Wind Sentry RM Young 03002
Wind Sentry RM Young 03002
Wind Sentry RM Young 03002
C o p y r i g h t 1 9 8 6 - 2 0 1 3
C a m p b e l l S c i e n t i f i c , I n c .
warranted by Campbell Scientific, Inc. (Campbell) to be free from defects in
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Table of Contents
PDF viewers: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the
PDF reader bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. Introduction .................................................................1
2. Cautionary Statements...............................................1
4. Quickstart ....................................................................2
4.1 Step 1 Mount the Sensor .................................................................2
4.2 Step 2 Use SCWin Short Cut to Program Datalogger and
Generate Wiring Diagram.................................................................5
5. Overview ......................................................................7
6. Specifications .............................................................8
6.1 Wind Speed (Anemometer)..................................................................8
6.2 Wind Direction (Vane).........................................................................9
6.3 Wind Sentry Assembly ........................................................................9
7. Installation ...................................................................9
7.1 Siting ....................................................................................................9
7.2 Assembly and Mounting ....................................................................10
7.2.1 03002 Wind Sentry Set ...............................................................10
7.2.2 03101 Anemometer.....................................................................10
7.2.3 03301 Vane .................................................................................11
7.3 Wiring ................................................................................................11
7.4 Programming......................................................................................13
7.4.1 Wind Speed.................................................................................13
7.4.2 Wind Direction............................................................................13
7.4.3 Wind Vector Processing Instruction ...........................................14
7.4.4 Example Programs ......................................................................14 CR1000 Program..............................................................15 CR10X Program...............................................................15
7.4.5 Long Lead Lengths .....................................................................17
Table of Contents
9. Troubleshooting........................................................18
9.1 Wind Direction .................................................................................. 18
9.2 Wind Speed ....................................................................................... 18
10. References.................................................................19
4-1. CM200-Series Crossarm with CM220 Right Angle Mounting
Bracket ............................................................................................. 3
4-2. 03002 mounted to CM200-Series Crossarm with CM220 .................. 4
4-3. 03002 mounted to CM200-Series Crossarm with pn 17953............... 4
7-1. The CM216 allows an 03002 or 03101 to mount atop the mast of
a CM110, CM115, or CM120 tripod ............................................. 10
7-2. 03101 mounted to a crossarm via a 1049 NU-RAIL ......................... 11
A-1. Magnetic declination for the contiguous United States (2004)........ A-2
A-2. Declination angles east of True North are subtracted from 0 to
get True North.............................................................................. A-3
A-3. Declination angles west of True North are added to 0 to get True
North ............................................................................................ A-3
B-1. 03002 and 03301 potentiometer in a half bridge circuit .................. B-1
5-1. Recommended Cable Lengths ............................................................. 7
7-1. 03002-L Wiring................................................................................. 12
7-2. 03101 and 03301 Wiring ................................................................... 12
7-3. Wind Speed Multiplier (With Pulse Channel Configuration Set to
Low Level AC, Output Hz) ........................................................ 13
7-4. Parameters for Wind Direction.......................................................... 14
7-5. Wiring for Example Programs using the 03002-L............................. 14
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
1. Introduction
The 03002 Wind Sentry Set measures both wind speed and direction. It
consists of a 3-cup anemometer and a wind vane mounted on a small crossarm.
The anemometer (pn 03101) and vane (pn 03301) may be purchased
2. Cautionary Statements
The 03002 is a precision instrument. Please handle it with care.
Danger Use extreme care when working near overhead electrical wires.
Check for overhead wires before mounting the 03002 or before raising a
3. Initial Inspection
Upon receipt of the 03002, inspect the packaging and contents for damage.
File damage claims with the shipping company. Immediately check
package contents against the shipping documentation (see Section 3.1,
Ships With List). Contact Campbell Scientific about any discrepancies.
The model number and cable length are printed on a label at the
connection end of the cable. Check this information against the shipping
documents to ensure the expected product and cable length are received.
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
4. Quickstart
4.1 Step 1 Mount the Sensor
This quick start is for the 03002 wind set. Refer to Section 7, Installation, if
installing just the 03101 anemometer or 03301 vane. Section 7, Installation,
also provides siting information.
Tools required:
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
1. Install the cup wheel to the anemometer shaft using the Allen wrench
provided with the sensor.
3. Orient the crossarm North-South, with the CM220 mount or 17953 NU-
RAIL on the north end. Appendix A contains detailed information on
determining True North using a compass and the magnetic declination for
the site.
