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World Bank CV Format

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The CV outlines the candidate's experience in project management and implementation of HVAC, fire safety, and data center systems for various companies in Bangladesh. It also details positions held over 15+ years in software development and systems analysis roles.

The CV mentions projects in HVAC, fire safety systems, data center infrastructure, refrigeration systems, and telecommunications infrastructure for various companies in Bangladesh including Samsung, Chevron, GrameenPhone, Banglalink, and more.

The candidate has held positions as a Managing Director, Systems Analyst, Senior Executive, Senior Programmer, Systems Analyst, Analyst Programmer, Senior Programmer, and Programmer over the course of their career spanning over 15 years.

CURRICULUM VITAE Present Position : Name of Firm : Name of Staff : Profession : Date of $irth : )ear *ith Firm+,ntity : Mem/ershi#

in Professional Societies: Managing Director Smart Systems & Consultants Ltd Md. Rashed Tan ir Pro!ect Management & "m#lementation %st &uly %'(' May -... Nationality : $angladeshi 0 1ssociates Mem/er of $angladesh Com#uter Society2 AM-2419
0 Life mem/er $angladesh Linu3 Forum

0 Mem/er of Com#uter Professional4s 1ssociation 0 Life Mem/er of "TP1$ Background: Key Qua !"!ca#!on o" $ar!ou% &ro'ec#%: Pro!ect Management & "m#lementation of 561C+R Pro!ects2 Fire Fighting Systems 78ater 5ydrant *ith S#rin9ler System2 1uto Fire Detection & Su##uration System2 6arious Fire & Smo9e Detection System2 5ighly Sensiti e Smo9e Detection System:2 Datacenter Passi e "nfrastructure 7Precision 1ir0conditioning System2 Raised Flooring System2 Po*er Distri/ution2 1uto Fire Detection & Su##uration System2 6arious Ty#es of "nsulation2 8ater Lea9 Detection System2 5ighly Sensiti e Smo9e Detection System2 Rodent System2 ,MS & others: In#er#ek Te%#!ng (er$!ce% )B*+ L#d Pro!ect Management & "m#lementation of 561C+R Pro!ects ; Ducted S#lit2 Precision 1ir0conditioning System2 6RF2 Fire Fighting Systems 78ater 5ydrant *ith S#rin9ler System2 1uto Fire Detection & Su##uration System2 6arious Fire & Smo9e Detection System2 5ighly Sensiti e Smo9e Detection System:2 Datacenter Passi e "nfrastructure System2 5ighly Sensiti e Smo9e Detection System2 Rodent System2 ,MS & others: Tranco, -ood% L!,!#ed ) K-C . /!00a1u# + Pro!ect Management & "m#lementation of < 7Four: Nos Cold Room at &amuna Future Par9 Pro!ect Management & "m#lementation of < 7Four: Nos Cold Room at Sylhet (a,%ung Bang ade%2 L#d Pro!ect Management & "m#lementation of 8ater 5ydrant *ith S#rin9ler System C2e$ron Bang ade%2 L#d /ro'ec# Manage,en# . I,& e,en#a#!on o" C2e$ron *a#acen#er /a%%!$e In"ra%#ruc#ure : Ma'or I#e,% !nc ude - Fire & Smo9e Detection System2 5ighly Sensiti e Smo9e Detection System2 Datacenter Passi e "nfrastructure System2 5ighly Sensiti e Smo9e Detection System2 Rodent System2 ,MS & others: 3ra,een/2one: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of MSC2 MSC & Datacenter im#lementation *or9s for =rameenPhone Ltd 7-. Nos Pro!ects: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the 1nnual Maintenance Contract for >Po*er Management2 Cooling System2 Fire Protection Systems? of MSC2 MSC2 Datacenter & $TS for =rameenPhone Ltd in all o er $angladesh. Bang a !nk: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of MSC2 MSC & Datacenter im#lementation *or9s for Bang a !nk 7%@ No Pro!ects: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the 1nnual Maintenance Contract for >Po*er Management2 Cooling System2 Fire Protection Systems? of MSC2 MSC2 Datacenter & $TS for She/a Telecom P t. Ltd in all o er $angladesh. 4ar!d Te eco,:

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0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of MSC2 MSC & Datacenter im#lementation *or9s for 4ar!d Te eco, 71ll Pro!ects: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the 1nnual Maintenance Contract for >Po*er Management2 Cooling System2 Rectifier System? of MSC2 MSC2 Datacenter & $TS 7A..: for 8arid Telecom in all o er $angladesh. Ak#e : 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of MSC2 MSC & Datacenter im#lementation *or9s for 4ar!d Te eco, 71ll Pro!ects: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the 1nnual Maintenance Contract for >Po*er Management2 Cooling System2 Rectifier System? of MSC2 MSC & Datacenter for 8arid Telecom in all o er $angladesh. Bank!ng (ec#or: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of AB Bank *a#acen#er im#lementation *or9s2 at $C"C $ha/an !ointly *ith Tha9ral . 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of CA(1 LI5K *a#acen#er im#lementation *or9s2 at $anani2 Dha9a !ointly *ith Tec alley. 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of ICB I% a,! Bank *a#acen#er im#lementation *or9s2 at Ba*ran $aCar !ointly *ith S#ectrum. Ca Cen#er In"ra%#ruc#ure : 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of M.1 Te eco, *a#acen#er *or9s2 at $ay To*er2 Moha9hali2 Dha9a. 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of 5o$o#e *a#acen#er2 at $anani2 Dha9a. 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of 3e#co *a#acen#er2 at $anani2 Dha9a. 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of Bang aTrac *a#acen#er2 at $anani2 Dha9a. 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of 1$ $an9 Datacenter im#lementation *or9s2 at $C"C $ha/an !ointly *ith Tha9ral .

6#2er% ITC /ro'ec#% E7&er!ence :

18 *2aka C!#y Cor&ora#!on )*CC+9 *2aka Ur:an Tran%&or# /ro'ec# )*UT/+9 M!n!%#ry o" Loca 3o$ern,en# and
Rura *e$e o&,en#9 #2e &eo& e;% re&u: !c o" Bang ade%29 I*A Cred!# 5o-<1=< B*8

/ro'ec# 5a,e: System 1nalysis2 Design2 De elo#ment2 "nstallation and "m#lementation of >Accoun#% and -!nance Manage,en# (y%#e,? for RTMF of Dha9a City Cor#oration and Financial Aided by the World Bank. T2e Ma!n %co&e% o" #2e ?ork%: ,3isting 1ccounts & Financial Management System 1nalysis of Road Traffic Management Fund 7RTMF:2 Design Pro#osed 1ccounts & Financial System2 Feasi/ility Study of Pro#osed System2 De elo#ment of 1ccounts & Financial Management System2 Testing & De/ugging2 Training2 "nstallation and "m#lementation of the Soft*are. The #ro!ect in ol ed technical su##ort to esta/lish the 1ccounts & Financial Management System configured 8indo*s -... 1d ance Ser er and other *or9stations and remote PCDs are configured 8indo*s 'E2 8indo*s -... and FP Professional.


Re%&on%!:! !#y: Pre#aration of Gser reHuirements study2 #lanning2 Designing2 estimate2 Systems ReHuirements S#ecification 7SRS:2 Details Design Documentation 7DDD:2 1##lication System #rototy#e 71SP:2 Setu# user acce#tance criteria2 Pre#aration of System De elo#ers Note2 reHuired chec92 constrains and #rocesses and Setting e aluation criteria "T Pro!ect2 Su#er ision2 Monitoring & im#lementation under 8orld $an9 Procurement =uidelines2 SIP of RTMF PDC and Communication *ith DCC & DGTP high officials and Pre#aration of user manual2 training and installation of the system.

