Kedesegn Master Thesis
Kedesegn Master Thesis
Kedesegn Master Thesis
An Assessment of the Provision of Educational Services and Facilities in Woliso Town, Ethiopia
An Assessment of the Provision of Educational Services and Facilities in Woliso Town, Ethiopia
A Thesis submitted to the Urban Management Masters Program, Ethiopian Civil Service College, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Master Degree in Urban Management.
I, Kedesegn Wegi, Registration Number UMM-938/00 do hereby declare that this Thesis is my original work and that it has not been submitted partially or in full by any other person for an award of a degree in any other University.
This Thesis has been submitted for examination with my approval as College Supervisor.
Name of AdvisorSignature.Date
The undersigned certify that they have read and hear by recommend to the Ethiopian Civil Service College to accept the Thesis submitted by Kedesegn Wegi and entitled An Assessment of the Provision of Educational Services and Facilities in Woliso Town, Ethiopia in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Master degree in Urban Management.
I dedicate this Thesis to those primary school age children who have not got access to education in Woliso Town.
Urban social services contain various services needed for social development and well being of the urban society. Among these social services education is the most important one to mention. In this regard, Woliso town like other developing country towns has inadequate provision of educational services and facilities. The objective of this study was to assess the provision of educational services and facilities and analyze its adequacy on the standard set by FDRE ministry of education and suggest some ways of providing educational services and facilities in the town. The study was conducted on the provision of educational services and facilities in primary schools of the town and hence 128 teachers respondents were randomly selected for better understanding of the situation ,10 directors of primary schools, 20 Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and/ or Kebele Education and Training Management Board members, 4 Educational officials of Woliso town were taken purposively. In short, 164 respondents were selected, which were expected to represent all residents of the town were taken in the study. Moreover, the provision of educational services and facilities in Woliso are observed and photograph. The result of the study reveals that the existing demand is not proportional to the amount of educational services and facilities in the town. There is a shortage of schools, classrooms, instructional materials, teaching aids, qualified teachers and inadequate budget that limited access and coverage of primary schools in the town. Weak institutional capacity, rural-urban migration due to rapid urbanization, low stakeholders participation particularly private sectors contribute a lot for the inadequate provision of educational services and facilities in the area under study. These problems led to the high dropout and repetition rate of the students, poor quality education and poor academic performance. This study shows that dropout rate was 8.4 in 2003/4 and this rate is increased to 9.4 percent in the year 2007/8 and its repetition rate was 6.3 in the year 2003/4 and 6.2 percent in the year 2007/8.The study has also come up with the possibilities of involving community, private sectors, NGOs as partner of the local government in providing educational services and facilities.
This thesis is not the outcome of the effort of the author alone but also of many people who put their contribution in it by advising, guiding and assisting me in the process. My first felt gratitude goes to my researcher advisor T. Gondo for his intellectual guidance and comments from the inception right through to the completion of this study.
I would also like to extend my thanks to Woliso town municipal officials, finance and economic development officials, education officials, primary schools directors, teachers, parent teachers association(PTA) and Kebele education and training management board members for providing valuable information and their kind cooperation research . to do this
I greatly acknowledge Ethiopian Civil Service College, institute of urban development studies for its financial support to prepare this research. I am also grateful to all who have been with me in the completion of this study. I especially want to express my gratitude to Ato Ayele Abiche and Ewenetu Kebede for their material and moral support.
Last but not least, very special thanks to my sister w/t Birhane Wegi in particular and my family as a whole who have supported and encouraged me through all phases of my life.
Finally, my humble gratitude goes to the almighty God, without whom anything is impossible and could not have been achieved.
Table of contents
Abstract.I AcknowledgementsII List of Tables ..III List of FiguresIV List of PhotosIV CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................ 1 1.0 PROBLEM DEFINITION.1 1.1 Background of the study ........................................................................................... 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem.......................................................................................... 5 1.3. Objectives of the study............................................................................................. 7 1.3.1. General objective of the study .......................................................................... 7 1.3.2. Specific objectives of the study ........................................................................ 7 1.4 Basic Research Questions ......................................................................................... 7 1.5 Significance of the Study .......................................................................................... 8 1.6 Rationale of the Study............................................................................................... 8 1.7 Scope of the Study .................................................................................................... 9 1.8 Description of the Study Area................................................................................... 9 1.9 Organization of the Study ....................................................................................... 11 1.10 Limitation of the Study ......................................................................................... 11 CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................. 13 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................... 13 2.0. Introduction............................................................................................................ 13 2.1 Concepts and Definition of Key Terms .................................................................. 13 2.2 Education as an Investment in Human Capital 14National Development.............. 14 2.3. Primary education and poverty .............................................................................. 16 2.4 Comparison of Educational Service Provision in ................................................... 17 Developed and Developing Countries .......................................................................... 17 2.5 Urban Educational Services in Developing Countries............................................ 18 2.6. The Impacts of Rapid Urbanization on the Provision of Educational Services and Facilities........................................................................................................................ 19
2.7. Standard of School Education................................................................................ 20 2.7.1 Student and Classroom Standards to Respective Level................................... 21 2.7.2 Teacher Qualification....................................................................................... 21 2.7.3 Student to Teacher Ratio (STR)....................................................................... 22 2.8 Overview of Ethiopian Education........................................................................... 23 2.8.1 History of Education in Ethiopia ..................................................................... 23 2.8.2 School Financing in Ethiopia........................................................................... 24 2.8.3 Persistent Challenges and Constraints Of Ethiopian Education ...................... 25 2.8.4 Repetition and Dropout and Their Problems ................................................... 26 2.9. Availability of Educational Inputs and Quality of Its Output in Primary Education in Ethiopia..................................................................................................................... 26 2.10. Education and training policy of FDRE............................................................... 27 CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................... 29 3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................................................... 29 3. Introduction............................................................................................................... 29 3.1 Research Design...................................................................................................... 29 3.2 Data Types .............................................................................................................. 29 3.3 Data Sources ........................................................................................................... 30 3.4 Sampling Techniques.............................................................................................. 30 3.5 Data Collection Method.......................................................................................... 32 3.5.1. Questionnaire .................................................................................................. 32 3.5.2. Interview ......................................................................................................... 32 3.5.3. Observation and Photographing...................................................................... 32 3.6 Data Analysis .......................................................................................................... 33 CHAPTER FOUR............................................................................................................. 34 4. DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION .......................... 34 4.0 Introduction..34 4.1 General Background of the Respondents................................................................ 34 4.1.1 Teacher Respondents Qualification and Experience ....................................... 34 4.1.2 General Background of Primary School Directors in Woliso Town Administration .......................................................................................................... 35
4.1.3 General Background of School Parent Teachers Association or Kebele Education and Training Management Board Respondents....................................... 36 4.2 Demand For Education and its Coverage in Woliso............................................... 37 4.2.1 Trends of primary school age population participation of Woliso .................. 38 4.3. General Background of the primary schools in Woliso town................................ 39 4.3.1 Primary schools by ownership ......................................................................... 39 4.3.2 Accessibility and shifting system of primary schools...................................... 40 4.4 Trends of enrolment, drop out, repetition and promotion of primary school in Woliso town from2003/4-2007/8.................................................................................. 41 4.5 Comparison of existing primary schools, classrooms and teachers to student ratio in Woliso town to the standard set by ministry of education........................................ 43 4.6 Woliso town primary schools teachers qualification,2008/9.................................. 45 4.6.1 Hired teachers by the local government between the year 2006/7-2008/9...... 47 4.7 Education sector budget of Woliso town ................................................................ 47 4.7.1 Share of primary school budget out of education sector budget in woliso town, 2004/5-2008/9 ........................................................................................................... 48 4.8 Educational Facilities or Inputs .............................................................................. 50 4.8.1 Primary school directors response on adequacy of store house, sewerage and clinics in the primary schools ................................................................................... 54 4.8.2 Primary schools teachers respondents on the adequacy of stationeries, sport materials, and chalk in their schools ......................................................................... 54 4.9 Causes of inadequate provision of educational services and facilities in Woliso town............................................................................................................................... 55 4.10 PTA and kebele education and training management members response on their participation in their schools......................................................................................... 56 CHAPTER FIVE .............................................................................................................. 59 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................... 59 5.0 Introduction..59 5.1 Conclusions............................................................................................................. 62 5.2 Recommendations................................................................................................... 64 References Annexes.
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Student and Classroom Standards to Respective School Level21 Table 2.2 Man Power Standard in School Education 22 Table 2.3 Standard Number of Students to Teacher ..23 Table 4.1 General Background of the Teacher Respondents..34 Table 4.2 General Background of Primary School PTA and Kebele ETMB Members of Woliso Town Administration..37 Table4.3 Table Shows Primary School Age Population of Woliso Town Administration..................................................................................................38 Table 4.4 Accessibility and Shifting Systems40 Table 4.5 Trends of Enrolment, Dropout, Repetition, and Promotion Of Primary Schools of Woliso Town, 2003/4-2007/8.41 Table 4.6 Comparison of Existing Situation in Primary School Of The Town in Primary Schools with Required Standard.43 Table 4 .7Woliso Town Primary Schools Teachers Qualification45 Table_4.8 Distribution of Hired Teachers for Primary Schools by the Year47 Table 4.9 the Budget Allocation of the Woliso Town Administration and Education Sectors, 2004/5-2008/9.48 Table 4.10 Share of Primary School Budget Out of Education Sector Budget in WolisoTown, 2004/5-2008/9...49 Table 4.11 Primary Schools Directors and Teachers Response on Some Educational Facilities50 Table 4.12 Directors Response on the Degree of Store House, Sewerage and Clinics in The Schools Educational Inputs..54 Table 4.13 Teachers Response on Provision of Stationeries, Sport Materials, And Chalks ...54 Table 4.14 Feeling of Respondents on the Causes of Inadequate Provision of Educational Service and Facilities55 Table 4.15 Participation of School PTA /Kebele ETMB Member Respondents in the Primary School Activity .57
List of Figure
Fig. 1 Conceptual Frame Work of the Research Problem.6 Figure 2. WolisoTown Administration Structural Planning Map.12 Figure4.1The Existing Primary School in Woliso Town by Ownership..36 Figure 4.2 Qualifications of Primary School Head Teachers (Directors) in Woliso town39 Figure 4.3. Summary of Trends of Enrolment, Drop Out and Repetition of Primary Schools in Woliso Town, From 2003/4-2007/8 in Chart.42 Figure 4.4 Primary School Teachers of Woliso Town in Educational Qualification.46
List of Photos Photo 1: Students Attending Their Education in Hulu Yimar Primary School Photo 2: Woliso Number 4 Primary School Deteriorated Class Rooms Photo 3: Sample of Teaching Aids Observed In Woliso Liban Primary School Photo 4: Sample of Class Room Furniture Observed In Number 4 Primary School
CSAE.CCentral Statistical Agency Ethiopian Calendar
EPDRF-Ethiopian People Democratic Republic of Front ESDP- Educational Sector Development Programme ETBEthiopian Birr
ETMB- Education and Training Management Board ETPEducational and Training policy
FDRE- Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia G.C. - Gregorian calendar GER- Gross Enrollment Ratio GNP- Gross National Product KG- Kindergarten MDGs-Millennium Development Goals MOE- Ministry of Education MOFED-Ministry of Finance and Economic Development MWUD-Ministry of Urban Work and Development NER- Net enrollment Ratio PASDEP-Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable Development to End Poverty PTA- Parent teachers Association SEIA- Secondary Education Initiative in Africa SSASub Saharan Africa
TGE- Transitional Government of Ethiopia TTI- Teachers Training Institute UNCHS-United Nations Center for Human Settlement UNDP- United Nation Development Program UPE- Universal Primary Education v
Ethiopia, as one of the developing countries, is not an exceptional case in experiencing the fast growth of urbanization and population. To date there are 925 urban centers at different growth stages in the country and the annual urban population growth rates is estimated to be more than 3,4 percent. This rate depicts that the population of urban areas is increasing by half a million people every year, (MUWD, 2006).
As to the above document, the fast growth of urbanization and population, also like other developing countries, do not match the provision of urban social service and infrastructure like any other developing countries.
Urban social services contain various services and establishment needed for social development and well being of urban society. These social services mainly include education, health, housing recreational facilities, worship, cemetery, public celebration places, etc. Among the above mentioned social service, education is one of the key social service, without which development will not occur. Only educated people can command the skills necessary for sustainable growth and for better quality of life, (world bank, 1993)1 strictly speaking, human resource development constitute the foundation up on which material development can occur and education represents a major form of human resource development and it is widely accepted that the provision of quality education is a keystone to nations sustainable development. 1
Supporting this idea the 1994 education and training policy of Ethiopia states education as very important factors to human resource development is of high priority for the overall development endeavor of the government in line with the priorities of the second poverty reduction strategy, the plan for accelerated and sustained development to end poverty (2005/06-2009/10) PASDEP, (MOFED, 2006) and the millennium development goals, i.e. Good quality universal primary education by 2015, meeting qualitative and quantitative demand of human power, etc and thus to implement the crucial issues, the economy will need substantial additional skilled and trained human power at all levelslow, middle and expansion of road infrastructure, expansion of road infrastructure, education, agricultural and health service demand a substantial number of trained human powers. Thus, the responsibility for producing educated human resource fall on education sector, (ESDP III, 2005).
Although, taking this into account, significant progress has been made by the Ethiopian government in increasing access and coverage of education to its citizens, the provision
of educational services and facilities is challenged by various inadequacies in both of quality and quantity inputs such as school, classrooms, teaching equipment and facility etc. In other words large student ratio, large student section ratio, poor qualification of teachers and inadequate teaching materials or facilities results in poor quality of education, high dropout, poor human resource development, vulnerability and dependency which gives rise to extreme poverty.
According to the ministry of education, the minimum standard for primary education grade 1-4, grade 5-8 and secondary education school teachers are TTI, diploma and first degree major subject respectively. Regarding pupil to teacher ratio and student to section ratio the minimum standard for primary education grade 1-4, grade 5-8 and secondary education is 1:50, 1:40 and 1:40 respectively. Even though a good attempt has been made the proportion of qualified teachers at upper primary and secondary school remain below 40 percent. The pupil / teacher ratio in primary school i.e. Grade1-8 has increased from 47 in 1997/8 to 64 in 2002/3.likewise student section, and secondary education (Hyde,k. etal,2005).
Despite, good attempt by the government, the existence of multidimensional problems such as weak institutional capacity, low stakeholder participation and rural urban migration hinder the provision of adequate educational services and facilities by the education sector.
According to the ministry of education, the minimum standard for primary education grade 1-4, grade 5-8 and secondary education school teachers are tti, diploma and first degree major subject respectively. Regarding pupil to teacher ratio and student to section ratio the minimum standard for primary education grade 1-4, grade 5-8 and secondary education is 1:50, 1:40 and 1:40 respectively. Even though a good attempt has been made the proportion of qualified teachers at upper primary and secondary school remain below 40 percent. The pupil/teacher ratio in primary school i.e. Grade1-8 has increased from 47 in 1997/8 to 64 in 2002/3.likewise student section, and secondary education (Hyde, k. etal, 2005). Despite, good attempt by the government, the existence of multidimensional problems such as weak institutional capacity, low stakeholder participation and rural 3
urban migration hinder the provision of adequate educational services and facilities by the education sector.
According to the ministry of education, the minimum standard for primary education grade 1-4, grade 5-8 and secondary education school teachers are tti, diploma and first degree major subject respectively. Regarding pupil to teacher ratio and student to section ratio the minimum standard for primary education grade 1-4, grade 5-8 and secondary education is 1:50, 1:40 and 1:40 respectively. Even though a good attempt has been made the proportion of qualified teachers at upper primary and secondary school remain below 40 percent. The pupil / teacher ratio in primary school i.e. Grade1-8 has increased from 47 in 1997/8 to 64 in 2002/3.likewise student section, and secondary education (Hyde,k. etal,2005). Despite, good attempt by the government, the existence of multidimensional problems such as weak institutional capacity, low stakeholder participation and rural urban migration hinder the provision of adequate educational services and facilities by the education sector.
Core Problem
Main causes
The weak institutional capacity of the local government, poor stakeholders participation, rural urban migration affected the provision of educational services and facilities in the town. So this study tries to identify some major problems of provision of education services and facilities in the town so as to suggest some possible intervention strategies. Moreover the study helps the Woliso town educational officials and other decision makers to make appropriate decision in the provision of adequate educational services and facilities in the town.
identification of some major factors that affect the provision of adequate educational services and facilities and its consequences in the town.
account 18,999 and population growth rate of the town is assumed to grow at 6.2 percent per annum. A significance proportion of the population was/is with the age group of (1564) which implies a higher intermediate age group. The town dependency ratio for the town was estimated to be 71.7 percent. In the town the number of households in 1994 was 1924 and in 2007 was 3221 similarly, the average family size was 5.1 and 4.0 in 1994 and 2007 respectively regarding the ethnicity in the town from the total population Oromo accounts or 82%, the Gurage, Amhara, Tigray and other account for 13.77, 2.45, 1.7 and 0.1 percent respectively. Administration of the Woliso Town In 2003, the town was put under reform by urban proclamation 65/2003 of the regional state. By now the town is serving as a seat for Woliso distinct administration and the center of South west Shewa zone. It has its own administrative structure that is led by a mayor and administratively the town is divided into 4 kebeles and covers a total area of 4.27m2. Infrastructure and Social Services of the Town Urban infrastructure and services which are important for the development of the economy are not adequate in the town; that means both social infrastructure like education health, housing and physical infrastructure like road, water etc are inadequate. Health wise, the town has good achievements and has 1 Faith Based Organization ( FBO) hospital ,1 health center, 6, private clinics, 5, private pharmacies. With regard to education, in the town there are six KGs, five primary schools (grade1-8), only one secondary school (9-12) and four college level institutions. According to Woliso town educational office 2007 annual report the student to school ratio at kg, primary (first cycle), second cycle and high school in the town, computed as 1:60, 1:896,1:980 and 1:5357 respectively. Even if there are students over the standard serving capacity of Woliso School, the highest over crowding the students per school is observed in Woliso secondary school where it exceeds by 4557 that of the maximum standard number of students set for high school.
societies informal and unplanned sources of education encompasses books, magazines, television, computer net works (the encyclopedia American vol. 9, p.643) According to MOE education is also defined as a process by which man transmits his experience, new findings, and values accumulated over the years, in his struggle for survival and development, through generations. Education enables individuals and society to make all round participation in the process of development by acquiring knowledge, ability. Skills, attitudes and it help man to identify harmful traditions and replace them by useful ones. Primary education: primary education is defined as general school education at the first level [plus non formal education at this level] programs designed to give skills in innumeracy and literacy and to build the foundations for further learning. Depending on the conventions in a country, this would include the first five to eight years of formal education (World Bank, 2004) FDRE of ministry of education (1994) defined primary education as educational structure having two cycles: the first cycle (grade 1-4) and second cycle (grade5-8).in other words education system consists of an eight year primary cycle. From the above definition of education, is considered as an important component of human capitals which plays essential role for economic growth and poverty mitigation, as it raises individual and nations productivity.
means to improve their heath, skills knowledge and capital for productive cultural life of the communities ability to exploit technology for social an economic development. Because the benefits are so broad and pervasive, (Jee en tna, 1992) Without education, development will not occur. Only an educated people can command the skills necessary for sustainable economic growth and for a better quality and life, (world bank, 1993). Of course belief in the importance of education for economic development
is not a new idea. The Chinese philosopher Guan Zong, writing in the seventh century B.C advised, as follows: If you plan for a year, plant a seed. If for ten years, plant a tree. If for hundred years, teach the people. When you saw a seed once you will read a single harvest. When you teach the people, you will reap a hundred harvests (Dwight H.P, Steven r. and David l.2006). Education can also rise individual earning. On average people with more schooling earn more than people with less schooling. Primary school graduates tend to earn more than with no schooling; secondary school graduates earn more than their counterparts who only completed primary school; and those with territory education tend to earn more than those with less education. (ibid) Investing in education has great role in producing productive citizens. Accordingly the
following idea is stated supporting the above issue. Investing in childrens education yields is great benefits for both the individual child and society as a whole. At the individual level children who are educated have better opportunities for higher incomes in adult life deceased poverty, reduced criminal activity, greater political participation, better health, and increased life expectancy. Moreover, at the national level ,when children are educated their human capital renders development benefits such as lower fertility rates ,a greater pool of skilled workers, increased economic growth, and lower dependence on social support programs later in life . The benefits that a country derives from a more educated population also include increased wealth and stability. 2 Taking the above importance of investment in education into consider, different organization and countries paying attention to use it as an instrument to fight poverty. In the present day, education, particularly achieving universal primary education (UPE) is considered as an instrument to mitigate poverty. That is why achieving universal taking the above primary education, promoting gender equality (especially in education and empowering women) is considered as goal 2 and goal.3 of MDGs, (UNDP, 2003)
The social effects of education in developing are positive. World Bank (1993) revealed that the more education a women receives, the fewer children she is likely to bear. Socially social also encourages equality between men and women which in turn plays a key for economic growth. According to MOE (2002) economic growth cannot occur development cannot be rapid if 50 percent of the productive population is ignored and in this case, education can play a vital role by reducing the inequality between men and men.
To sum up the importance of education to the social, economic and political development of any country or community is so critical and growth will be sustainable which in turn results in poverty reduction.
fundamental importance for achieving governments of Ethiopia strategic objective, as it plays a key role in the elimination of poverty To sum up, expanding access to primary schooling is widely accepted an instrument to fight against poverty.
UNDP, 2003) suggested that of the 680 million children of primary school age in developing countries, 115 million do not attend school-three fifth of them girls. In India 40 million children are not in primary school, more than a third of the worlds total and incase of sub-Saharan Africa over half of children who start primary, they do not complete this level of education. Due to this shortcoming one quarter of adults in the developing countries world cannot read or write and of the worlds 879 million illiterate adults, two-thirds are women. According to the above document of UNDP (2003), developing countries face three main challenges in expanding primary education including: Limited resources: in this case relative rich countries developing countries spend much less per student and as a proportion to gap at all levels of education Inequality: when spending is low, rich people often capture a much larger share of it so poor people do not benefit so much Inefficiency: inefficiency spending which means that a high share of recurrent spending goes for teachers salaries, leaving little for learning materials which results in low quality teaching. Thus, shortage of resources like qualified teachers, classrooms, educational materials, limited resources of finance and provision of other educational service and facility is becoming a challenge for reducing illiteracy rate in developing countries in comparison with developed counties of the world.
In most developing countries urban schools, educational materials are serious problems, especially for new teachers who have not accumulated their personnel stash books, wall decorations and suppliers. As a result of chronic understanding of school suppliers and teaching materials are sparse and high quality materials are even scarcer, (Weiner, l. 1998). According to World Bank report (1993) Africas rapid population growth, particularly in urban centers create serious problems for education. For the growth of educational places to keep with the growth of school age-children, more schools, teachers, books and other educational inputs are required each year. Rural urban migration in rapidly urbanized cities and towns of developing countries also created another problem. Supporting this idea UNCHS, (2001) stated that African cities where services are not wide spread and where rural-urban migration is relatively recent phenomenon, over all literacy levels and schools enrollment ratios are still remaining to low to general social mobility. In conclusion, factors like inadequate provision of educational materials, rapid urbanization due to natural population growth and rural urban migration created serious problem in the provision of education services in the urban centers.
2.6. The Impacts of Rapid Urbanization on the Provision of Educational Services and Facilities
In developing countries especially in the Africa continent, urbanization has been manifested high rate of urban population growth accelerated by instantaneous in migration process that is referred to as urbanization without growth. Consequently, the pressure on urban local government in terms of providing physical infrastructure or facilities and socioeconomic services is much serious as they still remain under funded while being constrained by limited resources and inadequate institutional capacity,(world bank,2000). This implies that rapid urbanization puts enormous demand on the government to create educational opportunities. In this regard, it becomes very difficult to match educational service provision with fast growing urban population due to rapid urbanization. According to UNESCO (1979), the rapidly growing cities in developing countries particularly in Africa, have not been yet able to provide educational opportunities for
the total school age population. Meanwhile, as most the schools are found in cities, there is student influx to the cities seeking education. Thus, a significant proportion of the school age populations miss the opportunity to have an access to education. As to Mohammed M.(2003) in his unpublished document , student enrollment in comparison to the norm given by UNESCO exceeds the standard of student per school, classroom, and section ratio, even though operate in two shift system. The outcome is overcrowdings, and insufficient of teachers, educational facilities and materials. As a result, student dropout s and repeaters is common which can in turn lead to corresponding decrease in the total enrollment capacity. The major challenge or problem with regard to rapid urbanization is financing education. Among the schemes of financing education by the government, mobilizing the community will not be easy in urban situation where there is no established mobilization force. Community mobilization thus remaining the major challenge in attaining cost sharing. One of the issues that arise with the regard to cost sharing is the issue of affordability, particularly for the increasing for the increasing urban poor (ibid).
Source: MOE (1995) pre primary and primary education standard MOE, Addis Ababa (page 15 and 16)
Table 2.3 Standard Number of Students to Teacher Level of school Primary Junior secondary Senior secondary Source: source; Ministry of Education (1993) Standard number of students per teacher 1-50 1-40 1-40
and quality education and making its management and organization democratic and participatory (MOE, 2007). In 1991 the gross enrolment ratio which was 20 percent at primary level increased to 91.6 percent in 2006/7, where as secondary education which was only 6.6 percent in the same year grew up to 37.2 percent ( MOE, 2006/7 annual abstract).
With the fall of Dergue in 1991, Ethiopian people revolutionary democratic front (EPDRF) came up with new idea to change the overall development strategy of the country in line with the new political vision. During this time, the countrys education was entangled with complex problems of relevance, quality, accessibility and equity, (TGE, 1994) According to MOE (1994) to achieve primary education for all in 2015, the government of Ethiopia provides education for tree from grade 1-10 and use cost sharing for all educational level above this.
Despite increase in proportion of educational expenditure, inefficiencies in spending levels remain and are attributed to the persistence of educational deterioration in quality of schooling particularly primary school. According world bank (2005) in Ethiopia primary school share of recurrent spending has decreased in favor of tertiary education despite dramatic increase in primary school enrollment .the bank document also stated that a larger share of primary education budget is consumed by teachers salaries, leaving minimal amounts available for non-wage recurrent spending on supplies, textbooks and teaching materials which have direct impacts on the quality of educational service provided. Non salaries spending per student has also been dramatically eroded over time from an average of around 7 ETB per students to around 4 ETB per student in 2001.
2.9. Availability of Educational Inputs and Quality of Its Output in Primary Education in Ethiopia
According to Dereje, w (2008) education uses its raw materials processed through the system and produce as an output. The education is educated, trained and skilled manpower that can provide a better service for the society. In this case, the quality of the educational inputs most guarantees quality of outputs in education. In order to ensure quality education, students should have quality text books insufficient quantity and there have to be other adequate educational facilities and inputs (MOE 2002). According to MOE,(2005) quality educational inputs have impact on the access,
quality, efficiency and equity in education provision. Yet the issue is still a problem in Ethiopia. The equipment and furniture in most schools in Ethiopia has been damaged by excessive use without adequate maintenance. Maintenance capacity is either very limited or nonexistent. In a number of urban schools, 80 children or more are squeezed in to poorly lit rooms designed for half that number and many children do not have chairs and desks. 4 Regarding other educational inputs like qualified teachers even though there is significant progress particularly at first cycle (grade 1-4) primary schools where 97.1 percent of teachers were qualified, but only 54.8 percent of second primary school (grade 5-8) were qualified to teach this educational level. In a number of urban schools, 80 children or more are squeezed in to poorly lit rooms designed for half that number and many children do not have chairs and desks. Regarding other educational inputs like qualified teachers even though there is significant progress particularly at first cycle (grade 1-4) primary schools where 97.1 percent of teachers were qualified, but only 54.8 percent of second primary school (grade 5-8) were qualified to teach this educational level. This implies that there is inadequate provision of educational inputs for better provision of educational service.
over crowded classes, shortage of text books and other teaching materials, all indicate the low quality of education provided, (MOE, 1994). In order to solve these complex problems, policy gave attention to the provision and appropriate usage of educational facility, technology, materials, environment, organization and management so as to strengthen the teaching-learning process and the expansion of education. The policy document also gave emphasis for educational inputs and educational support inputs in expansion of schools distribution and utilization of educational facility and man power training and therefore develops standards. Accordingly, special attention action priorities areas include: 1.change of curriculum and preparation of educational materials 2. Focus on teachers training and overall professional development of teachers and other personnel. 3. Change of educational organization and management. The policy also promote participation of the community and private sector in the provision of educational facilities increasing government budget allocation particularly for infrastructural building and provision of educational materials and making an inefficient and quality education system that can serve as basis for growth minimum possible expenditure available to the broad population ( TGE,1994).
observations of the existing situation in the primary schools on the provision of educational services and facilities were used as the primary sources of data for the study. The secondary data sources were books, official documents, educational statistical
reports and other relevant related literature that have been produced earlier.
being measured i.e. 0.5 q= 1-p d= the level of statically significance 0.5 Therefore n= (1.96) (0.5)(0.5) (0.5)2 Step-2 nf = n_ 1+ (n/n) Where: nf=the desired sample size (when the population is < 10,000) n =the desired sample size (when the population is > 10,000) n= the estimate of the population. Therefore out of total selected i.e. Nf = 384/3 = 384/3 = 128 192 primary school teachers the following sample size will be if n is < 10,000, the sample size will be
n= 384
1+ (384/192) =3 Hence the sample size of this study is 128 out of 192 populations. However, all ten directors (vice and principals of five schools) and seven members of school community representatives from each primary school with total of 20 respondents were taken purposively for data gathering. Accordingly, questionnaires were distributed to them by the data gatherers. Interview which was both structured and unstructured was another source of primary data gathering that directly to be conducted by the researcher himself to four (4) educational officials and to administrative officials of town. They were selected by using purposive sampling techniques for gathering valuable information. In general 128 primary school teachers 10 directors 20 Kebele education and training management boards members, 4 education officials and 2 administrative officials of Woliso town were the sample size of the study which means total of 164 respondents were taken for this study.
3.5.1. Questionnaire
To gather primary data during the study, the structured questionnaires were prepared in English and translated into Afan Oromo (local language) for the local people to understand the questionnaires and then translated back into English for analysis. Data have been collected mainly by distributing questionnaire that contain both close and open ended questions. There were three sets of questionnaires mainly for school heads (school directors), primary school teachers and representatives of the community or parents. I.e. the members of School /Kebele Educational and Training Management (ETMB).
3.5.2. Interview
As it provides richer information while collecting data, interview was conducted to municipal officials, educational officials, representatives of the community, directors of all primary schools. The structured interview was framed to all respondents to be provided with valuable information on the provision of educational services and facilities of primary education.
The data in table 4.1 shows the general background of the teachers qualification and experience. As can be seen from this table, regarding respondents sex, 70(54.69 percent) of the teacher respondents are female where as 58(45.31 percent) of them are male. with regard to teacher respondent educational qualification, it is seen that 72(56.25 percent) of the respondents qualification is TTI or graduate from teachers training institute and about 56 (43.75 percent) of the total respondents the educational qualification of diploma or they are graduates from teachers training colleges (TTC).this implies that more than half of them are unqualified to teach second cycle primary schools. As far as respondents service year is concerned about 82 (64.06 percent) of them have 16 years and above service year in teaching and 41 (32.03 percent) of them have service year that ranges between 11-15 years while the rest 5(3.95 percent) of the respondents have a service year that ranges from 6-10 years.
As pie-chart 4.1 illustrates below 5(50 percent), 3(10 percent) and 2(20 percent) have work experience in leadership position for 7-10 years, 3-6 years and 1-2 years respectively and all of them 10(100 percent) have working experience greater than 5 years which is also a minimum requirement to be school director since they have experience in teaching for more than five years. This shows that most of the primary
school directors fulfilled the minimum standard set by the ministry of education. (see piechart 4.1 below) Figure4.1. Qualification of Primary School Head Teachers (Directors) in Woliso Town
TTI, 1, 10%
TTI Diploma
Diploma, 9, 90%
School parent teachers association (PTA) or kebele education and training board (ETMB) were also sampled respondents who were provided questionnaires that begin with their background. Based on this, it has been presented in table 4.2 below Table 4.2 General Background of Primary School PTA and Kebele ETMB Members of Woliso Town Administration Educational level Sex Male No 1-4 5-8 9-10 11-12 3 5 2 % 15 25 10 20 Female No 1 2 2 1 % 5 10 10 5 Total No 3 6 4 2 5 % 15 30 20 10 25 Service year 1-2 years No 3 1 2 2 3 % 15 5 10 10 15 3-4 years No 3 2 2 % 15 10 10 5-6years No 2 % 10 -
Source: Field survey, April- May, 2009 As indicated above in the table 4.2, the majority 14(70 percent) of the primary school PTA and kebele ETMB members are male and 6(30 percent) of them are female. The same table i.e. Table4.2 also depicts about educational level of these respondents. Accordingly, 6(30 percent),5(25 percent),4(20 percent),3(15 percent) and 2(10 percent) of the PTA and ETMB members have attended grade 5-8,above grade 12, 9-10, 1-4 and grade 11-12 respectively. As regards the work experience of the school PTA and kebele ETMB members have been analyzed in the above table 4.2 .from this table, it can be understood that 11(55 percent) and 2( 10 percent) of the respondents have service year that ranges between 1-2 and 7(35 percent) and 5-6 years respectively.
implies that there is a gap between provision of education and its demand in the town administration
Participation rate M
80.2 86.8 86.15 86.1 86.15
9414 9638 9554 9866 10140
3899 4235 4276 4413 4460
7688 8416 8196 8474 8546
83 87.75 83.67 85.7 86.35
81.6 87.3 85.78 85.9 86.25
As it is observed from the above table the primary school age population of Woliso town administration in the year 2008/9 was estimated to be10140. Out of this 8546(86.25 percent) was enrolled in primary education. The rest 1594(13.75 percent) of the primary school age population did not get access to education which in turn causes a problem in achieving millennium development goals i.e. Primary education for all .
The above table 4.3 also reveals the trends of enrolment for the five consecutive years starting from the year 2004/5-2008/9.accordingly in the above table 4.3 the school age population for the age group of 7-14 in the year 2004/5was estimated to be 9414 .out of which 7688(81.6 percent) was enrolled in the primary education in the town. The rest 1726 (18.4 percent) school age population did not have access to education. This implies that the town educational coverage was not satisfactory as expected.
With regard to year 2005/6, the table depicts that there is an increment in primary school age participation or enrolment. In this respect participation rate was increased to 87.3 in 2005/6 from that of 81.6 in the year 2004/5. However the participation rate of primary
school age population was decreased from 87.3 percent in 2005/06 to 85.78 percent in 2006/7. As it is possible to see from the above table, there is slight difference in the next two academic year of 2007/8 and 2008/9 in which 8474(85.9 percent) and 8546 (86.25 percent) primary school age population were enrolled respectively. In all five years of the above table, one can understand that there is a gap between primary school age population (7-14) and its enrolment in Woliso town administration from the fiscal year 2004/5 -2008/9.however, if the town administration and educational office allow different stakeholders, the primary education coverage will be promising to achieve universal primary education for all by the year 2015 in the study area.
The information in the above figure4.2 shows that there are two types of primary school by the ownership in Woliso town. Accordingly, 4(80 percent) of the primary school is owned by the government and only 1(20 percent) of the primary school is owned by the faith based organization (FBO). From this one can understand that there is no private sector involvement in the investment in primary education in town and this can be an impediment to meet the growing demand in the study area.
4.4 Trends of Enrolment, Drop Out, Repetition and Promotion of Primary School in Woliso Town From2003/4-2007/8
This is a part that discusses about trends of enrolment, dropout, repetition and promotion from the year 2003/4 -2007/8. This trend of enrolment is different from trends of participation of school age population which was discussed in the previous section because it includes both primary school age population (age 7-14) and that population who are enrolled in the school age being out of school age population i.e. including less than 7 and greater than 14 ages. Trends of enrolment, dropout, repetition and promotion of primary schools of Woliso town has been analyzed as follows in the table 4.5 Table 4.5 Trends of Enrolment, Dropout, Repetition, and Promotion of Primary Schools of Woliso Town, 2003/4-2007/8 Year Enrolment M
2003/4 4281
Dropout T
Repetition T
Promotion T
2006/7 2007/8
4650 4673
4733 4858
9383 9531
378 401
460 486
838 887
314 326
316 325
630 651
3958 3946
3957 4047
7915 7993
Source: Woliso town education office, 2003/4-2007/8 As indicated in the above table 4.5, the trend of enrolment of students is increasing from year to year though not significant increase. There was an increase of 879 students enrolment in the year 2007/8 i.e. 9068 from the base year 2003/4 when primary education enrolment of the town administration was 8652.drop out rates commonly used to measure the efficiency education system in every grade level. Accordingly, in the above table 4.5 one can observe that the trends of drop out rate in the primary schools of Woliso town for the last five years. The drop out rate was high in 2007/8 when the drop out rate was 9.3 percent as compared to the previous 4 years from 2003/4-2006/7 because it is less than this figure. Broadly speaking, the drop out rate ranges from 8.4 percent in 2003/4 to 9.3
percent in 2007/8. This high drop out rate significantly affected the efficient utilization of resources in this level of educational services of Woliso town for the last five years. In other words, an increase in drop out rate raises resource allocation in the sector in the town administration. In the study area , as it has observed from the table above that the drop out of female students are higher than male counter parts for the last all five years starting from 2003/4 to 2007/8. Though in all last five years female students enrollment was higher than male students, their drop out rate was also higher than that of male counter parts and their drop out rates ranges from 51.6 to 57.4 percent in the year 2003/42007/8. This shows that female students drop out trend requires special attention.
In addition to enrolment and drop out, table 4.5 also reveals about trends of repetition. Hence the trend of repetition rate was irregular except for the year 2007/8 which means it increased at some years and decreased at other years. However, the repetition rate was not lessened as expected in the town for the last five years. According to town education office experts, large students to class ratio, in the some primary school, poor quality education, economic problems of their families, low awareness of family on education, low attention of students on education which are the major contributing factors for primary school to students repetition in Woliso town administration. Figure 4.3. Summary of Trends of Enrolment, Drop Out and Repetition of Primary Schools in Woliso Town, From 2003/4-2007/8 in Chart.
12000 Number of students 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2003/4 2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 Academic year Enrolment drop out repetition Promotion
4.5 Comparison of Existing Primary Schools, Classrooms and Teachers to Student Ratio in Woliso Town to the Standard Set by Ministry of Education
Standards in educational service provisions are necessary inputs, which indicate the
quality of service provision and efficient utilization of scarce resources. This standard constitute matter like school to pupil ratio, class room to pupil ratio, teacher to student ratio, teachers qualification, class-room size, availability of physical facilities of education. Strictly speaking, it clarifies the required quantities and qualities of educational inputs. There fore existing school to students ratio, section to student ratio, teacher to pupil ratio of the primary schools of the town is presented and analyzed as follows below. Table 4.6 Comparison of Existing Situation in Primary School of the Town in Primary Schools with Required Standard
No of the sectio ns
1: 3221
1: 66
1: 55
1: 50
1: 68
1: 50
1: 49
1: 50
26 23 16
1:56 1: 69 1: 55
1: 50 1: 50 1: 50
1: 46 1: 53 1: 52
1: 50 1: 50 1: 50
Source: data compiled from different primary school of woliso town, April-May 2008/9.
The indicators of quality educational services provisions are school to student ratio, section to students ratio, teacher student ratio and physical condition and facilities of the schools with standard set by ministry of education. As clearly seen from in table 4.8, there is maximum numbers of students in Woliso Liban and Hulu Yimar primary school where school student number exceeds the maximum 43
standard set by the ministry of education of Ethiopia by 1621 and 937 students respectively. In other words Woliso Liban and Hulu Yimar primary schools are serving below the standard set of students set by national ministry of education by 101 percent and 58.6 percent respectively. This implies that there is unfair distribution of students in the above mentioned two schools. And this can lead to over crowdedness of the school by the students since they entertain more than their capacity and standard set. This existing situation demands the construction of additional primary schools in different part of the town .the existing school to student ratio is almost fair and nearly similar to the standard set by FDRE ministry of education in only Woliso number 4, Woliso number 2 primary schools where school to pupil ratio is 1:1591 and 1:1481 respectively. However, Ayetu Biftu Beri primary school is serving only 880 students where the standard set is 1600.this shows there is low concentration of students in this school as compared to other schools of the town in the year 2008/9 academic year.
From table 4.6 above, it is also possible to see about the existing section student ratio of woliso primary schools. Accordingly, the existing teacher students ratio is 1:69, 1:68, 1:67, 1:56 and 1:55 at Woliso number 4, Hulu yimar, Woliso liban, Woliso Number ,2 Ayetu Biftu Beri schools respectively. From this one can recognize that there a gap between the existing sections and primary schools to match with the existing number of students in all primary schools of the town .therefore , the existing condition itself demands construction of extra classrooms in the existing school to assure delivery of quality education in Woliso town. One can also observe about teachers distribution among various primary schools in Woliso town as presented in table4.6. Hence in the town administration, there are 192 primary school teachers who are serving for 9697 students in the year 2008/9. The gross ratio of teacher to student is 1to 51. However, it varies from school to school and its gap is ranging from 1:46 up to 1:55. As seen from the above table, teacher-student ratio in primary schools are below the standard set by the ministry of education only Woliso number 2 and Hulu Yimar primary schools where the existing teacher student is 1:46 and 1:49. The existing teacher- students ratio Woliso Liban, Woliso number 4 and Ayetu Biftu Beri schools exceed the standard by 5students, 3 students and 2 students except in Woliso Liban and Ayetu Biftu Beri respectively. 44
M 5 5 10 2 2 4 2 2 4 4 2 6 3 1 4 28
F 22 4 26 24 3 27 14 14 10 2 12 6 1 7 86
T 27 9 36 26 5 31 16 2 18 14 4 18 9 2 11 114
M 17 17 14 14 8 8 9 9 5 5 53
F 6 6 7 7 8 8 3 3 1 1 25
T 23 23 21 21 16 16 12 12 6 6 78
M 5 22 22 2 16 18 2 10 12 4 11 15 3 6 9 81
F 22 10 10 24 10 34 14 8 22 10 5 15 6 2 8 111
T 27 32 32 26 26 52 16 18 34 14 16 30 9 8 17 192
Woliso Number 4
Source: Field survey, April-May 2009 i.e. compiled from primary schools Woliso town As indicated above, table 4.7 shows the distribution of teachers in their educational qualification among primary schools of Woliso town administration. Accordingly, there are 192 primary school teachers in the town who are serving for 9697 students in the year 2008/9 out of these teachers 114(59.4percent) of them are graduates from teachers training institute (TTI) while only 78(40.6percent) of them is unfair distribution of qualified teachers for the second cycle (5-8) level of primary school where only 40.6 of them fit the level. This shows that there is the maximum gap between the standard and
the existing qualified teachers for the second cycle (5-8) primary schools of Woliso town administration while there is high concentration of qualified teachers at 1-4 primary school level. In other words, lack of qualified teachers particularly diploma holders may contribute to poor quality education that in turn brings about high drop out and repetition rate in the town. Regarding this, Woliso town education expert stated that non diploma holders are assigned at 5-8 cycles and diploma holders are teaching at grade 9-10 .this assignment of improperly qualified teachers at every level is one of the factors that contributed for the repetition rate. In general, the number of primary school teachers in Woliso town in their qualification is summarized in the figure 4.4 below as follows. Figure 4.4 Primary School Teachers of Woliso Town in Educational Qualification
Diploma TTI
4.6.1 Hired Teachers by the Local Government between the Year 2006/72008/9
Government can play a great role in maintaining quality of education through various mechanisms. Among these, hiring qualified teachers in their quality and quantity
demanded is one element to mention. The local government of Woliso town made its efforts to hire teachers with different educational qualification for the primary schools of the town in year 2006/7-2008/9. (See table 4.8 below) Table_4.8 Distribution of Hired Teachers for Primary Schools by the Year No Year TTI M 1 2 3 2006/7 1 2007/8 3 2008/9 2 F 3 2 4 T 4 5 6 Diploma M 3 3 4 F 1 2 3 T 4 5 7 Total M 4 6 6 F 4 4 7 T 8 10 13
As presented in the above data in table 4.8 reveals that an increase in number of teachers from year to year .accordingly, as seen from the data presentation almost equal number of graduates from TTI and college diploma were hired. However ,there is still a gap between number of qualified teachers demanded and hired which helps to cope up with the existing shortage of qualified teachers at second cycle primary schools (grade 5-8).
of Woliso town of the five year starting from 2004/5-2008/9 is illustrated below in the table. Table 4.9 The Budget Allocation of the Woliso Town Administration and Education Sectors, 2004/5-2008/9
Year Budget of the town Share of the education sector Share percent Birr 2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 18,460,500 20,650,420 23,898,860 25,696,890 25,872,740 Cent 00 00 00 00 00 Birr 3,415,192 3,717,075 4540783 5,752,380 5,794,430 Cent 50 60 40 48 00 18.5 18 19 22.3 22.4 in
The above table shows about the trends of Woliso town administration and education office budget from the year 2004/5-2008/9. As indicated in table 4.9 above, the share of education sector budget out of the total budget has been tremendously increased from 18.5 percent in 2004/5 to 22.4 percent in 2008/9 even if the budget share slightly reduced to 18 percent in 2005/6 to from 18.5 percent in2004/5. From this one can confirm that the town has allocated nearly one fourth to one fifth of their budget to education sector and hence the trend of budget share of the five year is encouraging in the provision of educational service in the town. Moreover the education office and finance and economic development office assured that the above budget is inadequate to adequately provide education in by the local government due to rapidly increasing of student population in the town as a result of rural- urban migration and rapid population growth.
