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Janssens Equation

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The stress ratio (K) used in grain storage bin design formulas was determined using four different measurement methods: measuring wall and floor loads separately, measuring wall strains, using dynamometric ring load cells, and using in-mass transducers.

Stresses in the model bin wall were measured using strain gages attached around the outer circumference and by dynamometric ring load cells placed at different heights on the wall.

The K-ratio was determined by directly measuring vertical and horizontal stresses within the grain mass using in-mass transducers at four different heights at the center of the bin.



of Janssen's

Stress Ratio

K. By Four Methods A.O. Atewologun, G.L. Riskowski, A.J. Muehling ll'

ABSTRACT The stress ratio (K) used in design formulas of grain storage bins was determined by four different methods. Static stresses from soybeans were measured in a 0.91 m diameter x 274 m high model galvanized steel bin. For the first method, the vertical loads on the floor and the wall were deter"mined separately and K-ratio calculated from Janssen's equation. The second method involved the measurement of vertical and hoop strains in the walls of the model bin. Six two-element rosette gages were spaced at equal distances around the outer circumference of the bin 8;t 15.2 cm above the floor. The strains were reduced to stresses using Hooke's law for biaxial stress and membrane theory for thin-walled cylindrical shells. The third method was the use of dynamometric ring load cells to measure horizontal and shear loads at the bin wall, simultaneously. Three wall ring cells were placed at different heights on the model bin wall (15.2 cm, 61.0 cm, and 106.7 cm above the floor). The fourth method was by direct measurement of vertical and horizontal stresses within the grain mass using in-mass transducers (IMTs). These IMTs were used at four different heights at the center of the bin (15.2 cm, 61.0 cm, 106.7 cm, and 152.4 cm above the floor). A total of 18 runs was performed. The K-ratio decreased with increasing depth of material at shallow depths. At depths of three times the diameter of bin, K-ratio approached a constant value that may be approximated by-Ko = 1 - sine where is the angle of friction of grain to grain. RSUM La rapport K utilis dans les formules de calcul des silos grain tait dtermine par quatre mthodes diffrentes. Les chargements statiques du Soya tait mesurs dans un modle cylindrique en mtal galvanis, 0,91 m de diamtre x 2,74 m de hauteur. Pour la premire mthode, le chargement
1. The authors are: ADENUGA O. ATEWOLOGUN, Graduate Research Assistant, GERALD L. RISKOWSKI, Assistant Professor, and ARTHUR J. MUEHLlNG, Professor, Agricul tural Engineering Dept., University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.

vertical sur l'aire et l'espalier tait dtermin sparment et le rapport K tait calcul d'quation de Janssen. La deuxime mthode a impliqu la mesure verticale et un cercle aux tensions de l'entourage de l'aire et de l'espalier modle l'extrieur autour de la circonfrence du silo. Les six deux-lments gage rosette taient espacs des distances gales 15,2 cm au-dessus de l'aire. Les tensions taient r'duites par la loi de Hooke pour deux axes tension et membrane thorie d'un espalier mince corps cylindrique. La troisime mthode a us d'un dynamomtrique charge cellule pour mesurer la charge horizontale et la charge en cisailles du silo et l'espalier, simultanment. Trois cercles en cisailles taient placs diffrente hauteur, sur le modle du silo (15,~ cm, 61,0 cm et 106,7 cm au-dessus ge l'air,,'; Pour la quatrime mthode on a mesur directement la tension verticale et horizontale l'intrieur de la masse de grains avec masse transducer (IMTs). Les IMTs taient uss quatre hauteurs diffrentes au centre du silo (15,2 cm, 61,0 cm, 107,0 cm et 152,4 cm au-dessus de l'aire). Un total de dix-huit rampes taient accomplies. Le rapport K a diminu quand la hauteur du grain a augment pour les petites hauteurs. Pour des hauteurs de trois fois le diamtre de silo, la proportion K s'tait approsin che une valeur constante Ko = 1 approximativement, o est l'angle de frottement interne du grain. INTRODUCTION Janssen's equation (Janssen, 1895) is used extensively for calculating grain loads. The accuracy of Janssen's equation is greatly dependent on the accuracy of the K-ratio, However, current K-ratio values are subject to controversy due to differences in definitions and questionable measurement methods (Sundaram and Cowin, 1979; Glastonbury and Bratel, 1966). The experimental method of determining K-ratio on storage bins can be subdivided into three approaches according to the location of pressure measurement sensors :