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ER/ (o"#?are *e$e o&,en# "or Co,&o%!#e 3ar,en#% Indu%#ry "or (@uare Kn!# -a:r!c% L!,!#ed and (@uare -a%2!on L!,!#ed8 /ro'ec# 5a,e: System Analysis, Design, Development, Installation and Implementation of Multi users and web based Garments Software for Square Knit Fabrics imited and Square Fas!ions imited " (co&e% o" #2e ?ork%: System Analysis, Feasibility study, Design, supervision of entire pro#ect, wor$ed as a %eam leader, Documentation, Software installation and &reparation and e'ecution of Implementation plan of Multi users and web based Garments Software for Square Knit Fabrics imited and Square Fas!ions Re%&on%!:! !#y: Pre#aration of Gser reHuirements study2 #lanning2 Designing2 estimate2 Systems ReHuirements S#ecification 7SRS:2 Details Design Documentation 7DDD:2 1##lication System #rototy#e 71SP:2 Setu# user acce#tance criteria2 Pre#aration of System De elo#ers Note2 reHuired chec92 constrains and #rocesses and Setting e aluation criteria "T Pro!ect2 Su#er ision2 Monitoring & im#lementation and Communication *ith the to# Management of the clients ER/ (o"#?are *e$e o&,en# "or /2ar,aceu#!ca % Indu%#ry :



/2ar,aceu#!ca % L!,!#ed8
Ma'or Modu e% o" ER/: Commercial2 Sales & Production Forecast2 Purchase Dissection Su##ort2 Production2 Ra* Material "n entory2 Pac9aging Material "n entory2 ,ngineering Store "n entory2 Juality Control2 Finished =oods "n entory2 De#ots Sales & Distri/ution2 1ccounts & Financial Management System2 5uman Resource Management System2 Payroll2 1ttendance System2 Central M"S and Gser Management Module. /ro'ec# 5a,e: System Analysis, Design, Development, Installation and Implementation of Multi users and web based Garments Software for Square Knit Fabrics imited and Square Fas!ions imited " (co&e% o" #2e ?ork%: System Analysis, Feasibility study, Design, supervision of entire pro#ect, wor$ed as a %eam leader, Documentation, Software installation and &reparation and e'ecution of Implementation plan of Multi users and web based Garments Software for Square Knit Fabrics imited and Square Fas!ions Re%&on%!:! !#y: Pre#aration of Gser reHuirements study2 #lanning2 Designing2 estimate2 Systems ReHuirements S#ecification 7SRS:2 Details Design Documentation 7DDD:2 1##lication System #rototy#e 71SP:2 Setu# user acce#tance criteria2 Pre#aration of System De elo#ers Note2 reHuired chec92 constrains and #rocesses and Setting e aluation criteria "T Pro!ect2 Su#er ision2 Monitoring & im#lementation and Communication *ith the to# Management of the clients ER/ (o"#?are *e$e o&,en# "or To! e#r!e%9 Con%u,er% /roduc#% . -ood /roce%%!ng Indu%#r!e% : C !en# - (@uare To! e#r!e% L!,!#ed - (@uare Con%u,er /roduc#% L!,!#ed Ma'or Modu e% o" ER/: Commercial2 Sales & Production Forecast2 Purchase Dissection Su##ort2 Production2 Ra* Material "n entory2 Pac9aging Material "n entory2 ,ngineering Store "n entory2 Juality Control2 Finished =oods "n entory2 De#ots Sales & Distri/ution2 1ccounts & Financial Management System2 5uman Resource Management System2 Payroll2 1ttendance System2 Central M"S and Gser Management Module. /ro'ec# 5a,e: System Analysis, Design, Development, Installation and Implementation of Multi users and web based Garments Software for Square Knit Fabrics imited and Square Fas!ions imited " (co&e% o" #2e ?ork%: System Analysis, Feasibility study, Design, supervision of entire pro#ect, wor$ed as a %eam leader, Documentation, Software installation and &reparation and e'ecution of


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Implementation plan of Multi users and web based Garments Software for Square Knit Fabrics imited and Square Fas!ions Re%&on%!:! !#y: Pre#aration of Gser reHuirements study2 #lanning2 Designing2 estimate2 Systems ReHuirements S#ecification 7SRS:2 Details Design Documentation 7DDD:2 1##lication System #rototy#e 71SP:2 Setu# user acce#tance criteria2 Pre#aration of System De elo#ers Note2 reHuired chec92 constrains and #rocesses and Setting e aluation criteria "T Pro!ect2 Su#er ision2 Monitoring & im#lementation and Communication *ith the to# Management of the clients

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5a#!ona M!nor Irr!ga#!on (en%uou% )5MIC+ /ro'ec#9 M!n!%#ry o" Agr!cu #ure9 Added :y 4or d Bank8 /ro'ec# 5a,e: Soft*are De elo#ment2 "m#lementation in (< Districts and Training of D1,

