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The impact of anatomic, patient and surgical factors on membrane perforation during
lateral wall sinus floor elevation.
Andrea Pizzini, DDS, MS1
Hussein S. Basma, DDS, MS1
Peng Li, PhD2
Nicolaas C. Geurs, DDS, MS1
Ramzi V. Abou-Arraj, DDS, MS1
1 Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, Alabama, USA
2 Department of Acute, Chronic and Continuing Care, School of Nursing, University of Alabama at
Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Corresponding author:
Dr. Ramzi V. Abou-Arraj
University of Alabama at Birmingham
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Research reported in this paper was partially supported by the National Center for Advancing
Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number UL1TR003096. The
content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views
of the National Institutes of Health.
Author Contributions:
A. Pizzini, contributed to conceptualization, data curation, investigation and writing-review and
editing; H. Basma, contributed to validation and writing-review and editing; P. Li, contributed to
formal analysis and writing-review and editing; NC Geurs, contributed to writing-review and editing,;
RV. Abou-Arraj, contributed to conceptualization, data curation, methodology, supervision, writing-
original draft.
Material and Methods: A review of LWSFE patient records between 2014 and 2019 accounted for
MP occurrence, window surface area (WSA), intravenous sedation use, osteotomy instrument type,
and clinician experience. Preoperative cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans were
analyzed for lateral wall thickness (LWT), LFM and LAM angles formed between lateral and medial
walls at the floor and anterior wall respectively, sinus width at 5-, 10- and 15-mm (LM-5, LM-10 and
LM-15) from the floor, residual bone height (RBH), sinus pathologies, septa and arterial
anastomoses. The generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach with a sandwich variance-
covariance estimator was used to evaluate the associations with MP.
Results: MP occurred in 25.74% of 202 LWSFE procedures (166 patients). Mean 1.6mm-LWT,
3.2mm-RBH, 95°-LFM, 75.5°-LAM, 12mm-LM-5, 20.79% septa, 16.83% arterial anastomosis,
37.62% sinus pathology and 29.21% intravenous sedations, 85.24% WSA ≥40mm2 and 57% >10
procedures/clinician were reported. Greater MP rates were encountered as follows: 38.3%
(LWT≥1.5mm), 38% (LFM<90°), 59.6% (LAM<70°), 45.4% (LM-5<10mm), and 36.4% (WSA ranged
>80mm2), with statistically significant associations with all these outcomes (P<.05). The presence of
pathologies was also associated with MP (P=.013). Associations between MP and the presence of
septa and arterial anastomoses, age/gender, right/left sinus, RBH, clinician’s experience, instrument
type and intravenous sedation use could not be demonstrated.
Conclusions: MP is significantly associated with thicker lateral walls, narrower sinuses, larger
windows and existing sinus pathology.
MeSH Terms: Maxillary sinus, Sinus floor augmentation, Schneiderian membrane (nasal mucosa)
LWSFE is not immune to intraoperative and postoperative complications (Pikos, 1999; Schwarz et
al., 2015). Membrane perforation (MP) is the most common intraoperative complication associated
with maxillary sinus augmentation (Lundgren et al., 2017). MPs occur in 10% to 40% of the time
during elevation procedures (Jensen, Shulman, Block, & Iacono, 1998; Shiffler, Lee, Aghaloo, Moy,
& Pi-Anfruns, 2015; Wallace & Froum, 2003). The membrane may be lacerated during the
preparation of the lateral window or perforated during membrane elevation. The instrument selection
for the lateral wall osteotomy preparation has not been found to substantially affect the risk for MP
(Barone et al., 2008). Excessive manual pressure is considered a risk for those perforations
(Weingart, Bublitz, Petrin, Kalber, & Ingimarsson, 2005). MP creates a communication with the sinus
and permits the introduction of foreign graft material into the sinus, thus placing the patient at risk for
postoperative sinusitis and infection spreading throughout paranasal sinuses (Pommer, Dvorak, et
al., 2012). Techniques to repair a perforation of the Schneiderian membrane have been described;
therefore, this complication does not always result in aborting LWSFE procedures (Nolan, Freeman,
& Kraut, 2014; Tukel & Tatli, 2018). Reported survival rates of the implants under functional loading
when placed into grafted sinus varied from 36% to 61.7%, even reaching 100% in recent meta-
analyses (Del Fabbro, Rosano, & Taschieri, 2008; Esposito et al., 2010).
