World Bank CV Format
World Bank CV Format
World Bank CV Format
in Professional Societies: Managing Director Smart Systems & Consultants Ltd Md. Rashed Tan ir Pro!ect Management & "m#lementation %st &uly %'(' May -... Nationality : $angladeshi 0 1ssociates Mem/er of $angladesh Com#uter Society2 AM-2419
0 Life mem/er $angladesh Linu3 Forum
0 Mem/er of Com#uter Professional4s 1ssociation 0 Life Mem/er of "TP1$ Background: Key Qua !"!ca#!on o" $ar!ou% &ro'ec#%: Pro!ect Management & "m#lementation of 561C+R Pro!ects2 Fire Fighting Systems 78ater 5ydrant *ith S#rin9ler System2 1uto Fire Detection & Su##uration System2 6arious Fire & Smo9e Detection System2 5ighly Sensiti e Smo9e Detection System:2 Datacenter Passi e "nfrastructure 7Precision 1ir0conditioning System2 Raised Flooring System2 Po*er Distri/ution2 1uto Fire Detection & Su##uration System2 6arious Ty#es of "nsulation2 8ater Lea9 Detection System2 5ighly Sensiti e Smo9e Detection System2 Rodent System2 ,MS & others: In#er#ek Te%#!ng (er$!ce% )B*+ L#d Pro!ect Management & "m#lementation of 561C+R Pro!ects ; Ducted S#lit2 Precision 1ir0conditioning System2 6RF2 Fire Fighting Systems 78ater 5ydrant *ith S#rin9ler System2 1uto Fire Detection & Su##uration System2 6arious Fire & Smo9e Detection System2 5ighly Sensiti e Smo9e Detection System:2 Datacenter Passi e "nfrastructure System2 5ighly Sensiti e Smo9e Detection System2 Rodent System2 ,MS & others: Tranco, -ood% L!,!#ed ) K-C . /!00a1u# + Pro!ect Management & "m#lementation of < 7Four: Nos Cold Room at &amuna Future Par9 Pro!ect Management & "m#lementation of < 7Four: Nos Cold Room at Sylhet (a,%ung Bang ade%2 L#d Pro!ect Management & "m#lementation of 8ater 5ydrant *ith S#rin9ler System C2e$ron Bang ade%2 L#d /ro'ec# Manage,en# . I,& e,en#a#!on o" C2e$ron *a#acen#er /a%%!$e In"ra%#ruc#ure : Ma'or I#e,% !nc ude - Fire & Smo9e Detection System2 5ighly Sensiti e Smo9e Detection System2 Datacenter Passi e "nfrastructure System2 5ighly Sensiti e Smo9e Detection System2 Rodent System2 ,MS & others: 3ra,een/2one: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of MSC2 MSC & Datacenter im#lementation *or9s for =rameenPhone Ltd 7-. Nos Pro!ects: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the 1nnual Maintenance Contract for >Po*er Management2 Cooling System2 Fire Protection Systems? of MSC2 MSC2 Datacenter & $TS for =rameenPhone Ltd in all o er $angladesh. Bang a !nk: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of MSC2 MSC & Datacenter im#lementation *or9s for Bang a !nk 7%@ No Pro!ects: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the 1nnual Maintenance Contract for >Po*er Management2 Cooling System2 Fire Protection Systems? of MSC2 MSC2 Datacenter & $TS for She/a Telecom P t. Ltd in all o er $angladesh. 4ar!d Te eco,:
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0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of MSC2 MSC & Datacenter im#lementation *or9s for 4ar!d Te eco, 71ll Pro!ects: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the 1nnual Maintenance Contract for >Po*er Management2 Cooling System2 Rectifier System? of MSC2 MSC2 Datacenter & $TS 7A..: for 8arid Telecom in all o er $angladesh. Ak#e : 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of MSC2 MSC & Datacenter im#lementation *or9s for 4ar!d Te eco, 71ll Pro!ects: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the 1nnual Maintenance Contract for >Po*er Management2 Cooling System2 Rectifier System? of MSC2 MSC & Datacenter for 8arid Telecom in all o er $angladesh. Bank!ng (ec#or: 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of AB Bank *a#acen#er im#lementation *or9s2 at $C"C $ha/an !ointly *ith Tha9ral . 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of CA(1 LI5K *a#acen#er im#lementation *or9s2 at $anani2 Dha9a !ointly *ith Tec alley. 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of ICB I% a,! Bank *a#acen#er im#lementation *or9s2 at Ba*ran $aCar !ointly *ith S#ectrum. Ca Cen#er In"ra%#ruc#ure : 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of M.1 Te eco, *a#acen#er *or9s2 at $ay To*er2 Moha9hali2 Dha9a. 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of 5o$o#e *a#acen#er2 at $anani2 Dha9a. 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of 3e#co *a#acen#er2 at $anani2 Dha9a. 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of Bang aTrac *a#acen#er2 at $anani2 Dha9a. 0 Pro!ect Su#er ision & Monitoring for the infrastructure de elo#ment of 1$ $an9 Datacenter im#lementation *or9s2 at $C"C $ha/an !ointly *ith Tha9ral .
