TB Standards 2007
TB Standards 2007
TB Standards 2007
Tuberculosis Standards
6th Edition
Published by authority of the Minister of Health 2007 This publication may be provided in alternative formats upon request. galement disponible en franais sous le titre : Normes canadiennes pour la lutte antituberculeuse
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Health (2007) Cat. No. HP40-18/2007E HP40-18/2007E-PDF ISBN 978-0-662-45955-2 978-0-662-45956-9
6th Edition 2007
Richard Long, MD, University of Alberta Edward Ellis, MD, Public Health Agency of Canada
Associate Editors
Kevin Elwood, MD, BC Centre for Disease Control Joanne Embree, MD, University of Manitoba Michael Gardam, MD, University of Toronto Vernon Hoeppner, MD, University of Saskatchewan Dick Menzies, MD, McGill University Pamela Orr, MD, University of Manitoba Wendy Wobeser, MD, Queens University
This publication is a joint project of Tuberculosis Prevention and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, and the Canadian Lung Association/Canadian Thoracic Society.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
iii vii
37 53 92
Nonrespiratory Tuberculosis
Victoria Cook, Richard Long
Drug-resistant Tuberculosis
Richard Long, Monica Avendano, Lori Whitehead
Pediatric Tuberculosis
Ian Kitai, Patricia Malloy, Alice Kowalczyk, Richard Long
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
320 348
International Aspects
Chatper 18. Canada and International Tuberculosis Control
Donald A. Enarson, Anne Fanning, Edward Ellis
Appendix A Contributors Appendix B Canadian Tuberculosis Surveillance Systems Appendix C Denition of Terms Appendix D Interferon-Gamma Release Assays for Latent Tuberculosis Infection: An Advisory Committee Statement (ACS) from the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee Appendix E Tuberculosis Education and Training Resources
Linette McElroy
Appendix F BCG Vaccine Usage in Canada Current and Historical Appendix G Recommendations for the Screening and Prevention of Tuberculosis in Patients with Human Immunodeciency Virus (HIV) and the Screening for HIV in Tuberculosis Patients and their Contacts Appendix H International Standards for Tuberculosis Care Appendix I Guidelines for the Investigation and Follow-up of Individuals Under Medical Surveillance for Tuberculosis after Arrival in Canada (2007)
408 410
416 422
The rst edition of the Canadian Tuberculosis Standards was published in 1972, with a pediatric supplement in 1974. The second, third, fourth and fth editions were published in 1981, 1988, 1996 and 2000, respectively. The fth edition of the Standards represented a substantial revision to its predecessor and was the rst to be jointly produced by the Canadian Thoracic Society (CTS) of the Canadian Lung Association (CLA) and Health Canada. The sixth edition is also a joint production, this time of the CTS/CLA and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), and again represents a substantial revision to its predecessor. Its contents reect solicited feedback on the quality and utility of the fth edition, and joint editing by the Chair of the Tuberculosis Committee of the CTS and the Manager, Tuberculosis Prevention and Control, PHAC. While the Standards have been jointly funded and produced by both PHAC and CLA/CTS, it is important to note that clinical recommendations are those of the CTS Tuberculosis Committee. In addition to three new chapters, expanded bibliographies and several new appendices, the text is populated throughout by a series of Web site resources that will be regularly updated by PHAC and other agencies. As in the previous edition, treatment recommendations are rated using a roman numeral (I, II, III), which indicates the quality of evidence supporting the recommendation (Gross PA, Barrett TL, Dellinger EP. Purpose of quality standards for infectious diseases. Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis 1994;18:421). The rating of non-treatment recommendations is not provided, although at a minimum they are based upon Level III evidence, (opinions of respected authorities, clinical experience, descriptive studies or reports of expert committees). The Standards are meant to be a denitive resource on issues pertaining to tuberculosis prevention and control in Canada. In contrast to provincial/territorial guidelines, which describe how an action is to be accomplished and frame the structure of care, the Canadian (national) Tuberculosis Standards, like the International Standards for Tuberculosis Care (see Appendix H), provide the foundations on which care can be based, presenting what should be done.
PHAC and the CLA/CTS acknowledge that the advice and recommendations set out in the Standards are based upon the best currently available scientic knowledge and medical practice. PHAC and CLA/CTS are disseminating this document for information purposes to the medical and public health communities involved in tuberculosis prevention and control activities. These recommendations are intended to inform but not replace consultation with local/provincial/territorial TB authorities with respect to a particular patient or circumstance. The text is in four sections, Epidemiology (Chapter 1), Medical Aspects of Tuberculosis (Chapters 2-10), Public Health Aspects of Tuberculosis (Chapters 11-17), and International Aspects (Chapter 18). Each chapter is now preceded by a table of contents. Key changes are outlined below.
Chapter 1. Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Canada Key changes since 5th edition Canadian goals and targets addressing specic high-risk populations are presented within the context of the targets of the international Stop TB Partnerships Global Plan to Stop TB, 2006-2015. Reporting forms have been revised (see Appendix B). The potential contribution of molecular epidemiology is discussed. This chapter focuses upon laboratory standards and not diagnostic testing. The latter is discussed in Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease. The role of provincial/territorial versus national laboratory services is described. New methodologies, such as DNA ngerprinting, are described along with the standards around their use. The expectations of reference laboratories with respect to susceptibility testing to rst-and second-line antituberculosis drugs are described. Prociency testing is emphasized. The role of molecular epidemiology in understanding the dynamics of TB transmission is explained. Primary TB disease is dened. The role of host (susceptibility) and pathogen (virulence) genetics in transmission and pathogenesis is considered. Tuberculin skin testing (TST) methodology is described in detail and includes illustrations. The interpretation of the TST is described in three dimensions: size, positive predictive value and risk of development of active TB disease. The table on risk factors for the development of active tuberculosis among persons infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been revised. A section on the use of interferon-gamma release assays is included. The role of nucleic acid amplication tests (NAAT) is described in detail. The emphasis continues to be on the high proportion of nonrespiratory tuberculosis among the foreign-born; tables that relate to this are updated. New information on the diagnosis and treatment of disease in specic sites is provided. The role of NAAT in the diagnosis of nonrespiratory tuberculosis and the role of molecular epidemiology in nonrespiratory tuberculosis are described.
5. Nonrespiratory Tuberculosis
Key changes since 5th edition Where possible the recommendations made in this chapter are consistent with the American Thoracic Society/U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Infectious Diseases Society of America statement on Treatment of Tuberculosis (Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;167:603-62). There is an expanded discussion of directly observed therapy. A position on the use of rifampin plus pyrazinamide for the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection is taken. A protocol for the follow-up of patients who have completed treatment of active tuberculosis is provided. New tables on antituberculosis drug resistance in Canada are provided. There is a revised section on the predictors of drug-resistant tuberculosis. The section on the management of drug-resistant TB emphasizes multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. It has been updated to take into account several major contributions in the international literature. The category extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis is introduced. The layout of the chapter has changed with dierent headings. Updated information on diagnostics is taken from several recent reviews. The role of ethambutol in the treatment of pediatric tuberculosis is discussed in detail. Contact tracing and aggressive treatment of latent tuberculosis infection are emphasized. Methods to improve treatment adherence are suggested. The Canadian recommendations for the screening and prevention of tuberculosis in patients with HIV and the screening for HIV in tuberculosis patients and their contacts are referenced (Canadian Communicable Disease Report, 15 December 2002;28[ACS-7]). The important contribution of antiretrovirals to reducing the morbidity and mortality of HIV-coinfected patients is emphasized. New information on antituberculosis drugantiretroviral drug interactions and the immune reconstitution inammatory syndrome is provided. The importance of HIV testing of contacts of HIV-coinfected tuberculosis patients is emphasized. New information on the syndromes of disease due to nontuberculous mycobacteria is provided. The importance of opportunistic nontuberculous mycobacterial disease in those with underlying immunodeciency is emphasized. Another area of focus relates to the latest treatment regimens for nontuberculous mycobacterial disease. The text of this chapter has been revised in response to two important international documents: 1) U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Controlling tuberculosis in the United States: recommendations from the American Thoracic Society, CDC, and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2005;54[No. RR-12]:1-81); and 2) Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance. International standards of tuberculosis care (ISTC). The Hague: Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance, 2006. The role and responsibility of the Public Health Department in tuberculosis prevention and control are claried. There is new discussion of the public health challenges in select populations.
7. Drug-resistant Tuberculosis
8. Pediatric Tuberculosis
Key changes since 5th edition The text is revised in response to several new documents, most notably Guidelines for the investigation of contacts of persons with infectious tuberculosis: recommendations from the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2005;54[RR-15]:1-37). The table describing the expected prevalence of TST results of 10 mm among various Canadian populations has undergone major revision. It is based upon data collected in an independent survey. There has been major revision to the section on screening of specic populations, namely those with HIV infection, immigrants, the homeless and underhoused, children and adolescents, First Nations and Inuit communities, correctional facilities and travelers. There is a new section on Ethical and Legal Considerations for Surveillance and Screening. New
15. Immigration and Tuberculosis Control in Canada 16. Tuberculosis Control within Institutions
This chapter was critically reviewed by Steering Committee members of the Public Health Agency of Canada Guidelines Development Program. Major revisions have been introduced into the sections on engineering controls and personal respiratory protection. This chapter has been revised in accordance with the National Advisory Committee on Immunization statement on bacille Calmette-Gurin vaccine published in Canada Communicable Disease Report (2004;30[ACS 5]). That statement does not recommend routine use of BCG vaccination in any Canadian population. However, it allows that, in some settings, consideration of local epidemiology and access to diagnostic services may lead to the decision to oer BCG vaccination. New
New Appendices:
An Advisory Committee Statement by the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee on the use of interferon-gamma release assays Tuberculosis education and training resources A summary of provincial and territorial usage of BCG vaccine over time Recommendations for the screening and prevention of tuberculosis in patients with HIV and the screening for HIV in tuberculosis patients and their contacts A summary of the International Standards for Tuberculosis Care (ISTC)
The editors and associate editors are very grateful to the many persons and groups who contributed to the completion of this edition of the Canadian Tuberculosis Standards. These include, but are not limited to, the following: Louise Thibert, MSc, and her associates at Mycobactriologie et Actinomyctes Arobies Laboratoire de Sant Publique du Qubec, Institut National de Sant Publique du Qubec and Mabel Rodriguez, BSc, MSc, PhD and her associates at the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control Laboratory Services, TB/Mycobacteriology Section for their review of Chapter 2, Mycobacteriology Laboratory Standards: Services and Policies; Steering Committee members of the Public Health Agency of Canada Guidelines Development Program for their thoughtful and critical review of Chapter 16, Tuberculosis Control Within Institutions; Other colleagues in tuberculosis prevention and control programs throughout Canada, many of whom served as authors or coauthors (see Appendix A, Contributors), others of whom provided data or peer review; Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program, Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), including Jennifer Allison (Administrative Assistant), Kathryn Dawson (Clerical Assistant), Victor Gallant (Data Manager), Linda Gardiner (Production Assistant), Manon Fiset (Administrative Assistant), Melissa Phypers (Senior Epidemiologist), Derek Scholten (Epidemiologist), Dr. Rob Stirling, (Medical Specialist) and Dr. Tom Wong, (Director, Community Acquired Infections Division); Communications Directorate, PHAC, including Debby Baker, Francine L. Boucher, Kim Hopkinson and Julie McGihon; medical editors: Marion Pogson, Pam Fitch and Dr. Paul Rivest; Public Works and Government Services Canada Translation Bureau, Medicine and Technology Translation Unit: Louise Filteau;
Canadian Lung Association and Canadian Thoracic Society, including Dr. Brian Graham, Debbie Smith and Suzanne Desmarais; sta of the Tuberculosis Program Evaluation and Research Unit, University of Alberta and Alberta Health and Wellness; Dr. Madhukar Pai, Department of Epidemiology, McGill University; Cover photograph of Canadian tuberculosis physicians Drs. R.G. Ferguson and David A. Stewart taken in Saskatchewan in 1935, 1991 C. Stuart Houston, M.D., R.G. Ferguson, Crusader Against Tuberculosis, page 39, photo by Henry Daneleyko, used with permission. many others whose contributions, though less conspicuous, were nonetheless critical to the nished project.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Background Incidence and Mortality Origin Distribution Canadian-born Aboriginal peoples The foreign-born Canadian-born non-Aboriginal Geographic Distribution Age and Sex Distribution Disease Site Method of Detection Mycobacterium tuberculosis-HIV Coinfection Drug Resistance Treatment Outcomes Insights from Molecular Epidemiology Conclusions Acknowledgements References 2 2 3 3 4 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that one-third of the world population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB). In 2004, there were an estimated 8.9 million incident cases and over 15 million prevalent active cases of TB disease. An estimated 1.7 million deaths were attributable to the disease. Approximately 95% of incident cases reported every year occur in the developing world. The spread of the human immunodeciency virus (HIV), particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, and the emergence of drug-resistant strains threaten to make some cases incurable. No doubt, the original declaration of WHO in 1993 that TB is a global emergency remains true today.1 TB is not a disease of the past!2 All provinces and territories legally The latest TB reports for Canada are require reporting of TB to public available at: http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis health authorities. For those cases that meet the Canadian case denition (see The latest WHO reports on TB are Appendix B, Canadian Tuberculosis available at: http://www.who.int/tb/publications/en/ Surveillance Systems), selected nonnominal demographic, clinical, radiographic, mycobacteriologic, treatment and outcome information is then forwarded to the Canadian TB Reporting System (CTBRS) at the Public Health Agency of Canada (see Appendix B for the current Canadian reporting forms).
Over the past two decades the reported incidence rate and number of cases of TB have continued to decrease (Figure 2). In 2004, the incidence rate of new active and relapsed TB cases was 5 per 100,000 population, reecting 1,613 new active and relapsed cases (see Appendix C, Denition of Terms for denitions of active and relapsed cases). Figure 2. Tuberculosis cases and incidence in Canada, 1984-2004
In 1997, participants in a National Consensus Conference on Tuberculosis agreed that the Canadian goal of TB prevention and control would be to reduce the annual number of new TB cases by 5% per year.3 From 1997 through 2004, the annual average rate of decline in cases was 3.0%. In 2006, there was recognition by the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee (CTC) that a more realistic goal was required. Hence, the CTC set a goal to reduce the incidence rate of TB in Canada to 3.6 per 100,000 by 2015. This goal supports the target set in the Global Plan to Stop TB 2006-2015 to reduce the burden of the disease by 50% as compared with the 1990 rate.4 Achieving the goal will require a 3% annual reduction in the incidence rate and targeted eorts in the high-risk, origin-based groups.
Origin Distribution
In Canada most cases of TB occur in two groups: Aboriginal peoples and the foreign-born.
the number of TB cases among Aboriginals has decreased in the past decade, the proportion of TB cases in this population is unchanged. Canadian-born Aboriginal peoples constituted 3.5% of the overall population in 2004 but accounted for 17% of the disease burden.7 Age-standardized rates revealed a rate of disease 5-fold greater than the national rate and as much as 20 times the rate of non-Aboriginal Canadians. The TB incidence rate has declined slowly over the past decade, resulting in a 2004 rate of 23.8 per 100,000. While the overall incidence of TB in Aboriginal populations as a whole is higher than among Canadian-born non-Aboriginal peoples, there is wide variation in levels of disease and infection among regions and communities. In 2004, the incidence rate of active TB among Status Indians ranged from 0 per 100,000 in the Atlantic region (Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick) to 72.7 per 100,000 in Manitoba. Among the Inuit in Quebec, the incidence rate was 95 per 100,000. For Inuit peoples in the three territories (Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest Territories) the incidence rate was 102.2 per 100,000. Tuberculin surveys and contact investigations among Aboriginal persons > 30 years of age living on reserve demonstrate a heterogeneous prevalence of TB infection, ranging from 12% in British Columbia to 55% in Saskatchewan.8 TB is more common in younger age groups of the Aboriginal population than in the Canadian-born non-Aboriginal population. In 2004, the percentages of TB cases less than 15 years of age in the Aboriginal and the Canadian-born non-Aboriginal populations were 21% and 6% respectively, 71% and 52% for those aged 15 to 64 years and 8% versus 42% for people 65 years or older.
The foreign-born
Over the past decade, an average of 225,000 immigrants and refugees have come to Canada every year, 80% of them originating from countries with a high TB incidence.* Despite this, the number of cases reported annually in the foreignborn in Canada has not increased substantially since 1970 (Figure 3). The incidence of disease has declined over the past 10 years to a rate of 16/100,000 in 2004, reective of the larger foreign-born population (Figure 4).
* High incidence TB countries are dened in Canada as having a rate of sputum smear-positive pulmonary TB (3 year average), as estimated by the WHO, of 15 per 100,000 or greater (http:// www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis).
There has, however, been a signicant increase in the proportion of TB cases among foreign-born persons, rising from 18% of all cases in 1970 to 67% in 2004 (Figure 5). The increased proportion of foreign-born TB cases in Canada is consistent with the shift in immigration patterns over the past 45 years, from countries whose TB rates were similar to Canadas to countries that have much higher rates (Figure 6), as well as with a substantial reduction in the burden of disease among Canadian-born non-Aboriginals (Figure 5). From 1994 to 2004, the proportion of TB cases attributable to the foreign-born population exceeded 50% for the leading immigrant-receiving provinces (Ontario 82%, British Columbia 68%, Alberta 60%, Quebec 52%). Most foreign-born TB cases
in Canada are reported from major metropolitan areas. Toronto, which received 42% of all immigrants to Canada in 2004, reported that 82% of TB cases were foreign-born.9 Figure 5. Proportion of tuberculosis cases by origin in Canada, 1970-2004
Immigrants and refugees with latent TB infection (LTBI) are at highest risk of TB disease within the rst 5 years of their arrival.10-12 Of foreign-born TB cases in Canada reported from 1994 to 2004 for which date of arrival was known,
11% were reported to have had TB disease within 1 year, 22% within 2 years and 41% within 5 years of arrival. The risk of TB disease persists for many years after arrival, dropping at a rate of approximately 10% a year (Figure 7). Figure 7. Foreign-born tuberculosis cases in Canada: time from arrival in Canada to diagnosis in years*
Canadian-born non-Aboriginal
Case reporting among Canadian-born non-Aboriginal individuals continues to fall rapidly. The 2004 incidence rate in this population was 0.8 per 100,000.
Geographic Distribution
In addition to the above-noted separation along ethnic lines, there are clear delineations in the presentation of TB cases along geographic lines. Whereas the national TB incidence rate was 5.0/100,000 in 2004, provincial/territorial rates varied considerably, from 0.7/100,000 in Prince Edward Island to 107.8/100,000 in Nunavut. The three most populous provinces (British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec), which collectively make up 75% of Canadas population, accounted for 76% of the total reported cases. In the Atlantic provinces (New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island), the reported numbers and incidence rates were very low, and cases occurred predominantly in the Canadian-born non-Aboriginal population (Figure 8). Increasingly in developed countries TB is an urban disease. In 2004, 66% of all TB cases in Canada were reported from the 11 census metropolitan areas of 500,000 persons or more (Calgary, Durham Region [Ontario], Edmonton, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Peel, Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg and York Region [Ontario]).
Figure 10. Tuberculosis cases by age group and origin in Canada, 2004
Disease Site
Overall, respiratory TB (see Appendix C, Denition of Terms) was the most frequently reported diagnostic site, representing 70% of 1,613 reported cases in 2004.The proportion of TB cases by diagnostic site and origin varied considerably. Whereas respiratory TB accounted for 85% of Canadian-born non-Aboriginal cases, this proportion was considerably lower for Canadian-born Aboriginal cases (78%) and foreign-born cases (65%). The foreign-born present more often with nonrespiratory TB, whereas the Canadian-born Aboriginal population accounts for the majority of primary TB. More severe forms of disease, such as central nervous system TB, are rare, accounting for only 1% of reported cases. Similarly, miliary/disseminated TB is infrequently diagnosed, representing 2% of reported cases. Most TB cases in Canada are diagnosed by culture: in 2004 this number was 1,305 (81%). In that year, of the 936 cases of pulmonary TB reported, 465 (49%) were smear positive, denoting the most infectious form of the disease. Over the past decade, the proportion of TB cases reported as pulmonary, smear positive, has been approximately 30% of the total reported cases and 50% of the reported pulmonary cases (Figure 11).
Method of Detection
The three main methods of TB detection are (1) the recognition of presenting symptoms, (2) contact investigation and (3) screening. The vast majority of cases in 2004 were detected as a result of symptoms referable to the site of disease (75%). The method of detection diered by origin (Table 1). Table 1. Origin and Principal Methods of Detection of TB Cases: Canada, 2004
Origin (% of cases) Method Presentation of symptoms Screening and contact investigation Immigration screening Other Canadian-born Aboriginal 57 32 0 11 Foreign-born 81 6 6 7 Canadian-born non-Aboriginal 69 12 0 19
In Canada, there have been limited data so far on the prevalence of M. tuberculosis-HIV coinfection at the national level. A study that examined the interaction through the Canadian AIDS surveillance system found that 5.6% of the cumulative AIDS cases reported in Canada between the years 1994 and 2003 also had TB. Of these, two-thirds were foreign-born and almost one-tenth were of Aboriginal origin.14 In another study, of TB cases diagnosed in 1997 and 1998, 22% had a record of an HIV test, and among those whose test results were known the prevalence of HIV infection was 15%. For the entire cohort, the prevalence of HIV was 3%. When HIV status was known, cases were more likely to be coinfected if they were either 15 to 49 years of age, male, Canadianborn non-Aboriginal or had both pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB disease and known HIV risk factors.10,15 Within the CTBRS, 374 TB cases (23% of all TB cases) included a report of HIV status in 2004. Of these, 38, (10%) were positive. Reports of testing are likely biased toward testing in persons with preexisting risk factors for HIV. The WHO estimated that 8.7 % of new adult TB cases in Canada were coinfected with HIV in 2004.2
Drug Resistance
Drug-resistant strains of TB are a global threat to prevention and control eorts. A report produced by the WHO and the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease describes resistance patterns in 77 geographic settings in 62 countries. The median prevalence of resistance to any of isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol or streptomycin was 10.4%: 10.2% in new cases and 18.4% in previously treated cases. The median prevalence of multidrug resistance (MDR) was 1.7%: 1.1% in new cases and 7.0% in previously treated cases.16 The Canadian Tuberculosis Laboratory Surveillance System (CTLSS) found that 12.4% (168) of M. tuberculosis isolates were resistant to one or more of the antituberculosis drugs isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide or streptomycin in 2004. Resistance to isoniazid was reported in 100 cases (7.4%), and MDR was reported in 12 cases (0.9%). In addition, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Ontario reported isolates with other patterns of resistance to multiple drugs. Six provinces and territories (Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island and Yukon) reported that all isolates tested were susceptible to rst-line antituberculosis drugs. There has been no signicant increase in reported drug resistance since this reporting system began in 1998.17 The CTBRS has similar information on TB drug resistance but with the addition of epidemiologic information. For cases reported in 2004, 5% of all cases and 7% of foreign-born cases were resistant to a rst-line drug. Overall, foreign-born cases are 6 times more likely to be drug resistant and 10 times more likely to be MDR then Canadian-born cases (1997-2004). All previous Canadian studies have noted foreign birth to be a signicant factor associated with drug resistance.10,18-23 Resistance acquired during treatment is rare in Canada. From 1997 to 2004, less than 1% of all cases were reported as having acquired drug resistance, and isoniazid accounted for 73% of all such resistance.
Extensively drug-resistant (XDR) TB is MDR-TB that is also resistant to any uoroquinolone and at least one of three injectable second-line drugs (capreomycin, kanamycin and amikacin). Tuberculosis Prevention and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, began collecting information on second-line drug resistance for all MDR isolates in 2006. Future reports of the CTLSS will include data on the extent of XDR-TB in Canada.
Treatment Outcomes
Of the 1,613 cases diagnosed in 2004, 1,284 cases had a treatment outcome reported in 2005. When treatment outcome status was known, the majority of cases were reported as cured or treatment completed (973 cases, 76%). Drug regimen reporting was complete for 632 cases. Of these cases 83% were given three or more antituberculosis drugs. Fifty-ve percent of individuals were reported to have received directly observed therapy (DOT), 40% selfadministered therapy (SAT) and 5% an unknown treatment method. No signicant dierence in treatment outcome has been observed between those who received DOT and those who received SAT. This may be due to selective use of SAT for individuals who are more adherent to treatment. The Public Health Agency of Canada provides outcome data to the WHO on an annual basis. This reporting focuses on pulmonary smear-positive cases and the treatment outcome of these cases by major mode of treatment (e.g. DOTS or non-DOTS). The WHO 2015 global targets for TB include 70% detection of all pulmonary smear-positive cases and an 85% cure or treatment completion of these cases. In 2003, the WHO adjusted its reporting to include laboratoryconrmed pulmonary cases in those countries that routinely use cultures or other laboratory methods. For cases beginning treatment from 1997 through 2004, the average cure/treatment completion rate for Canada was 79%. Of the 1,284 cases with an outcome reported, 139 (11%) were reported to have died during treatment. TB was the underlying cause of death in 27 cases (20%). TB contributed to death but was not the underlying cause in 55 cases (40%).
Molecular typing has been very useful for identifying identical or near identical isolates (called clusters) within geographic areas or specic populations. Inferences about transmission can be made by linking this information with conventional epidemiology. Two studies of TB in the Inuit indicate signicant clustering with likely recent transmission. One study found only a single case of inter-village transmission, while the other found inter-village transmission to be surprisingly common.24,25 These ndings suggest that optimal TB control needs to be tailored to the local transmission patterns. Population-based studies have been performed in Montreal, Vancouver, Alberta and western Canada in order to infer the proportion of TB in the community attributable to chains of transmission. In Montreal, only 4% to 18% of cases represented recent transmission, depending on the criteria used for matching of molecular types.26 However, ongoing spread has been demonstrated in the Haitian community, suggesting that this a group that may benet from more targeted attention.27 In Greater Vancouver, molecular typing showed that about 12% of cases represented recent transmission.28 Only 8% of clusters were identied by conventional epidemiology. In this study, the risk factors for being a member of a molecular cluster were being Aboriginal less than 60 years old, being Canadian-born non-Aboriginal over 60 years old, and using intravenous drugs. Again, there was evidence of transmission within certain high-risk groups that may benet from intensied contact tracing and surveillance. Since these studies found that the majority of cases result from reactivation, overall reductions in rates would likely require interventions aimed at persons with LTBI. In a population-based study of 5 years of TB cases in Alberta, clustering and a transmission index were highest in Status Indians and lowest in the foreign-born, even though the number of cases was greatest in the foreign-born.29 A study of four western provinces demonstrated similar clustering trends.30 Multivariate analysis indicated that Aboriginal origin, living in a shelter the previous year and HIV coinfection were risk factors for clustering. Again, molecular typing permits identication of likely transmission and will allow TB control programs to focus resources according to these analyses.
Although the TB incidence rate and the number of cases continue to decline in Canada, the concentration of the disease in groups that are dened by geographic region and demographic features creates new challenges that must be addressed in prevention and control strategies, both nationally and at a provincial/territorial level. The high proportion of TB cases that are foreign-born and the higher burden of drug resistance in this population demand increased eorts at global control of the disease, enhanced surveillance activity among immigrants and refugees, and targeted treatment of LTBI. As this population ages, the impact on the disease burden may increase. Similarly, the limited decline in the incidence rate of TB among Canadian Aboriginal peoples, particularly in the Prairie provinces and the territories, calls for increased attention and resources targeted at this unacceptable level of disease. Ancillary health care services, which include TB control programs, have
been delivered to individuals on reserve by the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch of Health Canada. As responsibility for these activities is gradually transferred to individual Aboriginal communities, it is critical to maintain and coordinate TB control activities among the various jurisdictions dealing with mobile Aboriginal populations. Molecular typing has helped conrm that most TB in this country appears to be due to reactivation disease. However, clear evidence of ongoing spread has been demonstrated in certain communities, where more intensive TB control might be of relatively immediate value. Finally, the spread of HIV into populations at high risk of being infected with M. tuberculosis is considered a legitimate threat to TB control in Canada. In order to accurately assess the extent of TB-HIV coinfection in Canada and to ensure that eective treatment and the delivery of appropriate care and prevention programs are delivered, a further increase in testing and reporting is essential.
The authors thank sta of the provincial/territorial TB prevention and control programs for participating in the Canadian Tuberculosis Reporting System and of the provincial and national laboratories for participating in the Canadian Tuberculosis Laboratory Technical Network.
1. Corbett EL, Watt CJ, Walker N, et al. The growing burden of tuberculosis: global trends and interactions with the HIV epidemic. Arch Intern Med 2003;163:1009-21. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis control: surveillance, planning, nancing. WHO Report 2006. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2006 (WHO/HTM/TB/2006.362). Division of Tuberculosis Prevention and Control. Proceedings of the National Consensus Conference on Tuberculosis, December 3-5, 1997. CCDR 1998;24(S2). Stop TB Partnership and World Health Organization. Global Plan to Stop TB 2006-2015. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2006 (WHO/ HTM/STB/2006.35). Enarson DA. Tuberculosis in Aboriginals in Canada. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2001;2:S16-S22. Waldram JB, Herring DA, Young TK. Contact with Europeans and infectious diseases. In: Aboriginal health in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press Incorporated, 1995;43-64. Statistics Canada. Projections of the Aboriginal populations, Canada, provinces and territories 2001 to 2017. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2005. Catalogue no. 91-547-XIE.
5. 6.
Clark M, Riben P and the First Nations Inuit Health Branch TB Working Group. Tuberculosis in First Nations communities, 1999. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 1999. URL: <http:// dsp-psd.pwgsc.gc.ca/Collection/H35-4-7-1999E.pdf>. Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Facts and gures 2004. Immigration overview: permanent residents by province or territory and urban area. Ottawa: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 2005 [cited 2006 Apr 7]. URL: <http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pub/facts2004/permanent/18. html>. Long R, Sutherland K, Kunimoto D, et al. The epidemiology of tuberculosis among foreign-born persons in Alberta, Canada, 1989-1998: identication of high-risk groups. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2002(6)7):61521. McKenna MT, McCray E, Onorato I. The epidemiology of tuberculosis among foreign-born persons in the United States, 1986 to 1993. N Engl J Med 1995;332:1071-76. Codecasa LR, Porretta AD, Gori A, et al. Tuberculosis among immigrants from developing countries in the province of Milan, 1993-1996. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1999;3:589-95. World Health Organization. Frequently asked questions about TB and HIV. Geneva: WHO, 2006 [cited 2006 Apr 7]. URL: <http://www.who.int/ tb/hiv/faq/en/>. Geduld J, Archibald C. TB among reported AIDS cases in Canada: 1994 to 2003. Unpublished data. Harris T, Panaro L, Phypers M, Choudhri Y, Archibald CP. HIV testing among Canadian tuberculosis cases from 1997 to 1998. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol 2006;17(3):165-168. World Health Organization. Anti-tuberculosis drug resistance in the world: the WHO/IUATLD global project on anti-tuberculosis drug resistance surveillance, report no. 3. WHO/HTM/TB/2004.343. 10-1-2004. Geneva, Switzerland. Tuberculosis drug resistance in Canada, 2004. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services, 2006. [cited 2006 Apr 7]. URL: <http://www. phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/tbdrc04/index.html>. Tuberculosis Prevention and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada. Drug-resistant tuberculosis among the foreign-born in Canada. CCDR 2005;31(4):4446-52. Long R, Manfreda J, Mendella L, et al. Antituberculosis drug resistance in Manitoba from 1980-1989. Can Med Assoc J 1993;148(9):1489-95. Rivest P, Tannenbaum T, Bedard L. Epidemiology of tuberculosis in Montreal. Can Med Assoc J 1998;158(5):605-609.
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Long R, Fanning EA, Cowie RL, et al. Antituberculosis drug resistance in western Canada (1993 to 1994). Can Respir J 1997; 4(2):71-5. Long R, Chui L, Kakulphimp J, et al. Postsanatorium pattern of antituberculosis drug resistance in the Canadian-born population of Western Canada: eect of outpatient care and immigration. Am J Epidemiol 2001;153(9):903-11. Hersi A, Elwood K, Cowie R, et al. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Alberta and British Columbia, 1989 to 1998. Can Respir J 1999;6(2):15560. Kunimoto D, Chedore P, Allen R, et al. Investigation of tuberculosis transmission in Canadian Arctic Inuit communities using DNA ngerprinting. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2001;5:642-47. Nguyen D, Proulx JF, Westley J, et al. Tuberculosis in the Inuit community of Quebec, Canada. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;168:1353-57. Kulaga S, Behr M, Musana K, et al. Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in Montreal. Can Med Assoc J 2002;167:353-54. Kulaga S, Behr M, Nguyen D, et al. Diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in an immigrant population: evidence against a founder eect. Am J Epidemiol 2004;159:507-13. Hernandez-Garduno E, Kunimoto D, Wang L, et al. Predictors of clustering of tuberculosis in Greater Vancouver: a molecular epidemiologic study. Can Med Assoc J 2002;167:349-52. Kunimoto D, Sutherland K, Wooldrage K, et al. Transmission characteristics of tuberculosis in the foreign-born and the Canadian-born populations of Alberta, Canada. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004;8:1213-20. FitzGerald JM, Fanning A, Hoeppner V, et al. The molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in western Canada. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2003;7:132-38.
25. 26.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Mycobacteriology Laboratory Services Specimen receiving and transport Biosafety Digestion, decontamination and concentration of specimens The acid-fast smear and microscopy Mycobacterial culture Nucleic acid amplication testing In-house polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing Identication of mycobacterial species Mycobacterium leprae detection Genotyping of M. tuberculosis Susceptibility Testing for Antituberculosis Drugs Serum Drug Levels Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRA) Quality and Prociency Testing Reporting Criteria and Turnaround Times
19 19 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 28 28 28 29
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Progressive Standards for the Future of the Modern Mycobacteriology Laboratory Guiding principles Benchmarks of improvement in laboratory TB services References
30 30 30 32
The Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) is a genetically related group that currently encompasses M. tuberculosis (including M. tuberculosis subsp. canetti), M. bovis, M. bovis BCG, M. africanum, M. caprae, M. microti and M. pinnipedii. All of these species except M. bovis BCG are included in the Canadian case denition of tuberculosis (TB) (see Appendix B). The species dier in host preference; hence species identication can contribute to the epidemiologic picture (see Chapter 1, Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Canada). In general, the MTBC has an infectious dose of 1-10 bacteria and is transmissible by the aerosol route. The organism is observed microscopically as an acid-fast bacterium and is remarkable for its serpentine cording formation in liquid media. However, as other members of the genus can exhibit this characteristic, laboratories should be wary of using cellular morphology for identication. Recently, newer testing methods have evolved, such as nucleic acid amplication tests and nucleic acid probes. They have been implemented in most mycobacteriology laboratories to rapidly identify the MTBC in processed clinical samples and cultures. This chapter outlines the general services oered by a mycobacteriology laboratory with emphasis on the importance of state-of-the-art technologies with rapid turnaround times, reporting procedures and regionalization of services. The roles of laboratory services in training, decision-making and policies for TB control are also addressed. A section on standards for the future mycobacteriology laboratory considers assessment of capacity, capability and cost.
Laboratory Services
Specimen receiving and transport
Samples are to be carefully packaged before being sent to the laboratory. Most specimens submitted for mycobacterial culture originate from the respiratory tract, but tissue, sterile body uids, urine and gastric aspirates are also commonly submitted (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease). If a laboratory does not have processing facilities, specimens should be referred to a laboratory with such a capability. This should be done promptly within 24 hours of specimen collection to avoid overgrowth by other microorganisms. Laboratories are required to adhere to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations (TDG) (Canada), (<http://www.tc.gc.ca/acts-regulations/ GENERAL/T/tdg/menu.htm>), when transporting clinical specimens or cultures to another facility. This legislation is administered by Transport Canada and denes the labelling, packing and documentation requirements that are necessary for shipping infectious substances, including diagnostic specimens, within Canada. In addition to any requirements of the Act, the accepting facility must be able to accept and process the incoming specimens.* Requisitions
should be sent with the package. Minimum information to be provided includes a unique identier (i.e. patient and/or referring laboratory identier), the date of collection/subculture, the specimen type and site, the requested test and the ordering physician. All types of clinical specimens and cultures are potentially contagious and must be handled appropriately and transported in accordance with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations (TDG) (Canada).
Compared with the general population, laboratory personnel have a three to nine times greater risk of acquiring latent TB infection.1,2 Compliance with biosafety practices as outlined in the Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines and other standards for working with cultures of MTBC is critical.2-5 Preparation of primary smears and cultures can be done in a containment level 2 (CL2) physical environment with CL3 operational practices, while manipulation of positive cultures must be carried out under CL3 physical and operational constraints.* A biosafety cabinet must be used for all manipulations (clinical specimens and cultures).* Centrifuges should be equipped to provide aerosol containment by having safety caps for each bucket. As demonstrated by in-house testing,6,7 it is strongly recommended that xation of slides render the material nonviable. All risk group 3 material leaving the CL3 area for shipping to another laboratory should be contained as per TDG regulations. All risk group 3 material should be deemed nonviable before being manipulated in CL-2 conditions.7 This applies particularly to molecular work performed on any biomolecules extracted from specimens.7 MTBC is noted to be resistant to many disinfectants. The most eective disinfectants for mycobacteria are phenolics, glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease). It is the responsibility of a laboratory supervisor in conjunction with a Biosafety Ocer to have in place a formal training program with standard operating procedures (SOPs) reecting stringent adherence to safety guidelines. An ocial program of medical surveillance should be in place to monitor the tuberculin skin test (TST) and health status of all sta.2,4,8 All biosafety failures should be documented and reviewed to prevent recurrence.
For purposes of quality control, 10% of negative slides should be examined by a second qualied person. Caution should be exercised when interpreting smears. Observed AFB can be MTBC, nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTMs) or, on rare occasion, nonmycobacterial organisms, such as Nocardia and actinomycetes, which can be weakly acid fast. Smear results should be reported within 24 hours of specimen receipt. Smears should be reported following an established grading system (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease). Negative slides should be retained until the nal culture report has been issued. All positive slides should be kept for at least 1 year.
Mycobacterial culture
Culture, as the gold standard for a positive diagnosis, is highly recommended for laboratory diagnosis.5 As outlined in the section on digestion, decontamination and concentration, at least one solid and one liquid medium should be inoculated for culturing of AFB.5 Broth and solid media should be monitored for a minimum of 6 and 8 weeks respectively before reporting as culture negative. Contamination of a positive AFB culture in liquid media should be veried by a blood agar sterility check, and detection of a mixed species population can be determined by subculture to a Middlebrook plate. Resubmission of one or more samples is recommended in the event of a positive smear but negative culture. A positive culture should use a rapid method (i.e. genetic probes) to conclusively identify MTBC. The laboratory should stock all cultures for a minimum of 1 year. It is important to remember that cultures can occasionally be falsely positive, largely because of cross-contamination within the laboratory.17,18 A report of a single positive culture, especially with a long detection time and/or few colonies and when clinical suspicion is low, should raise the possibility of a false-positive culture. The laboratory reporting this culture should investigate, ideally performing DNA ngerprinting on the isolate and all other isolates detected within that time frame.
results within 3 to 24 hours. Additionally, they are more sensitive than AFB smears, although less sensitive than TB cultures. They are currently recommended for use only on airway secretion specimens that are smear positive, although upon special request they can be used on other specimens (e.g. cerebrospinal uid). False-positive and false-negative rates should be monitored, as the rates can be very high without careful attention to proper technique by highly trained and closely supervised laboratory sta. When the test is applied to airway secretions, it is recommended that only processed and concentrated specimens be used. Results may be indeterminate because of inhibitors in the specimen or a very low bacterial load. The test can be repeated on the original specimen and, if it is still indeterminate, a new specimen may be obtained for repeat NAA testing. NAA testing should be performed on specimens from untreated patients. It should not be used to assess response to treatment. Results should be reported within 24 hours. For more information on these tests, please refer to Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease.
For these reasons, mycobacteriology laboratories performing susceptibility testing should dierentiate M. tuberculosis from M. bovis and M. bovis BCG because of the intrinsic resistance of the latter two organisms to pyrazinamide and the impact on epidemiologic tracing. Current molecular approaches available for MTBC dierentiation include analysis of polymorphisms of the gyrB gene,26 regions-of-dierence schemes27,28 and spoligotyping.29
Similar criteria used for identication of the MTB complex should be used for the NTM species. For level II and III laboratories that can perform identication tests of the MTBC and other, nontuberculous mycobacteria, identication of the M. avium complex, M. kansasii and M. gordonae can be accomplished by the use of AccuProbe kits (GenProbe); other mycobacteria can be identied by molecular sequencing targets such as the 16S rRNA gene.24,25,30 Upon sequence analysis it is recommended that both amplied primer strands be examined for single nucleotide substitutions. For quality control of sequence data, consistent use of the reference sequence should be instituted into the test procedure. Culture identication should be completed before other testing, such as susceptibility testing, is carried out in order to apply the correct interpretation. Culture identication of M. tuberculosis complex should be reported within 21 days of specimen receipt.2,13 However, this time frame is dependent on the growth rate of the organism. Culture identication should make use of rapid, state-ofthe art technologies such as DNA probes or molecular-based techniques. In the absence of such resources, cultures should be sent to a reference laboratory for identication.31 The following elements should be identied in the report:25 the phenotypic/genotypic method used; the gene target and nucleotides analyzed; and the reference sequences and/or sequence databases used.
Genotyping of M. tuberculosis
The current gold standard for DNA ngerprinting is restriction fragmentlength polymorphism (RFLP) analysis based on the IS6110 transposable element.33 RFLP has high discriminatory power and extensive application in
historical databases. There are, however, technical limitations to the method due to the nature of the test:34,35 The procedure requires large amounts of DNA, is very labour intensive and requires strict adherence to established protocol. If strict adherence to the protocol is not followed, interlaboratory comparisons cannot be performed. Standard protocol recommends that control strain Mt. 14323 be run, which should ank the sample set as well as being present at a third position, in the approximate middle of the set. Small deviations in mobility can result in error when fragment sizes are being calculated in comparison to the standard used, resulting in misalignment during data processing.35 This can be compensated for by decreasing tolerance and band-matching values, but by doing so one is allowing for a higher potential of incorrect matching in a large database.35 Other technical factors that contribute to variability in band identication are gel mobilities and exposure time of lm. For isolates with fewer than ve copies of the IS6110 insertion sequence, the sensitivity of this methodology is greatly reduced. In addition to the fact that running conditions aect both the banding pattern and number of bands observed, interpretation of more intense or wider bands as either single or double remains dicult. Although software with stringent shoulder parameters can be used alone in band determination, visual interpretation is also often required, contributing to variations in results among individuals. The current international trend is to move towards a rapid, PCR-based universal genotyping system that requires very small amounts of DNA and provides a numerical output for ease of comparison.36 One method being adopted globally is based on mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit-variable number tandem repeats (MIRU-VNTRs). This method has shown great promise, with a discriminatory power close to that of RFLP and the additional benet of being able to discriminate isolates with low copy numbers of IS6110.37-39 Currently, the CDC has implemented the MIRU-VNTR method as its rst-line genotyping test, in conjunction with spoligotyping.40 Spoligotyping,29 another commonly used PCR-based genotyping method, lacks the individual discriminatory power of the other two typing methods, but in conjunction with RFLP and MIRU it is very valuable in case cluster analysis. A proposal for standardization of optimized MIRU-VNTR typing of M. tuberculosis has been published.41
Appropriate controls should be included with antimicrobial testing: a fully susceptible strain of M. tuberculosis at least once per week of use. Each new lot of antimicrobials should be tested against a fully susceptible, characterized reference strain of M. tuberculosis as well as against strains resistant to each antibiotic.
A laboratory receiving an isolate of MTBC for susceptibility testing should conrm organism identication. All initial isolates of MTBC should at minimum be tested for the following recommended rst-line antituberculosis drugs: rifampin (RMP), isoniazid (INH), ethambutol (EMB) and pyrazinamide (PZA). Although phenotypic susceptibility testing for PZA can be technically challenging, guidelines are available for both the BACTEC 460 and BACTEC 960 monitoring systems.42-46 Laboratories lacking the capability or experiencing technical diculties in performing the PZA drug testing should refer the isolate to another laboratory or to a reference centre for phenotypic testing and/or molecular conrmation of PZA drug sensitivity/resistance. Additionally, PZA resistance is a critical tool for laboratories (in the absence of molecular conrmation) to assist in dierentiation of M. tuberculosis from M. bovis or M. bovis BCG. Speciation of the MTBC is becoming increasingly more important for epidemiologic investigations, contact tracing and guidance for clinical treatment. As PZA monoresistance in M. tuberculosis is rare, these isolates should have repeat testing performed, ideally by another technology, such as the enzymatic amidase test and/or by molecular methods. Strict adherence should be maintained to recommended guidelines for antimicrobial concentrations and parameters for testing that are applicable to the continuous monitoring system used. Caution should be exercised when reporting low-level EMB resistance. The recommended critical concentration for EMB has undergone adjustments over time and remains controversial.47,48 All resistance to rst-line antimicrobials should be conrmed by either another laboratory or another approved method. Reporting of initial results should not be delayed while repeat testing is being undertaken. The report should indicate that drug resistance ndings are preliminary and that conrmation of the result has been initiated and will follow in a nal report. Susceptibility testing should be repeated if the patients specimen does not convert to culture negative within 4 months or earlier if there is other evidence (clinical or radiographic) of a failure to respond to therapy.47,49
Results should be reported within 7 to 14 days of detection of a positive culture,13,36 according to established guidelines.42 When resistance is encountered to the critical concentration of INH by the methodology used, the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI, formerly known as the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards) recommends testing at a higher concentration.42 If the isolate is found to be susceptible at a higher concentration, this could indicate low-level or emerging resistance. CLSI recommends the following comment be added to the report: These test results indicate low-level resistance to INH. Some experts believe that patients infected with strains exhibiting this level of INH resistance may benet from continuing therapy with INH. A specialist in the treatment of tuberculosis should be consulted concerning the appropriate therapeutic regimen and dosages. If resistance to one or more of the rst-line antituberculosis drugs is encountered or the patients treatment is failing, additional testing may be required for recommended second-line drugs, which include injectable agents (streptomycin, amikacin, kanamycin, capreomycin), uoroquinolones (ciprooxacin, ooxacin, levooxacin, gatioxacin, moxioxacin), rifabutin, ethionamide, cycloserine, paminosalicylic acid and clofazimine.5,42 Standardized methods for second-line drug susceptibility testing are available in Canada for the injectable agents, ooxacin, rifabutin, ethionamide and p-aminosalicylic acid. Second-line drug susceptibility testing should be limited to accredited reference laboratories. CLSI does not recommend testing of cycloserine because of the instability of the drug. If testing is performed, the results should be interpreted with caution. In 2005, the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee reclassied streptomycin as a second-line TB drug in Canada. It is recommended that each TB laboratory director consult with his or her jurisdictional TB control physicians and public health department to decide whether streptomycin should be routinely tested on the basis of the following: patient population; prevalence of drug resistance; use in community; and availability and timeliness of testing if resistance or intolerance is encountered.
In the context of genetic mutation testing associated with drug resistance, DNA sequencing may be the only technology option to identify known and novel insertion or deletion mutations and remains the gold standard for molecular work.50 It is well recognized that conrmation of resistance to PZA and RMP is possible using molecular targets (pncA and rpoB genes respectively). 51-53 Over 95% of isolates with phenotypic RMP resistance have a mutation in the 80 bp hot spot region of the rpoB gene.51,52 Approximately 95% of PZA-resistant isolates have documented mutations in the pncA gene.52,53 Reporting of molecular gene targets for drug resistance requires the following information:25 nucleotide and amino acid aected; analytic limitations (i.e. limits of sensitivity and processing); and
interpretative limitations (i.e. a negative result/no mutation does not rule out phenotypic resistance).
Serum drug level testing is useful for patients who may be failing therapy despite appropriate antituberculosis medication (see Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection). Currently, this test is not available in Canada. Samples should be sent to a reference laboratory specializing in mass spectrometry analysis, such as the National Jewish Medical and Research Center, Denver, Colorado, website: <http://www.njc.org>.49
number of samples/isolates determined by a mathematical model; samples/isolates exhibiting a range of known, characterized values; and performance characteristics to be evaluated by statistical analysis. Further support for in-house validations can include documented acceptance of a test method from the scientic community. This may be provided through reference to public or private documentation on similar or related techniques or publication pertaining to the in-house method in peer-reviewed journals.
Identication of mycobacterial species Primary susceptibility testing Reporting of all test results (electronically) Reporting of all test results (mailed hard copy)
The mycobacteriology laboratory has an essential role in the prevention and control of TB. Eective TB control depends on an integrated system that includes clinicians, the public health department and laboratories. An integrated system will establish prompt, reliable laboratory testing and provide an eective ow of information with established lines of communication. Each province/territory should have access to high-quality TB testing and complete reporting in a timely manner. Historically, challenges to the development of such a system have been the lack of laboratory testing standards, inecient laboratory information systems and communication gaps, as well as underfunding, leading to work force shortages and loss of expertise.
Cost analysis
As the number of TB cases declines, the costs of maintaining testing in low-volume laboratories is challenging. Cost assessments evaluate the eciency and relevance of the provision of esoteric testing in all laboratory facilities and determine the appropriateness of concentrating resources in laboratories that can deliver such services with attendant workforce skills.
Strategic planning
Development of partnerships and collaborations in Canada, including the Canadian Tuberculosis Laboratory Technical Network, the Canadian Public Health Laboratory Network and the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee
Continuation of support for a state-of-the-art core national mycobacteriology reference laboratory Development of a contingency plan for surge capacity in the event of an emergency, such as a TB outbreak, that would aect laboratory services Instituting the use of new technologies as they become available Maintaining a prompt and ecient reporting and tracking information system
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Noordhoek GT, Kolk AH, Bjune G, et al. Sensitivity and specicity of PCR for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a blind comparison study among seven laboratories. J Clin Microbiol 1994;32:277-84. Rish JA, Eisenach KD, Cave MD, et al. Polymerase chain reaction detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in formalin-xed tissue. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1996;153:1419-23. Turenne CY, Tschetter L, Wolfe J, et al. Necessity of quality-controlled 16S rRNA gene sequence databases: identifying nontuberculous mycobacterium species. J Clin Microbiol 2001;39:3637-48. National Committee for Laboratory Standards. Nucleic acid sequencing methods in diagnostic laboratory medicine: approved guideline MM9-A. Wayne PA, National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, 2004. Niemann S, Harmsen D, Rusch-Gerdes S, et al. Dierentiation of clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates by gyrB DNA sequence polymorphism analysis. J Clin Microbiol 2000;38:3231-34. Parsons LM, Brosch R, Cole ST, et al. Rapid and simple approach for identication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates by PCRbased genomic deletion analysis. J Clin Microbiol 2002;40:2339-45. Huard RC, de Oliveira Lazzarini LC, Butler WR, et al. PCR-based method to dierentiate the subspecies of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex on the basis of genomic deletions. J Clin Microbiol 2003;41:1637-50. Kamerbeek J, Schouls L, Kolk Avan Agterveld M, et al. Simultaneous detection and strain dierentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for diagnosis and epidemiology. J Clin Microbiol 1997;35:907-14. Cloud JL, Neal H, Rosenberry R, et al. Identication of Mycobacterium spp. by using a commercial 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing kit and additional sequencing libraries. J Clin Microbiol 2002;40:400-6. Hall L, Roberts G. Non-molecular identication of nontuberculous mycobacteria in the clinical microbiology laboratory: Whats the real deal? Clin Microbiol Newsletter 2006;28:73-80. Williams DL, Scollard DM, Gillis TP. PCR-based diagnosis of leprosy in the United States. Clin Microbiol Newsletter 2003;25:57-61. van Embden JD, Cave MD, Crawford JT, et al. Strain identication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by DNA ngerprinting: recommendations for a standardized methodology. J Clin Microbiol 1993;31:406-9. McNabb SJ, Braden CR, Navin TR. DNA ngerprinting of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: lessons learned and implications for the future. Emerg Infect Dis 2002;8:1314-19.
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47. 48.
52. 53.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Transmission Patient characteristics aecting the number of infectious droplet nuclei per volume of air Environmental factors aecting the number of infectious droplet nuclei per volume of air Duration of exposure of susceptible individuals Susceptibility of those exposed Infectivity of one strain of M. tuberculosis versus another Eect of treatment upon the contagiousness of the patient Measures to prevent transmission Pathogenesis Primary infection Primary disease Latent tuberculosis infection Postprimary tuberculosis Pathogenetic factors enabling the communicability and survival of M. tuberculosis References
38 39 41 41 42 43 43 43 43 44 46 46 47 48 48
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by mycobacteria belonging to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, predominantly acquired through inhalation and rarely through ingestion or percutaneous inoculation (laboratory or hospital accident). Bovine TB, which in the past was caused by ingestion of infected (unpasteurized) milk and tended to involve the tonsils and intestines, has been largely eradicated as a result of the tuberculin testing of cattle and the subsequent slaughter of those found to be infected. Sporadic cases may result from inadvertent exposure of abattoir workers, veterinarians and wild game handlers to infected animals. Immigrants may harbour M. bovis, and occasionally this organism may be reactivated in older persons who acquired the infection before milk-borne disease had been controlled. The reservoir for M. tuberculosis is humans. Animals may be infected but are rarely a source of infection. Infection is transmitted almost exclusively by the airborne route in minute droplets of moisture that become increasingly reduced by evaporation, creating Adroplet nuclei@. Droplet nuclei are created by forceful expiratory eorts, such as coughing, sneezing, singing and playing wind instruments. Certain procedures, for example, bronchoscopy, sputum induction, autopsy and even irrigation or other manipulation of tuberculous abscesses, may also produce infectious aerosols. The droplets have an extremely slow settling rate (0.5 mm per second or less), which permits their transport by air currents, duct systems or elevator shafts for signicant distances from the source case. They are neither ltered out by simple gauze masks nor adequately stopped when the patient covers the mouth and nose during coughing. Large particles settle quickly and are either not inhaled or, if inhaled, are trapped in the mucus of the upper airway. If the organism reaches the trachea and bronchi it is usually swept back to the larynx by ciliary action and cough, and then swallowed. For practical purposes, only the droplet nuclei in the size range 1 to 5 microns reach the terminal air spaces or alveoli; each is understood to contain only a few bacteria. In most instances only one such droplet nucleus is believed to be responsible for establishing infection in the host. Bacteria that are lodged on fomites (linen, furniture, books, oors) do not constitute a signicant source of infection: most die quickly through the action of drying, heat or sunlight.1-5 The rate of transmission can be measured by the percentage of close contacts (household and non-household) whose tuberculin skin test (TST) responses are converted from negative to positive or in whom active TB disease develops. The percentage will depend on the number of infectious droplet nuclei per volume of air (infectious particle density) and the length of time that the susceptible individual spends breathing that air. In the past, drug susceptibility patterns and phage typing of M. tuberculosis isolates have helped to conrm the transmission between source case and contact. More recently, DNA ngerprinting of M. tuberculosis isolates has greatly rened the identication of this relation.6 In patients with epidemiologically unrelated TB there is broad variability in the DNA ngerprints of M. tuberculosis isolates, whereas the DNA ngerprints of isolates from patients who were infected by a common source are identical or nearly identical. Therefore in clustered cases of TB, dened as those in which the isolates have identical or closely related DNA ngerprints, infection has
usually been recent. In contrast, cases in which the isolates have distinctive DNA ngerprints generally represent a reactivation of infection acquired in the distant past.6-8 Important caveats to these generalizations include the following. First, DNA ngerprinting data should be interpreted together with epidemiologic data, as shared DNA ngerprints from individuals that live in relatively closed communities may simply reect the contemporaneous reactivation of a common strain that had been circulating in the community many years earlier and may not represent recent transmission.8-10 Second, the accurate identication of clustered cases requires the evaluation of a large percentage of TB cases in the population over a long period of time. If DNA ngerprinting is performed in only a minority of cases, many clustered cases will be missed.11 In addition, if DNA ngerprinting is performed over a short period, some clustered cases will be overlooked, as insucient time will have elapsed for TB to have developed in infected persons. Third, there is always the possibility that the recovery of identical isolates represents laboratory cross-contamination. To paraphrase Barnes and Cave,6 molecular epidemiologic studies have shown that the dynamics of the transmission of TB vary greatly geographically. Therefore local eorts to identify high-risk populations and transmission sites are crucial for the eective control of TB.
Patient characteristics affecting the number of infectious droplet nuclei per volume of air
For successful transmission to take place, a TB patient must be able to produce airborne infectious droplets. This most often limits the potential for transmission to adolescent or adult patients with TB of the respiratory tract, although younger children can, on occasion, be highly infectious.7 Among patients with TB of the respiratory tract not all are equally ecient at transmission. 1. Viable bacteria in the sputum of the source case. Patients whose sputum smears are positive for acid-fast bacteria have 5,000 or more organisms per millilitre of sputum and have the potential to infect many of their close contacts, whereas those who are smear-negative but culture-positive infect far fewer contacts9-11 (Figure 1). Smear-positive patients often have cavitary pulmonary or laryngeal TB. With the use of molecular epidemiologic tools the relative transmission rate of smear-negative compared with smear-positive patients has been determined to be 0.17-0.22 or roughly one-fth of all transmissions.12,13 In addition to the greater infectivity of smear-positive cases, there are data to suggest that the risk of disease after infection from a smear-positive case is greater than it is after infection from a smear-negative case. In one study, more than one-third of children living in close contact with smear-positive patients, and infected by them, had disease. In contrast, only 18% of children having a comparable degree of contact with, and infected by, smear-negative patients had active disease.14 These and other data lend support to the hypothesis that multiple discrete infections may occur during the period of time that it takes for immunity to mature after infection (18-24 months), and each may carry an independent risk of disease.15
2. Aerosolization of sputum by cough or other mechanisms. One of the most important ndings of the sentinel transmission studies of Wells and Riley was the extraordinary heterogeneity of infectiousness among patients with smear-positive pulmonary TB.16-18 They went on to evaluate the aerial infectivity of the droplets from smear-positive patients by articially atomizing sputum and exposing guinea pigs to a Astandard dose@, and were able to show a marked variability in the infectivity of aerosolized sputum. Thus, although patients may appear to have an equal number of bacteria in their sputum, the physical and chemical properties of one patients sputum may be more suitable than those of anothers for the production of large numbers of droplet nuclei. In addition, the number of organisms put into airborne suspension by a patient depends upon his or her eectiveness as an aerosolizer; this, in turn, is related to the force and vigour of the coughing maneuver and the shape of the mouth and upper airway during coughing.19 Tenacious sputum containing clumps of bacteria does not yield as many tiny infectious particles as does watery sputum containing more dispersed organisms. In normal breathing the number of infectious particles produced by diseased individuals is very low, but a bout of coughing produces up to 3,500 particles with infective potential, a number that equates with speaking for ve minutes in a normal tone.19,20 A sneeze dispenses up to a million particles. The likelihood that household contacts will be infected increases with the frequency of cough in the source case.21-23 On the basis of a study by Styblo et al,24 the duration of cough at the time of diagnosis could be determined in 430 smear-positive patients: 30% of them had
been coughing for not more than 1 month, 60% for less than 3 months and 84% for less than 6 months.
Environmental factors affecting the number of infectious droplet nuclei per volume of air
1. Air circulation and ventilation. Given a dened number of bacteria expelled into the air, the volume of air into which the bacteria are expelled determines the probability that a susceptible individual breathing that air will become infected. A high concentration of viable bacteria in the inhaled air of the contact is favoured by indoor exposure, poor ventilation or recirculation of air, and poor access to sunlight (ultraviolet rays). Ventilation dramatically dilutes the concentration of infectious droplet nuclei. At 1 air change per hour (a volume of fresh air equal to the room volume each hour), it will take 276 minutes to reduce the concentration by 99%, whereas a ventilation rate of 6 air changes per hour takes only 46 minutes, assuming that no one in the room is generating an aerosol and that perfect mixing of air is occurring within the space25 (see Chapter 16, Tuberculosis Control Within Institutions, for further information on clearance times). Although the probability of being infected after contact with an infectious source decreases with decreasing duration and closeness of contact with the source case, the absolute number of casual contacts that an infectious case infects may exceed the number of infected close contacts. As Rieder explains, this occurs when the number of casual contacts of an infectious case far exceeds that of susceptible close contacts.21 This is illustrated schematically in Figure 2, in which the probability of infection among the closest, rst circle contacts was 3 out of 10, in the next to closest contact circle was 3 out of 20, and in casual contacts beyond these two circles was much lower.21 The absolute number of infected casual contacts, however, exceeded the absolute number of infected close contacts. DNA ngerprint data have highlighted the limits of contact tracing in settings where there is exposure of a large number of persons unknown to source cases, and in settings where social connections are tenuous at best.26,27 2. Proximity to the source case. Proximity to the source case, or to exhausted or ducted air from the room in which the source case is situated, is also an important determinant of transmission. The human host is social by nature; children (susceptible hosts) live with their parents for a prolonged period of time, allowing ample opportunity for transmission should a parent have active respiratory disease.
Figure 2 Example of the risk of infection among close contacts (inner circle), intermediate contacts (outer circle), and casual contacts*
* The index case is indicted by a cross, infected contacts by lled circles, and uninfected contacts by hollow circles
As a result of the systematic DNA ngerprinting of M. tuberculosis isolates, the conventional wisdom that until now has placed most close contacts within the home is undergoing revision. Within many large U.S. cities much of the ongoing transmission has been demonstrated to be occurring in an inner city population, many of whom are homeless. Under such circumstances it may be necessary to think in terms of Alocations@ of transmission,26 e.g. shelters, social gathering places, rather than a home in the conventional sense.25
of infection in everyone, will prevent it in some.32 If infection is established, BCG limits the subsequent multiplication and dissemination of the bacteria and the development of lesions.
The pathogenesis and transmission of TB are inseparably linked. M. tuberculosis is dependent upon human hosts for its survival. A successful hostpathogen interaction is one that results in pathogen transmission. Primary infection is usually self-limited and followed by a variable period of latency, which ultimately, in a proportion of those infected, results in infectious postprimary disease.
Primary infection
At the time of the initial infection the distribution of inhaled droplet nuclei in the lung is determined by the pattern of regional ventilation. It thus tends to favour the middle and lower lung zones, although any lobe may be the site of implantation.39 Infecting dose may be a factor in determining whether exposure to bacteria results in infection, but this has not been rmly established.40 In immunocompetent hosts, it is theorized that alveolar macrophages ingest the M. tuberculosis organisms, and depending upon the degree to which phagocytosing cells are nonspecically activated, host genetic factors and resistance mechanisms in the bacteria may or may not destroy them.40 When innate macrophage microbicidal activity is inadequate to destroy the initial few bacteria of the droplet nucleus they replicate within the macrophage. When their numbers become suciently large (estimated to be 103-104 bacteria), cell-mediated immunity (CMI) and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) are stimulated.40 The former involves CD4 receptor-bearing lymphocytes that are stimulated to secrete cytokines, in particular interferon-, which in turn enhance the capacity of macrophages to ingest and kill the mycobacteria. The latter is thought to involve cytolytic T lymphocytes and may be protective or harmful to the host depending upon the circumstances.40 At the site of implantation the lesion is usually insignicant, the infection is usually contained, and TB does not develop. The emphasis is on regional lymphatic spread and a self-limited, occult bacteremia, which seeds respiratory and nonrespiratory sites favoured by high blood ow and increased oxygen tension, e.g. the lung apex, the renal cortex and the metaphysis of long bones. As alluded to earlier, there is epidemiologic evidence to suggest that it takes 18 to 24 months after rst infection for cellular immunity to completely mature, and during that time repeated exposure may result in repeated infection. Each such infection may carry its own independent risk of disease.15 On average, approximately 5% of newly infected immunocompetent persons are unable to satisfactorily limit replication of the bacteria despite the stimulation of CMI and DTH, and infection develops into primary or progressive primary disease within 18 to 24 months. In a very small proportion, erythema nodosum (a cutaneous immunologic response to an extracutaneous tuberculosis infection) or phlyctenular conjunctivitis (a hypersensitivity reaction) may develop. Those newly infected persons not developing primary disease will either be left with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and will never have postprimary disease (90%) or, after a variable period of latency, the infection will progress to reactivation or postprimary TB at some time in their lives (5%) (Figure 3). LTBI may be identied through conversion of the TST or sometimes the development of radiographically demonstrable brocalcic residua at the primary site of infection (Ghon focus) or primary site of infection and draining lymph nodes (Ghon complex). Newer blood tests (interferon- release assays) detect CMI to mycobacterial antigens through changes in serum interferon- levels following in vitro stimulation41 (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease, for further details).
Although this outline is a useful generalization, it does not always apply, nor are the factors that determine the fraction of infected persons in whom the disease will develop completely understood. Age and sex appear to directly aect resistance: mortality and morbidity is much greater among infants, among females in the early adult years and among males during old age. Poor nutrition probably has an eect, but in experimental animals nutritional deciencies must be extreme to reduce resistance. Racial dierences have been oered as factors determining native resistance, with some support,42 but dierences among races in all clinical forms of TB are probably best explained as phase dierences in an epidemic wave.43 All races initially exposed in an epidemic as a group are equally susceptible, but eventually the death and survival outcome select out a set of persons relatively more resistant. A growing body of evidence suggests that host genetic factors are important in determining susceptibility to TB.44-46 Other factors that bear upon native resistance include the immunologic status of the host. This is most evident among persons infected with HIV. DNA ngerprinting of M. tuberculosis isolates from TB outbreaks has shown that, among patients with AIDS exposed to an infectious source case, progressive primary TB will develop in 37% within 5 months of exposure.47 Among HIVinfected patients known to have acquired TB infection more than 2 years earlier, the annual risk of reactivation TB is closer to 10%, in contrast to lifetime risks of reactivation of 5% in immunocompetent hosts.48 Figure 3 The pathogenesis of tuberculosis in the infected host
Primary disease
Depending upon the immunocompetence of the host, primary TB is, as already mentioned, most often a subclinical or mild self-limited illness. Infants and young children may be asymptomatic or may present with fever and nonproductive cough, and chest radiography may demonstrate unilateral, patchy parenchymal inltrates, or paratracheal or hilar adenopathy, or both. Such patients should receive full antituberculosis treatment when the diagnosis is made, as their immune systems are relatively immature and there is a real risk of progression to life-threatening nonrespiratory disease, notably disseminated TB or central nervous system (CNS) TB. The term primary pulmonary TB refers to a pulmonary implantation site or draining lymph node site of disease in those recently infected (within the preceding 18-24 months) with bacteria. If, for whatever reason, bacteria within the primary focus continue to divide, massive tissue destruction may result (progressive primary TB).49
Under the low TB incidence conditions that prevail in Canada the majority of Canadian-born non-Aboriginal persons reaching adulthood have not been infected. When TB infection occurs for the rst time in such adults the disease, if any, that follows may present as in childhood, with non-specic lung inltrates and/or lymphadenopathy or, as is very often the case, pleurisy.49 Patients with primary tuberculous pleurisy often have elevated temperatures, cough, pleuritic chest pain and, sometimes, dyspnea. Chest radiography reveals a unilateral pleural eusion, often without identiable parenchymal lesions. Pleural biopsies show paucibacillary granulomatous pleuritis. The diagnosis should be suspected if there is a recent history of exposure to TB. Primary tuberculous pleurisy will usually resolve spontaneously, yet without therapy reactivation TB develops in up to 60% of patients. Treatment, as for disease, is therefore indicated in all patients. Complications are rare, and surgery is almost never indicated. In summary, primary tuberculous pleurisy refers to a disease state characterized by pleuritis and pleural eusion, usually in an adolescent or young adult but possibly in any age group, due to recent (within the preceding 18-24 months) infection with bacteria. Please see Appendix C, Denition of Terms, for the denition of primary TB.
withstand anaerobic conditions would appear to be essential to the survival of this pathogen. The highly variable latency period makes it dicult to precisely document transmission using currently available tools. Persons found to have positive TSTs during contact investigation may have been infected in the past (remotely) rather than by the source case of concernthough for contact management and public health purposes they are treated as though they were recently infected when there is no way to know the duration of infection. DNA ngerprinting techniques will only detect transmission to the small group of persons in whom active disease develops following transmission from other patients of interest during the study time frame. Public health strategies will reect the relative burden of disease attributed to recent/ongoing transmissionimplying that the rst priority is to prevent further transmissionversus reactivation of remotely acquired infection, in which the priority shifts to identication of persons with LTBI, notably those at increased risk of reactivation.