4. Secure the 12 in. aluminum pipe to the CM220 mount or 17953 NU-RAIL.
The 3659 aluminum pipe is shipped with the 03002.
5. Place the 03002 on the pipe, and orient the sensor crossarm North-South
with the vane to the North.
6. Tighten the mounting post band clamp. Final sensor orientation is done
after the datalogger has been programmed to measure wind direction as
described in Appendix A.
7. Route the sensor cable along the underside of the crossarm to the tripod or
tower, and to the instrument enclosure.
8. Secure the cable to the crossarm and tripod or tower using cable ties.
CM200-Series Crossarm
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
Alumimum Pipe
CM200-Series Crossarm
pn 17953 NU-RAIL
Aluminum Pipe
CM200-Series Crossarm
Cable Tie
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
2. Select the Datalogger and enter the Scan Interval and select Next.
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
3. Select 03002 Wind Speed & Direction Sensor and select the right arrow
(in center of screen) to add it to the list of sensors to be measured then
select Next.
4. Select Wind Vector for the output and then select Finish.
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
5. Overview
The 03002 Wind Sentry Set is used to measure horizontal wind speed and
Wind speed is measured with a three cup anemometer. Rotation of the cup
wheel produces an ac sine wave voltage with frequency proportional to wind
speed. This is a special version of the 03102 built for Campbell Scientific by
R.M. Young that has shielded bearings rather than sealed bearings. The
shielded bearings provide a lower starting threshold than sealed bearings.
The 03101 Anemometer and 03301 Vane can be ordered as separate sensors,
which are also covered in this manual. These two sensors combined differ
from the 03002 only by the absence of a junction box. The R.M. Young
Instruction Manual includes additional information on the operating principles,
installation, and maintenance of the sensor.
Cable length for the Wind Sentry is specified when the sensor is ordered.
TABLE 5-1 gives the recommended lead length for mounting the sensor at the
top of the tripod/tower with a CM200-series crossarm.
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
6. Specifications
Dataloggers: CR200(X)-series
CR800 series
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
7. Installation
7.1 Siting
Locate wind sensors away from obstructions (e.g. trees and building). As a
general rule of thumb, there should be a horizontal distance of at least ten times
the height of the obstruction between the wind set and the obstruction. If it is
necessary to mount the sensors on the roof of a building, the height of the
sensors above the roof, should be at least 1.5 times the height of the building.
See Section 10, References, for a list of references that discuss siting wind
speed and direction sensors.
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
.2 Assembly and Mounting
Tools required:
5/64 Allen wrench
Allen wrench provided with sensor
1/2 open end wrench
compass and declination angle for the site (see Appendix A)
small screw driver provided with datalogger
UV resistant cable ties
small pair of diagonal-cutting pliers
6 - 10 torpedo level
Fits in Mast
FIGURE 7-1. The CM216 allows an 03002 or 03101 to mount atop the
mast of a CM110, CM115, or CM120 tripod
The 03101 mounts to a threaded 0.75 in. IPS schedule 40 pipe (1.05 in. O.D.).
A 10 in. long mounting pipe ships with the 03101. The mounting pipe
typically fastens to a CM200-series crossarm via the CM220 mount (see
FIGURE 4-1 in Quickstart) or 1049 NU-RAIL fitting (FIGURE 7-2). The
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
03101 can also be mounted at the top of a tripod using the CM216 (see
FIGURE 7-1).
Mount the CM200-series crossarm to the tripod or tower. Screw the mounting
pipe into the base of the 03101, and attach the sensor / mounting pipe to the
Route the sensor cable along the underside of the crossarm to the tower/tripod
mast, and to the instrument enclosure. Secure the sensor cable to the crossarm
and mast using cable ties.
Cable Tie
7.3 Wiring
Connections to Campbell Scientific dataloggers are given in TABLE 7-1 and
TABLE 7-2. When Short Cut is used to create the datalogger program, the
sensor should be wired to the channels shown on the wiring diagram created by
Short Cut.
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
CR5000 CR21X
CR3000 CR510 CR7
Color Description CR1000 CR10(X) CR23X CR200(X)
Red Wind Spd. Signal Pulse Pulse Pulse P_LL
Black Wind Spd. Reference G
Clear Shield G
White Wind Dir. Reference AG
Green Wind Dir. Signal SE Analog SE Analog SE Analog SE Analog
Blue Wind Dir. Excitation Excitation Excitation Excitation Excitation
CR5000 CR21X
CR3000 CR510 CR7
Color Description CR1000 CR10(X) CR23X CR200(X)
Black Wind Spd. Signal Pulse Pulse Pulse P_LL
White Wind Spd. Reference G
Clear Wind Spd. Shield G
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
7.4 Programming
This section is for users who write their own programs. A datalogger program
to measure this sensor can be created using Short Cut. You do not need to read
this section to use Short Cut.