/ro'ec# 5a,e: System 1nalysis2 Design2 De elo#ment2 "nstallation and "m#lementation of >Accoun#% and -!nance Manage,en# (y%#e,? for RTMF of Dha9a City Cor#oration and Financial Aided by the World Bank. T2e Ma!n %co&e% o" #2e ?ork%: ,3isting 1ccounts & Financial Management System 1nalysis of Road Traffic Management Fund 7RTMF:2 Design Pro#osed 1ccounts & Financial System2 Feasi/ility Study of Pro#osed System2 De elo#ment of 1ccounts & Financial Management System2 Testing & De/ugging2 Training2 "nstallation and "m#lementation of the Soft*are. The #ro!ect in ol ed technical su##ort to esta/lish the 1ccounts & Financial Management System configured 8indo*s -... 1d ance Ser er and other *or9stations and remote PCDs are configured 8indo*s 'E2 8indo*s -... and FP Professional.
Re%&on%!:! !#y: Pre#aration of Gser reHuirements study2 #lanning2 Designing2 estimate2 Systems ReHuirements S#ecification 7SRS:2 Details Design Documentation 7DDD:2 1##lication System #rototy#e 71SP:2 Setu# user acce#tance criteria2 Pre#aration of System De elo#ers Note2 reHuired chec92 constrains and #rocesses and Setting e aluation criteria "T Pro!ect2 Su#er ision2 Monitoring & im#lementation under 8orld $an9 Procurement =uidelines2 SIP of RTMF PDC and Communication *ith DCC & DGTP high officials and Pre#aration of user manual2 training and installation of the system.
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ER/ (o"#?are *e$e o&,en# "or Co,&o%!#e 3ar,en#% Indu%#ry "or (@uare Kn!# -a:r!c% L!,!#ed and (@uare -a%2!on L!,!#ed8 /ro'ec# 5a,e: System Analysis, Design, Development, Installation and Implementation of Multi users and web based Garments Software for Square Knit Fabrics imited and Square Fas!ions imited " (co&e% o" #2e ?ork%: System Analysis, Feasibility study, Design, supervision of entire pro#ect, wor$ed as a %eam leader, Documentation, Software installation and &reparation and e'ecution of Implementation plan of Multi users and web based Garments Software for Square Knit Fabrics imited and Square Fas!ions Re%&on%!:! !#y: Pre#aration of Gser reHuirements study2 #lanning2 Designing2 estimate2 Systems ReHuirements S#ecification 7SRS:2 Details Design Documentation 7DDD:2 1##lication System #rototy#e 71SP:2 Setu# user acce#tance criteria2 Pre#aration of System De elo#ers Note2 reHuired chec92 constrains and #rocesses and Setting e aluation criteria "T Pro!ect2 Su#er ision2 Monitoring & im#lementation and Communication *ith the to# Management of the clients ER/ (o"#?are *e$e o&,en# "or /2ar,aceu#!ca % Indu%#ry :
/2ar,aceu#!ca % L!,!#ed8
Ma'or Modu e% o" ER/: Commercial2 Sales & Production Forecast2 Purchase Dissection Su##ort2 Production2 Ra* Material "n entory2 Pac9aging Material "n entory2 ,ngineering Store "n entory2 Juality Control2 Finished =oods "n entory2 De#ots Sales & Distri/ution2 1ccounts & Financial Management System2 5uman Resource Management System2 Payroll2 1ttendance System2 Central M"S and Gser Management Module. /ro'ec# 5a,e: System Analysis, Design, Development, Installation and Implementation of Multi users and web based Garments Software for Square Knit Fabrics imited and Square Fas!ions imited " (co&e% o" #2e ?ork%: System Analysis, Feasibility study, Design, supervision of entire pro#ect, wor$ed as a %eam leader, Documentation, Software installation and &reparation and e'ecution of Implementation plan of Multi users and web based Garments Software for Square Knit Fabrics imited and Square Fas!ions Re%&on%!:! !#y: Pre#aration of Gser reHuirements study2 #lanning2 Designing2 estimate2 Systems ReHuirements S#ecification 7SRS:2 Details Design Documentation 7DDD:2 1##lication System #rototy#e 71SP:2 Setu# user acce#tance criteria2 Pre#aration of System De elo#ers Note2 reHuired chec92 constrains and #rocesses and Setting e aluation criteria "T Pro!ect2 Su#er ision2 Monitoring & im#lementation and Communication *ith the to# Management of the clients ER/ (o"#?are *e$e o&,en# "or To! e#r!e%9 Con%u,er% /roduc#% . -ood /roce%%!ng Indu%#r!e% : C !en# - (@uare To! e#r!e% L!,!