TX 312
TX 312
TX 312
Revision: 12/10
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 1 0
C a m p b e l l S c i e n t i f i c , I n c .
Warranty and Assistance
The TX312 TRANSMITTER is warranted by Campbell Scientific, Inc. to be
free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service
for twelve (12) months from date of shipment unless specified otherwise.
Batteries have no warranty. Campbell Scientific, Inc.'s obligation under this
warranty is limited to repairing or replacing (at Campbell Scientific, Inc.'s
option) defective products. The customer shall assume all costs of removing,
reinstalling, and shipping defective products to Campbell Scientific, Inc.
Campbell Scientific, Inc. will return such products by surface carrier prepaid.
This warranty shall not apply to any Campbell Scientific, Inc. products which
have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, accidents of nature, or
shipping damage. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or
implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. Campbell Scientific, Inc. is not liable for special, indirect, incidental,
or consequential damages.
For all returns, the customer must fill out a “Declaration of Hazardous Material
and Decontamination” form and comply with the requirements specified in it.
The form is available from our website at www.campbellsci.com/repair. A
completed form must be either emailed to repair@campbellsci.com or faxed to
435-750-9579. Campbell Scientific will not process any returns until we
receive this form. If the form is not received within three days of product
receipt or is incomplete, the product will be returned to the customer at the
customer’s expense. Campbell Scientific reserves the right to refuse service on
products that were exposed to contaminants that may cause health or safety
concerns for our employees.
TX312 Transmitter Table of Contents
PDF viewers note: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use
the Adobe Acrobat® bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.
1. Introduction..................................................................1
2. GOES System...............................................................3
2.1 Orbit..........................................................................................................3
2.2 NESDIS and Transmit−Windows.............................................................3
2.3 Data Retrieval ...........................................................................................3
TX312 Transmitter Table of Contents
TX312 Transmitter Table of Contents
2-1. Major Components of the GOES/DCP System .......................................4
3-1. TX312 Label............................................................................................7
3-2. TX312 Connectors...................................................................................8
3-3. DCP Enclosure ........................................................................................8
TX312 Transmitter Table of Contents
5.1-1. GoesStatus Command 0: Read Time ................................................ 18
5.1-2. GoesStatus Command 1: Read Status............................................... 18
5.1-3. GoesStatus Command 2: Read Last Message Status ........................ 19
5.1-4. GoesStatus Command 4: Read TX312 Error Registers .................... 19
5.1-5. Error Codes........................................................................................ 20
5.1-6. Result Codes Indicating Communication Problems .......................... 23
5.1-7. GoesSetup and GoesData Runtime Result Codes.............................. 23
5.2-1. P127 Result Codes ............................................................................. 29
5.2-2. P127 Command 0: Read Time.......................................................... 29
5.2-3. P127 Command 1: Read Status......................................................... 30
5.2-4. P127 Command 2: Read Last Message Status.................................. 30
5.2-5. P127 Command 3: Initiate Random Transmission ........................... 31
5.2-6. P127 Command 4: Read TX312 Error Registers.............................. 31
5.2-7. Error Codes........................................................................................ 32
5.2-8. P127 Command 5: Clear Error Registers.......................................... 32
5.2-9. P127 Command 6: Force On-line Mode ........................................... 32
D-1. RAWS-7 Output ................................................................................ D-2
TX312 Transmitter
1. Introduction
The TX312 transmitter supports one-way communication, via satellite, from a
Campbell Scientific datalogger to a ground receiving station. Satellite
telemetry offers a convenient telecommunication alternative for field stations
where phone lines or RF systems are impractical.
High data rates are supported. The TX312 includes serial communication
NOTE The 21X and CR7 dataloggers do not support SDC or the
TX312 Transmitter
TX312 Transmitter
2. GOES System
2.1 Orbit
The TX312 transmitter sends data via Geostationary Operational
Environmental Satellites (GOES). GOES satellites have orbits that coincide
with the Earth's rotation, allowing each satellite to remain above a specific
region. This allows a user to point the GOES antenna at a fixed position in the
There are two satellites, GOES East and GOES West. GOES East is located at
75° West longitude and GOES West is located 135° West longitude. Both
satellites are located over the equator. Within the United States, odd numbered
channels are assigned to GOES East. Only even numbered channels are
assigned to GOES West. Channels used outside the United States are assigned
to either spacecraft.
TX312 Transmitter
GOES Satellite
Satellite Antenna
GOES transmitter,
datalogger, and
power supply, also
known as a DCP
3. TX312 Functions
3.1 LED Function
The TX312 has four LEDs used to indicate the state of the TX312 transmitter.
When power is first applied to the TX312, the four LEDs will cycle through
quickly, then the Synchronizing Clock to GPS LED will light for 15 minutes.
If there are data in a buffer waiting for transmission time, the Data In Buffer
LED will light.
The Fault LED will only light after the Diagnostics button has been depressed.
Press and hold the Diagnostics button for about 2 seconds. The Fault LED will
flash once to indicate the Failsafe has not been tripped. If the LED flashes
twice, the Failsafe has tripped. To clear the Failsafe, press and hold the
diagnostic button for about 10 seconds. If the failsafe has tripped, the
transmitter probably needs to be returned for service.
TX312 Transmitter
The RS-232 port is used in conjunction with a PC and the 32 bit windows
compatible software, SatCommand. SatCommand software is used to read,
write, save, and transmit the configuration information from the computer to
the TX312 transmitter. SatCommand is also used to read status information
from the transmitter. The RS-232 port also supports dataloggers.
TX312 Transmitter
3.4 RF Connectors
3.4.1 RF Transmission Connector
The TX312 utilizes the type N female connector for RF power out. This
connector must have a proper antenna connection before transmission occurs.
Failure to use a properly matched antenna cable and antenna may cause
permanent damage to the RF amplifiers. The nominal impedance is 50 ohms,
the frequency range is approximately 400 to 403 MHz. At 100 and 300 BPS
transmission rates, the nominal EIRP is 48 dBm with an 11 dBic gain antenna.
At 1200 BPS, the nominal EIRP is 52 dBm.
The TX312 transmitter uses the GPS receiver for two functions. The precise
GPS time is used to ensure scheduled transmissions occur at the proper time.
The one-second GPS synchronization pulse is used to ensure a precise, drift-
free carrier frequency. See Section 6.3 for more information regarding GPS
and GPS antenna placement.
With the potential for a 3000 mA current drain, the voltage drop along the
battery power leads must be considered. The battery power leads are both
wires that run from the battery to the power input connectors of the TX312.
To calculate the voltage drop along the power leads, we must know the
resistance of the wire and the length of the wire. Usually the resistance of the
wire is listed as ohms per 1000 feet. As an example, a 24 AWG wire used by
CSI has a resistance of 23 ohms per 1000 feet. The length of the wire is the
distance the wire travels from the battery to the transmitter multiplied by two.
You must consider the current travels from the battery, to the transmitter and
back to the battery.