Postprimary tuberculosis
In populations whose natural immunity is high and the TB epidemic is receding, reactivation of infection, in any of the various sites in which bacteria have been seeded, is the favoured explanation for the pathogenesis of postprimary TB. Hence the terms reactivation and postprimary are sometimes used interchangeably. However, in populations in which the epidemic is still peaking, the role of reinfection may be of considerable importance because the natural resistance to TB is not as developed in this population, and the risk to persons who inhale bacteria on several separate occasions is high.53 In adolescents, postprimary or reactivation-type pulmonary TB may occur within 1 or 2 years of infection.54 In Canada, in 2004, 63% of all cases of TB were pulmonary or other respiratory.55 The tendency for postprimary TB to localize in the lung, particularly the upper lung, is probably related to the higher oxygen tension in this region, resulting from the eect of gravity on the ventilationperfusion ratio in the upright lung.39 This oxygen tension eect may be indirect and arise through the unfavorable eect that high oxygen tension has on the macrophage, thereby permitting intracellular growth. Others incline toward the view that the upper lung localization of postprimary disease is less related to oxygen tension than it is to the combination of lowered blood ow and consequently lowered lymph ow, together with reduced respiratory movement at the apex, all of which result in reduced lymphatic drainage and antigen removal.1 These theoretical considerations aside, from the standpoint of public health as well as the organisms survival, the lungs are the most important site of postprimary disease. Patients with postprimary pulmonary TB, particularly those whose smears are positive for acid-fast bacteria, can spread the organism to the lungs of others by coughing, sneezing, laughing or even talking.11 Infants and young children with primary disease, adolescents or adults with primary tuberculous pleurisy and those with TB in non-respiratory sites are unlikely to infect others.11
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Daley CD, Small PM, Schecter GS, et al. An outbreak of tuberculosis with accelerated progression among persons infected with the human immunodeciency virus: an analysis using restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms. N Engl J Med 1992;326:231-35. Selwyn PA, Hartel D, Lewis VA, et al. A prospective study of the risk of tuberculosis among intravenous drug users with human immunodeciency virus infection. N Engl J Med 1989;320:545-50. Stead WW, Kerby GR, Schleuter DP, Jordahl CW. The clinical spectrum of primary tuberculosis in adults. Confusion with reinfection in the pathogenesis of chronic tuberculosis. Ann Intern Med 1968;68:731-44. Wilson RJ, Pillay DG, Sturm AW. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is not an obligate aerobe. J Infection 1999;38:197-8. Wayne LG, Diaz GA. Autolysis and secondary growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in submerged culture. J Bacteriol 1967;93:1374-81. Wayne LG, Lin KY. Glyoxylate metabolism and adaptation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to survival under anaerobic conditions. Infect Immun 1982;37:1042-49. Stead WW. The pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis amongst older persons. Am Rev Respir Dis 1965;91:811-22. Marais BJ, Gie RP, Schaaf HS, et al. The natural history of childhood intrathoracic tuberculosis: a critical review of literature from the prechemotherapy era. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004;8:392-402. Public Health Agency of Canada. Tuberculosis in Canada. Ottawa (Canada): Public Health Agency of Canada; 2007. URL: <http://www. publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis>. Dannenburg AM, Sugimoto M. Liquefaction of caseous foci in tuberculosis. Am Rev Respir Dis 1976;113:257-9. Long R, Maycher B, Dhar A et al. Pulmonary tuberculosis treated with directly observed therapy: serial changes in lung structure and function. Chest 1998;113:933-43. Petrelli D, Kaushal Sharma M, Wolfe J, et al. Strain-related virulence of the dominant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain in the Canadian province of Manitoba. Tuberculosis 2004;84:317-26. Glynn J, Whiteley J, Bifani P, et al. Worldwide occurrence of the Beijing/ W strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a systematic review. Emerg Infect Dis 2002;8:843-49. Valway SE, Sanchez MPC, Shinnick TF, et al. An outbreak involving extensive transmission of a virulent strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. N Engl J Med 1998;338(10):633-39.
51. 52.
53. 54.
56. 57.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection Indications for Tests to Diagnose TB Infection Types of Tuberculin Skin Tests The Mantoux Technique of Tuberculin Skin Testing Administration Interpretation of a negative TST result Management of a positive TST result Interpretation of a positive TST Interpretation When Sequential TST is Performed Nonspecic variation Conversion Two-step TST and the booster eect Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRA) Sensitivity, specicity and reproducibility Summary: TST versus IGRA Chest Radiography for Diagnosis of LTBI Diagnosis of Respiratory TB Disease Clinical picture of pulmonary TB TST Chest radiography
55 55 56 56 56 61 62 62 66 66 67 67 69 69 72 72 73 73 74 74
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Microbiology Collection of respiratory specimens Acid-fast staining and microscopic examination (AFB smear)
75 76 77 78 79 79 80 81
Mycobacterial culture Identication of mycobacterial species Nucleic acid amplication techniques DNA ngerprinting of strains References
2. Those with documented active TB or a well-documented history of adequate treatment for TB infection or disease in the past. In such patients, the test is of no clinical utility. 3. Those with major viral infections. 4. Those who have received measles immunization within the past 4 weeks, as this has been shown to increase the likelihood of false-negative TST results. No data are available regarding the eect on TST of other live virus immunizations mumps, rubella, varicella (chickenpox) and yellow fever but it would seem prudent to follow the same 4 week guideline. However, if the opportunity to perform the TST might be missed, the TST should not be delayed for live virus vaccines since these are theoretical considerations. (NOTE that a TST may be administered before or even on the same day as the immunizations but at a dierent site.2)
The following persons can receive a TST: 1. Those with a common cold. 2. Those who are pregnant or are breast-feeding. 3. Those immunized with any vaccine on the same day. 4. Those immunized within the previous 4 weeks with vaccines other than the ones listed earlier. 5. Those who give a history of a positive TST reaction (other than blistering) that is not documented. 6. Those taking low doses of systemic corticosteroids, < 15 mg prednisone (or equivalent) daily. It generally takes a steroid dose equivalent to 15 mg prednisone daily for 2-4 weeks to suppress tuberculin reactivity.3,4
is not recommended as this is associated with a very high rate of falsepositive reactions.7 Store at 2o-8o C, but do not freeze. Discard the solution if frozen. Remove the tuberculin solution from the vial under aseptic conditions. A little more than 0.1 mL of PPD solution should be drawn into the TB syringe. Hold the syringe upright and lightly tap out the air, then expel one drop. Check that a full 0.1 mL remains in the syringe. Do not transfer the solution from one container to another (the potency of the PPD may be diminished). Draw up the solution just before injecting it. Do not preload syringes for later use as the potency of the PPD may be diminished. The solution can be adversely aected by exposure to light. PPD should be stored in the dark except when doses are actually being withdrawn from the vial. Discard the solution if the vial has been in use for longer than 1 month or for an undetermined amount of time (the potency of the solution may be diminished). Use the solution within 1 month after opening. Label each bottle with the discard date when it is opened.
Preparing the person to be tested Seat the person comfortably with the arm extended. Explain the procedure. Instruct the person not to scratch the area afterwards as the resulting inammation would make the result dicult to read. The area may be bathed but should not be scrubbed. Use the inner aspect of the forearm, preferably the nondominant arm (where administration and reading of the reaction is easiest), about 10 cm (4 inches) below the elbow; avoid areas with abrasions, swelling, visible veins or lesions that make TST result dicult to read. If there is a localized rash, a burn or localized eczema avoid this area. If neither forearm is suitable, use the outside of the forearm or the upper arm. In this case mark the location clearly in the record. Cleanse the area to be injected with an alcohol swab and let the area dry. Do not use EMLA cream (or similar local anesthetic cream), as 10% of those applying this cream report localized edema,8 which could easily be confused with a positive TST result.
Injecting the PPD tuberculin solution Use a 0.6 to 1.3 cm ( to inch), 26- or 27-gauge needle with a disposable plastic tuberculin syringe.
Position the bevel of the needle so that it opens facing up. While holding the skin of the inner aspect of the forearm taut, insert the needle at a 5o-15o angle to the skin without aspirating. The tip of the needle will be visible just below the surface of the skin. The needle is inserted until the entire bevel is covered, see Figure 1. Without aspirating, administer the PPD by the slow intradermal injection of 0.1 mL of 5-TU. Withdraw the needle quickly and look for a discrete, pale elevation of the skin (a wheal) 6-10 mm in diameter. The wheal will typically disappear in 10-15 minutes. The size of the wheal is not completely reliable, but if a lot of liquid runs out at the time of injection and there is no wheal, then repeat the injection on the opposite forearm or on the same forearm as before but at least 10 cm (2 inches) from the previous injection. A drop of blood may be seen this is normal. The person tested should be oered gauze to remove the blood but should be advised not to massage the site in order to avoid squeezing out the PPD and disrupting the test. Do not cover the site with a bandage. Tell the patient that he or she should not scratch the site but may perform all normal activities, including showering or bathing. Place uncapped disposable needles and syringes in appropriate punctureresistant containers immediately after use. If the TST is accidentally given as an intramuscular injection, this should not pose a serious problem. It is theoretically possible that tuberculinsensitive persons would have localized inammation, which should be self-limited. It would not be possible to take a measurement of or clinically interpret any such reaction, so the TST must be administered again but using proper intradermal technique on the volar surface of the forearm.* Record the following: date of injection dose (5-TU, 0.1 mL) manufacturer lot number expiration date of solution site of injection person administering the TST.
Precautions Acute allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, angioedema, urticaria and/or dyspnea, have been very rarely reported following skin testing with Tubersol, see Risk of Serious Allergic Reactions Following Tubersol [Tuberculin Puried Protein Derivative (Mantoux)] Administration (available from: <http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/mede/advisoriesavis/prof/2005/tubersol_hpc-cps_e.html>). These reactions may occur in persons without a prior history of a TST. Epinephrine hydrochloride solution (1:1000) and other appropriate agents should be routinely available for immediate use in case an anaphylactic or other acute hypersensitivity reaction occurs. Health care providers should be familiar with the current recommendations of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) for monitoring of the patient for immediate reactions over a period of at least 15 minutes after inoculation and for the initial management of anaphylaxis in non-hospital settings.
Measuring induration The TST should be read by a trained health professional, (see Appendix E, Tuberculosis Education and Training Resources). Individuals without experience in reading a TST may not feel slight induration, and the TST would be mistakenly recorded as 0 mm. Self-reading can be very inaccurate and is strongly discouraged.9 Reading should be performed 48 to 72 hours after administration, as maximum induration can take up to 48 hours to develop, but after 72 hours it is dicult to interpret a reaction. Reactions may persist for up
to 1 week, but for as many as 21% of individuals with a positive reaction at 48 to 72 hours the reaction will be negative after 1 week.10 If the TST cannot be read within 72 hours because of unforeseen circumstances, it should be repeated at a location far enough from the previous test that the reactions do not overlap. No minimum wait is required before the repeat test. The forearm should be supported on a rm surface and slightly exed at the elbow. Mark the border of induration by moving the tip of a pen at a 45o angle laterally toward the site of the injection (Figure 2). The tip will stop at the edge of the induration, if present. Repeat the process on the opposite side of the induration.11 Using a caliper, measure the distance between the pen marks, which reects the diameter of the induration at its widest transverse diameter (at a right angle to the long axis of the forearm). A caliper is recommended because readings will be more precise and, most important, if the reader has to set the caliper and then read the diameter the rounding error is reduced. If a caliper cannot be found a exible ruler could be used. Disregard and do not record erythema (redness). Approximately 2%-3% of persons tested will have localized redness or rash (without induration) that occurs within the rst 12 hours. These are allergic reactions, are not serious and do not indicate TB infection. They are not a contraindication to future TSTs.12 Blistering, which can occur in 3% to 4% of subjects with positive tests, should be recorded. Record the result in millimeters (mm). Record no induration as 0 mm. Recordings of positive, negative, doubtful, signicant and nonsignicant are not recommended. Do not round o the diameter of the induration to the nearest 5 mm. as this can interfere with determining whether TST conversion has occurred in the event of a future TST. If the measurement falls between demarcations on the rules, the smaller of the two numbers should be recorded.
Recording the results Record the following: date the induration was read measurement of the induration, if any, in millimetres (mm) any adverse reactions, e.g. blistering name of individual reading the test. Provide a record of the TST result to the individual tested.
with measles, mumps, rubella, varicella (chickenpox) or yellow fever vaccine. Very young age (less than 6 months). The validity of the TST in infants aged less than 6 months is unknown.
Please see Chapter 12, Contact Follow-up and Outbreak Management in Tuberculosis Control, Table 2, for further information on interpreting the TST result in the context of a contact investigation. Second dimension positive predictive value The positive predictive value of the TST is the probability that a positive test result represents the true presence of TB infection. This diers from the TST sensitivity, which reects the probability of a positive TST result in the presence of known TB infection. Positive predictive value is primarily inuenced by the pretest probability or prevalence of TB infection, as well as the specicity of the TST. Thus, the positive predictive value is low and the utility of the TST is limited in populations at low risk of TB infection, with previous exposure to nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) or previous BCG vaccination, each of which can reduce the specicity of the TST. NTM: In parts of the world with tropical, subtropical or warm, temperate climates NTM are frequently found in soil and water, and most adults will have evidence of exposure and sensitization to some NTM antigens. Because the antigens of NTM are similar to those of M. tuberculosis, in persons who are sensitized to NTM antigens there will be cross-reactivity with PPD-S, causing small tuberculin reactions, most of 5-9 mm and some of 10-14 mm although almost none of 15+ mm. In most of Canada, sensitivity to NTM antigens is uncommon and is not an important cause of TST reactions of 10 mm or greater.16 A study in Quebec demonstrated that less than 5% of all reactions of 10 mm or greater to standard PPD were due to this cross-reactivity.17,18 This is why, in Canada, 10 mm remains the standard cut-point to determine whether TB infection is present. BCG vaccination: Several population groups in Canada are likely to have received BCG vaccination. These include immigrants from many European countries and most developing countries.19 In Canada, many Aboriginal Canadians have been vaccinated, as have persons born in Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador between the 1940s and the 1970s (see Appendix F for a summary of the provincial and territorial usage of BCG vaccine over time).20
Studies conducted in Canada and several other countries show that if BCG was received in infancy (the rst year of life) only 1% had a TST result of 10 mm if tested >10 years later. Therefore, a history of BCG vaccination received in infancy can be ignored in all persons aged 10 years and older when interpreting an initial TST reaction of 10 mm or greater.21-25 If the BCG vaccination was received after 12 months of age, 42% had a falsepositive TST of 10 mm after 10 years. If it was received between the ages of 1 and 5 years, persistently positive TST reactions were seen in 10%-15% of subjects up to 25 years later.24 Of subjects vaccinated at the age of 6 years or older, up to 40% had persistent positive reactions. BCG-related reactions may be as large as 25 mm or even greater.22,26,27 Therefore, if BCG vaccination was received after 12 months of age, it can be an important cause of false-positive TST reactions, particularly in populations whose expected prevalence of latent TB infection (i.e. true positive reactions) is less than 10%.
Summary Points:
BCG vaccination can be ignored as a cause of a positive TST if BCG vaccination was given in infancy, and the person tested is now aged 10 years or older; there is a high probability of TB infection: close contacts of an infectious TB case, Aboriginal Canadians from a highrisk community or immigrants/visitors from a country with high TB incidence; there is high risk of progression from TB infection to disease (see Table 2).
BCG should be considered the likely cause of a positive TST if BCG vaccine was given after 12 months of age AND the person is either Canadian-born non-Aboriginal OR an immigrant/visitor from a low TB incidence country.
International TB incidence rates are available at http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/ tuberculosis. Some tips to identify BCG scars, Recognition of BCG (versus smallpox) scars, may be viewed at http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis. BCG vaccination coverage in dierent countries is summarized at <http://www. who.int/immunization_monitoring/data/en/>. Third dimension risk of development of active TB disease Following primary TB infection, the lifetime cumulative risk for the development of active TB is generally estimated to be 10%. Half of these cases will occur in the rst 2 years following infection. Certain factors increase the risk of TB
reactivation because of diminished local or systemic immunity, as summarized in Table 2. Table 2 Risk Factors for the Development of Active TB among Persons Infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Estimated Risk of TB Relative to Persons with No Known Risk Factor
Risk Factor HIGH RISK Acquired immunodeciency syndrome (AIDS) Human immunodeciency virus (HIV) infection Transplantation (related to immunosuppressant therapy) Silicosis Chronic renal failure requiring hemodialysis Carcinoma of head and neck Recent TB infection ( 2 years) Abnormal chest x-ray bronodular disease INCREASED RISK Treatment with glucocorticoids Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha inhibitors Diabetes mellitus (all types) Underweight (< 90% ideal body weight; for most persons this is a body mass index 20) Young age when infected (0-4 years) Cigarette smoker (1 pack/day) Abnormal chest x-ray granuloma LOW RISK Infected person, no known risk factor, normal chest x-ray (low risk reactor)
28,29 30,31 32-35
110-170 50-110 20-74 30 10-25 16 15 6-19 4.9 1.5-4 2.0-3.6 2-3 2.2-5.0 2-3 2 1
48 49-50 51-54 55
56 57 47,58
Among persons with TB infection, dual infection with HIV is the most important risk factor for the development of disease. The annual risk of active disease varies from 3% to 13% and is highest when the CD4 counts falls below 200 x 106/L. TB is often the earliest manifestation of HIV-associated immune deciency and will occur with increasing frequency when CD4 counts fall below 500 x 106/L. Immune suppression may also occur following treatment with cancer chemotherapeutic agents. The risk from glucocorticoids appears to be dose dependent, in that the risk is much higher if treatment is with prednisone (or equivalent) of 15 mg/day or more (odds ratio [OR] = 7.7, 95% condence interval [CI] 2.8-21.4) than if the dose is < 15 mg/day (OR = 2.8, CI 1.0-7.9) or < 7.5 mg/day (OR = 2.3, CI 0.7-7.5).48
Persons who drink alcohol daily may be at increased risk of acquiring or developing TB. However, given the many other risk factors that commonly occur among such persons, it is dicult to know whether daily alcohol use is an independent risk factor for TB. Similarly, injection drug use is associated with increased risk of TB disease, but it is unclear whether this is solely because of the greater risk of infection, malnutrition, HIV infection and presence of other confounding risk factors. Certain tumours, such as T-cell lymphomas, increase the risk of reactivation of LTBI.60,61 Pulmonary silicosis (simple or complicated) will increase the risk of reactivation substantially but only for pulmonary forms of TB. Tuberculin reactors whose weight is less than 90% of ideal body weight will have twice the risk of reactivation of tuberculin reactors whose weight is in the ideal range and four times the risk compared with tuberculin reactors whose weight is more than 110% of ideal.
Condition Low risk reactors Abnormal chest x-ray, bronodular disease Abnormal chest x-ray, bronodular disease Recent TST conversion
As an example, a young woman is referred because of apical bronodular scarring as observed on her chest x-ray. This is unchanged from previous chest radiographic results obtained 6 months earlier. She was vaccinated with BCG as an infant, recently immigrated to Canada from a country with high TB incidence and is asymptomatic. The TST reaction measured 8 mm. Her risk of disease is 0.24% per year, considerably higher than a low-risk reactor with a TST of 10+ mm. After consideration of the likelihood of a true- versus false-positive TST result and the risk of disease development, the prescription of isoniazid (INH) may or may not be indicated, depending on the balance between the risk of disease and the risks of therapy (see Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection).
has been selected as the criterion to distinguish a real increase from nonspecic variation.1
The most helpful guide in distinguishing conversion from the booster eect described in the next section is the clinical situation. If there has been recent exposure, such as close contact with an active case or occupational TB exposure, then conversion will be more likely than when there has been no exposure. If there is a documented previous TST result less than 5 mm, conversion is usually dened as a TST of 10 mm or greater. However the circumstances of the contact should be taken into account. For example, if the source case is highly infectious, if there was close or prolonged contact, if the contact is under age 5 or if the contact has impaired immunity, then an increase of 6 mm from the previous TST result may be considered a conversion. Decisions in this regard need to be individualized. If there is a documented previous TST result between 5 and 9 mm, the denition of conversion is more controversial. There are at least two criteria in use, although neither have strong supportive evidence: 1. An increase of 6 mm or more this is a more sensitive criterion, which is suggested for those who are immune compromised with increased risk of disease or for an outbreak situation. 2. An increase of 10 mm or more this is a less sensitive but more specic criterion. In general, the larger the increase, the more likely that it is due to true conversion.1 TST conversion occurs within 8 weeks of exposure and infection. The traditional concept was that conversion occurred in up to 12 weeks. However, all available experimental and epidemiologic evidence consistently shows that this interval is less than 8 weeks.1 Adopting 8 weeks as the maximum interval for conversion following exposure allows newly infected contacts to be identied a month sooner. It is also more practical for casual contacts, who can be tested once only after 8 weeks, and results in fewer problems of interpretation because of the booster eect.
Indications for 2-step testing A two-step TST should be performed if subsequent TSTs will be conducted at regular intervals or following exposure to an infectious TB case, for instance among health care or correctional service workers (see Chapter 16, Tuberculosis Control Within Institutions). This is to reduce the chance of a false-positive TST conversion when the TST is repeated. One controversial area is whether travelers should be given two-step TST before and/or after travel to a region with high TB incidence. Please refer to Chapter 13, Surveillance and Screening in Tuberculosis Control, for recommendations. The two-step protocol needs to be performed ONCE only if properly performed and documented. It never needs to be repeated. Any subsequent TST can be one step, regardless of how long it has been since the last TST.
In a contact investigation, two-step TSTs (to detect boosting) should not be performed. A single TST is performed soon after the contact is identied. If this TST is negative and it is performed less than 8 weeks after contact with the source case was broken, then a second TST is performed. This second TST is performed no sooner than 8 weeks after the contact was broken. It is performed to detect TST conversion from infection that occurred just before contact was broken, as a positive TST can develop any time within 3 to 8 weeks of the infection. Technique The same material and techniques of administration and reading should be used. The second test should be performed 1 to 4 weeks later. Less than 1 week does not allow enough time to elicit the phenomenon, more than 4 weeks allows the possibility of a true TST conversion to occur. Both tests should be read and recorded at 48 to 72 hours. In some centres, to reduce the total number of visits required to three, the rst TST is read at 1 week, so that persons with a negative TST can have a second TST immediately. However, reading performed at 1 week is less accurate and is not recommended. Interpretation The only two longitudinal studies of the risk of TB following a booster reaction dened the reaction simply as a second TST result of 10 mm or more induration.15,65 Therefore, it is recommended that a second TST result of 10 mm or more should be considered signicant and the patient referred for medical evaluation and chest radiography. In the elderly, a signicant booster eect most likely represents remotely acquired LTBI. In longitudinal studies, subjects with a second TST response of 10 mm or more had a risk of TB that was approximately half that of subjects whose rst TST response was 10 mm or more.65 Therefore, individuals with a reaction of 10+ mm on a second TST should be considered to have a risk of TB disease that is intermediate between individuals with initial positive and individuals with initial negative TST results from the same population group.
Management All subjects with a reaction of 10+ mm on the second TST of a two-step TST do not need a TST in the future. There is no clinical utility. They should be referred for medical evaluation, as performed for those with a positive rst TST. Since the risk of TB is about half that of patients whose initial TST result is positive, the decision to give INH should be individualized. A common question is how to manage a person whose rst TST measured 5-9 mm and the second test measured 10+ mm but increased by less than 6 mm from the rst test. This should be managed as a positive TST, meaning referral for medical evaluation and no further TSTs. While appropriate epidemiologic data are lacking, it seems reasonable to suggest that the risk of active TB development would be lower than in persons whose second TST increased by at least 6 mm. The decision to give INH should be individualized, but it seems unlikely to provide substantial benet.
sensitivity ranged from 86% to 93%. On the other hand, in previously treated patients the sensitivity of the TST was much higher than that of the IGRA assay; the 95% average sensitivity was similar to that reported in earlier studies in previously treated patients.67 Table 4 Sensitivity of Interferon- Release Assays in Patients with Active TB Summary
Test Quantiferon-PPD Quantiferon ESAT6 ESAT6 + CFP10 ELISPOT with ESAT-6 and/or CFP10 Studies (N) 7 References
68-71 72-74
3 4 6 3
93% 95%
* Only 2 studies69,72 performed TST with adequate technique Only 1 study75 performed TST with adequate technique Only 2 studies72,85 performed TST with adequate technique
The major advantage of the new IGRAs is their potential for improved specicity in detecting LTBI in BCG-vaccinated populations. In populations that have received BCG vaccination before the age of 12 months, there is little discernable eect on either the TST reaction or on the results of Quantiferon assays using PPD. However, as shown in Table 5, specicity is superior with IGRAs using RD-1 antigens in populations that have received BCG vaccination after the age of 12 months, such as those in many European countries. In this population the specicity of ELISPOT or Quantiferon with RD-1 antigens has been excellent, at 97%-98%. In BCG-vaccinated populations, however, the specicity of the TST and IGRA using PPD has been much lower. Table 5 Specicity of Interferon- Release Assays in Populations at Low Risk of TB Infection Summary
Test Quantiferon-PPD Quantiferon ESAT6 + CFP10 ELISPOT ESAT6
Studies (N) 8 5 4
68,70,72,86 73,74,85,87 70,73,77 76,78 79-82
Subjects (N) 1,079 No BCG 73 BCG 105 No BCG 353 BCG 145 BCG
*TST performed with adequate technique in all but one study.73 TST performed with adequate technique in three studies.70,73, 78 In the four studies with ELISPOT, 123/145 or 85% had received BCG. Results not presented separately. No TST done
When TSTs and IGRAs have been performed in the same subjects whose probability of TB infection was dened clinically, it has been possible to estimate concordance of the TST with the newer assays. As seen in Table 6, there is very substantial discordance in both high- and low-risk populations. Some of the discordance in TST-positive and IGRA-negative subjects is explained by
sensitivity to NTM and prior BCG vaccination. However, there are a large number of IGRA-positive yet TST-negative individuals in whom no explanation for this phenomenon has been found. In low-risk populations the number of positive but discordant reactions far exceeds the number of concordant positive reactions. Use of IGRA in screening low-prevalence populations may lead to a signicant number of positive IGRA tests. The signicance of such positive tests in a population at low risk is not yet known; this will make interpretation and management dicult. Table 6 Agreement between New Interferon- Release Assays and Tuberculin Testing
TST Test (references) Populations at increased risk of TB infection QFT-PPD
+ + +
3 16
31 1,511
* Percentage of subjects with any test positive who had both tests positive.
Five studies have compared ELISPOT with the TST when evaluating contacts with a gradient of exposure.92-96 In four of the studies ELISPOT was better correlated with exposure than the tuberculin test used.92-94,96 However, in two of these studies, in Great Britain, the Heaf test was used,92,96 which has now been discontinued. In four studies a high proportion of the subjects had been BCG vaccinated.92,94,96 In the only study in a largely non-BCG vaccinated population that employed an internationally accepted TST, reactions to the tests were inexplicably low in all exposure groups. These studies provide limited evidence of the superiority of ELISPOT over the standard TST, except in BCG-vaccinated populations, in which the greater specicity of the ELISPOT (and presumably Quantiferon) enhances precision of identication of infected contacts. In one study of household contacts in subSaharan Africa the TST was better correlated with exposure than an in-house Quantiferon test. The reproducibility of results from IGRAs has been examined in several studies to date. In two studies performed by the manufacturer, the reproducibility of test results over time was high.97 In a multicentre study in the United States there was substantial variability between centres in the degree of discordance between TST and Quantiferon results, which the authors attributed to dierences in TST reading,72 although this was later disputed.85 In a fourth study a large group of health care workers with positive TST had serial Quantiferon assays every 2 months for up to 1 year; 37% of positive tests were followed by a negative test, and 16% of negative tests were followed by a positive result, for an overall weighted kappa of 0.51.71 This evidence of substantial variability in Quantiferon
results raises important concerns regarding the validity of serial testing with these assays for detection of new TB infection in exposed groups.
1. Granulomas that may be calcied or not: this doubles the risk of reactivation resulting in active TB disease. 2. Calcied hilar lymph nodes: if there are no parenchymal lesions, these individuals do not appear to have an increased risk relative to those who are TST positive and have normal chest x-rays. 3. Costophrenic angle blunting: this is due to past pleural eusion or pleurisy, which can have many causes. The most common cause in individuals from countries with high TB incidence and other TB-endemic areas is previous primary TB. Such individuals have an increased risk of reactivation. 4. Apical pleural capping: this is not considered to be related to TB infection and is a nonspecic nding that is more common in older individuals. 5. Apical bronodular disease: this is associated with increased risk of reactivation ranging from 6 to 19 times greater than those who are TST positive and have normal chest x-rays. Individuals with more extensive abnormalities have greater risk of disease.
For diagnosis of active disease in adults, the TST and an IGRA are not recommended. There is a limited role for TSTs in the diagnosis of pediatric TB (see Chapter 8, Pediatric Tuberculosis). TST results will be falsely negative in 20% to 30% of patients with active TB at the time of initial diagnosis.15 In addition, because TB disease occurs in epidemiologic groups with a high prevalence of TB infection, TSTs and IGRAs will often be positive even when TB disease is not present, i.e. the predictive value of a positive test for active disease is very low.
Chest radiography
Chest radiography (posterior-anterior [PA] and lateral views) is the usual rst step in evaluation of an individual with pulmonary symptoms. However, it is important to be aware that chest radiography has substantial limitations in the diagnosis of pulmonary TB disease. 1. Typical ndings: a triad of classic ndings are seen in nonimmunocompromised adults. Position apical-posterior segments of upper lobes or superior segment of lower lobes in 90%. Volume loss this is a hallmark of TB disease as a result of its destructive and brotic nature. Cavitation this is seen at a later stage and depends upon a vigorous immune response. Therefore, it may not be seen in severely immunocompromised individuals.
2. Atypical features: these will be seen in patients with immunocompromising conditions such as HIV infection, diabetes, renal failure or corticosteroid use. Hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy, particularly in HIVinfected individuals. Non-cavitary inltrates and lower lobe involvement.
3. Radiographic signs of complications: Endobronchial spread of disease. TB may spread via the airways to the ipsilateral and contralateral lower lobes. This results in irregular, poorly dened, small nodular shadows, which represent acinar shadows. These will slowly enlarge and coalesce to form TB pneumonia, formerly known as galloping consumption. Pleural eusion can be seen concomitant with pulmonary disease and may represent TB empyema. Pneumothorax can rarely occur as a result of erosion of a caseous focus into a bronchus and simultaneously into the pleural space, causing a bronchopleural stula.
Limitations of chest radiography 1. Sensitivity: chest radiography will have a sensitivity of only 70% to 80% for diagnosis of active TB based on the abnormalities listed above. If any abnormality is considered, it will have more than 95% sensitivity.98 Approximately 10% of HIV-positive persons or close contacts with active pulmonary disease will have normal x-rays. 2. Specicity is relatively poor, in the range of 60% to 70%.98 If the sensitivity were improved (any abnormality considered possible TB), then the specicity would be much lower. 3. Inter-reader variability: one of the greatest problems of chest x-ray reading is that the interpretation is highly variable. There is very poor agreement between readers regarding the presence of cavitation, hilar lymphadenopathy and the likelihood of active disease.98 In summary, chest radiography is not considered the gold standard for diagnosis of pulmonary TB.
culture and a rapid technique used for identication, either chromatography or an amplication method, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Besides work load, expertise and biosafety requirements, the high cost of these new techniques justies greater centralization of mycobacteriology services. Each health care facility must decide which procedures will be performed on site and which will be referred to a reference laboratory.101,106 *
Bronchoscopy Bronchoscopy may be used to conrm the diagnosis of TB when spontaneous sputum and induced sputum are unavailable, or all samples are smear negative. Bronchoscopy is very useful if other pulmonary diseases, such as lung cancer, are also suspected. However, bronchoscopy for the diagnosis of active TB entails risk and discomfort for the patient, is expensive and can contribute to nosocomial spread of TB. In addition, the overall yield of bronchoscopy in prospective series of patients is only 77%.111-114 If bronchoscopy is done, postbronchoscopy sputum should be sent for AFB testing, as this has a yield similar to that of bronchial washings and lavage. Gastric aspirate This technique was introduced more than 70 years ago and is still used in some centres.115 The primary indications are investigation of possible TB in children who cannot expectorate sputum or, for the same reason, elderly demented patients. In children less than 2 years old, 70% sensitivity for gastric washings has been reported, which compares with a sensitivity of 30%-40% in children between the ages of 2 and 12 years.116 The technique is relatively simple (see Chapter 8, Pediatric Tuberculosis, Table 2). The child needs to have had nothing to eat or drink for at least 6 hours before the test. When the individual rst wakes, a nasogastric tube is introduced to the stomach, and the contents are aspirated. If nothing is obtained, small quantities (20-50 mL) of sterile water can be instilled and aspirated. The uid has to be adjusted to neutral pH within 4 hours of collection because acid is detrimental to mycobacteria. If the sample cannot be processed rapidly within less than 4 hours, it should be placed in a container with 100 mg of sodium carbonate. However, this technique is uncomfortable and unpleasant for patients, and may be dicult to implement because it is usually performed immediately upon awakening. This often means that the patient must be kept overnight in hospital, although it can be done at home.
The overall sensitivity of the direct (unconcentrated) AFB smear varies from 22% to 80%,117-119 depending on the type of specimen, patient population, staining technique and experience of the technologist. The sensitivity is higher for respiratory than for nonrespiratory specimens, particularly body uids. The specicity of the AFB smear is high for mycobacteria, but it is important to remember that all NTM will be AFB positive. Other organisms, such as Nocardia and Actinomycetes, can be weakly acid-fast, but these are very rare. Therefore, a positive AFB smear almost always indicates the presence of mycobacteria, but not necessarily M. tuberculosis. When acid-fast organisms are seen, the number of bacteria is reported semiquantitatively, as shown in Table 7. There are dierent scales in use, one used by most laboratories in Canada104 and another recommended by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD).120 The latter is relevant if interpreting smear results from countries that use that system. Table 7 Number of Bacteria Seen on Microscopy and Laboratory Interpretation
Number of AFB Seen by Staining Methods
Fuchsin stain(ZiehlNeelsen) (1,000-fold magnication) Fluorochrome (250fold magnication) Laboratory report, Canadian104 Laboratory report, IUATLD120
0 in 100 elds 1-2 per 300 elds 1-9 per 100 elds 1-9 per 10 elds 1-9 per eld* > 9 per eld
0 in 30 elds 1-2 per 30 elds 1-9 per 10 elds 1-9 per eld 10-90 per eld > 90 per eld
Mycobacterial culture
Culture for M. tuberculosis is considered the gold standard in diagnosis. For pulmonary TB, the sensitivity of three sputum cultures exceeds 90%, although six specimens are required to achieve 100% sensitivity.98 Three sputum cultures are recommended, as this represents the best balance between high sensitivity and eciency. A single positive culture for M. tuberculosis, in general, is considered to dene active disease. However, it is important to remember that cultures occasionally can be false positive, largely because of cross-contamination within the laboratory.121,122 A report of a single positive culture, especially with a long detection time and/or few colonies, when clinical suspicion is low should raise the possibility of a false-positive result. The laboratory reporting this culture should investigate, ideally performing DNA ngerprinting on the isolate and all others isolates detected at the same time.
NAA tests have been extensively evaluated in the United States and Europe, and a few studies have been conducted in developing countries. As summarized in Table 8, in studies that used TB culture as their gold standard, the sensitivity of NAA tests ranged from 70% to 100% with an average of approximately 80%. Sensitivity in smear-positive respiratory specimens averaged 95% but was considerably lower in smear-negative specimens. In extrapulmonary disease, sensitivity has ranged from 40% to 80% and averaged between 50% and 60%. Specicity exceeds 95% in almost all studies. However false-positive rates can be very high without careful attention to proper technique by highly trained and closely supervised laboratory sta. At present, these tests are recommended only for smear-positive respiratory specimens. Their usefulness could increase in the near future if the sensitivity were improved and the cost lowered. In situations in which a biopsy was done and no culture sent, the utility of NAA has been evaluated in pathologic specimens. A sensitivity of 73% has been reported.123 This is not optimal but better than no conrmation at all (when cultures were inadvertently not sent). Table 8 Nucleic Acid Amplication Tests for Diagnosis of Active TB Summary
Sensitivity (%) Specicity (%) Overall Respiratory Overall Smear Smear Not TB Active TB Positive Negative Specimens (N) 2,319 3,531 5,051 1,922 1,180 451 309 466 434 405 84-98 70-95 84-94 71-98 76-94 88-100 95-98 96-99 92-100 92-99 50-71 40-86 72-75 65-85 48-73 96-99 98-99 99-100 99-100 92-99
Test In house PCR Roche-Amplicor Roche Cobas Amplicor Gen Probe-MTD Ligase Chain Reaction LCx
Studies N (References) 5
At present, the use of a serologic test for the diagnosis of TB cannot be recommended. However, this remains an active area of research, because an ELISA test with sensitivity and specicity equivalent to AFB smears would have enormous advantages because of its rapidity, simplicity and low cost. References 1. Menzies D. Interpretation of repeated tuberculin tests. Boosting, conversion, and reversion. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999;159(1):1521. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). General recommendations on immunization. MMWR 2002;51(RR02):1-36. Schatz M, Patterson R, Kloner R, et al. The prevalence of tuberculosis and positive tuberculin skin tests in a steroid-treated asthmatic population. Ann Intern Med 1976;84(3):261-65. Bovornkitti S, Kangsadal P, Sathirapat P, et al. Reversion and reconversion rate of tuberculin skin reactions in correction with the use of prednisone. Dis Chest 1960;38:51-5. Chaparas SD. Multiple puncture tuberculin tests. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1987;6(5):496-97. Research Committee of the British Thoracic Association. Reproducibility of the Tine tuberculin test. Br J Dis Chest 1982;76:75-8. Palmer CE. Tuberculin sensitivity and contact with tuberculosis. Am Rev Tuberc 1953;68:678-694. Astra Zeneca. EMLA Cream product monograph. URL: <http://www. astrazeneca.ca/documents/ProductPortfolio/EMLA_PM_en.pdf>. Accessed October 20, 2006. Howard TP, Solomon DA. Reading the tuberculin skin test: Who, when, and how? Arch Intern Med 1988;148:2457-59. Duboczy BO, Brown BT. Multiple readings and determination of maximal intensity of tuberculin reaction. Am Rev Respir Dis 1960;82:607. Sokal JE. Measurement of delayed skin-test responses. N Engl J Med 1975;293:501-502. Tarlo SM, Day JH, Mann P, et al. Immediate hypersensitivity to tuberculin in-vivo and in-vitro studies. Chest 1977;71(1):33-7. Guld J. Quantitative aspects of the intradermal tuberculin test in humans. Acta Tuberc Scand 1954;30:26-36. Kardjito T, Donosepoetro M. The Mantoux test in tuberculosis: correlations between the diameters of the dermal responses and the serum protein levels. Tubercle 1981;62:31-5.
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136. Piersimoni C, Callegaro A, Scarparo C, et al. Comparative evaluation of the new Gen-probe Mycobacterium tuberculosis amplied direct test and the semiautomated Abbott LCx Mycobacterium tuberculosis assay for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in respiratory and extrapulmonary specimens. J Clin Microbiol 1998;36(12):3601-3604. 137. Tortoli E, Lavinia F, Simonetti MT. Evaluation of a commercial ligase chain reaction kit (Abbott LCx) for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in pulmonary and extrapulmonary specimens. J Clin Microbiol 1997;35(9):2424-26. 138. Ausina V, Gamboa F, Gazapo E, et al. Evaluation of the semiautomated Abbott LCx Mycobacterium tuberculosis assay for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in respiratory specimens. J Clin Microbiol 1997;35(8):1996-2002. 139. Lindbrathen A, Gaustad P, Hovig B, et al. Direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in clinical samples from patients in Norway by ligase chain reaction. J Clin Microbiol 1997;35(12):3248-53. 140. Daniel TM, Debanne SM. The serodiagnosis of tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Am Rev Respir Dis 1987;135:1137-51. 141. Bothamley GH, Rudd R, Festenstein F, et al. Clinical value of the measurement of Mycobacterium tuberculosis specic antibody in pulmonary tuberculosis. Thorax 1992;47:270-75. 142. Verbon A, Kulijper S, Jansen HM, et al. Antigens in culture supernatant of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: epitopes dened by monoclonal and human antibodies. J Gen Microbiol 1990;136:955-64. 143. Chan SL, Reggiardo Z, Daniel TM, et al. Serodiagnosis of tuberculosis using ELISA with antigen 5 and a hemagglutination assay with glycolipid antigens. Am Rev Respir Dis 1990;142:385-90.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
93 93 94 95 96 96 98 100 101 102 103 105 105 106 106 106 107
Peripheral TB lymphadenitis Genitourinary TB Miliary/disseminated TB Bone and joint TB Abdominal TB Central Nervous System TB Ocular TB Tuberculous pericarditis Other types of nonrespiratory TB Immediately life-threatening forms of TB Treatment References
The diagnostic classication of tuberculosis (TB) in Canada is based upon the International Classication of Diseases, 9th and 10th editions. For each case of TB, up to ve individual diagnoses are captured for reporting purposes. Eective from 2003, the main diagnostic site is determined by the following hierarchy: primary, pulmonary, other respiratory, miliary/disseminated, meninges/central nervous system (CNS), peripheral lymph node and other sites. Primary TB includes primary respiratory TB and tuberculous pleurisy in primary progressive TB (see Appendix C, Denition of Terms, for precise denitions). In Canada, pulmonary TB includes TB of the lungs and the conducting airways, which includes tuberculous brosis of the lung, tuberculous bronchiectasis, tuberculous pneumonia, tuberculous pneumothorax, isolated tracheal or bronchial TB and tuberculous laryngitis. Other respiratory includes tuberculous pleurisy (nonprimary) and TB of intrathoracic lymph nodes, mediastinum, nasopharynx, nose (septum) and sinus (any nasal). Although the terms pulmonary and extrapulmonary are more commonly used (e.g. in the United States), the terms respiratory and nonrespiratory are judged to be more practical as they distinguish between all forms of the disease that are potentially communicable and those that are almost never communicable. Further confusion exists when reports are compared that involve both a respiratory and a nonrespiratory diagnostic site. Some sources have chosen to report only the most prominent or major site of disease. Others have reported both, with emphasis on the respiratory site because of its public health implications. The Canadian TB Reporting System encourages coding of all diagnoses that apply and identication of the main diagnostic site through the previously mentioned hierarchy.
Canadian data from the early 1970s indicated that approximately 17% of all TB cases involved primarily a nonrespiratory site.1,2 The genitourinary system and lymph nodes were the most common nonrespiratory sites of involvement. Both sites of disease were more common in the foreign-born: genitourinary TB was more common among those born in Europe and TB lymphadenitis among those born in Asia.3 U.S. data showed that the proportion of extrapulmonary disease among all patients with TB by age was largest among children (and generally decreased with increasing age); larger among black, Asian and American Indians than among non-Hispanic white patients; larger among female than male patients; and larger among foreign-born patients than those born in the United States.4 More recent U.S. data, including the results of DNA ngerprinting of M. tuberculosis isolates, have shown young age, female sex and HIV infection to be independent risk factors for extrapulmonary TB.5 Between 1980 and 2004, the number of reported cases of respiratory TB in Canada decreased by 49%, whereas the number of nonrespiratory cases decreased by 11%. As a result, the proportion of total cases that were nonrespiratory rose to approximately 30% in 2004, by far the most common site of involvement
being the supercial lymph nodes.6 Similar trends have been reported in the United States.7 The smaller decline in nonrespiratory cases over recent years is not fully understood. Part of the explanation may be the increasing proportion of TB cases in Canada that are foreign-born, reecting the shift in immigration from countries with low TB incidence (Western European) to those with high TB incidence (Africa, Asia, Central and South America, Eastern Europe). Foreignborn persons are disproportionately more likely to have nonrespiratory than respiratory TB compared with Canadian-born persons (Table 1), a nding that may reect, in part, the fact that respiratory, and not nonrespiratory, disease is actively screened for in new immigrants to Canada. Another possibility is the impact of HIV infection on TB morbidity. TB patients with HIV infection are more likely to have nonrespiratory TB alone or concurrent with respiratory TB than are those without HIV8-11 (see Chapter 9, Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeciency Virus). Table 1 Anatomic Site of Disease and Ethnic Origin of Patients with TB, Canada 2004
Disease Site Aboriginal* N Respiratory
Unknown N 44 30 0 74 %
Total N % 70 30 0 100
% 85 15 0 100
229 39 0 268
59 1,127 41 0 485 0
100 1,072
100 1,613
* Includes Status and Non-Status Indians, Metis and Inuit. Includes primary, pulmonary, pleural, other respiratory TB.
M. tuberculosis is almost exclusively a human pathogen. Its survival as a species depends upon its transmission from one human to another. This transmission is facilitated by the occurrence of respiratory disease in the host. From the perspective of the pathogen, nonrespiratory disease is a failed phenotypic expression, as it almost never results in transmission to new hosts. On the other hand, from the point of view of the human host, nonrespiratory TB has important consequences. A disproportionately large number of nonrespiratory compared with respiratory cases may be life-threatening, mainly on account of a delay or failure altogether to make the diagnosis. Although nonrespiratory disease does not contribute signicantly to the transmission of TB, infection control precautions are nevertheless strongly recommended if there is any possibility of aerosolization of bacteria, as may be the case in wound care, surgical procedures and postmortem examination. As described in Chapter 3, Transmission and Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis, nonrespiratory sites are seeded at the time of primary infection as a consequence of bacteria gaining access to the circulation through the lymphatic system
and then seeding distant capillary beds. In most instances the cell-mediated immunity (CMI) and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) stimulated by the infection result in the containment of these foci, and active disease does not develop. Occasionally in immunocompetent hosts, and not uncommonly in immunocompromised hosts, CMI and DTH fail to contain these foci of infection, and localized or generalized (disseminated) disease develops within a year or two of the primary infection.12 The majority of nonrespiratory TB is acquired through the reactivation of latent infection.5 Seeding of respiratory and nonrespiratory sites at the time of primary infection favours organ systems with high blood ow and increased oxygen tension, such as the lung apices, renal cortex, brain and growing ends of long bones.12 For reasons that are not known, certain reticuloendothelial organs, such as the liver, spleen and bone marrow, may be seeded but seldom give rise to disease, presumably because the organisms are eectively eradicated, whereas in the supercial lymph nodes disease is very common. This and other observations, such as the high incidence of cervical lymphadenitis due to Mycobacterium bovis prior to the pasteurization of milk, have led to debate over the local versus generalized nature of supercial lymph node disease.13 Even if the foci of infection are contained at the time of primary infection, reactivation may occur many years later after a prolonged period of latent infection. Many risk factors for reactivation have been described (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease); none is more important than HIV/AIDS. Patients with HIV/AIDS who are coinfected with M. tuberculosis bacteria have a high frequency of nonrespiratory involvement (usually with concurrent respiratory disease) and lower cure rates.8,14 Some studies have found this to correlate with the CD4 cell count, whereas others have found no such correlation.15-17 In general, nonrespiratory TB is associated with lower CD4 cell counts.15,18 TB lymphadenitis and disseminated disease are frequent forms of nonrespiratory TB in persons with HIV/AIDS. Involvement of the bone marrow, genitourinary system and CNS are also common. Nonrespiratory TB is more common in other immunocompromised patients, such as those with end stage renal disease.19 There is even some evidence to suggest that those who contract nonrespiratory TB and are overtly immunocompetent may actually have abnormal innate immune responses.20
Diagnostic Considerations
A high index of suspicion is paramount to the rapid diagnosis of nonrespiratory TB. Given that nonrespiratory TB made up 30% of all reported cases of TB in 2004 in Canada, any delay in diagnosis could subsequently increase morbidity in a signicant proportion of TB cases.21 Delays in nonrespiratory TB diagnosis may be related to the often nonspecic (e.g. fever, night sweats, weight loss) or organ-specic presentation compounded by the absence of an abnormal chest radiograph or positive sputum samples. When evaluating at-risk patients with fever of unknown origin, with fever and site-specic signs and symptoms or patients with biopsy-proven granulomatous inammation, appropriate steps should be taken to secure the diagnosis of TB. With a diagnosis of nonrespiratory TB established, conrmation of HIV status is imperative.
Whenever practical, every eort should be made to obtain clinical samples for both mycobacteriologic (acid fast bacteria [AFB] smear and culture) and histopathologic tests. Drug susceptibility testing can only proceed with a viable culture, the results of which can have important treatment implications. This point cannot be overemphasized: with the rising incidence of resistant M. tuberculosis, especially in the foreign-born, it is dicult to provide appropriate treatment when mycobacterial cultures and drug susceptibility test results are not available. A positive tuberculin skin test result supports the diagnosis, but its absence does not rule out the diagnosis. The clinical specimens obtained for diagnostic purposes will depend upon the suspected anatomic site of involvement. In general, tissue biopsy yields positive culture results more often than uid aspiration; both are superior to swabs. Biopsy material for mycobacterial culture should be submitted fresh or in a small amount of sterile saline. Histopathologic examination requires the specimen to be placed in formalin, which destroys the mycobacteria and prevents further attempts to culture. Common histopathologic ndings include necrotizing and non-necrotizing granulomatous inammation, giant cells or epithelioid cells, with variable numbers of AFB. Host immune status can inuence the ndings on histopathology with, greater suppurative response, less well-formed granulomas and numerous AFB seen with loss of immune function.22 The utility of nucleic acid amplication (NAA) in nonrespiratory specimens remains incompletely dened. Its major advantage is a rapid diagnosis, generally within 48 hours, and its greatest promise is the early diagnosis of life-threatening disease such as meningeal TB.23-25 For now, the diagnosis of nonrespiratory TB is dependent upon clinical acumen and culture conrmation.
Clinical Presentations
Peripheral TB lymphadenitis
Almost all forms of TB involve regional lymphatics and nodes. Intrathoracic lymph nodes are commonly involved in primary disease and advanced pulmonary disease, and in patients with HIV/AIDS. Rarely, intrathoracic nodes may be the major site of disease in immunocompetent patients. Peripheral TB lymphadenitis involves extrathoracic nodes, in particular the cervical nodes, which are by far the most commonly aected nonrespiratory site.3 Only extrathoracic lymph node involvement will be discussed in this section. Peripheral TB lymphadenitis made up 16% of all cases of TB in Canada in 2004 (Table 2).
Table 2 Number of TB Cases and Incidence per 100,000 Population by Main Diagnostic Site, Canada 2004
Disease Site Respiratory Nonrespiratory Peripheral lymph nodes Miliary/disseminated Meninges/central nervous system Abdominal Bones and joints Genitourinary Other* Unknown Total Cases n % 1,127 70 251 30 19 38 44 36 67 1 1,613 16 2 1 2 3 2 4 0 100 Incidence per 100,000 Population 3.5 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 5.0
Tuberculous involvement of the lymph glands can be secondary to infection from M. tuberculosis as well as nontuberculous mycobacteria. M. bovis, when isolated from peripheral lymph nodes, has been associated with ingested contaminated milk directly infecting the lymph nodes through contiguous spread.26 Atypical or nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are most commonly isolated from the cervical lymph nodes and submandibular glands of young (< 5 years) Caucasian children.27 The high incidence of TB lymphadenitis in the foreign-born may reect the incidence of TB lymphadenitis in the country of origin, yet the reasons for this geographic variability remain unknown. It may be due to specic TB strains found in the country of origin or a genetically conditioned response to infection with TB. Peripheral TB lymphadenitis has been identied at the anterior and posterior triangles of the neck, supraclavicular and axillary regions, as well as a variety of other nodal sites (Table 3).3,8,28 Presentation can be at a single nodal site or in multiple sites. A recent study of TB lymphadenitis in Manitoba found that 18% of cases also had a concurrent diagnosis of TB elsewhere in the body.28 In general, the disease is most often indolent, and the patient usually presents with an isolated, unilateral, nontender neck mass. With time, the nodes may become uctuant and drain spontaneously with sinus tract formation irrespective of treatment. The term scrofula has been used historically to describe tuberculous involvement of a cervical lymph node with sinus tract formation or ulceration. Non-nodal symptoms are rare except in individuals infected with HIV/AIDS.9,10,13 Peripheral lymphadenitis is particularly common among immigrants to Canada from Asian countries such as China, Viet Nam and the Philippines.28,29 Among these immigrants, young women are especially prone to isolated lymph node involvement.28,30 High rates of tuberculous lymphadenitis in the foreign-born are well documented in the developed world.13,30-32 In Manitoba, the highest incidence of peripheral lymphadenitis has been reported among older Aboriginal women.28 The reason(s) for this age-, sex- and ethnicityrelated organotropism is unknown.
Table 3 Lymph Node Site and Symptoms at Presentation in Cases of Tuberculous Lymphadenitis in Manitoba (n = 147)*
n % Anatomic site Cervical 111 76 Supraclavicular 39 27 Axillary 14 10 Inguinal 9 6 Intra-abdominal 9 6 Symptoms: lymph node Swelling 121 82 Pain 32 22 Drainage 16 11 Ulceration 6 4 Symptoms: other Constitutional 25 17 Other 24 16 * Percentage more than 100 because some patients had multiple nodal sites and symptoms.28
The best diagnostic procedure is an excisional biopsy, which yields the diagnosis in 80% of cases. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy is a useful initial procedure with a reported sensitivity of 77%, specicity of 93% and diagnostic accuracy of 62%.33 In the developing world, FNA is most valuable in HIV-infected individuals.34,35 Incisional biopsies are discouraged because of the risk of sinus tract formation at the biopsy site. Swabs are discouraged because of the limited material obtained and because the hydrophobic nature of the mycobacterial cell wall inhibits the transfer of organisms from the swab to the culture media.36 As stressed earlier, specimens must be submitted for both mycobacteriologic and histopathologic analysis.* Dierentiation of M. tuberculosis from the M. avium complex (MAC) is imperative, as treatment is very dierent. Surgical excision of an MAC-aected node or gland is usually curative, whereas M. tuberculosis of the supercial lymph nodes requires antituberculosis drug treatment, which leads to an uneventful resolution of the condition in up to 80% of patients.28 The optimal duration of treatment ranges from 6 to 9 months depending on resistance patterns and response to treatment.37-39 It is important to note that in up to 30% of patients, nodes can appear afresh or enlarge during treatment, possibly as an immune response, but this usually resolves.40 At the end of treatment, 10% may be left with residual nodes, and, if after treatment the nodes enlarge or reappear afresh, this is usually transient.41 Such events do not necessarily imply relapse, nor does the persistence of nodes presage relapse. Surgical procedures, other than diagnostic, should be reserved for the relief of discomfort caused by enlarged nodes or tense, uctuant nodes.42
Genitourinary TB
Genitourinary TB made up 2% of all cases of TB in Canada in 2004 (Table 2). At the time of primary infection, or in the case of dissemination associated with reactivation, M. tuberculosis seeds the vascular renal cortex. Healed
* A recommendation of the Canaadian Thoracic Societys Tuberculosis Committee
granulomatous lesions in the glomeruli can rupture into the renal tubule and become mechanically caught up at the loop of Henle, where, in the medullary portion with its poor host defence, granulomatous progression, necrosis and cavitation is likely to ensue. Although both kidneys are usually seeded, severe renal involvement is often asymmetric or unilateral (25%), so that renal failure is uncommon.43-45 Subsequently, through descending infection, the infundibulum, ureter, bladder, prostate, epididymis and testes may be involved. A combination of upper and lower tract disease is highly suggestive of TB. Urinary tract disease has also been associated with secondary amyloidosis and interstitial nephritis. Most often, onset of the disease is insidious, and patients present with asymptomatic sterile pyuria, gross hematuria, frequency and dysuria. Back pain or ank pain, resembling acute pyelonephritis, often reects calyceal or ureteral obstruction though renal colic is uncommon. Other symptoms may be due to defects of urinary concentration, bladder involvement with resultant diminished bladder capacity and inability to empty completely, or complicating nonmycobacterial infection. Antibiotics such as uoroquinolones, used to treat the latter, may compromise the laboratorys ability to recover M. tuberculosis and therefore should be administered no later than 48 hours before urine specimens for mycobacteriologic tests are collected. Many patients with genitourinary TB remain asymptomatic, and early in the course of the disease have no radiologic signs, though the urinary sediment is rarely normal.46 The clinical suspicion for genitourinary TB increases in a symptomatic patient with a history of previous TB or a positive tuberculin skin test result. Of patients with urinary tract disease, 80% to 90% will have positive cultures to conrm the diagnosis. Three to six rst-void morning urine specimens should be collected for AFB smear and culture to give the highest yield (only 30% to 40% of single specimens are positive).43,47,48 AFB smears alone are less reliable, and concurrent bacteriuria or nonpathogenic mycobacteria does not exclude the diagnosis of TB. Prior administration of intravesical BCG vaccine should be considered when diagnosing genitourinary TB. Intravenous pyelography (IVP) is the radiologic procedure of choice, but ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are also useful. The earliest lesions seen on IVP are distorted or eroded calyces, overt papillary necrosis, parenchymal scarring and calcication, which can mimic the changes seen in chronic pyelonephritis.47,49.50 Occasionally, in highly suspect cases that are bacillary negative, FNA of the kidney under ultrasound guidance may be indicated. Granulomatous lesions, usually in the upper or lower third of the ureter, can cause narrowing of the collecting system and strictures that can progress despite treatment. Hence, radiologic follow-up and intervention to maintain lumen patency may be necessary.44,51 Genital tract TB may follow from a renal focus, therefore the diagnosis of genital TB should lead to a search for urinary tract disease. However, disease involving the female genital tract or the seminal vesicles in males is most often due to hematogenous or direct spread from neighbouring organs. Any site in the female genital tract may be involved; however, for reasons that are unknown, 90% to100% of patients with pelvic TB have fallopian tube infection, and both tubes are usually involved.43 Pelvic TB is most commonly diagnosed during
a work-up for infertility or during evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain or adnexal masses. The diagnosis of female genital TB requires a combination of microbiologic, histologic and radiologic techniques. Findings on hysterosalpingography may suggest TB, though, as with renal TB, imaging is often nonspecic and ndings are observed later in the disease process. Cultures of M. tuberculosis can be obtained from several sources, especially endometrial biopsy specimens, menstrual uid, vaginal discharge or, less commonly, peritoneal uid. Male genital TB usually presents with scrotal swelling, sometimes with rectal or pelvic pain and less commonly with epididymitis, hydrocele or discharging sinus (watering can perineum). On examination, the epididymis can be rubbery or nodular, and the prostate can be thickened with hard nodules. Between 50% and 75% of patients have palpable thickening of the vas deferens. Epididymal or prostate biopsies are often necessary for diagnosis. FNA has been successfully applied in this setting as well. A good prognosis is associated with early detection of disease and full sensitivity to rst-line antituberculosis medications.
Miliary/disseminated TB
The term miliary TB was originally a pathologic, and then radiologic, description of the clinical disease caused by the widespread hematogenous dissemination of bacteria to most organs of the body. Bacteria enter the bloodstream at the time of primary infection before the hosts immune system has fully responded, or later, during reactivation of latent infection.52 The disease may manifest as a miliary pattern on the chest radiograph or, among those without a miliary pattern on chest radiograph, as a bone marrow aspirate/biopsy or blood culture positive for M. tuberculosis, or generalized TB at postmortem examination.53 For this discussion, the terms miliary and disseminated are interchangeable. The proportion of all TB cases that were miliary or disseminated was 2% in Canada in 2004 (Table 2). While the incidence of miliary TB in Canada has remained relatively stable for the last decade, it has risen in the United States largely on account of HIV/AIDS. When the incidence of TB is high, disseminated TB occurs most commonly in childhood (especially < 1 year of age). When the incidence of TB is low, it is mainly a disease of adults, especially the elderly, malnourished, HIV-infected and those with other conditions associated with impaired CMI, such as solid organ transplantation, renal failure and steroid use. Fever, night sweats, anorexia, weight loss and weakness are common, respiratory or other organ-specic symptoms less so. A signicant proportion present with fever of unknown origin, and the ndings on chest radiography and tuberculin testing may be negative.53 Choroidal tubercles seen on fundoscopy may suggest the diagnosis. Most often, the presentation is subacute or chronic, though acute fulminant presentations can occur, such as shock and acute respiratory distress syndrome.54 The nonspecic and often variable presentation frequently leads to a delay or lack of diagnosis and a high mortality rate.55 Diagnosis of miliary TB is dicult, and a high index of suspicion, with institution of therapy prior to a conrmed diagnosis, is required to prevent morbidity and death.56 Laboratory ndings are nonspecic, though hematologic abnormalities are common. Up to one-third of cases do not have the classic discrete micronodular or miliary pattern on chest radiograph. High-resolution
CT is more sensitive, though not necessarily specic for miliary TB.57 Prompt examination by AFB smear and culture of clinical specimens from multiple sites increases the probability of a positive result and may obviate the need for more invasive testing. Transbronchial, thoracoscopic or surgical biopsies of lung (if imaging is abnormal) and biopsy of liver (highest yield > 90%) and bone marrow will frequently demonstrate caseating granulomas or AFB on special stains, justifying the early commencement of antituberculosis therapy. In children, gastric washings may be positive. In cases in which hematogenous dissemination is suspected, particularly those associated with HIV infection, blood cultures may be positive. The yield increases in inverse proportion to the absolute CD4 count, and cultures may be positive in up to 50% of HIVpositive patients with CD4 counts less than 100 x 106/L. Liquid culture media specically designed for the growth of M. tuberculosis (e.g. BACTEC 13A) must be used, which are dierent from the blood culture bottles used for the isolation of other bacteria.15,58 * Standard antituberculosis treatment regimens will achieve microbiologic and clinical cure, but longer therapy (i.e. 12 months) should be considered for children and the immunocompromised (e.g. those with HIV/AIDS), as well as patients with a slow response to treatment or with drug-resistant disease. Despite appropriate treatment, mortality from miliary TB remains as high as 20%.59,60 Negative prognostic indicators include meningeal disease, hematologic abnormalities, late presentation, concomitant diseases and anergy.
into the groin. In children and adolescents the lower thoracic vertebrae are most often diseased; among adults, disease more commonly involves the lumbar vertebrae. Spinal angulation as well as compression and vascular damage to the spinal cord may occur with devastating consequences. Surgical intervention may be necessary, and its indications have recently been reviewed.64 Appropriate airborne precautions should be taken in the surgical suite, as well as by health care workers involved in wound care, if bone and joint TB is suspected or has been diagnosed. Tuberculous arthritis is usually a mono-arthritis aecting large weight-bearing joints such as the hip or knee. Multifocal lesions are noted in 15% to 20% of cases. Symptoms can include swelling, pain and loss of function (cold joints). Focal signs typically associated with septic arthritis, such as local erythema and warmth, are invariably missing, as are constitutional symptoms. Cartilage erosion, deformity and draining sinuses have been associated with late presentation. M. tuberculosis has also been associated with prosthetic joint infections. Synovial uid microscopy has a low yield, but cultures have been reported as positive in 79% of cases.65 Synovial biopsy with culture may be required and is highly sensitive in the diagnosis.66 Osteomyelitis aecting other sites in the skeleton is very infrequent but is known to occur. Multifocal presentations can be misinterpreted as metastasis. The diagnosis of bone and joint TB is often delayed because of the insidious nature of the illness, physician failure to consider the diagnosis, bacterial/fungal coinfections and a failure to obtain the appropriate specimens for laboratory testing. The radiologic features of bone and joint TB are relatively nonspecic. MRI is valuable in evaluating spinal cord compression. As in all other forms of nonrespiratory TB, the diagnosis is conrmed only with microscopy and culture. A CT-guided needle biopsy is the recommended approach to obtain tissue for testing. Standard antituberculosis treatment regimens will achieve microbiologic and clinical cure, but longer durations are suggested (i.e. 12 months) because of concerns about poor penetration into bony tissues. Shorter courses of treatment (6 months) have been reported with results comparable to those of longer regimens but only when combined with radical surgical resection.67 It should be noted that the radiologic features of disease may initially appear to progress despite treatment, which in isolation should not prompt changes to the regimen.68
Abdominal TB
Abdominal TB made up approximately 2% of all reported cases of TB in Canada in 2004 (Table 2), a proportion that has not changed signicantly for decades. Abdominal TB includes disease of the intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands. The intestines and peritoneum are involved with similar frequency. The pathogenesis of abdominal TB has been attributed to direct infection through swallowing of infected sputum or ingestion of contaminated milk, hematogenous spread from initial primary foci in the lung or later dissemination of reactivated disease or, rarely, contiguous spread from adjacent organs. Gastrointestinal involvement usually occurs in the ileocecal, jejunoileal or anorectal area. A minority of cases are made up of mesenteric adenitis alone.
These patients often present with abdominal masses.The macroscopic appearance of lesions may be ulcerative (60%), hypertrophic (10%) or a combination of both (ulcero-hypertrophic, 30%). Patients with ileocecal TB may present with clinical and radiographic features that are indistinguishable from those of Crohns disease, such as chronic abdominal pain (up to 90%), constitutional symptoms and a right lower quadrant mass (25% to 50%). The dierentiation of enteric TB from Crohns disease is dicult, though it should be noted that patients with Crohns disease rarely have ascites or circumferential ulcers, while cobblestoning on colonoscopy is rarely seen with enteric TB. Suspected Crohns disease in Aboriginal Canadians and the foreign-born from countries with a high TB incidence should always raise the possibility of enteric TB. Conrmation of the appropriate diagnosis is essential, given the implications of immunosuppressing treatment for suspected Crohns disease that is, in fact, TB. Radiographic features of enteric TB are nonspecic, though the most common nding on CT scan is concentric mural thickening of the ileocecal region (with or without proximal dilation) and characteristic adjacent mesenteric lymphadenopathy with hypodense centres.69 Although colonoscopy and biopsy for histopathology and culture may be the procedure of choice (up to 80% diagnostic yield), the diagnosis is frequently made only after laparotomy.70 It should be noted that in Crohns disease, caseating granulomas are rarely found. Empiric treatment is also an option prior to laparotomy, as the response to antituberculosis treatment can be followed. Appropriate respiratory protection should be worn by health care workers in endoscopy or surgical suites if enteric TB is suspected. In those with peritoneal involvement, common presenting symptoms are abdominal swelling (particularly in patients with coexisting alcoholic liver disease), abdominal pain, fever, weight loss and diarrhea.71-74 Patients with cirrhosis and those undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis are at increased risk. The peritoneum becomes studded with tubercles that leak proteinaceous uid, clinically identied as ascites. Late presentations of TB peritonitis can be dry with predominant bro-adhesive features (doughy abdomen). Ascitic uid is exudative with a predominance of lymphocytes, although when TB peritonitis complicates chronic peritoneal dialysis, neutrophils may predominate. Culture yields of a large volume of ascitic uid (1 L) after centrifugation are high (> 80%), though smears are often negative.74 Laparoscopy with peritoneal biopsy is the single best diagnostic procedure. Targeted biopsies of the typical white nodules or tubercles seen in tuberculous peritonitis lead to positive histopathologic and smear results in the majority of cases. Radiologic features are nonspecic, though peritoneal thickening, omental caking and septated ascites are suggestive of the diagnosis. Treatment for abdominal TB follows the standard approach and is highly eective. Surgery is generally advised only in the face of serious complications, such as perforation, bleeding or obstruction.
CNS TB includes tuberculous meningitis, tuberculous myelitis and brain and/ or meningeal tuberculoma. In Canada, CNS TB made up approximately 1% of all reported cases of TB in Canada in 2004 (Table 2).
Meningitis, with or without tuberculoma, occurs in approximately 75% and tuberculoma alone in 25% of patients with CNS TB.75 Cerebral tuberculomas are thought to be more common in patients with HIV/AIDS and in developing countries.76 CNS involvement is seen in up to 15% to 20% of miliary TB cases, and in up to 50% of these cases it is fatal. TB meningitis alone is frequently associated with devastating consequences: 25% morbidity (i.e. permanent neurologic decit) and 15% to 40% mortality despite available treatment.75,77, 78 It is believed that the initial lesion is a tubercle in the supercial cortex (subependymal) or meninges that ruptures into the subarachnoid space. Brain and cranial nerve damage results from the eects of a granulomatous basal exudate (proliferative arachnoiditis), which may cause obstructive hydrocephalous and raised intracranial pressure as well as periarteritis and thrombosis of blood vessels, especially those supplying the basal ganglia and brainstem.78,79 This is the most rapidly progressive form of TB: 50% of cases are ill for less than 2 weeks before diagnosis. The clinical course is characterized by a prodromal headache, malaise, fever and personality changes, followed by meningismus, cranial nerve palsies and confusion, which, if left untreated, can lead to seizures, coma and death within weeks. Outcomes are known to be aected by age, whether hydrocephalus is present at diagnosis, cerebrospinal uid (CSF) protein levels and, most important, the clinical stage of disease at diagnosis.80,81 At presentation, the CSF pressure is often normal. CSF ndings include low glucose levels (< 45 mg/dL or < 2.5 mmol/L; normal 50-80 mg/dL), elevated protein (100-500 mg/dL or 0.5-5 g/L; normal 15-45 mg/dL) and a moderate pleocytosis with lymphocyte predominance (cell count 100-500 cells/L; normal 0-5 white blood cells/L and 0 red blood cells/L). Although regularly performed, bacteriologic methods are generally considered inadequate for early diagnosis of TB meningitis because there are too few organisms in the CSF for consistent demonstration by smear, and cultural identication may take several weeks.82 Serial sampling of CSF for AFB smear and culture may increase the diagnostic yield (up to 87% with daily lumbar puncture for 3 days), and treatment should not be delayed for fear of inuencing smear or culture results. The sensitivity of AFB smears may be improved by using the last tube collected, as well as obtaining a large volume sample (10 to 15 mL). NAA is commercially available to identify mycobacteria directly from CSF. Its major advantage is a rapid diagnosis, generally within 48 hours, and it is most useful in diagnosing meningeal TB.23-25 A positive NAA assay result from the CSF of a patient with a high clinical probability of TB meningitis can be considered a presumptive case, whereas a negative NAA assay in these circumstances cannot be relied upon to exclude the diagnosis.74,83 Empiric therapy should be initiated immediately on suspicion of the diagnosis to prevent complications. A CT scan of the brain showing basilar meningeal enhancement and hydrocephalous is highly suggestive of TB meningitis, while MRI will better delineate abnormalities in the spinal cord, brainstem and posterior fossa. Treatment for CNS TB follows the standard approach and is highly eective. Isoniazid, rifampin and pyrazinamide all penetrate the CSF well, and treatment duration should be extended for at least 12 months with drug-susceptible disease. Neurosurgical intervention may be indicated for complications such as hydrocephalus or, less likely, large local collections. Adjunctive corticosteroid treatment reduces the incidence of neurologic complications and
mortality.80,84,85 Specic indications for steroid use include severe or deteriorating clinical presentation, acute encephalitis, elevated CSF opening pressure or hydrocephalous, cerebral edema and evidence of clinical deterioration upon initiation of antituberculosis treatment. The use of corticosteroids in TB is discussed in Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection.
