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Power Methodology Guide: UG786 (v13.1) March 1, 2011

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Power Methodology

UG786 (v13.1) March 1, 2011
Power Methodology Guide www.xilinx.com UG786 (v13.1) March 1, 2011
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Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for this document.

Date Version Revision
03/01/11 13.1 Initial Xilinx release.
UG786 (v13.1) March 1, 2011 www.xilinx.com Power Methodology Guide
About This Guide
This power estimation and analysis methodology guide covers in a single document all
power effects you may encounter while designing your FPGA logic and integrating it onto
your system. It presents the electrical and physical factors, internal or external to the
FPGA, which affect power. It then provides flows and techniques you may use at any stage
in the design cycle to monitor and minimize device power.
The document is organized with the following chapters:
Chapter 1, Power in FPGAs: Introduction presents the different components necessary to
understand power consumption in an FPGA and implications of the larger system onto
that FPGA. It provides definitions for the different terms, explains the physics, and
describes the contributing factors.
Chapter 2, Software Power Analysis presents the different approaches to calculate or
estimate power in an FPGA. It presents the benefits, required inputs, assumptions and
trade-offs with accuracy and complexity so you get a better understanding of how the
presented results are calculated.
Chapter 3, Power Estimation Methodology presents, for each step in your design cycle,
which tool and methodology to employ to assess the FPGA power and understand the
implications on the larger system being designed.
Chapter 4, Tips and Techniques for Power Reduction provides practical guidelines you can
use to minimize power for all aspects of the system. It covers considerations on the system
in which the FPGA will be implemented, HDL coding techniques, software settings, and
power optimization algorithms.
Chapter 5, Summary summarizes the information presented in the guide.
Appendix A, Additional Resources lists documents that are related to the information
presented in this guide.
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Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
About This Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 1: Power in FPGAs: Introduction
FPGA Power Aspects and System Dependencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
FPGA Power and the Overall System Design Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Xilinx Power Estimation and Analysis Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Chapter 2: Software Power Analysis
Power Calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Power Models Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Activity Estimation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Utilization Estimation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Chapter 3: Power Estimation Methodology
Before Implementation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Monitoring During Implementation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Power Closure Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Power and Temperature Measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Chapter 4: Tips and Techniques for Power Reduction
System Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Device Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Design Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Software Settings and Algorithms Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Comparing Devices or Architectures Effectively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Chapter 5: Summary
Appendix A: Additional Resources
Power Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Tools Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Support & Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Table of Contents
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Chapter 1
Power in FPGAs: Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the different aspects and steps to consider when
implementing an FPGA on a board. It puts the FPGA development in the greater context of
the system being designed and provides a high level description for what to expect at each
stage of the design flow. Flow details, tips, and techniques are provided in Chapter 3,
Power Estimation Methodology, and Chapter 4, Tips and Techniques for Power
FPGA Power Aspects and System Dependencies
Modern FPGAs are very capable chips integrating a large array of customizable logic plus
memory, DSP, processor, and many hardened blocks to process data and communicate
with other chips. As with many complex chips on a printed circuit board (PCB), FPGA
power depends on multiple factors. On one hand, the FPGA and the user design creates
system power supply and heat dissipation requirements, while on the other hand the
systems physical and electrical factors can affect supply and cooling of the FPGA. Before
we dive into more details on these aspects, the following sections provide the terminology
and concepts we will use through the remainder of the document.
Power Supply Paths
Multiple power supplies are required to power an FPGA. The separate sources provide the
required power for the different FPGA resources. This allows different resources to work at
different voltage levels for increased performance or signal strength while preserving a
high immunity to noise and parasitic effects.
For logic resources typically available in Xilinx FPGAs, Table 1-1 presents the voltage
source that typically powers them. This table is provided only as a guideline because these
details may vary across Xilinx device families.
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Chapter 1: Power in FPGAs: Introduction
Types of Power
Three components make up the total required power for each supply source.
Device static (leakage) power Represents the power required for the device to
operate and be available for programming. A large portion of it is due to leakage in
the transistors used to hold the device configuration.
Design static power Represents the additional continuous power drawn when the
device is configured and there is no activity. This includes static current from I/O
terminations, clock managers, and other circuits which need power when used and
regardless of design activity.
Design dynamic power Represents the additional power resulting from the design
activity. This power varies over time with the your design activity. It also depends on
voltage level and logic and routing resources used.
Table 1-1: FPGA Resources and the Power Supply that Typically Powers Them
Power Supply Resources Powered
All CLB resources
All routing resources
Entire clock tree, including all clock buffers
DSP slices
All input buffers
Logic elements in the IOB (ILOGIC/OLOGIC)
PowerPC processor
Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC
Clock Managers (DCM, PLL, etc.) (minor)
PCIE and PCS portion of MGTs
Clock Managers (MMCM, PLL, DCM, etc.)
All output buffers
Differential Input buffers
-based, single-ended I/O standards, e.g., HSTL18_I
All output buffers
Some input buffers
Digitally Controlled Impedance (DCI) circuits, also referred to as
On-Chip Termination (OCT)
MGT* PMA circuits of transceivers
1. These resources are available only in certain device families. Refer to the appropriate data sheets and
user guides for more information.
2. V
in bank 0 (V
or V
) powers all I/Os in bank 0 as well as the configuration
circuitry. See the applicable Configuration User Guide.
3. Xilinx 7 series FPGAs only.
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FPGA Power Aspects and System Dependencies
Power Consumption Paths
The total power supplied to the device flows in then out of the FPGA through multiple
Thermal power Represents the power consumed internally within the FPGA. It
enables the different elements in the device and toggles the device logic. These actions
generate heat, which contributes to raising the device junction temperature. This heat
is then transferred to the environment. As with any other chip on the PCB, FPGA
designers must provide heat dissipation paths to ensure the junction temperature
remains within the device operating range.
Off-chip power Represents the current that flows from the supply source through
the FPGA power pins then out of the I/Os and dissipated in external board
components. The currents supplied by the FPGA are generally consumed in off-chip
components such as I/O terminations, LEDs, or the I/O buffers of other chips and
therefore do not contribute to raising the device junction temperature.
Power Modes
An FPGA goes through several power phases from power up to power down with varying
power requirements:
Power-On Transient spike current which occurs when power is first applied to the
FPGA. This current varies for each voltage supply and depends on the FPGA
construction as well as the ability of the power supply source to ramp up to the
nominal voltage. This current also depend on the devices operating conditions, such
as temperature, sequencing between the different supplies, etc. With modern FPGA
architectures and following the Power-On sequencing guidelines these spike currents
are no longer a concern.
Configuration Power required during the configuration of the device. Unless your
application is extremely low power, configuration power is always lower then active
power, so this transient stage does not affect power supply requirements.
Standby Power supplied when the device is configured with your design and there
is no activity applied externally or generated internally. This represents the minimum
continuous power the supplies have to provide while the design operates.
Active Power required while the device is running your application. This power
includes the standby power (all static power) plus any power generated from the
design activity (design dynamic power). This power is instantaneous and varies at
each clock cycle depending on the input data pattern and the design internal activity.
Suspend Power required when all or part of the device is powered down. This
varies with device families; however, the device configuration is always preserved.
Wake up logic can trigger the return to an active state. This mode ensures a good
compromise between power savings and fast return to full functionality.
Hibernate Power required when one or more power supply sources are turned off.
This functionality also varies with each FPGA architecture but generally allows the
most power savings for applications which do not need to operate all the time. Wake
up time to return to the active power state is longer since it typically requires the
device to be reprogrammed before returning to normal operation. Hibernate mode
also clears all data within the chip including BRAM and returns the device to the
same state as it did during power-up.
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Chapter 1: Power in FPGAs: Introduction
Environmental Power Contributing Factors
Supply strategies
- Regulator technology Different regulator technologies exist to balance input to
output voltage difference, response time, maximum currents, and output voltage
accuracy constraints.
- Decoupling network performance In addition to supplying the FPGA during
brief and high power demand periods, an efficiently designed decoupling circuit
will reduce current surge requests from the regulator and improve overall
regulator consumption.
- FPGA selection Different FPGA families require different power supply counts
and voltage levels. Selecting a device which supports a lower core voltage or
lower voltage I/O interfaces reduces power.
Cooling strategies
- System environment Shape and dimension of the system enclosure along with
the ambient air temperature are the primary aspect which you can consider for
transferring the generated heat to the environment.
- Heat sink Dimension, shape and mounting of the heat sink and the eventual
associated forced airflow system determine the amount of heat that can be
extracted from the FPGA.
- Package selection In addition to cost and signal integrity, the package
dimension, material, and connection to the board influence how the generated
heat can be transferred to the environment from both the top and bottom level.
The larger the contact surface area between the heat sink and board the lower the
thermal resistance.
- Component placement Component placement relative to the system enclosure
and other board material, assembly, and components affects how the heat is
transferred to the environment. For instance, an obstacle may reduce the airflow
near the FPGA. Other heat generating components in close proximity to the FGPA
may heat up the air flowing above the device and reduce the heat sink efficiency
or transfer heat into the FPGA via the board material.
Device Power Contributing Factors
Manufacturing parameters
- Silicon technology Xilinx design teams perform detailed simulation and
analysis to select manufacturing process parameters carefully. Finding the
appropriate balance between the desired functionality, cost, performance and
reliability call for the use of different transistors sizes, strengths, voltages, and
arrangements. This optimizes how much energy transistors require to be
polarized or to switch. Xilinx provides behavioral and transistor level models to
simulate the device I/O electrical characteristics within your system. These
models are available at http://www.xilinx.com/support/download/index.htm
> Device Models > [IBIS AMI HSPICE Eldo] models.
