Trainee New E Logbook Manual Ver 1
Trainee New E Logbook Manual Ver 1
Trainee New E Logbook Manual Ver 1
To access the elogbook first of all open the CPSP web site with OntheHomepage(FirstPage)ofClickonelogbook(NewVersion)asShowninscreenshot. Click on this option
As soon as you will click on elogbook (New Version) option, control will be diverted to a new page as show below. In the following screen shot, select the USER TYPE (Either Trainee/ Supervisor) and then enter User Name and Password and the click on Login Button. But if you areaNewuserthenSelectCreateNewAccountDisplayedatthebottomline.
If you will click on Create New Account option following screen will be displayed, enter your RTMCNo.afterselectingtheUsertype(Trainee/Supervisor)andpresssubmitbutton.
Once you have entered the RTMC Number you User Name & Password will be sent to your email address. After receiving the User Name and Password open the CPSP web site again and
Now Click on elogbook(New Version) option and then Select the user type(Trainee/ Supervisor) and enter User Name and Password and press Submit button, you control will be diverted to elogbook home Page. Main Elogbook screen, gives comprehensive information abouttheuser. Home Page provides you the facility to view complete profile and also make new logbook entries.Followingarethelistmainfunctionsusercanperform:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
ProfileInfo:ContainsyourPersonalInformationasRTMC'srecord. RegistrationInfo:Containsyourregistrationinformation. RotationInfo:ContainsyourrotationregistrationinformationasperRTMC'srecord. Training:InthisoptionyourwillbemaintainingyourCompetencyTrainingLogwhich willbesenttoyourProgramSupervisorthrougheLogBookSystem) RotationalTraining:thisoptionswillbeusedformaintainingyourRotationalTraining LogandtheselogswillbesenttoyourRotationalSupervisorandProgramSupervisor. JournalClub:InthisoptionalyourwillbemaintainingyourJournalClublogs. Paper/PosterPresented PaperPublished
1. Profile: ProfileoptiongivesthedetailedpersonalprofileofuserasperRTMCrecord. 2. Registration Info: This option gives the Program Registration information as shown below
3. RotationInfo: Rotation info option is used to display the rotation registration information updated accordingtotheRTMCrecord.
4. Training: this option is very important and day to day entries will be entered in this form.
Clickhereto makenewentry
Clickhereto viewdetail
5. RotationalTraining:Thisoptionwilldisplaytherotationalentries,entriescanbefiltered byapplyingtime,statusanddiagnosistechniques.
6. JournalClub:optionwilldisplaytheinformationaboutthegeneralclubentriesandalso providestheoptiontomakeanewentry.
Clickhereto makenewentry
7. Paper / Poster Presented: This option is used to view the paper presented details, and alsoprovidesthefacilitytofiltertheresultsonthebasisofdifferentConditions.
8. Paper Published in PMDC Approved Journal, Int: Journal: If user have any paper published in Approved/ Recognized Journal, then these entries can be made and forwardedtoSupervisorforApproval.
CPSPeLogBookHistory: On the right side of the Main page of elog book, user can view the Summery of over all activitiesintabulatedformat.
MAKEANEWENTRY This is the main sheet which gives information about the elog book entries and provides the facilitytoenternewcases,viewexistingcasesandatthesamefilteroutthereport.
Ifclicked,newformwillbe openedtomakeanewentry.
1. Form type: In the first step of making a new entry user needs to select the form type fromfollowingcategories: a. FORMA:RecordofOperations/Procedures b. FORMB:RecordofEmergencyProcedures c. FORMC:CasesPresentedatClinic/PathologicalConference
2. Date of admission: When user will click in Date of Admission text box, following calendar will be displayed, which enables the user to select patients admission date. Once date of admission is entered, user has to mention the Hospital Registration/ MedicalRecordNumber(MRN)withPatientAge&Genderselection.
3. Competency Group: Once diagnosis has been mentioned, when user will click on Competency Group, List of Competencies will be displayed. Select appropriate CompetencyGroupandthenCompetencyDetails. But if user is unable to find related Competency Group then click on Other option in thebottomoflist,anewtextboxwillbeopened,EnterrequiredCompetencyGroup.
4. Level: At this stage User needs to identify his/ her status during the Case Examination fromlistedoptions: a. Observer b. AssistantSatus c. PerformunderdirectSupervision d. PerformunderindirectSupervision
5. Outcome: When User will click on outcome downward arrow, a list of possible outcomes will be displayed for selection, but if user want to add any other outcome thenclickonOtherandenterrequiredoutcome. Next to Outcome in brief Description area, user can enter his / her own observations about the Case. Beforesending the case to Supervisor User needs to enter the Name of Supervisorunderwhichprocedure/Examinationperformed.
6. SUBMIT: Submit is the Final Stage of a New Entry, after due verification/ review select Yes/ No from the Send to Supervisor option. If User will select Yes, case will be forwarded to Supervisors Account and then User is unable to make any sort of edits otherwiseusercanpressSubmitbuttonwithChoiceNotoSavetheentryasdraftthat canbeeditedlateron.