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on the bin wall on a separately supported floor in the mass of the granular materiai Wall pressure measurements have been taken using strain gages on steel reinforcement in concrete bins (Pieper, 1969). Pressure diaphragms mounted flush to bin walls have also been used to give direct stress values (Williams et al. 1987), and outward wall deflections have been measured with linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs) or di al gages. Wall pressure measurements give direct information about the response of the designed structural member and the material and installation costs for prototypes are reduced. However, the flexibility of the wall distorts the results of model bin tests. There are also problems in dealing with wall friction values that are not accurately kjnow and there are problems with very small strain ranges. Erratic results are th us common. Floor pressure measurements involve the weighing of a floor that is supported separately from the bin walls (Janssen, 1985; Reimbert and Reimbert 1976; and Jamieson, 1903). Though this provides little information on the local response of bin sections, it has the advantage of averaging out local irregularities for. determining the average K-ratio of the grain mass. Material and installation costs are reduced for model testing and there is less need for statistical evaluation. Few investigators have taken pressu re measurements within the mass of a granular materiai for many reasons : design foc uses on bin walls introducing a foreign body within a granular mass may change the existing stress pettern special sensors are needed calibration of sensors is difficult the need for statistical evaluation increases Terzaghi (1920) used three vertical steel tapes in sand and he pulled the middle sandwiched tape out through a groove. The force to pull the center tape out was related ta the horizontal force on the outer tapes. Perry and Jangda (1970) used a cylindrical diaphragm sensor sensitive to radio waves to monitor flow patterns of glass beads. Clower et al.



A model bin was constructed and instrumented to measure the K-ratio by for methods. It was an open-ended cylinder, 0.91 m in diameter by 2.74 m high and was fabricated from 0.93 mm thick smooth galvanized steel. The four methods were; 1) bin floor method; 2) wall strain method; 3) ring transducer method; and 4) in-mass transducers method. The arrangement of ail the components of the apparatus is shown in figure 1. A dial gauge was mounted to measure the wall deflection at 38 cm from the bin floor to determine if the model bin was stiff enough to ensure at rest conditions. Bin Floor Method The bin floor was supported separately frm the wall so the weight carried by the floor alone cou Id be determined. A clearance of 3 mm between the floor and the wall prevented load transfer from wall to floor. The floor loads were measured with three cantilever load cells spaced evenly around the floor circumference. These load cells were calibrated on a Tinus Olsen universal testing machine prior to the grain load tests. A 10 cm diameter opening was cut in the center of the wood~~ floor and equipped with a sliding gate for unloading grain. The wall loads were transferred directly to the laboratory floor without being measured. The grain was weighed before it was loaded into the model bin. Wall loads were determined by subtracting the floor load from the total weight of the grain in the bin. Wall Strain Method

(973) jnvestiQated the variation in K-ratio for sugar beet pulp, cornmeal, wheat and soybean meal by drawing horizontally nd vertically oriented blades through the confined mass. Moysey (1983) used diaphragm sensors in model bins and Nichols et al. (1987) designed and tested a six-faced transducer embedded in soil to measure normal stresses in six predetermined directions under tractor load. Lee (1987) pulled thin plates coated with a monolayer of particies out of a plexiglass model bin filled with steel spheres to measure interior stresses.

Two-element strain-gage rosettes were fixed on the outside wall of the model bin at a height of 15.2 cm fram the bin floor. Six rosettes were evenly spaced around the bin circumference at the sa me height to get an average strain at that height. Each rosette was bonded onto the bin so one strain gage was oriented in the horizontal axis and the other in the vertical axis of the bin to measure the hoop and meridional strain, respectively. The rosette system was not calibrated prior to the test runs. The strains were reduced to stresses using Hook's faw for biaxial stress and membrane theory for thin walled cylindrical shells. Ring Transducer Method Ring load cells were developed for the simultaneous measurement of normal and shear stresses which were based on the principles suggested by Smid and Novosad (1971). Each circular 136 -