Table 4.10 Share of Primary School Budget Out of Education Sector Budget in Woliso Town, 2004/5-2008/9 Year Share of Share of primary schools Total share of primary Capital budget school Recurrent budget
primary schools
Cen t
Cen t
Cen t
50 60 40 48 00
12 87 79 00 00
60 75 55 16 60
52 12 24 84 40
Source: Woliso town finance and economic development office, 2004/5-2008/9 The above table provided the estimated share of budget for primary education out of educational sector budget from the year 2004/5- 2008/9. The table also provides the trends of expenditure by the capital and recurrent expenditure out of total budget of primary schools of Woliso town of the five consecutive years i.e. From 2004/5-2008/9. According to the table 4.10 above the capital expenditure of the mentioned year ranges from208326.60 ETB in the year 2004/5 to 375565.16 ETB in the year 2007/8. However, there was no as such an increment in percentage of the capital expenditure from the year 2004/5-2008/9. According to the information obtained from Woliso town finance and economic development officials, the local government budget allocation alone could not address the provision of necessary equipment and furniture for the existing primary schools in the town. With regard to recurrent expenditure, the above table 4.12 shows that much of the budget went to the recurrent budget and its share ranges from 89.5 percent to 92.8 percent of the primary education budget. This implies that major share of the primary school budget was used for teachers and workers salaries leaving little space for quality improvement and material expenditure of the primary education in the town.
laboratory equipment
4 5
10.9 96
25 2.4
64.1 1.6
100 -
6 7 8
96 94 100
2.4 4.3 -
1.6 1.7 -
Pedagogical center
11 12
16.4 25
32.8 53.9
50.8 21.1
20 30
80 -
As it is observed from the above table 4.11, primary schools teachers and directors are asked on the adequacy of educational facilities because these respondents have more understanding on them than other respondents. According to the result of questionnaire administered during field survey, 60.2 percent of the teacher respondents assured the inadequacy of teachers guide; 24.2 percent of the respondents replied that there is a medium / average degree of provision. The remaining 15.6 percent of the respondents said that there is adequate teachers guide in the primary schools of the town Regarding the availability of laboratory and laboratory equipment both 100 percent of the teacher and 100 percent of director respondents assured the absence of these educational facilities in all primary schools of the town. The absence of these significant facilities of education can directly affect the quality of education. A glance at table 4.11 also shows the degree of provision of water supply within the primary schools of the town. The data in this table reveals that 64.1 percent of the teacher respondents replied that there is inadequate provision of water supply; 25 percent of the teacher respondents indicated that there is medium / average degree of provision in primary schools of the town. Only 10.9 percent said that there is adequate water supply in the primary schools of area under study. Concerning director response on water supply, all 100 percent of them assured that there is inadequate provision of water supply in the primary schools of the town. This inadequacy of water supply can directly reduce the quality of educational provision. From the above table 4.11, it is possible to see the availability of and adequacy of electricity, telephone and access road service .accordingly, 96 percent of the teacher respondents and 100 percent of the director respondents assured the adequacy of electricity and telephone facility in the existing primary schools of the town. In the same table 4.11 about 94 percent of the teacher respondents and 100 percent director respondents confirmed the adequacy of access road in the primary schools of
area under study. From this, it is possible to recognize that the existing primary schools have no problems of electricity, telephone and access road.
As can be calculated from the above table 4.11,100 percent of the primary schools teachers and 100 percent of director respondents confirmed the adequacy of blackboard provision in the primary schools of the area under study. Toilet is another important facilities in the schools .in the are under study, the majority 76.6 percent of the teacher respondents said that there is inadequate toilet facilities provision while 15.6 percent of the teacher respondents said that there is a medium degree of provision of toilet and only 7.8 percent of the teacher respondents replied that there is adequate provision of toilets in the primary schools of Woliso town. As far as directors response on toilet provision is concerned almost nearly all 90 percent of the director respondents assured the inadequacy of toilet facilities within the primary schools of the town. This indicates the existence of sanitary problems in the primary schools of the town, that in turn affects health condition of the students and this can be a reason for students school drop out and repetition. The other essential facilities in educational service provision are the presence of pedagogical library, and teaching aids that have their own parts in maintaining quality of education. On these educational inputs the field survey result is explained as follows. Accordingly, the results of field survey as shown in the table 4.11 ,on the availability and adequacy of pedagogical center ,75 percent of teacher respondents replied that there is a medium degree of provision of pedagogical centers and 18.75 percent of teacher respondents said that there is inadequate provision of pedagogical centers ,while only 6.25 percent of the primary schools teacher respondents responded that there is adequate provision of pedagogical center in the primary schools of the town. In addition to teacher respondents director respondents were also asked on degree of pedagogical center provision. Therefore, 60percent said that inadequate and the remaining 40 percent said that there is adequate provision of pedagogical center in the schools .though this figure is contradictory with the above response; there is inadequate provision of pedagogical centers in the schools of area under study.
With regard to the provision of teaching aids in table 4.11, majority 53.9 percent of the teacher respondents said that there is a medium/average degree of provision in the schools. Similarly, 70 percent of the directors respondents said that there is a medium degree of provision of teaching Aids in the primary schools of the town.25 percent of the teacher respondents said that there is adequate provision of teaching aids and 30 Percent of the directors responded that there is a medium degree of provision. Only 21.1 percent of the teacher respondents said that there is inadequate provision of teaching aids in the primary schools of area under study. As far as the provision of library is concerned still primary school teacher and director respondents are asked whether there is adequate, or medium or inadequate of this facility is existing. Hence the majority 50.8 percent of the teacher respondents said that there is inadequate provision of library, and about 32.8 percent of the teacher respondents said that there is medium provision of library in the primary school adequate. Only the remaining 16.4 percent of the teacher respondents responded that there is adequate provision of library in the primary schools of the town. Similarly, the majority, 80 percent of the primary school director respondents assured that there is a medium degree of library provision and the rest 20 percent of the director respondents said that there is adequate provision of library in the primary schools of the town. Except blackboard electricity, telephone, access road, all the aforementioned educational facilities indicate the existence of inadequate provision of educational services and facilities, which can directly affects the quality of educational service in the area under study.
4.8.1 Primary School Directors Response on Degree of Store House, Sewerage and Clinics in the Primary Schools
Table 4.12 Directors Response on the Degree of Store House, Sewerage and Clinics in the Schools No Items Adequate No 1 2 Store/warehouse Sewerage/ disposals 3 First aid clinics 10 100 8 % 80 Inadequate No 2 % 20 Not available No 10 % 100
waste -
Source: Field survey, April-May, 2009. In the study area of the town, as indicated in table 4.12 above, 8(80 percent) of the primary schools director respondents replied that the store house /ware house is adequate and the rest 2(20 percent) of them said that the store house /ware house is inadequate in their school. From this one can generalize that there almost no problem of store house in the existing primary schools of the town. Concerning sewerage and clinics adequacy and availability in the primary schools of the town, all 10(100 percent) respondents confirmed that there are no sewerage services and first aid clinics in the primary schools of the town. This in turn brings about its own negative impact on the quality of education service in the town administration.
4.8.2 Primary Schools Teachers Respondents on the Adequacy of Stationeries, Sport Materials, and Chalk in Their Schools
Table 4.13 Teachers Response on Provision of Stationeries, Sport Materials, and Chalks
Name facilities
Unavailable No % -
1 2
As indicated in table 4.13 above 84(65.6 percent) of the respondents responded that there is inadequate stationery materials and 27(21.1 percent) and 17 (13.3 percent r) of them replied that there is medium and adequate degree of provision of stationeries in the primary schools of the town. With regard to the provision of sport materials as presented in table 4.13, 78(60.9 percent) and 29(22.7 percent) of the respondents said that there is inadequate and medium degree of provision of it respectively and the rest 20(16.4 percent) of the respondents replied that there is adequate Provision of sport materials in the primary schools of the town. From this, it is possible to say that there is inadequate provision of sport materials in the primary schools of the town and concerning the provision of chalk all 128(100 percent) teacher respondents confirmed its adequacy in their schools..
4.9 Causes of Inadequate Provision of Educational Services and Facilities in Woliso Town
As table 4.14 below shows that, primary school teachers and school PTA/ETMB respondents considered rural urban migration which increase students population in the school, low level of stakeholder participation, insufficient budget and educational materials as the cause of inadequate provision of educational service and facilities in the town. Table_4.14 Feeling of Respondents on the Causes of Inadequate Provision of Educational Service and Facilities. Causes of inadequate educational services Teacher respondents No Rural- urban migration Low level of stakeholders participation Insufficient budget Insufficient educational materials Total 128 100 20 100 148 100 30 25 23.5 19.5 7 4 35 20 37 29 25 19.6 42 31 % 32.8 24.2 PTA/ETMB respondents No 7 2 % 35 10 No 49 33 % 33.1 22.3 Total
As shown in table 4.14 above, the aggregate result identifies that rural urban migration to the town as a main cause for the inadequacy of educational services and facilities. In the second place and third place insufficient budget and low level of stakeholder participation are identified respectively as the causes of inadequate educational services and facilities in the town understudy. Insufficient educational materials are identified as the least causes of inadequate educational services and facilities in the primary schools of the town. As regards the feelings of primary school teacher respondents shown in table 4.14 on the cause of inadequate educational service provision ,42(32.8 percent) ,31(24.2 percent ),30 (23.5 percent) and 25(19.5 percent) indicated rural-urban migration, low level of stakeholders participation, insufficient budget and educational materials respectively. As far as the feeling of school PTA/ Kebele ETMB members is concerned, 7(35 percent ), 7(35 percent ) , 4(20 percent)and 2(10 percent)of the respondents respectively said that rural urban migration, insufficient budget, insufficient educational materials and low level of stakeholder participation cause inadequate educational provision. From this one can say that rural urban migration is a serious challenge for the existence of shortage of provision of educational services and facilities
4.10 PTA and Kebele Education and Training Management Members Response on Their Participation in Their Schools
All 12(60%) of the school PTA and kebele ETMB respondents said that they were /are not participating in planning , implementing, decision making , monitoring and evaluation of the schools activity of the town and the rest 8(40 percent) of them responded that they participate in planning ,implementing, managing, monitoring and evaluation of school activities As far as working with other stakeholders is concerned, 12(60 percent) of them responded that actively were /are not working with other stakeholders on various activities and 8(40 percent) of the respondents replied that they were/are working with other stakeholders to provide educational services and facilities in their schools. This implies that there is poor coordination and integration among various stakeholders in Woliso town.
