Application of Data Mining For Intrusion Detection: REG - NO:11109636
Application of Data Mining For Intrusion Detection: REG - NO:11109636
Application of Data Mining For Intrusion Detection: REG - NO:11109636
SR.NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Data mining ? Data mining and IDS Real Time IDS Architecture Support Conclusion Reference
In this paper, we present an overview of our research in real time data mining-based intrusion detection systems (IDSs). We focus on issues related to deploying a data miningbased IDS in a real time environment. We describe our approaches to address three types of issues: accuracy, efficiency, and usability. To improve accuracy, data mining programs are used to analyze audit data and extract features that can distinguish normal activities from intrusion.
INTRODUCTION:In the era of information society, computer networks and their related applications are becoming more and more popular, so does the potential thread to the global information infrastructure to increase. To defend against various cyber attacks and computer viruses, lots of computer security techniques have been intensively studied in the last decade, namely cryptography, firewalls, anomaly and intrusion detectionAmongthem, network intrusion detection (NID) has been considered to be one of the most promising methods for defending complex and dynamic intrusion behaviors. Intrusion detection techniques using data mining have attracted more and more interests in recent years. As an important application area of data mining, they aim to meliorate the great burden of analyzing huge volumes of audit data and realizingperformance optimization of detection rules. Different researchers propose different algorithms in different categories, from Bayesian approaches to decision trees from rule based models to functions studying The detection efficiencies therefore are becoming better and better than ever before. A secure network should provide following things: Data confidentiality:Data that are being transferred through the network should be accessible only to those that have been properly authorized. Data integrity: Data should maintain their integrity from the moment they are transmitted to the moment they are actually received . No corruption or data loss is accepted either from random events or malicious activity. Data availability: The network should be resilient to Denial of Service attacks. The first threat for a computer network system was realised in 1988 when 23-year old Robert Morris launched the first worm, which overid over 6000 PCs of the ARPANET network. On February 7th, 2000 the first DoS attacks of great volume where launched, targeting the computer systems of large companies like Yahoo!, eBay, Amazon, CNN, ZDnet and Dadet. More details on these attacks can be found at . These threats and others that are likely to appear in the future have lead to the design and development of Intrusion Detection Systems. According to webopedia an intrusion detection system (IDS) inspects all inbound and
outbound network activity and identifies suspicious patterns that may indicate a net-network or system attack from someone attempting to break into or compromise a system. The rest of this work is a survey of data mining techniques that have been applied to IDSs and is organized as follows: In section 2 we present a short taxonomy of IDSs. In section 3 we debate on the drawbacks of standard IDSs. Section 4 offers a brief introduction to data mining and section 5 illustrates how data mining can be used to enhance IDSs. In section 6 we talk about the various data mining techniques that have been employed in IDSs by various researchers. Section 7 presents existing IDSs (presented either in academia or in the market) that use data mining techniques. In secton 8, we give our own proposal on how data mining can be used to aid IDSs. IDS TAXONOMY The goal of an IDS is to detect malicious traffic. In order to accomplish this, the IDS monitors all incoming and outgoing traffic. There are several approaches on the implementetion of an IDS. Among those, two are the most popular:
Anomaly detection: This technique is based on the detection of traffic anomalies. The deviation of the monitored traffic from the normal profile is measured . Various different implementations of this technique have been proposed, based on the metrics used for measuring traffic profile deviation.
Misuse/Signature detection: This technique looks for patterns and signatures of already known attacks in the network traffic. A constantly updated database is usually used to store the signatures of known attacks. The way this technique deals with intrusion detection resembles the way that antivirus software operates.
DRAWBACKS OF IDSS Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) have become a standard component in security infrastructures as they allow network administrators to detect policy violations. These policy violations
range from external attackers trying to gain unauthorized access to insiders abusing their access. Current IDS have a number of significant drawbacks: Current IDS are usually tuned to detect known servicelevel network attacks. This leaves them vulnerable to original and novel malicious attacks. Data overload: Another aspect which does not relate directly to misuse detection but is extremely important is how much data an analyst can efficiently analyze. That amount of data he needs to look at seems to be growing rapidly. Depending on the intrusion detection tools employed by a company and its size there is the possibility for logs to reach millions of records per day. False positives: A common complaint is the amount of false positives an IDS will generate. A false positive occurs when normal attack is mistakenly classified as malicious and treated accordingly.
