspect
. t for some : jj o and some t containing t
such that there is a router i
that was faulty in at
time t
in t and is fault-connected to i.
The choice between the two completeness properties is
not obvious. One would expect the precision obtainable
under o-FC Completeness to be better, but it could increase
the latency in detecting some t-faulty routers. If the value of
/ for which /od/ holds is not large, then o-Completeness is
probably a better choice because of its simplicity.
Since we are assuming arbitrarily faulty routers, we have
to allow faulty router to suspect correct routers. We address
this issue in the countermeasure protocol: as with WATCH-
ERS, the only suspicion that elicits a countermeasure is
when a router i suspects a path segment that is adjacent to
i. In this case, the countermeasure protocol will cause i not
to route traffic along the suspected path segment. A faulty
router can already drop packets and, so, allowing a faulty
router to break links with its neighbor (as a result of faulty
suspicions) adds no further disadvantage.
Using this terminology, Perlman [11] protocol is
`-Accurate and `-Complete, where ` is the maximum
length of a path between any pair of routers. All other prior
protocols we know of are 2-Accurate. However, the
detection is attained at only the source router in Perlman
[11], Avramopoulos et al. [22], and Secure Traceroute [21]. If
other routers learn of the fault from the detecting router i,
then such a router has to consider the possibility that i is p-
faulty. WATCHERS [26] is neither Complete nor FC Com-
plete, due to a flaw, which we have shown in [44]. The
claims in [21] indicate that Secure Traceroute is 2-Accurate
and 2-FC Complete. But, the description of the protocol
(especially on how the overhead is reduced by pretending
to monitor all prefixes of a path segment from a source to a
destination) is not detailed enough for us to be confident of
the actual accuracy and completeness of the protocol.
Herzberg et al. [27] and Avramopoulos et al. [22] protocols
are 2-FC Complete.
: A 2-FC Complete and 2-Accurate Protocol
Given a complete and accurate traffic validation mechan-
ism, an obvious approach is to have each router collect
traffic information over some agreed-upon interval, and
then use consensus to have all correct routers agree upon
the traffic information. With this information, each router
can agree upon which routers might be faulty.
For example, consider the 4-path segment
. i
. i
. i
where i
and i
are not faulty. Let ii)oi. . t be the traffic
information that router i
collects over during the agreed
upon time interval t for the path segment . If at least one of
the other routers is t-faulty with respect to during this
interval, then T\ . ii)o1. . t. ii)o4. . t will be false.
This implies that for some i, T\ . ii)oi. . t. ii)oi
1. . t is false, which means that at least one of routers i
and i
is faulty. Since ii)oi. . t and ii)oi 1. . t were
disseminated using consensus, all correct routers will know
that at least one of fi
. i
g is faulty.
We use these observations to construct a 2-Accurate
failure detector protocol. The first issue to address is over
which paths a router should record information about. Note
that it will need to run an instance of the protocol for each
path about which it records information. An obvious
answerover each data streams pathcould result in an
enormous set of paths. We can make the set smaller by
having each router keep track of each r-path segment of
which it is a member, for some value of r. The number of
r-path segments can grow very quickly with increasing r,
and, so, r should be as small as possible. It must be large
enough so that any sequence of faulty routers will be
surrounded by correct routers since this is necessary to
detect faulty behavior.
If we assume that /od/ holds, then the minimum value
of r satisfying the above constraint is / 2. Note that given
source and destination may not be separated by at least
/ routers, and, so, a router also collects information about
all paths of which it is a member whose length is less than
/ 2.
The resulting protocol
is shown in Fig. 1. In this
protocol, each router i maintains the current topology T
from which it derives its routing table. Each router i also
maintains a set of path segments 1
that contain i and that
i monitors. A router i runs a thread for each path segment
in 1
. 1
, which is computed from T, contains all /
2-path segments containing i and all r-path segments, 3
r < / 2 whose ends are terminal routers.
For each path segment 2 1
, i synchronizes with the
other routers in and collects information for the same
traffic passing through for an agreed-upon interval t.
Periodically, i sends that traffic information to all routers in
using consensus. This data is digitally signed to prevent
an attack during consensus. We use r
to indicate that r is
digitally signed by i.
Consider the traffic passing through a path segment .
