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Voltage Control in Power System Using Expert System Based On SCADA System

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Voltage Control In Power System Using Expert System Based On SCADA System

C. Pimpa, and S.Premrudeepreechacharn, Member, IEEE

[6-8], other applications include bus load modeling [9] and implementation of a short term load forecast [10-12]. Some attempts have been reported in literature for reactive compensation made in this expert system, which can be easily used to form an expert system for real-time control. This paper deals with the development of an expert system for voltage correction for normal case and contingency conditions by switching shunt reactive compensation and transformer tap changer as shown in Fig. 1. In early for voltage controls, the operators have to make decision by their knowledge and experience to switching shunt reactive compensation and transformer tap change are controlled by computer from control center. This expert system solution methodology based on the voltage and load sensitivities of the load buses to controller devices. The performance of the expert system is compared with the operator controlling voltage, which tested on voltage deviation indices, minimize numbers counter of tap changing and minimize loss. The application of this expert system has been tested on 6 substations in power system in northern region of Thailand. The system contains 11 of distribution transformers (115/22kV), a tie transformer (230/115kV) and 28 steps of shunt capacitors for 22kV, 6 steps of shunt capacitors for 115kV. The power system network is shown in Fig. 2. Voltage Control
Abstract-- This paper present the type of expert system for controlling the 22kV voltage levels of power system in northern region of Thailand based on the SCADA system. At present, for the operation, the operators have to make decision by their knowledge and experience to control the voltage. This expert system is obtained for alleviation of voltage violation in the dayto-day of distribution substation in the system and process the data from the SCADA for helping the operator detect buses experiencing abnormal conditions. This expert system focused on shunt reactive compensating devices and transformer tap change to select the most effective control for keeping the bus voltage in the entire system within limits. This study selected 6 distribution substations to be tested with this expert system. The performance of the expert system is compared with the operator control in the terms of voltage deviation indices, numbers of tap changing and minimize loss. Index Terms-- Expert System, Power System Control, Var Control, Voltage Control.


or the purpose of economic, quality and security in power services, the secure operation of a power system becomes essential to maintain network voltage profile within specified limits. In the day-to-day operation, power systems experience both over-voltage or under-voltage violations. These violations occur due to inadequate reactive power support for different loading conditions and network configurations. These violations can be relieved by coordinated control and switching of reactive power control devices [1]. The number of expert systems practically applied to electric energy system operation is still low. But having solved the crucial integration of such systems into the given environment of both technical process and human operating personnel, new interesting and advanced possibilities are opened [2]. Early applications of expert systems were in reactive compensation for power system [3-5], and linear programming based optimal power flow for voltage control

Operator Control Tap controlling Capacitors switching Inductors switching

Computer control by voltage limit

Expert system Control

Tap Controlling.

Tap Controlling. Capacitors switching. Inductors switching. (In this paper)

This project was conducted with the support of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT.), Thailand, in collaboration with Chiang Mai University, Thailand. C. Pimpa is with System Dispatch Section 2, Regional System Control and Operation Division, Northern Regional Operation Department, EGAT, Phitsanulok 65000 Thailand (e-mail: chakkrit@egat.or.th). S. Premrudeepreechacharn is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200 Thailand (e-mail: suttic@eng.cmu.ac.th).

(Voltage control at present)

Fig. 1. Block diagram of voltage control.

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CM3 115/22 kV
230/115 kV 2x200 MVA To network 230 kV 115/22 kV 2x50 MVA 115/22 kV 2x50 MVA 2x50 MVA


Knowledge base Data base Rule base


Inference engine

To network 115 kV

115/22 kV 2x50 MVA

115/22kV 2x50MVA


User interface
115/22 kV 50 MVA



To network 115 kV

Fig. 4. Block diagram of expert system.

Fig. 2. Power system network considered in this paper.

III. KNOWLEDGE BASE The knowledge base of this expert system consists of voltage sensitivities of load buses to different shunt capacitor compensating or on load transformer tap changing and status of measure device. The knowledge base consists of 2 parts; data base and rules base, as described below. A. Data base The data base that obtained is arranged in the form of facts in the knowledge base of the proposed expert system. 1) The upper and lower limits of voltage at each bus, which difference value at any buses. 2) The upper and lower limits of each control measure. 3) Status of tap position and status (on/off) of each control measures. 4) The possible selection of control measures. (Tag for do not control.) 5) A sensitivity factor table of shunt capacitor compensation list (SCL). The SCL list indicates in order of preference the most suitable shunt capacitor compensation for voltage correction at that load bus with the corresponding sensitivities for one step switching. For example:
i i SCL N i , [ p, q,...], [ S cp , S cq ,...]