- Package technology Xilinx carefully selects the package technology and
physical and electrical layout parameters as they influence the flow of currents
through to the device core and I/Os. In addition, parameters such as shape and
material define how the heat generated within the device can be transferred out
onto the environment from both the top and bottom level of the package. To
evaluate the electrical properties of the package in your particular system, Xilinx
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FPGA Power Aspects and System Dependencies
provides IBIS formatted per-pin RLCG models. Compact thermal models are
available to simulate the thermal behavior of the selected package. These thermal
models are available at http://www.xilinx.com/support/download/index.htm
> Device Models > Package Thermal Models.
Architectural parameters
Xilinx teams define, among other parameters, the type, functionality, amount, layout,
and connectivity between the different FPGA resources. This too is a difficult
balancing act between contradicting factors. The most power efficient architectural
choices can impact the device cost and performance or make the software
implementation algorithms more complex. These choices greatly influence the device
static and dynamic power.
Recent device enhancements:
- Adjusted the slice or basic logic structure to fit more functionality. Packing more
logic into a smaller area typically saves logic and routing dynamic power (6 input
over 4 input LUTs).
- Hardened functionality commonly used in designs. Adding dedicated block
reduces system power since less FPGA programmable logic or external
component are needed (Clock generator, PCIe, Memory controller).
- Optimized routing structures to minimize number of hops to get from source to
- Added gating buffers or ports to allow you to disable high fanout nets when not
in use (clock, reset, clock enable, etc.).
- Added power down modes applied to the entire device or to individual logic
blocks. This allows you to turn off unused portions of the design and enable them
only when needed.
- Added support for low voltage I/O interfaces. Voltage is a key aspect driving
both the static and dynamic power of I/Os.
Design Power Contributing Factors
Device selection
- Appropriate device family Different vendors and device families offer different
logic and I/O capabilities. Selecting the device with block size, configuration, and
resources that best fit your application will optimize architectural element usage
and therefore reduce static and dynamic power.
- Appropriate family member Device size influences mostly the device static
power. Selecting too large or too small a device will result in suboptimal mapping
of your RTL description, which will be less efficient in terms of dynamic power.
RTL description
The design description influences how logic equations get mapped onto the available
resources. A good understanding of the architecture elements, ports, configuration
options, and modes helps maximize the use of embedded resources.
Tool constraints
By default implementation tools aim to achieve your performance objective, then
minimize device utilization. Providing a realistic and complete set of constraints for
performance and utilization, for both core and I/O logic, will drive the tool most
efficiently. This minimizes the dynamic power.
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Chapter 1: Power in FPGAs: Introduction
Implementation tool options
Implementation tools have different algorithms which optimize for power reduction.
Most are optional or can be swept using multiple strategies. Understanding your
constraints and what they do will help you decide which ones are needed.
FPGA Power and the Overall System Design Process
From project conception to completion there are many different aspects to consider that
influence power. Omitting for a moment all your other constraints (functionality,
performance, cost, and time to market), we can sort power related tasks into two separate
Physical domain Enclosure, board shape, power delivery system, thermal power
dissipation system.
Functional domain Area, performance, I/O interfaces signal integrity.
The next chapters will demonstrate interdependencies between these two classes however
they are different in that the former involves hardware decisions while the latter mostly
involves the FPGA logic design. Typically hardware selection and sizing occurs very early
in the design flow to give time for prototype boards to be built. The FPGA functionalitys
effect on power consumption can be estimated early on, then refined as more and more of
the design logic is completed. Figure 1-1 illustrates a typical system design process and
highlights power related decision points. The figure shows that at the time you select your
device and associated cooling parts, the FPGA logic is not yet available. Therefore a careful
methodology to estimate the FPGA logic power requirements is needed. Methodologies
are discussed in Chapter 3, Power Estimation Methodology.
The next three chapters provide definitions and highlight the main contributor for each
aspect influencing power.
Figure X-Ref Target - Figure 1-1
Figure 1-1: Managing Power Aspects in a System Design Process
Reduce power if
Performance allows (auto)
Budget exceeded (manual/auto)
Monitor/Refine Estimations
Change if budget exceeded
Vendor/device selection
Thermal power allocation
Supply currents allocation
FPGA Board & Rest of System
Lab Testing
System Spec
Technology selection
System dimensions/environment
Form factor
Cooling technology
Power Supply/PDN
Verify actual vs. predicted power
Little Adjustments
FPGA is the flexible
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Xilinx Power Estimation and Analysis Tools
Xilinx Power Estimation and Analysis Tools
Xilinx provides an extensive suite of tools and documentation to help you evaluate the
thermal and supply requirements of your FPGA throughout the design cycle. Figure 1-2
highlights the tools available at each stage of the FPGA design cycle. Some of the tools are
standalone while others are integrated into the implementation software, to align with the
environment and information available to you at each stage of the design process. All the
tools have communication channels so you can exchange information and go back and
forth to be most efficient with your analysis.
XPower Estimator (XPE)
The XPower Estimator (XPE) spreadsheet is a power estimation tool typically used in
the pre-design and pre-implementation phases of a project. XPE assists with
architecture evaluation and device selection and helps in selecting the appropriate
power supply and thermal management components which may be required for your
application. The XPE interface (Figure 1-3) lets you specify design resource usage,
activity rates, I/O loading, and many other factors which XPE then combines with the
device models to calculate the estimated power distribution.
XPE is also commonly used later in the design cycle during implementation and
power closure to, for example, evaluate power implications of engineering change
orders (ECO). For large designs implemented by multiple teams, the project leader can
use XPE to import utilization and activity of each teams module, then monitor the
total power and reallocate the power budget to ensure constraints are met.
Figure X-Ref Target - Figure 1-2
Figure 1-2: Xilinx Power Estimation and Analysis Tools in the FPGA Design Process
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Chapter 1: Power in FPGAs: Introduction
Figure X-Ref Target - Figure 1-3
Figure 1-3: XPower Estimator Spreadsheet
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Xilinx Power Estimation and Analysis Tools
XPower Analyzer (XPA)
The XPower Analyzer (XPA) tool performs power estimation post implementation. It
is the most accurate tool since it can read from the implemented design database the
exact logic and routing resources used. Figure 1-4 presents the summary power report
and the different views you can navigate our design: by clock domain, by type of
resource and by design hierarchy. XPA also allows you to adjust environment settings
and design activity so you can evaluate how to reduce your design supply and thermal
power consumption.
Figure X-Ref Target - Figure 1-4
Figure 1-4: XPower Analyzer
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Chapter 1: Power in FPGAs: Introduction
PlanAhead RTL Power Estimator
The PlanAhead software performs power estimation to provide an early view of your
design power distribution at the RTL level. You can specify the device operating
environment, the I/O properties, and the default activity rates for the design using
constraints or by interacting with the GUI. PlanAhead then reads your HDL code to
estimate the design resources needed, and reports the estimated power from a
statistical analysis of the activity of each resource. Figure 1-5 shows a report and
resource and hierarchy views which you can navigate to analyze the power
distribution. With its access to more detailed information about the design intent the
RTL power estimator should be more accurate than the XPower Estimator spreadsheet
and less accurate than post Place and Route analysis done with XPower Analyzer.
Figure X-Ref Target - Figure 1-5
Figure 1-5: PlanAhead RTL Power Estimator
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Chapter 2
Software Power Analysis
In the previous chapter, we saw many of the different factors which influence the total
power requirements in an FPGA. This chapter describes how these factors are determined
and used in the software tools calculations. Since information about the device resource
usage, configuration and activity is unclear early on in the design cycle, the software will
use default values. As the design implementation progresses, more of this information can
be provided to the software, which will increase the accuracy of the power estimations.
Xilinx uses an extensive suite of user designs plus anonymous data collected by the
Webtalk program to determine statistically realistic tool default values. These values are
applied when parameters cannot yet be computed automatically or data was not provided
by the user.
Power Calculations
The total power for each voltage supply source of the FPGA is:
Active Power = Device Static + Design Static + Design Dynamic
Where the components that make up the total power are:
Device Static
Device static power depends mostly on manufacturing, process properties, applied
voltage, and the device junction temperature. The junction temperature itself depends
on the ambient temperature, voltage level, and total current supplied. But the total
current supplied includes the device static as a component, so we have a clear circular
dependency. The tools use a series of successive iterations to converge on an
approximation of the true static power for the specified operating conditions.
Design Static
Some blocks in an FPGA are disabled by default then enabled, depending on your
design requirements (for example, I/O termination, transceivers, block RAM, and
clock generators). When these blocks are enabled they consume a set amount of power
regardless of user design activity. This power varies with the configuration of the
circuit. The software is able to model each circuits contribution to the overall design
static power. The models take into account a number of resource level configuration
settings and also scale with voltage and the devices external environment settings.
The external environment settings determine how heat dissipates into the
Design Dynamic
Design dynamic power mostly depends on the capacitance and activity of the
resources used, and also scales with the applied voltage level. The software device
database models the capacitance of each resource according to its configuration and
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Chapter 2: Software Power Analysis
connectivity. Then, if the user doesnt supply the activity, the software algorithms can
predict the activity of each node in the netlist before calculating and adding up power
for all components.
Note: Device static power plus design static power correspond to the standby power defined in
Power Modes in Chapter 1.
Thermal Calculations
The device junction temperature or temperature of the silicon is calculated as:
Junction Temperature = Ambient Temperature + Thermal Power * Effective Thermal Resistance to Air
Where the variables in the equation are:
Junction Temperature (C)
Temperature of the silicon. When selecting the device you choose a temperature grade.
This grade defines a temperature range where Xilinx guarantees the device will
operate as specified. If your operating conditions are above the Grade Maximum but
remain below the Absolute Maximum temperature then the device operation is no
longer guaranteed. Exceeding the Absolute Maximum operating conditions may cause
damage to the device.
Working this equation backward you may want to set the junction temperature to the
device maximum and determine the maximum power the device can generate for your
environment. More precisely, since the tools present both static and dynamic power
you can determine the worst case device leakage and maximum dynamic power your
application is allowed to generate.
Ambient Temperature (C)
Temperature of the air immediately surrounding the device under the expected system
operating conditions.
Thermal Power (W)
Represents the power consumed internally within the FPGA. This generates heat,
which contributes to raising the device junction temperature.
Effective Thermal Resistance to Air -
This coefficient defines how power is dissipated from the FPGA silicon to the
environment (device junction to ambient air). It includes contributions from all
elements, from the silicon chip dimensions to the surrounding air, plus any material in
between, such as the package, the PCB, any heatsink, airflow etc. Typically this
combines thermal resistance and interdependencies from the two main paths which
the generated heat can escape onto the environment:
- Upward from the die to the air (junction to air or
- Downward from the die through the board and into the air (junction to board or

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Power Models Accuracy
Power Models Accuracy
The accuracy of the characterization data embedded in the tools evolves over time to
reflect the device availability or manufacturing process maturity. This accuracy
designation is presented under the Characterization field. Device family characterization
data evolve with the following sequence: Advance, Preliminary, and Production.
Devices with this designation have data models primarily based on simulation results or
measurements from early production device lots. This data is typically available within a
year of product launch. Although the data with this designation is considered relatively
stable and conservative, some under or over-reporting may occur. Advance data accuracy
is considered lower than the Preliminary and Production data.
This designation is based on complete early production silicon. Almost all the blocks in the
device fabric are characterized. The probability of accurate power reporting is improved
compared to Advance data.
This designation is released after enough production silicon of a particular device family
member has been characterized to provide full power correlation over numerous
production lots. Device models with this characterization data are not expected to evolve
Activity Estimation
Two parameters represent the activity of each node in a netlist:
Signal transition rate Defines the number of times the considered element changed
state for the duration of the analysis. This sums up the number of positive and
negative edges that occurred. For calculations Xilinx tools express this number as a
number of millions of transitions per seconds (Mtr/s).
Signal static probability rate Defines the percentage of the analysis duration during
which the considered element is driven at a high logic level. Also referred to as Signal
percentage high rate.
Design node activity is a critical aspect for getting accurate power estimation. Depending
on the level of completion of your design you may know the value, or the tool may be able
to calculate or estimate it as described in the following sections. As a general rule, given the
influence of this factor in power calculations, you should specify any activity information
that is known. When the activity is not known, however, the best practice is to let the tool
estimate activity.
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Chapter 2: Software Power Analysis
User input
In any design, users typically know the activity of specific nodes since they are imposed by
the system specification or the interfaces with which the FPGA communicates. Providing
this information to the tool, especially for nodes which drive multiple cells in the FPGA
(Set, Reset, Clock Enable, or clock signals) will help guide the power estimation
These nodes encompass:
Clock activity Users typically know the exact frequency of all FPGA clock domains,
whether externally provided (input ports), internally generated, or externally
supplied to the printed circuit board (output ports).
I/O data ports With your knowledge of the exact protocols and format of the data
flowing in and out of the FPGA, you can usually specify signal transition rate and/or
signal percentage high rate in the tool for at least some of the I/Os. For example, some
protocols have a DC balanced requirement (Signal percentage high rate =50%) or you
may know how often data is written or read from your memory interface, so you can
set the data rate of strobe and data signals.
I/O and internal control signals With your knowledge of the system and the
expected functionality you may be able to predict the activity on control signals such
as Set, Reset and Clock Enable. These signals typically can turn on or off large pieces
of the design logic, so providing this activity information will increase the power
estimation accuracy.
In parallel with all stages of the design development you will generally perform
simulations to verify that the design behaves as expected. Different verification techniques
are available depending on the design development state, the design complexity, or
company policy. The following paragraphs highlight the valuable data you can capture,
and common pitfalls related to using this data to perform power analysis. An important
factor for getting an accurate power estimation is that activity needs to be realistic. It
should represent the typical or worst case scenario for data coming into the simulated
block. This type of information is not necessarily provided while performing verification
or validating functions. Sometimes invalid data is given as input to verify that the system
can handle and remain stable even when invalid data or commands are given to it. Using
such test cases to perform power analysis may result in inaccurate power estimation since
the design logic is not stimulated as it would be under typical system operation.
System transaction level Very early in the design cycle, you may have created a
description of transactions which occur between devices on a PCB or between the
different functions of your FPGA application. You can extract from this the expected
activity per functional block for certain I/O ports and most of the clock domains. This
information will help you fill in the XPower Estimator spreadsheet.
FPGA description level While defining the RTL for your application you may want
to verify the functionality by performing behavioral simulations. This helps you
verify the data flow and the validity of calculations to the clock cycle. At this stage the
exact FPGA resources used, count, and configuration is not available. You can
manually extrapolate resource utilization and extract activity for I/O ports or internal
control signals (Set, Reset, Clock Enable). This information can be applied to refine the
XPower Estimator spreadsheet information. You can also read your HDL into the
PlanAhead RTL Power estimator. This tool, described in the Estimating Power section
of the PlanAhead User Guide (UG632), will estimate device utilization and activity to
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Activity Estimation
provide quick power estimation. Your simulator should be able to extract node
activity and export it in the form of a SAIF file. You can save this file for later use in
the design flow, for example after Place and Route, if you do not plan to run
post-implementation simulations.
FPGA implementation level Simulation may be performed at different stages in the
implementation process with different outcomes in terms of the power-related
information which can be extracted. This additional information may be used to
refine the XPower Estimation spreadsheet. It may also save I/O ports and specific
module activity, which can later be reused in XPower Analyzer after the design is
completely placed and routed.
- Post synthesis The netlist is mapped to the actual resources available in the
target device.
- Post placement The netlist components are placed into the actual device
resources. With this packing information the final logic resource count and
configuration becomes available and you can update the XPower Estimator
spreadsheet for your design.
- Post routing After routing is complete all the details about routing resources
used and exact timing information for each path in the design are defined. In
addition to verifying the implemented circuit functionality under best and worst
case gate and routing delays, the simulator can also report the exact activity of
internal nodes and include glitching. Power analysis at this level will provide you
the most accurate power estimation before you actually measure power on your
prototype board.
Statistical Estimation
When design node activity is not provided either from the user or from simulation results,
the vectorless power estimation algorithms are capable of predicting this activity. The
vectorless engine assigns initial seeds (default signal rates and static probability) to all
undefined nodes. Then, starting from the design primary inputs it propagates activity to
the output of internal nodes, and repeats this operation until the primary outputs are
reached. The algorithm does not understand the timing or functional relationships
between the various netlist components, however it understands the design connectivity
and resource functionality and configuration. Its heuristics can even approximate the
glitching rate for any nodes in the netlist. Glitching occurs when design elements change
states multiple times in between active clock edges before settling to a final value. Overall
the vectorless propagation engine is not as accurate as a post-Place and Route simulation
with a reasonably long duration and realistic stimulus, but it is an excellent compromise
between accuracy and compute efficiency.
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Chapter 2: Software Power Analysis
Utilization Estimation
Resource usage is an important factor in determining the total power used by the targeted
System specification level Before any code has been developed, and excluding for a
moment code acquired, reused from a previous design, or generated from the wizard
or core generator tools, then you will need to manually estimate usage for the
different blocks to implement. You do this estimate by using your experience and
understanding of the expected functionality. The accuracy of this estimate depends on
the level of information available to you and the time you can devote to entering this
information into the XPower Estimator spreadsheet.
RTL description level Xilinx provides an area estimator which can read your RTL
code. You provide all your HDL and the IP cores and black boxes, and the tool will
elaborate and resolve all parameters into a netlist. Then the area estimator will do
pattern recognition to quickly estimate the resources which will be inferred and how
these will be mapped to the targeted architecture. This is not as accurate as working
with a synthesized or routed netlist; however it takes away a lot of the guesswork to
estimate device resources used while you are developing the application code. This
helps you monitor estimated power at an early stage in the development process
when changes are less time consuming, more powerful, and less risky than later on.
Post-synthesis level - The synthesis tool will infer logic structures from your
description then map this RTL to specific device resources. It will optimize the netlist
to meet your performance and area requirements. This increased level of detail for the
device resources used can help you monitor and adjust your power estimations.
Implementation level Post-map and post-Place and Route power estimations
become even more accurate since netlist optimizations affecting final logic resource
utilization such as trimming/register replication or retiming are taken into account.
Actual routing resource usage and layout also become available to the power
estimation tool.
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Chapter 3
Power Estimation Methodology
This chapter elaborates on the flow presented in Chapter 1, Power in FPGAs: Introduction.
For each step in a typical design cycle, the chapter describes a methodology to evaluate
your applications power consumption, then continues with a description of tool features
which automate or simplify power estimation. Once you generate the power estimation,
go to the next chapter for techniques to investigate and eventually modify your system, to
minimize the device power consumption. For details of the tools discussed here, refer to
these documents:
XPower Estimator User Guide (UG440)
PlanAhead User Guide (UG632) (Estimating Power section in Chapter 5, RTL Design)
XPower Analyzer documents:
- Graphical interface: XPower Analyzer (XPA) Help
- Command line tool (xpwr): Command Line Tools User Guide (UG628)
Before Implementation
At this stage you have determined that an FPGA is the most effective technology for your
application. Now you need to define which vendor, family, and package can best fit your
functionality, performance, cost, and power budgets. In terms of power this means that
you need to estimate the total device power requirements even before any logic is
developed. Understanding the total power requirements will help you define your power
delivery and cooling system specifications. Questions that you will typically ask yourself
are how many voltage supplies are needed, how much power will each be drawing, and
how much of the absorbed energy will generate heat. XPower Estimator is used to answer
these questions. It helps you develop in parallel the FPGA logic and the Printed Circuit
Board on which the device will be soldered. This exercise will also help you understand the
margin you can expect to have and therefore gain confidence that your system will work
within budget once implemented.
Figure Figure 3-1 shows the XPower Estimator interface.
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Chapter 3: Power Estimation Methodology
Figure X-Ref Target - Figure 3-1
Figure 3-1: XPower Estimator (XPE) Methodology and Presentation of Power Information
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Before Implementation
At this stage, the XPower Estimator spreadsheet will help you research and organize all
known environmental and design information. Download the applicable spreadsheet for
your device from the Power Solutions webpage at http://www.xilinx.com/power.
1. In the XPower Estimator spreadsheet, enter the device settings.
Select the device from the drop-down menus.
Note: The Process field on the Summary sheet accounts for typical or worst case power
characteristics due to manufacturing variations.
2. Enter the environment settings.
When you open the spreadsheet, the Summary sheet has an Environment panel which
lets you set all the environmental parameters which affect the device power. Changing
these affects the device static power but it also determines how much the device
junction temperature will rise for each additional unit of power to be dissipated by the
FPGA (Effective ThetaJA).
If your design process allows you to perform thermal simulations on your system then
you can download the package thermal model for your specific device from the
download center (www.xilinx.com/download > Device Models > Package Thermal
Models). Use this information to calculate the specific junction to air (
) and junction
to board (
) thermal resistance for your system. If you cannot perform thermal
simulations use the value in the drop-down menus which most closely matches your
3. Enter the software settings.
Specify what you expect to be the most difficult aspect of your design, then XPE can
adjust dynamic power calculations based on the implementation algorithm used and
assumed placement and routing results.
4. Enter the voltage supply settings.
If this information is known, in the Power Supply table enter the exact voltage level
for the different supply sources. Voltage is a large factor contributing to both static and
dynamic power.
5. Enter the device resources used and expected activity.
For each design module or functionality block, extract the expected FPGA resource
count and the configuration which will be required. Then estimate the average activity
of these pieces of logic. Finally enter this information on the various device resource
sheets in XPE.
Tool features and tips to estimate device resource usage and design activity:
- If your design includes IP blocks acquired or reused from previous designs which
have already been implemented, then import the power information using an
XPower Analyzer interoperability file. This saves a lot of guesswork and you can
always adjust the imported data to account for the design specifics or differences
in FPGA architecture.
- Instead of trying to guess for a large module, try to decompose each block to the
finest granularity you can, then add up all resources.
- Enter realistic data and avoid being too conservative. Adding padding logic or
an activity margin to each module is not necessary since there are other ways to
calculate worst case scenarios.
- Use your experience from previous designs.
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Chapter 3: Power Estimation Methodology
- The User sheet in XPE is not protected and is very useful to document
intermediate calculations and assumptions.
Minimum set of data:
- Enter environment and voltage data that closely match the expected actual
environment, since these parameters have a significant influence on the total
power estimated.
- Enter as much information as is known on the I/O and transceiver sheets, since
these also account for a large part of the total power
- For all the other sheets make your best educated guesses for the resource
utilization and average activity columns without adding unnecessary margin,
and then leave the unknown columns to their default values.
6. Perform What If? analysis scenarios.
Without having to code anything you can devise different implementation scenarios
and review the implications in terms of resource usage and power. You can, for
example, evaluate different I/O interface formats and see which standard, I/O
configuration, and output termination would best meet your power budget. Using the
on-chip termination will help you save on external components and board space. It
will also increase the on-chip power, and you need to ensure that this power can be
transferred out of the device and into the environment to keep the device junction
temperature within the normal operating range.
The project leader can use this type of analysis to allocate the total device resource and
power budget among the different team members. Even if these allocations are
approximations and will be revised in the future, the analysis provides each
development team with more independence and helps the teams develop in parallel.
7. Update the spreadsheet regularly.
As the design implementation progresses, more specific information becomes
available and you can update this spreadsheet to refine your power estimations. For
example, as soon as some part of the design has been created, then the project leader
can import this data into XPE to replace the assumptions made earlier in the design
flow. Commonly the project scope may evolve over time, with new features being
requested; this can change device utilization and expected activity patterns. Refining
the spreadsheet regularly will help you verify that the total thermal power budget has
not been exceeded and catch potential issues early on.
Monitoring During Implementation
As your design implementation progresses you will want to monitor and verify the power
consumption regularly and make sure thermal dissipation remains within budget so that
you can detect and act early on if any area gets close to your constraints. The tools and
features available vary depending on how complete your logic is, as detailed below.
RTL Description Stage
As you write your HDL code and before running synthesis you can get an estimation of the
resources used and dynamic power consumed from the RTL power estimation algorithm
in PlanAhead. You do not need a complete project. You can create a project for the available
portion of the design.
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Monitoring During Implementation
Figure Figure 3-2 shows the PlanAhead presentation of power information.
1. In PlanAhead, open the RTL view.
PlanAhead reads in all the specified HDL files. It resolves constants and parameters,
then elaborates the description to generate an RTL netlist and estimate the resources
used. This process is very fast.
2. Set your device and environment to match the data entered in the XPower Estimator
These factors do not influence dynamic power significantly, but will help you do a fair
comparison with current assumptions in XPE, especially towards the end of the RTL
description when most of the design HDL code is available.
3. Set activity rates.
For known elements such as clocks you can define these nodes using constraints.
For unknown elements the tool has defaults which you can later adjust.
4. Run the power estimation and review the estimated area and associated power.
You can navigate through the elaborated design and review the estimated resources
used and associated power for each element in the design hierarchy.
5. Adjust the XPower Estimator or implementation constraints after area and power
In the XPower Estimator spreadsheet review the resource and power estimated by the
RTL power estimation algorithm. When you see differences from what you had
originally planned, decide if a correction is necessary. In the RTL power estimation
Figure X-Ref Target - Figure 3-2
Figure 3-2: PlanAhead Methodology and Presentation of Power Information
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Chapter 3: Power Estimation Methodology
tool, on the other end, after reviewing the power distribution for your particular block
you may want to consider changes in your description or adding constraints to guide
the mapping of the downstream tools.
These estimates are not final since neither the synthesis mapping and transformations
nor the Place and Route optimizations of this logic have been performed. However,
comparing this RTL power estimation with the earlier manual estimations you did can
help you confirm your estimate or make adjustments, which in both cases will
improve your confidence that you will remain within your power budget.
Synthesis Stage
Once the design is synthesized, whether entirely or by module, device resources become
fairly well defined, although further optimizations during Place and Route may affect final
utilization or activity slightly. The synthesis tool tries to achieve your performance
requirements while satisfying your other constraints, such as available resources on the
target, power budget, and runtime. This means making mapping decisions, such as using
block versus distributed memory or using a different encoding style for state machines. All
these decisions affect the configuration and amount of the resources used, which you could
only approximate before. You can compare your assumptions in the XPower Estimator
spreadsheet with these synthesis results and adjust XPE where appropriate.
Place and Route Stage
After Place and Route is done, the design database has all the logic configuration, packing,
and routing structures used completely defined. The XPower Analyzer performs and
presents you with the most comprehensive report. However, the tool still needs
information from you to be most effective. The following Methodology section guides you
through generating a power report at this stage and points out the information,
unavailable from the project files, which you can provide to improve the accuracy of the
power estimation.
This section covers power analysis using the XPower Analyzer (XPA) GUI. We assume this
is the first time you are setting up a power analysis after Place and Route. You will
therefore provide the tool with activity information and refer to existing data files. For
subsequent runs, you can choose whether to use the XPA GUI to navigate your design and
analyze power or use the command line equivalent (xpwr) to bypass the GUI and review
the text power report directly.
Figure Figure 3-3 shows the XPower Analyzer interface.
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Monitoring During Implementation
1. Open the XPower Analyzer graphical interface.
XPower Analyzer can be invoked from Project Navigator, from the PlanAhead
interface, or by entering the xpa command line.
2. Specify the input files to use for the analysis.
- Placed and routed design database (NCD file) Contains all logic configuration
and routing information.
- Physical Constraint (PCF file) Contains settings for all of the logic and I/Os of
your design plus activity for specific nets such as clock networks.
- Simulation Results (SAIF or VCD file) XPA will match nets in the design
database with names in the simulation results netlist. For all nets matched it will
apply switching activity and static probability to calculate the design power.
Simulation results may have been generated early in the design flow, before
synthesis or Place and Route. In this case it is preferable to capture from the
simulation results only module I/O ports activity and let the vectorless engine
estimate internal node activity. Functional simulations do not capture glitch
activity. In addition, XPA may not be able to match all nodes between the design
and the simulation netlist because of logic transformations which happen during
implementation (replications, gating, retiming, etc.). Nevertheless most primary
ports and control signals will be matched and this information provides the tool
with realistic activity for the matched nodes. The activity will be propagated by
the vectorless engine onto the unmatched design portion and increase the
accuracy of the power estimation. When you provide simulation results, make
sure to use this type of simulation results:
o Ensure test vectors and inputs to the simulation represent the typical or
expected behavior of the design. Error handling and corner case simulations
do not typically stimulate the logic in the way it would be stimulated under
normal operation.
o Post-implementation simulation results are preferred over behavioral
simulation results.
Figure X-Ref Target - Figure 3-3
Figure 3-3: XPower Analyzer (XPA) Methodology and Presentation of Power Information
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Chapter 3: Power Estimation Methodology
- Settings (XPA file) Contains environment and activity data. This information
may have been generated from an earlier run of XPower Analyzer. In this case it is
an easy way to reopen XPA with the same conditions and results as on a previous
run, so you can continue an analysis where you left off. You can also use this
mechanism to save, retrieve, and compare multiple scenarios. Finally, you can
import a settings file created earlier in the flow from the XPower Estimator
spreadsheet, and all your environment parameters will be imported into this XPA
session, saving the effort of manually reentering them.
3. Review settings and adjust activity for known elements.
Review the different input fields to make sure they accurately represent your expected
- Project settings In the Project Settings view, make sure all available input files
have been read into XPA. When importing simulation results, review the
matching rates to ensure the numbers correspond to your expectations.
