Reaction Consideration
Generic ● used to ● necessary ●constipation ●contraindicated in ●the drug ●before taking calcium,
Name: treat for many ●nausea/vomiting patients with should be given tell your doctor or
Calcium conditions normal ●loss of appetite ventricular slowly, e.g., pharmacist if you have
Gluconate arising from functions of ●unusual weight fibrillation approximately any allergies.
calcium the body, loss 1.5 mL over a ●if you have any of the
Brand Name: deficiencies especially ●mental/mood ●is contraindicated period of one following health
Kalcinate such as bone changes when serum minute problems, consult your
hypocalcem formation ●bone/muscle calcium levels are ●should be doctor or pharmacist
Classification: ic tetany, and pain ●headache above normal. injected through before using this
Calcium Salt hypocalcem maintenance ●increased a small needle product: high calcium
ia related to can also thirst/urination into a large vein levels (hypercalcemia).
hypoparathy bind to ●weakness in order to kidney disease, kidney
rodism and other unusual tiredness avoid too rapid stones, little or no
hypocalcem minerals ●rash increase in stomach acid
ia due to (such as ●itching serum calcium (achlorhydria), heart
rapid phosphate) ●swelling and disease, disease of the
growth or and aid in ●severe dizziness extravasation of pancreas, a certain lung
pregnancy their ●trouble calcium disease (sarcoidosis),
●treatment removal breathing. solution into the difficulty absorbing
of black from the surrounding nutrition from food
widow body. tissue with ●some sugar-free
spider bites resultant formulations of calcium
to relieve necrosis. may contain aspartame.
muscle ●rapid injection If you have
cramping of calcium phenylketonuria (PKU)
and as an gluconate may or any other condition
adjunct in cause that requires you to
the vasodilation restrict your intake of
treatment of decreased blood aspartame (or
rickets, pressure, phenylalanine)
osteomalaci bradycardia,
a, lead colic cardiac ●tell your doctor if you
and arrhythmias, are pregnant before
magnesium syncope and using this
sulfate cardiac arrest. medication,this
overdosage medication passes into
●decrease breast milk. Consult
capillary your doctor before
permeability breast-feeding.
in allergic
purpura and
such as
s and for
pruritus of
caused by
Drug Indication Action Adverse Contraindication Nursing Patient
Reaction Consideration Teaching
Generic Name: ●used alone or ●angiotensin II ●dry persistent ●hypersensitivity ●watch for ●can be harmful
Captopril in combination is formed from cough to captopril or hypotensive to the fetus and
with other drugs angiotensin I in ●abdominal any component of effect within 1-3 should not be
Brand Name: for the treatment the blood by the pain, the formulation; hours of first taken by
Capoten of high blood enzyme ●constipation, ●angioedema dose or new pregnant
pressure and angiotensin ●diarrhea related to higher dose women.
Classification: heart failure. converting ●rash previous ●should be ●it should be
ACE inhibitors ●improving enzyme or ACE. ●dizziness treatment with an stored at room taken on an
survival and ACE inhibitors ●fatigue ACE inhibitor; temperature, 15 empty stomach
preventing heart are medications ●headache ● idiopathic or to 30 C (59 to 86 one hour before
failure and that slow ●loss of taste hereditary F) and away or two hours
hospitalizations (inhibit) the ●loss of appetite angioedema; from moisture. after meals since
for heart failure activity of the ●nausea ●bilateral renal ●the absorption of
after a heart enzyme ACE vomiting artery stenosis; recommended captopril is
attack. and decrease the ●fainting and pregnancy (2nd or dose of captopril reduced when it
production of numbness or 3rd trimester) is 25-150 mg is taken with
●may slow the angiotensin II. tingling in the two or three food.
progression of As a result, hands or feet times daily. The ●do not use
kidney failure in blood vessels maximum dose captopril
patients with enlarge or dilate, is 450 mg daily. without telling
diabetes or high and blood your doctor if
blood pressure. pressure is you are pregnant
reduced. The or planning a
lower blood pregnancy. This
pressure makes medicine could
it easier for the cause birth
heart to pump defects in the
blood and can baby if you take
improve the the medication
function of a during
failing heart pregnancy.
●avoid drinking
●drink plenty of
water each day
while you are
taking Captopril.
