Personal Development Actionlist: Planning, Scheduling, and Budgeting
Personal Development Actionlist: Planning, Scheduling, and Budgeting
Personal Development Actionlist: Planning, Scheduling, and Budgeting
What are critical success factors? These are the factors that define how the achievement of project goals will be judged. They need to be measurable and unambiguous, so there cannot be arguments over what they mean. For example: Relocation of offices must be complete by August 15, 2007 is a good critical success factor as it is very clear. Work must be completed to a high level of quality, on the other hand, is not, as theres no definition of what high quality means and this could be interpreted in all sorts of different ways. Should I always use planning tools? Its important to remember that complex planning tools arent always appropriate. If your project is a relatively simple one, a straightforward timetable or action plan might be sufficient. Over-complicated planning can blind people with science and lead to poor communication and muddled projects. At what stage should I look at budgets? The earlier on in the project you do your cost estimates, the more likely it is that these will only be best guesses. For this reason, its essential to allow a significant contingency, so as an absolute minimum, add a further 20 per cent to what you think the costs will be. Unfortunately, in most cases actual costs tend to be higher than estimated!
Making It Happen
Know your planning tools Drawing up a detailed project plan is your most vital ingredient for a successful, painfree project. The tools you use to do this will obviously depend greatly on what youre doingthe size of your project, its complexity, and deadline, for examplebut here are some of the most useful ones: 1. Work breakdown structure This is useful for identifying the individual tasks in your project. Get the team together and brainstorm all the tasks that need doing, in no particular order. Write them down on Post-it notes and put them up on a board or wall. Once everyone has thought of as many tasks as they can, arrange the Post-its into groups under the major areas of activity. 2. Project logic diagram Put start and end notes at opposite ends of the board. From left to right between them, arrange the Post-it notes in the logical sequence of activities. Join the notes with arrows in and out, depending on whether things can be done one after another or at the same time (some tasks may have more than one arrow). Under each task, write how long you estimate it will take. You have now created a project logic diagram, which should help you identify which tasks are dependent, and which are parallel. Dependent tasks: Some activities are dependent on other activities being completed first. For example, it is not a good idea to start building a bridge before you have designed it! These dependent activities need to be completed in a sequence, with each stage being more or less done before the next can begin. Parallel tasks: These are the tasks which are not dependent on the completion of anything else, and may be done at any time before or after a particular stage is reached. You can then put these tasks into a simple timetable or action plan, or use either of the next two planning tools to create a more formal structure for how the work should proceed. 3. Gantt charts Gantt charts are a very popular tool and are most useful for analyzing and planning small or medium sized projects. They: help plan out the tasks involved give a basis for scheduling when tasks will be carried out
allow you to allocate the necessary resources help work out the critical path for a project where it must be completed by a particular date The way to produce a Gantt chart is to take all the activities for the project that you listed in your project logic diagram and for each task show the earliest start date, estimated time it will take, whether it is parallel or dependent, and if dependent, which other tasks it depends on. Lets say your project is to manage an office move. Your task list might look like this: Task Earliest start date Day 1 Day 3 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 10 Length Type
1 Produce new floor plan 2 Pack up current office 3 Organize facilities 4 Transport furniture 5 Transport equipment 6 Unpack in new office 7 Set up IT systems 8 Staff move in
2 days 1 day 1 day 2 days 2 days 3 days 4 days 2 days Dependent on 1. Parallel Dependent on 2. Parallel, dependent on 4. Any time after. Parallel, dependent on 4. Any time after. Parallel, dependent on 5. Any time after. Parallel, dependent on 7. Any time after.
You can plot the list into a chart, like the one below:
Once youve plotted your chart, you can see if any adjustments are required. The diamond shapes are the important milestones or goals that are set to be achieved at different stages of the project.
Once the project is under way, the chart will be very useful for monitoring progress, as you can see immediately what should have been achieved at a point in time and take remedial action if things are slipping. 4. Critical path analysis Critical path analysis (CPA) is a powerful tool for scheduling and managing complex projects. Its main benefit is that you can use it to identify the tasks that have to be done on time and in sequence in order for the whole project to be completed (the critical path itself). Then you can fit the other non-dependent tasks around them. Say your project is to launch a new product, and youve listed the tasks as follows: Task A. Prepare initial designs B. Make prototypes C. Test prototypes D. Finalize design E. Set up production line F. Train operators G. Produce first batch Dependent on A. Dependent on B. Dependent on C. Parallel, dependent on A. Any time after. Parallel, dependent on E. Any time after. Dependent on D. and F. Type
The diagram below shows how the dependent tasks follow on sequentially from one another, while the parallel tasks are fitted round them to save time.
In order to work out the critical path from a network diagram like this, you need to work out which tasks are critical. A task is said to be critical if its duration cannot be extended without delaying the completion of the project. Looking at the diagram below, you can see that there are three possible paths you could take to get from one side of it to the other: A C, with a length of 6 B D, with a length of 7 A D, with a length of 8
The duration of the project is determined by the longest path, which in this case is A D. The critical activities are those which lie on the longest path through the networkso here, obviously, A and D are critical. Any extension or delay in a critical activity will make such a path longer still, thereby delaying completion of the project. A longest path through a network is called a critical path, and the critical path on this diagram is shown in black. Allow enough time As a rule, people vastly underestimate the amount of time needed to make a project happen, particularly if theyre not familiar with the individual tasks to be carried out. They forget to take into account unexpected events or unscheduled high priority work, and also often simply fail to allow for the full complexity involved with a job. Many people are naturally over-optimistic, so its all too easy to fall into this trap. However, its important to get time estimation as accurate as possible for two main reasons: 1. Youll save yourself and your team a huge amount of stress. 2. You could save yourself a lot of money: if you get your timings round and you have to have work done at very short notice, its highly likely that youll have to pay a lot more for it. Also, youll enhance your reputation as a great project manager if you can deliver to deadline. If youre in a competitive work environment, or if youd like to move up the career ladder, making your project successful can really help you out. We have already looked at assigning lengths of time to the different tasks within your project, using the expertise and experience of your team to do so. In addition, there are other factors you need to take into account when estimating the overall time for the project as a whole. Again, these will vary dramatically depending on the type of project youre working on, but they could include some or all of the following: detailed project planning liaison with other parties external and internal meetings quality assurance and any supporting documentation necessary accidents and emergencies
holidays and sickness among essential staff contact with customers breakdowns in equipment missed deliveries by suppliers interruptions quality control rejections Any combination of these factors may double (or more than double) the length of time needed to complete a project. All problems are solvable in time, so building in plenty of contingency time will give you a head start if you need to tackle unexpected hurdles. Count the costs Costs, like time, are often under-estimated. If you get your time more or less right, though, its easier to be accurate with your costs. The types of costs you should include in your estimates and in your project plan are outlined in the table below: One-off development costs Staff costs for the project usually the biggest expense Cost of research undertaken Systems development costs, including software/hardware purchase or licenses Office re-fitting/re-wiring Pilot costs (staff and materials) Implementation costs training, recruitment, communication, etc Third party expertise (e.g. software consultants, marketing agency) Government taxes on any third party services Ongoing operating costs Direct costs: Overheads the general operating costs New stocks of materials resulting from the project New administration purchasing, accounting, record-keeping, etc. Costs incurred before the benefits of the project can be realized Indirect costs: A proportion of the costs of running your business day to day, e.g. Office rental Vehicles, and expenses Existing staff additional duties Identify the benefits Wherever possible, try to identify the benefits of your project in financial terms so they can be weighed against the costs. For example, if your project is to develop a new product or service for your clients, you might estimate that this will bring in extra income of X thousand dollars per annum for your organization. Or if the project is to move offices, you might calculate that the new premises will save the company money in terms of rent, cheaper utilities,
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better facilities (your own canteen, so you dont have to use outside caterers, for example), and so on. However not all benefits can be measured financially, so instead, try to find ways of quantifying them in tangible, measurable terms so the success of the project can be assessed. Any benefits that form critical success factors (see below) should be highlighted, as these may just as influential in getting decision-makers to approve the project as the purely financial benefits. Refine your estimates as you go along Regardless of how often you emphasize the fact that forecasts of time and costs are approximate estimates to begin with, there is a continual danger that the words approximate and estimates get forgotten as the figures get communicated through the business, and everyone thinks you have given them the final completion date and total cost! To avoid this particular headache, keep refining your costs and timescales as you work through the project, and then make sure you keep people up to date. Tell any relevant peopleyour team, customers, or stakeholders, for exampleand very clearly too. The diagram below shows the stages of the project at which you would be wise to check your estimates, and gives a rough idea of how the accuracy can improve through the project process. For example, your final time and cost estimates could end up being as much as 50 per cent more or 30 per cent less than youve quoted as your initial ball park figure.
Common Mistakes
You dont fight to protect your estimates It doesnt help your accuracyand therefore your reputation for reliabilityif you allow your estimates to be disrupted unnecessarily by external people or circumstances. Once you have arrived at what you consider to be a realistic schedule or budget, fight for it. Never let the outside world deflect you from what you know to be practical. If someone tries to impose a deadline upon you which is impossible, clearly state this and give your reasons. However, you may need to compromise instead, since a flat no will be seen as obstructive. Look for alternatives, if you can. For example: offer a prototype service or product at an earlier date, on the understanding that your finished project would later replace the prototype
reduce the complexity of the product, or the total number of units; future enhancements or more units would then be the subject of a subsequent negotiation demonstrate what other (specified) resources would be required if its vital that the project is delivered to an earlier deadline