Unmatched hierarchy separator or format differences can reduce the number of
elements for which activity is read from the simulation output result.
- Environment settings Review the different user-editable cells in the Summary
view. Make sure the process, voltage and environment data closely match your
expected environment. These settings have a significant influence on the total
estimated power.
- Tool defaults In the Default Activity Rates review the tools current defaults,
estimate if your application departs significantly from these numbers, and decide
if adjustments are required. By default, Xilinx recommends leaving these settings
unchanged since they were derived from a suite of representative user designs.
These numbers are used as seeds for any node for which the user did not
provide activity, through GUI edits or an input file. The propagation engine will
then adjust each nodes activity depending on the activity propagated from the
driving cone of logic.
- Known elements This step is very important for calculating the design dynamic
power since your specific knowledge of the application behavior can help define
the activity of nodes undefined in any of the input files.
o By Clock Domain view Make sure all clocks are specified. Although not
recommended, sometimes users overconstrain their designs to make the
implementation tools work harder and to have more timing margin. For
power calculation purposes you will want to use the exact clock frequencies
your design will run on the board; otherwise the accuracy of the design
dynamic power will be lower.
o I/O view If you know the data patterns of your I/O interfaces specify this
activity in the applicable columns (Signal Rate and % High). Unless you are
calculating the total power per supply in a separate tool, such as a
spreadsheet, specify the termination technique for your outputs so XPA can
include the amount of power the FPGA supplies to these external
o Control signals view XPA extracts and lists all the different control signals in
the Clock Enable and Set/Reset views. You may know from the expected
behavior of your application that some Set/Reset signals are not active in
normal design operation so you may want to adjust the activity for these
signals. Similarly, some signals in your application may disable entire blocks
of the design when the blocks are not in use. Adjust their activity according to
the expected functionality. Since synthesis tool and Place and Route
algorithms can infer or remap control signals to optimize your RTL
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Monitoring During Implementation
description, many of the signals listed in these views will be unfamiliar to
you. When unsure of what these signals are, let the tool determine the activity.
4. Run the analysis.
Once you have provided XPA with the logic configuration and activity, then run the
analysis. The tool will start by annotating the netlist with activity from files and user
inputs, then apply the tool defaults for the remaining undefined nodes. Next, through
an iterative process it will propagate this initial activity from the primary inputs to the
primary outputs of your design to refine the activity estimate for the undefined nodes.
Finally, it will calculate the dynamic power for each used resource and deduce the
additional static power this switching activity generates, to compute the devices
expected junction temperature and total power requirements.
5. Review your design power distribution.
Once the power analysis is complete you can open the Summary view to review the
Supply Power and Thermal Properties. These tables highlight the total on-chip
power and device junction temperature. These cells have a green background when
the estimated junction temperature is within the nominal device operating range. They
turn orange when the estimated value for junction temperature is above the Grade
Maximum for the device but remains below the Absolute Maximum temperature.
They turn red when the junction temperature is above the Absolute Maximum, as
these operating conditions may cause damage to the device.
The Supply Summary section shows the current drawn for each supply source and
breaks down this total between static and dynamic power. The On-Chip table shows
the power dissipated in each of the device resource types. With this high-level view
you can determine which parts of your design contribute most to the total power.
From there, you then get more details of the power at the resource level by opening the
Details views. The different Details views are organized as tables (limited to 2000
entries to be more manageable). You can drag a column header to reorder the column
arrangement. You can also click on a column header to change the sorting order. When
the reported power exceeds your thermal or supply budgets you can refer to
Chapter 4, Tips and Techniques for Power Reduction, for a list of available techniques
to reduce the device power. These techniques depend on how complete your design is
and how tolerant to change your development process is.
6. Save or export the results.
Once you are confident with the results and have navigated through the different
views to review the relevant information for your application you can do one or more
of the following:
- Save result as a text file For project documentation you may want to save the
power estimation results. In other circumstances you may be experimenting with
different mapping, placement, and routing options to close on performance or
area constraints. Saving power results for each experiment will help you select the
most power-effective solution when several experiments meet your requirements.
- Save modified inputs as a settings file This is useful to save the analysis with
its current settings so that you can reload these exact results some time in the
future. XPA will save a file (.xpa) containing any information manually entered
into the tool. This also proves useful when performing scenario analysis to
estimate power under different environment corners or different modes/
functions in which your application is expected to operate.
- Export design for analysis in XPower Estimator Saves all environment
information, device usage, and design activity in a file (.xpe) which you can later
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Chapter 3: Power Estimation Methodology
import into the XPower Estimator spreadsheet. This proves quite useful when
your power budget is exceeded and you dont think that software optimization
features alone will be able to meet your budgets. In this case, import the current
implementation results into XPower Estimator, explore different mapping, gating,
folding, and other strategies, and estimate their impact on power before
modifying the RTL code or rerunning the implementation.
Power Closure Stage
Your design cycle will include a power closure phase under two main circumstances.
Constraints are met and you have time to optimize your design.
Admittedly, in todays complex system and with time-to-market pressure this is a rare
situation. Typically at this stage in the development process you want to minimize changes
to the RTL, board power supply, and cooling parameters since, this involves a lot of
verification or PCB respin costs. However you can use this time to experiment with
different software options and constraints to optimize your logic and routing resource
counts, configuration, and activity. This minimizes dynamic power and reduces static
power at the same time. Depending on your design margins a 15% to 20% savings for your
core dynamic power is a reasonable expectation, with some designs showing even more
power reduction.
One simple way to perform this kind of experiment is to use the SmartXplorer feature in
ISE or the Design Runs option in PlanAhead. These have a set of predefined strategies
which adjust synthesis and Place and Route tool settings. You can also edit the existing
strategies or even create your own. Once satisfied, run these strategies to explore the
implementation solution, running either on a single machine or on a cluster of machines, to
save on total runtime. You can then select the most power-effective options from among
the successful runs and use the resulting netlist for your final application.
My power budget is exceeded! What can I do?
Typically at this stage the pressure to get the system to market is getting high and many
parameters in your system are well defined, such as the board environment and cooling
options. Even though this restricts the type of engineering rework you can do, the
following methodology should help identify and focus on the highest potential areas for
power reduction.
Step 1. Which power budget is exceeded?
GUI users can review the Summary view in XPower Analyzer, while command line users
can use the Summary section of the xpwr command report file (.pwr). The On-Chip and
Supply Power tables provide a high-level view of the power distribution. Navigate the
Summary view to determine the type and amount of power that exceeds your budget.
Step 2. Identify the area on which to focus
Review the different detailed views in XPower Analyzer or XPower Estimator. Analyze the
environment parameters and the power distribution across the different resources used,
the design hierarchy, and clock domains. When you find an area of the design where
power seems high, the following information should help you determine the likely
contributing factors.
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Power Closure Stage
Thermal budget exceeded
If the estimated junction temperature exceeds the device specified operating conditions
then you need to find ways to reduce the amount of power flowing into the device and
dissipated as heat or improve the system thermal capabilities to facilitate heat extraction.
Review the static versus dynamic power distribution ratio.
Reducing Static Power
Power for supply sources such as V
or V
is quite sensitive to process,
voltage and temperature. Design resources contributing most to device static power
are transceivers, I/Os, and Clock generation modules.
- Transceivers Consider using the power down and low power modes. Consider
reducing the voltage swing of your transmitters. Maximize supporting circuits
sharing across multiple channels such as PLL.
- I/Os Because I/Os have to drive and receive signals from longer distances, their
transistors are much larger than the core transistors, resulting in a greater
contribution to the total power per unit resource used.
o V
Typically supplies power to the input buffer. Review the I/O
standard used. Some device families accept different voltage levels for this
supply; evaluate if you can use a lower voltage.
o V
Mainly used to supply power to the output buffer. Review the I/O
standard, drive strength, and on-chip termination settings in the context of
your performance needs and evaluate if you can use lower drive strength
using tristatable DCI I/O standards (T_DCI), get by without terminations, or
us external terminations.
o V
Powers the I/O interface with the device core logic. Make sure to
enable only the minimum set of I/O features required by your application.
Also consider using the low-power modes which some features provide,
when your data rate allows.
o Clock Generation modules Typically the configuration for these modules is
powered from the V
supply and consumes more power than the
interface to the device core logic. Focus your efforts to minimize the number
of clock generation modules used. Since most blocks have many
programmable outputs, frequencies, and phase shifts, often the same module
can be used to generate the clock signals of unrelated IP blocks. Try to
minimize the VCO frequency when selecting the multiply and divide factors
to generate the desired clock rate.
o Partial Reconfiguration If your design encompasses multiple applications
with different functionality depending on the environment, you may consider
using Partial Reconfiguration to only program the device with the applicable
functionality for each environment. This typically saves logic and routing
resources and may allow you to use a smaller part.
Device environment
- Voltage Xilinx guarantees a device will behave as expected for a supply range
around the typical value. If your voltage supply regulators and other components
attached to these rails support lowering the voltage level, then even a 1% or 2%
reduction can have a significant influence on the transistor leakage and switching
power. Voltage level influences both static and dynamic power.
- Thermal dissipation paths There are two main paths for the generated heat to
escape the device. The heat can go up through the package and into the air or it
can go down through the package balls, the board, and the air. Review each
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Chapter 3: Power Estimation Methodology
transfer coefficient between the device die and the surrounding environment.
Lowering these thermal resistances allows more heat generated from the device to
escape into the environment more quickly and lowers the device junction
temperature, which in turn reduces transistor static power. You can evaluate if
lowering the ambient temperature or increasing the airflow for your system or
locally to the FPGA fan is possible. You can also consider adding a heat sink or
changing the characteristics of the existing heat sink.
