HLP, MCP, Asset Verification
HLP, MCP, Asset Verification
HLP, MCP, Asset Verification
Step-4: Now select the Fin Year and then it will display all the VOs under that CC and also displays
VO wise SHGs and Members along with HLP To be Prepared(count of Members selected from dropdown if any),
HLP Prepared (Count of HLP or Consumption entered if any), APM Approved (Count of APM Approved if any),
APM Rejected (Count of APM Rejected if any), APM Auto Approved (Count of Auto Approved if APM not approved
within the time limit), APM to be Approved (Count of HLPs Pending With APM for Approval).
Step-5: Now Click on Any VO and then Click on the check boxes to select multiple members of the
SHG from dropdown.
Step-6: Once checked the check boxes then simply click outside that dropdown(just to see the selected
count and Add button). Now it will display the selected member count, then click on the Add button to
add the members.
Step-7: Once clicked on Add button then it will display the added members count in HLP To Be
Prepared. Now Click on the SHG to see the selected members and proceed with the HLP Preparation.
Step-8: Once Clicked on the SHG it will display all the members as below.
Step-9: Now select the type of Activity IGA(Income Generation Activity) or Consumption from Loan
Type dropdown. If Consumption is selected then will get Save button, Click on the Save button (One
Pop-up will come) to enter the consumption details. If IGA is selected then Create HLP button will be
available. Click on Create HLP to enter HLP details of that Member. If clicked on Member's
corresponding Create HLP then it will redirect to HLP creation screen and then displays the basic
details of that member.
Once consumption details like Purpose of the Loan, Member's Contribution and Bank Loan details
entered then click on the Submit button. Then in the main screen we will get Edit button to edit the
entered details( Edit will be available till we click on the Finish button which is at the button and we
can Finish only after entering all the member details, either HLP or Consumption).
Step-10: Once clicked on Create HLP then below screen will be displayed with basic information of
the selected Member.
1. Father/Husband Name,Member short code,Aadhar No, Mobile No, Education, Social Category,
Member's Bank, branch and SB Account No will be pre-populated based on selected Member as
shown above. User can edit only the Mobile and Education details of pre-populated data).
Note: In the above screen all the Pre-populated data is from IB.
2. Now select the Major Activity (there will be 5 activities), based on the major activity selected
sub-activity dropdown list will be populated. And based on the sub-activity, in INVESTMENT
tab (Tab-5) some of the details will be pre-populated as show below.
--- selected the Major activity “SELF EMPLOYED – INDUSTRY/PRODUCTION” and Sub
Activity as “Weaving”.
---- in Investment's tab (tab-5) some fields will be pre-populated like loom-maggam, yarn, wages.
3. All the other relevant fields needs to be entered by user. Once all the required information is
entered then Click on the Save and OK button to go to next tab.
Step-11: Existing Assets tab will open as below. Enter the all the relevant fields like agricultural land
and livestock details.
Once all the relevant information is entered then click on the Save button to go to next tab or Previous
button to go to previous tab and then click OK.
Step-12: Existing Livelihoods (tab-3) will be open as below. Enter all the earning members of the
family details like Name, relationship(with the member), Occupation and Monthly income.
First one will be pre-populated with the Member details. Once all the required information is entered
then Click on the Save button to go to next tab.
Step-13: Existing Loans tab will be open as below. And User needs to enter the member's existing loan
details like Bank linkange and any other loans. Streenidhi and Other Streenidhi loan details will be pre-
populated from Streenidhi data which will not be editable. Please click on the Save button to go to next
Step-14: Investment tab will be open as below and based on the Major and sub-activity selected in
General Details (First Tab) some fields will be pre-populated. User needs to enter the No.of units the
infrastructure or tools bought and “per unit cost” then total cost will be calculated.
And in working capital No.of Units or Quantity and Total Cost needs to be entered by user.
Note: For Major Activity “Agriculture” there will be no working capital.
Please click on the Save button to go to next tab.
Step-15: Source of Funds tab will be open as below. Previous tab total investment amount should be
shown in this tab and Total amount entered in “I. How the funds required for taking up Livelihood
activity are met with” should be matched with the Total Investment amount (entered in Investment's
And in “II. Income from proposed Livelihood” amount should be entered Monthly for Non-
Agricultural activities and Seasonal/Annual for Agricultural Activities.
