Radiographic FILM
Radiographic FILM
Radiographic FILM
By the time x-rays were discovered, photography was already an art. Photographic film with a nitrocellulose base was already being marketed by George Eastman.
The exposure dose was quite high.
It was later discovered that double-emulsion responded to x-rays faster. The flaw with nitrocellulose based film was its easy flammability. In 1924, cellulose acetate replaced the nitrocellulose based film.
The film is sandwiched between the radiographic intensifying screens in a protective cassette. The intensifying screens change the x-rays into visible light. The visible light exposes the radiographic film.
Film Structure
Radiographic Film has two basic parts. Base Emulsion Most films have two layers of emulsion so these are referred as Double Emulsion Film.
Transparent Base
Transparent Base
Provides a surface and support for the
It must have strength, but it should be flexible. Most film bases are composed of polyester.
Amount of tint varies per specifications of
different manufacturers.
The emulsion is the heart of the film.
The x-rays or light from the intensifying screens
The gelatin is clear so it transmits the light to the silver halide crystals. It is porous so the processing chemicals can easily penetrate to the silver halide crystals. The primary function of the gelatin is to provide a support medium for the silver halide crystals by holding them in place.
2% Silver Iodide
May be tabular,cubic,octahedr
al,polygonal in shape. Tabular shape used most commonly for general radiography. About 0.1m thick and 1m in diameter.
C At the sensitivity centre, atomic silver is formed by attracting an interstitial silver ion--latent image centre.
D The process is
repeated many times resulting in the build up of silver atoms. E The remaining silver halide is converted to silver during processing.
grain is formed. Silver halide that is not irradiated remain inactive. The irradiated and non-irradiated silver halide produces the latent image.
Types of Films
Screen films most commonly used.
Screen film used with intensifying screens.
Single emulsion- emulsion on one side of base.
a) b) c) d) e)
Contrast of a film depends on its latitude.
Latitude is the range of exposure techniques that
High contrast has small uniform grains Low contrast has larger grains and wide range in size.
It is the sensitivity of film to x-rays and light. The size and shape of the silver halide crystals are the main factors that determine speed. Faster speed films are almost always double emulsion. Light spectrum from screens must match to achieve optimum speed.
Crossover is the
Tabular grains---flat, large surface area to vol ratio Addition of a light absorbing dye in crossover control layer.
Spectral Matching
The most important consideration in selecting screen film is spectral absorption matching. The material in the screen will determine the color of light emitted by the screen. Special dyes in the film are used to match the screen to the film.
Spectral Matching
Calcium Tungstate screens emit blue and blue violet light. Replaced by Rare earth screens.
Rare earth screens emit ultraviolet, blue, green
Spectral Matching
If the light spectrum does not match, there will be a significant loss of speed alongwith increased patient dose.
Reciprocity Law
In radiography, it is generally assumed that the total exposure of a film depends only on the total quantity of radiation (mAs) and not on the exposure time. This is known as the reciprocity law.
Reciprocity law
Reciprocity Law
The reciprocity law is true for film exposed directly to x-rays. It fails when film is exposed to light from radiographic intensifying screens.
Reciprocity law failure is important when the exposure times are very long (as in . mammography)or very short (angiography).
The result is a loss of speed.
Working with film in
the darkroom requires special lighting to avoid exposure of the film. Filters are used to avoid exposure of the film.
An amber filter can be used for blue sensitive film only. A red filter is used for blue-green sensitive film.
The color is not the only concern, the wattage of
the bulb and distance between the lamp and work surface is also very important.
Requires 10 to 100 times more exposure. The emulsion is thicker than screen film.
Renders excellent detail. No longer used.
Single emulsion film: once used for extremities but now most extremity cassettes are double screen type. Again required more exposure.
Mammography Film: Only single emulsion film currently used in modern radiography. Laser Film: Used in with a laser printer for digital radiography, CT and MRI.
Subtraction Film: used in angiography to do subtraction where the bone is removed for better visualization of the arteries.
Cine film:
35 mm black & white film supplied in rolls of 100 and 500 ft
must be shielded.
Improper handling of the film will result in poor image quality due to artifacts.
Avoid bending, creasing or rough handling of
the film.
Avoid sharp objects contacting the film.
Static electricity or a dirty processor can cause
Film should be stored at less than 20 C (68F)
Films should be used no longer than the stated Shelf life. The oldest film in stock should always be used first. Expired film results in loss of speed and contrast and an increase in fog.