The traffic will be consistentthat is,
T\ . ii)oi. . t. ii)oi 1. . t
will be truefor each pair of routers hi. i 1i in unless a
discrepancy is introduced by a faulty router. In other
words, if T\ . ii)oi. . t. ii)oi 1. . t is false then at
least one of the two routers i or i 1 is faulty. Note that it
could either be t-faulty or p-faulty (because it reports traffic
information that does not represent the actual traffic that
2. However, the detection has been done only at the source router. Not
every router in the network agree on the detection as we specified above.
transited during t). In either case, a correct router i in will
put the 2-path segment hi. i 1i into :n:jcct
set, and
reliably broadcast the evidence of the failure detection:
(ii)oi. . t
, ii)oi 1. . t
). Upon receiving this
information, all other correct routers will evaluate
T\ . ii)oi. . t. ii)oi 1. . t as false and detect the
fault on the 2-path segment hi. i 1i.
is given in Fig. 1. In Appendix 1.2, we show that
is 2-Accurate and 2-FC Complete.
: A / 2-Complete and / 2-Accurate
has considerable requirements in terms of collecting
traffic information, synchronization, and consensus. These
requirements can be avoided by making the detection be
less accurate.
The idea is to apply T\ just for the end nodes of each
path segment in 1
. For example, consider the 4-path
segment hi
. i
. i
. i
i, where i
and i
are not faulty.
Let ii)oi
. . t. ii)oi
. . t be the traffic information that
router i
and i
collect during t. If at least one of the other
routers is t-faulty with respect to during this interval, then
T\ . ii)oi
. . t. ii)oi
. . t will be false. In this case,
suspects hi
. i
. i
i. Similarly, i
suspects hi
. i
. i
For this protocol, a router need not monitor as many path
segments as with
. Instead, a router needs only keep
track of each r-path segment of which it is one of the end
nodes, for some value of r. The number of r-path segments
can grow very quickly with increasing r, and, so, r should
be as small as possible. It must be large enough so that any
sequence of faulty routers will be surrounded by correct
routers, as this is necessary to detect faulty behavior.
If we assume that /od/ holds, then the minimum value
of r satisfying the above constraint is / 2. However,
monitoring only / 2-path segments is not sufficient. A
trivial reason this is so is that not all path segments need be
/ 2 long. A more substantial reason is that compromised
routers may hide another routers bad behavior. For
example, given that /od2 holds, consider the 4-path
segment hi
. i
. i
. i
i, where i
and i
are correct and
and i
are faulty. In this case, i
and i
monitors , but i
can hide the fact that i
is t-faulty by simply sending traffic
information to i
such that T\ . ii)oi
. . t. ii)oi
. . t
holds. If i
were to instead also monitor the path hi
. i
. i
then i
could detect i
s faulty behavior. So, it is necessary
for a router i to monitor all r-path segments for 3 r
/ 2 of which i is an end.
For each path segment 2 1
, i synchronizes with the
other end router of and collects information for the traffic
passing through during an agreed-upon interval t.
Router i then exchanges digitally signed traffic information
with the router i
on the other end. If the exchange
operation fails within a prespecified timeout interval j, or
if i finds T\ . ii)oi. . t. ii)oi
. . t is false, then there
is at least one faulty router in during t. In particular,
either i
is p-faulty or some router in is t-faulty. So, i
detects hii. However, when it announces this detection
to the other routers, a correct router receiving this
information suspects since i might be faulty. For
simplicity, we also have router i suspect .
is given in Fig. 2. In Appendix 1.3, we show that
is (k+2)-Accurate and (k+2)-Complete.
Once a path segment is detected as containing compro-
mised routers, some countermeasure should be taken. Of
course, the most important countermeasure is to log the
suspicion and alert the administrator of the affected routers.
Less obvious is how the routers should react to a detection.
Suppose that some path segment is detected. An
obvious countermeasure would be to remove all of the
Fig. 1.
: A 2-FC Complete and 2-Accurate protocol.
routers in from the routing fabric. By doing so, we avoid
using any router that has been suspected of being
compromised. Doing this, though, could also have a
serious, and perhaps unnecessarily high, impact on net-
work performance. A less aggressive countermeasure
would be to only remove the path segment from the
routing fabric. In doing so, we may allow compromised
routers to keep forwarding packets, but only along paths
over which no faulty behavior has been observed.
We have chosen the second approach because of its less
disruptive behavior. If only a single interface is compro-
mised (todays interfaces are effectively their own CPUs),
then only the path segments incident on that interface will
be excluded. If a router is disrupting traffic along several
paths, then each of these paths will be separately detected
and then routed around. Finally, if a router is uniformly
malicious (i.e., causes traffic validation to fail for all traffic
passing through it) then all intersecting path segments will
be excluded and the router will be completely isolated.