Drug Indication Action Adverse Contraindication Nursing Patient
Reaction Consideration Teaching
Generic Name: ● is a second- ●cefuroxime is ●hypersensiti ●cefuroxime is ●store cefuroxime ●patients should
Cefuroxime generation bactericidal and vity reactions, contraindicated if tablets at room be counseled
antibacterial has a similar gastrointestina there is a history of temperature away that antibacterial
Brand Name: used in the spectrum of l disturbances, hypersensitivity to from moisture and drugs including
Ceftin treatment of antimicrobial rarely pain at cephalexin or other heat. ampicillin and
susceptible action and injection site, cephalosporins ●store cefuroxime sulbactam
Classification: infections, pattern of candidiosis, oral suspension in should only be
bone and joint resistance to eosinophilia, the refrigerator. used to treat
Cephalosporin, infections, those of neutropenia, Do not allow it to bacterial
bronchitis (and cefamandole. It leucopenia, freeze. infections.
Second other lower is more resistant thrombocytop ●shake the oral ●they do not
Generation respiratory-tract to hydrolysis by enia, transient suspension well treat viral
infections), beta-lactamases rise in liver just before infections (e.g.,
gonorrhoea, than enzymes, and measure a dose the common
meningitis, cefamandole, positive ●give this cold).
otitis media, and therefore Combo’s test medication for the ●the medication
peritonitis, may be more entire length of should be taken
pharyngitis, active against time prescribed by exactly as
sinusitis, skin beta-lactamase- your doctor directed.
infections and producing ●can pass into ●kipping doses
urinary-tract strains of, for breast milk and or not
infections. It is example, may harm a completing the
also used for Haemophilus nursing baby. Do full course of
surgical influenzae and not give this therapy may (1)
infection Neisseria medication decrease the
prophylaxis. gonorrhoeae.. without telling to effectiveness of
the doctor. the immediate
Drug Indication Action Adverse Contraindication Nursing Patient
Reaction Consideration Teaching
Generic Name: ●for the ●binds to the ●diarrhea ●should not be ●any sign of ●keep a close
Cinnarizine treatment of Histamine H1 ●nausea used by children overdose must watch on your
vertigo/meniere's receptor and to ●constipation below five years be given the body
Brand Name: disease, nausea muscarinic and other and by older proper medical ●have regular
Stugeron and vomiting, acetylcholine abdominal people who have attention. check-ups with
motion sickness receptors. disturbances decreased kidney ●taking greater your doctor to
Classification: and also useful Cinnarizine ●dry mouth and liver amounts of ensure that your
Antihistamine for vestibular Stugeron also ●sweating functions Cinnarizine than progress with
drug symptoms of inhibits ●weight gain ●patients who what is the medicine is
other origins. contractions of ●jaundice have Parkinson’s prescribed can closely
vascular smooth disease be fatal, monitored.
muscle cells by ●pregnant and especially to ●should be
blocking L type lactating women children so you taken with food.
calcium must really be
channels. quick at
Cinnarizine recognizing the
Stugeron has warning signs.
also been
implicated in
binding to
dopamine D2
Drug Indication Action Adverse Contraindication Nursing Patient
Reaction Consideration Teaching
Generic Name: ●used to treat ●unknown. ●anxiety ●cerebrovascular ●use cautiously ●instruct
Clonidine hypertension (high Thought to ●nervousness disease or in patients with patient to take
blood pressure). stimulate ●dizziness or coronary severe coronary drug exactly as
Brand Name: ●used to relieve alpha2- fainting spells insufficiency or insufficiency, prescribed.
Catapres alcohol withdrawal, adrenergic ●increased myocardial recent MI, ●advise patient
as an aid in receptors sweating infarction, recent cerebrovascular that abrupt
Classification:Anti methadone and centrally ●irregular lowered blood disease, chronic discontinuation
hypertensive Drug opiate and inhibit heartbeat or pressure may renal failure, or of drug may
detoxification, as an the central palpitations decrease impaired cause severe
aid in quitting vasomotor ●chest pain perfusion and rebound
smoking, to treat centers, ●pain or worsen ischemia ●drug may be hypertension.
diabetic diarrhea, to thereby difficulty passing ●mental given to rapidly ●tell him
treat Tourette's decreasing urine depression, lower blood dosage must be
Syndrome. sympathetic ●stomach pain history of or pressure in reduced
outflow to ●weakness Raynaud's some gradually over
used to reduce the heart, ●drowsiness syndrome hypertensive 2 to 4 days as
menopausal kidneys, and ●lightheadedness ●renal function ●monitor blood instructed by
flushing, to treat peripheral ●dry mouth impairment, pressure and doctor.
