2050 2e6
2050 2e6
2050 2e6
Q ua lit y
m an ag em en t
ac co rd in g
90 01
Application In the return line circuits of hydraulic systems. Performance features Protection against wear: By means of filter elements that, in fullflow filtration, meet even the highest demands regarding cleanness classes. Protection against malfunction: By means of full-flow filtration in the system return, the pumps above all are protected from dirt particles remaining in the system after assembly, repairs, or which are generated by wear or enter the system from outside. Special features By-pass valve: The location close to the inlet port prevents dirt particles retained by the filter element from entering into the clear oil side. In case of maintenance the filter bowl is removed together with the filter element therefore dirt particles are not flushed back into the tank. Filter maintenance By using a clogging indicator the correct moment for maintenance is stated and guarantees the optimum utilization of the filter elements. Materials Filter head cover: Filter head: Filter bowl: Seals: Filter media: Aluminium alloy Aluminium alloy Steel NBR (Viton on request) Exapor - inorganic microfibre web Paper - cellulose web, impregnated with resin Stainless steel wire mesh (1.4301)
Removable bowl:
Filter elements Flow direction from outside to centre. The star-shaped pleating of the filter material results in: large filter surface high dirt-holding capacity low pressure drop long service life In filters with a magnetic system, the ferromagnetic particles in the fluid pass first through a strong magnetic field and are separated.
Accessories Extension pipes, diffusers and mesh screens (450 m MW) are available on the bowl outlet. A correct extension pipe length ensures oil outlet below minimum oil level and prevents foaming. Diffusers reduce oil velocity and direct the oil to 90 outlet flow. This function prevents also oil foaming and whirling up of solid particles settled at the tank bottom. The mesh screen element filters the oil in case of an open by-pass valve. Electrical and optical clogging indicators are available. Dimensions and technical data see Spec. Sheet 60.20.
Nominal flow rate Up to 550 l/min (see Selection Chart, column 2) The nominal flow rates indicated by ARGO are based on the following features: closed by-pass valve at 200 mm2/s element service life 1000 operating hours at an average fluid contamination of 0,08 g per l/min flow volume flow velocity in the connection lines 4,5 m/s Connection Threaded ports according to ISO 228 or DIN 13 and SAE-flange (3000 psi). Sizes see Selection Chart, column 6 (other port threads on request) Filter fineness 3 m ... 60 m -values according to ISO 4572-81 (see Selection Chart, column 4 and Diagram Dx) ACFTD capacity -values in g test dust ACFTD according to ISO 4572-81 (see Selection Chart, column 5) Hydraulic fluids Mineral oil and biodegradable fluids (see info-service 00.20) Temperature range - 30 C ... + 100 C (- 40 C in starting phase) Viscosity at nominal flow rate < 60 mm2/s at operating temperature max = 1200 mm2/s as starting viscosity at first operation: The recommended starting viscosity can be read from the Diagram D (pressure drop as a function of the kinematic viscosity) as follows: Find the 70% p of the cracking pressure of the by-pass valve on the vertical axis. Draw a horizontal line so that it intersects the p curve at a point. Read this point on the horizontal axis for the viscosity. Operating pressure Max. 10 bar Mounting position Preferably vertical, outlet downwards under the minimum oil level
p-curves for complete filters in Selection Chart, column 3
Q [l/min]
Q [l/min]
Q [l/min]
Q [l/min]
Filtration ratio as a function of particle size x obtained by the Multi-Pass-Test similar to ISO 4572-81
The abbreviations represent the finenesses: For Exapor and Paper elements: 3 E = 3 75 Exapor ( 3 m 10 E = 10 75 Exapor (10 m 20 E = 20 75 Exapor (20 m 10 PA 15 P
Filtration ratio for particles > x m Efficiency [%]
35 75 Paper 60 75 Paper
Based on the structure of the filter media of the 10 PA and 15 P paper elements, deviations from the printed curves are quite probable. For screen elements: 40 S = screen material with mesh size 40 m 60 S = screen material with mesh size 60 m 75 S = screen material with mesh size 75 m 100 S = screen material with mesh size100 m Tolerances for mesh size according to DIN 4189. For special applications, finenesses differing from these curves are also available by using special composed filter media.
