Iipm Indian Institute of Planning and Management: Group Assignment
Iipm Indian Institute of Planning and Management: Group Assignment
Iipm Indian Institute of Planning and Management: Group Assignment
Sales Management
For providing us the appropriate guidance and vital information regarding various
aspects relating to sales management which has enhanced our knowledge on this
subject and will prove to be fruitful in the future.
1 Objectives.......................................................................................5
2 Scope..............................................................................................5
3 References......................................................................................5
4 Outstanding Issues.........................................................................6
5 Approvals........................................................................................6
6 Responsibilities...............................................................................6
7 Inputs............................................................................................10
8 Outputs.........................................................................................11
9 Control Mechanisms......................................................................11
10 Procedure Steps..........................................................................11
11 Notes...........................................................................................24
12. Associated Forms and Templates..............................................31
1 Objectives
It aims:
2 Scope
1.3 This process applies to all proposals (including ATS, RFCs) sent to the
customer by Nucleus
1.4 This process covers all stages from the time of proposal making to the
time when the project is initiated on Whizible
1.5 This process does not apply to projects undertaken by Nucleus Software
for Shinsei Bank
1.6 This process does not apply to projects of Professional Services nature
3 References
5 Approvals
6 Responsibilities
Call for and facilitate Proposal Kick-off Meeting with the internal
Call for and facilitate Project Initiation Kick-off Meeting with the
internal stakeholders as soon as order from the Customer is received
Call for and facilitate Project Initiation Kick-off Meeting with the
internal stakeholders as soon as Gaps Document is signed off with
the Customer
Take necessary approvals for any deviations from the process, from
Head Corporate Affairs / PMG Head / BDG Head / Global Delivery
Head / MDO and SEPG (as applicable)
Prepare and publish the Weekly SSG Report for Proposals submitted
/ in pipeline, PIs raised, Temporary PIs raised
Revise the proposal based on Account Manager’s directions and
take internal approvals
Share the Proposal Binders and Project Creation details with BDG,
Delivery, PMG, Finance and MDO
Identify the Risks and Assumptions for the proposal and plan for
contingencies and mitigation
Provide size, effort and schedule estimates, as required, within
committed timelines
Fill the Proposal Binder (Delivery section)
1.21 CFO
7 Inputs
1.23 Template for proposal (specific to the category of the proposal, viz.
product, development project, enhancement project, etc.)
1.28 First level Gap analysis (if any, as carried out by Customer)
1.30 Purchase Order / Work Order / Letter of Interest (LOI) - in case of project
1.31 Weekly SSG Report
8 Outputs
9 Control Mechanisms
1.39 Project scope validated with customer by Delivery team during the
Scope Vetting workshop
1.40 Size, Effort, Schedule estimates and Risk Analysis (with Mitigation /
Contingency Plans) are validated and agreed upon by the Delivery Head
before the proposal is sent to the customer
1.41 Price estimates are approved by the BDG Head before the proposal is
sent to the customer
1.43 The proposal (along with the Proposal Binder) is reviewed and approved
by the PI Team before the proposal is sent to the customer
1.44 Any deviation from the process by the Delivery or BDG team is obtained
by the SSG Member as per the Project Lifecycle and Tailoring
10 Procedure Steps
1.45.1 BDG Head / Account Managers identify potential clients like Banks,
Financial Institutions, Mutual Funds, Insurance Co.’s, Depository
Participants, Software Co.’s as Business Alliance Partners etc.
1.45.2 The BDG System is updated with all customer interactions etc. The
Account Manager is responsible for obtaining the requirements of the
Product or Project or customizations/ enhancements, to start the
estimation and proposal cycle.
1.46.1 The Account Manager, after getting the customer requirements, in form
of RFP, Tender Document, Prospect Assessment Worksheet, etc.
sends the same to the SSG Member, by raising a request on SSG
Helpdesk on Whizible, to initiate the Proposal Kick-off Meeting. The
Account Manager also fills in the following information and sends the
same to the SSG Member along with the other set of documents.
The last five items in the above list are sections in the standard
proposal template.
• For any kind of support provided by Nucleus on third party tool (eg.
