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The Modified Routing Protocol For Defending Against Attacks in MANET

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Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2012

ISSN: 2277 128X

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering

Research Paper Available online at: www.ijarcsse.com

The Modified Routing Protocol for Defending against Attacks in MANET

S.Gopinath Assistant Professor Department of ECE, Muthayammal Engineering College,Rasipuram, S.Maragatharaj Assistant Professor Department of ECE, Kavery Engineering College, Mechery. C.Rajalingam Assistant Professor Department of EEE, Asan Memorial College of Engineering & Technology, Chengalpattu.

Abstract- Mobile Ad Hoc Networks are the set of mobile hosts operating without the aid of the established infrastructure of centralized administration. Due to lack of infrastructure, the network can be easily affected by several attacks. In addition to node mobility, a MANET is characterized by limited resources such as bandwidth, battery power, and storage space. The underlying assumption in MANETs is that the intermediate nodes cooperate in forwarding packets. MANETs are mostly vulnerable to the Denial of Service (DoS) attack because of its features. For this, we have developed the reputation based system. Here, each node would evaluate nodes recommendation, route id and threshold packet dropping ratio. The proposed reputation system is evaluated with discrete event simulator environment. Simulation results shows that the reputation based system detects and isolates the DoS attack and provides better misbehavior detection efficiency, packet delivery ratio, and reduced packet dropping ratio, routing overhead, latency . Keywords-MANET, Packet Delivery Ratio, DoS attack, detection efficiency and overhead.

I. INTRODUCTION In an ad hoc wireless network where wired infrastructures are not feasible, energy and bandwidth conservation are the two key elements presenting research challenges. Limited bandwidth and energy makes a network easily congested. The dynamic and cooperative nature of MANETs presents considerable challenges in offering secured services In MANETs, a network is formed dynamically through the cooperation of an arbitrary set of independent nodes. There is no prearrangement regarding the specific role each node should assume. Instead, each node makes its decision independently, based on the network situation, without using a preexisting network infrastructure. Ad hoc networks have the characteristics such as dynamically changing topology, weak physical protection of nodes, the absence of centralized administration and high dependence on inherent node cooperation. When the topology keeps changing, these networks do not have a well defined boundary and thus network based access control mechanism such as firewalls are not directly applicable. Securing wireless ad hoc networks is a highly challenging issue. There are certain specific attacks to which the ad hoc context is vulnerable. Performing communication in free space exposes ad hoc networks to eavesdrop or inject messages. Ad hoc network attacks can be classified into active and passive attacks. A passive attack does not inject any

message, but listens to the channel. A passive attack tries to discover valuable information and does not produce any new traffic in the network. In the case of an active attack, messages are inserted into the network; such attacks involve actions such as replication, modification, and deletion of exchanged data. In ad hoc networks, active attacks are impersonation, Denial of Service (DOS) and disclosure attack. DOS attacks can cause a severe degradation of network performance in terms of the achieved throughput and latency. The performance of the wireless network is degraded by DOS depends on many factors such as location of malicious nodes, their traffic pattern, fairness provided in the network resources. It attacks like routing table overflow and sleep deprivation fall. The main aim of a DoS attack is the interruption of services by attempting to limit access to a machine or service instead of subverting the service itself. This kind of attack aims at rendering a network incapable of providing normal service by targeting either the networks bandwidth or its connectivity. These attacks achieve their goal by sending at a victim a stream of packets that swamps his network or processing capacity denying access to his regular clients. In the not so distant past, there have been some large - scale attacks targeting high profile Internet sites. [1]. In MANET, uncooperative node is malicious node. The nodes belonging to the first category are either faulty and therefore cannot follow a protocol, or are intentionally

