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Australian Standard: Masonry Cement

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AS 1316—2003

Reconfirmed 2016
AS 1316

Australian Standard™

Masonry cement
This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee BD-010, Cement. It was
approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 13 December 2002 and
published on 16 January 2003.

The following are represented on Committee BD-010:

Ash Development Association of Australia
Association of Consulting Engineers Australia
Australasian Slag Association
Australian Pre-mixed Concrete Association
Cement & Concrete Association of Australia
Cement Industry Federation
Concrete Institute of Australia
CSIRO Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology
Housing Industry Association
Institute of Engineers Australia
University of New South Wales

Keeping Standards up-to-date

Standards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and
systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and
new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued.
Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves
they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which
may have been published since the Standard was purchased.
Detailed information about Standards can be found by visiting the Standards
Australia web site at www.standards.com.au and looking up the relevant Standard
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Alternatively, the printed Catalogue provides information current at 1 January each
year, and the monthly magazine, The Australian Standard, has a full listing of
revisions and amendments published each month.
We also welcome suggestions for improvement in our Standards, and especially
encourage readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or
ambiguities. Contact us via email at mail@standards.com.au, or write to the Chief
Executive, Standards Australia International Ltd, GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW

This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 98633.

AS 1316—2003 (Reconfirmed) 2016-06-17


AS 1316—2003
Masonry cement


Technical Committee BD-010 has reviewed the content of this publication and in
accordance with Standards Australia procedures for reconfirmation, it has been
determined that the publication is still valid and does not require change.

Certain documents referenced in the publication may have been amended since the
original date of publication. Users are advised to ensure that they are using the latest
versions of such documents as appropriate, unless advised otherwise in this
Reconfirmation Notice.

Approved for reconfirmation in accordance with Standards Australia procedures for

reconfirmation on 24 February 2016.

The following are represented on Technical Committee BD-010:

Cement & Concrete Association of New Zealand
Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia
Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia—Cement
Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia—Concrete
Concrete Institute of Australia
Concrete Masonry Association of Australia
Engineers Australia
Portland Cement Association
AS 1316—2003

Australian Standard™

Masonry cement

Originated as AS A152—1969.
Previous edition AS 1316—1972.
Second edition 2003.

© Standards Australia International
All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the
Published by Standards Australia International Ltd
GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia
ISBN 0 7337 5022 2
AS 1316—2003 2

This Standard was prepared by Standards Australia Committee BD-010, Cement, to
supersede AS 1316—1972.
The objective of this Standard is to provide manufactures and users of masonry cement with
specifications covering materials, composition, sampling, testing, physical requirements,
packing and marking for masonry cement intended for use in mortars for masonry
construction in conjunction with masonry units of clay, calcium silicate, concrete and
square dressed natural stone.
This Standard incorporates the following major changes to AS 1316—1972:
(a) In line with Standards Australia policy of producing performance-based Standards,
masonry cements are specified in terms of their performance, wherever possible.
(b) An attempt has been made to closely align this Standard with developments in
AS 3700, Masonry structures, particularly in adopting the same masonry mortar
(c) The revision of AS 1316—1972 produced two separate Standards; a specification for
masonry cement (this Standard), and a suite of test methods for masonry cement
published separately as part of the AS/NZS 2350 series.
3 AS 1316—2003



FOREWORD ..............................................................................................................................4
1 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................5
2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................5
3 MATERIALS ..............................................................................................................5
4 MASONRY CEMENT TYPES AND COMPOSITION ..............................................6
5 SAMPLING AND TESTING ......................................................................................6
6 REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................6
AS 1316—2003 4

Masonry cement is a finely ground mixture of portland cement clinker, calcium sulfate, and
suitable inorganic materials such as hydrated lime as defined by AS 1672.1—1997, Limes
and limestones, Part 1: Limes for building, and mineral additions, as defined by
AS 3972—1997, Portland and blended cements. Suitable air-entraining agents or
plasticizers, or both, may also be incorporated.
Masonry cement is intended for use in mortars for masonry construction in conjunction with
masonry units of clay, calcium silicate, concrete and square dressed natural stone. When
mixed with fine aggregates (sand) it produces a smooth, plastic and cohesive mortar
characterized by a lower rate of strength development than that of general purpose portland
cement. Hence, it may not be suitable for structural brickwork or for special purpose
mortars where high strength is required although its strength may be increased by gauging it
with portland cement. For normal masonry construction, however, the lower rate of strength
development is an advantage as shrinkage, thermal and other movements in the masonry
can be better accommodated in the mortar joints and unsightly cracking prevented. Masonry
cement is not intended for use in any form of structural concrete (plain, reinforced or
prestressed), floors or foundation work.
5 AS 1316—2003


Australian Standard
Masonry cement

This Standard specifies requirements for masonry cement, a hydraulic cement intended for
use in mortars for masonry construction in conjunction with masonry units of clay, calcium
silicate, concrete and square dressed natural stone.
This Standard does not provide for all the requirements that may be needed in specific
applications of masonry cement, e.g., high strength mortars.
NOTE: Autoclaved aerated concrete units (AAC) are laid in thin bed mortars that are proprietary,
purpose-made mortars.