ring was designed as a thin curved bar, having a radius of curvature at least ten times the thickness of the ring. This constraint ensured that linear distribution of bending stresses cou Id be assumed in the perpendicular cross section of the bar. Applied normal and shear stresses cause bending stresses in the ring which, in turn, cause deformations on the outer and inner periphery of the ring. These deformations are combined in pairs of equal positive and negative values by special wiring in a wheatstone full bridge circuit. This corresponds to the stresses xerted on the outer fibers of bent beams on opposite sides of the neutral axis. The sensitivity is amplified due to larger relative deformations. A detailed description of the design is given in Atewologun (1990). Normal and shear loads were transmitted to the ring by a 64 mm sensing plate. It was desirable to have a pressure sensing area of at least twenty times the maximum dimension of the grains (Perry and Jangda, 1967). On one side of the model bin, three 6.4 cm diameter holes were cut out along the sa me vertical axis at 15.2 cm, 61.0 cm, and 106.6 cm heights above the bin floor to fit the sensing plates of the three wall ring load cells. A steel post held the three wall ring load cells in place. The wall ring load cells . were mounted to the post with a bracker that could be adjusted in three directions. The sensing plates were adjusted to be flush with the inside of the wall and so they were free to deflect without touching the wall. Each ring Joad cell was calibrated in radial and tangential directions using known weights. There was a small gravit y effect, wich was subtracted from strain readings to obtain the actual strain values that correspond to applied loads. The performance of each transducer circuit was very gooq because the calibration curves were linear and Interference between the tangential circuit and the radial circuit was negligible. InMass Transducers

On the opposite side of the bin from the ring load, four 12.7 cm diameter hales were cut to allow the placement of the in-mass tra:lsducers. These four opening, located at 15.2 cm, 106.7 cm, and 152.4 cm from the bin floor were covered with plates after the IMTs were put in place. ~he IMTs were calibrated in a special bin with an air inflatable diaphragm on top of a soybean mass which exerted uniform overburden pressures on the grain mass. This calibration bin was made of the same steel and diameter as the model test bin. The IMTs were embedded in the grain mass at the central axis of the bin. A Measurement Group Inc. P-3500 strain indicator and two 8B-10 switch and balancing units were used to measure strains of ail cells, transducers, and strain gages. A Hamilton Baldwin 8T-340 strain indicator and its accessory switch and balancing unit were used for measuring the strain readings from the cantilever load cells and the hopper weighing load cell. Test Runs

Two in-mass transducers (IMTs) were designed to measure pressures within the soybean mass. Each IMT had three diaphragm sensors arranged to measure normal stresses in three planes (Figure 2). The three sensors were held in the desired orientation by a rigid wire frame. Each diaphragm sensor was designed as a circular thin plate wilh fixed all-a round support. A detailed description of the diaphragm sensor design is in Atewologun (1990) Grains were glued to cloth which was fixed to the diaphragm of each sensor, which greatly reduced variation in data due to orientation of grains in contact with the diaphragm

Soybeans were used as the test grain in this study. Their average water content was 9,2 % (wet basis) and the average density was 7 KN/ma A triaxial test done at Iowa State University gave an internai friction angle of 32 for the soybeans, Soybeans were loaded into two hoppers and weighed with a 22,000 N ring load cell. After filling the bin, the hoppers were weighed again to determine the weight of grain in the bin, The hopper was lifted with a forklift to a height of 15.2 cm above the model bin and agate was opened allowing the grain ta empty into the bin, The hopper gate was located over the center of the bin for axisymmetric loading, Loading was stopped intermittently as required to place IMTs, There were a total of eighteen runs. Grain was removed and reloaded for each experimental run. The sa me soybeans were used for ail the runs. Readings were taken for the floor, wall rosette, and wall ring load cell methods for each of the eighteen runs with the bin full of soybeans which provided eighteen replicates for each of these three methods, Readings were taken immediately after filling the bin, one hour later, and again four hours after the original filling. The one-hour readings were used for analysis because they were essentially the same as those of the four-hour readings. For the first twelve runs, the two IMTs were always placed in the concentric center of the bin and the heights of the IMTs varied randomly among the four given heights from run to run. The order of runs and the location of the IMTs was randomized for the test runs. This provided six replicates for the 137 -