Complex sinus morphology and decreased membrane thickness increases the risk of perforation
rates. MP was shown to occur with a mean membrane thickness of 0.84mm in comparison to a
mean of 2.65mm in non-perforated membranes (Lum, Ogata, Pagni, & Hur, 2017). In addition, a
mean residual alveolar ridge height of 2.78mm was found when MP occurred in contrast to 4.21mm
in the non-perforated group (Lum et al., 2017). Moreover, the extent of bone atrophy and the
presence or direction of sinus septa (20 to 30% of the time) in the posterior maxilla increase the risk
Lateral wall thickness (LWT) has also been evaluated and averaged 1.31mm in partially dentate
patients and 0.95mm in edentulous patients. Maximum LWT was found in the first molar area and
the minimum values were at the second premolar and second molar (Kiakojori, Nasab, Abesi, &
Gholinia, 2017). In another study, LWT tended to increase from second premolar to second molar
and from 5mm up to 15mm (Monje et al., 2014). Considering that access to the Schneiderian
membrane is obtained through the lateral wall, limited information exists regarding the significance of
the relationship between LWT and MP.
The angle formed between the lateral and the medial walls with respect to the floor of the sinus
(LFM) has received some attention in previous studies. In a cross-sectional study, the mean value of
this angle was 73° (Lozano-Carrascal et al., 2017). It has been suggested that perforations occur in
37.5% of the time when the angle formed by the intersection of two bony walls relating to the inverted
pyramid-shaped maxillary sinus is less than 60° (Cho, Wallace, Froum, & Tarnow, 2001). Due to the
irregular shape of the medial wall, this risk assessment method is not always applicable as using the
intersection of the two bony walls will inaccurately offset the center of the angle apically to the floor of
the sinus, and therefore misrepresent the true angle at the floor of the sinus. In addition, the angle
formed between the lateral and medial walls with respect to the anterior wall of the sinus (LAM) has
not been evaluated in previous studies. LAM represents an area of particular importance where
membrane elevation is frequently required for proper graft placement in the most anterior aspect of
the sinus during LWSFE procedures. Furthermore, both LFM and LAM angles relate to the medio-
lateral width of the sinus cavity. Narrower distances between the lateral and medial walls of the sinus
have been previously measured by tracing the angle between the walls (Cho et al., 2001) and
considered to increase the difficulty score of LWSFE (Testori, Tavelli, et al., 2020).
Overall, the influence of the above-mentioned anatomical factors on the rate of Schneiderian MP in
LWSFE procedures has not been clearly investigated. Therefore, the aims of this retrospective study
were to: 1) evaluate reported MP occurrence in LWSFE, 2) assess mean values for maxillary sinus
This study was based upon de-identified clinical and radiographic records of LWSFE procedures
performed between 2014 and 2019 at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of
Dentistry. This retrospective study protocol was approved by the UAB Institutional Review board
Number IRB300003091 in compliance with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Federalwide Assurance. The Strengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology
(STROBE) guidelines were followed for accurate reporting (von Elm et al., 2014).
Inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) patients treated in the Graduate Periodontology Clinic; (2)
diagnostic preoperative cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan; (3) unilateral or bilateral
LWSFE; and (4) accessible and well-documented sinus augmentation progress notes. Exclusion
criteria included (1) lack of preoperative CBCT; (2) low-quality or non-diagnostic CBCT; and (3)
poorly documented treatment progress notes in relation to intra- and post-operative complications.