False negatives: This is the case where an IDS does not generate an alert when an intrusion is actually taking place. (Classification of malicious traffic as normal) Data mining can help improve intrusion detection by addressing each and every one of the above mentioned problems. DATA MINING. WHAT IS IT? Data mining (DM), also called Knowledge-Discovery and Data Mining, is the process of automatically searching large volumes of data for patterns using association rules [see fig 2]. It is a fairly recent topic in computer science but utilizes many older computational techniques from statistics, information retrieval, machine learning and pattern recognition. Here are a few specific things that data mining might contribute to an intrusion detection project: Remove normal activity from alarm data to allow analysts to focus on real attacks Identify false alarm generators and bad sensor signatures Find anomalous activity that uncovers a real attack Identify long, ongoing patterns (different IP address, same activity) To accomplish these tasks, data miners employ one or more of the following techniques: Data summarization with statistics, including finding outliers Visualization: presenting a graphical summary of the data Clustering of the data into natural categories Association rule discovery: defining normal activity and enabling the discovery of anomalies Classification: predicting the category to which a particular record belongs.
DATA MINING AND IDS Data mining techniques can be differentiated by their different model functions and representation, preference criterion, and algorithms . The main function of the model that we are interested in is classification, as normal, or malicious, or as a particular type of attack . We are also interested in link and sequence analysis Additionally, data mining systems provide the means to easily perform data summarization and visualization, aiding the security analyst in identifying areas of concern . The models must be represented in some form. Common representations for data mining techniques include rules, decision trees,
linear and non-linear functions (including neural nets), instance-based examples, and probability models.
Off Line Processing The use of data mining techniques in IDSs, usually implies analysis of the collected data in an offline environment. There are important advantages in performing intrusion detection in an offline environment, in addition to the real-time detection tasks typically employed. Below we present the most important of these advantages: In off-line analysis, it is assumed that all connections have already finished and, therefore, we can compute all the features and check the detection rules one by one. The estimation and detection process is generally very demanding and, therefore, the problem cannot be addressed in an online environment because of the various the realtime constraints . Many real-time IDSs will start to drop packets when flooded with data faster than they can process it. An offline environment provides the ability to transfer logs from remote sites to a central site for analysis during offpeak times.
Data Mining and Real Time IDSs Even though offline processing has a number of significant advantages, data mining techniques can also be used to enhance IDSs in real time. Lee et al. were one of the first to address important and challenging issues of accuracy, efficiency, and usability of real-time IDSs. They implemented feature extraction and construction algorithms for labeled audit data. They developed several anomaly detection algorithms. In the paper, the authors explore the use of information-theoretic measures, i.e., entropy, conditional entropy, relative entropy, information gain, and information cost to capture intrinsic characteristics of normal data and use such measures to guide the process of building and evaluating anomaly detection models. They also develop efficient approaches that use statistics on packet header values for network anomaly detection. A real-time IDS, called Judge, was also developed to test and evaluate the use of those techniques. A serious limitation of their approaches (as well as with most existing IDSs) is that they only do intrusion detection at the network or system level. However, with the rapid growth of e-Commerce and e-Government applications, there is an urgent need to do intrusion and fraud detection at the application-level. This is because many attacks may focus on applications that have no effect on the underlying network or system activities. Multisensor Correlation The use of multiple sensors to collect data by various sources has been presented by numerous researchers as a way to increase the performance of an IDS. Lee et al, state that using multiple sensors for ID should increase the accuracy of IDSs. Kumar states that, Correlation of information from different sources has allowed additional information to be inferred that may be difficult to obtain directly. Lee et al. note that, an IDS should consist of multiple cooperative lightweight subsystems that each monitor a separate part (such as an access point) of the entire environment. Dickerson and Dickerson also explore a possible implementation of such a mechanism. Their architecture consists of three layers: A set of Data Collectors (packet collectors) A set of Data Processors A Threat analyzer that utilizes fuzzy logic and basically