Reducing Dynamic Power
Factors contributing to the design dynamic power are: ( . f
. C
. V
where the factors in the equation are:
Activity (,f
The less often components and signals toggle the less power they consume. I/O,
clocks, arithmetics, memories, and some bitwise logic typically are the design portions
which generate the most activity in a design. Different options are available to reduce
this activity.
- User intervention From your understanding of the design behavior, you can
turn off modules in your design when their outputs are unused. You can disable
inputs so no new data is captured. You can also add clock enable signals to gate
entire design blocks, I/O interfaces, or clock domains. Reducing clock frequency
is rarely an alternative, but some applications can be arranged to modulate the
clock frequency depending on the availability of input data.
- ISE power optimization algorithms At a very fine-grained level and across
hierarchy boundaries, these algorithms are capable of detecting sequences in your
design data flow where outputs are not used and gate the clock and/or logic
during the unused cycles. Examples are: disabling unused multiplexer inputs by
predicting the selector value, or disabling RAM ports when no read or write
operation is needed.
Capacitance (C
The capacitance which needs to be driven at each toggling event varies with the type,
fanout, and capacitance of logic and routing resources used in the design. First, review
the design constraints. Efficient constraints (without overconstraining) guide the
implementation tool to optimize only the timing-critical paths in your design for
performance, while minimizing area and routing structures used for the other paths.
- Signal routing it is usually best to let the Place and Route tool decide which
specific routing resource to use since there are many factors to take into account
for each path and the surrounding logic. But you can use floorplanning
techniques to cluster logic into specific clock regions or bring highly
interconnected logic closer together. The idea is to minimize the length of high
fanout signals or highly active paths in the design.
Voltage (V
Voltage is the main external parameter on which you have leverage for dynamic
power. Xilinx guarantees the device will behave as expected for a supply range around
the typical value. If your voltage supply regulators and other components attached to
these rails support lowering the voltage level then even a 1% or 2% reduction can have
a significant influence on the FPGA total power, since voltage influences both static
and dynamic power.
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Power Closure Stage
Number of elements ()
Reducing the number of elements will reduce the total capacitance to be switched.
Efficient HDL code for the target and tool constraints help in this approach.
Converting some glue logic to use hardened blocks such as DSPs or BRAMs also helps.
Remember that Shift registers can be implemented in a special mode of the LUTs to
reduce the number of register and routing structures used. Other techniques to reduce
area, such as time multiplexing, partial reconfiguration, etc., can be pursued.
Balanced approach
In most cases, after your analysis you will find that adjustments on both the static and
dynamic aspects will be the easiest way to reduce the power enough to return within
your allowed budget.
Supply power budget exceeded
You may run into a situation where your total power budget is exceeded since some
applications or standards define the maximum power a single PCB can draw. There are
other situations where your design may have reached the maximum current the selected
voltage regulator can provide. Because an FPGA is programmable it is only natural to look
into minimizing its power since this is one of the components in the system over which you
have the most control. The total supply power includes the thermal power plus any power
flowing from the supplies through the FGPA and dissipated in outside components. All
the techniques and effects to reduce the internal power described in the Thermal budget
exceeded section above can be explored. In addition, the main contributors to off-chip
power are the external components the FPGA is driving. These are typically resistive
termination loads or specific devices such as power transistors, LEDs, or other
components. You can calculate the total power difference of your I/O interface when using
on-chip terminations instead of off-chip terminations. The FPGA may disable on-chip
terminations when not use. On the other hand, bringing terminations on-chip will increase
the power consumed by the device and therefore increase its static power. It is important to
look at the total power for each scenario before selecting the best topology for your
Step 3. Experiment
With the list of candidate areas in your design for power optimizations derived from the
previous step, you can now sort this list from easiest to most involved and decide which
optimization or experiment to perform next. The power tools allow you to do What If?
analysis so you can quickly enter design changes and estimate the power implications
without having to actually edit any code or constraint or rerun the implementation tools.
Experiment within the implementation tools
Review your synthesis and implementation tool options to turn on power and area
reduction on your entire design or a portion of it. The Xilinx tools are unique in that
power optimization algorithms can gate design logic automatically for an average 15%
to 20% core dynamic power saving, which is significant and does not require any code
change or additional functional verification from you.
Experiment within XPA
In XPA you can make adjustments then rerun the analysis to review the power
implications for these factors:
- Environment Includes thermal parameters, process, or voltages.
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Chapter 3: Power Estimation Methodology
- Design Activity Adjust the activity of nets or instances in the design. Change
one item or change multiple items at a time. You can also change:
o Clock domains Adjust the switching frequency.
o Glue logic Adjust the dynamic activity rate.
o I/Os Adjust both static and dynamic activity probabilities. You can also
adjust parameters for the external components connected to the device
outputs, such as the load capacitance or the near-end board termination
o Signals Adjust the dynamic activity rate for data signals. For control signals
you can also adjust the static probability to evaluate power under different
Clock Enable, Set, or Reset scenarios.
o Specific blocks In addition to the dynamic activity probability you can also
adjust the activity of control ports such as port enables or write enables on
block RAMs.
Experiment within XPE
In XPE you can import XPower Analyzer results from modules developed by multiple
sources to review the total power once these separate IP block are implemented in the
device. You can also evaluate situations where you would have to change the netlist,
and evaluate the power implications without having to actually make the code
changes. For your design core logic XPE works at a coarser resolution then XPA, since
you cannot adjust each logic element or signal individually in XPE.
In XPE, you can also experiment with:
- Resource usage Explore reducing the resource count. Try remapping pieces of
logic from slice logic to dedicated blocks such as BRAM or DSP, and vice versa.
- Resource configuration Explore using different configuration settings for the
design I/Os, block RAMs, clock generators, and other resources.
Experiment within PlanAhead RTL Power Estimator
If you need to modify your RTL code to reduce power, the RTL power estimator
provides features to navigate the power consumed by resources and the design
hierarchy and to identify the design areas contributing the most to the device power.
From this fast analysis you can quickly derive design constraints and tool options to
guide the synthesis or Place and Route. Examples are: directives to map a particular
state machine differently or the most effective power optimization options. You can
experiment with adding a pipeline or performing power retiming around
high-activity logic such as carry chains and XOR functions. Although long paths with
carry chains tend to be on slower clock domains, they exhibit more glitching activity,
which increases the design power. Retiming or pipelining these paths is often
Step 4. Implement the changes and review the power saving
Once you have determined the best changes to make given your time, performance, and
resource constraints, proceed with implementing them. It is worth mentioning that trying
too many options or changes at once may not yield the best results because of potential
conflicts or interactions between them. Best practice, if time allows, is to experiment with a
few options at a time so you can evaluate their effect on power and other constraints before
adding on other changes.
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Power and Temperature Measurements
Power and Temperature Measurements
This section briefly describes different mechanisms available to measure FPGA power
consumption or heat dissipation. Some of these techniques use internal FPGA resources;
others use board or external components. Some applications require power and
temperature to be actively monitored and adjusted after deployment; other applications
would use these measurement techniques in the lab during prototyping and validation
phases. Consider what most applies to your design.
Power Measurements
Current Sense Resistor Inserted in series between the regulator output and the
FPGA, this small precision resistor will create a small voltage drop which, by Ohm's
Law, is proportional to the flowing current. Measuring this voltage gives you the
current being supplied to the FPGA.
Advanced Regulators and Digital Power Controllers The latest evaluation kits
have advanced regulator and power controllers which you can use to capture
regulator output currents and voltages, then send this information to a monitoring
computer via a USB interface. This is the simplest and most convenient way to
monitor the power rails. The ML605 and SP605 boards have integrated Texas
Instrument UCD92xx controllers which can be accessed with the Fusions Digital
Power Designer software on a PC via a PMBus (I2C) to USB interface module.
On-board Monitoring The latest Xilinx device families provide internal sensors and
at least one analog-to-digital converter to measure supplied voltages and device
temperature. The ChipScope utility provides real-time JTAG access to measure the
different supply source voltages or device junction temperature before and after
device configuration (see Figure 3-4). You can also instantiate a System Monitor or
XADC component in your code to access these measurements from your FPGA
Thermal Measurements
External Monitoring Junction Temperature cannot be measured directly since the
device package prevents access to the silicon. Junction Temperature can however be
approximated by measuring the temperature of the package, the heat sink, and other
locations with a thermocouple. Thermal cameras are also used to visualize the device
temperature and thermal dissipation interactions with neighboring components and
the larger environment.
On-board Monitoring Thermal measurements are possible and use the same
mechanisms as power measurements. You can use ChipScope before and after device
configuration (see Figure 3-4), or use the System Monitor primitive within your
design to read the device junction temperature.
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Chapter 3: Power Estimation Methodology
Methodology for Power and Temperature Measurement
To evaluate the three components contributing to the design total power it is important to
control the device junction temperature and let it stabilize before making measurements.
This is because the device and design static power is heavily dependent on the device
junction temperature.
Device static First download a blank design to ensure no input noise is captured
and all internal logic and configuration circuits are in a known state. A blank design is
a design with a single gate or flip-flop which never toggles, and ensure all outputs are
tristated. Then wait for the junction temperature to stabilize and measure V
and any other supply source of interest. With special equipment, a simple
heat gun, or cold spray you can force temperature changes to evaluate the influence of
the environment on the device static power.
Design static Download the design into the FPGA and turn off all input and internal
activity (input data, external and internal clock generation). Wait for the device
temperature to stabilize, then measure power on all supply rails of interest.
Subtracting the device static measurement from these values gives you the additional
static power from the specific logic resources and configuration used in your design
(design static power).
Figure X-Ref Target - Figure 3-4
Figure 3-4: Voltage and Junction Temperature Monitoring with ChipScope
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Power and Temperature Measurements
Design dynamic Download the design into the FPGA and provide clocks and input
stimulus representative of the design. Wait for the junction temperature to stabilize
before measuring all supply sources of interest. This power represents the
instantaneous total power of your design. It will vary with the change in activity at
each clock cycle.