,ngineers2 Ifficers & Staffs 7-@. Nos.:

Re%&on%!:! !#y: Pre#aration of Gser reHuirements study2 #lanning2 Designing2 estimate2 Systems ReHuirements S#ecification 7SRS:2 Details Design Documentation 7DDD:2 1##lication System #rototy#e 71SP:2 Setu# user acce#tance criteria2 Pre#aration of System De elo#ers Note2 reHuired chec92 constrains and #rocesses and Setting e aluation criteria "T Pro!ect2 Su#er ision2 Monitoring & im#lementation and Communication *ith the to# Management of the clients

Educa#!ona : %. M. Sc. Com#uter Science & ,ngineering2 one going2 Gnited "nternational Gni ersity2 Dha9a2 $angladesh2 -. Di#loma in Com#uter Science2 8orld 8ide 8e/ "nstitute of $angladesh2 %''(0%''K. A. M. Com2 Management2 Dha9a Gni ersity2 Dha9a2 $angladesh2 %''(. <. $. Com 75ons:2 Management2 Dha9a Gni ersity2 Dha9a2 $angladesh2 %''<. @. Di#loma "n Personnel Management2 "nstitute of Personnel Management 7"PM:2 Dha9a2 $angladesh. /ro"e%%!ona Tra!n!ng: 18 Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e : 1d ance Programming on Data/ase Management System & d$ase """L : Decem/er %''% to &anuary %''-2 5ours: K- 5ours. : $angladesh Management De elo#ment Centre 7$MDC:2 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Programming Language on CLL : May %''- to &une %''-2 5ours: <. 5ours. : 1d antech Limited2 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Programming Language on Cli##er @.% : Icto/er %''A to Decem/er2 %''A2 5ours: A( 5ours. : 1d antech Limited2 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Com#uter 5ard*are & Net*or9ing Management Course : Icto/er %''@ to Decem/er2 %''@2 5ours: A( 5ours. : "n house Training ; Bang ade%2 Eng!neer!ng . Tec2no og!ca (er$!ce% L#d8 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Training on Re a#!ona *a#a:a%e Manage,en# (y%#e, u%!ng >6RACLE R*BM(C : No em/er %''K to &anuary2 %''E2 5ours: @< 5ours. : Bang ade%2 Co,&u#er Counc! 9 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Training on M(-(QL (er$er and M(-V!%ua Ba%!c8 : 1#ril %''E to &une2 %''E2 5ours: (. 5ours. : "n house Training ; Bang ade%2 Eng!neer!ng . Tec2no og!ca (er$!ce% L#d8 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Programming Language on &a a 7Lang & $in: : &anuary -... to March2 -...2 5ours: <- 5ours. : "n house Training ; Bang ade%2 Eng!neer!ng . Tec2no og!ca (er$!ce% L#d8 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Programming Language on &a a 7Lang & $in: : &anuary -... to March2 -...2 5ours: <- 5ours. : "n house Training ; Bang ade%2 Eng!neer!ng . Tec2no og!ca (er$!ce% L#d8 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Training on >A&& !ca#!on *e$e o&,en# ?!#2 4e: *B u%!ng 6rac eD! and *e$e o&er=!C : 1#ril -..% to 1ugust2 -..%2 5ours: %'( 5ours. : "n house Training ; (@uare /2ar,aceu#!ca % L#d8 F Conduc#ed By F 6RACLE 3URU2 Dha9a2 $angladesh.









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Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e

: Training on >I(6 9EEE-2EEE Qua !#y Manage,en# (y%#e, "or (o"#?are Indu%#ryC : Icto/er2 -..A to Icto/er2 -..A2 5ours: -< 5ours. : ,ngineering Staff College2 $angladesh2 Dha9a2 $angladesh.

E,& oy,en# Record: -ro, Ganuary 1%#9 2EE< E,& oyer: To 6c#o:er9 2EEA

(@uare In"or,a#!H L!,!#ed

SHuare Centre2 <E2 C+12 Moha9hali2 Dha9a0%-%-. Tel: EE%KK-'0AE2 EE-KK-'0AE ; ,3t 0 -'.