IMT reading for each of the four heights. The final six runs were done exactly as the first twelve, except the IMTs were located only at the two bottom heights and on the bin floor. This set of runs was performed to investigate the radial variation of the horizontal and vertical stresses within the grain mass fram the center to the bin wall. Readings were taken at grain height intervals of around 55 cm while loading and after the bin was full.' RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Bin floor method Bulk density was determined throughout the study by using total grain weight loaded into the bin and the known bin volume. The bulk densities remained essentially constant at around 7 KN/m3 The vertical stress. S. at the bottom of the bin was calculated by dividing the grain weight carried by the floor by the floor area. This value was substituted into Janssen's equation to solve for K. A value for of 0.25 was assumed (which corresponds to a friction angle u of 14) which is for soybeans at 9.2 % moisture content on galvanized steel (Mohsenin, 1986; Sitkei, 1986). The average K-ratio from the eighteen runs of the floor method was 0.55 with a standard deviation of 0.05, Table 1. Wall strain method

average K-ratio at the 15.2;:- ~~ ;:~: :=.:: -= :~e bin floor was 0.44 with a stanaa'c cs. :=.: :~ :' = . J: for the 61.0 cm height, the average -(-'El:;: .'.as 0.69 with a standard deviation of 0.15 a~c a: :~e 106.7 cm height, the K-ratio average 'lcreaseo with a standard deviation of 0.23 (Table' !nmass transducer (IMT) method The IMT method was a direct measurement procedure of obtaining K-ratio values. The observed strains were converted to pressures using the ln-grain calibration curves for the IMTs which were obtained in a previous study (Atewologun, 1990) The results at each of the four heights are in Table 1. The average vertical (8z) and horizontal (8) stresses both increased with grain depth. The vertical stress increased more rapidly than the horizontal stress. Figure 4. Therefore, the K-ratio at the center of the bin also decreased as grain depth increased, Figure 3. ln this study, three normal stresses were measured on different planes with the IMTs (horizontal, plane, 45 angle to the horizontal plane, and vertical plane). The 45 angle diphragm was used as a check for the readings fram vertical and horizontal planes. The vertical shear stress. Srz is theoretically zero at the center of the bin and maximum at the wall because when grain is-Ioaded into a bill, the vertical stress, 8z, tends inltially to be the major principal stress. The shear stress 8rz was computed from : 8rz = 845 - 0.5SM, - 0.58z As expected, the IMT placed at the center of the bin gave shear stresses nearly equal to zero for ail experimental runs. The readings from the diaphram a a 45 plane th us confirmed the dependability of the readings fram the vertially and horizontally oriented diaphrams Future measurements 01' K-ratio in a grain mass with ln IMT would only need the vertical and horizontal diaphrams.

:0 0.80

8train data were reduced to horizontal and vertical stresses by averaging the six strains in each direction calculating the magnitudes of the hoop (circumferential) stress and the meridional stress in the bin wall from the average strains, using Hooke's law for biaxial stress (Young, 1989). Calculating horizontal and vertical stresses using the membrane theory for thin circular shells (Billington, 1982). The average K-ratio from the rosette strain gage method was 0.40 with a standard deviation of 0.08, Ta.ble 1. This K-ratio was omputed without a need ta assume any value for the coefficient of wall friction. Ring transducer method The horizontal stress at each load cell location was calculated using a sensing plate diamter of 64 mm. The resulting horizontal stresses were substituted into into Janssen's equation to solve for K-ratio. A value of 0.25 was assumed for. The K-ratio a the bin wall was found to increase with height above the bin floor which means that it decreased as grain depth increased, figure 3. The

Comparaison of Kratio Values From Ali Four Methods

Average K-ratio values obtained for the different load measuremnt methods and at the various heights is summarized in Table 1. There was close agreement between the Rosette strain gage method, the wall ring cell method at the 15.2 cm height, and the IMT method at the 15.2 cm height (0.40 to 0.46). An unpaired t test for these methods at the 15.2 cm height showed no difference in the K-ratio mean values (P 005) However, as the height from the bin floor increased, 138 -

the agreement between the wall ring cell method and the IMT method diverged, Figure 3. Although the K-ratio increased with height from the bottom of the bin in both cases, the shapes of the curves differed. An unpaired t test showed the means for ail heights other than 15.2 cm to be statistically different (P 005). The IMTs measured K-ratio at the center of the bin and the ring load cells measured it at the walls, so K-ratio may vary radially from the center of the bin at shallow grain depths. For both the wall ring and IMT methods, the the K-ratio was found to decrease with depth. Regression analysis of the wall ring and IMT data showed a strong variation with height (P 0.01) in both cases. This trend corresponds with the results of Caughey et AL. (1951), Reimbert and Reimbert (1976) and Pleissner (1906). Amundson (1945), Clower et al. (1973) and Pleissner (1906). Amundson (1945), Clower et al. (1973) and Lenczner (1963) found K-ratio to be constant with depth of grain while Ketchum ans Williams (Ketchum, 1919) and Kramer (1944) reported that K-ratio increases with depth of grain ln a storage bin. The floor-Ioad method gave an average K-ratio for the entire grain mass of 0.55. Interestingly, the

