The EOQ Formula
The EOQ Formula
The EOQ Formula
A basic problem for businesses and manufacturers is, when ordering supplies, to determine
what quantity of a given item to order. A great deal of literature has dealt with this problem
(unfortunately many of the best books on the subject are out of print). Many formulas and
algorithms have been created. Of these the simplest formula is the most used: The EOQ (economic
order quantity) or Lot Size formula. The EOQ formula has been independently discovered many
times in the last eighty years. We will see that the EOQ formula is simplistic and uses several
unrealistic assumptions. This raises the question, which we will address: given that it is so
unrealistic, why does the formula work so well? Indeed, despite the many more sophisticated
formulas and algorithms available, even large corporations use the EOQ formula. In general, large
corporations that use the EOQ formula do not want the public or competitors to know they use
something so unsophisticated. Hence you might wonder how I can state that large corporations do
use the EOQ formula. Let’s just say that I have good sources of information that I feel can be relied
D: The demand for widgets in quantity per unit time. Demand can be thought of as a
Q: The order quantity. This is the variable we want to optimize. All the other variables
are fixed quantities.
C: The order cost. This is the flat fee charged for making any order and is independent
of Q.
h: Holding costs per widget per unit time. If we store x widgets for one unit of time,
it costs us x@h.
The EOQ problem can be summarized as determining the order quantity Q, that balances the
order cost C and the holding costs h to minimize total costs. The greater Q is, the less we will spend
on orders, since we order less often. On the other hand, the greater Q is the more we spend on
inventory. Note that the price of widgets is a variables that does not interest us. This is because
we plan to meet the demand for widgets. Hence the value of Q has nothing to do with this quantity.
If we put the price of widgets into our problem formulation, when we finally have finally solved the
optimal value for Q, it will not involve this term.
The EOQ Inventory Formula by J. M. Cargal
An Incorrect Solution
Solving for the EOQ, that is the quantity that minimizes total costs, requires that we
formulate what the costs are. The order period is the block of time between two consecutive orders.
The length of the order period, which we will denote by P, is Q/D. For example, if the order
quantity is 20 widgets and the rate of demand is five widgets per day, then the order period is 20/5,
or four days. Let Tp be the total costs per order period. By definition, the order cost per order period
will be C. During the order period the inventory will go steadily from Q, the order amount, to zero.
Hence the average inventory is Q/2 and the inventory costs per period is the average cost, Q/2, times
the length of the period, Q/D. Hence the total cost per period is:
Q Q Q2 h
TP = C + h = C+
2 D 2D
If we take the derivative of Tp with respect to Q and set it to zero, we get Q = 0. The problem is
solved by the device of not ordering anything. This indeed minimizes the inventory costs but at the
small inconvenience of not meeting demand and therefore going out of business. This is what many
people, perhaps most people do, when trying to solve for the EOQ the first time.
Tu = +
Q 2
The EOQ Inventory Formula by J. M. Cargal
In this formula the order cost per unit time is CD/Q and Qh/2 is the average inventory cost per unit
time. If we take the derivative of Tu with respect to Q and set that equal to 0, we can solve for the
economic order quantity (where the exponent * implies that this is the optimal order quantity):
Q* =
If we plug Q* into the formula for Tu, we get the optimal cost, per unit time:
Tu* = 2CDh
Note that this equation has two variables. Tu is a function of Q (and could well be written as Tu(Q)).
Hence we have a curve in the Cartesian plane with axes labeled Q and Tu. We want the value of Q
that minimizes Tu. Notice that the term is a constant. Hence we can rewrite the equation as:
Tu2 Tu
= Q − +k
h2 h
If we set the quadratic term to zero, then Tu = h k . Any change in the quadratic term from zero
increases the size of Tu. Hence the optimal size of Tu is h k which just happens to be
The EOQ Inventory Formula by J. M. Cargal
2CDh which is the value we found earlier. The quadratic term is zero if and only if Q = .
This gives us the identity Q*h = Tu* .
An Example
It is useful at this point to consider a numerical example. The demand for klabitz’s is 50 per
week. The order cost is $30 (regardless of the size of the order), and the holding cost is $6 per
klabitz per week. Plugging these figures into the EOQ formula we get:
2 ⋅ 30 ⋅ 50
Q* = = 22.36
This brings up a little mentioned drawback of the EOQ formula. The EOQ formula is not an integer
formula. It would be more appropriate if we ordered klabitz’s by the gallon. Most of the time, the
nearest integer will be the optimal integer amount. In this case, the total inventory cost Tu is $134.18
per week when we order 22 klabitz’s. If instead, we order 23 klabitz’s the cost is $134.22.
A graph of this problem is illuminating: Figure 2. Because the graph is so flat at the optimal
point, there is very little penalty if we order a slightly sub-optimal quantity. We can better
Total Cost
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76
Order Quantity
The EOQ Inventory Formula by J. M. Cargal
Holding Cost
Order Cost
1 6 1116212631364146515661667176
Order Quantity
understand the graph if we view the combined graphs of the order costs and the holding costs given
in Figure 3. The basic shapes of all three graphs (total costs, order costs, holding costs) are always
the same. The graph of order costs is a hyperbola; the graph of holding costs is linear; and as a
result the graph of the total costs (Tu) is convex. This can also be seen in that the function is
increasing and the function
d 2T 2CD
dQ2 Q3
is positive every where. If we plug the optimal quantity, Q*, into this last formula we get:
d 2T * 2hCD
dQ2 4h 2 CD
The EOQ Inventory Formula by J. M. Cargal
Ordinarily this last quantity is very small, which indicates that the total cost of inventory Tu changes
very slowly with Q (in the optimal region). Hence the assumptions of the EOQ model do not have
to be accurate because the problem usually is tolerant of errors.
If you study closely the graphs in Figure 3, it may seem clear to you that their sum, Tu,
reaches a minimum precisely where the two graphs intersect; that is at the point where order costs
and holding costs are equal. The gives us the equality 2 = CD
Q . Solving that equality is the easiest
way to derive the EOQ formula.
The EOQ Inventory Formula by J. M. Cargal
The EOQ Inventory Formula by J. M. Cargal
Hadley, G. and T. M. Whitin. Analysis of Inventory Systems. 1963. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: