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Led RGB Strip

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#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.


#include <FastLED.h>

#include <EEPROM.h>

#define PIN 6

#define N_PIXELS  29

#define BG 0

#define COLOR_ORDER GRB  // Try mixing up the letters (RGB, GBR, BRG, etc) for a whole new world of color

#define BRIGHTNESS 255   // 0-255, higher number is brighter.

#define LED_TYPE WS2812B

#define MIC_PIN   A4  // Microphone is attached to this analog pin

#define DC_OFFSET  0  // DC offset in mic signal - if unusure, leave 0

#define NOISE     10  // Noise/hum/interference in mic signal

#define SAMPLES   60  // Length of buffer for dynamic level adjustment

#define TOP       (N_PIXELS + 2) // Allow dot to go slightly off scale

#define PEAK_FALL 20  // Rate of peak falling dot


#define GRAVITY           -9.81              // Downward (negative) acceleration of gravity in m/s^2

#define h0                1                  // Starting height, in meters, of the ball (strip length)

#define NUM_BALLS         3                  // Number of bouncing balls you want (recommend < 7, but 20 is fun in its
own way)

#define SPEED .20       // Amount to increment RGB color by each cycle

int brightnessPin = A0, potPin = A1;

//config for balls

float h[NUM_BALLS] ;                         // An array of heights

float vImpact0 = sqrt( -2 * GRAVITY * h0 );  // Impact velocity of the ball when it hits the ground if "dropped" from
the top of the strip

float vImpact[NUM_BALLS] ;                   // As time goes on the impact velocity will change, so make an array to store
those values

float tCycle[NUM_BALLS] ;                    // The time since the last time the ball struck the ground

int   pos[NUM_BALLS] ;                       // The integer position of the dot on the strip (LED index)

long  tLast[NUM_BALLS] ;                     // The clock time of the last ground strike

float COR[NUM_BALLS] ;                       // Coefficient of Restitution (bounce damping)



  greenOffset = 30,

  blueOffset = 150;


  peak      = 0,      // Used for falling dot

  dotCount  = 0,      // Frame counter for delaying dot-falling speed

  volCount  = 0;      // Frame counter for storing past volume data


  vol[SAMPLES],       // Collection of prior volume samples

  lvl       = 10,      // Current "dampened" audio level

  minLvlAvg = 0,      // For dynamic adjustment of graph low & high

  maxLvlAvg = 512;

  int brightnessValue, prevBrightnessValue;

int sensorDeviationBrightness = 1;

int sensitivityValue = 128;                               // 0 - 255, initial value (value read from the potentiometer if
useSensorValues = true)

int maxSensitivity = 2 * 255;                             // let the 'volume' go up to 200%!

int ledBrightness = 255;                                   // 0 - 255, initial value (value read from the potentiometer if
useSensorValues = true)

int val;

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(N_PIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);


uint8_t thisbeat =  23;

uint8_t thatbeat =  28;

uint8_t thisfade =   2;                                     // How quickly does it fade? Lower = slower fade rate.

uint8_t thissat = 255;                                     // The saturation, where 255 = brilliant colours.

uint8_t thisbri = 255;

uint8_t numdots = 4;                                          // Number of dots in use.

uint8_t faderate = 2;                                         // How long should the trails be. Very low value = longer trails.

uint8_t hueinc = 16;                                          // Incremental change in hue between each dot.

uint8_t thishue = 0;                                          // Starting hue.

uint8_t curhue = 0;

uint8_t thisbright = 255;                                     // How bright should the LED/display be.

uint8_t basebeat = 5;

uint8_t max_bright = 255;

// Twinkle

float redStates[N_PIXELS];

float blueStates[N_PIXELS];

float greenStates[N_PIXELS];

float Fade = 0.96;

// Vu meter 4

const uint32_t Red = strip.Color(255, 0, 0);

const uint32_t Yellow = strip.Color(255, 255, 0);

const uint32_t Green = strip.Color(0, 255, 0);

const uint32_t Blue = strip.Color(0, 0, 255);

const uint32_t White = strip.Color(255, 255, 255);

const uint32_t Dark = strip.Color(0, 0, 0);

unsigned int sample;


int          myhue =   0;

// constants used here to set pin numbers:

const int buttonPin = 3;     // the number of the pushbutton pin

// Variables will change:

int buttonPushCounter = 0;   // counter for the number of button presses

int buttonState = 0;         // current state of the button

int lastButtonState = 0;

//Ripple variables

int color;

int center = 0;

int step = -1;

int maxSteps = 8;

float fadeRate = 0.80;

int diff;

//background color

uint32_t currentBg = random(256);

uint32_t nextBg = currentBg;

void setup() {

  delay( 2000 ); // power-up safety delay

  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, N_PIXELS).setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip );

  FastLED.setBrightness(  BRIGHTNESS );


  memset(vol, 0, sizeof(vol));



  strip.show(); // Initialize all pixels to 'off'



  //initialize the serial port


   pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);  

    pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

  //initialize the buttonPin as output

digitalWrite(buttonPin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_BALLS ; i++) {    // Initialize variables

    tLast[i] = millis();
    h[i] = h0;

    pos[i] = 0;                              // Balls start on the ground

    vImpact[i] = vImpact0;                   // And "pop" up at vImpact0

    tCycle[i] = 0;

    COR[i] = 0.90 - float(i)/pow(NUM_BALLS,2);



void loop() {

   brightnessValue = analogRead(brightnessPin);

  brightnessValue = map(brightnessValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);


  if (abs(brightnessValue - prevBrightnessValue) > sensorDeviationBrightness) {

    ledBrightness = brightnessValue;


    prevBrightnessValue = brightnessValue;



   //for mic

  uint8_t  i;

  uint16_t minLvl, maxLvl;

  int      n, height;

  // end mic


  // read the pushbutton input pin:

  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

    // compare the buttonState to its previous state

  if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {

    // if the state has changed, increment the counter

    if (buttonState == HIGH) {

      // if the current state is HIGH then the button

      // wend from off to on:


      Serial.print("number of button pushes:  ");


      if(buttonPushCounter>=14) {





    else {

      // if the current state is LOW then the button

      // wend from on to off:




  // save the current state as the last state,

  //for next time through the loop


  lastButtonState = buttonState;


switch (buttonPushCounter){



  case 1:

     buttonPushCounter==1; {


      vu(); // Red



  case 2:

     buttonPushCounter==2; {


       vu2(); // Red



   case 3:

     buttonPushCounter==3; {


    Vu3(); //



    case 4:

     buttonPushCounter==4; {


    Vu4(); //



       case 5:

     buttonPushCounter==5; {





        case 6:

     buttonPushCounter==6; {





         case 7:

     buttonPushCounter==7; {





           case 8:

     buttonPushCounter==8; {




              case 9:

     buttonPushCounter==9; {





         case 10:

     buttonPushCounter==10; {





           case 11:

     buttonPushCounter==11; {





           case 12:

     buttonPushCounter==12; {


    Balls(); //



        case 13:

     buttonPushCounter==13; {


    colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 0), 10); // A Black








void colorWipe(uint32_t c, uint8_t wait) {

  for(uint16_t i=0; i<strip.numPixels(); i++) {

      strip.setPixelColor(i, c);


      if (digitalRead(buttonPin) != lastButtonState)  // <------------- add this

       return;         // <------------ and this



void Vu4() {

    uint8_t  i;

  uint16_t minLvl, maxLvl;

  int      n, height;


  val = (analogRead(potPin));  

  val= map(val, 0, 1023, -10, 6);


  n   = analogRead(MIC_PIN);                        // Raw reading from mic

  n   = abs(n - 0 - DC_OFFSET); // Center on zero

  n   = (n <= NOISE) ? 0 : (n - NOISE);             // Remove noise/hum








  lvl = ((lvl * 7) + n) >> 3;    // "Dampened" reading (else looks twitchy)

  // Calculate bar height based on dynamic min/max levels (fixed point):

  height = TOP * (lvl - minLvlAvg) / (long)(maxLvlAvg - minLvlAvg);

  if(height < 0L)       height = 0;      // Clip output

  else if(height > TOP) height = TOP;

  if(height > peak)     peak   = height; // Keep 'peak' dot at top

  greenOffset += SPEED;

  blueOffset += SPEED;

  if (greenOffset >= 255) greenOffset = 0;

  if (blueOffset >= 255) blueOffset = 0;

  // Color pixels based on rainbow gradient

  for(i=0; i<N_PIXELS_HALF; i++) {

    if(i >= height) {              

      strip.setPixelColor(N_PIXELS_HALF-i-1,   0,   0, 0);

      strip.setPixelColor(N_PIXELS_HALF+i,   0,   0, 0);


    else {

      uint32_t color = Wheel(map(i,0,N_PIXELS_HALF-1,(int)greenOffset, (int)blueOffset));






  // Draw peak dot  

  if(peak > 0 && peak <= N_PIXELS_HALF-1) {

    uint32_t color = Wheel(map(peak,0,N_PIXELS_HALF-1,30,150));





   strip.show(); // Update strip

// Every few frames, make the peak pixel drop by 1:

    if(++dotCount >= PEAK_FALL) { //fall rate

      if(peak > 0) peak--;

      dotCount = 0;


  vol[volCount] = n;                      // Save sample for dynamic leveling

  if(++volCount >= SAMPLES) volCount = 0; // Advance/rollover sample counter

  // Get volume range of prior frames

  minLvl = maxLvl = vol[0];

  for(i=1; i<SAMPLES; i++) {

    if(vol[i] < minLvl)      minLvl = vol[i];

    else if(vol[i] > maxLvl) maxLvl = vol[i];


  // minLvl and maxLvl indicate the volume range over prior frames, used

  // for vertically scaling the output graph (so it looks interesting

  // regardless of volume level).  If they're too close together though

  // (e.g. at very low volume levels) the graph becomes super coarse

  // and 'jumpy'...so keep some minimum distance between them (this

  // also lets the graph go to zero when no sound is playing):

  if((maxLvl - minLvl) < TOP) maxLvl = minLvl + TOP;

  minLvlAvg = (minLvlAvg * 63 + minLvl) >> 6; // Dampen min/max levels

  maxLvlAvg = (maxLvlAvg * 63 + maxLvl) >> 6; // (fake rolling average)

void Vu3() {

  uint8_t i;

  uint16_t minLvl, maxLvl;

  int n, height;


  val = (analogRead(potPin));  

  val= map(val, 0, 1023, -10, 6);

  n = analogRead(MIC_PIN);             // Raw reading from mic

  n = abs(n - 0 - DC_OFFSET);        // Center on zero

  n = (n <= NOISE) ? 0 : (n - NOISE);  // Remove noise/hum









  lvl = ((lvl * 7) + n) >> 3;    // "Dampened" reading (else looks twitchy)

  // Calculate bar height based on dynamic min/max levels (fixed point):

  height = TOP * (lvl - minLvlAvg) / (long)(maxLvlAvg - minLvlAvg);

  if (height < 0L)       height = 0;      // Clip output

  else if (height > TOP) height = TOP;

  if (height > peak)     peak   = height; // Keep 'peak' dot at top

  greenOffset += SPEED;

  blueOffset += SPEED;

  if (greenOffset >= 255) greenOffset = 0;

  if (blueOffset >= 255) blueOffset = 0;

  // Color pixels based on rainbow gradient

  for (i = 0; i < N_PIXELS; i++) {

    if (i >= height) {

      strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, 0, 0);

    } else {

      strip.setPixelColor(i, Wheel(

        map(i, 0, strip.numPixels() - 1, (int)greenOffset, (int)blueOffset)