Ocular TB
The epidemiology of ocular TB has not been well described in Canada. The diagnosis is often problematic given the diculty in obtaining clinical specimens for mycobacteriologic and histopathologic testing.86,87 Evidence of TB disease elsewhere in the body can help to conrm the diagnosis. Ocular TB can be characterized by direct infection of external and internal eye structures, as well as an inammatory hypersensitivity response to mycobacterial antigen, which can lead to vasculitis and progressive loss of vision. Infection can occur from hematologic dissemination at the time of primary infection or reactivation, or, less commonly, direct extension from a site external to the eye. Clinical specimens are more easily obtained from external eye structures, leaving intraocular disease often a clinical diagnosis. Intraocular disease, specically choroidal TB, is the most common form of ocular TB. Choroidal TB can be unilateral or bilateral, and can lead to retinal disease. Patients usually present with decreased visual acuity and often have signs of systemic TB (i.e. miliary TB). There may be a role for clinical sampling of the anterior chamber uid for PCR88 as well as a therapeutic trial to support the diagnosis. Treatment of ocular TB includes antituberculosis therapy, though systemic steroids are often added for those with retinal disease.
Tuberculous pericarditis
In developed countries, the incidence of TB pericarditis has declined alongside the decline in TB incidence. The pathogenesis of pericardial TB has been attributed to hematogenous spread from initial primary infection or later dissemination of reactivated disease, or contiguous spread from adjacent organs, such as mediastinal lymph nodes. It is usually accompanied by tuberculous disease at another site. The earliest clinical presentation of TB pericarditis is of a serosanguinous exudative eusion that may resolve spontaneously over a few weeks, but can heal with constriction. Large pericardial eusions with signs of both tamponade and inammation have been associated with TB, but, in general, clinical features are generally nonspecic and subtle. Imaging, including radiographs and echocardiograms, are nondiagnostic. Diagnostic yield is improved if pericardial uid and tissue are sent for AFB smear and culture (~ 50% positive) as well as histopathologic analysis, especially in symptomatic patients. Antituberculosis treatment has reduced the incidence of constrictive pericarditis (10% to 20% of treated cases) and mortality associated with tuberculous pericarditis. Empiric treatment should be considered, especially in the immunocompromised. Adjunctive corticosteroid treatment is felt to reduce the incidence of complications and improve mortality.89-92 The recommended adult steroid dosage is 1 mg/kg per day for 4 weeks, tapered slowly over the following 8 weeks. The use of corticosteroids in TB is discussed in Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection. In patients with recurrent
eusions or persistently elevated central venous pressures despite removal of pericardial uid and use of antituberculosis drugs, early pericardiectomy is suggested.
Nonrespiratory TB (other than lymph node TB) is more likely to cause a lifethreatening complication than is respiratory TB, though the latter is capable of doing so in the form of respiratory insuciency due to far advanced disease, pneumothorax and massive hemoptysis, especially if associated with underlying lung disease.95 Together, bone and joint, disseminated, CNS, pericardial and adrenal TB account for a relatively small fraction of all reported TB cases, yet they are responsible for a large share of the morbidity and mortality associated with the disease. Adrenal insuciency should be considered in all patients with active or remote TB who are doing poorly, particularly if hypotension, hyponatremia or hyperkalemia is present.96 In certain life-threatening forms of nonrespiratory TB, such as CNS, disseminated, or pericardial TB, empiric treatment should be instituted with a presumptive diagnosis while conrmation is pending. Successful outcomes of these and other forms of nonrespiratory TB are critically dependent upon the rapidity with which the diagnosis is made and appropriate treatment introduced. Depending upon what drugs remain available for treatment and upon host immune status, multidrug-resistant TB at any site may also be immediately life-threatening.
As a general rule, nonrespiratory TB responds to the same regimens used to treat respiratory TB97,98 (see Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection). For example, a 6-month regimen of isoniazid and rifampin supplemented with pyrazinamide for the initial 2 months is as ecacious as a 9-month course of isoniazid and rifampin therapy supplemented for the
rst 2 months with either pyrazinamide or ethambutol in the treatment of tuberculous lymphadenitis. CNS TB, disseminated TB, and bone and joint TB are notable exceptions, in that a longer course of therapy is suggested, especially in children, in whom 2 months of at least three drugs in the initial phase and 10 months of two or more drugs in the continuation phase are recommended, assuming that the initial isolate is fully drug sensitive. As discussed elsewhere, adjunctive therapy with corticosteroids may reduce the inammatory response and improve outcomes of some forms of nonrespiratory TB, specically CNS TB and pericardial TB. In contrast to respiratory TB, the management of nonrespiratory TB not uncommonly requires surgical intervention, initially for the purpose of obtaining diagnostic specimens and later in the management of local complications of the disease.
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97. 98.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Introduction Bacteriologic Basis of Short-Course Chemotherapy Treatment Regimens for Active TB Nonrespiratory TB Program Responsibility for Patient Adherence Directly Observed Therapy Adverse Reactions INH RMP PZA EMB Alternative Routes of Administration Serum Drug Concentration Measurements Special Situations Hospitalization TB patients with hepatic disease TB patients with impaired renal function TB patients with HIV infection Pregnancy/breastfeeding Corticosteroids Response to Treatment and Treatment Failure Program Performance Standards for Treatment of TB Disease 116 116 117 119 120 120 122 123 124 124 124 125 125 125 125 126 126 127 127 128 128 129
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Additional Components of TB Management Treatment completion Prevention of transmission Follow-up after treatment Treatment Regimens for Latent TB Infection Rationale Background Indications, doses and duration Resistance to INH alone or to INH plus RMP Improving adherence to treatment of LTBI Pregnancy Renal failure/dialysis Management of persons exposed to infectious TB after previous LTBI treatment Side eects associated with treatment of LTBI Management of LTBI when treatment is refused, contraindicated or stopped before completion Program performance standards for treatment of LTBI References
130 130 130 130 130 131 131 131 134 134 134 135 135 135 136 136 137
Eective chemotherapy taken over an adequate period of time is the guiding principle of treatment for all forms of tuberculosis (TB) respiratory and nonrespiratory. The objective of anti-TB therapy is to achieve a lifetime cure of the disease while preventing drug resistance. This chapter deals with the treatment of TB that is proven or presumed to be due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is susceptible to four rst-line drugs: isoniazid (INH), rifampin (RMP), pyrazinamide (PZA) and ethambutol (EMB)1 (Table 1). Streptomycin (SM) (not readily available in Canada), rifapentine and rifabutin are classied as second-line drugs in Canada.* Rifabutin is used in special situations, such as in cases of HIV/AIDS and drug resistance. Rifapentine and the uoroquinolones are very promising drugs and in time may be reclassied as rst-line (see Chapter 7, Drug-resistant Tuberculosis, and Chapter 9, Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeciency Virus).
organisms are thought to grow intermittently, RMP is the only drug that has bactericidal activity.1 Sterilizing activity is the ability of a drug to kill the last viable, often semidormant, bacterium inside the host. The best measure of sterilizing activity is the proportion of patients with negative cultures after 2 months of treatment and the proportion who relapse within 2 years following completion of treatment.2 RMP and PZA are the most eective sterilizing drugs;4 INH is intermediate, and EMB is the least eective (Table 1).
Summary Point:
Drugs vary in the ability to reduce the bacteria count, prevent resistance and kill the last remaining bacterium. L EVEL II
*The eect in preventing resistance is similar to the bactericidal eect in rapidly replicating organisms; 0 = no eect, 3+ = greatest eect, +/- little or no eect.
be extended to a minimum of 12 months. If uncertainties about the duration of treatment arise, it is recommended that referral be made to a TB specialist, who may be dened as a physician, usually but not always with training in respirology or infectious disease, who has taken a special interest in TB and has become knowledgeable and experienced in the prevention and treatment of TB. For assistance in identifying a TB specialist, consult the local/provincial/ territorial TB control program or public health department. Table 2 Drug Regimen Options for Treatment of TB
Duration (months) Regimen Intensive 2 1-2 Continuing 4 7-8 Total 6 9 Number of doses 95* 120
Table 3 Dosing Interval Options for INH, RMP and PZA regimens*
Option 1: 95 doses Administer daily INH, RMP and PZA for 2 months, followed by INH and RMP daily or 2/wk for 4 months. Option 2: 60 doses Administer daily INH, RMP and PZA for 2 weeks, followed by INH, RMP and PZA 2/wk for 6 weeks, followed by INH and RMP 2/wk for 4 months.
* Adapted from reference 9; 2x/wk dosing is not recommended in patients with HIV infection and low CD4 counts, < 100 x 10 6/L (see Chapter 9, Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeciency Virus). All regimens administered 2/wk (two times a week) should use DOT for the duration of therapy.
Medication dosages for daily and twice weekly administration are listed in Table 4. Treatment of patients who are at increased risk of disease due to drugresistant organisms is described in Chapter 7, Drug-resistant Tuberculosis. EMB should be added to the initial regimen until such time as drug susceptibility tests establish that it is not ncessary9,19 (an injectable agent or a third- or fourthgeneration uoroquinolone may be used when EMB is not an option), or initial therapy should be based on prevailing drug susceptibility patterns in the community.21 Therefore, it is essential that all patients be questioned carefully about risk factors for drug resistance. In all cases of suspected drug resistance, the patient should be referred to a TB specialist.
*Adapted from reference 9. These regimens should only be considered in patients found to have fully drugsusceptible isolates or as initial therapy (before drug susceptibility test results are available) only if the prevailing rate of primary INH resistance is less than 4%. Twice weekly dosing is not recommended in patients with HIV infection and low CD4 counts, < 100 x 10 6/L. All regimens administered two times a week should be DOT for the duration of therapy
Summary Points:
Short-course regimens consist of a daily intensive phase and an intermittent continuation phase. Provided patients are adherent INH, RMP regimens may be discontinued after 9 months INH, RMP, PZA may be discontinued after 6 months. Level I-II 6-month regimens should be extended to 9 months in patients with the combination of cavitary disease and positive cultures after 2 months of treatment. L EVEL III
Nonrespiratory TB
Although less common than respiratory TB, nonrespiratory TB (see Chapter 5, Nonrespiratory Tuberculosis) accounts for a signicant proportion of all cases in Canada, 485/1613 (30%) in 2004.22 Nonrespiratory TB is even more prevalent among persons with HIV/AIDS23 and immigrants from Asian countries.24 The fundamental principles that underlie the treatment of respiratory TB also apply to nonrespiratory TB.25 Reports of treatment of nonrespiratory TB are limited, but reports on pleural, lymphatic, renal, abdominal, meningeal, and bone and joint TB show that outcomes are similar to those of respiratory forms of TB using similar regimens.26-30 However, since ideal therapy for meningitis, miliary/disseminated disease or spinal disease with neurological complications has not yet been dened with certainty, some authorities have recommended longer courses of treatment.9,19,27 If there is uncertainty about the duration of treatment, referral to a TB specialist is recommended.
Summary Point:
With three possible exceptions, CNS (central nervous system) TB, miliary/disseminated TB, and bone and joint TB, nonrespiratory TB is treated with the same regimens as respiratory TB. L EVEL II
Summary Point:
Failure of treatment and relapse are most commonly due to inadequate treatment. L EVEL II
DOT is the process whereby a health care worker or pill dispenser watches the patient swallow each dose of medication, helping to ensure that higher treatment completion rates are achieved.19 Note that in international TB control, the DOTS strategy includes additional elements (see Chapter 18, Canada and International Tuberculosis Control). Several treatment outcomes have been reported using varying denitions of DOT. DOT may be subclassied as modied, standard or enhanced. Modied DOT refers to DOT for only part of the treatment period, typically during the initial phase, followed by self-administered therapy during the continuation phase, with reported completion rates of about 80%.19 Standard DOT refers to DOT throughout the initial phase and the continuation phase, with completion rates of about 85%.19 Enhanced DOT also refers to DOT throughout both phases but also includes incentives and enablers, with completion rates of about 90%.19 These DOT rates may be compared with completion rates after selfadministered therapy of about 60%.19 For the best outcomes, all doses should be given DOT with incentives and enablers when needed to complete treatment. In addition to signicantly increased completion rates, the use of DOT has been shown to reduce the rate of drug resistance and relapse when compared with self-administered therapy.35,36 DOT may be given daily, twice weekly, or thrice weekly.9,37-40 Intermittent regimens are clinically eective and have similar toxicity to that of daily regimens.37-42 DOT allows the number of doses to be reduced and, importantly, allows patient defaulting to be quickly identied. All intermittent regimens must be directly observed.* If self-administered therapy is the only option for drug delivery, the drugs must be taken daily.* DOT with a suitable regimen should ideally prevent the emergence of drug resistance. Since resistance rates of 2.1% have been reported in program DOT evaluations,35,43 this rate is the recommended program standard with adherence rates that should aim for at least 80% of the total prescribed doses.12 Treatment should continue until a minimum of 76 doses have been taken for a 95-dose, 6month regimen or 96 doses have been taken for a 120-dose, 9-month regimen, even if the regimen extends beyond the intended 6 or 9 months. There are program conditions under which DOT has not contributed to improved treatment outcome.43,44 DOT may be selectively used when not all patients are being treated with DOT and yet at least 90% of patients complete treatment (no culture done at the end of treatment) or are cured (negative culture at the end of treatment).44 When adherence is dicult to predict,45,46 the most eective method of drug delivery is DOT rather than self-administered therapy. If universal provision of DOT is currently not feasible because of resource limitations, the following circumstances should be given priority: suspected or proven drug-resistant organisms treatment failure documented re-treatment disease injection drug users/homeless patients suspected nonadherence or previous nonadherence
psychopathology sputum smear positive for acid-fast bacteria44 HIV infection children
When DOT is not feasible in these circumstances, clinicians may consider the use of self-administered, xed-dose combinations (adjusted for body weight) whenever the drugs are self-administered. Fixed-dose drug combinations of INH/RMP (unavailable in Canada except through application to Health Canadas Special Access Program) and INH/RMP/PZA (available in Canada) make selective monotherapy impossible and thus eliminate the potential risk of patients taking only some of their medication. A comprehensive patient-centred treatment program consists of an individual treatment regimen and additional considerations that incorporate the prescription into the patients daily routine bedtime dosing for drowsiness; exible clinic hours; taking sucient time for questions; coordinating social service support for child care, eye glasses and other medical appointments; treatment incentives; housing assistance; referral for treatment of substance abuse; and providing transportation where possible. Prescriptions for longer than 1 month, and therefore clinic reviews less frequent than one per month, are strongly discouraged.
Summary Point:
DOT for all doses is strongly recommended in a patient-centred treatment plan when self-administered therapy fails to meet treatment standards. L EVEL II - III
Adverse Reactions
The prompt recognition and appropriate management of adverse drug reactions is an essential part of the treatment program, and physicians and nurses responsible for drug therapy need to be well acquainted with these reactions (Table 5). Toxicity and hypersensitivity reactions require that the oending drug(s) be discontinued. However, this should be accompanied by careful evaluation of the reaction and identication of the oending drug(s) to avoid unnecessary cessation of a rst-line drug. In Canada, drug intolerance is a more likely reason to withhold a drug than is drug resistance. For practical purposes the eect on treatment planning is the same. A number of eld trials for short-course chemotherapy reported signicant adverse reactions.5,11-13,17,18,35-42,47-51 The most common are listed in order of decreasing frequency: skin rash, hepatitis, gastrointestinal upset, thrombocytopenia, ulike syndrome, vestibular symptoms, fever, arthralgia and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Patients with regimens containing SM have the highest rate of any adverse reactions (up to 22%) and the highest rate of stopping drug(s) (up to 5.3%). Regimens containing INH, RMP and PZA without SM result in lower rates of adverse reactions (up to 18%), but a similar rate of discontinuation (up
to 4.7%). INH- and RMP-containing regimens without PZA or SM have the lowest rates of any adverse reactions (7%). Table 5 Doses and Common Adverse Reactions to Anti-TB Drugs
Daily Dose Adults [Children] mg/kg* 5 [10-15] 10 [10-20] Usual Adult Daily Dose, mg* 300 600 Twice Weekly Dose, mg* 900 600
Common Adverse Reactions Asymptomatic elevation of aminotransferases, hepatitis, paresthesias Hepatitis, u-like illness, orange discoloration of body uids, drug interactions Hepatitis, elevated uric acid levels, arthralgia Retrobulbar neuritis
1000-2000 800-1600
2000-4000 2000-4000
*American Thoracic Society recommendations based on lean body mass.9 Evidence Level III. Daily dosing of initial phase-medications and daily or thrice weekly dosing of continuation-phase medications are recommended in patients with HIV infection and low CD4 counts, < 100 x 10 6/L. Usual adult thrice weekly doses are as follows: INH 600 mg; RMP 600 mg; PZA 1500-3000 mg; EMB 1200-2400 mg. All drugs may cause rash, nausea, and fever.
INH may produce liver dysfunction ranging from asymptomatic, mild elevation of the serum transaminases to overt hepatitis causing liver failure.52 The incidence of liver toxicity increases with age and with daily alcohol consumption.9 A feeling of being unwell may be the rst sign of impending hepatitis, and patients should be instructed to report such symptoms without delay so that liver enzymes can be measured. INH as well as other hepatotoxic drugs (see RMP and PZA) should be withdrawn when the serum transaminase level (aspartate aminotransferase [AST] or alanine aminotransferase [ALT]) exceeds ve times the upper limit of normal or when clinical jaundice develops.9 While the oending drug(s) is being identied, and particularly if the subject has infectious TB, an injectable agent, a uoroquinolone and/or EMB may be initiated. Once the liver enzymes normalize, therapy with each drug can be reintroduced sequentially to identify the oending drug. Often only one of the three hepatotoxic drugs will be responsible, and a modied regimen can continue. Mild elevation of the liver enzymes may occur in 10%-20% of patients, and this usually resolves even if treatment is continued.9 Routine monitoring is not necessary. However, for patients who have pre-existing liver disease, who are taking other hepatotoxins or who develop abnormal liver function that does not require stopping the drug, liver function tests should be measured monthly or when symptoms occur.9 INH may interfere with pyridoxine metabolism and produce peripheral neuropathy and other signicant reactions (i.e. psychotic episodes). Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), 25 mg daily, should routinely be added when prescribing INH to patients with diabetes, renal failure, malnutrition, HIV infection, substance abuse or seizure disorders or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, because of the increased risk of symptoms related to pyridoxine deciency in these patients.53 A pyridoxine dose of 25 mg is sucient; higher doses may interfere with INH
activity.53 The interaction of INH and phenytoin may cause an increase in serum levels of both drugs.25 In this instance, serum levels of phenytoin should be monitored and the dose of phenytoin adjusted accordingly. Other reactions are less common or less clinically signicant. Cutaneous allergic reactions may occur. For severe reactions INH should be discontinued. For mild reactions it can be continued with antihistamine treatment. Nausea and vomiting may occur during therapy, especially with twice weekly regimens administered in combination with RMP. Finally, patients may also note fatigue, drowsiness, headaches or mild hair loss. Patients with previous signicant reactions to INH should not receive this medication.
Adverse reactions to RMP include hepatotoxicity, renal toxicity, memory impairment and altered immune responses. Hypersensitivity reactions to RMP include skin rash, fever, abdominal pain, thrombocytopenia and a rare hypotensive reaction similar to anaphylactic shock.48 Patients receiving RMP should be informed that their saliva and urine may become orange/red in color but that this is of no signicance. Those wearing soft contact lenses should be advised that the drug may lead to permanent discoloration of the lenses from pigmented tears. When RMP is combined with INH, there is a slightly increased incidence of liver toxicity than with either drug alone.54 Because RMP induces hepatic microsomal enzymes, it may accelerate the clearance of drugs metabolized by the liver. These include estrogens, coumadin, anticonvulsants, glucocorticoids, digoxin, antiarrhythmics, sulfonylureas, theophylline, cyclosporin, methadone, ketoconazole and others.9 By accelerating estrogen metabolism, RMP may interfere with the eectiveness of oral contraceptives. Where appropriate, patients should be advised to use alternative forms of birth control while receiving RMP.
Hepatotoxicity can occur with PZA and should be managed as outlined in the INH section. PZA can cause elevation of serum uric acid levels through its inhibition of renal tubular secretion of uric acid. While hyperuricemia can occur in up to 64% of patients, arthralgias occur infrequently, and acute gout is rare.13 Routine monitoring is not required. Hypersensitivity reactions and gastrointestinal upset may also occur with PZA.
Optic neuropathy manifested by either decreased visual acuity, decreased visual elds or colour blindness is the most signicant adverse eect of EMB and usually occurs after the patient has been taking the medication for months.55 This adverse eect is most commonly seen in patients receiving a daily dose of 25 mg/kg but can occur in patients on a daily dose of 15 mg/kg (< 1%), particularly in those with impaired renal function.9 Patients should be advised to report any change in vision immediately and should ideally be referred to an ophthalmologist at the outset of therapy for accurate baseline assessment of
visual acuity, colour vision and visual elds.55.56 Monthly assessment of visual acuity and red-green colour discrimination is recommended while the patient continues to receive EMB.55 Fortunately, EMB-related optic neuritis is usually reversible within weeks to months of discontinuing the drug.55-57 EMB should be used with caution in children who are too young for monitoring, although a recent review suggests that its use is safe in children.58 Other side eects, such as cutaneous reactions, may also occur. Because EMB is excreted via the kidneys, the dose should be adjusted in renal failure.9,59 When the appropriate management of side eects is uncertain, consultation with a TB specialist is recommended.
Summary Point:
Special Situations
Although frequently diagnosed in hospital, TB is largely managed in the outpatient setting. With increasing age, patients with TB are more likely to have severe disease or to require additional medical services not directly related to TB and thus require hospital treatment. In Canada in 2004 there were 371
TB patients 65 years of age and older (23% of the total of 1,613 patients).22 Hospitalized TB patients should be admitted to appropriate facilities designated for the treatment of infectious TB and capable of providing adequate airborne isolation (see Chapter 16, Tuberculosis Control Within Institutions). It is important that these institutions be staed by personnel knowledgeable and experienced in the management of TB. Indications for hospitalization in this population include the following: investigation and/or treatment of symptoms, i.e. fever, life-threatening hemoptysis, malaise/cachexia; establishment of an acceptable therapeutic regimen in patients with signicant side eects from drugs or with known/suspected drug resistance;
socio-economic reasons, i.e. homelessness; management of associated medical conditions complicating the diagnosis of TB, i.e. congestive heart failure, HIV infection, respiratory failure; provision of airborne isolation if this cannot be eectively provided as an outpatient (involuntary admission may be necessary when other measures such as DOT are unsuccessful); drug desensitization.
be continued despite renal insuciency, the dose should be adjusted (standard doses but given three times per week) and serum levels monitored carefully.9,61 In patients undergoing dialysis, INH and RMP may be given in the usual doses since they are not appreciably aected by dialysis. In contrast, EMB61,62 is given in standard doses three times per week. PZA is dialyzable, and therefore, as with EMB, a longer interval between doses with three times per week administration is recommended; i.e. 25-35 mg/kg per dose three times per week after dialysis. Ideally, all doses are given after dialysis to maintain DOT. When uncertainties arise, the patient should be referred to a TB specialist.
The risk of untreated TB to a pregnant woman and her fetus is far greater than the risk of toxic eects from the drugs used in its treatment.63,64 In a pregnant woman with TB it is essential that prompt, eective therapy be administered. TB is not an indication for the termination of pregnancy. The use of INH, RMP and EMB has been well studied during pregnancy, and they are safe in this setting.64 The use of aminoglycosides (streptomycin, amikacin, kanamycin) and the polypeptide capreomycin during pregnancy is contraindicated because of the eects on the fetus, including eighth cranial nerve palsies, deafness and teratogenicity.65 No studies have been undertaken to assess the safety of PZA during pregnancy. Therefore while its routine use has been approved by international TB agencies, recommendations for the general use of PZA during pregnancy cannot be made because of inadequate teratogenicity data.18 Little is known about the safety of second-line agents during pregnancy. These drugs should only be considered for use in specic instances after consultation with a TB specialist. The initial treatment regimen in pregnancy should consist of INH, RMP and EMB9 unless the prevailing rate of primary INH resistance is known to be less than 4%, in which case EMB need not be continued (see Treatment Regimens for Active TB). Pyridoxine is recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women receiving INH.53 A mother receiving treatment for TB should not be discouraged from breastfeeding, as the very small concentrations of anti-TB drugs in the breast milk do not produce toxic eects on the newborn. It should also be emphasized
that the small amount of medication that may be found in breast milk should not be considered eective treatment or prophylaxis in a nursing infant.66
Summary Point:
In uncommon/special situations patients should be referred to a TB specialist for their treatment. L EVEL II-III
Corticosteroids should be used only when adequate anti-TB therapy is also being administered.67 Randomized controlled trials show improved survival with the use of corticosteroids in patients with all stages of severity of TB meningitis,68-70 and improved survival and less need for pericardiectomy in patients with TB pericarditis.71,72 Corticosteroids may also be of clinical value in cases of TBcaused adrenal insuciency and in cases of life-threatening disseminated disease, particularly when there is concern about adrenal insuciency.68 In patients with tuberculous pleurisy, both the symptoms and the pleural uid may resolve more quickly with corticosteroids, but there are no long-term benets to these patients from the adjunctive use of corticosteroids. Two reviews suggest that prednisone in doses of 40-80 mg/day for 6-12 weeks is likely to be eective,68,72 but the optimal dose and duration of treatment are unknown.
Summary Points:
Adjunctive corticosteroid treatment may improve survival in meningitis at all stages of severity L EVEL I improve survival and reduce morbidity in pericarditis L EVEL I-II provide benet in life-threatening cases L EVEL III
While it is theoretically possible to cure or at least complete treatment of all cases of TB, in practice there are failures. The most common causes are patients not taking the prescribed drugs (nonadherence or because of toxicity), development of drug resistance, inadequate regimens (another form of nonadherence) and, rarely, malabsorption.43,73.74 Treatment failure is dened as positive sputum cultures after 4 or more months of treatment9 or two positive sputum cultures in dierent months during the last 3 months of treatment, even if the nal culture is negative.5,13,75 Treatment failure should be suspected before the intended completion date. Failure of symptom resolution and/or poor radiographic response combined with persistently positive sputum smears or cultures should raise the question of failure as early as the third month of therapy. In these instances, the reason(s) for failure ought to be identied, and drug susceptibility tests should be repeated. If the patients bacteria are resistant to INH and/or RMP, or the patient does not tolerate either drug, second-line drug susceptibility testing is almost always necessary. If drug resistance is suspected, the treatment regimen will need to be modied (see Chapter 7, Drug-resistant Tuberculosis). For all instances of known or suspected treatment failure, referral to a TB specialist is recommended.
Prevention of transmission
It is important to recognize that the management of the patient with TB includes more than eective chemotherapy. While TB patients are largely managed in the outpatient setting, measures to reduce the risk of transmitting infection are indicated. Timely contact tracing is essential. Appropriate education for both patients and their families is also necessary. In certain instances, this education may be extended beyond the family to include co-workers and employers. These specic aspects of TB management can best be delivered by a centralized and coordinated, multi-disciplinary TB program that recognizes the importance of close linkage between the clinical and public health arms.
In persons infected with TB bacteria the risk of active TB varies according to the time since infection, age and other factors. Without risk factors, TB develops in about 10% of infected, otherwise healthy adults in their lifetime, 5% within 2 years of infection and 5% after 2 years.78 In young children the risk of disease after infection is inversely related to age, with very high risk (up to 40%) in infants.79 In both children and adults, a number of immunocompromising conditions will increase the risk of disease after infection (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease). With treatment of LTBI, the number of persons who go on to have TB can be signicantly diminished.
TB prevention has been a cornerstone of TB control in industrialized countries for over 45 years. The eectiveness of INH alone to treat LTBI was rst reported in 1957 by Ferebee et al79 and subsequently conrmed by others.80-83 INH was suitable because it was safe, cheap, easy to take, well tolerated and eective. Eectiveness, however, was a function of adherence and duration of treatment. In completers/compliers ( 80% of doses) daily INH for 1 year provided 93% protection, and daily INH for 6 months provided 69% protection.83
Table 6 Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) Cut Points for Treatment of Latent TB Infection in High-Risk Groups
TST Result < 5 mm Indication HIV infection and high risk of TB infection (contact with infectious TB, from high TB incidence country or abnormal chest x-ray) Other severe immunosuppression and high risk of TB infection Child less than 5 years and high risk of TB infection* HIV infection Recent contact with infectious TB Fibronodular disease on chest radiograph (healed TB but not previously treated, or if treated, not adequately treated) Organ transplantation (related to immune suppressant therapy) Other immunosuppressive drugs, e.g. corticosteroids (equivalent of 15 mg/day of prednisone for 1 month or more; risk of TB disease increases with higher dose and longer duration) Converters (within 2 years) Other immunosuppression silicosis end-stage renal disease carcinoma of head and neck Consider treatment for those who have resided or traveled in a high TB incidence country (see Chapter 13, Surveillance and Screening in Tuberculosis Control) or Canadian Aboriginal community within the past 2 years, are HIV-seronegative injection drug users, are workers or residents in a health care facility or correctional facility, or are homeless and can be treated with directly observed prophylaxis. Others, not listed above, may, at the discretion of the treating physician, also be considered for treatment; for example, those identied as being at increased risk in Table 2, Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease.
5 mm
10 mm
* Skin test immediately and repeat at least 8 weeks after last exposure to an infectious TB case. Begin treatment immediately. Treatment can be stopped in a healthy child if repeat TST is negative. In children < 6 months of age the immune system may not be mature enough to produce a positive TST, even if the child is infected. Other tumours, such as T-cell lymphomas, may also increase the risk of reactivation of LTBI (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease). Age along (e.g. 35 years) is not a contraindication to treatment of ltbi if the risk of progression to active tb disease is greater than the risk of serious adverse reactions to treatment.
RMP-containing regimens have also been used to treat LTBI.86-88 Regimens of daily INH for 6 months or daily RMP for 3 months in adults with silicosis resulted in 41% and 51% protection respectively.87 A twice weekly directly observed 6-month regimen with INH and RMP resulted in 90% protection.89 It has been shown to be a suitable regimen. RMP daily for 4 months is an acceptable alternative when INH cannot be used on account of toxicity, if there is exposure to an INH-resistant source case or when a regimen of longer duration is not feasible.84,90,91 Table 7 compares the regimens (drugs, duration, number of doses) and Table 8 compares the protective eects. In HIV-seropositive persons 2 months of daily RMP plus PZA was found to be comparable to 12 months of INH in protecting against TB, and there did not appear to be an increased risk of toxicity.92,93 On the basis of these results, the 2-month RMP-PZA regimen was recommended by the American Thoracic Society/U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ATS/CDC) as an alternative regimen in HIV-seronegative persons.84 However, the administration
of this regimen to HIV-seronegative persons resulted in rates of hepatitis and death that were signicantly higher than those associated with INH regimens.94,95 The revised ATS/CDC guidelines recommend that this regimen not be used in HIV-seronegative or seropositive persons.19,94,,95 If a patient has a high risk of developing TB and is unlikely to complete a longer course of treatment of LTBI, he or she should be referred to a TB specialist. For more details on the U.S. guidelines, the reader is referred to the cited references.19,94,95 Table 7 Regimens for Treatment of Latent TB Infection
Drugs INH INH INH INH RMP INH, RMP Duration 9 mo 6 mo 9 mo 6 mo 4 mo 6 mo Interval Daily Daily 2/wk 2/wk Daily 2/wk Mode* SAP SAP DOP DOP SAP, DOP DOP Level of Evidence I I III III III II
*SAP = self-administered preventive therapy; DOP = directly observed preventive therapy I = randomized controlled trial, II = nonrandomized trial, III = expert opinion. For INH resistance or intolerance.
Table 8 Outcome of Treatment of Latent TB Infection in HIV-Seronegative or HIV Status Unknown Populations
Regimen INH* INH* INH* INH* INH RMP RMP INH, RMP INH, RMP INH, RMP INH, RMP RMP Duration, Follow-up, Level of months Adherence, % Protection, % months Study Group Evidence 12 12 6 6 6 6 3 6,9 6 4 3 6 68 > 80 78 > 80 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown > 80 Unknown Unknown Unknown 75 93 65 69 41 100 51 88 90 100 37 100 60 60 60 60 60 30 60 15 40 30 60 24 20-64 yrs 20-64 yrs 20-64 yrs 20-64 yrs 26-34 yrs silicosis 20-50 yrs converters 25-64 yrs silicosis 0-15 yrs 0-35 yrs 20-50 yrs converters 25-64 yrs silicosis 15-23 yrs students I I I I I II I II II II I III
* IUAT83 Hong Kong, drug resistance unknown10 INH resistant, HIV status unknown11 Children86
Bacteriostatic drugs are unsuitable for treatment of LTBI since they do not sterilize the lesion.1 For the treatment of LTBI in persons thought to be infected by an organism resistant to both INH and RMP, see Chapter 7, Drug-resistant Tuberculosis.
Except for patients coinfected with HIV or those with recent TB infection, treatment of LTBI during pregnancy is not recommended.84,98 Outside of these two categories, the small benets of INH treatment of LTBI in pregnancy are not thought to outweigh the small risks attendant upon the administration of the drug.64,84,99 Treatment of LTBI should be reconsidered in the postpartum period, assuming of course that active disease has been excluded. There is no conclusive evidence that pregnant women or women in the rst postpartum year are at increased risk of INH hepatotoxicity.98 Nevertheless, pregnant women, women in the rst postpartum year and breastfeeding women who are recommended an INH-containing regimen should undergo careful clinical
and laboratory monitoring for hepatitis.84 They should also receive pyridoxine (vitamin B6).
Renal failure/dialysis
The standard regimen is recommended in patients who have renal failure or who undergo dialysis. Both INH and RMP are metabolized in the liver, so serum drug levels do not rise in the presence of renal failure. Both drugs are not dialyzed, so that the regimen does not need modication.
in the presence of acute liver disease. Patients receiving phenytoin (e.g. Dilantin) or carbamazapine (e.g. Tegretol) will require dose adjustment of these agents because INH inhibits the enzymes responsible for their metabolism.109
Side eects for which RMP was stopped in 2/157 patients90 included anorexia, gastrointestinal upset, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, rash, joint pain, bruising (probably due to thrombocytopenia) and scleral icterus. Additional side eects were related to induction of hepatic enzymes and accelerated clearance of estrogens, cyclosporins, coumadin, glucocorticoids and sulfonylureas.110 Dose adjustment of these drugs or, in the case of estrogens, the use of alternative forms of contraception is required when RMP is prescribed.
Baseline liver function testing (AST or ALT level) is recommended before INH therapy is started and at least monthly during therapy in those with pre-existing liver disease, those with concomitant use of hepatotoxic drugs, a history of ethanol abuse or prior INH hepatitis, and those who are older than 34 years, pregnant or within 3 months postpartum. The patient should be advised of potential toxic eects and asked to report symptoms such as nausea, anorexia, dark urine or scleral icterus. In the event that they have such symptoms but cannot reach a caregiver, they should stop the INH on their own. Minor elevations in transaminase levels are common while taking INH and are not a reason to discontinue treatment unless the patient is symptomatic. Reintroduction of INH, despite previous enzyme elevation, is frequently successful. For those receiving self-administered treatment of LTBI the prescription for medication should not exceed the number of doses for 1 month. INH should be withheld if the AST or ALT level exceeds ve times the upper limit of normal without symptoms or when the AST or ALT level exceeds three times the upper limit in the presence of symptoms.84,111
1. 2. 3. Mitchison DA. The action of antituberculosis drugs in short-course chemotherapy. Tubercle 1985;66:219-25. Grosset J. Bacteriologic basis of short course chemotherapy for tuberculosis. Clin Chest Med 1980;1:231. Jindani A, Aber VR, Edwards EA, et al. The early bactericidal activity of drugs in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Am Rev Resp Dis 1980;121:939-49. Grosset J. The sterilizing value of rifampicin and pyrazinamide in experimental short course chemotherapy. Tubercle 1978;59:287-97. British Thoracic Society and Tuberculosis Association. A controlled trial of six months of chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis. Am Rev Resp Dis 1982;126:460-62. East African/British Medical Research Council Study. Results at 5 years of a controlled comparison of a 6-month and a standard 18-month regimen of chemotherapy for pulmonary tuberculosis. Am Rev Resp Dis 1977;115:3-8. Singapore Tuberculosis Service/British Medical Research Council. Clinical trial of six-month and four-month regimens of chemotherapy in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Am Rev Resp Dis 1979;119:57985. Snider DE, Rogowski J, Zierski M, et al. Successful intermittent treatment of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in 6 months; a cooperative study in Poland. Am Rev Resp Dis 1982;125:265-67. American Thoracic Society/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/ Infectious Diseases Society of America. Treatment of tuberculosis. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2003;167:603-62.
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British Thoracic Society. A controlled trial of 6 months chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis nal report: results during the 36 months after the end of chemotherapy and beyond. Br J Dis Chest 1984;78:330-36. Combs DL, OBrien RJ, Geiter LJ. USPHS tuberculosis short-course chemotherapy trial 21: eectiveness, toxicity, and acceptability. Ann Intern Med 1990;112:397-406. Dutt AK, Jones L, Stead WW. Short course chemotherapy for tuberculosis with largely twice-weekly isoniazid-rifampin. Chest 1979;75:441-47. Cohn DL, Catlin BJ, Peterson KL, et al. A 62 dose, 6 month therapy for PTB and NPTB: a twice weekly, directly observed, and cost eective regimen. Ann Intern Med 1990;112:407-15. Singapore Tuberculosis Service/British Medical Research Council. Longterm follow-up of a clinical trial of six-month and four-month regimens of chemotherapy in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Am Rev Resp Dis 1986;133:779-83. Singapore Tuberculosis Services/British Medical Research Council. Five-year follow-up of a clinical trial of three 6-month regimens of chemotherapy given intermittently in the continuation phase in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Am Rev Resp Dis 1988;137:114750. Singapore Tuberculosis Service/British Medical Research Council. Assessment of a daily combined preparation of isoniazid, rifampin and pyrazinamide in a controlled trial of three 6-month regimens for smearpositive pulmonary tuberculosis. Am Rev Resp Dis 1991;143:707-12. Hong Kong Chest Service/British Medical Research Council. Five-year follow-up of a controlled trial of ve 6-month regimens of chemotherapy for pulmonary tuberculosis. Am Rev Resp Dis 1987;136:1339-42. Snider DE, Graczyk J, Bek E, et al. Supervised six-month treatment of newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis using isoniazid, rifampin and pyrazinamide with and without streptomycin. Am Rev Resp Dis 1984;130:1091-94. Blumberg MH, Leonard MK, Jasmer RM. Update on the treatment of tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis infection. JAMA 2005;293:2776-84. The Tuberculosis Trials Consortium. Rifapentine and isoniazid once a week versus rifampicin and isoniazid twice a week for treatment of drug-suscpeptible pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-negative patients: a randomized clinical trial. Lancet 2002;360:528-34. Schluger NW, Harkin TJ, Rom WN. Principles of therapy of tuberculosis in the modern era. In: Rom WN, Garay S, eds. Tuberculosis. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1996. Public Health Agency of Canada. Tuberculosis in Canada 2004. Ottawa (Canada): Public Health Agency of Canada; 2007.
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Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Introduction TB Drug Resistance Monitoring in Canada Drug Resistance Theory Predictors of Drug-resistant TB Management of Drug-resistant TB Resistance to INH with or without resistance to streptomycin Isolated resistance to rifampin Isolated resistance to pyrazinamide or ethambutol Resistance to two or more rst-line drugs (polyresistant TB) not including MDR-TB Multidrug resistant (MDR) TB and Extensively Drug-resistant (XDR) TB The management of MDR-TB Patients suspected of having MDR-TB Suggested treatment regimens for patients with suspected or proven MDR-TB Surgery for MDR-TB Management of contacts of MDR-TB References
147 147 156 158 161 161 162 163 163 163 166 167 168 171 172 173
Since their discovery in the mid 20th century, antituberculosis drugs have accelerated the natural decline in the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) within epidemics. Latterly, two forces have conspired to reverse this trend. One is a natural phenomenon, the human immunodeciency virus (HIV). The other is a man-made phenomenon, antituberculosis drug resistance.1 Patients are said to have drug-resistant TB if the strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis causing their disease is resistant to one or more of the four rst-line drugs: isoniazid (INH), rifampin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol. Streptomycin was once, but is no longer, considered a rst-line drug in Canada. The impact of drug resistance on the outcome of treatment of TB varies according to which drug, or combination of drugs, is resistant and reects the dierent but complementary role each agent plays in the treatment of TB.2 The third global report on Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Resistance in the World, produced by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD), describes resistance patterns in 77 geographic settings in 62 countries from 1999 to 2002. The median prevalence of resistance to any of INH, rifampin, ethambutol or streptomycin was 10.4%: 10.2% in new cases and 18.4% in previously treated cases. The median prevalence of multidrug resistance (MDR) (dened as resistance to at least INH and rifampin, the two most important antituberculosis drugs) was 1.7%: 1.1% in new cases and 7.0% in previously treated cases.3 Data from the second global report4 plus multiple logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the number of MDR-TB cases in countries where no resistance surveys had been carried out. Overall, 3.2% of all new TB cases in 2000 were multidrug-resistant.5
which the majority of the population has access to the DOTS strategy (see Chapter 18, Canada and International Tuberculosis Control) have lower rates of drug resistance.3 Most TB cases (74.6%) and most MDR-TB cases (88.7%) in Canada were reported in three provinces: British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec. Table 1 Patterns of Susceptibility and Resistance to Isoniazid (INH) and Rifampin (RMP) in the Initial Positive Culture from TB Cases by Disease Type and Patient Country of Birth, Canada, 2000-2004*
Country of Birth Resistance Pattern CanadianDisease Type born No. (%) Susceptible to INH and RMP Resistant to INH with or without resistance to another drug except RMP Resistant to INH and RMP with or without resistance to another drug (MDR-TB) Unknown Total Foreignborn No. (%) Unknown No. (%) 114 (75.0) 4 (2.6) 29 (19.1) 3 (2.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (0.7) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (0.7) 152 (100) Total No. (%) 5,119 (83.4) 427 (7.0) 107 (1.7) 310 (5.0) 38 (0.6) 4 (0.1) 37 (0.6) 24 (0.4) 1 (0.0) 63 (1.0) 10 (0.2) 1 (0.0) 6,141 (100)
New Active 1,639 (85.1) 3,366 (82.8) Relapse Unknown New Active Relapse Unknown New Active Relapse Unknown New Active Relapse Unknown 188 (9.8) 13 (0.7) 31 (1.6) 9 (0.5) 0 (0.0) 2 (0.1) 5 (0.3) 0 (0.0) 34 (1.8) 5 (0.3) 0 (0.0) 235 (5.8) 65 (1.6) 276 (6.8) 29 (0.7) 3 (0.1) 35 (0.9) 19 (0.5) 1 (0.0) 29 (0.7) 5 (0.1) 0 (0.0)
*Based on the Canadian Tuberculosis Reporting System of TB cases, Public Health Agency of Canada.
Table 2 Type of TB Drug Resistance By Country of Birth for New and Relapsed Cases in Canada and Internationally Reported MDR-TB Rates by Country
New Cases Diagnosed in Canada: 2000-2004* Internationally
Total No. Any INH Resistant/ of Positive Resistance RMP Sensitive MDR-TB Cultures Cases (%) Cases (%) Cases (%) 5,542 525 (9.5) 310 (5.6) 37 (0.6) 47 9 (19.1) 4 (8.5) 2 (4.3) 1 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 (14.3) 1 (14.3) 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 (50) 1 (50) 0 0 0 0 0 Reported MDRTB Rates by Country, 2004
Country of Birth TOTAL Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas
1.7 1.4 1.2 0 1.6 1.3 1.8 6 0.8 0.4 14.8 1.2
Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China China, Macao Colombia Comoros Congo Congo, Democratic Republic of Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Ethiopia (former) Fiji Finland France French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guam Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti China, Hong Kong Honduras Hungary
0 2 (48.8) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 (40.0) 0 0 0 0 3 (7.7) 1 75 (4.3) 0 0 0 1 (20.0) 57 (12.4) 0 1 (14.3) 0 2 (6.7) 5 (45.5) 0 0 0 0 0 1 (50.0) 1 (50.0) 0 0 0 1 (25.0) 2 (20.0) 0 0 14 (31.8) 9 (17.6) 0 0 1 (10.0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (7.7) 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 (8.0) 14 (8.8) 0 2 (40.0)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (20.0) 0 0 0 0 3 (7.7) 0 31 (1.8) 0 0 0 0 37 (8.1) 0 0 0 1 (3.3) 5 (45.5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (50.0) 0 0 0 1 (25.0) 2 (20.0) 0 0 7 (15.9) 4 (7.8) 0 0 1 (10.0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (7.7) 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 (8.0) 5 (3.1) 0 0
1.2 1.8 7.4 1.2 1.5 0.3 1.8 1.2 0.1 0.8 0.9 1.2 5.6 2.0 1.6 0 1.6 0.7 1.6 1.1 1.6 0.7 5.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.5 2.0 1.2 0.1 0.3 0.9 1.1 0.3 1.6 1.5 6.6 4.9 2.2 0.3 1.7 17.1 1.7 1.4 0.3 0.8 1.7 1.3 0.5 15.6 0.8 1.6 1.0 1.2 3.0 0.6 2.1 1.5 1.4 0.8 1.8 1.7
India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of, (North Korea) Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Lithuania Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova, Republic of Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland
47 (8.1) 1 (6.7) 2 (14.3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 (16.7) 10 (17.9) 0 0 0 3 (18.8) 0 1 (11.1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (4.5) 0 1 (4.5) 0 3 (75.0) 3 (27.3) 0 0 0 0 1 (5.9) 0 0 0 11 (8.6) 0 0 0 0 2 (7.1) 70 (15.6) 1 (3.3)
28 (4.8) 1 (6.7) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 (13.3) 8 (14.3) 0 0 0 1 (6.3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (4.5) 0 1 (25.0) 1 (9.1) 0 0 0 0 1 (5.9) 0 0 0 5 (3.9) 0 0 0 0 1 (3.6) 57 (12.7) 1 (3.3)
2.4 1.6 5 1.7 0.7 2 1.2 5.3 1.2 0.9 1.5 14.2 0.0 2.8 2.2 1.5 1.0 8.2 2 9.3 1.2 0.9 9.4 1.1 0.0 1.8 1.7 0.1 1.5 1.4 0.9 1.6 1.1 2.4 2.5 15.2 1.0 2.2 3.5 4.4 1.3 1.3 0.9 0.0 0.0 1.2 2.1 1.7 2 1.9 0.0 1.9 1.9 1.7 2.3 2.1 3.0 1.5 1.2
Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Lucia Samoa Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka St. Vincent Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan Tanzania, United Republic of Tajikistan TFYR Macedonia Thailand Timor-Leste Trinidad and Tobago Togo Tonga Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay United States of America U.S.S.R. (former) Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam West Bank and Gaza Strip Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe All other countries
18 0 0 38 6 15 0 0 3 3 1 0 9 1 0 0 0 92 6 5 65 0 22 1 0 0 1 1 22 9 0 0 10 1 7 2 1 2 13 2 11 9 1 27 3 17 17 0 0 0 331 0 2 2 14 262
2 (11.1) 0 0 2 (5.3) 1 (16.7) 1 (6.7) 0 0 2 (66.7) 0 0 0 2 (22.2) 0 0 0 0 16 (17.4) 0 0 7 (10.8) 0 4 (18.2) 0 0 0 1 (100.0) 0 3 (13.6) 0 0 0 0 0 1 (14.3) 0 0 0 3 (23.1) 0 0 0 0 2 (7.4) 0 0 4 (23.5) 0 0 0 77 (23.3) 0 0 1 (50.0) 2 (14.2) 18 (7.3)
0 0 0 1 (2.6) 1 (16.7) 1 (6.7) 0 0 2 (66.7) 0 0 0 2 (22.2) 0 0 0 0 12 (13.) 0 0 4 (6.2) 0 1 (4.5) 0 0 0 1 (100.0) 0 1 (4.5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 (15.4) 0 0 0 0 1 (3.7) 0 0 1 (5.9) 0 0 0 46 (13.9) 0 0 0 1 (7.1) 8 (3.2)
1.7 2 0.4 2.8 10 1.9 1.6 2.4 1.2 1.9 0.4 1.1 0.9 0.5 1.1 0 1.7 1.4 1.8 1.2 1.7 1.6 1.6 0.9 1.2 0 1.6 1.8 8.6 1.6 0.9 1.6 1.7 2.4 1.4 2.8 3.8 0.5 10.1 1.2 0.9 0.3 1.1 13.2 1.5 0.5 2.3 1.6 1.8 1.8 1.9
* Based on the Canadian Tuberculosis Reporting System of TB cases, Public Health Agency of Canada.
Some laboratories do not routinely report pyrazinamide or streptomycin resistance
The totals for positive cultures will dier between Table 1 and Table 2. Table 2 does not include the data for the 112 patients for whom it was not known if the case was new, active or a relapsed one.
Zignol M, Hosseii MS, Wright A et al. Global incidence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. J Infect Dis 2006;194:479-85.
28.3 8.8 8.7 8.8 8.3 9.0 9.4 28.5 8.6 1.5 30.5 8.4 28.2 14.4 28.9 5.1 8.5 8.6 14.5 4.7 2.0 10.4 5.4 14.5 28.7 8.1 7.6 3.1 7.8 3.4 8.9 18.2 8.0 3.8 27.2 14.7 8.6 8.1 8.8 8.0 8.7 1 2.6 8.7 9.1 3 8.4 9.0 19.7 24.3 38.2 7.0 8.2
Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China China, Macao Colombia DR Congo Comoros Congo Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea
Estonia Ethiopia Ethiopia (former) Fiji Finland France French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guam Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti China, Hong Kong Honduras Hungary India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of, (North Korea) Korea, Republic of, (South Korea) Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritius Mexico
0 1 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 25 2 0 22 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 1 2 6 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
35.4 8.2 14.3 3.4 8.5 14.9 7.8 0.0 30.5 5.9 8.2 8.6 14.3 26.5 28.1 8.2 8.3 7.7 11.2 6.9 9.1 14.7 14.3 48.2 28.5 3.8 28.2 24.1 7.8 8.5 19.7 28.2 56.4 0.0 15.1 7.1 14.3 27.9 28.9 14.5 27.1 28.0 5.7 27.8 53.3 0.0 8.5 7.1 0.0 14.5 8.2 0.0 14.6 8.7 22.4
Micronesia Moldova, Republic of Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Lucia Samoa Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka St. Vincent Sudan Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of TFYR Macedonia Thailand Timor-Leste Togo
0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 0 2 30 2 2 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 (33.3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (100.0) 0 1 (20.0) 0 0 0 0 0 11 (36.7) 0 1 (50.0) 0 0 1 (20.0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (100.0) 0 0 0 1 (100.0) 0 0 0 0 1 (25.0) 0 0 0 1 (100.0) 0 0
15.1 30.3 14.5 28.2 3.3 15.5 6.8 20.5 1.1 0.0 0.0 8.9 8.7 7.9 15.0 0.0 58.3 28.3 15.0 8.9 14.6 3.9 12.3 14.4 8.5 18.8 8.0 28.2 14.4 47.8 8.0 9.0 15.0 28.2 8.8 0.0 8.8 23.1 0.8 1.8 0.0 14.5 8.5 6.7 11.1 14.5 9.0 8.4 9.1 4.5 1.8 28.3 28.9 7.6 9.0 20.3 14.3 8.2
Tonga Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay United States of America U.S.S.R. (former) Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam West Bank and Gaza Strip Yemen Yugoslavia (former) Zambia Zimbabwe All other countries
0 1 1 0 2 1 0 4 0 3 4 0 0 0 17 0 0 5 0 0 13
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 (50.0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 (11.8) 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (7.7)
15.0 28.1 9.5 18.4 4.4 28.9 28.2 4.2 8.8 5.2 40.2 14.4 13.5 14.5 28.2 28.2 2.3 8.3
* Based on the Canadian Tuberculosis Reporting System of TB cases, Public Health Agency of Canada.
Some laboratories do not routinely report pyrazinamide or streptomycin resistance
The totals for positive cultures will dier between Table 1 and Table 2. Table 2 does not include the data for the 112 patients for whom it was not known if the case was new, active or a relapsed one.
Zignol M, Hosseii MS, Wright A et al. Global incidence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. J Infect Dis 2006;194:479-85.
2. Canadian Tuberculosis Laboratory Surveillance System In 1998, Tuberculosis Prevention and Control, at the Public Health Agency of Canada, in collaboration with the Canadian Tuberculosis Laboratory Technical Network and participating laboratories (representing all provinces and territories) in the Canadian Tuberculosis Laboratory Surveillance System, established a laboratory-based national surveillance system to monitor TB drug resistance patterns in Canada. Please see Table 3 for the overall pattern of TB drug resistance in Canada, 2000-2004, as reported by this system. For additional reports, see <http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/ tuberculosis> for annual Tuberculosis Drug Resistance in Canada reports. Drug resistance is detected by the performance of in vitro drug susceptibilility tests on pure cultures of M. tuberculosis complex grown from clinical specimens collected from patients (see Chapter 2, Mycobacteriology Laboratory Standards: Services and Policies). Prompt turnaround times for laboratory results are of paramount importance in rapid diagnosis and appropriate treatment of drug-resistant TB. Recent advances in molecular biology have allowed identication of the genetic loci and biologic mechanisms of resistance to each of the rst-line drugs.8-11 Newer tests, such as molecular beacons, line probe assays and phage-based assays, hold the promise of earlier detection of drug resistance.12 What follows is a brief account of drug resistance theory, a summary of the predictors of drug-resistant TB and a review of the management of drugresistant TB.
Table 3 Overall Pattern of Reported TB Drug Resistance in Canada for Initial and Follow-up Cultures (2000-2004)*
Total number of isolates Isolates susceptible Any resistance INH RMP EMB PZA SM Resistance to one or more drugs Monoresistance MDR-TB Other patterns 2000 Total % 1,491 100.0 1,323 88.7 111 18 21 24 65 168 121 15 32 7.4 1.2 1.4 1.6 5.6 11.3 8.1 1.0 2.1 2001 Total % 1,476 100.0 1,328 90.0 102 16 10 20 68 148 101 15 32 6.9 1.1 0.7 1.4 5.7 10.0 6.8 1.0 2.2 2002 Total % 1,420 100.0 1,241 87.4 116 25 27 31 74 179 131 22 26 8.2 1.8 1.9 2.2 7.2 12.6 9.2 1.5 1.8 2003 Total % 1,428 100.0 1,248 87.4 135 25 17 29 73 180 117 23 40 9.5 1.8 1.2 2.0 6.2 13.1 8.5 1.7 2.9 2004 Total % 1,358 100.0 1,190 87.6 100 14 11 26 88 168 113 12 43 7.4 1.0 0.8 2.4 7.8 12.4 8.3 0.9 3.2
INH = isoniazid, RMP = rifampin, EMB = ethambutol, PZA = pyrazinamide, SM = streptomycin * Based on the Canadian Tuberculosis Laboratory Surveillance System drug susceptibility results for Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates. These numbers are higher than those in Table 1 (sensitivity of the initial positive culture) as they also include sensitivity results for follow-up cultures. Some laboratories do not routinely report pyrazinamide or streptomycin resistance.
their prior drug use history can be veried. The following theory relates to acquired drug resistance. An understanding of acquired drug resistance theory is the key to the prevention of drug-resistant TB. In any large population of M. tuberculosis bacteria, there will be several naturally occurring drug-resistant mutants.16,17 Random mutations that confer resistance to each of the major antituberculosis drugs occur at predictable frequencies in nontreated populations of tuberculosis bacteria (Table 4). A 2 cm TB cavity harbouring 108 bacteria may contain a few (10-1,000) bacteria resistant to INH, a few (0-10) resistant to rifampin, a few (10-1,000) resistant to ethambutol and a few (10-1,000) resistant to streptomycin, etc. This does not imply that when a sample of this population of bacteria is cultured in the laboratory it will be determined to be resistant to these drugs; for resistance to be reported in the laboratory, at least 1% of the bacterial population must be resistant to the drug. When 1% or more of a bacterial population is resistant to a given drug, clinical success with a regimen that is dependent upon that drug is less likely.16,18,19 The sites of resistance within the mutants are chromosomally located and are not linked. Accordingly, the likelihood of a bacterium spontaneously developing resistance to two unrelated drugs is the product of probabilities: for example, for INH and rifampin resistance, 1 in 106 1 in 108 equals 1 in 1014. Because the total number of bacteria in the body, even with far advanced cavitary disease, rarely approaches this number (1014), spontaneous evolution of a multidrug-resistant bacterium is very rare. As Iseman and Madsen have enunciated so clearly,19 This is the salient principle of modern tuberculosis chemotherapy. Because naturally occurring two-drug resistance is very uncommon, therapy with two (or more) drugs prevents the emergence of progressive resistance in the following manner: some organisms in the population will be resistant to drug A, and some others will be resistant to drug B, but none will be simultaneously resistant to both drugs. Thus drug B will kill those organisms resistant to drug A, whereas drug A will kill those resistant to drug B. In principle this means a two-drug regimen should be adequate to treat the usual case of drug-susceptible TB. Owing to the relative weakness of streptomycin and para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS), triple rather than double therapy was the standard until the advent of rifampin. The success of the two-drug (INH and rifampin) Arkansas regimen20 substantially validated the aforementioned model for drug-susceptible tuberculosis. Table 4 Spontaneous Occurrence of Drug-Resistant Mutants in Wild Strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis13
Drug Rifampin Isoniazid, streptomycin, ethambutol, kanamycin, paraaminosalicylic acid Ethionamide, capreomycin, viomycin, cycloserine, thiacetazone Probability of Resistance 10-8 10-6 10-3
Although two-drug (INH and rifampin) treatment of drug-susceptible disease is possible, standard short-course therapy with a pyrazinamide-containing regimen is generally preferred (see Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection). If infection (latent TB infection or LTBI) and not disease is present, then it is safe to assume that a small population of bacteria (probably fewer than 106) are present in the body and that a single drug, usually INH, may be used as treatment. The emergence of drug resistance is due to the selection of pre-existing resistant mutants in the original bacterial population by drug pressure. For example, if INH alone is prescribed (or is the only drug actually taken in a prescribed multidrug regimen) to a patient with cavitary pulmonary TB, then it will kill all of the organisms susceptible to it, including those random mutants resistant to drugs such as rifampin and ethambutol, but it will not kill INH-resistant mutants. These will continue to multiply and will eventually dominate the population because they have a selective advantage in the presence of the drug, and INH will be lost to the armamentarium. The likelihood of this occurring is inuenced by the duration of such monotherapy: 25% among those receiving INH alone for 2 weeks, 60% for those receiving it for 6 months and 80% for those receiving it for 2 years.21 If rifampin alone is now added to the regimen, then by the same mechanism an MDR strain (i.e. resistance to both INH and rifampin) will emerge; rifampin will kill all bacteria resistant to INH, but it will not kill those few random mutants in the new population that are resistant to both INH and rifampin. Fixed dose combinations (FDCs) reduce the likelihood of monotherapy but so far are not proven to reduce the risk of drug resistance. This classic theory of drug resistance in TB posits a sequence of events in which the patient eectively receives monotherapy. It does not explain how resistance may emerge solely because of irregularity in drug taking and without monotherapy. Other mechanisms have been proposed to explain resistance under these circumstances.22-24 In essence, they require several cycles of killing (when drugs are taken) and regrowth (when drug taking stops). In each of these cycles there is selection favouring the resistant mutants relative to the sensitive bacterial population. Regrowth back to the size of the original population may occur with the consequent presence of increasing proportions of resistant bacteria at the start of each cycle.
Predictors of Drug-Resistant TB
The possibility of drug-resistant TB should be considered simultaneously with specimen collection and selection of the initial treatment regimen. Failure to consider the possibility of drug-resistant TB until drug susceptibility tests return weeks to months later can result in unnecessarily inadequate treatment regimens. In patients who have not yet started their antituberculosis drugs the most important predictors of drug-resistant TB are the following:
1. Previous treatment for TB disease or treatment for LTBI, even if that treatment lasted only 1 month. When treatment in the past was for cavitary pulmonary TB, if the treatment regimen was inadequate or self-administered, or the patient was non-adherent, then the level of suspicion for drug-resistant TB should be especially high. Conversely, if the patient has a history of defaulting on multidrug, directly observed treatment (i.e. stops all medications at the same time) or has relapsed after completion of a directly observed, standardized regimen, then the likelihood of the isolate being drug-resistant is much lower.25 To quote the Francis J. Curry National Tuberculosis Center,26 the soliciting of a history of previous TB treatment requires a great deal of patience and attention to detail. In a culturally sensitive and condential setting one must allow plenty of time, utilize an accurate and unbiased interpreter (if necessary), and be willing to repeat or rephrase a question to obtain the information. One must give the patient encouragement to review accurate information by asking and responding in a nonjudgmental manner. One must ask the patient if he/she has any written information regarding his or her treatment, any old radiographs, etc. Patients born in Canada may have records of previous treatment at the provincial/territorial/local TB control program. Foreign-born persons who have been referred for medical surveillance by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) because of inactive pulmonary TB, history of TB or another condition that puts them at high risk of active TB may have overseas records of previous treatment that can be retrieved by the Health Management Branch of CIC (see Chapter 15, Immigration and Tuberculosis Control in Canada). 2. Origin from, history of residence in, or frequent or extended (1 month or more) travel to a country/region with high rates of drug resistance. Although the foreign-born are more likely to be harbouring drug-resistant strains, the in-Canada transmission of drug-susceptible and drugresistant strains from the foreign-born to the Canadian-born is relatively uncommon.15,27 3. Exposure to an individual with infectious drug-resistant TB, including exposure in facilities where drug resistance has occurred, e.g. correctional facilities, homeless shelters or other congregate settings. While some data suggest that drug-resistant bacteria are less transmissible or less pathogenic once transmitted than drug-susceptible bacteria,28-37 other data suggest that any reduced virulence of drug-resistant bacteria is oset by longer periods of infectiousness in drug-resistant cases37,38 or compensatory mutations in drug-resistant bacteria.39 For practical purposes, i.e. for the ordering of treatment regimens or for contact tracing, drug-resistant bacteria should be considered just as transmissible and just as pathogenic as drug-susceptible bacteria.
4. Exposure to a person with active TB who has had prior treatment for TB resulting in treatment failure or relapse, and whose susceptibility test results are not known. Depending upon the circumstances of the individual case (e.g. likelihood of resistance to more than one rst-line drug, severity of disease) an expanded, empiric treatment regimen may be warranted from the outset. Global surveys suggest that HIV is not an independent risk factor for the development of drug resistance.7 However, numerous MDR-TB outbreaks have been documented in HIV patients, and in some areas of the world HIV is a risk factor for MDR-TB.40 A drug-susceptible strain may become drug resistant, or a monoresistant strain may become polyresistant (see below) during treatment. This is more apt to occur under the following circumstances: when the treatment regimen is inadequate to begin with, when there is intermittent or erratic ingestion of the prescribed antituberculosis drugs, when the patient is malabsorbing one or more of the drugs in the treatment regimen, when the patient has cavitary pulmonary TB cavities contain large numbers of bacteria, and large numbers of bacteria include many naturally occurring resistant mutants, when the patients disease is sequestered, e.g. TB empyema, a rare condition in which dierential penetration of antituberculosis drugs may lead, in eect, to monotherapy. Rare instances of mixed infection, with selection of a drug-resistant subpopulation during treatment of a dominant drug-susceptible population with rst-line drugs, have been reported. Also reported have been instances of re-infection with a drug-resistant strain during treatment of disease that is due to a drug-susceptible strain. Approximately 80% of patients with pulmonary TB caused by drug-susceptible organisms who begin standard four-drug therapy will have negative sputum cultures 2 months after initiation of treatment. Progressive clinical and/or radiographic deterioration or failure of cultures to convert in a timely fashion while the patient is receiving TB treatment should lead to anticipation of treatment failure, dened as continued or recurrent positive cultures after 4 or more months of treatment in patients in whom medication ingestion was conrmed41, and acquired drug resistance. Prior drug susceptibility test results should be reviewed and repeat drug susceptibility tests performed. Selfadministered treatment should be abandoned in favour of DOT and, in the event of possible drug malabsorption, serum drug levels should be measured.41 Depending upon the circumstances, consideration should be given to a change or expansion of the treatment regimen. If a decision is made to expand the regimen, then a minimum of two new drugs must be added a single drug must
never be added to a failing regimen. The new drugs should be chosen from those to which the organism is known to be susceptible or those that the patient has never received.26 *
Summary Point:
Within programs, priority should be given to the prevention, not to the management, of drug-resistant TB. To prevent resistance from occurring it is necessary to (a) prescribe, in proper dosage, at least two and preferably three drugs to which the isolate is proven or anticipated to be susceptible, (b) provide assurance that the prescribed regimen is adhered to and that those who abscond from treatment are identied early best achieved by supervising the ingestion of each dose and (c) never introduce a single drug to a failing regimen.
Management of Drug-resistant TB
The optimal management of drug-resistant TB, particularly MDR-TB, requires the timely performance of state-of-the-art drug susceptibility testing, an uninterrupted supply of rst- and second-line antituberculosis drugs (see below), the capacity to provide DOT, and access to a physician and team experienced in the management of drug-resistant TB. Steps to ensure that there is an uninterrupted drug supply should begin 6 months or more in advance of anticipated need, and drug needs should be estimated as accurately as possible.40 Second-line drug susceptibility testing should be ordered for any patient whose M. tuberculosis is resistant to INH and rifampin or who is unable to take INH and rifampin due to side-eects etc. Among patients with the various patterns of drug resistance, denitive, randomized or controlled studies have not been performed. Recommendations for treatment are based upon general principles, extrapolations and expert opinion. With few exceptions the treatment regimens for drug-resistant nonrespiratory TB are the same as those for respiratory TB.40 The regimens assume that the pattern of drug resistance has not changed between the time of submission of the specimen for drug susceptibility testing and the time of reporting of drug resistance. If there is reason to believe this assumption is incorrect then further adjustments in the regimen, as appropriate to the circumstances, may be necessary. Detailed information on the treatment of drug-resistant TB in special conditions or situations is not provided here but is available in recent reviews.26,40
H = isoniazid, R = rifampin, Z = pyrazinamide, E = ethambutol * If treatment was started with a standard 4-drug regimen, INH can be stopped when resistance is documented. If a patient has extensive disease a uoroquinolone may be added to the regimen, especially during the initial phase of treatment. Pyrazinamide is recommended here, but in most eld trials this drug was not included in the regimen.
< 200 cells 106/L and usually < 50 cells 106/L) and the use of an intermittent regimen during the initial phase of treatment.50-55 In general, twice or thrice weekly intermittent treatment should be avoided altogether in the initial phase and twice weekly intermittent treatment avoided in the continuation phase of treatment of HIV co-infected TB patients, especially those with advanced HIV or TB disease. Treatment options for patients determined to be rifampin monoresistant are outlined in Table 6. Table 6 Regimens for the Treatment of Rifampin-Monoresistant TB
Initial Phase 2 months HZEF* 2 months HZS (or other aminoglycoside/ polypeptide daily or thrice weekly) 2 months HZE daily Continuation Phase 10-16 months HEF26,41 7 months daily or thrice weekly HRS56 16 months daily or twice weekly HE57,58
H = isoniazid, Z = pyrazinamide, E = ethambutol, S = streptomycin, F = uoroquinolone * In patients with extensive cavitary disease or to shorten the duration of treatment (e.g. 12 months), addition of an injectable agent for at least the rst 2 months is recommended. An injectable agent may strengthen the regimen in patients with extensive disease.
Resistance to two or more rst-line drugs (polyresistant TB) not including MDR-TB
Polyresistant TB refers to resistance to two or more rst-line drugs. It is not common in Canada (see Table 2); the range of possible resistance patterns and treatment options have been described in several recent reviews.26,40,41
are more expensive, less eective, need to be given for longer periods of time and have more side eects than rst-line drugs (see Table 8).40,41, 65-68 In the United States and Hong Kong 30% and 19% of MDR-TB patients, respectively, had to discontinue drugs suspected of causing adverse events.69,70 Table 7 MDR-TB Experience in Canada
No. (%) Acquired resistance 16 (67.7) 26 (65.0) Mean No. of First-Line Drugs to Which the Isolate Was Resistant* 3.25 3.20
Jurisdiction Reference (Time Period) 61,62 AB & BC ( January 1989 to June 1998) ON ( January 1986 63 to June 1999)
No. of Cases 24 40
AB = Alberta, BC = British Columbia, ON = Ontario * First-line drugs included isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol and streptomycin. Two Canadian-born cases were infected with an MDR strain while travelling abroad. This study reported only HIV uninfected patients; of all patients over the same time period (n = 82), 46 were HIV tested and 6 were positive.
Standardized, prociency-tested methods for second-line drug susceptibility testing in Canada are available for the injectable agents (streptomycin, amikacin, kanamycin and capreomycin), ooxacin, ethionamide, para-aminosalicylic acid, and rifabutin. There is currently no international consensus on methodology for second-line drug susceptibility testing. 71
Summary Point:
The treatment of MDR-TB is a complex health intervention requiring experience and special expertise. Referral to physicians or centres that oer this experience and expertise is strongly recommended.
Genetic probes that detect drug resistance to rifampin do so with > 95% accuracy and are very suggestive of MDR-TB. Less than 10% of rifampin resistance is monoresistance, and so rifampin resistance is a marker for MDR-TB in > 90% of cases.11 In Europe, and with few exceptions elsewhere, the strongest determinant of MDR-TB is previous treatment.72 Presumably some combination of physician error and patient nonadherence to treatment turned fully susceptible organisms, or those with less complex resistance patterns, into MDR-TB. In this regard it is noteworthy that among patients referred to the National Jewish Medical and Research Center (Denver, Colorado) with MDR-TB there were an average of 3.9 physician treatment errors per case.73 The most common errors were addition of a single drug to a failing regimen, failure to identify pre-existing or acquired resistance, and administration of an initial regimen inadequate in number of drugs or duration of therapy, or both. MDR-TB patients without a history of
previous treatment have a better response to treatment than do patients with a history of previous treatment.74-76 Table 8 Doses of and Common Adverse Reactions to Second-Line Antituberculosis Drugs26,40,41
Drug* Streptomycin Usual Adult Daily Peak Serum Dosage (Pediatric Concentration, Recommended Doses) g/mL Regular Monitoring Adverse Reactions 15 mg/kg Vestibular function, Auditory, vestibular and audiometry, creatinine, renal toxicity. If possible, (20-40 mg/kg daily) 35-45 electrolytes, magnesium avoid in pregnancy. (MAX 1 gm) and calcium 15 mg/kg Vestibular function, Auditory, vestibular and audiometry, creatinine, renal toxicity. If possible, (15-30 mg/kg daily) 35-45 electrolytes, magnesium avoid in pregnancy. (MAX 1 gm) and calcium 15 mg/kg Vestibular function, Auditory, vestibular and audiometry, creatinine, renal toxicity. If possible, (15-30 mg/kg daily) 35-45 electrolytes, magnesium avoid in pregnancy. (MAX 1 gm) and calcium 15 mg/kg Vestibular function, Auditory, vestibular and audiometry, creatinine, renal toxicity. If possible, (15-30 mg/kg daily) 35-45 electrolytes, magnesium avoid in pregnancy. (MAX 1 gm) and calcium 250 mg Hepatic enzymes, GI disturbance, hepatoglucose, TSH toxicity, endocrine eects, BID or TID neurotoxicity. Avoid in (15-20 mg/kg daily 1-5 pregnancy. divided BID) (MAX 1 gm) 4g Hepatic enzymes, GI disturbance, electrolytes, TSH hepatic dysfunction, BID or TID hypothyroidism. Avoid if (200-300 mg/kg daily 20-60 allergic to aspirin. in 2-4 divided doses) (MAX 10 gm) 250 mg Mental status, Avoid in patients with pharmocokinetics of epilepsy, mental illness or BID or TID cycloserine alcoholism. (10-15 mg/kg daily 20-35 divided BID) (MAX 1 gm) 750 mg BID Hepatic enzymes, GI disturbance, headache, symptoms anxiety, tremulousness, (20-40 mg/kg daily 3-5 prolonged Q-T interval. divided BID) Avoid in pregnant women (MAX 2 gm) or growing children. 400 mg BID (15-20 mg/kg daily 8-10 divided BID) (MAX 800 gm) 500-1000 mg OD (< 5 yrs, 15-20 mg/kg daily divided BID) 8-12 ( 5 yrs, 10 mg/kg OD) (MAX 500 mg) 400 mg OD (10 mg/kg daily OD) 2.5-4.5 (MAX 400 mg) 400 mg OD (10 mg/kg daily OD) 3.5 (MAX 400 mg) 300 mg OD Hepatic enzymes, Hepatotoxicity, uveitis complete blood count, thrombocytopenia, vision screening neutropenia, drug interactions 100-300 mg OD Macular pigmentary Skin conjunctiva, cornea changes, symptoms discoloration, conjunctiva, 0.5-2.0 ichthyosis, GI intolerance (occasionally severe), rare ocular changes.
BID = twice a day, TID = three times a day, OD = once daily, TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone, GI gastrointestinal
* Second-line drugs are more dicult to manage than rst-line drugs. They should be administered and monitored by health care providers experienced in their use. In general, anti-TB drugs should be dosed according to body weight. Monthly monitoring of body weight is therefore especially important in children, with adjustment of doses as they gain weight.66,67 Vitamin B6 is recommended to prevent the central nervous system toxicity of cycloserine; 50 mg of vitamin B6 for every 250 mg of cycloserine in adults; a dose of vitamin B6 proportionate to their weight in children.
MDR-TB has been associated with reduced rates of cure and treatment adherence and increased rates of fatality and relapse.77,78 In the original series of Goble, Iseman and Madsen,69 the overall response rate was only 56%. Factors associated with adverse outcome in univariate analysis included previous use of a greater number of drugs, in vitro resistance to more drugs, regimens containing fewer previously unused drugs, and male sex.69 More recently the term extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) has been coined. Originally, this term was used to describe patients with TB whose isolates are resistant to INH, rifampin and at least three of the six main classes of second-line drugs (aminoglycosides, polypeptides, uoroquinolones, thioamides, cycloserine, and para-aminosalicylic acid).79-82 More recently, the term has been used to describe patients with TB whose isolates show resistance to at least INH and rifampin from among the rst-line drugs plus resistance to any uoroquinolone and to at least one of three injectable second-line drugs (capreomycin, kanamycin and amikacin).83 XDR-TB carries a worse prognosis than MDR-TB.79 The global scale and molecular epidemiology of XDR-TB are unknown and require urgent assessment. As well, laboratory capacity needs to be greatly increased within a network of sentinel sites. Patients with MDR-TB can be cured with early detection and prompt, appropriate administration of second-line drugs and any remaining rst-line drugs. The best outcomes, in the range of 70%-90% cure, have been associated with the absence of a history of previous treatment, resistance to fewer drugs at the outset, inclusion of a uoroquinolone and HIV seronegativity.63, 70,74-76,84-87 Conversely, the worst outcomes have been associated with previous treatment of MDR-TB, uoroquinolone resistance and low body mass index (< 18.5 kg/m2), a marker of advanced disease.87,88 In the United States, HIV-infected MDRTB cases initially had a 100% mortality, but with the availability of highly active antiretroviral therapy, greater awareness and earlier diagnosis, survival rates up to 60% have been reported.89 Whereas INH and/or streptomycin resistance probably has no detrimental eect on the outcome of TB meningitis when patients are treated with rst-line drugs, the combination of INH and rifampin resistance is strongly predictive of death in this population.90
adherence).* The eectiveness of intermittent regimens for TB treatment of MDR has not been demonstrated to date.
Summary Point:
The key to successful management of MDR-TB is individualization of therapy and the ability to adapt treatment strategy in response to changing clinical situations.92 No MDR treatment regimen will be successful unless the patient actually takes the medications. For this reason, essentially all patients with MDRTB should be treated with DOT.
A period of hospitalization near the outset of treatment provides an opportunity to achieve rapid control of the infection while securing the patients future cooperation. Incremental doses of poorly tolerated second-line drugs, such as para-aminosalicylic acid, cycloserine and ethionamide, can be introduced under direct observation, central lines can be inserted for administration of injectable agents, psychosocial issues can be addressed,93 and the patient and family can be educated. This may have the eect of reducing complications and improving adherence over the long haul, justifying the expense of hospitalization.89 Hospitalization is an especially important consideration when the patient is highly infectious (smear positive) and eective home isolation cannot be provided, when the patient is resistant to many more drugs than just INH and rifampin, and when the patient is HIV co-infected. For other patients, and where the necessary program infrastructure, expertise and resources are in place, outpatient care may be possible and has been associated with high cure rates and lower costs.86 Ideally, patients who require hospitalization should be admitted to specialized centres that meet strict criteria (see Table 9). Table 9 Specialized Centre for the Management of MDR-TB Patients
Adequate infection control environment: negative pressure rooms, adequate number of air exchanges/hour, no recirculation of air and patient access to an enclosed outdoor space. Expertise. Adequate infrastructure to deal with the needs of these patients: psychosocial support, psychiatric and psychological support,85 nutritional needs, counseling, recreational opportunities, exercise facilities. Culturally sensitive environment. In Canada the majority of patients with MDR-TB are born outside of Canada. Reliable laboratory support. Reliable drug supply. Well-established links with public health. Well-structured program and follow-up in an outpatient clinic after discharge from the hospital.
Drug interactions
Once drug susceptibility test results are available a more tailored regimen can be fashioned. If the isolate is susceptible to pyrazinamide and/or ethambutol these agents should be included in the regimen.84 A third or fourth generation uoroquinolone should also be included, as should an injectable agent. The latter should be given daily or ve times weekly until culture conversion (see below) and then thrice weekly for at least 3 additional months. Administration of injectable agents through a central venous line may avoid irritation and persistent pain at the injection site. If an isolate is resistant to rifampin, testing for in vitro susceptibility to rifabutin should be requested. If cross-resistance is not present, rifabutin should be added. Rifabutin is as eective as rifampin in the treatment of drug-susceptible TB,98,99 but data on its use for MDR-TB are controversial and limited. If the isolate is resistant to rifabutin then most practitioners would add another second-line agent, either ethionamide, para-aminosalicylic acid, clofazimine or cycloserine. If one of these agents is not tolerated then another may be tried (see Table 11). At a minimum the regimen should contain at least four drugs with either certain, or almost certain, eectiveness.40
Rifabutin (if available) Otherwise one of ETM, CF, PAS or CS INH, RMP, PZA, FLQ (moxioxacin or gatioxacin) EMB SM (levooxacin) IA (AK, KM, CM) Rifabutin (if susceptible) ETH CF PAS CS
300 mg/OD
INH = isoniazid, RMP = rifampin, SM = streptomycin, FLQ = uoroquinolone, IA = injectable agent, AK = amikacin, KM = kanamycin, CM = capreomycin, PZA = pyrazinamide, EMB = ethambutol, ETM = ethionamide, CF = clofazamine, PAS = para-aminosalicylic acid, CS = cycloserine * Incremental dosing, i.e. starting with a low dose and increasing to the recommended dose over a period of days to a few weeks, of ETH, CF, PAS, and CS is recommended.
If the initial isolate is resistant to all rst-line antituberculosis drugs then it is recommended that the regimen include at least ve second-line drugs, the strongest drugs being a third or fourth generation uoroquinolone and an injectable agent. Other drugs of necessity would be at least three of either ethionamide, para-aminosalicylic acid, clofazimine or cycloserine. When extensive resistance to rst and second-line drugs has been documented better outcomes have been reported in those who received more than ve drugs.88 In both of these highly resistant groups consideration should also be given to surgery (see below) or use of experimental drugs. Whenever drugs such as ethionamide, para-aminosalicylic acid, clofazimine or cycloserine are used one should begin with a small dose and increase gradually to the planned dose over a period of several days.26 The patient may otherwise experience severe drug intolerance and refuse to continue to take the drugs. Pharmacokinetic studies to place dosages of second-line drugs in the therapeutic range and to minimize toxicity should be performed whenever possible.100 In general, high-end dosing is preferred.92 In addition to being followed closely for adverse reactions patients should be instructed to report immediately any symptoms of drug toxicity.40 The bacteriologic response to treatment should also be monitored closely. Patients with smear- and/or culture-positive respiratory tract disease should have sputum submitted at least weekly and remain in airborne isolation until three consecutive specimens are culture negative after 6 weeks of incubation in broth or 8 weeks in
solid media. The World Health Organization uses a slightly dierent denition of sputum conversion: two consecutive negative smears and cultures taken at least 30 days apart. Time to conversion is calculated as the interval between the date of MDR-TB treatment initiation and the date of sputum collection of the rst of the two negative consecutive cultures.40 Even after culture conversion specimens should be submitted at least monthly to document the stability of the mycobacteriologic response. Independent predictors of a longer sputum culture conversion time include previous treatment of MDR-TB, high initial sputum culture colony count, bilateral cavitation on chest radiography and the number of drugs the initial isolate was resistant to at treatment initiation.101 Treatment outcomes are worse for patients whose sputum culture has not converted within 2 months.101 Treatment outcome denitions for MDR-TB have been developed by the World Health Organization and partners: an MDR-TB patient is not considered cured until he or she has completed treatment according to the programs protocol and has at least ve consecutive negative cultures from samples collected at least 30 days apart in the nal 12 months of treatment.40,102 A total of 18 months of treatment, after culture conversion, is generally recommended.40 From the outset it should be made clear to patients, families and sta that meticulous adherence to the prescribed regimen is critical to cure. Patients should try to tolerate any unpleasant side eects in order to achieve cure, agree to remain under direct observation with each dose supervised, and receive in their own language clear and complete instructions before treatment begins plus consistent psychological support during treatment. Traditional roles and responsibilities within families may need to change and social support may need to be provided to secure adherence. Pregnancy may complicate the management of MDR-TB, and experience is necessary with the issues involved. The teratogenic risks of second-line drugs, the use of holding regimens, the timing of treatment initiation, the risks of vertical and lateral transmission and the role of BCG vaccination in infants have recently been reviewed.40,103,104 Patients who have completed treatment of MDR-TB and XDR-TB should undergo clinical, radiologic and mycobacteriologic follow-up at 6 monthly intervals for a minimum of 2 years.
The selection of surgical candidates and the timing of adjunctive surgery should be performed on a case-by-case basis. Only those patients whose organisms demonstrate drug resistance patterns that predict a high probability of treatment failure should be considered for resection. The goal of surgery should be to remove as much diseased lung as possible, particularly cavities, while avoiding crippling respiratory impairment. The optimal timing of surgical intervention is after 3 to 4 months of therapy and eradication of bacteria from the sputum. Engaging a surgeon experienced in the performance of lung resection in TB patients is recommended. The anticipated site of the surgical stump should be evaluated bronchoscopically prior to surgery to ensure the absence of endobronchial TB, which if present is associated with poor healing and a persistent bronchopleural stula.92,107 Surgical outcomes are generally good.87,106 Antituberculosis drug treatment should be continued for at least an additional 18 to 24 months after surgery.92,106
There are no randomized controlled trials assessing the eectiveness of treatment of LTBI in persons exposed to MDR-TB.108 In a systematic review of the literature on people treated and not treated for LTBI following exposure to MDR-TB only two observational studies met the inclusion criteria.109 A prospective cohort study found individualized tailored treatment to be eective in preventing active TB in children,110 and a retrospective cohort study found INH not to be eective.111 If preventive treatment is oered to individuals likely to be infected with an MDR-TB strain most authorities recommend that that it include two orally administered drugs to which the putative infecting strain is susceptible. Depending upon the relative strength of this regimen the duration of treatment of LTBI is usually between 6 and 12 months. Adverse events such as hepatotoxicity, gastrointestinal symptoms and musculoskeletal symptoms leading to termination of drug therapy in 58% or more of patients have been reported in small case series using the drug combinations of pyrazinamide/ethambutol and pyrazinamide/levooxacin for treatment of LTBI. The risks and benets of such regimens should be discussed with the patient beforehand; when accepted, such regimens should be carefully monitored for adverse events.108,112,113 Contacts presumably infected with an MDR-TB isolate should be thoroughly educated about symptoms and signs of TB and the need for immediate medical evaluation if symptoms occur. Because of the limited amount of information about the ecacy of preventive therapy in individuals likely to be infected with an MDR-TB strain, contacts should receive periodic medical and radiographic
evaluation for the 2 years immediately following infection. Contacts of MDRTB patients who do not accept or tolerate TB preventive therapy or in whom there is no preventive therapy (the source case isolate is resistant to all rst- and second-line drugs) should be carefully followed over a period of 2 years (e.g. at 6, 12 and 24 months) for the appearance of signs and symptoms of active disease.114
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Pediatric Tuberculosis
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Introduction Pathogenesis and Denitions Clinical Presentation of TB Disease Diagnostic Tests Tuberculin skin tests Interferon-gamma release assays Radiology Gastric aspirates, induced sputum, and nucleic acid amplication tests Treatment of TB Disease Management of Contacts Targeted Testing and Treatment of Latent TB Infection Management of the Newborn Infant Exposed to TB Conclusions References
183 183 184 185 185 185 185 186 187 190 191 192 194 194
Pediatric tuberculosis (TB) is dened by the World Health Organization (WHO) as TB in persons less than 15 years of age. In Canada, pediatric TB is largely a disease of Aboriginal and foreign-born children, and Canadianborn children of foreign-born parents. Overall, the incidence of pediatric TB in Canada has declined from 6.6 per 100,000 in 1970 to 1.5 per 100,000 in 2004.1,2 Global statistics, largely based on sputum smear examination, underestimate the incidence of pediatric TB.3,4 Strategic planning aimed at the elimination of pediatric TB in Canada must take into account the increasing incidence of TB worldwide and the increased probability of drug resistance in the foreignborn.5,6 In general, children pose three unique challenges to TB control: (1) TB diagnosis in children, especially in children under 5 years of age, can be dicult because they often have nonspecic signs and symptoms and a paucity of mycobacteria, (2) TB in children is considered a sentinel event usually indicating recent transmission and (3) children, especially infants, are at increased risk of progressing from latent TB infection (LTBI) to active and sometimes severe TB disease.7-9
or demonstrates evidence of remote infection, such as a calcied parenchymal nodule and/or a calcied intrathoracic lymph node.14 A central problem with this denition is the absence of a conrmatory test for LTBI. TB disease, on the other hand, has a conrmatory test: recovery of M. tuberculosis in culture. However, because children may be too young to produce sputum or they have paucibacillary disease, recovery of the organism from them may be dicult and conrmation is not always possible. Thus, in many children the diagnosis of TB disease is based on a clinical case denition.8,15 Clinical case denitions vary somewhat but most rely on the triad of (1) a positive TST, (2) either an abnormal chest x-ray and/or physical examination and (3) discovery of a link to a known or suspected case of infectious TB. In recent years, existing concepts about what constitutes childhood pulmonary disease versus infection have been challenged and may ultimately change.16 Table 1 Average Age-Specic Risk for Disease Development after Untreated Primary Infection*
Age at Primary Infection < 12 months Manifestations of Disease No disease Pulmonary disease TB meningitis or miliary disease 12-23 months No disease Pulmonary disease TB meningitis or miliary disease Risk of Disease (%) 50 30-40 10-20 70-80 10-20 2-5 95 5 0.5 98 2 < 0.5 80-90 10-20 < 0.5
2-4 years
5-10 years
> 10 years
ray abnormalities.17 The latter include lung inltrates, typically but not always in the upper zone(s), that may be cavitated. Delay in diagnosis of adolescents is common and may reect a lack of suspicion by clinicians.18 Any extrapulmonary site may be involved, but the most common site is the extrathoracic lymph nodes. Miliary/disseminated disease and CNS disease, the most life-threatening forms of TB, are more likely to occur in young children and the immunocompromised.19,20 Children with LTBI and HIV infection may have an accelerated progression from infection to disease.21 The TST is often negative. A search for an infectious adolescent or adult is an important step towards diagnosis.
Diagnostic Tests
Tuberculin skin tests
Only the Mantoux tuberculin skin test should be used. Please see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease, for details about administration and interpretation of the results of the TST. In children the TST is an important part of the clinical case denition of TB, especially if it is a TST conversion or a new positive TST.
Chest radiography is an important part of the diagnostic workup of pediatric TB. The results may be dicult to interpret, especially if there has been inadequate inspiration or overpenetration. Facilities may vary in the quality of the lms they produce; a facility with a good track record for pediatric radiography is desirable. Films should be reviewed by a radiologist experienced in reading pediatric chest x-rays.24,25 A recent classication system relates radiographic appearances of primary pulmonary TB to complications of (1) the primary focus, (2) the regional lymph nodes or (3) both.12 To increase the chances of discerning intrathoracic adenopathy, a common radiographic feature of primary pulmonary TB, posterior-anterior and lateral chest radiographs are recommended.26 Parenchymal lesions may be anywhere in primary disease and are typically, but certainly not always, apical in reactivation disease.13 Follow-up is complicated by the fact that radiological abnormalities in children may, in the short term, worsen on treatment before they improve.7
Usually there has been some response by 2 months, but even at the end of a satisfactory course of treatment there may be residual lymphadenopathy. Computed tomography (CT) scans are generally not recommended unless there is a questionable abnormality on the plain lm and further denition is required..27 The radiation risk of CT in children has recently been reviewed.28 CT and magnetic resonance may be very helpful in the evaluation of suspected active CNS disease or bone and joint disease.29-31 CT can also be helpful in the evaluation of disease in other sites, such as the intra or extrathoracic lymph nodes, pericardium and peritoneum.
Mycobacterial conrmation of the diagnosis of pediatric TB should be sought when (1) an isolate from a source case is not available; (2) the source case has drug-resistant TB; (3) the child is immunocompromised; or (4) the child has extrapulmonary TB.32 Although mycobacterial conrmation of other cases is desirable it is less critical. Gastric aspiration (Table 2) has traditionally been the diagnostic procedure of choice in young children who are unable to produce sputum.7-9 The yield of gastric aspirates in infants is up to 75%.33 The child must usually be hospitalized for gastric aspirates to be obtained, although the procedure has been performed successfully in outpatients.34 A recent report suggests that sputum induction may be performed successfully in young children.35 The combination of sputum induction and gastric aspirate has yielded the organism in up to 90% of cases.36 In older children or adolescents, sputum induction is preferable to bronchoscopy.37
Nucleic acid amplication (NAA) tests are useful in conrming the diagnosis in AFB smear-positive respiratory cases. Their ability to improve the sensitivity of gastric aspirates has been disappointing.27,38,39 NAA tests performed on cerebrospinal uid are very specic (helpful in conrming the diagnosis) but insensitive (not very helpful in ruling out the diagnosis) of TB meningitis.40
Treatment of TB Disease
A team approach is very helpful in evaluating and treating children with TB disease. The team may include physicians and clinic nurse practitioners, public health nurses, a social worker and an interpreter. The team should always include a pediatric TB specialist as well as nursing and support sta from the public health department. Treatment is aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality, interrupting transmission, preventing drug resistance and providing a lasting cure. The interruption of transmission and the prevention of drug resistance is less of a concern in young children who have paucibacillary disease. The drugs used in the treatment of pediatric TB, their doses and side eects are summarized in Table 3. A common question is whether the rst-line drug ethambutol (EMB) can be safely administered to children. EMB can cause retrobulbar neuritis, a side eect that is dose-dependent and renal-functiondependent. It manifests as decreased visual acuity or decreased red-green colour discrimination and is usually reversible upon discontinuation of the drug. Monitoring of vision is recommended monthly in older children and adults.39,41 Past guidelines have advised against the use of EMB or have advised caution when using EMB in children who cannot verbalize symptoms of optic neuritis. Table 3 Drugs Used for Treatment of Tuberculosis in Children*
Medication Isoniazid Daily Dose** 10-15 mg/kg (max. 300 mg) Intermittent Twice Available Dosage Weekly Dose** Forms 20-30 mg/kg 10 mg/mL suspension (max. 900 mg) 100 mg tablet 300 mg tablet Principal Adverse Reactions Mild hepatic enzyme elevation Hepatitis Gastritis Peripheral neuropathy (see pyridoxine below) Hypersensitivity Orange discoloration of secretions Vomiting Hepatitis Flu-like illness Hepatotoxicity Hyperuricemia Arthralgia Optic neuritis with decreased visual acuity and decreased red-green colour discrimination Gastrointestinal disturbance
10 mg/mL suspension (reconstituted shelf life = 1 month) 150 mg capsule 300 mg capsule 500 mg scored tablet
50 mg/kg (max. 4 g)
Principal Adverse Reactions Few Used to prevent INH neuropathy for children on meat- and milk-decient diets, those with nutritional deciencies, children with symptomatic HIV infection and adolescents who are pregnant or breastfeeding
* Adapted from Blumberg et al.41 **Dose per weight is based on ideal body weight. Intermittent doses should be prescribed only when directly observed therapy is available. Hepatotoxicity is greater when INH doses are more than 10-15mg/kg daily. Ethambutol at 15mg/kg daily presents a very low risk of optic neuritis but may sometimes result in subtherapeutic serum drug levels in young children. When ethambutol is a very important part of therapy, 20 mg/kg can be considered after discussion of risks and benets and with suitable monitoring (see text). At this dose, ethambutol is bacteriostatic, but it will help prevent the development of resistance. High-dose ethambutol (25 mg/kg daily) is bactericidal and sometimes used to treat drug-resistant TB but carries a higher risk of optic neuritis. Expert consultation is recommended in this situation.
Two reviews have now been published, neither of which reported visual toxicity in young children.42,43 In children in whom toxicity cannot be monitored and for whom better or safer alternative drugs are not available, use of EMB in a dose of 15 mg/kg per day is acceptable and carries a very low risk of optic neuritis. A recent pharmacokinetic study suggests that drug levels may sometimes be subtherapeutic at this dose because of slow or incomplete absorption of EMB in young children.44 For situations in which EMB is a cornerstone of therapy, for instance, in treating isoniazid (INH)- or rifampin-resistant strains, 20 mg/kg may be considered after suitable discussion of risks and benets. Baseline serum creatinine levels should be measured to rule out occult renal impairment before or at the time of initiation of therapy. Many young children are able to be tested using pseudoisochromatic colour vision plates; this should be done with acuity testing at each monthly visit. It is more dicult to isolate M. tuberculosis from a child with pulmonary TB than from an adult. Therefore, to guide the choice of drugs for the child it is frequently necessary to rely on the results of culture and susceptibility tests of specimens from the person presumed to be the source of the childs infection. For children in whom drug resistance is suspected or for whom no sourcecase isolate is available, attempts to isolate organisms by means of three early morning gastric aspirations, sputum induction, bronchial lavage, tissue biopsy or other specimen as appropriate should be considered.25 Treatment should begin promptly for every child who is judged, by laboratory or clinical case denition, to have active TB.41 To quote the treatment guidelines of the American Thoracic Society/U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Infectious Diseases Society of America:41 Several controlled and observational trials of 6-month therapy in children with pulmonary TB caused by organisms known or presumed to be susceptible to the rst line drugs have been published.45-53 Six months of therapy with isoniazid (INH) and rifampin has been shown to be eective for hilar adenopathy and pulmonary TB caused by drug-susceptible organisms.49,50 However, most studies used 6 months daily treatment with INH and rifampin, supplemented during
the rst 2 weeks to 2 months with pyrazinamide. In children with proven or presumed drug-susceptible disease this 3 drug combination has a success rate of greater than 95% and a rate of adverse events of less than 2%. Two studies used twice or three times weekly therapy from the beginning with good results.45,51 Please refer to Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection, Tables 3-5, for the recommended treatment of pediatric TB. The American Association of Pediatrics recommends use of a four-drug empiric TB regimen for children who live in areas of more than 4% primary INH resistance or who are exposed to adults who come from an area with more than 4% resistance.32 This applies to almost all foreign-born individuals suspected of having TB disease in Canada. (For TB drug susceptibility data in Canada, refer to Tuberculosis: Drug Resistance in Canada at <http://www.publichealth. gc.ca/tuberculosis>) The American Thoracic Society recommends the use of a four-drug empiric regimen for children with (1) adult type pulmonary disease, (2) disseminated or CNS disease, (3) a history of travel to an area of high prevalence of drug resistance or (4) a history of exposure to an individual at risk of resistance (known drug-resistant TB, history of previous TB treatment, residence in an area of high prevalence of drug resistance or poor response to therapy). Other children, it advises, can be treated with an initial three-drug TB regimen: in Canada this will be a select minority of patients.41 In general, antituberculosis drug doses should be adjusted in accordance with the weight (see Table 3) of the child. Monthly monitoring of body weight is therefore especially important in pediatric cases with adjustment of doses as children gain weight.54 For the treatment of children proven to have or suspected of having more complex patterns of resistance, see Chapter 7, Drug-resistant Tuberculosis; Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Survival Guide for Clinicians, produced by the Francis J. Curry National Tuberculosis Center and California Department of Health Services;55 and the WHO guidelines for the programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis.56 It is strongly recommended that the advice of a physician experienced in the management of drug-resistant TB be sought in such cases. Corticosteroids are used as adjunctive therapy when the tuberculous inammatory response is threatening to cause a life-endangering complication. Corticosteroids are indicated for children with TB meningitis. In prospective, randomized trials they decreased mortality rates and reduced neurologic complications, neurologic sequelae and cognitive dysfunction. Corticosteroids may be considered for children with pleural or pericardial eusions (to hasten reabsorption of uid), severe miliary disease (to mitigate alveolocapillary block) and endobronchial disease (to relieve obstruction and atelectasis). Corticosteroids should always be used in conjunction with eective antituberculosis therapy and should be tapered slowly over weeks to avoid a rebound reaction. Generally 1-2 mg/kg daily of prednisone (maximum 60 mg/day) or its equivalent tapered over 6 to 8 weeks is used. The most important element of the treatment of TB is the actual ingestion of the drugs. Children are dicult to dose with TB drugs; they may not tolerate the pill burden, and the existing formulations are not particularly child friendly.7
Only INH comes as a commercially available liquid product. This product causes diarrhea and abdominal pain in more than half of children owing to the osmotic load of sorbitol in which it is suspended. INH crushed into sugary liquids is unstable and should be avoided. INH crushed into a semisoft vehicle such as pudding, baby food or yogurt is acceptable and often well tolerated. Rifampin is frequently compounded into suspension by pharmacists. These suspensions are usually stable for at least 1 month, and unpublished experience suggests that they are eective. At the outset of treatment parents should be warned that there may be a several-week period of trial and error.7 Adherence to therapy is as much of an issue in children as it is in adults (see Table 4). Many factors contribute to poor adherence, not the least of which are the great diculty in ensuring that the child ingests the medication and the long duration of treatment. To maximize the benets of therapy, all children should be treated by directly observed therapy (DOT).39 Parents should not be relied on to supervise DOT. In most children, response to treatment is assessed clinically and radiographically. In children, weight loss or, more commonly, failure to gain weight adequately is of particular concern and often one of the rst (or only) signs of treatment failure.56 Extrapulmonary TB in children is treated with the same regimens as pulmonary disease, with the exception of CNS TB, disseminated/miliary TB, and bone and joint TB, for which the recommended duration of treatment is 9 to 12 months. The optimal treatment of pulmonary TB in children and adolescents with HIV infection is unknown. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that initial therapy should always include at least three drugs (INH, rifampin and pyrazinamide for the rst 2 months) and that the total duration of therapy should be at least 9 months.32
Management of Contacts
The most ecient way to prevent pediatric TB is to evaluate and treat those children exposed to an infectious adult source case. Missed opportunities to prevent cases of pediatric TB include delayed reporting of a source case to the local public health/TB control authority, failure to identify a child during
the contact investigation, failure to treat the source case with DOT despite indications of nonadherence, failure to document sterilization of cultures, failure to start INH preventive therapy or LTBI treatment in the child and failure to ensure that the child takes the treatment.57-60 All exposed children should be identied and ranked according to their risk of infection and progression to TB disease.61 All exposed children should have a symptom inquiry and TST. Those less than 5 years of age should also have a physical examination and chest radiography. Children less than 5 years of age with a negative TST and no evidence of active TB by examination or radiology should be encouraged to complete primary or window preventive therapy to prevent the development of TB. This is because it may take up to 8 weeks after infection for the TST to convert to positive, during which time the infection may progress to disease. For children presumed to have been infected by a drug-susceptible isolate, INH either daily or twice weekly, directly observed, is recommended. The INH may be discontinued if, after a period of 8 weeks, the repeat TST is negative, and the child remains asymptomatic and is immunocompetent. If the child is an infant who is too young to mount the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction required to document a positive TST, treatment should be prolonged past the 8 week period and until the child is at least 6 months of age.62 If the repeat TST is positive the child should complete a 9-month course of INH. If the initial TST is positive ( 5 mm) and there is no clinical or radiographic evidence of disease, then a full course of preventive therapy is recommended. Loeer has oered many helpful suggestions to improve adherence and completion rates (Table 3).7 DOT should be strongly considered as the means of treating children who are newly infected. When a child with new active TB is the index case it is very important that reverse contact tracing be undertaken, i.e. that a vigorous search be carried out for the source case. Although most source cases are found among adolescent or adult household contacts of the child, other source cases may be found among adolescent or adult non-household contacts such as babysitters or day care workers. Molecular characterization of M. tuberculosis isolates can lead to identication of previously unrecognized source cases.63 If the child is hospitalized it is important to screen adolescent or adult visitors for evidence of active TB.64
2 years. In the United States, risk assessment questionnaires have been developed to identify children with risk factors for TB and LTBI who should undergo a TST.65-69 In Canada, a school-based TB screening program and associated investigation targeting recently immigrated children has been evaluated and found to be eective.70 In general, LTBI should be treated with INH 10 mg/kg daily (maximum of 300 mg/day) or a 20-30 mg/kg dose twice weekly DOT (maximum of 900 mg/ dose) for 9 months unless the child has been linked to an INH-resistant source case. Routine liver function testing is not indicated for asymptomatic children who do not have underlying liver disease and are not taking other hepatotoxic drugs. Families should be educated to watch for the symptoms of hepatotoxicity and to stop the therapy and return to the clinic if the symptoms are consistent with drug toxicity. Lack of association with other viral symptoms and lack of improvement after a few days should suggest the possibility of hepatotoxicity rather than an intercurrent illness. Jaundice is often preceded by a period of days or weeks of malaise and nausea. Children should be seen in the clinic monthly, and questions should be asked about symptoms of toxicity as well as symptoms of active TB, adherence to therapy and results of skin testing of family members and other contacts. If the source case is INH resistant or there is epidemiologic reason to suspect that the child is infected with an INH-resistant strain, then the drug of choice is rifampin daily at 10-20 mg/kg daily (maximum of 600 mg/day) for 4 months.57 US guidelines recommend the use of rifampin daily for 6 months,65 but this is based on limited experience in adolescents and young adults aged 15 to 23 years.71 Children taking anti-epileptic drugs and either INH or rifampin should be monitored closely because both of these drugs can aect the metabolism and serum levels of anti-epileptics.41 Children judged to be infected with a multidrug-resistant strain of M. tuberculosis should be referred to a TB specialist (refer also to Chapter 7, Drug-resistant Tuberculosis).
Mother with LTBI and no abnormality on chest x-ray No special investigation or therapy for the newborn is required. However, household members should be screened for active disease. Mother and infant do not need to be separated. Mother may be a candidate for preventive therapy if she was recently infected or is HIV coinfected. Non-HIV infected mothers may breastfeed when receiving rst-line drugs. Mother with a chest x-ray abnormality consistent with active TB Separate the infant and mother until it is established that the mother does not have infectious pulmonary TB; manage as outlined below. Mother with abnormal chest x-ray but no evidence of active disease If the chest x-ray abnormality is considered to be secondary to old, healed TB and the mother has not been previously treated, strongly encourage her to take preventive treatment. Induced sputum may be helpful in evaluating the mother. Follow the infant with a repeat TST at 3 and 6 months of age. If there is uncertainty about the status of the mother then the child should be provided with preventive treatment. Mother or household contact with clinical or radiographic evidence of infectious TB at or close to the time of delivery If the mother has TB, submit the placenta for histology and TB culture. Attempt to conduct HIV serologic testing of the mother if not already done. Separate mother and child until mother is appropriately treated and no longer infectious. Evaluate the infant for congenital TB: chest radiology, gastric aspirates, abdominal ultrasound, lumbar puncture, TST. If congenital TB is present, initiate treatment promptly with the appropriate regimen. If congenital TB is excluded give treatment for LTBI until the infant is at least 3 months of age then repeat the TST. If the skin test is positive reassess the child for active TB. If disease is absent give a full course of treatment for LTBI based on the sensitivities of the index strain. If the TST result is negative at 3 months in a child receiving INH, continue INH and repeat the TST at 6 months. If TST is now positive, give an additional 3 months of INH; if negative, discontinue INH.
TB continues to be an important disease in Canadian children. Although there is a pressing need for, and some promise of, a better test for LTBI, Canadian health care workers should use available tests (currently the TST) to screen children at high risk of infection, both to protect these children now and to avoid their becoming the next generation of adults with infectious TB. Treatment of pediatric TB requires a team approach and should take into account the possibility of drug resistance. Ultimately, elimination of pediatric TB in Canada depends on controlling the disease globally. We should all nd ways to assist with that international struggle. In doing so we will also serve the interests of present and future Canadian children.65
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Public Health Agency of Canada. Pediatric tuberculosis in Canada. CCDR 2003;29:139-42. Public Health Agency of Canada. Tuberculosis in Canada 2004. Ottawa (Canada): Public Health Agency of Canada; 2007. Nelson LJ, Wells CD. Global epidemiology of childhood tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004;8(5):636-47. Donald PR. Childhood tuberculosis: Out of control? Curr Opin Pulm Med 2002;8(3):178-82. Iademarco MF, Castro KG. Epidemiology of tuberculosis. Semin Respir Infect 2003;18(4):225-40. Espinal MA, Laszlo A, Simonsen L, et al. Global trends in resistance to antituberculosis drugs. World Health Organization-International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Working Group on Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Resistance Surveillance. N Engl J Med 2001;344(17):1294-1303. Loeer AM. Pediatric tuberculosis. Semin Respir Infect 2003;18(4):27291. Feja K, Saiman L.Tuberculosis in children. Clin Chest Med 2005;26(2):295312, vii. Mandalakas AM, Starke JR. Current concepts of childhood tuberculosis. Semin Pediatr Infect Dis 2005;16(2):93-104. Starke JE. Tuberculosis in infants and children. In: Schlossberg D ed. Tuberculosis and non tuberculous Mycobacterial infections (4th edition). W.B. Saunders Co, Philadelphia,1999;303-24. Iseman MD, ed. Immunity and pathogenesis. In: A Clinicians guide to tuberculosis. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, New York, 2000;63-96.
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Neu N, Saiman L, San Gabriel P, et al. Diagnosis of pediatric tuberculosis in the modern era. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999;18(2):122-26. Frush DP, Donnelly LF, Rosen NS. Computed tomography and radiation risks: what pediatric health care providers should know. Pediatrics 2003;112(4):951-57. Gupta RK, Gupta S, Singh D, et al. MR imaging and angiography in tuberculous meningitis. Neuroradiology 1994;36(2):87-92. Grith JF, Kumta SM, Leung PC, et al. Imaging of musculoskeletal tuberculosis: a new look at an old disease. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2002;(398):32-9. Teo HE, Peh WC. Skeletal tuberculosis in children. Pediatr Radiol 2004;34(11):853-60.. Tuberculosis. In: Pickering LK, ed. Red book: report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases (26th edition). American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Il, 2003;642-60. Vallejo JG, Ong LT, Starke JR. Clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of tuberculosis in infants. Pediatrics 1994;94(1):1-7. Lobato MN, Loeer AM, Furst K, et al. Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in gastric aspirates collected from children: hospitalization is not necessary. Pediatrics 1998;102(4):E40. Zar HJ, Hanslo D, Apolles P, et al. Induced sputum versus gastric lavage for microbiological conrmation of pulmonary tuberculosis in infants and young children: a prospective study. Lancet 2005;365:130-34. Giammona ST, Zelkowitz PS. Superheated nebulized saline and gastric lavage to obtain bacterial cultures in primary pulmonary tuberculosis in children. Am J Dis Child 1969;117(2):198-200. Anderson C, Inhaber N, Menzies D. Comparison of sputum induction with ber-optic bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995;152(5 Pt 1):1570-74. Delacourt C, Poveda JD, Chureau C, et al. Use of polymerase chain reaction for improved diagnosis of tuberculosis in children. J Pediatr 1995;126(5 Pt 1):703-9. Fauville-Dufaux M, Waelbroeck A, De Mol P, et al. Contribution of the polymerase chain reaction to the diagnosis of tuberculous infections in children. Eur J Pediatr 1996;155(2):106-111. Pai M, Flores LL, Pai N, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of nucleic acid amplication tests for tuberculous meningitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis 2003;3(10):633-43.
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Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Pathophysiology Diagnosis of HIV Infection in TB Patients Diagnosis of TB Infection in HIV-infected Individuals Treatment of LTBI Diagnosis of Active TB Treatment of TB ART in TB Patients Drug Interactions Paradoxical or Immune Reconstitution Reactions Timing of Initiation of ART Rifamycin Mono-resistance Bacille Calmette-Gurin (BCG) Control of TB Transmission to HIV-infected Individuals Collaborative TB/HIV Activities References
201 201 202 203 206 206 207 207 208 209 209 212 212 212 213
he HIV epidemic has had a dramatic impact on tuberculosis (TB) rates and TB control in both industrialized and low-income countries where both infections are prevalent. Globally, TB is the most common cause of death in HIV-infected individuals. In Canada, coinfection is likely to become more important, particularly in immigrants and refugees from TB- and HIVendemic countries and in Aboriginal peoples.
The predominant immunologic eect of HIV is on cell-mediated immunity, the arm of the immune system most important in mediating an eective response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The immune deciency induced by HIV infection decreases the immunologic containment, most importantly of latent TB infection, but also of new infection or reinfection with M. tuberculosis. It also alters the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction involved in the tuberculin skin test (TST) and the clinical and radiologic features of TB, which are determined by the host response. Although TB can occur at any stage in the course of HIV infection,1 the risk increases with advancing immunosuppression and decreases in patients receiving eective antiretroviral therapy (ART).2,3 M. tuberculosis increases HIV replication in vitro, and active TB may enhance the progression of HIV disease.
Summary Points:
All patients with newly diagnosed TB should be strongly encouraged to undergo informed HIV serologic testing. L EVEL II HIV testing of contacts of patients with infectious TB should be considered if the contacts are at risk of HIV or the index case of TB is HIV co-infected. Additional information resources concerning HIV should be made available to patients for whom HIV testing is recommended, as well as to other patients seen through TB programs.
Summary Points:
Every newly identied patient with HIV infection should be assessed with regard to history of active TB and known or likely exposure to TB, including close contact with an infectious case or origin in a community with high TB prevalence, and results of any previous TST. A physical examination and chest radiography should be performed to investigate features of past or present TB. L EVEL II Except for those with a past history of active TB or a welldocumented previous positive TST, every HIV-infected person should have a TST performed with 5 tuberculin units of puried protein derivative and read at 48-72 hours by a health care worker experienced at reading TSTs. L EVEL II TST induration of 5 mm should be considered indicative of TB infection in HIV-infected individuals. L EVEL III Routine anergy testing is not recommended. L EVEL I A TST should be repeated annually in patients at increased risk of ongoing TB exposure. L EVEL III In patients with negative TST, repeat TST may be considered after institution of ART and immune reconstitution indicated by an increase in the CD4 cell count. L EVEL III HIV-infected patients found to be TST positive or who have a well-documented positive TST in the past should be evaluated for the presence of active TB by clinical assessment, chest radiography and other investigations suggested by the clinical ndings. Even when the chest x-ray is normal, sputum should be obtained for TB smear and culture. L EVEL II If an interferon- release assay is used, interpretation should take into consideration the results of concomitant standard TST testing until further information is available. L EVEL III
Treatment of LTBI
Treatment of LTBI in TST-positive, HIV-infected persons significantly reduced the risk of developing active TB in ve of six reported studies, but a reduction in mortality has not been clearly shown.9-16 Treatment of suspected LTBI in tuberculin-negative or anergic HIV-infected individuals has not been consistently shown to be benecial.11,17 The results of two studies suggest that protection may wane in the years following treatment of LTBI, possibly as a result of reinfection in communities with high rates of transmission.10,13
Summary Points:
Except when there is a well-documented history of completed treatment of LTBI or active TB, treatment of LTBI should be strongly recommended for every HIV-infected patient with a TST reaction 5 mm, regardless of age or BCG vaccination status, after exclusion of active TB. L EVEL I HIV-infected persons felt to have had recent close contact with an infectious TB patient should receive treatment for presumed LTBI regardless of the TST result. L EVEL III On an individual basis, preferably with input from an expert in TB, consideration may be given to recommending preventive therapy for TST-negative HIV-infected individuals likely to be at increased risk of LTBI (e.g. high epidemiologic risk or chest radiographic features suggestive of past TB exposure) who are immunosuppressed to a degree likely to result in a false-negative TST. L EVEL III
Completion rates for a full course of preventive therapy in Canadian programs vary widely.18 Many HIV-infected candidates for preventive therapy are likely to have one or more characteristics associated with poor adherence, such as substance abuse or unstable housing. Directly observed preventive therapy, for example in a methadone clinic or by an outreach worker, has been found to be cost-eective or cost-saving under a variety of conditions.19,20
Summary Points:
When treatment of LTBI is indicated in an HIV-infected individual, consideration should be given to providing it in a directly observed fashion. L EVEL II For patients with predictors of poor adherence, such as unstable housing or active substance abuse, or those who have demonstrated poor adherence, directly observed preventive therapy should be provided whenever feasible. L EVEL II Twice weekly regimens should always be given under direct supervision. L EVEL II Attention should be given to practical measures such as clinic hours, sta attitudes, inducements and close follow-up, which may enhance adherence. L EVEL II
While twice weekly isoniazid (INH) has not been compared with daily chemoprophylaxis, it has been used in two studies10,13 and, on the basis of its ecacy in treatment, is generally thought to be comparable. Six months has proven, but lower, preventive ecacy than 9 or 12 months.
Two studies of rifampin and pyrazinamide, one using daily and the other twice weekly dosing, for 2 months in HIV-infected individuals demonstrated ecacy comparable to 6 months of INH.10,12 Subsequent experience with this regimen has revealed a high rate of serious hepatotoxicity.21-25 This eect may be less common in the HIV-infected,26 but experience to date is insucient to recommend its use in any population. A 4-month regimen with rifampin alone has not been studied in HIV-infected individuals but can be considered as an option if the patient is not receiving an incompatible antiretroviral regimen (see following Summary Points). On the basis of equivalence in three treatment studies,27-29 it is thought that rifabutin is likely to be as eective as rifampin in preventive regimens.
Summary Points:
In HIV-infected individuals for whom treatment of LTBI is indicated, the regimens are the same as those recommended for HIV-uninfected patients: Daily self-administered INH for 9 months. L EVEL I or Twice weekly directly observed INH for 9 months. L EVEL II (see Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection, for dosages)
Daily rifampin (or rifabutin) for 4 months is an alternative regimen for patients unable to tolerate INH, for patients infected with an INH-resistant strain or for patients in whom the shorter duration is felt to be critical to the likelihood of completion, as long as it is compatible with the patients antiretroviral regimen. L EVEL III . The combiantion of rifampin and pyrazinamide should generally not be oered, regardless of HIV serostatus L EVEL II .
HIV-infected persons who are candidates for preventive therapy but who do not receive it for any reason should have regular clinical follow-up. TB should be considered in the dierential diagnosis and mycobacterial cultures of appropriate specimens included in the investigation of any unexplained illness. L EVEL III In an HIV-infected pregnant woman for whom treatment of LTBI is indicated, it should be initiated as soon as active disease has been excluded, not delayed until after the delivery. L EVEL III
Diagnosis of Active TB
The clinical presentation of TB may be altered in the presence of HIV infection; extrapulmonary TB is more common. Lymph nodes are the most common site, but pleural and pericardial TB, TB meningitis and TB involving more than one organ have all been found to be more common in HIV-infected than uninfected patients. The radiologic features of TB may be altered or absent in approximate proportion to the individuals degree of immunosuppression.30 Upper lobe predominance and cavitation are less common, and hilar adenopathy, pleural eusions, disseminated disease and a normal chest x-ray are more common in the HIVinfected.
Laboratory diagnosis may also be aected by the presence of HIV infection. Some studies have found the rate of sputum smear positivity to be lower in those infected with HIV.31 Characteristic granulomas may be absent or altered on histologic examination of tissue.32 M. tuberculosis bacteremia, uncommon in the absence of HIV, is much more common in advanced HIV disease so that blood culture may be a useful diagnostic tool in these patients.33 Acid-fast bacilli staining of lymph node aspirates is relatively sensitive in HIV-coinfected patients with TB lymphadenitis.34 Infection with nontuberculous mycobacteria is relatively common in advanced HIV infection; polymerase chain reaction techniques can provide a rapid means of conrming or excluding M. tuberculosis in a patient with acid-fast bacilli detected on sputum smear examination or in culture, with important clinical and public health implications.
Summary Points:
Health care workers caring for patients with HIV infection should maintain a high index of suspicion for TB, particularly in patients with an increased epidemiologic likelihood of recent or remote TB exposure, in the investigation of any unexplained illness, especially persistent fever or lung disease, even in the absence of typical features of TB. L EVEL II An HIV-infected patient in whom a respiratory tract specimen is found to contain acid-fast bacilli should be managed as a suspected TB case until such time as the organism has been shown not to be M. tuberculosis.
Treatment of TB
Considerable experience indicates that TB cure rates are similar in HIVinfected and uninfected patients if the treatment regimen is appropriate and includes a rifamycin, if the organism is susceptible to rst-line drugs and if adherence to treatment is certain.35-42 However, two recent observational studies found lower rates of treatment failure43 and recurrence44 in patients treated for 9 months than in those receiving a shorter duration of treatment.
Overall, recurrence has been somewhat more common among the HIV-infected than non-infected in some studies. When molecular techniques have been used to distinguish between relapse and reinfection, rates of relapse with the original strain have been similar, whereas reinfection with a new strain of M. tuberculosis is more frequent among the HIV-infected in communities with high levels of ongoing transmission.45 Two studies found that continuation of INH (secondary prophylaxis) after completion of standard TB therapy was associated with lower rates of TB recurrence in HIV-infected patients, but this may have been due to prevention of reinfection in a high-prevalence community.46,47 Mortality is higher among HIV-infected TB patients, largely on account of other HIV-related conditions rather than because of TB.38 Combination ART seems to have reduced the mortality rate of TB patients with advanced HIV. Several studies have suggested that HIV-infected patients are more likely to have inadequate serum levels of antituberculosis agents as a result of decreased absorption,48-51 but other studies have failed to nd a dierence between HIVinfected and uninfected patients.52,53 These inconsistencies may relate to dierences in drug absorption between African and North American patients with TB. In the latest study from North America, HIV-infected patients with TB who were receiving rifampin and ethambutol commonly had low maximum concentrations of both drugs.54 The benets of adjuvant corticosteroids on immune activation and CD4 positive T cell counts have not been found to outweigh the risks of adverse events in HIV-infected patients with TB and preserved immune function.55
ART in TB Patients
Combination ART has resulted in dramatic improvements in the outcome of HIV infection, reected in the 80% decrease in HIV-related mortality in some Canadian populations.56 In the pre-ART era, HIV-infected individuals with a CD4 cell count of < 50 cells x 106/L showed an all-cause mortality of 7 deaths per 100 patient months.57 Clinical and immunologic benets from ART may be apparent very early after treatment initiation.58
Drug Interactions
Antiretroviral drugs, particularly those in the protease inhibitor class but also the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) group, demonstrate major and sometimes bidirectional interactions with rifamycin antituberculosis agents, mainly through the hepatic cytochrome P450 enzyme system. There is considerable variation among drugs within a class in terms of potential or observed interactions. Updated information on this rapidly evolving area can be found at <http://www.cdc.gov/tb/TB_HIV_Drugs/default.htm>.59 Clinically important interactions with antituberculosis agents have not been found with any of the nucleoside or nucleotide analogues (zidovudine, didanosine, zalcitabine, stavudine, lamivudine, abacavir, emtricitabine or tenofovir).
Rifamycins, which are critical to the success of short-course TB treatment, are the only antituberculosis agents found to have clinically signicant interactions with antiretroviral drugs. Lesser degrees of interaction are seen with rifabutin than with rifapentine, which in turn interacts less than rifampin.60 Rifampin can be used concomitantly with the NNRTI efavirenz, although efavirenz levels are variably reduced.58 A standard efavirenz dose of 600 mg daily appeared to be adequate in Thai patients with relatively low body weight.61 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advocates increasing the efavirenz dose to 800 mg/day. Rifampin can also be used with full-dose ritonavir as the sole protease inhibitor (but this regimen is very poorly tolerated and now rarely, if ever, used).62 There is limited information on the interaction of rifampin with boosted protease inhibitors such as lopinavir/ ritonavir.63 Use of rifampin with ritonavir-boosted saquinavir was associated with unacceptable hepatotoxicity in one study.64 A regimen comprising three nucleoside/nucleotide analogues would not be expected to be associated with signicant interactions with rifampin. However, the combination of zidovudine, lamivudine and abacavir, the only well-studied example of a triple nucleoside regimen, has been found inferior to standard ART regimens.65 Therapy with the combination of four nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors, zidovudine, lamivudine, abacavir (Trizivir) and tenofovir, appears comparable in early studies66 to standard ART regimens and is not expected to be associated with signicant drug interactions. Kinetic data67 and experience with small numbers of patients suggest that coadministration of rifampin and the NNRTI nevirapine may be acceptable.68 It has been reported that rifabutin can be substituted for rifampin in TB treatment.27-29 Rifabutin levels are increased to varying degrees by concomitant therapy with dierent protease inhibitors, ocular toxicity being the most frequently observed adverse eect. Rifabutin, with appropriate dose reduction, can be used together with most protease inhibitors but should not be used with saquinavir because of reduced saquinavir levels. The rifabutin dose must be increased when used with efavirenz.69 * Non-rifamycin-containing regimens such as INH, pyrazinamide and streptomycin given for 9 months or more had high initial cure rates and acceptable relapse rates in non-HIV-infected persons.70 The ecacy of this regimen in HIV-infected individuals has not been studied, and a non-rifamycincontaining regimen was found to have higher relapse rates in HIV-infected than uninfected Africans.71
at involved sites, e.g. enlarging lymph nodes, worsening pulmonary inltrates or exacerbation of inammatory changes at other sites, and can be severe.73-75 This phenomenon has been described in up to 36% of patients receiving both therapies.76 Almost all aected patients have low initial CD4 cell counts.7577 Onset has been described between 2 and 40 days after ART initiation.75,76 Paradoxical reactions can occur even when ART is initiated more than 2 months after starting TB treatment,78 but the risk may be higher with early ART initiation. Diagnosis is often dicult and requires exclusion of other possible causes of the observed clinical ndings. If the reaction is severe enough to warrant therapy, corticosteroids such as prednisone at doses in the range of 1 mg/kg of body weight are usually eective. Most patients have been treated successfully without interruption of ART.
Rifamycin Mono-resistance
The development of acquired rifampin mono-resistance has been observed during TB treatment in HIV-infected patients in a study of once weekly INH and rifapentine (not available in Canada) and in twice weekly rifampin-based regimens. When long-acting rifamycins (rifabutin and rifapentine) have been used the risk of resistance has been attributed to low serum INH levels.84,85 For both rifampin and rifabutin regimens the risk appears to be greatest in patients with low CD4 counts and in those who receive twice weekly intermittent therapy during the initial phase of treatment. The CDC recommends that HIV-
infected patients with CD4 counts < 100 x 106/L receiving rifamycin-containing therapy receive a daily or at least thrice weekly regimen.85,86 Rifapentine is no longer recommended for HIV-positive TB patients in the United States. HIV-infected individuals are at increased risk of neuropathy due to HIV or ART and may be more susceptible to INH-associated neuropathy.
Summary Points:
Treatment of TB in HIV-infected patients should be guided by a physician with expertise in the management of both diseases or in close collaboration with a physician expert in HIV care and should follow the most recent available information regarding drug interactions. Please see <http://www.cdc.gov/tb/TB_HIV_ Drugs/default.htm>.59 L EVEL II Considerations related to ART should not delay the initiation of TB therapy immediately upon diagnosis. L EVEL II A standard rifamycin (rifampin or rifabutin)-containing regimen should be used unless the organism is rifamycin resistant or the patient is intolerant of rifamycins. L EVEL I Directly observed therapy should be given wherever possible, and other measures should be used to enhance adherence. L EVEL II A standard regimen including INH and rifampin for 6 months and pyrazinamide for 2 months may be considered adequate therapy in a patient with HIV infection when the organism is fully sensitive, adherence to therapy is assured and a satisfactory clinical and microbiologic response is observed. L EVEL I If cavitation is present on the chest x-ray and there is evidence of a delayed treatment response, such as a positive culture at 2 months, treatment should be continued for a total of 9 months. L EVEL II A 9-month course of treatment should also be considered for HIV-positive patients with either cavitation on chest x-ray or a delayed treatment response, although the evidence for this is not as strong In patients for whom protease inhibitor therapy incompatible with the use of rifampin is judged most appropriate, dose-adjusted rifabutin should be substituted for rifampin in standard treatment regimens. Rifampin should be switched to rifabutin 2 weeks before ART is initiated to allow for washout of the hepatic enzyme induction. L EVEL II Rifapentine should not be used in any HIV-infected individuals. Twice weekly rifampin or rifabutin therapy should not be used in patients with CD4 cell counts < 100 x 106/L. L EVEL II
In patients receiving eective combination ART at the time of TB diagnosis, the same antiretroviral regimen should generally be continued when possible, with rifabutin substituted for rifampin in the TB regimen if appropriate. L EVEL III In patients not receiving ART at the time TB treatment is initiated but who meet strict criteria for ART initiation87 (i.e. absolute CD4 cell count 200), ART should be initiated at some point during the course of anti-TB therapy but not simultaneously with the initiation of TB therapy For most patients (except women at risk of pregnancy) receiving standard rifampin-containing TB therapy who are initiating ART for the rst time, an efavirenz-based regimen with zidovudine, abacavir or tenofovir combined with lamivudine or emtricitabine (avoiding the potential synergistic neurotoxic eects of stavudine or didanosine) would be the rst consideration. L EVEL II . The timing of ART initiation should be individualized depending on factors such as the CD4 cell count and how well anti-TB drugs are tolerated. The period of delay between initiation of TB treatment and ART initiation should usually be in the range of 2 to 8 weeks. L EVEL III A paradoxical reaction following initiation of ART should be suspected on the basis of fever and localized ndings after exclusion of other possible causes. Corticosteroid therapy may be considered, if needed, to manage the eects of the reaction. Neither antituberculosis drugs nor ART should be stopped unless there is a high level of suspicion of a drug adverse eect through a mechanism other than a paradoxical reaction. L EVEL II In patients with chronic diarrhea and advanced HIV disease, or in whom a drug interaction is suspected to be lowering anti-TB drug levels (particularly if the patient is demonstrating a sub-optimal clinical or bacteriologic response to TB therapy), consideration should be given to measuring serum levels of antituberculosis agents after excluding poor adherence and drug resistance. L EVEL III In patients with a suboptimal viral load response to ART after exclusion of poor adherence and antiviral resistance, and in whom an interaction with a TB drug is a possible explanation, monitoring of antiretroviral drug levels may be considered. L EVEL III Patients with CD4 cell counts less than 200 cells x 106/L should receive prophylaxis against Pneumocystis pneumonia according to current guidelines.88 L EVEL I Pyridoxine supplementation, with or without other vitamins, should be given to HIV-infected TB patients receiving INH, particularly those who may be malnourished. L EVEL III
Summary Point:
BCG vaccine should not be given to individuals known or suspected to have HIV infection or to children of mothers known or suspected to have HIV infection. L EVEL I
Summary Point:
Hospitals, hospices, clinics, correctional institutions and other settings where HIV-infected individuals may be concentrated should establish policies and guidelines to allow early identication and eective isolation of patients with possible infectious TB and to minimize the likelihood of exposure of HIV-infected patients to those with infectious TB. L EVEL II
To achieve the goal and objectives the Stop TB Department and the Department of HIV/AIDS of the World Health Organization have recommended a series of collaborative activities that address the interface of the TB and the HIV/AIDS epidemics. These recommendations were designed to be used in conjunction with a Strategic framework to decrease the burden of TB/HIV91 and
the Guidelines for implementing collaborative TB and HIV programme activities.92 They are complementary to and in synergy with the established core activities of TB and HIV/AIDS prevention and control programs. For countries such as Canada, which may be said to be in a low-level epidemic state, many of the recommended collaborative activities are already in place and have been alluded to in this chapter. The threshold for starting other activities is relatively high. In this regard the European experience in which priority has been given to populations at high risk of HIV and TB, such as injection drug users, sex workers, immigrants from high burden countries and those living in congregate settings is instructive.93
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Nettles RE, Mazo D, Alwood K, et al. Risk factors for relapse and acquired rifamycin resistance after directly observed tuberculosis treatment: a comparison by HIV serostatus and rifamycin use. Clin Infect Dis 2004;38(5):731-36. CDC. Acquired rifamycin resistance in persons with advanced HIV disease being treated for active tuberculosis with intermittent rifamycinbased regimens. MMWR 2002;51:21415. Panel on Clinical Practices for Treatment of HIV Infection convened by the Department of Health and Human Services. Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV-infected adults and adolescents. URL: <http://aidsinfo.nih.gov/ContentFiles/AdultandAdolescentGL.pdf>. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for preventing opportunistic infections among HIV infected persons2002. MMWR 2002;51(RR-8):1-46. Weltman AC, Rose DN. The safety of Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination in HIV infection and AIDS. AIDS 1993;7:149-57. World Health Organization. Interim policy on collaborative TB/HIV activities. Geneva, WHO, 2004 (WHO/HTM/TB 2004.330, WHO/ HTM/HIV/2004.1). World Health Organization. Strategic framework to decrease the burden of TB/HIV. Geneva, WHO, 2002 (WHO/CDS/TB/2002.296, WHO/ HIV_AIDS/2002.2). World Health Organization. Guidelines for implementing collaborative TB and HIV programme activities. Geneva, WHO, 2003 (WHO/CDS/TB 2003.319 WHO/HIV/2003.01). de Colombani P, Banatvala N, Zaleskis R, et al., WHO regional oce for Europe. European framework to decrease the burden of TB/HIV. Eur Respir J 2004;24(3):493-501.
89. 90.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Introduction Laboratory Methods Clinical Syndromes Pulmonary disease Lymphadenopathy Skin and soft tissue infections (bone and joint extension) Disseminated infection References
The term nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) includes all mycobacterial species except those that cause tuberculosis (TB) (Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex includes M. tuberculosis [including M. tuberculosis subsp canetti], M. bovis, M. bovis BCG strain, M. africanum, M. caprae, M. microti and M. pinnipedii) and leprosy (M. leprae). Mycobacteria that infect other species or are saprophytes were identied soon after the discovery of the tubercle bacillus in the late 19th century. In 1954, Timpe and Runyon published their NTM classication system based on the colonial morphology and growth characteristics of NTM collected in various parts of the United States.1 In 1948, only 10 species of NTM were recognized. Largely as a result of better protocols for mycobacterial culture and advances in genetic techniques, more than 100 NTM species have now been identied, half in the last decade.2,3 It has been suggested that the rapidly growing mycobacteria dier suciently from other mycobacteria to be assigned to a separate genus.4 Approximately 30% of the positive NTM cultures are unidentiable, suggesting that new mycobacterial species will continue to be described.
Other terms for NTM include mycobacteria other than tuberculosis (MOTT), atypical, environmental and opportunistic mycobacteria. The term suggested for diseases caused by NTM is mycobacterioses to dierentiate them from TB.5 NTM are common environmental saprophytes but infrequent human pathogens. Approximately 40% of NTM isolates are estimated to be associated with signicant disease.6 A clear indication of the presence of disease is essential in order to avoid treating nonsignicant isolates. On the other hand, NTM are opportunists and may cause signicant disease in patients with localized or systemic immunosuppression.
Summary Point:
There are more than 100 species of NTM with varying degrees of pathogenicity and variable prevalence from one geographic region to the next. All are opportunists, producing more virulent lesions in the immunosuppressed host.
Unlike TB, NTM infection is not spread from person to person, and NTM disease is not notiable to public health authorities. It appears to be acquired from the environment. NTM occur naturally in water, both fresh and salt, in soil and food, and also in association with animals. M. avium has been found in dierent cigarette components, including tobacco, paper and lters. The NTM are relatively resistant to chlorination and ozonization, and actually benet from the eradication of competing microorganisms.The rapidly growing mycobacteria, including the M. fortuitum, M. chelonae-abscessus and M. smegmatis groups, are especially hardy and resist freezing, chemical disinfectants and even moderate heating.7 NTM are present in tap water, and shower heads have often been found to be colonized. It has been suggested that showering instead of bathing may, by aerosolizing more water, be contributing to an increase in NTM disease.8 The presence of NTM in the hospital water supply can be a source of disseminated
M. avium complex (MAC) in patients with AIDS.9 Water colonization with NTM has also been implicated in outbreaks of NTM disease associated with dialysis units and dental practices.10 As well, NTM may colonize solutions in the laboratory, resulting in pseudo-outbreaks of NTM.11 Similarly, improved laboratory methods may increase the reported incidence rate.12 Changes in the environment can inuence shifts in the relative frequency of certain isolates in human specimens over time.13 NTM isolates are understood to have become more frequent as a result of a real increase, an increased recognition of NTM-associated disease, and the routine use of more supportive liquid and solid culture media. Approximately 21,000 NTM isolates were reported by state public health laboratories in the United States each year from 1993 to 1996.14 About 40% of these were MAC, 10% were rapidly growing NTM of the M. fortuitum-chelonae-abscessus family, 15% were unknown or currently unknown species of NTM, and 25% were M. gordonae, a saprophyte and likely not responsible for disease. Only 2.5% of the isolates were M. kansasii and 1% were M. xenopi. In Alberta, during a similar period, NTM accounted for 70% of all mycobacterial isolates, of which 33% were MAC, 25% of the M. fortuitum-chelonae-abscessus family, and 1% each of M. kansasii and M. xenopi (Fanning EA, personal communication, 2005). These and data from other parts of the world suggest that MAC is the most common NTM isolated from humans. Certain species are commonly found in specic areas and occupations, including M. xenopi in Ontario;15,16 M. kansasii in the midwestern United States, in the United Kingdom and among South African gold miners;17 and M. malmoense in Scandinavia.18 However, in addition to a general increase in prevalence, the patterns of NTMs in geographic areas are changing.19 The increase in NTM disease may be due, at least in part, to immunosuppression associated with medication and with AIDS, the aging of Western populations and the declining rates of BCG vaccination.20 The elderly appear to be particularly susceptible to NTM, especially MAC. There has also been an increased awareness of NTM and their role in diseases such as cystic brosis and bronodular bronchiectasis. NTM disease has also become relatively more prevalent because of the declining prevalence of TB in North America.
Summary Point:
The common clinical syndromes associated with NTM are lymphadenopathy, chronic pulmonary disease, skin and soft tissue infections (often associated with trauma or a foreign body) sometimes with extension to bone and joint, and disseminated disease.
A report of caseating granulomata on tissue biopsy or acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in secretions or tissues should be interpreted to mean the presence of M. tuberculosis until proven otherwise and the patient treated accordingly. The process of determining whether the causative organism is M. tuberculosis or NTM is expedited in sputum samples by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays that speciate the organism from the AFB smear. Once the organism has been
cultured, commercially available DNA probes can be used to reliably distinguish cultures of M. tuberculosis from NTM. Commercially available DNA probes are available to identify MAC, M. kansasii and M. gordonae. NTM cultured on a single occasion from the sputum of patients undergoing treatment for TB are likely contaminants and do not require specic treatment if the patient is improving clinically. The physician is advised to contact the laboratory to discuss time lines to further relevant laboratory information on the identication of the organism and its drug susceptibility pattern. NTM species are listed by site of disease in Table 1 (adapted, with permission, from Debrunner et al.5). Table 1 Clinical Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Syndromes*
Denition Pulmonary disease (usually adults) Symptoms of cough, sputum production, weight loss Two or more sputum isolates or one isolate from sterile site Distribution of isolates varies regionally Lymph node disease (usually < 5 years of age) Unilateral, submandibular site most common Onset of symptoms subacute Skin induration and sinus tract formation may occur Skin/soft tissue/bone/joint and tendons History of trauma or supercial laceration Presence of a foreign body Disseminated HIV or other immunosuppressive disease Symptoms: fever, weight loss, diarrhea Any site possible No trauma necessary Treatment (see Table 2) Treatment with combined antimicrobials Resection if localized Attention to bronchial toilet Etiologic Agent Common Rare M. avium complex M. simiae (MAC) M. szulgai M. kansasii M. fortuitum M. abscessus M. chelonae M. xenopi M. smegmatis M. malmoense
Surgical resection
is usually curative
Debridement plus
Prevention of
MAC M. kansasii M. terrae M. haemophilum M. abscessus/chelonae M. haemophilum M. gordonae Any mycobacterium may cause disease in association with signicant immunosuppression, and any localized lesion may disseminate.
