MGT 4001 Managing Professional Development
MGT 4001 Managing Professional Development
MGT 4001 Managing Professional Development
1. Course Information
Course Title Course Code Department Prerequisite Co-requisite Semester Course Credit Minimum Contact hours : : : 3 credit hours 45 hours : : : : : Managing Professional Development MGT 4001 Management GE 3103 None
2. Instructor Information
Name of Instructor Contact Information Email Office Hours : : : :
3. Course Description
This course strives to enable students to assess and develop a full range of personal skills with a view to improving the professional skills required in the workforce. It will also help to develop the students knowledge of how to improve execution of the roles required to be played by employees organizing and managing. It will further help to improve on-the-job performance of an individual to promote self enhancement in terms of both personal and professional knowledge.
4. Course Objectives
This course will help the students understand and practice the professional skills needed to make a difference in the organization of the future as a career advantage. Besides academics, other skills as relationship building, effective selfpresentation, self-confidence, and motivation enable the students to excel in the world of work and continue to grow personally and professionally.
2. Assess and develop a full range of personal skills with a view to improving professional skills. 3. Implement a system of continual review of personal and professional development plan. 4. Analyze self management in relation to effective team management with a view to meeting objectives.
6. Course Calendar
Wee k Topics Learnin g Resour ce Chapter 1 Learning activities Assessme nt Tools Learning Outcome s
Self-Managed learning
Quiz 1
2 Learning Styles
Chapter 1
Lifelong Learning
Chapter 1
4 5
Chapter 1 Chapter 1
2,3,4 1,3,4
Wee k
Learnin g Resour ce
Learning activities
Assessme nt Tools
Learning Outcome s
week Mid Term Exam 6 Approaches to learning Self-Appraisal Chapter 1 Presentatio n Discussion Presentatio n 1,2,3,4
Interpersonal Skills and Transferable skills Working with others Revision and Mock Test
Chapter 2 Recap
Mid Term Examination Chapter 2 Lecture Discussion Lecture Presentatio n Discussion Chapter 3 Lecture Discussion Case Study 3 Prioritizing workloads Using time effectively Deadlines Case Study Q/A Assignmen t3 Due: 12th Week 1,2,3,4 Quiz 3 1,2,3,4
Chapter 2
11 Time Management
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Wee k
Learnin g Resour ce
Learning activities
Assessme nt Tools
Learning Outcome s
Chapter 4 Recap
Final Examination
8. Course Methodology
This course is delivered in a classroom environment as lectures, presentations using PowerPoint slides. Students are encouraged to be more interactive with instructor and fellow students. For all case study activities, students are required to read about and discuss each case and answer the questions. After 7th week
there will be Mid-term Examination and the Final examination will be in the 15th week.
9. Learning Resources
Required Text Book: BPP Learning Media ( 2010) Management: Leading People and Professional Development Pub: Amazon ISBN: 978-0-7517-9041-2 Additional Resources: Hughes R.L., Ginnett R.C., Curphy G.J. (2009) Leadership- Enhancing the Lessons of Experience (6th Edition) ISBN: 978-007-126359-7 Bennis, Warren and Goldsmith, Joan (2003); Learning to Lead: A Work book on Becoming a Leader; 3rd. Ed. ISBN 13: 978-07382-09-050 Magazines: Business Week, Harvard Business Review, Fortune 500, Fortune 500 NewsPaper: The Economic Times
Attendance Policy
Students are required to attend a minimum of 70% of all classes for every course. Students who do not fulfill this requirement endanger their academic success. There are special forms for dealing with excessive absences. If the cause of absence is illness, accident, or a similar event, the student must notify the instructors and the Division Chair in writing, and must make arrangements with the lecturer for catching up on material missed.
Academic Dishonesty
Students are expected to maintain integrity of the course by honest behavior from their fellow students and avoid plagiarism, and on all courseworks, collusion and cheating.
Attendance, Class
Participation, Mock Tests Quiz Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Mid-Term Exam Assignment 3 Final Exam 10% 5% 5% 20% 20% 30% x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
13. Certification
This course is authorized for use by:
. .. Course Instructor