  // Draw peak dot  

  if(peak > 0 && peak <= N_PIXELS-1) strip.setPixelColor(peak,Wheel(map(peak,0,strip.numPixels()-1,30,150)));

   strip.show(); // Update strip

// Every few frames, make the peak pixel drop by 1:

    if(++dotCount >= PEAK_FALL) { //fall rate


      if(peak > 0) peak--;

      dotCount = 0;


  strip.show();  // Update strip

  vol[volCount] = n;

  if (++volCount >= SAMPLES) {

    volCount = 0;


  // Get volume range of prior frames

  minLvl = maxLvl = vol[0];

  for (i = 1; i < SAMPLES; i++) {

    if (vol[i] < minLvl) {

      minLvl = vol[i];

    } else if (vol[i] > maxLvl) {

      maxLvl = vol[i];



  // minLvl and maxLvl indicate the volume range over prior frames, used

  // for vertically scaling the output graph (so it looks interesting

  // regardless of volume level).  If they're too close together though

  // (e.g. at very low volume levels) the graph becomes super coarse

  // and 'jumpy'...so keep some minimum distance between them (this

  // also lets the graph go to zero when no sound is playing):

  if ((maxLvl - minLvl) < TOP) {

    maxLvl = minLvl + TOP;


  minLvlAvg = (minLvlAvg * 63 + minLvl) >> 6; // Dampen min/max levels

  maxLvlAvg = (maxLvlAvg * 63 + maxLvl) >> 6; // (fake rolling average)


void Balls() {

  for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_BALLS ; i++) {

    tCycle[i] =  millis() - tLast[i] ;     // Calculate the time since the last time the ball was on the ground

    // A little kinematics equation calculates positon as a function of time, acceleration (gravity) and intial velocity

    h[i] = 0.5 * GRAVITY * pow( tCycle[i]/1000 , 2.0 ) + vImpact[i] * tCycle[i]/1000;

    if ( h[i] < 0 ) {                      

      h[i] = 0;                            // If the ball crossed the threshold of the "ground," put it back on the ground

      vImpact[i] = COR[i] * vImpact[i] ;   // and recalculate its new upward velocity as it's old velocity * COR

      tLast[i] = millis();

      if ( vImpact[i] < 0.01 ) vImpact[i] = vImpact0;  // If the ball is barely moving, "pop" it back up at vImpact0


    pos[i] = round( h[i] * (N_PIXELS - 1) / h0);       // Map "h" to a "pos" integer index position on the LED strip


  //Choose color of LEDs, then the "pos" LED on

  for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_BALLS ; i++) leds[pos[i]] = CHSV( uint8_t (i * 40) , 255, 255);


  //Then off for the next loop around

  for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_BALLS ; i++) {

    leds[pos[i]] = CRGB::Black;


// Slightly different, this makes the rainbow equally distributed throughout

void rainbowCycle(uint8_t wait) {

  uint16_t i, j;

  for(j=0; j<256*5; j++) { // 5 cycles of all colors on wheel

    for(i=0; i< strip.numPixels(); i++) {

      strip.setPixelColor(i, Wheel(((i * 256 / strip.numPixels()) + j) & 255));



     if (digitalRead(buttonPin) != lastButtonState)  // <------------- add this

       return;         // <------------ and this





void vu() {

  uint8_t  i;

  uint16_t minLvl, maxLvl;

  int      n, height;

  val = (analogRead(potPin));  

  val= map(val, 0, 1023, -10, 6);


  n   = analogRead(MIC_PIN);                        // Raw reading from mic

  n   = abs(n - 0 - DC_OFFSET); // Center on zero

  n   = (n <= NOISE) ? 0 : (n - NOISE);             // Remove noise/hum







  lvl = ((lvl * 7) + n) >> 3;    // "Dampened" reading (else looks twitchy)

  // Calculate bar height based on dynamic min/max levels (fixed point):

  height = TOP * (lvl - minLvlAvg) / (long)(maxLvlAvg - minLvlAvg);

  if(height < 0L)       height = 0;      // Clip output

  else if(height > TOP) height = TOP;

  if(height > peak)     peak   = height; // Keep 'peak' dot at top

  // Color pixels based on rainbow gradient

  for(i=0; i<N_PIXELS; i++) {

    if(i >= height)               strip.setPixelColor(i,   0,   0, 0);

    else strip.setPixelColor(i,Wheel(map(i,0,strip.numPixels()-1,30,150)));