The treatment of NTM disease is problematic, because NTM are resistant to a wide range of antimicrobial agents. Communication with the laboratory will help to dene the organisms for which susceptibility testing is useful (see Table 2). It must be remembered that even organisms considered nonpathogens
may occasionally cause disease in those who are severely immunocompromised. Drug treatment is most critical in these patients. Resistance develops readily, hence single drug therapy must be avoided.* If feasible, surgical resection (e.g. in lymph node disease) may be curative.
Laboratory Methods
Please refer to Chapter 2, Mycobacteriology Laboratory Standards: Services and Policies, for details of specimen submission. The identication of mycobacteria is best performed by experienced laboratory personnel, and careful quality assurance techniques need to be in place to detect laboratory NTM pseudooutbreaks.11,12 Antibiotic susceptibility testing of NTM may be performed by the laboratory, at the request of the physician. However, susceptibility testing is not standardized except for clarithromycin in MAC, and the correlation between in vitro susceptibility testing and the clinical response to treatment is less well dened than with the M. tuberculosis complex.21
Clinical Syndromes
The clinical syndromes most frequently associated with NTM are chronic lung disease, lymphadenopathy, skin and soft tissue disease and disseminated disease. Lung disease due to NTM is primarily a disease of the elderly, patients with underlying lung disease or patients who are immunocompromised. In most parts of the world, MAC is the most common cause of NTM lung disease. Lymphadenopathy is the most common type of NTM disease in children, and MAC the most common etiologic agent. Skin and soft tissue infection may occur after surgery or other trauma, is usually associated with the presence of foreign material and may extend to bones and joints. Disseminated disease may occur in patients with severe immunosuppression, such as those with advanced AIDS (CD4 lymphocyte counts less than 50 x 106/L).
Pulmonary disease
Approximately 75% of the NTM isolates reported by public health laboratories in the United States from 1993 to 1996 were from sputum or lung specimens. MAC is the most common cause of NTM lung disease, followed by the rapid growers of the M. fortuitum-chelonae-abscessus complex, M. kansasii and M. xenopi.14 In diagnosing pulmonary disease caused by M. kansasii, a single isolate, in the presence of characteristic disease, is usually considered diagnostic. For other NTM species, a diagnosis of pulmonary disease generally requires at least three positive sputum cultures, or two if one is smear positive.21
Although there may be some overlap between them, two patterns of lung disease are commonly described in association with MAC.22 In the rst, patients with underlying lung disease, such as previous TB, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumoconiosis, often with a history of tobacco and alcohol abuse, tend to develop features similar to those of TB with cavitary disease primarily involving the upper lobes. The second pattern has been described as bronodular bronchiectasis, which is seen in older patients, typically women, without a history of underlying lung disease.23,24 It has a characteristic appearance of bronchiectasis associated with parenchymal nodules. The bronchiectasis is most evident in the lingular segment of the left upper lobe and in the right middle lobe. It is understood to be secondary to the MAC and not a primary, predisposing condition. The treatment of MAC lung disease is centred upon a macrolide, either clarithromycin or azithromycin, and companion medications such as ethambutol, rifampin, uoroquinolones and clofazimine, which have the specic role of preventing the organism from developing resistance to the macrolide.22 The macrolide-containing regimens have not been subjected to formal study but are widely regarded as being more eective than rifampin and ethambutol with or without isoniazid, a regimen that has been tested in a randomized controlled trial.25 In general, it has been recommended that treatment of MAC lung disease should continue for 12 months after the sputum culture becomes negative. Rapid growers, such as M. abscessus, may also cause bronodular bronchiectasis. Treatment of M. abscessus lung disease has been disappointing.26 M. kansasii is the most pathogenic of the NTM and produces lung lesions that are similar to those seen in TB, including upper lobe involvement and cavitation.27 There have also been reports of M. kansasii producing nodular bronchiectasis with features similar to those associated with MAC.27 Patients may have no predisposing conditions for M. kansasii disease, although it was originally reported to occur in older men often with a history of alcoholism and cigarette smoking and with underlying lung disease such as COPD, previous TB or pneumoconiosis. Treatment for 9 months with rifampin and ethambutol was evaluated in a prospective study in Britain and found to be successful in 88% of 155 subjects.28 In North America, treatment regimens generally include isoniazid, notwithstanding the organisms usual in vitro resistance to this drug, with rifampin and ethambutol. Treatment is generally continued for 18 months.21 Clarithromycin has been recommended to replace rifampin when that drug cannot be tolerated21 and has also been used together with rifampin and ethambutol in a thrice-weekly treatment regimen.29 M. xenopi causes cavitary disease in immunocompetent individuals, and a similar pattern has been reported in HIV-infected individuals receiving antiretroviral therapy. In a British study, rifampin and ethambutol appeared to be benecial30 but, in general, clarithromycin, ethambutol and a uoroquinolone, with or without a rifamycin, appear to be favoured.21 Other pulmonary disorders associated with NTM include a hypersensitivity pneumonitis-like syndrome in patients exposed to M. avium in hot tubs31 and lung disease due to rapidly growing mycobacteria associated with chronic aspiration.32
M. malmoense was rst isolated in Sweden but has occurred elsewhere in Europe and in North America.33 It has an unusually slow growth in vitro, requiring more than 6 weeks for isolation. It is more common in older adults with chronic lung disease. Most strains are susceptible to ethambutol, cycloserine and ethionamide. Sensitivity to rifamycins and uoroquinolones is variable.21 There are reports of successful treatment with clarithromycin, rifampin and ethambutol.34,35 Lung disease due to NTM is rare in children unless they have cystic brosis. A recent multicentre study in the United States found that NTM were regularly cultured from the sputum of patients with cystic brosis.36 Those patients from whom NTM were cultured were older, had better lung function and were less likely to have Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultured from their sputum than the other patients with cystic brosis. The most common NTM isolated was M. avium with M. abscessus a distant second. As determined by computed tomography, cystic brosis patients with NTM had greater progression of their parenchymal lung disease over the subsequent 15 months than did other cystic brosis patients.37 Specic medication regimens for NTM lung disease are listed in Table 2.
Granulomatous lymphadenopathy due to NTM is most commonly seen in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years.38,39 The unilateral cervical lesion usually appears abruptly and is associated with minor upper respiratory symptoms, but the lymph node fails to resolve as the respiratory symptoms disappear. The lymph node is usually submandibular, submental or preauricular in location. It may be uctuant, and produce skin inammation and suppuration. The child is otherwise well. There is no history of contact with TB, and the chest x-ray is normal. Tuberculin skin testing usually, but not always, results in less than 10 mm of induration. In Canada, NTM accounts for childhood granulomatous lymphadenopathy more commonly than does M. tuberculosis, with the notable exception of children who are from First Nations or Inuit communities, who were born in a country with a high incidence of TB or who are in frequent contact with persons from such countries. Hence, after total surgical excision, it may be reasonable to withhold antituberculosis treatment, unless there is a suggestive history of TB contact, until the results of culture of surgically excised lymph node tissue are available. In Canada the majority of cases are caused by MAC. In Texas, M. kansasii accounts for some lymphadenopathy in children and adults. In Sweden, M. malmoense is an important cause of cervical lymphadenopathy in children. Rarely M. fortuitum and M. chelonae are reported to cause lymphadenopathy.40 In NTM lymph node disease, surgical excision is usually curative without drug treatment. Occasionally, lymph node proximity to the facial nerve makes surgical excision dicult, and treatment with clarithromycin and ethambutol has been curative. This raises the question of whether such a treatment regimen might not be more widely applied following a needle aspirate to obtain material for mycobacterial culture.41
growth of the organism (6-24 weeks) and is aided by PCR for IS2404. The lesions are debilitating painless ulcers, and the organism is believed to enter the skin through an abrasion. Early treatment may lessen long-term sequelae, such as contractures and the requirement for extensive debridement and plastic surgery.45 Animal studies suggest that rifampin and amikacin are eective in the treatment of M. ulcerans,46,47 and in vitro data indicate a role for clarithromycin in early disease.48 Recent publications report that a combination of rifampin and streptomycin given for 8 weeks may supersede surgery in the initial treatment of Buruli ulcer.49,50
Disseminated infection
In immunosuppressed patients, NTM infections may disseminate.51 Dissemination is especially common in AIDS patients but has also been reported in patients with iatrogenic immunosuppression after solid organ transplantation or with chronic corticosteroid use, in a small number of patients with interferon-gamma receptor and interleukin 12 receptor abnormalities and, antedating AIDS, in hairy cell leukemia, a T-cell leukemia. MAC accounts for most AIDS mycobacterial bacteremia, generally occurring with CD4 lymphocyte counts below 50 x 106/L.52-54 A variety of other NTMs can also cause disseminated infection in immunocompromised patients. These include M. fortuitum complex, M. kansasii, M. gordonae, M. simiae, M. haemophilum, M. szulgai, M. genovense and M. smegmatis. Other infections have to be considered in the dierential diagnosis of disseminated NTM disease, including TB and disseminated histoplasmosis. Because of the high, 20% per year, incidence of MAC bacteremia, AIDS patients with CD4 counts under 50 x 106/L should be given mycobacterial prophylaxis.55 The use of rifabutin 300 mg once daily achieves successful prophylaxis, but because of rifabutins adverse eects clarithromycin 500 mg bid or azithromycin 1200 mg weekly is preferred.51,56 Patients with disseminated MAC may experience fever, sweats and weight loss. Gastrointestinal involvement is common and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, anemia, mycobacteremia and liver enzyme abnormalities may develop; elevation of alkaline phosphatase out of proportion to the elevation of transaminases is suggestive of disseminated MAC. Lung disease may occur in patients with disseminated M. kansasii and MAC. Diuse skin nodules may develop with disseminated disease due to M. chelonae or M. kansasii. Most patients with disseminated MAC have AIDS and require concomitant antiretroviral therapy. It is important to choose a regimen that avoids a drug interaction. One of the macrolides, clarithromycin or azithromycin, should be given with ethambutol. The role of ethambutol is to prevent emergence of macrolide resistance. Rifampin interacts with most of the antiretroviral drugs, and rifabutin, which is less likely to cause drug interactions, is preferred if a rifamycin needs to be added to the regimen. Some antiretroviral drugs, including efavirenz, ritonavir and lopinavir, should be avoided since they aect
the metabolism of clarithromycin. Aminoglycosides and uoroquinolones are possible alternatives in patients with macrolide-resistant MAC. Treatment of disseminated M kansasii disease consists of rifampin, ethambutol and isoniazid. Rifabutin can be substituted if rifampin is contraindicated because of concomitant antiretroviral therapy. Other NTM can disseminate, and treatment regimens for these NTM are shown in Table 2. In conclusion, it is important to note that the treatment of NTM disease at any site is rapidly evolving. Recent advice on management is provided by the British Thoracic Society Joint Tuberculosis Committee.57 This committee reviewed the evidence on management of these infections and concluded that, on the whole, the evidence is not derived from controlled clinical trials, as very few have been reported. Where possible they graded the evidence according to the same criteria as are used in these Canadian Tuberculosis Standards.
Summary Points:
Principles of Treatment of NTM Disease
1. Patients should be carefully evaluated to determine the signicance of an NTM isolate. The presence of the organism in a sterile site or repeatedly from airway secretions in association with a compatible clinical and radiologic picture conrms the diagnosis. 2. Treatment of rapidly growing mycobacteria should be guided by in vitro susceptibilities. Other drug susceptibility testing is not standardized. 3. Treatment should usually combine at least two drugs of proven ecacy. 4. Contact follow-up is not necessary since NTM are not transmitted from person to person. 5. Duration of therapy has not been determined; in general, 6-12 months is required following negative cultures. 6. In soft tissue infections, because of rapidly growing mycobacteria, a combination of debridement and treatment with antimicrobials is recommended. For selection of antimicrobial agents, consultation with the laboratory should be undertaken regarding the reliability of in vitro testing. 7. Table 2 identies usually useful agents.
12 months after culture negative 12 months after culture negative 12 months after culture negative
Rifampin plus ethambutol minocycline or doxycycline trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole amikacin clarithromycin M. haemophilum Ciprooxicin Rifampin Amikacin Clarithromycin M. genavense Clarithromycin Ethambutol Amikacin Rifabutin M. ulcerans Rifampin Clarithromycin Ethambutol PAS* Azithromycin 1200 mg weekly Prophylaxis of or disseminated M. avium complex Rifabutin 300 mg a day or disease in the Clarithromycin 500 mg bid HIV infected with CD4 < 50 x 106/L *paraaminosalicylic acid
M. marinum
12 months after culture negative for lung disease; for soft tissue disease that is resectable concomitant antimicrobials for 3 months may suce 6-12 months
Experience is limited; 12-18 months reported, but not in all cases Experience is limited; 12-18 months reported, but not in all cases Uncertain; surgical treatment is primary and may require skin grafting Life or control of HIV viremia with rise of CD4
1. 2. Timpe A, Runyon EH. The relationship of atypical acid-fast bacteria to human disease; a preliminary report. J Lab Clin Med 1954;44:202-9. Pauls RJ, Turenne CY, Wolfe JN, et al. A high proportion of novel mycobacteria species identied by 16S rDNA analysis among slowly growing AccuProbe-negative strains in a clinical setting. Am J Clin Pathol 2003;120:560-66. Herdman AV, Steele JC, Jr. The new mycobacterial species emerging or newly distinguished pathogens. Clin Lab Med 2004;24:651-90, vi. Primm TP, Lucero CA, Falkinham JO, 3rd. Health impacts of environmental mycobacteria. Clin Microbiol Rev 2004;17:98-106. Debrunner M, Salnger M, Brandli O, et al. Epidemiology and clinical signicance of nontuberculous mycobacteria in patients negative for human immunodeciency virus in Switzerland. Clin Infect Dis 1992;15:330-45. OBrien RJ, Geiter LJ, Snider DE, Jr. The epidemiology of nontuberculous mycobacterial diseases in the United States. Results from a national survey. Am Rev Respir Dis 1987;135:1007-14. Brown-Elliott BA, Wallace RJ, Jr. Clinical and taxonomic status of pathogenic nonpigmented or late-pigmenting rapidly growing mycobacteria. Clin Microbiol Rev 2002;15:716-46. du Moulin GC, Stottmeier KD, Pelletier PA, et al. Concentration of Mycobacterium avium by hospital hot water systems. JAMA 1988;260:15991601. von Reyn CF, Maslow JN, Barber TW, et al. Persistent colonisation of potable water as a source of Mycobacterium avium infection in AIDS. Lancet 1994;343:1137-41. Phillips MS, von Reyn CF. Nosocomial infections due to nontuberculous mycobacteria. Clin Infect Dis 2001;33:1363-74. Falkinham JO, 3rd. Nontuberculous mycobacteria in the environment. Clin Chest Med 2002;23:529-51. Donnabella V, Salazar-Schicchi J, Bonk S, et al. Increasing incidence of Mycobacterium xenopi at Bellevue hospital: an emerging pathogen or a product of improved laboratory methods? Chest 2000;118:1365-70. Falkinham JO, 3rd. Epidemiology of infection by nontuberculous mycobacteria. Clin Microbiol Rev 1996;9:177-215. Centers for Disease Control. Nontuberculous mycobacteria reported to the Public Health Service Laboratory information system by state public health laboratories United States, 1993-1996. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC: Atlanta, Georgia, 1999;1-13.
3. 4. 5.
13. 14.
15. 16.
Contreras MA, Cheung OT, Sanders DE, et al. Pulmonary infection with nontuberculous mycobacteria. Am Rev Respir Dis 1988;137:149-52. el-Helou P, Rachlis A, Fong I, et al. Mycobacterium xenopi infection in patients with human immunodeciency virus infection. Clin Infect Dis 1997;25:206-10. Corbett EL, Hay M, Churchyard GJ, et al. Mycobacterium kansasii and M. scrofulaceum isolates from HIV-negative South African gold miners: incidence, clinical signicance and radiology. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1999;3:501-7. Haverkort F. National atypical mycobacteria survey, 2000. Communicable Dis Intelligence 2003;27:180-89. Martin-Casabona N, Bahrmand AR, Bennedsen J, et al. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria: patterns of isolation. A multi-country retrospective survey. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004;8:1186-93. Marras TK, Daley CL. Epidemiology of human pulmonary infection with nontuberculous mycobacteria. Clin Chest Med 2002;23:553-67. Wallace RJ, Jr., Glassroth J, Grith DE, et al, Medical Thoracic Society. Diagnosis and treatment of disease caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997;156:S1-S25. Field SK, Fisher D, Cowie RL. Mycobacterium avium complex pulmonary disease in patients without HIV infection. Chest 2004;126:566-81. Kubo K, Yamazaki Y, Hachiya T, et al. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare pulmonary infection in patients without known predisposing lung disease. Lung 1998;176:381-91. Tanaka D, Niwatsukino H, Oyama T, et al. Progressing features of atypical mycobacterial infection in the lung on conventional and high resolution CT (HRCT) images. Radiat Med 2001;19:237-45. British Thoracic Society. Pulmonary disease caused by Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare in HIV-negative patients: ve year follow-up of patients receiving standardised treatment. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2002;6:628-34. Daley CL, Grith DE. Pulmonary disease caused by rapidly growing mycobacteria. Clin Chest Med 2002;23:623-32, vii. Grith DE. Management of disease due to Mycobacterium kansasii. Clin Chest Med 2002;23:613-21, vi. Research Committee, British Thoracic Society. Mycobacterium kansasii pulmonary infection: a prospective study of the results of nine months of treatment with rifampicin and ethambutol. Thorax 1994;49:442-45.
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Grith DE, Brown-Elliott BA, Wallace RJ, Jr. Thrice-weekly clarithromycin-containing regimen for treatment of Mycobacterium kansasii lung disease: results of a preliminary study. Clin Infect Dis 2003; 37:1178-82. Jenkins PA, Campbell IA. Pulmonary disease caused by Mycobacterium xenopi in HIV-negative patients: ve year follow-up of patients receiving standardised treatment. Respir Med 2003;97:439-44. Embil J, Warren P, Yakrus M, et al. Pulmonary illness associated with exposure to Mycobacterium-avium complex in hot tub water. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis or infection? Chest 1997;111:813-16. Hadjiliadis D, Adlakha A, Prakash UB. Rapidly growing mycobacterial lung infection in association with esophageal disorders. Mayo Clin Proc 1999;74:45-51. Zaugg M, Salnger M, Opravil M, et al. Extrapulmonary and disseminated infections due to Mycobacterium malmoense: case report and review. Clin Infect Dis 1993;16:540-49. Whitehead SE, Allen KD, Abernethy VE, et al. Mycobacterium malmoense septic arthritis. J Infect 2003;46:60-1. Enzensberger R, Hunfeld KP, Krause M, et al. Mycobacterium malmoense infections in immunocompetent patients. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 1999;18:579-81. Olivier KN, Weber DJ, Wallace RJ, Jr., et al. Nontuberculous mycobacteria. I: multicenter prevalence study in cystic brosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;167:828-34. Olivier KN, Weber DJ, Lee JH, et al. Nontuberculous mycobacteria. II: nested-cohort study of impact on cystic brosis lung disease.[see comment]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;167:835-40. Schaad UB, Votteler TP, McCracken GH, Jr., et al. Management of atypical mycobacterial lymphadenitis in childhood: a review based on 380 cases. J Pediatr 1979;95:356-60. Gill MJ, Fanning EA, Chomyc S. Childhood lymphadenitis in a harsh northern climate due to atypical mycobacteria. Scand J Infect Dis 1987;19:77-83. Wallace RJ, Jr., Swenson JM, Silcox VA, et al. Spectrum of disease due to rapidly growing mycobacteria. Rev Infect Dis 1983;5:657-79. Albright JT, Pransky SM. Nontuberculous mycobacterial infections of the head and neck. Pediatr Clin North Am 2003;50:503-14. Jogi R, Tyring SK. Therapy of nontuberculous mycobacterial infections. Dermatol Ther 2004;17:491-98.
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Guimaraes-Peres A, Portaels F, de Rijk P, et al. Comparison of two PCRs for detection of Mycobacterium ulcerans. J Clin Microbiol 1999;37:206-8. Brown-Elliott BA, Grith DE, Wallace RJ, Jr. Newly described or emerging human species of nontuberculous mycobacteria. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2002;16:187-220. Dobos KM, Quinn FD, Ashford DA, et al. Emergence of a unique group of necrotizing mycobacterial diseases. Emerg Infect Dis 1999;5:367-78. Dega H, Bentoucha A, Robert J, et al. Bactericidal activity of rifampinamikacin against Mycobacterium ulcerans in mice. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2002;46:3193-96. Marsollier L, Prevot G, Honore N, et al. Susceptibility of Mycobacterium ulcerans to a combination of amikacin/rifampicin. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2003;22:562-66. Portaels F, Traore H, De Ridder K, et al. In vitro susceptibility of Mycobacterium ulcerans to clarithromycin. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1998;42:2070-73. Etuaful S, Carbonnelle B, Grosset J, et al. Ecacy of the combination rifampin-streptomycin in preventing growth of Mycobacterium ulcerans in early lesions of Buruli ulcer in humans. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2005;49:3182-86. Wansbrough-Jones M, Phillips R. Buruli ulcer (Editorial). BMJ 2005;330:1402-03. Benson CA, Williams PL, Currier JS, et al. A prospective, randomized trial examining the ecacy and safety of clarithromycin in combination with ethambutol, rifabutin, or both for the treatment of disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex disease in persons with acquired immunodeciency syndrome. Clin Infect Dis 2003;37:1234-43. Chaisson RE, Moore RD, Richman DD, et al. Incidence and natural history of Mycobacterium avium-complex infections in patients with advanced human immunodeciency virus disease treated with zidovudine. The Zidovudine Epidemiology Study Group. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992;146:285-89. Ellner JJ, Goldberger MJ, Parenti DM. Mycobacterium avium infection and AIDS: a therapeutic dilemma in rapid evolution. J Infect Dis 1991;163:1326-35. Horsburgh CR, Jr. Mycobacterium avium complex infection in the acquired immunodeciency syndrome. N Engl J Med 1997;324:1332-38. Gordin F, Masur H. Prophylaxis of Mycobacterium avium complex bacteremia in patients with AIDS. Clin Infect Dis 1994;18 Suppl 3:S223226.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recommendations on prophylaxis and therapy for disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex for adults and adolescents infected with human immunodeciency virus. MMWR 1993;42:14-20. Subcommittee of the Joint Tuberculosis Committee of the British Thoracic Society. Management of opportunist mycobacterial infections: Joint Tuberculosis Committee Guidelines 1999. Thorax 2000;55:210-18.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
International Global standards Compliance with international standards International reporting International cooperation and standard setting Canada Public health infrastructure for TB control Legislation to support surveillance and control Organized TB control program with a policy framework Laboratory diagnostic capability Drugs and biologicals In-hospital care Public health operational activities for TB control Setting of goals and objectives Program planning, implementation and evaluation Regular analysis of surveillance data and dissemination of results Case nding, case management, contact tracing and outbreak investigation Medical surveillance for inactive pulmonary TB
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Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Entry into or departure from Canada of persons with suspected respiratory TB, untreated active respiratory TB or partially treated active respiratory TB Training and education Consultation Public health challenges in select settings Urban centres Populations at high-risk of LTBI and active disease Destination of recent immigrants from countries with high TB incidence Areas of low TB incidence Remote communities References
Tuberculosis (TB) is a maladie sans frontires. There is no jurisdiction that illustrates this more clearly than Canada, where the majority of patients are foreign-born; among them, the clinical and mycobacterial patterns generally reect the patterns of disease in their country of birth. TB control in Canada cannot, therefore, be divorced from the larger global or international context (see Chapter 18, Canada and International Tuberculosis Control).
Global standards
Since 1991, there has been a global consensus, led by the World Health Organization (WHO), on what constitutes good practice in public health programs for TB. This is what has been termed the DOTS Strategy (directly observed treatment, short-course),1 which is a combination of policies and strategies, as well as techniques to enhance TB control. At the level of policy, the rst principle is the need for political commitment (i.e. declaration of public sector responsibility with a corresponding budget; appropriate management structure; published national guidelines; a sector-wide approach encompassing all existing cases, including those in the private sector; and policies to ensure that there is access to services). System-related elements include an uninterrupted supply of drugs, diagnosis and follow-up through a quality-assured system of bacteriology, a clearly dened monitoring process using international denitions and practices, and measures to protect against misuse of the medications, leading to drug resistance. In March 2006, the Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance, in conjunction with the World Care Council, released the International Standards for Tuberculosis Care2 and the Patients Charter for Tuberculosis Care.3 The standards have been endorsed by many organizations involved in TB issues, including the WHO, the Stop TB Partnership and the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. The aim of the standards is to describe a widely accepted level of care for the management of persons who have, or are suspected of having, TB so as to facilitate public and private care providers in achieving this level of care for all of their patients (see Appendix H, International Standards for Tuberculosis Care).
International reporting
The existence of international standards necessitates a system, using internationally dened indicators, to monitor whether the standards are being achieved. The WHO has implemented a system to monitor the achievement of
global targets and has reported annually since 1999. For the latest global report, see <http://www.who.int/tb/en/>.4
TB control activities in Canadas provinces and territories are organized according to two models: a centralized control program that includes the provision of clinical services, and a program that has both centralized and decentralized public health elements but relies on community-based specialist and primary care physicians for the delivery of clinical services. The rst model, which grew out of the sanatorium system, continues to exist in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and the Yukon, Northwest and Nunavut territories, while the latter exists in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. The evolution from central to decentralized programs in eastern Canada occurred over many decades. In all models, there are three levels of government involved in public health in Canada: local or regional, provincial/territorial, and federal. In the description of the role of public health in this chapter, the management of the clinical aspects of TB control will not be addressed. The public health role in TB can be divided into those aspects that are part of the infrastructure (structure) and those that are operational (function).
Public health infrastructure for TB control5,6 Legislation to support surveillance and control
Every province and territory in Canada has legislation that requires reporting of TB. The specic requirements in each jurisdiction specify who is required to make a report, to whom a report is made and the specic data elements required to be reported. Data elements typically include demographic data, risk factors for infection and disease, the sites and staging of disease, method of diagnosis, including results of laboratory tests, the treatment regimen and outcome of treatment (see Chapter 1, Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Canada). Reporting at the local level is rolled up into the provincial/territorial database and then into the national reporting system. Condentiality of the data is maintained throughout, as required by municipal, provincial/territorial and federal privacy protection legislation, unless disclosure is permitted by applicable legislation.
Public health legislation provides public health authorities with the powers to ensure that suspected or conrmed cases of active pulmonary TB receive timely diagnosis and treatment. While all reasonable measures are taken to obtain voluntary adherence to diagnosis and treatment, provincial/ territorial legislation permits a variety of actions to be taken, including involuntary detention, if adherence cannot be obtained. Individuals deprived of their liberty through detention are entitled to due process and legal representation. Such authority is not often used, but TB is one of the communicable diseases for which it continues to be invoked. In most jurisdictions, detention under public health legislation is only used until the patient is rendered non-infectious and thus is no longer an immediate risk to the health of the public. The expansion of existing TB legislation to encompass the concept of treating active TB until cure or treatment completion (see Appendix C, Denition of terms) has been proposed in the United States by the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis7 and has been incorporated into state TB law in at least one jurisdiction.8 Whether or not this should be included in Canadian provincial/territorial legislation must be carefully considered, engaging a broad-ranging debate among all stakeholders, not least the patients aected and population groups at highest risk. Provincial/territorial governments should, as a matter of policy, periodically review TB-related public health legislation to establish consistency with current medical and public health practices.
Unlike most other communicable diseases, TB has a long duration of case management that necessitates a unique set of policies and procedures. These include national standards (e.g. the Canadian Tuberculosis Standards) that are drafted in consultation with TB experts, updated periodically and revised as needed, and specic written procedures within provincial/ territorial and local/regional jurisdictions that dene the practice guidelines for TB treatment and prevention in the community. These procedures reect dierences in the epidemiology, administrative structures, legislation and resources available for TB control in each jurisdiction.
Public health laboratories serve an important primary diagnostic, reference and reporting function. Drug susceptibility testing is generally only available through the public health laboratory system, as are reference functions such as specialized isolate characterization for outbreak investigation. A central public health laboratory can also bank isolates to maintain a comprehensive database from the entire geographic area for subsequent testing as new methodologies evolve, and such centralization also assists in monitoring longer-term epidemiologic trends. For the decentralized diagnostic laboratory network, the public health laboratory has a leadership role in seeing that essential laboratory tests for TB control are available, accessible, standardized and reproducible, and have high sensitivity and specicity.6
In-hospital care
Some jurisdictions hospitalize persons with active TB, particularly for the initiation of therapy in those who are seriously ill, for infection control purposes, or for management of complications of the disease or treatment. Public health TB control programs should assess the level of access to inhospital services and advocate for sucient bed capacity and high-quality infection control standards. These considerations are especially relevant to the control of drug-resistant TB.
Public health operational activities for TB control5,6 Setting of goals and objectives
It is important that public health TB control programs set program priorities, goals, objectives and targets for achievement of program outcomes and processes. A dened set of indicators should be used and regularly reviewed to monitor progress and to identify areas requiring improvement. This process gives direction to program activities, establishes a framework for program planning and evaluation, empowers managers to improve eciency and provides evidence to advocate for continued and enhanced funding for TB control programs to achieve programmatic goals and objectives. The strategy should also outline the roles and responsibilities of all partners in TB prevention and control.
even more important as the rates of TB decline, because TB is increasingly a disease of high-risk populations such as Aboriginal Canadians and foreign-born persons from countries with a high TB incidence.
Investigation and Follow-up of Individuals Under Medical Surveillance for Tuberculosis after Arrival in Canada (2007)).
Entry into or departure from Canada of persons with suspected respiratory TB, untreated active respiratory TB or partially treated active respiratory TB
Public health TB control programs potentially have a role to play in managing persons traveling into or out of Canada with suspected respiratory TB, untreated active respiratory TB or partially treated active respiratory TB, who may infect other persons if airborne isolation precautions are not followed. Failure to maintain continuity of treatment and clinical care increases the probability that drug-resistant TB will develop, and this may be more dicult and expensive to treat. Guidelines for the management of such situations have been developed by the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee and the Public Health Agency of Canada. Please refer to <http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis>.9
Public health TB control programs, if called upon, serve as a source of information and consultation to the local community regarding appropriate infection control practices in dierent settings (e.g. hospitals, specialty clinics, long-term care facilities, correctional facilities, homeless shelters), the appropriate number of TB isolation rooms to meet community needs, the appropriate diagnostic tests to use in dierent circumstances for the diagnosis of active TB disease, and the screening modality that is most appropriate in a given setting.
the fundamentals of TB prevention and control are similar in any jurisdiction, TB control programs in some settings face unique challenges.
Urban centres
TB disproportionately aects the socially marginalized, emphasizing the social rather than medical aspect of this disease. Large urban centres face particular TB prevention and control challenges by virtue of the number of population subgroups at high risk of LTBI and progression to active disease, the number of high-risk settings for TB transmission and the multicultural nature of modern large urban centres.
investments are needed to retain experienced public health TB prevention and control sta and provide them with regular training so as to maintain accurate and current knowledge of TB and its management. Public health authorities also have a responsibility to ensure that local health care providers are aware of the currently recommended guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of TB. If authority for TB control resides entirely at the local level, provincial/territorial TB control authorities should monitor local TB control programs for any lapses in program activities and for potential problems, such as protracted outbreaks. In jurisdictions where TB control authority is shared between localities and the province/territory, there may be the potential for TB experts to oversee and assist in control activities for several regions of the province/territory.
The providers and the arrangements for provision of public health services to First Nations populations vary among provinces/territories (see Chapter 14, Tuberculosis Control in First Nations and Inuit Populations). However, in all circumstances, TB prevention and control activities in First Nation communities are required to conform to the relevant provincial/territorial public health legislation where the community is located. Maintaining access to diagnostic capacity and specialized care facilities: Jurisdictions with a low incidence of TB may not be able to maintain diagnostic prociency or justify the expense of maintaining a TB laboratory. There also may not be a local facility with the experience and engineering features required for eective infection control to deal with TB patients who may occasionally require prolonged hospitalization or involuntary detention. Therefore, access to these services should be proactively secured at either the regional, provincial/territorial or interprovincial/territorial level and written policies and procedures used to facilitate the timely transportation of patients and/or specimens to these facilities. Shifting perspective from managing cases to preventing cases: Although core control program capacities should be maintained, additional resources may be needed or some existing resources shifted to prevention activities, to achieve a more rapid decline in TB case rates. Raising the prole of prevention may prevent the loss of TB control program resources as case counts decline but will require the support of policymakers and the community. Garnering broad community support for public health TB prevention and control initiatives also has the capacity to improve the trust of public health authorities, improve the eective conduct of contact investigations and expand services for the targeted testing and treatment of LTBI in high-risk populations. TB prevention activities should be restricted to well-delineated projects with access to populations with a high incidence of LTBI and a high risk of progression to active disease if infected, methods to ensure that treatment of LTBI is completed, a feasible implementation plan and an evaluation component to assess whether resources are being used eectively.
Remote communities
Although remote communities face some of the same challenges faced by TB control programs in areas of low disease incidence, these communities have some unique TB control challenges. Turnover of health care sta: Health care professionals in remote communities have a limited number of colleagues with whom to share on-call duties or to consult on complex medical issues. There is often no health care infrastructure to support ongoing medical education and limited occupational, educational and socio-cultural opportunities for spouses/partners and families. As a consequence, remote communities often have a rapid turnover of health care providers, each with varying degrees of TB knowledge. The result may be diminished access to health care, fragmentation in patient care, delays in the diagnosis of active cases and a lack of thorough and timely contact investigations. Without a stable health care workforce there is also less opportunity to educate the local community about TB, which may result in a delay in accessing health care when a person develops symptoms consistent with active TB. Access to health care personnel and facilities: Residents of remote communities may have to travel great distances to receive TB-related medical evaluation, advanced diagnostic procedures, consultations with specialists and hospitalization. As well, patient specimens will often need to be sent to distant diagnostic facilities for testing. The distances involved or the means of access to a community (e.g. road access alone during winter months when ice roads can be built) will often necessitate the use of air transportation, which can strain the budgets of TB control programs and impede the receipt of timely results. Adverse weather that grounds aircraft can also further delay the transport of patients, diagnostic specimens and medications. In jurisdictions with widely dispersed remote communities or with persons who spend prolonged periods of time on the land (e.g. some First Nations communities), the administration of DOT by health care workers may be impractical.
1. 2. World Health Organization. Framework for eective tuberculosis control. Geneva: WHO, 1994 (WHO/TB/94.179). Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance. International standards for tuberculosis care (ISTC). The Hague: Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance, 2006. World Care Council. The patients charter for tuberculosis care. World Care Council/Conseil Mondial de Soins, 2006. World Health Organization. Tuberculosis [homepage on the Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization. URL: <http://www.who.int/tb/ en/>. Accessed Feb. 3, 2006.
3. 4.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Essential components of a tuberculosis prevention and control program: recommendations of the Advisory Committee for the Elimination of Tuberculosis. MMWR 1995;44(No. RR-11):1-16. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Controlling tuberculosis in the United States: recommendations from the American Thoracic Society, CDC, and the Infectious Diseases Society of America. MMWR 2005;54 (No. RR-12):1-81. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tuberculosis control laws United States, 1993: recommendations of the Advisory Committee for the Elimination of Tuberculosis. MMWR 1993;42(No. RR-15):1-28. Florida Statutes, Title XXIX. Public Health, Chapter 392: Tuberculosis control URL: <http://www.senate.gov/statutes/index.cfm?App_ mode=Display_Index&Title_Request=XXIX#TitleXXIX> Public Health Agency of Canada. Tuberculosis prevention and control [homepage on the Internet]. Ottawa: PHAC. URL: <http://www. publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis>. Accessed April 20, 2006. Brudney K, Dobkin J. Resurgent tuberculosis in New York City: human immunodeciency virus, homelessness and the decline of tuberculosis control programs. Am Rev Respir Dis 1991;144:745-49. Canadian Tuberculosis Committee. Special report of the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee: drug resistant tuberculosis among the foreign-born in Canada, 2002. URL: <http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis>. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Progressing toward tuberculosis elimination in low-incidence areas of the United States: recommendations of the Advisory Committee for the Elimination of Tuberculosis. MMWR 2002;51(No. RR-5):1-14. McMahan D, Robertson L, Koch MB, et al. Brief Report. Tuberculosis outbreak in a low-incidence state Indiana, 2001-2004. MMWR 2004; 53:1134-35. Xie HJ, Enarson DA, Chao CW, et al. Deaths in tuberculosis patients in British Columbia, 1980-1984. Tuber Lung Dis 1992;73:77-82. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tuberculosis elimination revisited: obstacles, opportunities, and a renewed commitment: Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis (ACET). MMWR 1999;48(No. RR-9):1-13.
14. 15.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Introduction Denitions Principles of TB Transmission Objectives of Contact Investigation Principles of Contact Investigation Prompt reporting of active cases Initiation of contact investigation as soon as possible Contact investigation conducted in an organized and systematic manner Standard approach to the evaluation of contacts for the presence of active disease and evidence of recent infection Assurance that treatment of LTBI is initiated rapidly in those most susceptible Assurance that the contact investigation is coordinated and carried out by experienced personnel Evaluation of the contact investigation
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Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Contact Investigations in Special Settings Homeless and underhoused persons Incorporating new approaches to contract tracing in special settings Correctional facilities Health care institutions Immunosuppressed patients Remote communities Contacts during air and other public transport travel Possible contact with infectious TB cases during residence or travel in a high TB incidence country Management of a TB Outbreak Denition Goals Managing an outbreak References
The rst priority of a tuberculosis (TB) control program is the early identication and curative treatment of all infectious cases. This reduces the bacterial burden and decreases the risk of infection being transmitted to others. The next priority is evaluation and follow-up of close contacts of active cases in order to identify secondary cases, source cases and those with recently acquired latent TB infection (LTBI).1-3 There is good evidence that close contacts of a case of infectious TB are at increased risk of active disease. During the contact investigation, 1% to 2% of close contacts are typically found to have active disease.4 In addition, in 5% to 12% of contacts found to be infected active disease will develop within 2 years of exposure.5-7
Index case: the rst case of active TB identied. Source case: an active infectious case likely to have transmitted infection to others. The source case may or may not be the same as the index case. Contact: a person identied as having come in contact with a case of active disease. The degree of contact is usually further dened on the basis of closeness. Contacts may be classied as close, casual, or community: Close household contacts are those who live in the same household as the infectious case. Household contacts are considered by denition to share breathing space on a daily basis with the source case. Close nonhousehold contacts are those who have regular, prolonged contact with the source case and share breathing space daily but do not live in the same household. These include regular sexual partners and close friends. Casual contacts are those who spend time less frequently with the infectious case. These may include classmates, colleagues at work or members of a club or team. Community contacts are those living in the same community or attending the same school or workplace.
Principles of TB Transmission
The amount of contact necessary for TB infection to be transmitted is variable and depends on the infectiousness of the source case and the environment in which contact occurs. In general, laryngeal TB and pulmonary TB, particularly cavitary pulmonary TB, are considered the most infectious forms of the disease.8 Sputum or other airway secretions are often culture positive and occasionally smear positive in patients with miliary TB.9 Induced sputum cultures have been found to be positive in up to 50% of cases of pleural TB, even in the absence of pulmonary disease on chest x-ray.10 Therefore, miliary and pleural TB should be considered as potentially contagious.
An important factor in determining infectiousness is whether or not acid-fast bacteria (AFB) are present on microscopic examination of sputum. It has been found that infectiousness is several times greater in smear-positive than in smearnegative cases.11 Other factors that are associated with increased infectiousness include adolescence, adult age, coughing, sneezing and singing. It is important to consider all these factors together in evaluating the infectiousness of the case.1
The environment in which the contact occurs is also important in assessing infectiousness. Transmission is rarely thought to occur outdoors; however, indoor environments that are poorly ventilated, dark and damp can lead to increased concentration and survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis12,13 (see Chapter 3, Transmission and Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis).
Contact investigation conducted in an organized and systematic manner The infectiousness of the source case
The extent of contact investigation is determined in large part by the degree of infectiousness of the source case. Smear-positive pulmonary cases are considered in general to be 6 to 10 times more contagious than smearnegative pulmonary cases, and cases of laryngeal TB are considered 4 to 5 times more contagious than smear-positive pulmonary cases.1,2 Children under age 10 are generally considered less infectious than adolescents and adults, and the investigation of household contacts of a pediatric index case is carried out primarily to nd a source case. However, if children present with adult-type pulmonary TB (cough, cavitation on chest x-ray, smearpositive sputum) they may be infectious, and a contact investigation similar to that for smear-positive adults should be undertaken. Cases of nonrespiratory TB are, with rare exception, considered noninfectious. Contact investigation surrounding such cases may be carried out with the aim of identifying a source case among close contacts. This is especially important if the case appears to have resulted from recent transmission, e.g. meningeal TB in a child.
AFB sputum smear-positive, cavitary pulmonary TB or laryngeal TB cases High-priority contacts include household contacts, contacts under age 5 years, those with risk factors for progression of LTBI to TB disease, (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease, Table 2), contacts exposed during bronchoscopy, sputum induction, autopsy and other high-risk medical procedures, and those exposed in congregate settings. However, it may not be feasible or necessary to assess all such contacts urgently. The extent and order of contact investigation is based on the extent of exposure to the case and the vulnerability of the contact. The rst circle of contacts includes those who live in the same household as the case, as well as close nonhousehold contacts (see earlier denitions). This circle usually does not include classmates or casual colleagues at work. It ideally includes at least 8 to 10 people who would not otherwise be expected to have a positive tuberculin skin test (TST) result. This can be dicult to evaluate when the background rate of positive TSTs is high (for example, people who immigrated to Canada from high-incidence countries or countries in which BCG vaccination was widely used in childhood). In these cases, TST results in Canadian-born children may be the most useful in assessing transmission. Thus, the rst circle may have to be extended to include nonfamily contacts, such as close friends or workplace contacts who are not expected to be TST positive. If possible, testing of the rst circle of contacts should begin within 7 working days of their being identied as contacts. Transmission is considered to have occurred if a secondary case is identied in any contact, if there are TST converters, if the positive TST prevalence rate among contacts is higher (e.g. by at least 50%) than the rate of a similar population without recent exposure (see Table 1) or if a child under age 5 years is infected without another probable source. When transmission occurs, contact investigation should be extended rst to other high-priority contacts who have not been assessed and then to a second circle, which may include classmates or colleagues at work, or those in recreational settings that are regularly frequented by the case. The results of the investigation of this group of contacts are then used to determine the need to expand the investigation yet further. For laryngeal TB, contact investigation should include the second circle of regular contacts from the outset.
Aboriginal Canadian adults Foreign-born children from high TB incidence countries Foreign-born adults who lived for 20 years or more in high TB incidence countries Health care workers Residents age 65 in long-term care facilities Residents in homeless shelters Correctional facility inmates Injection drug users
* Based on Compendium of Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) Prevalence Rates in Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, 2007 (full report available at http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis).
In Canada a high TB incidence country is dened as a country whose average WHO-estimated TB incidence rate over the most recent previous 3 years of reporting is 15 smear positive pulmonary TB cases per 100,000 population. International TB incidence rates may be viewed at http://www.publichealth. gc.ca./tuberculosis.
AFB sputum smear-negative respiratory TB cases High-priority contacts include children under age 5 years, contacts with risk factors for progression of LTBI to TB disease (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease, Table 2), other household contacts and contacts exposed during bronchoscopy, sputum induction, autopsy and other high-risk medical procedures. Other congregate setting contacts are of lower priority. However, each situation should be evaluated individually by public health authorities in collaboration with the treating physician.15-17 Other considerations The decision to expand a contact investigation can be dicult and should include consideration of the probability of nding infected individuals among more casual contacts. Contacts with less exposure have a positive TST prevalence rate that is usually four to six times less than that among household contacts.4,9,18-20
Although sometimes dicult to apply in practice, a systematic, organized approach to contact investigation is ideal for purposes of interpreting the results of TST testing. There is often pressure on a public health department or physician to initiate widespread contact investigation from the outset. When this is done, it is often impossible to interpret the results of a positive TST in individual patients. Contacts may then be mistakenly identied as recently infected and the undertaking expanded yet further. As well, this can lead to widespread concern among other contacts as to the infectiousness of the patient and the risk of transmission to casual contacts. However, in some settings, it is far more practical and feasible to perform TSTs for an entire group (such as a class at school or coworkers in a work setting) than to attempt to identify the specic individuals who were most exposed. Factors such as the ability to reliably measure the degree of exposure of dierent individuals in the setting, the manner in which persons are grouped within the setting, and the capacity to be able to extend the investigation to a larger group if it becomes necessary21 should be taken into account in deciding on the extent and number of persons to be tested. Similarly, in certain settings (e.g. shelters for the homeless) in which contacts may be dicult to identify or to nd, it may be necessary to do widespread testing from the onset. When there is a need to investigate a number of contacts in a single setting, such as school or workplace, it is often best to carry out the investigation on site. This usually leads to a higher number of contacts presenting for testing and for medical follow-up, and is a more eective and ecient way of carrying out the investigation and obtaining the necessary information.21 However, this type of investigation requires very eective organization. Following certain principles will greatly facilitate the investigation: identify a single individual who will be responsible for organizational aspects of the screening; ensure that adequate human resources will be available throughout the screening process; adapt the screening session to the nature of the setting; ensure that screening is carried out at a time that is acceptable and in a manner that oers the best opportunity for contacts to come to the screening; ensure the collaboration of occupational health services, human resources or other administrative sta in the setting; carry out information sessions for as many people as possible before the screening sessions, including contacts as well as other individuals who are present in the setting; prepare a communication plan, and ideally identify one individual who is responsible for the media and communications to the general public;
identify adequate medical and other personnel for timely followup evaluations; ensure that all contacts referred for medical evaluation will be managed in the same way and given the same information; ensure that the necessary results are transmitted promptly to public health/TB control; make all eorts to ensure that the condentiality of the source case is maintained, unless required or permitted to disclose under applicable legislation, and avoid making any reference to any aspect of the clinical history of the source case.16, 21
Standard approach to the evaluation of contacts for the presence of active disease and evidence of recent infection
All close contacts should be interviewed systematically regarding the type and intensity of the contact, presence of symptoms, risk of progression to active TB if infected and history of treatment of TB or LTBI. If appropriate, further evaluation to exclude active TB must be carried out.* Once active disease has been excluded, all exposed contacts should receive a TST unless there is a history of prior treatment of TB or a documented prior positive TST. The TST should be carried out and interpreted regardless of BCG vaccination status. Special precautions must be exercised when investigating close contacts who are pregnant.* Pregnancy does not constitute a contraindication to the TST. However, when a pregnant contact has a new positive TST or a TST conversion, or is symptomatic, she should undergo a single view (posterior-anterior) chest radiograph with double (front and back) shielding of the abdomen. If possible, and especially if the individual circumstances permit (for example, if the patient is asymptomatic and the period of chest radiograph deferral would be a matter of a few weeks), chest radiography should be avoided in the rst trimester. Contacts of patients who are HIV infected are more likely to be HIV infected themselves and should be investigated promptly.14,22 Because of the high frequency and rapidity of progression from TB infection to TB disease in HIVinfected individuals, HIV counseling and testing should be oered to such contacts, as well as to any contacts found to have risk factors for HIV. Conversion of the TST from negative to positive can take up to 8 weeks after infection. Therefore, if the initial skin test is performed within 8 weeks of the last exposure to the infectious case and is negative, a second skin test should be carried out at least 8 weeks after the contact was broken. Investigation of casual contacts (those in the second circle or beyond) should not normally be initiated until the diagnosis has been conrmed in the source case. Although testing should not be unduly delayed, carrying out the tuberculin testing more than 8 weeks after the last contact with the infectious case ensures
that an adequate period for skin test conversion has occurred and obviates the need for further testing. There are almost no indications for a two-step TST in the setting of a contact investigation. Skin test conversion can occur as early as 3 weeks after exposure,23,24 and it will generally be impossible to dierentiate between true TST conversion and a boosted reaction in the setting of a contact investigation. Therefore, any change in skin test reactivity should almost always be considered as a true conversion (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease, for further information concerning the interpretation of the TST in contacts). Table 2 Guidelines for Tuberculin Skin Testing in the Context of a Contact Investigation, According to Previous TST Results
No documented previous TST result In this case, a TST result of 5 mm or more on the rst test or on the test at least 8 weeks after the last exposure is considered positive. Documented previous TST result less than 5 mm In this case, the TST result of 10 mm or more on the rst test or on the test at least 8 weeks after the last exposure is usually considered positive. However the circumstances of the contact must be taken into account. For example, if the source case is highly infectious, if there was close or prolonged contact, if the contact is under age 5 or if the contact has impaired immunity, then an increase of 6 mm from the previous TST result may be considered a conversion. Decisions in this regard need to be individualized. Documented previous TST result between 5 and 9 mm, no history of treatment of TB disease or LTBI In this case, the TST should be repeated. An increase of at least 6 mm is considered a positive result, either on the initial TST or on the second test done at least 8 weeks after the last contact. Documented previous TST result of 10 mm or greater or history of treatment for TB disease or LTBI Contacts who have a documented prior positive TST or history of treatment for active TB disease or LTBI should not undergo post-exposure TST. Evaluation of these contacts should include assessment for signs/symptoms of active TB disease and additional investigations (e.g. chest radiography, sputum examination) as deemed necessary. Clinical history and results of clinical investigations should guide treatment decisions. Very high-risk, severely immunocompromised persons (e.g. those who are HIV coinfected) who are re-exposed to infectious TB after having already completed a satisfactory course of treatment for TB disease or LTBI in the past should be considered for a repeat course of treatment for LTBI.
Assurance that the contact investigation is coordinated and carried out by experienced personnel
Contact investigations may require considerable time, expertise and coordination, and are usually best managed by public health/TB control authorities in collaboration with the treating physician and other providers. TSTs need to be performed by those experienced in the administration of the test and the interpretation of the results (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease, for a description of the method). Contact investigations carried out in work or school settings are often associated with high levels of anxiety and fear. Eorts to alleviate this type of response should be undertaken from the outset. Clear information needs to be provided, and plans should be made to carry out testing rapidly and in a well-organized manner. Communication to those in the setting from all personnel involved in the investigation must be clear and consistent, especially with regard to interpretation of the TST and decisions regarding treatment of LTBI.*
* A recommendation of the Canadian Thoracic Societys Tuberculosis Committee
Summary Points:
Steps in Contact Investigation and Follow-Up 1. It is important that the treating physician and laboratory report all new or suspected cases of TB within 48 hours to appropriate public health authorities. 2. Public health authorities and the treating physician should collaborate to identify all household and other close contacts promptly. 3. Public health authorities and the treating physician should collaborate to interview close contacts regarding the circumstances and duration of contact, presence of symptoms, previous history of tuberculosis, TB exposure and prior TST. 4. Public health authorities and the treating physician should collaborate to ensure that close contacts with no previous history of TB or documented positive tests receive a TST. 5. Positive TST results in the context of contact investigation: see Table 2. 6. A history of BCG vaccination does not alter the interpretation of the skin test results. All such persons, as well as all children under age 5, all those who are symptomatic and all those who are HIV seropositive or severely immunocompromised (regardless of the results of the initial TST) should have a medical evaluation, including chest radiography. 7. Any close contacts with symptoms or radiographic abnormalities consistent with TB disease should have sputum or other specimens submitted promptly for culture for M. tuberculosis. 8. Treatment of LTBI should be recommended for contacts with the following: positive TST (see above) or converter with a normal chest x-ray and no symptoms of active disease;
TST < 5 mm if there is HIV infection and high risk of TB infection (contact of infectious TB, from high TB incidence country or abnormal chest x-ray); TST < 5 mm if other severe immunodeciency and high risk of TB infection; TST < 5 mm in a child less than age 5 years until the repeat TST is negative at least 8 weeks after the last exposure and the child is at least 6 months old at the time of repeat testing.
9. The TST should be repeated at least 8 weeks after the last exposure for all close contacts who had an initial negative test 10. Public health authorities should determine the need to extend the contact investigation according to the results of the investigation of close contacts, the contagiousness of the index case and the nature of the exposure of additional contacts 11. Extended contact investigations must be carried out in a systematic and organized manner public health/TB control should coordinate these investigations* 12. The results of the contact investigation should be evaluated
contact tracing in this population because their lifestyles, housing arrangements and social relationships are unconventional. Information that is easily collected from other individuals with TB can prove very dicult to gather from homeless cases. Questions about where contacts live can result in many locations being listed because cases are often highly mobile. Homeless cases often do not know the names of people they socialize with, so questions about contact names may prove fruitless.
Many homeless TB cases also suer from comorbidities such as alcoholism, drug addiction or mental illness, which complicate the management of TB. They may have poor access to health services and be mistrustful of the health system, which would make them less likely to come forward for treatment. This leads to delays in TB diagnosis, worsening of the disease and prolonged periods of infectiousness resulting in large numbers of contacts who need to be assessed. High baseline prevalence rates of TST positivity also mean that a large number of contacts will require further assessment and treatment of LTBI. 28 Recent studies have suggested that the concentric circle approach (i.e. examining groups at lower risk of exposure only if higher risk groups have a high rate of infection) has its limitations.29-31 Studies have demonstrated TB transmission occurring at times and places undetected by conventional contact investigation.30,31
Correctional facilities
Residents of correctional facilities are known to have a higher prevalence of TB disease.38 Facilities are often overcrowded and poorly ventilated, increasing the risk of spread. Some residents have comorbid medical conditions, such as HIV infection, that increase progression of TB infection to active disease. When an infectious case of TB is identied in a correctional facility, contacts that have spent time with the case during the infectious period need to be assessed. They can include fellow inmates and employees at the facility, transportation sta, visitors, individuals at other sites such as courthouses or other correctional institutions, and family or community members before incarceration. To assist in the identication of contacts, correctional facilities need to track inmate transfers, releases, and movement within a facility and within the system. Correctional Service Canada guidelines are available for TB prevention and control in institutions that house inmates sentenced to 2 years or longer. To view the current guidelines, please see http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis.
converters. Inpatients who were exposed are tested by the health care institution, but former patients, visitors, family members and other exposed persons should be advised in writing of the need to be assessed for LTBI. Notication may come from the hospital and/or public health authority and testing may be done by the hospital, public health authority or personal physician.39
Immunosuppressed patients
Individuals who are immunosuppressed are at much higher risk of TB disease after infection with M. tuberculosis: among dialysis patients in British Columbia, the annual rate of TB was 25 times higher than among age-matched population controls.40 Among HIV-infected persons, especially those with low CD4+ cell counts, up to 50% had TB in the rst 2 years after infection with M. tuberculosis.41 Contact tracing among immunosuppressed patients is complicated by falsenegative TST results due to anergy. However, routine anergy testing is not recommended (see Chapter 9, Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeciency Virus). Interferon-gamma release assays are being investigated as a possible replacement for the TST.
Remote communities
Undertaking a contact investigation in a remote community may be especially challenging. In addition to the distances involved, there may be stang and resource issues. In remote First Nations or Inuit communities there may also be language and cultural barriers to the successful completion of a contact tracing undertaking. Nowhere are organization, education and communication more important. A collaborative, nonjudgmental approach is encouraged by the provincial/territorial TB program, the local public health/TB control program, Health Canadas First Nations and Inuit Health Branch if it has responsibility for the community, local health care providers and the community working closely together to identify secondary cases and contacts and then to see that they are properly managed. Depending upon the circumstances, a mobile or portable radiography unit may need to be brought to the community. Otherwise, a special eort should be made to facilitate the timely transport of persons for investigation. Where possible, directly observed preventive therapy is the treatment of choice for newly infected contacts in First Nations and Inuit communities.42
In Canada, reports of the following TB cases who traveled by air should be made to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) through the provincial/ territorial TB program using the reporting form available at http://www. publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis, (see Reporting Forms). infectious at the time of the ight, which means the case should have been in airborne isolation at the time of the ight as per the criteria in Chapter 16, Tuberculosis Control Within Institutions, Airborne Isolation of Patients with Suspect or Conrmed TB; ight occurred less than or more than 3 months previously; this is because the risk of someone being infected during the ight and developing disease does not cease after 3 months; also, some airlines are able to retrieve passenger records for ights more than 3 months previously; ight of any duration if the case has laryngeal TB (due to increased infectiousness), multidrug-resistant (MDR) or extensively drugresistant (XDR) TB (because of the more serious consequences of spread of infection); ight with a total duration of 8 hours (including ground delays after boarding, ying time and ground delays after landing) for other infectious TB cases. The report should be made as soon as possible (e.g. smear positive, awaiting culture and antibiotic sensitivity results) as this speeds up the process of collecting the necessary passenger information from the airline. Reporting of travel-related cases also applies to domestic Canadian ights. However, the 8-hour guideline for nonlaryngeal, non-MDR and non-XDR cases does not necessarily apply to small aircraft (if they do not have laminar airow and high-eciency air lters) or to trains, buses and other non-air transport because of their dierent ventilation characteristics. When in doubt as to whether transport contacts of an infectious TB case should be assessed, report the ight.
Possible contact with infectious TB cases during residence or travel in a country with high TB incidence
Please refer to Chapter 13, Surveillance and Screening in Tuberculosis Control.
Management of a TB Outbreak
The denition of an outbreak of any disease is the occurrence of more cases than expected in a given time. In some instances, TB outbreaks will be identied only retrospectively, after cases have been found to be linked epidemiologically or by genetic analysis. In other cases, spatial or temporal associations may suggest
ongoing transmission and an outbreak. In low incidence settings, any such clustering should suggest an outbreak and prompt further investigation. The following working denition of outbreak was recently proposed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for planning investigations:14 During (and because of ) a contact investigation, two or more contacts are identied as having active TB, regardless of their assigned (contact investigation) priority; or Any two or more cases occurring (within) 1 year of each other are discovered to be linked, and the linkage is established outside of a contact investigation (e.g. two patients who received a diagnosis of TB outside of a contact investigation are found to work in the same oce, and only one or neither of the persons was listed as a contact to the other). The linkage between cases should be conrmed by genotyping results if isolates have been obtained.
The goals of the investigation and management of an outbreak of TB are to promptly identify the source case or cases, so that the risk of ongoing transmission of infection is rapidly reduced by isolation and initiation of appropriate treatment; to identify new cases of active TB and initiate treatment; to identify persons with recently acquired LTBI, so that preventive therapy can be given before active disease develops.
hospital facilities that can oer airborne isolation, diagnostic examinations and treatment without delay; links to other laboratories and medical facilities to ensure that there is access to additional diagnostic and laboratory procedures as needed; adequate transportation of specimens, x-ray lms and, if necessary, patients; sta who will be able to guarantee supervision of the complete course of drug treatment of all active cases (provision of at least 1 years additional stang after the outbreak is over may be required); communications personnel who will interact with the media and provide regular updates to the community on the status of the investigation; sta and resources to carry out the evaluation.
Ensure that the roles and responsibilities of all those involved are clear
It is also crucial, from the onset of the investigation, that the roles of all those involved in the investigation and management are clearly dened. Collaboration among all levels of health care needs to be established. There needs to be clear agreement regarding procedures to be followed in the investigation and management of suspected cases and contacts. There also needs to be regular feedback and communication among all levels and agencies involved in the investigation.
Rapid diagnostic techniques, including sputum smears and rapid culture techniques, must be available without delay. In symptomatic individuals, respiratory secretions may be obtained spontaneously or using the sputum induction technique. In children and the elderly who are unable to raise secretions, gastric washings may be obtained. Hospitalization is indicated for those who are acutely ill, those whose diagnosis is uncertain and who require inpatient investigation, and those who require airborne isolation and cannot be adequately isolated outside the hospital setting.
Provide information
It is crucial to provide information and results to the community or the setting involved as early as possible in the investigation of the outbreak, with regular updating. This will help reduce the level of anxiety in the community and will likely lead to greater cooperation and adherence to recommendations.
* A recommendation of the Canadian Thoracic Societys Tuberculosis Committee
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Menzies D, Tannenbaum TN, FitzGerald JM. Tuberculosis. 10. Prevention. Can Med Assoc J 1999;161:717-24. Rouillon A, Perdrizet S, Parrot R. Transmission of tubercle bacilli: the eects of chemotherapy. Tubercle 1976;57:275-99. Hersheld E. Tuberculosis. 9. Treatment. Can Med Assoc J 1999;161:40511. Reichler MR, Etkind S, Taylor Z, et al. Tuberculosis contact investigations. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2003;7(12):5325-27. Menzies D. Issues in the management of contacts of patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis. Can J Public Health 1997;88:197-201. Veening GJJ. Long term isoniazid prophylaxis. Controlled trial on INH prophylaxis after recent tuberculin conversion in young adults. Bull Int Union Tuberc 1968;41:169-71. Sutherland J. The evolution of clinical tuberculosis in adolescents. Tubercle 1966;47:308. Lincoln EM. Epidemics of tuberculosis. Adv Tuberc Res 1965;14:157201. Long R, OConnor R, Payayew M, et al. Disseminated tuberculosis with or without a miliary pattern on chest radiograph: a clinical-pathologicradiologic correlation. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1997;1(1):52-8. Conde MB, Loivos AC, Rezende VM, et al. Yield of sputum induction in the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003; 167:723-25. Van Geuns HA, Meijer J, Styblo K. Results of contact examination in Rotterdam, 1967-1969. Bull Int Union Tuberc 1975;50:107-21. Riley RL. The J. Burns Amberson lecture: aerial dissemination of pulmonary tuberculosis. Am Rev Tuberc Pulmon Dis 1957;50:90-106. Nardell EA. Reducing the probability of nosocomial tuberculosis transmission in the AIDS era. Am Rev Respir Dis 1999;142:501-3.
7. 8. 9.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for the investigation of contacts of persons with infectious tuberculosis. MMWR 2005;54(RR15):1-37. Golub JE, Cronin WA, Obasanjo OO, et al.Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis through casual contact with an infectious case. Arch Intern Med 2001;161:2254-58. Rao VR, Joanes RF, Kilbane P, et al. Outbreak of tuberculosis after minimal exposure to infection. BMJ 1980;281(6234):187-89. Richeldi L, Ewer K, Losi M, et al. T cell-based tracking of multidrug resistant tuberculosis infection after brief exposure. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004;170:288-95. Gryzbowski S, Barnett GD, Styblo K. Contacts of cases of active pulmonary tuberculosis. Bull IUAT 1975;50:90-106. Rose CE, Zerbe GO, Lantz SO, et al. Establishing priority during investigation of tuberculosis contacts. Am Rev Resp Dis 1979;119:603-9. Capewell S, Leitch AG. The value of contact procedures for tuberculosis in Edinburgh. Br J Dis Chest 1984;78:317-28. Ministre de la sant et des services sociaux. Protocole dintervention La tuberculose. Montral: National Library of Quebec, Government of Quebec, 1998. Reichler MR, Bur S, Reves R, et al. Results of testing for human deciency virus infection among recent contacts of infectious tuberculosis cases in the United States. Int J Tuber Lung Dis 2003;7:S471-S478. Huebner RE, Schein MF, Bass JB. The tuberculin skin test. Clin Infect Dis 1993;17:968-75. American Thoracic Society, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The tuberculin skin test. Am Rev Respir Dis 1981;124:356-63. Marks S, Taylor Z, Qualls NL, et al. Outcomes of contact investigations of infectious tuberculosis patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 162:2033-38. Li J, Driver C, Munsi S, et al. Finding contacts of homeless tuberculosis patients in New York City. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2003;7(12):S397-S404. Reichler MR, Reves R, Bur S, et al. Evaluation of investigations conducted to detect and prevent transmission of tuberculosis. JAMA 2002; 287(8):991-95. Yuan L. Tuberculosis screening of the homeless: a review. Toronto: Toronto Public Health, 2002. Cronin WA, Golub JE, Lathan MJ, et al. Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in a low- to moderate-incidence state: Are contact investigations enough? Emerg Infect Dis 2002;8(11):1271-79.
16. 17.
26. 27.
28. 29.
30. 31.
Weis S. Contact investigation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002;166:101617. Daley C, Kawamura L. The role of molecular epidemiology in contact investigations: a US perspective. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2003;7(12):S45862. Bauer J, Kok-Jensen A, Faurschou P, et al. A prospective evaluation of the clinical value of nation-wide DNA ngerprinting of tuberculosis isolates in Denmark. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2000;4(4):295-99. Onorato I. Tuberculosis outbreaks in the United States. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2000;4(12):S121-6. Miller AC, Sharnprapai S, Suruki R, et al. Impact of genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on public health practice in Massachusetts. Emerg Infect Dis 2002;8(11):1285-9. Klovdahl AS, Graviss EA, Yaganehdoost A, et al. Networks and tuberculosis: an undetected community outbreak involving public places. Soc Sci Med 2001;52:681-94. Greenaway C, Palayew M, Menzies D. Yield of casual contact investigation by the hour. Int J Tuber Lung Dis 2003;7:S479-485. Driver CR, Balcewicz-Sablinska MK, Kim Z, et al. Contact investigations in congregate settings, New York City. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2003;7(12): S432-38. Grin P, McClenahan D, VandeVelde J, et al. Tuberculosis transmission in multiple correctional facilities Kansas, 2002-3. MMWR 2004; 53(32):736-38. Collins J, Schlager S, Brasher E. Contact investigation of a case of active tuberculosis. Am J Infect Control 2004;32(1):38-43. Chia S, Karim M, Elwood K, et al. Risk of tuberculosis in dialysis patients: a population-based study. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1998;2(12):989-91. Dunlap NE, Bass J, Fujiwara P, et al. Diagnostic standards and classication of tuberculosis in adults and children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999;161(4):1376-85. Heal G, Elwood RK, FitzGerald JM. Acceptance and safety of directly observed versus self-administered therapy in Aboriginal peoples in British Columbia. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1998;2:979-83. World Health Organization, Geneva. Tuberculosis and air travel: guidelines for prevention and control, 2nd ed. Geneva (Switzerland): World Health Organization, 2006. WHO/HTM/TB/2006.363.
33. 34.
36. 37.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Surveillance Denitions, Tools and Goals Screening Denitions, Tools and Goals Targeting Groups for Screening Components of Screening Screening in Specic Situations HIV infection Persons with a history of active TB or high-risk chest X-ray Immigrants The homeless and underhoused Children and adolescents First Nations and Inuit communities Correctional facilities Travelers Other high-risk environments Ethical Considerations for Surveillance and Screening Evaluation of TB Screening Programs References
275 275 276 278 278 278 279 279 280 281 282 283 283 285 285 286 289
Key features of a tuberculosis (TB) control program include surveillance and screening activities.
Summary Point:
In the surveillance of TB, the ultimate goal is to reduce the incidence of disease and the spread of infection, which is achieved through early case detection and treatment, and to identify and treat persons with latent TB infection (LTBI) at high risk of active disease.
In the context of immigration, the term medical surveillance means the referral of immigrants with inactive TB or past TB to local public health authorities for examination and follow-up (see Chapter 15, Immigration and Tuberculosis Control in Canada).
When the focus of screening is the detection of LTBI, the tuberculin skin test (TST) is used. Some persons with a positive TST may have active disease detected on further medical evaluation. New blood tests referred to as interferongamma release assays (IGRA) demonstrate signicant promise as an alternative to the TST (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease). TB screening activities focused on groups that are known to be at high risk of TB are referred to as targeted screening or testing. Screening activities may focus on the detection of prevalent active disease (e.g. active case-nding, such as in homeless persons or refugees arriving from an area of high TB incidence); on the presence of LTBI in persons at high risk of progression to active disease (e.g. close contacts of infectious TB or persons with severe immunocompromising conditions such as HIV); or on LTBI in groups with a high prevalence of infection and low risk of adverse events from the treatment of LTBI (e.g. school children born in countries of high TB incidence). Targeted screening for LTBI is discouraged except for situations in which there are sucient resources and a plan to complete a course of treatment for persons found to have LTBI. Screening of low-risk persons is also discouraged. A number of factors may decrease the eectiveness of a screening program. These factors include application of the screening program to a group at low risk of LTBI or at low risk of progression to TB disease, groups that demonstrate a poor participation rate in screening, and those demonstrating limited adherence to the treatment of LTBI. These factors should be carefully considered (and interventions applied) in the design of any new screening program. Table 1 details the results of published screening evaluations in various targeted populations. Such results may be useful to benchmark an existing or planned screening program. The overall benet of implementing a screening program for TB should be measured in terms of potential rewards and possible harm from the screening itself. 61 Three basic strategies are critical to the prevention and control of TB, as follows (in order of priority): 1. Identication of persons with active TB and treatment completion 2. Investigation of contacts of infectious TB 3. Investigation of populations at risk of LTBI and progression to TB disease.