Oracle), the proposal is submitted as per Template - Third Party
Product Sale Proposal. This proposal is to be reviewed approved by
the ISS Head (if ISS team is providing the support) along with the
Delivery IBU.
1.46.2 The SSG Member, in order to uniquely identify a proposal sent to the
Customer, shares information about the proposal (Customer Name,
Region) with Corporate team and gets a unique Proposal Reference
Number. For any addendum/additional document sent to the customer
for an existing proposal, the SSG member updates the original
Proposal Reference Number as per the nomenclature explained under
“Notes - Point No: 20”
1.46.3 The SSG Member calls for a Proposal Kick-off meeting to initiate work
on responding to an RFP / Tender or preparing a proposal. S/he shares
all the documents and information received from the Account Manager
with all the desired attendees while calling them for the meeting. Apart
from this, the SSG Member also collects MoM and Customer Feedback
pertaining to any Product Demonstrations / Proof of Concept held with
the Customer by WTC/BDG members. These documents also form
inputs to the Proposal Kick-off meeting.
PMG Member
Delivery IBU Head(s) (or in their absence, the Project
Manager(s)) (Refer to “Notes - No. 19” to identify the
Delivery IBU responsible for filling in the RFP)
PI Team Member
Technology Office Representative
Account Manager (if present locally, else on call)
1.46.6 After completion of the Proposal Kick-off meeting, the SSG member
circulates the Minutes of the Meeting to all the stakeholders:
The minutes must cover items, including but not limited to the ones
mentioned under section 10.2.5.
1.46.7 The SSG Member sends the Proposal Binder to the Technical Team to
fill in the Delivery Sheet / section.
NOTE: No changes in this Sales sheet of the Binder which may impact
delivery commitments must be made, once it is sent to the Delivery.
Any changes required can be made only after prior information to the
Technical Team.
1.46.8 Simultaneously, the SSG Manager (in consultation with the Account
Manager) starts liasoning with other Vendor(s) or Partners for any kind
of sub-contracting to be done on the proposal (along with defining the
roles that would be played by the vendor / partner / Nucleus in the
contract), and ensures timely receipt of all required information from
them for the proposal.
1.46.11The Project Manager (technical team) also fills in the ‘Delivery’ part of
the Proposal Binder and sends the same to the SSG Member.
1.46.12The SSG Member, after getting inputs from the Technical Team and
PMG, prepares the commercial part (price and cost estimates) of the
proposal, based on estimates and standard price list, if applicable
(consulting the Account Manager and the BDG Head as required). In
case of product implementation the Standard Product Price List is used
as a standard for quoting.
1.46.14The SSG Member also fills in the ‘Commercials’ part of the Proposal
Binder and the Account Summary Sheet, in order to determine the
Operating Income for the proposal.
1.46.15The SSG Member sends a copy of the proposal drafted along with the
Proposal Binder to the Delivery IBU Head(s), BDG Head and PMG
Head (in case of any PMG investments), keeping the PI Team in the
loop, for their reviews and approvals. The review comments are sent to
the SSG Member on mail based on which the SSG Member makes
necessary modifications and takes a final approval from them.
1.46.16The SSG Member also gets the Operating Income figures reviewed
and validated by various stakeholders before sending the proposal to
the PI Team for review, following the criteria defined under “Notes -
Point number 16”.
1.46.17The SSG Member sends the approved copy of the proposal along with
the PAW to the PI Team along with the following documents for review:
Proposal Binder, all approval e-mails (if any) and any customer
communication documented. All such documents are also marked to
the other parties (viz. Technical Team, PMG) who may revert to the
SSG Member in case they find any discrepancies.
1.46.18The PI Team member reviews the proposal for compliance with NSSP
guidelines as well as the Proposal Binder to ensure adequacy,
coverage against the PAW and consistency of data in the two
(Proposal & Proposal Binder). The PI Team member sends the
feedback on the Proposal and Proposal Binder to the SSG Member
who incorporates the necessary changes as per the feedback received
(and wherever required seeks inputs from the Technical Team and
PMG) and gets the final approval from the PI Team member.
This will be treated as the final proposal, which was sent to the
customer at the end of the proposal-making stage.