average K-ratio for the four heights of IMTs was 0.53. An unpaired t test showed that the difference between these two means was not statisti

cally different (P 005). This suggests that the floor method corresponds to the average K-ratio with height along the central axis of the bin ln the shallow bin range, wall ring cells gave higher'K-ratio th an the IMTs which suggests that the measurement of K-ratio values at the wall by the piston-type sensor mounted flush to the wall will consistently yield higher K-ratio values than the 1 MT method. The K-ratio values that have been obtained by some past investigators for soybean range from 0.38 to 0.54 (Table 2). The K-ratio values measured in this work by the floor method (K' = 0.55) and the average of the IMTs over ail heights (K = 0.53) were similar to Ir'e value of 0.543 reported by Sundaram and Cowin (1979) who used the floor method. The K-ratio value of 0.43 from wall pressure diaphragms (Sundaram and Cowin, 1979) agreed closely with the values from the rosette method and the wall ring cell method (K = 0.40 and K = 0.44, respectively) of the present study. Consistent differences in K-ratio therefore exist because of different measuremnt methods.

1. The floor method gave an average of the
K-ratio for the entire height of grain above the floor at the bin center. Reproducibility of the results was very good. The main objection to using the floor load method is that the K-ratio values depend on the choice of the coefficient of friction (u'). Thus, unless' u' is known accurately, the K-ratio values obtained from the floor method may be erroneous. 2. Wailload meassurements obtained with wall load cells are good when combined with other methods. Improper alignement of the ring sensing plates with respect to the bin wall would alter the readings of the wall ring load cells substantially. It is recommended that spl3cial care be exercised in the alignment of wall diaphragms so that they are completely free from and flush with the wall of the grain bin. An accu rate value for u' is needed for the w8~1load cell method. 3. The rosette strain gage method is good if several measurements are taken around the circumference of the bin. There was a wide variation of readings from one gage to another. Therefore an average of at least six measurements must be considered. Another limitation of the rosette strain gage method is that if the strain levels are small, the readings are subject to external interference from temperature, humidity, or vibration. 4. In-mass measurements revealed a definite decrease in the K-ratio as the depth of grain increased. ln the shallow bin range, K-ratio as high as 0.67 was obtained. At depths greater than twice the diameter of the bin, the K-ratio approached the value 0,47. The measurements of the K-ratio at the deep bin range (15.2 cm and 61 cm above the floor) of the bin were not statistically different. The IMT method of measurement was successful. It has the advantage that measurements made away from the wall of the bin were not dependent on a choice of coefficient of friction of grain on the wall (u'). It compared favorably to the floor load method if averaged over the height of the bin. 5. Of ail the four methods, only the floor method gave a different K-ratio at deep bin range. The floor method K-ratio corresponded to the average of K-ratios at ail heights of the IMT method at the center of the bin. Regression analysis of data from the wall ring and IMT methods showed a strong variation with depth (P 0.01) in the shallow bin depths. Although K-ratio decreased with

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increassing depth of material for methods, the walf ring method gave higher K-ratios than the IMT method. 6. It can be concluded from the results of this study that the K-ratio is not a material property, because a true materiai property will not be affected by depth of material (or overburden pressure) or diameter of the bin. Therefore the use of the Rankine coefficient Ka = (1 - sin p)/(1 + sin p) for the design of grain storage bins cannot be justified. Using an angle s = 32 in the above equation for the soybean material of the present study

gave Ka = 0.307, a value much below the K-ratio values obtained at deep bin depths from ail four measurement methods. However the static earth pressure coefficient commonly used in' soil mechanics (Ko = 1 - sin p) applied. to the test materiel used for this research becomes Ko = 0.470, which coincides with the K-ratio results of the IMT measurement method at deep bin depths of grain. The use of the Rankine active coefficient for design in the case of the storage of the materiai used in the present study would underestimate the ;vertical compression in the bin wall.

