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A New Differential Protection Scheme For Busbar Considering CT Saturation Effect

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A New Differential Protection Scheme for Busbar

Considering CT Saturation Effect

This work is funded by Gujarat Council on science
and Technology, Government of Gujarat, India, under
Project no. GUJCOST/MRP/201409/2009-10.

Nilesh Chothani, Lecturer
Department of Electrical Engineering,
ADIT, New Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat 388121, India.
e-mail: chothani_nilesh@rediffmail.com

Bhavesh Bhalja, Senior Member IEEE
Department of Electrical Engineering,
ADIT, New Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat 388121, India.
e-mail: brb77dee@iitr.ernet.in
Abstract-- The protection of busbar demands high integrity and
high speed relaying scheme. This paper presents a new
differential relaying scheme for the protection of busbar. The
proposed scheme depends on the difference of the value of
incoming and outgoing line currents of the respective phase at a
particular bus. The proposed scheme has been tested extensively
using the PSCAD/EMTDC software package with fault data
generated, by modeling the existing 230 kV Indian power
transmission systems. The proposed scheme provides stability
against external faults, more sensitivity towards high resistance
faults and better reliability in discriminating in-zone and out of
zone faults. Moreover, the proposed scheme avoids the effect of
early & severe CT saturation during heavy through faults.

Index Terms--Busbar fault, differential protection, protective
relay simulation, CT saturation detection.
Igh speed bus protection is required not only to limit the
damaging effects on equipment and system stability but
also to maintain service to as much load as possible [1]. In
practice, busbar is protected by various differential protection
schemes such as biased percentage differential protection
scheme, low impedance protection scheme and high
impedance voltage scheme. Percentage differential relays
create a restraining signal in addition to the differential signal
and apply a percentage (biased) characteristic. The low-
impedance approach does not require dedicated CTs. Further,
this approach tolerates substantial CT saturation and provides
high-speed tripping. High impedance voltage scheme is used
in order to overcome the problem of spill current due to CT
saturation in case of heavy through fault. However, this
requires dedicated CTs (a significant cost associated) and
cannot be easily applied to re-configurable buses.
For better security, directional protection principle used to
dynamically supervise the main current differential function.
The main theme of this scheme is that if the power flow in one
or more circuits is away from the bus, an external fault exists
whereas for the power flow in all of the circuits into the bus,
an internal bus fault exists [2]. The principal disadvantage of
this scheme is that it requires greater maintenance and there is
a probability of failure of the scheme due to large numbers of
contacts connected in series with the trip circuit. Further, the
operation of relays depends on bus voltage for polarization;
they might not operate for a metallic short circuit that reduced
the voltage practically to zero.
The common practice in busbar protection is to use numerical
busbar protection scheme which provides complete protection
for all types of extra/ultra high voltage busbar configurations.
The digital relays use innovative techniques such as CT
saturation detection and processing algorithms which provides
a unique combination of security, speed and sensitivity [3].
Many digital busbar relaying schemes have been developed by
the designers and researchers using microprocessors,
microcontrollers, digital signal processors, Artificial Neural
Network (ANN), traveling waves, Wavelet Transform and
employing various Artificial Intelligence techniques [4]-[7].
Protection of substation busbars is almost universally
accomplished by differential relaying scheme. The
conventional busbar differential relaying scheme may
maloperate in case of CT saturation during an external fault
[8]. Hence, in order to avoid maloperation of the conventional
differential protection scheme due to CT saturation during
heavy through fault, authors have proposed a new differential
relaying scheme. Verification of the proposed scheme has been
done on simulated data of an existing part of the Indian power
system network using PSCAD /EMTDC software package.
The proposed scheme is highly sensitive and provides fast
protection in case of internal fault. Moreover, it remains stable
in case of external fault. Furthermore, it avoids early and
severe CT saturation problem during heavy external fault. The
proposed scheme has shown satisfactory performance under
various fault conditions, especially for high resistance fault.
Fig. 1 shows single line diagram of a portion of Indian power
system network consisting of four sources represented by
Thevenins equivalent. These sources are connected to the bus
under consideration through different lines Line-1, Line-2
Line-3 & Line-4 respectively. The system and line parameters
are given in Appendix. A sampling frequency of 4 kHz for a
system operating at a frequency of 50 Hz is used in this study.
The components of power system such as generators,
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978-1-4244-9789-8/11/$26 2011 IEEE
generator transformers (GT) and transmission lines (TL) etc.
are designed according to the collected data and specifications.
The transmission line is represented using the Bergeron line
model. The said developed model uses some of the main
library components available in PSCAD. Also, own
components have been developed by authors using
programming in Fortran 77 compiler. The current signals
measured from each line for all three phases are delivered to
Current Transformers (CTs). The CT ratio has been decided
on the basis of loading condition of the system (in this case
respective change in load angle of the source). The difference
between the current quantities of each incoming and outgoing
lines at the bus of the respective phase has been given as an
input to the relay. Test data for verifying the said scheme have
been generated by modeling the complete system using the
PSCAD/EMTDC software package [9]. The performance of
the proposed scheme has been evaluated for different types of
in-zone and out of zone faults. Relay responses for some
special case such as high resistance fault was also investigated.
Fig. 2 shows the tripping logic for differential relay connected
at the bus. In this logic, the differential principle is
accomplished by comparing the value of CT secondary
currents of the respective phase of all four lines connected to
the main bus. As shown in Fig. 2, the summing block generates
three differential current signals namely I
, I
and I
as per
the direction and magnitude of fault current. Thereafter, these
differential signals are given to the respective phase relay unit.
If the values of I
, I
and I
exceed the pick-up setting (0.5 pu
which is decided on the basis of loading condition of system),
the differential relay generates a spike, which will be made
constant by Hysteresis-Buffer. Thereafter, the output of each
phase relay is given to OR gate. Depending upon the output
(logic 1) of the relay of the respective phase, OR gate
generates a final tripping signal (BRK) which will be given to
all the circuit breakers connected to the main bus.