Particle size x [m] (for particles larger than the given particle size x) 20.50-2e 3/6
Selection Chart
s as Dx -p r. y g b a nt ) of Di o. () me e nit ee e n see r e y l u s t u i v s ss te si) ac in sic A op ur re en n 00 p low e dr D/c enes ap rface p Ba f ( c o m i l t . r D u ce o. ing ol fin na su am ec (30 ht No FT lter s ck pla rt N mi res iagr ilter rt nn AE mb a C eig e o r a o y i A F P D R Pa N F C P S C S W kg g l/min bar
m Re
4 3E 10 E 20 E 10 PA
5 21 34 49 33
8 3 3 3 3
11 -
E 453-159 150 E 453-156 260 E 453-168 450 E 453-153 E 453-100 350 525
3E 10 E 20 E 10 PA
42 68 97 66
3 3 3 3 7
60 S (3600 cm)
3E 10 E 20 E 10 PA
63 102 146 99
3 3 3 3
3xP2.1217-21* 7,8
E 643-76
10 E
G1 + SAE2
2nd connection G
Connection M 12 x 1,5 for clogging indicators is included. (Mounting holes for differential pressure switches on request). As clogging indicators either manometers or electrical pressure switches can be used. Filters can also be supplied with an outlet diffuser respectively with a mesh screen element as desired. Optional extension pipes adapt the filter length to various tank depths. For ordering of accessories please use the below mentioned codes. Order example: The filter E 453-156 has to be supplied with an outlet diffuser and an extension pipe for 564 mm length. Order description: Part No. (Basic unit) Options (Three various options are available) VD: Outlet diffuser, VS: Mesh screen element, RV: Extension pipe Extension pipe (7 various lengths are available) EV = K (Bowl length) + 81 / + 136 / + 196 / + 231 / + 356 / + 446 / + 626 mm (see section Measurements) The following clogging indicators are available: Part No. DG 200-06 Manometer red area from DG 200-05 Manometer red area from DG 812-00 Pressure switch switching pressure DG 812-01 Pressure switch switching pressure DG 812-05 Pressure switch switching pressure Technical data see Spec. Sheet 60.20. Part No. DG 812.0701 DG 815-01 DG 815-02 DG 815-11** DG 815-12** E 453-156 / VD / EV 564
2,0 bar 1,0 bar 1,2 bar 2,0 bar 2,5 bar
Protection cap Pressure switch Pressure switch Pressure switch Pressure switch
for pressure switch switching pressure switching pressure switching pressure switching pressure
Remarks: The switching pressure of the electrical pressure switch has always to be lower than the cracking pressure of the by-pass valve (see Selection Chart, column 7). The clogging indicators are always delivered detached from the filter. The filters listed in this chart are standard filters. Other designs available on request.
* Paper media supported with metal gauze ** With LED for optical indication 20.50-2e 4/6
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Tank surface sealing either with flat gasket E442.0103 or O-ring N007.1375 (both items included in basic equipment)
Option RVEV Option VD Option VS Option VDEV Option VSEV Connection M 12 x 1,5 for clogging indicator standard (Mounting holes for differential pressure switches on request) Required mounting surface 2nd connection G or G1 on request
Type E 443 E 453 E 463 E 643 G1 G1 G1 G1 A + + + + SAE2 SAE2 SAE2 SAE2 B 174 174 174 174 C 1410,5 1410,5 1410,5 1410,5 D 131 131 131 131 E 139,9 139,9 139,9 139,9 F 12 12 12 12 G 36 36 36 36 H 97 97 97 97 I 370 540 710 840 K 201 368 536 634 L 185 185 185 185 M 86,5 86,5 86,5 86,5 N 116 116 116 116 O 11,5 11,5 11,5 11,5 P 98 98 98 98 Q 18 18 18 18 R M M M M 12 12 12 12 S 92 92 92 92 T 58 58 58 58 U 67 67 67 67 V 92 92 92 92
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Spare Parts
Pos. 1a 1 2 1 1a 2 2 2 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 8 9 7 10
* Please indicate options (VD, VS, VDEV, VSEV resp. RVEV)
Designation Cover assy Cover with magnetic system By-pass assy (1,5 bar) By-pass assy (2,5 bar) By-pass assy (3,0 bar) Filter elements Filter bowl E 443* Filter bowl E 453* Filter bowl E 463* Filter bowl E 643* O-ring 125 x 6 O-ring 151,76 x 5,33 Flat gasket Clip (only option VS) Mesh screen element (only option VS) O-ring 136,5 x 5,34
Part No. E 443.1200 E 443.1210 E 440.1500 E 460.1520 E 640.1510 see Chart / col. 9 E 440.1960 E 450.1906 E 460.1915 E 640.1910 N 007.1256 N 007.1525 E 442.0103 N 026.0311 S3.1207-06 N 007.1375
The functions of the complete filters as well as the outstanding features of the filter elements assured by ARGO can only be guaranteed if original ARGO spare parts are used.
Quality Assurance
To ensure constant quality in production and operation, ARGO filter elements undergo strict controls and tests according to the following DIN and ISO standards: DIN ISO 2941-83 Verification of collapse/burst resistance DIN ISO 2943-90 Verification of material compatibility with fluids DIN ISO 3724-90 Verfication of flow fatigue characteristics ISO 2942-94 Verification of fabrication integrity (Bubble Point Test) ISO 3968-81 Evaluation of pressure drop versus flow characteristics ISO 4572-81 Multi-pass method for evaluating filtration performance Various quality controls during the production process guarantee the leakfree function and solidity of our filters.
Our engineers will be glad to advice you in questions concerning filter application, selection as well as the cleanness class of the filtered medium attainable under practical operating conditions.
Illustrations may sometimes differ from the original. ARGO is not responsible for any unintentional mistake in this specification sheet.