The patients’ paper or electronic records were screened for MP occurrence, window dimensions,
osteotomy instrument, and use of intravenous sedation. Maxillary sinus anatomical evaluations were
performed by the same trained operator (AP). All included CBCT scans were captured with the same
scanner (i-CAT FLX, Henry Schein, Melville, NY) with a voxel size of 0.3 mm in a 16x11 cm field of
view (FOV). Operating parameters were set at 5mAs, 120 kVp for 8.9s scan time and 3.7s exposure
time. The DICOM files of each scan were imported into a digital planning software (Simplant,
Dentsply Sirona, York, PA) and subjected to computerized analyses for the evaluation of anatomic
data. Intra-operator calibration was accepted if the difference in measurements was <0.2mm at least
90% of the time. Two measurements were made, and the mean value was calculated for the study. A
third measurement was conducted when the difference exceeded 0.2mm.
The following anatomical variables were evaluated for descriptive and analytical data:
2) LFM angle measured in degrees, formed between the lateral and medial walls at 5mm from the
most apical point on the sinus floor according to the following methodology on a coronal CBCT
section (Fig.2): after identifying points F, F5, L and M, two lines were traced to connect points F
and L on the lateral wall and points F and M on the medial wall. The resulting angle at point F
(LFM) was subsequently measured. The rationale for considering 5mm to determine LFM is that
the inferior border of the window typically does not extend more than 5mm with respect to the
sinus floor. In addition, LFM angle constitutes a more accurate representation of the anatomy of
the sinus floor than previously reported lateral-medial wall angles (Cho et al., 2001).
3) Distance between the medial and the lateral walls measured in mm at 5mm (LM-5), 10mm (LM-
10) and 15mm (LM-15) from the floor following the same methodology to identify LWT with the
addition of two lines at 10mm and 15mm apical to point F for a transverse measurement of the
sinus width at 3 different levels on a coronal CBCT section (Fig.3).
4) LAM angle measured in degrees, formed between the lateral and the medial walls in relation to
the anterior wall of the sinus following a methodology similar to that of LFM with some differences
(Figs. 4a,b): Point A was identified after tracing point F8 at 8mm apical to point F and connecting
a perpendicular line from F8 to the anterior wall on a sagittal CBCT section. Point A8 was then
determined on an axial section at 8mm posterior to point A as the window preparation extends at
least 8mm distal of the most anterior wall. Then, a perpendicular line was traced connecting point
A8 to both lateral (point L) and medial (point M) walls. The resulting angle created between AL
and AM was LAM. The rationale for considering 8mm to determine LAM was that the elevation of
the sinus membrane generally extends at least 8mm with respect to the sinus floor as the
reported average bone gain after LWSFE is 7.5-8.5mm (Pal et al., 2012; Starch-Jensen &
Jensen, 2017).
6) Presence of sinus septa was evaluated on sagittal CBCT sections as a dichotomous outcome.
7) Presence of arterial anastomosis between posterior superior alveolar artery (PSAA) and
infraorbital artery (IOA) and location in the lateral wall on sagittal CBCT sections as a
dichotomous outcome.
LWT, LM-5, LM-10, LM-15 and RBH were evaluated within a 6-mm range, antero-posteriorly
around the proposed implant site identified by a radiographic surgical stent. It is noteworthy that the
lack of standard cutoffs for most of the anatomical sinus variables investigated in this study
prevented a preset categorization of the ranges for LWT, LFM, LAM and LM-5. Therefore, the ranges
and cutoffs were selected based on the distribution of the findings to make the observations in each
category more balanced. An effort was made to have no more than 3 categories per variable for
consistency purposes and to minimize the number of reported groups for each anatomical variable.
In addition, the statistician was blinded to the selection of those cutoffs which protected the
objectivity of the results.
