Microsoft Excel Skills: How To Use Basic Functions
Microsoft Excel Skills: How To Use Basic Functions
Microsoft Excel Skills: How To Use Basic Functions
One of the important aspects of quantitative skills is knowing how to use computer software to handle data and present descriptive statistics to your audience. Microsoft Excel is by far the most popular software program used for basic data manipulation, graphing, descriptive statistics, and even statistical analysis. This section will provide demonstrations of using basic functions, graphing, merging data, and creating tables in Microsoft Excel. The material is presented for Microsoft Excel versions 2003, 2007, and 2010, so all students should find the demonstrations relevant. The student need only view the tutorial for the relevant version of Excel. For example, if you only have access to Microsoft Excel 2003, you will only have to view the Microsoft Excel 2003 tutorials. The materials that have no version-date label are relevant to all versions of Microsoft Excel; and hence, to all students. The exercises at the end of the unit will allow you to test your Microsoft Excel skills. How to Use Basic Functions Essential Viewing: Formulae in Microsoft Excel (all versions)
How to Create a Bar Chart Essential Reading: Microsoft Excel Version 2003 Microsoft Excel Version 2007 Microsoft Excel Version 2010
How to Create a Scatter Graph Essential Reading: Microsoft Excel Version 2003 Microsoft Excel Version 2007 Microsoft Excel Version 2010 http:/
How to Merge 2 Datasets Essential Reading: All versions of Microsoft Excel
How to Create Tables Using the Pivot Table Function Essential Reading: Microsoft Excel Version 2003 Microsoft Excel Version 2007 Microsoft Excel Version 2010
How to Sort Data Essential Reading: Microsoft Excel Version 2003 Microsoft Excel Version 2007 Microsoft Excel Version 2010