Similarly, in the same table 4.15, 15(75 percent) of the respondents said that the PTA and ETMB, they did not discuss about the inadequacy of educational facilities of their schools in the last two years and the rest 5(25 percent) replied that they have not discussed on the inadequacy of educational facilities. This shows that there is poor commitment of stakeholders in trying to improve the provision educational services and facilities. Concerning stakeholders contribution, 15(75 percent) of the above respondents responded that all stake holders did not contribute their part on the provision of educational services and facilities while the rest 5(25 percent) said they that stakeholders are contributing their parts. According to PTA and kebele ETMB members 16(80 percent) respondents of the stakeholders participate through provision of finance and the other 2(10 percent) and 2(10 percent) contributed their part by constructing classrooms and providing educational facilities. Table 4.15 Participation of School PTA/Kebele ETMB Member Respondents in the Primary School Activity
Item Yes No % 40 40 40 40 40 20 No No 12 12 12 12 12 16 % 60 60 60 60 60 80 -
Do you participate in
8 8 8 8 8 4 -
A, finance Does the B. stakeholders classrooms contribute their C. facility provision part in areas
4 Constructing 4
20 20
16 16
100 100
More over the possible explanation given by the respondents, why the feel that the existing provision of educational services and facilities are inadequate in Woliso town administration are summarized as follows. Some of the respondents of this study explained that the town educational office has no capacity to deal with this issue because they lacked skilled personnel that encourages all stake holders to contribute their part in the education provision of the town. This problem is no only the problem of the sector office but also the local government as a whole. Other explanations given some of these respondents, concerning the provision of school facilities and physical conditions of schools in the town, some schools have no any maintenance so that they are deteriorating. For instance Ayetu -Biftu Beri and Woliso number 4 primary schools are poorly constructed and uncomfortable for the learning and teaching process. On the top of the above explanation, some respondents stated that the major bottleneck in the provision of education is lack of financial resources and lack of private sector participation in the provision of education in the local government. Broadly speaking, the study has also come up with the possibilities of involving community, private sectors, and nongovernmental organizations as partners of local government in providing educational service and facilities
Summary of Findings
On the basis of data gathered during field survey and analysis made the following major findings were identified and it is stated in line with stated objectives of the study
Regarding trends of enrolments of the last five consecutive years i.e. 2003/4-
2007/8, there was remarkable growth of primary school students enrolments in the town. For instance, in the year 2003/4 about 8652 was enrolled in the primary schools of the town and this figure has increased to 9531 in the year 2007/8. Of course, this trend of enrollment includes both primary school age (Age 7- 14) and out of or beyond school age population i.e. Less than 7 and greater than age).
The existing school to pupil ratio and section to pupil ratio and teacher to pupil ratio are also revealed. Accordingly, the existing school to pupil ratio and section to pupil ratio are far below the national standard set by the ministry of education .For instance, the standard set by Ethiopian ministry of Education on school to pupil ratio at primary level allows 1:1600 but in the year 2008/9 Woliso Liban and Hulu Yimar primary schools of the town are serving 1:3221 and 1:2537 respectively. This indicates that the two schools are serving far below the standard by 101 percent and 58.5 percent respectively. With regard to section to pupil ratio for primary schools at the national level is 1:50 .However the existing ratio is 1:64.which is below the standard by 15 As far as the existing teacher to pupil ratio is concerned, the results of the year 2008/9 shows 1:51 which is not as such far from the national standards i.e. 1:50. Trends of drop out and repetition of this educational level of the last five consecutive years of 2003/4-2007/8 appear to have been high and male students appear to have lesser opportune ties to drop their education as compared to their female counter parts .From total drop out in the year 2003/4, 2004/5, 2005/6, 2006/7 and 2007/8 girls drop out constitute 57.5 percent, 53.4 percent, 53.4 percent, 54.8 percent and 54.8 percent. The result of the repetition rate of the
primary schools of the town of the five years (2003/4-2007/8) range from 6.3 -6.8 percent. Inadequacy of Educational Facilities The availability and adequacy of educational facilities in the school determine the quality of educational service provided .In this regard, the town administration and education office adequately provide telephone, electricity, access road, blackboard chalk, pedagogical center and teaching aids in the primary school of Woliso town. However, the school facilities such as
toilet, water supply, students textbook stationery materials, sport materials are inadequately provided. Facilities such as first aid clinic, sewerage, laboratory and laboratory equipments were not totally available in the primary schools of Woliso town.
Assigning under qualified human resources to level is also another problem of the town. The town education officials assured teachers with some certificate holders who were trained to teach first cycle primary education (1-4) are assigned to teach second cycle (58) and diploma holders who were trained to teach grade 5-8 are assigned to teach grade 9-10 in Woliso town. This is contributory factor for students drop out and repetition in the town
Lack of Financial Resources. From the results of the study, it is possible to understand that in the year 2004/5-2008/9 there is significant share of budget allocation for education sector which constitutes 18.5 percent to 22.4 percent out of total town budget. In the same way, the share of primary education increased from 61percent to 63.3 percent in the five fiscal years .i.e. 2004/52008/9.However,this financial resources still inadequate to improve access, quality, equity and efficiency of education system. This financial limitation can hinder the local government to hire qualified human resources, to construct required classrooms, and to provide all educational facilities in the area under study.
5.1 Conclusions
Depending on the major findings of the study discussed above the following major conclusions were drawn.
As it is clearly known, education, especially, primary education is a major instrument for promoting economic growth and reducing poverty. Recognizing this, Ethiopian Education and Training policy made an attempt to increase access, coverage, quality, equity, efficiency of primary schools so as to achieve the Universal Primary education (UPE) by 2015. However, the existing provision of educational services and facilities are inadequate both in terms of its quality and quantity due to major constraints that hinder the overall provision of educational services. These include low stakeholders participation (private sectors, Nongovernmental organizations and communities) ruralurban migration, inadequate financial resources, inadequate human resources, weak institutional capacity of local government. Therefore, the demand for educational services and facilities in the primary schools and its coverage in Woliso town is not balanced. In order to satisfy the demand or to enroll all current primary school age population additional number of schools are required and most of the teachers at second cycle primary schools(5-8) are under qualified to teach this educational level. The result of the study reveals that there is no private sector participation in owning primary schools in the town. Moreover the existing school to student ratio and section to pupil ratio of some primary schools are below the standard set by the ministry of education at the national level. The results of the study also show that significant increasing in the trends of primary school students enrollments in the last five consecutive years i.e. 2003/4-2007/8. The availability and condition of primary schools facilities affect the quality of education and students achievements. The overall finding indicates that there is high gap between the demand and supply of educational materials and facilities in the primary schools of the town. The town administration adequately provides telephone, electricity, access road, blackboard, chalk, pedagogical centers and teachings aids in the primary schools. However, school facilities such as water supply, toilet facilities, student textbooks, stationery materials, sport materials are inadequately provided. First aid clinic, sewerage, laboratory and laboratory equipments were not generally available in all primary schools of the town. The data analysis result indicates that the rural - urban migration of the people to the town has also its own negative impacts on the adequacy of educational services and facilities in the town. 63
In general, from the study it is possible to understand that there is significant share of budget allocation for education sector to improve access, quality, equity, and efficiency of education system of the town .Nevertheless, there is still lack of financial resources to adequately provide necessary educational services and facilities in the town.
5.2 Recommendations
The data analysis, finding and conclusions in the proceeding sections provide some insights about the existing situations. They also provide the ground to suggest some recommendations to take measures that could be a springboard to solve the existing problem of provision of adequate educational services and facilities in the primary schools of Woliso town. Based on the findings obtained and conclusion drawn above, the following possible recommendations are suggested as follows.
1. To Mitigate Factors Affecting the Provision of Adequate Educational Services and Facilities
Improving Stakeholders Participation Local government alone does not have capacity to provide adequate educational services and facilities needed for the rapidly growing urban population. Currently there is limited financial resources of the local government in general and, education office of the town in particular. Participating Private Sectors and Nongovernmental Organizations There are no privately owned primary schools in the town and this is one of the problems that hinder the provision of adequate educational services and facilities in the town. Thus the involvement of private sectors should be given due attention by promoting and providing sustainable and clear regulatory framework and so that the local government can narrow the gap between demand and supply of education in the town. Nongovernmental organizations participation in providing educational services and facilities should also be given due attention in the area under study. Participating Community Lack of community participation in the provision of adequate educational services and facilities is another critical problem observed. Therefore, the local government need to actively participate the communities at the planning, implementing, managing, monitoring and evaluation phase of educational activities of educational 64
institutions in the town and hence the local government can willing fully contributes financial resources and other support. 2 .The town administration or municipality by participating private sectors, different nongovernmental organization and community need to construct more additional schools and extra classrooms in the town and in some of existing primary schools respectively and so that the town administration can achieve the universal primary education for all before the year 2015 and mitigate the crowdedness of students within schools and sections. 3. Lack of qualified man power is one of the problems observed in the study particularly for upper primary education 5-8 of the town. Therefore steps should be taken to raise the man power especially teachers for this level of education both quantitatively and qualitatively. 4 .Regarding school facilities such as toilet, water supply, student textbooks stationery materials, sport materials, first aid clinic, sewerage, laboratory and laboratory equipments have to be provided for all primary schools of the town by integrating the town administration with all concerned stakeholders. 6Shortage of financial resource is another issue that the town administration /municipality and education office are required to improve its allocation for all primary schools of the town except for primary school owned by Faith Based organization (FBO), by increasing tax base, mobilizing community and nongovernmental organizations. 6 .To improve access and quality of education through minimizing students drop out and repetition rate measure must be taken by the concerned bodies (local government, town education office, schools and PTA or kebele ETMB) by providing adequate quality and quality educational inputs. Particularly, it is the responsibility of town administration and education office to reduce and mitigate high drop rates of girls from their education. 7. In order to reduce the rapid rural urban migration to the town, the government need to provide different facilities including schools and other economic basis in their areas.