The following documents are referred to in this Standard:
1478 Chemical admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout—Admixtures for concrete
1672 Limes and limestones
1672.1 Part 1: Limes for building
2349 Method of sampling portland and blended cements
3582 Supplementary cementitious material for use with portland and blended cement
3582.1 Part 1: Fly ash
3582.2 Part 2: Slag—Ground granulated iron blast-furnace
3700 Masonry structures
3972 Portland and blended cements
2350 Methods of testing portland, blended and masonry cements
2350.1 Method 1: Sampling and sample preparation
2350.4 Method 4: Setting time of portland and blended cements
2350.11 Method 11: Compressive strength of portland and blended cements
2350.16 Method 16: Determination of air content of masonry cement
2350.17 Method 17: Determination of soundness of masonry cement
2350.18 Method 18: Determination of water retention of masonry cement

3.1 Portland cement clinker
Portland cement clinker shall comply with AS 3972.
3.2 General purpose portland cement
General purpose portland cement shall comply with AS 3972.
3.3 General purpose blended cement
General purpose blended cement shall comply with AS 3972.
3.4 Fly ash
Fly ash shall comply with AS 3582.1.

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AS 1316—2003 6

3.5 Ground Granulated iron blast-furnace slag

Ground granulated iron blast-furnace slag (slag) shall comply with AS 3582.2.
3.6 Limestone
Limestone shall comply with AS 3972.
3.7 Mineral additions
Mineral additions are selected limestone, or fly ash or ground granulated iron blast-furnace
slag, or both.
3.8 Hydrated Lime
Hydrated lime shall comply with AS 1672.1.
3.9 Calcium sulfate
Calcium sulfate shall comply with AS 3972.
3.10 Admixtures
Air entraining agents, plasticizers or workability agents shall comply with AS 1478.


4.1 Masonry cement
Masonry cement shall be either masonry composite cement as specified in Clause 4.2 or
masonry binary cement as specified in Clause 4.3.
4.2 Masonry composite cement
Masonry composite cements are mixtures of portland cement clinker and calcium sulfate or
general purpose portland cement, with mineral additions with or without admixtures.
Mineral additions shall be limited to one of the following:
(a) Up to 25% limestone.
(b) Up to 35% slag and/or fly ash.
4.3 Masonry binary cements
Masonry binary cements are binary blends of general purpose cements and hydrated lime.
Masonry binary cements shall be identified as follows:
(a) Masonry binary cement M2 Masonry cement when mixed with the appropriate
quantity of sand is capable of producing mortar type M2 as defined in AS 3700.
(b) Masonry binary cement M3 Masonry cement when mixed with the appropriate
quantity of sand is capable of producing mortar type M3 as defined in AS 3700.
(c) Masonry binary cement M4 Masonry cement when mixed with the appropriate
quantity of sand is capable of producing mortar type M4 as defined in AS 3700.


Sampling of masonry cement shall be carried out in accordance with AS 2349 and testing
shall be carried out in accordance with the appropriate test methods given in Table 1.

6.1 Specified properties
Masonry composite cement and masonry binary cement shall comply with the limits given
in Table 1.

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7 AS 1316—2003


Property Masonry Test Method

Masonry binary cement composite
Setting time—
– initial minutes min. 75 75 AS/NZS 2350.4
– final hours max. 12 12
AS/NZS 2350.17
– autoclave expansion % max. 1.0 1.0
Water retention % min. 70 70 AS/NZS 2350.18
Air content—
– % min. 10 10 AS/NZS 2350.16
– % max. 25 25
Compressive strength MPa M2 M3 M4
– 7 days min. — 3.5 10 10 AS/NZS 2350.11
– 28 days min. 4 6 15 15

6.2 Reportable properties

In addition to those properties given in Table 1, the manufacturer shall, at the request of a
purchaser obtaining masonry cements directly from the manufacturer, provide evidence that
composition is consistent with the requirements of Clause 4.
NOTE: This evidence can either be in the form of chemical analysis or where the manufacturer
can demonstrate compliance by an audited and registered quality management system complying
with the requirements of the appropriate or stipulated Australian or international Standard.


7.1 Packing and delivery
Masonry cement shall be delivered in bags that are sound and undamaged by moisture or
other defects.
7.2 Marking
Masonry cement bags shall be clearly marked ‘Masonry Composite Cement’ or ‘Masonry
Binary Cement’, as appropriate.
In addition, the bags shall be legibly marked with the following information:
(a) In case of masonry binary cement, the designation M2, M3 or M4 as appropriate.
(b) Nominal proportion of ingredients.
(c) Name of manufacturer.
(d) Nett mass per bag.
(e) Date of packing or a suitable code.

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Standards Australia
Standards Australia is an independent company, limited by guarantee, which prepares and publishes
most of the voluntary technical and commercial standards used in Australia. These standards are
developed through an open process of consultation and consensus, in which all interested parties are
invited to participate. Through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth government,
Standards Australia is recognized as Australia’s peak national standards body.

Australian Standards
Australian Standards are prepared by committees of experts from industry, governments, consumers
and other relevant sectors. The requirements or recommendations contained in published Standards are
a consensus of the views of representative interests and also take account of comments received from
other sources. They reflect the latest scientific and industry experience. Australian Standards are kept
under continuous review after publication and are updated regularly to take account of changing

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Standards Australia is responsible for ensuring that the Australian viewpoint is considered in the
formulation of international Standards and that the latest international experience is incorporated in
national Standards. This role is vital in assisting local industry to compete in international markets.
Standards Australia represents Australia at both ISO (The International Organization
for Standardization) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

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All Australian Standards are available in electronic editions, either downloaded individually from our Web
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ISBN 0 7337 5022 2 Printed in Australia

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