1.46.21If there are any requirement changes before the proposal is baselined
then these are maintained in proposal revisions in the BDG system. No
specific list of changes is maintained.
1.46.22If the changes are received after the proposal is baselined, Account
Manager through SSG coordinates with relevant stakeholders and
handles these changes in the requirements as per the Configuration
Management Procedure. The Account Manager handles all billing and
chargeable issues with the client.
1.47.1 The Account Manager follows-up with the Customer for obtaining a
feedback on the proposal sent.
1.47.2 The Customer conveys his feedback on the proposal (may be based
on the above analysis) via e-mail, fax, personal meeting, etc.
1.47.3 For those cases where the probability of bagging the order from
Customer is high (based on the assessment made by the Account
Manager), the Account Manager schedules a workshop with the
1.48.5 If the workshop uncovers any change in scope which impacts key
parameters (Scope, Schedule, Commercials, etc.), the Account
Manager prepares minutes of the meeting, gets the same reviewed by
the Project Manager or PMG member (as required), and publishes the
minutes to all concerned parties including the Customer. For recording
and tracking the minutes of the meeting, the Template - Minutes of
Meeting is used.
1.48.7 The SSG Member documents all such revisions to the original
proposal, in consultation with various parties (Delivery, PMG) and takes
approvals from the Delivery Head, BDG Head and PMG (if necessary)
on this revised proposal.
1.48.8 The SSG Member or the Account Manager sends the above revised
proposal along with the original proposal to the Customer for his final
approval and requests for a formal letter of contract.
1.48.9 Simultaneously, the SSG Member sends a copy of the revised proposal
and the Proposal Binder (with all approvals) to the PI Team member to
be base-lined in the Corporate Library. This would act as the final
proposal which was sent to the Customer based on which the order
was bagged.
Prior to holding the Customer Workshop, the Account Manager calls for
an internal workshop:
1.49.2 Attendees of this workshop apart from the Account Manager are:
representatives from Delivery team (IBU Head / Project Manager),
PMG, ISS, PI Team, and HR
1.49.3 Inputs to the workshop are: any key minutes of customer interaction,
latest response to RFP and updated PAW
Once the proposal has been accepted by the customer the following
activities may take place:
1.50.1 The Customer may chose to perform a high level gap analysis based
on his requirements, Scope vetting workshop conducted and the
proposal received from Nucleus
1.50.4The SSG Member calls for a Project Initiation Kick-off meeting (by
inviting the attendees on e-mail) to initiate work on raising the project
internally and shares the following document with Delivery IBU Head
and Project Manager before the meeting.
Account Manager
PMG Member
Delivery IBU Head(s)
Project Manager
PI Team Member
Technology Office Representative
Any of the above individuals, if not present physically, must participate
over the phone / video-conference, as applicable.
Identifying liasoning with any third party for any kind of sub-
contracting on the scope of work pertaining to the customer
Any other items relevant to delivery of the project within the given
scope and timelines
1.50.8 The SSG Member sends the Proposal Binder to the Technical Team to
update the Delivery Sheet section.
1.50.9 The SSG Member then updates the Commercials section of the
Proposal Binder and the Account Summary Sheet.
1.50.10The SSG Member then takes the approvals on the Proposal Binders
from all concerned Heads (BDG, Delivery and PMG (for any PMG
investments). The SSG Member also takes the approval from CFO /
MDO in case there is a change in the Operating Income (in accordance
with the Operating Income validation criteria defined under “Notes” -
point # 16). Temp PI can be raised by IBU Head on account of
incomplete information as per SLA defined under “Notes” - point # 9
1.50.11To initiate the project, the SSG Member sends the following
documents to the PI Team member
1.50.16The PI Team member generates the project code and project number
and enters the project details into Whizible. Then s/he enters the
project name, code and number on the Proposal Binder and sends the
same to the concerned SSG Member. The SSG Member then sends a
copy of the entire set of documents (mentioned in 10.6.11) to the PI
Team member, Account Manager, Finance Representative, Project
Manager and Delivery IBU Head.
1.50.17The PI Team member ‘checks in’ and ‘baselines’ the above final set of
documents (list mentioned in 10.6.11) in the Corporate Library for any
future reference.