#ed - (@uare Con%u,er /roduc#% L!,!#ed Ma'or Modu e% o" ER/: Commercial2 Sales & Production Forecast2 Purchase Dissection Su##ort2 Production2 Ra* Material "n entory2 Pac9aging Material "n entory2 ,ngineering Store "n entory2 Juality Control2 Finished =oods "n entory2 De#ots Sales & Distri/ution2 1ccounts & Financial Management System2 5uman Resource Management System2 Payroll2 1ttendance System2 Central M"S and Gser Management Module. /ro'ec# 5a,e: System Analysis, Design, Development, Installation and Implementation of Multi users and web based Garments Software for Square Knit Fabrics imited and Square Fas!ions imited " (co&e% o" #2e ?ork%: System Analysis, Feasibility study, Design, supervision of entire pro#ect, wor$ed as a %eam leader, Documentation, Software installation and &reparation and e'ecution of
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Implementation plan of Multi users and web based Garments Software for Square Knit Fabrics imited and Square Fas!ions Re%&on%!:! !#y: Pre#aration of Gser reHuirements study2 #lanning2 Designing2 estimate2 Systems ReHuirements S#ecification 7SRS:2 Details Design Documentation 7DDD:2 1##lication System #rototy#e 71SP:2 Setu# user acce#tance criteria2 Pre#aration of System De elo#ers Note2 reHuired chec92 constrains and #rocesses and Setting e aluation criteria "T Pro!ect2 Su#er ision2 Monitoring & im#lementation and Communication *ith the to# Management of the clients
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5a#!ona M!nor Irr!ga#!on (en%uou% )5MIC+ /ro'ec#9 M!n!%#ry o" Agr!cu #ure9 Added :y 4or d Bank8 /ro'ec# 5a,e: Soft*are De elo#ment2 "m#lementation in (< Districts and Training of D1,
Educa#!ona : %. M. Sc. Com#uter Science & ,ngineering2 one going2 Gnited "nternational Gni ersity2 Dha9a2 $angladesh2 -. Di#loma in Com#uter Science2 8orld 8ide 8e/ "nstitute of $angladesh2 %''(0%''K. A. M. Com2 Management2 Dha9a Gni ersity2 Dha9a2 $angladesh2 %''(. <. $. Com 75ons:2 Management2 Dha9a Gni ersity2 Dha9a2 $angladesh2 %''<. @. Di#loma "n Personnel Management2 "nstitute of Personnel Management 7"PM:2 Dha9a2 $angladesh. /ro"e%%!ona Tra!n!ng: 18 Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e Cour%e T!# e *ura#!on In%#!#u#e : 1d ance Programming on Data/ase Management System & d$ase """L : Decem/er %''% to &anuary %''-2 5ours: K- 5ours. : $angladesh Management De elo#ment Centre 7$MDC:2 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Programming Language on CLL : May %''- to &une %''-2 5ours: <. 5ours. : 1d antech Limited2 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Programming Language on Cli##er @.% : Icto/er %''A to Decem/er2 %''A2 5ours: A( 5ours. : 1d antech Limited2 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Com#uter 5ard*are & Net*or9ing Management Course : Icto/er %''@ to Decem/er2 %''@2 5ours: A( 5ours. : "n house Training ; Bang ade%2 Eng!neer!ng . Tec2no og!ca (er$!ce% L#d8 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Training on Re a#!ona *a#a:a%e Manage,en# (y%#e, u%!ng >6RACLE R*BM(C : No em/er %''K to &anuary2 %''E2 5ours: @< 5ours. : Bang ade%2 Co,&u#er Counc! 9 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Training on M(-(QL (er$er and M(-V!%ua Ba%!c8 : 1#ril %''E to &une2 %''E2 5ours: (. 5ours. : "n house Training ; Bang ade%2 Eng!neer!ng . Tec2no og!ca (er$!ce% L#d8 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Programming Language on &a a 7Lang & $in: : &anuary -... to March2 -...2 5ours: <- 5ours. : "n house Training ; Bang ade%2 Eng!neer!ng . Tec2no og!ca (er$!ce% L#d8 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Programming Language on &a a 7Lang & $in: : &anuary -... to March2 -...2 5ours: <- 5ours. : "n house Training ; Bang ade%2 Eng!neer!ng . Tec2no og!ca (er$!ce% L#d8 Dha9a2 $angladesh. : Training on >A&& !ca#!on *e$e o&,en# ?!#2 4e: *B u%!ng 6rac eD! and *e$e o&er=!C : 1#ril -..% to 1ugust2 -..%2 5ours: %'( 5ours. : "n house Training ; (@uare /2ar,aceu#!ca % L#d8 F Conduc#ed By F 6RACLE 3URU2 Dha9a2 $angladesh.