Volume 2, issue 1, January 2012 malicious and try to attack the system. Malicious node causes packet dropping, false routing and etc. Effects of malicious nodes are given below: Malicious node reduces the network connectivity in MANETs. The result is defragmented networks, isolated nodes, and drastically reduced network performance. No intention for energy-saving. Launch all kinds of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks by replaying, reordering or/and dropping packets from time to time, and even by sending fake routing messages. II. RELATED WORK In the ad hoc networks presently in operation, the nodes are required to watch their neighbors for misbehaviour and this not only necessitates promiscuous modes of operation but also overloads the nodes. Watchdog and path rater approach is proposed [3] to detect and isolate the misbehaving nodes. In this approach, a node forwarding a packet checks if the next hop also forwards it. If not, a failure count is incremented and the upstream node is rated to be malicious if the count exceeds a certain threshold. The path rater module then utilizes this knowledge to avoid it in path selection. It improves the throughput of the network in the presence of malicious nodes. However, it has the demerit of not penalizing the malicious nodes. Buchegger and Boudec [4] suggest that despite the fact that networks only function properly if the participating nodes cooperate in routing and forwarding. However, it may be advantageous for individual nodes not to cooperate. They propose a protocol, called CONFIDANT, which aims at detecting and isolating misbehaving nodes, thus making misbehavior unattractive.Here misbehaving nodes are excluded from forwarding routes. It includes a trust manager to evaluate the level of trust of alert reports. But it is not clear how fast the trust level can be adjusted for compromised node especially if it has a high trust level initially[5]. Trust Evaluation method [6] provides an effective security mechanism based on data protection and secure routing. But it relies on global information and hence the reaction time is more. It would be preferable to reduce the reaction time. Li Zhao et.al [7] have proposed MultipAth Routing Single path transmission (MARS) scheme to mitigate adverse effects of misbehavior. This scheme combines multipath routing and single path data transmission with end-to-end feedback mechanism to provide more comprehensive protection against misbehavior from individual or cooperating misbehaving nodes. In the Reputation scheme [8], the reputation of the nodes is assessed based on their past history of relaying packets, and are used by their neighbors to ensure that the packet will be relayed by the node. Instead of choosing the shortest path to the destination, the source node chooses a path 2011, IJARCSSE All Rights Reserved

www.ijarcsse.com whose next hop node has the highest reputation. As a result, the good nodes (nodes with higher reputations) become overloaded. Once the load on the good nodes is more than what the resources can manage , they start dropping packets and start loosing reputation. As a result, their incoming traffic is reduced to a level at which they can forward all the packets they receive for relaying. Also the number of route discoveries is more with increase in the average hop length. Tarag Fahad and Robert Askwith [9] have proposed the new mechanism called Packet Conservation Monitoring Algorithm (PCMA) to detect selfish nodes in the presence of partial dropping when the selfish node does not drop all packets but sends some of them and drops other in MANET.
Much of research on security policies focuses on policy representation and evaluation [10], [11] or building security mechanisms based on specific policies [12] without addressing policy enforcement.

The main aim in this paper is to arrive at a simple protocol which strikes a balance between defending against DoS attacks and energy consumption. III. MOBILITY ORIENTED DYNAMIC SOURCE ROUTING A. Mobility Oriented Dynamic Source Routing (MODSR) Prorocol In the proposed system, we have focussed on reducing the effects of Denial of Service (DoS) attack. For that, we have developed one misbehavior table list and also the packet format. This packet format is totally 8 bytes which contains source and destiantion address, Sequence number, Hop Count, CRC and Route Id. The proposed misbehavior table list which is used to identify the malicious node. When the malicious node is detected, it will be automatically entered in the table list. In order to give the authentication of message, the RSA scheme is implemented. While comparing with the existing results, the proposed system achieves high perfomrance interms of misdetection efficiency, latency and packet delivery ratio. B. Stimulating Reputation Based System to defend against DoS attacks The proposed system mainly focused on reducing the effects of DoS attacks. So the system is developed to reduce malicious nodes and selfish nodes in the network environment. The proposed packet format is shown in figure.2
Source ID 1 Destination ID 1 Route ID 1 Sequence Number 2 Data (025) bytes MAC 4 bytes CRC

Fig.1. Proposed packet format In MANET, different routing protocols use different metrics to forward the data packets from the source to the

Volume 2, issue 1, January 2012 destination. The metrics are delay, link-quality, path-length, link stability, location-stability, and power. The proposed packet format contains the fields like source and destination nodes id, Route id which is used for identifying the particular intended route, sequence number is stored in all packets which is for identification purpose, Data occupies 25 bytes which is defined by the source, MAC is for authentication in order to avoid malicious activities, finally CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) is used for error detection and correction which occupies 1 bytes. The proposed system consists of following steps; Step1: Source node sends the packet to the destination node via intermediate nodes. Step 2: Once the intermediate node receives the packet, first it will check the route id and source id and sequence number. If the route id is not valid, then it will drop the packet. Step 3: Intermediate nodes also verify the packet dropping ratio which will be stored in the misbehavior list table. The Packet Dropping Ratio is calculated by, Step 5:


Finally the destination node will check the no. of packets received. Thus the behavior of DoS attack can be successfully received by means of proposed RBS system. We have also proposed one more scheme which is used to reduce the energy consumption of the node. IV. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION A. Simulation Model and Parameters The Proposed scheme is implemented with the object oriented discrete event simulator. In our simulation, 101 mobile nodes move in a 1000 meter x 1000 meter square region for 50 seconds simulation time. We assume each node moves independently with the same average speed. All nodes have the same transmission range of 100 meters. The simulated traffic is Constant Bit Rate (CBR). Our simulation settings and parameters are summarized in table 1 No. of Nodes Area Size Mac Radio Range Simulation Time 100 1000 X 1000 802.11 100m 50 sec CBR 80 bytes Random Way Point

Here, we have set the threshold dropping ratio tpdr. If any packet dropping ratio is greater than the tpdr, the whole route will be considered as invalid, otherwise valid. Nodes recommendation which also used to identify the malicious behaviors. Evaluating the recommendation is given by which is node As evaluation to node B by collecting recommendations

Traffic Source Packet Size Mobility Model

B. Performance Metrics We evaluate mainly the performance according to the following metrics. Detection Efficiency: The ratio of detected malicious nodes to the total number of nodes. Latency: The latency is averaged over all surviving data packets from the sources to the destinations. Average Packet Delivery Ratio: It is the ratio of the number .of packets received successfully and the total number of packets transmitted. Routing Overhead: The control overhead is defined as the total number of routing control packets normalized by the total number of received data packets. Packet Dropping Ratio: The number of packets dropped to the number of packets sent in the network. In general, the PDR level should be kept minimum. The simulation results are presented in the next part. We compare our RBS scheme with the existing technique TMLS scheme in presence of malicious node environment. C. Results

is a group of recommenders.
is trust vector of node A to C. is trust vector of node C to B. Incase if packet dropping is more, invalid route id and false node recommendation about neighborhood node which indicates the presence of malicious node. Once the presence has been identified, it will be isolated automatically by means of misbehavior detection list table.Thus the node is injected by means of DoS attack. Step 4: Once all the fields are verified, the intermediate node sends the RREP packets to source, or any problem occurs, it will send the RERR packet. 2011, IJARCSSE All Rights Reserved

Volume 2, issue 1, January 2012 Nodes actual behaviors comply with the Bernoulli trial, which means that the probability that a node acts good is predetermined. If a node acts well for less than 40 percent of the interactions, it is considered as a malicious node. The default percentage of malicious node in the network is 20 percent. In our First experiment, we vary the no. of malicious nodes as 20, 30 up to 100. Figure 2 show the results of detection efficiency for the 20, speed. Clearly our MODS protocol achieves more detection rate than the Certainty reputation and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol. Figure 3 shows the results of No.of Nodes Vs overhead. From the results, we can see that MODS protocol achieves low overhead than Certainty reputation and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol.

Figure 3. No.of Nodes Vs Overhead

Figure 4.No.of Nodes Vs Packet Dropping Ratio

Figure 4 show the results of packet delivery ratio for the throughput. Clearly our MODS protocol achieves more packet delivery ratio than the Certainty reputation and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol. V. CONCLUSION It is easy to deploy DoS attack to impersonate another node in MANET. Mobile ad hoc network has no clear line of defense, so, it is accessible to both legitimate network users and malicious nodes. In this paper, we have developed a reputation based system which attains authentication and reduce energy consumption to the mobile nodes. In the first phase of the scheme, detection of the DoS attack is achieved. It uses trust table to favor packet forwarding by maintaining a packet dropping ratio and route id for each node.Thus the node recommendation, PDR and route id are verified. If the nodes packet dropping ratio value falls below a trust PDR threshold value, the corresponding the intermediate node is marked as malicious node which is caused by means of DoS attack. For reducing the energy consumption of whole network we focused on two cases i.e., energy consumption of the nodes and routes, link and location stability. By simulation results, we have shown that the Mobility Oriented DSR protocol achieves better misdetection efficiency, good packet delivery ratio while attaining less overhead and more packet delivery ratio the presence of malicious node and good nodes REFERENCES 1. Douligeris and A. Mitrokotsa 2004. DDoS attacks and defense mechanisms: classification and state-ofthe-art. In Comput. Netw. 44, 5 (Apr. 2004), 643666.DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2003.10. 003.

Figure 2. Misdetection Efficiency

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Volume 2, issue 1, January 2012



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