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Checklist:: How To Successfully Evaluate Sales Calls With Your Junior Reps

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Checklist: ​How to successfully evaluate sales calls

with your junior reps

In our post ​How to successfully evaluate sales calls with your junior reps​ we outlined 7
attributes to judge your junior sales reps on during a sales call.

The 7 attributes were:

1. The goal:​ What should be the outcome of the call?

2. The pitch:​ How well does the rep know the sales pitch?
3. The facts:​ Is your rep being honest with their prospect?
4. The confidence:​ How comfortable is your rep?
5. The energy:​ Can your rep maintain a high energy?
6. The connection:​ Can your rep build rapport with their prospect?
7. The listening skills:​ How well does your rep listen to their prospect?

This checklist includes:

● A brief explanation of why these attributes are important

● A set of questions for each attribute
● A scoring system or a YES/NO option
● A room for improvement section for each attribute
● A section with the main feedback for your rep

Let’s get started.

Every sales call should result in a specific outcome, otherwise you won’t know if the call was

Answer the below questions by circling YES or NO.

1. Did the sales rep have a clear goal in mind before going into the call? YES/NO.
2. Was this goal accomplished? YES/NO.

If NO, why was the goal not accomplished?




Room for improvement

Feedback for your rep



Internal notes (Only for you)




The sales pitch is designed to persuade a prospect to buy, your rep should know it inside out.

While you review it, break the pitch into three parts: beginning, middle, and end.

Rate the below on a 1-10 scale. 1 being “Very poorly” and 10 being “Very well.”

1. How well does your rep follow the structure of the sales pitch? ​Score: ​___.
​ core:​ ___.
2. How well are they able to deliver the sales script? S

Room for improvement

Feedback for your rep



Internal notes (Only for you)




The best reps are honest and stick to the facts as to not mislead their prospects. Time to see
how truthful your rep is throughout the call.

Answer the below questions by circling YES or NO.

2. Did they say things that are incorrect? YES/NO.

3. Did they hide from things they thought would cause an obstacle? YES/NO.

Room for improvement

Feedback for your rep



Internal notes (Only for you)




Confidence goes a long way in sales, how comfortable is you rep in their sale shoes?

Rate the below on a 1-10 scale. 1 being “Not confident at all” and 10 being “Very confident.”

1. How confident is the rep with the script? ​Score:​ ___.

2. How confidently is the rep dealing with objections? S​ core:​ ___.

Room for improvement

Feedback for your rep



Internal notes (Only for you)




A great energy is infectious and can influence the prospect positively. But high-energy levels are
hard to maintain—can your rep stay consistent?

Answer the below questions by circling YES or NO.

1. Can your rep maintain a high level of energy? YES/NO.

2. Is your rep influenced by the energy of the prospect or customer? YES/NO.
3. Could you tell that your rep is having fun? YES/NO.

Room for improvement

Feedback for your rep



Internal notes (Only for you)




People buy from people they like. How likeable is your sales rep?

Rate the below on a 1-10 scale. 1 being “Very Low” and 10 being “Very high.”

1. Level of engagement. ​Score​ ___.

2. Level of rapport. ​Score​ ___.
3. Likeability. ​Score​ ___.

Room for improvement

Feedback for your rep



Internal notes (Only for you)




Great salespeople listen more than they talk, so they can truly understand the needs of their
prospects. How good of a listener is your rep?

Answer the below questions by circling YES or NO.

1. Did the salesperson talk more than they listened? YES/NO

2. Did they interrupt the prospect? YES/NO
3. When the prospect provided information that seemed incomplete, did the rep realize it and
actively tried to get more answers? YES/NO

Room for improvement

Feedback for your rep



Internal notes (Only for you)




Compare your feedback for each of the seven attributes.
Then choose ​ONE ​thing that your rep should strive to improve for the next call review.









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