1.50.18The Customer may chose to perform a high level gap analysis based
on his requirements, Scope vetting workshop conducted and the
proposal received from Nucleus
1.51.3 The Project Manager, using the Gap Pre-requisites Binder (checklist),
ensures that all items mentioned in the binder are taken care of.
1.51.4 The Project Manager also defines a Gap Study Project Plan (including
Scope, Schedule, Resources, Approach and Expectations from /
Dependencies on Customer) and shares the same with the Customer.
1.51.5 Having met all the pre-requisites for the Gap Analysis exercise, the
Project Manager takes an approval on the Pre-Requisites Binder from
the Delivery Head and Head Corporate Affairs.
1.51.6 Post this approval, the Gap Analysis team commences the gap study
Global Cc:
Level Sales Cc Cc Cc To Regional
5 Head Sales Head
Global Cc:
Level Sales Cc Cc To Cc Regional
4 Head Sales Head
Account Cc:
Level Manager Cc To Regional
1 Sales Head
Level Manager To
S. Level
Delivery Size CcStage Delivery Cc:
BinderToTemplate Cc:
Regional Del.
No. Category
5 Head Head Head
a. Contract Document
b. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
c. Technical Services Schedule document
SLA for Project Initiation and Temporary Project Initiation: A PI must get
raised within 3 working days of the first written request from the Account
Manager for initiating the project on Whizible. Failing this, the Delivery IBU
Head, after getting the approval from the Sales & Marketing Head, may send
an explicit written request, for project initiation to the PI team (keeping the
Account Manager, BDG Head, Global Delivery Head and Project Manager in
the loop), with the following basic details (along with a copy of Customer’s
formal approval for the project):
a. Project Name
b. Project Category (practice)
c. Delivery IBU
d. Project Manager
e. Lead time to start the project (weeks)
f. Project Start Date
g. Project End Date (including warranty)
h. Project Delivery Date
i. Estimated Effort (MM)
The temporary project will be created based on the above information in order
to facilitate timely commencement of work by the Delivery team. However, this
is only a Temporary PI valid for a maximum period of 1 month thereafter
extended every 15 Days, and the Account Manager needs to initiate the PI
following the normal process within 10 working days from the Temporary PI
raised date. Failing this, the BDG QAR will mark an NC (Non-Compliance)
against BDG during the Audit.
In cases where customer approval is awaited, the Delivery IBU head can raise
a request through mail for creation of temporary PI without waiting for account
manager to initiate temporary PI request, following the process as detailed
above. All temporary such PI will have the same validity as mentioned above.
All such temporary PIs will be created within 4 working hours of the request
being received.
NOTE: To further extend the duration of all Temporary PI beyond 1 Month, the
SSG Member needs to take a deviation signed-off by the MD Office, with an
end date for extension. All Temp PIs not converted into permanent PIs within
one month will be presented on a monthly basis to MTM for their decision of
continuance or closure of temp PIs.
10. End date and effort extension in a project: In case schedule slippage
and effort overrun, end date and efforts respectively can be requested to
be increased of a project. Delivery Head approval and filled RFC sheet is
filled and attached with request in Whizible. QAR needs to be informed
whenever any such request is made to PI team
11. Status change of the project: The change in status (Active, Suspended
Reopened and Closed) of the project can be requested. Delivery Head
approval and QAR approval and RFC template is filled and attached with
the request in Whizible. For any change in the type of project, project QAR
will be informed.
12. Weekly Report: The SSG Member sends a weekly update of all the
proposals sent to the customer latest by 12 noon every Wednesday -
using the Template - Weekly SSG Report - to MIS@Nucleussoftware.com,
keeping the BDG QAR & PI Team in the loop. The QAR or PI Team
member reports any discrepancies that s/he may find in the report to the
same e-mail ID. The SSG Member also reports all temporary Project
Initiations and the TAT for all Project Initiations to the MDO on a weekly
basis. SSG member will mark a copy of this report to Process SME ( to
update project database) and PI team for validation.
13. Standard Product Price List and ATS pricing guidelines: The SSG
Member baselines the Standard Product Price list and the ATS pricing
guidelines along with the discounting policy, into the Corporate Library, as
and when any change to the last base-lined documents is made.