Persons with HIV infection (see Chapter 9, Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeciency Virus). Public health authorities, primary care providers and HIV/AIDS treatment providers have a shared responsibility to see that these persons are adequately screened and treated. Persons with a history of active TB or with chest radiographic ndings suggestive of past TB who have not received adequate therapy. Foreign-born persons referred for medical surveillance by immigration authorities. Aboriginal communities with high rates of LTBI or TB disease. The poor, especially the urban homeless. Sta and residents of long-term care and correctional facilities (see Chapter 16, Tuberculosis Control Within Institutions). Those at risk of occupational exposure to TB, especially health care workers likely to be exposed to active cases of pulmonary TB (see Chapter 16, Tuberculosis Control Within Institutions). Other groups that should be considered for screening (usually delivered at the level of a primary care provider), depending on local epidemiology and resources, are as follows: Persons of any age with risk factors for development of active TB (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease, Table 2, and Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection, Table 6). Children under the age of 15 years who have lived in a country with high TB incidence and have immigrated within the past 2 years (see Chapter 8, Pediatric Tuberculosis). This includes adopted children from such countries. Persons aged 15 years and older who have lived in a country with high TB incidence, have immigrated within the past 2 years and have either been living with or in known contact with a TB case in the past or are at high risk for development of active TB. Persons at risk of active TB who are employed in settings where they may infect infants or persons who are immunosuppressed (e.g. child care facility or HIV care facility). Persons with a history of substance abuse. Persons who are traveling or residing in an area with a high incidence of TB and who have one or more of the following risks: a high level of risk for development of active TB;
plans to travel or reside for 3 months or longer (see below for specic recommendations based on length of stay and TB incidence rate in the area), particularly if the traveler is a child; intention to participate in a high-risk activity (e.g. health care work, refugee care, missionary or other work that may involve exposure to the resident population).
Components of Screening
All screening programs should include the following: education and community outreach; informed consent; relevant history taking: history of BCG vaccination, contact with active TB, results of previous TSTs, and immunocompromising illness; referral for clinical evaluation of individuals who have a positive TST or are immunocompromised; complete and accurate record-keeping; compilation of summary data, including incidence of active TB in the group being screened, positive TSTs and LTBI treatment initiation and completion rates, to evaluate and assess the need for an ongoing screening program; ongoing sta training. There are several factors to consider in establishing screening programs:2 The condition sought should be an important health problem. There should be an accepted treatment for patients with recognized disease. Facilities for diagnosis and treatment should be available. There should be a recognizable latent or early symptomatic stage. There should be a suitable test or examination. The test should be acceptable to the population. The natural history of the condition, including development from latent to declared disease, should be adequately understood. There should be an agreed-upon policy concerning whom to treat as patients. The cost of case-nding (including diagnosis and treatment of the diagnosed condition) should be economically balanced in relation to possible expenditure on medical care as a whole.
Persons with HIV infection and LTBI have an extremely high risk of progression to active TB disease. Immunosuppression interferes with the sensitivity of both
main screening tools: the TST and chest radiography. When possible, persons with HIV infection should be screened for LTBI with a TST early in the course of their HIV infection. The frequency of periodic retesting will be determined by the background risk of TB. Anergy screening is fraught with inconsistencies and is no longer routinely recommended. 62
Summary Point:
All persons with HIV infection should be screened and treated for LTBI.
Summary Point:
Periodic medical evaluation of persons with inactive TB that was previously untreated or inadequately treated can be considered. However, it is not uncommon for such persons to present with symptoms outside of the screening program.
International migration imposes on host countries the responsibility to develop an understanding of migrant health care needs, among which TB prevention and treatment are prominent. 61 TB incidence rates vary widely among nations and regions.64 Current immigration patterns to Canada are dominated by immigration of individuals from countries with high TB incidence.65 Persons emigrating from such countries may be at a several-fold increased relative risk of active TB when compared with individuals born in a lowincidence country. 8,9,66-69 There is great variability in the risk of active disease among migrants according to world region of origin, age at immigration, migrant type, time since immigration, referral for medical surveillance and socio-
economic status.69,70 Immigrants to Canada represent the largest risk group for nonrespiratory TB disease in the country. While nonrespiratory cases are, with rare exception, noninfectious, contact tracing may be necessary to identify a source case among close contacts.71,72 The epidemiology of TB in foreign-born populations diers considerably, depending on the area of the world from which they emigrate. To tailor TB control eorts to local needs, epidemiologic proles should be developed to identify groups of foreign-born persons in a jurisdiction who are at high risk of TB disease.69,73
Summary Points:
Among immigrants to Canada, there is great variability in the risk of LTBI and TB disease. Epidemiologic proles are a key component of targeted screening activities in this migrant population.
Persons who are referred for medical surveillance by Citizenship and Immigration Canada should be screened after arrival in Canada. Targeted testing of other immigrant groups should be determined by local epidemiologic proles.
Summary Point:
In addition to the increased risk of LTBI resulting from disease burden and exposure to congregate settings such as shelters, homeless persons are likely to be at an elevated risk of infection with HIV, thus increasing the potential for large and dicult-to-control outbreaks.81
collective settings for children and youth, such as child care facilities and job training programs.55 In the United States, the targeted testing of children, after administration of a risk assessment questionnaire, has been emphasized.58,59 Sta and volunteers in educational institutions do not require routine screening for LTBI upon hire or placement unless they are members of another targeted group for which screening is recommended (see above). Some jurisdictions screen recently immigrated child care workers for TB disease and LTBI even though they had not been referred for medical surveillance by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The cost-eectiveness of such screening is not known.
Summary Points:
Children under the age of 15 years who have lived in a country with high TB incidence and who immigrated within the previous 2 years should be screened for LTBI. Targeted screening for LTBI among children and youth in schools etc. may be cost-eective if 20% or more of persons screened have LTBI and at least 60% complete treatment for LTBI
It is well documented that the TB incidence rate in many First Nations and Inuit populations is signicantly higher than in the non-Aboriginal Canadianborn population. Rates are decreasing more slowly in most First Nations and Inuit populations. HIV infection rates may also be rising in this population. All Canadians have the right to good health without distinction of ethnicity, and much work needs to be done to reduce the burden of TB in those populations most aected. Screening in Aboriginal communities can present several challenges, including but not limited to, language barriers, isolation and lack of access to health care sta with experience and education in TB. Interpreters may be required to assess clients. Even those who can speak English or French may be more comfortable with their own language or dialect. Educational material and consent forms should be available in local languages and dialects. Extreme isolation of some communities may lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment. Bacteriologic samples and x-ray lms may have to be sent over long distances for processing and evaluation. Lack of community physicians and pharmacies may also contribute to delays in the initiation of appropriate therapy. High sta turnover in more remote communities means that there is a need for a structured orientation program for nurses, physicians and other sta to increase awareness of TB and training in screening procedures. Aboriginal nurses, clerks, interpreters, community health representatives and other TB workers are among
the many individuals who require TB education. Such individuals are often the rst contact with the health care system. They may be interpreting for unilingual clients and, as members of the community, are usually the most stable element in the program, since many health care workers who are non-Aboriginal are transient.
Summary Point:
First Nations and Inuit peoples of Canada suer from a relatively high burden of TB. TB control among these persons is hindered by poverty, cultural and linguistic dierences, the remote nature of many communities and unstable medical care.
A recent statement from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) highlights concerns of a higher risk of severe adverse events and death from BCG among First Nations peoples. The primary reason for this elevated risk is a high prevalence of severe combined immunodeciency syndrome (SCIDS). The risk of SCIDS in dierent First Nations populations requires further investigation. NACI has recommended that BCG vaccination no longer be routinely oered to infants in First Nations and Inuit communities unless certain criteria are met (see Chapter 17, Bacille Calmette-Gurin Vaccination for details).87,88 When a vaccination program is discontinued, it is important that a program of screening and treatment for LTBI be implemented. The optimal design of such screening programs is being investigated.
Summary Point:
BCG vaccinations are no longer given in some First Nations communities with low TB incidence. The optimal approach to enhanced surveillance in these setting remains to be dened.
Correctional facilities
The potential for very serious outbreaks in correctional facilities has been clearly demonstrated.89-91 Factors that contribute to this high risk include high rates of LTBI and of HIV, and a high-risk environment for airborne transmission in older facilities. The potential for transmission of multidrug-resistant TB in this setting is particularly worrisome. Optimal TB control strategies will be determined by the characteristics of the correctional facility (see Chapter 16, Tuberculosis Control Within Institutions, for details).
The risk of developing LTBI during travel reects the annual risk of infection (ARI) of the population in the country visited.92 There is great variability in this ARI, estimates in 200293 ranging from 0.01% to 3% (Ellis E, Public Health Agency of Canada, personal communication, 2006). Preliminary results from
two Canadian studies suggest that, after 3 months of travel in a country with a high ARI, a post-travel TST with appropriate treatment of LTBI may be of comparable cost-eectiveness as the current estimated cost of treating a case of active TB in Canada.94,95 Other screening options found to be less cost-eective included (1) two-step TST before travel, one-step TST after travel and LTBI treatment for converters, (2) LTBI treatment for TST-positive individuals before travel and (3) post-travel screening with chest radiography alone. Risk of infection is a function of annual incidence of sputum smear-positive disease in the area, the ability of the local TB program to quickly diagnose and treat infectious cases, and the duration of stay in the area. International estimates of TB incidence rates may be viewed at http://www.publichealth. gc.ca/tuberculosis. A post-travel, single-step TST is recommended for most persons, regardless of age, in regular contact with the general population of a country with an acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear-positive pulmonary TB incidence rate of at least 200/100,000 for 3 months or longer; 100-199/100,000 for 6 months or longer; 50-99/100,000 for 12 months or longer. Such testing is particularly important for persons at high or increased risk of progression from LTBI to active TB disease (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease, Table 2). A pre-travel two-step TST and, if it is negative, a post-travel single-step TST is recommended for some persons: Individuals who are not candidates for treatment of LTBI unless recent conversion occurs (see Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection, Table 6, for a list of those who should be treated). Examples include persons with pre-existing liver disease or older persons born in a country with high TB incidence, probably infected many years ago, often with a history of BCG vaccination If such persons TST result is converted during current travel, according to pre- and post-travel TST results, treatment for LTBI is indicated. But if only a post-travel TST is performed and is positive, it is dicult to know whether this represents recent or past conversion. Individuals who will be entering a serial TST screening program for occupational reasons (see below). The post-travel TST should be done at least 8 weeks after the individual has left the country to allow time for postexposure skin test conversion to occur. There is no clinical utility in performing a TST for persons with a history of previous TB disease or a positive TST. For interpretation of the result, see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease, Table 1. For treatment of LTBI, see Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection. Travelers and all persons identied as having LTBI who decline treatment may be candidates for medical follow-up for symptoms and signs of TB disease. The
utility of such follow-up will be inuenced by the individual risk of progression to active disease and would not be expected to extend beyond 2 years. Travelers working in specic settings in which they may be exposed to exceptionally high rates of infectious TB cases, such as health care facilities, correctional facilities, refugee camps, inner city slums96 and homeless shelters, should be screened after 1 month of work if their placement is short-term (as the ARI may reach 17%)14 or annually if it is for a longer term. As is recommended for such work in Canada, a pre-work, two-step TST is recommended to reduce the chance of a false-positive TST conversion when the TST is repeated as part of a serial screening program.
Summary Point:
A post-travel, single-step TST is recommended for most persons in regular contact with the general population of a country with an AFB smearpositive pulmonary TB incidence rate of
at least 200/100,000 for 3 months or longer; 100-199/100,000 for 6 months or longer; 50-99/100,000 for 12 months or longer.
both emergency and routine public health interventions. The developing law is complex and dicult to summarize. Yet, the fundamental ethical themes have remained constant. In 2001, bioethicist Nancy Kass mapped out an ethical framework99 that has proven to be useful for assessing public health programs and interventions. In part based on the United Nations 1984 Siracusa Principles100 and in part reecting basic bioethical principles,101 the framework has the virtue of being far more concrete and practical than either set of principles. It is an analytical tool designed to help public health professionals consider the ethical implications of interventions, policy, research and programs. In the context of TB, for example, these concepts have been used in the United States to provide the justication for directly observed therapy, detention of nonadherent patients and court ordered punishment for failure to comply with a judicial order to be treated.102-104 Kass framework applied to the public health surveillance and screening context may be summarized as follows:
Questions posed by Kass 1. What are the public health goals of the proposed program? 2. How eective is the program in achieving its stated goals? 3. What are the known or potential burdens of the program? Application to public health surveillance and screening 1. Is the goal of surveillance or screening scientically legitimate? 2. Is there reasonable evidence that the surveillance or screening program will achieve these goals? 3. Have burdens or harms of the program to individuals, such as loss of privacy and the condentiality of results, been identied and minimized as much as possible? 4. Can burdens be minimized? Are 4. Is the program modied as necessary to minimize there alternative approaches? identied burdens without sacricing eectiveness or scientic legitimacy? 5. Is the program implemented fairly? 5. Is there justication for disproportionate burdening of a subpopulation by the surveillance or screening program? 6. How can the benets and burdens of 6. Are the benets expected to outweigh the burdens a program be fairly balanced? incurred?
Table 1 Summary of Published Screening Program Evaluations Among Migrants, the Homeless/Underhoused, Children and Adolescents
Publication Tool Setting Haitian refugees, Florida 1980-81 Indochinese refugees, British Columbia 1979-81 Heathrow airport 1980-83 Southeast Asian refugees, Seattle 1980-81 Immigrants referred for follow-up, Manitoba 1981-85 N* 15,544 8,692 Yield 101 (0.7%) active disease 21 (1.9%) active disease 51 (0.1%) active disease 78 (0.8%) active disease Outcome Detection rate dependent on age Many with minimal pulmonary TB Migrants Chest radiography Pitchenik 19824 5 Enarson 1984 Chest radiography
96,638 9,328
Orr 19908
Wang 19919
50,784 865
111 (0.2%) active disease 3 (0.1%) active disease, 329 (38%) positive TST
Blum 199312
Binkin 199613
Illegal aliens for adjustment of status, Denver 1987-88 U.S. immigrants and refugees classied as B1 or B2 Foreign born college students at a U.S. college Asylum seekers screened on arrival in the UK 1995-1999 Asylum seekers, the Netherlands 19941997
Norton 200014,15
4 (0.1%) active disease, 2,039 (42%) positive TST 198 (10%) B1, Response rate: initial 77 (2.4%) active examination 64%-99% disease 59 (35%) positive TST
Annual incidence decreased from 306/100,000 at time of immigration to 50/100,000 at 4-5 years after immigration Response rate to initial examination: 82%; overall: 52%; those referred for follow-up contributed 20% of future cases of TB among immigrants Response rate: initial examination 86%; those referred for follow-up contributed 20% of future cases of TB among immigrants Detection rate dependent on world region of origin Response rate: 98%; positivity rate depended upon age of refugee claimant and country of origin Response rate: 74%; adherence with treatment, 70%
Chest radiography
Levesque 200418
Refugee claimants presenting for primary care, Montreal Undocumented immigrants, Italy Visa applicants screened in Vietnam
58% of those eligible started preventive therapy; adherence with treatment 46% 100 (0.24%) active Detection rate dependent on disease, 209 (0.5%) world region of origin referred for inactive disease 103 active at Chest radiography at entry entry (0.22%), an predicts future disease; age and additional 51 cases country of origin contribute presented in the to risk next 10 months 49 (25%) positive 50% completion of treatment TST for LTBI 58% positive TST Response rate 33%, 55/124 started treatment 1,179 abnormal Detection rate dependent on x-ray, 183 (1.2%) age, no history of tuberculosis active disease or treatment, symptoms and cavitation/consolidation on x-ray 542 (21%) positive 342 started treatment for LTBI, TST 316 with adequate adherence. Screening done in school 227 (33.6%) positive TST, 1 (0.1%) active disease 133 (1.46%) active disease 42 (0.9%) cases active disease, 26 (0.6 %) presented with symptoms 0.7% with active TB, 22% were TST positive Response rate 92%; 6/227 (26%) started treatment for LTBI
213 14,098
Domiciliary veterans
9,132 4,687
Response rate increased from 12% to 42% with incentives Response rate 26%-64%; 80% completed treatment
Barry 198625
Shelter dwellers
N* 970
Yield 314 (32.4%) positive TST, 9 (0.99%) active disease 153 (30%) positive TST 8 (0.6%) active disease, 397/902 (44%) positive TST
Outcome Response rate 100%; 128/314 (41%) started treatment for LTBI Response rate 95%
Domiciliary veterans
510 1,271
Shelter-based clinic Shelter dwellers Shelter dwellers Shelter dwellers Temporary shelter Homeless, San Francisco
Needle exchange
Bock 199935 Kimerling 199936 Southern 199937 Fitzgerald 199938 Rusen 199939 Moss 200040
Inner city, Atlanta Shelter dwellers Hostels and day care centres, South London Needle exchange program, Vancouver Needle exchange program, Toronto Homeless, San Francisco Needle exchange program, NYC Homeless, Barcelona IDU cohort
Response rate for all tests high (> 94%), 23% of TSTs not read, treatment for positive TST oered to 10 (2.5%); TSTs done on the spot 6.0% active disease, 36% completed treatment 37% positive TST No active disease Response rate 44%; 42% follow up of abnormal x-rays 79% positive TST Response rate 27%; adherence with TST reading 81% 32% positive TST Response rate 82%, 8.5% HIV positive 9 (1.5%) active 18% response rate, 5 (56%) disease completed treatment 293 (23%) positive Response rate 78%; increased TST, 3 (0.2%) adherence with rst follow-up active disease from 53% with monetary incentive and peer health adviser 2 (0.5%) active Response rate 96.5%; 91.5% of disease, 15% TSTs read positive TST 809 (17%) positive Response rate 65%, 84/409 TST (20%) completed treatment 3.1% active disease Response rate 95% 0.5% active disease Luncheon vouchers used as incentive 0.2% active disease $5 increased TST completion from 43% to 78% 31% positive TST Self-selected group, 93% adherence with reading of TST 0.36% active Response rate 92%, 86% disease, 32% adherence with reading of TST positive TST 14% positive TST Response rate 94%, 93% adherence with reading of TST 1.1% active disease, 75% positive TST 22% positive TST 94% adherence with reading of TST 6-7 year olds: 8 (1%) TST at 5mm, 3 (0.4%) of whom had reactions 10mm. 11-12 year olds: 22 (3%) TST at 5mm, 12 (1%) of whom had reactions 10mm. 16-17 year olds: 22 (6%) TST at 5mm, of whom 12 (3%) had reactions 10mm. 339 (58%) positive TST; no active cases discovered Response rate: 86%. Results indicate that TST and BCG vaccination should be limited to select high-risk groups in metropolitan area of Montral
TST Salomon 200041 42 Solsona 2001 Chest radiography, TST Brassard 200443 TST Children and adolescents Cantin 198144 TST
Adolescents Foreign-born students, young adults and health professional trainees School children outbreak
1,796 1,198
Rothman 199348
158/290 (55%) of those eligible accepted treatment; 18 (5% of all infected and 11% of those starting) completed treatment 42 (2.3%) LTBI 18 (43%) of eligible started treatment 388 (32.4%) Positive TST rate related to positive TST TB burden in country of birth, BCG and living in a poor neighborhood 48 (68%) positive Response rate 100% (61% in TST; 32/722 (4.4%) non-outbreak school) conversion
N* 179
Yield 34 (19%) positive TST U.S. born: 0.6% kindergarten and 2.2% high school; born in highendemic country: 18% kindergarten and 29% high school positive TST 162 (22.5%) positive TST, 1 (0.1%) active disease 4 (1%) positive TST 268 (3.5%) TST
Screening all children would save costs only when positive TSTs > 20%; targeted screening 5.7 times more ecient than screenall strategy
Yuan 199551
Henry 199653
Secondary school students Urban pediatric clinic Federally funded job training program
Scholten 199956 TST Doering 199957 TST Ozuah 200158 Froehlich 200159 Gounder 200360 TST TST TST
Elementary and secondary schools Immigrant students Ambulatory clinic Ambulatory clinic Primary and secondary school
5 (0.8%) positive TST 942 (4.2%) positive LTBI rates highest among TST minorities, foreign born and older age; 85% with positive TST had a chest radiography and 69% started LTBI treatment 2.1% positive TST Positive TST rates related to place of birth and prior BCG 15% positive TST 89% eligible oered treatment; treatment completion 68% 1% positive TST Questionnaire identied a group with higher infection rates 1% positive TST Questionnaire identied a group with higher infection rates 1.2% positive Response rate 31%-77%, lower TST in primary in secondary school; estimated school and 9.7% in cost per active case prevented in secondary school primary school $123,152 in 1998
Response rate 41%: 56/162 (35%) started therapy; 52 (93%) completed; cost per case prevented $13,493 Response rate 64%; all positive TSTs in adolescents with risk factors Majority of those with positive TST had risk factors Response rate 40%
*Number completing screening, response rate = number completing screen/number eligible Positive = 10 mm induration Positive = 5 mm induration B1 clinically active, not infectious; B2 not clinically active, not infectious
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68. 69.
74. 75.
Barnes PF. Tuberculosis among the inner city poor. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1998;2(9 Suppl 1):S41-5. Curtis AB, Ridzon R, Novick LF, et al. Analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission patterns in a homeless shelter outbreak. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2000;4(4):308-13. Dwyer B, Jackson K, Raios K, et al. DNA restriction fragment analysis to dene an extended cluster of tuberculosis in homeless men and their associates. J Infect Dis 1993;167(2):490-94. Brewer TF, Heymann SJ, Krumplitsch SM, et al. Strategies to decrease tuberculosis in U.S. homeless populations: a computer simulation model. JAMA 2001;286(7):834-42. Kong PM, Tapy J, Calixto P, et al. Skin-test screening and tuberculosis transmission among the homeless. Emerg Infect Dis 2002;8(11):1280-84. Nolan CM, Elarth AM, Barr H, et al. An outbreak of tuberculosis in a shelter for homeless men. A description of its evolution and control. Am Rev Respir Dis 1991;143(2):257-61. Tulsky JP, Hahn JA, Long HL, et al. Can the poor adhere? Incentives for adherence to TB prevention in homeless adults. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004;8(1):83-91. Robertson MJ, Clark RA, Charlebois ED, et al. HIV seroprevalence among homeless and marginally housed adults in San Francisco. Am J Public Health 2004;94(7):1207-17. American Academy of Pediatrics. Red Book: 2006 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases (ed. Pickering LK), 27th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2006. Starke JR. Tuberculosis skin testing: new schools of thought. Pediatrics 1996;98(1):123-25. Lincoln EM. Epidemics of tuberculosis. Adv Tuberc Res 1965;14:157201. Jereb JA, Kelly GD, Portereld DS. The epidemiology of tuberculosis in children. Semin Pediatr Infect Dis 1993;4:220-31. Menzies D, Chan CH, Vissandjee B. Impact of immigration on tuberculosis infection among Canadian-born schoolchildren and young adults in Montreal. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997;156(6):1915-21. Langley J, Ellis E, Deeks S. Statement on Bacille Calmette-Gurin (BCG) vaccine. Can Commun Dis Rep 2004;30:1-11.
78. 79.
Criteria for discontinuation of vaccination programmes using Bacille Calmette-Gurin (BCG) in countries with a low prevalence of tuberculosis. A statement of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. Tuber Lung Dis 1994;75(3):179-80. McLaughlin SI, Spradling P, Drociuk D, et al. Extensive transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis among congregated, HIV-infected prison inmates in South Carolina, United States. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2003;7(7):665-72. Valway SE, Richards SB, Kovacovich J, et al. Outbreak of multi-drugresistant tuberculosis in a New York State prison, 1991. Am J Epidemiol 1994;140(2):113-22. Nolan CM, Roll L, Goldberg SV, et al. Directly observed isoniazid preventive therapy for released jail inmates. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997;155(2):583-86. Cobelens FG, van Deutekom H, Draayer-Jansen IW, et al. Risk of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in travellers to areas of high tuberculosis endemicity. Lancet 2000;356(9228):461-5. Trunz BB, Fine P, Dye C. Eect of BCG vaccination on childhood tuberculous meningitis and miliary tuberculosis worldwide: a meta-analysis and assessment of cost-eectiveness. Lancet 2006;367(9517):1173-80. Menzies D, Oxlade O, Lewis M. Cost for tuberculosis care in Canada. Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada, 2006. URL: <http:www.phacaspc.gc.ca/tbpc-latb/costtb/index_e.html>. Tan M, Menzies D, Pickering J, et al. Tuberculosis screening of longterm travelers to countries of high TB incidence. 8th Annual Conference, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, North American Region, Chicago, IL, 2004. Varghese SWW. Annual risk of TB infection (ARTI) in Mumbai slum communities far exceeds country wide estimates in India. In: North American Region of the International Union Against Lung Disease and Tuberculosis, 2006. Chicago, IL, 2006. Ries N. Public health law and ethics: lessons from SARS and quarantine. Health Law Rev 2004;3(1):3-6. Health Canada. Learning from SARS renewal of public health in Canada: a report of the National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health. Ottawa: Health Canada, 2003. Kass NE. An ethics framework for public health. Am J Public Health 2001;91(11):1776-82.
97. 98.
100. United Nations Economic and Social Council, U.N. Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. Siracusa principles on the limitation and derogation provisions in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. United Nations, 1985. U.N. document E/CN.4/1985/4. 101. Childress J, Faden RR, Gaare RD, et al. Public health ethics: mapping the terrain. J Law Med Ethics 2001;30:170-78. 102. Bayer R, Dupuis L. Tuberculosis, public health, and civil liberties. Annu Rev Public Health 1995;16:307-26. 103. Verma G, Upshur REG, Rea E, et al. Critical reections on evidence, ethics and eectiveness in the management of tuberculosis: public health and global perspectives. BMC Med Ethics 2004;5(2):1-7. 104. Florida Statutes, Title XXIX, Public Health, Chapter 392: Tuberculosis control. URL: <http://www.senate.gov/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode= Display_Index&Title_Request=XXIX#TitleXXIX>
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
The Aboriginal Population of Canada Historical and Cultural Aspects of TB in FN and Inuit Populations Epidemiology of TB in FN and Inuit Populations Responsibility for TB Control in First Nations and Inuit Populations Determinants of Infection and Disease in Aboriginal Populations Agent Host Environment Programmatic Issues in TB Control in Aboriginal Populations FNIHB Tuberculosis Sub-Working Group (FTSG) Resolution of November 2005 References
299 299 299 300 301 301 301 302 303 303 304
In Canada, the incidence rate of TB is higher among Aboriginals than the foreign-born and Canadian-born non-Aboriginals, but the greatest burden of disease, as measured by the number of cases, occurs in the foreign-born.9 While the incidence of TB in First Nations and Inuit populations as a whole is higher than in Canadian-born non-Aboriginal populations, there are wide variations in rates among regions and communities.9,10
TB is proportionately more common among the very young in Aboriginal populations compared with Canadian-born nonAboriginals, in whom a greater proportion of cases is seen in older age groups.9 In western Canada, signicantly greater clustering of TB cases has been noted in Aboriginal than in non-Aboriginal groups11 as well as more advanced disease at presentation.12 In some areas of Canada, the incidence of TB among FN persons living o-reserve, either in communities adjacent to reserves or in the core area of cities (which may function as urban reserves), is equal to the incidence among those living on-reserve.13
Hospital care for FN persons is provided, with few exceptions, in facilities that are o-reserve. Provision of care in these facilities is primarily the responsibility of the province/territory. Public health legislation in each province and territory provides medical health ocers (or equivalent) with powers to protect all persons, including FN individuals living on-reserve, from communicable diseases such as TB (see Chapter 11, The Role of Public Health in Tuberculosis Control).
In Manitoba, central nervous system TB is associated with Aboriginal ethnicity and a particular strain, identied by restriction fragment-length polymorphism, which is prevalent in Aboriginal communities in that province.14 Cytokine assays and studies of in vivo mouse models suggest that this strain is hypervirulent compared with other clinical isolates.15,16
Host Comorbidities
Diabetes mellitus has been recognized as a risk factor for the development of active TB.17 The age-adjusted prevalence of diabetes (predominantly type 2) in First Nations populations is 3.3 times higher among males and 5.3 times higher among females than in the Canadian population as a whole.18 An increasing prevalence of diabetes has been noted among the Inuit.19 End-stage renal disease is a risk factor for the development of active TB among persons with TB infection. The age-standardized incidence of chronic renal failure among Aboriginal people is 2.5 to 4.0 times higher than the national rate, primarily because of diabetes mellitus and glomerulonephritis.20 Undernutrition is a risk factor for TB disease and occurs among subpopulations of Aboriginals.21-23 Alcohol and drug abuse are associated with acquisition of infection and development of TB disease.24 Marijuana and cocaine impair
macrophage function and cytokine production, suggesting a possible role in progression from infection to disease.25 In the 1991 Aboriginal Peoples Survey, 73% of respondents on reserve thought that alcohol was a problem in their community.26 Alcohol and drug abuse occur in both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations. In the Aboriginal population, in particular, substance abuse must be understood within a socioeconomic, political and historical context in order to avoid stigmatization. HIV both ethnic origin and HIV status were recorded in only 2,793 of 14,022 TB cases reported to the Public Health Agency of Canada, 1997-2004. Of the 2,789 TB cases, 348 were HIV positive, of whom 25% (86/348) were Aboriginal, 27% (96/348) were Canadian-born non-Aboriginal, 47% (164/348) were foreignborn and 1% (4/348) were of unknown origin. HIV infection is increasing in incidence and prevalence in Aboriginal populations, and is a strong risk factor for development of disease in those with pre-existing latent TB infection or those who are subsequently infected with M. tuberculosis.9,27,28
Genetic factors
Linkage between susceptibility for symptomatic TB disease and chromosome 2q35 loci near the NRAMP1 (natural resistance associated macrophage protein 1) gene was demonstrated in a large Alberta Aboriginal family experiencing an epidemic of TB.29 Although it has long been postulated that the immune response to M. tuberculosis is less vigorous among Aboriginal than nonAboriginal Canadians, studies of other genetic loci associated with immune susceptibility are lacking.
Aboriginal communities have disproportionately high levels of overcrowded housing.30 In communities experiencing new cases of infectious TB disease, an increased number of individuals will be exposed, leading to infection and disease. The Canadian Tuberculosis Committee has strongly recommended the provision of sucient nancial resources to enable Aboriginal communities to acquire and maintain housing that more closely approximates the Canadian National Occupancy Standard31 and the average Canadian housing density as dened by Statistics Canada.32 The incidence of TB is higher in Canadian Aboriginal communities that are considered isolated, as dened by access to airplane, road, telephone and radio service.30 Diagnostic resources may be limited in isolated communities. Understang and high sta turnover rates are common in many remote communities (see Chapter 11, The Role of Public Health in Tuberculosis Control). Acute health care needs often claim the attention of overworked sta in preference to public
health programs, including TB control. Inclement weather may delay the transportation of patients and diagnostic specimens. Access to functioning radiologic equipment may be limited. Poverty is associated with an increased risk of TB. Poverty creates an external (e.g. crowded housing) and internal (e.g. undernutrition, unhealthy behavioural patterns) environment that promotes TB infection and disease. First Nations individuals with an annual income < $10,000 are less likely than others to use health services.33
unattainable goal is unhelpful for program planning. Thus, in 2005, FNIHB commissioned a report to determine whether TB elimination should continue to be the goal for FNIHB, or whether a new, evidence-based goal could be developed. In November 2005, after review of this report, the FTSG approved the following resolution: Recognizing the current global burden of TB and that no community exists in isolation, most Canadian experts agree that TB elimination is an unrealistic goal in the foreseeable future. FTSG endorses that an attainable goal should be used. FTSG continues to advocate that TB elimination in Canadian Aboriginal populations be the ultimate vision for the program (as per WHO, STOPTB and the International Organization for Migration). In accordance with current scientic evidence, FTSG endorses the following long-term national goal: By 2015, reduce TB incidence to 3.6 per 100,000 among on-reserve First Nations and Inuit peoples across the 7 FNIHB regions in Canada. Such a goal is attainable by intensied eorts. Regional long-term and short-term goals will be developed by each region and will be congruent with the national goal. Interim targets to be dened: % reduction in TB rates in 3 year and 5 year intervals. Indicators to monitor program strategies will need to be dened and nalized.
1. Statistics Canada. Projections of the Aboriginal populations, Canada, provinces and territories: 2001 to 2017. Statistics Canada, Demography Division, June 2005. Department of Indian Aairs and Northern Development. Registered Indian population by sex and residence, 2004. Ottawa: First Nations and Northern Statistics Section, Department of Indian Aairs and Northern Development; 2004 [cited 2006 Feb 27]. Available from: <http://www. ainc-inac.gc.ca/pr/sts/rip/rip04_e.pdf>. Clark GA, Kelley MA, Grange JM, et al. The evolution of mycobacterial disease in human populations: a reevaluation. Curr Anthropol 1987;28(1):45-62. Kelm M-E. Colonizing bodies: Aboriginal health and healing in British Columbia, 1900-1950. UBC Press, Vancouver, 1998;57-80. Wherrett GJ. The miracle of the empty beds. A history of tuberculosis in Canada. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1977;98-120. Grygier PS. A long way from home. The tuberculosis epidemic among the Inuit. McGill-Queens University Press, Montreal, 1994. McCuaig K. The weariness, the fever, and the fret. The campaign against tuberculosis in Canada, 1900-1950. McGill-Queens University Press, Montreal, 1999.
4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10.
Lux MK. Medicine that walks. Disease, medicine and Canadian Plains Native people, 1880-1940. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2001. Public Health Agency of Canada. Tuberculosis in Canada 2004. Ottawa (Canada): Public Health Agency of Canada, 2007. Clark M, Riben P and the First Nations Inuit Health Branch TB Working Group. Tuberculosis in First Nations communities, 1999. Ottawa, Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada; 1999 [cited 2006 February 27]. Available from: <http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fnih-spni/pubs/ tuberculos/1999_commun/index_e.htm>. Kunimoto D, Sutherland K, Wooldrage K, et al. Transmission characteristics of tuberculosis in the foreign-born and the Canadian-born populations of Alberta, Canada. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004;8(10):121320. Chong H, Bochar K, Kunimoto D, et al. The public health consequences of smear-positive respiratory tuberculosis by ethnic group in Alberta, 19982002. Abstract, 9th Annual Conference, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, North American Region, February 23, 2005, p. 9. Olson L. A comparative study on the incidence of tuberculosis among Status Indians and other selected groups in Manitoba, Canada. MSc thesis, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, 1999. Arvanitakis Z, Long RL, Hersheld ES, et al. M. tuberculosis molecular variation in CNS infection. Neurology 1998;50:1827-32. Kaushal Sharma M, Al-Azem A, Wolfe J, et al. Identication of a predominant isolate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using molecular and clinical epidemiology tools and in vitro cytokine responses. BMC Infect Dis 2003;3:3. Petrelli D, Kaushal Sharma M, Wolfe J, et al. Strain-related virulence of the dominant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain in the Canadian province of Manitoba. Tuberculosis 2004;84:317-26. Dyck RF, Klomp H, Marciniuk DD, et al. The relationship between diabetes and tuberculosis in Saskatchewan. Comparison of Registered Indians and other Saskatchewan people. Can J Public Health 2007;98:5559. Young TK, ONeil JD, Elias B, et al. Chronic diseases. In: First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey National Steering Committee. First Nations and Inuit Regional Health Survey: national report 1999. Assembly of First Nations, Ottawa, 1999. ISN O-9685388-0-0. Orr PH, Martin BD, Patterson K, et al. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and obesity in the Keewatin District of the Canadian Arctic. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress on Circumpolar Health 1996. American Society for Circumpolar Health, Anchorage, 1998;340-47.
14. 15.
Young TK, Kaufert JM, McKenzie JK, et al. Excessive burden of endstage renal disease among Canadian Indians: a national survey. Am J Public Health 1989;79:756-58. MacMillan HL, MacMillan AB, Oord DR, et al. Aboriginal health. Can Med Assoc J 1996;155:1569-78. Moatt MEK, ONeil J, Young TK. Nutritional patterns of Inuit in the Keewatin Region of Canada. Arctic Med Res 1994;53(2):298-300. Ledron I, Gervais J. Food insecurity. Health Reports 2005;16(3):35-9. Reichman LB, Felton CP, Edsall JR. Drug dependence, a possible new risk factor for tuberculosis disease. Arch Intern Med 1979;139:337-39. Baldwin GC, Tashkin DP, Buckley DM, et al. Marijuana and cocaine impair alveolar macrophage function and cytokine production. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997;156:1606-13. Statistics Canada. Language, tradition, health, lifestyle and social issues: 1991 Aboriginal Peoples Survey. Ottawa. Minister of Supply and Services Canada, Statistics Canada, 1993. Catalogue No. 89-533. Kemp KM, Kasper KD, Manfreda J, et al. HIV related tuberculosis in the Aboriginal community of Manitoba (Abstract). Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004;169(7)suppl:A375. Public Health Agency of Canada. HIV/AIDS among Aboriginal persons in Canada: a continuing concern. Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada; 2003 [cited 2006 Feb 27]. URL: <http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ publicat/ epiu-aepi/hiv-vih/aborig_e.html>. Greenwood CMT, Fujiwara M, Boothroyd LJ, et al. Linkage of tuberculosis to chromosome 2q35 loci, including NRAMP1 in a large Aboriginal Canadian family. Am J Hum Genet 2000;67:405-16. Clark M, Riben P, Nowgesic E. The association of housing density, isolation and tuberculosis in Canadian First Nations communities. Int J Epidemiol 2002;31:940-45. Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation. 2001 Census Housing Series: Issue 3. The adequacy, suitability and aordability of Canadian housing. Research Highlights: Socio-economic Series 04-077, 2004. Statistics Canada. Aboriginal population prole. Ottawa: Statistics Canada; 2004 [cited 2006 Feb 27]. Available from: <www12.statcan.ca/english/ Prol01ab/PlaceSearchForm1.cfm>. Waldram JB, Herring DA, Young TK. Aboriginal health in Canada: historical, cultural and epidemiological perspectives. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1995. Jones JF, Ritenbaugh CK, Spence MA, et al. Severe combined immunodeciency among the Navaho. Characteristics of phenotypes, epidemiology and population genetics. Hum Biol 1991;63(5):667-82.
21. 22.
Deeks S, Clark M, Scheifele D, et al. Serious adverse events associated with bacille Calmette-Gurin vaccine in Canada. Ped Infect Dis J 2005;24(6):538-41. Jacobs S, Warman A, Roehrig N, et al. Mycobacterum tuberculosis infection in First Nations children in Alberta. Implications for BCG (bacille Calmette-Gurin) withdrawal. Can J Public Health 2007, 98:116-120. Gibson N, Cave A, Doering D, et al. Socio-cultural factors inuencing prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in immigrant and Aboriginal communities in Canada. Soc Sci Med 2005;61:931-42. Proceedings of the National Consensus Conference on Tuberculosis, December 3-5, 1997. Can Comm Dis Rep 1998;24S2:1-29.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Introduction An Overview of Immigration in Canada Immigration Medical Screening Immigration Medical Examination and Assessment Management of TB in the Immigration Context Medical Surveillance Program Immigration Challenges Related to TB Health Care Coverage for Certain Groups of Migrants: the Interim Federal Health Program Conclusions References
309 309 312 313 314 316 317 317 318 318
As the world becomes ever more globalized, travel and immigration ensure that national patterns of disease epidemiology are increasingly reective of the international situation. This is very true for tuberculosis (TB): during the past four to ve decades, the epidemiologic and demographic nature of the disease in many of the developed, primarily low-incidence regions of the world has been evolving as a consequence of migration and population mobility.1 The cultural, social and linguistic diversity of these new major risk groups poses challenges for programs initially designed from a domestic control perspective. Local control in nations with low TB incidence such as Canada, which maintains active immigration programs, may be more eectively attained in the future through international rather than domestic undertakings.2 As well as inuencing broader aspects of TB control and elimination policies at a national level, immigration is important for those who deal with the disease clinically on a day-to-day basis. Understanding the nature of current immigration patterns and the rationale and practices related to the medical aspects of the Canadian immigration process can assist in the planning and delivery of TB control programs at the community level. Finally, it should be noted that the relation between immigration and the management of TB is a challenge commonly encountered by other low-incidence nations with large immigration programs.3
In 2001, 18% of the total population of the nation was born out of Canada. This is the highest proportion of foreign-born people since 1931. Nearly 2 million people (6% of the total national population) in 2001 were individuals who had arrived in Canada during the previous decade.5 Figure 1 Canadian Immigration Intake, 1860-20044
The gures for those admitted permanently to Canada do not include individuals who are in Canada as temporary residents, such as visitors, students and workers, as well as the refugee claimants who have not completed the refugee determination process (Table 2). Table 2 Selected Temporary Residents and Refugee Claimants in Canada, 20044
Male Foreign workers Foreign students Humanitarian cases Other Total 60,513 29,565 13,424 39,822 143,324 Female 30,155 26,970 10,277 34,999 102,401 Total 90,668 56,535 23,701 74,821 245,725 Percentage 36.9 23.0 9.6 30.5 100.0
Furthermore, international visitors number several million per year. All individuals applying for permanent residency in Canada and certain individuals applying for temporary residency are required to undergo an immigration medical examination (IME), which includes TB screening. However, most visitors do not require an IME.
Canada has a long history of accepting those aected by conict, emergency and disaster. The selection of refugees is a formal component of the annual national immigration plan. Through that humanitarian process, populations already determined to be refugees under the United Nations Convention are selected in several international locations. These refugees may be assisted by the government or may be sponsored by organizations and individuals in Canada. They undergo a formal IME, including screening for pulmonary TB, before entering Canada. International entrants who seek asylum in Canada (refugee claimants) have not been screened prior to their arrival. They are referred for an IME after making a refugee claim. The examination is to be undertaken shortly after arrival in Canada. Through this process, TB may be identied before the individual has completed the refugee determination process. One characteristic of Canadian immigration is that large numbers of new immigrants now originate in regions of the world where local TB incidence and prevalence rates are several times greater than those observed in Canada (Figure 2). Rates in those populations tend to reect the epidemiology of the disease in their country or region of origin.7 The second characteristic of Canadian immigration has been the location in which migrants settle in Canada after arrival. The majority of new immigrants and refugees to Canada settle in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia and Alberta, mostly in urban areas such as Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. To a signicant extent, the national TB case load and the demand for TB control eorts mirror the settlement patterns of migrants in Canada (Figure 3). Figure 2 Proportion of Immigrants Born in Europe and Asia by Period of Immigration, Canada, 20016
Mandatory for all Those who will stay in Canada for more than 6 months and who have spent 6 or more consecutive months in a high TB incidence country/territory, as designated by the Public Health Agency of Canada, during the 1 year immediately preceding the date of seeking entry (application) to Canada Mandatory for all who are seeking to work in an occupation in which the protection of public health is essential regardless of length of stay and country of origin AND for agricultural workers from a high TB incidence country/territory, as designated by the Public Health Agency of Canada. The occupational list is available at: <http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/medical/medexamstemp.asp>. May be requested to undergo an IME if a CIC or Canada Border Services Agency ocer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person is medically inadmissible in Canada, regardless of anticipated length of stay in Canada and country of origin.
Foreign nationals applying for temporary residency and seeking to work in certain occupations
A country/territory with a high incidence of TB is identied as a designated country/territory for the purpose of immigration. The designated country/ territory list is provided and updated by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Basically, it represents countries/territories having a 3-year average incidence rate of smear-positive pulmonary TB of 15/100,000. The list of designated countries is available at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/medical/dcl.asp.
screening for pulmonary disease to routine screening for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) using the tuberculin skin test has been discussed and proposed.8,9 This alternative screening method is not recommended as part of the IME, for epidemiologic, technical, cost and operational reasons.10 Use of interferon- release assays for LTBI as part of the IME is under consideration. The medical examination is generally performed by designated medical practitioners (DMPs), who are physicians selected by Health Management Branch for this role. DMPs are supervised and trained by CIC Health Management Branch ocers and perform the IMEs according to federal government standards. There are over 1,000 DMPs worldwide. The list of DMPs is available at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/dmp-md/medical.aspx. DMPs forward the results of IMEs, including x-rays, to one of the 10 regional medical oces (nine abroad and one at headquarters in Ottawa).
Figure 4 Radiological Scoring Form for the Canadian Immigration Medical Examination
Such individuals receive a Medical Surveillance Undertaking Form (IMM 0535B) and an informational handout that provides instructions relating to contact with provincial/territorial public health authorities upon arrival in Canada. They must report to, or be contacted by, a public health authority within 30 days of entry. Since 2003, for individuals who apply for immigration within Canada, such as refugee claimants, the public health referral occurs at the end of the immigration medical assessment process rather than at the end of the complete immigration process. CICs Health Management Branch forwards a notication form to public health or TB control authorities in the provinces/territories and provides an information and instruction letter to the applicant. In February 2006, CIC implemented a new process for urgent referral of complex, inactive pulmonary TB cases at higher risk of reactivation to provincial/ territorial public health authorities. Over the past few years, the number of individuals identied as requiring surveillance has been reported to be approximately 2% of total annual immigration medical assessments (ranging from approximately 410,000 to 445,000). Guidelines for the management of those placed under surveillance and referred to local public health/TB authorities have been prepared by the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee (Appendix I, Guidelines for the Investigation and Follow-up of Individuals Under Medical Surveillance for Tuberculosis after Arrival in Canada (2007)). Since 2002, provincial/territorial public health authorities report the immigrants compliance with the requirement for medical surveillance to the CIC Medical Surveillance Program. The denition of compliance is now dened throughout Canada as keeping the rst appointment with the clinician or being assessed by a specialist designated by public health. Compliance reporting varies by province/territory, averaging 50% over the past few years.
For more information on CICs operational guidelines regarding TB, please contact Citizenship and Immigration Canada Director of Operations Health Management Branch e-mail: HMB-OPS@cic.gc.ca
Health Care Coverage for Certain Groups of Migrants: the Interim Federal Health Program
Immigrants are expected to be responsible for their own health care funding until eligible for provincial/territorial health care insurance, which in some jurisdictions may not be until 90 days after arrival in Canada. CIC manages a health care coverage program, the Interim Federal Health Program (IFH), which was introduced for humanitarian reasons. The IFH program provides temporary emergency and essential health care coverage for certain immigrants in need of assistance during their settlement period in Canada. It is now almost exclusively limited to refugee claimants, Convention refugees and Canada Border Services Agency detainees. If an individual is deemed eligible for the IFH Program, health care coverage for necessary medical care and treatment for TB will be provided. Information on the IFH program is available at http:// www.fasadmin.com and http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.asp. Contact information for the IFH Program: Citizenship and Immigration Canada Interim Federal Health (IFH) Program Health Management Branch e-mail: CIC-IFH-program@cic.gc.ca
The arrival of large numbers of immigrants from countries of the world with high incidence rates of TB during the past 40 to 50 years has altered the epidemiology of TB in Canada. Continued migration will cause the epidemiology of TB in Canada to mirror global TB patterns. Patterns of immigrant dispersal after arrival in Canada will continue to inuence provincial/territorial and regional demands for TB control and prevention services. Current approaches to managing TB in new immigrants in Canada are based on chest radiographic screening of those applying for permanent residency or extended temporary stay (greater than 6 months and coming from a designated country/territory). Those noted to have active TB disease are denied entry to Canada until proof of complete, adequate treatment. Those noted to have inactive pulmonary TB are referred to provincial/territorial authorities for medical surveillance. Recent evaluation of available screening methods indicates that radiographic screening remains the most appropriate screening method for pulmonary TB. While there are common challenges in managing TB in Canadians and immigrants, some are specically related to the immigration process and require CIC to work on an ongoing basis with its health partners to contribute towards protecting the health of Canadians and towards the global management of the disease.
1. 2. Grzybowski S, Allen EA. Tuberculosis: 2. History of the disease in Canada. Can Med Assoc J 1999;160:1025-28. Cowie RL, Field SK, Enarson DA. Tuberculosis in immigrants to Canada. A global problem which requires a global solution. Can J Public Health 2002;93:85-7,91. Talbot EA, Moore M, McCray E, et al. Tuberculosis among foreign-born persons in the United States, 1993-1998. JAMA 2000;284:2894-2900. CIC. Facts and gures: immigration overview permanent and temporary residents, 2004. Ottawa: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 2005. Statistics Canada. Census of population: immigration, birthplace and birthplace of parents, citizenship, ethnic origin, visible minorities and Aboriginal peoples. The Daily. January 31, 2003. URL: <http://www. statcan.ca/Daily/English/030121/d030121a.htm>.
3. 4. 5.
Statistics Canada. Canadas ethnocultural portrait: the changing mosaic (monograph on the Internet). 2003. URL: <http://www12.statcan.ca/ english/census01/products/analytic/companion/etoimm/canada.cfm>. Chart alone, URL: <http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/products/ analytic/companion/etoimm/images/chart.gif >. Accessed May 15, 2006. Wobeser WL, Yuan L, Naus M, et al. Expanding the epidemiologic prole: risk factors for active tuberculosis in people immigrating to Ontario. Can Med Assoc J 2000;163:823-28. Institute of Medicine. Ending neglect: the elimination of tuberculosis in the United States. Washington: National Academy Press, 2000. Khan K, Muennig P, Behta M, et al. Global drug-resistance patterns and the management of latent tuberculosis infection in immigrants to the United States. N Engl J Med 2002;347:1850-59. Menzies D; Immigration Subcommittee, Canadian Tuberculosis Committee. Screening immigrants to Canada for tuberculosis: chest radiography or tuberculin skin testing? Can Med Assoc J 2003;169:1035-36.
8. 9.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Introduction and General Principles Determinants of TB transmission Preventing spread of TB in Canadian health care facilities Risk classication: health care facilities Risk classication: health care workers Prevention of Transmission Within Institutions Administrative Controls TB management program Risk assessment Training of health care workers Early identication of patients with suspected TB Airborne isolation in special situations Airborne isolation of patients with suspect or conrmed TB Environmental Engineering Controls Ventilation Ultraviolet light HEPA ltration Personal Respiratory Protection: Respirators and Masks Respiratory protection program Use of respiratory protection (respirators) (all hospitals)
322 322 324 325 326 326 326 327 327 328 328 329 332 332 335 336 336 336 337
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Personal Controls: TST Screening and Treatment of Infection Baseline tuberculin skin testing Tuberculin skin testing following unprotected exposure Periodic tuberculin skin testing Interferon-gamma release assays BCG vaccination Prevention of TB Transmission in Long-Term Care Institutions Prevention of TB Transmission in Homeless Shelters Administrative controls Engineering controls Personal controls Prevention of TB Transmission in Home Care Prevention of TB in Correctional Facilities TB control program for correctional facilities References
338 338 338 339 339 339 340 341 341 341 341 342 342 343 344
Determinants of TB transmission
TB is spread by the inhalation of airborne organisms. Infectious particles are generated when individuals with pulmonary or laryngeal TB cough, sneeze, sing, play wind instruments or, to a lesser extent, speak. Cough-inducing procedures such as bronchoscopy are associated with an increased generation of infectious, aerosolized particles. Aerosolization may also occur in laboratory and autopsy procedures or during activities such as the irrigation of TB-infected wounds. Once infectious particles have been aerosolized, they are spread throughout a room or building by air currents and can be inhaled by another individual. Inhalation of a single droplet nucleus containing less than three Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria can result in infection.7 The probability of nosocomial transmission of TB will be aected by the following four groups of factors,
summarized in Table 1. In general, the greater the number of determinants present in any exposure the greater the likelihood of transmission. Table 1 Factors Associated with Transmission of Tuberculosis
Patient Factors
Number of infectious TB patients Respiratory secretions that are acid-fast bacteria (AFB) smear positive Pulmonary or laryngeal disease Presence of cough
Diagnostic Factors
Cough-inducing procedures, e.g. sputum induction or bronchoscopy Autopsy, preparation of pathology specimens, mycobacterial cultures
Treatment Factors
Delay in diagnosis Inadequate or incorrect therapy
Environmental Factors
Inadequate germ-free ventilation Overcrowding
The number of infectious patients. The number of infectious TB patients cared for, particularly those whose condition has not yet been diagnosed and who are not receiving therapy, is the most important determinant of risk of transmission. In Canadian institutions to which no patients with active TB are admitted each year, the risk to health care workers should be very low. Contagiousness of each patient. This is dicult to quantify (see Chapter 3, Transmission and Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis), but delayed diagnosis or delayed recognition of drug resistance has been identied as a major contributing factor in almost all reports of hospital outbreaks of TB. Diagnosis may be delayed if manifestations are atypical, such as when TB occurs among elderly and/or immunocompromised persons, who now account for an increasing proportion of all cases. Delayed diagnosis occurs in almost half of all patients hospitalized for active TB, and this often results in signicant exposure for health care workers and other patients.8 Patients with laryngeal involvement may be particularly contagious.9 Most patients with extrapulmonary disease alone are noncontagious, but it is very important to exclude concomitant pulmonary involvement: in one study, 50% of patients with proven pleural TB and no radiologic evidence of pulmonary disease had positive TB cultures from induced sputum.10 Young children (< 10 years of age) are usually not contagious, although transmission has been documented rarely.11 Adolescents may be as contagious as adults. Hours of exposure. The risk of infection during one hour of exposure ranges from 1 in 4 during bronchoscopy of a patient with unrecognized smear-positive disease12 and 1 in 60 during exposure to a patient with laryngeal TB8 to 1 in 600 from treated active pulmonary TB patients on a 1950s TB ward with single rooms.12,13 Even though the latter risk is low, if exposure is repeated often the cumulative risk can be high. For example, if workers had only one hour at that level of exposure each week, but every week had a similar exposure, their cumulative risk would be close to 100% after 10 years. Ventilation. The exchange of indoor air with outdoor (germ-free) air will reduce the risk of infection by diluting the infectious particles. In buildings with sealed
windows and mechanical ventilation systems, a high percentage of recirculation can contribute to nosocomial transmission, unless the air being recirculated is treated to make it germ-free. This can be achieved by use of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation or high-eciency particulate air (HEPA) ltration (see Environmental Engineering Controls). The eectiveness of ventilation in reducing risk of transmission in the institutional setting is unknown. However, it has been shown that ventilation levels in general patient (i.e. nonisolation) rooms is a key determinant of risk of TB infection.14 As well, theoretically the risk of transmission should decrease exponentially with increasing fresh-air ventilation, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Relationship between risk of tuberculosis transmission and germ-free ventilation
The recommendations called for a hierarchical approach to controls, including the following: administrative controls, such as more rapid isolation, diagnosis and treatment of patients suspected of active TB; engineering controls, such as improved ventilation in patient care areas; and personal controls, such as tuberculin skin testing of workers and use of more ecient particulate respirators (i.e. masks). In health care institutions where many of these measures were implemented, there was a dramatic reduction in nosocomial transmission. In fact, over the past 10 years there have been no similar outbreaks reported in North America. Nevertheless, exposure to patients with unsuspected active TB and resultant transmission of TB infection continue to occur in Canadian health care institutions.14,18-20 Given this situation, TB prevention and control programs remain essential within all Canadian health care facilities. However, a signicant concern with many previously published recommendations is the enormous cost they entail, especially for engineering controls. Some of these measures are not of proven ecacy or cost-eectiveness. Most of them are unnecessary in facilities where patients with active TB are only rarely admitted. These realities have been incorporated into the revised U.S. recommendations.6
Intermediate-risk activities
Work that entails regular direct patient contact (e.g. by nurses, nursing aids, respiratory technologists, social workers, physiotherapists) on units to which patients with active TB may be admitted. Members of housekeeping departments may be considered in this risk category if they are involved in cleaning patients rooms.
Low-risk activities
Minimal direct patient contact (in medical records, administration, maintenance); work on units where TB patients are unlikely to be admitted, such as obstetrics or gynaecology. However, classication of such units as low risk may be incorrect if the population they are serving (e.g. foreign-born patients from high TB incidence countries) has a high incidence of TB. Some of the longest delays in diagnosis may occur in such settings. Pediatric units are generally considered low-risk areas; however, TB transmission between two infants has been documented in a Canadian pediatric centre,11 likely through contaminated respiratory equipment. Adolescents with TB are often as contagious as adults, and children aged 0-4 are highly susceptible. Furthermore, pediatric cases may well have acquired their disease from adult close family contacts who may expose sta and patients to TB while visiting. Hence pediatric centres should have TB infection prevention and control programs as strict as those of adult centres.
be designated. This program should include policies and procedures for rapid identication, isolation and treatment of patients, reduction of nosocomial transmission through engineering controls and protection of sta through appropriate respirators (masks), education and tuberculin skin testing. An essential part of this program is annual review of indices of nosocomial transmission. Examples of such indices include (i) tuberculin skin test (TST) conversion among clinical personnel; (ii) the total number of TB patients admitted annually; (iii) the number of exposure episodes, i.e. TB patients admitted whose condition was initially undiagnosed, who are not treated and not in airborne isolation; and (iv) the number of patients whose TB was diagnosed only at autopsy. In medium-risk hospitals a TB management committee is recommended, whose members should include persons with day-to-day responsibility for infection prevention and control and employee health, with representation from senior administration, laboratory, nursing, medicine, other health disciplines (e.g. respiratory technology) and public health. Additional members may be added from other employee groups (e.g. central supply, housekeeping, laundry, pharmacy, physical plant and maintenance). In health care facilities where TB patients are rarely admitted, the management program may consist only of the capacity to diagnose patients with TB disease and an arrangement to transfer all such patients to another centre where the appropriate engineering and personal control measures have been implemented. In facilities with a transfer-out policy, there should be at least one area where patients can be kept in airborne isolation until they are transferred. In regions with few TB cases, the appropriate regional authorities should ensure that there are an adequate number of facilities with appropriate engineering and personal control measures to receive such patients with minimum delay. It is strongly recommended that all facilities make available to their health care workers annual summary information on the clinical, epidemiologic and microbiologic features of patients whose TB is diagnosed within the hospital. This will help to increase awareness of TB in the patient population served by the hospital.
Risk assessment
The rst step of an institutional TB infection prevention and control program is an assessment of institutional risk and the risk for health care workers engaged in dierent activities. This assessment should include a retrospective review of all TB cases hospitalized in the institution, their diagnosis and outcomes over the preceding 5 years. It should also include a review of all results of tuberculin skin testing if available.
well as the importance of administrative, engineering and personal controls in the prevention of transmission.
For all patients with suspected or conrmed infectious TB who are admitted to a health care facility, appropriate airborne isolation precautions should immediately be initiated. This means that patients whose respiratory secretions (e.g. sputum or bronchial alveolar lavage [BAL]) are AFB smear positive or who have a suspicious chest x-ray should be isolated. (This includes children of any age with AFB smear-positive respiratory secretions or gastric lavage, or strongly suspected active pulmonary TB.) Institutional policies should designate persons with the authority (usually the infection prevention and control personnel) to discontinue isolation precautions, monitor compliance with isolation procedures and manage breaches in isolation precautions. Some individuals with AFBpositive smears due to nontuberculous mycobacterial infection and many persons with suspect chest radiologic ndings who are found later to have other pulmonary diseases will be placed under airborne isolation precautions. This is appropriate, as it is preferable to immediately isolate patients who later prove not to have active TB than to not implement appropriate isolation precautions for patients who later are proved to have contagious TB. Empiric therapy should be considered for those cases in which TB is strongly suspected but for whom the diagnosis has not yet been conrmed by smear or culture. If the patient is at risk of drug resistance, the initial empiric therapy should be modied accordingly (see Chapter 7, Drug-resistant Tuberculosis).
Emergency department: If the number of TB patients or TB suspects warrants it, the emergency department should be equipped with an airborne isolation room with appropriate ventilation. Such a room would also be useful for isolating patients with other airborne communicable diseases, such as varicella and rubeola. Whenever patients suspected of having active TB are seen they should be immediately triaged to this room. If such a room does not exist within the emergency department but exists elsewhere in the hospital, patients should be promptly transferred to this room until TB has been excluded or conrmed. Surgery: Surgery should be postponed or scheduled at the end of the day, as much as possible. Sta should wear appropriate masks, e.g. N95 respirators (see below) without valves, as these will protect the workers from inhalation of infectious particles while also protecting the operating eld from contamination by the workers. Air supplied to the operating room should be exhausted and not exit the room to other patient care areas. This is usually the case, because of the presence of anaesthesia gases.
General principles
Infection prevention and control personnel should be notied of all patients with conrmed TB who are in the facility. They should also be notied of all patients who are placed in airborne isolation because of a high suspicion of TB. Patients should remain in an adequately ventilated airborne isolation room (see below). Visitors and sta entering the room should wear appropriate respirators (see below). Visits by children should be discouraged because of their increased susceptibility. TB patients leaving the room should wear a surgical mask or N95 respirator. (N95 respirators are not really necessary for patients, are more expensive, and may be less comfortable. However, some hospitals use an N95 respirator for patients to reduce the chances of personnel wearing a surgical/ procedure mask, which would certainly be suboptimal.) If patients are going to other hospital departments, those departments should be notied. In general, however, movement outside of the room should be minimized.
two or more drugs to which the TB organisms are susceptible) will rapidly reduce cough and the number of viable bacteria in the sputum. Previous studies examining the duration of contagiousness after patients are started on therapy had seriously awed study designs and limited power. As well, this issue has never been studied in a setting equivalent to that of a Canadian hospital, where most workers are TST negative and most patients have conditions that depress immunity. A number of variables inuence the length of time an individual remains infectious. These include the initial level of infectivity, the level of competence of the patients immune response, the duration of and adherence to anti-TB therapy and the presence or absence of drug-resistant TB. Although most individuals experience bacteriologic improvement quickly when receiving appropriate therapy, transmission of multidrug-resistant TB has been reported in U.S. health care facilities from patients whose isolation precautions were discontinued after a xed time interval of 2 weeks of therapy.3 Therefore, criteria for discontinuation of isolation precautions should NEVER be based on a xed interval of treatment (e.g. 2 weeks) but, rather, on evidence of clinical and bacteriologic improvement and evidence of the adequacy of the treatment regimes. In summary, isolation precautions should be continued until patients are highly likely to be noninfectious. Patients with smear-negative, culture-positive respiratory tuberculosis: Airborne isolation may be discontinued after 2 weeks of appropriate multidrug therapy, as long as there is clinical evidence of improvement. The patient may go home earlier, but in hospital should be isolated for at least the rst 2 weeks of therapy.22 Patients with smear-positive TB: These patients should remain in airborne isolation until three consecutive sputum smears are negative. These can be taken 8-24 hours apart, and at least one of them should be taken in the early morning. In addition, there should be clinical evidence of improvement and evidence of adherence to at least 2 weeks of multidrug therapy based on the known antibiotic sensitivity of the patients organism.22 In patients who are no longer able to spontaneously produce a sputum specimen, sputum induction would be useful and appropriate. More invasive testing, i.e. bronchoscopy, is not recommended for this purpose. Initially smear-positive patients may be discharged home after 2 weeks of therapy, even if they are still smear positive. These patients are still potentially contagious. However, their household contacts were already heavily exposed and are often already receiving therapy for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Thus, the risk of further transmission to these close contacts must be balanced by the social, mental and physical health benets of the return home of the patient. However, contact with other non-household persons must be avoided. Hence the discharge may be made only if the following conditions have been met:* 1. Directly observed therapy, if indicated, has been arranged. 2. Household air is not being recirculated to other housing units (e.g. apartment complex).
* A recommendation of the Canadian Thoracic Societys Tuberculosis Committee
3. No infants or children under age 5 years or persons with immunocompromising conditions are present in the household, as they are at higher risk of progressing to TB disease if infected. An exception would be if they are already receiving treatment for TB disease or LTBI. 4. All immunocompetent household members have been previously exposed to the patient. 5. The patient is counselled NOT to return to work, school, or usual social activities, nor have visitors. Indeed they should refrain from going into any other indoor environment where TB transmission could take place. These precautions should be maintained until three consecutive sputum smears are negative. Smears can be taken 8-24 hours apart, and at least one of them should be taken in the early morning. Note that patients should be allowed to ambulate outdoors since the risk of transmission is negligible provided they are not in very close contact with susceptible individuals for prolonged periods of time. 6. There should be clinical evidence of improvement and reasonable evidence of adherence to at least 2 weeks of multidrug therapy. 7. Until three negative AFB smears have been obtained, patients who attend out-patient follow-up should wear a mask while visiting the health facility. If home care or other personnel visit the patient at home they should wear appropriate masks, e.g. N95 or equivalent respirators. In the event that a smear-positive, culture-negative condition develops during treatment, airborne isolation may be discontinued provided three consecutive sputum specimens are culture negative after 6 weeks of incubation. Patients with active MDR-TB: Drug susceptibility test results are usually available within 2 weeks in a smear-negative culture-positive case and 3 weeks in a smearpositive case (see Chapter 2, Mycobacteriology Laboratory Standards: Services and Policies) conrming, or not conrming, the eectiveness of therapy to date. Patients with MDR-TB must remain in airborne isolation for the duration of their hospital stay or until three consecutive sputum cultures are negative after 6 weeks of incubation. Patients with active XDR-TB: Patients with active XDR-TB must remain in airborne isolation for the duration of their hospital stay or until three consecutive sputum cultures are negative after 6 weeks of incubation.
A number of authoritative groups or agencies have formulated recommendations regarding ventilation levels to reduce risk of nosocomial transmission of airborne pathogens, including not only TB but also measles (rubeola) and varicella. These agencies include the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),6 the Canadian Standards Association (CSA),25 the American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE),26 and the U.S. Institute of Medicine.27 These dierent bodies have published somewhat dierent ventilation standards for airborne isolation rooms and other patient care areas within hospitals, see Table 2. Dierences among these recommendations are not based on consideration of dierent evidence but, rather, upon the riskbenet acceptance level. Table 2 Ventilation Recommended for Selected Areas in Health Care Facilities
Area Autopsy suite Bronchoscopy room Emergency department and radiology waiting rooms Operating room or surgical room Airborne isolation rooms Existing buildings New buildings General patient care, and nonisolation rooms CTS 12 9-12 2 15 6 9 2 No. of Mechanical ACH, by Recommending Agency CDC CSA ASHRAE 12 20 12 12 20 12 NS 9 12 15 6 9 NS 20 NS 12 6 15 NS 12 4 Direction of Air Movement (all agencies)* Inward Inward Inward Outward Inward N/A
ACH = air changes per hour; CTS = Canadian Thoracic Society; CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CSA = Canadian Standards Association; ASHRAE = American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers * Direction of airow from hallway or corridor relative to space (inward means from hallway into room). Not stated, no recommendation made specic to these areas. Air-cleaning devices may be used to increase the equivalent ACH. Recommendation is for patient corridors.
placed in them, and these patients pose the greatest risk of transmission of TB infection to other patients and health care workers.14 Yet substantial costs are associated with higher levels of ventilation in terms of initial installation, maintenance and energy costs. Unnecessary expenditures on ventilation may lead to underexpenditures in other areas that can also aect patient and health care worker safety. Recommendations should be based, as much as possible, on published evidence. Accordingly, the Canadian Thoracic Societys Tuberculosis Committee recommends a minimum of 2 ACH in these rooms, on the basis of the only published epidemiologic evidence.14 In this study, conducted in Canadian hospitals, risk of transmission was very low in general patient care areas (including emergency departments) if ventilation levels exceeded 2 ACH. Recommendations of the Canadian Thoracic Society should be considered a minimum, given that the CSA recommends 6 ACH for in-patient rooms in acute-care hospitals;25 9 ACH for emergency departments; 9 ACH for clinic rooms, except family practice, gastroenterology and pediatrics, where 6 ACH is considered sucient; and 3 ACH for corridors.25 It is important to note that none of these CSA recommendations is supported by published evidence.
(ii) Windows and doors should be kept closed at all times. Opening the window may cause reversal of direction of air ow, depending upon the prevailing wind direction and outdoor temperature. (iii) The air changes and direction of air ow should be veried at least every 6 months when the ventilation system is not being used. Direction of air
ow should be tested with smoke tubes at all four corners of the door daily when the room is occupied, unless the room is equipped with automatic pressure monitoring. (iv) The number of airborne isolation rooms required in medium-risk hospitals should be based on the number of patients admitted each year with suspected active TB who require airborne isolation. Airborne isolation rooms should be grouped together. This will make it easier technically to achieve the ventilation required and may reduce the risk of TB transmission to other patients, as well as facilitate care of these patients. In regions with very few TB admissions, the number of isolation rooms in the region should be decided by the regional authorities and appropriate resources made available to the hospital that will have such isolation rooms and receive all patients with active TB.
(ii) Direction of air ow should be inward (negative pressure). (iii) The air should be exhausted through a dedicated exhaust system or HEPA ltered. (iv) The smaller the room, the better and more practical. Ideally, specially constructed booths, which are commercially available, should be used. (v) Doors/windows should remain closed during and after the procedure long enough for air clearance in the room.
(ii) Direction of air ow should be inward (negative pressure). (iii) The air should be exhausted through a dedicated exhaust system or HEPA ltered. (iv) Doors/windows should remain closed during and after the procedure long enough for air clearance in the room.
TB and pathology laboratories (See Chapter 2, Mycobacteriology Laboratory Standards: Services and Policies) Entering rooms after generation of infectious aerosols has ended
Sta often question when a room can safely be entered by personnel or used for another procedure, after generation of infectious aerosols has ceased. For
example, when can a bronchoscopy suite safely be used after completing the bronchoscopy of a patient suspected of having active TB? As shown in Table 3, this is dependent upon the level of ventilation expressed as ACH. Table 3 Time Needed to Remove Airborne Contaminants after Generation of Infectious Droplet Nuclei Has Ceased, by Number of Air Changes per Hour
Air Changes per Hour 2 4 6 12 15 20 50 Minutes Required for Removal at Two Levels of Efciency 99% 99.9% 138 207 69 104 46 69 23 35 18 28 7 14 3 6
ACPH = air changes per hour * This table was adapted from reference #6.
The values apply to a room in which the generation of aerosols has ceased, and they assume perfect mixing of the air in the room with a mixing factor of 1.0. If the mixing factor is known to be greater than 1.0, the minutes in the table should be multiplied by the mixing factor to determine the true room clearance time.