performs a risk assessment of the collected data. Honig et al. propose a model similar to the one bybDickerson and Dickerson and also has components for feature extraction, model generation and distribution, data labeling, visualization, and forensic analysis. Helmer et al. state that the use of a data warehouse facilitates the handling of the accumulated data and allows distributed attacks to be more easily detected, providing administrators with additional tools for doing auditing and forensics. Evaluation Datasets To test the effectiveness of data mining techniques in IDSs, the use of established and appropriate datasets is required. The DARPA datasets, available from the Lincoln Laboratory at MIT (, are the most popular and widely used. The Information Systems Technology Group ( IST ) of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, has collected and distributed the first standard corpora for evaluation of computer network intrusion detection systems. They have also coordinated, along with the Air Force Research Laboratory, the first formal, repeatable, and statistically-significant evaluations of intrusion detection systems. Such evaluation efforts have been carried out in 1998 and 1999. These evaluations measure probability of detection and probability of false-alarm for each system under test. These evaluations are contributing significantly to the intrusion detection research field by providing direction for research efforts and an objective calibration of the current technical state of- the-art. The evaluation is designed to be simple, to focus on core technology issues, and to encourage the widest possible participation by eliminating security and privacy concerns, and by providing data types that are used commonly by the majority of intrusion detection systems.
Architecture Support The biggest challenge of using data mining approaches in intrusion detection is that it requires a large amount of audit data in order to compute the profile rule sets. And the fact that we may need to compute a detection model for each resource in a target system makes the data mining task daunting. Moreover, this learning (mining) process is an integral and continuous part of an intrusion detection system because the rule sets used by the detection module may not be static over a long period of time. For example, as a new version of a system software arrives, we need to update the "normal" profile rules. Given that data mining is an expensive process (in time and storage), and real-time detection needs to be lightweight to be practical, we can't afford to have a monolithic intrusion detection system.
Figure 3: An Architecture for Agent-Based Intrusion Detection System I propose a system architecture, as shown in Figure 3, that includes two kinds of intelligent agents: the learning agents and the detection agents. A learning agent, which may reside in a server machine for its computing power, is responsible for computing and maintaining the rule sets for programs and users. It produces both the base detection models and the meta detection models. The task of a learning agent, to compute accurate models from very large amount of audit data, is an example of the "scale-up" problem in machine learning. I expect that our research in agent-based meta-learning systems will contribute significantly to the implementation of the learning agents. Briefly, we are studying how to partition and dispatch data to a host of machines to compute classifiers in parallel, and re-import the remotely learned classifiers and combine an accurate (final) meta-classifier, a hierarchy of classifiers . A detection agent is generic and extensible. It is equipped with a (learned and periodically updated) rule set (i.e., a classifier) from the remote learning agent. Its detection engine "executes" the classifier on the input audit data, and outputs evidence of intrusions. The main difference between a base detection agent and the meta detection agent is: the former uses preprocessed audit data as input while the later uses the evidence from all the base detection agents. The base detection agents and the meta detection agent need not be running on the same host. For example, in a network environment, a meta agent can combine reports from (base) detection agents running on each host, and make the final assertion on the state of the network.
It is easy to construct an intrusion detection system as a compositional hierarchy of generic detection agents. The detection agents are lightweight since they can function independently from the heavyweight learning agents, in time and locale, so long as it is already equipped with the rule sets. A detection agent can report new instances of intrusions by transmitting the audit records to the learning agent, which can in turn compute an updated classifier to detect such intrusions, and dispatch them to all detection agents. Interestingly, the capability to derive and disseminate anti-virus codes faster than the virus can spread is also considered a key requirement for anti-virus systems.
CONCLUSIONS This paper has presented a survey of the various data mining techniques that have been proposed towards the enhancement of IDSs. We have shown the ways in which data mining has been known to aid the process of Intrusion Detection and the ways in which the various techniques have been applied and evaluated by researchers. Finally, in the last section, we proposed a data mining approach that we feel can contribute significantly in the attempt to create better and more effective Intrusion Detection Systems.
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