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: Training on >I(6 9EEE-2EEE Qua !#y Manage,en# (y%#e, "or (o"#?are Indu%#ryC : Icto/er2 -..A to Icto/er2 -..A2 5ours: -< 5ours. : ,ngineering Staff College2 $angladesh2 Dha9a2 $angladesh.
E,& oy,en# Record: -ro, Ganuary 1%#9 2EE< E,& oyer: To 6c#o:er9 2EEA
/o%!#!on 1e d:
Re%&on%!:! !#!e%:
8or9 as Team leader of arious Soft*are De elo#ment Pro!ects 1nalyCe the e3isting soft*are or manual system of the #ro!ects System 1nalysis & Design for Soft*are De elo#ment Pre#aration of Soft*are Documentation li9e System ReHuirement S#ecifications 7SRS:2 Detail Design Document 7DDD:2 1##lication Soft*are Prototy#e 71SP:2 Ithers Data/ase technical information2 System u#date log /oo9s etc. Bee# G#dates of 1ll Technical Documentation as #er CMM & "SI Ma9e System Maintenance Plan2 I#eration Manuals2 G#grade e3isting soft*are time to time. System 1nalysis2 Design2 Planning2 De elo#ment for ,RP Soft*are of SHuare Pharmaceuticals2 SHuare Consumer Products2 SHuare Toiletries2 SHuare Fashion Limited2 SHuare Bnit Fa/ric Limited System 1nalysis2 Design2 Planning2 De elo#ment for "ntegrated Financial & 1ccounting Soft*are. "m#lementing the soft*are. Pro iding training and technical su##ort to the client. Pre#aration of Technical & Financial Pro#osal for Tender
To *ece,:er9 2EE2
/o%!#!on 1e d:
Re%&on%!:! !#!e%:
1nalyCe the e3isting soft*are or manual system of all sister concern of SHuare =rou# of Com#anies. System 1nalysis & Design for Soft*are De elo#ment G#grade e3isting soft*are time to time. System 1nalysis2 Design2 Planning2 De elo#ment for SHuare Pharmaceuticals ,RP Soft*are. De elo#ing the soft*are according to client reHuirements and s#ecification "m#lementing the soft*are. Pro iding training and technical su##ort to the client. Pre#aring user manual. Pre#aring technical and other documents related to the soft*are de elo#ed.
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-ro, Augu%#9 199= #o A&r! 9 2EEE E,& oyer: $angladesh ,ngineering & Technological Ser ices Ltd Soft*are De elo#ment2 "m#lementation & Training2 $angladesh National Minor "rrigation Sensuous2 Ministry of 1griculture2 D1,2 $angladesh =I6T. Micro Credit Monitoring System for S81N"R61R $angladesh2 Dha9a2 $angladesh. Financial Management System De elo#ment for $angladesh ,ngineering & Technological Ser ices Ltd2 $,TS
/o%!#!on 1e d: 1nalyst Programmer + Sr. Programmer + Programmer Re%&on%!:! !#!e%: System 1nalysis2 Design2 Soft*are De elo#ment2 Testing & De/ugging2 Documentation2 Technical Pro#osal Pre#aration2 Pro ide =uide lines for De elo#ment Team. -ro, May9 1994 #o Gu y9 199= E,& oyer: Cen#ury Co,&u#er L!,!#ed
/ro'ec# Ac#!$!#y: Data Processing2 su#er ising2 analysis and re#orting2 Com#uter training and soft*are de elo#ment 5ard*are maintenance. /o%!#!on 1e d: /rogra,,er Re%&on%!:! !#!e%: Su#er ising data #rocessing2 1nalysis and re#ort generating2 and soft*are de elo#ment. Language%: $engali (nglis! (&eak!ng ,3cellent ('cellent Read!ng ,3cellent ('cellent 4r!#!ng ,3cellent ('cellent
Cer#!"!ca#!on: "2 the undersigned2 certify that to the /est of my 9no*ledge and /elief2 this data correctly descri/es me2 my Hualifications2 and my e3#erience.
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