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Advanced Computer Networks (CSL858)

Vinay Ribeiro

Goals of Course
Develop a strong understand ng of!network tec"nolog es from t"e p"#s cal to appl cat on la#er
$ des gn c"o ces $ strengt"s and weaknesses

Get a feel of network ng researc"

$ Develop "ealt"# cr t cal e#e $ read ng ke# researc" papers $ work ng w t" s mulators% test &eds etc'

(n"ance commun cat on sk lls and team work

$ form pro)ect teams $ make class presentat ons

*' +r ef " stor# of Computer Networks ,' -rotocol la#er ng! .' -o nt/to/po nt data commun cat ons 0' (rror detect on and correct on 5' 1ult ple access sc"emes! 2' 3nternetwork ng 4' Congest on control and 5ual t#/of/Serv ce! 8' Appl cat ons

Course 6e& -age and 1a l ng L st

6e& -age
"ttp788www'cse' td'ernet' n89v na#8courses8CSL858'"tml

1a l ng l st ()o n toda#:)
$ Su&scr &e from course we& page

3nstructor;s ema l7 vinay.ribeiro [at] gmail

(valuat on
Ass gnments (,5pts)

1 nor (<am (*5pts)

1a)or (<am (.=pts)

-ro)ect (.=pts)

-ro)ect Deta ls
>orm teams of !. students C"oose a top c from t"e l st on course we& page >orm a pro)ect we&/page and ema l t"e l nk to t"e nstructor (?pt onal) @se mater al from #our pro)ect we&/page to contr &ute to an# we&/&ased educat on pro)ect (e<ample7 Conne< ons% cn<'org)

+r ef A stor# of Computer Network ng

6"# A stor#B
@nderstand ng of t"e past s fundamental to an understand ng of t"e present 6"ere d d tec"nolog# come fromB
$ $ $ $ Soc etal cond t ons D scover es Culture (conom c factors

Coda#;s tec"nolog# w ll &e " stor# soon:

A stor# of Computer Network ng

Commun cat on


Computer Network ng

A stor# of Computer Network ng

>ocus on some ke# &reakt"roug"s Claude S"annon Do"n Eon Neumann AF-AN(C

Eon Neumann (*G=./*G54)

1a)or contr &ut ons to Huantum p"#s cs% funct onal anal#s s% set t"eor#% econom cs% computer sc ence% topolog#% numer cal anal#s s% "#drod#nam cs (of e<plos ons)% stat st cs ''' - oneer of modern d g tal computer pu&l s"ed (*G05) a paper ent tled IFirst Draft of a report to the EDVAC
$ presented all of t"e &as c elements of a stored/program computer

Eon Neumann 1ac" ne

?t"er contr &utor7 Jonrad Kuse (*G.2)
!courtesy ma"mon.com #i$ipe%ia.org&

A memory conta n ng &ot" data and nstruct ons' Also to allow &ot" data and nstruct on memor# locat ons to &e read from% and wr tten to% n an# des red order A calculating unit capa&le of perform ng &ot" ar t"met c and log cal operat ons on t"e data A control unit w" c" could nterpret an nstruct on retr eved from t"e memor# and select alternat ve courses of act on &ased on t"e results of prev ous operat ons
Concept of Feprogramma&le Computer

Claude S"annon (*G*2/,==*)

Boolean Algebra: A s *G.4 masterLs
t"es s% A 'ymbolic Analysis of Relay an% '#itching Circuits +oolean alge&ra and & nar# ar t"met c could &e used to s mpl f# t"e arrangement of t"e electromec"an cal rela#s used n telep"one sw tc"es @sed arrangements of rela#s to solve +oolean alge&ra pro&lems

Information Theory: 3n *G08 pu&l s"ed A (athematical )heory of

Communication art cle' 3nvented concepts suc" as I(ntrop#M of an nformat on source and ICapac t#M of a commun cat on c"annel'
!courtesy* #i$ipe%ia.org&

3nformat on (ntrop#
IrandomM data sde*rtn'N source rece ver

source of nformat on IrandomM data generat on (as far as rece ver concerned)

6"at s t"e Iuncerta nt#M n t"e source dataB

p x i

Assume source draws data randoml# Call outcome X Cakes values x 1 , x 2 , ... , xn Prob X = xi : = p xi

0.2 0.1


Entropy :

H X = p x i log 2 p x i bits / symbol


Compression rate H X

C"annel Capac t#
t"e amount of nformat on t"at can &e rel a&l# transm tted over a commun cat on c"annel
no se source , c"annel rece ver

1at"emat cal def n t on

C =max p x I X ; Y
w"ere +!, -& s called t"e mutual information &etween , and can transm t nformat on w t" Oero error at an# rate smaller t"an t"e capac t# C mposs &le to transm t nformat on at rate larger t"an capac t# C

Source/C"annel Separat on C"eorem

A source , w t" entrop# .!,& can &e transm tted error/free over a c"annel w t" capac t# C f and onl# f ./C
Source coder C"annel coder C"annel decoder Source decoder



rece ver


)peg coder

Feed/1uller coder

( ntroduces errors)

Feed/1uller decoder

)peg decoder


Je# dea7 separate t"e coders for source and c"annel

AF-AN(C -ro)ect
Sov et @n on appeared to &e P* sc ent f call# @S needed
$ to &r ng toget"er t"e &ra n/power res dent n d screte pockets at un vers t es and researc" nst tut ons $ to strengt"en telecom nfrastructure aga nst nuclear attack

Advanced Fesearc" -ro)ects Agenc# Network (AF-AN(C)

$ D str &uted (no s ngle po nt of fa lure)% and w despread $ Com& ne d verse comput ng resources $ @se packet sw tc" ng

AF-AN(C 3nternet

(courtes#7 som'csud"'edu)

3nternet (,==0)
(courtes#7 nternetworldstat'com)

6"at s t"e future go ng to &e l keB

Computers 3n t"e -a nt:

I6e w ll "ave computers n t"e pa ntM / Nac"o Navarro Computers n
$ Aouse"old appl ances (networked) $ +od# (mon tor ng "ealt") $ (nv ronment (sensor networks) $ Ee" cles $ -a ntBB

New t#pes of computers

$ 1olecular computers $ 5uantum computers

-rotocol La#er ng

-rotocol La#er ng
Network ng su te d v ded nto la#ers La#er7 (ssent all# a p ece of code runn ng some protocol related to a network ng task -rotocol7 convent on or standard t"at controls or ena&les network ng tasks 6"at are some tasksB 6"# d v de nto la#ersB

Analog# of -ostal Network

Feg stered post $ need conf rmat on of rece pt

?S3 model
D fferent la#ers% d fferent funct onal t#

La#ers n 3nternet

Need for Standard -rotocols

-roposals usuall# su&m tted as F>Cs (FeHuest for Comments)

Standards &od es (e'g' 3nternet (ng neer ng Cask >orce $ 3(C>) de&ate

-roduce document def n ng standard

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