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Active English Grammar 1

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nts e t n o C f o Table

Unit 1 Nouns and Basic Pronouns

Part A Nouns and Articles B Subject Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives C Review 6 10 14

Unit 2 Simple Present

Part A B C D E F G Be and Information Questions with Be Negative Forms of Be and Yes/No Questions with Be Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs Negative Verb Forms and Yes/No Questions Information Questions Review 16 20 24 28 32 36 40

Unit 3 Punctuation and Simple Sentences

Part A B C D E F G Capitalization and Punctuation Suggestions (Lets and Why dont) Interjections and Exclamations Imperatives Statements Tag Questions Review 42 46 50 54 58 62 66

Unit 4 Present Progressive

Part A B C D E Form and Function Negative Forms and Questions Non-progressive (Stative) Verbs The Present Progressive vs. The Simple Present Review 68 72 76 80 84

Unit 5 Simple Past

Part A B C D E Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs Negative Verb Forms and Yes/No Questions Information Questions Review 86 90 94 98 102

Unit 6 Future
Part A Affirmative and Negative Forms of Will and Be Going To B Questions C Review 104 108 112

Unit 7 Pronouns
Part A B C D Personal and Possessive Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns It Review 114 118 122 126

Unit 8 Basic Sentence Structures

Part A B C D Subjects, Verbs, Objects, and Adverbials Subject Complements and Object Complements Direct and Indirect Objects Review 128 132 136 140 142 143

Appendix Index Transcripts & Answer Key

Unit 1

uns Basic Prono d n a s n u o N

Part A

Nouns and Articles

Lisa has new shoes. The shoes are blue and brown. Blue is Lisas favorite color.

Grammar Explanation
Nouns can be singular or plural. SINGULAR: banana Spelling Rules for Plural Nouns Noun Ending a consonant or a vowel (most regular nouns) -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x a consonant + y -f or -fe Vowels: a, e, i, o, u Consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z Articles are a, an, and the. Sometimes no article is used. A baby cries. The teenagers whisper. Articles A is for singular nouns. It goes in front of consonant sounds. An is for singular nouns. It goes in front of vowel sounds. The is for singular or plural nouns. It goes in front of consonant or vowel sounds. A zebra has stripes. Nick eats a sandwich. An iris is a flower. John sees an airplane. The dogs bark. Tom is at the library. The ice cream is vanilla. Lisa has the erasers. An alligator swims. Apples are delicious. add -s Rule a bed beds Examples a table tables PLURAL: bananas

add -es change y to i and add -es change -f/-fe to v and add -es

a bus buses a glass glasses a dish dishes a dictionary a leaf

a match matches a fox foxes

dictionaries a knife knives


Words beginning with u often have a y(ju) sound. In this case, a is used. U SOUND: Amy has an umbrella(<mbrel). Y SOUND: A unicorn(ju;nIk;rn) has a horn. H is often silent when it begins a word. In this case, an is used. SILENT: An hour is a long time. SPOKEN: Sarah has a hamster.

Unit 1 Nouns and Basic Pronouns

Practice 1
Exercise 1 Circle the correct answers.
1. Tom plays (an / the) violin. 2. (A / An) ant is (a / an) insect. 3. Amy rides (a / an) horse. 4. (The / A) apples are ripe. 5. Amy wears (a / an) uniform to school. 6. (The / An) hotel is near (a / the) airport.

Exercise 2 Look at the pictures and circle the correct sentences.

1. a. The girls are hitting a tennis ball. b. The girl is hitting a tennis ball. c. The tennis ball is hitting the girl.


a. A child carries her parents. b. A mother carries a child. c. A father carries a child.


a. A tree climbs the koala. b. A koala climbs a tree. c. Koalas climb the trees.

Exercise 3 Write a or an before the words. Then write the plural forms.
1. an hour hours 2. _____ earring _____________ 4. _____ year 6. _____ house 8. _____ plant 10. _____ uncle _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

3. ____ baseball


5. ____ university _____________ 7. ____ pineapple _____________ 9. ____ armchair _____________ 11. ____ helicopter _____________

12. _____ athlete _____________

Part A

Practice 2
Exercise 4 Listen and number the pictures from 1--4.
A. B. C.
Track 2


Exercise 5 Fill in the blanks with a or an. Then make sentences by matching the words.
1. A fork is

____ fruit. ____ home. a utensil. ____ big animal. ____ baby cat.

2. ____ kitten is 3. ____ orange is 4. ____ apartment is 5. ____ elephant is

Exercise 6 Complete the sentences with nouns from the box.

leaves 1. pencil carrot seasons Alaska vegetables Amy Polar bears

Alaska is a cold place. __________ live in Alaska.

2. _________ has a pencil. The __________ is yellow. 3. The _________ change color. The __________ change. 4. A _________ is a vegetable. __________ are good for you.

Unit 1 Nouns and Basic Pronouns

Grammar in Use
Exercise 7 Complete the sentences with words from the box.
plants The night porcupine A

Welcome to City Zoo!

Learn about a 1. ____________!