14. Change in Contract Value: For any change in the value of a contract to
take place, a Project Initiation (PI) needs to be carried out by the SSG
Member following the defined process.
15. Raising Invoice / Work Order: A PI forms the basis for raising any
invoice / Work Order for a contract.
16. Process Deviation: Any deviation from the process needs to be taken
from the concerned Head using the Deviation Approval Form
17. PI Register: The PI Team Member maintains a log of all the Project
Initiation requests received by PI Team, using the Template - PI Register.
Further, the PI Team Member publishes the register every week to
MIS@Nucleussoftware.com, keeping the CFO in the loop. Details on how
to maintain the register have been explained in the template itself.
18. Criteria for validation of Operating Income (OI), License Revenue and
ATS Revenue:
1. Operating Income:
OI Approval Criteria
No OI Value Approvers
BDG Head, Delivery IBU Head, Head Corporate Affairs, CFO
A > 40 %
(only for Orders bagged)
> 20 and <= 40
B BDG Head, Delivery IBU Head, Head Corporate Affairs, CFO
BDG Head, Delivery IBU Head, Head Corporate Affairs, CFO,
C <= 20 %
For existing Customers, (C) will not apply. However, a mail notification
from SSG to go to the MD for information
For new Customers (any new projects initiated post August 2006), all A, B
and C will apply
2. License Revenue:
Apart from the above Operating Income validation, in case of a product sale,
the License Price of the product is also validated. The validation is meant to
check if the License Price is in line with the Standard Product Price List and
the discounting guidelines defined below.
1. Operating Income:
OI Approval Criteria
No OI Value Approvers
BDG Head, Delivery IBU Head, Head Corporate Affairs, CFO
A > 40 %
(only for Orders bagged)
> 20 and <= 40
B BDG Head, Delivery IBU Head, Head Corporate Affairs, CFO
BDG Head, Delivery IBU Head, Head Corporate Affairs, CFO,
C <= 20 %
2. ATS Revenue:
Apart from the above Operating Income validation, in case of an ATS,
the Sale Price of the ATS will be validated. The validation is meant to
check if the ATS Sale Price is in line with the standard ATS pricing
guidelines and the discounting guidelines defined below.
[ X is 15% for Bronze, 20% for Silver and 25% for Gold ]
ATS Revenue
(% of License Approvers
+ Enhancements)
A1 Bronze: > =15 % BDG Head, Head Corporate Affairs
BDG Head, Head Corporate Affairs,
A2 Bronze: < 15 %
B1 Silver: > = 20 % BDG Head, Head Corporate Affairs
BDG Head, Head Corporate Affairs,
B2 Silver: < 20 %
C1 Gold: > = 25 % BDG Head, Head Corporate Affairs
BDG Head, Head Corporate Affairs,
C2 Gold: < 25 %
IBU Region
1 FinnOne Middle East & India
2 ETG South East Asia & Australia
3 Europe Africa
[Master Serial No.] / [Region Code] / [Customer Code] / [Country Code] - [Document
Serial No.]
Master Serial Number - A 4-digit serial number of the master proposal sent
to Customer (since 01-Aug-2007), assuming the first master proposal was
numbered 1001 and each subsequent master proposal’s serial number is
incremented by 1
Master proposal - The first proposal sent to a customer for any product /
application. If a subsequent proposal to the same Customer contains a
modified list of product/s or application/s, it is to be treated as a different
master proposal and so to have a different Serial Number. However, any
additional document (viz. commercials, schedule, etc.) sent in reference
with the original master proposal will carry the same Master Serial Number
but an incremented Document Serial Number.
Country Code - Every Country to be assigned a unique 2-digit code (in line
with internet domain codes followed internationally)
For example: For a proposal sent to GMAC Italy (Europe), the proposal
reference code could be: 1040/EUR/GMAC/IT-0001 (assuming it is the 40th
proposal sent to a customer by Nucleus since 01-Aug-07)
NOTE: All the relevant reference numbers pertaining to a contract won from
customer need to be mentioned in the document on which the contract is
signed-off between Nucleus and Customer.