II. EXPERT SYSTEM The application of expert system for voltage control can be described in a general block diagram form is shown in Fig. 3. The SCADA system consists of two master computers in control center, which communicate with remote terminal units (RTUs.) in the substations. The power data of expert system received data from SCADA system. The data of substation is sampled for MW/MVar, bus voltage and status of devices, approximately every 5 to 10 seconds. Each system has knowledge in a particular domain and is capable of solving problems that require knowledge for expert system program. The structure of an expert system can be conveniently divided into three main modules in a general block diagram form is shown in Fig. 4.

SCADA system data of power system in northern region of Thailand

Power system data for expert system

Expert system program


Control action to power system

6 substations in northern region of Thailand

Fig. 3 Block diagram of expert system for voltage control in power system

This indicates that for node Ni , the most effective shunt capacitor compensation is located at node p with a sensitivity of Sicp for one step switching, the next most effective shunt capacitor compensation is located at node q with a sensitivity of Sicq and so on. 6) A sensitivity factor table of transformer compensation list (TCL). The TCL list indicates in order of preference the most effective transformer for voltage correction with the corresponding sensitivities for one step tap change. For example
i i TCL N i , [t p , t q ,...], [ S tp , S tq ,...]


This indicates that for node Ni , the most effective transformer for voltage correction is located at node p with a
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sensitivity of Sitp for one step tap change, the next most effective transformer for voltage correction is located at node q with a sensitivity of Sitq for one step tap change and so on. 7) The constraints of expert system are recommends switching action for both shunt capacitors and transformer tap for voltage correction. The expert system gives priority for shunt capacitor compensation switching at the most effective for voltage correction. If this is not sufficient for voltage correction then it recommends transformer tap change at the most effective transformer for each voltage violation node. These data base, except for the sensitivity table 5) and 6), can be easily obtained for a power system. These data base can either be collected from the experts or from a numerical analysis using load flow calculations. B. Rules base The rules base of an expert system describe relation or phenomena in the domain, and possible methods, heuristics and ideas for solving problems in domain. The expert system read the current voltage and load value and at each bus through the monitor or input/output interface. Then, these data compare the current voltage with their limits, and find the buses with abnormal voltage and the magnitude of the voltage violation. The expert system is implemented in the form of a set of rules as described below: 1) If network voltage violation exists, then forms the follow list. Violation list, VL(Vv1 , Vv2 , ), in the order of most severe violation, where Vv1 is the most voltage violated node, Vv2 the next most voltage violated node and so on. 2) Pick a node from the top of the violation list ( Vvi ). - Check the most voltage violated node, it is lower or higher than voltage limits. (Part 1 of Fig. 5) - Check trend of load pattern at most voltage violated node.(increase or decrease, Part 2 of Fig. 5) - Check trend of total load pattern in studies network.(increase or decrease, Part 3 of Fig. 5)

The load sensitivity ( SLi ) at each load buses, which using prediction equation of linear regression.

= L0 + S (t t ) L i i Li i 0 Vi = Vi + S scli (C i )

(3) (4) (5) (6)

S Li =

((ti t )( Li L )) ( ti t ) 2

S scli

(V =

mes vi

0 Vvi C i

where Li = Load at time sampling( i ). t = interval time sampling. (15 load sampling) SLi = load sensitivity. Sscli = voltage sensitivity 3) For each bus voltage violation, sequentially search for the most effective control measure device by using the block diagram to control device, which shown in Fig. 5 and calculate the control action needed to recover the voltage violation. 4) Check the control action from the view point of the other bus voltage limits using the SCL or TCL ( Part 4 of Fig. 5 ). This is used to guarantee that recovering proper voltage level at one bus dose not cause bus voltage violations on other buses. 5) Output the search procedures and the recommended control action through the I/O interface on monitor. 6) If voltage violation at node Vv is not completely relieved then pick the next most effective compensation from the SCL list and go to rule 4). 7) Repeat the above procedure for each load bus of the system until bus voltages are within limits. The search procedure of the proposed expert system is shown the detailed configuration of the developed expert system in Fig. 6.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.
A1 A1 A2 A1 A1

Part 4. Action 1 (A1) First, Search shunt reactive compensation for optimum voltage to control. Second, If shunt reactive compensation are not ready then it recommends transformer tap change.