We have implemented a prototype system, called Fatih, that
incorporates our approach into a Linux 2.4-based router
platform running OSPF. We have implemented a variety of
traffic validation mechanisms mentioned in Section 4,
including conservation of flow, content, and content order,
as well as the
distributed detection algorithm
explained in Section 5.3. The system architecture, shown
in Fig. 3, consists of five principal components.
7.1 FATIH Coordinator
This module implements the distributed detection algo-
rithm, namely,
, and carries out the general scheduling
and the communication with the Routing Daemon and the
Traffic Summary Generator.
1. Based on the network topology exported by the
Routing Daemon, the Coordinator decides which
path segments to monitor depending on the system
parameter / (Section 5). We have configured our
prototype with / 1, thus each router monitors all
3-path segments originating from itself. Beside
simplicity, our implementation focuses on this point
of the design space because it reflects the most
common capabilities available to an attacker. For an
adversary to compromise adjacent routers in a
manner that they attempt to conceal their actions
(i.e., / 1) is considerably more difficult as this
requires an adversary to modify the executable
protocol code running on the routers.
Fig. 2.
: A / 2-Complete and / 2-Accurate Protocol.
Fig. 3. Fatih system architecture.
2. The Coordinator receives information collected by
the Traffic Summary Generator, determines the path
being traversed, and delivers the received informa-
tion to the corresponding Traffic Validator modules.
3. Finally, the Coordinator, schedules and synchro-
nizes validation rounds among the Traffic Valida-
tors. In the current implementation, rounds are
configured at a five second interval. A longer time
interval requires more traffic summary state to be
maintained, while a shorter time interval places
more stringent synchronization requirements on the
Traffic Validator. For each monitored path segment, there
exists one corresponding Traffic Validator module, which
keeps state for the traffic sent and received during the last
time interval. At the end of each round, it exchanges
summary information with its corresponding peers and
decides whether any discrepancies exceed acceptable limits.
Messages between traffic validation modules on different
routers is via an authenticated TCP connection (using
manually configured shared keys in the current prototype).
If a Traffic Validator does not receive any traffic information
from its peer within a timeout interval, or if it decides that a
traffic discrepancy is excessive, the path segment is
identified as suspicious to the Routing Daemon.
7.2 Traffic Summary Generator
As described in Section 4, the Traffic Summary Generator
updates traffic information with each forwarded packet.
Depending on the underlying validation mechanism, the
generator computes a packet fingerprint using the UHASH
function [45] and associates a timestamp with it. The
performance of this module is critical and, therefore, we
have implemented it in the kernel to avoid unnecessary
copies of packet contents. Traffic summaries are ultimately
passed back to the Coordinator.
7.3 Link-State Routing Daemon
As described in Section 3, Fatih cooperates with a standard
link state routing protocol. The Routing Daemon, which is
based on Zebra [46] in the current prototype, implements
the OSPF [47] protocol and manages link state announce-
ments, shortest path computation and forwarding table
calculation and installation. In addition, we have modified
the protocol to incorporate input from Fatih. When the
Routing Daemon receives an alert from the Coordinator (or
via link-state updates from other routers), it recomputes
new shortest path routes to avoid any suspicious path
segments identified. This alert is then flooded via the link-
state update mechanism to allow other routers to exclude
the suspicious path segments as well.
However, it is not possible to reflect these routing
changes in a single forwarding table update because a
router, in the middle of a suspicious path segment , might
need to forward traffic traversing a prefix of , but destined
for an path which is not a suffix of . To allow this
distinction, we exploit policy-based routing to forward traffic
using a combination of the source and destination ad-
dresses. The source address is used, effectively, to select the
particular path segment prefix upon which a packet has
been delivered. The coordinator is kept abreast of routing
changes so it always knows which path segments should be
monitored, which peers to synchronize with and, so, the
source address can be efficiently mapped to a particular
path segment and forwarding table.
7.4 Packet Forwarding
Linux supports policy-based routing through the use of
multiple forwarding tables and an associated routing policy
database. The database defines the criteria used to decide
which forwarding table should be used to look-up a packet.
For example, in our environment, a router maintains a
distinct forwarding table for each detected suspicious path
segment that the current router is in the middle.
7.5 Time Synchronization
Fatih requires routers to have clocks synchronized closely
enough so that there is not a significant disagreement over
the intervals that traffic information is collected. For our
purposes, clocks that are synchronized within a few
milliseconds is sufficient. We use NTP [48] to synchronize
the routers clocks.