The TX312 will operate with a battery voltage range from 10.8 V to 16 V. A
fully charged lead acid battery will have a voltage of about 12.5 V. If the
battery is fully charged, a 1.7 V drop along the battery leads will stop the
transmitter from transmitting. At 3 amps, 1.7 V will be dropped with 0.566
ohms of resistance. Using the 24 AWG wire with 23 ohms resistance per 1000
ft, 24 feet of wire (battery power leads 12 ft long) will prevent transmission. A
reliable system that will transmit without a perfect battery voltage will
minimize voltage drop along the battery power leads. To minimize voltage
TX312 Transmitter
drop, keep the battery power leads short. A five-foot power lead is a long
power lead. If you must have a longer lead, use heavy wire. For power leads
less than ten feet but more than five feet, use no smaller than 18 AWG.
TX312 Transmitter
TX312 Transmitter
4. SatCommand Software
Certain information required by NESDIS is unique to each DCP. This setup
information includes: platform ID, transmission baud rate, channel number,
scheduled transmission time, offset time, and message window length. The
TX312 has non-volatile memory to store the setup information. The setup
information is entered in the SatCommand software, then transferred to the
TX312. SatCommand software is a 32-bit windows application. The TX312
can be setup using terminal emulation software, but the process requires
knowledge of the ASCII commands. See the appendix section for a list of
appropriate commands.
Edit the NESDIS ID number. Type in your NESDIS assigned ID number.
This is an 8-digit hex number. Valid characters are 0-9, A, B, C, D, E and F.
Example: 4F3E2D1E
TX312 Transmitter
you’ve been given a 100/300 channel number. In SatCommad, don’t enter the
letter A. When 0 is entered, self-timed transmissions are disabled.
TX312 Transmitter
Using a standard RS-232 serial cable, connect the Computer RS-232 serial port
to the TX312 RS-232 serial port. Apply 12 volts DC to the Power terminal.
Test the communications link by typing the enter key with the cursor in the
Terminal window. The TX312 will respond with the > character whenever the
Carriage Return character is received on the TX312 serial port.
TX312 Transmitter
After the information from Section 4.3 has been entered, select the Save/Send
Settings button. Provide a file name to save the settings to disk, then select the
Yes button on the Send to Transmitter dialog box. The settings will be
transferred to the TX312.
Once the transfer is complete, select the Status button to verify the transmitter
is setup and enabled. Specifically, look for the line that says Transmitter:
Enabled. If Transmitter: Disabled is shown, then the configuration settings
have an illegal parameter, or the transfer didn’t succeed.
4.5.2 Commands
From the main menu select Commands. Within the Commands menu there are
several useful commands that can be issued to the TX312. Both the command
and the TX312 response are shown in the Terminal Window. Position
Position will retrieve the time of the last GPS fix, Latitude, Longitude, and
Altitude in meters. Version
Version will display information about the TX312 hardware and software. The
unit serial number, hardware version number, firmware version number, and
GPS version are displayed.
TX312 Transmitter
TX312 Transmitter
5.1.1 GoesData
The GoesData instruction is used to send data from the datalogger to the
TX312 transmitter. Each time GoesData is executed, data is ordered with the
newest data to be transmitted first, which is opposite of how Edlog dataloggers
arrange data.
There are five parameters to the GoesData instruction: Result Code, Data
Table, Table Option, Buffer Control, and Data format.
Using CRBasic dataloggers, time of Max, Min, etc. are stored as number of
seconds since 1990, which does not work for GOES transmission.
TX312 Transmitter
In dataloggers that support strings as a data type, all data format options except
3 (RAWS7) will support strings. Strings are transmitted from the first
character until the null terminator. If strings contain illegal characters, the
TX312 will replace the character with another character. By default the
replacement character is an asterisk. The replacement character can be
NOTE Both the random and timed buffers of the TX312 can be set to
accept ASCII or Pseudo Binary data. If the TX312 is set to
Pseudo Binary, all ASCII data is transmitted as the replacement
character, which is an Asterisk by default. When the TX312 is
set to ASCII data, both Pseudo Binary and ASCII data are
transmitted normally. Data format options zero and 2 are Pseudo
Binary, all others are ASCII.
TX312 Transmitter
Public TCTemp
Public PanelT
Public battery1
Public RC_Data
Public LastStatus(14)
Alias LastStatus(1)=RC_Last
Alias LastStatus(2)=Lst_Type
Alias LastStatus(3)=Lst_Bytes
Alias LastStatus(4)=Lst_Forward
Alias LastStatus(5)=Lst_Reflected
Alias LastStatus(6)=Lst_BattVolt
Alias LastStatus(7)=Lst_GPS
Alias LastStatus(8)=Lst_OscDrift
Alias LastStatus(9)=Lat_Deg
Alias LastStatus(10)=Lat_Min
Alias LastStatus(11)=Lat_Secd
Alias LastStatus(12)=Long_Deg
Alias LastStatus(13)=Long_Min
Alias LastStatus(14)=Long_Secd
'program table
DataTable (Tempdata,1,1000)
DataInterval (0,15,min,10)
Sample (1,TCTemp,FP2)
Sample (1,PanelT,FP2)
Sample (1,battery1,FP2)
TX312 Transmitter
Scan (10,Sec,3,0)
Battery (battery1)
PanelTemp (PanelT,250)
TCDiff (TCTemp,1,mV25C ,2,TypeT,PanelT,True ,0,250,1.8,32)
CallTable TempData
If IfTime (0,1,Hr)
GOESData (RC_Data,TempData,0,0,1)
If IfTime (0,10,min)
GOESStatus (LastStatus(),2)
CallTable GoesStats
5.1.2 GoesStatus
The GoesStatus instruction is used to read information from the TX312.
Information that can be read and stored in the datalogger includes information
relating to the next transmission, the last transmission, GPS time and position,
and all logged errors. The status information can be used to set the datalogger
clock and troubleshoot any problems that might arise. The GoesStatus
instruction also includes options to initiate a random transmission on
GoesStatus expects two parameters. The first is the array used to store the data
returned by GoesStatus, the second is the command to be issued. The first
element of each array returned by the GoesStatus command is the result code.
The result code is used to test if the GoesStatus instruction executed
successfully. When the result code is zero, GoesStatus executed successfully.
See Table 5.1-2 for details.
Public gps(4)
GoesStatus (gps(), 0)
Command zero (Read Time) will read the TX312 clock. Under normal
operating conditions the time is GMT, and quite accurate. There are delays in
TX312 Transmitter
reading the time from the TX312. The array needs to be four elements or
more. Data is returned as: Result Code, Hour, Minute, Second.
Index Contents
1 Command Result Code
2 Hours (GMT)
3 Minutes
4 Seconds
Public Stats(13)
GoesStatus(Stats(), 1)
Index Contents
1 Command Result Code
2 Bytes of data in self-timed buffer
3 Time until next self-timed transmission: Days
4 Time until next self-timed transmission: Hours
5 Time until next self-timed transmission: Minutes
6 Time until next self-timed transmission: Seconds
7 Bytes of data in random buffer
8 Time until next random transmission interval start: Hours
9 Time until next random transmission interval start: Minutes
10 Time until next random transmission interval: Seconds
11 Failsafe, 1 indicates transmitter disabled due to failsafe.
12 Loaded power supply voltage, 1 amp load. (tenths of volts)
13 Average GPS acquisition time (tens of seconds)
Public LastStats(14)
GoesStatus(LastStats(), 2)
TX312 Transmitter
Index Contents
1 Command Result Code
2 Message type: Self-timed or Random
3 Size of message in bytes
4 Forward power in tenths of watts
5 Reflected power in tenths of watts
6 Power supply voltage under full load, in tenths of volts
7 GPS acquisition time in tens of seconds
8 Oscillator drift (signed, hundreds of Hz)
9 Latitude degrees
10 Latitude minutes
11 Latitude seconds
12 Longitude degrees
13 Longitude minutes
14 Longitude seconds.
Public Errors(10)
GoesStatus(Errors(), 4)
Command 4 (Read Error Register) is used to return the total number of errors
that have occurred, and codes describing the last four errors. When the
command that caused the error is listed as 31, the error is an internal fault.
Otherwise the error is just a communication error.
Index Contents
1 Result Code
2 Number of Errors
3 Command that Caused the Error
4 Error Code
5 Command that Caused the Error
6 Error Code
7 Command that Caused the Error
8 Error Code
9 Command that Caused the Error
10 Error Code
TX312 Transmitter
Error Codes:
00 No error
01 Illegal command
02 Command rejected
03 Illegal checksum or too much data
04 Time out or too little data
05 Illegal parameter
06 Transmit buffer overflow
16 PLL lock fault
17 GPS fix fault
18 Input power supply fault
19 Software fault
20 Failsafe fault
21 GPS time synchronization fault
22 SWR fault – RF Load
23 Time Synch edge 1 detect fault
24 Time Synch edge 2 detect fault
25 Internal RF power supply failure
The TX312 has registers used to store information about errors that have
occurred. The total number of errors is stored, up to 255. Also stored is the
command that was issued when the error occurred and a code specific to the
type or error.
Internal fault codes are stored. When the command that failed is listed as 31
(0x1F), the error condition is an internal error with the TX312. The datalogger
receives the error code as a hex value and converts to decimal. Decimal values
are placed in input locations.
The error codes are very important information if the DCP experiences trouble
during operation. Generally a GPS time synchronize fault should not cause
concern, but a GPS fault may cause a scheduled transmission to be missed.
The data will be sent on the next transmission if the instruction appends data to
the self-timed buffer.
The internal TX312 errors provide critical information for diagnostics. Error
codes are return in hex format when using SatCommand software. Error codes
are returned in decimal format when using the datalogger.
Error code 16 (0x10), message abort due to PLL, is a hardware failure of the
phase locked loop circuit. Repeated PLL failures can not be rectified in the
Error code 17 (0x11), message abort due to GPS, indicates the transmitter
aborted a transmission because the required GPS information was not available
at transmit time. Usually the transmitter will transmit on the next transmit
time. Check GPS antenna placement and GPS antenna type. See Section 6.3
for more information regarding the GPS antenna.
TX312 Transmitter
Error code 18 (0x12), message abort due to power supply, indicates the
transmitter power supply did not provide enough voltage. Check system
battery. If the system battery is low, the RF power supply will not be able to
operate properly. The loaded battery voltage must not drop below 10.8 volts.
Error code 19 (0x13), Software error, indicates the transmitter was not able to
run its internal software.
Error code 20 (0x14) is the Failsafe error. The failsafe is an internal hardware
circuit that will shut down the TX312 if it transmits too frequently or for too
long. The failsafe error code is not logged until the transmitter tries to transmit
after the failsafe has been tripped. The transmitter only trips the failsafe when
a serious hardware failure has occurred. Failsafe limits are different for
different baud rates. At 1200 baud, transmission cannot exceed 105 seconds or
repeat more often than every 30 seconds. At 100 baud, transmission cannot
exceed 270 seconds or repeat more often than 60 seconds. At 300 baud, same
transmission on time as 100 baud, but cannot repeat more often then every 30
seconds. The Failsafe can be reset by pressing and holding the reset switch for
10 seconds.
Error code 21 (0x15) indicates the transmitter missed a GPS fix, but does not
guarantee a missed a transmission. See Section 6.3 for GPS antenna
Error code 22 (0x16) indicates a Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) Fault. The
SWR fault can be triggered by several different conditions. High reflected
power will trigger the SWR fault. Reflected power is caused by poor
transmission antenna and/or antenna cable condition or wrong type of antenna
or antenna cable. See Section 6 for transmission antenna information. Ice
buildup on an antenna can change the antenna properties, which can cause
excessive reflected power. Corrosion in connectors, water in antenna cables,
metal in close proximity to the antenna, and a damaged antenna can also cause
excessive reflected power.
The SWR fault can also be triggered by a low battery. If the transmitter cannot
generate enough transmission power, the SWR fault will trip. Always check
the system battery if there has been an SWR fault. This condition is indicated
by low reflected power.
To determine if the reflected power is too high or low, read the last message
status information. When the reflected power number is divided by the
forward power number, the result should be 0.5, with limits of 0.4 to 0.6. See
Section for details on the Last Message Status command.
5.1.3 GoesGPS
GoesGPS(GPSdata(), GPStime())
The instruction GoesGPS() returns two arrays of information. The first array
is six elements long. The second array is seven elements long. The first array
TX312 Transmitter
includes the result code (see Table 5.1-6), time in seconds since January 1,
2000, Latitude in fractional degrees with 100 nanodegree resolution, Longitude
in fractional degrees with 100 nanodegree resolution, Elevation as a signed 32-
bit number in centimeters, and Magnetic Variation in fractional degrees with a
one millidegree resolution.
The second array, which must be dimensioned to seven, holds year, month,
day, hour (GMT), minute, seconds, microseconds. The second array can be
used to set the datalogger’s clock. See the ClockSet() instruction in the
CRBasic help for details.
5.1.4 GoesSetup
In GoesSetup(), All parameters can be variables of type Long except for the
Timed Interval, Timed Offset and Random interval which are all of type
The GoesSetup() and GoesData() only return error messages at compile time.
Using GoesSetup, the datalogger can configure the transmitter under program
control. Because the parameters in the GoesSetup instruction can be variables,
error checking is done at run time, not compile time. Using GoesSetup(), the
custom display menu options and the datalogger keypad/display, programs can
be written that allow TX312 configuration via simple menus on the
keypad/display. See CRBasic help and Display Menu for details. GoesSetup
can also be used with constant values allowing fixed goes configuration
parameters to be stored in the datalogger, and executed when needed.
After GoesSetup executes, several TX312 settings are set to default values.
2) Self-Timed message format is set to ASCII, which ONLY changes the flag
word. Pseudo binary formats will still work.
3) Random message format is set to ASCII, which ONLY changes the flag
word. Pseudo binary formats will still work.
Instruction details:
TX312 Transmitter Platform ID
Platform ID is an eight-character hexadecimal number assigned by NESDIS.
The Platform ID is always divisible by 2. Valid characters are 0-9 and A-F. Window
Window is the message window length in seconds. Valid range is 5-120.
TX312 Transmitter
Sub Gsetup
GOESSetup (setup_RC,&H12345677,10,195,300,0,100,"0_01_00_0" ,"0_16_20" ,"1_0_0" )
If setup_RC = 0 Then setup = false
setup = true
Scan (10,Sec,0,0)
If setup Then Call Gsetup
The datalogger is used to measure and record data values. The TX312 is used
to transmit data over a GOES satellite to a ground receiving station. Program
instruction 126 is used to send data from the datalogger to the TX312 satellite
transmitter. The TX312 has two data buffers. The data buffers will hold data
until it is time to transmit the data. Data in the self-timed buffer is erased after
transmission. Data in the random buffer will be erased after the preset number
TX312 Transmitter
of repetitions has been met. When properly configured, the TX312 will ensure
the data is transmitted on the correct channel, at the correct baud rate and at the
correct time without overrunning the transmit window.
The datalogger will interface with the TX312 under program control. Two
program instructions are used, P126 and P127. P126 is used to send data to a
buffer. New data is either added to existing data (append) or overwrites
existing data. In overwrite mode, all data in the buffer is erased before new
data is written. P127 is used to retrieve information from the TX312.
Information regarding GPS time, latitude and longitude can be retrieved and
stored in the datalogger. Information regarding the status and past errors can
also be retrieved.
Data that is sent to the self-timed buffer 60 seconds or more before transmit
time will be transmitted on the next scheduled transmission; otherwise, the data
will be scheduled for a later transmission.
The maximum number of data points that can be sent is estimated with this
The Sat Commander Software includes a Command to read the Max Timed
Message Length, which will use the TX312 to calculate the maximum number
of bytes to be sent, not the maximum number of data points. To use the
software to calculate the maximum number of data points that can be sent, first
setup the transmitter, then use the max timed message length command. Take
the result and divide by 3 if the data format is pseudo binary or divide by 7 if
using an ASCII format.
TX312 Transmitter
datalogger formats the data before the data is sent to the TX312. The data
format is chosen with the P126 program instruction.
Two separate data files can be maintained by managing which final storage
area is active when data is written. The amount of data copied to the
transmitter and the order of data copied to the transmitter can be controlled by
utilizing both final storage areas. If using FS2, datalogger memory must be
allocated to FS2. Final storage area 2 memory can be allocated using Edlog or
the keypad.
TX312 Transmitter
CSI floating point binary data requires 3 bytes per data point. Data must be
low resolution. Sign and decimal location are maintained. This is an efficient
data format.
Floating point ASCII requires 7 bytes per data point. Data must be low
resolution. Sign and decimal location are maintained. Data does not need to
be converted after transmission. Data points are separated by a comma. This
is not an efficient data format, but it is convenient.
Binary, 18 bit, integer data format requires 3 bytes per data point. All data
stored in the datalogger must be in high resolution. All information right of
the decimal place is truncated. Data is transmitted as a signed, two’s
compliment, 18-bit integer. Precision can be maintained by pre and post
processing. This is an efficient data format that requires conversion and post
processing. See Appendix F for details.
RAWS 7 and fixed decimal ASCII are used to format data in a specific way.
See Appendix D for details.
1) The Datalogger CS I/O port is checked to see if the serial port is available.
If not, return code 6.
2) The transmitter is addressed and should return the STX character within
200 msec. If there is no response from the transmitter, result code 2 is
returned. If something other than the STX character is received, result
code is 3.
TX312 Transmitter
4) If the first three steps are successful, the datalogger sends the command to
append or overwrite the data buffer, followed by the data. If the
transmitter does not respond with the ACK character within 500 msec
after the data has been transferred, the result code is 7. Result code 7
indicates the data was not received by the transmitter. The datalogger
cannot resend the data.
P126 result codes are the same as the positive result codes for our CRBasic
instructions and are shown in Table 5.1-6.
The result codes can be used to increase the success rate of data transmissions.
When the result code is 0, all went well. When the result code is 2-6, P126 did
not execute properly, but can still send the data. A result code of 7 indicates
P126 did not execute properly and the data probably cannot be sent again.
TX312 Transmitter
Parameter 2 is the starting input location for the string of information the
TX312 will return.
0 Execution successful
1 Checksum error in response
2 Time out waiting for STX character after addressing
3 Something besides STX received after addressing
4 Received a NAK
5 Timed out while waiting for an ACK
6 CS I/O not available
7 Transmit random message failure, could be no data in random buffer
9 Invalid command code
In Loc Contents
1 Command Result Code
2 Hours (GMT)
3 Minutes
4 Seconds
TX312 Transmitter
In Loc Contents
1 Command Result Code
2 Bytes of data in self-timed buffer
3 Time until next self-timed transmission: Days
4 Time until next self-timed transmission: Hours
5 Time until next self-timed transmission: Minutes
6 Time until next self-timed transmission: Seconds
7 Bytes of data in random buffer
8 Time until next random transmission interval start: Hours
9 Time until next random transmission interval start: Minutes
10 Time until next random transmission interval: Seconds
11 Failsafe, 1 indicates transmitter disabled due to failsafe.
12 Loaded power supply voltage, 1 amp load. (tenths of volts)
13 Average GPS acquisition time (tens of seconds)
In Loc Contents
1 Command Result Code
2 Message type: Self-timed or Random
3 Size of message in bytes
4 Forward power in tenths of watts
5 Reflected power in tenths of watts
6 Power supply voltage under full load, in tenths of volts
7 GPS acquisition time in tens of seconds
8 Oscillator drift (signed, hundreds of Hz)
9 Latitude degrees
10 Latitude minutes
11 Latitude seconds
12 Longitude degrees
13 Longitude minutes
14 Longitude seconds.
TX312 Transmitter
In Loc Contents
1 Result Code
Random message channel and repeat interval must be enabled in the TX312
configuration. If random messages have not been enabled, command 3 will
fail. If the GPS acquisition fails, the random transmission will fail. Command
3 will pull the TX312 off line. After the random transmission attempt, the
TX312 must be put back on line with command 6. When command 6 is used,
all data in the TX312 is erased. Random transmission may require up to five
minutes (GPS timeout) for setup and transmission. If command 6 is executed
before transmission, random transmission will be canceled.
During GPS acquisition, the LED will light solid green. During transmission,
the LED will light solid red. Command 3 will return 1 value, the command
result code. Zero indicates a successful execution of command 3, but does not
indicate the random transmission has happened or was successful.
In Loc Contents
1 Result Code
2 Number of Errors
3 Command that Caused the Error
4 Error Code
5 Command that Caused the Error
6 Error Code
7 Command that Caused the Error
8 Error Code
9 Command that Caused the Error
10 Error Code
TX312 Transmitter
Error Codes:
Hex Decimal
0x00 00 No error
0x01 01 Illegal command
0x02 02 Command rejected
0x03 03 Illegal checksum or too much data
0x04 04 Time out or too little data
0x05 05 Illegal parameter
0x06 06 Transmit buffer overflow
0x10 16 Message abort due to PLL
0x11 17 Message abort due to GPS
0x12 18 Message abort due to power supply – internal 16 volt – RF
0x13 19 Software fault
0x14 20 Failsafe fault
0x15 21 GPS time sync fault
0x16 22 SWR fault – transmission antenna connection
0x19 25 Internal RF power supply failure
In Loc Contents
1 Result Code
Result code of 0 indicates success. Command 5 is used to erase all errors from
the error registers of the TX312.
In Loc Contents
1 Result code
TX312 Transmitter
Edlog program example 1 writes data to final storage once an hour and
transfers data to the TX312 once every 4 hours.
1: If time is (P92)
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 60 Interval (same units as above)
3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
3: Sample (P70)
1: 41 Reps
2: 1 Loc [ Status_RC ]
4: If time is (P92)
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 240 Interval (same units as above)
3: 30 Then Do
6: End (P95)
Edlog program example 2 writes data to final storage once an hour and
transfers data to the TX312 once every 4 hours. Example 2 also shows how to
use the result codes to ensure P126 executes successfully.
1: If time is (P92)
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 60 Interval (same units as above)
3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
TX312 Transmitter
3: Sample (P70)
1: 41 Reps
2: 1 Loc [ Status_RC ]
4: If time is (P92)
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 240 Interval (same units as above)
3: 30 Then Do
6: End (P95)
; Check result code for P126, if between 1 and 6 P126 will be executed again.
7: If (X<=>F) (P89)
1: 41 X Loc [ P126_RC ]
2: 3 >=
3: 1 F
4: 30 Then Do
8: If (X<=>F) (P89)
1: 41 X Loc [ P126_RC ]
2: 4 <
3: 7 F
4: 30 Then Do
; Increment counter to count number of time P126 has been tried again
9: Z=Z+1 (P32)
1: 42 Z Loc [ Counter ]
TX312 Transmitter
; Reset counter
; Set P126 result code to zero, this will stop P126 from
; executing until the 4 hour transmit time comes around again.
6. Field Installation
6.1 Field Site Requirements
The TX312 has two siting requirements for proper operation. The GPS
antenna must have a clear view of most of the sky. The transmission antenna
must have a clear view of the spacecraft. Other requirements are not specific
to the TX312, but are mentioned here anyway. The TX312 must be mounted
in an enclosure that will protect it from the environment, including
condensation. Most GOES systems are powered by a battery that is charged
by a solar panel. The solar panel must have a clear view of the southern sky.
Pay special attention to winter sun angles.
The accuracy of the antenna aiming is not critical, but should be reasonably
good. As a guide, if the antenna is aimed 25 degrees off the spacecraft, the
TX312 Transmitter
The GPS signal is used for two functions. The obvious use is to keep track of
time. The GPS receiver requires 3 satellites to acquire the time. For best
accuracy, four satellites are required. The second use of the GPS signal is to
correct the oscillator frequency. The GPS receiver will output a very accurate
1-second pulse. The 1-second pulse is used to correct oscillator drift caused by
changes in temperature and crystal aging.
The GPS is required for proper operation. After the transmitter is reset, or first
powered up, it can’t schedule a transmission until a GPS fix has been
established or the internal clock has been manually set. After the first fix, the
TX312 will acquire a GPS fix once a day. Each time the GPS system acquires
a fix, the entire GPS almanac is downloaded, which requires about 15 minutes.
Appendix A. Information on Eligibility
and Getting Onto the GOES System
A.1 Eligibility
U.S. federal, state, or local government agencies, or users sponsored by one of
those agencies, may use GOES. Potential GOES users must receive formal
permission from NESDIS.
DCS Coordinator
Federal Office Building 4
Suitland, MD
(301) 457-5681
3. After the MOA is approved, NESDIS will issue a channel assignment and
an ID address code.
This is a blank page.
Appendix B. Data Conversion
Computer Program (written in BASIC)
20 DIM DV$(200)
25 WIDTH "LPT1:", 120
50 LINE INPUT #1, A$
55 A$ = MID$(A$, 38)
100 J = INT(LEN(A$) / 3)
110 FOR I = 1 TO J
120 DV$(I) = MID$(A$, 3 * I - 2, 3)
130 NEXT I
140 B$ = RIGHT$(A$, LEN(A$) - 3 * J)
160 A$ = B$ + A$
170 K = INT(LEN(A$) / 3)
180 L=J
190 FOR I = J + 1 TO L
200 DV$(I) = MID$(A$, 3 * (I - J) - 2, 3)
210 NEXT I
270 FOR I = 1 TO L
280 A = ASC(LEFT$(DV$(I), 1)) AND 15
290 B = ASC(MID$(DV$(I), 2, 1)) AND 63
300 C = ASC(RIGHT$(DV$(I), 1)) AND 63
310 IF (A * 64) + B >= 1008 THEN DV = (B - 48) * 64 + C + 9000:
GOTO 400
320 IF A AND 8 THEN SF = -1 ELSE SF = 1
330 IF A AND 4 THEN SF = SF * .01
340 IF A AND 2 THEN SF = SF * .1
350 IF A AND 1 THEN DV = 4096
360 DV = (DV + ((B AND 63) * 64) + (C AND 63)) * SF
400 PRINT #2, USING "####.### "; DV;
405 IF I MOD 17 = 0 THEN PRINT #2, CHR$(13)
406 DV = 0
410 NEXT I
1000 WEND
This is a blank page.
Appendix C. Antenna Orientation
Computer Program (written in BASIC)
10 CLS : CLEAR 1000
60 T = SO - SA: TR = T * .01745329#: BR = 90 * .01745329#: AR = A *
70 X = COS(AR) * COS(BR) + SIN(AR) * SIN(BR) * COS(TR)
80 CR = -ATN(X / SQR(-X * X + 1)) + 1.5708
90 C = CR * (1 / .01745329#)
100 X1 = (SIN(BR) * SIN(TR)) / SIN(CR)
110 BR = ATN(X1 /SQR(-X1 * X1 + 1)): B = BR * (1 / .01745329#)
115 GOSUB 300
120 A1 = 90 - C: R1 = A1 * .01745329#
130 S1 = (6378 + (AH * .0003048)) / SIN(R1)
140 S2 = 35785! + 6378 - S1
150 A2 = 180 - A1: R2 = A2 * .01745329#
155 S4 = SQR(S1 ^ 2 - (6378 + AH * .0003048) ^ 2)
160 S3 = SQR(S4 ^ 2 + S2 ^ 2 - 2 * S4 * S2 * COS(R2))
170 X2 = (SIN(R2) / S3) * S2
180 ER = ATN(X2 / SQR(-X2 * X2 + 1)): E = ER * (1 / .01745329#)
220 I$ = INKEY$: IF I$ = "" THEN 220 ELSE CLS : GOTO 20
300 IF T < 0 AND AA > 0 THEN B = B + 180: GOTO 380
310 IF T < 0 AND AA < 0 THEN B = B * -1: GOTO 380
320 IF T > 0 AND AA < 0 THEN B = 360 - B: GOTO 380
330 IF T > 0 AND AA > 0 THEN B = B + 180: GOTO 380
340 IF T = 0 AND AA > 0 THEN B = 180: GOTO 380
350 IF T = 0 AND AA < 0 THEN B = 360: GOTO 380
360 IF AA = 0 AND T > 0 THEN B = 270: GOTO 380
370 IF AA = 0 AND T < 0 THEN B = 90
This is a blank page.