  // Draw peak dot  

  if(peak > 0 && peak <= N_PIXELS-1) strip.setPixelColor(peak,Wheel(map(peak,0,strip.numPixels()-1,30,150)));


   strip.show(); // Update strip

// Every few frames, make the peak pixel drop by 1:

    if(++dotCount >= PEAK_FALL) { //fall rate


      if(peak > 0) peak--;

      dotCount = 0;


  vol[volCount] = n;                      // Save sample for dynamic leveling

  if(++volCount >= SAMPLES) volCount = 0; // Advance/rollover sample counter

  // Get volume range of prior frames

  minLvl = maxLvl = vol[0];

  for(i=1; i<SAMPLES; i++) {

    if(vol[i] < minLvl)      minLvl = vol[i];

    else if(vol[i] > maxLvl) maxLvl = vol[i];


  // minLvl and maxLvl indicate the volume range over prior frames, used

  // for vertically scaling the output graph (so it looks interesting

  // regardless of volume level).  If they're too close together though

  // (e.g. at very low volume levels) the graph becomes super coarse

  // and 'jumpy'...so keep some minimum distance between them (this

  // also lets the graph go to zero when no sound is playing):

  if((maxLvl - minLvl) < TOP) maxLvl = minLvl + TOP;

  minLvlAvg = (minLvlAvg * 63 + minLvl) >> 6; // Dampen min/max levels

  maxLvlAvg = (maxLvlAvg * 63 + maxLvl) >> 6; // (fake rolling average)

// Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value.

// The colors are a transition r - g - b - back to r.

uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) {

  if(WheelPos < 85) {

   return strip.Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0);

  } else if(WheelPos < 170) {

   WheelPos -= 85;

   return strip.Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3);

  } else {

   WheelPos -= 170;

   return strip.Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3);


void vu2() {


  uint8_t  i;

  uint16_t minLvl, maxLvl;

  int      n, height;

  val = (analogRead(potPin));  

  val= map(val, 0, 1023, -10, 6);

  n   = analogRead(MIC_PIN);                        // Raw reading from mic

  n   = abs(n - 0 - DC_OFFSET); // Center on zero

  n   = (n <= NOISE) ? 0 : (n - NOISE);             // Remove noise/hum







  lvl = ((lvl * 7) + n) >> 3;    // "Dampened" reading (else looks twitchy)

  // Calculate bar height based on dynamic min/max levels (fixed point):

  height = TOP * (lvl - minLvlAvg) / (long)(maxLvlAvg - minLvlAvg);

  if(height < 0L)       height = 0;      // Clip output

  else if(height > TOP) height = TOP;

  if(height > peak)     peak   = height; // Keep 'peak' dot at top

  // Color pixels based on rainbow gradient

  for(i=0; i<N_PIXELS_HALF; i++) {

    if(i >= height) {              

      strip.setPixelColor(N_PIXELS_HALF-i-1,   0,   0, 0);

      strip.setPixelColor(N_PIXELS_HALF+i,   0,   0, 0);


    else {

      uint32_t color = Wheel(map(i,0,N_PIXELS_HALF-1,30,150));






  // Draw peak dot  

  if(peak > 0 && peak <= N_PIXELS_HALF-1) {

    uint32_t color = Wheel(map(peak,0,N_PIXELS_HALF-1,30,150));





   strip.show(); // Update strip

// Every few frames, make the peak pixel drop by 1:

    if(++dotCount >= PEAK_FALL) { //fall rate


      if(peak > 0) peak--;

      dotCount = 0;


  vol[volCount] = n;                      // Save sample for dynamic leveling

  if(++volCount >= SAMPLES) volCount = 0; // Advance/rollover sample counter

  // Get volume range of prior frames

  minLvl = maxLvl = vol[0];

  for(i=1; i<SAMPLES; i++) {

    if(vol[i] < minLvl)      minLvl = vol[i];

    else if(vol[i] > maxLvl) maxLvl = vol[i];