1. Amundson, L.R. 1945. Determination of band stresses and lateral wheat pressures for a cylindrical grain bin. Agricultural Engineering 26:321-345. ASAE, St. Joseph. MI. 2. Atewologun, A.O .. 1990, Static stress distribution ln tall cylindrical bins filled witl'l pseudosolid grains. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis. Library. University of Illinois, U rbana-Champaign. 3. Billington, D.P. 1982. Thin shell concrete structures. Second Edition. Mc Graw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York. 4. Caughey, RA, C,w Tooles and A.C. ScheeL 1951. Lateral and vertical pressure of granular mate rial in deep bins. Bulletin 173, Engineering Experiment Station, Iowa State College, Ames. 5. Clower, R.E, I.J. Ross and G.M. White, 1973. Properties of compressible granular materials as related to forces in bulk storage structures. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 16:478-481. 6. Glastonbury, BE and P.G. Bratel. 1966. Pressures in contained particle beds from a twodimmensional model. Transactions, Institution of Chemical Engineers 44:T128-T135. 7. Jamieson, JA 1903 Grain pressures in deep bins. Transactions, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers 17:554-654. 10. Kramer, HA 1944. Factors influencing the design of bulk bins for rough rice. Agricultural Engineering 25:463-466. ASAE. Joseph, MI. 11. Lee, W. 1987. The rheological nature of solid pressures of granular media. Powder Technology 51:261-266. 12. Lenczner, D. 1963 An investigation into the behavior of sand in a model silo. The Structural Engineer 41 :389-398. 13. Mohsenin, N.N. 1986. Physical properties of plant and animal mate rials. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York. 14. Moysey, E.B. 1983, Static and dynamic pressures in grain storages. Phase III Report. DSS Contract No. OSG83-00004. Scientific Authority, Western Regional Headquarters Agriculture Canada, Saskatoon, Sask. 15. Nichols, TA, A.C. Bailey, C. Johnson and R.D. Grisso. 987. The stress state transducer for soil. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 30: 1237 -1241. 16. Perry, M.G. and H.A.S. Jangda. 970. Pressures in flowing and static sand in model bunkers. Powder Technology 4:89.96. 17. Pieper, K. 1969. Investigation of silo loads in measuring models. Journal of Engineering in Industry, Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers 91 :365-372. 18. Pleissner, J. 1906, Versuche zur ermittlung der boden and seiten wan ddrucke in getreidesil,os. 140 -

8. Janssen, H. A. 1885. Versuche uber getreidedruck ln sllozellen. VDI Zeitschrlft 39:1045-1049.' 9. Ketchum, M.S. 1919. The design of walls, bins and grain elevators. Mc Graw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York.

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sessment of static bin pressure Powder Technology 2223-32.


19. Reimbert.


and A.M




theory and pratice Series on Bulk Materials Handling. Vol. 1. No. 3. Translation Technical Publications. Clausthal. Germany. 20. Sitkei. Gy. 1986 Developments in agricultural engineering 8. mechanics of agricultural materials. Eisevi'er Science Publishing Company Inc New York. 21. Smid. J. and J Novosad. measuring Technology ~2 normal and 4 322-327 V and SC Cowin 1979 A reas-

23. Terzaghi. K 1920. Old earth-pressure theories and new test results. Engineering News-Record 85 (14) . 632-637 24. Terzaghi. K 1943. Theoretical soil mechanics John Wiley and Sons. Inc, New York. 25. Williams. JC .. D. AI-Salman and A.H. Birks. 1987. Measurement of static stresses on the wall of a cylindrical container for Powder Technology 50163-175. particulate solids .

1971. Pressure stresses.

cell for Powder



26 Young. Warren C 1989, Roark's for stress and strain, sixth edition. Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, Ine, New York.






from all four measurement Heights from bin floor

106.7 (023)

methods. (cm)
* 1524 0 0.67 (0.15)

Method (0.10) (013) (0.05)

044 040 046 0.55 15.2

18 6 Replicates

610 * 0.80 (007) 052 0 047 (007) * 0.69 (015)


irrelevant deviation 2.

to method


(standard Table

in parentheses)

K ratio for soybeans

as reported

by sorne past


Reference Caughey et al (1951) diaphragms diaphragms al one

Floor pressure load alone Methods 0.543 0.383 K ratio Wall 0430

141 -








1 1








grain bin

(ail dimensions

in cm)

142 -





o 56


~ ,.






In-mass transducer and its diaphragm (aIl dimensions in mm)



143 -

Ko o

ratio 0.6

. o.~

1MT s

at center



X Rin9 TransduClrw (method ~) on the wall

CD Co)








~ 180

c cs

~ C)







depth of grain

at full load

144 -

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