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
D.1 Introduction
RAWS-7 data format is used to transmit weather data in an ASCII based table
format. Upon reception, data does not need to be decoded. Software such as
WeatherPro can be used to archive and view the data. RAWS-7 data format is
compatible with NIFC.
D.2 Format
RAWS-7 format writes data in columnar format. The first 7 data points are
written to column 1, the next 7 data points are written to column 2 and the next
7 data points are written to column 3. Each data point is configured with a
fixed decimal place and a fixed number of characters. The RAWS-7 data block
is preceded by a carriage return and line feed character.
The RAWS-7 format has some special functions built in. The RAWS-7 format
will behave differently depending on the amount of data in the active final
storage area of the datalogger. If there are 7 data points in the active final
storage area that have not been sent to the transmitter, the datalogger will
format 1 column of data. More than 7 and less than 14 data points are not sent
to the transmitter. If there are 14 data points, the RAWS-7 format will create a
table with 2 columns of 7 rows. If 21 data points are available, 3 columns of 7
rows each are created. If the number of data points is more than 14 but less
than 21, the first 14 data points are used while the extra are discarded. If there
are more that 21 data points, 3 columns of 7 rows are created. Data points in
excess of 21 are not sent to the transmitter, and can not be sent later.
The RAWS-7 data formats include fixed decimal place and fixed number of
characters. If the data value exceeds the range of the data format, all numbers
will default to 9. When the data value is negative, the minus sign is counted as
one character. As an example, if using data format 6, x.xxx, the minus sign fills
the only character location left of the decimal. All numbers less than -.999 will
print as -.999. All numbers greater than 9.9 will print as 9.999. P126, second
parameter, codes 3 through 8 are considered RAWS data formats
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
Number Measurement Format
1 Total Rain (hr) xx.xx
2 Wind Speed (10 min avg.) xxx
3 Wing Direction (10 min avg.) xxx
4 Air Temp (Sample) xxx
5 RH (10 min avg.) xxx
6 Fuel Temp (Sample) xxx
7 Battery Voltage (Sample) xx.x
P126 has three parameters. Parameter 2 “Data Format” is used to select the
desired data format.
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
When P126 is executed with a data format code of 4 through 8, the line of data
is preceded by a carriage return and line feed. Each data point is separated by a
space. Format code 8 can be used with high or low resolution data. Three steps
are required to write a row of data: Set the output flag, write data to final
storage, copy data to transmitter by executing P126.
Program example
CR10X program example to send fire weather data. If using the example
program, using the input location editor to name all the input locations can be
helpful. In Edlog.exe, start a new program then press F5 to bring up the input
location editor. Type in the names for all the input locations. The input location
names are listed at the end of the program example. F6 will bring up a pick list
of all the input locations. Using the pick list helps to avoid mistakes when
selecting input locations.
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
; RAWS-7 Data format example program
; Measurements:
; Battery voltage (BattVolt) - volts
; Air temperature (AirTemp) - Degrees F
; Relative humidity (RH) - Percent
; Wind speed (Wspd) - MPH
; Wind direction (Wdir) - Degrees 0 to 355
; Fuel temperature (FuelT) - Degrees F
; Fuel Moisture (FuelM) - Percent
; Precipitation (Prcip) - Hundredth of inch
; Solar radiation (Srad) - Watts per meter squared W/m^2
; Calculations:
; 10 minute averages for wind speed and direction.
; Hourly maximum wind speed with corresponding wind direction.
; Program Signature (Prog_Sig)
; At the top of the 3 hour interval, the RAWS-7 values are copied
; to the SAT HDR GOES transmitter. (P126, Self-timed/insert, format code 3).
*Table 1 Program
01: 10 Execution Interval (seconds)
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
5: Do (P86)
1: 58 Set Port 8 Low
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
; Send the basic RAWS-7 data to the SAT HDR GOES 5 minutes before transmit time.
; FS 1 must contain only the new RAWS-7 data, 3 hours of data.
51: If time is (P92)
1: 65 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 180 Interval (same units as above)
3: 30 Then Do
; ***********************************************
; Calculate and hold data beyond the RAWS-7 data.
; ***********************************************
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
; First hour (column 1) is the top of the first hour after
; the transmit window.
; Fuel Moisture
63: Set Active Storage Area (P80)
1: 3 Input Storage Area
2: 25 Loc [ FM_Old ]
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
; **********************************************
; Data values beyond RAWS-7, written to final
; storage and copied to transmitter
; **********************************************
; Write wind direction of the max wind speed, max wind speed,
; average solar radiation and fuel moisture to FS 1 and the GOES transmitter.
; Format will look like:
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
88: Do (P86)
1: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
92: Do (P86)
1: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
; Copy to transmitter
94: Data Transfer to HDR GOES (P126)
1: 0 Self-Timed/Append
2: 7 ASCII xxx Format
3: 14 Result Code Loc [ P126_RC ]
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
95: Do (P86)
1: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
100: Do (P86)
1: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
*Table 2 Program
02: 600 Execution Interval (seconds)
1: If time is (P92)
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 180 Interval (same units as above)
3: 30 Then Do
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
3: Z=X*F (P37)
1: 35 X Loc [ Batt_load ]
2: .1 F
3: 35 Z Loc [ Batt_load ]
4: Z=X*F (P37)
1: 36 X Loc [ GPSAccTm ]
2: 10 F
3: 36 Z Loc [ GPSAccTm ]
5: End (P95)
8: If (X<=>F) (P89)
1: 44 X Loc [ time_rc ]
2: 4 <
3: 1 F
4: 30 Then Do
9: If (X<=>F) (P89)
1: 45 X Loc [ GPS_hour ]
2: 3 >=
3: 0 F
4: 30 Then Do
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
*Table 3 Subroutines
End Program
Appendix D. RAWS-7 Data Format
Appendix E. GOES DCS Transmit
300 & 100 BPS Channels 1200 BPS Channels 300 & 100 BPS Channels 1200 BPS Channels
Channel Frequency Channel Frequency Channel Frequency Channel Frequency
Number MHz Number+ A MHz Number MHz Number+ A MHz
Appendix E. GOES DCS Transmit Frequencies
300 & 100 BPS Channels 1200 BPS Channels 300 & 100 BPS Channels 1200 BPS Channels
Channel Frequency Channel Frequency Channel Frequency Channel Frequency
Number MHz Number+ A MHz Number MHz Number+ A MHz
Appendix E. GOES DCS Transmit Frequencies
300 & 100 BPS Channels 1200 BPS Channels 300 & 100 BPS Channels 1200 BPS Channels
Channel Frequency Channel Frequency Channel Frequency Channel Frequency
Number MHz Number+ A MHz Number MHz Number+ A MHz
Appendix E. GOES DCS Transmit Frequencies
Appendix F. High Resolution 18-Bit
Binary Format
When using the binary 18 bit signed 2’s complement integer format, all data
values in the datalogger final storage area must be in high resolution format. In
most cases the datalogger program should set the data resolution to high at the
beginning of the program. Use the P78 instruction with parameter 1 set to 1.