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Chapter 4
Tips and Techniques for Power
This chapter describes power reduction techniques and their expected effect on total
device power. This information will help you evaluate your best options depending on
your time, power budget, available resources, and freedom to change your design. A few
techniques are mentioned here only briefly, for completeness. To avoid replication, refer to
the experimentation sections in the previous chapter for more information.
System Level
Cooling strategy
Cooling strategy ensures that heat generated from the device is extracted and absorbed by
the environment. These cooling strategies, which are generally available at the beginning
of the design and become less feasible in the later stages, have a significant impact on the
device static power:
Increase the airflow,
Lower the ambient temperature,
Use a heat sink (or a larger heat sink), or select a different regulator.
Supply strategy
Voltage has a large effect on both static and dynamic power. Active control of the voltage
level ensures the desired voltage is applied to the device.
Use switching regulators These are more power efficient than Linear regulators, at
the expense of requiring a higher component count.
Use adjustable regulators Sense voltage as close as possible to the FPGA and to the
highest consuming device if the same supply powers multiple FPGAs.
Select regulators with tight tolerances.
Device selection
Select the best device for the product Vendor, density, functionality, and
performance are no longer the primary factors for selecting a device. System level
decisions for implementing the functionality can help minimize power consumption
for the total product.
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Chapter 4: Tips and Techniques for Power Reduction
Minimize the number of devices This saves space, I/O interconnect power, total
leakage, and other factors. Typically, replacing multiple components (for example,
processor and FPGA) with a single larger FPGA consumes less static power.
Select the smallest device possible This reduces leakage. Typically in an FPGA
family the same package may be available with different die sizes. You can, for
instance, use a larger die during the prototyping and pre-series phase, then move to a
smaller die for volume production.
Select the largest package possible This increases heat dissipation. A larger
package has a larger area to dissipate the die heat into the environment. A larger heat
sink can be attached to the package upper side and more heat can escape onto the PCB
via the bottom ball grid array.
Use low voltage devices Some device families are available with a lower power
option. The lower core voltage requirements translate into significant static and
dynamic power savings.
Use low leakage devices Some device families are available with a lower leakage or
static power options in the form of specific speed or temperature grades. These
devices may cost a bit more to purchase but you or the end user may be able to more
than offset this with savings on the electricity bill or cooling hardware and system
Device Level
Xilinx designer teams have the task of finding innovative yet rational solutions to enhance
device capabilities and meet your application challenges. In practice this translates into
two main areas of extensive research and experimentation: manufacturing process and
architectural parameters. These topics were covered in Device Power Contributing Factors
in Chapter 1.
Design Level
Get accurate power information
To identify the best areas on which to focus your power minimization efforts make sure to
get realistic power estimates from the tools.
Specify the expected device operating conditions The device, its thermal
specifications, and applied voltages are important factors in determining the device
supply and thermal requirements.
Specify resource usage, configuration and activity.
- Provide the tools with the maximum information known, especially for resource
usage and activity for clocks, control signals, and primary inputs.
- Reuse data or knowledge from a previous design or use the import capabilities in
the tool to minimize manual data entry.
- When specifying activity, make sure it matches normal or worst case operation. If
the design processes data by bursts followed by quieter periods, then make sure
to normalize the activity over a longer time period. Thermal and supply effects
tend to have a response time much slower than the internal switching logic.
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Design Level
Use resources more efficiently
Logic As obvious as it is, sometimes were too busy to spend time to fully understand the
targeted architecture. This knowledge helps to:
Optimize the design description
- Write code which allows the synthesis tool to map logic to dedicated blocks. The
synthesis tool can then decide which mapping best meets your timing and
utilization requirements. For example, counters or state machines can be mapped
to either distributed logic or block RAMs. Shift registers can be mapped to a
special LUT mode to save area and power.
- Minimize asynchronous control signals which prevent logic optimization and
uses more routing resources.
- Minimize the number of control sets. A control set consists of the unique
grouping of a clock, clock enable, set, reset, and, in the case of LUT RAM, write
enable signals. Control set information is important because count limits or
sharing of signals within a slice may occur. This varies with the FPGA
architecture, and when the limit is reached can prevent proximity packing of
related logic, which would increase routing resources.
- Add pipeline levels to minimize the size of combinatorial logic cones. This
minimizes the propagation of glitches between registers until signals reach their
final state at each clock cycle.
- Use resource time sharing. These techniques minimize device resource usage by
time multiplexing different functions to the same hardware resources. This allows
you to use a smaller device or can reduce placement and routing congestion,
which will lower both static and dynamic core power.
o Processes which are slow and similar can be performed on the same resources
instead of separate resources. This requires careful thinking for how to
bufferize, multiplex, initialize, and control the data to be processed. Typical
applications for such optimization are similar parallel processes, such as
processing multiple input sensors. Instead of having as many processing
units as inputs, you could use a single processing unit and make it run faster,
so it processes input channels one after the other while ensuring the same
response time for each output. An XPower Estimator What If? estimation can
help you decide whether the power savings are worth the engineering effort.
o Partial Reconfiguration. Use this technique to change functionality on the fly
and eliminate the need to fully reconfigure and re-establish links. Partial
Reconfiguration is particularly useful to minimize resources used, and
therefore both static and dynamic power. It allows you to load the FPGA with
only the functions that are needed for the systems current environment or for
the particular time in the overall process of the application. More details and
methodology guides for Partial Reconfiguration are available here:
o Use the DSP and BlockRAM optional registers. For example, in DSP blocks
the multiplier or MREG registers, when enabled, are the most power efficient
implementation as they minimize the propagation of internal glitches
between clock cycles.
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Chapter 4: Tips and Techniques for Power Reduction
Minimize the number of resources Minimizing logic resources has the
compounding effect of reducing the routing resources used. This in turn provides
additional degrees of freedom to the implementation software to more efficiently
Place and Route your design.
- Remove debug logic from your final design, rather than just disabling it.
- Minimize the number of clock generation components. Think about clock
generation and management from the design top level perspective rather than
from major IP blocks to prevent unnecessary replications of functionality. Clock
components often have multiple outputs with separate programmable frequency
and phase shifting capabilities. The project leader can evaluate if instead of
instantiating one clock manager in two separate IP blocks, the different clocks
domains required could be generated from a single clock generator.
Minimize activity Component and signal routing activity is a major contributor to
the device core dynamic power.
- Gate clock or data paths. This common technique stops paths when the results of
these paths are not used. Gating a clock stops all driven synchronous loads;
gating a data path keeps signal switching and glitching from continuing to
propagate up to the next synchronous element. The software tools analyze your
description and netlist to detect such conditions. Still, there are things the
designer knows about the application, data flow, and dependencies which are not
available to the tool, and can only be specified by the designer.
General guidelines for gating:
o Maximize the number of elements affected by the gating signal. For example,
it is more power efficient to gate a clock domain at its driving source than to
gate each load with a clock enable signal.
o When gating or multiplexing clocks to minimize activity or clock tree usage,
use Clock Enable ports of dedicated clock buffers. Inserting LUTs or other
methods to gate-off clock signals is not efficient for power and timing
o Minimize the number of control sets. Since adding gating signals to stop the
data or clock path may require additional logic and routing it is important to
minimize the number of such structures to avoid defeating the original
purpose. Placement and routing of these additional resources may complicate
the implementation of the existing logic. This may result in spread-out
placement, additional replications, or increased routing congestion which
would then increase the dynamic power.
o Disable BlockRAM ports. In your application, when not reading or writing in
the array make sure to describe enable signals to disable memory ports when
not in use.
- Use suspend or standby mode to disable the device when not in use. Capabilities
vary with the particular FPGA family targeted. This technique is often used for
battery applications, or when the data to be processed comes in bursts followed
by long periods of inactivity. This mechanism is simple to implement and lowers
both the device static and dynamic power consumption. Remember to make sure
your application allows time for the device to boot up when it returns from the
power down mode.
- Use power down modes for individual architecture components. Most of the
device components have features which allow you to turn off circuits or disable
the clock or data flow (for example, the block RAM port enable and the
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Design Level
transceiver multiple power down modes). Learn about the architecture to
maximize the use of these dedicated power saving structures.
Guide placement Generally it is best to let the software control the placement of
your design logic. You may think that constraining logic into a small device area will
save dynamic power, since routing resources will be shorter. But this may cause
congestion and signals may use suboptimal resources just to get around this
artificially created congestion. Yet there are many circumstances where guiding
placement is useful, for instance:
- Force denser placement of high activity logic when the timing or other constraints
are loose. Arithmetics and bitwise functions such as XOR can produce glitching
activity between clock cycles, which increases the dynamic power. Forcing a
closer proximity between these functions can shorten the routing resources used
and keep paths within the same Slice or CLB, which is more power efficient.
I/O Because I/O interfaces have to drive long distances with potentially more parasitic
effects, they typically represent a large portion of the device power requirements.
Use the lowest V
possible. This minimizes both the static and dynamic power
for this voltage supply.
Inputs - Limit usage of internally referenced input standards.
- Use the lowest slew/drive/voltage level supported by the receiving chip(s).
- No termination or series termination are preferred over parallel terminations.
Signal integrity simulation tools can help with this determination.
- Consider whether using on-chip or off-chip termination is the best option given
your device thermal budget, system cost, and board real estate requirements.
- Evaluate using lower voltage swing differential standards.
- Evaluate if your application allows you to use transceivers instead of large
parallel busses.
- Evaluate the requirements of I/O features such as IBUF, IO DELAY, and others,
and disable when performance allows.
Use low power modes to disable some circuitry when not in use.
Pack the maximum number of transceivers into a single tile to minimize duplicating
supporting circuits.