/o%!#!on 1e d:

Systems 1nalyst 7Sr. ,3ecuti e:

Re%&on%!:! !#!e%:
8or9 as Team leader of arious Soft*are De elo#ment Pro!ects 1nalyCe the e3isting soft*are or manual system of the #ro!ects System 1nalysis & Design for Soft*are De elo#ment Pre#aration of Soft*are Documentation li9e System ReHuirement S#ecifications 7SRS:2 Detail Design Document 7DDD:2 1##lication Soft*are Prototy#e 71SP:2 Ithers Data/ase technical information2 System u#date log /oo9s etc. Bee# G#dates of 1ll Technical Documentation as #er CMM & "SI Ma9e System Maintenance Plan2 I#eration Manuals2 G#grade e3isting soft*are time to time. System 1nalysis2 Design2 Planning2 De elo#ment for ,RP Soft*are of SHuare Pharmaceuticals2 SHuare Consumer Products2 SHuare Toiletries2 SHuare Fashion Limited2 SHuare Bnit Fa/ric Limited System 1nalysis2 Design2 Planning2 De elo#ment for "ntegrated Financial & 1ccounting Soft*are. "m#lementing the soft*are. Pro iding training and technical su##ort to the client. Pre#aration of Technical & Financial Pro#osal for Tender
To *ece,:er9 2EE2

-ro, May 2nd9 2EEE E,& oyer:

(@uare /2ar,aceu#!ca % L!,!#ed

SHuare Centre2 <E2 C+12 Moha9hali2 Dha9a0%-%-. Tel: EE%KK-'0AE2 EE-KK-'0AE ; ,3t 0 -'.

/o%!#!on 1e d:

Sr. Programmer + Systems 1nalyst 7,3ecuti e:

Re%&on%!:! !#!e%:
1nalyCe the e3isting soft*are or manual system of all sister concern of SHuare =rou# of Com#anies. System 1nalysis & Design for Soft*are De elo#ment G#grade e3isting soft*are time to time. System 1nalysis2 Design2 Planning2 De elo#ment for SHuare Pharmaceuticals ,RP Soft*are. De elo#ing the soft*are according to client reHuirements and s#ecification "m#lementing the soft*are. Pro iding training and technical su##ort to the client. Pre#aring user manual. Pre#aring technical and other documents related to the soft*are de elo#ed.

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-ro, Augu%#9 199= #o A&r! 9 2EEE E,& oyer: $angladesh ,ngineering & Technological Ser ices Ltd Soft*are De elo#ment2 "m#lementation & Training2 $angladesh National Minor "rrigation Sensuous2 Ministry of 1griculture2 D1,2 $angladesh =I6T. Micro Credit Monitoring System for S81N"R61R $angladesh2 Dha9a2 $angladesh. Financial Management System De elo#ment for $angladesh ,ngineering & Technological Ser ices Ltd2 $,TS

Co,& e#ed /ro'ec#%: -

/o%!#!on 1e d: 1nalyst Programmer + Sr. Programmer + Programmer Re%&on%!:! !#!e%: System 1nalysis2 Design2 Soft*are De elo#ment2 Testing & De/ugging2 Documentation2 Technical Pro#osal Pre#aration2 Pro ide =uide lines for De elo#ment Team. -ro, May9 1994 #o Gu y9 199= E,& oyer: Cen#ury Co,&u#er L!,!#ed

/ro'ec# Ac#!$!#y: Data Processing2 su#er ising2 analysis and re#orting2 Com#uter training and soft*are de elo#ment 5ard*are maintenance. /o%!#!on 1e d: /rogra,,er Re%&on%!:! !#!e%: Su#er ising data #rocessing2 1nalysis and re#ort generating2 and soft*are de elo#ment. Language%: $engali (nglis! (&eak!ng ,3cellent ('cellent Read!ng ,3cellent ('cellent 4r!#!ng ,3cellent ('cellent

Cer#!"!ca#!on: "2 the undersigned2 certify that to the /est of my 9no*ledge and /elief2 this data correctly descri/es me2 my Hualifications2 and my e3#erience.

MMMMMMMM Signature Full name : MD. R1S5,D T1N6"R


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