The following patient and surgical parameters were collected for analyses and their influence on MP
was investigated:
a. Number of sinus augmentation procedures performed by residents. Based on the number of
procedures performed by clinicians included in the study, residents were divided into 4 categories
depending on the number of procedures performed: A (≤5), B (6-10), C (11-15) and D (>15) rather
than using their year of training.
b. Number of LWSFE procedures performed under intravenous sedation
c. Instrument (round bur, piezoelectric tip, reamer) used to perform the osteotomy
d. Presence of sinus pathology including membrane thickening, mucous retention cysts and chronic
Statistical Analysis:
Descriptive statistics were used to summarize patient characteristics and clinical variables (mean
and standard deviation (SD) for continuous variables; frequency and percentage for categorical
variables). The generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach with a sandwich variance-
covariance estimator was used to evaluate the associations between the primary outcome
(membrane perforation) and the clinical variables, while accounting for correlated observations due
to multiple measurements taken from the same patients. The crude odds ratio (OR) and its 95%
confidence interval (95%CI) were reported for strength of the association in the bivariate GEE
analysis. The adjusted OR and 95%CI were obtained in the GEE analysis controlling for age, sex,
pathology status, right/left side, number of procedures and IV sedation. All analyses were conducted
using SAS 9.4 software (SAS Institute, Cary NC). A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically
significant in two-tailed statistical tests.
Study sample:
A total of 202 LWSFE records from 166 patients (61.45% males, 38.55% females, mean age 64.4 ±
9.8 years old) were included after excluding 34 LWSFE for lack of appropriate radiographic or
treatment records. The left maxillary sinus and right maxillary sinus accounted for 103 (51%) and 99
(49%) LWSFE procedures respectively.
All LWSFE procedures were completed except for one case in which the procedure was aborted due
to an exceedingly large MP that was not repaired. A follow-up LWSFE procedure was successfully
perfomed after 4 months of healing. All other MPs were repaired with the use of resorbable
One case required additional grafting at time of implant placement using a vertical sinus floor
elevation technique. MP was registered at this site during the initial LWSFE.
Descriptive findings:
Overall MP rate was 25.74% (52/202). Mean LWT of 1.6 ± 0.6 mm, RBH of 3.2 ± 1.5 mm, LFM angle
of 95.5 ± 10.1°, and LAM angle of 75.5 ± 11.0° were noted. The mean distances between the lateral
wall and the medial wall were as follows: LM-5 was 12.0 ± 2.0mm, LM-10 was 15.4 ± 3.1 mm and
LM-15 was 16.4 ± 4.6mm. Almost one third (29.21%) of LWSFE procedures were performed under
intravenous sedation.
Sinus septa were identified in 20.79% (42/202) of the sinuses. The PSAA/IOA intraosseous
anastomosis was detectable in 34 sinuses (16.83%). The average distance from the crest was
14.6mm ranged from 8.02 to 24.5mm. One hundred and twenty-six sinuses (62.38%) were clear of
pathology whereas 26.24% (53/202) of sinuses showed evidence of membrane thickening, 5.94%
(12/202) had mucous retention cysts, and 4.95% (10/202) were associated with chronic sinusitis. The
clinicians’ distribution in relation to the number of procedures was as follows: A (8%), B (35%), C
(36%) and D (21%) of total procedures. Of the 202 included LWSFE procedures, the dimensions of
the window (WSA) were reported in 183 procedures. WSA distribution was as follows: small
(14.75%), medium (61.2%) and large (24.04%) (Table 1).