  // minLvl and maxLvl indicate the volume range over prior frames, used

  // for vertically scaling the output graph (so it looks interesting

  // regardless of volume level).  If they're too close together though

  // (e.g. at very low volume levels) the graph becomes super coarse

  // and 'jumpy'...so keep some minimum distance between them (this

  // also lets the graph go to zero when no sound is playing):

  if((maxLvl - minLvl) < TOP) maxLvl = minLvl + TOP;

  minLvlAvg = (minLvlAvg * 63 + minLvl) >> 6; // Dampen min/max levels

  maxLvlAvg = (maxLvlAvg * 63 + maxLvl) >> 6; // (fake rolling average)


void ripple() {

    if (currentBg == nextBg) {

      nextBg = random(256);


    else if (nextBg > currentBg) {


    } else {



    for(uint16_t l = 0; l < N_PIXELS; l++) {

      leds[l] = CHSV(currentBg, 255, 50);         // strip.setPixelColor(l, Wheel(currentBg, 0.1));


  if (step == -1) {

    center = random(N_PIXELS);

    color = random(256);

    step = 0;


  if (step == 0) {

    leds[center] = CHSV(color, 255, 255);         // strip.setPixelColor(center, Wheel(color, 1));

    step ++;


  else {

    if (step < maxSteps) {


      leds[wrap(center + step)] = CHSV(color, 255, pow(fadeRate, step)*255);       //   strip.setPixelColor(wrap(center +

step), Wheel(color, pow(fadeRate, step)));

      leds[wrap(center - step)] = CHSV(color, 255, pow(fadeRate, step)*255);       //   strip.setPixelColor(wrap(center -

step), Wheel(color, pow(fadeRate, step)));

      if (step > 3) {

        leds[wrap(center + step - 3)] = CHSV(color, 255, pow(fadeRate, step - 2)*255);     //  

strip.setPixelColor(wrap(center + step - 3), Wheel(color, pow(fadeRate, step - 2)));

        leds[wrap(center - step + 3)] = CHSV(color, 255, pow(fadeRate, step - 2)*255);     //  

strip.setPixelColor(wrap(center - step + 3), Wheel(color, pow(fadeRate, step - 2)));


      step ++;


    else {

      step = -1;





int wrap(int step) {

  if(step < 0) return N_PIXELS + step;

  if(step > N_PIXELS - 1) return step - N_PIXELS;

  return step;

void one_color_allHSV(int ahue, int abright) {                // SET ALL LEDS TO ONE COLOR (HSV)

  for (int i = 0 ; i < N_PIXELS; i++ ) {

    leds[i] = CHSV(ahue, 255, abright);


void ripple2() {
  if (BG){

    if (currentBg == nextBg) {

      nextBg = random(256);


    else if (nextBg > currentBg) {


    } else {



    for(uint16_t l = 0; l < N_PIXELS; l++) {

      strip.setPixelColor(l, Wheel(currentBg, 0.1));


  } else {

    for(uint16_t l = 0; l < N_PIXELS; l++) {

      strip.setPixelColor(l, 0, 0, 0);



  if (step == -1) {

    center = random(N_PIXELS);

    color = random(256);

    step = 0;


  if (step == 0) {

    strip.setPixelColor(center, Wheel(color, 1));

    step ++;


  else {

    if (step < maxSteps) {

      strip.setPixelColor(wrap(center + step), Wheel(color, pow(fadeRate, step)));

      strip.setPixelColor(wrap(center - step), Wheel(color, pow(fadeRate, step)));

      if (step > 3) {

        strip.setPixelColor(wrap(center + step - 3), Wheel(color, pow(fadeRate, step - 2)));

        strip.setPixelColor(wrap(center - step + 3), Wheel(color, pow(fadeRate, step - 2)));


      step ++;

    else {

      step = -1;






//int wrap(int step) {

//  if(step < 0) return Pixels + step;

//  if(step > Pixels - 1) return step - Pixels;

//  return step;


// Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value.

