Hypothesizing Reading WS
Hypothesizing Reading WS
Hypothesizing Reading WS
Background Information:
You have learned that variables are important not only in writing research questions but
also in making predictions. Predicting is the process of using observations or data along
hypothesis expresses a logical explanation that can be tested. Investigators find them
useful because they specify an exact focus for an experiment. Here are two methods to
form hypotheses. These are not the only methods but are examples of some ways to do
Students noticed that when they went to lunch each day the pizza line was always the
longest. It never mattered what kind of food was being served at the other window; the
pizza line was always longer. Since they were the last lunch shift the pepperoni pizza
always seemed to run out. Some students wondered if it was the time of the lunch shift
Problem: Some students want to find out what kind of pizza is preferred by their
Research Question: What kind of evidence indicates that middle school students
Hypothesis: Middle school students prefer pepperoni pizza over cheese pizza.
Example 2: If-then Format
An investigator has observed that chickens lay more eggs at certain times of the year.
It has also been observed that this occurs during the late spring and summer months.
An inference has been made that the extra eggs are due to longer daylight hours.
Amount of daylight and chicken egg production are the variables the investigator has
Problem: The investigator wants to know why chickens lay more eggs at certain
Research Question: What is the effect of the length of daylight on chicken egg
Hypothesis: If the length of daylight increases, then chicken egg production will