Note: P77 Real Time can not write the time or date in high resolution. To send
a time stamp, first write the time back to input locations, then sample the input
locations as high resolution. As an alternative to using P77 for a time stamp,
the GPS time can be retrieved from the transmitter and written to final storage
in high resolution format. See instruction P127 for details.
Because the binary 18 bit integer is an integer, all information to the right of
the decimal point is dropped. This occurs while the datalogger is copying data
to the transmitter. The original data is left intact in final storage of the
datalogger. If transmitted data requires precision to the right of the decimal
place, multiply the number by the required factor of 10 before storing the data
to final storage. After data is received by the ground station, division by the
appropriate factor of 10 will replace the decimal point.
NESDIS has placed restrictions on the format of data sent over the GOES
satellite network. The first restriction is the use of 7 data bits and one parity bit
per byte. The second restriction is the most significant data bit of each byte, bit
6, is always set. Without data, each byte transmitted over the satellite has the
format of “p1xxxxxx”. The x’s will hold the 6 bits per byte allocated to data
information. The “p” is the parity bit and the “1” is bit 6 which is always set.
Resolution of each data point would be severely limited if the data point
consisted of only 6 bits. We use 3 consecutive bytes to form a data point word.
The first byte sent is byte 3, the most significant byte. A complete word is
created by using 3 consecutive bytes, stripping the 2 most significant bits from
each byte, then combining the 3 bytes into a word. See the examples below.
Each data point is formatted as an 18 bit integer. The format uses the
most significant bit (bit 17) to designate sign. The format of each 3
byte data point is as follows, note the top row shows the bits used and
there significance.
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
p 1 x x x x x x p 1 x x x x x x p 1 x x x x x x
Appendix F. High Resolution 18-Bit Binary Format
Converting the 18 bit data point to an integer can be done manually. Don’t
forget the 18 bits are numbered 0 through 17. Bit 17 is the sign bit, when bit 17
is set, the number is negative. If bit 17 is set, subtract 1 from the number then
take the complement of the number. If bit 17 is not set, simply convert the
number to its decimal equivalent.
Combine the 3
bytes into one word 000101 110010 010010
Combine the 3
bytes into one word 111010 001101 101101
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command
Appendix G describes the ASCII command interface for the TX312 transmitter. These
commands can be entered using the terminal window of SatCommander software, or
suitable terminal emulation software.
Three RS232 connections (TXD, RXD and GND) are used, no handshaking is
needed and should be set to none in the terminal emulator.
Each character entered is echoed to the host to allow for simple error checking
and to support the terminal nature of the implementation. A backspace
character (BS, 0x08) deletes the last character entered. The ESC character
(0x1b) will delete the entire command.
The command protocol is not case sensitive. Many commands are used to set
or retrieve various configuration parameters. When setting parameters, the
command is followed by an equals sign (‘=’) and a comma separated list of
parameters. When retrieving parameters, the command is entered without the
‘=’ or followed by a question mark (‘?’).
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
Unless otherwise noted, the transmitter will respond to all commands with one
of the following:
If the command was a request for a configuration parameter the transmitter will
respond with:
Some commands are only available when transmissions are disabled. This is
also noted along with each command description.
This command sets the date and time in the transmitter. The date and time will
be overwritten when a GPS time synchronization occurs. Self timed
transmissions will not occur until the time has been set either using this
command or from the GPS. Random transmissions will occur with or without
time being set.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
This command defines the ASCII character that will be substituted for any
Prohibited ASCII character detected in the transmission data when operating in
ASCII or Pseudo-Binary mode. The default character is ‘*’. Only printable
ASCII characters, excluding space, are permitted. In Pseudo-Binary mode,
numeric characters are considered illegal.
This command does not set the calibration data or serial number to factory
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
Note that the factory default configuration is not valid. The factory default
parameters must be explicitly overwritten with valid values before
transmissions can be enabled.
For Example:
The output from the RCFG command can be captured by the host (in a text
file) and used to duplicate the configuration in another unit.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
This command changes the command access level back to USER. No password
is required. A power cycle of the transmitter will also return the command
access level to USER.
This command sets the GPS position fix interval to the hours, minutes, seconds
specified in hh:mm:ss. It can also be used without the ‘=’ sign to report the
current value. Valid range of hh:mm:ss is 00:05:00 to 24:00:00. A value of
00:00:00 will disable periodic GPS position fixes although they will still occur
at power up and every 24 hours as a side effect of the daily automatic OCXO
calibration. The current value of the GPS fix interval is also reported by the
RCFG command. The parameter is non-volatile when saved using the SAVE or
ETX commands.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
Sets the transmitter’s GOES DCP Platform ID to the hex value xxxxxxxx.
Valid range is even hex numbers from 2 to 0xfffffffe.
This command sets the channel number (ccc) for timed transmissions. ccc is
the channel number and has a valid range of 0 – 266 for bit rates of 100 and
300 BPS and a range of 0 – 133 for a bit rate of 1200 BPS.
For 100 BPS operation on channels 201-266, the transmitter will be configured
for International operation. Specifically, the 31-bit International EOT will be
used (0x63CADD04) in place of the ASCII EOT, and the preamble will be
forced to Long.
This command sets the timed transmission bit rate where bbbb is the bit rate
parameter and has valid values of 100, 300 and 1200 BPS.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
Set the time for the first timed transmission of the day. Valid range is 00:00:00
to 23:59:59. The First Transmission Time is also referred to as the Offset, and
is between 00:00:00 and the Self-Timed Transmission Interval.
Set the length of the timed transmit window. Length is specified in seconds.
Valid range is 5 to 240 seconds.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
Set the preamble type for timed transmissions. Valid values are S or L (Short
or Long). This setting only applies for 100 BPS timed transmissions on
channels 1-200. All 300 and 1200 BPS transmissions us short preamble. All
100 BPS transmissions on channels above 200 use long preamble.
Set the timed transmission interleaver type. Valid values are S,L,N (Short,
Long or None). This setting only applies for HDR timed transmissions, i.e.
300 or 1200 BPS.
Note: It is the responsibility of the host to ensure the data provided for
transmission is in the proper format. ASCII data can not be transmitted when
Pseudo Binary format is selected. Pseudo Binary can be transmitted with
ASCII format has been selected.
This command sets the channel number for random transmissions. ccc is the
channel number and has a valid range of 0 – 266 for bit rates of 100 and 300
BPS and a range of 0 – 133 for a bit rate of 1200 BPS.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
For 100 BPS operation on channels 201-266, the transmitter will be configured
for International operation. Specifically, the 31-bit International EOT will be
used (0x63CADD04) in place of the ASCII EOT.
This command sets the random transmission bit rate where bbbb is the bit rate
parameter and has valid values of 100, 300 and 1200.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
Where: x = SDC enables the CS I/O port for SDC slave communications
with a CR10X, CR10X PB or CR1000 data logger. The TX312
address is fixed at 0x41.
This parameter is saved to non-volatile memory using the SAVE command and
is part of the configuration read back with the RCFG command.