// The colours are a transition r - g - b - back to r.

uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos, float opacity) {


  if(WheelPos < 85) {

    return strip.Color((WheelPos * 3) * opacity, (255 - WheelPos * 3) * opacity, 0);


  else if(WheelPos < 170) {

    WheelPos -= 85;

    return strip.Color((255 - WheelPos * 3) * opacity, 0, (WheelPos * 3) * opacity);


  else {

    WheelPos -= 170;

    return strip.Color(0, (WheelPos * 3) * opacity, (255 - WheelPos * 3) * opacity);


   void pattern2() {


       sinelon();                                                  // Call our sequence.

  show_at_max_brightness_for_power();                         // Power managed display of LED's.

} // loop()

void sinelon() {

  // a colored dot sweeping back and forth, with fading trails

  fadeToBlackBy( leds, N_PIXELS, thisfade);

  int pos1 = beatsin16(thisbeat,0,N_PIXELS);

  int pos2 = beatsin16(thatbeat,0,N_PIXELS);

    leds[(pos1+pos2)/2] += CHSV( myhue++/64, thissat, thisbri);

// Pattern 3 - JUGGLE

    void pattern3() {



  show_at_max_brightness_for_power();                         // Power managed display of LED's.

} // loop()

void juggle() {                                               // Several colored dots, weaving in and out of sync with each other

  curhue = thishue;                                          // Reset the hue values.

  fadeToBlackBy(leds, N_PIXELS, faderate);

  for( int i = 0; i < numdots; i++) {

    leds[beatsin16(basebeat+i+numdots,0,N_PIXELS)] += CHSV(curhue, thissat, thisbright);   //beat16 is a FastLED 3.1


    curhue += hueinc;


} // juggle()

void ChangeMe() {                                             // A time (rather than loop) based demo sequencer. This gives us full
control over the length of each sequence.

  uint8_t secondHand = (millis() / 1000) % 30;                // IMPORTANT!!! Change '30' to a different value to change
duration of the loop.

  static uint8_t lastSecond = 99;                             // Static variable, means it's only defined once. This is our
'debounce' variable.
  if (lastSecond != secondHand) {                             // Debounce to make sure we're not repeating an assignment.

    lastSecond = secondHand;

    if (secondHand ==  0)  {numdots=1; faderate=2;}  // You can change values here, one at a time , or altogether.

    if (secondHand == 10)  {numdots=4; thishue=128; faderate=8;}

    if (secondHand == 20)  {hueinc=48; thishue=random8();}                               // Only gets called once, and not
continuously for the next several seconds. Therefore, no rainbows.


} // ChangeMe()

void Twinkle () {

   if (random(25) == 1) {

      uint16_t i = random(N_PIXELS);

      if (redStates[i] < 1 && greenStates[i] < 1 && blueStates[i] < 1) {

        redStates[i] = random(256);

        greenStates[i] = random(256);

        blueStates[i] = random(256);




    for(uint16_t l = 0; l < N_PIXELS; l++) {

      if (redStates[l] > 1 || greenStates[l] > 1 || blueStates[l] > 1) {

        strip.setPixelColor(l, redStates[l], greenStates[l], blueStates[l]);


        if (redStates[l] > 1) {

          redStates[l] = redStates[l] * Fade;

        } else {

          redStates[l] = 0;



        if (greenStates[l] > 1) {

          greenStates[l] = greenStates[l] * Fade;

        } else {

          greenStates[l] = 0;


        if (blueStates[l] > 1) {

          blueStates[l] = blueStates[l] * Fade;

        } else {

          blueStates[l] = 0;



      } else {

        strip.setPixelColor(l, 0, 0, 0);







void rainbow(uint8_t wait) {

  uint16_t i, j;

  for(j=0; j<256; j++) {

    for(i=0; i<strip.numPixels(); i++) {

      strip.setPixelColor(i, Wheel((i+j) & 255));



    // check if a button pressed

    if (digitalRead(buttonPin) != lastButtonState)  // <------------- add this

       return;         // <------------ and this



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