In this section, we describe the behavior of Fatih in a
simulated network environment. While this methodology is
sufficient to capture the gross behavior of Fatih in a
distributed setting, it is not detailed enough to predict
Fatihs precise performance in an actual deployment.
Similarly, our network traffic load is simulated as well
and, thus, any end-to-end performance measurements
could be misleading. Instead, we describe overhead on a
component basisfingerprint computation, router state,
and synchronization overheadand then explore how they
might scale and be combined in the next section.
We have chosen a topology based on the Abilene
network [49], Fig. 4a, because its structure, link delays,
bandwidths, and link-state metrics are all public. As well,
the topology has sufficient connectivity to demonstrate the
dynamics of Fatih during an attack.
We represent each Abilene Point of Presence (POP) as a
single router and configure the link delay and routing
metrics accordingly. Each of these routers is in turn
emulated by a User-Mode Linux [50] virtual machine,
configured with 64MB of memory and implementing the
Fatih system architecture as described earlier. The routers
are interconnected through Ethernet bridging in the Linux
host operating system, modified to emulate configured link
delays. The host system is a 2.6Ghz Pentium 4 server with
1GB of physical memory. Although our emulation testbed is
incapable of processing the traffic volume of a real Internet
backbone, it handles sufficient traffic to demonstrate Fatihs
key behaviors.
Fig. 4b demonstrates Fatih in progress. Time is shown on
the r-axis in seconds, different routers are shown on the left
y-axis, and the right y-axis is used for the latency measured
between the `cn Y oi/ and oniiy.o|c during the experi-
ment. At the beginning of the experiment, each router
discovers its immediate neighbors, transmits and receives
OSPF link state updates, and computes new routing tables
with the most recent link state database. After roughly
55 seconds, all routers have agreed on a common network
topology and a stable forwarding path is available between
all pairs of routers.
At this point in time, we inject a synthetic traffic load into
the network and initiate round trip time (RTT) measure-
ments between `cn Y oi/ and oniiy.o|c. Initially, the
forwarding path between these routers is
honiiy.o|c. 1oi:o: City.
1idioiojo|i:. C/icoqo. `cn Y oi/i
with a configured one-way latency of 25 ms in the
configuration files. As expected the measured round-trip
time is roughly 50 ms.
At roughly 117 seconds, our simulated attacker compro-
mises the 1oi:o: City router and modifies its behavior
such that 20 percent of its transit traffic is dropped or
altered. We chose the 1oi:o: City router as a victim
because most intercoastal traffic traverses it and is therefore
a obvious target. Using the Fatih protocol, the path
segments 1oi:o: City. 1idioiojo|i:i. 1oi:o: City. Hon:toii. and
hHon:toi. 1oi:o: City. 1idioiojo|i:i
are all validated every t 5 seconds by their terminal
routers. Thus, at the end of the current traffic validation
round (about 3 seconds after the attack),, Hon:toi,
and 1idioiojo|i: detect that traffic through these monitored
path segments is inconsistent and notify their OSPF routing
There are two parameters of the OSPF routing protocol
that affect the following events. OSPF_delay_time is the
time passed before computing a new routing table as a
result of a triggering event (e.g., a new link-state update
message or an alert, as in this case). Oo11 /o|d tiic is the
time passed before any consecutive routing table computa-
tions. These values default to 5 seconds and 10 seconds,
respectively, in the Zebra OSPF implementation. As a
result, an additional 15 seconds pass before the detected
traffic inconsistency causes the associated path segments to
be removed from the routing topology. At roughly
135 seconds, this process completes and the path between
New York and Sunnyvale is changed to
honiiy.o|c. 1o: iqc|c:. Hon:toi. t|oito.
\o:/iiqtoi 1C. `cn Y oi/i.
This new path has a configured one-way latency of 28 ms,
thus the measured RTT becomes 56 ms. Note that the
1oi:o: City router continues to operate, but its neighbor-
ing routers will no longer forward traffic through it.
In this section, we consider the overhead of our approach.
9.1 Fingerprinting
Like any protocol that detects packet alteration [11], [21],
[22], our Conservation of content and Conservation of content
order traffic summary functions compute a fingerprint for
each packet. To be practical, computing a fingerprint must
have a low overhead. One possibility for fingerprinting is
CRC32. This is already computed by most network
interfaces at line rate and is a good uniform hash function.
However, it is reversible and an adversary could create
modified packets that have the same hash. In some
circumstances, such as a compute limited adversary, it
might serve as a good fingerprinting function.