1) LWT:
The likelihood of MP occurrence was lowest when LWT<1.5mm (14%) whereas LWT of 1.5-2mm
and >2mm displayed a significantly greater prevalence of 39.3% and 34.1% respectively. The GEE
analysis suggested that the likelihood of MP in both LWT>2mm and LWT 1.5-2mm was significantly
higher than LWT<1.5mm (OR=3.19, 95%CI [1.30, 7.80]; P=.013 and OR=4.0, 95%CI [1.71, 9.38];
P=.002, respectively). After controlling for age, sex, pathology status, right/left side, number of
procedures and IV sedation, the likelihood of MP in both LWT>2mm and LWT 1.5-2mm was still
2) LFM angle:
Three LFM groups were distributed as follows: <90° (29%), 90-100° (35%) and >100° (36%). When
LFM angle was <90° degrees, MP rate was the highest at 38%, almost twice as frequently as
sinuses with LFM >90° (P=.043). The likelihood of MP in LFM<90° was significantly higher than both
LFM 90-100° and >100° (OR=2.30, 95%CI [1.05, 5.03]; P=.038 and OR=2.36, 95%CI [1.03, 5.45];
P=.044, respectively). After controlling for age, sex, pathology status, right/left side, number of
procedures and IV sedation, the trends were similar but not statistically significant (the adjusted OR=
1.95, 95%CI [0.83, 4.59]; P=.122 and adjusted OR= 2.05, 95%CI [0.87, 4.83]; P=.098, respectively).
3) LAM angle:
When MPs occurred, the average LAM angle was 68.2 ± 11.1° compared to 78.3 ± 9.8° in the
absence of MP (P=.0001). The significantly greater likelihood of MP in LAM<70° was demonstrated
in GEE analysis where the OR was 7.61 [3.10, 18.66] vs. LAM 70-80° (P<.001) and 14.30 [5.12,
39.88] vs. LAM>80°(P<.001). After controlling for age, sex, pathology status, right/left side, number
of procedures and IV sedation, the results were similar, with the adjusted ORs of 7.59 [3.22, 17.88]
(P<.001) and 13.53 [4.51, 40.60] (P<.001), respectively).
4) LM-5 distance:
The average sinus width was 11.4mm in the presence of MP and 12.3mm in its absence (P=.0032).
The overall distribution of MPs was relatively similar across LM-5 groups of <10, 10-12, and >12mm.
The odds of MP in LM-5<10mm was 3.29 [1.38, 7.88] times higher compared to LM-5>12mm
(P=.009); or 2.54 [1.07, 6.04] times higher compared to LM-5 10-12mm (P=.036). After controlling for
age, sex, pathology status, right/left side, number of procedures and IV sedation, the adjusted odds
of MP in LM-5<10mm was 2.65 [1.08, 6.51] times higher compared to LM-5>12mm (P=.034); or 2.08
[0.83, 5.20] times higher compared to LM-5 10-12mm (P=.113).
5) WSA:
An average window surface area (78.6±5.1mm2) with presence of MP was significantly larger than
the average window surface area (63.1±2.1mm2) with absence of MP (P=.0246). Large windows
Figure 2. LFM angle measurement: Point F is first identified as deepest point on sinus floor, followed
by extending a 5-mm vertical line apically (point F5), a perpendicular line to F-F5 connecting F5 to
lateral (L) and medial (M) walls. The resulting LFM angle is accurately measured on this coronal
CBCT slice.
Figure 3. Sinus width measurements on a coronal CBCT slice. LM-5, LM-10 and LM-15 are
measured by tracing horizontal lines between lateral and medial walls at 5, 10 and 15mm
respectively from the sinus floor.
Figure 4. LAM angle measurement: a. Point A is identified after tracing point F8 at 8mm apical to
point F and connecting a perpendicular line from F8 to the anterior wall on a sagittal CBCT section;
b. Point A8 was determined on an axial section at 8mm posterior to point A. Then, a perpendicular
line was traced connecting point A8 to both lateral (point L) and medial (point M) walls. The resulting
angle created between AL and AM was LAM.
Figure 5. RBH measurement on a coronal CBCT slice from sinus floor to crest of edentulous ridge.
This example shows all linear measurements completed on the coronal slice, i.e. LWT, LM-5, LM-10,
LM-15 and RBH and LFM angle.