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Annex 1 Institute of Urban Development Studies (Urban Management Master Program) Ethiopian Civil Service College
Questionnaire for Primary School Teachers in Woliso Town Dear Respondents, Im conducting a study on a assessment of the provision of educational service and facility in Woliso town. The main objective of this questionnaire is to gather the necessary data or information on the provision of educational services and facilities; identifying major factors affecting the provision of educational services and facilities evaluating the existing educational situation and come up with the necessary strategies that need to be implemented to improve the provision of educational services and facilities in Woliso town. The information that you give me will be used for academic purpose and treated and confidentiality. Thank you very much in advance!
Part 1
General Background
female a. Below grade 12 b. Grade 10/ 12 completed c. Graduate of TTI d. Diploma e. Degree
1.3. Service year: a. 1-5 years b. 6-10 years c. 11-15 years d. 16 years and above
Part 2 General Information about the Provision of Educational Service and Facilities.
Please indicate the degree of adequacy in the provision of the following facilities in your school by marking on each area given in the table below. Educational facilities Degree of provision Adequate Medium Inadequate Unavailable 1 Student textbooks 2 Teachers guide and syllabus 3 Library reference 4 Laboratory equipment and apparatus 5 Laboratory chemicals 6 Sport materials 7 Classroom furniture 8 Sport materials 9 Blackboard 10 Chalk 11 Stationeries 12 Water supply 13 Toilet 14 Electricity 15 Telephone 16 Access road
15. Do you think that teachers are qualified and motivated to teach at the required educational level? A. Yes b. No 16. What can you say about the number of students in a class? a. Very crowded b. Crowded c. Not crowded d. Few e. Too few f. Not sure 17. If your answer is too crowded what are its effects? a. Poor quality education b. Students dropout c. High repetition rate d. leaving the school up to the end
18. What do you think that is the causes of inadequate provision of educational services and facilities in your school? a. Inadequate budget b. inadequate educational materials c. Poor stakeholders participation d. Population growth due to urbanization
19. What mechanisms can be used to overcome such kind of problems? a. Strong stakeholders participation b. Schools should create other means c. others (please specify)___________________________________________________
20. What are other factors that affect the adequacy of educational services and facilities in the town? ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
21. What do you suggest that should be done to overcome factors affecting the provision of educational facilities and service in your school? _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
Annex 2 Institutes of Urban Development Studies (Urban Management Master Program) Ethiopian Civil Service College
Questionnaire for Primary School Directors Dear Respondents, I am conducting a research on assessing the provision of educational service and facility in Woliso town. The main purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information on the provision of educational service and facility. The study will identify major factors that affect the provision of educational service and facility, evaluating the existing provision of educational service and facility, and suggesting some possible solution to the existing problem in the provision of educational service and facility in Woliso town. The information you give is used only for academic purpose and will keep confidential and hereby you are kindly requested to genuinely respond to the following questions. Thank you very much in advance! Part 1. Background of Respondent 1.1. Position in the school_______________________ 1.2. Your educational status ______________________ 1.3. Your work experience in leadership position______________ 1.4. Your work experience in teaching______________________ 2. General Background of the School 2.1. School name___________________ 2.2. School ownership Community a. Government c .private d. NGOs b.
2.3.. Is the site of the school accessible to all residents of the town? a. Yes b. Partially c. Not at all
2.4. Does your school use a shifting system? a. Yes b. No a. Two b. Three
2.5. Number of currently existing teacher in your school Male ________________ Female________________
Part 2 2.1. Number of Students Enrollment for the Consecutive Five Years (2004/052008/09) Year Level Enrollment Dropout Repetition Promotion M F T M F T M F T M F T 2004/05 1-4 5-8 2005/06 1-4 5-8 2006/07 1-4 5-8 2007/08 1-4 5-8 2008/09 1-4 5-8 2.2. Qualification of teachers in your school Level Below certificate Certificate(TTI) M F T M F T 1-4 5-8 Total
Diploma M F
Degree M F
4. What is the major source of finance for your school? a. Government b. Community c NGOs
4.1. If your answer is government for the above question, is it adequate for educational service in your school? A. Yes b. No
4.2. If your to your answer is no, what mechanism do you use to increase your financial resources? __________________________________________ 5. What are the challenges of educational service and facilities of the school? (list in order of m their importance). 1.___________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________ 6. What should be done to address the above challenges? a._____________________________________________________________ b._______________________________________________________________ c._______________________________________________________________
Annex 3
Institutes of Urban Development Studies (Urban Management Master Program) Ethiopian Civil Service College
Questionnaire to Kebele /School Education and Training Committee and Parent Teachers Association (PTA) Dear Respondents, I am conducting a research on assessing the provision of educational services and facilities in Woliso town. The main purpose of o this questionnaire is to gather information on the provision of educational services and facilities. The study will
identify major factors that affect the provision of educational services and facilities, evaluating the existing provision of educational services and facilities, and suggesting some possible solution to the existing problem in the provision of educational service and facility in Woliso town. The information you give is used only for academic purpose and will keep confidential and hereby you are kindly requested to genuinely respond to the following questions. Thank you very much in advance!
1.2. Educational status __________________ 1.3. Your work experience in PTA or education board /committee_________ 1.4. Your position in the committee_____________________
Part 2 1. What do you say about the adequacy of the following? a. Adequate b. Medium c. Inadequate 2.1 Teachers 2.2. Classroom 2.3. Library 2.4. Laboratory 2.5. School furniture 3. What has been the major stressor on the quantity and quality of provision of educational services and facilities in the town? a. Rapid urbanization b. Inadequate financial resource c. Inadequate skilled human resource d. Inadequate material resource e. Others (specify) _____________________ 4. Do you think that government budget alone can sustain the growing demand of education in your town? A. Yes b. Yes, but c. No d .not sure e unavailable
5. If your answer to question number 4 in no what mechanism do you use to overcome the problem? (in the provision of educational service and facility) a. Mobilizing community b. Mobilizing private sectors to contribute their part. c. Mobilizing NGOs d. Others (please specify) _____________________________
7. Did you work actively with other stakeholders to provide educational services and facilities in you school? A. Yes b. No
8. If yes, have you ever discussed the inadequacy of educational facility of your school? a. Yes b. Yes, but c. No
9. Did all stakeholders contribute to any educational facility in the last two years? a. Yes b. No
10. If your answer to question number 9 is yes what are they? a. Construction of classrooms b. Provision of furniture c. Provision of finance d provision of educational facilities e. Others (please specify) ________________________________ 11. What are the factors that hinders the community to provide educational facilities?__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 12. What is the motives forces community to provide educational facilities in the town? _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 13. Please, if you want to add more, give your suggestion on how to provide educational services and facilities in the town._______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Annex 4
Institute of Urban Development Studies (Urban Management Master Program) Ethiopia Civil Service College
Interview Prepared For Woliso Town Educational Office and Town Administration Dear Respondent, I am conducting a research on assessing the provision of educational services and facilities in Woliso town. The main purpose of this interview is to gather information on the provision of educational services and facilities. The study will identify major factors that affect the provision of educational services and facilities, evaluating the existing provision of educational services and facilities, and suggesting some possible solution to the existing problems in the provision of educational service and facility in the town. The information you give is used only for academic purpose and will keep confidential and hereby you are kindly requested to genuinely respond to the following questions. Thank you very much in advance! Part 1 1. The total number of primary school out of the total school age _________ 2. Number of primary schools in the town______________________ 3. What is the total budget of town for the last five years? No Year Share of education sectors Share in number 1 2 3 4 5 2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 Share in %
4. What is the share of primary school out of education sector budget? No 1 2 3 4 5 Year 2004/05 2004/06 2006/07 2007/08 2007/09 Education sector budget Share of primary school
5. Does this educational budget adequately provide educational services and facilities in the town with the growing demand for education? ______________________
6. Numbers of teachers hired for the last three years for primary schools No Year TTI Diploma Degree M F T M F T M 1 2006/07 2 2007/08 3 2008/09
7. Which primary school does not have adequate educational facilities in the town? ___________________________________________________________________ 8. What are the attempts made by the town administration to provide educational services and facilities in the last three year a._________________________________________________________________ b.__________________________________________________________________ c.__________________________________________________________________ d.__________________________________________________________________ 9. What are the main challenges in providing adequate educational services and facilities in the town? A.______________________________________________________________________ B.______________________________________________________________________ C.______________________________________________________________________ D.______________________________________________________________________
10. What do you suggest that should be done to overcome the above challenges? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________