Fig. 1 Busbar relaying scheme modeled in PSCAD software
The system shown in Fig. 1 was subjected to various types of
fault. The performance of the proposed technique was
evaluated for different types of internal and external faults.
The effect of high resistance fault and CT saturation has been
also investigated. The output of all branch currents, along with
the differential current of CT secondaries and the status of
circuit breakers are represented graphically in this paper.

Fig. 2 Tripping logic of differential relay connected at bus
A. Internal Fault
Fig. 3 shows the behavior of the proposed scheme in terms of
differential currents and breaker status for single-line to
ground fault (a-g) which is applied at 0.06 second on the main
bus (Fig. 1) with fault resistance R
= 0.01. It has been
observed from Fig. 3 that the differential current exceeds the
predetermine threshold value depending upon the types of
faults. Accordingly, the respective relay generates a tripping
signal which will be given to all the line circuit breakers
connected to the main bus. It is to be noted from Fig. 3 that the
differential relay operates successfully and clears a-g fault
within 13ms. A wide variation of in-zone faults such as single-
line to ground fault, double line fault, double line to ground
fault and triple line fault have been investigated. However, due
to space limitations, the results are not shown in the paper.
Fig. 3 Relay response during L-g (a-g) internal fault on bus
with R
= 0.01
B. External Fault
Fig. 4 shows the response of the proposed differential scheme
for a single line-to-ground external fault (a-g) on line-4 at 10
km from the main bus (Fig. 1) which is applied at 0.07 second
with fault resistance R
= 0.01. It has been observed from
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Fig. 4 that the differential current remains well below the
predetermine threshold value and hence, the relay dost not
operate. In this condition, no trip signal is generated by the
relay. A wide variation of external faults such as single-line to
ground fault, double line fault, double line to ground fault and
triple line fault at different locations have been investigated. It
is to be noted that for all types of external faults, the proposed
differential scheme remains stable and hence, gives better

