To solve the problem of reduction in the throughput due to problems, and therefore the collaborative method should be
selfish and malicious nodes in a MANET, Marti et al [1] used. The main advantage of this scheme is the restriction of
proposed two additional components to the dynamic source computation-intensive operations of the system to few
routing protocol (DSR): watchdog and pathrater. When a dynamically elected nodes. However, most of the available
node forwards a packet, the node’s watchdog verifies whether mobile agent frameworks are heavyweight and can often be
the next node in the path also forwards the same. The the targets of attacks themselves [5].
watchdog does this by listening promiscuously to the next
node’s transmissions. If the next node does not forward the III. THE PROPOSED FRAMEWORK
packet, then it is misbehaving. The pathrater assesses the This section presents the details of the proposed scheme. At
results of the watchdog and selects the most reliable path for first, some salient features of the scheme are described and
packet delivery. However, this scheme has several drawbacks. then the details of the framework and the associated protocols
First of all, overhearing does not always work particularly in are presented.
situations like collisions or weak signals. Secondly, pathrater
actually does not punish malicious nodes that do not cooperate
in routing. Rather it relieves them of the burden of forwarding
packets for others, while their messages are forwarded without
any problem. In this way, the malicious nodes are rewarded
Fig.1. Key distribution and intrusion detection as complementary functions
and reinforced in their behavior.
CONFIDANT [2] protocol as proposed by Buchegger et al A. Salient Features of the Proposed Scheme
extends the concepts of watchdog and pathrater. In this The proposed framework employs the complementary
mechanism, misbehaving nodes are not only excluded from relationship between key distribution and intrusion detection.
forwarding route replies, but also from sending their own route Key distribution in an ad hoc network require a trust
request. The scheme includes a trust manager to evaluate the management scheme to dynamically bind trust relationships
level of trust of alert reports and a reputation system to rate between the key distribution servers and the clients. Usually,
each node. The reports from trusted sources are only processed the context of this trust relationship is whether the node is well
by the nodes. However, it is not clear how fast the trust level behaving or not. This requirement of dynamic trust
can be adjusted for a compromised node especially if it has a management scheme can be satisfied by an intrusion detection
high trust level initially. system (IDS) that monitors the behavior of the nodes in the
Buttyan et al [3] have advocated the use of tamper-resistant network for identification of malicious or faulty nodes (Fig. 1).
hardware on each node of a MANET to encourage The intrusion detection system, in turn, requires the security
cooperation. Nodes are assumed to be unwilling to forward provided by the key distribution process through cryptographic
packets unless they are stimulated to do so. In this approach, a techniques. This complementary relationship between key
protected credit counter runs on the tamper-resistant device. It distribution and intrusion detection has been deployed in the
increments by one when a packet is forwarded. It refuses to proposed scheme to provide a high level of robustness into it.
send its own packets if the counter is smaller than a threshold. In the bootstrapping phase, the system uses the initial trust
Public key cryptography is used to exchange credit counter relationships that may be implemented by location limited side
information among the neighbors and verify if forwarding is channels (LLCs) [7]. This provides the initial security to the
really successful. However, the availability of tamper-resistant intrusion detection mechanism, which in turn provides a
hardware is a very vital assumption for the successful working dynamic trust management scheme for key distribution.
of the scheme that involves complexity in hardware design. Due to dynamic nature of ad hoc networks, any intrusion
In [4], the authors have presented a security architecture for detection (in this present context, detection of packet
MANETs involving mobile agents. In this scheme, multiple dropping) process should involve a distributed and cooperative
sensors deployed throughout the network collect and merge protocol among the participating nodes. The cooperation
audit data implementing a cooperative detection algorithm. between the nodes may be restricted within a small subset of
Sensors are deployed on some of the hosts in the network that nodes that are believed to be more trustworthy, or it may
monitor the network traffic. The selection of these nodes is involve all the nodes in the network. Unlike most of the
based on their connectivity index and a distributed voting existing approaches, the proposed mechanism involves all the
algorithm. The detection decisions are taken by mobile agents nodes in the network for working of the distributed protocol
that migrate their execution and state information between the because the protocol involving a subset of nodes have the
different sensor hosts of the network, and finally return to the following drawbacks. Firstly, these schemes require some
originator host with the results. The authors have proposed mechanisms to dynamically identify the subset of nodes that
two different methods of decision-making: collaborative and will participate in the protocol execution. Moreover, such
independent. They argue that independent decision-making by schemes fail to take into account the observations of all the
mobile agents is susceptible to single point of failure nodes in the network for identification of occurrences of
Paper ID: 174
events, and depend on the observations made by the nodes observed by all of its neighbors (Fig. 2). The accused
belonging to the subset only. For example, if the neighbors of (suspected) node on receiving the challenge responds by
a suspicious node cooperate to detect whether that node is acknowledging the message and sending a verify_behavior
really malicious, then the neighbors do not have information message to all of its neighbors. The neighbors respond by
about the past behavior of the node as observed by other nodes sending the observed value of the degree of maliciousness of
in the network because of the dynamic nature of the network’s the accused node. The accused node calculates the group’s
topology. This may lead to incorrect evaluation of the behavior trust in its behavior using the received values and broadcasts
of the suspicious node. the computed group-trust along with the received responses to
A detection mechanism for malicious packet dropping all the neighbors. All the messages are cryptographically
attack that is based on a cooperative algorithm may be secured by public key cryptographic mechanisms. The
susceptible to attacks by Byzantine nodes. These nodes may messages are also time-stamped so as to prevent replay attacks.