Voltage Violation Node (Vni)

A1 A1 A2

Sensitivity factor increase Sensitivity factor decrease Sensitivity factor constant

A1 A2 A2 A2 Fig. 5. Block diagram to control device.

Action 2 (A2) For most effective control of transformer tap changed.

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Input Interface.
Identify the operating configuration Current voltage at each buses No Find buses with abnormal voltage yes Form the follow list. Violation list VL(Vv1 , Vv2 , ), in the order of most severe violation Find load sensitivity ( SLi ) at each load buses, which using prediction equation of linear regression. Current load at each buses

Vdeviation (i) =

(Vdesired Vactual (i)) 100% Vdesired


Knowledge Base

The performance of the expert system is compared with the operator control in the terms of voltage deviation indices, counters of transformer tap changing. Typical results for the expert system are presented in Fig. 8-12. The resulting are presented by the average actual data from the expert system and operator for controlling the 22kV voltage levels based on the SCADA system. The voltage of power system is in limits range (-3%-7%) when operating by both operator and expert system. However, the results of the expert system can reduce the number of transformer tap change more than 50 percent and voltage deviation within limits as shown in Fig.12.
400 350 300 250 200
) Load (MW

Pick a node from the top of the violation list ( Vv ). No Check the measure device already to control yes Output Interface.

Control action from the view point of the controllers constrains with load sensitivity ( SLi )

Check control action from the view point of other bus voltage limits

150 100 50 0 5.00am. 10.00am. 3.00pm.




Fig. 7. The normalized total load curve of 6 substation in this case study. Fig. 6. The search procedure for expert system.
Number (%)

The inference engine of the expert is used for control action of shunt reactive compensation and transformer tap change for voltage correction. All the fact of SCL and TCL are combined to form the knowledge base and rules base. The inference engine recommends switching at the most effective of shunt reactive compensation and transformer tap for voltage violated node. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The approach proposed in this paper was implemented and tested on 6 substations in power system in northern of Thailand as shown in Fig. 1. The substations are Chiangmai1(CM1), Chiangmai2(CM2), Chiangmai3(CM3), Chomthong(CTG), Lumphun1(LN1), Lumphun2(LN2), which contained 11 of distribution transformers (115/22kV), a tie transformer (230/115kV) and 28 steps of shunt capacitors for 22kV, 6 steps of shunt capacitors for 115kV. The normalized total load curve of networks is shown in Fig. 7. The normalized voltage deviation of the system was chosen to be -3% and +7% for voltage limits in range (97-107%). This value depends on the system operating conditions and is set by operator based on experience with the system behavior. In order to determine the voltage deviation is defined as (7) and the time sampling (i) for each individual voltage bus is 60 times/hour. Thus total numbers counter of voltage deviation for 18voltage bus are 1080 times/hour.

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Voltage deviation(%)

expert system


Fig. 8. Load voltage deviation during 05.00-08.00.


60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
operator Voltage deviation(%)

expert system

Fig. 9. Load voltage deviation during 08.00-10.00.

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50 40 30 20 10 0

Number (%)

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Voltage deviation(%)

expert system


Fig. 10. Load voltage deviation during 17.30-18.00.

50 40 30 20 10 0




Voltage deviation(%)

expert system


Fig. 11. Load voltage deviation during 18.00-22.00.

Tap changing (times)

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 05.0008.00 08.0010.00

Chakkrit Pimpa was bon in Thailand in 1969. He received the B.S.degree in electriccal engineering from the King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand, in 1994. In 1994 he worked in Electricity Generating of Thailand (EGAT), where he has been working on system dispatch section at Regional System Control and Operation Division



expert system


Fig. 12. The average total numbers of transformer tap changing.

V. CONCLUSIONS An expert system for the power system voltage control is developed in this paper. It has been tested with the actual data of the power system in northern region of Thailand based on the SCADA system. This expert system is to help the operator detect buses experiencing abnormal conditions, select the most effective shunt capacitor switching or transformer tap change for each voltage violation. The results of the expert system can reduce the number of transformer tap change more than 50 percent and voltage deviation within limits.

Suttichai Premrudeepreechacharn (S91-M97) was born in Chon Buri, Thailand in 1965. He recieved B.Eng.in electrical engineering from Chiang Mai University Thailand and M.S and Ph.D. in electric power engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. He is an assistant professor at Department of Electrical Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. His research interests include power quality, high quality utility interface, power electronics and artificial intelligent applied to power system.

0-7803-7322-7/02/$17.00 (c) 2002 IEEE

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