We implemented fingerprinting using UHASH which is
an unkeyed version of the UMAC algorithm [45]. This
algorithm allows a trade off between security and perfor-
mance and is designed to support parallel implementations.
Black et al. [45] and Rogaway [51] demonstrated UHASH
performance of more than 1Gbps on a 700Mhz Pentium III
processor computing a 4 byte hash value and delivering a
forging probability (which is more than sufficient for
our application). In hardware, of course this performance
could be increased still further.
Between software and hardware are emerging network
processors which are designed to perform highly parallel
actions on data packets [52]. Recently, Feghali et al. [53]
described an implementation of DES [54] and AES [55]
the Intel IXP28xx network processors that was able to keep
3. DES and AES are two well-known encryption algorithms that provide
Fig. 4. (a) Abilene network topology. (b) Fatih in progress.
pace with a 10Gigabit/sec forwarding rate. Since DES and
AES encryption algorithms are significantly more expen-
sive to compute than functions such as UHASH, we can
infer that it is possible to compute these packet finger-
prints up to 10Gbps.
However, if there are insufficient computational re-
sources, one can easily trade off accuracy for overhead by
subsampling the packets to be considered. As in Duffield
and Grossglausers Trajectory Sampling [56], if the same
random hash function is used to subsample packets at each
end of a path segment, then each router should observe the
same subset of packets. Further, each pair of routers is free
to select such sampling functions independently and need
not rely on a global secret.
9.2 State Size
One of the most important factors in terms of a protocol
being practical is the size of the state at each router that
needs to be maintained. Assume that we wish to provide
fault-tolerant forwarding between each source and destina-
tion pair in the network. Let ` be the number of routers in
the network, 1be the maximumnumber of links incident on
a router, and / is the value used in the /od/ assumption.
Perlman [11], Herzberg et al. [27], and Avramopoulos et al.
[22] require O`
state, since each individual router
maintains state for each (source, destination) pair. WATCH-
ERS [26] reduces the state requirement to O1`, where
each individual router keeps seven counters for each its
neighbors for each destination. In Secure Traceroute [21], if a
router monitors paths to all destinations, then O` space is
required (assuming that there is only one path in active use
between a given source and destination).
Our protocols require a router i to record state for each
path segment 1
that it monitors. By construction, this is
O/ 1
and Ominf1
. `g for
. In
practice, though, we expect j1
j to be much smaller. For
example, we have examined two network topologies,
Sprintlink and EBONE, that were measured by the Rock-
etfuel project [57]. We counted the number of distinct path
segments that a router monitors for different values of / in
/od/ assumption. For instance, the Sprintlink network
consists of 315 routers and 972 links. On the average, a
router has 6.17 links, and the maximum number of links
that a router has is 45. In Fig. 5, the maximum, average, and
median of j1
j that a router monitors is given for this
network for
. For this network (as well as for
EBONE), the empirical results are much smaller than the
theoretical upper bounds.
As a point of comparison, for the Sprintlink network, on
average, a router under WATCHERS would maintain
approximately 13,600 counters, and the maximum number
of counters that a router maintains is 99,205. With our
conservation of flow traffic summary function
, a
router maintains 232 counters on average and 496 in the
worst case if /od2 holds. Even with the weak assumption
of /od7, each router maintains 616 counters on average
and 626 in the worst case.
9.3 Synchronization
Protocols that validate aggregate traffic requires synchro-
nization to agree on a time interval to collect traffic
information. WATCHERS synchronizes all routers using a
snapshot algorithm [58]. In
, for each path segment in
, a router i synchronizes with all the routers in to agree
on when and for how long the next measurement interval t
will be. It would probably be more efficient, though, to have
all the routers in the network synchronize with each other
instead of having many more, smaller synchronization
rounds. Perfect synchronization would not be necessary in
practice, since the traffic validation function T\ could be
written to accommodate a small skew. The synchronization
requirements for
are lower than for
. As for each
path segment that a router i monitors, i needs to agree
with only the other end router i
of . This is the same
requirement for Secure Traceroute.
9.4 Information Dissemination
requires each router in path segment to reach
consensus about the traffic information collected over
during a time interval t. To do so necessitates digitally
signing the traffic information, since, otherwise, the
replication is not high enough for consensus to be solvable.