postherpetic vasculature, ●constipation chronic pulse rate
neuralgia, to treat resulting in ●sensitivity to frequently. ●tell patient to
ulcerative colitis, decreased clonidine ●dosage is take the last
and to diagnose peripheral Sinus node usually adjusted dose
pheochromocytoma. vascular function to patient's immediately
resistance, impairment blood pressure before retiring.
systolic and and tolerance. ●reassure
diastolic patient that the
blood ●elderly transdermal
pressure, patients may be patch usually
and heart more sensitive adheres despite
than younger showering and
ones to drug's other routine
hypotensive daily activities.
effect Instruct him on
the use of the
●observe adhesive
patient for overlay to
tolerance to provide
drug's additional skin
therapeutic adherence if
effects, which needed.
may require ●caution
increased patient that
drug may cause
drowsiness but
that this
adverse effect
will usually
diminish over 4
to 6 weeks.
●inform patient
that orthostatic
can be
minimized by
rising slowly
and avoiding
sudden position
Drug Indication Action Adverse Contraindication Nursing Patient
Reaction Consideration Teaching
Generic Name: ●used to treat many ●decreases ●swelling ●Existing ●do not give ●should not use
inflammatory and inflammation ●rapid gastrointestinal drug to nursing this medication
Dexamethasone autoimmune by weight gain ulceration mothers if are allergic
conditions, e.g., suppression of ●feeling ●Cushing's ●give daily to
Brand Name: rheumatoid arthritis. neutrophil short of syndrome doses before 9 dexamethasone,
Decadron ●useful to counteract migration, breath am to mimic or if you have a
allergic anaphylactic decreased ●severe ●Severe forms of normal peak fungal infection
shock, if given in production of depression heart corticosteroid anywhere in
Classification: high doses inflammatory ●unusual insufficiency blood level. your body.
Anti ●used in transvenous mediators, thoughts or
inflammatory screw-in cardiac and reversal behavior ●Severe ●increase ●avoid being
pacing leads to of increased seizure hypertension dosage when near people
minimize the capillary ●bloody or ●Uncontrolled patient is who are sick or
inflammatory permeability; tarry stools diabetes mellitus subject to have infections
response of the suppresses ●coughing ●Systemic stress. ●do not receive
myocardium normal up blood tuberculosis ●taper doses a "live" vaccine
immune ●severe ●Severe systemic when while you are
response. headache viral, bacterial, discontinuing taking
Dexamethaso ●buzzing and fungal high dose or dexamethasone.
ne's in your ears infections long term ●vaccines may
mechanism of ●anxiety ●Preexisting wide therapy. not work as
antiemetic ●confusion angle glaucoma ●do not give well while you
activity is ●chest ●Osteoporosis live virus are taking a
unknown. pain, vaccine with steroid.
●shortness immunosuppres
of breath sive doses of
●uneven corticosteroid
●use alcohol
Alcohol may
drowsiness and
dizziness while
Drug Indication Action Adverse Contraindication Nursing Patient
Reaction Consideration Teaching
Generic Name: ●for inotropic ●directly ●increased ●idiopathic ●observe IV site ●when
support in the stimulates beta- heart rate hypertrophic closely and avoid administered in
Dobutamine short- term 1 receptors of ●hypotension subaortic stenosis extravasation. emergencies,
Hydrochloride treatment of the heart to ●nausea and in patients Dobutamine can patient
patients with increase ●headache who have shown cause education
Brand Name: cardiac myocardial ●anginal pain previous inflammatory should be
decompensation contractility ●chest pain, manifestations of response and appropriate to
Dobutrex due to depressed and stroke ●palpitations hypersensitivity tissue ischaemia. the situation.
contractility volume, ●shortness of to dobutamine ●monitor for ●if patient is
Classification: resulting either resulting in breath adverse reactions aware, instruct
Sympathomimetic from organic increased ●continuous to promptly
Drug Acting heart disease or cardiac output. blood pressure report chest
from cardiac monitoring pain,
surgical ●continuous palpitations,
procedures cardiorespiratory rapid heartbeat,
●short-term monitoring headache,
treatment of ●document vital nervousness, or
cardiac failure signs hourly and restlessness,
secondary to PRN nausea or
acute MI or vomiting, or
cardiac surgery. ●At room respiratory
temperature <25° difficulty.
Protect from light. ●breast-feeding
Diluted solution precaution:
stable for 48 hours ●consult
at room prescriber if
temperature. breast-feeding.