Enter SDI-12 transparent mode. The prompt will change from > to * to indicate
that the transmitter is in SDI-12 transparent mode. Any characters entered at
the terminal will be buffered up to the command termination character ‘!’ The
characters will then be sent to the SDI-12 port as SDI-12 commands. No check
for valid command or address is performed other than the requirement for a ‘!’
command terminator. Exit the SDI-12 transparent mode by typing [ESC].
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
i is a command table index from 0-9
a is the SDI address of the sensor
X specifies the command type and is one of M, C or R
C is an optional character indicating the CRC is to be used in the
SDI-12 bus transaction
n is an optional parameter indicating the measurement variant being
used (0-9)
! is the command termination character
#values is the number of values to add to the transmit buffer from
those returned by the sensor. This parameter is optional. If not
specified all returned values are added to the transmit buffer.
The response to the SDI command will be “OK” if the SDI command was
successfully added to the command table or “Unknown Format” if the
command format is not recognized;
i) SDI 2,1M6!,3
ii) SDI 7, 3CC4!,2
iii) SDI 1, 0R!,1
This command adds an SDI-12 command to the SDI command table in the
table location specified by the table index. The command table can hold up to
10 entries numbered 0 to 9. The SDI-12 measurement sequence, including D
commands and service request detection as required, will be used as
appropriate for the command type. If the number of values returned by the
sensor is less than the #values parameter, the missing fields will be filled with
“///”. If there are more values returned than specified by the #values parameter,
the extra values will not be included in the transmit buffer.
When the SDI-12 port is enabled the SDI-12 commands will be executed
consecutively starting with index 0.
Commands entered using the SDI command are made non-volatile along with
other configuration commands using the SAVE command.
i is an optional table index indicating the table entry to clear.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
This command clears the SDI command table entry indicated by i or all SDI-12
commands if i is not specified.
i is an optional table index indicating the table entry to print.
This command prints the SDI command table entry indicated by i or all SDI-12
commands if i is not specified. The RCFG command will be also print the
contents of the SDI table along with the other configuration parameters.
FC is a format code
Individual values including sign will be replaced with /// if the value was not
returned successfully by the sensor. Entire records will be replaced by /// if the
sensor did not respond successfully.
In this example the newest record is at the top and oldest record is at the
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
If FC=1 the format is the same except that each record is preceeded by a 24
hour time stamp with the format hh:mm:ss. The time stamp is always in 24
hour form and referenced to UTC.
This parameter is saved to non-volatile memory using the SAVE command and
is part of the configuration read back with the RCFG command.
Sets the sample interval for all SDI-12 sensors. If the interval is set to a value
less than the time required to perform all the SDI-12 measurements, the
measurements will be performed continuously. Setting the value to 00:00:00
effectively disables SDI-12 data collection.
This parameter is saved to non-volatile memory using the SAVE command and
is part of the configuration read back with the RCFG command.
This parameter is saved to non-volatile memory using the SAVE command and
is part of the configuration read back with the RCFG command.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
This command overwrites the GOES Timed Buffer with the data provided.
The TX312 transmitter will insert the 31 bit GOES ID, any header information
(e.g. HDR Flag byte), and append the EOT so these should not be included in
the TDT data. If the timed data format is ASCII or Pseudo-Binary the
transmitter will also insert the correct parity bit for each message character and
replace illegal characters with the character specified by the IRC=c command
before transmission.
Characters that have meaning for the command interface (CR, LF, BS,
ESC,’~’) must be preceded by a ‘~’ character if they appear in the message
The maximum length of the formatted data can be up to 126000 bits, or 15750
If there is more data loaded into the buffer than can be transmitted in the
assigned transmit window the message will be truncated.
One minute prior to transmission data is removed from the transmit buffer and
encoded for transmissiion (The Data In Buffer LED will go out). If this
command is received within 1 minute of the transmission time or during a
timed transmission, the data will not be included in the current transmission but
will be buffered for the next interval.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
Returns the maximum number of bytes that can be transmitted with the current
timed transmission bit rate, window length and preamble type.
This command overwrites the GOES Random Buffer with the data provided.
The G5 transmitter will insert the 31 bit GOES ID, any header information
(e.g. HDR Flag byte), and append the EOT so these should not be included in
the RDT data. If the random data format is Pseudo-Binary the transmitter will
also insert the correct parity bit for each message character and replace illegal
characters with the character specified by the IRC=c command before
Characters that have meaning for the command interface (CR, LF, BS,
ESC,’~’) must be preceded by a ‘~’ character if they appear in the message
Loading data into the Random transmission buffer, triggers the random
reporting sequence. Once triggered, the random reporting mechanism will
send the data loaded in the buffer for the number of transmissions as specified
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
by the random repeat count. The buffer will be cleared automatically when the
number of transmissions specified have occurred.
If there is more data loaded into the buffer than can be transmitted at the
assigned bitrate the message will be truncated.
Returns the maximum number of bytes that can be transmitted at the current
random transmission bitrate.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
This command returns the transmitter serial number, hardware version number,
firmware version number and GPS module version numbers.
This command returns the transmitter state, GPS state, time to next
transmission, number of bytes in timed transmit buffer, number of bytes in
random transmit buffer, number of times random data has been transmitted,
failsafe status and supply voltage.
Transmitter: Enabled/Disabled[CR][LF]
GPS: On/Off[CR][LF]
RTC: Valid/Invalid[CR][LF]
Time To Next Tx: dd:hh:mm:ss[CR][LF]
Timed Message Length: nnnn[CR][LF]
Next Timed Tx: N/A or mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
Random Message Length: nnnn[CR][LF]
Random Message Tx Count: nnn[CR][LF]
Next Random Tx: N/A or mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
Fail-Safe: OK/Tripped[CR][LF]
Supply Voltage: xx.x V
This command returns the status of the last transmission. The last transmission
could have been a regularly scheduled timed transmission, a random
transmission, or a test transmission triggered by a test command.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
If a transmission has occurred since the unit was last powered up, the
transmitter responds to the command with:
If a transmission has not occurred since power up, the transmitter will respond
No Tx Has Occurred
This command returns the current GPS status including satellite numbers and
signal strengths in the following format if the GPS is on:
Satellite # Signal
30 10.80
23 no lock
10 4.00
25 1.80
5 6.60
21 no lock
17 6.40
2 6.80
GPS is off
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
This command returns position obtained during the last GPS fix in the
following format:
If a GPS fix has not yet occurred the transmitter will respond with: No GPS
The RAL command is used to retrieve the audit log information in the
following format:
Where: yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss are the date and time that the message was
event message x is a short text string describing the event detected.
Returns the current forward power in dBm. This value is updated at the bit rate
when transmitting and every 30 seconds when not transmitting.
Appendix G. Extended ASCII Command Set
Returns the reflected power in dBm. This value is updated at the bit rate when
transmitting and every 30 seconds when not transmitting.
Returns the power supply voltage in Volts. This value is updated at the bit rate
when transmitting and every 30 seconds when not transmitting.
This command returns the last measured OCXO and TCXO frequencies in the
following format:
F-OCXO: 10000005.9000
F-TCXO: 43199.9166
Appendix H. GOES/Radio Set
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