Fig. 4 Relay response during external fault on line-4 with
= 0.01
C. High Resistance Fault
Many algorithms related to bus protection fail to detect fault
with a considerable value of fault resistance. Although, high
resistance fault reduces the magnitude of the fault current, the
proposed scheme is capable to detect these faults. To analyze
the said situation, a single line-to-ground fault with fault
resistance of 75 has been simulated inside the zone of the
main bus. Although, there is a delay in the action of crossing
the threshold boundary of the relay, as shown in Fig. 5, the
proposed differential relaying scheme operates within 18ms.
The proposed scheme has been tested for different types of
high resistance faults such as single line to ground fault and
double line to ground faults up to R
=200 (not shown in the
paper). In these situations, it has been observed by the authors
that the operating time of relay was within 20ms after the
inception of fault.
D. Effect of CT Saturation
The effect of CT saturation for any busbar protection scheme
is of crucial importance particularly during heavy through
fault. The protection scheme must remain stable during
external fault and must not delay or prevent operation in case
of an internal fault. The CT saturation is obtained by CT
model block available in PSCAD/EMTDC. By changing the
CT secondary burden resistance, different degrees of CT
saturation can be obtained [10].

Fig. 5 Relay response during internal fault at F on phase A
with R
= 75

The performance of the proposed scheme during CT saturation
is carried out by simulating different faults on line-4 at 10 km
from the main bus with varying fault resistances. When a
heavy through fault occurs, the secondary current of CT is
reduced sharply due to saturation of CT. Therefore, the time
between two successive zero crossings of the secondary
current becomes smaller than half a cycle. This phenomenon is
used to detect the CT saturation by comparing the zero
crossing interval of the secondary current of saturated CT to
the zero crossing interval of the secondary current of
unsaturated CT for half a cycle time interval. The zero
crossing time of CT secondary during fault can be considered
as 8 ms9 ms instead of 10 ms (half a cycle for a rated
frequency of 50 Hz) because of noise and transient frequency
penetration [11]. Fig. 6 shows simulated module of zero
crossing detector developed by authors in PSCAD which uses
zero detectors, monostable multivibrators and logical circuits.

Fig. 6 The simulated module of zero crossing detector
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Fig. 7 Simulation results of unsaturated signal, saturated signal
and the difference of zero crossing of two signals.

In this module, zero detector measures the zero crossing
interval of the secondary current of saturated CT. A standard
estimated 50 Hz signal is given to another zero detector which
measures the zero crossing interval of the secondary current of
unsaturated CT (estimated signal) at every 10 ms. The
computation is repeated for every half a cycle and the
difference between the zero crossing interval of the estimated
signal and the saturated CT secondary signal are calculated.
Fig. 7 shows the simulation results for estimated signal
(unsaturated signal), saturated CT secondary current and the
difference of the zero crossing interval for phase-a during
single line to ground external fault on line-4 at 0.04 second
with R
= 0.01 . The middle section shows the closer view of
signals shown in the first section (Fig. 7) for one cycle
interval. If this difference exceeds a predetermined threshold
value, a phase comparator circuit (not shown in the paper) is
activated and the blocking command is given to the bus
differential relay. With wide range of variations in fault
conditions and transient frequency penetration, it has been
found by the authors that the appropriate value of threshold is
1.5 ms. It is to be noted that the proposed scheme is able to
detect heavy and low saturation of CT during external faults.
A new differential relaying scheme for busbar protection is
proposed in this paper. The proposed scheme was tested
extensively by using data that was generated by modeling an
existing 230 kV Indian power transmission system network
using PSCAD/EMTDC software package. The proposed
scheme has the ability to detect all types of in-zone faults and
remains stable during out of zone faults. An average tripping
time for most of the internal faults is within 20ms. The
proposed zero crossing technique is able to detect severe CT
saturation during all types of external faults with different
system parameters to achieve better security. Further, the
proposed scheme is highly sensitive in case of high resistance
in-zone faults.

Source Data
Positive-sequence impedance of sources G1, G2 = 585
Zero-sequence impedance of sources G1, G2= 1085
Positive-sequence impedance of sources G3, G4 = 1085
Zero-sequence impedance of sources G3, G4= 2085
Frequency = 50 Hz
Load angle of G1, G2 and G4 = 0

Load angle of G3 = 20

Transmission-line Data
Line-1 and Line-2 = 50 km
Line-3 = 100 km
Line-4 = 80 km
Voltage = 230 kV
Positive-sequence impedance = 0.0297 + j0.332 /km
Zero-sequence impedance = 0.162 + j1.24 /km
Positive-sequence capacitance = 9.23 nF/km
Zero-sequence capacitance = 6.72 nF/km

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