make false claims of detecting malicious activities by some For computing group trust value from the received responses,
nodes that are really honest. The proposed scheme is secure any consensus-based scheme can be used. In the proposed
and will operate correctly even in the presence of such scheme, the difference of the absolute trust values and the
Byzantine nodes in the network. average degree of maliciousness of the majority of the
As in a MANET, every node acts as a router and respondents (neighbors) has been taken as the final group-trust
participates in packet forwarding, there is lot of redundancy of value of the node. Majority among the neighbors has been
routing information in the network. This redundancy of taken as the larger of the two subsets of nodes obtained by
routing has been utilized in the proposed scheme to achieve a partitioning the nodes on the basis of a preset threshold value
high degree robustness in its functioning so that it can work of trust.
correctly in presence of selective packet dropping, packet
Accuser Accused Respondent
tampering and even in the scenario of transient network
partitioning. Challenge
threshold trust level, a global alarm is raised and the whistle the network. Moreover, due to group certification scheme, the
blower module is called on. number of false alarm is also less. As the number of malicious
For updating the trust value of a node, a cumulative function nodes in a network is usually small, the number of trust state to
is used. In (1), Told , Tnew , Tcertificate stand for the old trust value, be maintained in the nodes are also few. Thus the scheme
new trust value, and the group recommended trust value for a involves a very low storage overhead.
node respectively. (v) Whistle Blower: The whistle blower module initiates a
(1 − Tnew ) = α (1 − Told ) + β (1 − Tcertificate ) − δ (1) response action on receiving a global alarm about a suspected
node. When a global alarm is raised, the alarm message is
α and β represent the weightage corresponding to the old flooded across the entire network followed by the invocation
trust value and the new trust value of the node respectively. δ of a voting algorithm among the nodes that have recently
is the trust replenishment factor over time. β depends on three interacted with the suspected node, and a final decision is
factors α1 , α 2 , α 3 and can be expressed as follows: arrived at about the course of action to be taken (i.e., whether
β = α1α 2α 3 (2) to isolate the node as it has been detected to be truly malicious
or to keep it under surveillance as its trust value is still above
The parameter α1 is given by the threshold). Fig.3 depicts the interactions of different
∑ w iti security modules.
α =
1 (3)
corresponding to each node in the network. The malicious the false alarm rate by 50% as observed in Fig 8. Fig. 9 shows
nodes are shown in dark. It can be seen that number of that in terms of successful detection rate both the distributed
complaints is more for nodes that have higher packet dropping and individual-observation based algorithms have the same
rates. Some of the nodes that are not malicious are also level of performance. The results thus clearly demonstrate the
wrongly identified. In fact, these are the nodes that are effectiveness of the distributed collaborative algorithm for
experiencing heavy congestion and thus dropping packets at detection of packet dropping attack in an ad hoc network.
high rates. Thus the scheme also helps in identifying nodes
that have higher congestion. This helps in reducing the number
of false alarm as the nodes can take a distributed approach in
arriving at a consensus to identify the malicious nodes
ignoring the nodes that are experiencing congestion. Success
Cooperative Independent
algo Proposed Algorithms
algo Fig.9. Success rates for distributed and non-distributed schemes
Fig. 6. Comparison of successful detection rates In this paper, a distributed algorithm is presented for
detecting malicious packet dropping attack in MANETs. The
algorithm works on cooperative participation of all the nodes
in the network at the network-bootstrapping phase but
of effectively identifies the nodes that behave maliciously as they
nodes participate in network activities. The redundancies in routing
information in a MANET are suitably utilized to make the
detection scheme highly robust and secure against various
attacks. Due to the use of controlled flooding technique the
mechanism has also very low communication overhead.
Simulation carried on the scheme demonstrates its
effectiveness. As a future scope of work, the mechanism can
be extended so that the identified malicious nodes are isolated
from the network and a secure routing protocol can be
Nodes developed utilizing only the trusted nodes in the network.
Fig.7. No. of nodes that finds a node malicious
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in detection of malicious nodes is further depicted in Fig. 8 [6] R. Rao and G. Keisidis, “Detecting malicious packet dropping using
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Paper ID: 174