TABLE 7-3 lists the multipliers (M) and offsets (Off) to obtain meters/second
or miles/hour when the Pulse Count instruction is configured to output the
result in hertz.
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
CR10(X) CR7
CR510 21X CR800 CR5000
CR200(X) CR23X CR1000 CR3000
Measurement 2500 mV, 5000 mV, 2500 mV, 5000 mV,
Range slow slow/60 Hz 60 Hz, 60 Hz,
reverse reverse
excitation excitation
Excitation 2500 mV 5000 mV 2500 mV 5000 mV
Multiplier 0.1408 0.0704 352 352
Offset 0 0 0 0
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
Units Batt_Volt=Volts
Units WS_ms=meters/second
Units WindDir=Degrees
'Main Program
'Default Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement Batt_Volt:
'03002 or 03101 RM Young Wind Sentry Wind Speed Sensor measurement - WS_ms:
If WS_ms<0.21 Then WS_ms=0
;03002 or 03101 RM Young Wind Sentry Wind Speed Sensor measurement - WS_ms:
2: Pulse (P3)
1: 1 Reps
2: 1 Pulse Channel 1
3: 21 Low Level AC, Output Hz
4: 2 Loc [ WS_ms ]
5: 0.75 Multiplier
6: 0.2 Offset
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
5: End (P95)
7: If (X<=>F) (P89)
1: 3 X Loc [ WindDir ]
2: 3 >=
3: 360 F
4: 30 Then Do
9: End (P95)
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
For dataloggers programmed with Edlog (and the CR200(X)), the EX-DEL-SE
(P4) measurement instruction should be used. Enter a 2 in the P4 Delay
parameter for a 20 millisecond delay.
8. Sensor Maintenance
Every month do a visual/audio inspection of the anemometer at low wind
speeds. Verify that the cup assembly and wind vane rotate freely. Inspect the
sensor for physical damage.
Replace the anemometer bearings when they become noisy, or the wind speed
threshold increases above an acceptable level. The condition of the bearings
can be checked with a paper clip as described in the R.M. Young manual.
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
9. Troubleshooting
9.1 Wind Direction
Symptom: NAN, 9999, or no change in direction
1. Check that the sensor is wired to the excitation and single-ended channel
specified by the measurement instruction.
2. Verify that the excitation voltage and range code are correct for the
datalogger type.
3. Disconnect the sensor from the datalogger and use an ohm meter to check
the potentiometer. Resistance should be about 10 k between the black
and white wires. The resistance between either the black/red or white/red
wires for the 03301 and blue/red or white/red for the 03002 should vary
from 1 k to 11 k depending on vane position. Resistance when the
vane is in the 8 degree dead band should be about 1 M.
1. Verify that the excitation voltage, range code, multiplier, and offset
parameters are correct for the datalogger type.
1. Check that the sensor is wired to the pulse channel specified by the pulse
count instruction.
2. Disconnect the sensor from the datalogger and use an ohm meter to check
the coil. The resistance between the white and black wires for the 03101
and black and red wires for the 03002 should be a nominal 1300 ohms.
Infinite resistance indicates an open coil; low resistance indicates a
shorted coil.
3. Verify that the configuration code, and multiplier and offset parameters
for the pulse count instruction are correct for the datalogger type.
1. For the dataloggers that are programmed with Edlog, the input location
for wind speed is not updated if the datalogger is getting Program Table
Overruns. Increase the execution interval (scan rate) to prevent overruns.
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
10. References
The following references give detailed information on siting wind speed and
wind direction sensors.
R.M. Young Wind Sentry
Appendix A. Wind Direction Sensor
A.1 Determining True North and Sensor Orientation
Orientation of the wind direction sensor is done after the datalogger has been
programmed, and the location of True North has been determined. True North is
usually found by reading a magnetic compass and applying the correction for
magnetic declination; where magnetic declination is the number of degrees
between True North and Magnetic North. The preferred method to obtain the
magnetic declination for a specific site is to use a computer service offered by
NOAA at Magnetic declination can also be
obtained from a map or local airport. A general map showing magnetic
declination for the contiguous United States is shown in FIGURE A-1.