Ultraviolet light
There is good evidence that ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) has excellent germicidal activity against M. tuberculosis and can reduce infectious droplet concentrations by an amount equivalent to ventilation with 20 ACH, depending upon the room volume and type of lights used.24 Use of UVGI has been considered controversial because of potential skin cancer and eye complications. However, the risk of skin cancer with new, commercially available UVGI units is essentially nil. Possible eye complications can be avoided by proper installation of these units, which should be regularly inspected and maintained. There have been very few studies to evaluate the ecacy of UVGI, although this technology is being used with increasing frequency in some setting, such as homeless shelters, to improve germ-free ventilation without the cost of renovating the heating-ventilation-air conditioning (HVAC) system.
(ii) Within ventilation air ducts that are exhausting air to the outside. (iii) Within ventilation air ducts that are treating recirculated air that is returned back into the same space. (iv) Within portable air cleaning units.
(ii) Areas where exposure is unpredictable, such as the emergency department in medium-risk hospitals. If upper air UVGI is used, the units should be installed above head height and should be constructed with baes so that the room occupants cannot directly see the UVGI light. The units should be inspected every 6 months. It is also recommended to seek the help of someone with expertise in the use of UVGI prior to purchase and installation.
HEPA ltration
HEPA ltration can be used to lter the exhaust from airborne isolation rooms or bronchoscopy suites. Small HEPA units (xed or portable) may also be used to lter recirculated air in a room to increase the germ-free ventilation without the need for an increase in the amount of outdoor air supplied. The HEPA lters require careful monitoring and must be changed regularly, as clogged lters will result in a decrease in eective germ-free ventilation. For further information on HEPA ltration, please refer to the recent CDC guidelines.6 With both UVGI and HEPA ltration environmental controls, regular maintenance and documentation is necessary it has been anecdotally observed that maintenance is often neglected, a situation that may render these controls essentially useless.
of particles of 1 micron size or greater. N95 respirators meet these criteria and are commonly used by health care workers in North America when caring for TB patients. In addition to these characteristics, it is important to select a respirator that will t more than 90% of workers. It will be necessary to provide more than one respirator, as no one model will t all workers faces. Another important component of a hospital respiratory protection program is education of health care workers regarding occupational risk of TB, the role of respiratory protection in reducing that risk and the importance of wearing the respirators properly, so that there is a tight facial seal. In some Canadian provinces/territories, formal respirator t testing is required. However, there is no published evidence to date showing that a t testing program results in reduction in the risk of nosocomial TB transmission or published evidence of other benets for health care workers.27 When TB patients are housed in negative pressure isolation rooms, the contribution of N95 respirators in preventing sta transmission is minimal.28 Hence it is unlikely that formal respirator t testing will have any signicant impact in these settings. Furthermore, the reproducibility of t-testing is poor.29,30
episode) must be considered at risk of infection.* This includes situations in which the health care worker was not wearing a respirator and the patients TB was undiagnosed, the patient was not in isolation and/or was not treated for a sucient length of time. For TST-negative workers, a TST should be done immediately and, if negative, repeated after 8 to 12 weeks. If TST conversion occurs, the worker should be referred for chest radiography and medical evaluation. As this is a contact investigation, see Chapter 12, Contact Follow-up and Outbreak Management in Tuberculosis Control, for interpretation of the TST result and subsequent management. If the worker was previously TST positive, there is no value in doing a TST now. The worker should be educated regarding the signs or symptoms of TB. If such symptoms develop, posterior-anterior and lateral chest radiography should be performed, and three sputum specimens should be tested for AFB.
BCG vaccination
BCG vaccination is a very controversial subject, because the ecacy of BCG vaccination has varied from zero to more than 80% in dierent randomized
* A recommendation of the Canadian Thoracic Societys Tuberculosis Committee
controlled trials.33 On the other hand, in several studies TST screening programs with provision of isoniazid to those with positive results have had overall ecacy of less than 20% because of poor compliance with screening and treatment recommendations.34-40 BCG vaccination received in adult life will render subsequent TSTs uninterpretable. Therefore, hospital programs should either put considerable emphasis on proper performance of tuberculin skin testing with close follow-up to ensure that employees found to have TST conversion are evaluated and managed appropriately, or choose to go the route of BCG vaccination. A program cannot use BCG vaccination and also use periodic tuberculin skin testing for the same employees. This being said, we are unaware of any Canadian facility that routinely oers BCG vaccination, although this may be considered in TST-negative workers potentially exposed to multidrugresistant TB (see Chapter 17, Bacille Calmette-Gurin Vaccination in Canada and the Canadian Immunization Guide).41
Long-term care institutions include homes for the aged, nursing homes, chronic care facilities, retirement homes or any other collective living centre. At the time of hiring, all employees and regular volunteers should have a twostep TST (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease) unless they have documented results of prior two-step tests. If prior results are used, these should be transcribed into the employees health record. A regular volunteer may be dened as one who expects to work 150 or more hours during the next year, meaning approximately a half day per week. Volunteers expecting to work less than 150 hours during the next year should be tested if they are from a population group with increased risk of active TB or LTBI (e.g. from a high TB incidence country or high TB incidence Canadian Aboriginal community), give a history of prior contact with a known or suspected TB case or are HIV seropositive. If they have a history of active TB or a history of a chest x-ray suggesting possible past TB or have symptoms consistent with active TB (fever, cough for more than 3 weeks, unexplained weight loss, hemoptysis, loss of appetite, fevers or night sweats), then a TST should NOT be done, but these individuals should be referred for medical evaluation. Annual screening of sta and regular volunteers depends upon the occurrence of TST conversion among the sta and volunteers. In general, it can be discontinued if the annual TST conversion rate is less than 0.5%. Whether serial screening is performed or not, employees known to be TST positive should be instructed to promptly report any symptoms suggesting TB, such as cough of more than 3 weeks duration with or without fever, night sweats or weight loss. Residents should undergo baseline posterior-anterior and lateral chest radiography on acceptance to the institution. If they have documented results of a prior TST, these should be transcribed into their record. However, if no prior TST results are available then the decision to perform routine baseline TST (including the two-step TST, Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease) is controversial. The Canadian Thoracic Societys Tuberculosis Committee does not recommend a routine baseline TST, but it may be required
by public health authorities in some Canadian provinces/territories. The primary purpose of these TSTs is to establish a reliable baseline for comparison in the event that a resident is exposed to an infectious TB case. Thus the decision to routinely screen should be based on past incidence of active TB in the patient population served by the institution. In most long-term care institutions TB is rare, and two-step testing may be dicult to complete. In these settings a baseline TST is not recommended. If the population of residents is at increased risk of active TB (e.g. they are from a high TB incidence country or high incidence Canadian Aboriginal community, former urban poor or HIV infected), then baseline two-step TST is warranted. Serial (e.g. annual) TSTs are not necessary for residents.
Administrative controls
Recommendations for the use of TSTs and active case nding are given in Chapter 13, Surveillance and Screening in Tuberculosis Control. Screening for LTBI among the homeless can be labour intensive, while adherence to therapy of LTBI is often low. Furthermore, following up contacts of active cases can be extremely dicult and quite inaccurate as many contacts are invariably missed. Active case nding can also be challenging, as a large proportion of homeless persons may have chronic cough and other symptoms that can imitate the symptoms of TB. In centres where there is evidence of ongoing transmission, surveillance strategies will likely not be sucient in controlling spread of the disease.
Engineering controls
Given the diculties in performing contact tracing and active case nding in the homeless population, primary prevention of TB through improving ventilation is perhaps the most important control strategy. Experimental evidence suggests that improving the fresh air ventilation can result in a dramatic decrease in TB transmission, especially in shelters with inadequate ventilation. For areas frequented by clients it is recommended that shelters should provide fresh air ventilation of 6 ACH or 0.708 m3 (25 cubic feet) per minute per person, whichever is higher. Shelters that cannot aord upgrades to their HVAC systems to provide 6 ACH should consider appropriately placed UVGI systems, as these can achieve equivalent air exchanges at a fraction of the cost.42
Personal controls
Employees and regular volunteers of shelters have an increased risk of becoming infected with TB, because of frequent exposure to undiagnosed cases, inadequate ventilation in some settings and lack of appropriate respirators (masks) in
some settings. It is strongly recommended that these sta have a two-step TST (see Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease) before hire/placement unless they have documented results of a prior two-step test. If previous results are used, these should be transcribed into the persons health record. Those with a negative baseline TST should receive an annual TST. All TST conversions among shelter sta should be reported to the local public health authority, as this may be indicative of TB transmission within the facility. Sta with a positive TST at baseline or on annual screening should be assessed by a physician knowledgeable in the treatment of LTBI.
5. The density of inmates may be high. 6. Transfer of inmates within and between facilities may be frequent.
Environmental controls
General inmate areas (cells, dining and indoor recreation) should have germfree fresh air ventilation of at least 2 ACH for purposes of TB control. Higher ACH may be necessary to comply with building codes for comfort and other reasons. Airborne isolation rooms (cells) exist across Canada in CSC facilities with at least one per geographic/administrative region. The ventilation required for these rooms is a minimum of 6 ACH in existing prisons and 9 ACH in new facilities. The direction of air ow should be into the room, then exhausted outdoors. This should be veried with smoke tubes at four corners of the door when the room is occupied. Adjunctive use of HEPA ltration units and UVGI can be considered, especially in older correctional facilities where it is not practical or feasible to achieve the recommended levels of outdoor (fresh) air ventilation.
Tuberculin skin testing and treatment of LTBI for inmates and staff
Inmates who will likely stay for 1 year or longer in any correctional facility should be screened for active disease and LTBI at admission using the two-step TST. Inmates with a positive TST, symptoms or signs of TB or a past history of TB should have chest radiography and medical evaluation. Past TB-related history should be ascertained carefully. This should include results of previous TSTs and chest radiography, as well as any prior treatment for LTBI or active disease. Incomplete treatment should prompt a thorough evaluation for possible active TB, including chest radiography, medical evaluation and sputum for AFB smears and cultures. To obtain an accurate past history in this population can be dicult but could be considerably simplied through access to a comprehensive electronic medical database. Long-term inmates should be re-assessed on an annual basis for symptoms or signs of TB and should receive a TST if the previous one was negative. Inmates who will likely stay for less than 1 year in a provincial/territorial correctional facility should be assessed at admission for any symptoms or signs of TB, past history of TB diagnosis or treatment, and known immunosuppression, especially HIV infection. If any are present, chest radiography and medical evaluation are recommended. All correctional facility sta should be assessed for symptoms or signs of TB on hire. It is strongly recommended that these individuals have a two-step TST at the same time, unless they have documented results of a prior two-step test. If previous results are used, these should be transcribed into the persons health record. Treatment of LTBI is recommended for inmates and for sta with an increased risk of TB disease (see Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection, Table 6).
1. 2. Sepkowitz K. Tuberculosis and the health care worker: a historical perspective. Ann Intern Med 1994;120:71-9. Holton D, Paton S, Gibson H, et al. Status of tuberculosis infection control programs in Canadian acute care hospitals, 1989-1993: Part 1. Can J Infect Dis 1997;8(4):188-94. Menzies D, Fanning A, Yuan L, Fitzgerald M. Tuberculosis among health care workers. N Engl J Med 1995;332(2):92-8. Joshi R, Reingold A, Menzies D, Pai M. Tuberculosis among healthcare workers in low and middle income countries: a systematic review. PLoS Med 2006;3(12):e494. Menzies D, Joshi R, Pai M. Risk of tuberculosis infection and disease associated with work in health care settings. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2007;6:593-605.
3. 4.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for preventing the transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in health-care settings, 2005. MMWR 2005;54(RR-17): 1-142. Wells WF. Airborne contagion and air hygiene. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1955. Greenaway C, Grewal R, Fanning A, et al. Delay in diagnosis among hospitalized patients with active TB predictors and outcomes. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002;165(927):933. Muecke C, Isler M, Menzies D, et al. The use of environmental factors as adjuncts to traditional tuberculosis contact investigation. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2006;10(5):530-35. Conde MB, Loivos AC, Rezende VM, et al. Yield of sputum induction in the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;167:723-25. Crockett M, King SM, Kitai I, et al. Nosocomial transmission of congenital tuberculosis in a neonatal intensive care unit. Clin Infect Dis 2004; 39(11):1719-1723. Catanzaro A. Nosocomial tuberculosis. Am Rev Respir Dis 1982;125:55962. Riley RL, Mills CC, Nyka W, et al. Aerial dissemination of pulmonary tuberculosis: a two year study of contagion in a tuberculosis ward. Am J Hyg 1959;70:185-96. Menzies RI, Fanning A, Yuan L, et al. Hospital ventilation and risk of tuberculous infection in Canadian health care workers. Ann Intern Med 2000;133(10):779-89. Holton D, Paton S, Gibson H, et al. Comparison of tuberculosis infection control programs in Canadian hospitals categorized by size and risk of exposure to TB patients, 1989-1993 Part 2. Can J Infect Dis 1997;8(4):195-201. Health Canada. Guidelines for preventing the transmission of tuberculosis in Canadian health care facilities and other institutional settings. CCDR 1996;22(S1). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for preventing the transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in health-care facilities. MMWR 1994;43(RR13):1-132. Menzies D, Fanning A, Yuan L, FitzGerald JM. Factors associated with tuberculin conversion in Canadian microbiology and pathology workers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;167(4):599-602. Plitt SS, Soskolne CL, Fanning EA, Newman SC. Prevalence and determinants of tuberculin reactivity among physicians in Edmonton, Canada: 1996-1997. Int J Epidemiol 2001;30(5):1022-28.
7. 8.
12. 13.
Liss GM, Khan R, Koven E, Simor AE. Tuberculosis infection among sta at a Canadian community hospital. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1996;17(1):29-35. Great Britain Medical Research Council. BCG and vole bacillus vaccines in the prevention of tuberculosis in adolescence and early life. BMJ 1963;1:973-78. Menzies D. Eect of treatment on contagiousness of patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1997;18(8):58286. Nardell EA, Keegan J, Cheney SA, Etkind SC. Airborne infection: theoretical limits of protection achievable by building ventilation. Am Rev Respir Dis 1991;144(2):302-6. Nardell EA. Fans, lters, or rays? Pros and cons of the current environmental tuberculosis control technologies. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1993;14:681-85. ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in health care facilities. Toronto, ON: CSA, 2001. Z317.2-01.
American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers. HVAC design manual for hospitals and clinics. ASHRAE, 2003. Institute of Medicine. Tuberculosis in the workplace. 2001. URL: <www. nap.edu/books/0309073308/html>. Accessed January 10, 2005. Fennelly KP, Nardell EA. The relative ecacy of respirators and room ventilation in preventing occupational tuberculosis. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1998;19:754-59. Lee MC, Joe M, Long R, et al. Qualitative t testing does not ensure health care worker protection. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol 2005;16(2) :172(Abstract). Coey CC, Lawrence RB, Campbell DL, et al. Fitting characteristics of eighteen N95 ltering-facepiece respirators. J Occup Environ Hyg 2004;1(4):262-71. Menzies D, Fanning A, Yuan L, et al. and the Canadian Collaborative Group in Nosocomial Transmission of Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis in health care workers: a multicentre Canadian prevalence survey: preliminary results. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1998;2(9):S98-S102. Menzies RI, Vissandjee B, Rocher I, St.Germain Y. The booster eect in two-step tuberculin testing among young adults in Montreal. Ann Intern Med 1994;120:190-98. Colditz GA, Brewer TF, Berkey CS, et al. Ecacy of BCG vaccine in the prevention of tuberculosis: meta-analysis of the published literature. JAMA 1994;271(9):698-702.
Adhikari N, Menzies R. Community-based tuberculin screening in Montreal: a cost-outcome description. Am J Public Health 1995;85(6):78690. Onofre Moran-Mendoza A. The value of the tuberculin skin test size in predicting the development of tuberculosis in contacts of active cases. Department of Health Care and Epidemiology, University of British Columbia, 2004. Yuan L, Richardson E, Kendall PRW. Evaluation of a tuberculosis screening program for high-risk students in Toronto schools. CMAJ 1995;153(7):925-32. Wobeser W, To T, Hoeppner VH. The outcome of chemoprophylaxis on tuberculosis prevention in the Canadian Plains Indian. Clin Invest Med 1989;12:149-53. Dasgupta K, Schwartzman K, Marchand R, et al. Comparison of cost eectiveness of tuberculosis screening of close contacts and foreign-born populations. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000;162(6):2079-86. Blum RN, Polish LB, Tapy JM, et al. Results of screening for tuberculosis in foreign-born persons applying for adjustment of immigration status. Chest 1993;103:1670-74. Catlos EK, Cantwell MF, Bhatia G, et al. Public health interventions to encourage TB class A/B1/B2 immigrants to present for TB screening. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;158:1037-41. National Advisory Committee on Immunization, Canadian immunization guide. Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada, 2006. of Health Services. TB in homeless shelters: reducing the risk through ventilation, lters, and UV. 2000.
Correctional Service Canada/Health Canada. Tuberculosis prevention and control guidelines for federal correctional institutions (provisional). Ottawa: Correctional Service Canada, 2004. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention and control of tuberculosis in correctional and detention facilities: recommendations from CDC. MMWR 2006;55(RR9):1-44.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Introduction Ecacy Administration Recommended Usage Booster Doses and Revaccination Administration with Other Vaccines Adverse Reactions Local reactions Systemic reactions Contraindications to BCG Vaccination Other Uses of BCG Vaccine References
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BCG is a live attenuated vaccine derived from Mycobacterium bovis. The original strain was developed at the Pasteur Institute in Paris in 1921. Subsequent strains have undergone further development through repeated subculturing in many laboratories around the world. These newer strains may dier, one from another, antigenically. It has been suggested that this variable antigenicity has resulted in variable immunogenicity.1 Three parent strains, Glaxo, Tokyo and Pasteur, now account for more than 90% of the vaccines used, the Pasteur strain of BCG currently serving as the international reference strain of the vaccine. BCG is the only vaccine currently in use against tuberculosis (TB). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 161 member states have BCG on their vaccination schedule, such that in 2002 the global BCG coverage of infants less than 1 year of age was 81%.2 In Canada there has been a longstanding interest in BCG.3 Beginning in 1926 in Quebec4 and 1933 in Saskatchewan,5 the National Research Council sponsored controlled trials of the safety and ecacy of BCG. Thereafter BCG vaccination, either universal or selective, was promoted throughout Canada. Gradually, as anti-TB drugs became available and incidence rates fell, BCG was discontinued in most populations. In recent years its use has been limited to the First Nations and Inuit populations, in which it has been part of a TB elimination strategy.6 However, in the wake of reports of disseminated BCG in children born with congenital immunodeciencies7-9 and questions about its indication,10,11 BCG is also being discontinued in this group.
The ecacy of BCG has been debated for many years, despite the fact that over 3 billion doses of the vaccine have been administered. The prevailing opinion, based upon epidemiologic and autopsy data, has been that BCG does not prevent the establishment of infection in an exposed subject.12,13 However, data from interferon- release assays have challenged that opinion, suggesting that BCG, while not preventing the establishment of infection in everyone, may prevent it in some.14 If infection does occur it is widely accepted that BCG increases the resistance to uncontrolled multiplication and dissemination of M. tuberculosis from the primary focus of infection to other parts of the lung and body. BCG will not prevent the development of active TB in individuals who are already infected with M. tuberculosis. The results of trials aimed at assessing the ability of BCG to prevent TB disease have been variable; protection has ranged from 0% to 80%. Those trials that fullled more rigorous criteria and thus were arguably more scientically valid showed high efficacy rates, from 75% to 80%. Further trials with greater statistical power showed higher ecacy, suggesting that the variation in the results had been a product of study design. A meta-analysis involving 10 casecontrolled studies of BCG ecacy15 indicated that a summary estimate of protection from BCG vaccination was at least 50%. Meta-analysis has also shown high rates of protection against meningeal and miliary TB in the vaccinated, as high as 85% in one clinical trial.16 The duration of the protective eect of BCG is disputed. A meta-analysis that examined protection over time demonstrated a decrease in ecacy of 5% to 14% in seven randomized controlled trials and an
increase of 18% in three others.17 A recent retrospective study found that BCG protective ecacy can persist for 50 to 60 years, indicating that a single dose might have a long-lasting eect.18 The ecacy of BCG in adults is uncertain but is likely to be lower than that in children. BCG vaccine does not provide absolute protection against TB, and the disease should be considered as a possible diagnosis in any vaccinee with a suggestive clinical presentation of TB, regardless of vaccination history.
The only vaccine approved for use in Canada is BCG Vaccine (freeze-dried) (sanofi pasteur, Mississauga, Ontario). It is available as a culture of live bacilli and is given intradermally. The manufacturers instructions regarding administration should be carefully followed. It is supplied in a multidose vial, which is reconstituted using aseptic technique with a supplied diluent of sterile phosphate-buered saline. The reconstituted product requires protection from heat and direct sunlight, and should be stored according to the manufacturers instructions at +2 C to +8 C and used within 8 hours. The dose in neonates is 0.05 mL, half the usual dose of 0.1 mL. The higher dose is recommended in children greater than 12 months of age. It is administered in a 1.0 mL syringe with a 26-guage needle, the bevel facing upwards. BCG invokes the development of delayed-type hypersensitivity with a maximum response observed by 12 weeks, when the tuberculin test (TST) is usually positive. However, neither the presence nor the size of the TST response predicts protection. Persistent skin test positivity is not correlated with continued protection.19 Interpretation of the TST results of BCG-vaccinated individuals is problematic, but certain parameters (See Chapter 4, Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease) will assist with the interpretation. Although most children develop a scar after BCG vaccination, recent studies show that not all children with a record of receipt of BCG have a scar. In a series involving internationally adopted children, 27% of children with a record of BCG vaccination did not have a scar.20 Freeze-dried preparations of BCG for intravesical use in the treatment of primary and relapse carcinoma-in-situ of the urinary bladder are formulated at a much higher strength and must not be used for TB vaccination purposes. *
Recommended Usage
A summary of the provincial and territorial usage of the BCG over time is provided in Appendix F (for any updates, refer to <http://www.publichealth. gc.ca/tuberculosis>). In more recent years BCG use in Canada has been limited to Inuit and on-reserve First Nations children born to mothers who tested negative for HIV prenatally. However, recommendations concerning the continued use of BCG in this and other Canadian populations have recently been revised. Currently, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) does not recommend routine use of BCG vaccination in any Canadian population. However, it allows that, in some settings, consideration of local TB
epidemiology and access to diagnostic services may lead to the decision to oer BCG vaccination.21-22 These considerations are the following: 1. In infants in First Nations and Inuit communities or groups of persons with an average annual rate of smear-positive pulmonary TB greater than 15/100,000 population (all ages) during the previous 3 years or with an annual risk of TB infection (ARI) greater than 0.1%, or if early identication and treatment of latent TB infection (LTBI) are not available. HIV testing in the mother of the child should be negative, and there should be no evidence or known risk factors for immunodeciency in the child being vaccinated. This rate of smear-positive pulmonary TB, 15/100,000, is the same rate as that determined by the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee and the Public Health Agency of Canada to represent a high incidence of infectious TB in designated geographic areas outside Canada. For information on international smear-positive pulmonary TB incidence rates, refer to <http:// www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis>. The annual risk of TB infection quoted, greater than 0.1%, is the ARI below which the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) recommends that selective discontinuation of BCG vaccination programs be considered.11 If BCG vaccination is currently oered to all infants in a community that does not meet one of the criteria described, the vaccination program should be discontinued as soon as a program of early detection and treatment of LTBI can be implemented (see Chapter 8, Pediatric Tuberculosis). 2. Individuals, including health care workers and laboratory workers, repeatedly exposed to persons with untreated, inadequately treated or drug-resistant active TB or tuberculosis bacteria in conditions under which protective measures against infection are not feasible (although primary treatment of the source, removal from the source or treatment to prevent disease in the exposed person is generally preferred). Consultation with a TB and/or infectious disease expert is recommended. Again, the efficacy of BCG in adults is uncertain. 3. Travellers planning extended stays in areas of high TB incidence, particularly when a program of serial TST and appropriate chemotherapy is not possible or where the prevalence of drug resistance, particularly multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB, is high. Please see Chapter 13, Surveillance and Screening in Tuberculosis Control, regarding use of the TST for pre-travel and posttravel diagnosis of LTBI. Factors that would favour the BCG option might include poorer access to repeat skin testing, personal preference against taking isoniazid (INH), contraindications to taking INH, such as liver disease or previous intolerance to INH, and the limited number of treatment options if infected with an MDR strain. Travellers with medical conditions, particularly HIV infection, that may be associated with an increased risk of progression of LTBI to active disease should carefully weigh the risk of travel to a high incidence area with their physician in determining the most appropriate means of prevention.
BCG vaccination of First Nations infants has now been discontinued in the Atlantic provinces and British Columbia. In Alberta, the rationale for continued use of the BCG has been challenged,10 and a process of systematic withdrawal has begun.23 Elsewhere, on the prairies and in the territories, the benets of BCG vaccination in preventing severe forms of TB in infants and young children may still outweigh any risks. A consent form should be signed before vaccination. If BCG is discontinued in a community it should be replaced with a program of enhanced surveillance to ensure that TB disease and LTBI are detected early, particularly in high-risk communities. Delivery of enhanced surveillance and compliance with program recommendations may be challenging in some communities.
Adverse Reactions
Adverse events following BCG vaccination are notifiable only in some provinces/territories, and thus their frequency may be underestimated. In order to provide accurate surveillance, reporting of adverse events to the Public Health Agency of Canada is strongly recommended irrespective of local legislation. For a copy of the Adverse Events Following Immunization reporting form, refer to <http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/im/ae-form_e.html> or the Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (Canadian Pharmacists Association). Following intradermal injection of BCG, an indurated papule forms within 2-3 weeks. A pustule or supercial ulcer develops by 6-8 weeks and heals within 3 months, leaving a 4-8 mm scar at the vaccination site in the majority of vaccinees. Regional adenopathy in the absence of erythema or vesicle formation should be considered an expected reaction to the vaccine.25
Local reactions
The majority of local reactions occur within 5 months of vaccination and consist of prolonged skin ulceration, suppurative adenitis and localized abscess. M. bovis BCG can be cultured from approximately 5% of lymph nodes.25 A European study found the mean risk of adenitis to be 0.387/100,000 in infants (i.e. children less than 1 year of age) and 0.25/100,000 in vaccinees aged 1 to 20.26 Factors contributing to regional adenitis include the type of vaccine strain, the total number of viable and nonviable bacilli in the vaccine preparation, and the dose of BCG given. The age of the person vaccinated is also important. Reducing the dose for newborns to 0.025 mL of vaccine further reduces the number of adverse reactions.27 Treatment of suppurative adenitis is controversial. The WHO has suggested surgical drainage with direct installation of an anti-TB drug for adherent or fistulated glands, but no data exist to support this recommendation.28 It appears that systemic treatment with anti-TB drugs is ineective.29
Systemic reactions
Osteitis is a rare complication of BCG vaccination developing within 4 to 144 months of vaccination. It appears to be associated with the administration of BCG in the gluteal region or thigh, and it has been reported most commonly from Scandinavian countries. Less common reactions include fever, conjunctivitis, iritis and erythema multiforme. The most serious complication of BCG is disseminated BCG. It usually occurs within 6 months of vaccination, although long latent periods have been reported,30 and is usually fatal. In a study conducted by the IUATLD, disseminated BCG occurred in 3/1,000,000 recipients.26 In studies conducted in Canada, a dierent rate of occurrence of disseminated BCG is being reported.7-9 Between 1993 and 2002, 21 BCG vaccine-related adverse events were reported. Fifteen of these were designated as serious, i.e. the patient died or was in hospital for longer than 3 days. There were six cases of disseminated BCG, ve in First Nations and Inuit children, all of whom subsequently died. There were also two cases of osteomyelitis, ve abscesses and two cases of adenitis. All six disseminated cases were deemed very likely or certainly associated with the vaccination. An additional fatal case of disseminated BCG was identied in 2003.9 Although the range estimates for adenitis and osteomyelitis appear to be consistent with global rates, the rate of disseminated BCG among First Nations children was much greater than the highest global rates.31 This high rate suggests that immunodeciency states might be more common in First Nations and Inuit children, a possibility that is now being explored through Health Canadas First Nations and Inuit Health Branch and the Canadian Paediatric Society. As a consequence of these concerns related to disseminated BCG, NACI has revised its recommended usage of BCG.
1. Behr MA, Wilson MA, Gill WP, et al. Comparative genomics of BCG vaccines by whole-genome DNA microarray. Science 1999; 284(5419):1520-23. World Health Organization. WHO vaccine-preventable diseases: monitoring system 2003, global summary. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2003. Wherrett GJ. The miracle of the empty beds: a history of tuberculosis in Canada. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1977. Hopkins JW. BCG vaccination in Montreal. Am Rev Tuberc 1941; 43:581-99. Ferguson RG, Simes AB. BCG vaccination of Indian infants in Saskatchewan. Tubercle 1949;30:5-11. Working Group on Tuberculosis, Medical Services Branch. National tuberculosis elimination strategy. Ottawa, 1992. Scheifele D, Law B, Jadavji T on behalf of Immunization Monitoring Program, Active (IMPACT). Disseminated bacille Calmette-Gurin infection: three recent Canadian cases. CCDR 1998;24(9):69-72.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Cunningham JA, Kellner JD, Bridge PJ, et al. Disseminated bacille Calmette-Gurin infection in an infant with a novel deletion in the interferon-gamma receptor gene. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2000;4(8):791-94. Deeks SL, Clark M, Scheifele DW, et al. Serious adverse events associated with bacille Calmette-Gurin vaccine in Canada. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2005;24(6):538-41. Long R, Whittaker D, Russell K, et al. Pediatric tuberculosis in Alberta First Nations (1991-2000): outbreaks and the protective eect of bacille Calmette-Gurin (BCG) vaccine. Can J Public Health 2004;95(4):249-55. International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. Criteria for discontinuation of vaccination programmes using bacille CalmetteGurin (BCG) in countries with a low prevalence of tuberculosis. Tuberc Lung Dis 1994;75(3):179-80. Styblo K, Meijer J. Impact of BCG vaccination programmes in children and young adults on the tuberculosis problem. Tubercle 1976;57(1):17-43. Sutherland I, Lindgren I. The protective eect of BCG vaccination as indicated by autopsy studies. Tubercle 1979;60(4):225-31. Soysal A, Millington KA, Bakir M, et al. Eect of BCG vaccination on risk of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in children with household tuberculosis contact: a prospective community-based study. Lancet 2005; 366(9495):1443-51. Colditz GA, Brewer TF, Berkey CS, et al. Ecacy of BCG vaccine in the prevention of tuberculosis: meta-analysis of the published literature. JAMA 1994;271(9):698-702. Rodrigues LC, Diwan VK, Wheeler JG. Protective eect of BCG against tuberculous meningitis and miliary tuberculosis: a meta-analysis. Int J Epidemiol 1993;22(6):1154-58. Sterne JA, Rodrigues LC, Guedes IN. Does the ecacy of BCG decline with time since vaccination? Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1998;2(3):200-7. Aronson NE, Santosham M, Comstock GW, et al. Long-term ecacy of BCG vaccine in American Indians and Alaska Natives: a 60-year followup study. JAMA 2004;291(17):2086-91. Al-Kassini FA, al-Hajjaj MS, al-Orainey IO, et al. Does the protective eect of neonatal BCG correlate with vaccine-induced tuberculin reaction? Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995;152(5 PT 1):1575-78. Saiman L, Aronson J, Zhou J, et al. Prevalence of infectious diseases among internationally adopted children. Pediatrics 2001;108(3):608-12. National Advisory Committee on Immunization. Statement on bacille Calmette-Gurin vaccine. CCDR 2004;30(ACS5). National Advisory Committee on Immunization. Canadian Immunization Guide. Ottawa (Ontario): Public Health Agency of Canada; 2006.
17. 18.
Jacobs S, Warman A, Roehrig N, et al. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in First Nations preschool children in Alberta. Implications for BCG (bacille Calmette-Gurin) withdrawal. Can J Public Health 2007;98:11620. Global Programme for Vaccines and Immunization, Expanded Program on Immunization. The immunological basis for immunization series. Module 5: Tuberculosis. In: The immunological basis for immunization. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1993. Lotte A, Wasz-Hockert O, Poisson N, et al. BCG complications. Estimates of the risks among vaccinated subjects and statistical analysis of their main characteristics. Adv Tuberc Res 1984;21:107-93. Lotte A, Wasz-Hockert O, Poisson N, et al. Second IUATLD study on complications induced by intradermal BCG-vaccination. Bull Int Union Tuberc Lung Dis 1988;63(2):47-59. World Health Organization. BCG vaccination of the newborn. Rationale and guidelines for country programs. WHO/TB/86.147. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1986. Belcourt JP. Experiments in dosage requirements of intradermal BCG for infants. International Symposium on BCG Vaccine, Frankfurt (Main). 1970. Symp Series Immunobiol Standard 1971;17:85-8. Caglayan S, Yegin O, Kayran K, et al. Is medical therapy effective for regional lymphadenitis following BCG vaccination? Am J Dis Child 1987;141(11):1213-14. Mackay A, Macleod T, Alcorn MJ, et al. Fatal disseminated BCG infection in an 18-year-old boy. Lancet 1980;2(8208-8209):1332-34. Hodge M (Epius Consulting). Final report. Office of Community Medicine, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada, Ottawa, 2003. McFarland DJ, Cotton, DJ, Kemp S, et al. Miliary Mycobacterium bovis induced by intravesical bacille Calmette-Gurin immunotherapy. Am Rev Resp Dis 1992;146:1330-33.
30. 31.
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Introduction 2005 global TB Rates History of Global TB Control Are We Making Progress? Successes and Obstacles Role for Canada in Global TB Control References
Recently an Ottawa taxi driver of Lebanese origin, speaking of House of Commons wrangling, said Canadians dont know how lucky they are. They should appreciate it and share it. The comment seems relevant to this discussion of the global tuberculosis (TB) burden in the context of trying to eliminate TB in Canada. The latter will not be achieved unless we attend to the former!
Tuberculosis (The Union), which later became the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.4 The second world war created a huge increase in TB cases. In response, the International Tuberculosis Campaign (1946-52) was mounted and saw the expansion of BCG vaccination to cover the global population, the development of screening and active case nding, and the expansion of inpatient facilities (sanatoria). At the rst meeting of The Union after the second World War, in 1946, it was proposed to the new WHO that TB control be made a priority. As its rst disease-specic activity, WHO established its Tuberculosis Division in 1947. The introduction of drug treatment immediately after World War II was greeted with short-lived euphoria as it became clear that treatment with individual drugs rapidly induced drug resistance and failure. The claim from Edinburgh,5 based on work in that centre starting in the early 1950s, that combination drug treatment could cure patients was revolutionary and initially rejected, but the results of a large multi-centred international trial, coordinated by The Union, conrmed that TB could indeed be cured with combination drug treatment.6 The American Tuberculosis Association called a national conference at Arden House in 1960, which set out the elements of a public health program for TB that remains the basis of all subsequent strategies.7 Expert committees of the WHO, building on the Arden House Conference, developed a series of technical reports outlining a global strategy. A major focus of the strategy was case nding, as this was thought to be the key challenge. By the end of the 1960s, TB case rates had dramatically and steadily declined throughout the industrialized world, but disease remained a challenge in developing countries. In consequence, a Mutual Assistance Program was proposed by Canadian Eddie OBrien at the 1962 annual meeting of The Union in Toronto. This consisted of two components: a travelling seminar, funded primarily by the Netherlands and focused on Africa, and a program to develop national associations, funded by Canada and focused primarily on Asia.8 By the early 1970s, with the addition of rifampicin, the TB community quickly recognized the possibility of rapid cure. However, Stefan Grzybowski9 published data from national prevalence surveys in Korea and Taiwan demonstrating that the current eorts at TB control, far from diminishing the problem, actually enhanced it by neglecting high-quality treatment and adequate outcomes in their focus on case nding. This led international experts to suggest strengthening primary health care as a means of ensuring treatment delivery.9 In 1978, the Minister of Health of the United Republic of Tanzania invited international experts to propose a strategy for a national program to address both TB and leprosy, hitherto left for mission hospitals to deal with. The proposal developed by Karel Styblo put an emphasis on quality of treatment and on documentation of the outcome within the public health system.3 This approach was applied in Benin, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Senegal and Yemen as national tuberculosis control programs. In the late 1980s, the World Bank undertook a Health Sector Priorities Review 1989-1993 to look at health services from the point of view of investment
in development. In this review, Styblos work with The Union was assessed as demonstrating that TB control was among the most cost-eective of any investment in health in low-income countries. The ve key elements of this investment became the DOTS strategy: government commitment to making TB control a priority, sputum smear microscopy to detect cases in persons with symptoms of TB, standardized short-course chemotherapy under proper casemanagement conditions, uninterrupted supply of high-quality, standardized drug regimens, and a reporting and recording system that tracks every case to nal outcome to ensure that program quality is maintained.10 In 1993, TB was declared a global public health emergency by the WHO in recognition of the growing burden of disease allied with failing public health infrastructure and co-infection with HIV.11 Despite this declaration, DOTS expansion was slow. What was needed was a global eort to mobilize civil society.12 The response was the STOP-TB Partnership, with seven working groups: one on DOTS expansion, the second on DOTS Plus for multidrugresistant (MDR) TB, the third on HIV-TB, the fourth on new diagnostics, the fth on new drugs, the sixth on vaccine development and the seventh on advocacy, communications and social mobilization to engage communities in building support from the grass roots for DOTS programs and to encourage donor countries to nance work in high TB incidence countries. The partnership was led by Jacob Kumaresan from 1999 to 2003 and Marcos Espinal beginning in 2004. Countries with a high TB burden committed themselves to the target of nding 70% of smear-positive pulmonary cases and successfully treating 85% of such cases by 2005. Remarkably, 50% of the estimated cost of reaching the target was found by these countries themselves. Although rich countries participated in the STOP-TB Partnership, funding was slow to materialize and was one of the impediments to reaching the 2005 target.
The Global Plan to Stop TB 2006-201515 aims to halt and reverse TB incidence and to halve the disease prevalence and death rates compared with 1990. By 2005, the prevalence and death rates were down to 217/100,000 and 24/100,000 respectively,1 the goals being 150/100,0000 and 15/100,000 by 2015.16 This goal would prevent 14 million deaths by treating 50 million persons with the DOTS strategy and would include the treatment of 800,000 MDR-TB cases (56% of all MDR-TB cases rather than the present 2%) plus 3 million cases coinfected with HIV. In order to reach these targets the plan expects a new, rapid diagnostic test for smear-negative TB by 2008 and a rapid test for detecting drug susceptibility by 2010, available at peripheral laboratories. There is similarly a goal to introduce a new drug or combination of drugs by 2010 that reduces treatment duration to 3-4 months with clinical trials for a 1-month treatment regimen by 2015. The vision is to have regimens that are eective against MDR-TB, are compatible with antiretroviral therapy and are eective against latent TB infection. The target date for a new, safe, eective vaccine is 2015. This second global plan is couched as a commitment to meaningful involvement of patients and community with assurance that TB is on the global development agenda, strengthened by the STOP TB Partnership. Ultimately the goal is that by 2050, TB will cease to be a global public health problem with less than one new case per million population annually.15 There is a lot to do! The STOP-TB Partnership is committed to more than expanding DOTS. It is determined to link TB to HIV for purposes of voluntary testing and counselling, and referral for antiretroviral treatment, especially in Africa where the rates of coinfection in some countries are over 50%. It has also addressed the problem of MDR-TB. Having completed the third global surveillance for MDR-TB based on reports from 77 countries or settings, WHO reports that the median percentage of MDR-TB was 1.1% among new cases, 7% among previously treated cases and 1.7% among all cases combined. Areas with more than 10% MDR-TB included parts of the former USSR, Israel (primarily among immigrants from the former USSR) and parts of China (Liaoning and Henan).17 A few regions are able to examine trends, but it is too early to see the impact of DOTS Plus programs, which use second-line drugs for MDR-TB.
Another success is the publication in 2006 of the International Standards for Tuberculosis Care (ISTC),20 which describe a widely accepted level of care that all practitioners, public and private, should seek to achieve in managing patients who have, or are suspected of having, TB. They will be particularly helpful for non-government TB program providers. Please see Appendix H for further details. The obstacles to reaching targets remain shortage of trained sta, lack of political commitment, poor laboratory facilities and inadequate management of MDRTB cases and of HIV-infected individuals with TB.
At the National Consensus Conference on Tuberculosis in 1997, it was recommended that each province and territory adopt an overall goal of TB elimination (dened as less than 1 case per 100,000 population) through an interim goal of a 5% reduction in the number of new and relapsed cases each year, with a focus on high-risk groups.21 The overall average rate of decline in new cases from 1992 to 2002 was 2.4%. At this rate, it will be 2070 before the Canadian TB rate is 1/100,000.22 To try to achieve a rate of 1 case per million population (which the Global Plan to Stop TB 2006-2015 has dened as elimination) will, of course, take even longer.15 Thus it seems worth considering alternative strategies. In the past two decades the proportion of TB cases in Canada that are foreignborn has increased from 38% to 67% in 2004.2 This trend is also found in other high-income countries, where economic disparity has resulted in increasing numbers of migrants from countries with high TB incidence. The response of many countries to this reality has been the recommendation for more stringent screening measures for active TB and latent TB infection. Recent Canadian-led research shows that investment in DOTS scale-up in Mexico, Dominican Republic and Haiti would not only saves lives and prevent spread of disease but would also reduce health care costs in those countries and have a very substantial impact in reducing health care costs in the United States, a country receiving large numbers of immigrants from these three countries.23 This modelling of DOTS scale-up in immigrant-source countries is strong evidence in support of investment in global TB control on the part of highincome nations. The government of Canada, through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), has provided support for global TB control to the FIDELIS (Fund for Innovative DOTS Expansion through Local Initiatives to Stop TB) projects at the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, nding additional TB cases in 60 countries, to the WHO for the Global Drug Facility, to DOTS program support and antiretroviral HIV treatment, to the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria, and to other countryspecic TB programs. What remains to complete a happy picture of reduced rates of TB is to ensure that political will is strong enough to fund universal application of DOTS.24 This will require a grass roots movement not just in countries with high TB
incidence but also in donor countries like Canada. To become involved in advocacy for global TB control, contact STOP-TB Canada at http://www. stoptb.ca. There is no doubt that an investment abroad reaps benet at home and has the additional humanitarian impact of reducing diseases and saving lives and dollars where it is applied.
1. WHO. Global tuberculosis control surveillance, planning, nancing. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2007 (WHO/HTM/TB/2007.376). URL: <http://www.who.int/tb/publications/global_report/en/>. Cited May 28, 2007. Public Health Agency of Canada. Tuberculosis in Canada 2005 PreRelease. Ottawa (Canada): Public Health Agency of Canada; 2006. Murray CJ, DeJonghe E, Chum HJ, et al. Cost-eectiveness of chemotherapy for pulmonary tuberculosis in three sub-Saharan African countries. Lancet 1991;338:1305-8. Enarson DA, Rouillon A. History of the IUATLD. Atlanta: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. TB Notes 2000;1:33-7. Crofton J. The contribution of treatment to the prevention of tuberculosis. Bull Int Union Tuberc Lung Dis 1962;32:643-53. Bignall JR, Rist N. An international investigation of the eectiveness of chemotherapy in previously untreated patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Bull Int Union Tuberc Lung Dis 1964;34:79-191. National Tuberculosis Association. Recommendations of the Arden House Conference on Tuberculosis. Am Rev Respir Dis 1960;81:482-84. Hersheld ES. The Canadian Lung Association and international health. Bull Int Union Tuberc Lung Dis 1987;62(1-2):12-6. Grzybowski S, Enarson DA. The fate of cases of pulmonary tuberculosis under various treatment programs. Bull Int Union Tuberc Lung Dis 1978;53:70-5. Murray CJ, Styblo K, Rouillon A. Tuberculosis in developing countries: burden, intervention and cost. Bull Int Union Tuberc Lung Dis 1990;65(1):624. Global Tuberculosis Program. Tuberculosis a global emergency. Geneva: WHO, 1993. Report of the ad-hoc committee on the tuberculosis epidemic. London: WHO/ GBT, March 1998. UN millennium development goals. New York: United Nations. URL: <http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/>. Cited May 9, 2006.
2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
14. 15.
Labonte R, Schrecker T. Global Health Equity agenda for the G8. BMJ 2005:330:533-36. The Global Plan to Stop TB 2006-2015. STOP TB Partnership and World Health Organization, 2006 (WHO/HTM/STB/2006.35). URL: <http://www.stoptb.org/globalplan/>. Cited May 18, 2006. Dye C, Maher D, Weil D, et al. Targets for global tuberculosis control. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2006;10:460-62. WHO/IUATLD Global Project on Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Resistance Surveillance 1999-2002. Anti-tuberculosis drug resistance in the world: third global report. URL: <http://www.tballiance.org/MDR_report/WHO_ MDRTB_report.pdf>. Cited May 18, 2006. Stop TB Partnership. Global Drug Facility. URL: <http://www.stoptb. org/gdf>. Cited May 18, 2006. Green Light Committee. Guidelines for the programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis. URL: <http://www.stoptb.org/resource_center/ assets/documents/tb_guidelines.pdf>. Cited May 18, 2006. Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance. International Standards for Tuberculosis Care (ISTC). The Hague: Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance, 2006. URL: http://www.who.int/tb/publications/2006/istc_ report.pdf . Cited May 18, 2006. Division of Tuberculosis Prevention and Control, LCDC. Proceedings of the National Consensus Conference on Tuberculosis. CCDR 1998;24(S2). URL: <http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/ccdr-rmtc/98vol24/24s2/ index.html>. Cited May 18, 2006. Scholten DJ, Gallant V, Ellis E. Forecasting the future of tuberculosis in Canada: meeting 2015 global targets. Presented at the 10th Annual Conference of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, North American Region, Chicago, Ill., March, 2006. Schwartzman K, Oxlade O, Barr RG, et al. Domestic returns from investment in the control of tuberculosis in other countries. N Engl J Med 2005;353:1008-20. Dye C, Watt CJ, Bleed D. Low access to a highly eective therapy: a challenge for international tuberculosis control. Bull World Health Organ 2002;80(6):437-44. URL: <http://www.scielosp.org/scielo. php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0042-96862002000600006&lng=en&nrm =iso&tlng=en>. Cited May 18, 2006.
16. 17.
18. 19.
Kym Antonation Biologist National Reference Centre for Mycobacteriology National Microbiology Laboratory Public Health Agency of Canada 1015 Arlington Street Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P6 Monica Avendano, MD, FRCPC West Park Healthcare Centre 82 Buttonwood Ave Toronto, ON M6M 2J5 Marcel Behr, MD Associate Professor Division of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology Montreal General Hospital Room A5.165, 1650 Cedar Ave Montreal, QC H3G 1A4 Jerome Bickenback, MD Professor and Queens Research Chair Department of Philosophy and Faculties of Law and Medicine Queens University Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 Paul Brassard, MD Division of Clinical Epidemiology Royal Victoria Hospital 687 Pine Ave. West, Ross 4.29 Montreal, QC H3A 1A1 Cheryl Case Communicable Disease Consultant Population Health Department of Health and Social Services Government of Northwest Territories Box 1320 CST 6 Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9 Victoria Cook, MD, FRCPC Medical Consultant TB Services for Aboriginal Communities
Division of TB Control British Columbia Centre for Disease Control 655 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4R4
Robert Cowie, MD Medical Director Calgary Health Region Tuberculosis Clinic Health Sciences Centre 3330, Hospital Dr. NW Calgary, AB T2N 4N1 Edward Ellis, MD, MPH, FRCPC Manager, Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Public Health Agency of Canada 100 Eglantine Driveway AL 0603B Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9
Kevin Elwood, MD Director, Division of TB Control British Columbia Centre for Disease Control 655 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4R4 Joanne Embree, MD Department of Medical Microbiology and Paediatrics and Child Health University of Manitoba 545-730 William Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3E 0W3 Donald A. Enarson, MD Adjunct Professor Department of Medicine University of Alberta Senior Advisor International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 68 boulevard Saint-Michel Paris, France 75006 Anne Fanning, MD, FRCPC Professor Emeritus and Past Coordinator of Global Health Initiative Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry University of Alberta 2E4.11, Walter Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre 8440 - 112 Street Edmonton, AB T6G 2R7 Stephen K. Field, MD, FRCPC Clinical Professor Division of Respirology University of Calgary Health Sciences Centre 3330 Hospital Drive NW Calgary, AB T2N 4N1 Mark FitzGerald, MB, MD, FACCP, FRCPC, FRCPI Professor of Medicine Head, UBC and VGH Division of Respiratory Medicine The Lung Centre, 7th Floor Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Michael Gardam, MSc, MD, CM, MSc, FRCPC Director, Infection Prevention and Control Medical Director, Tuberculosis Clinic University Health Network Toronto General Hospital 200 Elizabeth Street New Clinical Services Building 12C-1261 Toronto, ON M5G 2C4 Brian Gushulak, MD Migration Health Consultants 10 Cuscaden Walk #10-04 Four Seasons Park Singapore, 249693 Vernon Hoeppner, MD Professor and Head, Division TB Control Department of Medicine University of Saskatchewan 103 Hospital Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W8 Stan Houston, MD Professor of Medicine Director, Northern Alberta HIV Program University of Alberta 2E4.12, Walter Mackenzie Centre Edmonton, AB T6G 2B7 Kamran Khan, MD, MPH, FRCPC Assistant Professor of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases University of Toronto Centre for Research on Inner City Health St. Michaels Hospital 30 Bond Street Toronto, ON M5B 1W8 Ian Kitai, MB, BCh, FRCPC Sta Physician, Tuberculosis Specialist Hospital for Sick Children 555 University Avenue Toronto, ON M5G 1X8 Alice Kowalczyk, BSc Pharm, PharmD Manager, Medical Information and Drug Safety, LEO Pharma Inc. Sta Pharmacist Hospital for Sick Children 555 University Avenue Toronto, ON M5G 1X8
Dennis Kunimoto, MD, FRCPC Professor Department of Medicine University of Alberta 2F1 Walter Mackenzie Centre 8440 - 112 Street Edmonton, AB T6G 2B7 Richard Long, MD Room 8325 Aberhart Hospital University of Alberta 11402 University Avenue Edmonton, AB T6G 2J3 Patricia Malloy, RN, MSN
Pamela Orr, MD, MSc, FRCPC Director of Tuberculosis Control for Manitoba Health Sciences Centre GC430 820 Sherbrook Street Winnipeg, MB R3A 1R9 Melissa Phypers, MSc, MPA Senior Epidemiologist Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Public Health Agency of Canada 100 Eglantine Driveway AL 0603B Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9 Elaine Randell Communicable Disease Consultant II Health Protection Unit Department of Health and Social Services Government of Nunavut Box 1000, Station 1000 Bldg 1107, 3rd Floor Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0 Derek Scholten, MSc Epidemiologist Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Public Health Agency of Canada 100 Eglantine Driveway AL 0603B Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9 Kevin Schwartzman, MD, MPH Assistant Professor of Medicine, McGill University Montreal Chest Institute Room K1.23 3650 St. Urbain Street Montreal, QC H2X 2P4 Meenu Kaushal Sharma, PhD Biologist National Reference Centre for Mycobacteriology National Microbiology Laboratory Public Health Agency of Canada 1015 Arlington Street Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P6
Clinical Nurse Specialist/Nurse Practitioner, Tuberculosis Program Hospital for Sick Children 555 University Avenue Toronto, ON M5G 1X8
Sylvie Martin, MD Medical Ocer, Medical Services Branch Citizenship and Immigration Canada 219 Laurier Avenue West 3rd Floor Ottawa, ON K1A 1L1 Linette McElroy, RN Tuberculosis Educator and Practice Consultant 1900 Neil Street Victoria, BC V8R 3C9 Dick Menzies, MD Montreal Chest Institute Room K1.24 3650 St. Urbain Street Montreal, QC H2X 2P4 Teresa Mersereau, BScN, RN, MSc (Public Health) National Coordinator Airborne Diseases/Tuberculosis Communicable Disease Control Division First Nations and Inuit Health Branch C1563, Jeanne Mance Building AL 1915C, Tunneys Pasture Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9
Robert Stirling, MD, MSc, MHSc, FRCPC Program Director Canadian Field Epidemiology Program Public Health Agency of Canada 130 Colonnade Road Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9 Terry Nan Tannenbaum, MD, MPH Interim Chief, Health Protection Sector Montreal Public Health Department 1301 rue Sherbrooke est Montreal, QC H2L 1M3 Tamara Wallington, MD, FRCPC Associate Medical Ocer of Health Communicable Disease Control Toronto Public Health 277 Victoria Street Toronto, ON M5B 1W2 Heather Ward, MD, MSc Department of Medicine University of Saskatchewan P. O. Box 100 Royal University Hospital Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W8 Lori Whitehead, MD, FRCPC Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine Program Director, Adult Respirology McMaster University Director Regional Tuberculosis Clinic Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health St.Josephs Healthcare, Hamilton 50 Charlton Avenue East Hamilton, ON L8N 4A6
Wendy Wobeser, MD Assistant Professor Division of Infectious Diseases Queens University and Medical Director Clinical Immunology Clinic Kingston General Hospital Etherington Hall Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 Joyce Wolfe Program Manager, Mycobacteriology National Reference Centre for Mycobacteriology National Microbiology Laboratory Public Health Agency of Canada 1015 Arlington Street Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P6 Lilian Yuan, MD Public Health Consultant Population Health Strategies Inc. 57 Simpson Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 1A1
Conrmed case
Laboratory conrmed case Cases with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex demonstrated on culture, specically M. tuberculosis, M. africanum, M. canetti, M. caprae, M. microti, M. pinnipedii or M. bovis (excluding M. bovis BCG strain) Clinically conrmed case In the absence of culture proof, cases clinically compatible with active tuberculosis that have, for example: i. chest x-ray changes compatible with active tuberculosis; ii. active nonrespiratory tuberculosis (meningeal, bone, kidney, peripheral lymph nodes, etc.); iii. pathologic or tuberculosis; post-mortem evidence of active
b) c) OR 2. a)
b) c)
If less than 6 months have passed since the last day of previous treatment and the case was not previously reported in Canada, report as a re-treatment case. If less than 6 months have passed since the last day of previous treatment and the case was previously reported in Canada, do not report as a re-treatment case. Submit an additional Treatment Outcome of New Active or Retreatment Tuberculosis Case form at the end of treatment.
Data submission
Data are submitted in either paper or electronic format and comprise the items contained in two reporting forms, (see below), the Active Tuberculosis Case Report Form - New and Re-treatment Cases and the Treatment Outcome of a New Active or Re-treatment Tuberculosis Case. The Canadian Tuberculosis Reporting System Form Completion Guidelines were developed to assist in the completion of the reporting forms. Current versions of the reporting forms and completion guidelines are available at http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis. From the data collected by the CTBRS, the Public Health Agency of Canada publishes an annual report on the epidemiology of tuberculosis called Tuberculosis in Canada, rst published in 1995, following the transfer of responsibility for this national surveillance system from Statistics Canada. Data are reported according to province/territory, type of tuberculosis, bacterial status, age, sex and origin/birthplace. National data are available in published form back to 1924 and in electronic case-level format back to 1970.
Active Tuberculosis Case Report Form New and Re-treatment Cases CONFIDENTIAL
4. Date of birth
Year Month Day
Province/Territory/Patient ID
1. Reporting province/ territory 2. Register case number 3. Unique identifier 5. Sex
Male Female
6. Usual residence
Postal code
7. Canadian born?
1 3
Y Country of birth
Origin Unknown
Temporary resident:
Work 6
Student 7
Refugee Y
8. Date of diagnosis
Year Month Day
ICD 9 ICD 10
9. Chest X-Ray
Not done
If abnormal
Bacterial Status
10. Microscopy
Sputum Bronchial Wash GI Wash Node Biopsy Negative Positive Not done Unknown Urine CSF Other
Negative Positive Not done Unknown
11. Culture
Sputum Bronchial Wash GI Wash Node Biopsy Urine CSF Other
Culture positive
Clinical diagnosis
Susceptible Resistant Not done Unknown
Susceptible Resistant Not done Unknown
Treatment Details
15. Date treatment started
Year Month Day
2 3
Month Day
If positive, year of 1st positive test If negative, year of most recent test
Contact with person with active TB in past 2 years Diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2 End-stage renal disease
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
No No No No No No No No No No No
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Symptoms compatible with site of disease Post-mortem Immigration medical surveillance Initial immigration medical exam done outside Canada Initial immigration medical exam done inside Canada Unknown
Incidental finding Contact investigation Occupational screening Other screening Other (specify)
Lives in correctional setting at time of diagnosis Long-term ( 1 month) corticosteroid use (prednisone 15 mg/day or equivalent) Previous abnormal chest x-ray (fibronodular disease) Substance abuse (known or suspected) Transplant related immunosuppression Travel to high incidence TB country in last 2 years If yes, how long _________ (in weeks) Other (specify)
5. Sex
Male Female
6. If transfer from diagnosing 6. province/territory, 6. please state treating 6. province/territory 9. Date of diagnosis
Year Month Day
No drugs prescribed
Other (specify)
Cure negative culture at completion of treatment* Treatment completed without culture at end of treatment* Death before or during treatment Date of death
Year Month Day
1 2 3
Not tested
TB was the cause of death TB contributed to death but was not the underlying cause TB did not contribute to death
Streptomycin Kanamycin Capreomycin Ofloxacin Ethionamide PAS Rifabutin
Transferred to new country outcome of treatment unknown (specify new country) Failure continued or recurrent positive cultures after 4 or more months of treatment Absconded (lost to follow-up before completion of 80% of doses) Treatment ongoing Other (specify)
5 6 7
Other (specify)
15. Treatment regimen (for drugs taken > 1 month) (check all that apply)
2 3
1 3
2 9
Date specimen / culture received at laboratory: Date de rception chantillon / culture au laboratoire: M. tuberculosis complex (species known)* Complexe M. tuberculosis (espce connue)* What is the previous Unique Source Laboratory ID No.? Identificateur antrieur? What is the previous Form No.? (If known) o N de formulaire antrieur? (Si connu)
Specie: Espce :
No Non Yes Oui
M. bovis
M. bovis BCG
Have susceptibility test results been previously reported for this patient? - Des rsultats dantibiogramme ont-ils dj t fournis pour ce patient?
Note: Only DRUG TESTING RESULTS OF ONE ISOLATE are to be reported. No subsequent drug testing results for the same patient are to be reported unless the sensitivity pattern changes. 1 Province / territoire qui soumet ce rapport :
Province / territory from which this report originates:
Note: Ne fournir que les RSULTATS POUR UN SEUL ISOLAT par patient moins dun changement du profil de sensibilit.
PROV / TERR CODES PROV / TERR 10 = N.L. / T.N.-L. 11 = P.E.I. / .-P.-. (see code list) (voir liste de codes) 12 = N.S. / N.-. Unknown Inconnu 13 = N.B. / N.-B. 24 = Que. / Qc 35 = Ont. 46 = Man. 47 = Sask. 48 = Alta. / Alb. 59 = B.C. / C.-B. 60 = Y.T. / Yn 61 = N.W.T. / T.N.-O. 62 = Nvt. / Nt
3 Date de naissance
du patient :
4 Sexe du patient : 5
Patients gender:
Male Masculin
Female Fminin
Unknown Inconnu
(if different from on file)
Results (check appropriate box for every drug) Rsultats (cocher la case pertinente pour chaque antibiotique)
Sensitive Sensible Resistant Rsistant Other (specify) Autre (prciser)
(si autre que spcifie)
Copy 2 (Yellow) - Tuberculosis Prevention and Control (TBPC) Copie 2 (Jaune) - Lutte antituberculeuse (LATB)
Definition of terms
Aboriginal Peoples
Descendants of the original inhabitants of North America. The Constitution Act of 1982 recognizes three major groups of Aboriginal people in Canada: Indians (Status and non-Status North American Indians), Mtis and Inuit. In the context of tuberculosis treatment, a patient who was lost to follow-up before completion of 80% of recommended doses. Microorganisms that are distinguished by their retention of specic stains even after being rinsed with an acid solution. The majority of acid-fast bacteria (AFB) in patient specimens are mycobacteria, including species other than Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. The relative concentration of AFB per unit area on a slide (the smear grade) is associated with infectiousness. A positive culture is required for laboratory conrmation of M. tuberculosis complex.
A term that is often used interchangeably with compliance and refers to the patients and health care providers ability to follow management guidelines appropriately. It most often refers to the strict adherence by the patient to the prescribed regimen of anti-tuberculosis drug treatment or preventive therapy.
Small droplets of moisture that are exhaled or coughed up. In a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis they may contain Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria that are suspended in the air and lead to the spread of infection. Generation of infectious aerosols is greatest with laryngeal and cavitary pulmonary disease. The number of air changes per hour in a room; one air change being a volume of air equal to the room volume.
A condition wherein a person has diminished ability to exhibit delayed T-cell hypersensitivity reaction to antigens because of a condition or situation resulting in altered immune function. When referring to an inability to react to a skin test, the correct term is cutaneous anergy. This denotes a specimen that is acid-fast smear and/ or culture-positive, with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex being the species isolated on culture.
Bacillary (bacterial)positive
Bacille Calmette- A live attenuated vaccine derived from Mycobacterium bovis used to prevent or moderate tuberculosis Gurin (BCG)
A commercially available broth-based laboratory technique using radiometric methods in which rapid growth and drug susceptibility results are available usually within a few weeks.
Booster phenomenon
The presence of an initially negative tuberculin skin test (TST) response followed by a positive response when the test is repeated at any time from 1 week to 1 year later. The phenomenon often occurs many years after infection, most notably in the elderly. The initial negative response is based on the subjects initial failure to recall, immunologically, prior infection. To avoid inadvertent labelling of a positive response as due to TST conversion, especially when serial skin testing is planned, initial two-step skin testing may be recommended. A federal/provincial/territorial/non-governmental health organization committee that provides scientically based advice to the Public Health Agency of Canada on tuberculosis prevention and control strategies and priorities for Canada, and provides a forum to address issues of common concern related to provincial/territorial tuberculosis prevention and control programs. For further information, see http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis. This term refers to all aspects of the diagnosis and initiation of therapy of an active case of tuberculosis, including the completion of an adequate course of therapy. This is a radiologic-pathologic label referring to evidence of lung destruction, i.e. evidence on chest x-ray or pathology of cavities or cystic areas that communicate with a bronchus. Cavities generally harbour large numbers of bacteria and, as a result, patients with cavitary disease tend to be highly infectious. The provision of drug therapy to treat active disease. A patient in whom it has been impossible to eradicate the organism completely and who continues to chronically excrete organisms. It often occurs in drug-resistant disease, especially in subjects with an intact immune system.
Case holding
Cavitary disease
Two or more isolates found to share an identical genotype (ngerprint) using a method such as Mycobacteria Interspersed Repetitive Unit (MIRU) testing, insertion sequence 6110 (IS6110) based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) testing or spoligotyping. See adherence. A person identied as having come in contact with an active case of disease. The degree of contact is usually further dened as close household, close non-household, casual and community contacts. The level and duration of contact usually suggests the risk of becoming infected. A change in the result of a test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection that is interpreted to indicate a change from being uninfected to infected. With the tuberculin skin test (TST), a conversion is dened as induration of 10 mm or greater when an earlier test resulted in a reaction of less than 5 mm. If the earlier result was between 5 and 9 mm, there are two criteria: 1. An increase of 6 mm or morethis is a more sensitive criterion, which is suggested for those who are immune compromised with increased risk of disease or for an outbreak. 2. An increase of 10 mm or morethis is a less sensitive but more specic criterion. In general, the larger the increase, the more likely that it is due to true conversion.
Compliance Contact
The isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (excluding BCG strain) from sputum, body secretions, or tissue. Culture-negative at the completion of treatment; for multidrug-resistant TB (resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampin), a patient who has been consistently culture negative (with at least ve results) for the nal 12 months of treatment. If there was only one positive culture with no clinical evidence of deterioration, a patient may be considered cured provided that the positive culture is followed by at least three consecutive negative cultures taken at least 30 days apart.
Cell-mediated inammatory reaction to an antigen that is recognized by the immune system, typically because of previous exposure to the same or similar antigens. Cell-mediated reactions are contrasted with an antibody (or humoral) response. DTH typically peaks 48-72 hours after exposure to the antigen.
As per s.30(1)(c) of the Immigration and Refugee Designated country/territory Protection Regulations, if an individual is seeking entry to Canada for a period of greater than 6 months and has resided or sojourned, at any time during the 1 year period immediately preceding the date of seeking entry, for 6 consecutive months in a designated country/territory, then he/she is required to undergo an immigration medical examination. The designation of a country/territory is based primarily upon international tuberculosis incidence rates published by the Public Health Agency of Canada, (see http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis).
Directly observed The process whereby a health care worker or pill dispenser watches the patient swallow each dose prophylaxis of medication for latent tuberculosis infection, (DOP)
helping to ensure higher treatment completion rates. DOP is also known as directly observed preventive therapy (DOPT).
Directly observed The process whereby a health care worker or pill dispenser watches the patient swallow each dose of therapy (DOT)
medication, helping to ensure that higher treatment completion rates are achieved. It may be subclassied as modied, standard or enhanced. Modied DOT refers to DOT for only part of the treatment period, typically during the initial phase, followed by selfadministered therapy during the continuation phase. Standard DOT refers to DOT throughout the initial phase and the continuation phase. Enhanced DOT also refers to DOT throughout both phases but also includes incentives and enablers.
DNA probe
A molecular diagnostic technique whereby the organism grown on culture can be rapidly speciated within a matter of hours.
Drug resistance
A strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to one or more of the four rst-line drugs: isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide or ethambutol. Streptomycin was once but is no longer considered a rst-line drug in Canada. The elimination of tuberculosis as a global public health problem, dened by the Stop TB Partnership (see http://www.stoptb.org/globalplan/) as an incidence of tuberculosis disease of less than 1 per million population. A practical item given to a patient to make adherence (e.g. to treatment or to clinic appointments) easier. Tuberculosis due to bacteria resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampin from among the rst-line anti-tuberculosis drugs, plus resistance to any uoroquinolone and to at least one of three injectable second-line drugs (capreomycin, kanamycin and amikacin).
First line antibiotics for the treatment of active First-line antituberculosis drug tuberculosis disease, including isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide. Streptomycin was once but is no longer considered a rst-line drug in Canada.
Indian people in Canada, both status and nonstatus. Status Indians are registered with the federal government as Indians, according to the terms of the Indian Act.
High tuberculosis Having a rate of sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (3 year average), as estimated by the incidence World Health Organization, of 15 per 100,000 or countries
greater. The 3-year moving average is used to adjust for unstable rates in some jurisdictions. Estimated sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis rates are used rather than the country reported incidence rates, as they adjust for under-reporting of cases and are more indicative of the current risk of being infected by residence or prolonged travel in the country/territory. To view current international incidence rates, see http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/ tuberculosis.
A gift given to patients to encourage or acknowledge their adherence to treatment. The number of new occurrences of a given disease during a specied period of time. The rst or initial active case from which the process of contact investigation begins. The soft tissue swelling that is measured when determining the tuberculin skin test response to puried protein derivative (PPD) tuberculin. It is to be distinguished from erythema, which is not measured, i.e. does not constitute a measurable reaction to the antigen. The condition whereby the patient can transmit infection to others by virtue of the production of infectious aerosols. Those with smear-positive cavitary and laryngeal disease are usually the most infectious.
Interferon gamma In-vitro T-cell based assays that measure interferon- (IFN-) production and that have been developed release assay for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection (IGRA)
(LTBI). These assays operate on the basis that Tcells previously sensitized to tuberculosis antigens produce high levels of IFN- when re-exposed to the same mycobacterial antigens. At the present time, two dierent types of IGRAs are registered for use in Canada and present possible alternatives to tuberculin skin testing (TST). These are the Quantiferon-TB Gold In-Tube (Cellistis Limited, Carnegie, Victoria, Australia) and the T-SPOT.TB (Oxford Immunotec, Oxford, UK) assays.
Intermittent therapy
Therapy administered 2 or 3 times a week. This therapy should always be administered in a fully supervised, directly observed fashion and is usually reserved for the period after the initial intensive daily portion of therapy. The method of injecting either PPD skin test antigen using the Mantoux technique or vaccinating with BCG vaccine.
An Aboriginal people in Northern Canada, who live primarily in Nunavut, Northwest Territories, northern Quebec and northern Labrador. The word means people in the Inuit language Inuktitut. The presence of latent or dormant infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis with no evidence of clinically active disease. The immunocompetent host generally has a lifetime risk of infection progressing to active disease (reactivation) in the range of 10%. Subjects deemed to have LTBI are by denition noninfectious. Depending on their contact history, age, chest radiographic ndings, and associated medical conditions, they may be candidates for treatment of latent tuberculosis infection. The technical term to describe the intradermal injection of 5 tuberculin units of PPD into the forearm. This is the recommended technique to administer tuberculin skin testing. People of mixed Aboriginal and European ancestry who identify themselves as Mtis and are distinct from First Nations people, Inuit or non-Aboriginal people. Mycobacteria growth indicator tube; a nonradiometric broth-based culture system. Detection of growth is due to the development of measurable uorescence as a result of oxygen consumption. Tuberculosis due to bacteria resistant to isoniazid and rifampin with or without resistance to other rst- or second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs.