Once done please click on the Save button to go next tab.
Step-16: Next Surplus tab will be open as below. Most of the fields will be pre-populated from the
Previous tabs and monthly expenditure of the family needs to be entered by user.
Step-17: Next Recommendations tab will be open as below and user needs to enter the relevant
information in the given fields.
Click on the Save button to go to next tab.
Step-18: Now Preview tab will be open and now click on the Preview button to see all the details in
PDF. Below is the sample PDF. User can go back to the previous tabs and then edit the data before final
Step-2: Now click on Fin Year dropdown and then select the Financial Year
Step-3: Now select the VO and then SHG.( After selecting SHG if there is no data then for that SHG HLP preparation is not
done by CC, only when CC completes the all Member HLP or Consumption and then clicks on Finish button then only
APM can approve or reject the same)
Step-4: After selecting SHG, Member wise List will be displayed. Select the Approve/Reject Radio button and then Click
on update.(For Reject remarks field will be mandatory).
Step-5: Once All the members Approved or Rejected then CC can download the MCP (If rejected then it will go to CC for
updating the requested details based on remarks given or CC can justify with remarks and resubmit). Once CC resubmit it
then APM approval is final(Whether Reject or Approve that is final).
Step-2: After all the HLP members data entered and Approved or Rejected by APM then MCP can be
downloaded in the below format after Clicking on the HLP Prepared Members count.
Step-3: Once MCP downloaded and sent to bank, then update the Bank sent date from below path.
HLPMCP GenerationSelect VO
Now SHG wise list will be available please click on the Update to update the Bank sent date.
Step-4: Once Clicked on Update, then one Pop-up will come for capturing the date. Select the date and
click on the date.
Login to CC
Step-2: Once clicked on Asset Verification then Select the VO and SHG and Financial Year for which
we are going to verify the Asset. Once selected, data will be displayed as shown below.
There will be 2 level data.
First one is SHG data with Loan account number, Proposed amount (in MCP) and Actual disbursed
amount (Amount Drawn) , Loan issued date and Loan type will displayed as show above.
Second one will be, as per MCP data will be displayed with Radio button to verify whether given loan
is as per MCP or not. If it is as per MCP then select Verified and Found in order radion button or else
select Mismatch Radio button if there is any change.
Once we select the Verified and Found in order then we can directly upload the Asset Image( if
mandatory) then click on submit button.
If Mismatch is selected then Select the Mismatch Reasons and Remarks and then Update other fields as
per the data available and then click on submit button.
Step-4: Once all the member asset details verified then the same will go to APM& DPM login for next
level of Verification.(Only 10% all the CCs entered data will go to APM for further verification at the
end of the Month and 5% of APM verified data will go to DPM for further verification).
APM Asset Verification:
Step-1: Once APM logged in, Select the Asset Details-> Asset Approval-> Select Financial Year.
Step-3: APM can select Verified and Found in order radio button if the details are correct and then
Click on Update button or Can select Mismatch if details are not correct, once mismatch selected then
Mismatch reasons and Remarks dropdowns will be displayed and APM needs to select both and then
Click on Update button.
Step-4: In APM login data will be inserted on first of the month and it will be available to him/her till
the end of the month. At the end of the month in the night all the pending data will be auto-approved
and the same will be displayed in SPMU login as Auto-Approved Data (in KPIs).
DPM Asset Verification:
Step-1: Once DPM logged in, Select the Asset Details-> Asset Approval-> Select Financial Year.
Step-3: DPM can select Verified and Found in order radio button if the details are correct and then
Click on Update button or Can select Mismatch if details are not correct, once mismatch is selected
then Mismatch reasons and Remarks dropdowns will be displayed and DPM needs to select both and
then Click on Update button.
Step-4: In DPM login data will be inserted on first of the month and it will be available to him/her till
the end of the month. At the end of the month in the night all the pending data will be auto-approved
and the same will be displayed in SPMU login as Auto-Approved Data (in KPIs).