Declination angles east of True North are considered negative, and are subtracted
from 360 degrees to get True North as shown FIGURE A-2 (0 and 360 are the
same point on a compass). Declination angles west of True North are considered
positive, and are added to 0 degrees to get True North as shown in FIGURE A-3.
For example, the declination for Logan, Utah is 14 East. True North is 360 -
14, or 346 as read on a compass.
Orientation is most easily done with two people, one to aim and adjust the
sensor, while the other observes the wind direction displayed by the datalogger.
Appendix A. Wind Direction Sensor Orientation
Appendix A. Wind Direction Sensor Orientation
Appendix A. Wind Direction Sensor Orientation
Appendix B. Wind Direction
Measurement Theory
It is not necessary to understand the concepts in this section for the general
operation of the 03002 with Campbell Scientifics datalogger.
Vs V x = Rs (Rt + Rs )
The maximum value that Rs will reach is Rf, just before it crosses over from the
west side of north to the east side of north (at this point Rt = 0). Vs / Vx reaches
its maximum value of 1.0 mV/mV at 352 degrees. The multiplier to convert
Vs/Vx to degrees is 352 degrees / 1.0 Vs/Vx = 352. Since the datalogger outputs
the ratio Vs / Vx, the multiplier is the same for both the CR10(X) and CR3000,
even though they use a different excitation voltage. See Section 13.5 in the
CR10X manual, Section 4.3 in the CR1000 manual, or Section 3.5 in the
CR3000 manual for more information on the bridge measurements.
Vs = Vx Rs (Rt + Rs )
Appendix B. Wind Direction Measurement Theory
The maximum value that Rs will reach is Rf just before it crosses over from the
west side of north to the east side of north (at this point Rt = 0). Vs reaches its
maximum value of Vx. This maximum voltage equals 2500 mV for an
excitation voltage of 2500 mV recommended for the CR10(X) and 5000 mV
for an excitation voltage of 5000 mV recommended for the CR23X at 352
degrees. The multiplier to convert Vs to degrees is 352 degrees / 2500 mV =
0.1408 for the CR10X, or, 352 degrees / 5000 mV = 0.0704 for the CR23X.
See Section 13.5 in the datalogger manual from more information on the bridge
MODEL 03002-5
TEL: (231) 946-3980 FAX: (231) 946-4772 WEB:
P/N: 03002-5-90
REV: D110210
MODEL 03002-5
WIND SENTRY The Wind Sentry Anemometer and Vane measure horizontal wind
INCLUDES MODELS 03102 & 03302 speed and wind direction. The small size, simplicity, and corrosion
resistant construction provide a professional quality instrument at
a modest cost. The cup wheel and vane shafts use stainless steel
precision instrument grade ball bearings which are lubricated with a
wide temperature range high quality instrument oil. Standard bearings
have light contacting seals to exclude contamination and help retain
lubricant for longer service life.
Page 1
conditioning occurs at 352. For example, in a circuit where 0 to
FAILURE TO PROPERLY GROUND THE WIND SENTRY 1.00 VDC represents 0 to 360, the output must be adjusted for
MAY RESULT IN ERRONEOUS SIGNALS 0.978 VDC when the instrument is at 352 full scale. (352/360 X
OR TRANSDUCER DAMAGE. 1.00 volts = 0.978 volts)
Grounding the Wind Sentry is vitally important. Without proper grounding, Wind speed calibration is determined by the cup wheel turning factor
static electrical charge can build up during certain atmospheric conditions and the output characteristics of the transducer. Calibration formulas
and discharge through the transducers. This discharge can cause showing cup wheel rpm and frequency output vs. wind speed are
erroneous signals or transducer failure. To direct the discharge away included below.
from the transducers, the instrument is made with a special anti-static
plastic. It is very important that the instrument be connected to a good To calibrate wind system electronics using an actual signal from
earth ground. There are two ways this may be accomplished. First, the instrument, temporarily remove the cup wheel and connect an
the Wind Sentry may be mounted on a metal pipe which is connected Anemometer Drive to the cup wheel shaft. Calculate wind speed by
to earth ground. The mounting pipe should not be painted where the applying the appropriate calibration formula to the motor rpm and
Wind Sentry is mounted. Towers or masts set in concrete should be adjust the signal conditioning electronics for proper value. For example,
connected to one or more grounding rods. If it is difficult to ground the with the cup wheel shaft turning at 1800 rpm, adjust the indicator to
mounting post in this manner, the following method should be used. display 22.7 meters per second. ([(0.01250 X 1800) + 0.2] = 22.7)
Inside the junction box the terminal labeled EARTH GND is internally
connected to the anti-static housings. This terminal should be connected CALIBRATION FORMULAS
to an earth ground (Refer to wiring diagram).