Mantoux technique
Nucleic acid amplication tests. New molecular diagnostic tests aimed at increasing sensitivity so that very small numbers of organisms can be detected by either increasing the amount of their nucleic acid or by increasing the signal of the probe. Although these tests are highly specic, at this time they have not obtained a sensitivity that would allow them to replace culture.
New active case of tuberculosis disease Non-nominal reporting Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM)
An incident case of active tuberculosis with no documented evidence or adequate history of previously active tuberculosis. A reporting system in which no identifying information or names are provided to public health ocials when tuberculosis data are reported. All mycobacterial species except those that cause tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis [including subspecies M. canetti], M. bovis, M. africanum, M. caprae, M. microti and M. pinnipedii) and those that cause leprosy (M. leprae). The following working denition of outbreak has been proposed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for planning investigations: During (and because of ) a contact investigation, two or more contacts are identied as having active TB, regardless of their assigned (contact investigation) priority; or Any two or more cases occurring (within) 1 year of each other are discovered to be linked, and the linkage is established outside of a contact investigation (e.g. two patients who received a diagnosis of TB outside of a contact investigation are found to work in the same oce, and only one or neither of the persons was listed as a contact to the other). The linkage between cases should be conrmed by genotyping results if isolates have been obtained.
Polymerase chain The process whereby genetic material is amplied and subsequently evaluated for the presence of DNA reaction (PCR)
material to identify various mycobacterial species.
The number of people with the disease that are alive during a specied period of time.
This occurs usually, but not always, in a child, and is due to infection within the preceding 24 months with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. It includes pulmonary (lung parenchyma) tuberculosis, as well as tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes, larynx, trachea, bronchus, or nasopharyngeal sinuses (ICD-9 codes 010, 010.0, 010.8, 010.9; ICD-10 codes A15.7 and 16.7). This diagnosis excludes tuberculous pleurisy in primary progressive tuberculosis (see below). In Canada, pulmonary tuberculosis includes tuberculosis of the lungs and conducting airways, which includes tuberculous brosis of the lung, tuberculous bronchiectasis, tuberculous pneumonia, tuberculous pneumothorax, isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis and tuberculous laryngitis (ICD-9 codes 011-011.9, 012.2, 012.3; ICD-10 codes A15.0-A15.3, A15.5, A15.9, A16.0-A16.2, A16.4, A16.9).
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Puried protein A preparation of puried tuberculin standardized in derivative (PPD) the past. The usual tuberculin test uses 0.1 mL of PPD standardized to 5 tuberculin units (TU). tuberculin Reactivation Registry
The development of active disease after a period of latent tuberculosis infection. The systematic collection of data pertaining to all active cases of tuberculosis in a given jurisdiction, to allow for eective case holding and the collection of epidemiologic information. Prior to 2008 in Canada: documented evidence or adequate history of previously active tuberculosis that became inactive but now meets the active tuberculosis case denition. Eective 2008 in Canada: re-treatment case of tuberculosis that is understood to be due to the inability to eradicate the previous episode of disease.
Respiratory isolation
Respiratory tuberculosis
This consists of primary tuberculosis (which includes primary respiratory tuberculosis and tuberculous pleurisy in primary progressive tuberculosis), pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous pleurisy (nonprimary) and tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, mediastinum, nasopharynx, nose (septum) and sinus (any nasal) (ICD-9 codes 010-012 except 010.1; ICD-10 codes A15-16 except 15.7 and 16.7). A technique whereby the genetic ngerprint of individual organisms can be compared with that of other organisms. When isolates share an identical RFLP pattern it suggests an epidemiologic link, either recent or in the remote past, between the individuals from whom the organisms were isolated. Documented evidence or adequate history of previously active TB which was declared cured or treatment completed by current standards, and At least 6 months have passed since the last day of previous treatment*, and Diagnosed with a subsequent episode of TB which meets the active TB case denition. Documented evidence or adequate history of previously active TB which cannot be declared cured or treatment completed by current standards, and Inactive for 6 months or longer after the last day of previous treatment,* and Diagnosed with a subsequent episode of TB which meets the active TB case denition.
oo b) oo c) OR 2. a)
oo b) oo c)
_______________ * If less than 6 months have passed since the last day of previous treatment and the case was not previously reported in Canada, report as a re-treatment case. If less than 6 months have passed since the last day of previous treatment and the case was previously reported in Canada, do not report as a re-treatment case. Submit an additional Treatment Outcome of New Active or Re-treatment Tuberculosis Case form at the end of treatment. Inactivity for a respiratory tuberculosis case is dened as 3 negative tuberculosis smears and cultures with a 3 month duration of stability in serial chest radiographs or a 6 month duration of stability in serial chest radiographs. Inactivity for a nonrespiratory tuberculosis case is to be documented bacteriologically, radiologically, and/or clinically as appropriate to the site of disease.
Second-line anti- Anti-tuberculosis drugs other than rst-line drugs, tuberculosis drug (isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide)
and other than those with unclear ecacy. Secondline drugs consist of (1) aminoglycosides, such as amikacin, kanamycin and streptomycin, (2) cyclic polypeptides, such as capreomycin, (3) analogs of d-alanine, such as cycloserine, (4) uoroquinolones, such as ciprooxacin, gatioxacin, levooxacin, moxioxacin, ooxacin and sparoxacin, (5) rifamycins, other than rifampin, such as rifabutin, (6) salicyclic acidanti folates, such as para-aminosalicylate (PAS), (7) thioamides, such as ethionamide and protionamide and (8) phenazine derivatives, such as clofazimine.
A laboratory technique for preparing a specimen so that bacteria can be visualized microscopically. The results for sputum acid-fast bacteria (AFB) smears typically are reported as numbers of AFB per high-powered microscopy eld, or else as a graded result from no AFB to 4+ AFB. The quantity of stained organisms is associated with the degree of infectiousness. The person who was the original source of infection for secondary case(s) or contacts. The source case can be, but is not necessarily, the index case. Cases of tuberculosis with positive smear results obtained from either spontaneously expectorated sputum, induced sputum, tracheal or bronchial washings/aspiration, or gastric wash. A person who is registered with the federal government as an Indian, according to the terms of the Indian Act. Status Indians are also known as Registered Indians.
Source case
Status Indian
Transferred to new A patient who has been transferred to a recording countryoutcome and reporting unit outside of Canada and for whom the treatment outcome is not known. of treatment unknown Treatment completion (active tuberculosis)
Treatment completed without culture at the end of treatment and therefore the case does not meet the criteria for cure or for treatment failure.
Positive sputum cultures after 4 or more months of treatment or two positive sputum cultures in dierent months during the last 3 months of treatment, even if the nal culture is negative. For MDR-TB (resistance to at least isoniazid and rifampin), treatment is considered to have failed if two or more of ve cultures recorded in the nal 12 months are positive; or any one of the nal three cultures is positive; or if a clinical decision has been made to terminate treatment early because of poor response or adverse events.
The provision of preventive therapy, usually in the form of isoniazid, to individuals infected with M. tuberculosis but without active disease. This is also known as chemoprophylaxis. Skin test to identify whether a person has delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction to tuberculin antigens.
This disease state is characterized by pleuritis and pleural eusion, usually in an adolescent or young adult, but possibly in any age group, due to recent (within the preceding 24 months) infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (ICD-9 code 010.1; ICD-10 codes 15.7 and 16.7). The diagnosis excludes non-primary tuberculous pleurisy due to infection more than 24 months prior to diagnosis (ICD-9 code 012.0 and ICD-10 codes A15.6 and 16.5). If another site of tuberculosis disease, such as CNS or disseminated/miliary disease, is believed to have occurred as a consequence of recent infection (within the preceding 24 months), it ought to be referred to and reported as tuberculosis of the meninges or miliary tuberculosis.
The Canadian Tuberculosis Committee provides the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) with ongoing, timely and scientically based advice on national strategies and priorities with respect to tuberculosis prevention and control in Canada. PHAC acknowledges that the advice and recommendations set out in this statement are based upon the best currently available scientic knowledge and medical practice. It is disseminating this document for information purposes to the medical and public health communities involved in tuberculosis prevention and control activities. Persons administering or using drugs, vaccines, or other products should also be aware of the contents of the product monograph(s) or other similarly approved standards or instructions for use. Recommendations for use and other information set out herein may dier from that set out in the product monograph(s) or other similarly approved standards or instructions for use by the licensed manufacturer(s). Manufacturers have sought approval and provided evidence as to the safety and ecacy of their products only when used in accordance with the product monographs or other similarly approved standards or instructions for use.
* Members: Dr. R. Long (Chair); Dr. H. Akwar, Dr. A. Al-Azem, Ms. C. Case, Dr. E. Ellis (Executive Secretary), Dr. K. Elwood, Dr. B. Graham, Ms. C. Hemsley, Dr. V. Hoeppner, Dr. A. Kabani, Dr. M. Lem, Ms. J. Marshall, Dr. P. Orr, Ms. E. Randell, Dr. P. Rivest, Ms. S. Sarkesh, Dr. L. Scott, Dr. F. Stratton, Dr. L. Sweet, Dr. W. Wobeser, and Ms. J. Wolfe. This statement was prepared by Drs. M. Gardam, D. Kunimoto, R. Long, D. Menzies and M. Pai (with secretariat support provided by Dr. R. Stirling). It has been approved by the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee.
The following recommendations are based in general upon a review of the literature and expert opinion as of October 2006. With more interferongamma release assay-related research being published all the time, the eld is quickly evolving. As a result, this Advisory Committee Statement will be periodically updated as warranted. The updated Statements, along with a list of referenced studies grouped by category, will appear on the Public Health Agency of Canada website at <http://www.publichealth. gc.ca/tuberculosis>.
Recently, in-vitro T-cell based assays that measure interferon- (IFN-) production have been developed for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). These assays operate on the basis that T-cells previously sensitized to tuberculosis antigens produce high levels of IFN- when re-exposed to the same mycobacterial antigens.1 At the present time, two dierent types of IFN- release assays (IGRAs) are registered for use in Canada and present possible alternatives to tuberculin skin testing (TST). These are the QuantiFERONTB Gold In-Tube (Cellestis Limited, Carnegie, Victoria, Australia) and the T-SPOT.TB (Oxford Immunotec, Oxford, UK) assays. The rst commercial IGRA was the QuantiFERON-TB assay, and this assay used puried protein derivative (PPD) as the stimulating antigen. This assay was replaced by the QuantiFERON-TB Gold (QFT-G) assay that uses TBspecic antigens. The T-SPOT.TB test, the rst IGRA registered in Canada, is also currently CE marked, a requirement to market a product in the European Union (EU) that indicates the product meets the applicable requirements of the EU directives. As of January 2007, the T-SPOT.TB test has not been FDA approved. Because of the rapid evolution of these assays and the variations in cutpoints and technical methods used, it is important to note that this statement is based on published literature on QFT-G and QFT-G In-Tube, and research and commercial versions of the T-SPOT.TB assay. The newer IGRA assays use M. tuberculosis specic proteins encoded by genes located within the region of dierence 1 (RD-1) segment of the M. tuberculosis genome. These antigens are not found in Bacille Calmette-Gurin (BCG) vaccine and many non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) species.1 The immunogenic antigens encoded within the RD-1 of M. tuberculosis are found in M. leprae, wild type M. bovis, and certain of the NTM (including M. kansasii, M. marinum, M. szulgai, and M. avescens). Theoretically, the presence in the host of these species could cause a false positive IGRA. While M. leprae and M. bovis are uncommon species in Canada, and are therefore unlikely to cause cross reactions, the NTM, M. kansasii, M. marinum, M. szulgai, and M. avescens (listed in approximate order of their frequency in Canada) are not uncommon. Cumulatively, as many as 1 or 2 isolates of these species are grown for every 10 isolates of M. tuberculosis (National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada). In 2005, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that the FDA-approved version of QFT-G assay may be used in
place of the TST for all indications, including contact investigations, evaluation of immigrants, and serial testing of health care workers.2 In 2006, the UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) TB guidelines recommended a hybrid, two-step approach for LTBI diagnosis: initial screen with TST, and subsequent IGRA testing, if available, of those who are TST positive (or in whom TST may be unreliable), to conrm TST results.3
Test Descriptions
QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube
The QFT-G assay is available in two formats, a 24-well culture plate format (approved by the US Food and Drug Administration [FDA], and currently used in the US), and a newer, simplied In-Tube format (not FDA approved as yet; but available in countries other than the US). In Canada only the QFT-G In-Tube test is available. The QFT-G In-Tube assay uses peptides from early secreted antigenic target 6 (ESAT-6), culture ltrate protein 10 (CFP-10), and a portion of TB7.7. In this assay, one millilitre (mL) of blood is drawn into each of three tubes: a negative control, a positive mitogen control, and a tube that contains the M. tuberculosis specic RD-1 antigens CFP-10, ESAT 6 and TB7.7. The tubes are incubated as soon as possible but within 16 hours at 37C for 16-24 hours and then centrifuged. Plasma is removed and assayed for IFN- by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The plasma is stable for up to 4 weeks at 4C or can be frozen at -20C for 3 months. Using the software provided with the commercial kit, the ELISA read-out is used to calculate the amount of IFN- as IU/mL. After correcting for the negative control, an IFN- value of 0.35 IU/mL is considered positive.
The T-SPOT.TB test is an in-vitro diagnostic assay that measures IFN- release following T-cell exposure to ESAT-6 and CFP-10. The T-SPOT.TB test is available in two formats a 96 well plate (T-SPOT.TB 96) or eight well strips (T-SPOT.TB 8). In this assay, 8 mL of blood is collected into sodium citrate cell preparation tubes. Following isolation and washing of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), 2.5 x 105 viable cells are added to each of four microtitre plate wells: a negative (nil) control, a positive control and two patient test wells (containing ESAT-6 and CFP-10 respectively). The T-SPOT.TB assay incubates PBMCs with M. tuberculosis antigens, and measures the number of T-cells producing IFN- using an enzyme linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay. The results of the test are interpreted by comparing the number of spots produced in the patient test wells compared to the number in the corresponding negative and positive control wells. What constitutes a positive result depends upon the number of spots produced in the negative control well. The product insert or the manufacturers website should be consulted for further information on the interpretation of the test.
1. Serial testing
There are very few published studies of results of serial testing with IGRA. Several small studies have examined results of repeated IGRA in patients who were receiving treatment for active TB4-9 or LTBI.10,11 Results from these studies have been contradictory in some studies IGRA responses increased,5,6 in others they decreased,4,7,8 while in others no change10,11 was seen following treatment. Thus no clear conclusions can be made from these longitudinal studies. As well, the eect of treatment could not be distinguished from random and biologic variability in these studies. The only published study of serial IGRA testing in untreated but exposed persons was conducted among health care workers in India.12 In this study conversions, reversions, and non-specic variations occurred with serial testing with QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube, as they do with TST. To meaningfully interpret repeat IGRA results, further studies are needed to determine the optimal thresholds to distinguish new infections (i.e., conversions) from non-specic variations.
There is insucient published evidence to recommend serial IGRA testing in populations exposed to tuberculosis such as health care workers or prison sta and inmates. Serial screening for LTBI should continue to be done using the TST, as recommended by the Canadian Tuberculosis Standards.13
heterogeneous methods, and ndings, no meaningful inferences can be drawn. It cannot even be stated whether IGRAs are equivalent, better, or worse than TST in this population. Hence, at this time the most prudent action is to await further published evaluations of IGRA in this population, as this a very active area of investigation.
Use of IGRA is not recommended in children, until published evidence is available consistently demonstrating the utility and accuracy of these tests in pediatric populations.
3. Immigrant screening
In previously published statements, the Canadian Thoracic Society has not recommended routine or mass screening of new immigrants for LTBI using the TST.22 The vast majority of persons identied to have LTBI are at low risk of subsequent disease, making this TB prevention strategy much less cost eective than other strategies, such as contact investigation.23 In addition, in published reports from large scale screening programs the overall impact has been low because of substantial non-adherence, by patients and providers, with recommendations for screening, follow-up and LTBI treatment.23-28 The limited published experience using these tests under routine program conditions suggests that using new IGRA will not signicantly improve programmatic eciency.29 On the other hand foreign born persons, because they have a higher prevalence of LTBI, SHOULD be targeted for LTBI screening if they have clinical conditions that increase the risk for reactivation of LTBI.30,31 These clinical conditions include the following:13 HIV infection transplantation (related to immunosuppressant therapy) silicosis chronic renal failure requiring hemodialysis carcinoma of head and neck recent TB infection ( 2 years) abnormal chest x-ray bronodular disease or granuloma treatment with glucocorticoids treatment with tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha inhibitors diabetes mellitus (all types) underweight (for TB purposes, this is a body mass index < 20 for most persons) cigarette smoker children under the age of 15 years who have lived in a country with high TB incidence and have immigrated within the past 2 years persons aged 15 years and older who have lived in a country with high TB incidence, have immigrated within the past 2 years and have either
been living with or in known contact with a TB case in the past or are at high risk for development of active TB Note: A country is considered to have a high TB incidence if its World Health Organization estimated sputum smear positive pulmonary TB incidence rate is 15/100,000 or higher (3 year average). To view current rates, please see http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis.
Routine or mass screening for LTBI for all immigrants with either TST or IGRA is NOT recommended. However, targeted screening for LTBI after arrival in Canada is recommended among foreign born with clinical conditions that increase their risk of reactivation of LTBI. For these persons, the TST should be used.
can be used to reduce the likelihood of administering treatment for LTBI to persons with falsely positive TSTs. Note about timing of simultaneous TST and IGRA When TST and IGRA are to be performed simultaneously, it is important to consider the issue of timing. Although one human study has shown that previous TST does not aect a subsequent ELISPOT result,39 there are animal studies that suggest that TST might boost subsequent measurements of IFN-.40,41 Given the paucity of data on this issue, it is recommended that, when possible, blood be drawn for IGRA prior to or on the same day as placing the TST. This will avoid any potential eect of PPD sensitization on subsequent IFN- measurements.
1. IGRAs may be used as a conrmatory test for a positive TST in contacts who, based upon an assessment of the duration and degree of contact with an active infectious case, are felt to have a low pretest probability of having recently acquired LTBI and who have no other high or increased risk factors for progression to active disease if infected.13 2. For close contacts or those contacts who have high or increased risk for progression to active disease if infected, a TST (or both TST and IGRA) should be used, and if either is positive, the contact should be considered to have LTBI. 3. If both TST and IGRA testing will be used, it is recommended that blood be drawn for IGRA prior to or on the same day as placing the TST.
Immunocompromised persons
Published data on the use of IGRAs in immunocompromised populations are limited. Two studies have examined the sensitivity of the T-SPOT.TB test in this population.42,43 In one study, the T-SPOT.TB test had high sensitivity for detecting active tuberculosis in HIV-infected and uninfected Zambian adults.42 The results of the T-SPOT.TB test, when compared to the TST, also suggested that it had greater sensitivity than the TST in the HIV-positive population. In a recent study comparing the performance of the T-SPOT.TB versus TST versus expert physician panel diagnosis (which included a TB epidemiologic survey, chest radiograph and twostep TST in end stage renal disease patients receiving hemodialysis), the T-SPOT.TB test was more closely correlated with known tuberculosis risk factors such as prior active disease and an abnormal chest lm, than the TST.43 In a study in 590 HIV-positive persons, QFT-G In-Tube was used to assess for LTBI44 with no TST comparison performed. Overall, 4.6% of HIV-positive persons were found to have a positive IGRA result, 78%
had risk factors for LTBI. Only 20 (3.4%) of the study population had indeterminate results, with higher rates in those with CD4 counts <100. In a second study,45 318 hospitalized patients were tested with both QFT-G and TST. The concordance between QFT-G and TST was signicantly lower in BCG vaccinated individuals. Of particular concern was the fact that the QFT-G gave an indeterminate result in 68 (21.4%) persons.
1. In an immunocompromised person, the TST should be the initial test used to detect LTBI. If the TST is positive, the person should be considered to have LTBI. 2. However, in light of the known problem with falsenegative TST results in immunocompromised populations, a clinician still concerned about the possibility of LTBI in an immunocompromised person with a negative initial TST result may perform an IGRA test. If the IGRA result is positive, the person might be considered to have LTBI. If the IGRA result is indeterminate, the test should be repeated to rule out laboratory error. If the repeat test is also indeterminate, the clinician should suspect anergy and rely on the persons history, clinical features, and any other laboratory results to make a decision as to the likelihood that the person has LTBI. The approach of accepting either test result (TST or IGRA) as positive will improve the sensitivity of detecting LTBI in immunocompromised populations, which would appear a desirable goal. However, in a meta-analysis of ve randomized trials, all conducted in TB high incidence countries, isoniazid was of no benet in TST negative HIV infected adults. Thus the clinician must weigh the potential benet of detecting more persons with positive test results against the lack of evidence for the benet of isoniazid treatment in such persons.
diagnosing LTBI and reduce the likelihood of administering treatment of LTBI to persons with false positive TSTs, an IGRA may be performed.
IGRA may be performed in TST positive, immunocompetent adults who are at relatively low risk of being infected with TB and of progressing to active disease if infected. Persons with a positive IGRA result may be considered for treatment of LTBI.
IGRAs are not recommended for the diagnosis of active TB. Clinicians who manage patients with suspected TB disease should align their practice with the Canadian TB Standards13 and the International Standards for TB Care,50 and use sputum smear microscopy and culture to investigate patients with suspected active TB.
IGRA negative Treatment for LTBI is not necessary IGRA indeterminate Repeat IGRA test or base interpretation on TST result
TST negative
Disclaimer: this table is oered in the context of this Statement and is NOT meant to be a comprehensive guide to the management of LTBI. For comprehensive guidance on the management of LTBI, the reader is referred to chapters 4 and 6 of the Canadian Tuberculosis Standards.13
health settings,31,51,54,55 although may be higher in primary care settings if not covered by provincial/territorial health insurance. Hence QFT-G In-Tube and T-SPOT.TB will be cost-eective, compared to the TST, only in populations where a high proportion were BCG vaccinated after infancy.56
Given their higher unit and labour costs, new IGRAs will be less cost-eective than TST in most clinical situations and populations. In low risk populations who were BCG vaccinated after infancy, the most cost-eective strategy is initial TST followed by QFT-G In-Tube for those who are TST positive.
In the diagnosis of LTBI, IGRAs have a number of potential advantages over the TST. Current commercially available assays that are based on combinations of RD-1 antigens such as ESAT-6 and CFP-10, have excellent specicity, with minimal false-positive test results due to vaccination with BCG, and sensitization by certain NTM. Other benets of these tests are that they require only a single visit by the patient and pose no risk of serious skin reactions. A major advantage of the TST is that results have been validated through followup of large cohorts to determine subsequent incidence of active TB. Based on these studies, risk of disease in an individual with certain risk factors and a given TST reaction can be predicted with some accuracy. However, to date, none of the IGRAs have been validated prospectively in this way. The initial material and ancillary costs of IGRAs are greater than those of the TST, and cost-benet analyses have demonstrated that this means these tests will be less cost-eective in most populations. The occurrence of many reactions that are discordant with TST reactions is of concern, because this pheno-menon of discordance remains largely unexplained. Therefore individuals who are IGRA positive and TST negative will be dicult to manage appropriately. It is important to note that, like the TST, IGRAs are not recommended for the diagnosis of active TB. The precise indications for use and interpretation of results, particularly with regard to future risk of active TB disease, remain uncertain at this time. Future research is needed to dene the ability of these assays to predict the development of active disease, their reproducibility, and to assess the health and economic implications of their use. Further studies, particularly prospective studies with simultaneous performance of TST and IGRAs, would be of great interest.
The authors acknowledge the members of the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee and the Provincial and Territorial Tuberculosis Programs for their contribution and participation in the Canadian Tuberculosis Reporting System:
Alberta Health and Wellness, Disease Control and Prevention Branch Division of Tuberculosis Control, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control Manitoba Tuberculosis Control Program Department of Health and Wellness, New Brunswick Department of Health and Community Services, Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Health and Social Service, Government of Northwest Territories Oce of the Chief Medical Ocer of Health, Nova Scotia Department of Health Department of Health & Social Services, Government of Nunavut Vaccine Preventable Diseases and TB Control Unit, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Department of Health and Social Services, Prince Edward Island Direction de la Protection de la Sant Publique, Ministre de la Sant et des Services Sociaux,Qubec Tuberculosis Control Program, Saskatchewan Health Department of Health and Social Services, Yukon Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada Canadian Lung Association Canadian Public Health Laboratory Network Canadian Thoracic Society Citizenship and Immigration Canada Correctional Service Canada First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada Stop TB Canada Tuberculosis Prevention and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada
Introduction/Test descriptions
1. 2. Anderson P, Munk ME, Pollock S, et al. Specic immune-based diagnosis of tuberculosis. Lancet 2000; 356:1099-1104. Mazurek GH, Jereb J, Lobue P, et al. Guidelines for using the QuantiFERON-TB Gold test for detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, United States. MMWR Recomm Rep 2005; 54(RR-15):49-55. National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Diseases. Tuberculosis: clinical diagnosis and management of tuberculosis, and measures for its prevention and control. London. Royal College of Physicians, 2006.
Serial testing
4. Pathan AA, Wilkinson KA, Klenerman P, et al. Direct ex vivo analysis of antigen-specic IFN--secreting CD4 T cells in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected individuals: Associations with clinical disease state and eect of treatment. Journal of Immunology 2001; 167:5217-5225. Ferrand RA, Bothamley GH, Whelan A, et al. Interferon-gamma responses to ESAT-6 in tuberculosis patients early into and after antituberculosis treatment. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2005; 9(9):1034-1039. Nicol MP, Pienaar D, Wood K, et al. Enzyme-linked immunospot assay responses to early secretory antigenic target 6, culture ltrate protein 10, and puried protein derivative among children with tuberculosis: implications for diagnosis and monitoring of therapy. Clin Infect Dis 2005; 40(9):1301-1308. Aiken AM, Hill PC, Fox A, et al. Reversion of the ELISPOT test after treatment in Gambian tuberculosis cases. BMC Infect Dis 2006; 6(1):66. Carrara S, Vincenti D, Petrosillo N, et al. Use of a T cell-based assay for monitoring ecacy of antituberculosis therapy. Clin Infect Dis 2004; 38(5):754-756. Pai M, Joshi R, Bandyopadhyay M, et al. Sensitivity of a whole-blood interferon-gamma assay among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and variations in T cell responses during anti-tuberculosis treatment. Infection 2007;35(2):98-103. Wilkinson KA, Kon OM, Newton SM, et al. Eect of Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection on the T Cell Response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2006; 193(3):354-359. Pai M, Joshi R, Dogra S, et al. Persistently elevated T cell interferongamma responses after treatment for latent tuberculosis infection among health care workers in India: a preliminary report. J Occup Med Toxicol 2006; 1:7.
7. 8.
Pai M, Joshi R, Dogra S, et al. Serial Testing of Health Care Workers for Tuberculosis using Interferon-{gamma} Assay. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006; 174(3):349-355. Long R, Ellis E, editors. Canadian Tuberculosis Standards. 6th ed. Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada and Canadian Lung Association; 2007.
Immigrant screening
22. 23. Menzies D. Screening immigrants to Canada for tuberculosis: chest radiography or tuberculin skin testing? CMAJ 2003; 169(10):1035-1036. Dasgupta K, Schwartzman K, Marchand R, et al. Comparison of cost eectiveness of tuberculosis screening of close contacts and foreign-born populations. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 162(6):2079-2086.
Onofre Moran-Mendoza A. The value of the tuberculin skin test size in predicting the development of tuberculosis in contacts of active cases. Department of Health Care and Epidemiology, University of British Columbia; 2004. Yuan L, Richardson E, Kendall PRW. Evaluation of a tuberculosis screening program for high-risk students in Toronto schools. CMAJ 1995; 153(7):925-932. Blum RN, Polish LB, Tapy JM, et al. Results of screening for tuberculosis in foreign-born persons applying for adjustment of immigration status. Chest 1993; 103:1670-1674. Catlos EK, Cantwell MF, Bhatia G, et al. Public Health Interventions to Encourage TB Class A/B1/B2 Immigrants to Present for TB Screening. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998; 158:1037-1041. Adhikari N, Menzies R. Community-based tuberculin screening in Montreal: A cost-outcome description. Am J Public Health 1995; 85(6):786-790. Dewan PK, Grinsdale J, Liska S, et al. Feasibility, acceptability, and cost of tuberculosis testing by whole-blood interferon-gamma assay. BMC Infect Dis 2006; 6(47). Menzies RI, Vissandjee B, Amyot D. Factors associated with tuberculin reactivity among the foreign-born in Montreal. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992; 146:752-756. Khan K, Muennig P, Behta M, et al. Global drug-resistance patterns and the management of latent tuberculosis infection in immigrants to the United States. N Engl J Med 2002; 347(23):1850-1859.
Richeldi L, Ewer K, Losi M, et al. T cell-based tracking of multidrug resistant tuberculosis infection after brief exposure. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004; 170: 28895. Shams H, Weis SE, Klucar P, et al. Enzyme-linked Immunospot and Tuberculin Skin Testing to Detect Latent Tuberculosis Infection Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2005; 172: 11611168. Zellweger J-P, Zellweger A, Ansermet S, et al. Contact tracing using a new T-cell-based test: better correlation with tuberculosis exposure than the tuberculin skin test. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2005; 9(11):12421247. Richeldi L, Ewer K, Losi M, et al. Repeated tuberculin testing does not induce false positive ELISPOT results. Thorax 2006; 61(2):180. Lyashchenko K, Whelan AO, Greenwald R, et al. Association of tuberculin-boosted antibody responses with pathology and cell-mediated immunity in cattle vaccinated with Mycobacterium bovis BCG and infected with M. bovis. Infect Immun 2004 May; 72(5): 2462-7. Palmer MV, Waters WR, Thacker TC, et al. Eects of dierent tuberculin skin-testing regimens on gamma interferon and antibody responses in cattle experimentally infected with Mycobacterium bovis. Clin Vaccine Immun 2006 Mar; 13(3): 387-94.
39. 40.
Immunocompromised persons
42. Chapman ALN, Munkanta M, Wilkinson KA, et al. Rapid detection of active and latent tuberculosis infection in HIV-positive individuals by enumeration of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specic T cells. AIDS 2002; 16:2285-2293. Passalent L, Khan K, Richardson R, et al. Detecting Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Hemodialysis Patients: A Head-to-Head Comparison of the T-SPOT.TB Test, Tuberculin Skin Test, and an Expert Physician Panel. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol ePress 2006 Oct 18: doi: 10.2215/ CJN.01280406. Brock I, Ruhwald M, Lundgren B, Westh H, Mathiesen LR, Ravn P. Latent Tuberculosis in HIV positive, diagnosed by the M. Tuberculosis Specic Interferon- test. Respiratory Research 2006; 7:56 (available from: http://respiratory-research.com/content/7/1/56) Ferrara G, Losi M, Meacci M, Meccugni B, Piro R, Roversi P, Bergamini BM, DAmico R, Marchegiano P, Rumpianesi F, Fabbri LM, Richeldi L. Routine Hospital Use of a New Commercial Whole Blood Interferon- Assay for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Infection. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005; 172: 631635.
TB Resources for Health Care Providers, Patients and the General Public
Canadian sources
Canadian Health Network www.canadian-health-network.ca Canadian-specic contributions to the Network are encouraged!
Canadian Lung Association www.lung.ca Public Health Agency of Canada www.phac-aspc.gc.ca (general) www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis TB Canada This secure Website, part of the Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence, is for persons involved in TB prevention and control in a service, education or research capacity. It provides a forum for discussion and makes it easier to request technical advice/assistance from others. To register, visit www.cnphi-rcrsp.ca. Click on your language of choice and then on Apply for a new account. Complete all the elds in the application and type in the words TB Canada in the comments box under the words at the bottom of the application and submit.
U.S. sources (Note that U.S. recommendations may differ from those
found in the Canadian Tuberculosis Standards because of different TB epidemiology, public health practice and clinical practice in the U.S.) American Thoracic Society www.thoracic.org Tuberculosis Education and Training Network www.cdc.gov/tb/TBETN/default.htm TB Education and Training Resource Guide www.cdc.gov/tb/pubs/TB_Edu_Train_Resources.htm Tuberculosis Education and Training Resources www.ndtbresources.org/scripts/index.cfm U.S. Regional Training and Medical Consultation Centers www.cdc.gov/tb/rtmcc.htm While each centre serves a geographic part of the U.S., they all list various resources on their Websites that may be useful for TB prevention and control activities outside the U.S.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention video entitled Mantoux Tuberculin Skin Test (Cat. No. 00-5457, English only) provides a clear, detailed demonstration of the steps involved in administering and reading the test. It may be ordered free of charge by completing an order form available on-line at www2.cdc.gov/nchstp_ od/piweb/tborderform.asp. TST practice may be done by intradermal injection of water into a hot dog. There are also a number of sources from which mannequin arms may be purchased on which to practise injections and/or reading of TST
reactions. Some of these sources can be found at www.ndtbresources. org/scripts/index.cfm. A Web-based interactive algorithm is available to assist in TST interpretation at www.meakins.mcgill.ca/respepi/homeE.htm.
Discontinued for aboriginal persons in Labrador in 1979 Routine vaccination of First Nations infants living in communities where TB is endemic. Endemic TB is dened as greater than 10% infectivity (active TB and latent TB infection) or total burden of latent TB infection Discontinued in the 1970s
Nova Scotia
Province/Territory Ontario
BCG Usage (except First Nations Communities) Used for some health workers prior to the 1970s
BCG Usage* (First Nations Communities) Oered to infants in North Western Ontario, Thunder Bay and Sioux Lookout Zones Discontinued in the 1970s
Discontinued in 1966 for school students and in 1976 for health care workers Clinical use began in Montreal in 1925 with routine use for school students beginning in 1948; discontinued in the mid-late 1970s for school students and more recently for health care students Clinical use began in 1933; discontinued in 1987
Oered to infants in 24 of 65 communities plus the Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority (NITHA)
* Routine use began in the late 1940s; current use varies by province/territory.
Recommendations for the screening and prevention of tuberculosis in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the screening for HIV in tuberculosis patients and their contacts
An Advisory Committee Statement (ACS)* The Canadian Tuberculosis Committee
The Canadian Tuberculosis Committee (CTC) provides Health Canada with ongoing, timely and scientically based advice on national strategies and priorities with respect to tuberculosis prevention and control in Canada. Health Canada acknowledges that the advice and recommendations set out in this statement are based upon the best current available scientic knowledge and medical practice. It is disseminating this document for information purposes to the medical community involved in the care of individuals with tuberculosis and/or HIV/AIDS.
* Source: Canada Communicable Disease Report 2002;28(ACS-7). URL: http://www. phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/ccdr-rmtc/02vol28/28sup/acs7.html Members: Dr. V. Hoeppner (Chair); Dr. M Baikie; Dr. C Balram; Ms. P. Bleackley; Ms. C. Case; Dr. E. Ellis (Executive Secretary); R.K. Elwood (Past Chair); Ms. P. Gaba;, Dr. B. Graham; Dr. B. Gushulak; Ms. C. Hemsley; Dr. E.S. Hersheld; Ms. R. Hickey; Dr. A. Kabani; Dr. B. Kawa; Dr. R. Long; Dr. F. Stratton; Ms. N. Sutton; Dr. L. Sweet; Dr. T.N. Tannenbaum. This statement was prepared by Dr. R Long, Dr. S. Houston, and Dr. E.S. Hersheld. It has been approved by the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee, Canadian Thoracic Society of the Canadian Lung Association, Canadian Infectious Disease Society, and Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada.
by the Mantoux method, which should be read 48 to 72 hours later by a health care worker experienced in reading TSTs. 4. TB screening with TST should be performed as soon as possible after HIV infection is diagnosed, because the reliability of the TST can diminish as the CD4 lymphocyte count declines. 5. For those in whom annual testing is felt to be justied by high infection rates, a baseline two step TST should be considered(2). 6. Induration of 5 mm on the TST should be considered indicative of TB infection(2,3). 7. Routine anergy testing is not recommended(13,14). Administration of TB preventive therapy to anergic, HIV-infected individuals has not been found to be useful or cost-eective if none of the other indications is present (see below)(15-17). 8. TST negative patients with evidence of old, healed TB on the chest radiograph, especially those with a history of TB exposure, should be considered for TB preventive therapy once active tuberculosis has been excluded. Repeat TST may be considered after institution of antiretroviral therapy and evidence of immune reconstitution(3). 9. Unless specically contraindicated, HIV-positive patients who a) have a positive TST ( 5 mm of induration), b) have not already been treated for TB infection, and c) have test results excluding active TB should be strongly encouraged to take preventive therapy(1,18-20). This preventive therapy is indicated even if the date of TST conversion cannot be determined. Because of the very high risk of development of active TB in HIV-TB co-infected individuals, creative means of enhancing adherence, such as directly observed preventive therapy, should be considered, particularly if there are concerns about the patients adherence. Preventive therapy regimens and monitoring are outlined in the 5th edition of the Canadian Tuberculosis Standards, Web site: <http://www.lung.ca/tb/TBStandards_Eng.pdf>. 10. HIV-infected close contacts of patients with infectious TB should receive treatment for presumptive LTBI, even when repeat TST after contact is not indicative of latent infection(20). Because re-infection can occur, this may, at times, imply re-treatment of a person who has already undergone treatment in the past. 11. Preventive therapy is recommended during pregnancy for HIV-infected patients who have either a positive TST or a recent history of exposure to active TB, after active tuberculosis has been excluded. 12. HIV-infected people who are candidates for, but who do not receive, TB preventive therapy should be assessed periodically for symptoms of active TB as part of their ongoing management of HIV infection. Clinicians should educate them about the symptoms of TB and advise them to seek medical attention promptly should such symptoms develop.
13. The administration of BCG vaccine to HIV-infected patients is contraindicated because of its potential to cause disseminated disease. 14. HIV-infected patients should be advised that certain activities and occupations may increase the likelihood of exposure to TB. These include volunteer work or employment in health care facilities, correctional institutions, and shelters for the homeless, as well as travel to TB endemic countries. TB disease in an HIV-infected person is an AIDS dening illness. Both TB and AIDS should be reported to the Public Health Department(21).
The authors would like to thank members of the Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, the Canadian Thoracic Society, and the Canadian Infectious Disease Society for their critical review and ultimate approval of these recommendations. They would also like to thank Susan Falconer for her secretarial assistance.
1. Cantwell MF, Binkin NJ. Tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa: a regional assessment of the impact of the human immunodeciency virus and National Tuberculosis Control Program quality. Tubercle Lung Dis 1996;77:22025. Menzies D, Pourier L. Diagnosis of tuberculosis infection and disease. In: Long R, ed. The Canadian tuberculosis standards, 5th ed. Ottawa: Health Canada and Canadian Lung Association, 2000:45-65. Houston S, Schwartzman K, Brassard P et al. Tuberculosis and human immunodeciency virus. In Long R, ed. The Canadian Tuberculosis Standards, 5th ed. Ottawa: Health Canada and the Canadian Lung Association, 2000:141-51. Narain JP, Raviglione MC, Kochi A. HIV-associated tuberculosis in developing countries: epidemiology and strategies for prevention. Tubercle Lung Dis 1992;73:311-21. Long R, Njoo H, Hersheld E. Tuberculosis: 3. The epidemiology of the disease in Canada. Can Med Assoc J 1999;160:1185-90. Blenkush MF, Korzeniewska-Kozela M, Elwood RK et al. HIV-related tuberculosis in British Columbia: indications of a rise in prevalence and a change in risk groups. Clin Invest Med 1996;19:271-78. Calzavara LM, Bullock S, Myers T et al. Sexual partnering and risk of HIV/STD among Aboriginals. Can J Public Health 1999;90:186-91. Health Canada. HIV/AIDS Epi Update. HIV/AIDS among Aboriginal persons in Canada remains a pressing issue. Division of HIV/AIDS, Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Health Canada, May 2001. Health Canada. HIV/AIDS Epi Update. AIDS/HIV ethnicity in Canada. Division of HIV/AIDS, Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Health Canada, May 2001. Wilkinson D, Squire SB, Garner P. Eect of preventive treatment for tuberculosis in adults infected with HIV: a systematic review of randomized placebo controlled trials. BMJ 1998;317:625-28. Bucher HC, Grith LE, Guyatt GH et al. Isoniazid prophylaxis for tuberculosis in HIV infection: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. AIDS 1999;13:501-508. Korzeniewska-Kosela M, FitzGerald MJ, Vedal S et al. Spectrum of tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection in British Columbia: report of 40 cases. Can Med Assoc J 1992;146:1927-34. CDC. Anergy skin testing and tuberculosis preventive therapy for HIVinfected persons: revised recommendations. MMWR 1997;46(RR-15):1-10. Slovis BS, Plitman JD, Haas DW. The case against anergy testing as routine adjunct to tuberculin skin testing. JAMA 2000;283:2003-2007.
5. 6.
7. 8.
13. 14.
Whalen CC, Johnson JL, Okwera A et al. A trial of three regimens to prevent tuberculosis in Ugandan adults infected with human immunodeciency virus. N Engl J Med 1997;337:801-808. Gordin FM, Matts JP, Miller C et al. A controlled trial of isoniazid in persons with anergy and human immunodeciency virus infection who are at high risk for tuberculosis. N Engl J Med 1997;337:315-20. CDC. Prevention and treatment of tuberculosis among patients infected with human immunodeciency virus: principles of therapy and revised recommendations. MMWR 1998;47(RR-20):1-51. CDC. USPHS/IDSA guidelines for the prevention of opportunistic infections in persons infected with human immunodeciency virus. MMWR 1997;46(RR-12):1-46. DeRiemer K, Daley CL, Reingold AL. Preventing tuberculosis among HIV-infected persons: a survey of physicians knowledge and practices. Prev Med 1999;28:437-44. American Thoracic Society. Targeted tuberculin testing and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000;161(supplement): S221-S247. Brassard P, Remis RS. Incidence of tuberculosis among reported AIDS cases in Quebec from 1979 to 1996. Can Med Assoc J 1999;160:1838-42. Dye C, Scheele S, Dolin P et al. for the WHO Global Surveillance and Monitoring Project. Global burden of tuberculosis: estimated incidence, prevalence and mortality by country. JAMA 1999;282:677-86. Cantwell MF, Snider DE, Cauthen GM et al. Epidemiology of tuberculosis in the United States, 1985 through 1992. JAMA 1994;272:535-39. Ungo JR, Jones D, Ashkin D et al. Antituberculosis drug induced hepatotoxicity: the role of hepatitis C and the human immunodeciency virus. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;157:1871-76. Canadian Medical Association. Counselling guidelines for HIV testing. Ottawa: CMA, 1995. Rowan MS, Toombs M, Bally G et al. Qualitative evaluation of the Canadian Medical Associations counselling guidelines for HIV serologic testing. Can Med Assoc J 1996;154:665-71. CDC. Missed opportunities for prevention of tuberculosis among persons with HIV infection - selected locations, United States, 1996-1997. MMWR 2000;49 (30):685-87. Marks SM, Taylor Z, Qualls NL et al. Outcomes of contact investigations of infectious tuberculosis patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000;162:203338.
21. 22.
23. 24.
25. 26.
Although government TB program providers are not exempt from adherence to the Standards, non-program providers are the main target audience. It should be emphasized, however, that national and local TB control programs may need to develop policies and procedures that enable non-program providers to adhere to the Standards. Such accommodations may be necessary, for example, to facilitate treatment supervision and contact investigations. In addition to health care providers and government TB programs, both patients and communities are part of the intended audience. Patients are increasingly aware of health care issues and expect that their care will measure up to a high standard, as described in the Patients Charter for Tuberculosis Care.3 Having generally agreed-upon standards will empower patients to evaluate the quality of care that is being provided to them. Good care for individuals with TB is also in the best interest of the community. The Standards are intended to be complementary to local and national TB control policies that are consistent with World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations. They are not intended to replace local guidelines and were written to accommodate local dierences in practice.They focus on the contribution that good clinical care of individual patients who have or are suspected of having TB makes to population-based TB control. A balanced approach emphasizing both individual patient care and public health principles of disease control is essential to reduce the suering and economic losses from TB. The Standards should be viewed as a living document that will be revised as technology, resources and circumstances change. As written, the Standards are presented within a context of what is generally considered to be feasible now or in the near future. The Standards are also intended to serve as a companion to and support for the Patients Charter for Tuberculosis Care, developed in tandem with the Standards. The Charter species patients rights and responsibilities and will serve as a set of standards from the point of view of the patient, dening what he or she should expect from the provider and what the provider should expect from the patient.
Standard 3
Standard 4
All persons with chest radiographic ndings suggestive of tuberculosis should have sputum specimens submitted for microbiological examination. NOTE: In Canada, spontaneously expectorated sputum, induced sputum, bronchial washings and lavage, post-bronchoscopy sputum or gastric aspirate are acceptable.
Standard 5
The diagnosis of sputum smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis should be based on the following criteria: at least three negative sputum smears (including at least one early morning specimen); chest radiography ndings consistent with tuberculosis; and lack of response to a trial of broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents. (NOTE: Because the uoroquinolones are active against M. tuberculosis complex and, thus, may cause transient improvement in persons with tuberculosis, they should be avoided.) For such patients, if facilities for culture are available, sputum cultures should be obtained. In persons with known or suspected HIV infection, the diagnostic evaluation should be expedited. The diagnosis of intrathoracic (i.e. pulmonary, pleural, and mediastinal or hilar lymph node) tuberculosis in symptomatic children with negative sputum smears should be based on the nding of chest radiographic abnormalities consistent with tuberculosis and either a history of exposure to an infectious case or evidence of tuberculosis infection (positive tuberculin skin test or interferon-gamma release assay). For such patients, if facilities for culture are available, sputum specimens should be obtained (by expectoration, gastric washings, or induced sputum) for culture. NOTE: In Canada, interferon-gamma release assays are not currently recommended in children.
Standard 6
Standard 8
All patients (including those with HIV infection) who have not been treated previously should receive an internationally accepted rst-line treatment regimen using drugs of known bioavailability. The initial phase should consist of 2 months of isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. The preferred continuation phase consists of isoniazid and rifampicin given for 4 months. Isoniazid and ethambutol given for 6 months is an alternative continuation phase regimen that may be used when adherence cannot be assessed, but it is associated with a higher rate of failure and relapse, especially in patients with HIV infection. The doses of antituberculosis drugs used should conform to international recommendations. Fixed-dose combinations of two (isoniazid and rifampicin), three (isoniazid, rifampicin, and pyrazinamide), and four (isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol) drugs are highly recommended, especially when medication ingestion is not observed. NOTE: In Canada, the combination of isoniazid and ethambutol for 6 months in the continuation phase of treatment is not recommended.
Standard 9
To foster and assess adherence, a patient-centered approach to administration of drug treatment, based on the patients needs and mutual respect between the patient and the provider, should be developed for all patients. Supervision and support should be gender-sensitive and age-specic and should draw on the full range of recommended interventions and available support services, including patient counseling and education. A central element of the patient-centered strategy is the use of measures to assess and promote adherence to the treatment regimen and to address poor adherence when it occurs. These measures should be tailored to the individual patients circumstances and be mutually acceptable to the patient and the provider. Such measures may include direct observation of medication ingestion (directly observed therapyDOT) by a treatment supporter who is acceptable and accountable to the patient and to the health system. All patients should be monitored for response to therapy, best judged in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis by follow-up sputum microscopy (two specimens) at least at the time of completion of the initial phase of treatment (2 months), at 5 months, and at the end of treatment. Patients who have positive smears during the fth month of treatment should be considered as treatment failures and have therapy modied appropriately, see Standards 14 and 15. In patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis and in children, the response to treatment is best assessed clinically. Follow-up radiographic examinations are usually unnecessary and may be misleading.
Standard 10
NOTE: In Canada, patients with respiratory TB are recommended to submit sputum for both microscopy and culture at 2 months, 4 months (if treatment failure is suspected) and at the end of treatment. Standard 11 Standard 12 A written record of all medications given, bacteriologic response, and adverse reactions should be maintained for all patients. In areas with a high prevalence of HIV infection in the general population and where tuberculosis and HIV infection are likely to co-exist, HIV counseling and testing is indicated for all tuberculosis patients as part of their routine management. In areas with lower prevalence rates of HIV, HIV counseling and testing is indicated for tuberculosis patients with symptoms and/ or signs of HIV-related conditions and in tuberculosis patients having a history suggestive of high risk of HIV exposure. NOTE: In Canada, all incident cases of TB are recommended to undergo HIV testing. Standard 13 All patients with tuberculosis and HIV infection should be evaluated to. determine if antiretroviral therapy is indicated during the course of treatment for tuberculosis. Appropriate arrangements for access to antiretroviral drugs should be made for patients who meet indications for treatment. Given the complexity of co-administration of antituberculosis treatment and antiretroviral therapy, consultation with a physician who is expert in this area is recommended before initiation of concurrent treatment for tuberculosis and HIV infection, regardless of which disease appeared rst. However, initiation of treatment for tuberculosis should not be delayed. Patients with tuberculosis and HIV infection should also receive cotrimoxazole as prophylaxis for other infections. NOTE: In Canada, patients with CD4 cell counts less than 200 cells x 106/L should receive prophylaxis for other infections (see MMWR, 2002;51(RR-8) for details). Standard 14 An assessment of the likelihood of drug resistance, based on history of prior treatment, exposure to a possible source case having drug-resistant organisms, and the community prevalence of drug resistance, should be obtained for all patients. Patients who fail treatment and chronic cases should always be assessed for possible drug resistance. For patients in whom drug resistance is considered to be likely, culture and drug susceptibility testing for isoniazid, rifampicin, and ethambutol should be performed promptly. NOTE: In Canada, all initial isolates of M. tuberculosis should be tested for INH, rifampin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide drug susceptibility as a minimum.
Standard 15
Patients with tuberculosis caused by drug-resistant (especially multiple-drug resistant [MDR]) organisms should be treated with specialized regimens containing second-line antituberculosis drugs. At least four drugs to which the organisms are known or presumed to be susceptible should be used, and treatment should be given for at least 18 months. Patient-centered measures are required to ensure adherence. Consultation with a provider experienced in treatment of patients with MDR tuberculosis should be obtained.
Standard 17
1. Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance. International standards for tuberculosis care (ISTC). The Hague: Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance, 2006. URL: <http://www.nationaltbcenter.edu/ international/>. Hopewell PC, Pai M, Maher D, et al. International standards for tuberculosis care. Lancet Infect Dis 2006;6:710-25. World Care Council. Patients charter for tuberculosis care. 2006. URL: <http://www.worldcarecouncil.org/pdf/PatientsCharterEN2006.pdf.>.
2. 3.
Guidelines for the Investigation and Follow-up of Individuals under Medical Surveillance for Tuberculosis after Arrival in Canada (2007)
These guidelines were prepared by the Immigration Subcommittee of the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee. They have been approved by the Canadian Tuberculosis Committee and the Canadian Thoracic Society and replace all previous versions, including the most recent one published in 20011 and summarized in 2003.2 Information on the epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) and on the immigration medical examination (IME) provided in section 1 and 2 of the last guidelines is now provided in the Canadian Tuberculosis Standards, 6th edition (see Chapter 1, Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Canada, and Chapter 15, Immigration and Tuberculosis Control in Canada). Future revisions of these guidelines will be posted at <http://www.publichealth.gc.ca/tuberculosis>.
2. to assess the individuals candidacy for treatment of latent TB infection; and 3. to assess the individuals need for continued TB follow-up.
Individuals Referred by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) for Medical Surveillance for TB
Individuals newly arrived in Canada may have been referred by CIC for either urgent or regular medical surveillance for TB as a condition of entry into Canada, or because of a previous history of TB or an abnormal chest radiograph suggestive of inactive TB.3-9 1. Urgent medical referrals are to be assessed within 7 days of arrival in Canada by a Canadian public health authority because of complex inactive pulmonary TB (PTI) and/or other complex, noninfectious TB.
2. Regular medical referrals are to report to or be contacted by a public health authority within 30 days of arrival in Canada. The CIC Health Management Branch standard criteria for the stability of PTI are three negative TB smears and cultures with a 3-month duration of stability in serial chest radiographs, or a 6-month duration of stability in serial chest radiographs. Chest radiographs are scored according to a hierarchical system in which the highest scores are given to abnormalities suggestive of prevalent active TB (see Table 1, adapted from Figure 4, Chapter 15, Immigration and Tuberculosis Control in Canada, in the Canadian Tuberculosis Standards, 6th edition). The criteria to determine an urgent medical referral are the following: 1. A medical condition placing the applicant at high risk of progression from latent TB infection to active disease with a chest radiograph graded 4.1 to 4.7. These conditions are a) HIV/AIDS b) transplantation with immunosuppressive therapy c) end-stage renal disease (chronic renal failure/hemodialysis). 2. Any case of nonrespiratory TB (see Chapter 5, Nonrespiratory Tuberculosis, Canadian Tuberculosis Standards, 6th edition) under treatment. 3. Any other signicant factors that can make the management of the contacts in Canada more dicult if latent TB infection progresses to active disease (such as suspected multidrug-resistant TB [MDR-TB] or extensively drugresistant TB [XDR-TB] because of previous contact with MDR-TB or XDR-TB cases). 4. A chest radiograph graded as follows: a) 4.5: non-calcied pleural brosis and/or eusion likely related to TB b) 4.6: parenchymal lung disease likely related to TB c) 4.6: acute pulmonary disease likely related to TB. 5. A chest radiograph graded 4.7 (any cavitating lesion or uy or soft lesions likely related to TB) or with extensive, signicant anomalies that render the determination of radiological stability dicult and/or doubtful. 6. A known case of treated MDR-TB or XDR-TB. 7. Any individual who is understood to have received treatment for two or more independent episodes of TB in the past (respiratory or nonrespiratory). 8. Any individual with a past history of TB that received particularly unusual/ unconventional treatment, as determined by a CIC Medical Ocer after consultation with a Canadian TB specialist.
Table 1 Citizenship and Immigration Canada Chest Radiograph Report, IMM 5419 (08-1998) E
3.4 3.5 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Calcied pleural lesions Costophrenic angle blunting (either side above the horizontal) Notable apical pleural capping (rough or ragged inferior border and/or 1 cm thick at any point) Apical bronodular/brocalcic lesions or apical microcalcications Multiple/single pulmonary nodules/micronodules (noncalcied or poorly dened) Isolated hilar or mediastinal mass/lymphadenopathy (noncalcied) Single/multiple pulmonary nodules/masses 1 cm Noncalcied pleural brosis and/or eusion Parenchymal lung disease/acute pulmonary disease likely related to TB Any cavitating lesion or uy or soft lesions felt likely to represent active TB
The criteria to determine a regular medical referral are the following: 1. A chest radiograph graded 3.5 and over unless there is formal evidence that the abnormality seen is not related to TB (e.g. lung tumour) or the individual has already been identied as requiring urgent referral. 2. Adequate and complete treatment for active respiratory TB diagnosed during the IME with stability of chest radiographs and negative sputum smears and cultures following treatment. 3. History of previous respiratory or nonrespiratory TB.
Table 2 Risk Factors for the Development of Active TB among Persons Infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Risk Factor HIGH RISK Acquired immunodeciency syndrome (AIDS) Human immunodeciency virus (HIV) infection Transplantation (related to immunosuppressant therapy) Silicosis Chronic renal failure requiring hemodialysis Carcinoma of head and neck Recent TB infection ( 2 years)
History of active TB not previously treated History of active TB inadequately treated Abnormal chest radiograph suggestive of inactive TB Recent contact with infectious TB
Rule out active TB History Physical examination Chest radiograph Smear/cultures as appropriate
Active TB
Consult with infectious disease specialist/respirologist/ TB expert Consider possibility of drug resistance Treat according to Canadian Tuberculosis Standards
Latent TB Infection (LTBI) Consider treatment of LTBI according to Canadian Tuberculosis Standards If likely MDR or XDR TB infection, consult with an infectious disease specialist/respirologist/TB expert
If treatment for LTBI refused/not tolerated, counsel regarding signs and symptoms of TB; follow-up for 2 years, for example at 6, 12 and 24 months
Once treatment of LTBI satisfactorily completed, counsel regarding signs and symptoms of TB, and discontinue follow-up
In the event of a diagnosis of latent TB infection or of healed TB not previously treated or inadequately treated
Treatment is recommended as per Chapter 6, Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection, Canadian Tuberculosis Standards, 6th edition. The elimination of TB in Canada will depend upon the identication of infected individuals and treatment of their LTBI to arrest the progression to active disease. Therefore, it is critical that those involved in the investigation and follow-up of individuals referred for medical surveillance for TB be committed to identifying and treating infected individuals who are at increased risk of active TB disease. This includes monitoring of their adherence to the prescribed treatment of LTBI. Adherence to prescribed treatment may be problematic for those under medical surveillance,11 and nonadherence has been associated with the development of TB disease in refugees.12 Cultural and community factors may inuence patient adherence.13 Strategies to improve adherence should be utilized as appropriate. Consultation with local public health authorities and/ or TB clinics as well as the Canadian Tuberculosis Standards, 6th edition, may provide direction. Young persons (particularly those < 5 years of age) with LTBI who have been identied through investigation of their parent(s) or guardian(s) may be at increased risk of progression to active TB and are likely to tolerate treatment of LTBI without complication.
3. The risk of TB disease in immigrants may persist for 10 years or more after arrival.15 Persons who are discharged from follow-up should be advised to seek medical attention promptly if they experience symptoms that suggest disease activity and to advise their medical providers of their history of having been under immigration medical surveillance for TB.
1. Immigration Subcommittee, Canadian Tuberculosis Committee, Health Canada. Canadian guidelines for the investigation and follow-up of individuals under medical surveillance after arrival in Canada. CCDR 2001;27(19):157-65. Heywood N, Kawa B, Long R, et al. Guidelines for the investigation and follow-up of individuals under medical surveillance for tuberculosis after arriving in Canada: a summary. CMAJ 2003;168:1563-65. Orr PH, Manfreda J, Hersheld ES. Tuberculosis surveillance in immigrants to Manitoba. CMAJ 1990;142:453-58. Thomas RE, Gushulak B. Screening and treatment of immigrants and refugees to Canada for tuberculosis: implications of the experience of Canada and other industrialized countries. Can J Infect Dis 1995;6:24655. Wobeser W, Yuan L, Naus M, et al. Expanding the epidemiologic prole risk factors for tuberculosis among persons immigrating to Ontario. CMAJ 2000;163: 823-28. Uppaluri A, Naus M, Heywood N, et al. Eectiveness of the immigration medical surveillance program for tuberculosis in Ontario. Can J Public Health 2002;93: 88-91. Long R, Sutherland K, Kunimoto D, et al. The epidemiology of tuberculosis among foreign-born persons in Alberta, 1989-1998. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2002;6:332-39. Richards B, Kozak R, Brassard P, et al. Tuberculosis surveillance among new immigrants to Montreal. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2005;9(8):858-64. Menzies D. Screening immigrants to Canada for tuberculosis: chest radiography or tuberculin skin testing? CMAJ 2003;169:1035-36. Anderson C, Inhaber N, Menzies D. Comparison of sputum induction with breoptic bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995;152:1570-74. Pang SC, Harrison RH, Brearley J, et al. Preventive therapy for tuberculosis in Western Australia. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1998;2:984-88. MacIntyre CR, Ansari MZ, Carnie J, et al. No evidence for multipledrug prophylaxis for tuberculosis compared with isoniazid alone in Southeast Asian refugees and migrants: completion and adherence are major determinants of eectiveness. Prev Med 2000;30:425-32.
3. 4.
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Ito KL. Health culture and the clinical encounter: Vietnamese refugees responses to preventive drug treatment of inactive tuberculosis. Med Anthropol Q 1999;13:338-64. Styblo K, van Guens HA, Meijer J. The yield of active case-nding in persons with inactive pulmonary tuberculosis or brotic lesions. A 5year study in tuberculosis clinics in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht. Tubercle 1984;65:237-51. Zuber PLF, McKenna MT, Binkin NJ, et al. Long-term risks of tuberculosis among foreign-born persons in the United States. JAMA 1997;278:304-07.
Aboriginal peoples, see First Nations Adherence in children, 190 and completion of treatment, 120, 130, 134 partial, 120 non-adherence and legislative intervention, 241 Adverse reactions, 122, 123, 165, 352 Aerosolization, 40, 322 Acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear, 21, 77 Air changes per hour (ACH), see Ventilation Bacille Calmette-Gurin (BCG) administration, 350 administration with other vaccines, 352 adverse reactions, 352 booster doses and revaccination, 352 contraindications, 354 ecacy, 349 and HIV, 212 and prevention, 42-43 in institutions, 339 recommended usage, 350 usage in Canada, 408 Bactericidal activity, 116 Booster eect in 2-step TST, 67 Canadian TB Reporting System (CTBRS), 147, 369 Canadian TB Laboratory Surveillance System (CTBLSS), 155, 371 Care, international standards for, 416 Cell-mediated immunity (CMI), 44, 95 Children, see Pediatric TB screening of, 191, 281 Contact investigation, during air and other public transport travel, 266 in children, 191 objectives of, 254
of multidrug-resistant TB, 172 principles of, 254 and public health, 244 in special settings, 263 Contraindications to TST, 55-56 Conversion, see Tuberculin skin test Correctional facilities contact investigation, 265 prevention of TB, 342 screening, 344 Correctional Service Canada guidelines for TB prevention, 342 control program, 343 Corticosteroids, indications for, 128 Culture, see Mycobacterial culture Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), 44, 95 Diagnosis of TB infection, 55 in HIV, 202 interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs), 69 TST, see Tuberculin skin test Diagnosis of respiratory TB, 73 chest radiography, 74 in the HIV-coinfected, 206 microbiology, 75 serology, 80 DNA ngerprinting, 42 Directly observed prophylaxis (DOP), see Prophylaxis Directly observed therapy (DOT) denition, 121 enhanced, 121 priority groups for, 121-122 strategy, 239, 360 Drug resistance, 11, 116, 147, 371 acquired, 156 management of, 161 resistance to isoniazid, 161 resistance to rifampin, 162 multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), 163 predictors, 158 prevention, 161 (box) primary, 156 susceptibility testing, 25 theory, 156 extensively drug-resistent TB (XDR-TB), 165-166
Education and training resources, 405 Environmental controls, 332 Epidemiology Aboriginal peoples, 3 age and sex, 8 disease site, 9 drug resistance, 11 foreign-born, 4 geographic distribution, 7 global, 2, 358 HIV/TB co-infection, 10 molecular epidemiology and transmission, 12, 38-39 treatment outcomes, 12 Ethical considerations, 285 Extrapulmonary TB, see Nonrespiratory TB Fingerprinting, see DNA ngerprinting First Nations and Inuit and BCG, 282, 349, 350 control of TB, responsibility for, 300 determinants of infection and disease, 301 comorbidities, 301 environment, 302 genetic factors, 302 epidemiology of TB, 3, 299-300 FNIHB TB Sub-working Group goal, 303 remote communities, 266 severe combined immunodeciency syndrome (SCIDS), 303 screening of, 282 Fixed-dose drugs, 122 Genotyping, 24, 264 Health care facilities, see TB control within institutions High-eciency particulate air (HEPA) ltration, 336 HIV and TB antiretroviral therapy (ART) in TB patients, 207 diagnosis of active TB, 206 diagnosis of HIV in TB patients, 201 diagnosis of TB infection in HIV patients, 202 drug interactions, 207 epidemiology, 10 paradoxical/immune reconstitution reactions, 208 pathophysiology, 201 rifamycin monoresistance, 209
screening, 410 timing of initiation of ART, 209 treatment of LTBI, 203 treatment of TB, 206 types, 148 Home care and TB prevention, 342 Homeless contact investigation, 263 screening of, 280 shelters, 341 Hospitalization controls during, 324 indications for, 125 Immigration and TB control health care coverage, 317 management of TB, 314 medical examination (IME)/assessment, 313 medical screening, 279-280, 312 immigration medical surveillance guidelines, 422 medical surveillance program, 316 overview of immigration, 309 Immune reconstitution reactions, 208 Incentives for treatment, 121, 130 Incidence, see Epidemiology Induration, measuring of, 59 Institutions, see TB control within institutions Interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs) in diagnosis, 69 and ecacy of BCG, 349 in institutions, 339 laboratory tests, 28 statement by Canadian Tuberculosis Committee, 388 International TB control cases/deaths, 2 DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course Strategy), 360 2005 global TB rates, 358 goals and progress, 360 history of global TB control, 358 role for Canada, 362 successes and obstacles, 361 International Standards for TB Care, 416 Isolation, in institutions, 328, 329
Laboratory standards/services, see Mycobacteriology laboratory Latent TB (LTBI), 46 in HIV, 203 treatment of, 130, 203 pregnancy, 134 screening for, 55 Legislation, see Adherence Liver enzyme levels, 123, 135 Long-term care institutions, 340 Mantoux technique, 56 Masks, 336 Microbiology and diagnosis, 75 Molecular epidemiology, 12 Molecular typing, 12-13 MTBC, 19 Multidrug-resistant TB, see Drug resistance Mycobacterial culture in diagnosis, 78 Mycobacteriology laboratory acid-fast bacilli (AFB), 21 biosafety, 20 digestion, decontamination, concentration, 21 genotyping, 24 levels of service, 30 MIRU-VNTR, 25 polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 23 prociency testing, 28 reporting of results, 29 serum drug levels, 28 specimens, 19 susceptibility testing, 25 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), 19 strain virulence, 48 Newborn infants, management, 192 Nonrespiratory TB clinical presentations, 96 denition, 93 diagnostic considerations, 95 epidemiology, 93 and the foreign-born, 93 pathogenesis, 94 treatment, 106
Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) clinical syndromes, 225 disseminated infection, 229 lymphadenopathy, 227 pulmonary disease, 225 skin/soft tissue infections, 228 features of, 222 laboratory methods, 23, 225 Mycobacterium avium complex, 223 Nucleic acid amplication (NAA) tests in diagnosis, 22, 79 diagnosis of nonrespiratory TB, 95 Occupational risk, see Tuberculosis control within institutions Outbreak management, 268 Paradoxical reactions, 208 Pathogenesis, see Transmission and Pathogenesis Patients Charter for Tuberculosis Care, 416 Pediatric TB adherence to treatment, 190 clinical presentation, 184 diagnostic tests, 185 management of contacts, 190 management of the newborn infant, 192 pathogenesis and denitions, 183 targeted testing and treatment of LTBI, 191 treatment, 187 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 23 Pregnancy/breastfeeding and treatment, 127, 134 Prevalence of positive TST, 257 Prisons, see Correctional facilities Prociency testing, 28 Prophylaxis, directly observed (DOP), 134 Public health and TB control, in Canada, 240 infrastructure, 240 operational activities, 243 international, 239 DOT strategy, 239 Radiography in diagnosis, 74 in pediatric TB, 185 immigration medical examination, 313 Resistance, see Drug resistance
Remote communities, 249, 266 Reporting forms, 372 Reporting system, see CTBRS Respirators, 336 Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), 24 Risk classication, 325, 326 Risk factors for development of active TB, 65 SCIDS, see First Nations and Inuit Screening of children/adolescents, 191, 281 components of, 278 denition of, 275 ethical considerations in, 285 evaluation of, 286 in First Nations/Inuit communities, 282 of high-priority groups, 276-277 in HIV-infected patients, 411 of the homeless, 280 of immigrants, 279, 312, 392 of prison inmates, 283, 344 recommendations for, in patients with HIV, 410 school-based, 191-192 tools of, 275 of travellers, 283 Site, see Nontuberculous mycobacteria Specimens collection of, 76 in pediatric TB, 186 receipt by laboratories, 19 Standards of care, see International TB Control Sterilization by drugs, 117 STOP-TB Partnership, 360 Surveillance Canadian Tuberculosis Surveillance System, 369 denition, 275 Susceptibility, see Mycobacterial laboratory TB control within institutions BCG vaccination, 339 correctional facilities, 342 determinants of transmission, 322
health care facilities controls, hierarchy of, 325 administrative, 326 environmental engineering, 332 personal, 338 risk classication, 325, 326 homeless shelters, 341 isolation, 328 long-term care institutions, 340 ultraviolet light, 335 ventilation, 332 Transmission and Pathogenesis pathogenesis, 43 and children, 183 and communicability, 48 primary disease, 46 primary infection, 44 latent infection, 46 postprimary TB, 47 transmission, 38 bacteriologic status, 40 close contacts, 42 determinants of, 322 droplet nuclei, 38 environmental factors, 41 patient characteristics, 39 prevention of, 43, 130 principles of, 253 Travel by infected persons, 245 Travelers, screening of, 283-285 Treatment in children, 187 completion and adherence, 120 corticosteroids, indications for, 128 failure, 128 and hepatic disease, 126 in the HIV-infected, 206 of latent TB, 130, 191 for nonrespiratory TB, 119 outcomes, 12 phases, 117 and pregnancy, 127 regimen options, 117-118
and renal function, 126 route of administration, 125 Tuberculin skin test (TST) and active disease, 72 administering, 56 and BCG vaccination, 63 in contact investigation, 259 and conversion, 60, 67 in diagnosis of TB infection, 55 in institutions, 338 interpretation of, 61 prevalence of positive results, 257 and treatment of LTBI, 132 two-step, 67 Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, 335 Vaccination, see BCG Ventilation, 41, 323 XDR-TB, see Drug resistance