A porcupine is nocturnal. It sleeps all day and stays awake at 2. __________. A porcupine eats green 3. __________. A porcupine has long quills. 4. __________ quills protect the porcupine. 5. __________ porcupine climbs trees.

Exercise 8 Circle T for true or F for false.

1. Porcupines eat meat. 2. Porcupines climb trees. 3. Twigs protect porcupines. 4. Porcupines are awake at night. T T T T F F F F

Part A

Part B

Subject Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives

My brother and I want a horse. Our aunt has two horses. We ride the horses. They are fast!

Grammar Explanation
Subject Pronouns refer to nouns. They replace subjects. John plays basketball. He is athletic. (He = John) Lisa and Tom play musical instruments. They take lessons. (They = Lisa and Tom) Subject Pronouns I you he she it we they *Its is a possessive adjective. Its = It is Possessive Adjectives show ownership or relationship. They often go before nouns. My hair is brown. Amy and her brother have a pet rabbit. Their rabbit eats lettuce.

Possessive Adjectives my your his her its* our their


Unit 1 Nouns and Basic Pronouns

Practice 1
Exercise 1 Underline the subject pronouns and circle the possessive adjectives.
1. My name is John. 2. I am fifteen years old. 3. I live with my mom and dad. 4. We live in an apartment. 5. My dad is a teacher. 6. He likes his job.

Exercise 2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with subject pronouns
or possessive adjectives.
1. Jennifer likes bubble gum. ______ favorite flavor is watermelon. ______ chews it every day. ______ is delicious. 2. Sam is a skateboarder. ______ can do tricks. ______ brother and sister skateboard, too. ______ learn from Sam. 3. The cow sees Ryan. ______ shows Ryan ______ tongue. ______ takes a picture. ______ picture is funny.

Exercise 3 Listen and circle the subject pronouns and possessive adjectives you
Track 3

he their we

my it

they its

I your

his she her

you our

Part B


Practice 2
Exercise 4 Rewrite the sentences with subject pronouns.
1. Lisa wears skirts. She wears skirts. 2. John and Nick play tennis. _____________________________________________ 3. Giraffes are tall. _____________________________________________ 4. The sofa is comfortable. _____________________________________________ 5. Tom and his sister watch cartoons. _____________________________________________

Exercise 5 Fix the mistakes in the sentences. Each sentence has one mistake.
1. His is happy. _____________________________________________ 2. They eat they lunches. _____________________________________________ 3. You earrings are pretty. _____________________________________________ 4. Amy and she dad like pizza. _____________________________________________ 5. Our are good students. _____________________________________________


Unit 1 Nouns and Basic Pronouns

Grammar in Use
Exercise 6 Complete the sentences with subject pronouns or possessive adjectives.

1. ____________ name is Katherine. I am sixteen years old. 2. ____________ am on the track team. The hurdles is 3. ____________ favorite event. 4. ____________ little brother is on the track team, too. 5. ____________ name is Steve. 6. ____________ runs fast! Sometimes 7. ____________ race together, but he always wins.

Exercise 7 Circle T for true or F for false.

1. Katherine and her brother are athletic. 2. Steve is sixteen years old. 3. Steve is on the track team. T T T T F F F F

4. (Photo) It is a hurdle.

Part B


Part C


Exercise 1 Practice the conversations with a partner. Change roles for each conversation.
A: Hi! My name is Amy. I am a new student. B: Nice to meet you, Amy. My name is Lisa. A: Nice to meet you, too. I like your headband. B: Thanks! 1. 2. 3.

Amy a new student Lisa / headband

John your new teammate Tom / goggles

Nick an art student Sarah / watch

Exercise 2 Choose the best answers.

1. Lisa eats ____ apple. ____ is delicious. a. an / She b. an / It c. the / They d. a / We

2. ____ brother is tall. ____ plays basketball. a. Our / She b. My / Our c. My / He d. His / She

3. John and ____ dad like desserts. ____ favorite dessert is chocolate cake. a. her / Her b. they / His c. his / Their d. their / Our

4. I like ____ sandals. ____ are cool! a. your / They b. my / It c. his / Its d. the / Their

5. We have ____ new puppy. ____ barks a lot! a. a / My b. the / They c. an / We d. a / It


Unit 1 Nouns and Basic Pronouns

Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with a or an. Then number the pictures from 1--6.
1. We live on ______ island. 2. He has ______ basketball. 3. She is ______ acrobat. 4. ______ orangutan has long arms. 5. She wears ______ uniform to school. 6. I see ______ ambulance.

Exercise 4 Circle the correct answers.

1. (My / I) sister is nineteen years old. 2. (She / Her) name is Monica. 3. (She / He) is nice. 4. (I / You) love her very much. She is 5. (an / a) university student. 6. (Its/ Her) favorite subject is science. She is 7. (a / an) good student. 8. (She / Their) often studies in 9. (an / the) library.

Exercise 5 Fix the mistakes in the sentences. Each sentence has one mistake.
1. He throws an baseball. ___________________________________________ 2. She washes she face. 3. We see an helicopter. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.



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