Thus, there is an issue of key distribution depending on the
cryptographic tools that are used. Finally, there must be
enough path connectivity among the routers to support
consensus [59]. For
, in order to exchange traffic
information, neither Consensus nor the good neighbor
4. This requires two counters per path segment, one for each direction.
Fig. 5. Based on /od/; maximum, average, and median size of 1
that a router monitors in (a)
and (b)
condition of WATCHERS is required (good neighbor requires
that each compromised router is adjacent to a noncompro-
mised router). Furthermore, with
, the end routers can
use the same path segment they are monitoring to exchange
traffic information. This is because if an intermediate router
were to fail to forward the information, then one end would
detect it, which would lead to the path segment being
suspected. To avoid impersonation attacks,
authentication. Meanwhile, the final reliable broadcast of
can be done as part of the LSA
distribution of the link state protocol.
9.5 Multicast
Multicast forwards traffic along more than one path. Since
conservation of flow as stated by WATCHERS inherently
assumes single-path communication, WATCHERS cannot
be easily extended for multicast communications. All of the
other protocols discussed above, including our own, can be
extended easily for multicast. Doing so would require the
routers to agree on the network topology and the multicast
tree (something that, for example, with MOSPF [51], would
be straightforward to do).
9.6 Fragmentation
Fragmentation does not change the data that is carried in
network traffic, but rather changes the way that data is
packetized. Thus, traffic validation based on packets is
sensitive to fragmentation, while traffic validation based on
data is not. Of the protocols mentioned in this paper, only
WATCHERS bases its traffic validation just on the data (it
uses byte count) and is therefore insensitive to fragmenta-
tion. However, fragmentation occurs very rarely in the
Internet [52], and, so, we do not consider sensitivity to
fragmentation to be a practical concern.
In this paper, we motivated and specified the problem of
detecting routers with incorrect packet forwarding behavior
and provided a general framework for formally analyzing
protocols addressing this problem. Our approach is to
separate the problem into three subproblems: 1) determin-
ing the traffic information to record upon which to base the
detection, 2) synchronizing routers to collect traffic in-
formation and distributing this information among them so
detection can occur, and 3) taking countermeasures when
detection occurs. We presented a concrete protocol,
that is likely inexpensive enough for a practical implemen-
tation at scale. We believe our work is an important step in
being able to tolerate attacks on key network infrastructure
A.1 Basic Theorems
Theorem 1. If a router i is t-faulty at some time t and /od/
holds, then there exists a path segment , such that:
. i 2 ,
. i is t-faulty in during some t that contains t,
. only the first and last routers of are correct, and
. 3 jj / 2.
Proof. If i is t-faulty at time t, then there is a path , such
that i is t-faulty in during some t that contains t. From
the system assumption, the source and sink routers of
are correct, and, so, must contain at least three routers
to include the faulty router i.
For each path segment of that contains i, i is
t-faulty in during t. Given /od/, i can be in a group of
no less than one and no more than / adjacent faulty
routers. This group, by definition, is bounded on both
sides by nonfaulty routers. tu
Theorem 2. If, for a path segment ,
T\ . ii)o/. . t. ii)o,. . t
is false where 1 / < , jj, then there exists a link hi. i
1i such that T\ . ii)oi. . t. ii)oi 1. . t is false and
/ i < i 1 ,.
Proof. By contradiction. Assume that there is no link hi. i
1i such that T\ . ii)oi. . t. ii)oi 1. . t is false
and / i < i 1 ,. For each link hi. i 1i such that
/ i < i 1 ,, T\ . ii)oi. . t. ii)oi 1. . t i s
true. Since T\ is transitive,
T\ . ii)o/. . t. ii)o,. . t
is true, which leads us a contradiction. tu
A.2 Properties of
Theorem 3. The protocol
is 2-Accurate.
Proof. By construction, all suspicions are path segments of
length 2. For a correct router : to suspect h. ti, that
router found T\ . ii)oi. . tii)oi 1. . t to be
false, for some that contains i and i 1. Furthermore,
since the traffic information is digitally signed, the two
routers did report this traffic information. Hence, at least
one of the two routers must be t-faulty or p-faulty. tu
Theorem 4. The protocol
is 2-FC Complete.
Formally, if a router i is t-faulty at some time t, then all
correct routers eventually suspect h. ti for some path
segment : jj 2 and some t containing t such that there
is a router i
that was faulty in at time t
in t and is fault-
connected to i.
Proof. By Theorem 1, if a router i is t-faulty at time t, then
there exists a path segment
, such that: i 2
; i is also
t-faulty in
during t containing t; only the first and last
routers of
(which well call ) and ) are correct and
3 j
j / 2.
By construction of 1
and 1