Model 03102 Wind Sentry Anemometer
Initial installation is most easily done with two people; one to adjust
the instrument position and the other to observe the indicating device. WIND SPEED vs CUP WHEEL RPM
When anemometer and vane are mounted on the same cross arm m/s = (0.01250 x rpm) + 0.2
(Model 03002), the azimuth potentiometer has been aligned at the knots = (0.02427 x rpm) + 0.4
factory such that the mounting cross arm should be oriented North- mph = (0.02795 x rpm) + 0.4
South with the vane on the North end. km/hr = (0.04499 x rpm) + 0.7
To install the Wind Sentry, follow these steps: WIND SPEED vs OUTPUT FREQUENCY - Hz
m/s = (0.7500 x Hz) + 0.2
1. MOUNT WIND SENTRY knots = (1.4562 x Hz) + 0.4
a) Connect sensor cable to Wind Sentry junction box. mph = (1.6770 x Hz) + 0.4
b) Place Wind Sentry on mounting post. Do Not tighten km/hr = (2.6994 x Hz) + 0.7
band clamp yet.
c) Connect sensor cable to indicator.
The Wind Sentry is fully calibrated before shipment and should POTENTIOMETER REPLACEMENT
require no adjustments. Recalibration may be necessary after some
maintenance operations. Periodic calibration checks are desirable The potentiometer has a life expectancy of fifty million revolutions.
and may be necessary where the instrument is used in programs As it becomes worn, the element may produce noisy signals or
which require auditing of sensor performance. become non-linear. When the signal noise or non-linearity become
unacceptable, replace the potentiometer as follows:
For wind direction calibration, the following method can yield an
accuracy of 5 or better if carefully done. Begin by connecting 1. REMOVE POTENTIOMETER
the instrument to a signal conditioning circuit which indicates wind a) Remove three screws which secure upper and lower
direction value. This may be an indicator which displays wind direction sections of main housing.
values in angular degrees or simply a voltmeter monitoring the output.
b) Carefully remove upper housing exposing wiring connections
Hold or mount the instrument so the vane center of rotation is over
to circuit board.
the center of a sheet of paper which has 30 or 45 crossmarkings.
c) Unsolder potentiometer wires from circuit board.
Position the instrument so the mounting crossarm is oriented north-
Note color coding.
south with the vane on the north and the anemometer on the south.
With the counterweight pointing directly at the anemometer the wind d) Using a knife blade or similar instrument, loosen
direction signal should correspond to 180 or due south. Looking from potentiometer assembly from upper housing and slide it out.
above, visually align the vane with each of the crossmarkings and
observe the indicator display. It should correspond to vane position 2. INSTALL NEW POTENTIOMETER
within 5. If not, it may be necessary to adjust the relative position of a) Slide new potentiometer cell into upper housing. Be sure to
the vane skirt and shaft. See step 3 in the MAINTENANCE section engage cell key into housing notch.
under potentiometer replacement. b) Solder potentiometer wires to circuit board.
Observe color code.
It is important to note that while the sensor mechanically rotates c) Join two sections of main housing. Secure with screws
through 360, the full scale wind direction signal from the signal removed in step 1a.
Page 2
a) Connect excitation voltage and signal conditioning
electronics to instrument according to wiring diagram. This product is warranted to be free of defects in materials and
b) Loosen set screw in side of vane hub. construction for a period of 12 months from date of initial purchase.
c) Position instrument so crossarm is oriented north-south Liability is limited to repair or replacement of defective item. A copy
with vane on north side. Orient vane to a known angular of the warranty policy may be obtained from R. M. Young Company.
reference. (See CALIBRATION section.)
d) While holding vane in reference position, slowly turn vane
skirt until signal conditioning system indicates proper value. CE Compliance
e) Tighten set screw on side of vane hub. Do not exceed
80 oz-in torque. This product has been tested and shown to comply with European
CE requirements for the EMC Directive. Please note that shielded
(Remove coupling disc - same as ring magnet)
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Campbell Scientific Companies
Campbell Scientific, Inc. (CSI)
815 West 1800 North
Logan, Utah 84321
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