Note: Avoid over-engineering. Maybe designing for simultaneously worst case device, process,
environment, and design activity is not necessary. Sometimes, other components in the system
would stop functioning before such a condition occurs. In this case you need to make sure the
absolute maximum junction temperature is not exceeded and that the device can restart from a
known state. Processing data under such circumstances may not be a concern since upstream or
downstream board components may not be operational.
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Chapter 4: Tips and Techniques for Power Reduction
Software Settings and Algorithms Level
Synthesis tools make many trade-offs between area, performance, runtime, and power
constraints. Priority is given to meeting either the density or performance goals. All
non-critical paths are then optimized to minimize area and power consumption. The
following sections highlight methodologies, flows, and constraints to further optimize the
synthesized netlist.
The options and techniques presented refer to Xilinx XST, however other FPGA synthesis
tools such as Synopsys Synplify or Mentor Precision products offer similar functionality.
Provide complete and realistic timing constraints.
This helps the tool focus performance optimizations on the critical paths and frees the
remaining paths for area and power optimizations. Artificially over-constraining the
performance requirements generates excessive replications and inefficiently maps the
functional description to hardware resources. Under-constraining can lead to
sub-optimal mapping, which would make it difficult for Place and Route to achieve
the desired performance.
Read black boxes.
This provides timing information for paths to and from the black boxes plus resource
usage within the black boxes. This avoids unnecessary replications or suboptimal use
of logic resources.
XST Power Optimizations
Minimize the number of simultaneously active block RAM ports.
This optimization, enabled with the -power yes option in XST, modifies the
decomposition of RAM or ROM descriptions which span multiple block RAMs. The
optimization adjusts address lines, port enable and write enable control signals to
minimize the number of active block RAM ports at each clock cycle, while ensuring
timing constraints are met.
Force the most power efficient mapping of block RAMs regardless of the impact on
Use the block_power2 option to the ram_style constraint when you know the
timing paths related to this memory are not critical. Savings range from 15% to 75%.
XST Area Optimizations
Use the Area optimization mode.
Whenever possible, use the Area optimization mode in XST. This will minimize the
number of resources used.
Force mapping decisions.
For specific logic blocks, after a careful estimation of the performance implications you
can constrain the tool to map functions to dedicated logic resources. For example, you
can force counters to be mapped onto available DSP blocks. Shift registers can be
mapped to the SRL mode of slices. Another example: when you find shallow
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Software Settings and Algorithms Level
memories implemented as block RAMs with long input or output routes you may
want to force mapping to distributed RAM since this may reduce the routing power.
Use resource sharing.
Resource sharing minimizes the number of arithmetic operators, resulting in reduced
device utilization. Similar arithmetic operators can be implemented with common
resources on the device, provided their respective outputs are never used
simultaneously. Resource sharing usually involves creating additional multiplexing
logic to select between factorized inputs. This factorization minimizes logic usage and
prevents logic replications. Synthesis tools perform these optimizations by default and
control the potential performance side effect; therefore, you should rarely have to
disable this optimization.
Miscellaneous XST options
Use Register Balancing to reduce activity.
The -register_balancing option tries to forward or backward retime registers to
equalize the length of timing paths in combinatorial logic. Although this is primarily
done for design performance this can prove useful to reduce activity, since shortening
the longest timing paths minimizes glitching propagation. Register Balancing is
especially useful for paths which implement high activity logic such as arithmetics or
wide bitwise structures.
FSM encoding style.
You can experiment with the encoding style of your large state machines. Grey
encoding, for instance, minimizes the number of bit changes between state transitions.
The different encoding styles affect the amount of logic necessary to decode the next
state compared to the logic necessary to generate the outputs.
The following sections present different algorithms you can use separately or combine for
additional gains.
Netlist optimization
Enable activity aware optimizations (intelligent gating).
These algorithms analyze the logic equations to detect, for each clock cycle, sourcing
registers that do not contribute to the result. The software then utilizes the abundant
Clock Enable (CE) resources available in the FPGA logic to create fine-grained gating
signals which neutralize useless switching activity (see Figure 4-1). This intelligent
clock and data gating is controlled with the map -power high option. Total core
dynamic power reduction in excess of 15% is possible and in most cases the additional
gating logic inserted does not affect performance.
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Chapter 4: Tips and Techniques for Power Reduction
Resource reallocation.
This netlist optimization remaps high fanout nets to less power-consuming routing
structures. For example, a reset signal which is distributed to a large number of loads
may be mapped to a global net. Global nets are dedicated routes optimized for
performance and also have a lower capacitance. This also frees routing resources on
which to Place and Route the remaining data paths, which reduces routing congestion
and overall capacitance. All of these effects, which are controlled by the map -power
on option, reduce the core dynamic power.
Capacitance aware optimizations.
- Group clock loads This process reorganizes the placement of synchronous
elements such as Flip-flop or DSP blocks to minimize the reach of each clock net.
When clock loads are placed along a minimum number of horizontal or vertical
clock spines the unused branches in the clock region can be disabled by the
software. This reduces the clock resources used and buffering requirements,
which saves core dynamic power. This process is controlled by the map -power
on option.
- Group data loads This algorithm minimizes the total wire length in your design
while ensuring performance requirements are met. Grouping data loads saves
power since the dynamic power increases with the fanout and type and length of
routing structures used, due to the associated increased capacitance. The
grouping algorithm, which is also enabled with the map -power on option,
achieves power reduction by placing related logic closer together.
Activity aware optimizations.
- Provide design activity from simulation results This helps the placer to more
efficiently prioritize and floorplan the netlist for minimum power consumption.
In addition to voltage and capacitance, activity is an essential factor determining
the dynamic power. By default the placer tries to meet the performance and
routability goals of your design. The activity information from simulation results
further guides the placer when placing logic and paths with high activity. This
results in higher placement density with more internal CLB routing for these
structures, which results in lower core dynamic power. Use this option to enable
these algorithms:
map -activity_file file_name.saif
Make sure the netlist and simulation output components can be effectively
matched (identical hierarchy separator, top-level name, etc.).
- Important: Consider using the map -power xe option, which enables both
capacitance and gating algorithms. Experience shows this is the most effective
option to reduce core dynamic power.
Figure X-Ref Target - Figure 4-1
Figure 4-1: Intelligent Clock Gating Reduces Switching Power Consumption
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UG786 (v13.1) March 1, 2011
Comparing Devices or Architectures Effectively
Check for tool updates.
As for most IC components, power characteristics of an FPGA are refined over time as
the manufacturing process matures. In the early stages of an FPGA, power
characteristics are derived from simulations. Then, as engineering samples become
available, measured data can be integrated into the power models. Finally, once the
device is in full production the process variances across multiple manufacturing
batches can fully be characterized, and these measurements can update the power
models. Over time, the tools for power estimation and analysis will use this updated
information to produce more accurate results.
Sweep software power options.
One simple way to sweep software options affecting power is to experiment with the
SmartXplorer feature in ISE or the Design Runs option in PlanAhead. These have a set
of predefined strategies which adjust synthesis and Place and Route tool settings. You
can even add your own strategies or edit the existing ones and distribute the different
runs on multiple machines to speed up the exploration.
Comparing Devices or Architectures Effectively
To compare devices or architectures:
Match thermal dissipation factors.
Since different tools have different options and default settings, you must match the
thermal dissipation factors when you do your comparison. This will help you
accurately compare static power.
Match resources used.
Since different architectures have different resources available (Shift registers, Memory
controllers, Clock managers, etc.) and different sizes of resources (LUTs, BRAMs, DSP
blocks, etc.), make sure to enter the equivalent number in both tools. For example, an
architecture which does not support shift registers implemented with LUT SRLs will
require many more flip-flops to achieve the same functionality as an architecture
which does support it.
Match I/O settings.
Different architectures may support different I/O standards, termination or data
capture, and alignment blocks. Make sure to represent the same voltage level and
functionality when you do comparisons.
Match activity.
Tool defaults may vary between architectures and vendors. Ensure that this
information is adjusted before making comparisons.
Understand what is included in each result value presented.
Ask yourself questions such as: What is included? What is excluded? Are
contributions from all supply voltages included? Is the power dissipated in off-chip
termination included?
48 www.xilinx.com Power Methodology Guide
UG786 (v13.1) March 1, 2011
Chapter 4: Tips and Techniques for Power Reduction
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Chapter 5
The principles covered in this Guide can help you perform design power estimations
throughout the design cycle. The analysis methodology helps you identify the main
contributors to the total power, and the tips and techniques help you decide how to most
efficiently address excess power consumption. Of course each design is different, so you
can pick and adjust this material according to your specific device, environment,
processes, and looming deadlines.
Minimizing power will ultimately help your application do more within the same power
footprint. It will reduce end product operating cost from both the energy bill and reliability
and maintenance costs.
50 www.xilinx.com Power Methodology Guide
UG786 (v13.1) March 1, 2011
Chapter 5: Summary
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Appendix A
Additional Resources
Power Documentation
Power Solutions webpage on the Xilinx website:
Lowering Power at 28 nm with Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs (WP389)
Reducing Switching Power with Intelligent Clock Gating (WP370)
Tools Documentation
XPower Estimator (XPE)
- XPower Estimator User Guide (UG440)
- Seven Steps to an Accurate Worst-Case Power Analysis Using Xilinx Power Estimator
(XPE) (WP353)
XPower Analyzer (XPA)
- Graphical interface: XPower Analyzer (XPA) Help
- Command line tool (xpwr): Command Line Tools User Guide (UG628)
PlanAhead RTL Power Estimation
- PlanAhead User Guide (UG632) (Estimating Power section in Chapter 5, RTL
Support & Miscellaneous
To search the Answer Database of silicon, software, and IP questions and answers, or
to create a technical support WebCase, see the Xilinx website at:
Internal and I/O resource capabilities:
http://www.xilinx.com/documentation > FPGA Device Families
52 www.xilinx.com Power Methodology Guide
UG786 (v13.1) March 1, 2011
Appendix A: Additional Resources

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